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Bilateral Piriform sinus fistulas: A case study and review of management options


Abstract and Figures

Background: Piriform sinus fistulas occur due to developmental abnormalities of the third and fourth branchial arches, and almost always occur unilaterally. They generally present as recurrent abscesses in the anterior-inferior neck, with concurrent thyroiditis. They have conventionally been managed with complete removal of the sinus tract, and thyroidectomy if required; however, endoscopic approaches have been increasingly favored. Herein we describe a case of bilateral piriform sinus fistulas, and present a review of the literature concerning their endoscopic management. Case presentation: Our patient was determined to have bilateral piriform sinus fistulas based on computer tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and microlaryngoscopy. We performed electrocauterization of the proximal fistula tracts, followed by injection of fibrin sealent. Our patient has not had a recurrence in the ten months since his procedure. There were no complications. Twenty-three articles describing an endoscopic approach to these fistulas were identified through PubMed, and a search through the references of related articles was completed. Conclusion: Of one hundred and ninety-five patient cases we reviewed, an endoscopic procedure success rate of 82% and complication rate of 5.6% was determined. Piriform sinus fistulas that occur bilaterally are a rare congenital abnormality of the neck. Endoscopic approaches are an acceptable alternative option to open procedures, with similar success and a lower rate of complications.
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C A S E R E P O R T Open Access
Bilateral Piriform sinus fistulas: a case study
and review of management options
Deanna Lammers
, Ross Campbell
, Jorge Davila
and Johnna MacCormick
Background: Piriform sinus fistulas occur due to developmental abnormalities of the third and fourth branchial
arches, and almost always occur unilaterally. They generally present as recurrent abscesses in the anterior-inferior
neck, with concurrent thyroiditis. They have conventionally been managed with complete removal of the sinus
tract, and thyroidectomy if required; however, endoscopic approaches have been increasingly favored. Herein we
describe a case of bilateral piriform sinus fistulas, and present a review of the literature concerning their
endoscopic management.
Case presentation: Our patient was determined to have bilateral piriform sinus fistulas based on computer
tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and microlaryngoscopy. We performed electrocauterization of the
proximal fistula tracts, followed by injection of fibrin sealent. Our patient has not had a recurrence in the
ten months since his procedure. There were no complications.
Twenty-three articles describing an endoscopic approach to these fistulas were identified through PubMed,
and a search through the references of related articles was completed.
Conclusion: Of one hundred and ninety-five patient cases we reviewed, an endoscopic procedure success
rate of 82% and complication rate of 5.6% was determined. Piriform sinus fistulas that occur bilaterally are
a rare congenital abnormality of the neck. Endoscopic approaches are an acceptable alternative option to
open procedures, with similar success and a lower rate of complications.
Keywords: Piriform sinus fistula, Fourth Branchial fistula, Third Branchial fistula, Branchial arch abnormality,
Suppurative Thyroiditis, Endoscopic repair
Third and fourth branchial apparatus anomalies, commonly
referred to as piriform sinus fistulas (PSFs), are sinus tracts
and fistulas that develop from the piriform sinus. They
occur more commonly on the left side, and typically
present in childhood with recurrent acute suppurative
thyroiditis and neck abscess often following an upper
respiratory tract infection [13]. Infants and neonates may
have respiratory distress, stridor, dysphagia and feeding dif-
ficulties due to tracheal compression from the abscess
[3,4]. Thyroid function is usually normal [1].
PSFs are uncommon and can be difficult to diagnose,
due in part to their non-specific presentations [1].
Furthermore, bilateral PSFs are extremely rare, with a
thorough literature search revealing only four other
patients described with this condition [57]. Herein, we
present a case of a patient with bilateral piriform sinus
fistulas, and review their management.
Case presentation
Our patient initially presented at 10 months of age with
rapid development of a mass in the left neck that was ten-
der, firm and erythematous. It was associated with fever as
well as dysphagia, and decreased oral intake. The patient
had no significant past medical history, nor family history.
A lateral neck x-ray suggested a retropharyngeal infectious
process. After 48 h of antibiotic treatment, there was
minimal clinical improvement; a computer tomography
(CT) scan of the neck demonstrated a 5.4 × 3.5 × 4.2 cm
left neck abscess extending to left parapharyngeal and
retropharyngeal spaces (Fig. 1). Following imaging, the
patient underwent incision and drainage. The wound
* Correspondence:
Childrens Hospital of Eastern Ontario, 401 Smyth Road, Ottawa, ON K1H
8L1, Canada
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Lammers et al. Journal of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery (2018) 47:16
DOI 10.1186/s40463-018-0258-y
culture grew Streptococcus viridans and Hemophilus
For 6 months after the surgery, the wound persisted to
drain intermittently, culminating in a submandibular
cellulitis. A CT neck and wound culture at that time
were unremarkable, and the patient improved after 5
days of IV antibiotics.
At 8 years of age, the patient again presented with a 4 day
history of sore throat, fever, drooling, and neck stiffness and
swelling; IV antibiotic therapy was initiated. A CT neck
confirmed a bilobed right-sided retropharyngeal abscess
measuring 2.3 × 2.9 × 3.3 cm and 2.0 × 2.1 × 2.8 cm in the
superior and anterior lobes, respectively. The thyroid gland
was noted to be intimately involved with this inflammatory
process (Fig. 2). The patient was brought to the operating
room for incision and drainage of the abscess. The wound
culture was positive for Streptococcus anginosis.
Shortly following the resolution of the infection, magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) was performed identifying bilateral
communications between the piriform sinuses and thyroid
lobes (Fig. 3). Direct laryngoscopy confirmed the diagnosis
of bilateral piriform sinus fistula with the passage of 4 Fr
ureteric catheters though tracts originating in the piriform
sinuses, on both the left and right sides (Fig. 4).
After lengthy discussions and deliberation and review of
the relevant literature, the family opted for endoscopic
electrocauterization with fibrin sealant management (Fig. 5).
We favoured this approach as the PSFs were bilateral, and
therefore a total thyroidectomy may have been required for
definitive surgical management.
Cauterization and obliteration of the bilateral PSFs was
performed without complication. First, a flexible catheter
With the location confirmed, a Bugbee catheter was inserted
into the fistula and the edges were cauterized at a setting of
8 W. Once adequate cauterization was achieved, Tisseel was
injected into the fistula tract. This procedure was performed
in both the left and right PSFs. A follow-up 6 months with
direct laryngoscopy confirmed closure of both tracts. There
has been no recurrence 10 months following the procedure,
at the time of writing of this manuscript.
Fig. 1 Axial enhanced CT showing involvement of the thyroid gland
with surrounding multiloculated abscess
Fig. 2 Axial enhanced CT illustrating involvement of the abscess
with the right lobe of the thyroid gland
Fig. 3 Coronal MRI identifying bilateral tracts from the piriform sinus
to the thyroid gland
Lammers et al. Journal of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery (2018) 47:16 Page 2 of 6
Discussion and conclusions
A thorough literature search about the endoscopic
management for piriform sinus fistulas was performed.
To identify journal articles, a literature search using
PubMed was conducted using the filters English
language and years 1998-2017. The references in each
article were also reviewed to find additional papers.
Twenty-three articles were identified as relevant studies.
Table 1lists the year the study was published, number of
patients enrolled, patient characteristics (age, gender),
techniques used, success rate, amount of follow-up and
complication rate. A procedure was considered a success
if did not have to be repeated for either recurrence, or
incomplete fistula tract closure. For research groups that
had multiple publications using repeat patient cases,
only their last publication was included.
A PubMed search was also used to find cases of
bilateral piriform sinus fistulae. No filters were used.
Four cases were found from three publications.
From one hundred and ninety-five cases of piriform
sinus fistulas, based on 23 studies, we calculated an
endoscopic success rate average of 82% and complica-
tion rate of 5.6%. Post-operative follow-up times ranged
from 6 weeks to 18 years with an average of 35.5 months.
Patient ages ranged from newborns to 31 years, and
there was a gender distribution of 1.8 females to 1 male
(56 females, 31 males). However, the gender and ages of
the patients in the studies could not be identified for
55% of patient cases presented. All the studies were
published from 2003 to 2016.
PSFs are notoriously difficult to diagnose. While neck
abscesses are a common entity in pediatric otolaryngology
patients, PSFs are rare. With a repeated history of anterior
neck abscesses, or when imaging identifies thyroid
gland involvement, this diagnosis should be considered.
Confirmation is typically done with direct laryngoscopy,
which has a positive predictive value (PPV) of 90%, or
barium swallow (PPV 88%) [1,2]. Management of a
piriform sinus fistula involves antibiotics and incision
and drainage for acute infections, and observation,
followed by surgery or endoscopic techniques for long-
term management.
In the acute setting, the choice of antibiotic should reflect
typicaloralfloraaswellasStaphylococcus aureus [2].
Surgical drainage for source control is indicated where
there is abscess formation [1].
Considering long-term management, observation
may be considered, especially for asymptomatic PSFs;
however, 89-94% of patients will continue to have
recurrent infections [2,3]. Therefore, further treat-
ment is usually necessary.
Fig. 4 Left piriform sinus fistula seen in (a); cannulated in (b); Right piriform sinus fistula seen in (c); cannulated in (d)
Fig. 5 Right piriform sinus fistula following electrocauterization (left)
and fibrin sealant into the fistula tract (right)
Lammers et al. Journal of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery (2018) 47:16 Page 3 of 6
Surgical removal of the sinus tract, and the thyroid
gland if required, is typically curative, and has been
the standard of care for many years [1,9]. However,
excising the entire fistula tract can be very technically
challenging, especially if the patient has significant
scarring from repeated infections and prior surgical
drainages. Incomplete excision may lead to recurrence [1].
In addition, the recurrent laryngeal nerve is at risk for
injury leading to potential vocal cord paralysis. Salivary
fistulas, hemorrhage, wound infection, cicatrises, Horner
syndrome and injury to branches of the facial nerve are
other possible complications. Reported success rates range
from 85 to 100% [24,6] with a complication rate of
5-6% [2,3].
Table 1 Endoscopic repair patient demographics, techniques used, success rates, follow-up and complication rates
Author Year Number of Patients Patient Age Patient Gender Technique Success rate Duration of follow-up Complication rate
Shrime [29] 2003 1 1d F CC with silver nitrate 100% 100% (Transient
vocal cord palsy)
Cigliano [12] 2004 1 9 F FS repeated at short
term interval three times
100% 15 m 0%
Ahmed [14] 2008 3 3-9y 1 M
Secondary EC following
failed surgical excision
100% 9-13 m 0%
Pereira [8] 2008 2 2-18y 2 M CC with silver nitrate 100% 2y 0%
Chen [13] 2009 9 3-16y 1 M
EC +/polyglactin sutures 78% 7 m-8y 0%
Miyauchi [30] 2009 12 14-31y 2 M
CC with 30% TCA 83% 4-21 m 0%
Leboulanger [15] 2010 19 1d-18y 2EC
13 CO
4 Thulium laser
68% 6 m-5y 0%
Bajaj [16] 2011 3 <1y EC 100% 6w 0%
Zhang [21] 2012 1 15y M CC 0% 5y 0%
Cha [9] 2013 44 –– 31 CC with 20-40% TCA
13 Secondary CC with
TCA following failed
surgical excision
77% 18 m-18y 0%
Park [20] 2013 2 13 m-5y 1 M
CC with 30% TCA 100% 7-18 m 100% (Transient
vocal cord palsy)
Watson [17] 2013 5 2-12y 1 M
2 CC with silver nitrate
100% 11-41 m 0%
Parida [19] 2014 3 11-12y 1 M
2 CC with silver nitrate
1 Secondary CC with
silver nitrate following
failed surgical excision
100% 2-3y 0%
Sun [11] 2014 22 6 m-14y 7 M
EC 91% 1 m-14y 0%
Wong [28] 2014 2 10-14y 1 M
1 Secondary EC following
failed surgical excision
50% 4y 50% (mild hoarseness that
resolved within 2 weeks)
Hwang [24] 2015 13 1.5-15y 9 M
CC with 20% TCA 54% 5.5y (median) 0%
Josephson [1] 2015 1 7y F CO2 laser with chromic
100% 4y 0%
Kamide [18] 2015 1 20y F Electrocauterization 100% 1y 0%
Abbas [25] 2016 1 12y F Electrocauterization 100% 22 m 0%
Di Nardo [22] 2016 1 3y F Secondary Glubran 2
sealing following 4 failed
surgical excisions
100% 6y 0%
Huang [27] 2016 5 5-7y 3 M
KTP laser assisted EC with FS 80% 7-36 m 0%
Matsuzaki [26] 2016 2 9-26y 1 M
Endoscopic partial
resection with
polydioxanone suture
100% 1-2y 0%
Zhang [23] 2016 42 –– 11 EC
31 Coblation cauterization
88% 2-40 m 7% (temporary hoarseness)
EC electrocauterization, CC Chemocauterization, FS fibrin sealent, TCA trichloroacetic acid, Mmale, Ffemale, mmonth, yyears
Lammers et al. Journal of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery (2018) 47:16 Page 4 of 6
An alternative to surgery is endoscopic electrocautery
or chemocauterization, followed by fibrin sealing or
endoscopic suture ligation if necessary. This closes off
the proximal portion of the tract, preventing leakage of
pharyngeal contents into the sinus. Endoscopic tech-
niques have recently been shown to be safe and effective
[9,10], and can be performed as an outpatient
procedure, thereby reducing hospitalization and associ-
ated costs. The associated risks are lower compared to
an external technique, also with the advantage of lacking
a surgical incision and consequent scar [9,11]. However,
this is a newer procedure, and data regarding long-term
results is scarce. Recent studies suggest the success rate
is equivalent to, or slightly less than surgery, with
success rate average of 82% (Table 1)[13,829].
In summary, piriform sinus fistulas are uncommon
developmental anomalies in children. The presentation
of repeated anterior neck abscesses, particularly if the
thyroid gland is involved should prompt the clinician to
consider this entity, and trigger an appropriate work-up.
As the fistulas may occur bilaterally, a careful inspection
of both sides is required during laryngoscopy. Definitive
management has classically been performed through an
excision of the tract. Endoscopic electrocautery of the
tract may be an acceptable alternative, with comparable
success and a lower rate of complications.
CT: Computer tomography; MRI: Magnetic resonance imaging; PPV: Positive
predictive value; PSF: Piriform sinus fistula
Not applicable.
This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the
public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Availability of data and materials
Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no datasets were generated
or analysed during the current study.
JM and RC performed patient diagnosis, investigations and treatments. DL
completed the literature review. All three analyzed and interpreted patient
data, and were major contributors in writing the manuscript. JD aided in
imaging selection for the manuscript. All authors read and approved the
final manuscript.
Ethics approval and consent to participate
Informed consent was obtained from the patient. The procedures were in
accordance with the ethical standards of the Childrens Hospital of Eastern
Consent for publication
Informed consent was obtained from the patient.
Competing interests
The authors have no potential competing interest with respect to the
research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in
published maps and institutional affiliations.
Author details
University of Ottawa Faculty of Medicine, Roger Guindon Hall, 451 Smyth
Rd., Ottawa, ON K1H 8M5, Canada.
Childrens Hospital of Eastern Ontario,
401 Smyth Road, Ottawa, ON K1H 8L1, Canada.
Received: 6 September 2017 Accepted: 29 January 2018
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Lammers et al. Journal of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery (2018) 47:16 Page 6 of 6
... The presence of a thyroid collection or abscess, visualized by ultrasound and/or computed tomography (CT) confirms the diagnosis. But it is necessary to define the existence of a pyriform sinus fistula through an esophagogram [4]. Its treatment is based on broad-spectrum antimicrobials, in addition to the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; surgical management is required in up to 85% of cases [5]. ...
Acute suppurative thyroiditis is a rare pathology in children, which requires a timely diagnosis and early empirical antibiotic treatment, otherwise it may lead to septicemic episodes and deterioration of the patient's general condition. Its diagnosis is initially clinical and is confirmed by complementary imaging studies such as ultrasound, tomography and barium esophagogram in case of recurrences to rule out anatomical alterations. Surgical treatment should be reserved for cases in which there is a poor response to antibiotic treatment.
... Thyroid lobectomy may be needed in cases where extensive necrosis develops, or if the infection persists (as evidenced by leucocytosis, continued fever, and progressive signs of local inflammation) despite adequate antibiotics [10]. Alternative endoscopic approaches are acceptable, with similar success and a lower rate of complications [13]. ...
Full-text available
Acute suppurative thyroiditis (AST) is serious and rare infection of the thyroid gland, often it can progress to thyroid abscess. Both anatomical defects and underlying thyroid disorders are attributed to etiopathogenesis of the disease. Bacteria usually reach the gland either by lymphatic spread or via hematogenous routes. If untreated it has fatal outcome and had serious complications. The mainstay of treatment is usually a combination of intravenous antibiotics and drainage, and sometimes surgery.
Objective: Endoscopic cauterization is an effective method for treating pyriform sinus fistula (PSF). However, these approaches sometimes result in a higher failure rate. We present an effective technique utilizing suture combined with chemocauterization as first-line treatment in patients with PSF and evaluate the safety and efficacy of its use in 126 patients. Study design: Retrospective study. Setting: Tertiary referral center. Methods: Retrospective case review of patients treated between March 2012 and June 2021 at our institution with descriptive statistical analysis. Results: A total of 126 patients with PSF were included in this study with a mean age of 14.7 years. There was no sex predilection. The majority of patients presented with a left-sided neck lesion (89.7%). Ten patients presented following prior attempts at the surgery of the PSF at another institution; 8 via open surgery and 2 following endoscopic CO2 laser cauterization; other patients only had a history of repeat incision and drainage or antibiotic treatment. The success rate of obliteration of the internal opening was 96.83% after a single treatment without complications. Following reoperation, a successful outcome was achieved in the remaining 4 patients. Length of stay ranged from 10 to 14 days. No recurrences occurred within 12 to 120 months followed-up. Conclusion: Endoscopic suture combined with chemocauterization is a safe and effective treatment of PSF. Surgery can be performed during the acute cervical inflammatory period without increased risk of complication or recurrence, however, patients found to have acute changes affecting the pyriform sinus should be treated with a staged surgery strategy.
Background and objectives The surgical treatment of pyriform sinus fistula (PSF) is improving. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of partial fistula excision in children with PSF assisted by using methylene blue. Methods According to the method used to treat PSF infection, the patients were divided into a conservative treatment group, a single incision group (the children drained the abscess through the incision at the dermatoglyph of the cricothyroid joint), and a non single incision group (the children drained the abscess through the incision in the most obvious area of the abscess or ulceration). The data were retrieved from the electronic medical records (EMRs) and hospital information system (HIS). The patient and observer scar assessment scale (POSAS) scores at 6 months after fistula resection were compared. Results A total of 239 patients diagnosed with PSF underwent partial resection of the fistula through cervical approach with methylene blue. The success rate of the operation was 100%. The average operation time was 32 ± 13.2 min. The average hospital stay was 1 ± 0.2 days. There were 2 cases of transient hoarseness and 6 cases of wound infection. There were 17 patients in the conservative treatment group, 81 patients in the single incision group and 145 patients in the nonsingle incision group. The average POSAS scores of the three groups were 2.56 ± 0.6, 3.12 ± 0.84 and 4.56 ± 1.56, respectively, with significant differences among the three groups (P < 0.05). Conclusions Partial fistulectomy assisted by using methylene blue through a single incision in the neck for the treatment of PSF in children yields a high success rate, fewer postoperative complications and greater comfort than traditional surgery. This alternative surgery can be used to treat PSF in children.
Acute suppurative thyroiditis (AST) is a rare condition and potentially life-threatening endocrine emergency that can be associated with a high mortality rate in certain patients. In many cases, a predisposing factor to suppurative thyroiditis (e.g., immunocompromised state or pyriform sinus fistula) is identified. A wide spectrum of microbial pathogens has been reported in patients with suppurative thyroiditis. Most patients present with neck swelling, redness, warmth, tenderness, and fever. Ultrasound, ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration (FNA), and subsequent cytology/culture are the best diagnostic methods in patients with suspected AST. Treatment of AST includes hospitalization in a monitored setting, antimicrobial treatment, surgical procedure including excision or drainage of abscess, thyroidectomy when there is evidence of persistent or progressive thyroidal infection despite abscess drainage, and medical therapy.
Pyriform sinus fistulas are usually unilateral, and bilateral cases are rare. We report a case of bilateral pyriform sinus fistulas. A 22-year-old man who complained of left neck pain had a left neck abscess. Video fluorography revealed a left pyriform sinus fistula. When we used a curved laryngoscope during the operation, we found fistulas in both sides of the pyriform sinus. The curved laryngoscope enabled a wide field of view and confirmed the right fistula that could not be identified by the video fluorography. Only the fistula on the left side was removed surgically; the fistula on the right side was observed. In the future, the use of a curved laryngoscope is expected to increase the number of cases in which fistulas that cannot be identified by video fluorography are recognized; countermeasures need to be investigated.
Background A variety of imaging modalities have been described for the diagnosis of congenital pyriform sinus fistula (CPSF). To date, there have been few MRI reports. Purpose To evaluate MRI findings of CPSF and interobserver reliability. Study Type Retrospective. Population In all, 115 patients aged 23 days to 15.4 years at operation. Field Strength/Sequence 3.0T/axial T1‐weighted image (T1WI)‐SPIR, axial T2WI, axial T2WI‐STIR, coronal T2WI‐SPIR, diffusion‐weighted imaging (DWI), axial and coronal gadolinium‐enhanced T1WI‐SPIR. Assessment For each patient, the medical records, including demographics, clinical manifestations, and MRI findings were reviewed. All the MRI studies were interpreted by three radiologists independently. Statistical Test Kendall's W test was made to determine the interobserver reliability of three reviewers for MRI findings. Results CPSF occurred on the left side in 104 (90.4%) patients and on the right side in 11 (9.6%) patients. The male‐to‐female ratio was 59:56. The age at first episode varied from birth to 12.3 years. There was one neonate patient, who presented with a unilocular cystic mass in the left neck. A tunnel‐like lesion between the pyriform fossa and the upper pole of the thyroid gland, T2 high signal behind the cricothyroid joint, thyroid gland involvement, deep neck abscesses or masses were noted in 46 (40%), 93 (80.9%), 96 (83.5%), and 36 (31.3%) patients, respectively. There was excellent interobserver reliability for all the MRI findings, ranging from 0.84 to 1.00. Data Conclusion The sinus tract presenting with a tunnel‐like lesion goes behind the cricothyroid joint in most cases. For patients presenting with acute suppurative thyroiditis (AST) or neck infection with thyroid gland involvement, the presence of T2 high signal behind the cricothyroid joint highly suggests the diagnosis of CPSF. MRI is a reliable method for the diagnosis of CPSF. Level of Evidence 4 Technical Efficacy Stage 2
Branchial cleft anomalies represent approximately 17% of all pediatric neck masses (Tong et al., 2016) [1] in which fourth branchial arch anomalies represent less than 1%. We report the case of a 3 years old male, presenting with a left neck inflammatory mass of 4cm associated with fever and anorexia. Ultrasound reveals an abscess of the left thyroid lobe. Contrast enhanced CT scan revealed a left thyroid hypodense area, with disappearance of the cleavage area with the SCM muscle. In late time, after Valsalva's maneuver, the appearance of a left intra-thyroid air bubble was noticed. This surgery consisted on a prior endoscopic exploration followed by a cervicotomy. The orifice of the sinus was found in the left piriform fossa. The cervicotomy revealed a sinus of 5cm, located between the common carotid artery and the internal jugular vein, descending to the thoracic orifice. It's resection was done and 3.0 resorbable sutures were done at each sinus extremity. The interposition of a fragment of sternocleidomastoid muscle was done to ensure the total closure of the sinus. No suppurative event or neck infections were noticed 9 months after surgery. Open surgical treatment gives good results and represent a good alternative in a poorly equipped environment.
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Objectives The purpose of this study is to explore the curative effect of open surgical excision and endoscopic radiofrequency ablation (RA) in the treatment of piriform fossa fistula (PSF). Methods Retrospective study of 80 cases of PSF in the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Shanghai Children’s Hospital, from June 2009 to June 2017. Results In this series, there were 43 males and 37 females, and the mean age was 5.2 years (17 days to 12 years). Surgical excision was performed for 62 patients. Radiofrequency ablation was performed for 18 patients. Six cases of postoperative temporary hoarseness occurred, and the hoarseness rates were not significantly different between the excision and RA groups (6.4% vs 11.1%, respectively, P = .88). Two cases of temporary neck abscess occurred in the RA group. After the mean follow-up period of 3.1 years (1-8 years), no recurrence was found between the excision and RA groups. Conclusions The curative effect of excision and RA for PSF is not significantly different; each of the 2 methods has its advantages and disadvantages. However, RA for PSF has the merit of being minimally invasive, easy to operate, and safe; this procedure seems to be more suitable in the clinic.
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Objectives The authors present the case of a 3-year-old girl with a history of complicated surgery for removing a third branchial cleft fistula. Methods An endoscopic approach using N-butyl-2-acrylate and metacrilosisolfolane glue (GLUBRAN 2) to seal the fistula was performed. Results The clinical and radiological 6-year follow-up confirmed the absence of the fistulous orifice and the persistence of scar due to previous open-neck surgical procedures. Conclusion endoscopic Glubran 2 sealing has been an effective treatment procedure for branchial fistula.
Objective: This study aims to assess the efficacy of a novel endoscopic management for congenital pyriform sinus fistula (CPSF) using potassium titanyl phosphate (KTP) laser assisted endoscopic tissue fibrin glue biocauterization in children. Method: From 2010 to 2014, a total of 5 children with recurrent or acute suppurative thyroiditis or neck abscess secondary to CPSF were enrolled retrospectively in this study. Results: Mean age at the first time of endoscopic biocauterization was 6.2 ± 0.7 (5-7) years. The barium swallow study detected a fistula in four cases. Endoscopy identified an internal opening at the pyriform sinus in all cases with four on the left side and one on the right side. All patients underwent KTP laser assisted endoscopic tissue fibrin glue biocauterization as treatment for CPSF. Only one case required the second endoscopic procedure due to fluctuation of symptoms. Post-endoscopic follow-up duration of these patients was 24.6 ± 11.6 (7-36) months. Neither complications nor recurrences were noted during follow-up in all patients. Conclusions: For children presenting with repeated acute suppurative thyroiditis or neck infections, clinicians should highly suspect the possibility of CPSF. Endoscopy should be performed not only to confirm the diagnosis but also could be served as an initial treatment modality of biocauterization by KTP laser and tissue fibrin glue, which was demonstrated as a less invasive, safe, and effective method in children.
Recurrent thyroid infections are rare in children. When present, patients should be evaluated for anatomic anomalies such as pyriform sinus fistulae. We describe a 12-year-old girl with history of recurrent thyroid abscesses secondary to a pyriform sinus fistula and managed with concurrent endoscopic ablation and incision and drainage.
Background: Piriform fossa sinus tracts (PFSTs) are a recognized cause of recurrent deep neck infections in the pediatric population. Conventional management has historically required open resection, but over recent years minimally invasive endoscopic approaches to obliterate the pharyngeal opening of the sinus have been performed in many centers. However, there is a lack of clear evidence regarding the success rate and safety of these approaches. Objective: To determine the success rate of endoscopic management of PFST through a systematic review of the existing literature. Data sources: MEDLINE (1964-2014) and bibliographies of identified papers. Review methods: Two authors independently reviewed 170 abstracts and identified relevant studies for full-text review. Data were independently extracted from those studies, and the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine guidelines were used to classify the level of evidence. Results: Thirteen studies met the inclusion criteria, comprising a total of 84 patients. All included studies were evidence level 4 (case series). Various methods of obliterating the PFST were described: electrocautery (n = 39), laser (n = 19), trichloroacetic acid (n = 19), silver nitrate (n = 4), combination of silver nitrate and laser (n = 2), and fibrin glue (n = 1). The success rate for endoscopic management of PFST was 89.3% overall (90.5% in primary cases and 85.7% in revision cases). The only adverse event reported was temporary vocal cord immobility in 2.4% (n = 2) of cases. Conclusion: Endoscopic management of pediatric PFST appears to be safe and effective, as a primary option and for revision after open surgery.
We analyzed the outcomes of open surgical excision and endoscopic trichloroacetic acid (TCA) chemocauterization for the treatment of branchial sinus of the pyriform fossa (BSPF). We retrospectively reviewed the records of 27 patients (16 males and 11 females) who were treated for BSPF at the Asan Medical Center between 1996 and 2013. The median age of the 27 patients was 4.5years (range, 0 to 15years). Before definitive surgery, 19 (70.3%) of the patients had histories of neck infection, and 16 (59.2%) patients had neck abscesses that were drained. The lesions were predominantly located on the left side (26 of 27; 96.2%). Excisions were performed for 14 (48.1%) patients. TCA chemocauterizations were performed for 13 patients. After a median follow-up period of 5.5years, 11 patients developed recurrence. The recurrence rates were not significantly different between the excision and chemocauterization groups (35.7% vs 46.1%, respectively, p=0.704). All of the recurred patients were successfully treated with repeated chemocauterization or reexcision. Analyses of the risk factors for recurrence revealed that a previous infection history tended to increase the rate of recurrence (90.9% vs 56.2%, p=0.090). Our experience suggests that the outcomes of excision and TCA chemocauterization are not significantly different. Additional studies are needed to reach a consensus regarding the best treatment strategy for BSPF. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Inc.
Literature review of treating the piriform apex sinus tract through microlaryngoscopy and a case description. Fourteen papers were identified in PubMed using the search criteria of piriform sinus fistula, microlaryngoscopic repair, and endoscopy. Institutional Review Board approval was obtained. One hundred forty-five cases including ours were available for review, with 182 procedures. Sixty-two cases were male, 73 female, and 10 genders were not reported. Multiple treatment options were used, including electrocautery, chemocautery, mass excision, fibrin glue, lasers, suture closure, or combination of stated modalities. Of the 182 procedures, 147 procedures were performed endoscopically. There were 37 recurrences (25%). These patients either underwent a repeat endoscopic procedure or an open excision. One hundred and ten (75%) endoscopic procedures were successful. Piriform sinus tract anomalies often present as a mass and recurrent neck infections. This review reveals that treating the internal piriform sinus opening alone can be successful. This procedure has low morbidity, short operative time, and high success. We advocate this approach first with a combined open/laryngoscopic approach for failed cases. To our knowledge, our technique of CO2 laser ablation of the tract followed by suture closure has not been previously described. We believe this to be the first comprehensive review of this topic and the largest series of cases included in a single report. © The Author(s) 2015.
Recurrent neck lesions associated with third or fourth branchial arch fistula are much less common than those of second arch and usually present with acute suppurative thyroiditis or neck abscess. Our aim is to describe clinical features, management and treatment outcomes of 64 cases of congenital pyriform sinus fistula (PSF). Medical record of these 64 patients (33 males, 31 females) treated at the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University from 2011 to 2014 were reviewed. The patients comprised 33 males and 31 females, and their ages ranged from 18 months to 47 years (median 10 years, mean 12.7 years). Neck abscess and recurrent infection was the mode of presentation in 37 cases (57.8 %), 4 patients (6.3 %) presented with acute suppurative thyroiditis, neck mass was the mode of presentation in 17 cases (26.6 %), 2 patients (3.1 %) presented with neck mass with respiratory distress, and cutaneous discharging fistula was the mode of presentation in 1 cases (1.6 %). The remaining 3 patients (4.7 %) presented with cutaneous discharging fistula with neck infection. Investigations performed include barium swallow, CT scan, and ultrasound which were useful in delineating PSF tract preoperatively. Barium swallow was taken as the gold standard for diagnosis. Our patients were treated by fistulectomy with hemithyroidectomy, fistulectomy, fistulectomy with endoscopic electric cauterization, endoscopic electric cauterization or endoscopic coblation cauterization, respectively. Histopathologic examination of the surgical specimens revealed that they were lined with ciliated epithelium, stratified cuboid epithelium with chronic inflammatory cell infiltration and fibrosis. Voice hoarseness occurred after operation in seven patients, but disappeared 1 week later. PSF recurred in 6 patients, 4 of them were cured by a successful re-excision. One patient was cured by successful endoscopic electric cauterization. The other 1 has remained asymptomatic for 5 months. In our series, mean follow-up period was 13.3 months and median follow-up period was 12.5 months (range 2-40 months). Presence of congenital PSF should be suspected when intra-thyroidal abscess formation occurs as the gland is resistant to infection. Strong clinical suspicion, barium swallow study, CT scan and ultrasound are the key to diagnosis. Both fistulectomy with hemithyroidectomy and endoscopic treatment have comparable success rate. Endoscopic coblation cauterization may prove a useful and equally effective method of treatment for PSF in future.
Pyriform sinus fistula is a rare branchial anomaly that manifests as recurrent cervical infection resulting from contamination of the fistula internal orifice in the pyriform sinus. Although open neck surgery to resect the fistula has been recommended as a definitive treatment, identifying the fistula within the scar is difficult and occasionally results in recurrence. Here, we describe a novel transoral surgical technique for pyriform sinus fistula using transoral videolaryngoscopic surgery (TOVS) as a definitive treatment to resect and close the fistula without skin incision. Needle cautery enables fine excision and delicate dissection of the fistula tract. TOVS is a safe, easy, and reliable treatment and is a suitable first line treatment. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Inc.