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Brasilonema lichenoides sp. nov. and Chroococcidiopsis lichenoides sp. nov. (Cyanobacteria): Two novel cyanobacterial constituents isolated from a tripartite lichen of headstones


Abstract and Figures

Cyanolichens are an assemblage of fungi and cyanobacteria from diverse, cosmopolitan habitats. Typically composed of a single species of cyanobacterium, with or without another eukaryotic alga, here we present two novel cyanobionts isolated from an undescribed tripartite lichen. This endolithic lichen was isolated from a granite cemetery tombstone from Jacksonville, FL, and contains two potentially nitrogen-fixing cyanobionts. Employing a total evidence approach, we characterized the cyanobionts using molecular (the 16S rDNA and ITS gene region), morphological, and ecological data. Phylogenetic analyses revealed two novel taxa: Brasilonema lichenoides and Chroococcidiopsis lichenoides, both of which fell within well supported clades. To our knowledge, this represents the first instance of a tripartite lichen with two cyanobacterial and no eukaryotic members. These types of lichens may well represent an unexplored reservoir of cyanobacterial diversity. The specific epithets are proposed under the provisions of the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants.
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Chelsea D. Villanueva
Department of Biology, University of North Florida, Jacksonville, Florida 32224, USA
Petr Hasler, Petr Dvorak, Aloisie Poulıckova
Department of Botany, Faculty of Sciences, Palacky University Olomouc,
Slechtitelu 27, CZ-771 46 Olomouc, Czech Republic
and Dale A. Casamatta
Department of Biology, University of North Florida, Jacksonville, Florida 32224, USA
Cyanolichens are an assemblage of fungi and
cyanobacteria from diverse, cosmopolitan habitats.
Typically composed of a single species of
cyanobacterium, with or without another eukaryotic
alga, here we present two novel cyanobionts isolated
from an undescribed tripartite lichen. This
endolithic lichen was isolated from a granite
cemetery tombstone from Jacksonville, FL, and
contains two potentially nitrogen-fixing cyanobionts.
Employing a total evidence approach, we
characterized the cyanobionts using molecular (the
16S rDNA and ITS gene region), morphological,
and ecological data. Phylogenetic analyses revealed
two novel taxa: Brasilonema lichenoides and
Chroococcidiopsis lichenoides, both of which fell
within well-supported clades. To our knowledge,
this represents the first instance of a tripartite
lichen with two cyanobacterial and no eukaryotic
members. These types of lichens may well represent
an unexplored reservoir of cyanobacterial diversity.
The specific epithets are proposed under the
provisions of the International Code of
Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants.
Key index words: 16S rDNA gene; 16S-23S ITS; biodi-
versity; cyanolichen; taxonomy
Abbreviations: BLAST, basic local alignment search
tool; GPS, global positioning system; GTR, general
time reversible; ML, maximum likelihood; MP, max-
imum parsimony; OTU, operational taxonomic unit;
rDNA, ribosomal deoxyribonucleic acid
Cyanobacteria are a group of photooxygenic
prokaryotes, and among the most important primary
producers on Earth. Much of the basic biodiversity of
this group is poorly understood, and many habitats
have been only cursorily explored for their cyanobac-
terial members (Dvo
ak et al. 2015b). Ubiquitous in
nearly all known aquatic habitats, they are also com-
mon components of numerous terrestrial environ-
ments (e.g., Holland 1977,
a et al. 2007).
Frequently encountered in soils, cyanobacteria are
often present due to their capabilities of fixing atmo-
spheric nitrogen, resisting the harmful impacts of UV
light, and their ability to enter a quiescent state dur-
ing times of environmental stress (Adams 2000,
Flechtner et al. 2002). Cyanobacteria are often also
integral components of symbiotic relationships, such
as with mosses, angiosperms, and cycads (Rai 1990).
Lichens are composed of an algal or cyanobacterial
photobiont incorporated into the body of a fungi,
with distribution patterns often reflecting algal cli-
mate and substrate preference (Sanders 2001, Peksa
Skaloud 2011). A single fungal symbiont may
envelope and direct the growth of multiple photosyn-
thetic endosymbionts, while hosting bacterial sym-
bionts living on fungal surfaces and in intercellular
spaces (Grube and Berg 2009, Bjelland et al. 2011,
Muggia et al. 2013, Dal Grande et al. 2014). The fun-
gal host, or mycobiont, provides a stable habitat for
the photosynthetic member and in exchange, the
photobiont provides fixed carbon and, in the case of
cyanolichens, fixed atmospheric nitrogen (Sanders
2001). Recently, it has been noted that many com-
mon lichens also contain basidomycete yeasts,
although their role is currently under study (Spribille
et al. 2016). Cyanolichens, or lichens containing a
cyanobacterial member, are common components of
epilithic and epiphytic habitats throughout the world
(Rikkinen 2002). Epilithic lichen populations inhabit
stone surfaces, often directly on top of endolithic
populations living just within stone, but may host dis-
tinct microbial consortia (McNamara and Mitchell
2005, McNamara et al. 2006).
Cyanobacteria photobionts of lichen biocrusts are
often studied from a stone biodeterioration
Received 30 August 2017. Accepted 15 December 2017. First
Published Online 27 January 2018. Published Online 21 February
2018, Wiley Online Library (
Author for correspondence: e-mail
Editorial Responsibility: T. Mock (Associate Editor)
J. Phycol. 54, 224–233 (2018)
©2018 Phycological Society of America
DOI: 10.1111/jpy.12621
perspective, less so as a source of cyanobacterial diver-
sity (Crispim and Gaylarde 2005). The cyanobacterial
member of a lichen is typically filamentous and hete-
rocyte forming (e.g., Nostoc,Calothrix), putatively con-
tributing carbon and nitrogenous compounds (Rai
and Bergman 2002). Other cyanolichens may be coc-
coid forms that fix nitrogen (e.g., Chroococcidiopsis,
Gloeocapsa), filamentous forms without nitrogen-fix-
ing capabilities (e.g., Oscillatoria,Pseudanabaena), or
involved in tripartite interactions with eukaryotic
algae (e.g., Trentepohlia; Henskens et al. 2012, P
Ortega et al. 2012). In this study, we describe two
novel cyanobacteria isolated from a tripartite lichen
containing no eukaryotic algal symbionts, a new spe-
cies of a filamentous, nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium
(Brasilonema lichenoides), and a new coccoid species
(Chroococcidiopsis lichenoides) inhabiting granite head-
stones (Jacksonville Beach, FL, USA).
Sampling site. Isolates were obtained from H. Warren
Smith cemetery (Jacksonville Beach, FL, USA). Six individual
headstones were sampled, which provided three to five epi-
lithic and five endolithic samples each (Fig. S1 in the Sup-
porting Information). Samples were teased from headstones
using a sterile scalpel and transported in 1.5 mL micro cen-
trifuge tubes using nondestructive, sterile tape sampling tech-
niques (Cutler et al. 2012). Irradiance was measured at each
collection site using a basic quantum meter (Apogee Instru-
ment Inc., Logan, UT, USA) and the age and type of stone,
the condition of the stone, the presence of effluents or nearby
plant growth, as well as the class and color of dominant lichen
growth forms, and any color change in growth after wetting
was recorded (Table S1 in the Supporting Information).
Culturing. Microthallus samples were used to inoculate
cultures to isolate photosymbionts (for additional images of
the lichen, including members of the consortium, see
Figs. S1 and S2 in the Supporting Information). Cyanobacte-
rial isolates were cultured in liquid Z8 medium (Staub 1961)
with the addition of 10 lL(19) fungicide (Amphotericin,
Cell Grow Virginia). Cultures were kept on a desktop, at
ambient conditions (23°C, ~12:12 h light:dark photoperiod).
In addition, cultures were grown on nitrogen-free Z8 medium
to test for potential nitrogen fixation. Microthalli were
homogenized using sterile cotton swabs and isolated on
Sabouraud medium (30 g L
) by directly placing the
homogenate onto plates. Thallus dissection was not possible
due to the small size.
Morphological assessment. Morphology of the strains was ana-
lyzed via light microscopy (Zeiss AxioImager, Thornwood, NY,
USA objectives EC PlanNeofluar 409/1.3 N.A., oil immersion,
DIC; PlanApochromat 1009/1.4 N.A., oil immersion, DIC).
Images were taken with a high-resolution camera (AxioCam
HRc 13MPx). Pictures were processed using with Zeiss AxioVi-
sion software (version 4.9.1.). During morphological evaluation
of natural samples and strains, the following characters were
assessed: cell shape, cell dimensions, type of cell reproduction,
sheaths, and granulation of cells. Measurements were per-
formed on 100 cells of both natural and culture materials.
Molecular techniques. DNA from fungal and cyanobacterial
isolates was extracted with the PowerSoil
DNA Kit from
0.25 g of culture samples (Mo Bio Laboratories Inc., Carls-
bad, CA, USA). DNA quality was checked on an ethidium
bromide stained 1.5% agarose gel.
PCR amplification of the partial 16S rDNA and the whole
16S23S ITS was performed using primers forward 27F (50-A
GAGTTTGATCCTGGCTCAG-30) and reverse B23S (50-CTT
CGCCTCTGTGTGCCTAGG-30) previously described in Lane
(1991). To amplify the mycobiont component for identifica-
tion purposes, primers ITS1 (50-TCCGTAGGTGAACCTGCG
G-30) and ITS4 (50-TCCTCCGCTTATTGATATGC-30) were
used as described in White et al. (1990). The 50 lL PCR reac-
tion contained: 27 lL sterile water, 1 lL of each primer
(0.01 mM concentration), 20 lL PCR Master Mix (Promega,
Madison, WI, USA), and 1 lL template DNA (50 ng lL
and PCR amplification proceeded as detailed in Casamatta
et al. (2005). Amplified rDNA was cloned into pGEM
T Vec-
tor System I and JM-109 High Efficiency Competent Cells (Pro-
mega) and cultured using carbenicillin-infused LB media.
Plasmid DNA was purified from eight replicate transformed
competent cell colonies per isolate, using QIAprep
Spin Mini-
prep Kits (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany). Sequencing of cDNA
libraries from two operons of varying size was performed by
Eurofins Genomics (MWG Operon Inc., Louisville, KY, USA).
A BLAST search (
was used to obtain closely related taxa. New 16S sequences
were combined with sequences from GenBank having 93%
sequence similarity via BLAST searches. For both phyloge-
netic trees, sequences were aligned together using the Clus-
talX web interface (Thompson et al. 1997) and manually
checked and edited using Maclade v.4.06 (Maddison and
Maddison 2000 Maddison, W. P., & Maddison, D. R. 1992.
MacClade ver. 3, Sinauer, Sunderland, MA.). The GTR+I+
gamma model was selected using MEGA7: Molecular Evolu-
tionary Genetics Analysis version 7.0 for bigger data sets
(Kumar et al. 2015). An unweighted maximum-parsimony
(MP) and maximum-likelihood (ML) analyses were carried
out using MEGA 7 (Kumar et al. 2015), and bootstrap sup-
port was obtained from 1,000 pseudoreplicate data sets.
The 16S-23S ITS region (~800 bp) was analyzed by determin-
ing secondary structure of the following conserved domains:
D1-D10helix, Box-B helix, and the V3 helix. Secondary struc-
tures of specific ITS motifs were predicted using comparative
analysis combined with confirmation in Mfold (Zuker 2003).
Morphological assessment. The new Brasilonema was
similar to other species, but with several distinctions.
First, this strain appeared brownish orange when
initially isolated, but subsequently lost in culture
(Fig. 1). Second, B. lichenoides cells were discoid and
lacked obvious inclusion bodies. Third, heterocytes
were rounded and never squared or rectangular.
Fourth, B. lichenoides exhibited rare heteropolar fila-
ments. Fifth, B. lichenoides possessed undulated tri-
chomes (Table S2 in the Supporting Information).
The new species of Chroococcidiopsis was morphologi-
cally similar to other taxa, but with the simultaneous
production of baeocytes (Fig. 2). Furthermore, strains
produced copious amounts of extracellular vesicles in
culture (Fig. 2).
Molecular assessment. For both new taxa, both ML
and MP trees were constructed, which yielded simi-
lar topologies. A total of 70 taxa (~1,400 bp) were
used in the construction of each tree, which was
subsequently winnowed down to a smaller set of
OTUs, including all available species sequences, for
assessment in the respective genera.
Brasilonema sp. nov. Both the winnowed ML and
MP trees yielded similar topologies and thus only
the ML tree is included employing all available Bra-
silonema strains plus 14 sister taxa (Fig. 3a). Brasilo-
nema is a well-supported, monophyletic clade and
the closest relative of our strain was B. roberti-lamii
(85% and 90% support, respectively), which was iso-
lated from central Mexico. The new taxon shared
between 98.5% and 98.7% sequence similarity to
the closest relatives, and 95.1% similarity with
B. bromeliae, the type (Table S3 in the Supporting
Chroococcidiopsis sp. nov. The new isolate fell
within a highly supported (91%) clade containing
other Chroococcidiopsis taxa (Fig. 3b). Specifically,
C. cubana SAG39.79, isolated from a soil sample in
Cuba, numerous C. thermalis (e.g., CCAP 1423/1
from Roman baths in the United Kingdom, SAG
42.79 from German soils), and assorted Chroococcid-
iopsis spp. (e.g., PCC8201 from mineral springs in
Cuba and CCMP2728 from Pennsylvania, USA) fell
within this clade. The closest relative to our strain
was C. thermalis PCC7203, isolated initially from soil
near Greifswald, Germany. The new taxon shared
FIG. 1. Photomicrographic plate of Brasilonema lichenoides sp. nov. (A) Natural sample of filaments ensheathed by brownish sheaths,
tolypotrichoid false branching at heterocytes (HTC), (B) freshly isolated strain exhibits a thick, colorless sheath, necridic cells (NC), in
contrast to most Brasilonema which display a purple color, (C) formation of false branching after trichome disintegration, and (DF) hor-
mogonia formation in apical parts of filaments surrounded by widened and layered mucilaginous sheath (>3 weeks old), scale
bars =10 lm. [Color figure can be viewed at]
between 98.4 and 99.7 sequence similarity to the
closest relatives in the genus Chroococcidiopsis
(Table S4 in the Supporting Information).
ITS assessment.Brasilonema: Several sister taxa with
available ITS regions were selected to examine the
secondary folding structures of the D1-D10helix. The
new taxon, for example, was most similar to B. octoge-
narum, with an A-C side bulge off the initial stem loop
and shared the exact same terminal loop, with two
nucleotide changes midstem, constraining the side
bulge (Fig. S3, a and d in the Supporting Informa-
tion). The new taxon did not contain any tRNAs, sim-
ilar to other Brasilonema isolates, e.g., B. angustatum
HQ847566 and B. octagenarum HQ847562 (although
other Brasilonema isolates do have tRNAs). The D1-
D10length was the same as the other Brasilonema that
lacked tRNAs (67 bp), as were three other regions
(Table S5 in the Supporting Information). While the
size of the sequence for the B. angustatum with
the tRNAs was larger as it contained the sequence,
the new taxon was closer to B. octogenarum in terms of
overall length (139 vs. 138) compared to either B. an-
gustatum (126 and 129 bp, respectively).
Chroococcidiopsis: The new taxon was structurally
identical to the closely related C. thermalis
PCC7203, with the only difference being the pres-
ence of a UUU segment at the terminal tip in our
taxon and single nucleotide substitution (G to a
C) immediately above the second internal loop,
below the A- side bulge (Fig. S4, a and b in the
Supporting Information). A close relative, C. ther-
malis PCC7203 which formed a sister clade to the
majority of other Chroococcidiopsis, showed a similar
folding pattern, but with distinct differences in the
ITS region (Fig. S4c, Table S6 in the Supporting
Information). Another Chroococcidiopsis,Chroococcid-
iopsis sp. SAG2025, which fell within this clade, had
a very different structure (Fig. S4d). Two other
outgroup taxa from the sister clade (Fig. S4, e and
f) were markedly different in ITS structure, with
corresponding differences in overall conserved seg-
ment lengths (Table S6).
Description of new species.Brasilonema lichenoides Vil-
lanueva, P. Ha
sler & Casamatta sp. nov.
Description: Culture (Fig. 1): Colonies initially iso-
lated from lichens and consisting of interwoven fila-
ments that occasionally stood erect from the
substrate. Filaments straight or bent, typically nonta-
pering (very infrequently heteropolar toward the
end), false branched. Trichomes straight, bent, or
undulated inside the sheath, constricted at cross
walls. Sheaths brown-orange (fresh isolates) to color-
less (culture), distinct, firm, becoming thin and col-
orless or disappearing in culture, up to 2.5 lm
wide, seldom layered at the basal part near the false
branching. Cells flattened or barrel shaped, green
to blue-green with peripheral chromatoplasm and
central nucleoplasm, frequently granulated, nonvac-
uolated, 4.1 0.9 wide (avg. SD) 99.1 0.7 lm
long, apical cells rounded. Heterocytes common,
intercalary, occasionally flattened but typically
spherical or hemispherical, 8.4 1.2 wide 99.7
0.9 lm long; akinetes not present. Reproduction by
hormogonia and fragmentation of trichomes using
help of necridic cells. Meristematic zones if present
usually short and located near the apical or basal
Holotype: Botany 24: Lichens and others, No. 9226
(as a dried sample), OLM (Regional Museum in
Olomouc, Czech Republic), illustration from culture
Figure 4.
Type strain: No. 168/2015, deposited at the cul-
ture Collection of Department of Botany, Palacky
University in Olomouc, Czech Republic.
Type locality: Granite tombstones from the H. War-
ren Smith Cemetery, Jacksonville Beach, Florida,
USA (GPS: 30.2890°N, 81.4071°W).
Genbank accession numbers: MF423720 (16S rRNA)
and MF423719 (ITS region)
Etymology: Name is based on habitat of isolation as
a cyanobiont of a tripartite lichen.
Habitat: Growing in consortia as a lichen on ceme-
tery tombstones.
Chroococcidiopsis lichenoides Villanueva, P. Ha
sler et
Casamatta sp. nov.
FIG. 2. Photomicrographic plate of Chroococcidiopsis lichenoides
sp. nov. Note the presence of both baeocytes and nanocytes. Cul-
tures also produced copious amounts of extracellular vesicles of
unknown function. Scale bars =10 lm. [Color figure can be
viewed at]
Description: Culture (Fig. 2): Thallus microscopic
to macroscopic, colonies usually spherical or
hemispherical, 31.4 4.2 (avg. SD) 926.1
5.6 lm, aggregated into thin greenish layer.
Mucilaginous envelopes thin, firm, and colorless.
Cells variable in shape from almost spherical, oval
to irregular, 4.7 0.79 wide 93.3 0.5 lm long,
bright green or grey-green, densely, and irregularly
aggregated inside the colony into sarcinoid pack-
ages. Reproduction by growth and fragmentation
of colonies into subcolonies, by gelatinization and
splitting of envelopes and liberation of cells and
small oval or irregular baeocytes 3.1 0.62 9
2.2 0.3 lm.
Holotype: Botany 24: Lichens and others, No. 9227
(as a dried sample), OLM (Regional Museum in
Olomouc, Czech Republic), illustration from cul-
ture, Figure 5.
Type strain: No. 165/2015, deposited at the cul-
ture collection of Department of Botany, Palacky
University in Olomouc, Czech Republic.
Type locality: H. Warren Smith Cemetery, Jack-
sonville Beach, Florida, USA (GPS: 30°17020.2N,
Genbank accession numbers: MF423482 (16S
rRNA) and MF423720 (ITS region)
Etymology: Name is based on habitat of isolation as
a cyanobiont of a tripartite lichen.
Habitat: Growing in consortia as a lichen on gran-
ite cemetery tombstones.
Most cyanobionts are capable of nitrogen fixation
(Rai and Bergman 2002). Cyanobionts may be fila-
mentous or unicellular, with the former employing
heterocytes and the later using micro-anaerobic
zones to fix atmospheric nitrogen. In the sampled
lichen, we note the presence of both forms, which
were each capable of growth on nitrogen-free med-
ium. However, it cannot absolutely determine if they
both fix nitrogen in situ, as has been noted elsewhere
(Rai 2002). Likewise, the potential role of associated
bacteria cannot be discount. It is important to note
that cyanobionts may exhibit phenotypic variability
between lichenized and free-living states (e.g., Casa-
matta et al. 2006), and was also noted in this study.
Brasilonema lichenoides sp. nov. is the first Brasilo-
nema species isolated from a lichen thallus. The type
species B. bromeliae is a member of the Scytonemat-
aceae isolated from subaerophytic habitats in tropical
and subtropical Brazil (Fiore et al. 2007). Several
aerophytic, epiphytic, and epilithic Brasilonema spe-
cies have been isolated from Hawaii, central Mexico,
and Brazil (Aguiar et al. 2008, Vaccarino and Johan-
sen 2012, Becerra-Absal
on et al. 2013, Rodarte et al.
FIG. 3. (A) Maximum-likelihood
(ML) tree of 16S rDNA gene
sequence data for Brasilonema
nodes represent ML bootstrap
values, while numbers below are
from maximum parsimony. The
new taxon is in bold.
2014). Brasilonema lichenoides was most closely related
to B. roberti-lamii, and both strains were growing
epilithically in warm humid climates (Rodarte et al.
2014). One of the defining features of Brasilonema is
the presence of vacuole-like structures (actually free
spaces within protoplasts surrounded by thylakoids;
Fiore et al. 2007), but the new strain did not exhibit
such vacuolization in natural populations. Our strain
did exhibit both “C” and “J” shaped trichomes, similar
to our closest relative, B. roberti-lammi (Rodarte et al.
2014). While Brasilonema is described as nonattenu-
ated, our new taxon did exhibit rare heteropolarity.
Furthermore, we note that the images of B. angustatum
show a similar degree of filament heteropolarity and
J-shaped trichomes to the new taxon (Fig. 2, sensu
Vaccarino and Johansen 2012). The new strain repre-
sents a unique taxon based on ecology (photobiont),
morphology, and molecular (16S) data.
Chroococcidiopsis is a widely distributed genus of
cyanobacteria, often found in xeric habitats with high
UV light levels (Dor et al. 1991). They may be found
in freshwater, marine, and subaerial habitats (Cum-
bers and Rothschild 2014). Notoriously difficult to
phylogenetically elucidate based solely on morphologi-
cal characters (e.g., Norris and Castenholz 2006), this
genus traditionally belongs to subsection II (Pleuro-
capsales) of the cyanobacteria (Rippka et al. 2001, Wil-
motte and Herdman 2001), which includes
FIG. 3. (B) ML tree of 16S
rDNA gene sequence data for
Chroococcidiopsis lichenoides.Numbers
above the nodes represent ML
bootstrap values, while numbers
below are from maximum parsi
mony. The new taxon is in bold.
cyanobacteria which produce baeocytes. However,
recent work by Kom
arek et al. (2014) have transferred
this clade to the Chroococcidiopsidales ordo nov. due to
baeocyte formation coupled with cell division in three
planes. Chroococcidiopsis rarely show their typical mode
of reproduction while lichenized, even if they would
typically do so in a free living or cultured state (Friedel
and Budel 1996). The new strain clearly showed baeo-
cyte formation and division in three planes in culture
(Fig. 2). Furthermore, results of 16S rDNA sequence
data and ITS secondary folding patterns showed that
this strain fell within the “Chroococcidiopsis” sensu stricto
clade with high bootstrap support. However, the new
isolate did not match any morphological description
or ecology (e.g., tripartite lichens of headstones in
Florida) of any currently circumscribed species. Budel
and Hennsen (1983) note similar strains isolated as
phycobionts from the lichen family Lichinaceae, but
their isolates were of different sizes, different baeocyte
arrangements, or different sheath production.
Chroococcidiopsis lichenoides forms individual spherical
colonies or clusters resembling sarcinoid packages.
Colonies fragment and continue their growth or pro-
duce small spherical, oval, or irregular baeocytes.
Shape, colony structure, and symbiotic mode of life
are specific for this species.
Species concepts within the cyanobacteria are sub-
ject to much debate (Dvo
ak et al. 2015b). Given the
dearth of morphological features from which to
choose, coupled with issues related to both phenotypic
plasticity and cryptic diversity, describing and elucidat-
ing cyanobacterial species may be problematic (Dvo
et al. 2015a,b, Dvo
ak et al. 2017, Struneckyetal.
2017). The monophyletic species concept sensu Johan-
sen and Casamatta (2005) has been proposed as the
standard for cyanobacterial systematics (e.g., Kom
2013), which requires the description of an autapo-
morphy to test phylogenetic hypotheses. The new
strain was only 98% similar to Chroococcidiopsis thermalis,
the closest relative based on 16S sequence data. It is
proposed that the morphological disjunction, unique
ecological setting, 16S sequence dissimilarity, and dif-
ference in ITS sequence justify the erection of a new
All lichens contain at least a single photobiont, and
only ~10% of all lichens contain cyanobacteria as their
primary photobiont (Friedel and Budel 1996). The
majority of tripartite lichens (those with two photosyn-
thetic members) contain a single cyanobacterial pho-
tobiont and a green alga (Tschermak-Woess 1988). In
these cases, the cyanobacterial component is seques-
tered into a separate region of the thallus, the
FIG. 4. Designated holotype line drawing of Brasilonema lichenoides sp. nov. Scale bar =10 lm.
cephalodia. The novel cyanobionts were not separated
into cephalodia, but rather loosely organized into the
thallus of the endolithic lichen.
Headstones represent an interesting substrate to
explore algal diversity and colonization. The sam-
pled headstones were all exposed to the environ-
ment >50 years ago, and provide a stable (e.g., no
history of headstone cleaning or preservation) envi-
ronment for primary colonization. This is also an
intriguing habitat to examine patterns of long-dis-
tance cyanobacterial dispersal. Many lichens contain
photobionts with cosmopolitan distribution (Chua
et al. 2012), and some cyanolichen guilds share sim-
ilar cyanobionts (Rikkinen 2002). However, it
remains unclear if the new taxa have broad or lim-
ited distribution as more sampling is needed. Tomb-
stones are also interesting habitats to answer
questions relating to ecological succession and facili-
tation of microbial communities given their preva-
lence, cultural significance, and stable nature.
The lead author thanks Gordon Rakita for an introduction to
the exciting world of cemetery tombstone preservation. The
authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from the
Department of Biology (UNF), the Coastal Biology Flagship
program (UNF), and the Internal Grant Agency of Palacky
University in Olomouc no. PrF-2017-001.
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Supporting Information
Additional Supporting Information may be
found in the online version of this article at the
publisher’s web site:
Figure S1. Close-up photograph of a represen-
tative headstone. (A) Arrow denotes tripartite
endolithic cyanolichen growth, protruding from
stone crevices. (B) A close-up of dried tripartite
endolithic lichen samples.
Figure S2. Photomicrographs of fresh material
from the tripartite lichen. (A) 4009image of
endolithic lichen sample with colonies of Chroococ-
cidiopsis (cc), filaments of Brasilonema (b), and
brown, pigmented fungi (f). (B) Close-up
(1,0009) of the members of the lichen after
being in liquid Z-8 medium for >30 d (note, the
Brasilonema filaments have lost their coloration
and the fungi appear associated with the fila-
ments and appear colorless at this point).
Figure S3. D-stem of the 16S-23S ITS region for
Brasilonema lichenoides and the closest taxa contain-
ing available ITS data. (A) B. lichenoides CDV
clone 2, (B) B. angustatum HA4787-MV1 B2/p1h,
(C) B. angustatum HA4787-MV1 B2/p1f, (D) B. oc-
tagenarum HA4786-MV1 B7A/p4.
Figure S4. D-stem of the 16S-23S ITS region for
Chroococcidiopsis lichenoides and taxa that are phylo-
genetically related. (A) C. epilithica, (B) C. ther-
malis PCC7203, (C) C. sp. SAG2025, (D) C. sp.
UFS-A4UI-NPMV4-B4 clone B4.
Table S1. Relevant physical data from cemetery
tombstone sample collections.
Table S2. Comparative morphology of Brasilo-
nema lichenoides and other members of the genus
Table S3. Similarity matrix based on the 16S
rRNA gene sequence data from Brasilonema liche-
noides sp. nov. and sister taxa.
Table S4. Similarity matrix based on the 16S
rRNA gene sequence data from Chroococcidiopsis
lichenoides and sister taxa.
Table S5. Comparing nucleotide lengths of
conserved ITS domains for Brasilonema lichenoides
sp. nov. and closest relatives that have available
ITS data.
Table S6. Comparing conserved ITS domains
for Chroococcidiopsis lichenoides sp. nov. and closest
relatives that have available ITS data.
... Brasilonema Fiore et al. -This cyanobacterial genus, forming a distinct clade in molecular analyses (Fiore et al. 2007), has aggregated filaments morphologically similar to Scytonema but only rarely showing false branching. A recent paper reported new species of both Brasilonema and Chroococcidiopsis as co-occurring photobionts of an unidentified lichen growing on gravestones in a northern Florida cemetery (Villanueva et al. 2018). However, as no description or evidence of this association has yet been published, the status of Brasilonema as lichen photobiont awaits corroboration. . ...
... ? Villanueva et al. (2018). Lichen not identified; need evidence that algal isolate is a lichen photobiont. ...
Full-text available
A review of algal (including cyanobacterial) symbionts associated with lichen-forming fungi is presented. General aspects of their biology relevant to lichen symbioses are summarized. The genera of algae currently believed to include lichen symbionts are outlined; approximately 50 can be recognized at present. References reporting algal taxa in lichen symbiosis are tabulated, with emphasis on those published since the 1988 review by Tschermak-Woess, and particularly those providing molecular evidence for their identifications. This review is dedicated in honour of Austrian phycologist Elisabeth Tschermak-Woess (1917–2001), for her numerous and significant contributions to our knowledge of lichen algae (some published under the names Elisabeth Tschermak and Liesl Tschermak).
... Geographical barriers between animal and plant species potentially last for millions of years depending on the geological processes and dispersal abilities. Due to their ease of long-distance transport, barriers to cyanobacteria seem to be less and therefore the gene flow can be periodically restored [48,58]. However, large genome-wide phylogenetic studies of biogeography of cyanobacteria are lacking. ...
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The emergence of cyanobacterial species (speciation) is driven by mutation, selection, gene flow, and geographical and ecological isolation. Population genomics explores the process of speciation and in turn provides information for our understanding of evolution, diversity, and systematics. However, very little is known about speciation in cyanobacteria, and no framework exists to apply population genomics to taxonomy. Here we review the forces driving the speciation of cyanobacteria and the application of population genomics to taxonomy. We start by discussing species divergence, selection, gene flow, and the phases of speciation. Then we focus on the most frequently used species concepts and their application using population genomics and methods of species delimitation using examples of Prochlorococcus, Microcystis, and Laspinema. Finally, we present guidelines for the methods and techniques of population genomics and their application in the taxonomy of cyanobacteria. Population genomics provides the tools and approaches to bridge species' biology, evolution, and delimitation. Ultimately, this brings taxonomic decisions as close as possible to natural processes.
... More frequent but still restricted architectures include parallel thylakoids filling the entire cell volume as in Geminocystis and Cyanobacterium (Mare s et al. 2019a) or irregular TAXONOMIC REVISION OF CYANOBACTERIA 25 thylakoid fascicles forming one periplasmatic space (sack formed by two parallel thylakoids membranes on cell cross-section) as in Euhalothece or Cryptococcum (Garcia-Pichel et al. 1998. The most common architecture is the irregular fascicular thylakoid arrangement consisting of 4 to 15 parallel thylakoid membranes on cell cross-sections as documented in Crocosphaera, Gloeothece, or Annamia (Villanueva et al. 2018, Mare s et al. 2019b. Chroococcales seem to be the only group with the formation of long thick pili (Linhartov a et al. 2021, Lamparter et al. 2022, but this feature has to be resolved by detailed studies. ...
Cyanobacterial taxonomy is facing a period of rapid changes thanks to the ease of 16S rRNA gene sequencing and established workflows for description of new taxa. Since the last comprehensive review of the cyanobacterial system in 2014 until 2021, at least 273 species in 140 genera were newly described. These taxa were mainly placed into previously defined orders and families although several new families were proposed. However, the classification of most taxa still relied on hierarchical relationships inherited from the classical morphological taxonomy. Similarly, the obviously polyphyletic orders such as Synechococcales and Oscillatoriales were left unchanged. In the current study, the rising number of genomic sequences of cyanobacteria and well described reference strains allowed us to reconstruct a robust phylogenomic tree for taxonomic purposes. A less robust but better sampled 16S rRNA gene phylogeny was mapped to the phylogenomic backbone. Based on both these phylogenies, a polyphasic classification throughout the whole phylum of Cyanobacteria was created, with ten new orders and fifteen new families. The proposed system of cyanobacterial orders and families relied on a phylogenomic tree but still employed phenotypic apomorphies where possible to make it useful for professionals in the field. It was, however, confirmed that morphological convergence of phylogenetically distant taxa was a frequent phenomenon in cyanobacteria. Moreover, the limited phylogenetic informativeness of the 16S rRNA gene, resulting in ambiguous phylogenies above the genus level, emphasized the integration of genomic data as a prerequisite for the conclusive taxonomic placement of a vast number of cyanobacterial genera in the future.
... Сучасна систематика ціанобактерій характеризується бурхливим розвитком та активним описом нових таксонів на основі інтегративного (поліфазного) підходу, тобто комплексного використання методів класичної морфології і молекулярної філогенії, доповнених детальними дослідженнями ультраструктури, біохімічних ознак тощо (Osorio-Santos et al., 2014;Mai et al., 2018;Villanueva et al., 2018;Martins et al., 2019;Komárek et al., 2020;Jung et al., 2021;та ін.). Новий погляд на різноманіття Cyanobacteria виявляє все більше нових таксонів, у тому числі й тих, що характеризуються прихованими (криптичними) ознаками. ...
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Studying terrestrial algae of the Kazantip Nature Reserve (Kerch Peninsula) and its environs, a morphologically distinctive homocytic filamentous cyanobacterium with dark coloured trichomes was found in the biological soil crust from the surface of the clay scree. Despite the peculiar coloration and rather large dimensions of the filaments, we failed to identify it even to the genus based on morphological features. Unfortunately, a molecular study of this material was impossible since an attempt to isolate it in the unialgal culture was unsuccessful. The recently described genus Tenebriella Hauerová, Hauer et Kaštovský separated from Oscillatoria sensu lato, has morphological features very close to our material. They include dark colored filaments, trichomes pale-greyish green to purple, slightly constricted at the cross walls, with short cells, gently tapering to the ends, and several last cells of the trichome often yellowish. Morphologically and ecologically Ukrainian record is very close to T. amphibia Hauerová, Hauer et Kaštovský, but is characterized by noticeably thinner trichomes. Morphological description of this species, photomicrographs, information on habitat in Ukraine and ecology, comparison with literature data are given.
... However, there are only very few unicellular cyanobacterial genera involved in bipartite lichen symbiosis, such as Chroococcidiopsis, that have, until now, never been confirmed within the backbone of molecular techniques-for example, photobionts of bipartite lichens within Lichinaceae such as Anema, Peccania, Psorotichia, and Peltula were assigned to Chroococcidiopsis based on morphology (Büdel and Henssen, 1983) and later partly confirmed by 16S rRNA gene studies (Fewer et al., 2002). Chroococcidiopsis lichenoides is the only fully described species within the whole order Chroococcidiopsidales which is fully described after modern criteria as a photobiont of an undescribed tripartite lichen (Villanueva et al., 2018). ...
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The last decades of research led to a change in understanding of lichens that are now seen as self-sustaining micro-ecosystems, harboring diverse microbial organisms in tight but yet not fully understood relationships. Among the diverse interdependencies, the relationship between the myco- and photobiont is the most crucial, determining the shape, and ecophysiological properties of the symbiotic consortium. Roughly 10% of lichens associate with cyanobacteria as their primary photobiont, termed cyanolichens. Up to now, the diversity of cyanobionts of bipartite lichens resolved by modern phylogenetic approaches is restricted to the filamentous and heterocytous genera of the order Nostocales. Unicellular photobionts were placed in the orders Chroococcales, Pleurocapsales, and Chroococcidiopsidales. However, especially the phylogeny and taxonomy of the Chroococcidiopsidales genera remained rather unclear. Here we present new data on the identity and phylogeny of photobionts from cyanolichens of the genera Gonohymenia, Lichinella, Peccania, and Peltula from a broad geographical range. A polyphasic approach was used, combining morphological and cultivationdepending characteristics (microscopy, staining techniques, life cycle observation, baeocyte motility, and nitrogen fixation test) with phylogenetic analyses of the 16S rRNA and 16S–23S ITS gene region. We found an unexpectedly high cyanobiont diversity in the cyanobacterial lichens of the order Lichinales, including two new genera and seven new species, all of which were not previously perceived as lichen symbionts. As a result, we describe the novel unicellular Chroococcidiopsidales genera Pseudocyanosarcina gen. nov. with the species Pseudocyanosarcina phycocyania sp. nov. (from Peltula clavata, Australia) and Compactococcus gen. nov. with the species Compactococcus sarcinoides sp. nov. (from Gonohymenia sp., Australia) and the new Chroococcidiopsidales species Aliterella compacta sp. nov. (from Peltula clavata, Australia), Aliterella gigantea sp. nov. (from Peltula capensis; South Africa), Sinocapsa ellipsoidea sp. nov. (from Peccania cerebriformis, Austria), as well as the two new Nostocales species Komarekiella gloeocapsoidea sp. nov. (from Gonohymenia sp., Czechia) and Komarekiella globosa sp. nov. (from Lichinella cribellifera, Canary Islands, Spain). Our study highlights the role of cyanolichens acting as a key in untangling cyanobacterial taxonomy and diversity. With this study, we hope to stimulate further research on photobionts, especially of rare cyanolichens.
... The genus was originally isolated and described from (sub) tropical Brazil being separated from Scytonema (Fiore et al. 2007). Since then, several species have been described from natural (sub)tropical environments and greenhouses (see Fiore et al. 2007;Aguiar et al. 2008;Sant'Anna et al. 2011;Vaccarino & Johansen 2012;Becerra-Absalón et al. 2013;Rodarte et al. 2014;Villanueva et al. 2018Villanueva et al. , 2019Montoya et al., 2019;Romanenko et al. 2020). ...
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Diversity of the genus Brasilonema (Nostocales, Cyanobacteria) in plant nurseries of central Florida (USA) with the description of three new species: B. fioreae sp. nov., B. santannae sp. nov. and B. wernerae sp. nov. Abstract: Florida is a diverse region that supports abundant cyanobacterial diversity, especially in terrestrial environments. To exploit this environment for cyanobacterial diversity, several greenhouses from central Florida were sampled to identify common nuisance and contaminating algae. Most of the algae observed were mat forming, covering nursery pots, plants, and equipment which were macro-and microscopically morphologically analogous to Brasilonema. Although macroscopic thallus morphology was similar among the samples, microscopic morphological characteristics such as size, color, and sheath formation were disparate. To uncover the cryptic diversity, mats were processed for species isolation, culture, and molecular taxonomic identification. A total of eleven Brasilonema strains were isolated into culture and systematically identified using 16S rRNA and 16S-23S rRNA ITS sequences. Based on morphology and molecular data, five species of Brasilonema were found and three are new to science: B. fioreae, B. santannae, and B. wernerae.
Dating back to the earliest period of geological time (Archean), cyanobacteria are the oldest known photoautotrophic organisms that release oxygen during their photosynthesis (= oxygenic photosynthesis).
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Cyanobacteria are photo-oxygenic prokaryotes present in nearly all ecosystems, where they are important in global oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen cycles. They are often recognized as the harbingers of eutrophication in freshwater systems and are increasingly being noted as nuisance species in marine ecosystems such as coral reefs. In recent years, cyanobacteria have been intensely studied due to their toxicity, harmful bloom formation, and because their distribution and abundance are expected to increase with climate change. Nevertheless, for all of their importance, many gaps in our knowledge of cyanobacteria remain: the distribution, dispersal, and biogeography of these microorganisms are still not understood. Until 1994 little attention was paid to tropical cyanobacteria and their diversity, despite some harmful invasive species having their putative origins in tropical habitats. However, more practiced articulation and research has recently uncovered previously undescribed biodiversity, and in turn changed our knowledge of the evolutionary relationships within the Cyanobacteria. The purpose of this paper is to describe the challenges of working with the cyanobacteria and to review what we know of them from tropical habitats.
A number of heterocytous, mat-forming, tapering cyanobacteria in the Rivulariaceae have recently been observed in both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts in the rocky intertidal and supratidal zones. These belong to the genera Nunduva, Kyrtuthrix, and Phyllonema, and have been the subject of several recent papers. Herein, two new species of Nunduva (N. komarkovae, N. sanagustinensis) and two new species of Kyrtuthrix (K. munecosensis, K. totonaca) are characterized and described from the coasts Mexico. Genetic separation based on the 16S-23S ITS region was pronounced (>10% in all comparisons). Morphological differences between all existing species in these two genera were also observed, but the group is morphologically complex and these taxa are considered pseudocryptic. Nunduva and Kyrtuthrix remain morphologically and phylogenetically separate even with the addition of new species. However, how long will this remain the case? Many new genera and species of cyanobacteria have recently been described. Will the taxonomy of cyanobacteria eventually become saturated? Will we start to see multiple populations for the same cryptic species, or will future taxonomists collapse multiple species into fewer species, or multiple genera into single genera. The description of even more Nunduva and Kyrtuthrix species causes us to pause and evaluate the future of cyanobacterial taxonomy. These same questions are faced by algal taxonomists studying other phyla, and the resolution may ultimately be similar.
In a study that aimed to fingerprint the phototrophic community of the biodeteriorated walls of the Old Cathedral of Coimbra (UNESCO World Heritage Site), an unknown Nostoc/Komarekiella-like cyanobacterium was isolated. We employed a polyphasic approach based on morphological, ecological and phylogenetic analyses of the partial 16S and the whole 16S-23S ITS rRNA regions to characterize this organism. Our strains shared 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity of 99–100% with GenBank-assigned ‘Nostoc sp.’ sequences, and 98% similarity with the genera Goleter, Roholtiella, Aulosira and Komarekiella. Despite being morphologically similar to Komarekiella, phylogenetic analyses placed our strains in a separated genus-level clade, distant from Nostoc sensu stricto and with Komarekiella as the closest taxon. Considering all molecular, phylogenetic and ecological data, we here propose Parakomarekiella sesnandensis F.Soares, V.Ramos & A.Portugal, gen. et sp. nov.
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We present the latest version of the Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis (MEGA) software, which contains many sophisticated methods and tools for phylogenomics and phylomedicine. In this major upgrade, MEGA has been optimized for use on 64-bit computing systems for analyzing bigger datasets. Researchers can now explore and analyze tens of thousands of sequences in MEGA. The new version also provides an advanced wizard for building timetrees and includes a new functionality to automatically predict gene duplication events in gene family trees. The 64-bit MEGA is made available in two interfaces: graphical and command line. The graphical user interface (GUI) is a native Microsoft Windows application that can also be used on Mac OSX. The command line MEGA is available as native applications for Windows, Linux, and Mac OSX. They are intended for use in high-throughput and scripted analysis. Both versions are available from free of charge.
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Cyanobacteria are cosmopolitan group of phototrophic microbes with significant contributions to global primary production. However, their biodiversity, especially in tropical areas, is still largely unexplored. In this paper, we used a combination of molecular and morphological data to characterize a filamentous cyanobacterium isolated from a soil crust in the Everglades National Park in Florida. It is morphologically similar to the ubiquitous, polyphyletic Leptolyngbya, but phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene and secondary structures of the 16S-23S ITS region revealed that our isolates form a monophyletic clade unrelated to Leptolyngbya sensu stricto. Apart from its phylogenetic position, we found that the strain possesses a unique combination of morphological and molecular characters, which have not been found in any other Leptolyngbya species. Due to these characteristics, together with its subtropical origin, we erect new monospecific genus Chamaethrix.
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The simple filamentous cyanobacterial genus Geitlerinema is heterogeneous. At least two distinct phylogenetic clades can be derived from the set of most common freshwater Geitlerinema species. Geitlerinema after revision, based on the characterization of the type species G. splendidum, contains only one species according to morphological similarity with its original description. Consequently, the majority of other freshwater species inferred from molecular sequencing of 16S rRNA gene and 16S-23S ITS analysis (related both genetically and morphologically to G. pseudacutissimum) must be classified as a special taxon on the generic level. The name Anagnostidinema is proposed for this genus, which was selected in memory of the prominent late cyanobacterial specialist Konstantinos Anagnostidis. The genetic position, short review and characteristics of the newly defined genus Anagnostidinema is presented in this paper. The taxonomy of the rest of species (including the marine taxa), which are currently unable to be classified taxonomically with certainty, remain to be resolved in future studies.
Cyanobacterial symbioses are no longer regarded as mere oddities but as important components of the biosphere, occurring both in terrestrial and aquatic habitats worldwide. It is becoming apparent that they can enter into symbiosis with a wider variety of organisms than hitherto known, and there are many more still to be discovered, particularly in marine environments. The chapters cover cyanobacterial symbioses with plants (algae, bryophytes, Azolla, cycads, Gunnera), cyanobacterial symbioses in marine environments, lichens, Nostoc-Geosiphon (a fungus closely related to arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi) symbiosis, and artificial associations of cyanobacteria with economically important plants. In addition, cyanobiont diversity, sensing-signalling, and evolutionary aspects of the symbiosis are dealt with. Renowned experts actively involved in research on cyanobacterial symbioses deal with ecological, physiological, biochemical, molecular, and applied aspects of all known cyanobacterial symbioses. This volume on cyanobacteria in symbiosis complements the two earlier volumes on cyanobacteria published by Kluwer (Molecular Biology of Cyanobacteria, edited by D.A. Bryant and Ecology of Cyanobacteria, edited by B.A. Whitton and M. Potts). Together, the three volumes provide the most comprehensive treatment of cyanobacterial literature as a whole. The book will serve as a valuable reference work and text for teaching and research in the field of plant-microbe interactions and nitrogen fixation.
Lichens assemble in three parts Lichen growth forms cannot be recapitulated in the laboratory by culturing the plant and fungal partners together. Spribille et al. have discovered that the classical binary view of lichens is too simple. Instead, North American beard-like lichens are constituted of not two but three symbiotic partners: an ascomycetous fungus, a photosynthetic alga, and, unexpectedly, a basidiomycetous yeast. The yeast cells form the characteristic cortex of the lichen thallus and may be important for its shape. The yeasts are ubiquitous and essential partners for most lichens and not the result of lichens being colonized or parasitized by other organisms. Science , this issue p. 488
Cyanobacteria / Subsection III / Incertae Sedis / Subsection III It is now apparent from multiple 16S rDNA sequence analyses that this subsection is not phylogenetically coherent. Some of the genera of this former order and even named species of the genus Oscillatoria , for example, are polyphyletic (see Turner, 1997; Phylogenetic relationships amongst the Cyanobacteria , p. 487). It is premature to reclassify this “oscillatorian” group of morphotypes on the basis of the still incompletely determined genetic relationships. The present treatment, therefore, will follow the older, artificial grouping of Subsection III, although the degree of genetic similarities of some genera (on the basis of nucleotide and other sequence similarities) are mentioned in the text description of each genus and also in the discussion in the chapter on phylogeny.
Cyanobacteria / Phylogenetic Relationships Among the Cyanobacteria Based on S rRNA Sequences / Phylogenetic Relationships Among the Cyanobacteria Based on 16S rRNA Sequences