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Penicillium roqueforti: A Rare Fungus Causing Infection in an Immunocompromised Host



Penicillium roqueforti is a fungus that widely exists in the environment and is often non-pathogenic to humans. However, in immunocompromised hosts, it may be recognized as a cause of systemic mycosis. We report a rare case of mycosis due to Penicillium roqueforti in six-year-old haemato-oncology patient. © 2018, Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. All rights reserved.
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2018 Feb, Vol-12(2): DD04-DD05
DOI: 10.7860/JCDR/2018/30933.11210
Penicillium roqueforti: A Rare
Fungus Causing Infection in
an Immunocompromised Host
Microbiology Section
Case Report
A six-year-old boy was admitted to haemato-oncology unit at
a tertiary care centre in North Kerala with febrile neutropenia.
He was a known case of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (ALL)
on maintenance chemotherapy since two years. He revealed
hepatosplenomegaly, moderate ascites and left sided pleural
effusion. Computed Tomography Scan and Ultrasonography
revealed grossly dilated gallbladder with minimal pericholecystal
fluid suggestive of cholecystitis. He was a Hepatitis B carrier and
had prolonged fever and persistent neutropenia. He was on broad
spectrum antibiotics as per febrile neutropenia protocol since two
weeks but was not responding to it [1].
In his previous admission for maintenance chemotherapy, he com-
plained of throat pain and mild difficulty in swallowing. He had fever
with neutropenia; his absolute neutrophil count was 230 cells/µL. His
blood sample was collected for routine blood culture in Brain Heart
Infusion Broth (BHIB) and was incubated at 37°C for 24 hours. After
24 hours, it was subcultured onto Blood Agar (BA), MacConkey
(MA) agar and Sabouraud’s Dextrose Agar (SDA) as a part of
routine bacterial and fungal culture. On the fourth day, the fungal
culture on SDA kept at room temperature (27˚C), yielded growth of
the fungi. By the end of one week, the BHIB and BA also showed
similar growth. Microscopic examination using Lactophenol Cotton
Blue (LCB) stain, showed hyaline fungi morphologically resembling
Penicillium. Septate hyaline hyphae and branching conidiophores
were seen. From the tip of the conidiophores, phialides grouped
in brush like clusters were found which contain unicellular round to
ovoid smooth conidia arranged in chains [Table/Fig-1a,b].
Keywords: Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia, North Kerala, Penicillium species, Systemic mycosis
Penicillium roqueforti is a fungus that widely exists in the environment and is often non-pathogenic to humans. However, in
immunocompromised hosts, it may be recognized as a cause of systemic mycosis. We report a rare case of mycosis due to
Penicillium roqueforti in six-year-old haemato-oncology patient.
300 mg/kg/day (IV) 8th hourly and was put on prophylactic oral
Fluconazole 100 mg/kg/day and was sent home. On subsequent
admission, he continued having fever and neutropenia and hence,
was started on broad spectrum antifungal amphotericin B. The
average absolute neutrophil count was around 600 cells/µL. Blood
culture report of his second and third sample too revealed the same
fungus as that in the previous admission. Although, the child was put
on Amphotericin B (IV) 60 mg/kg/day for two weeks, his condition
kept deteriorating. Finally, (IV) Voriconazole was given 4 mg/kg 8th
hourly, was used to treat the infection, for four days.
Since, all three samples from the immunocompromised child grew
the same fungus, it was really significant. Speciation was done at
Microbiological Laboratories Coimbatore by MALDI-TOF, where
it was identified as Penicillium roqueforti. By the time the species
identification was done, the patient deteriorated and succumbed to
death on 29th day of admission.
Invasive Fungal Infection (IFI) is among the major causes for morbidity,
mortality and economic burden in haemato-oncology patients like
those with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (ALL) [2].
Penicillium species are usually non-pathogenic to humans and are
commonly found in the environment. However, they can be virulent
pathogens and that can cause invasive infection and death in an
immunocompromised hosts.
Penicillium roqueforti is a common saprophytic fungus that is used
as a starter culture in the production of Roquefort cheese and other
varieties of blue cheese containing an internal mould [3].
Penicillium roqueforti belong to the family Trichocomaceae. It is
widespread in nature and can be isolated from soil, decaying
organic matter and plants [4].
[Table/Fig-1]: a) Lactophenol cotton blue (LPCB) mount of Penicillium roqueforti
isolated from blood of haemato-oncology patient; b) LPCB mount of isolate showing
Flask shaped phialides bearing unbranched round conidia (marked in the circle)
(Images from left to right)
On further incubation, the SDA showed greenish pink, velvety
colonies with woolly areal hyphae. Culture on reverse showed
reddish brown pigment production [Table/Fig-2a,b].
This was thought to be a contaminant. The patient slightly improved
with antibiotics; Vancomycin 1 gm (IV) BD and Piperacillin/Tazobactam
[Table/Fig-2]: a) Growth of Penicillium roqueforti on Sabouraud’s Dextrose Agar
(SDA) showing greenish pink and yellow velvety colonies with woolly areal hyphae; b)
Culture on SDA on the reverse side showing reddish brown pigment production. Jisha Asokan et al., Penicillium roqueforti: A Rare Fungus Causing Infection in an Immunocompromised Host
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2018 Feb, Vol-12(2): DD04-DD05 55
Keywords: Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia, North Kerala, Penicillium species, Systemic mycosis
Though it gives colour and flavour to blue-veined cheeses, it is
also a common spoilage organism in various food products [5]. It
destroys large amounts of vegetables, fruits, and cereal grain, both
pre- and post-harvest every year. The fungus produces allergenic
spores and hazardous mycotoxins that cause reduced nutritional
values of food and feed [6].
Penicillium species can cause opportunistic infections [7]. Patients
with Penicillium species infections have been treated successfully
with itraconazole [8] Amphotericin B or fluconazole [8,9]. However,
some patients with conditions caused by Penicillium species have
died despite treatment with Amphotericin B and Itraconazole [7,10].
In patients with nosocomial infections or infections complicating
organ failure, higher mortality rates are seen when pulmonary
infections are caused by fungi, including Penicillium species [11].
In a large retrospective study conducted among patients in Italy
with haematologic malignancies, two-thirds of the 538 Invasive
Fungal Infection cases were attributable to moulds out of which
Penicillium caused only less than 2% of invasive infections [12]. In
the present case, the patient must have acquired the pathogen from
an environmental source, which, over a period of time, ended up in
a fatal systemic infection.
P. roqueforti from multiple cultures combined with it being a
relatively uncommon species in our institution, makes laboratory
contamination less likely in our case. It is striking that all three
blood culture report showed the same result in this patient. ALL
with intensive chemotherapy imposes a far greater degree of an
immunocompromised state for an opportunistic pathogen. Unlike
the fatal pneumonia case caused by P.digitatum, an immunodiffusion
testing for antibodies was not done here due to lack of facilities [7].
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of invasive
infection with Penicillium roqueforti. The patient had no known
history of exposure to cheese, but was likely to get it from soil or
spores present in air. Moreover, chemotherapy was going on for
ALL could have been one of the factors that might have facilitated
the infection. In this case, antifungals were ineffective in treating
the blood stream involvement. Although, human infections with
P. roqueforti are considered rare, it appears that this organism
can be very virulent and resistant to antifungals. Hence, further
investigations are warranted to render diagnosis and treatment of
such rare fungal infections.
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1. Senior Resident, Department of Microbiology, Government Medical College, Kozhikode, Kerala, India.
2. Professor and Head, Department of Paediatrics, Government Medical College, Manjeri, Kerala, India.
3. Professor and Head, Department of Microbiology, Dr. SMCSI Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India.
Dr. Jisha Asokan,
Chaithanya, 33/5580, Golf Link Road, Chevayur, Kozhikode, Kerala-673017, India.
Date of Submission: Jun 23, 2017
Date of Peer Review: Aug 12, 2017
Date of Acceptance: Oct 16, 2017
Date of Publishing: Feb 01, 2018
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
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Invasive fungal infection (IFI) is among the leading causes for morbidity, mortality, and economic burden for patients with acute leukemia. In the past few decades, the incidence of IFI has increased dramatically. The certainty of diagnosis of IFI is based on host factors, clinical evidence, and microbiological examination. Advancement in molecular diagnostic modalities (e.g. non-culture-based serum biomarkers such as β-glucan or galactomannan assays) and high-resolution radiological imaging has improved our diagnostic approach. The early use of these diagnostic tests assists in the early initiation of preemptive therapy. Nonetheless, the complexity of IFI in patients with leukemia and the limitations of these diagnostic tools still mandate astute clinical acumen. Its management has been further complicated by the increasing frequency of infection by non-Aspergillus molds (e.g. zygomycosis) and the emergence of drug-resistant fungal pathogens. In addition, even though the antifungal armamentarium has expanded rapidly in the past few decades, the associated mortality remains high. The decision to initiate antifungal treatment and the choice of anti-fungal therapy requires careful consideration of several factors (e.g. risk stratification, local fungal epidemiologic patterns, concomitant comorbidities, drug-drug interactions, prior history of antifungal use, overall cost, and the pharmacologic profile of the antifungal agents). In order to optimize our diagnostic and therapeutic management of IFI in patients with acute leukemia, further basic research and clinical trials are desperately needed.
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This document updates and expands the initial Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) Fever and Neutropenia Guideline that was published in 1997 and first updated in 2002. It is intended as a guide for the use of antimicrobial agents in managing patients with cancer who experience chemotherapy-induced fever and neutropenia. Recent advances in antimicrobial drug development and technology, clinical trial results, and extensive clinical experience have informed the approaches and recommendations herein. Because the previous iteration of this guideline in 2002, we have a developed a clearer definition of which populations of patients with cancer may benefit most from antibiotic, antifungal, and antiviral prophylaxis. Furthermore, categorizing neutropenic patients as being at high risk or low risk for infection according to presenting signs and symptoms, underlying cancer, type of therapy, and medical comorbidities has become essential to the treatment algorithm. Risk stratification is a recommended starting point for managing patients with fever and neutropenia. In addition, earlier detection of invasive fungal infections has led to debate regarding optimal use of empirical or preemptive antifungal therapy, although algorithms are still evolving. What has not changed is the indication for immediate empirical antibiotic therapy. It remains true that all patients who present with fever and neutropenia should be treated swiftly and broadly with antibiotics to treat both gram-positive and gram-negative pathogens. Finally, we note that all Panel members are from institutions in the United States or Canada; thus, these guidelines were developed in the context of North American practices. Some recommendations may not be as applicable outside of North America, in areas where differences in available antibiotics, in the predominant pathogens, and/or in health care–associated economic conditions exist. Regardless of venue, clinical vigilance and immediate treatment are the universal keys to managing neutropenic patients with fever and/or infection.
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Infection caused by Penicillium spp. due to species other than P. marneffei is rare. We present three such cases of invasive disease. The first had chronic granulomatous disorder (CGD) with pulmonary infection caused by Penicillium spp. and he responded to amphotericin B therapy. Cases two and three were not known to be immunocompromised and both failed to respond to therapy. Case two had cerebral disease from an unknown source caused by P. chrysogenum. Case three probably acquired infection caused by P. decumbens peri-operatively and presented with paravertebral infection. The pertinent literature on invasive infections of Penicillium spp. other than P. marneffei is reviewed. From 1951 onwards, 31 reported cases of invasive disease included 12 cases of pulmonary infection (six in non-immunocompromised patients), four cases of prosthetic valve endocarditis, six cases of CAPD peritonitis, five cases of endophthalmitis, individual cases of fungemia and oesophagitis (both in AIDS), upper urinary tract infection and intracranial infection. Trauma, surgery or prosthetic material is commonly implicated in the non-pulmonary cases. Superficial infection (keratitis and otomycosis) is commonly caused by Penicillium spp. Allergic pulmonary disease, often occupational (such as various cheeseworkers' diseases), is also common. Optimal therapy for invasive infection is not established, but surgery may be advisable if possible. Amphotericin B may be the most effective antifungal drug.
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The aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence and outcome of invasive fungal infections (IFI) in patients with hematologic malignancies. This was a retrospective cohort study of patients admitted between 1999 and 2003 to 18 hematology wards in Italy. Each participating center provided information on all patients with newly diagnosed hematologic malignancies admitted during the survery period and on all episodes of IFI experienced by these patients. The cohort was formed of 11,802 patients with hematologic malignacies: acute leukemia (myeloid 3012, lymphoid 1173), chronic leukemia (myeloid 596, lymphoid 1104), lymphoma (Hodgkin's 844, non-Hodgkin's 3457), or multiple myeloma (1616). There were 538 proven or probable IFI (4.6%); 373 (69%) occurred in patients with acute myeloid leukemia. Over half (346/538) were caused by molds (2.9%), in most cases Aspergillus spp. (310/346). The 192 yeast infections (1.6%) included 175 cases of candidemia. Overall and IFI-attributable mortality rates were 2% (209/11802) and 39% (209/538), respectively. The highest IFI-attributable mortality rates were associated with zygomycosis (64%) followed by fusariosis (53%), aspergillosis (42%), and candidemia (33%). Patients with hematologic malignancies are currently at higher risk of IFI caused by molds than by yeasts, and the incidence of IFI is highest among patients with acute myeloid leukemia. Aspergillus spp are still the most common pathogens, followed by Candida spp. Other agents are rare. The attributable mortality rate for aspergillosis has dropped from 60-70% to approximately 40%. Candidemia-related mortality remains within the 30-40% range reported in literature although the incidence has decreased.
We have described a patient with invasive pulmonary penicilliosis, documented by thoracotomy and cured with amphotericin B. Penicillium sp isolates in immunosuppressed patients should not be disregarded without a thorough investigation, especially if normally sterile sites are involved. Amphotericin B therapy may be successful, especially if accompanied by a reversal or moderation of immunosuppression.
To investigate the microbiological spectra, patient outcome, and prognostic factors of pulmonary fungal infection. The medical and microbiological records of patients with pulmonary fungal infection were retrospectively analyzed. A university-affiliated tertiary medical center. Patients and methods: From January 1988 to December 1997, all cases of pulmonary fungal infection were reviewed. The criteria for inclusion were obvious lung lesion shown on chest radiographs and one of the following: (1) the presence of fungi in or isolation of fungi from the biopsy specimen of open thoracotomy, thoracoscopy, transbronchial lung biopsy, or ultrasound-guided percutaneous needle aspiration/biopsy; or (2) isolation of fungi from pleural effusion or blood, with no evidence of extrapulmonary infection. A total of 140 patients were included. Ninety-four cases of pulmonary fungal infection (67%) were community acquired. The most frequently encountered fungi were Aspergillus species (57%), followed by Cryptococcus species (21%) and Candida species (14%). There were 72 patients with acute invasive fungal infection, with a mortality rate of 67%. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that nosocomial infection (p = 0.014) and respiratory failure (p = 0.001) were significantly and independently associated with death of acute invasive fungal infection. Pulmonary fungal infection of community-acquired origins is becoming a serious problem. It should be taken into consideration for differential diagnosis of community-acquired pneumonia. Furthermore, acute invasive fungal infection is associated with a much higher mortality rate for patients with nosocomial infection or complicating respiratory failure. Early diagnosis with prompt antifungal therapy, or even with surgical intervention, might be warranted to save patients' lives.
roqueforti by Pichia anomala J121 during Airtight Storage of Wheat
roqueforti by Pichia anomala J121 during Airtight Storage of Wheat. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2005;71(4):1865-69.
citrinum pneumonia with pericarditis in a patient with acute leukemia
citrinum pneumonia with pericarditis in a patient with acute leukemia. J Clin Microbiol. 1997;35(10):2654-56.
Penicillium Species other than P. marneffei
Penicillium Species other than P. marneffei. J Infect. 2002;45(3):184-95.