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Immunogenicity of biological drugs


Abstract and Figures

Immunogenicity is one of the most important as well as most common adverse effects accompanying the application of biological drugs. Anti-drug antibodies can either affect metabolism and biological half-life of therapeutic proteins or compete with endogenous receptors for drug binding, thereby being responsible for the loss of efficacy over time. Factors contributing to immunogenicity are diverse and not fully understood. In the paper, current understanding of complex processes leading to induction of anti-drug antibodies is presented. Appropriate actions to mitigate immunogenicity of biological drugs are also discussed.
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 
  
  
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 
Doc. dr. Tomaž Bratkovič, mag. farm.
Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za farmacijo,
Aškerčeva 7, 1000 Ljubljana
    
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     
    
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       
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     
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 
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      
   
 
od limfocitov T odvisna aktivacija limfocitov B 
  
        
Slika 1: Dve poti proženja tvorbe protiteles proti proteinski učinkovini (prirejeno po (12)). A. Od limfocitov T odvisna aktivacija limfocitov B:
Antigen predstavitvena celica (APC) fagocitira protein [1], ga razgradi na krajše antigenske peptide, ki jih predstavi na svoji površini vezane na
poglavitni histokompatibilnostni kompleks razreda II (major histocompatibility complex class II, MHC II) [2]. Naivna T-celica pomagalka (Th) s
T-celičnim receptorjem (TCR) »prepozna« pripadajoči T-celični epitop in sočasno prejme še dodatne aktivacijske signale (posredovane s
CD80/86 na CD28), kar sproži aktivacijo in proliferacijo Th [3]. Naivni limfocit B »prepozna« B-celični epitop enakega antigena z B-celičnim
receptorjem (BCR), antigen internalizira [4], razgradi in predstavi T-celične epitope na MHC II [5]. Slednje »spoznajo« predhodno aktivirani
limfociti Th, ki spodbudijo proliferacijo specifičnih limfocitov B in njihovo diferenciacijo do plazmatk in dolgoživih spominskih limfocitov B.
Podobno kot pri aktivaciji Th tudi aktivacija limfocitov B zahteva dodatno stimulatorno signalizacijo (vezavo CD40L na CD40). B. Neposredna
(od limfocitov T neodvisna) aktivacija limfocitov B: Ponavljajoči epitopi na površini proteinskega agregata so odgovorni za združevanje BCR
na površini naivnih limfocitov B, kar sproži znotrajcelično signalizacijo, ki vodi v aktivacijo in diferenciacijo do plazmatk. Kostimulatorni signali v
obliki ligandov receptorjev TLR tudi prispevajo k aktivaciji, proliferaciji in diferenciaciji limfocitov B, podobno velja za nekatere citokine, ki jih
izločajo naravne celice ubijalke in limfociti T. LPS – lipopolisaharid.
Figure 1: Two pathways leading to anti-drug antibodies (adopted from (12)). A. T-cell dependent B-cell activation: Antigen-presenting cell
(APC) takes up a protein by phagocytosis, processes it and displays short antigenic peptides bound to major histocompatibility complex II
(MHC II). Naïve helper cell (Th) “recognizes” the cognate T-cell epitope via T-cell receptor (TCR). Concurrent stimulatory signals (conveyed by
CD80/86 binding to CD28) trigger activation and proliferation of Th lymphocytes. Naïve B-cell “recognizes” the B-cell epitope of the same
antigen via B-cell receptor (BCR), internalizes the antigen, processes it and displays T-cell epitopes bound to MHC II. These, in turn, are
“recognized” by previously activated Th-cells, responsible for proliferation of specific B-cells and inducing their differentiation into antibody-
producing plasma cells and long-lived memory B-cells. As with Th-cell activation, activation of B-cells requires additional stimulatory
signaling (binding of CD40L to CD40). B. Direct (T-cell independent) activation of B-cells: Epitope arrays on the surface of protein aggregates
induce clustering of BCRs on naïve B-cells, leading to intracellular signaling, resulting in activation and differentiation into plasma cells. Co-
stimulatory signals, such as TLR ligands, contribute to the activation, proliferation and differentiation of B-cells, as do cytokines secreted by
natural killer cells and T-cells. LPS – lipopolysaccharide.
      
   
Neposredna aktivacija limfocitov B 
       
 
tern-recognition receptorsToll-like
      
         
       
porušenja tolerance 
danger si-
gnals        
      
 
        
      
       
     
        
  
     
     
        
      
  
 
   
     
    
 
  
     
Chinese hamster ovary cells
Escherichia coli
E. coli
   
E. coli
  
Slika 2: Interakcije proteinskih agregatov z antigen predstavitvenimi celicami (APC) (prirejeno po (12)): Receptorji TLR vežejo agregate, ki
spominjajo na molekularne vzorce, povezane s patogeni (pathogen-associated molecular patterns, PAMP). Receptorji komplementa (CR)
prepoznavajo s komplementom opsonizirane (gliko)proteinske agregate. Na lektinske receptorje (LR) se vežejo glikoproteini s telesu tujimi
sladkorji. Agregati terapevtskih protiteles se lahko vežejo na receptorje za imunoglobulinsko regijo Fc (FcγR). Opisane interakcije so pogoj za
receptorsko posredovano fago- in endocitozo (ni prikazano) kot tudi proženje signalizacijskih poti, ki vodijo v aktivacijo antigen predstavitvenih
celic in s tem sproščanje citokinov ter povišano izražanje MHC II in ligandov kostimulatornih receptorjev (npr. CD80 in CD86). Ti procesi
prispevajo k aktivaciji naivnih limfocitov Th in posledični aktivaciji limfocitov B (glejte sliko 1).
Figure 2: Interactions of (glyco)protein aggregates with antigen-presenting cells (APC) (adopted from (12)): TLR receptors bind aggregates
mimicking pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMP). Complement receptors (CR) interact with complement-opsonized aggregates.
Lectin receptors (LR) bind foreign saccharides. Aggregates of therapeutic antibodies are bound by Fc receptors (FcγR). In addition to
providing stimulatory signals via receptor binding, aggregates are taken up by receptor-mediated phago-/endocytosis (not shown). APC
activation results in cytokine secretion and upregulation of MHC II and co-stimulatory receptors (e.g., CD80 and CD86). The described
processes contribute to activation of naïve Th-cells and (indirectly) B-cells (see Figure 1).
   
 
      
   
  
     
      
    
 
in vitro 
  
 
 
  
 
      
  
  
 
         
   
 
 
        
in silico
     in vitro  
  
          
in vitro
  
 
HLA 
Slika 3: Incidenca pojava protiteles, usmerjenih proti infliksimabu,
med 72-tedensko raziskavo pri pacientih s Crohnovo boleznijo, ki so
prejemali zdravilo občasno ali v rednih intervalih (tj. kontinuirano),
bodisi kot monoterapijo ali v kombinaciji z imunosupresivom ((33),
povzeto po (31)).
Figure 3. Incidence of anti-infliximab antibodies at any time during
72-week-trial in Crohn disease patients receiving the drug as
monotherapy or in combination with an immunosuppressive, either
episodically or continuously ((33), adopted from (31)).
       
 
 
      
 
      
baseline signal
  
 
      
     
     
 
  
      
      
 
  
      
        
 
 
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JAZMP pod-
pira uvajanje PBZ [podobnih bioloških zdravil], ker mora
biti podobnost oz. primerljivost PBZ v razmerju do zadevnih
referenčnih bioloških zdravil z vidika kakovosti, varnosti in
učinkovitosti dokazana v okviru postopka pridobitve dovo-
ljenja za promet za vsako PBZ. […] Odločitev o njihovi
uporabi oz. njihovo zamenjevanje (terapevtski preklop) lahko
poteka v le v kliničnem oz. ambulantnem okolju in mora
biti predmet medicinske obravnave vsakega posameznega
 
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Purpose of Review Biosimilars of the reference biologic therapeutics infliximab, etanercept, adalimumab, and rituximab are entering the market. Clinical and real-world data on the effects of reference → biosimilar switching are limited. This review was carried out to assess the current body of switching data. Recent Findings Fifty-three switching studies were identified. Infliximab publications covered CT-P13 (25 studies), SB2 (1), infliximab NK (1), and unspecified infliximab biosimilars (2). Etanercept publications covered SB4 (2) and GP2015 (2). Adalimumab publications covered ABP 501 (2) and SB5 (1). Rituximab publications covered CT-P10 (1). Efficacy and safety data generally showed no differences between patients who switched treatments versus those who did not. No differences were seen pre- and post-switch. Immunogenicity data were presented in 19/37 (51%) studies. Summary Additional data from switching studies of these therapies are still required, as is continuing pharma-covigilance. Switching should remain a case-by-case clinical decision made by the physician and patient on an individual basis supported by scientific evidence. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s11926-017-0658-4) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
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Biosimilars are highly similar versions of approved branded biologics. Unlike generics, they are not exact replicas of reference products. Minor differences between biosimilars and reference products in some aspects are expected; likewise, biosimilar products will differ from each other. The objective of this review is to discuss the challenges associated with the development and approval of biosimilar products that are unique because of their complex structure and specialized manufacturing processes, which can impact not only efficacy but also immunogenicity and safety. Regulatory guidelines recommend a totality-of-evidence approach focused on stepwise development that involves demonstration of structural similarity and functional equivalence. Structural and functional characteristics of the proposed biosimilar are compared with the reference product; similarity of these functions forms the foundation of the biosimilar development program, including potential animal studies, a human pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics equivalence study, and a clinical study to confirm similar efficacy, safety, and immunogenicity. The clinical study should be performed in a sensitive population using appropriate endpoints to allow detection of any clinically meaningful differences between the biosimilar and the reference product if such differences exist. In conclusion, development of biosimilars is focused on the minimization of potential differences between the proposed biosimilar and reference product and the establishment of a robust manufacturing process to consistently produce a high-quality biosimilar product.
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Inhibitors are the most serious side effect of haemophilia treatment; they occur in 25–30 % of all patients with severe haemophilia A. Over the last 2 decades, conflicting data on the impact of clotting products have been published. Due to small studies of selected cases, appreciation of the impact of any particular product has been difficult. Moreover, the emphasis on inhibitor testing has led to increased detection of low-titre inhibitors (to >10 %), while the percentage of high-titre inhibitors is still around 20 %. Other non-genetic risk factors, such as dosing and intensive treatment, are able to increase individual inhibitor risk. Early prophylaxis might reduce inhibitor risk. Well-defined large PUP studies including products should be considered. This can only be achieved in collaboration with all stakeholders. In conclusion, while the impact of FVIII products on inhibitor development is large, presently the actual impact of any specific product is unclear.
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Biologics have emerged as a powerful and diverse class of molecular and cell-based therapies that are capable of replacing enzymes, editing genomes, targeting tumors, and more. From this complex array of tools arises a distinct set of challenges is rarely encountered in the development of small molecule therapies. Biotherapeutics tend to be big, bulky, polar molecules comprised of protein and/or nucleic acids. Compared to their small molecule counterparts, they are fragile, labile, and heterogeneous. Their biodistribution is often limited by hydrophobic barriers which often restrict their administration to either intravenous or subcutaneous entry routes. Additionally, their potential for immunogenicity has proven to be a challenge to developing safe and reliably efficacious drugs. Our discussion will emphasize immunogenicity in the context of therapeutic proteins, a well-known class of biologics. We set out to describe what is known and unknown about the mechanisms underlying the interplay between antigenicity and immune response and their effect on the safety, efficacy, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics of these therapeutic agents.
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Infusion reactions are potentially dose-limiting adverse events associated with intravenous administration of several common agents used to treat patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. True clinical hypersensitivity reactions are antibody-mediated and can occur only after repeated exposure to an antigen. Conversely, anaphylactoid infusion reactions are nonantibody-mediated and often occur on the initial exposure to a drug. Cytokine-release syndrome comprises a subset of nonantibody-mediated infusion reactions associated with the use of monoclonal antibodies and immune therapies. Clinical symptoms of hypersensitivity reactions and nonantibody-mediated infusion reactions heavily overlap and can be difficult to distinguish in practice. Regardless of the underlying mechanism, any infusion reaction can negatively affect treatment efficacy and patient safety. These events require prompt response, and potentially, modification of subsequent therapy.
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Biological molecules are increasingly becoming a part of the therapeutics portfolio that has been either recently approved for marketing or those that are in the pipeline of several biotech and pharmaceutical companies. This is largely based on their ability to be highly specific relative to small molecules. However, by virtue of being a large protein, and having a complex structure with structural variability arising from production using recombinant gene technology in cell lines, such therapeutics run the risk of being recognized as foreign by a host immune system. In the context of immune-mediated adverse effects that have been documented to biological drugs thus far, including infusion reactions, and the evolving therapeutic platforms in the pipeline that engineer different functional modules in a biotherapeutic, it is critical to understand the interplay of the adaptive and innate immune responses, the pathophysiology of immunogenicity to biological drugs in instances where there have been immune-mediated adverse clinical sequelae and address technical approaches for their laboratory evaluation. The current paradigm in immunogenicity evaluation has a tiered approach to the detection and characterization of anti-drug antibodies (ADAs) elicited in vivo to a biotherapeutic; alongside with the structural, biophysical, and molecular information of the therapeutic, these analytical assessments form the core of the immunogenicity risk assessment. However, many of the immune-mediated adverse effects attributed to ADAs require the formation of a drug/ADA immune complex (IC) intermediate that can have a variety of downstream effects. This review will focus on the activation of potential immunopathological pathways arising as a consequence of circulating as well as cell surface bound drug bearing ICs, risk factors that are intrinsic either to the therapeutic molecule or to the host that might predispose to IC-mediated effects, and review the recent literature on prevalence and intensity of established examples of type II and III hypersensitivity reactions that follow the administration of a biotherapeutic. Additionally, we propose methods for the study of immune parameters specific to the biology of ICs that could be of use in conjunction with the detection of ADAs in circulation.
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Therapeutic proteins have a propensity for aggregation during manufacturing, shipping, and storage. The presence of aggregates in protein drug products can induce adverse immune responses in patients that may affect safety and efficacy, and so it is of concern to both manufacturers and regulatory agencies. In this vein, there is a lack of understanding of the physicochemical determinants of immunological responses and a lack of standardized analytical methods to survey the molecular properties of aggregates associated with immune activation. In this review, we provide an overview of the basic immune mechanisms in the context of interactions with protein aggregates. We then critically examine the literature with emphasis on the underlying immune mechanisms as they relate to aggregate properties. Finally, we highlight the gaps in our current understanding of this issue and offer recommendations for future research.
The introduction of biologic therapy has revolutionized the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). However, like all therapeutic proteins, monoclonal antibodies have immunogenic potential which is influenced by multiple drug- and patient-related factors. The reported incidence of anti-drug antibodies (ADAs) towards biologic drugs in IBD varies greatly in the literature and depends not only on differences in sensitization but also on the assay methodology and the timepoint of measurement. Sensitization with formation of ADAs is associated with an increased risk of infusion reactions, accelerated drug clearance, and a loss of response (LOR) to drug. Recently, a greater understanding of the pharmacokinetics of therapeutic antibodies has led to the development of new strategies to reduce immunogenicity and more efficient use of these drugs. These preventive strategies include regular scheduled dosing with maintenance of stable therapeutic trough drug concentrations, and co-administration of an immunosuppressive. Sub-therapeutic drug concentrations with low levels of ADAs can generally be overcome with dose escalation, whereas the presence of high concentrations of ADAs requires a switch to another therapeutic agent.
Biologic therapies for psoriasis are associated with loss of response over time. Immunogenicity, suboptimal dosing, low serum drug levels, and intermittent or episodic therapy have been documented as explanations for this phenomenon. Use of an immunomodulatory agent can reduce the risk of immunogenicity and improve clinical response. Semin Cutan Med Surg 35(supp4):S78-S80.
Dear Editor, We read with great interest the manuscript by Ungar and colleagues describing the temporal evolution of antibodies to infliximab (ATI) in patients with IBD treated with infliximab (IFX).1 By prospectively following 125 patients with IBD, they showed that ATI formation is a dynamic process. Clinically relevant ATI were typically formed within the first 12 months but transient ATI, which are of little clinical significance, can be formed at any time during treatment. They furthermore demonstrated that the evolution of ATI correlates with clinical loss of response and that concomitant immunomodulator use prolonged ATI-free survival, which is in line with previous reports. Nevertheless, patient-related factors possibly influencing ATI formation weren't considered and haven't been studied extensively. We hypothesised that ATI formation may be triggered by HLA-DRB1 alleles, as was shown for immunogenicity to interferon-β therapy in multiple sclerosis.2 We retrospectively analysed 192 patients with IBD: 76 patients developed ATI during IFX maintenance treatment (=ATI+) (44 Crohn's disease (CD), 32 UC) and these were matched with 116 patients (64 CD, 52 UC) who never developed ATI (=ATI−). All patients were antitumour necrosis factor naïve before IFX … [Full text of this article]