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Pampas foxes as prey of yellow anacondas

Chatellenaz et al. Anaconda predation on pampas fox
The following is the established format for referencing this article:
Chatellenaz, M.L., Müller, G.C. and Vallejos, G.A. 2018. Pampas foxes as prey of yellow anacondas. Canid Biology & Conservation 21(1):1-3. URL:
Canid Biology & Conservation | 1
Field report
Pampas foxes as prey of yellow anacondas
Mario L. Chatellenaz1*, Gisela C. Müller2,3 and Gilberto A. Vallejos2
1 Laboratorio de Ornitología y Mastozoología. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales y Agrimensura,
Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Av. Libertad 5470 (CP 3400), Corrientes, Argentina.
2 Parque Nacional Mburucuyá. Administración de Parques Nacionales. Belgrano 997 (CP 3427), Mburucuyá, Corrientes, Argentina.
3 Parque Nacional Baritú. Administración de Parques Nacionales. Ruta Nacional 19 Los Toldos, Salta, Argentina.
* Correspondence author
Keywords: Eunectes notaeus; Lycalopex gymnocercus; predation.
Carnivore predation by other predators is rarely observed in nature. Here we describe two predation events and report a third
one of adult pampas foxes being eaten by yellow anacondas in Corrientes, north east Argentina.
The pampas fox Lycalopex gymnocercus is a medium-sized fox (4.6kg)
whose geographical distribution comprises the south of South America from
eastern Bolivia, western and central Paraguay, and southern Brazil, to Uru-
guay and northern and central Argentina (Lucherini and Luengos Vidal
2008). It lives in a variety of habitats including open forests, grasslands,
marshes, coastal dunes and even agricultural and rangelands (Redford and
Eisenberg 1992, Lucherini and Luengos Vidal 2008). The main threat to
the pampas fox is from hunting, both for predator control (foxes are blamed
for lamb losses in sheep breeding farms) and for the pelt trade (Lucherini
and Luengos Vidal 2008, Macdonald and Sillero-Zubiri 2010). Little is
known about natural causes of death, or the fox’s potential predators. Fox
remains have been found in puma Puma concolor excrements in National
Park Lihue Calel (Argentina) and some cases of foxes killed by feral dogs
have been cited (Pessino et al. 2001, Lucherini and Luengos Vidal 2008).
In this note we describe predation events of adult pampas foxes by yellow
anacondas Eunectes notaeus in the Iberá Provincial Reserve and the Mbu-
rucuyá National Park (Corrientes province, Argentina).
The first predation event took place on 8 October 2013 at 19:45h, during a
nocturnal mammal survey in Estancia Yaguareté Corá (27º56’S, 57º00’W)
in the Iberá Provincial Reserve. In the marsh vegetation at the water’s edge,
a yellow anaconda was observed, wrapped around a fox. The observation
was conducted by torch light. This fox was identified as a pampas fox by
the colour of its back legs and tail. The fox appeared to be already dead at
the time of the observation, and the snake was beginning to swallow it. Sev-
eral caimans Caiman yacare were seen a short distance away but none of
them approached the snake. The observation lasted 15 minutes but unfor-
tunately no photographic or video record of the event could be obtained.
Some days later we received information about a similar event, which hap-
pened in Estancia San Ignacio (27º49’S, 56º50’W), located at approximately
40km of the former Estancia (M. Blanco, pers. comm.).
The second event took place on 31 March 2017 in the Mburucuyá National
Park at approximately 8:00h, in a short-grass area at one side of the entrance
road to the Santa María Park Ranger Department (28º02’S, 58º05’W). A
yellow anaconda was observed, mid-way through the constriction process
of a pampas fox which appeared to be dead (Figure 1). Two adult foxes
were circling the snake and harassing it by biting its tail while they vocal-
ized. The snake reacted with sudden movements but without releasing its
prey (Figure 2). The foxes ran away once the snake started to swallow the
fox, beginning with its head (Figure 3). This process lasted an hour, after
which the snake moved slowly towards a small nearby marsh. When its
body was fully extended its total length reached 3.5m (Figure 4). [There is
a video of this event].
There are no previous records of pampas fox predation by boas, although
Almirón et al. (2011) suggest that foxes are potential prey of the Argentinian
boa constrictor Boa constrictor occidentalis.
Copyright © 2018 by the IUCN/SSC Canid Specialist Group. ISSN 1478-2677
Chatellenaz et al. Anaconda predation on pampas fox
Canid Biology & Conservation | 2
Figure 1. A 3.5m long yellow anaconda in the constriction process of a
pampas fox while observed by two other foxes in the Mburucuyá Na-
tional Park, Corrientes, Argentina.
Figure 2. While harassed by one of the pampas foxes, the anaconda be-
gins to position itself in order to swallow the captured fox, starting with
its head.
Figure 3. The anaconda has already swallowed half the fox. Notice the
jaws and body distension of the snake to swallow the prey. Figure 4. The anaconda leaves the capture site after swallowing the fox
completely. The swelling in the central part of the snake’s body is due to
the fox it has eaten.
The yellow anaconda, known as curiyú in north east Argentina, is the largest
boa in size of the region, exceeding 4m long and weighing approximately
30kg (Cei 1993, Waller et al. 2007). Its habits are mainly aquatic and it is
found in large rivers and their flood plains, lagoons, swamps and marshes.
This snake is one of the main predators in these environments, capturing a
wide variety of prey: fish, large snakes e.g. Hydrodynastes gigas, young
caimans Caiman latirostris and C. yacare, aquatic birds, and small- and me-
dium-size mammals including crab-eating raccoons Procyon cancrivorus,
crab-eating foxes Cerdocyon thous and young capybaras Hydrochoerus hy-
drochaeris up to 6kg (Strüssmann 1997, Waller et al. 2007, Miranda et al.
2017). As with other boas, the yellow anaconda hunts its prey by means of
the “sit-and-wait” ambush technique. It kills the larger prey during con-
striction by significantly affecting the cardiovascular system of the prey,
squeezing until circulatory arrest occurs (Boback et al. 2015).
However, it also eats eggs and even carrion, which means that it carries out
an active search for food, or that it is an occasional predator (Strüssmann
and Sazima 1991). The predation event in the Mburucuyá National Park
happened in a short-grass area where the boa was visible and it is unlikely
that it was unnoticed in an attempt to ambush the fox. However, as the
initial strike was not observed, it cannot be confirmed whether it was an
ambush or an opportunistic capture. Predation is rarely observed in nature;
these records and documentation are important because they contribute to
the knowledge of the ecology of the species involved.
We thank the National Parks Administration (APN). We are grateful to the
Corrientes Province Parks and Reserves Administration for authorizing our
work in the Iberá Provincial Reserve, and thank park ranger Marcelo Blanco
for the information provided. We also thank Dr. Sillero-Zubiri and an anon-
ymous reviewer for improvements to the manuscript. The records of the
Iberá Provincial Reserve were obtained during fieldwork financed by the
project Mastofauna de los Esteros del Iberá: diversidad, distribución, ca-
racterísticas ecológicas y perfil parasitológico (C.12IF07), of the program
Iberá+10 (SGCyT-UNNE).
Almirón, D., Hulsberg, H., Luna, N. and Waller, T. 2011. A failed swallow-
ing attempt upon a crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous Hamilton-Smith,
1839) by the Argentine boa constrictor (Boa constrictor occidentalis [Phi-
lippi, 1873]). Herpetology Notes 4: 359-362.
Boback, S.M., McCann, K.J., Wood, K.A., McNeal, P.M., Blankenship,
E.L. and Zwemer, C.F. 2015. Snake constriction rapidly induces circulatory
arrest in rats. Journal of Experimental Biology 218: 2279-2288.
Chatellenaz et al. Anaconda predation on pampas fox
Canid Biology & Conservation | 3
Cei, J.M. 1993. Reptiles del noroeste, nordeste y este de la Argentina. Her-
petofauna de las selvas subtropicales, puna y pampas. Museo Regionale di
Scienze Naturali Torino, Monogr. XIV, Torino, Italy.
Lucherini, M. and Luengos Vidal, E. 2008. Lycalopex gymnocercus (Carni-
vora: Canidae). Mammalian Species 820: 19.
Macdonald, D.W. and Sillero-Zubiri, C. 2004. Dramatis personae. Wild
canids - an introduction and dramatis personae. Pp. 3-36 in D.W. Macdon-
ald and C. Sillero-Zubiri (eds.), Biology and Conservation of Wild Canids.
Oxford University Press, Chippenham and Eastbourne, UK.
Miranda, E.B.P., Ribeiro-Jr, R.P., Camera, B.F., Barros, M., Draque, J.,
Micucci, P., Waller, T. and Strüssmann, C. 2017. Penny and penny laid up
will be many: large yellow anacondas do not disregard small prey. Journal
of Zoology 301: 301309.
Pessino, M.E.M., Sarasola, J.H., Wander, C. and Besoky, N. 2001. Res-
puesta a largo plazo del puma (Puma concolor) a una declinación poblacio-
nal de la vizcacha (Lagostomus maximus) en el desierto del Monte, Argen-
tina. Ecología Austral 11: 61-67.
Redford, K.H. and Eisenberg, J.F. 1992. Mammals of the Neotropics. The
Southern Cone. Vol. 2. Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay. University of
Chicago Press, Chicago, USA.
Strüssmann, C. 1997. Hábitos alimentares da sucurí-amarela, Eunectes no-
taeus Cope, 1862, no Pantanal matogrossense. Biociencias 5: 3552.
Strüssmann, C. and Sazima, I. 1991. Predation on avian eggs by the boid
snake, Eunectes notaeus. Herpetolological Review 22: 118120.
Waller, T., Micucci, P.A. and Alvarenga, E. 2007. Conservation biology of
the Yellow Anaconda (Eunectes notaeus) in Northeastern Argentina. Pp.
340-362 in R.W. Henderson and R. Powell (eds.), Biology of the Boas and
Pythons. Eagle Mountain Publishing, LC. Utah, USA.
Biographical sketch
Mario Chatellenaz is a zoologist in the Universidad Nacional del Nordeste
(Corrientes, Argentina). He is currently studying the effects of forestations
of exotic species and other crops on birds and mammals in north-east Ar-
Gisela Müller and Gilberto Vallejos are park rangers working in the Ad-
ministration de Parques Nacionales of Argentina. They carry out fieldwork
on subjects regarding control and surveillance, environmental monitoring
and research assistance in protected areas of the national system.
... No signs of crab-eating foxes' den or litter were detected within 100 m of the site of interaction spot. No clues of defensive (parental) behavior (e.g., threaten and alert or siren calls) of the types reported for crab-eating foxes (Brady 1979(Brady , 1981 Lemos & Azevedo unpublished data) and other South American canids (Chatellenaz et al. 2018) were detected. This apparent lack of parental behavior reinforces the notion that this was a predatory, not defensive behavior. ...
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We describe the first record of cooperative predation by two crab-eating foxes (Cerdocyon thous) upon an adult short-tailed boa (Boa constrictor amarali) at a Brazilian Cerrado spot. Although it is known that C. thous forages in pairs or in small family groups, there has been no report of crab-eating foxes preying cooperatively on medium and large-sized preys until now. Our observation sheds light on a poorly-known aspect of feeding behavior of C. thous that could not be recorded through scat analysis, which is currently main source of information on carnivores’ feeding ecology.
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Review and synthesis of the known, published dietary records for all snakes in the Eunectes genus.
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The study of diet may help to predict the consequences of ontogeny and sexual size dimorphism in resource use. Although diet changes are expected in dimorphic species, ontogeny can be a factor in determining the degree of diet variation within a species. We studied large sexually dimorphic predator, the Yellow anaconda Eunectes notaeus, to learn how influences of sex and size on diet might lead to intersexual niche divergence, therefore avoiding intraspecific competition. We tested the consequences of sexual size dimorphism via two foraging metrics: prey size and feeding frequency. To test the consequences of ontogeny on trophic niche metrics, we related changes in feeding frequency and maximum prey size to increase in anaconda body size. Finally, we tested whether diet composition changed between sexes to the point where it could lead to reduced competition. While females (the larger sex) did eat larger prey compared to males, this effect disappeared when we removed the effect of body size. Females ate more frequently than males, even with body size effect was removed. Predator-prey size ratios were positively affected by maximum prey size, and as expected from foraging theory, did not increase minimum prey size. Feeding frequency did not display any ontogenetic effects. While diet composition varied between sexes, overlap is high. This indicates that variations in resource use as a product of sex-based differences in size are negligible in Yellow anacondas. Although females feed more frequently, this may be an effect of the greater energetic costs of reproduction. Ontogeny has a positive effect on maximum prey size, though this is a general trend, and has already been demonstrated for several other species. Finally, understanding of sex-based changes in resource use will be improved if it can be determined whether such phenomena are consequences rather than causes for sexual size dimorphism.
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As legless predators, snakes are unique in their ability to immobilize and kill their prey through the process of constriction, and yet how this pressure incapacitates and ultimately kills the prey remains unknown. In this study, we examined the cardiovascular function of anesthetized rats before, during and after being constricted by boas (Boa constrictor) to examine the effect of constriction on the prey's circulatory function. The results demonstrate that within 6 s of being constricted, peripheral arterial blood pressure (PBP) at the femoral artery dropped to 1/2 of baseline values while central venous pressure (CVP) increased 6-fold from baseline during the same time. Electrocardiographic recordings from the anesthetized rat's heart revealed profound bradycardia as heart rate (fH) dropped to nearly half of baseline within 60 s of being constricted, and QRS duration nearly doubled over the same time period. By the end of constriction (mean 6.5±1 min), rat PBP dropped 2.9-fold, fH dropped 3.9-fold, systemic perfusion pressure (SPP=PBP-CVP) dropped 5.7-fold, and 91% of rats (10 of 11) had evidence of cardiac electrical dysfunction. Blood drawn immediately after constriction revealed that, relative to baseline, rats were hyperkalemic (serum potassium levels nearly doubled) and acidotic (blood pH dropped from 7.4 to 7.0). These results are the first to document the physiological response of prey to constriction and support the hypothesis that snake constriction induces rapid prey death due to circulatory arrest. © 2015. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.
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RESPUESTA DEL PUMA A LAS EXTINCIONES DE VIZCACHAS 61 Respuesta a largo plazo del puma (Puma concolor) a una declinación poblacional de la vizcacha (Lagostomus maximus) en el desierto del Monte, Argentina RESUMEN. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo examinar la dieta del puma (Puma concolor) en el área del Parque Nacional Lihue Calel, durante los períodos 1994–1997 y 2000. La muestra ana-lizada consistió en 198 heces a partir de las cuales se identificaron 244 individuos presa, resultan-do el 97% mamíferos, el 2% aves y el 1% reptiles. En términos de biomasa relativa las grandes presas (> 20 kg) representaron el 40.6%, las presas medianas (1-20 kg) el 59.1% y las presas pe-queñas (< 1 kg) el 0.3%. Entre 1994 y 1996 las vizcachas (Lagostomus maximus) fueron la principal presa del puma, a pesar de estar sufriendo una disminución de sus poblaciones. Este proceso quedó evidenciado en la dieta por una notable reducción y la posterior desaparición de esta presa. Paralelamente se incrementó el consumo de otras presas medianas, especialmente armadillos (Chaetophractus villosus y Zaedyus pichiy) y ungulados (Sus scrofa y Lama guanicoe). Du-rante el período de estudio los valores de amplitudes de nicho trófico y peso promedio de presas fueron, en general, superiores a los registrados para el área en trabajos previos. ABSTRACT. Long-term response of puma (Puma concolor) to a population decline of the plains vizcacha (Lagostomus maximus) in the Monte desert, Argentina: We examined puma (Puma concolor) food habits between 1994–1997 and 2000 in Lihue Calel National Park area. Using fecal analysis we identified 244 prey items in 198 feces. Mammalian species accounted for 97% of all prey items, birds 2% and reptiles 1%. In terms of relative biomass, large preys (> 20 kg) made up 40.6% of the diet, medium preys (1-20 kg) 59.1% and small preys (< 1 kg) 0.3%. From 1994 to 1996 plains vizcachas (Lagostomus maximus) were the staple prey of pumas, even though they were declining. This process was evidenced in the reduction and subsequent disappearance of vizcachas in pumas diet. Parallelly, there was an increase of other medium-sized preys, especially armadil-los (Chaetophractus villosus and Zaedyus pichiy), and ungulates (Sus scrofa and Lama guanicoe). Dur-ing the study period, both the breadth of diet and the mean weight of vertebrate prey were generally higher than those recorded during previous studies in the same area. Ecología Austral 11:61–67. Diciembre 2001 Asociación Argentina de Ecología
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Lycalopex gymnocercus (Fischer, 1814) is a canid commonly called the Pampas fox. A sexually dimorphic fox-like carnivore of medium size with reddish coloration on sides and white on the ventral surface, it is 1 of 6 species in the genus Lycalopex. It occurs in eastern Bolivia, western and central Paraguay, Uruguay, north and central Argentina, and southeastern Brazil. It prefers open habitats but also occurs in areas of Pampas grassland modified by extensive ranching and agriculture activities. It has been assigned to the ''Least Concern'' category of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.
A failed swallowing attempt upon a crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous Hamilton-Smith, 1839) by the Argentine boa constrictor (Boa constrictor occidentalis
  • D Almirón
  • H Hulsberg
  • N Luna
  • T Waller
Almirón, D., Hulsberg, H., Luna, N. and Waller, T. 2011. A failed swallowing attempt upon a crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous Hamilton-Smith, 1839) by the Argentine boa constrictor (Boa constrictor occidentalis [Philippi, 1873]). Herpetology Notes 4: 359-362.
Herpetofauna de las selvas subtropicales, puna y pampas. Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali Torino
  • J M Cei
Cei, J.M. 1993. Reptiles del noroeste, nordeste y este de la Argentina. Herpetofauna de las selvas subtropicales, puna y pampas. Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali Torino, Monogr. XIV, Torino, Italy.
Hábitos alimentares da sucurí-amarela, Eunectes notaeus Cope, 1862, no Pantanal matogrossense
  • C Strüssmann
Strüssmann, C. 1997. Hábitos alimentares da sucurí-amarela, Eunectes notaeus Cope, 1862, no Pantanal matogrossense. Biociencias 5: 35-52.