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An index structure supporting rule activation in pervasive applications

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Abstract and Figures

Rule mechanism has been widely used in many areas, such as databases, artificial intelligent and pervasive computing. In a rule mechanism, rule activation decides which rules are activated, when the rules are activated, and which tuples can be generated through the activation. Rule activation determines the efficiency of rule mechanism. In this article, we define the semantic constraints, constant constraint and variable constraint, of the rule according to the semantics of Datalog rules. Based on the constraints, we propose an index structure, named Yield index, to support the rule activation effectively. Yield index consists of the data index and semantic index, and records the complete information of a rule, including the matching relationship among the tuples of different relations in rule body. The index integrates tuple insertion and rule activation to directly determine whether the matching tuples of new inserted tuple exist. Due to this character, we perform effective rule activation only, avoiding ineffective rule activation that cannot generate new tuples, so that the efficiency of rule activation is improved. The article describes the structure of Yield index, the construction and maintenance algorithms, and the rule activation algorithm based on Yield index. The experimental results show that Yield index has better performance and improves activation efficiency of one order of magnitude, comparing with other index structures. In addition, we also discuss the possible extensions of Yield index in other applications.
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An index structure supporting rule activation
in pervasive applications
Yi Qin1·Xianping Tao1·Yu Hua n g 1·Jian L ¨
Received: 22 July 2017 / Revised: 16 October 2017 / Accepted: 22 November 2017
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018
Abstract Rule mechanism has been widely used in many areas, such as databases, artifi-
cial intelligent and pervasive computing. In a rule mechanism, rule activation decides which
rules are activated, when the rules are activated, and which tuples can be generated through
the activation. Rule activation determines the efficiency of rule mechanism. In this arti-
cle, we define the semantic constraints, constant constraint and variable constraint, of the
rule according to the semantics of Datalog rules. Based on the constraints, we propose an
index structure, named Yield index, to support the rule activation effectively. Yield index
consists of the data index and semantic index, and records the complete information of
a rule, including the matching relationship among the tuples of different relations in rule
body. The index integrates tuple insertion and rule activation to directly determine whether
the matching tuples of new inserted tuple exist. Due to this character, we perform effective
rule activation only, avoiding ineffective rule activation that cannot generate new tuples,
so that the efficiency of rule activation is improved. The article describes the structure of
Yield index, the construction and maintenance algorithms, and the rule activation algorithm
based on Yield index. The experimental results show that Yield index has better perfor-
mance and improves activation efficiency of one order of magnitude, comparing with other
index structures. In addition, we also discuss the possible extensions of Yield index in other
Yi Qin
Xianping Tao
Yu Hua n g
Jian L¨
1State Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology and Department of Computer Science
and Technology, Nanjing University, Xianling Road No.163, Nanjing, China
World Wide Web (2019) 22:1–37
Published online: 19 February 2018
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
... TREAT is a tuple-centric network that records all po-965 tential useful tuples in a network. The recent published work, Yield Index [47], is similar to discrimination networks. It connects the matching tuples through its semantic index that is organized on top of its data index to speed up the update. ...
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A rule based knowledge system consists of three main components: a set of rules, facts to be fed to the reasoning corresponding to the data of a case, and an inference engine. In general, facts are stored in (relational) databases that represent knowledge in a first-order based formalism. However, legal knowledge uses defeasible deontic logic for knowledge representation due to its particular features that cannot be supported by first-order logic. In this work, we present a unified framework that supports efficient legal reasoning. In the framework, a novel inference engine is proposed in which the Semantic Rule Index can identify candidate rules with their corresponding semantic rules if any, and an inference controller is able to guide the executions of queries and reasoning. It can eliminate rules that cannot be fired to avoid unnecessary computations in early stages. The experiments demonstrated the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed framework.
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As we are moving towards the Internet of Things (IoT), the number of sensors deployed around the world is growing at a rapid pace. Market research has shown a significant growth of sensor deployments over the past decade and has predicted a significant increment of the growth rate in the future. These sensors continuously generate enormous amounts of data. However, in order to add value to raw sensor data we need to understand it. Collection, modelling, reasoning, and distribution of context in relation to sensor data plays critical role in this challenge. Context-aware computing has proven to be successful in understanding sensor data. In this paper, we survey context awareness from an IoT perspective. We present the necessary background by introducing the IoT paradigm and context-aware fundamentals at the beginning. Then we provide an in-depth analysis of context life cycle. We evaluate a subset of projects (50) which represent the majority of research and commercial solutions proposed in the field of context-aware computing conducted over the last decade (2001-2011) based on our own taxonomy. Finally, based on our evaluation, we highlight the lessons to be learnt from the past and some possible directions for future research. The survey addresses a broad range of techniques, methods, models, functionalities, systems, applications, and middleware solutions related to context awareness and IoT. Our goal is not only to analyse, compare and consolidate past research work but also to appreciate their findings and discuss their applicability towards the IoT.
Many data-driven social and Web applications involve collaboration and coordination. The vision of Declarative Data-Driven Coordination (D3C), proposed in Kot et al. [2010], is to support coordination in the spirit of data management: to make it data-centric and to specify it using convenient declarative languages. This article introduces entangled queries, a language that extends SQL by constraints that allow for the coordinated choice of result tuples across queries originating from different users or applications. It is nontrivial to define a declarative coordination formalism without arriving at the general (NP-complete) Constraint Satisfaction Problem from AI. In this article, we propose an efficiently enforceable syntactic safety condition that we argue is at the sweet spot where interesting declarative power meets applicability in large-scale data management systems and applications. The key computational problem of D3C is to match entangled queries to achieve coordination. We present an efficient matching algorithm which statically analyzes query workloads and merges coordinating entangled queries into compound SQL queries. These can be sent to a standard database system and return only coordinated results. We present the overall architecture of an implemented system that contains our evaluation algorithm. We also describe a proof-of-concept Facebook application we have built on top of this system to allow friends to coordinate flight plans. Finally, we evaluate the performance of the matching algorithm experimentally on realistic coordination workloads.
This paper is concerned with the issue of parallel evaluation of logic programs. To address this issue we define a new concept of predicate decomposability . If a predicate is decomposable, it means that the load of evaluating it can be divided among a number of processors, without a need for communication among them. This in turn results in a very significant speed-up of the evaluation process. We completely characterize three classes of single rule programs (sirups) with respect to decomposability nonrecursive, linear, and simple chain programs. All three classes were studied previously in various contexts. We establish that nonrecursive programs are decomposable, whereas for the other two classes we determine which ones are, and which ones are not decomposable. We also establish two sufficient conditions for sirup decomposability.
We show that every linearly recursive query can be expressed as a transitive closure possibly preceded and followed by operations already available in relational algebra. This reduction is possible even if there are repeated variables in the recursive literals and if some of the arguments in the recursive literals are constants. Such an equivalence has significant theoretical and practical ramifications. One the one hand it influences the design of expressive notations to capture recursion as an augmentation of relational query languages. On the other hand implementation of deductive databases is impacted in that the design does not have to provide the generality that linear recursion would demand. It suffices to study the single problem of transitive closure and to provide an efficient implementation for it.
In this paper, we extend the original belief rule-base inference methodology using the evidential reasoning approach by i) introducing generalised belief rules as knowledge representation scheme, and ii) using the evidential reasoning rule for evidence combination in the rule-base inference methodology instead of the evidential reasoning approach. The result is a new rule-base inference methodology which is able to handle a combination of various types of uncertainty. Generalised belief rules are an extension of traditional rules where each consequent of a generalised belief rule is a belief distribution defined on the power set of propositions, or possible outcomes, that are assumed to be collectively exhaustive and mutually exclusive. This novel extension allows any combination of certain, uncertain, interval, partial or incomplete judgements to be represented as rule-based knowledge. It is shown that traditional IF-THEN rules, probabilistic IF-THEN rules, and interval rules are all special cases of the new generalised belief rules. The rule-base inference methodology has been updated to enable inference within generalised belief rule bases. The evidential reasoning rule for evidence combination is used for the aggregation of belief distributions of rule consequents.
Conference Paper
Incompleteness and inconsistent situations are common in most rule-based decision support systems (DSS). However, most rule inference methods do not provide procedures to specifically tackle and/or analyze them. This research presents a single approach for both incompleteness and inconsistency issues with a simple yet effective method. During the rule activation step, data incompleteness and inconsistency may be seen as paired situations, since the former appears due to lack of information while the latter can be represented as an excess of heterogeneous information activated. To effectively take advantage of this fact, this research presents a Dynamic Rule Activation (DRA) method, which searches for a balance between both incomplete and inconsistent situations to improve the overall performance of the DSS. Although DRA is designed as a flexible method, able to work with most similarity measures, in this research it is applied in the context of Extended Belief Rule-Bases (E-BRBs). The case studies illustrated in this research demonstrate how the use of DRA can improve the accuracy of E-BRB based decision support models. In this regard, the RIMER+ model and the simple weighted average of the activated rules were tested with and without using DRA as pre-processing method.
Data incompleteness and inconsistency are common issues in data-driven decision models. To some extend, they can be considered as two opposite circumstances, since the former occurs due to lack of information and the latter can be regarded as an excess of heterogeneous information. Although these issues often contribute to a decrease in the accuracy of the model, most modeling approaches lack of mechanisms to address them. This research focuses on an advanced belief rule-based decision model and proposes a dynamic rule activation (DRA) method to address both issues simultaneously. DRA is based on “smart” rule activation, where the actived rules are selected in a dynamic way to search for a balance between the incompleteness and inconsistency in the rule-base generated from sample data to achive a better performance. A series of case studies demonstrate how the use of DRA improves the accuracy of this advanced rule-based decision model, without compromising its efficiency, especially when dealing with multi-class classification datasets. DRA has been proved to be beneficial to select the most suitable rules or data instances instead of aggregating an entire rule-base. Beside the work performed in rule-based systems, DRA alone can be regarded as a generic dynamic similarity measurement that can be applied in different domains.
This paper presents the TREAT match algorithm for AI production systems. The TREAT algorithm introduces a new method of state saving in production system interpreters called conflict-set support. Also presented are the results of an empirical study comparing the performance of the TREAT match with the commonly assumed best algorithm for this problem, the RETE match. On five different OPS5 production system programs TREAT outperformed RETE, often by more than fifty percent. This supports an unsubstantiated conjecture made by McDermott, Newell and Moore, that the state saving mechanism employed in the RETE match, condition-element support, may not be worthwhile.
Nonlinear recursive queries are usually less efficient in processing than linear recursive queries. It is therefore of interest to transform non-linear recursive queries into linear ones. We obtain a necessary and sufficient condition for a doubly recursive rule of a certain type to be logically equivalent to a single linear recursive rule obtained in a specific way.