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Candidate SNP markers of reproductive potential are predicted by a significant change in the affinity of TATA-binding protein for human gene promoters


Abstract and Figures

BACKGROUND. The progress of medicine, science, technology, education, and culture improves, year by year, quality of life and life expectancy of the populace. The modern human has a chance to further improve the quality and duration of his/her life and the lives of his/her loved ones by bringing their lifestyle in line with their sequenced individual genomes. With this in mind, one of genome-based developments at the junction of personalized medicine and bioinformatics will be considered in this work, where we used two Web services: (i) SNP_TATA_Comparator to search for alleles with a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) that alters the affinity of TATA-binding protein (TBP) for the TATA boxes of human gene promoters and (ii) PubMed to look for retrospective clinical reviews on changes in physiological indicators of reproductive potential in carriers of these alleles. RESULTS. A total of 126 SNP markers of female reproductive potential, capable of altering the affinity of TBP for gene promoters, were found using the two above-mentioned Web services. For example, 10 candidate SNP markers of thrombosis (e.g., rs563763767) can cause overproduction of coagulation inducers. In pregnant women, Hughes syndrome provokes thrombosis with a fatal outcome although this syndrome can be diagnosed and eliminated even at the earliest stages of its development. Thus, in women carrying any of the above SNPs, preventive treatment of this syndrome before a planned pregnancy can reduce the risk of death. Similarly, seven SNP markers predicted here (e.g., rs774688955) can elevate the risk of myocardial infarction. In line with Bowles’ lifespan theory, women carrying any of these SNPs may modify their lifestyle to improve their longevity if they can take under advisement that risks of myocardial infarction increase with age of the mother, total number of pregnancies, in multiple pregnancies, pregnancies under the age of 20, hypertension, preeclampsia, menstrual cycle irregularity, and in women smokers. CONCLUSIONS. According to Bowles’ lifespan theory—which links reproductive potential, quality of life, and life expectancy—the above information was compiled for those who would like to reduce risks of diseases corresponding to alleles in own sequenced genomes. Candidate SNP markers can focus the clinical analysis of unannotated SNPs, after which they may become useful for people who would like to bring their lifestyle in line with their sequenced individual genomes.
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R E S E A R C H Open Access
Candidate SNP markers of reproductive
potential are predicted by a significant
change in the affinity of TATA-binding
protein for human gene promoters
Irina V. Chadaeva
, Petr M. Ponomarenko
, Dmitry A. Rasskazov
, Ekaterina B. Sharypova
, Elena V. Kashina
Dmitry A. Zhechev
, Irina A. Drachkova
, Olga V. Arkova
, Ludmila K. Savinkova
, Mikhail P. Ponomarenko
Nikolay A. Kolchanov
, Ludmila V. Osadchuk
and Alexandr V. Osadchuk
From Belyaev Conference
Novosibirsk, Russia. 07-10 August 2017
Background: The progress of medicine, science, technology, education, and culture improves, year by year, quality
of life and life expectancy of the populace. The modern human has a chance to further improve the quality and
duration of his/her life and the lives of his/her loved ones by bringing their lifestyle in line with their sequenced
individual genomes. With this in mind, one of genome-based developments at the junction of personalized
medicine and bioinformatics will be considered in this work, where we used two Web services: (i) SNP_TATA_
Comparator to search for alleles with a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) that alters the affinity of TATA-
binding protein (TBP) for the TATA boxes of human gene promoters and (ii) PubMed to look for retrospective
clinical reviews on changes in physiological indicators of reproductive potential in carriers of these alleles.
Results: A total of 126 SNP markers of female reproductive potential, capable of altering the affinity of TBP for gene
promoters, were found using the two above-mentioned Web services. For example, 10 candidate SNP markers of
thrombosis (e.g., rs563763767) can cause overproduction of coagulation inducers. In pregnant women, Hughes
syndrome provokes thrombosis with a fatal outcome although this syndrome can be diagnosed and eliminated
even at the earliest stages of its development. Thus, in women carrying any of the above SNPs, preventive
treatment of this syndrome before a planned pregnancy can reduce the risk of death. Similarly, seven SNP markers
predicted here (e.g., rs774688955) can elevate the risk of myocardial infarction. In line with Bowleslifespan theory,
women carrying any of these SNPs may modify their lifestyle to improve their longevity if they can take under
advisement that risks of myocardial infarction increase with age of the mother, total number of pregnancies, in
multiple pregnancies, pregnancies under the age of 20, hypertension, preeclampsia, menstrual cycle irregularity, and
in women smokers.
(Continued on next page)
* Correspondence:
Brain Neurobiology and Neurogenetics Center, Institute of Cytology and
Genetics, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, 10 Lavrentyev
Ave, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia
Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Chadaeva et al. BMC Genomics 2018, 19(Suppl 3):0
DOI 10.1186/s12864-018-4478-3
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
(Continued from previous page)
Conclusions: According to Bowleslifespan theorywhich links reproductive potential, quality of life, and life
expectancythe above information was compiled for those who would like to reduce risks of diseases
corresponding to alleles in own sequenced genomes. Candidate SNP markers can focus the clinical analysis of
unannotated SNPs, after which they may become useful for people who would like to bring their lifestyle in line
with their sequenced individual genomes.
Keywords: Reproductive potential, Gene, Promoter, TATA box, TATA-binding protein, Single nucleotide
polymorphism, SNP marker, Keyword-based search, Prediction, Verification
Incessant progress in medical and biological sciences, ad-
vancement of technology, and education year in and year
out improve quality of life and life expectancy of the popu-
lation, creating comfortable conditions for active living.
Nonetheless, there are numerous factors that adversely
affect human health. They can include, for example, differ-
ent kinds of environmental pollution, an increase in popu-
lation density, which leads to the rapid spread of infections
and parasitoses, and an increase in psychological stress.
This situation not only reduces the quality of life and lon-
gevity of the individual but also has a deferred, long-term
effect on the next generation, by acting as a mutagen [1].
The accumulating mutational load often worsens health
and reduces the subsequent generations survival and adap-
tation to their habitat that ultimately reduces the chances
of sustainable population reproduction.
The effects of the above factors limit individual repro-
ductive potential: a concept used in population ecology
to assess the evolutionary success of an individual [2]or
a population [3]. In the 1970s, Eric Pianka defined re-
productive potential as the most important conditional
indicator reflecting a populations ability to reproduce,
survive, and develop under optimal ecological conditions
[25]. In the context of human society, in the term re-
productive potential,researchers can also include the
mental state and physical state that allow a person to pro-
duce healthy offspring when social and physical maturity
is achieved. Consequently, reproductive potential depends
not only on physiological readiness for reproduction (pri-
marily the reproductive system), but also on the general
physical condition (with the exception of existing diseases
that are incompatible with the implementation of
reproduction) and on socio-economic status. With this in
mind, everything is focused on individual ability for
reproduction until the next generation becomes repro-
ductive. In particular, not only the phenotype plays a role
here, but so does the genotype, where most abilities of a
given individual are encoded, both normal and mutational
as well as epigenetic ones. It should also be noted that re-
productive potential varies throughout the life cycle and
does so in different ways for men and women. Ideally, the
evaluation of reproductive potential would include not
only the direct material and energy costs of reproduction
but also the price of the risk associated with future repro-
ductive attempts [5].
Predictive-preventive personalized medicine may help
to improve individual reproductive success. Its methods
include prediction (based on the analysis of the genome)
of the probability of a specific disease, analysis of indi-
vidual indicators, biomarkers (such as single nucleotide
polymorphisms, SNPs [6,7]), and the development of
preventive and therapeutic measures for changing the
physiological parameters of the reproductive potential in
patients [8]. In particular, the analysis of SNP biomarkers
allows a physician not only to make a prognosis for a pa-
tient regarding possible diseases that can reduce repro-
ductive potential but also to adjust the prescribed
treatment, taking into account individual characteristics
and reactions to medicines.
In addition, according to Bowleslifespan theory [9],
which links reproductive potential, quality of life, and life
expectancy of an individual, it is possible timely to pre-
vent diseases, which correspond to the alleles of the
decoded genotype.
Within the framework of the biggest modern scientific
project 1000 Genomes, 10545 individual genomes have
already been sequenced [10]. The reference human gen-
omeis publicly available via the Ensembl database [11]
using the Web service UCSC Genome Browser [12]. A
total of 100,877,027 SNPs have been experimentally
identified and stored in the dbSNP database [6]. Data-
base dbWGFP [13] containing 8.58 billion possible hu-
man whole-genome SNPs has already been created for
accumulation of predictions, experimental data, clinical
observations, and any other information relevant for bio-
medical analysis of individual genomes. For such an ana-
lysis, the most valuable biomedical SNP markerswithin
the framework of personalized medicineare those that
can differ between the individual human genomes of pa-
tients having some pathology and the reference human
genome [14]. To find such markers, cohorts of patients
with a given disease and healthy volunteers (as a control)
are compared in a clinical study (e.g., [15]).
As far as human health is concerned, the clinical search
for biomedical SNP markers is the only acceptable
Chadaeva et al. BMC Genomics 2018, 19(Suppl 3):0 Page 16 of 141
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method. Nevertheless, it is so laborious and expensive that
its application to all 8.58 billion potentially possible SNPs
[13] and all known human pathologies is rather unlikely.
Moreover, both Haldanes dilemma [16] and Kimurasthe-
ory of neutral evolution [17] independently predict that
the absolute majority of SNPs in humans are neutral and
do not affect health in any way; thus, it is unclear why it is
necessary to verify them clinically. With this in mind, the
mainstream clinical search for SNP markers of a given dis-
ease is currently limited by the simplest idea about heuris-
tic handmade selection of candidate SNPs for clinical
testing among unannotated SNPs on the basis of their lo-
cation near the human genes that are already clinically as-
sociated with this disease (e.g., [18,19]). Accordingly,
computer-based preliminary analysis of unannotated
SNPs can eliminate the absolute majority of neutral
SNPs to make the clinical cohort-based search for
biomedical SNP markers faster, cheaper, and more
targeted [20]. There are many public Web services
[2138] that facilitate the computer-based search for
candidate SNP markers using various similarity mea-
sures based on whole-genome data in health [39],
after treatment [40], and during a disease [41]orin-
fection [42] to eliminate unannotated SNPs that bear
the least resemblance to known biomedical SNP
markers (i.e. to eliminate the most probable neutral
SNPs). The Central Limit Theorem predicts that the
accuracy of this similarity-based elimination of unan-
notated neutral SNPs increases with the increase in
study [43].
Now, the best accuracy of this mainstream search cor-
responds to SNPs in protein-coding regions of genes
[44], i.e., SNPs that damage proteins [45] whose defects
are uncorrectable by treatment or lifestyle changes. On
the contrary, the worst accuracy of this kind of search is
seen for regulatory SNPs [11], which alter concentra-
tions of proteins without any damage to the proteins,
and such problems are correctable by medication and
lifestyle. The best balance between the predictability and
biomedical usefulness corresponds to the regulatory
SNPs between nucleotide positions -70 and 20 up-
stream of a transcription start site (TSS) [46,47] where
TATA-binding protein (TBP) binds to the promoter at
the very beginning of transcription initiation. This TBP
promoter complex is obligatory for any TSSes because
the TBP knockout model animals (TBP
) are always
inviable since their development cannot proceed past
the blastula stage because their maternal supply of TBP
is exhausted [48,49]. Moreover, the TBPpromoter af-
finity linearly correlates with the transcription magni-
tude of the human gene containing this promoter [50].
This notion has been repeatedly confirmed experimen-
tally (for review, see [51]). The canonical form of the
TBP-binding site (TATA box, synonyms: Hogness box
and Goldberg-Hogness box [52]) is the best-studied
regulatory element among human gene promoters [47].
In our previous studies, we developed public Web
service SNP_TATA_Comparator (http://beehive.bionet.n-[53] and applied it to
predict candidate SNP markers within TATA boxes of hu-
man genes associated with obesity [54], autoimmune dis-
eases [55], chronopathology [56], aggressiveness [57,58],
Alzheimers disease [59], and efficacy of anticancer
chemotherapy [60] (for review, see [20]). In the present
work, we applied our Web service [53] in the same way to
human reproductive potential as the most common con-
cept of population ecology dealing with the evolutionary
success of either individuals [2] or populations [3].
Tables 1,2,3,4,5,6and 7present the results obtained
by our Web service [53] for the 126 known and candi-
date reproductive-potential-related SNP markers in the
TBP-binding sites of human gene promoters (see
Methods: Supplementary Method, Additional file 1).
First, we analyzed all SNPs mapped within [70; 20]
regions upstream of transcription start sites for the hu-
man genes containing the known biomedical SNP
markers that alter TBPs binding to promoters of these
genes (Tables 1,2,3,4,5and 6). Let us first describe in
more detail only one human gene in order to briefly re-
view all the others.
Known and candidate reproductivity-related SNP markers
of cancers
The human ESR2 gene (estrogen receptor β) contains a
known SNP marker (Fig. 1a: rs35036378) of an ESR2-
deficient primary pT1 breast tumor, which is needed in
tamoxifen-based prophylaxis of cancer [61] as shown in
Table 1. The prediction of our Web service [53] is con-
sistent with this independent clinical observation (Fig.
1b: text box Results, line Decisioncontains the label
deficiency: significant).
Next, near this known biomedical SNP marker
rs35036378, we found the unannotated SNP rs766797386,
which can also decrease expression of the human ESR2
gene (Fig. 1c) and thus cause an ESR2-deficient primary
pT1 tumor requiring prophylaxis by tamoxifen against
breast cancer [61]. This result allowed us to suggest
rs766797386 as a candidate SNP marker of a higher risk
of breast cancer reducing reproductive potential.
Finally, using our secondary keyword search for these
two SNP markers (hereinafter: see Methods: Additional
file 2: Figure S1. dotted-line box, Additional file 2), we
learned (hereinafter: see Table S1, Additional file 3) that
cadmium (Cd) elevates the risk of a primary tumors
Chadaeva et al. BMC Genomics 2018, 19(Suppl 3):0 Page 17 of 141
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becoming malignant [62], whereas mothers undergoing
tamoxifen-based treatment should not breastfeed [63].
The human HSD17B1,PGR,andGSTM3 genes en-
code hydroxysteroid (17-β) dehydrogenase 1, proges-
terone receptor, and glutathione S-transferase μ3,
respectively. Their promoters have the known SNP
markers rs201739205, rs10895068, and rs1332018,
which elevate risks of breast [64]andendometrial
[65] cancers; a brain tumor in a fetus, newborn, or a
child [66], respectively; as well as renal cancer and
Alzheimersdisease[67](Table1). Near these known
biomedical SNP markers, there are four unannotated
SNPs rs201739205, rs748743528, rs200209906, and
rs750789679, which can similarly alter expression
levels of the same genes according to the predictions
of our Web service [53] (Table 1). Hence, we pro-
posed them as the candidate SNP markers of the
same diseases.
Besides, within the same promoters, we found four
other unannotated SNPs rs755636251, rs544843047,
rs748231432, and rs763859166, which can cause the op-
posite alterations in the expression of the corresponding
genes (Table 1). Using our primary keyword search
(hereinafter: see Methods, Additional file 2: Figure S1.
two dashed-line boxes, Additional file 2), we found that
both HSD17B1 overexpression and deficiency can ele-
vate the risk of breast cancer [68], whereas GSTM3 defi-
ciency can reduce these risks in people who never drink
alcohol [69] (Table 1). In addition, Searles Nielsen and
colleagues [66] suggested that another mechanism of
GSTM3 overexpression can reduce the risk of a brain
tumor in some children, as can rs748231432 and
rs763859166 according to our results shown in Table 1.
Finally, using our secondary keyword search, we found
eight retrospective clinical reviews [7076]. The most in-
teresting among them, in our opinion, is a report on a
Table 1 Known and candidate SNP markers of tumors in reproductive organs
Gene dbSNP [6]
rel. 147 or
see [Ref]
5flank wt
3flank K
, nM Known diseases (SNP markers) or hypothetical disease
(candidate SNP markers)
ESR2 rs35036378 cctctcggtc t
ttaaaaggaa 6
B ESR2-deficient pT1 breast tumor needing tamoxifen
prophylaxis against cancer
rs766797386 ttaaaaggaa g
aaggggctta 6
C(hypothetically) the same disease [this
HSD17B1 rs201739205 aggtgatatc a
agcccagagc 13
A higher risk of breast cancer [64]
rs201739205 agcaggtgat a
tcaagcccag 13
18 10
A(hypothetically) the same disease [this
rs748743528 gcaggtgata t
caagcccaga 13
13 10
rs755636251 ggcgaagcag g
tgatatcaag 13
2 0.05 D (hypothetically) higher risk of breast cancer [68]
PGR rs10895068 gggagataaa g
gagccgcgtg 10
A endometrial cancer caused by the spurious TATA box and
its TSS disbalancing both αand βisoforms of progesterone
rs544843047 agtcgggaga t
aaaggagccg 10
14 10
A(hypothetically) health as the norm without the above-
mentioned spurious TATA box
GSTM3 rs1332018 ccccttatgt c
gggtataaag 4
= 2 1 E maternal c(Wb: TF-binding site damaged, not TATA box),
elevates risk of a brain tumor in her child, renal cancer, and
Alzheimers disease
rs200209906 gtataaagcc c
ctcccgctca 3.6
21 E(hypothetically) the same disease and low risks of breast
cancer in those who never drink alcohol and lesser Hg-
resistance during reproduction
rs750789679 cgggtataaa g
cccctcccgc 3.6
rs748231432 cccttatgtc g
ggtataaagc 3.6
3 0.05 D (hypothetically) lower risk of a brain tumor in a child whose
mother has c-allele of rs1332018
rs763859166 gggtataaag c
ccctcccgct 3.6
Hereinafter, ancestral (wt) and minor (mut) alleles; K
, dissociation constant of TBPDNA interaction; Δ, a change: overexpression (), deficit (), norm (=); α=1
p, significance {where p value is shown in Fig. 1;α= 1 denotes insignificance}; ρ, heuristic rank of candidate SNP markers varying in alphabetical order from the
best(A) to the worst(E); the CETP gene: 18bp, the 18-bp deletion 5-gggcggacatacatatac-3; the F3 gene: 30bp, 17bp, and 18bp as the insertions 5-agaccttca-
taagaaataatcctgatccaa-3,5-tgctgcgtactggcaaa-3, and 5-acggcgtagagactggga-3of 30 bp, 17 bp, and 18 bp in length, respectively; EMSA, electrophoretic mobility
shift assay; Hg, mercury; LUC, luciferase reporter assay; TF, transcription factor; Wb: western blot.
Chadaeva et al. BMC Genomics 2018, 19(Suppl 3):0 Page 18 of 141
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nontrivial balance between reproductive potential and
the risk of cancers of reproductive organs [70]. It is in-
teresting that only one SNP marker (rs605059; protein-
coding region, HSD17B1) of a positive correlation be-
tween the lifespan and number of children in women is
known so far [71]. It is also noteworthy that one of
current theories is that aging is a stepwise reduction in
reproductive potential of individuals where one of these
steps is under the control of the luteinizing hormone,
whose suppression by smoking can reduce the risk of
Alzheimers disease [9].
The human IL1B,CYP2A6,CYP2B6, and DHFR genes
encode interleukin 1β, xenobiotic monooxygenase, 1,4-
cineole 2-exo-monooxygenase, and dihydrofolate reduc-
tase, respectively. Their promoters contain the known
SNP markers (rs1143627 [7785], rs28399433 [86,87])
of nonreproductive organ cancer, as well as SNP markers
(rs34223104 [88] and rs10168 [89]) of bioactivation and
resistance to anticancer drugs, as shown in Table 2.Near
these known SNP markers, we detected three unanno-
tated SNPs, rs761592914, rs563558831, and rs750793297,
which can alter expression levels of the same genes in the
same manner (Table 2) and may be candidate SNP
markers in this regard.
In addition, in the same gene regions, we found four
other unannotated SNPs rs549858786, rs766799008,
rs764508464, and rs754122321 that can have the oppos-
ite effect on the expression of the corresponding genes
(Table 2). Using our primary keyword search, we
found four articles [9093] similar to those that
were in the case of the known SNPs, where we
learned about the correlations between the intensity
of physiological and clinical manifestations under
study [8589](Table2). Finally, our secondary key-
word search yielded 12 reviews [93105], among
which, the most relevant for us was the notion that
Helicobacter pylori infection can cause not only can-
cer of non-reproductive organs, but can directly re-
duce human reproductive potential in both men and
women [101].
Looking through Tables 1,2, and Additional file 3:
Table S1, one can see that a person increases his/her
Table 2 Known and candidate SNP markers of tumors in nonreproductive organs
Gene dbSNP [6]
rel. 147 or
see [Ref]
5flank wt
3flank K
, nM Known diseases (SNP markers) or hypothetical disease
(candidate SNP markers)
[Ref] or
[this work]
IL1B rs1143627 ttttgaaagc c
ataaaaacag 5
15 10
A high risks of gastric, liver, and nonsmall cell lung cancers;
gastric ulcer, chronic gastritis, recurrent major depression,
obesity, Gravesdisease, pre-eclampsia, (hypothetically)
short time-to-delivery in pregnancy and childbirth
[this work]
rs549858786 tgaaagccat a
aaaacagcga 5
A(hypothetically) lesser risk of the same diseases [60]
CYP2A6 rs28399433 tcaggcagta t
aaaggcaaac 2
21 10
A low risk of lung cancer in smokers (LUC: -34g
corresponds to 50% of -34t), (hypothetically) lesser
damage from secondhand smoke in pregnant women who
are nonsmokers
[this work],
rs761592914 tttttcaggc a
gtataaaggc 2
B(hypothetically) the same disease [this work]
CYP2B6 rs34223104 gatgaaattt t
ataacagggt 4
15 10
, and de-novo TSS
can cause overexpression of this gene of a bioactivator of
immunosuppressive and antitumor prodrug
rs563558831 tgaaatttta t
aacagggtgc 4
13 10
A(hypothetically) the same problem [this work]
DHFR rs10168 ctgcacaaat g
gggacgaggg 15
A resistance to methotrexate treatment of leukemia and
(hypothetically) that in the cases of ectopic pregnancy,
metastatic choriocarcinoma, and gestational trophoblastic
[89], [this
work], [93]
rs750793297 tgcacaaatg g
ggacgagggg 15
C(hypothetically) the same diseases [this work]
rs766799008 ctgcacaaat a
tggggacgag 15
B(hypothetically) greater bioactivity of methotrexate during
treatment of leukemia, ectopic pregnancy, metastatic
choriocarcinoma, and gestational trophoblastic disease
[this work],
rs764508464 ctgcacaaat a
tggggacgag 15
17 10
rs754122321 ctcgcctgca c
aaatggggac 15
See Noteunder Table 1
Chadaeva et al. BMC Genomics 2018, 19(Suppl 3):0 Page 19 of 141
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lifespan and reproductive potential when this person re-
duces the encounters with cancer risk factors.
Known and candidate reproductivity-related SNP markers
of metabolism
Human LEP,GCG,GH1, and INS genes encode hor-
mones leptin, glucagon, somatotropin, and insulin, re-
spectively. There are four known biomedical SNP
markers: rs201381696 (obesity [54,106]), rs183433761
(resistance to obesity during a high-fat diet [54]),
rs11568827 (short stature [107]), and rs5505 (type 1 dia-
betes after neonatal diabetes mellitus [108]) as presented
in Table 3.
Near these known SNP markers, 10 candidate SNP
markers rs200487063, rs34104384, rs757035851, rs7962
37787, rs768454929, rs761695685, rs774326004, rs7770
03420, rs563207167, and rs11557611 were first predicted
by our Web service [53] and, then, were characterized by
our primary keyword search (Table 3). The most interest-
ing among these predictions [109116], in our opinion, is
the candidate SNP marker rs563207167 of neonatal
macrosomia whose known clinical marker is hyperinsuli-
nemia [115], which can be caused by the minor allele of
this SNP according to our calculations (Table 3).
Finally, our secondary keyword search produced 31
original articles [105,117146], e.g., showing that a ma-
ternal high-fat diet elevates the risk of hypertrophy in
offspring via fetal hyperinsulinemia programmed epige-
netically [141]. It is also relevant that bupropion used as
an antidepressant against smoking in pregnancy can
cause hyperinsulinemia in newborn children [142].
Human genes NOS2,STAR,APOA1,CETP,SOD1,
TPI1,andGJA5 code for inducible nitric oxide synthase
2, steroidogenic acute regulatory protein, apolipoprotein
A1, cholesteryl ester transfer protein, Cu/Zn superoxide
dismutase, triosephosphate isomerase, and connexin 40,
respectively. Their promoters contain eight known bio-
medical SNP markers shown in Table 4.
Around these known biomedical SNP markers, we
found six unannotated SNPs rs544850971, rs17231520,
Table 3 Known and candidate reproductivity-related SNP markers in genes of hormones
Gene dbSNP [6]
rel. 147 or
see [Ref]
5flank wt
3flank K
, nM Known diseases (SNP markers) or hypothetical disease
(candidate SNP markers)
[Ref] or
LEP rs201381696 tcgggccgct a
taagaggggc 4
17 10
Ahypoleptinemia elevates risk of obesity [54,106]
rs200487063 tgatcgggcc g
ctataagagg 4
A(hypothetically) hyperleptinemia elevates risk of hypertension in
rs34104384 ccgctataag a
ggggcgggca 4
GCG rs183433761 gctggagagt a
tataaaagca 0.9
17 10
A resistance to obesity during a high-fat diet [54]
(hypothetically) hypoglucogonemia decreases pregnancy
probability, serum insulin in pregnancy, and during late
gestational period
rs757035851 tatataaaag cag
tgcgccttgg 0.9
GH1 rs11568827 aggggccagg g
tataaaaagg 1.5
= 1 1 E short stature (EMSA: unknown TF-binding site lost, not TATA
(hypothetically) higher risk of GH1 deficiency as clinical
syndrome whose symptoms are increased central adiposity,
atherogenesis, as well as cerebrovascular and cardiac
morbidity (and mortality), and, also, decreased lean body
mass, bone mineral density, quality of life
rs796237787 gaaggggcca g
rs768454929 agggtataaa a
agggcccaca 1.5
rs761695685 gccagggtat a
aaaagggccc 1.5
19 10
rs774326004 ccagggtata a
aaagggccca 1.5
A(hypothetically) higher risks of acromegaly [this
rs777003420 aaggggccag g
gtataaaaag 1.5
3 0.05 D
INS rs5505 agatcactgt c
cttctgccat 53
B type 1 diabetes after neonatal diabetes mellitus [108]
(hypothetically) hyperinsulinemia elevates the placental leptin
which causes neonatal macrosomia
rs563207167 tcagccctgc c
tgtctcccag 53
rs11557611 gatcactgtc c
ttctgccatg 53
2 0.05 D (hypothetically) hypoinsulinemia slows down fetal growth [this
See Noteunder Table 1
Chadaeva et al. BMC Genomics 2018, 19(Suppl 3):0 Page 20 of 141
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
rs569033466, rs757176551, rs781835924, and rs58774
5372, which can alter expression levels of the human
genes containing them according to in silico predictions
of our Web service [53] (Table 4). Next, we carried out
our primary keyword search where [147165] the most
interesting finding (in our opinion) is the clinical associ-
ation between a SOD1 deficiency and asthenospermia
[151], as one can see in Table 4. Finally, we performed
our secondary keyword search, which yielded 21 literary
sources [155175]. For instance, bisphenol A pollution
in men can increase the risk of congenital heart mor-
phogenesis disorders in their offspring as Lobmo and
colleagues [174] have reported.
As readers can see in Tables 3,4,andAdditional
file 3: Table S1, deviations from normal metabolism
in parents (e.g., starvation, stress, dietary changes,
and polluted environment) can epigenetically program
pathologies of the development in their offspring (e.g.,
[141]). Therefore, a person can increase his/her
reproductive potential and lifespan by keeping ones
metabolism normal.
Known and candidate reproductivity-related SNP markers
related to blood
Human genes HBB,HBD,HBG2,ACKR1,MBL2,
MMP12, and F2 encode subunits β,δ, and γ2 (fetal) of
hemoglobin as well as glycoprotein D, mannan-binding
lectin, macrophage elastase, and serine protease, respect-
ively. Table 5shows 10 known SNP markers (rs397
509430, rs33980857, rs34598529, rs33931746, rs339
81098, rs34500389, and rs35518301) of both malaria re-
sistance and thalassemia [176] as well as rs2814778 (both
malaria resistance and low white-blood-cell count [177,
178]), rs72661131 (variable immunodeficiency [179], pre-
eclampsia [180], and stroke [181]), and rs2276109 (lower
risks of psoriasis [182], systemic sclerosis [183], and
asthma [184]).
Table 4 Known and candidate reproductivity-related SNP markers in genes of other metabolic proteins
Gene dbSNP [6]
rel. 147 or
see [Ref]
5flank wt
3flank K
, nM Known diseases (SNP markers) or hypothetical disease
(candidate SNP markers)
[Ref] or
[this work]
NOS2 -51tc
gtataaatac t
tcttggctgc 2
C resistance to malaria and epilepsy (hypothetically) higher
risk of gestational diabetes mellitus
[this work],
STAR rs16887226 cagccttcag c
gggggacatt 10
= 0 1 E hypertensive diabetic patients, (EMSA: unknown TF-
binding site lost rather than TATA box)
rs544850971 tcagcggggg a
catttaagac 10
C(hypothetically) lower risk of the same disease and
congenital adrenal hyperplasia
[this work],
APOA1 35ac
tgcagacata a
ataggccctg 3
A fatty liver (hypothetically) high risk of polycystic ovary
syndrome in young women
[292], [this
CETP DEL-51(18
bp) [293]
cgtgggggct 18bp
gggctccagg 4
A hyperalphalipoproteinemia reducing risk of
rs17231520 ggggctgggc g
gacatacata 4
10 10
A(hypothetically) biomarker of late pregnancy when plasma
triglyceride, high-density lipoprotein, and cholesterol concen-
trations are significantly increased
[this work],
rs569033466 atacatatac g
ggctccaggc 4
rs757176551 catatacggg c
tccaggctga 4
10 10
SOD1 rs7277748 ggtctggcct a
taaagtagtc 2
17 10
A amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, (hypothetically),
asthenospermia, lower female fertility via progesterone
[294], [this
TPI1 rs1800202 gcgctctata t
aagtgggcag 1
17 10
B hemolytic anemia, neuromuscular diseases [295,296]
(hypothtically) higher risk of asthenospermia [this work],
[153]rs781835924 cgcggcgctc t
atataagtgg 1
10 10
GJA5 rs10465885 caactaagat g
tattaaacac 3
= 1 1 E arrhythmia, cardiovascular events (LUC: TF-binding site
damaged, not TATA box)
(hypothetically) the same disease and higher risk of heart
morphogenesis disorders
[this work],
rs587745372 ggcgacagat a
cgattaaaaa 6
rs35594137 gaggagggaa g
gcgacagata 6
= 0 1 E arrhythmia, cardiovascular events (LUC: TF-binding site
damaged, not TATA box)
See Noteunder Table 1
Chadaeva et al. BMC Genomics 2018, 19(Suppl 3):0 Page 21 of 141
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
Using our Web service [53], we found seven candidate
SNP markers rs63750953, rs281864525, rs117785782,
rs34166473, rs745580140, rs562962093, and rs572527
200, which can alter expression of the human genes
containing them, as is the case for the above SNP
markers, which can affect the human reproductive
potential [185,186] (Table 5). In addition, using our pri-
mary keyword search, we identified three more candi-
date SNP markers: rs567653539 (reduced risks of
recurrent vulvovaginal infections [187]), rs572527200
(high risk of ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome [188]),
rs564528021, and rs752364393 (high risk of pre-
eclampsia [189]). Finally, we performed our secondary
keyword search, which yielded 22 reviews [162,190
210], the most important of which (in our opinion) men-
tions pre-eclampsia as a leading cause of maternal and
fetal mortality and morbidity worldwide [162], as readers
can see in Additional file 3: Table S1.
Table 5 Known and candidate reproductivity-related SNP markers related to blood proteins
Gene dbSNP [6]
rel. 147 or
see [Ref]
5flank wt
3flank K
, nM Known diseases (SNP markers) or hypothetical disease
(candidate SNP markers)
[Ref] or
[this work]
HBB rs397509430 gggctgggca t
atacaacagt 5
34 10
A malaria resistance and thalassemia [176]
rs33980857 gggctgggca t
atacaacagt 5
27 10
rs34598529 ggctgggcat a
aaagtcaggg 5
24 10
rs33931746 gctgggcata a
aagtcagggc 5
14 10
rs33981098 agggctgggc a
taaaagtcag 5
10 10
rs34500389 cagggctggg c
ataaaagtca 5
C(hypothetically) the same disease; heterozygotes wt-mut
are still more viable according to most of clinical indicators
in comparison with both homozygotes wt-wtand mut-
[this work],
rs63750953 ctgggcataa aa
gtcagggcag 5
rs281864525 tgggcataaa a
gtcagggcag 5
rs117785782 ggctgagggt t
tgaagtccaa 28
HBD rs35518301 caggaccagc a
taaaaggcag 4
11 10
A malaria resistance and thalassemia [176]
(hypothetically) the same disease; heterozygotes wt-mut
are still more viable according to most of clinical indicators
[this work],
[185]rs34166473 aggaccagca t
aaaaggcagg 4
18 10
HBG2 rs745580140 ggagttgctc ta
cacaagctct 11
10 10
ACKR1 rs2814778 ttggctctta t
cttggaagca 10
B low white-blood-cell count and resistance to malaria,
(hypothetically) pre-eclampsia
[this work],
MBL2 rs72661131 tctatttcta t
atagcctgca 2
12 10
A variable immunedefici-ency, pre-eclampsia, stroke, [190192]
(hypothetically) the same disease; higher risks of recurrent
vulvovaginal infections
[this work],
[187]rs562962093 atctatttct a
tatagcctgc 2
15 10
rs567653539 tttctatata g
cctgcaccca 2
12 10
A(hypothetically) reduced risks of recurrent vulvovaginal
MMP12 rs2276109 gatatcaact a
tgagtcactc 11
C lower risk of psoriasis, systemic sclerosis, asthma [193195]
(hypothetically), higher risk of ovarian hyper-stimulation
[this work],
[188]rs572527200 gatgatatca a
ctatgagtca 11
F2 rs564528021 agttcaacat t
aacccagagg 13
A(hypothetically) high risk of pre-eclampsia [this work],
rs752364393 caacattaac c
cagaggggtc 13
See Noteunder Table 1
Chadaeva et al. BMC Genomics 2018, 19(Suppl 3):0 Page 22 of 141
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Table 6 Known and candidate reproductivity-related SNP markers related to coagulation of blood
Gene dbSNP [6]
rel. 147 or
see [Ref]
5flank wt
3flank K
, nM Known diseases (SNP markers) or hypothetical
disease (candidate SNP markers)
[Ref] or [this
PROC rs528817178 cctttcattc c
gcttccacct 27
A(hypothetically) higher risk of tumor cell invasion [this work],
rs539608065 ctttcattcc g
cttccacctg 27
rs539731824 ttgtggttat g
gattaactcg 10
rs756414294 ggcgcggcac c
agcaccagct 121
25 10
rs777687270 ggcaccagca c
cagctgcccg 121
13 10
rs746382956 tgcccgcaga g
gtgagcttcc 121
19 10
rs542626506 cacacaggga c
agccctttca 27
C(hypothetically) high risks of thrombosis, inflammation,
and pregnancy loss
[this work],
rs61731661 ccctttcatt c
cgcttccacc 27
5 0.05 D
F8 rs781855957 acggcggcag c
ggaagaggga 75
A(hypothetically) higher risk of thrombosis [this work]
THBD rs13306848 agggagggcc g
ggcacttata 2
= 1 1 E thrombosis (LUC: TF site damaged, not TATA) [211]
(hypothetically) higher risks of placental failure
and fetal loss
[this work],
[217]rs568801899 caatccgagt g
tgcggcatca 45
F3 rs563763767 ccctttatag c
gcgcggggca 3
A myocardial infarction; thrombosis; [212]
(hypothetically) higher risk of ovarian cancer [this work],
[218]rs779755900 atctcgccgc -
caactggtag 90
43 10
rs749456955 gatctcgccg c
caactggtag 90
rs746842194 cgatctcgcc -
gccaactggt 90
15 10
rs754815577 ctcgatctcg -
ccgccaactg 90
17 10
rs768753666 ggaacccgct c
gatctcgccg 90
A(hypothetically) lower risk of ovarian cancer
rs774688955 cgccacggaa c
ccgctcgatc 90
2 0.05 D
F7 -33ac
ccttggaggc a
gagaactttg 53
C moderate bleeding [213]
(hypothetically) lower risk of ovarian cancer [this work],
[218]rs749691733 agaactttgc c
cgtcagtccc 53
rs367732974 aactttgccc g
tcagtcccat 53
2 0.05 D (hypothetically) higher risk of ovarian cancer
rs549591993 gcccgtcagt c
ccatggggaa 53
13 10
rs777947114 agagaacttt g
cccgtcagtc 53
19 10
rs770113559 gtcacccttg g
aggcagagaa 53
rs754814507 cctcccccat c
cctctgtcac 53
F11 rs754739433 tctgggaatt a
tttttagtaa 4
2 0.05 D (hypothetically) hereditary factor XI deficiency,
high risk of spontaneous primary hemorrhage
[this work],
Chadaeva et al. BMC Genomics 2018, 19(Suppl 3):0 Page 23 of 141
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
Human genes THBD,PROC,F8,F3,F7,F9, and F11
code for thrombomodulin, and blood coagulation factors
XIV, 8, 3, 7, 9, and 11, respectively (Table 6). There are
three known SNP markers rs13306848 (thrombosis
[211]), rs563763767 (myocardial infarction and throm-
bosis [212]), and F7:-33ac (moderate bleeding [213])
located within the promoters of these genes, which are
listed in Table 6.
Within 90-bp proximal regions of these promoters, we
selected 30 candidate SNP markers of tumor invasion
[214], thrombosis, inflammation and pregnancy loss [215
217], ovarian cancer [218], hemorrhage [219], angioneur-
otic edema [220], hemophilia B [221], and myocardial fi-
brosis [222] (Table 6). We predicted them using our Web
service [53] and a primary keyword search, as described
above in detail. Finally, our secondary keyword search
produced 29 reviews [101,223250]. The most interesting
among them, in our opinion, is the fact that Homo sapiens
is the longest-lived species among great apes (Hominidae)
in the postreproductive period. Most often, this period in
the life of a human is accompanied by various types of de-
mentia and atherosclerosis, whereas cardiomyopathy and
myocardial fibrosis predominate in great apes [248].
Looking through Tables 5,6, and Additional file 3:
Table S1, readers can see that by reducing the risk of
blood diseases, a person can increase his/her lifespan
and reproductive potential.
Candidate SNP markers of reproductivity-related genes
In addition, using a standard keyword search in the
PubMed database, we found articles on human reproduct-
ive potential. On this basis, we selected a set of 22 human
TACR3,TET1,andTSSK2whose promoters do not con-
tain known biomedical SNP markers. This gene set repre-
sents a wide variety of known reproductivity-related
physiological markers, such as enzymes, transcription fac-
tors, hormones, and their receptors. Table 7presents the
results obtained using our Web service [53].
None of the SNPs can statistically significantly alter
TBPs affinity for the promoters of human genes CAT,
TACR3,TET1, and TSSK2 being analyzed (data not
shown). Within promoters of five remaining genes (AR,
MTHFR,DNMT1,CYP17A1, and NR5A1), in the same
way, we found 24 candidate SNP markers (Table 7). Our
primary keyword search associated them with androge-
netic alopecia and androgen-induced premature senes-
cence in adult men [251], preeclampsia [252], adverse
pregnancy outcomes [253], epigenetic disorders of fetal/
newborn brain development [254,255], activation of
protooncogenes in cancer [256], hyperandrogenism in
polycystic ovary syndrome [257], fertility impairments
[258], adrenal tumors and endometriosis [259] (Table 7).
As a cross-validation test, we unexpectedly found the
ratio 5:19 of the candidate SNP markers in the
reproductivity-related genes (Table 7) decreasing versus
increasing TBP-promoter affinity. In contrast, the well-
known whole-genome ratio 2:1 of SNPs reducing versus
SNPs increasing affinity of the transcription factors for
human gene promoters has been identified by two inde-
pendent teams [260,261]. According to binomial distri-
bution, this difference between the candidate SNP
markers in the reproductivity-related genes (Table 7)
and all SNPs of the human genome is statistically signifi-
cant (α< 0.000005). This statistical significance reflects
the stronger pressure of natural selection against
Table 6 Known and candidate reproductivity-related SNP markers related to coagulation of blood (Continued)
Gene dbSNP [6]
rel. 147 or
see [Ref]
5flank wt
3flank K
, nM Known diseases (SNP markers) or hypothetical
disease (candidate SNP markers)
[Ref] or [this
rs780731761 ttatttttag t
aaaggaaatt 4
rs747652067 tatttttagt a
aaggaaattt 4
rs374761594 catttgtcta c
tgaagcacac 13
B(hypothetically) higher risk of angioneurotic edema [this work],
rs759231858 acaccaacca g
aataacgaag 13
17 10
rs752308147 ccagaataac g
aagctcgata 13
F9 rs371045754 tggtacaact a
atcgacctta 6
A(hypothetically) higher risk of hemophilia B [this work],
rs750827465 tttggtacaa c
taatcgacct 6
A(hypothetically) higher risk of myocardial fibrosis [this work],
See Noteunder Table 1
Chadaeva et al. BMC Genomics 2018, 19(Suppl 3):0 Page 24 of 141
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Table 7 Candidate SNP markers of reproductivity-related genes
Gene dbSNP [6]
rel. 147 or
see [Ref]
5flank wt
3flank K
,nM hypothetical disease (candidate SNP markers) [this
AR rs763353257 aagggaagta g
gtggaagatt 30
A(hypothetically) higher risks of androgenetic alopecia and
androgen-induced premature senescence in adult men
rs749306567 aagggaagta g
gtggaagatt 30
11 10
rs377711437 cagcactgca g
ccacgacccg 75
2 0.05 D
MTHFR rs780207553 cacgcactct g
ggcctgagct 74
12 10
A(hypothetically) higher risk of pre-eclampsia [252]
rs749532075 tccctcccca c
gcactctggg 74
rs771960561 cctctgttcc c
tccccacgca 74
rs773214376 tgcctctgtt c
cctccccacg 74
2 0.05 D
rs566478202 ggtgcctctg t
tccctcccca 74
2 0.05 D (hypothetically) higher risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes [253]
rs752181249 gaggatctac a
gccatcagct 27
DNMT1 rs570287204 gtgggggggg -
tgtgtgcccg 52
11 10
A(hypothetically) under stress, higher risk of epigenetic disorders
of fetal and newborn brain development causing long-term
neurobehavioral problems that may be reversible in
rs534819409 cgtggggggg g
ggcctgagct 52
rs553454792 gcgtgggggg g
gtgtgtgccc 52
11 10
rs558447661 cgtggagctt g
gacgagccca 72
15 10
rs535899986 cccagcaaac c
gtggagcttg 72
rs143796354 cacctcccag c
aaaccgtgga 72
20 10
rs756103340 gcggcgcgca g
cggcagttgg 92
rs758026532 ccagcaaacc g
tggagcttgg 72
B(hypothetically) higher risks of activation of protooncogenes in
rs772821225 gtctccaata a
atgcagctgg 7
2 0.05 D
CYP17A1 rs758657961 ctggagttga g
ccagcccttg 56
11 10
A(hypothetically) higher risk of hyperandrogenism in polycystic
ovary syndrome
rs373488849 tgccctggag t
tgagccagcc 56
B(hypothetically) higher risk of fertility impairments [258]
NR5A1 rs147497093 gttcagcaag c
acaagagaaa 19
17 10
A(hypothetically) higher risks of adrenal tumors and
rs535432539 cgctgcttcc g
cttcgtaagt 31
rs553326158 gcgctgcttc c
gcttcgtaag 31
rs143242438 caccctcatc c
ggtgtgagag 31
See the footnote of Table 1;
this SNP includes one more minor neutral allele: a.
Chadaeva et al. BMC Genomics 2018, 19(Suppl 3):0 Page 25 of 141
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underexpression of the reproductivity-related genes. This
unexpected finding indicates higher robustness of this
specific sort of human genes on a whole-genome scale
and is consistent with the commonly accepted meaning of
the term reproductive potentialas a mainstream concept
in population ecology, which defines this term as a meas-
ure of evolutionary success of either human individuals
[2] or populations [3]. This match between our predic-
tions (Table 7) and one of the mainstream biomedical
concepts [2,3] support the plausibility of the candidate
SNP markers predicted here.
Verification procedures for the selected candidate SNP
markers predicted here
Different public Web services [2138,53]havetheiradvan-
tages and disadvantages in eliminating unannotated neutral
SNPs. To optimize such knowledge, a comparison between
the results of these Web services and experimental data as
an independent commonly accepted uniform platform
seems to be a necessary step for prediction of candidate
SNP markers in silico [15,20,59]. Keeping this in mind, we
selected some of the 126 candidate SNP markers predicted
herers563763767, rs33981098, rs35518301, rs1143627,
rs72661131, rs1800202, and rs7277748and measured
equilibrium dissociation constant K
of TBPDNA com-
plexes using an electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA)
in vitro (see Methods). The results are shown in Fig. 2,for
example, panels A and B present electropherograms and
their graphical representation in the case of ancestral and
minor alleles, respectively, of the candidate SNP marker
rs33981098 within the human HBB gene promoter. Here,
readers can see that this SNP reduces the TBPDNA affin-
ity in half: from 44 nM in the norm (wt) to 90 nM in path-
ology (mut); this finding supports our prediction, namely,
thetwofolddecreaseintheestimateofTBPDNA affinity
from 5 to 9 nM (Table 5). Overall, panel C shows the co-
ordinate plane of the predicted (axis X) and the measured
(axis Y) ratio of K
values of minor versus
Fig. 1 The result produced by SNP_TATA_Comparator [53] for reproductive potential-related SNP markers in the human ESR2 gene. Legend: aUnanno-
tated SNPs (analyzed in this study) in the region [-70; -20] (where all proven TBP-binding sites (boxed) are located; double-headed arrow, )ofthehuman
ESR2 gene promoter retrieved from dbSNP, rel. 147 [6] using the UCSC Genome Browser [12]. Dash-and-double-dot arrows: known and candidate SNP
markers of reproductive potential are predicted by a significant change in the affinity of TBP for the human ESR2 gene promoter. band cThe results from
our Web service SNP_TATA_Comparator [53] for the two SNP markers of reproductive potential: known marker rs35036378 [61] and candidate marker
rs766797386 near the known TBP-binding site (boxed) of the human ESR2 gene promoter. Solid, dotted, and dashed arrows indicate queries in the
reference human genome [10] by means of the BioPerl library [265]. Dash-and-dot arrows: estimates of significance of the alteration of gene product
abundance in patients carrying the minor allele (mut) relative to the norm (ancestral allele, wt) expressed as a Z-score using package R [266]. Circles indicate
the ancestral (wt) and minor (mut) alleles of the SNP marker labeled by its dbSNP ID [6]
Chadaeva et al. BMC Genomics 2018, 19(Suppl 3):0 Page 26 of 141
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
ancestral alleles of each SNP being verified. As one can see
in this figure, there is a significant correlation between
our predictions in silico and our measurements in vitro
in four statistical tests, namely: linear correlation (r),
Spearmans rank correlation (R), Kendallsrankcorrel-
ation (τ), and GoodmanKruskal generalized correl-
ation (γ) test, which confirm one anothersresults.
Therefore, the correlations between our predictions
and experimental data are robust in terms of the vari-
ation of statistical criteria that supports the candidate
reproductive-potential-related SNP markers predicted
Besides the conventional EMSA, we used two modern
high-performance methods. Figure 3shows the results of
high-resolution spectrometry on SX.20 (Applied Photophy-
sics, UK), where a stopped-flow fluorescence assay in vitro
in real-time mode was applied to the selected candidate
SNP marker rs1800202 (see Methods). As readers can see
in Table 4, we predicted in silico that the K
value of TBPs
binding affinity for this genes wild-type promoter (ancestral
alleles), 1 nM, can be weakened by the minor allele of this
SNP to 4 nM, in agreement with the experimental data: 1
versus 6 nM, respectively (Table 4). This is one more argu-
ment in favor of the significance of the candidate
reproductive-potential-related SNP markers predicted here.
Finally, we conducted transfection of the human cell
line hTERT-BJ1 (human fibroblasts) in culture, using the
pGL 4.10 vector carrying a reporter LUC gene whose
Fig. 2 Experimental verification of the selected candidate SNP markers by an electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) in vitro. Legend: aand b
Examples of electropherograms in the case of ancestral (panel A: norm, wild-type, wt) and minor (panel b: minor) alleles of the candidate SNP
marker rs33981098 within the human HBB gene promoter and the corresponding diagrams of experimental values. cThe significant correlations
between the ratio of K
values of the equilibrium dissociation constant of the TBPODN complex, which were either measured in vitro (Y-axis) or
in silico predicted (X-axis). Solid and dashed lines or curves denote the linear regression and boundaries of its 95% confidence interval, calculated
using software Statistica (Statsoft
, USA). Circles denote the ancestral and minor alleles of the candidate SNP markers rs563763767, rs33981098,
rs35518301, rs1143627, rs72661131, rs1800202, and rs7277748 being verified; r, R, τ,γ, and αare linear correlation, Spearmans rank correlation,
Kendalls rank correlation, GoodmanKruskal generalized correlation, and their significance, respectively.
Fig. 3 The kinetics of binding to and bending of the ODN corresponding to the selected SNP marker rs1800202. Legend: aThe ancestral allele,
ODN 5-ctcTATATAAgtggg-3.bThe minor allele, ODN 5-ctcTATAgAAgtggg-3. ODN concentration was 0.1 μM. TBP concentration was between
0.1 and 1.0 μM as indicated near the corresponding curve of the time series. K
values, a1 nM and b6 nM, were obtained as the output of the
Dynafit software (Biokin, USA) when we used the corresponding time-series data as input for this software
Chadaeva et al. BMC Genomics 2018, 19(Suppl 3):0 Page 27 of 141
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
transcription is initiated by either ancestral or minor al-
leles of the selected candidate SNP marker rs28399433
of the human CYP2A6 promoter (Table 2). The results
are depicted in Fig. 4. As shown in Table 2, the low af-
finity of TBP for the minor allele of this SNP relative to
the norm (ancestral allele) is consistent with the ex vivo
underexpression of a reporter LUC gene carrying the
minor allele of this SNP within the pGL 4.10 vector.
This ex vivo observation independently confirms our
prediction that this SNP can reduce the affinity of TBP
for the promoter of the human CYP2A6 gene (Table 2).
Thus, three independent experiments indicate that the
candidate reproductive-potential-related SNP markers
predicted here using our Web-service [53] seem to have
statistically significant effects and are not neutral.
In this work, we limited our research to SNPs altering
TBPs affinity for human gene promoters (according to
predictions made by our Web service [53]) and thereby
altering the expression of these genes; this is because the
TBP-binding site is the best-studied transcription-
regulatory element [47]. Using our Web service [53], we
analyzed over 1000 SNPs between nucleotide positions
-70 and -20 upstream of more than 50 protein-coding
regions documented in the Ensembl database [11] and
found only 126 candidate reproductive-potential-related
SNP markers (Tables 1,2,3,4,5,6and 7). This 8-fold re-
duction in the number of possible SNPs can make the
clinical cohort-based search for such biomedical SNP
markers faster, cheaper, and more targeted, indeed.
For clinical verification of the candidate SNP markers
predicted here, we heuristically set up their prioritization
based on Fishers Z-tests as rank ρ-values from the
best(A) to the worst(E) in alphabetical order (Tables
1,2,3,4,5,6and 7). With this in mind, our findings do
not mean that all the eliminated SNPs (data not shown)
cannot be considered candidate reproductive-potential-
related SNP markers. This is because they may alter
transcription factor-binding sites without disrupting the
TBP-binding site (e.g., rs11568827, rs796237787, and
rs16887226). To perform this sort of analysis for any of
them, there are many public Web services [2138]
whose research capabilities may be enhanced when they
are used in combination with our Web service [53].
It is also worth mentioning that 126 candidate SNP
markers predicted here are whole-genome landmarks indi-
cative of either elevated or reduced reproductive potential
patients as minor alleles of these SNPs [20]. For example,
10 candidate SNP markers of thrombosis (rs563763767,
rs781855957, rs13306848, rs568801899, rs779755900,
rs749456955, rs746842194, rs754815577, rs768753666,
rs774688955) cause overproduction of coagulation inducers
(Table 6). In pregnant women, Hughes syndrome provokes
thrombosis with a fatal outcome, although this syndrome
can be diagnosed and cured even at the earliest stages of its
development [230232](Additionalfile3:TableS1).Thus,
in women carrying any of the above SNPs, preventive treat-
ment of this syndrome [230232]before a planned preg-
nancy can reduce the risk of death. Table 6shows that
seven SNPs (rs563763767, rs779755900, rs749456955,
rs746842194, rs754815577, rs768753666, rs774688955)
among the 10 mentioned above elevate the risk of myocar-
dial infarction. Hence, a woman with some of these SNPs
can improve her longevity by bringing her lifestyle in line
with the knowledge that the risk of myocardial infarction
elevates with total number of pregnancies, the age of the
mother, as well as in pregnancy under the age of 20, in mul-
tiple pregnancies, in menstrual cycle irregularity, hyperten-
sion, preeclampsia, and in women smokers [233236]
(Additional file 3:TableS1).
Finally, during our keyword search in the PubMed data-
base, we encountered a large variety of research articles,
clinical cases, laboratory data, retrospective reviews, and
empirical findingson human reproductive potential in
various life situationsfrom sociologists, geneticists, legal
scholars, clinicians, bioinformaticians, pharmacists, psy-
chologists, pedagogues, physiologists, economists, and
other relevant experts such as specialists on management,
insurance, environmental protection, health care, and law
enforcement (Tables 1,2,3,4,5,6and 7,andAdditional
file 3: Table S1). This observation means that this vital
knowledge is very much in demand for the general popula-
tion, but it is too scattered for practice use. As one can see
Fig. 4 Cell culture verification of the selected candidate SNP marker
rs28399433 in cell line hTERT-BJ1 (human fibroblasts) transfected with
the pGL 4.10 vector carrying a reporter LUC gene. Legend: Dark gray
bar, the original vector pGL 4.10 (Promega, USA) without any insertions,
which served as an independent control; open bars, ancestral allele
(wild type, WT); light gray bar, minor allele (rs28399433). The height of
the bars and their error bars correspond to the mean estimates and
boundaries of their 95% confidence intervals calculated from five
independent experiments. All differences are statistically significant at
the confidence level of α<0.05
Chadaeva et al. BMC Genomics 2018, 19(Suppl 3):0 Page 28 of 141
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
in Tables 1,2,3,4,5,6and 7and Additional file 3:Table
S1, 126 candidate reproductive-potential-related SNP
markers predicted here may serve as valid whole-genome
landmarks near which the above authors can organize their
main research on how the evolutionary success of an indi-
vidual [2] or a population [3] could be enhanced. Conse-
quently, the results of these studies can be directly
addressed to people who would like to change their lifestyle
in view of the possible risks of diseases. This approach be-
comes possible within the framework of predictive-
preventive personalized medicine based on the sequenced
individual genomes.
In keeping with Bowleslifespan theory [9], a large body of
useful literature can be packaged into readable portions
relevant to candidate reproductive-potential-related SNP
markers for people who would like to reduce the risks of
diseases corresponding to known alleles in own sequenced
genome. After clinical validation, these candidate SNP
markers may become useful for physicians (to improve
treatment of patients) and for the general population (life-
style choices improving longevity).
DNA sequences
We analyzed SNPs retrieved from the dbSNP database,
v.147 [6] between nucleotide positions -70 and -20 up-
stream of the protein-coding regions documented by the
Ensembl database [11] using the public Web service
UCSC Genome Browser[12] as shown in Fig. 1a.
Synthetic double-helical deoxyoligonucleotides (ODNs)
The ODNs identical to ancestral and minor alleles of the
selected SNPsrs563763767, rs33981098, rs35518301,
rs1143627, rs72661131, rs1800202, and rs7277748were
synthesized and purified (BIOSYN, Novosibirsk, Russia).
Preparation and purification of recombinant full-length
human TBP
Recombinant human TBP (full-length native amino acid
sequence) was expressed in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3)
cells transformed with the pAR3038-TBP plasmid (a
generous gift from Prof. B. Pugh, Pennsylvania State
University) as described elsewhere [262] with two modi-
fications: the IPTG concentration was 1.0 instead of 0.1
mM, and the induction time was 3 instead of 1.5 h (for
more details, see [263]).
The above ODNs were labeled with
P on both strands by
means of T4 polynucleotide kinase (SibEnzyme, Novosi-
birsk) with subsequent annealing by heating to 95°C (at
equimolar concentrations) and slow cooling (no less than 3
h) to room temperature. Equilibrium dissociation constants
) for each TBPODN complex were measured using a
conventional protocol [263] including titration of a fixed
amount of the above-mentioned recombinant TBP, 0.3 nM,
with the increasing concentrations of each ODN to reach
an equilibrium, whose timing was determined independ-
ently for each ODN in advance. The binding experiments
were conducted at 25°C in a buffer consisting of 20 mM
HEPES-KOH pH 7.6, 5 mM MgCl
EDTA, 100 μg/ml BSA, 0.01% of NP-40, and 5% of glycerol.
The ТВРODN complexes were separated from the un-
bound ODN using an EMSA, and their abundance levels
were measured. The results of these measurements were
input into conventional software OriginPro 8, whose output
was a K
value expressed in nanomoles per liter, nM.
Stopped-flow fluorescence measurements
The ODNs identical to both ancestral and minor alleles
of the selected SNP rs1800202, (i.e., 5-ctcTATA-
TAAgtggg-3and 5-ctcTATAgAAgtggg-3, respectively)
were labeled at their 5-termini with fluorescent dyes
TAMRA and FAM (BIOSYN, Novosibirsk, Russia).
Combining a fixed concentration (0.1 μM) of ODNs
with various concentrations (0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, or 1.0
μM) of the above TBP, we analyzed six time-series of the
fluorescence expressed in conventional units using high-
resolution spectrometer SX.20 (Applied Photophysics,
UK). The results of these measurements served as input
into the Dynafit software (Biokin, USA), whose output
was the above K
values (for more details, see [264]).
Cell culture, transfection, and reporter assays
Cell line hTERT-BJ1 (human fibroblasts) was cultivated in
a complete medium consisting of Dulbeccos modified Ea-
gles medium/Nutrient mixture F-12 Ham, supplemented
with 10% (v/v) of fetal bovine serum (Sigma), penicillin
(100 U/mL), and streptomycin (100 μg/mL; BioloT). The
culture was maintained at 37°C in a humidified atmos-
phere containing 5% of CO
until the desired degree of
confluence. The proximal core promoter (177 bp long)
containing either the ancestral allele or minor allele of the
selected candidate SNP marker rs28399433 (5-tcaggcag-
TATAA Aggca aac-3or 5- tcaggcagTAgAAAggcaaac-3,
respectively) was cloned into the pGL 4.10 vector (Pro-
mega, USA) and cotransfected with pRL-TK using Screen
Fect A (InCella) as described elsewhere [265]. Next, the
cells were cultured in 6-well plates for 24 h. Luciferase ac-
tivity was determined using the Dual-Luciferase Reporter
Assay Kit (Promega, USA) All the experiments were con-
ducted five times independently at 8085% confluence.
DNA sequence analysis in silico
We analyzed DNA sequences between nucleotide posi-
tions -70 and -20 upstream of the protein-coding regions
Chadaeva et al. BMC Genomics 2018, 19(Suppl 3):0 Page 29 of 141
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
in the human genes retrieved from the human reference
genome using the standard BioPerl library [266] via our
Web service [53] in the case of ancestral alleles of SNPs
under study, as described in Fig. 1b. In the case of minor
alleles of these SNPs, we created sequences by hand using
the above DNA sequences according to the description of
these alleles from database dbSNP [6]asdescribedinFig.
1c. Next, clicking on the Calculatebutton (Fig. 1b, and
c), we computed the maximal ln(K
) value and its stand-
ard deviation ± εof the affinity of TBP for the [70; -20]
region (where all the known sites are located) for both an-
cestral and minor alleles of the human gene promoter be-
ing analyzed. On this basis, using a package R [267], our
Web service [54] made its statistical decision whether the
analyzed SNP can alter the expression of the human gene
under study as described in Additional file 1[268274].
Earlier, we tested these estimates using independent data
from more than a hundred our own experiments [275
285] and the experiments of other authors (for review, see
[51]). Finally, as soon as we predicted either SNP-caused
significant overexpression or SNP-driven significant un-
derexpression of the human genes being analyzed (as clin-
ically relevant physiological markers), we conducted a
manual two-step keyword search in NCBI databases [286]
as described in detail in Additional file 2[287].
Additional files
Additional file 1: Supplementary method. A sequence-based statistical
estimate of the SNP-caused alteration in the affinity of TATA box binding
protein (TBP) for the human gene promoter containing this SNP within
its region [-70; -20]. (PDF 220 kb)
Additional file 2: Supplementary method. Keyword search in the
PubMed database. (PDF 221 kb)
Additional file 3: Table S1. Clinically known dependences between
reproductive potential and hereditary diseases whose SNP markers were
predicted in this work. (PDF 198 kb)
ACKR1:atypical chemokine receptor 1; APOA1: apolipoprotein A1;
AR: androgen receptor; CAT: catalase; CETP: cholesteryl ester transfer protein;
CLCA4: chloride channel accessory 4; CYP17A1: cytochrome p450 family 17
subfamily A member 1; CYP1B1: cytochrome P450 family 1 subfamily B
member 1; CYP2A6: cytochrome P450 family 2 subfamily A member 6;
CYP2B6: cytochrome P450 family 2 subfamily B Member 6; DAZ1 (2, 3,
4): deleted in azoospermia 1 (2, 3, 4, respectively); DEFB126: defensin β126;
DHFR: dihydrofolate reductase; DNMT1: DNA methyltransferase 1;
EMSA: electrophoretic mobility shift assay; ESR2: estrogen receptor 2; F2 (3, 7,
8, 9, 11): coagulation factor II (III, VII, VIII, IX, XI, respectively); GCG: glucagon;
GH1: growth hormone 1; GJA5: gap junction protein α5;
GNRH1: gonadotropin releasing hormone 1; GSTM3: glutathione S-transferase
μ3; HBB: hemoglobin subunit β;HBD: hemoglobin subunit δ;
HBG2: hemoglobin subunit γ2; HSD17B1: hydroxysteroid 17-βdehydrogenase
1; IL1B: interleukin 1 β;INS: insulin; K
: equilibrium dissociation constant;
LEP: leptin; LHCGR: luteinizing hormone (choriogonadotropin receptor);
Ln: natural logarithm; MBL2: mannose binding lectin 2; MMP12: matrix
metallopeptidase 12; MTHFR: methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase;
Mut: minor allele of SNPs. Genes; NOS2: nitric oxide synthase 2;
NR5A1: nuclear receptor subfamily 5 group A member 1; PARP1: poly(ADP-
ribose) polymerase 1; PGR: progesterone receptor; PROC: protein C
(inactivator of coagulation factors Va and VIIIa); PYGO2: pygopus family PHD
finger 2; SNP: single nucleotide polymorphism; SOD1: superoxide dismutase
1; SRD5A2: steroid 5 α-reductase 2; SRY: sex determining region Y;
STAR: steroidogenic acute regulatory protein; TACR3: tachykinin receptor 3;
TBP: TATA-binding protein; TET1: Tet methylcytosine dioxygenase 1;
TF: transcription factor; THBD: thrombomodulin; TPI1: triosephosphate
isomerase 1; TSS: transcription start site; TSSK2: testis specific serine kinase 2;
WT: wild type (norm)
We are grateful to Shevchuk Editing (Brooklyn, NY, USA; URL: http:// for English editing.
The publication costs for this article were funded by grant #14.B25.31.0033
from the government of the Russian Federation, Resolution No. 220 (to
Professor E.I. Rogaev as principal investigator, PI). The data compilation was
supported by Russian Ministry of Science and Education under 5-100 Excel-
lence Programme (for IVC and MPP). The experiment ex vivo was supported
by project #0324-2016-0002 (for EVK, LVO, and AVO), the experiments in vitro
were supported by project #0324-2016-0003 (for LKS, IAD, EBS, OVA, and
DAZ), the software development was financed by projects #0324-2016-0008
(for DAR and NAK).
Availability of data and materials
Web service SNP_TATA_Comparator is public available (URL=http://
About this supplement
This article has been published as part of BMC Genomics Volume 19
Supplement 3, 2018: Selected articles from Belyaev Conference 2017:
genomics. The full contents of the supplement are available online at
NAK conceived of and supervised the study. LKS, IAD, EBS, OVA, and DAZ
conducted the in vitro experiments. EVK conducted the ex vivo experiments.
PMP and DAR designed, developed, maintained, adapted, and tuned the
software for sequence analysis. IVC analyzed data in silico. LVO and AVO
interpreted the computer-based predictions in comparison with experimen-
tal data. MPP wrote the manuscript. All the coauthors read and approved
the final version of the manuscript.
Ethics approval and consent to participate
Not applicable
Consent for publication
Not applicable
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in
published maps and institutional affiliations.
Author details
Brain Neurobiology and Neurogenetics Center, Institute of Cytology and
Genetics, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, 10 Lavrentyev
Ave, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia.
Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk
630090, Russia.
Department of Biology, University of La Verne, La Verne, CA
91750, USA.
Vector-Best Inc., Koltsovo, Novosibirsk Region 630559, Russia.
Novosibirsk State Agricultural University, Novosibirsk 630039, Russia.
Published: 9 February 2018
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... The canonical form of TBP-binding sites, the TATA box, is the best-studied regulatory element among human gene promoters. Tables identifying single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the (gene-dependent) TATA box have been collected in Reference [15]. ...
... Regulatory SNPs in the TATA regions have biomedical usefulness and are correctable by medication and/or lifestyle. Ref. [15] collects 126 known SNP markers in 7 tables. We made use of these tables to compute the finitely generated group f p whose relation (rel) is the marker; see Table 3. ...
... The last two markers in the same section, whose card seq is close to that of F 2 , are expected to produce a lower risk of breast cancer. Similar conclusions are valid for the SNP markers in other sections of Table 3. Table 3. Group analysis of a few known and candidate SNP markers (taken from [15]) Column 1 is for the selected gene. Column 2 is for the SNP marker. ...
Full-text available
Transcription factors (TFs) are proteins that recognize specific DNA fragments in order to decode the genome and ensure its optimal functioning. TFs work at the local and global scales by specifying cell type, cell growth and death, cell migration, organization and timely tasks. We investigate the structure of DNA-binding motifs with the theory of finitely generated groups. The DNA ‘word’ in the binding domain—the motif—may be seen as the generator of a finitely generated group Fdna on four letters, the bases A, T, G and C. It is shown that, most of the time, the DNA-binding motifs have subgroup structures close to free groups of rank three or less, a property that we call ‘syntactical freedom’. Such a property is associated with the aperiodicity of the motif when it is seen as a substitution sequence. Examples are provided for the major families of TFs, such as leucine zipper factors, zinc finger factors, homeo-domain factors, etc. We also discuss the exceptions to the existence of such DNA syntactical rules and their functional roles. This includes the TATA box in the promoter region of some genes, the single-nucleotide markers (SNP) and the motifs of some genes of ubiquitous roles in transcription and regulation.
... In the present work, we analyzed 68 human genes whose expression changes affect the reproductive health of women (Chadaeva et al., 2018) and men . The results are discussed in terms of restoration of animal species that are disappearing under anthropogenic pressure (Esmaeili et al., 2019). ...
... The analyzed human genes. We analyzed 68 human genes in the promoters of which we have previously evaluated candidate SNP markers of changes in the reproductive health of women (Chadaeva et al., 2018) and men ; the examples are presented in Table 1, and complete descriptions -in Supplementary Material 1 . ...
... For instance, in the promoter of the human ACKR1 gene (atypical chemokine receptor 1), we previously found SNP rs2814778, which lowers the affinity of TATA-binding protein (TBP) for this promoter (Chadaeva et al., 2018), thereby lowering the expression of this gene (see Table 1, column iii, N SNP = 1). This finding is consistent with independent clinical data on patients carrying rs2814778 Table 1. ...
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One of the greatest achievements of genetics in the 20th century is D.K. Belyaev’s discovery of destabilizing selection during the domestication of animals and that this selection affects only gene expression regulation (not gene structure) and influences systems of neuroendocrine control of ontogenesis in a stressful environment. Among the experimental data generalized by Belyaev’s discovery, there are also findings about accelerated extinction of testes’ hormonal function and disrupted seasonality of reproduction of domesticated foxes in comparison with their wild congeners. To date, Belyaev’s discovery has already been repeatedly confirmed, for example, by independent observations during deer domestication, during the use of rats as laboratory animals, after the reintroduction of endangered species such as Przewalski’s horse, and during the creation of a Siberian reserve population of the Siberian grouse when it had reached an endangered status in natural habitats. A genome-wide comparison among humans, several domestic animals, and some of their wild congeners has given rise to the concept of self-domestication syndrome, which includes autism spectrum disorders. In our previous study, we created a bioinformatic model of human self-domestication syndrome using differentially expressed genes (DEGs; of domestic animals versus their wild congeners) orthologous to the human genes (mainly, nervous-system genes) whose changes in expression affect reproductive potential, i.e., growth of the number of humans in the absence of restrictions caused by limiting factors. Here, we applied this model to 68 human genes whose changes in expression alter the reproductive health of women and men and to 3080 DEGs of domestic versus wild animals. As a result, in domestic animals, we identified 16 and 4 DEGs, the expression changes of which are codirected with changes in the expression of the human orthologous genes decreasing and increasing human reproductive potential, respectively. The wild animals had 9 and 11 such DEGs, respectively. This difference between domestic and wild animals was significant according to Pearson’s χ2 test (p < 0.05) and Fisher’s exact test (p < 0.05). We discuss the results from the standpoint of restoration of endangered animal species whose natural habitats are subject to an anthropogenic impact.
... The canonical form of TBP-binding site, the TATA box, is the best-studied regulatory element among human gene promoters. Tables identifying single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the (gene dependent) TATA box have been collected in Reference [13]. At present, there are about 10 8 stored SNP markers that have been identified in the human genome and about 10 10 potentially possible markers. ...
... But regulatory SNPs in the TATA regions have biomedical usefulness and are correctable by medication and/or lifestyle. Ref. [13] collects 126 known SNP markers in 7 tables. We made use of these tables to compute the finitely generated group f p whose relation (rel) is the marker, see Table 3. ...
... The authors declare no conflict of interest. Table 3. Group analysis of a few known and candidate SNP markers (taken from [13]). Three-base markers are taken into account. ...
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Transcription factors (TFs) are proteins that recognize specific DNA fragments in order to decode the genome and ensure its optimal functioning. TFs work at the local and global scales by specifying cell type, cell growth and death, cell migration, organization and timely tasks. We investigate the structure of DNA-binding motifs with the theory of finitely generated groups. The DNA 'word' in the binding domain-the motif-may be seen as the generator of a finitely generated group F dna on four letters, the bases A, T, G and C. It is shown that, most of the time, the DNA-binding motifs have subgroup structure close to free groups of rank three or less, a property that we call 'syntactical freedom'. Such a property is associated to the aperiodicity of the motif when it is seen as a substitution sequence. Examples are provided for the major families of TFs such as leucine zipper factors, zinc finger factors , homeo-domain factors, etc. We also discuss the exceptions to the existence of such a DNA syntactical rule and their functional role. This includes the TATA box in the promoter region of some genes, the single nucleotide markers (SNP) and the motifs of some genes of ubiquitous role in transcription and regulation.
... The canonical form of TBP-binding site, the TATA box, is the best-studied regulatory element among human gene promoters. Tables identifying single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the (gene dependent) TATA box have been collected in Reference [13]. At present, there are about 10 8 stored SNP markers that have been identified in the human genome and about 10 10 potentially possible markers. ...
... But regulatory SNPs in the TATA regions have biomedical usefulness and are correctable by medication and/or lifestyle. Ref. [13] collects 126 known SNP markers in 7 tables. We made use of these tables to compute the finitely generated group f p whose relation (rel) is the marker, see Table 3. ...
... The authors declare no conflict of interest. Table 3. Group analysis of a few known and candidate SNP markers (taken from [13]). Three-base markers are taken into account. ...
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Transcription factors (TFs) are proteins that recognize specific DNA fragments in order to decode the genome and ensure its optimal functioning. TFs work at the local and global scales by specifying cell type, cell growth and death, cell migration, organization and timely tasks. We investigate the structure of DNA-binding motifs with the theory of finitely generated groups. The DNA 'word' in the binding domain-the motif-may be seen as the generator of a finitely generated group F dna on four letters, the bases A, T, G and C. It is shown that, most of the time, the DNA-binding motifs have subgroup structure close to free groups of rank three or less, a property that we call 'syntactical freedom'. Such a property is associated to the aperiodicity of the motif when it is seen as a substitution sequence. Examples are provided for the major families of TFs such as leucine zipper factors, zinc finger factors , homeo-domain factors, etc. We also discuss the exceptions to the existence of such a DNA syntactical rule and their functional role. This includes the TATA box in the promoter region of some genes, the single nucleotide markers (SNP) and the motifs of some genes of ubiquitous role in transcription and regulation.
... [1]. This breakthrough summed up the results of long-term unique experiments on both mink (e.g., [2]) and fox (e.g., [3]) domestication as well as on mice as a laboratory model of human diseases (e.g., [4]). Among these experiments was our study on how emotionally mice respond to stress [5]. ...
... Table S2. Effects of underexpression or overexpression of the human genes under this study on the human diseases through aggressiveness changes, as estimated [2,3]. ...
... 1 [2] in human behavior models using Ackr1-null mice: impaired balance, high risks of anxiety, whole-body tremor and hypoactivity under stress [6] → within cohort-based study: ACKR1-excess contributes to mortality of men with coronary artery diseases ...
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Belyaev’s concept of destabilizing selection during domestication was a major achievement in the XX century. Its practical value has been realized in commercial colors of the domesticated fox that never occur in the wild and has been confirmed in a wide variety of pet breeds. Many human disease models involving animals allow to test drugs before human testing. Perhaps this is why investigators doing transcriptomic profiling of domestic versus wild animals have searched for breed-specific patterns. Here we sequenced hypothalamic transcriptomes of tame and aggressive rats, identified their differentially expressed genes (DEGs), and, for the first time, applied principal component analysis to compare them with all the known DEGs of domestic versus wild animals that we could find. Two principal components, PC1 and PC2, respectively explained 67% and 33% of differential-gene-expression variance (hereinafter: log2 value) between domestic and wild animals. PC1 corresponded to multiple orthologous DEGs supported by homologs; these DEGs kept the log2 value sign from species to species and from tissue to tissue (i.e., a common domestication pattern). PC2 represented stand-alone homologous DEG pairs reversing the log2 value sign from one species to another and from tissue to tissue (i.e., representing intraspecific and interspecific variation).
... In our previous works, we performed genome-wide analyses of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of TATA-binding protein (TBP)-binding sites in the promoters of genes associated with human reproductive health [37][38][39][40][41]. As a result of these bioinformatic estimates, we proposed that human reproductive potential diminishes during self- ...
... As the bioinformatics model development, first of all, we compiled the set of all the 275 human genes whose effects on human reproductive potential have been a priori estimated by means of SNPs within their 70 bp proximal promoters in our previous articles on this matter [37][38][39][40][41] and, next, updated literary sources in line with the current state of PubMed [43], as shown in Figure 1 (Step-1) and presented in Table S1 (hereinafter, see Supplementary Materials). Then, by means of PubMed [43], we compiled independent publicly available experimental in vivo RNA-Seq data sets on domestic versus wild animals [26,28,29], as depicted in Figure 1 (Step-2) and presented in Table 1. ...
... Here, we studied 275 human genes, which are described in Table S1 (see Supplementary Materials) according to the results of our in silico analysis of the effect of the SNPs (located in proximal promoters) on human reproductive health [37][38][39][40][41]; the literature supporting these data was updated according to the current state of the PubMed database [43], as depicted in Figure 1 (Step-1). ...
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Earlier, after our bioinformatic analysis of single-nucleotide polymorphisms of TATA-binding protein-binding sites within gene promoters on the human Y chromosome, we suggested that human reproductive potential diminishes during self-domestication. Here, we implemented bioinformatics models of human diseases using animal in vivo genome-wide RNA-Seq data to compare the effect of co-directed changes in the expression of orthologous genes on human reproductive potential and during the divergence of domestic and wild animals from their nearest common ancestor (NCA). For example, serotonin receptor 3A (HTR3A) deficiency contributes to sudden death in pregnancy, consistently with Htr3a underexpression in guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) during their divergence from their NCA with cavy (C. aperea). Overall, 25 and three differentially expressed genes (hereinafter, DEGs) in domestic animals versus 11 and 17 DEGs in wild animals show the direction consistent with human orthologous gene-markers of reduced and increased reproductive potential. This indicates a reliable association between DEGs in domestic animals and human orthologous genes reducing reproductive potential (Pearson’s χ2 test p < 0.001, Fisher’s exact test p < 0.05, binomial distribution p < 0.0001), whereas DEGs in wild animals uniformly match human orthologous genes decreasing and increasing human reproductive potential (p > 0.1; binomial distribution), thus enforcing the norm (wild type).
... Nevertheless, in the case of human reproductive potential, which is considered the target of natural selection, we observed a diametrically opposite pattern, namely: five candidate SNP markers were decreasing the TBP-promoter affinity and 19 candidate SNP markers were increasing this affinity (Chadaeva et al., 2018). Besides, we found only a minority (12 of 28) of candidate SNP markers of familial Alzheimer's disease that can decrease the TBP-promoter affinity; this finding is consistent with natural selection for its very slow pathogenesis, whose clinical manifestation is observed only at the age of over 65 ( Table 2). ...
... Elles peuvent définir "où et quand" des gènes sont actifs [189]. Ces régions régulatrices sont recherchées en amont du site de démarrage de la transcription (Transcription Start Site, TSS) [190]. On peut citer les rôles des activateurs (enhancers) : ces portions du génomes se fixent à des facteurs de transcription (des protéines pouvant réguler l'expression de gènes) et ainsi peuvent accroître l'expression de gènes associés [191]. ...
La sélection génomique, qui repose sur la prédiction de la valeur génétique des animaux candidats à la sélection à partir de l'information fournie par de très nombreux marqueurs génétiques en utilisant des marqueurs neutres, est un levier pertinent et pérenne. La recherche des mutations causales et leur intégration dans les évaluations génomiques permettraient un gain de précision important. Il est donc essentiel de mieux caractériser les mutations causales responsables de la variabilité des caractères quantitatifs liés à l’efficacité de production et à la qualité des produits tels que le lait. L’objectif de ce projet a été de rechercher des variants génétiques de microARNs exprimés dans la glande mammaire ou présents dans le lait et situés dans des régions génomiques ayant un effet sur des caractères quantitatifs (QTL) laitiers et mammites, dans trois espèces de ruminants. La détection de 59124 variants de microARNs exprimés dans la glande mammaire ou présents dans le lait en bovin, 13427 variants en caprin et 4761 en ovin a été permise grâce au développement d'un script bio-informatique. En bovin, 4679 variants génétiques d'intérêt sont situés dans des QTL laitiers et mammites et 127 en caprin, aucun en ovin. Trois variants bovins détectés ont été validés grâce à des études de GWAS. Les effets biologiques des variants validés ont été étudiés, avec des stratégies différentes selon la localisation et donc l'effet de la mutation. Dans le cas de la mutation située dans la région "seed" du bta-let-7e, le niveau d'expression d'ARNm cibles a été testé. Des résultats non concordants ont été obtenus entre les techniques de qRT-PCR et de RNAseq utilisées. Dans le cas de mutations situées dans les régions flanquantes de bta-miR-92b et bta-miR-486, la présence de ces microARNs a été mesurée dans le lait. Ces analyses n'ont pas révélé de différence d'expression significative des microARNs selon les génotypes. Ce projet a donc permis d'effectuer une analyse globale de variants de microARNs, de leur détection à leurs effets potentiels.
... Целью настоящей работы было расширить область при менимости наших Webсервисов (Ponomarenko M. et al., 2015;Sharypova et al., 2018) для оценки SNP сайтов ТВР связывания посредством поиска кандидатных SNPмар керов на хромосоме Y человека, связанных с показателями мужского репродуктивного потенциала (МРП). Эта ме то дология была использована при изучении женского ре продуктивного потенциала (Chadaeva et al., 2018), тогда как МРП еще не получил должного внимания. ...
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Reproductive potential is the most important conditional indicator reflecting the ability of individuals in a population to reproduce, survive and develop under optimal environmental conditions. As for humans, the concept of reproductive potential can include the level of the individual’s mental and physical state, which allows them to reproduce healthy offspring when they reach social and physical maturity. Female reproductive potential has been investigated in great detail, whereas the male reproductive potential (MRP) has not received the equal amount of attention as yet. Therefore, here we focused on the human Y chromosome and found candidate single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers of MRP. With our development named Web-service SNP_TATA_Z-tester, we examined in silico all 35 unannotated SNPs within 70-bp proximal promoters of the three Y-linked genes, CDY2A, SHOX and ZFY, which represent all types of human Y-chromosome genes, namely: unique, pseudo-autosomal, and human X-chromosome gene paralogs, respectively. As a result, we found 11 candidate SNP markers for MRP, which can significantly alter the TATA-binding protein (TBP) binding affinity for promoters of these genes. First of all, we selectively verified in vitro the values of the TBP-promoter affinity under this study, Pearson’s linear correlation between predicted and measured values of which were r = 0.94 (significance p < 0.005). Next, as a discussion, using keyword search tools of the PubMed database, we found clinically proven physiological markers of human pathologies, which correspond to a change in the expression of the genes carrying the candidate SNP markers predicted here. These were markers for spermatogenesis disorders (ZFY: rs1388535808 and rs996955491), for male maturation arrest (CDY2A: rs200670724) as well as for disproportionate short stature at Madelung deformity (e. g., SHOX: rs1452787381) and even for embryogenesis disorders (e. g., SHOX: rs28378830). This indicates a wide range of MRI indicators, alterations in which should be expected in the case of SNPs in the promoters of the human Y-chromosome genes and which can go far beyond changes in male fertility.
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MicroRNAs are small noncoding RNAs that have important roles in the lactation process and milk biosynthesis. Some polymorphisms have been studied in various livestock species from the perspective of pathology or production traits. To target variants that could be the causal variants of dairy traits, genetic variants of microRNAs expressed in the mammary gland or present in milk and localized in dairy quantitative trait loci (QTLs) were investigated in bovine, caprine, and ovine species. In this study, a total of 59,124 (out of 28 millions), 13,427 (out of 87 millions), and 4761 (out of 38 millions) genetic variants in microRNAs expressed in the mammary gland or present in milk were identified in bovine, caprine, and ovine species, respectively. A total of 4679 of these detected bovine genetic variants are located in dairy QTLs. In caprine species, 127 genetic variants are localized in dairy QTLs. In ovine species, no genetic variant was identified in dairy QTLs. This study leads to the detection of microRNA genetic variants of interest in the context of dairy production, taking advantage of whole genome data to identify microRNA genetic variants expressed in the mammary gland and localized in dairy QTLs.
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The following heuristic hypothesis has been proposed: if an excess of a protein in several animal organs was experimentally identified as a physiological marker of increased aggressiveness, and if a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) can cause the overexpression of a human gene homologous to the animal gene encoding this protein, then this polymorphism can be a candidate SNP marker of social dominance. In turn, a deficient expression would correspond to subordinate behavior. Within this hypothesis, we analyzed 21 human genes, ADORA2A, BDNF, CC2D1A, CC2D1B, ESR2, FEV, FOS, GH1, GLTSCR2, GRIN1, HTR1B, HTR1A, HTR2A, HTR2C, LGI4, LEP, MAOA, SLC17A7, SLC6A3, SNCA, and TH, which determine the functions of the proteins known as the physiological markers of aggressive behavior in animals. These genes encode for hormones and their receptors, biosynthetic enzymes, receptors of neurotransmitters, and transcription and neurotrophic factors. These proteins have been postulated to play important roles in determining the hierarchical relationships in social animals. Using our previously developed Web-service SNP_TATA_Comparator (, we analyzed 381 SNPs within the [–70; –20] region preceding the start of the protein-coding transcripts, obtained from the database dbSNP, v.147. This is the region for all the known TATA-binding protein (TBP) binding sites. As a result, we found 45 and 47 candidate SNP markers of dominance and subordination, respectively (e.g., rs373600960 and rs747572588). Within the proposed heuristic hypotheses and dbSNP database v.147, we found statistically significant (α < 0.00001) evidence of the effects of natural selection against the deficient expression of genes, which can affect the predisposition to dominate. We also obtained evidence favoring the hypothesis that both subordinate and dominant behavior can be the norm of reaction of aggressiveness (difference not significant: α > 0.35). The proposed hypothesis, the candidate SNP markers obtained on its basis, and the observed regularities of the effects of their natural selection on the human genome are discussed in comparison with the published data with respect to whether these markers can have an effect on the expression of social dominance in human society. We conclude that our candidate SNPs, identified with a computational model, require further experimental verification.
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While year after year, conditions, quality, and duration of human lives have been improving due to the progress in science, technology, education, and medicine, only eight diseases have been increasing in prevalence and shortening human lives because of premature deaths according to the retrospective official review on the state of US health, 1990-2010. These diseases are kidney cancer, chronic kidney diseases, liver cancer, diabetes, drug addiction, poisoning cases, consequences of falls, and Alzheimer's disease (AD) as one of the leading pathologies. There are familial AD of hereditary nature (~4% of cases) and sporadic AD of unclear etiology (remaining ~96% of cases; i.e., non-familial AD). Therefore, sporadic AD is no longer a purely medical problem, but rather a social challenge when someone asks oneself: “What can I do in my own adulthood to reduce the risk of sporadic AD at my old age to save the years of my lifespan from the destruction caused by it?” Here, we combine two computational approaches for regulatory SNPs: Web service SNP_TATA_Comparator for sequence analysis and a PubMed-based keyword search for articles on the biochemical markers of diseases. Our purpose was to try to find answers to the question: “What can be done in adulthood to reduce the risk of sporadic AD in old age to prevent the lifespan reduction caused by it?” As a result, we found 89 candidate SNP markers of familial and sporadic AD (e.g., rs562962093 is associated with sporadic AD in the elderly as a complication of stroke in adulthood, where natural marine diets can reduce risks of both diseases in case of the minor allele of this SNP). In addition, rs768454929, and rs761695685 correlate with sporadic AD as a comorbidity of short stature, where maximizing stature in childhood and adolescence as an integral indicator of health can minimize (or even eliminate) the risk of sporadic AD in the elderly. After validation by clinical protocols, these candidate SNP markers may become interesting to the general population [may help to choose a lifestyle (in childhood, adolescence, and adulthood) that can reduce the risks of sporadic AD, its comorbidities, and complications in the elderly].
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Adaptability to a variety of environmental conditions is a prominent feature of Homo sapiens. We hypothesize that this feature can be explained by evolutionary changes in gene promoters active in the brain prefrontal cortex leading to a more flexible gene regulation network. The genotype-dependent range of gene expression can be broader in humans than in other higher primates. Thus, we searched for specific signatures of evolutionary changes in promoter architectures of multiple hominid genes, including the genes active in human cortical neurons that may indicate an increase of variability of gene expression rather than just changes in the level of expression, such as downregulation or upregulation of the genes. We performed a whole-genome search for genetic-based alterations that may impact gene regulation “flexibility” in a process of hominids evolution, such as (i) CpG dinucleotide content, (ii) predicted nucleosome-DNA dissociation constant, and (iii) predicted affinities for TATA-binding protein (TBP) in gene promoters. We tested all putative promoter regions across the human genome and especially gene promoters in active chromatin state in neurons of prefrontal cortex, the brain region critical for abstract thinking and social and behavioral adaptation. Our data imply that the origin of modern man has been associated with an increase of flexibility of promoter-driven gene regulation in brain. In contrast, after splitting from the ancestral lineages of H. sapiens, the evolution of ape species is characterized by reduced flexibility of gene promoter functioning, underlying reduced variability of the gene expression.
The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) provides a large suite of online resources for biological information and data, including the GenBank ® nucleic acid sequence database and the PubMed database of citations and abstracts for published life science journals. The Entrez system provides search and retrieval operations for most of these data from 39 distinct databases. The E-utilities serve as the programming interface for the Entrez system. Augmenting many of the Web applications are custom implementations of the BLAST program optimized to search specialized data sets. New resources released in the past year include PubMed Data Management, RefSeq Functional Elements, genome data download, variation services API, Magic-BLAST, QuickBLASTp, and Identical Protein Groups. Resources that were updated in the past year include the genome data viewer, a human genome resources page, Gene, virus variation, OSIRIS, and PubChem. All of these resources can be accessed through the NCBI home page at © Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research 2017.
An estimated 40,000 women die each year from breast cancer, the vast majority due to complications from metastases (Jemal et al. 2011, CA Cancer J Clin). Paradoxically, the incidence of brain metastases has increased dramatically in subsets of breast cancer patients, possibly as an indirect result of improved systemic and targeted therapies that are effective at controlling extracranial disease. Once diagnosed with a brain metastasis, patients have a dismal 20% probability of surviving more than 1 year (Gril et al. 2010, Eur J Cancer 46:1204-1210; Lin and Winer 2007, Clin Cancer Res 13:1648-1655). Other than radiotherapy and neurological surgery, no standard treatment options exist, underscoring the significant need to investigate the biology of these clinically recalcitrant tumors.
Year after year, conditions, quality, and duration of human lives have been improving due to the progress of science, technology, education, and medicine, which however has a downside. Owing to improvement in children’s nutrition, developmental acceleration occurs that imbalances a child’s system. Because of virtual worlds of the Internet, social experience of teenagers expands and clashes with puberty of adolescents. Due to the comfort of cities, urbanization emerges and causes stress to adults because of artificial light, noise, pollution, violations of personal space, and family disruption. At old age, all these factors taken together contribute to loneliness, cancer, diabetes, drug addiction, and sporadic Alzheimer’s disease, which shorten the lifespan, as reviewed in the US, 1990–2010. That is why, a person may ask oneself: “What can I do now to keep my health in my old age?” To help them, we provide this comprehensive review on predictive preventive personalized medicine. This branch of molecular medicine uses single nucleotide polymorphisms to prevent diseases on the basis of the difference between the individual and reference human genomes.
Across the reproductive spectrum, obesity is associated with greater risks for adverse health outcomes, including higher rates of infertility, subfertility, early pregnancy loss, fetal deaths and stillbirths, congenital anomalies, and pregnancy complications. The excess reproductive morbidity associated with obesity may increase with longer duration, making the current trends among children and young adults particularly critical in terms of their future reproductive potential. Obese women have a lower chance of pregnancy following in vitro fertilization (IVF), require higher dosages of gonadotropins, and have reduced rates of implantation, clinical intrauterine gestation, and live birth rates and increased rates of pregnancy loss, as well as greater risks for prematurity and preeclampsia even when stratified by plurality. Racial and ethnic differences by overweight and obesity in IVF outcomes have been reported. Compared with normal-weight women, failure to achieve a clinical intrauterine gestation is significantly more likely among obese women overall, normal-weight and obese Asian women, normal-weight Hispanic women, and overweight and obese Black women. Among women who do conceive, compared with normal-weight women, failure to achieve a live birth is significantly more likely among overweight and obese women overall, and among overweight and obese Asian women, overweight and obese Hispanic women, and normal-weight and obese Black women. Although weight loss should theoretically be the first line of therapy for obese women, other lifestyle factors, such as regular physical exercise, elimination of tobacco use and alcohol consumption, and stress management, may be of more immediate benefit in achieving conception.