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Maggot debridement therapy: A practical review


Abstract and Figures

Maggot debridement therapy (MDT) has a long and well‑documented history. Once a popular wound care treatment, especially prior to the discovery of antibiotics, modern dressings or debridement techniques, MDT fell out of favor after the 1940s. With the increasing prevalence of chronic medical conditions and associated complex and difficult-to-treat wounds, new approaches have become necessary to address emerging issues such as antibiotic resistance, bacterial biofilm persistence and the high cost of advanced wound therapies. The constant search for a dressing and/or medical device that will control pain, remove bacteria/biofilm, and selectively debride necrotic wound material, all while promoting the growth of healthy new tissue, remains elusive. On review of the current literature, MDT comes very close to addressing all of the previously mentioned factors, while at the same time remaining cost‑effective. Complications of MDT are rare and side effects are minimal. If patients and providers can look past the obvious anxiety associated with the management and presence of larvae, they will quickly see the benefits of this underutilized modality for healing multiple types of wounds. The following core competencies are addressed in this article: Medical knowledge, Patient care, Practice‑based learning and improvement.
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© 2018 International Journal of Academic Medicine | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow 21
Maggot debridement therapy: A practical review
Ashley Jordan1, Neeraj Khiyani2, Steven R. Bowers3, John J. Lukaszczyk1,3, Stanislaw P. Stawicki4
Departments of 1Surgery and 4Research and Innovaon, St. Luke’s University Health Network, 2Medical School of Temple/St. Luke’s
University Hospital Campus, 3Wound Care Center, St. Luke’s University Health Network, Bethlehem, PA, USA
Review Article
The use of maggots in wound healing is among
the best‑studied direct medical applications of
invertebrates.[1,2] For centuries, leeches, maggots,
and various invertebrate‑based medicinal products
and treatments have been used in traditional
medical practices worldwide. There is evidence
for the medical use of maggots dating back to the
1500s with documentation from Ambroise Paré
(1509–1590), Dominique Jean Larrey (1766–1842),
as well as surgeons in the Confederate Army during
the US Civil War.[3] During World War I, wounds
infested by maggots were commonly seen among
battlefield soldiers, as reported by William S. Baer,
a notable physician and surgeon of that era.[4] He
noted that wounds infested with maggots did not
appear to be equally infected or swollen when
Maggot debridement therapy (MDT) has a long and well-documented history. Once a popular wound care
treatment, especially prior to the discovery of antibiotics, modern dressings or debridement techniques,
MDT fell out of favor after the 1940s. With the increasing prevalence of chronic medical conditions and
associated complex and difficult-to-treat wounds, new approaches have become necessary to address
emerging issues such as antibiotic resistance, bacterial biofilm persistence and the high cost of advanced
wound therapies. The constant search for a dressing and/or medical device that will control pain, remove
bacteria/biofilm, and selectively debride necrotic wound material, all while promoting the growth of healthy
new tissue, remains elusive. On review of the current literature, MDT comes very close to addressing all of
the previously mentioned factors, while at the same time remaining cost-effective. Complications of MDT
are rare and side effects are minimal. If patients and providers can look past the obvious anxiety associated
with the management and presence of larvae, they will quickly see the benefits of this underutilized modality
for healing multiple types of wounds.
The following core competencies are addressed in this article: Medical knowledge, Patient care,
Practice-based learning and improvement.
Keywords: Clinical review, larval therapy, maggot debridement therapy, wound care
Address for correspondence:
Dr. Stanislaw P. Stawicki, Department of Research and Innovaon, St. Luke’s University Health Network, Bethlehem, PA 18015, USA.
Received: 16.02.2018, Accepted: 14.03.2018
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How to cite this article: Jordan A, Khiyani N, Bowers SR, Lukaszczyk JJ,
Stawicki SP. Maggot debridement therapy: A practical review. Int J Acad
Med 2018;4:XX‑XX.
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Jordan, et al.: Maggot debridement therapy
22 International Journal of Academic Medicine | Volume 4 | Issue 1 | January-April 2018
compared to non‑maggot bearing wounds. Moreover,
maggot‑containing wounds were described as having
clean and healthy appearing “pink granulation tissue,”
prompting Baer to clinically apply and report on early
maggot debridement therapy (MDT) in the setting
of complicated wounds and osteomyelitis.[3‑5] Early
results of his MDT experiences were published in
the late 1920s and early 1930s.[4,6] Within 5 years
of Baer’s groundbreaking work, it was estimated
that >1000 American, Canadian, and European
surgeons have adopted MDT in their wound care
practices.[4,7] While the majority of doctors were
pleased with MDT, some of the drawbacks included
difficulty obtaining maggots, the expense ($5 in
1933), and the tedious effort required to construct a
restrictive dressing that would prevent maggots from
leaving the wound site.[8]
The use of MDT thrived until the development
and introduction of penicillin in the 1940s.[4]
Osteomyelitis and soft tissue abscesses, primary
indications for MDT, became less common as a
result of increasingly widespread early treatment
of infections with antimicrobial agents such as
sulfonamides and penicillin.[4] By the 1950s, the
use of MDT decreased markedly, likely due to the
combination of the introduction of antibiotics,
concurrent improvements in surgical techniques, and
general advances in wound care.[4] Maggot therapy
became a “last resort” treatment used in cases where
antibiotics, surgery and modern wound care failed to
achieve adequate or complete healing.[9]
In recent years, MDT has experienced resurgence due
to the appearance of highly specific circumstances.
More specifically, the emergence of antibiotic
resistance prompted a renewed search for alternative
approaches to managing chronically infected wounds.
[10,11] At the same time, the availability of better
chemical disinfectants, advanced wound coverage
materials, and the widespread availability of reliable
overnight shipping services, made the application
of MDT increasingly attractive through the advent
of “germ‑free” maggots that can be quickly and
inexpensively delivered to the treatment location, and
applied to the wound using custom‑made, cage‑like
Further advances in this area came in 2004 when the
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved
MDT as a “prescription only” treatment; more
specifically, maggots were approved as a single‑use
“medical device.”[4,5,13] In some other countries, such
as the UK, maggots are actually regulated as a drug.[4]
The U.S. FDA official indications for maggot therapy
are for “debriding chronic wounds, such as pressure
ulcers, venous stasis ulcers, neuropathic foot ulcers
and nonhealing traumatic, or postsurgical wounds.”[9]
Today, any licensed physician in the U.S. can prescribe
With MDT becoming increasingly popular, scientific
studies have led to the defining and recognition
of four major “actions” associated with this form
of wound therapy: Debridement, disinfection,
stimulation of healing, and biofilm elimination.
[4,14] Arora et al. demonstrated that the antibacterial
activity in excretions/secretions of Lucilia cuprina
maggots seems to act synergistically with concurrent
antibiotic treatment for Staphylococcus aureus.[15] It has
also been postulated that maggot secretions may have
an anti‑inflammatory effect on cutaneous wounds.[16]
Increasing awareness of clinical benefits of MDT led
to more targeted, evidence‑based use of this modality
for “niche indications” such as problematic wounds,
diabetic ulcers, venous ulcers, chronic pressure ulcers,
reduction of bacterial load in wounds, osteomyelitis,
cancer, and burns.[10,17‑23]
A comprehensive query of major medical search engines
was conducted, including Bioline International,
EBSCOhost, Google™ Scholar, and PubMed. The
following list of search terms, in various combinations
was used: “maggot,” “wound,” “maggot debridement,”
“maggot debridement therapy,” “larval debridement
therapy.” Related and associated articles, when
available, were also included after critically reviewing
their content for relevance and quality. Literature
reports most closely associated with the focus of this
review were included as part of the general discussion,
topic‑specific considerations, or both. In addition,
wound type‑specific references were tabulated
according to the corresponding clinical subject area
[Table 1][31,33,42,62,68,69,72,73,75,76,83,89,102,104,109‑111].
Maggots are fly larvae or immature flies, just as
caterpillars are immature butterflies or moth larvae.[9,22,23]
On hatching, 1st stage larvae are roughly 2 mm long and
grow to about 5 mm before shedding their skin. The
2nd stage larvae grow to about 10 mm before they shed
Jordan, et al.: Maggot debridement therapy
International Journal of Academic Medicine | Volume 4 | Issue 1 | January-April 2018 23
Table 1: Listing of selected literature sources in each major clinical category discussed in this review. The table concludes with
a listing of reported complications of larval therapy
Study (reference) Year Type of report Number of patients Clinical details
Diabetic wounds
Sherman[68] 2003 Retrospective
18 MDT was more effective and efficient in debriding nonhealing foot
and leg ulcers in male diabetic veterans than conventional care
Marineau et al.[62] 2011 Case series 23 MDT resulted in favorable outcomes in 74% of patients. Six formed
granulation tissue over exposed tendons, preventing the need for
tendon excision
Tian et al.[69] 2013 Meta-analysis 356 Current evidence does not support routine MDT application for
diabetic wounds. Larger studies are needed to assess the better define
benefit (s) safety of MDT in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers
Venous ulcers
Dumville et al.[33] 2009 Randomized,
controlled trial
267 Larval therapy did not improve the rate of healing or reduce bacterial
load. However, it did reduce time required to debride
McInnes et al.[72] 2013 Case report 1 The report suggests that MDT may have utility in the setting of a
venous ulcer contaminated with multidrug-resistant organisms
Davies et al.[73] 2 015 Randomized
control trial
40 A randomized comparison of MDT + compression versus
compression therapy alone in the management of venous ulcers.
Although wound debridement was more efficient in the MDT group,
no subsequent improvement was noted in ulcer healing
Arterial ulcers
Nordström et al.[75] 2009 Case report 1 Authors describe the use of MDT in a palliative setting at home
to decrease odor from a gangrenous wound. The report also
demonstrates the use of MDT in the setting of an arterial ulcer.
Igari et al.[76] 2013 Retrospective
16 The study suggests that patients with an ankle-brachial index <0.6
may be less likely to benefit from MDT. History of peripheral artery
disease by itself was not considered a contraindication to MDT
Wu et al.[83] 2012 Case report 1 The case demonstrates that MDT is a viable alternative to surgical
debridement of infected wounds, especially when the latter may be
Lin et al.[31] 2015 Case report 1 The case describes the use of MDT in Kaposi’s sarcoma wound
to avoid amputation and possible death from infection. MDT also
provide a bridge that allowed chemotherapy and antiretroviral
therapy to become effective
Nwaeburu et al.[42] 2016 Case series 5 The authors present five cases where MDT was used to treat, but not
necessarily cure, nonhealing wounds and ulcers caused by
superficial tumors. MDT was found helpful in reducing tumor size
Gericke et al.[102] 2007 Case report 1 The case describes an 82-year-old-male who developed an orbital
infection following left orbital exenteration. His wound therapy
utilized Lucilia sericata maggots, placed within the orbital wound,
contained in a biobag. Each treatment involved 50 larvae, and after
second larval application of 4 days, the orbit was free of purulence.
Local wound treatment involving twice daily azidamfenicol was
continued to prevent recurrent infection
Less common/proposed applications
Pliquett et al.[110 ] 2003 Case report 1 Management of wounds associated with calciphylaxis in a
53-year-old-woman is described. MDT was utilized as “last
resort therapy” and the patient died from recurrent wound
infections, sepsis, and exacerbations of renal failure. It
is proposed that MDT be utilized earlier in the course of
calciphylaxis (e.g., when ulcerations initially appear)
Borst et al.[89] 2014 Case report 1 The authors report the use of MDT to treat elephantiasis. The case also
describes hyperammonemia as a potential side effect of MDT in humans
General/multipurpose applications
et al.[111 ]
2007 Case series 101 A total of 117 infected wounds with signs of gangrenous of
necrotic tissue were present in 101 study patients. Within
this group, 72 patients were classified as high-risk for
surgery (e.g., ASA III or IV). Overall, 69% of patients had good clinical
results. In terms of specific diagnoses, all wounds of traumatic
origin healed completely while all wounds with septic arthritis failed
to respond to MDT. Multivariate analysis demonstrated that chronic
limb ischemia (OR, 7.5); the depth of the wound (OR, 14.0); and
patient age >60 years (OR, 7.3) negatively affected outcomes
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24 International Journal of Academic Medicine | Volume 4 | Issue 1 | January-April 2018
their skins to become 3rd stage larvae. The 3rd stage
grows to approximately 15–20 mm before wandering
off as prepupae.[22] Apart from the change in size, there
is little variation among the three stages of larvae. The
most distinctive feature separating larvae of different
stages is the structure of the posterior spiracles, through
which the larvae respire.[22] Figure 1 provides a simplified
overview of relevant larval developmental biology.
The larval, or maggot, stage of fly development is the
primary feeding stage.[24] Fly larvae are very efficient
feeders, with specialized mouth hooks allowing them
to literally rake in decaying or necrotic flesh.[25] Their
rear ends consist of a chamber, in which their anus and
posterior spiracles (used for breathing) are located.[25]
Between their heads and their tails there is a muscular,
segmented body, a simple intestine and a pair of
proportionately very large salivary glands.[26] Larvae
are covered by spines that scrape along the wound and
help loosen debris.[27,28] They have mandibles which
help with maggot movement and contrary to popular
belief, are not involved in the consumption of tissue.
[26] Instead, maggots secrete and excrete alimentary
enzymes which begin digestion of necrotic tissue
outside their body.[27] Various components of these
secretions include allantoin, sulfhydryl radicals, calcium,
cysteine, glutathione, embryonic growth‑stimulating
substance, growth‑stimulating factors for fibroblasts,
carboxypeptidases A and B, leucine aminopeptidase,
collagenase, and serine proteases.[29,30]
The movement of the maggot over the wound, spreading
its alimentary secretions as it goes, further increases
debridement activity.[31,32] In fact, an in vivo study
demonstrated that larval therapy was associated with
faster debridement process than hydrogel application.[33]
The digestive enzymes also have the ability to prevent,
inhibit, and break biofilms of many bacteria, except
pseudomonas and some other Gram‑negative pathogens,
commonly found on prosthetics.[34,35] Maggot enzymatic
digestion can be very intense, leading to focal liberation
of significant amounts of heat within the center of the
wound.[36] As a result, actively feeding maggots often
migrate to the edge of the wound to cool down. The
liberation of heat increases both the rate of putrefaction
and the rate of digestion.[22] Cazander et al. demonstrated
that thermal changes within maggots’ enzymes may
help facilitate their ability to reduce the activation of the
human complement system.[37]
Not all fly species are safe and/or effective for use
in medical applications. The flies that are most
commonly utilized for maggot therapy are sheep
blowflies (Calliphoridae) and the species most
commonly used is Phaenicia (Lucilia) sericata, the
green blowfly.[38,39] This specific fly has been managed
in pure culture for over 20 years,[23] with efforts
ongoing to create transgenic Lucilia sericata larvae
capable of producing a human growth factor.[39]
Studies on the application of other fly species, such
as Protophormia terraenovae, L. cuprina, L. illustris, and
Phormia regina have also been published.[18,40,41]
On a molecular level, MDT has been found to influence
three major processes: angiogenesis, inflammation,
Table 1: Contd...
Study (reference) Year Type of report Number of patients Clinical details
Reported complications of MDT
Guerrini[104] 1988 Animal study 12 Sheep infested with Lucilia cuprina larvae suffered from ammonia
toxicity and alkalosis which can cause immunosuppression
Steenvoorde and
van Doorn[109]
2008 Case report 1 Clinical report of massive hemorrhage associated with MDT
Borst et al.[89] 2014 Case report 1 The authors report hyperammonemia as a potential side effect of
MDT in humans
MDT=Maggot debridement therapy, ASA=American Society of Anesthesiologists, OR=Odds ratio
Figure 1: Life cycle of a blowy (Source: Cleveland Museum of Natural
History, reproduced with permission; URL:
Jordan, et al.: Maggot debridement therapy
International Journal of Academic Medicine | Volume 4 | Issue 1 | January-April 2018 25
and cell migration.[42] Three proangiogenic factors
have been identified in maggot secretions: l‑histidine,
3‑guanidinopropionic acid, and l‑valinol.[42] Dried
secretions from L. sericata larvae increased wound
capillary density and VEGF‑A mRNA protein
expression in a rat model.[43] In addition, the presence
of maggot secretions may be associated with increased
production of pro‑angiogenic growth factors from
anti‑inflammatory macrophages,[44] as well as the
differentiation of macrophages and monocytes. In
one study, larval secretions influenced monocytes to
differentiate into anti‑inflammatory macrophages.[44]
Another study showed that maggot secretions inhibit
the production of pro‑inflammatory cytokines
(e.g., tumor necrosis factor‑alpha) while upregulating
anti‑inflammatory cytokines (e.g., interleukin‑10)
in dose‑dependent fashion, likely through a
cAMP‑mediated process.[45]
Cazander, et al. collected samples of larval excretions
from disinfected maggots.[37] When added to donated
human sera from preoperative and postoperative
patients, these excretions resulted in decreases
in complement protein (C3 and C4) activation
by up to 99% (preoperative group) and up to
55% (postoperative group), pointing to a powerful
effect of MDT on complement‑mediated inflammatory
response.[37] Researchers are currently working
to isolate modulators of inflammation in maggot
excretions in hopes to identify clinically relevant
substances affecting not only complement activation
but also the proteolytic, antimicrobial, and growth
promoting activity of MDT.[4,5] Among other
potentially beneficial actions of larval secretions, the
presence of increased microvascular epidermal cell
migration was shown.[46]
The increasing prevalence of chronic medical
conditions and nonhealing wounds is one of the
consequences of the ability of modern medical
advances to prolong life.[4] Diseases that were once
fatal have evolved into chronic ailments that result
in cardiovascular risk factors associated with the
emergence of nonhealing wounds.[47] Given current
demographic trends, the number of susceptible
patients is bound to increase, especially among
populations that actively use pharmacological
modulators of wound healing.[4,48] Because of the
growing need for effective clinical approaches
to chronic wound management, numerous new
treatment modalities were introduced over the
past two decades, including hyperbaric oxygen
administration, negative pressure wound therapy,
topical growth factor applications, enzymatic wound
debridement, and many others.[49‑52]
In general, effective wound care begins with
properly conducted debridement, which in turn
results in a lower infectious burden and improved
wound status through the removal of necrotic,
contaminated tissue and microbial biofilm.
Mechanical, surgical, autolytic as well as enzymatic
methods have all been utilized as mechanisms for
debridement.[53,54] Each of these techniques has
associated disadvantages such as limited efficacy,
need for anesthesia, complaints of significant pain
as well as mechanical and/or cellular damage to the
underlying healthy tissue.[40]
MDT is the intentional application of live, “medical
grade” fly larvae to wounds to effect debridement,
disinfection, and ultimately wound healing.[4,55] The
process begins with predetermined species of maggots
undergoing chemical disinfection. Historically, the
availability of inexpensive, well‑contained, viable, and
germ‑free maggots has been a major barrier to wider
implementation of MDT.[4] Improved disinfectants
and rearing techniques have simplified the production
of germ‑free maggots.[4,23] Expeditious delivery of
maggots is now possible through multiple overnight
courier services.
Figure 2: An example of a “connement” dressing, with the wound itself
serving as the bottom of the “container” that holds the larvae. Applied
circumferentially around the cutaneous wound edges is the protective
hydrocolloid sheet, over which the netting material is placed. Once
secured with adhesive tape, the top portion of the dressing effectively
prevents larvae from migrating out of the wound
Jordan, et al.: Maggot debridement therapy
26 International Journal of Academic Medicine | Volume 4 | Issue 1 | January-April 2018
Modern dressing materials have simplified the larval
debridement procedure and minimized the risk of
uncontained maggots.[4] Appropriately fashioned
dressings now consist of improved adhesives and
synthetic materials which provide maggots with an
environment suitable for debridement while preventing
uncontrolled migration and patient/provider
discomfort. There are two major variants of
specialized MDT dressings – the confinement and the
containment types.[4,57] In confinement dressings, the
wound floor acts as the bottom limit of the enclosure,
allowing direct maggot‑to‑wound contact [Figure 2].
In containment dressings, maggots are enclosed
within a sealed pouch [Figure 3] that is then placed on
top of the wound, with no direct maggot‑to‑wound
contact.[12,56] Although somewhat counter‑intuitive,
MDT approaches based on containment and
confinement dressings have been shown to be equally
effective.[8,33] Overall, the above evidence supports
the importance of larval secretions (in addition to
any direct mechanical action) in delivering beneficial
wound outcomes, in addition to any direct physical
interactions (e.g., larval movement and the ingestion
of necrotic material) between maggots and the wound
surface.[4,8,12,58] The FDA classification of maggots
under the label of “medical device” reflects, in a way,
the fact that maggots aggressively search the wound
bed for necrotic material, consuming more and more
necrotic tissue and gaining access to increasingly
deeper tissue layers within the wound.[4,59] Chambers
et al. provide compelling experimental evidence that
the proteinases present in larval excretions/secretions
help in the breakdown of fibrin and play a role in
the subsequent remodeling of extracellular matrix
components.[60] Zhang et al. further suggest that
fatty acid extracts from L. sericata larvae may
promote wound healing by enhancing angiogenic
activity.[43] Potential benefits of MDT are summarized
in Figure 4.
According to the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC), an estimated 30 million
Americans (9.4% of the U.S. population) had diabetes
in 2015.[61] This population is especially vulnerable and
susceptible to poor wound healing, with the estimated
annual cost of managing diabetic wounds in the U.S.
exceeding $20 million, including more than 2 million
workdays of lost productivity.[62] Medical costs of
treating a single diabetic ulcer can reach $10,000
and clinical nonresponse or progression of the disease
process may result in an extremity amputation, with
a median cost of $12,500.[63] Diabetic extremity
ulcers affect roughly 15% of the diabetic population,
leading to approximately 70,000 amputations
annually[4,42,61,64,65] The progression from diabetic
peripheral vascular disease to chronic nonhealing
foot ulcers to terminal amputation is all too common.
MDT can stall the progression of this condition,
improving the prognosis even in recalcitrant cases.[66]
One randomized trial suggested that MDT was more
effective than hydrogel in reducing the wound area of
diabetic foot ulcers.[67] Another prospective, randomized
study comparing the efficacy of MDT versus hydrogel
showed improved debridement efficacy, but no
difference in the rate of healing or ability to eradicate
methicillin‑resistant S. aureus (MRSA) infection.[33]
While the same investigation suggested greater amount
of ulcer‑related pain with MDT compared to hydrogel,
it also showed equivalent efficacy of loose versus
bagged larvae.[33] In yet another retrospective study
comparing changes in necrotic and total surface area of
chronic foot and leg ulcers in diabetic patients, patients
were treated with either MDT, standard medical
management, or routine surgical care.[68] Maggot
therapy was associated with faster debridement and
wound healing than its therapeutic comparators.[68]
MDT‑treated wounds saw a 50% reduction in necrotic
surface area in as few as 9 days, compared to 29 days
in the other groups. Moreover, within 2 weeks, MDT
treated wounds contained only 7% necrotic tissue
compared with 39% necrotic tissue for traditional
management. Finally, within 4 weeks, wounds in the
MDT group were completely debrided and contained
56% healthy granulation base, whereas wounds treated
with conventional therapy retained 33% necrotic tissue
coverage with only 15% granulation base.[68] At the
same time, the rate of complete wound closure was not
significantly different between MDT and non‑MDT
Figure 3: An example of a “containment” dressing or a “biobag” used
in maggot debridement therapy. The permeable bag allows larval
secretions to interact with the wound while at the same time preventing
the maggots from migrating. Modied from Williams et al.,[56] under the
terms of Creative Commons Attribution License
Jordan, et al.: Maggot debridement therapy
International Journal of Academic Medicine | Volume 4 | Issue 1 | January-April 2018 27
approaches.[68] Despite being limited by significant
definitional heterogeneity and small size of source
reports, a meta‑analysis comparing the effectiveness
of MDT versus non‑MDT approaches, suggested
that MDT may be superior to non‑MDT modalities
in achieving full wound healing, time to healing, and
the number of antibiotic‑free days.[69] An example of
a diabetic foot ulcer treated with MDT is provided in
Figure 5.[70]
Chronic venous ulcers affect approximately 2.5 million
adults in the U.S., and are characterized by the presence
of venous insufficiency, hemosiderin deposition, and
lipodermatosclerosis.[71] Traditional management
options include debridement of the ulcer, skin grafting,
venous stripping or ligation, and sclerotherapy.[71]
Despite treatment, over half of these ulcers fail to
heal after a year of therapy.[71] The application of
MDT shows some promise in this challenging area
of wound care.
In one case‑based experience with the use of MDT
in the setting of chronic venous ulceration, favorable
outcome was reported despite the presence of
multidrug‑resistant bacteria including MRSA,
vancomycin‑resistant enterococci, and multiresistant
Psuedomonas aeruginosa.[72] Following 3 weeks of
combined MDT and antibiotic treatment, wound
cultures showed no growth and the clinical team
proceeded with skin grafting plus negative pressure
wound therapy.[72] At discharge, the patient was noted
to have 90% graft take, but after several months
experienced a recurrence requiring further therapy.[72]
A randomized trial comparing the efficacy of
compression bandage alone versus compression
bandage plus MDT in the treatment of chronic venous
ulcers showed that compression plus larval therapy
improved wound outcomes in the first 4 days but
failed to affect the 12‑week healing rates.[73] Evidence
shows that if the underlying venous insufficiency is
corrected, ulcerations will heal despite the presence of
devitalized tissue, as corroborated by findings from
the VenUS II trial.[33] It has also been demonstrated
that larvae beneath the bandages may stay unharmed
during the 4 days of MDT treatment, suggesting
limited need for elaborate specialty dressings.[73]
Limitations of this study included a small sample size,
lack of long‑term result evaluation, and the potential
presence of patient/venous ulcer selection bias.[73]
Ischemia has traditionally been considered a relative
contraindication for MDT.[20] In the absence of
Figure 5: An example of a diabetic foot ulcer before, during and
after maggot debridement therapy. (a) Baseline measurement of
the extent of necrosis and initiation of treatment (day 1). Asterisks
represent the areas of tissue necrosis. (b) Patient’s foot ulcer
during active treatment with maggot therapy (day 14). The asterisks
represent areas of tissue necrosis and the arrows indicate the larvae
of Chrysomya megacephala. (c) Patient’s foot ulcer after treatment
with maggot therapy (day 43). Source: Pinheiro, et al. Indian J Med
Res 2015;141 (3):340‑2. Images used under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution‑Noncommercial‑Share Alike 3.0 Unported, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited
Figure 4: List of selected benets of maggot debridement therapy
based on the current literature review
Jordan, et al.: Maggot debridement therapy
28 International Journal of Academic Medicine | Volume 4 | Issue 1 | January-April 2018
adequate arterial perfusion, revascularization is
required to support wound healing.[74] If this is
not feasible, amputation may be required.[20,74]
Beyond these general guidelines, there is no formal
quantitative definition of circulatory function required
for MDT to be successful. Consequently, the utility
of MDT in the setting of arterial extremity ulcers has
been predominantly limited to defining the level of
viable tissue and thus guiding amputation planning.[20]
One clinical report suggests that the use of MDT
in ischemic extremity ulcers may have utility in the
setting of a gangrenous wound of the foot, provided
that revascularization attempts are made.[75] In that
particular case, MDT was initiated to reduce patient
discomfort and odor while trying to prevent an
amputation.[75] Following a femoro‑femoral bypass
and eight MDT treatments, necrotic soft‑tissue was
effectively debrided, and the foot wound began to
heal.[75] Another small study evaluated management
of leg ulcers in 16 patients suffering from peripheral
arterial disease, with MDT effectively facilitating
healing in 10 cases.[76] The authors determined that
ankle‑brachial index of <0.6 may be associated with
unfavorable MDT outcomes in the setting of ischemic
leg ulcers.[76]
Pressure ulcers are among the most common adverse
events seen within the healthcare setting. Although
incidence and prevalence may vary depending
on the institution and setting, it is estimated that
over 2.5 million individuals in the United States will
develop pressure ulcers annually.[77] This equates to
a significant financial burden as well as an increased
mortality rate for patients who develop this dreaded
complication.[77] In fact, the overall associated cost
is estimated to be between $9.1 and $11.6 billion,
and more importantly about 60,000 attributable
deaths.[78] The standard treatment approach consists
of appropriate “offloading” of the area of injury,
in addition to excellent nursing care and the use of
pressure redistribution devices including specialized
mattresses and seat cushions.[79] As with all other types
of wounds, debridement may become necessary, along
with appropriate specialty care management. These
ulcers may require weeks to months of debridement,
often contain extensive amount of necrotic tissue,
and can be malodorous and difficult to handle in the
outpatient setting. MDT may be used to reduce the
number of debridements required which may decrease
pain, bleeding, length of admissions, and overall costs.
In one study, looking at 103 inpatients with
145 pressure ulcers, 80% of MDT‑treated wounds
were deemed to be successfully debrided while only
48% were completely debrided using conventional
therapy alone.[80] In the same study, it was noted
that within 3 weeks the MDT‑treated wounds
contained approximately one‑third of the amount
of necrotic tissue and twice the granulation tissue
compared to nonmaggot‑treated wounds.[80] In
another small prospective controlled study looking
at eight spinal cord injury patients with pressure
ulcers that had been treated with conventional
nonsurgical approach, MDT was shown to
significantly decrease the amount of necrotic
tissue seen after 1 week, as well as reduce the
time to heal.[81] Additional clinical investigation,
looking at 25 patients with intractable wounds,
including lower extremity and pressure ulcers,
demonstrated that MDT was able to achieve
complete debridement in >88% of wounds.[82] In
all of these studies, MDT was shown to be a safe,
simple, effective, and an inexpensive alternative to
conventional therapy of pressure ulcers.
A relatively recent case report demonstrated the
applicability of MDT in the treatment of extensive
thermal injuries.[83] A 59‑year‑old patient presented
with severe, full‑thickness burns over 60% of his total
body surface area, with concurrent extensive muscle
necrosis.[83] Following escharotomies and initial
resuscitation, debridement of necrotic muscle proved
difficult, mainly due to the lack of clear boundaries
between normal and necrotic tissue. Skin allografting
was performed, followed by the development of
fevers, abdominal distension, and generalized clinical
deterioration.[83] The allogenic skin was removed, and
extensive soft‑tissue necrosis was discovered.[83] Initial
consideration of surgical debridement was abandoned
because the amount of resected tissue would not
be compatible with meaningful functional survival.
[83] As an alternative option, MDT was utilized to
more selectively debride necrotic areas.[83] The patient
defervesced approximately 24 h after the initiation of
MDT, followed by general clinical improvement. By
day 6, large areas of granulation tissue were readily
apparent.[83] No complications were reported during the
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International Journal of Academic Medicine | Volume 4 | Issue 1 | January-April 2018 29
follow‑up period, and subsequent serial skin grafting
was performed to cover the wounds.[83] Of interest,
the authors noted that MDT was much more effective
on necrotic muscle than on necrotic tendons, skin, or
Although the application of MDT in the oncology
setting does not treat cancer, this modality can provide
benefit in the following therapeutic areas: mass
debulking of necrotic tumor, drainage reduction, and
odor control.[20] Literature is scant regarding MDT use
for oncologic indications, consisting mainly of case
reports in the setting of ulcerating tumors. Despite
these limitations, some generalizations can be made.
For example, malignant tissue in inoperable ulcerating
sarcomas and breast carcinomas was noted to be readily
susceptible to the beneficial activity of maggots.[42] The
larvae attacked any abnormal structure(s) within the
wound, clearing away malignant tissue and leaving
behind healthy granulation bed.[42] In addition,
the associated odor and pain improved, with some
evidence of wound closure tendencies.[84]
In one striking case, a necrotic squamous cell
carcinoma of the face was noted to be infested with
blowfly larvae.[85] Because the wound contained no
evidence of surrounding cellulitis or adenopathy, it
was decided to leave the larvae in place, and by the
3rd day, the wound was devoid of any residual necrotic
tissue.[85] A similar case was described involving a
deteriorating squamous cell carcinoma refractory to
chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and conventional wound
management until successful MDT application.[42]
Wounds associated with Kaposi sarcoma have also
been successfully treated with MDT. Similar to
applications in other oncologic settings, larval therapy
may help debride, disinfect, and heal necrotic Kaposi
sarcoma wounds, potentially preventing morbid
outcomes such as amputation or severe soft‑tissue
infection.[31] To summarize, key palliative benefits of
MDT in the setting of difficult‑to‑treat, cancer‑related
wounds include better control of infection, odor,
drainage, and avoidance of extensive and potentially
deforming surgeries.[31]
Seen very rarely, elephantiasis nostras verrucosa (ENV)
is a dermatologic condition that complicates chronic
lymphedema.[86] It typically presents with dermal
fibrosis, hyperkeratotic, papillomatous, verrucous
lesions, often accompanied by episodic infections of
involved tissues.[87] Affected anatomic areas have been
described as having cobblestone‑like appearance in the
setting of severe, nonpitting, fibrotic edema.[88] Known
risk factors for ENV include recurrent cellulitis,
previous surgery/trauma, obesity, congestive heart
failure, and radiation exposure.[88]
In a recent case report, the use of MDT was shown
to be effective in treating ENV.[89] Over a period of
28 days, the patient underwent a combination therapy
consisting of surgical debridement and MDT for the
right lower extremity ENV.[89] Larvae were placed
over the wounds for 48–72 h at a time, allowing the
affected tissue to become soft and the hyperkeratotic
areas to slough off, with impressive end result.[89] The
authors describe transformation of dark, edematous,
woody, and malodorous tissues into much thinner,
softer, and pinker ones. Most importantly, the patient’s
pain improved significantly, restoring his ability to
ambulate.[89] Although the conventional therapy for
ENV is surgical, operative debridement can be very
difficult given the texture and tissue consistency of ENV.
Presurgical treatment with 10% salicylic acid is often
necessary to soften these lesions before debridement.
In the above‑described case, MDT was able to reduce
the presurgical preparation time from 1 month (typical
duration) to 2 days.[89] Further investigation is clearly
warranted in this highly specialized area of wound care.
The approximate cost of medical maggots is currently
between $80 and $100 per treatment. Although it
may seem expensive, this range is roughly equivalent
to what it was about 90 years ago when adjusted for
inflation.[4] The majority of the cost is attributable to
labor and quality control expenditures, and although
MDT in the U.S. is generally covered by third party
payers, this remains inconsistent.[4] MDT is generally
considered both clinically and fiscally prudent due
to its documented effectiveness, simplicity, safety,
applicability to a broad range of settings (e.g., hospital,
clinic, home), and the ability for a wide range of
caregivers to apply it (e.g., physicians, nurses, patients,
and family members).[4]
It has been noted that MDT may be more cost‑effective
than conventional wound therapy in certain clinical
Jordan, et al.: Maggot debridement therapy
30 International Journal of Academic Medicine | Volume 4 | Issue 1 | January-April 2018
settings and/or conditions.[4,9] One study examined
cost‑effectiveness of MDT compared to other
conventional wound care approaches in the setting
of venous stasis ulcers.[9] The median cost of an
MDT treatment (including the price of larvae)
was significantly lower (£78.64) when compared
to £136.23 per‑treatment cost in the control group.[9]
In addition, the MDT group required less nursing time
per ulcer treated than the standard “hydrogel dressing”
group (three nursing visits in MDT group vs. 19
visits in the standard treatment group).[9] The median
cost of nursing per ulcer was £53.85 for standard
therapy versus £10.77 for MDT group.[9] Even after
including the cost of larvae (£58.00 per treatment)
the median amount of “dressings” was still lower for
the MDT group (£67.87 vs. £89.55).[9] When all of
the above are compiled into monthly cost data, MDT
was about 50% less expensive than the comparator
therapy (£492 including larvae vs. £1054 in the
hydrogel group).[9]
It is important to note that MDT, based on previous
observations, may be associated with better clinical
outcomes. The fact that debridement occurred more
rapidly in patients undergoing MDT is difficult to
quantify from economic standpoint.[40] However,
the combination of indirect benefits of MDT
(e.g., more effective debridement) and lower reported
costs (e.g., clinical materials and labor) presents a
compelling argument in favor of larval therapy.[4,9] One
can likewise extrapolate that MDT, associated with
more rapid debridement, would also be associated
with an earlier hospital discharge and thus financial
benefits of shorter duration of stay.
As with other medical modalities, MDT has a number
of associated side effects and risks, from localized
tissue discomfort, to infection, to the sight of escaping
maggots.[90] By far, the most common adverse effect
of MDT is significant pain,[91,92] with approximately
5%–30% of patients reporting this complaint.[4,68,80,93]
It is important to note, however, that most patients
who complain of pain during MDT also report
some degree of “baseline” pre‑MDT pain. The skin,
especially around the wound, tends to be sensitive to
motion, pressure, and the liquefied necrotic drainage
associated with maggot secretions.[94‑96] The perception
of movement becomes more apparent after 24 h of
therapy due to increase in larval size. This uncomfortable
sensation can be ameliorated by applying fewer or
smaller larvae over the wound bed while also actively
removing larvae before they become too large.[91]
In terms of the sensory perception of pain, patients
most often report either throbbing (pressure‑like) or a
sharp (knife‑like) sensation.[20] Multimodality analgesia
can help control the pain, especially when the latter
occurs in the presence of associated hyperalgesia and
central sensitization.[97‑99] Preemptive analgesia may
also be helpful, particularly when treating patients
with known predisposition for acute‑on‑chronic pain
Some degree of anxiety is also common among both
patients and providers.[91] One survey showed that
health‑care professionals and administrators are much
more likely to be repulsed by the thought of maggot
dressings than the actual patient suffering with the
chronic wound.[4,101] Patients may have some anxiety
but are generally very accepting of MDT as a treatment
option. The most effective way of addressing patient
anxiety is by providing the recipient with more control
over their treatment.[91] The availability of 24 h/day
access to immediate and direct medical assistance can
help with anxiety. At the same time, pharmacologic
adjunctive therapy can be useful as well.[20] An
important component of the overall strategy to reduce
both patient and provider anxiety is education about
MDT, optimally with inputs from experienced wound
care experts, as well as former MDT patients.[102,103]
It has been observed that the digestive enzymes released
by maggots may be associated with the appearance of
erythema or cellulitis.[96] Mumcuoglu recommends that
this complication can be avoided by applying plaster
or hydrocolloid dressing around the periphery of the
wound.[96] Related to this local tissue reaction is the
frequently reported sensation of “tickling” or itching
of the anatomic region being treated.[96]
First documented in sheep infested with >15,000
larvae, hyperammonemia is an uncommon side
effect of MDT.[104] This ammonia toxicity as a
result of an extreme larval burden is called “blow fly
strike” that can result in reduced immune function,
encephalopathy, and coma in most severe cases.[105]
It was subsequently documented in humans by
Borst, et al.[89] The increase in ammonia itself may
be involved in the antimicrobial and wound healing
activity of MDT.[106] Borst et al.[89] also demonstrated
that serum ammonia levels trended predictably with
increases in larval load. Consequently, high larval loads
Jordan, et al.: Maggot debridement therapy
International Journal of Academic Medicine | Volume 4 | Issue 1 | January-April 2018 31
must be avoided to minimize morbidity.[20,107] It is
also recommended that a baseline serum ammonia
level be established prior to initiating MDT and that
monitoring be continued throughout treatment. Any
changes in mental status in a patient undergoing MDT
should prompt ammonia level verification. Adherence
to the recommended density of 5–10 maggots/cm2
can also help mitigate the risk of “blow fly strike.”[20]
Escaping of larvae or even mature flies is a possibility
during MDT.[10,108] Larvae do occasionally get loose
as they migrate away from the warm environment
of the wound bed in search of necrotic tissue. This
is most commonly seen when maggot dressings are
left in place for more than 48 h.[8] Transitioning to
an adult fly typically takes 1–2 weeks; the chance that
larvae would go without being noticed for such an
extended period of time is unlikely. However, cases
where dressings are intentionally or unintentionally
left in place are not out of the realm of possibility.
Another rare side effect is maggot invasion of healthy
tissue. It is important to note that only a few larval
species have been used in medical applications
with success.[107] L. sericata is the most commonly
prescribed larval type. This is primarily because it was
discovered that larvae of this species starved when only
granulation tissue remained in a wound.[84] However,
there still have been reports of L. sericata feeding on
healthy human tissue, resulting in a theory that some
strains of this species were able to retain a degree of
invasiveness in humans.[96,107]
Although no allergic reactions have been attributed
to MDT larvae, allergies to various wound dressing
materials are possible.[96] It is important to remember
that the use of nonsterile maggots can be associated
with septicemia.[96] This, in turn, highlights the
importance of ensuring the availability of high quality,
reliable sources of medically suitable larvae.
Finally, serious bleeding in a patient undergoing MDT
was reported.[109] In that particular case, the patient was
being treated with approximately 200 maggots while
at home. A visitng nurse performing a dressing change
reported severe bleeding at the wound site and rushed the
patient to the hospital. It was estimated that 500 mL of
blood was lost at the scene. During the initial evaluation
at the hospital, the wound was judged to be healing
adequately as there was granulation tissue present without
visible necrosis. Shortly afterwards, the patient’s blood
pressure fell suddenly to 72/24 mmHg, necessitating
blood transfusion and inpatient admission. Patient has
subsequently normalized and was discharged after 4 days
in the hospital, without further complications.[109] Table 1
provides a summary of complications encountered with
Modern MDT is based on established clinical evidence
and has resulted in substantial wound care advances.
MDT is most often used in chronic, nonhealing
wounds; however, it was also found to be useful in
a variety of other specialized wound applications,
including postsurgical wounds, burns, necrotic
fungating tumors, osteomyelitis, and necrotizing
fasciitis. High‑risk medical patients, including those
with chronic diabetes and vasculopathy have benefited
greatly from MDT.
For extremity wounds, benefits of MDT may be greatest
before infection or vascular compromise become limb
threatening.[4] One of the advantages of MDT is that it
is not operator dependent.[8] Many of the drawbacks of
MDT have been successfully addressed through advances
in materials manufacturing and transportation making
maggot therapy readily available, reliable, economically
viable, and simple to implement.[4] Specialty laboratories
currently supply medical‑grade maggots to therapists
and patients in more than 30 countries.[4] Complications
of MDT, for vast majority of patients, are minimal
and easily treatable. Thus, MDT appears to be a great
tool for supplementing surgical treatment or primary
therapy in patients who are not surgical candidates.
Given many unexplored areas of clinical application of
MDT, this valuable wound management option should
be studied further.
Financial support and sponsorship
Conflicts of interest
There are no conflicts of interest.
Ethical conduct of research
Established ethical guidelines for research were utilized
during the conduct of this project. Neither IRB
approval nor informed consent were required because
no human participants were involved.
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... A study showed that more than 20,000 patients were treated with MDT worldwide and no serious side effects were reported [7]. The most common complication of MDT is maggot migration, which occurs in approximately 10 % of patients [8,9]. This usually occurs when the wound and major vessels are in proximity [10]. ...
... MDT has been found to be a more effective treatment for ulcers than conventional therapies, with higher rates of healing [14]. Although there are some complications and side effects such as larva migration, infection, bleeding, allergies, and pain [8]. ...
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Introduction and importance Maggot debridement therapy (MDT) is a treatment for chronic ulcers that involves using live larvae to debride the wound. Case presentation We report a case of serious arterial bleeding in the cervical region in a 52-year-old woman who was hospitalized in Iran for a malignant ulcer of the retro-auricular area. The patient was brought to the hospital by Emergency medical service due to severe hemorrhagic shock. Clinical discussion Debridement is a commonly used method for wound management, aimed at reducing the risk of infection and removing ulcer debridement. Several techniques are available for debridement of chronic wounds, including mechanical, surgical, autolytic, and enzymatic methods, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Conclusion Maggot debridement therapy (MDT) is one of these methods that seem to be relatively safer. In this method, some larvae are used for debriding wounds in patients. It is usually used as a last resort treatment but in this case, it was used as a third line after surgery and chemoradiotherapy.
... Relevant information was also gotten from related textbooks. Various combinations of the following search items were made; maggot, maggot therapy, wound, wound management, maggot debridement, maggot wound therapy, biodebridement, biosurgery, larval debridement therapy, myiasis (Jordan et al., 2018;Lin et al., 2015;Nwaeburu and Alishlash, 2016). ...
... Advances in the area of maggot wound therapy started in 2004 when the U.S Food and Drug Administration approved maggot debridement therapy as a "prescription only" treatment. This prescription certifies maggots as single-use medical device (Jordan et al., 2018). Studies have however revealed that many patients with non-healing wounds also suffer from other diseases such as neurological, hormonal, rheumatic and cardiovascular diseases (Romeyke, 2021). ...
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Maggot debridement therapy is the introduction of live and disinfected fly larvae in a wound in order to aid cleaning and healing. This technique was discovered as a beneficial effect of colonization of human tissue by fly larvae (myiasis). This discovery was made during the World War I when it was observed that injured soldiers whose wounds were infested with maggots healed faster than their counterparts whose wounds were free from maggots. In this therapy, the larvae of Blow fly (Lucilia sericata) are used because they feed exclusively on dead tissues. There are two different ways through which these maggots are applied into the wound, namely, free range dressing and biobag dressing. The mechanism of action of the maggots during debridement involves secretion of digestive enzymes which breakdown the dead tissues, liquidizing it before ingesting the liquefied contents of the wound. They also secrete antimic robials which inhibit microbial growt h in the wound, thereby disinfecting it. This therapy has been successfully used in the treatment of leg ulcers, deep and diabetic wounds in humans. The advantages of maggot debridement therapy are enormous. The cost of using it is relatively low, it quickens healing of wounds, and it is painless. However, the patient may experience irritation and itching at the wound site which is associated with larval movement in the wound. The adoption of this therapeutic wound management is advocated as practical evidence show that it has proven effective in the management of diabetic wounds more than conventional medical practices.
... One possible alternative is maggot debridement therapy (MDT); this intervention was described for management of wounds during World War I and then abandoned over a period of decades. 4,5 Maggot debridement therapy is a method for cleaning, decontaminating, and supporting the healing process of chronic wounds that are not making progress toward healing due to necrosis or infection. 6 It is the only approach that covers all 4 stages of the TIME approach. ...
PURPOSE The purpose of this study was to describe patient experiences and satisfaction with use of maggot debridement therapy (MDT) for hard-to-heal wounds. DESIGN Descriptive, cross-sectional study. SUBJECTS AND SETTING The sample comprised 60 participants, 60% were male (n = 36). Their mean age was 62.9 (SD = 20) years. Almost half of participants had lower extremity wounds (n = 26; 43.3%), diabetic foot ulcers (n = 18; 30%), and pressure injuries (n = 9; 15%). Most received maggot therapy via biobags (n = 36; 60%). METHODS Participants completed a questionnaire designed for purposes of the study that queried demographic and pertinent clinical characteristics, current health status including current topical therapies, and duration of their chronic wound. Nine items queried emotional responses prior to MDT, the amount and method of the maggot therapy, discomfort experienced during therapy, and sources of information regarding this treatment. RESULTS Emotional responses before starting MDT included disgust (n = 30, 50%), anxiety (n = 26, 43.3%), doubts about its effectiveness (n =20, 33.3%), and disbelief (n = 11, 18.3%). Approximately one-third of participants reported feelings of biting, itching, and fear of the maggots. Despite these feelings, a majority (n = 38, 63.3%) indicated that they were pleased with treatment outcome and willing to undergo additional MDT if needed. CONCLUSIONS While a majority of participants with nonhealing chronic wounds reported negative emotions association with MDT, more than half indicated that they were pleased with the outcome of treatment and willing to undergo repeat treatment if indicated.
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The study highlights a rising number of fluids such as nanofluids that encountered in daily life exhibit non-Newtonian behavior and it is exploited in manufacture due to their high heat transfer rate becoming more and more important as time goes on. Brownian motion provided by the bombardment of fluid particles from the surrounding medium. In this article, we address the influence of the Brownian motion with thermophoresis on the flow of Casson- magnetohydrodynamics nanofluid. flow over a non-linear stretching surface have analysed. Impact of the viscous dissipation, heat absorption and suction introduce in the system. Using proper similarity conversion, the controlling PDEs turned into ODEs. The conversion governing equations of first-order ODEs are solved numerically by utilizing an explicit finite difference technique. The similarity equations elucidated in the view of shooting technique and used with software package bvp4c MATLAB. The flow velocity, temperature and concentration followed up with the nonlinearity nature and the influence results are displayed in graphical form. The outcomes of skin frictions, Nusselt and Sherwood numbers are summarized for various leading parameters are in the form of table. Activation energy enhanced the mass transfer rate. However, a reverse phenomenon detected with the higher value of chemical reaction parameter. According to the results of the simulation, the skin friction decreased with the Casson and permeability parameters, while the heat transmission remain constant with the increased values of the constants.
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The relationship between infections and renal calculi has been known since the time of Hippocrates, but it was not until 1817 that Marcet identified the connection between urinary alkalinity, infection, phosphate calculi, and increased urinary ammonia. In 1901, Brown first suggested that urea splitting bacteria activity increased urinary ammonia production, which was the immediate cause of higher urinary alkalinity levels and phosphate (struvite) stone formation. The 1926 description of urease, the first enzyme ever isolated and purified, earned Sumner the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1946. Struvite is a crystalline compound made up of magnesium ammonium phosphate (MgNH4PO4.6H20). Struvite stones are actually a mixture composed of three cations (calcium, magnesium, ammonium) and one anion (phosphate). They are therefore also known as triple phosphate stones even though pure struvite actually contains no calcium. The mixture is composed of struvite (MgNH4PO4.6H20) and calcium phosphate (Ca10.[PO4]6.CO3); hence carbonate ions are also usually found. They can form in the kidney or bladder in patients with catheters or urinary stasis. For example, about 8% of patients with spinal cord lesions will form stones, and 98% of these will be struvite. If left untreated, renal struvite stones have a tendency to grow more rapidly compared to calcium-based stones and may eventually fill up the entire collecting system. This can lead to a staghorn stone or branched calculus formation. Among all stone formers, the percentage of struvite stones was found to be 5% to 15%. Struvite stones only form in alkaline environments (pH >7) and are always associated with urinary tract infections from urease-producing bacteria such as Proteus. Virtually all infectious urinary organisms make urease except E. coli, Citrobacter freundii, Streptococci, and Enterococci. It should be pointed out that staghorn stones, while predominantly made of struvite or triple phosphate, may also be composed of mixtures of calcium oxalate, calcium phosphate, uric acid, and cystine. However, for the purpose of this review, we shall focus exclusively on struvite staghorn calculi. Fig.1 Struvite (magnesium ammonium phosphate / triple phosphate) crystals in a human urine sample, detected by microscope The figure shows a microscopic photograph of a struvite crystal in a 56-year-old patient who does not have kidney disease but has frequent recurrent urinary infections. Key words: urine, infection, struvite crystals
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Maggot therapy is a technique that involves the use of live maggots to treat chronic wounds. Krimi utpatti kara chikitsa means the creation of a swarm of flies over a wound to debride the unhealthy granulation tissue for healthy wound healing. This has to mention in the Indian surgical treatise Susruta Samhita in the management of kaphaja arbuda chikitsa. We summarize the history and technique of maggot therapy, as well as its uses for different indications and contraindications. The use of maggots for wound debridement, antibacterial activity, and promotion of wound healing are discussed, along with the mechanism of action and potential side effects. Finally, the potential of Maggot therapy to become a mainstream treatment option for chronic wounds is being discussed. Overall, this review highlights the promising benefits and the growing interest in maggot therapy as a viable alternative or adjunct to traditional wound care management.
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Bu çalışmanın amacı, Diyarbakır kurak koşullarında artan dozlarda azotlu ve fosforlu gübrelemenin yakamoz buğday çeşidinde tane besin elementi içeriğine etkisinin belirlenmesidir. Tarla denemesi Diyarbakır İli Silvan İlçesi çiftçi şartlarında tesadüf bloklarında faktöriyel deneme desenine göre üç tekrarlamalı olarak yürütülmüştür. Azotlu gübre 0, 4, 8 ve 12 kg N/da dozlarında amonyum sülfat formunda (%21 N) ve fosforlu gübre 0, 5 ve 10 kg P2O5/da dozlarında triple süper fosfat formunda (%42-44 P2O5) uygulanmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre, artan azot dozları buğday tanesinde N, P, Ca, Fe ve Cu içeriklerini önemli düzeyde etkilemiş, fakat tanede K, Mg, Mn ve Zn'ye etkisi önemli bulunmamıştır. Artan fosfor dozları tanede Mg ve Fe içeriklerini önemli düzeyde etkilemiştir.
Background: Dating back to the mid-1500s, maggot debridement therapy (MDT) has been a viable treatment modality for chronic wounds. In early 2004, the sterile larvae of Lucilia sericata received FDA approval for medical marketing for neuropathic, venous, and pressure ulcers, traumatic or surgical wounds, and nonhealing wounds that have not responded to standard care. However, it currently remains an under-utilized therapy. The proven efficacy of MDT begs the question if this treatment modality should be considered as a first-line option for all or a subset of chronic lower extremity ulcers. Objective: This article aims to address the history, production, and evidence of MDT and discuss future considerations for maggot therapy in the healthcare field. Methods: A literature search using the PubMed database was conducted using keywords, such as wound debridement, maggot therapy, diabetic ulcers, venous ulcers, among others. Results: MDT reduced short-term morbidity in non-ambulatory patients with neuroischemic diabetic ulcers and comorbidity with peripheral vascular disease. Larval therapy was associated with statistically significant bioburden reductions against both Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Faster time to debridement was achieved when chronic venous or mixed venous and arterial ulcers were treated with maggot therapy versus hydrogels. Conclusions: The literature supports the use of MDT in decreasing the significant costs of treating chronic lower extremity ulcers, with emphasis on those of diabetic origin. Additional studies with global standards for reporting outcomes are necessary to substantiate our results.
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In the present study, we describe an interspecific kleptoparasitic interaction between two sympatric mammalian carnivores in the high altitudinal Trans-Himalaya region of Himachal Pradesh, India. The study was based on the inferences drawn from the circumstantial evidence (direct and indirect) noticed in the study area in Pin Valley National Park. The inferences from the analysis of the evidence suggested the interaction between a Snow Leopard Panthera uncia, a Red Fox Vulpes vulpes, and a donkey. The arrangement of evidence in a sequential manner suggested that a donkey was killed by a Snow Leopard and a Red Fox stole the food from the carrion of the Snow Leopard’s prey. The Red Fox was killed by the Snow Leopard, which was caught while stealing. The present study represents an example of kleptoparasitic interaction between the Snow Leopard and the Red Fox. This study also proves that such interactions may cost the life of a kleptoparasite and supports the retaliation behaviour of Snow Leopards.
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Alimentary products of medicinal Lucilia sericata larvae are studied to determine their mechanisms of action, particularly in the contexts of wound debridement and disinfection. Furthermore, the larvae can be applied to patients in contained medical devices (such as the BioBag; BioMonde). Here, we tested the materials and larval content of the most commonly used debridement device (the "BB-50") to explore the possibility that endotoxins may be contributing to the bio-activity of the product, given that endotoxins are potent stimulants of cellular activation. Using standardised protocols to collect larval alimentary products (LAP), we proceeded to determine residual endotoxin levels in LAP derived from the device, before and after the neutralisation of interfering enzymatic activity. The debridement device and its associated larval content was not a significant source of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) activity. However, it is clear from these experiments that a failure to remove the confounding serine proteinase activity would have resulted in spuriously high and erroneous results. The residual LPS levels detected are unlikely to be active in wound healing assays, following cross-referencing to publications where LPS at much higher levels has been shown to have positive and negative effects on processes associated with wound repair and tissue regeneration. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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Background Diabetes and its concurrent complications impact a significant proportion of the population of the US and create a large financial burden on the American health care system. FDA-approved maggot debridement therapy (MDT), the application of sterile laboratory-reared Lucilia sericata (green bottle fly) larvae to wounds, is a cost-effective and successful treatment for diabetic foot ulcers and other medical conditions. Human platelet derived growth factor-BB (PDGF-BB) is a secreted dimeric peptide growth factor that binds the PDGF receptor. PDGF-BB stimulates cell proliferation and survival, promotes wound healing, and has been investigated as a possible topical treatment for non-healing wounds. Genetic engineering has allowed for expression and secretion of human growth factors and other proteins in transgenic insects. Here, we present a novel concept in MDT technology that combines the established benefits of MDT with the power of genetic engineering to promote healing. The focus of this study is to create and characterize strains of transgenic L. sericata that express and secrete PDGF-BB at detectable levels in adult hemolymph, whole larval lysate, and maggot excretions/ secretions (ES), with potential for clinical utility in wound healing. Results We have engineered and confirmed transgene insertion in several strains of L. sericata that express human PDGF-BB. Using a heat-inducible promoter to control the pdgf-b gene, pdgf-b mRNA was detected via semi-quantitative PCR upon heat shock. PDGF-BB protein was also detectable in larval lysates and adult hemolymph but not larval ES. An alternative, tetracycline-repressible pdgf-b system mediated expression of pdgf-b mRNA when maggots were raised on diet that lacked tetracycline. Further, PDGF-BB protein was readily detected in whole larval lysate as well as larval ES. Conclusions Here we show robust, inducible expression and production of human PDGF-BB protein from two conditional expression systems in transgenic L. sericata larvae. The tetracycline-repressible system appears to be the most promising as PDGF-BB protein was detectable in larval ES following induction. Our system could potentially be used to deliver a variety of growth factors and anti-microbial peptides to the wound environment with the aim of enhancing wound healing, thereby improving patient outcome in a cost-effective manner.
Enzymatic debridement with collagenase is a technique that is commonly used in clinical practice. This systematic review examines the effect of collagenase on all kinds of wounds, compared to an alternative therapy, on wound healing, wound bed characteristics, cost-effectiveness and the occurrence of adverse events. We conducted a systematic literature search on available literature in Cochrane databases, MEDLINE, EMBASE and CINAHL. Two investigators independently assessed the titles and abstracts of all randomised controlled trials obtained involving collagenase of all kinds of wounds based on inclusion criteria. Of the 1411 citations retrieved, 22 studies reported outcomes with the use of collagenase either for wound healing or wound debridement. Results support the use of collagenase for enzymatic debridement in pressure ulcers, diabetic foot ulcers and in conjunction with topical antibiotics for burns. However, studies presented a high risk of bias. Risk ratio of developing an adverse event related to collagenase versus the alternative treatment was statistically significant (for 10 studies, RR: 1·79, 95% CI 1·24-2·59, I(2) =0%, P = 0·002). There is very limited data on the effect of collagenase as an enzymatic debridement technique on wounds. More independant research and adequate reporting of adverse events are warranted.
Pressure ulcers are common, increase patient morbidity and mortality, and costly for patients, their families, and the health care system. A retrospective study was conducted to evaluate the impact of pressure ulcers on short-term outcomes in United States inpatient populations and to identify patient characteristics associated with having 1 or more pressure ulcers. The US Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS) database was analyzed using the International Classification of Disease, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9 CM) diagnosis codes as the screening tool for all inpatient pressure ulcers recorded from 2008 to 2012. Patient demographics and comorbid conditions, as identified by ICD-9 code, were extracted, along with primary outcomes of length of stay (LOS), total hospital charge (TC), inhospital mortality, and discharge disposition. Continuous variables with normal distribution were expressed in terms of mean and standard deviation. Group comparisons were performed using t-test or ANOVA test. Continuous nonnormal distributed variables such as LOS and TC were expressed in terms of median, and nonparametric tests were used to compare the differences between groups. Categorical data were presented in terms of percentages of the number of cases within each group. Chi-squared tests were used to compare categorical data in different groups. For multivariate analysis, linear regressions (for continuous variable) and logistic regression (for categorical variables) were used to analyze the possible risk factors for the investigated outcomes of LOS, TC, inhospital mortality, and patient disposition. Coefficients were calculated with multivariate regression with all included patients versus patients with pressure ulcers alone. The 5-year average number of admitted patients with at least 1 pressure ulcer was determined to be 670 767 (average overall rate: 1.8%). Statistically significant differences between patients with and without pressure ulcers were observed for median LOS (7 days [mean 11.1 ± 15] compared to 3 days [mean 4.6 ± 6.8]) and median TC ($36 500 [mean $72 000 ± $122 900] compared to $17 200 [mean $32 200 ± $57 500]). The mortality rate in patients with a pressure ulcer was significantly higher than in patients without a pressure ulcer (9.1% versus 1.8%, OR ≤ 5.08, CI: 5.03-5.1, P <0.001). Pressure ulcers were significantly more common in patients who were older or had malnutrition. The results of this study confirm the importance of prevention initiatives to help reduce the negative impact of pressure ulcers on patient outcomes and costs of care.
Objective To compare the clinical effectiveness of larval therapy with a standard debridement technique (hydrogel) for sloughy or necrotic leg ulcers. Design Pragmatic, three armed randomised controlled trial. Setting Community nurse led services, hospital wards, and hospital outpatient leg ulcer clinics in urban and rural settings, United Kingdom. Participants 267 patients with at least one venous or mixed venous and arterial ulcer with at least 25% coverage of slough or necrotic tissue, and an ankle brachial pressure index of 0.6 or more. Interventions Loose larvae, bagged larvae, and hydrogel. Main outcome measures The primary outcome was time to healing of the largest eligible ulcer. Secondary outcomes were time to debridement, health related quality of life (SF-12), bacterial load, presence of meticillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus, adverse events, and ulcer related pain (visual analogue scale, from 0 mm for no pain to 150 mm for worst pain imaginable). Results Time to healing was not significantly different between the loose or bagged larvae group and the hydrogel group (hazard ratio for healing using larvae v hydrogel 1.13, 95% confidence interval 0.76 to 1.68; P=0.54). Larval therapy significantly reduced the time to debridement (2.31, 1.65 to 3.2; P<0.001). Health related quality of life and change in bacterial load over time were not significantly different between the groups. 6.7% of participants had MRSA at baseline. No difference was found between larval therapy and hydrogel in their ability to eradicate MRSA by the end of the debridement phase (75% (9/12) v 50% (3/6); P=0.34), although this comparison was underpowered. Mean ulcer related pain scores were higher in either larvae group compared with hydrogel (mean difference in pain score: loose larvae v hydrogel 46.74 (95% confidence interval 32.44 to 61.04), P<0.001; bagged larvae v hydrogel 38.58 (23.46 to 53.70), P<0.001). Conclusions Larval therapy did not improve the rate of healing of sloughy or necrotic leg ulcers or reduce bacterial load compared with hydrogel but did significantly reduce the time to debridement and increase ulcer pain. Trial registration Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN55114812 and National Research Register N0484123692.
Background: The study aimed to determine the association between race and patient variables, hospital covariates, and outcomes in patients presenting with advanced chronic venous insufficiency. Methods: The National Inpatient Sample was queried to identify all Caucasian and African-American patients with a primary International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision (ICD-9) diagnosis code for venous stasis with ulceration (454.0), inflammation (454.1), or complications (454.2) from 1998 to 2011. CEAP scores were correlated with ICD-9 diagnosis. Demographics, CEAP classification, management, cost of care, length of stay (LOS), and inpatient mortality were compared between races. Statistical analysis was via descriptive statistics, Student's t-test, and the Fisher's exact test. Trend analysis was completed using the Mann-Kendall test. Results: A total of 20,648 patients were identified of which 85% were Caucasian and 15% were African-American. Debridement procedures had the highest costs at $6,096 followed by skin grafting at $4,089. There was an overall decrease in the number of ulcer debridements, vein stripping, and sclerotherapy procedures between 1998 and 2011 (P < 0.05) for both groups. However, African-American patients had significantly more ulcer debridements than their Caucasian counterparts. Conclusions: African-American patients with a primary diagnosis of venous stasis present with more advanced venous disease at a younger age compared with their Caucasian counterparts. This is associated with increased ulcer debridement, deep vein thrombosis rates and hospital charges in the African-American cohort. There are no differences in sclerotherapy or skin grafting procedures, LOS or inpatient mortality between races.