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A Study on Motion of a Free Falling Body in Kinematic Equation


Abstract and Figures

Abstract: The motion of a free falling object in kinematic equation is studied using its characteristics and strategy. The paper is based on the definition of Newton’s law of motion. By appropriate examples, it is shown how to solve a free falling object with the given parameters in kinematic equation. Some sufficient conditions to determine the motion of a free falling object, based on the four kinematic equations are established. Some examples are illustrated to solve the problems.
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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor :6.887
Volume 6 Issue I, January 2018- Available at
©IJRASET (UGC Approved Journal): All Rights are Reserved
A Study on Motion of a Free Falling Body in
Kinematic Equation
S. Priyadharsini1, Shanjeena M Basheer2, Kaushalya R3, Sneka M4
1, 2, 3, 4Department of Mathematics, Sri Krishna Arts and Science College, Coimbatore.
Abstract: The motion of a free falling object in kinematic equation is studied using its characteristics and strategy. The paper is
based on the definition of Newton’s law of motion. By appropriate examples, it is shown how to solve a free falling object with
the given parameters in kinematic equation. Some sufficient conditions to determine the motion of a free falling object, based on
the four kinematic equations are established. Some examples are illustrated to solve the problems.
Keywords- Displacement, Velocity, Acceleration, Free Falling Body, Kinematic Equation.
Kinematic equations are among the linchpins of modern mathematics, which along with physics are essential for analyzing and
solving complex problems in engineering and natural sciences. The ultimate purpose of using kinematic equation is to represent the
motion of objects. These types of equations are called as Kinematic equations. There are many quantities such as displacement
(distance), velocity(speed), acceleration and time that are associated with the motion of objects. These quantities provide enough
information about the motion of an object. Only a few parameters regarding the motion of an object are known, while the rest of the
parameters remain unknown. These unknown parameters can be found using the kinematic equations. A kinematic equation
includes four variables. If any of the three values are known, the fourth value can be calculated. Thus a kinematic equation provides
a useful means of calculating the motion of an object, if any of the variables is unknown. The basic concepts of gravity and free fall
are described in [1] by Kavanagh C & Sneider C, The Italien Astronomer Giovanni Battista Riccioli [2] was probably the first who
measured with precision the falling speed of objects differing in mass, size and material. the paper [3] published by Champagne
A.B, Klopfer L.E & Andersson J.H shows that heavier objects fall faster than lighter objects. The fact that the speed of an object
descending along an incline increases with its mass is explained in [4] by Halloun I.A & Hestenes D and in [5] by Karpp E.R &
Anderson N.H. the relation between mass & speed of a falling object has been investigated in [6], [7] by Sequeira M & Leite L and
Shanon B. The various methods used for construction of analytical solutions- the traditional approach is explained in [8], [9] by
Benacka J, Vial A. In this paper, the motion of a free falling object is studied. We define the characteristics and problem solving
strategy of free fall objects. Some examples illustrating the concepts are also given
An object is said to be at free fall if it is falling under the influence of gravity. Such objects are said to be free falling objects.=These
objects will have a downward acceleration of -9.8 m/. These are four kinematic equations that describe the motion of an object.
d = t + ½ a
= + 2ad
= + at
d = 
* t
d = displacement of the object
t = time taken
a = acceleration
= initial velocity
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor :6.887
Volume 6 Issue I, January 2018- Available at
©IJRASET (UGC Approved Journal): All Rights are Reserved
= final velocity.
A. Derivation Of The Kinematic Equation- Constant Acceleration
Here we consider the case of motion that exhibits constant acceleration. The acceleration does not change for constant acceleration
and it is the same as average acceleration. Here we consider x as the position of an object and ∆ as displacement of the object, v as
the velocity and ∆ as the change in velocity (final velocity -initial velocity ) and acceleration as a.By the definition of
acceleration, we’ve
Acceleration =  
   = ∆
a =
at = 
= + a∆ …………..(1)
By the definition of average velocity that studies the initial and final position of an object(displacement).
 = ∆
∆ ………….(2)
The average velocity can also be found by adding the initial and final velocities.
 = 
By (2) and (3),
∆ = 
Hence the displacement is
∆ = ½ ( + ) ∆ ……..(4)
Here we describe the motion of an object by combining equations (1) and (4)
∆ = ½ ( +( + a∆)) ∆
= ½ (2 + a∆) ∆
∆ = ∆ + ½ a (∆) …….(5)
On solving (1) for ∆, we get
= + a∆
∆ = 
On substituting ∆ in (1), we obtain
∆ = ½ ( + ) ∆
∆ = ½ ( + ) ( 
2a∆ = v - v
= + 2a∆ ………..(6)
Equations (1), (4), (5) and (6) are known as the kinematic equations with constant acceleration.
B. Problem Solving Strategy
The strategy for solving a problem involves the following steps
1) To form a diagram of the situation given in the problem.
2) Listing the known variables.
3) Listing the unknown variables.
4) To identify the correct equation using the known and unknown variables.
5) By substituting the known variables in the equation and to find the unknown variable.
C. Characteristics Of Free Fall Motion
There are some characteristics that define the motion of a free fall body. These characteristics are explained as follows
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor :6.887
Volume 6 Issue I, January 2018- Available at
©IJRASET (UGC Approved Journal): All Rights are Reserved
1) A free fall body has an acceleration of -9.8 m/(Negative sign describes downward acceleration). However, the acceleration of
a free falling body in kinematic equation is -9.8 m/.
2) The initial velocity is 0 m/s when an object is dropped from a particular height.
3) An object will slowly rise upwards if an object is projected upward in vertical direction. The velocity is 0 m/s when it reaches
the peak of its trajectory.
A. A terrorist drops a bomb from the top of a mountain located 90 metres above the ground. The bomb explodes when it touches
the ground. Determine the time taken by the bomb to explode when it touches the ground. Also draw the path of the bomb at
different heights.
1) Solution: The first step of the problem is forming a diagram of the situation. In the second step, we identify the known
variables. The known variables from the statement is displacement. The displacement of the bomb is -90 metres (The negative
sign is used because the displacement is downwards). The initial velocity is 0 m/s since the bomb is dropped from a particular
height and not thrown. The acceleration of the bomb is -9.8 m/ since the value of acceleration for any kinematic equation is -
9.8 m/.
2) Diagram
= 0 m/s
d = -90 m
a = -9.8 m/
To find: t = ?
The next step is to find an apt equation to find the unknown variable(t). We know the value of the variables d, , a and the unknown
variable t. So let us choose an equation involving these variables.
d = + ½ a
The next step is to substitute the known variables and to find the value of the unknown variable.
-90 m = (0 m/s) t + ½ (-9.8 m/) ()
t = 4.29 secs
Therefore, the time taken by the bomb to explode on hitting the ground is 4.29 seconds.
90 metres
= 0 m/s
A = -9.8 m/s
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor :6.887
Volume 6 Issue I, January 2018- Available at
©IJRASET (UGC Approved Journal): All Rights are Reserved
Fig.2The path for different height is given in Fig.2.
B.A basketball player throws the ball vertically upward with an initial velocity of 32.6 m/s. Find the maximum height to which the
ball is thrown.
1) Solution: The first step of the problem is forming a diagram of the situation. In the second step, we identify the known
variables. The known variables from the problem are initial velocity. The initial velocity is 32.6 m/s(The positive sign is used
since the initial velocity of the basketball is an upward velocity). The final velocity must be 0 since it attains the peak of the
trajectory. The acceleration of the basketball is -9.8 m/ since the value of acceleration for any kinematic equation is -9.8
m/. The next step is to identify the unknown variable.
Given: = 32.6 m/s
= 0 m/s
a = -9.8 m/s
2) Diagram
he next step is to find an apt equation to find the unknown variable displacement(The maximum height to which the ball is thrown).
We know the values of u, a, v. So let us choose an equation involving these variables.
= + 2as
(0 m/s)2 = (32.6 m/s)2 + 2(-9.8 m/s) d
= 32.6 m/s
h = ?
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor :6.887
Volume 6 Issue I, January 2018- Available at
©IJRASET (UGC Approved Journal): All Rights are Reserved
d = 1062.76 2 2 / 19.6 m/ 2
d = 54.22 m
The maximum height to which the ball is thrown is 54.22 metres. Fig.4 shows the graph between initial velocity and maximum
height. A rock is dropped off a cliff that is 110 m tall. What is the time duration taken by the rock to hit the ground? What is the
final velocity of the rock?
3) Solution: The first step of the problem is to draw a diagram of the situation. In the second step, we identify the known variables.
The known variables from the problem is displacement. The displacement is -110 m(The negative sign is used since the rock is
falling downward). The initial velocity must be 0 since it is not moving initially and it is dropped from a person’s hand. The
acceleration of the rock is -9.8 m/2 since the value of acceleration for any kinematic equation is -9.8 m/2. The next step is to
identify the unknown variable. It may be observed that initial velocity is increased, maximum height is decreased.
=0 m/s
a=-9.8 m/2
To find:
a) t= ?
=0 m/s
9.8 m/
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor :6.887
Volume 6 Issue I, January 2018- Available at
©IJRASET (UGC Approved Journal): All Rights are Reserved
b) = ? The next step is to find an apt equation for (a) to find the unknown variable time(The time taken by the rock to hit the
ground). We know the values of d, , a and the unknown variable t. So let us choose an equation involving these variables.
d = + ½ a2
The next step is to substitute the known variables and to find the value of the unknown variable.
-110 m = (0 m/s) t + ½ (-9.8 m/2) (2)
-110 m = 0 – (4.9 m/2) (2)
-110 m / - 4.9 m/2 = 2
22.4489 2 = 2
t = 4.74 secs
The next step is to find an apt equation for (b) to find the unknown variable final velocity (The velocity of the rock when it hits the
ground). We know the values of t, , a and the unknown variable . So let us choose an equation involving these variables.
= + at
= 0m/s + (-9.8 m/2).4.74 sec
= -46.452 m/s
The time taken by the rock to hit the ground is 4.74 seconds and the final velocity of the rock is -46.452 m/s.
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor :6.887
Volume 6 Issue I, January 2018- Available at
©IJRASET (UGC Approved Journal): All Rights are Reserved
The kinematic equations are used to study the motion of a free falling object. A free falling object will fall under the influence of
gravity. There are two main characteristics of free falling objects (i.e.,) they do not encounter air resistance and all object accelerate
at a rate of 9.8 m/2. Several conditions are discussed to study the motion of a free falling object and some examples are given to
illustrate the theory. The actual solutions of the problems are compared with the diagrammatic pictures got by MATLAB.
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Natural Science is a learning related to everything around us. One of the subject matter in natural science is the motion system that often occurs in daily life. However, some of the students have misconceptions about the motion system. It required the critical thinking skills of the students in understanding the concept to resolve a problem in society. Critical thinking skills is one of the skills that must be possessed by students because of the demands in the 2013 curriculum. Critical thinking skills can be influenced by several factors, one of them is students’ learning style. This study aimed to analyze the critical thinking skills of junior high school on natural sciences based on the differences in learning styles. This study took sample of students in the first, second and third grade of junior high school. In this research, the researcher uses descriptive method. To analyze the data, the researcher used mix methods (qualitative and quantitative). The technique of collecting data uses observation and tests. Observation is used to find out the types of the students’ learning styles, while tests to measure student’s critical thinking skills. The results showed that there were verbal-linguistic learning style (73.0%), logic-mathematic (67.6%), kinesthetic (60.0%), visual-spatial (60.2%), music (62.0%), and interpersonal (61.1%). So, the verbal-linguistic learning style was better than critical thinking skills.
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This paper work describes the modelling of a stability of ship. Floating bodies subject to the disturbances such as external force, gravity force and etc. The stability depends on the location of the body, weight, ship structure. The concept of ship stability can be found in terms of applications of buoyancy force, centre of gravity, moments. An approach using the concept of finding equilibrium steady states corresponding to the radii value is presented. Some numerical examples are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the presented work.
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This article is the first of a two-part review of research on children's and adults understanding of gravity and on how best to teach gravity concepts to students and teachers. This first article concerns free fall---how and why objects fall when they are dropped. The review begins with a brief historical sketch of how these ideas were developed in human history, followed by a summary of the relevant standards and benchmarks. The body of research is organized by the nature of the findings, beginning with studies of the youngest children, followed by older students, adults, and teachers. Although a diversity of misconceptions are found at all age levels, in general children, between the ages of 7 and 9 progress from the idea that things fall because they're not supported to things fall because they're "heavy." Between the ages of 9 and 13, students begin to use the term "gravity," an unseen force, to explain falling, such as "gravity acts just on heavy objects," or "things fall because air is pushing them down." Surprisingly, many high school and college students who can successfully solve numerical problems involving gravity hold qualitative misconceptions similar to those held by much younger students. The finding that even college physics students have significant misconceptions about free fall underscores the importance of effective teaching at the middle and high school levels. Some studies have found that few teachers are aware of their students' misconceptions or know what to do about them. A few studies have reported success in helping students shed their misconceptions, leading to promising recommendations for curriculum development and teaching.
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Common sense beliefs of college students about motion and its causes are surveyed and analyzed. A taxonomy of common sense concepts which conflict with Newtonian theory is developed as a guide to instruction.
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We investigate the problem of the horizontal distance travelled by a mobile experiencing a quadratic drag force. We show that by introducing a normalized distance, the problem can be greatly simplified. In order to parametrize this distance, we use the Pearson VII function, and we find that the optimal launch angle as a function of the initial velocity can also be fitted by this function.
The study described in this paper investigates the combined effect of certain variables on student achievement in classical mechanics. Our purposes are (1) to describe the preinstructional knowledge of mechanics, mathematical skills, and reasoning skills of a sample of college physics students, (2) to correlate these variables with the student's success in learning classical mechanics, and (3) to develop an hypothesis about the relationships between these variables and student achievement in mechanics. We also offer some proposals for improving the teaching of classical mechanics.
This note gives the analytical solution to projectile motion with quadratic drag by decomposing the velocity vector to x, y coordinate directions. The solution is given by definite integrals. First, the impact angle is estimated from above, then the projectile coordinates are computed, and the trajectory is graphed at various launch angles and speed using an interactive Excel application.
We consider the problem of two-dimensional projectile motion in which the resistance acting on an object moving in air is proportional to the square of the velocity of the object (quadratic resistance law). It is well known that the quadratic resistance law is valid in the range of the Reynolds number: 1 × 103 ~ 2 × 105 (for instance, a sphere) for practical situations, such as throwing a ball. It has been considered that the equations of motion of this case are unsolvable for a general projectile angle, although some solutions have been obtained for a small projectile angle using perturbation techniques. To obtain a general analytic solution, we apply Liao's homotopy analysis method to this problem. The homotopy analysis method, which is different from a perturbation technique, can be applied to a problem which does not include small parameters. We apply the homotopy analysis method for not only governing differential equations, but also an algebraic equation of a velocity vector to extend the radius of convergence. Ultimately, we obtain the analytic solution to this problem and investigate the validation of the solution.
The Italian astronomer Giovanni Battista Riccioli is commonly credited with performing the first precise experiments to determine the acceleration of a freely falling body, but he also went further, experimentally investigating what today would be called the effect of "air drag" on falling bodies. This paper consists of a translation of those experiments, with a brief analysis and commentary. Riccioli arrived at conclusions consistent with modern understanding of "air drag".
Written and visual surveys were administered in order to assess people's models of the phsyical world. A comparison was made between scientific theories and the layman's philosophy of nature on the one hand, and between people's conceptions and perceptions on the other hand. The findings suggest that there are discrepancies on both levels: people do not conceive the world as physicists do, and their conceptions are different from their perception.