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Trend of head circumference as a predictor of microcephaly among term infants born at a regional center in Malaysia between 2011-2015


Abstract and Figures

Rosnah Sutan,1 May Luu Yeong,1 Zaleha Abdullah Mahdy,2 Ahmad Shuhaila,2 Jaafar Rohana,3 Shareena Ishak,3 Khadijah Shamsuddin,1 Aniza Ismail,1 Idayu Badillah Idris,1 Saperi Sulong4 1Department of Community Health, 2Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 3Department of Pediatrics, 4Department of Medical Records, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Center, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Introduction: The aim of this study was to determine the trend of head circumference as predictor of microcephaly among term infants born in a teaching hospital in Malaysia from 2011 to 2015. Methodology: This was a cross-sectional study using data from the electronic birth census. The independent variables were mothers’ age and height, parity, birth weight and birth length. All term newborns, both alive and stillbirth, with 37–41 completed gestational weeks, and a birth weight of at least 500 g was extracted from the census. Results: A total of 26,503 newborns fulfilled the inclusion criteria (13,655 males, 12,840 females). The mean head circumferences for male and female newborns were 32.93 cm (± SD 1.32) and 32.56 cm (± SD 1.31). The average head circumference for Malaysian newborns was found to be smaller than the World Health Organization Standard Growth Chart for Term Infant. A total of 17.6% (n=4,669) of the total samples were observed to have microcephaly. Among them, 73.2% (n=3,419) were non-proportionate microcephaly with normal birth weight of 2.5kg and above. Bivariate analyses showed that all independent variables were significant predictors of microcephaly. Both simple and multiple logistic regressions demonstrated that low birth weight was the most significant predictors for microcephaly (adjusted OR 12.14, 95% CI 10.80, 13.65). Conclusion: There is an increasing trend of microcephaly across the years and the low birth weight was noted as the main predictor of microcephaly. Future studies are needed to determine the possible cause of increasing microcephaly by controlling for birth weight and gestational age of the neonates. Keywords: SGA, perinatal, growth chart, IUGR, birth parameter, occipito-frontal
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Trend of head circumference as a predictor
of microcephaly among term infants born at a
regional center in Malaysia between 2011–2015
Rosnah Sutan1
May Luu Yeong1
Zaleha Abdullah Mahdy2
Ahmad Shuhaila2
Jaafar Rohana3
Shareena Ishak3
Khadijah Shamsuddin1
Aniza Ismail1
Idayu Badillah Idris1
Saperi Sulong4
1Department of Community
Health, 2Department of Obstetrics
and Gynecology, 3Department of
Pediatrics, 4Department of Medical
Records, Universiti Kebangsaan
Malaysia Medical Center, Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia
Introduction: The aim of this study was to determine the trend of head circumference as
predictor of microcephaly among term infants born in a teaching hospital in Malaysia from
2011 to 2015.
Methodology: This was a cross-sectional study using data from the electronic birth census.
The independent variables were mothers’ age and height, parity, birth weight and birth length.
All term newborns, both alive and stillbirth, with 37–41 completed gestational weeks, and a
birth weight of at least 500 g was extracted from the census.
Results: A total of 26,503 newborns fulfilled the inclusion criteria (13,655 males, 12,840
females). The mean head circumferences for male and female newborns were 32.93 cm (± SD
1.32) and 32.56 cm (± SD 1.31). The average head circumference for Malaysian newborns was
found to be smaller than the World Health Organization Standard Growth Chart for Term Infant.
A total of 17.6% (n=4,669) of the total samples were observed to have microcephaly. Among
them, 73.2% (n=3,419) were non-proportionate microcephaly with normal birth weight of 2.5kg
and above. Bivariate analyses showed that all independent variables were significant predictors of
microcephaly. Both simple and multiple logistic regressions demonstrated that low birth weight
was the most significant predictors for microcephaly (adjusted OR 12.14, 95% CI 10.80, 13.65).
Conclusion: There is an increasing trend of microcephaly across the years and the low birth weight
was noted as the main predictor of microcephaly. Future studies are needed to determine the possible
cause of increasing microcephaly by controlling for birth weight and gestational age of the neonates.
Keywords: SGA, perinatal, growth chart, IUGR, birth parameter, occipito-frontal
Birth parameters are important indicators of prenatal nutritional status and intrauterine
environment. In Malaysia, birth weight, length, and head circumference of all infants
are measured and recorded in the Child Health Record Book at birth and on clinic
visits. These indicators play an important role in monitoring growth and development
of the infants. For example, head circumference is used to monitor the growth of
brain volume and is known to be a significant predictor of cognitive and intelligence
development of a child.1 Abnormal head circumference has also been associated with
various medical conditions. Microcephaly and macrocephaly are associated with
intrauterine infection, toxic environmental exposure, congenital malformation, and
various genetic abnormalities.2 According to the definition by the Center of Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC), microcephaly is diagnosed when occipito-frontal
Correspondence: Rosnah Sutan
Department of Community Health,
Faculty of Medicine, Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Center,
Jalan Yaacob Latif, Bandar Tun Razak,
56000 Cheras, Wilayah Persekutuan
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel +60 1 9321 2256
Journal name: Research and Reports in Neonatology
Article Designation: ORIGINAL RESEARCH
Year: 2018
Volume: 8
Running head verso: Sutan et al
Running head recto: Trend of microcephaly
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Sutan et al
(head) circumference (OFC) falls below the third percentile
compared to the appropriately age-matched normal standard;3
while macrocephaly is diagnosed when the head circumfer-
ence measurements are above the 97th percentile.
Although the head circumference at birth is recorded for
all newborns in Malaysia, there is no systematic reporting
system or analysis on head circumference or microcephaly
registry. The existing child health program has been focusing
on interventional measures and research on low birth weight
and premature infants. With the declaration of the Zika virus
as an international public health emergency on February 1,
2015,4 it is important for Malaysia to establish the baseline
information on the incidence and causes of microcephaly,
in order to formulate reference values for abnormal head
circumference. However, universal screening for all antenatal
mothers and babies will incur considerable cost. Therefore,
in order to develop a cost-effective microcephaly screening
program, the predictive or risk factors associated with micro-
cephaly should be evaluated first prior to planning any such
program. A valuable resource of data is a birth center where
birth data are recorded.
Zika virus is an arbovirus transmitted by mosquitoes of
the Culicidae family and the Aedes genus (sylvatic and urban
transmission) including Aedes aegypti (urban transmission).5
It is suspected to have a causal link to the spike of increase in
babies born with microcephaly and neurological conditions
in Brazil in 2015. Zika virus infections have been reported
in travelers who visited Thailand6 and Malaysia7 in recent
years. Although there was no report on Zika virus infection
among the local population, its vector, A. aegypti, is rampant
in the Southeast Asian region, transmitting dengue virus and
causing widespread dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic
fever in this region.
The last published information on head circumference
among Malaysian newborns was in 1994.8 Therefore, the head
circumference measurement should be repeated to assess
the current birth trend. The Ministry of Health Malaysia has
adopted the WHO Standard Growth Curve Chart for head
circumference since its release in 2006 for better international
comparison.9 The WHO charts for standard growth describe
the growth of healthy children in optimal conditions.9 The
chart has been incorporated in the child home-based record
for child health monitoring.10 To date, there are no local
studies found in the literature that describe the growth of
children in Malaysia using this standard reference. The abil-
ity of the WHO standard to represent individual countries
and populations has been questioned.11 Notably, there was
no representative data from the East and Southeast Asian
countries, whose population constituted one-fifth of the
global population, during the development of the standard
charts. Moreover, studies from the East Asian countries have
demonstrated a trend of smaller head circumference and birth
weight.12,13 Similarly, a Malaysian study in 1994 revealed that
Malaysian infants were smaller than the standard reference.8
The predictors of head circumference of infants have
been widely studied. Maternal age, height, pregnancy weight
gain, socioeconomic background, lifestyle, and environmen-
tal exposure were identified as significant predictors.14–19
Advancing maternal age, mothers with short stature, and poor
weight gain during pregnancy were identified as contributing
factors to smaller infant head circumference.16–18 The aims of
this study were to establish the trend of head circumference
and incidence and predictors of microcephaly among Malay-
sian term newborns at the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Medical Center (UKMMC) from 2011 to 2015.
This is a cross-sectional study, using labor room electronic
birth census data from a regional hospital in Malaysia. Total
live births recorded in Malaysia for 2015 were 521,136 with
52% male infants.20 The UKMMC represents about 1% of
the total births in Malaysia each year. All birth data in this
center were recorded in both manual case records and an elec-
tronic data system. Information recorded includes mothers’
demographic data and obstetric profile, birth outcome, and
newborn profile. Birth outcome was summarized as newborn
fit to be discharged to mother, newborn requiring neonatal
intensive care unit (NICU) admission, and stillbirth. Details
of conditions of newborn such as genetic and chromosomal
abnormalities, growth restriction, and physical abnormali-
ties were not recorded in the electronic birth census. Other
information such as mothers’ medical history, comorbidity,
and previous obstetric history were also not recorded in the
electronic data system, but were available in the antenatal
record books or hospital medical records. Patient consent to
review medical records was not required as this was anony-
mous data retrieved from records with ethics approval.
The data extracted for this study were newborn birth
parameters (birth weight, head circumference, and length),
and maternal age, height, and parity. Head circumference of
newborn was identified as the dependent variable. The study
populations were all term live-born and stillborn delivered at
UKMMC from January 2011 to December 2015. The mea-
surement taken was based on the assessment of the newborn
at birth. No repeat measurement was made 24 hours after
birth. The criteria for term infant was birth at 37–41 com-
pleted gestational weeks and birth weight of 500 g. Cases
with incomplete recorded birth parameters were excluded
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Trend of microcephaly
from the study. Head circumference was classified into
microcephaly, normal head circumference, and macrocephaly
for descriptive analysis, and the statistical test for a trend
analysis was performed. Microcephaly is defined as having
OFC of less than the third percentile compared to appropri-
ate, age-matched, normal standards;3 whereas macrocephaly
is defined as head circumference above the 97th percentile.
Therefore, by using the WHO standard growth curve for head
circumference,9 which has been implemented in Malaysia in
the child home-based card since 2006,10 the term newborns
with head circumference <32.1 cm for boys and <31.7 cm
for girls at birth were categorized as microcephaly, whereas
head circumference >36.9 cm for boys and >36.1 cm for girls
at birth were categorized as macrocephaly. Subsequently,
newborns with microcephaly and normal head circumfer-
ence were included for bivariate and multivariate analyses to
identify significant predictors. Birth weights were categorized
into low birth weights and normal birth weights for analysis.
Low birth weight has been defined by WHO as weight at birth
of <2.5 kg.21 Newborn lengths were categorized into short
and normal lengths. Newborns with birth lengths of less than
the third percentile (45 cm) according to the WHO Standard
Growth Chart9 were categorized as having short birth length.10
These birth parameters were measured at the time of
birth using standardized methods. Newborns were weighed
using an electronic weighing scale, and the weights were
rounded up to the nearest 0.01 kg. Head circumferences
were measured with a plastic measuring tape passing around
the widest horizontal OFC, and the lengths were rounded
up to the nearest 0.1 cm. Newborn recumbent lengths were
measured with knees and legs fully extended, and the lengths
were rounded up to the nearest 0.1 cm. Birth parameter
measurements were taken only once, by a midwife in the
labor room. Repeat measurement is not routinely required,
except for newborns with abnormal birth parameters. The
latest Perinatal Care Manual22 recommended that all new-
borns with head circumference and birth weight below the
tenth percentile to be referred for pediatric assessment. The
pediatric medical officer usually repeats the birth parameter
measurements for correlation with other clinical findings.
As such, we were unable to perform intra- or inter-observer
reliability tests in this study as no data were recorded for
repeat measures. Nevertheless, all nurses in Malaysia have
been trained with the same methods of infant anthropometric
measurements by using the Perinatal Care Manual22 as the
standard protocol. This manual is a comprehensive training
manual and the general reference for Malaysian health care
providers. Its use has received consensual approval from
both the Obstetrician and Pediatrician Committees under the
Malaysian Ministry of Health.22
Maternal height and weight were recorded in the system
using measurements taken at the first visit to UKMMC,
either during the antenatal period, or upon arrival for deliv-
ery if the mother had never had any antenatal clinic visits at
UKMMC. Therefore, pre-pregnancy weight, weight at first
antenatal booking, and serial measurements of weight gain
during pregnancy according to gestational week were not
available in the system, as most mothers had their antenatal
bookings done in the Ministry of Health Primary Health
Clinics. Data collected on maternal weight in the system
consisted of weights from a wide range of gestations, making
the data not suitable for analysis. Maternal age, height, and
parity upon admission to the labor room were also recorded
in the birth census. Maternal height was measured, and the
measurement was rounded up to the nearest 0.1 cm. In this
study, maternal age, height, and parity were categorized
into dichotomous variables based on the risk stratification
in the Perinatal Care Manual for analysis. A maternal age
35 years was classified as having higher risk of neonatal
resuscitation, whereas maternal height <145 cm, and parity
>5 were recorded as having higher risk of needing intrapar-
tum intervention. Hospital deliveries are required for mothers
with these high-risk profiles.
Statistical analyses were performed using Statistical Pack-
age for the Social Science (SPSS), version 21. Initial bivariate
analyses were done using chi square tests and simple logistic
regression to determine the associations between potential
variables and infants’ head circumference. Variables with
p-values <0.05 in the chi square tests were selected for multi-
variate analysis. Multiple logistic regression analysis was used
to calculate the odds ratio (OR) of each selected independent
variable on the infants’ head circumference at birth. The
statistical test for a trend in prevalence over time was used.
This study was approved by the Universiti Kebangsaan
Malaysia Research Ethics Committee (FF-2016-031) and
supported by the University Research Grant (GUP-2014-089).
A total of 33,292 births were recorded between January 2011
and December 2015. Of the total, 26,503 births (13,655 male
and 12,840 female births) that fulfilled the study criteria of
term newborn with a birth weight >500 g were included for
analyses. Nine stillbirths were recorded during the study
period. All except eight newborns had complete information
on birth parameters. The demographic breakdown of ethnicity
among the mothers was 77.8% Malay, 17.2% Chinese, 2.5%
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Sutan et al
Indian, and 2.5% of other races. The mean head circumfer-
ence was 32.93 cm (±SD 1.32) for boys and 32.56 cm (±SD
1.31) for girls.
Table 1 shows the number of term newborns with micro-
cephaly, normal head circumference, and macrocephaly
from 2011 to 2015. The total number of term newborns with
microcephaly was 4,669 (17.6%) within the 5-year period.
An increasing trend was observed over the period of time,
with the highest number with microcephaly recorded in 2015,
comprising 20.0% of all term newborns (n=1,058). Among
the newborns with microcephaly, 26.8% (n=1,250) had
proportionately small head circumference and birth weight,
while 73.2% (n=3,419) of term newborns had disproportion-
ate microcephaly with a normal birth weight. In terms of
birth outcomes of newborns with microcephaly, 91.8% with
proportionate microcephaly and 98.8% with disproportionate
microcephaly were well and allowed discharge to postnatal
wards with the mother, after routine assessment by the
pediatric medical officer. Table 2 shows the trend analysis
of mean head circumference over the years. There is a sig-
nificant difference noted for mean of head circumference of
babies by years of delivery. Table 3 shows a comparison of
average head circumference percentiles between our study
and a previous study by Boo et al8 in 1994, with reference to
the WHO Child Growth Standards for Term Infant.9 Gener-
ally, Malaysian newborns have smaller head circumference.
The head circumference at the third percentile for Malaysian
newborns in our study was 30.5 cm for boys and 30.0 cm for
girls, which were both smaller than the WHO Child Growth
Standards for Term Infant. According to the recommended
growth standard, newborns with head circumference <32 cm
are considered microcephaly, which is equivalent to the 25th
percentile of head circumference of all Malaysian newborns
in this study (Table 3). Compared to the findings by Boo
et al,8 the head circumference of male newborns from the
10th to 90th percentile and the head circumference of female
newborns from the 50th to 90th percentile were smaller in this
study. Table 4 shows the bivariate analysis of the independent
variables and head circumference of newborns using chi
square test. All independent variables were significant pre-
dictors of microcephaly in newborns (p<0.01). Therefore, all
independent variables were included in the logistic regression
model to assess their OR.
Table 5 shows the results of simple logistic regression and
multiple logistic regression analysis of head circumference
of newborns and the associated independent variables. All
factors were significantly associated with the head circum-
ference of infants (p<0.01) in the simple logistic regression.
Birth weight seemed to be the most significant predictor of
head circumference of newborns. Newborns with low birth
weight were 12 times more likely to have microcephaly than
newborns with normal birth weight. This was followed by
newborn length, where newborns with a length below the
third percentile (45 cm) were 1.82 times more likely to have
microcephaly. Our study also shows that mature mothers
aged >35 years were 28% less likely to have newborns with
microcephaly than younger mothers. Multiple logistic regres-
sions reaffirmed that birth weight was the most significant
Table 1 Trend of head circumference among term infants in UKMMC from 2011 to 2015
Head circumference 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total
n % n % n % n % n % n %
Microcephaly 857 15.4 778 14.7 942 18.5 1,034 19.6 1,058 20.0 4,669 17.6
Normal HC 4,617 82.8 4,389 83.2 4,053 79.7 4,182 79.1 4,161 78.8 21,402 80.8
Macrocephaly 103 1.8 108 2.0 90 1.8 70 1.3 61 2.0 432 1.6
Total 5,577 100 5,275 100 5,085 100 5,286 100 5,280 100 26,503 100
Abbreviations: UKMMC, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Center; HC, head circumference.
Table 2 Trend analysis of mean head circumference over years
Year N Mean SD SE 95% Condence interval t statisticsa (df)p-value
Lower bound Upper bound
2011 5,474 32.858 1.3679 0.0185 32.822 32.894 39.366
2012 5,167 32.883 1.3145 0.0183 32.847 32.919
2013 4,995 32.671 1.2846 0.0182 32.636 32.707
2014 5,216 32.682 1.3053 0.0181 32.647 32.718
2015 5,219 32.640 1.3013 0.0180 32.605 32.675
Total 26,071 32.748 1.3197 0.0082 32.732 32.764
Note: aOne way ANOVA.
Abbreviations: ANOVA, analysis of variance; SD, standard deviation; SE, standard error.
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Trend of microcephaly
Table 3 Comparison of head circumference percentile between Malaysian term infants and WHO Child Growth Standards for Term
Head circumference
Malaysian term infant
delivered in UKMMC, cm
Malaysian term infant
(Boo et al8), cm
WHO Child Growth Standards
for Term Infanta, cm
Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls
3rd 30.5 30.0 31.9 31.5
5th 31.0 30.5 32.5 32.5
10th 31.0 31.0 31.4 30.8 33.0 33.0
25th 32.0 32.0 32.4 31.9 33.6 33.8
50th 33.0 32.5 33.4 32.9 34.6 34.8
75th 34.0 33.5 34.4 33.9 35.8 36.0
90th 34.5 34.0 35.3 34.8 37.0 37.0
95th 35.0 35.0 37.5 37.5
97th 35.5 35.0 38.0 38.2
Note: aAdapted from World Health Organization. Child growth standards. Available from:
Abbreviation: UKMMC, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre.
Table 4 Bivariate analysis of the determinants of HC of infants (n=26,071)
Variables Microcephaly Normal HC X2df p-value
n % n %
Maternal age (years) 35 4,087 87.5 17,878 83.5 46.23 1 <0.001
>35 582 12.5 3,524 16.5
Maternal race Malay 3,642 78.0 16,636 77.7 17.90 3 <0.010
Chinese 744 15.9 3,742 17.5
Indian 140 3.0 514 2.4
Other 140 3.1 510 2.4
Maternal height (cm) 145 98 2.1 192 0.9 50.33 1 <0.001
>145 4,571 97.9 21,210 99.1
Parity <52,321 49.7 13,286 62.1 244.00 1 <0.001
52,348 50.3 8,116 37.9
Birth weight (kg) <2.5 1,250 26.8 540 2.5 3,424.61 1 <0.001
2.5 3,419 73.2 20,862 97.5
Birth length (cm) <45 377 8.1 191 0.9 927.68 1 <0.001
45 4,292 91.9 21,211 99.1
Note: p<0.05 as signicant determinants.
Abbreviation: HC, head circumference;
Table 5 Simple logistic regression and multiple logistic regression of determinants associated with microcephaly (n=26,071)
Crude OR (95% Cl) p-value Adjusted OR (95% Cl) Wald p-value
Mother’s age (years) 35 1.00
>35 0.72 (0.66, 079) <0.01 0.76 (0.69, 0.84) 28.68 <0.01
Mother’s race Malay 1.00
Chinesec0.91 (0.83, 0.90) 0.03 0.87 (0.79, 0.95) 9.22 0.02
Indianc1.24 (0.13, 0.51) 0.02 1.08 (0.88, 1.34) 0.539 0.463
Otherc1.28 (1.06, 1.55) 0.02 1.23 (1.00, 1.51) 3.893 0.05
Mother’s height (cm) 145 2.73 (1.85, 3.03) <0.01 2.16 (1.64, 2.484) 30.15 <0.01
>145 1.00
Parity <51.00
51.66 (1.55, 1.77) <0.01 1.59 (1.48, 1.70) 169.47 <0.01
Birth weight (kg) <2.5 14.13 (12.69, 15.72) <0.01 12.14 (10.80, 13.65) 1,746.47 <0.01
2.5 1.00
Birth length (cm) <45 9.76 (8.17, 11.65) <0.01 1.82 (1.7, 2.27) 29.21 <0.01
45 1.00
Notes: aSimple logistic regression (outcome as head circumference, cm). bMultiple logistic regression (Nagelkerke R2=0.171); the model ts reasonably well; model
assumptions are met; there are interactions between parity and mother’s age and between parity and birth weight; however no multicollinearity problem was found. cWald
test for SLogR: Chinese, 4.77; Indian, 5.06; other, 6.60.
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Sutan et al
predictor for microcephaly (adjusted OR 12.14), followed
by maternal height (adjusted OR 2.16), baby’s birth length
(adjusted OR 1.82), and multiparity (adjusted OR 1.59).
However, Indian and other races were not significant predic-
tors in this logistic model.
Two pairs of independent variables were noted to have
interaction, that is, between parity and birth weight, and
between parity and maternal age. However, there was no
multicollinearity among these independent variables. Hosmer
and Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test demonstrated that our
data set fitted well with the logistic model. This model was
able to predict correctly 84.8% of infants with microcephaly
and explained 17.1% of variation in the outcome variable.
Table 6 shows the results of simple linear regression and
multiple linear regression analyses of head circumference of
infants and the associated independent variables. All variables
had significant linear relationship with the head circumfer-
ence of infants (p<0.01). Thus, infants with maternal age of
1 year had larger head circumference by 0.033 cm (95% CI:
0.030, 0.037). In a multivariable analysis, it was found that
all five independent variables had significant independent
effect on newborn head circumference. The models explain
67.7% of variation in head circumference of newborns in the
study sample (R2= 0.677).
The World Health Organization (WHO) launched new growth
standards for infants and children23 in 2006. It was based on
the WHO Growth Reference Study on singleton term infants
without health, environmental, or economic constraints on
growth from India, Brazil, Norway, United States, Ghana,
and Oman. However, infants from East and Southeast Asia
were not included in the standards development. The WHO
assumed that all economically advantaged children who were
breastfed as infants grew similarly.9 Hence, these standards
have been adopted for use internationally to depict how
normal children should grow when free from diseases and
fed according to recommendations.
The reliability of the standard growth chart for use
in this region has been widely studied.11–13 Results from
these studies showed that our newborns have smaller birth
parameters compared to the WHO standard. For example,
Japanese breastfed infants are significantly shorter and lighter
throughout almost the first 24 months12 compared to the
WHO growth standard, and infants in Hong Kong are shorter
at 36 months.11 A Singaporean study demonstrated similar
findings.24 Among both male and female Singaporean infants
at the 38th gestational week, the 10-50-90th percentile values
for head circumference were 1–2 cm smaller than the WHO
growth standard.25 Another study on a birth cohort in Jakarta
from 2010 to 2011 also found that Indonesian infants were
smaller in all three birth parameters than the WHO standard
from birth up to 12 months.11 The studies in Singapore25 and
Jakarta, Indonesia,11 in the Southeast Asian region concluded
that the WHO growth chart does not reflect the current growth
of the infant cohort and may have overestimated the birth
parameter measurements for gestational age and the diagnosis
of microcephaly. As a whole, the results from these studies
were similar to our findings on Malaysian infants. Hong Kong
and Singapore have adopted their own local reference charts
for infant growth monitoring.26,27
On the other hand, a Turkish study28 reported no disparity
in their infant head circumference percentile when compared
to Belgian and American infant head circumference percen-
tiles at birth. The United States adopts the WHO standard
for child growth from 0 to 24 months, and the subsequent
growth is referred to the CDC growth chart for up to 59
months. Deviations from the WHO growth standard should
prompt clinicians to identify whether there are suboptimal
environmental conditions and to correct the causes of sub-
optimal growth. Nevertheless, the lack of East Asian and
Southeast Asian data in the WHO growth standard could
Table 6 Determinants of head circumference (cm) of infants among the study population for continuous data (n=26,071)
Independent variable SLRaMLRb
bc(95% Cl) p-value Unadjusted bd(95% Cl) t-stat p-value
Maternal age 0.033 (0.030, 0.037) <0.01 0.200 (0.017, 0.023) 13.901 <0.01
Maternal height (cm) 0.300 (0.270, 0.330) <0.01 0.008 (0.006, 0.010) 7.111 <0.01
Maternal weight (kg) 0.015 (0.014, 0.016) <0.01 0.002 (0.003, 0.001) 3.952 <0.01
Birth weight (kg) 2.110 (2.080, 2.140) <0.01 2.148 (2.111, 2.185) 113.389 <0.01
Birth length (cm) 0.206 (0.200, 0.212) <0.01 0.014 (0.021, 0.008) 4.515 <0.01
Notes: aSimple linear regression (outcome as head circumference, cm). bMultiple linear regression (R2=0.677; The model ts reasonably well; model assumptions are met;
there was no interaction between independent variables, and no multicollinearity problem). cCrude regression coefcient. dUnadjusted regression coefcient.
Abbreviations: SLR, simple logistic regression; MLR, multiple logistic regression.
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Trend of microcephaly
have contributed to the variance of birth parameters for these
countries. There is a possibility that comparison with the
WHO growth standard have contributed to the high propor-
tion of microcephaly infants in our study. Besides, >90% of
microcephaly newborns in our study did not have any gross
abnormalities recorded at birth to suggest any possibility due
to congenital anomaly. However, the results obtained were not
interpreted in relation to the gestational age of the newborns,
birth weight, birth length, and other clinical case findings.
Therefore, there might be a possibility that these newborns
have intrauterine health problems which might cause growth
and survival problems later. In our hospital delivery system,
all newborns were screened by pediatricians before discharge,
and those with identified problems in birth parameters were
followed up by the pediatricians in our clinic.
Our study on head circumference of newborns at birth did
not show any substantial difference compared to the study by
Boo et al8 in 1994. Boo et al8 conducted a longitudinal study
with a sample size of 10,000 healthy infants born between
1990 and 1991, which demonstrated significant variation in
head circumference among the three main ethnic groups.
Malay and Chinese newborns were found to have significantly
larger head circumference compared to Indian newborns in
the birth cohort. In our study using birth cohorts from 2011
to 2015, different races were associated with different risks of
microcephaly. Chinese infants were found to have less risk of
microcephaly compared to others. However, both the studies
were based on data from a single tertiary center in an urban
setting, which may not be representative of all Malaysian
infants, which is the limitation of the present study.
Contrary to our study, the study by Boo et al8 excluded
infants with abnormalities and infants whose mothers had
comorbidities. There are debates on whether the data should
be generated from a non-selected population sample or from
selected “healthy” subjects with no known factors affecting
their growth during the construction of the gestation-specific
growth standard. Cole29 reasoned that it is not logical to con-
struct a reference standard that is targeted at infants who are
excluded, by definition, from the reference sample, when one
of the important applications of the growth standard is to enable
clinicians to identify subjects with growth problems. Nonethe-
less, it is doubtful whether a reference that truly represents
“healthy” growth could ever be constructed because many
factors that affect fetal growth remain unidentified. In this
study, the authors did not exclude infants with antenatal factors
that affect fetal growth; hence, the birth parameters provide a
neutral baseline for comparison without any assumptions being
made with regard to the quality change to measurement of the
antenatal growth of the infants.26 Despite the different sampling
methods used, the findings in our study were not substantially
different from those by Boo et al8 25 years ago.
Apart from the possible overestimation due to the use of
the WHO Growth Standard for comparison, healthy newborns
with microcephaly in this study could also be explained by the
concept of proportionality of head size30 and late manifesta-
tion of abnormality.31 Hagen et al31 reported that the majority
of children with microcephaly presented with neurological
symptoms at a mean age of 7–8 months. The proportionality
of head size refers to its measurement in relation to body size
(eg, a child who is short with a small head circumference is
probably normal). A study that supported this concept was
the Seattle school study, which showed that children whose
head circumferences were proportionate had significantly
higher mean academic achievement scores compared to chil-
dren whose head sizes were relatively small. The IQ scores
however did not differ.32
Many research articles have shown that advancing age,
maternal parity, and shorter maternal height were associ-
ated with smaller infant head circumference.16–18,33 A cross-
sectional study from Iran reported that the length and head
circumference of the neonates increased significantly with
maternal age and parity.17 A study by Kirchengast and Hart-
mann on the birth outcome of adolescent mothers showed
that the offspring of extremely young mothers of age 12–16
years were significantly smaller in all body dimensions com-
pared to the offspring of older adolescent mothers or adult
mothers.15 Lira et al18 also reported in their cohort study that
Brazilian children from taller mothers tended to have a larger
head circumference at birth.
However, our study reported an unexpected finding that
advanced maternal age was associated with a lower risk of
microcephaly. This may be due to the role of UKMMC as a
premier fertility center, providing advanced fertility treatment
to many mothers aged above 35 years. These mothers were
under meticulous pre-pregnancy and antenatal care, leading
to good birth outcomes. Apart from this, our findings on
maternal height and parity influence on the head circumfer-
ence of infants were similar to other studies.
The strength of this study is in using an electronic
database covering one single institution of health care that
practices the same protocol over years. Having 5 years’
data allows observation of the trend of microcephaly in the
center. Using singleton term babies for analysis helps in
controlling the influence of multiple pregnancy and preterm
birth on head circumference measurement. The limitation
of our study lies in being unable to explore the relationship
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Sutan et al
between head circumference and other important risk factors.
For example, maternal pre-pregnancy and antenatal weight
gain, socioeconomic position, dietary status, lifestyle, and
environmental exposures such as smoking, alcohol, and lead
exposure14,15,19,34–37 are important predictors of birth outcomes.
The electronic birth census at our center was not designed
to capture information on maternal activities and antenatal
progression outside the hospital. The data obtained for the
present study were anonymous based on data recorded in the
labor room. Hence, there is a limitation of assessing informa-
tion after babies who have been discharged from the labor
room to the postnatal ward.
This study provides updated reference values for the size
of head circumference among Malaysian term newborns
at 37–41 completed gestational weeks. The risk factors
associated with microcephaly are also reported, which can
help health care providers monitor the child who is at risk.
These reference values are useful for infant care as head
circumference at birth is often related to the future health of
the newborns.1,18,38–41 However, the cross-sectional anthro-
pometric data in this study do not reflect the intrauterine
growth of the fetuses and thus are not suitable for use in the
evaluation of fetal growth velocity, growth predictors, and
long-term outcome. The addition of the variable of birth
head circumference in the birth certificate recorded by the
registration department will be valuable data for monitor-
ing its trend nationwide rather than being institution-based.
Further study is recommended exploring infant growth pat-
tern, cognitive function, and milestones among babies noted
to have head circumferences below the third centile. We
propose that a longitudinal method with thorough antenatal
records, laboratory testing of biomarkers for smoking, and
heavy metal exposure are required to explore the relation-
ship between maternal environmental exposure and infant
anthropometry in Malaysia. Further assessment of the trend
of increase in the number of babies born with microcephaly
in the hot spot area of dengue virus in Malaysia, using
available data on birth head circumference, birth length,
and gestational age, is needed in view of the emergence of
the Zika virus. Studies on the relationship between dengue
and chikungunya infections during pregnancy and their
effects on pregnancy outcome, need to be explored. This
is because the Zika virus comes from the same arbovirus
group, with the same vector, Aedes mosquitoes, as these
other viruses. Retrospective and follow through studies of
confirmed microcephaly cases may help determine their
causal factors and the potential complications for public
health intervention planning, as the majority of Zika virus
infections are asymptomatic.
We thank the support staff from the labor room and NICU
who were committed to completing the record keeping.
The authors report no conflicts of interest in this work.
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Trend of microcephaly
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... 29,30 In previous study, mother with short stature (<145 cm) was a risk factor of microcephaly so mother's height was grouped into less than 145cm and more than or equal to 145cm. 19 First gravida showed a relationship with newborn head size so gravidity was classified into two groups: primigravida and multigravida. 15 The residential address (province) of the mother and year of delivery were used to classify the mother as living in a Zika transmitted area or non-Zika transmitted area based on reports from the Bureau of Vector Borne Diseases, Department of Disease Control, Thai MoPH. ...
... A number of studies from countries in South East Asia mentioned that international standard growth curves may not be suitable for their newborns. 19,[34][35][36] When they made their own standard reference charts for head circumference based on their newborn data and compared this with the international standard reference charts, they found that standard head circumferences in their countries were smaller than international standard head circumferences. We compared the 3rd percentile of head circumference of the population in this study with the standard international reference charts (INTERGROWTH 21 st for term newborn, and Fenton growth chart for preterm infants) as shown in Table 4. ...
... There was a report about complication during pregnancy in advanced maternal age (≥35 years). 19 Since parity is not included in the national health database, we used gravidity as a proxy. In this study, a primigravida woman was twice as likely to deliver a newborn with microcephaly than multigravida women. ...
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Microcephaly became of high concern after Zika outbreaks occurred worldwide. An estimation of its prevalence is crucial for public health preparedness and response. The objectives of this study were to estimate the prevalence of neonatal microcephaly in Thailand during 2014-2018, describe its epidemiological characteristics, and identify associated factors. This study was a cross-sectional study using data from the Health Data Center, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand. Neonatal microcephaly, as defined in this study, is a condition where a newborn has a head circumference (HC) less than the 3rd percentile of the International Fetal and Newborn Growth Consortium for the 21st Century standard head circumference charts for term newborn, and Fenton's growth charts for preterm newborn by gestational age and gender. Univariate and multivariate analysis were performed to identify associated factors. During 2014-2018, 121,448 newborns were identified and the prevalence of neonatal microcephaly was 14.5%. There were 9,871 boys and 7,687 girls. Multivariate analysis showed that small for gestational age (adjusted odds ratio (Adjusted OR) 5.34, 95% confidence interval (CI) 3.24, 8.81), birth length less than the 10th percentile (Adjusted OR 2.92, 95% CI 1.36, 6.29), elderly pregnancy (Adjusted OR 1.84, 95% CI 1.07, 3.18), and primigravida (Adjusted OR 2.01, 95% CI 1.37, 2.95) were significantly associated with neonatal microcephaly. The prevalence of neonatal microcephaly in Thailand was higher than expected. The international head circumference chart may not be suitable for Thai newborns suggesting that a head circumference growth standard for Thai newborns is needed.
... The Malaysian term newborns have a smaller OFC, with 30.5 cm for boys and 30.0 cm for girls for the 3rd percentile, and 35.5 cm for boys and 35.0 cm for girls for the 97th percentile. The average (at the 50th percentile) OFC is 33.0 cm for boys and 32.5 cm for girls (20). A head circumference of more than 2 standard deviations (SD) above the mean for sex and gestational age is known as macrocephaly. ...
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The physical examination of the newborn is essential in diagnosing neurological or neurosurgical conditions in the newborn. This article focuses on three clinical assessments of newborns and infants that are especially important if neurological problems are suspected: The Ballard score, the examination of the head in a baby with (suspected) hydrocephalus, and the neurological and developmental evaluation of an infant in an ambulatory setting. A textual description and a link to a video describe each assessment.
... Pada kondisi nonpatologis, semakin cepat dan optimal proses pertumbuhan dan perkembangan otak bayi maka semakin besar ukuran lingkar kepala bayi. Beberapa faktor yang dapat memengaruhi ukuran lingkar kepala bayi adalah karakteristik ibu, kondisi sosial-ekonomi, status gizi ibu, dan asupan zat gizi ibu [7][8][9] . Bayi dengan ukuran lingkar kepala yang lebih besar diketahui memiliki IQ lebih tinggi saat berusia 9-10 tahun 10 dan saat remaja 11 . ...
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Latar Belakang: Tercukupinya kebutuhan akan asupan asam lemak tidak jenuh ganda (polyunsaturated fatty acids, PUFA) dan status gizi ibu hamil yang optimal diketahui memiliki peran penting dalam mendukung pertumbuhan dan perkembangan otak janin dan bayi. Studi menunjukkan bahwa asupan PUFA ibu hamil di beberapa daerah di Indonesia sangat rendah dan juga masih banyak ibu hamil yang memiliki status gizi kurang. Kedua masalah gizi pada ibu hamil tersebut diduga berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan otak janin yang dalam penelitian ini diestimasi dengan ukuran lingkar kepala. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis hubungan asupan PUFA ibu hamil dan status gizi pra-hamil dengan lingkar kepala bayi baru lahir. Metode: Analisis data sekunder menggunakan data hasil penelitian hibah BASF South East Asia yang telah dilakukan pada bulan April-Oktober tahun 2018 di Kota Bogor oleh tim SEAFAST CENTER IPB. Subyek merupakan ibu hamil dengan usia kehamilan trimester 3 dan merupakan kehamilan tunggal. Total terdapat 79 data ibu dan bayinya yang meliputi data asupan PUFA saat hamil, lingkar kepala bayi, karakteristik ibu, kondisi sosial-ekonomi ibu, dan IMT pra-hamil. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan uji korelasi Spearman. Hasil: Rata-rata asupan PUFA ibu saat hamil tergolong rendah (< 80% tingkat kecukupan) serta belum memenuhi rekomendasi asupan PUFA. Asupan PUFA ibu saat hamil berhubungan positif dengan lingkar kepala bayi namun tidak signifikan (p > 0,05). Lingkar kepala bayi secara signifikan memiliki hubungan positif dengan IMT pra-hamil (p = 0,010). Kesimpulan: Lingkar kepala bayi pada penelitian ini tidak memiliki hubungan signifikan dengan asupan PUFA ibu saat hamil, namun berhubungan signifikan dengan IMT pra-hamil.
... For example, Malay and Chinese infants have a significantly larger HC compared to Indian infants in the birth cohort. In addition, the existing method used to measure the HC (a measuring tape) fails to consider the shape of the cranial vault, and so it does not discriminate between microcephaly that is due to low birth weight and that due to craniofacial syndromes (17). The current method of HC measurement also does not describe the morphology of the vertex of the cranial vault nor does it discriminate between small size and a deformed skull. ...
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Background: This study was carried out in response to the Zika virus epidemic, which constituted a public health emergency, and to the 2019 WHO calling for strengthened surveillance for the early detection of related microcephaly. The main aim of the study was to phenotype the craniofacial morphology of microcephaly using a novel approach and new measurements, and relate the characteristics to brain abnormalities in Zika-infected infants in Brazil to improve clinical surveillance. Methods: 3D images of the face and the cranial vault of 44 Zika-infected infants and matched healthy controls were captured using a 3D stereophotogrammetry system. The CT scans of the brain of the infected infants were analysed. Principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to characterise the craniofacial morphology. In addition to the head circumference (HC), a new measurement, head height (HH), was introduced to measure the cranial vault. The level of brain abnormality present in the CT scans was assessed; the severity of parenchymal volume loss and ventriculomegaly was quantified. Student's t -test and Spearman's Rho statistical test have been applied. Findings: The PCA identified a significant difference ( p < 0.001) between the cranial vaults and the face of the Zika infants and that of the controls. Spearman's rank-order correlation coefficients show that the head height (HH) has a strong correlation (0.87 in Zika infants; 0.82 in controls) with the morphology of the cranial vaults, which are higher than the correlation with the routinely used head circumference (HC). Also, the head height (HH) has a moderate negative correlation (−0.48) with the brain abnormalities of parenchymal volume loss. Interpretation: It is discovered that the head height (HH) is the most sensitive and discriminatory measure of the severity of cranial deformity, which should be used for clinical surveillance of the Zika syndrome, evaluation of other craniofacial syndromes and assessment of various treatment modalities.
... The average head circumference for Malaysian newborns was found to be smaller than the World Health Organization Standard Growth Chart for Term Infant. There is an increasing trend of microcephaly across the years and the low birth weight was noted as the main predictor of microcephaly [8]. Chi-square test and t-test was used to analyze the prevalence of gender difference in body mass index with sample data of 426 high school students who completed sectional self-report questionnaires. ...
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New born baby is a gift from God and what a newbornbaby looks like is not a baby model, rather a newborn baby looks varies from baby to baby in terms of weight, height and head circumferences. In this research, asample of 200 male and female babies was used for the analysis. The aim isto identify if there is a significant difference between the means of the variables considered. In this research, three variables were considered for both male and female babies at birth. The result showed that the mean birth weight is 3.55kg and 3.39kg for male and female babies respectively. The mean height and head circumference of female babies recorded higher than their male counterpart. The Hoteling’s T 2 -test showed that there is a significant difference between the mean vectors of the variables considered; hence a discriminant analysis was conducted. The discriminant function obtained fairly classifies the group at 42% error rate. From the results gotten, there is significant difference between the height, weight and head circumference of male and female babies and conclude that male babies are heavier in terms of weight while female babies have bigger head circumference than the male babies. Keywords: Babies Height, Babies Weight, Babies Head Circumference, Discriminant Function, Hoteling’s T2-test
... nd data will be treated with confidentiality. Two student nurses served as research assistance after they were trained for two days on the data collection process and the filling of the questionnaire. Nutritional status of the children was estimated in terms of weight for age, length for age and weight for length using the WHO standard as cited by Sutan, et. al. (2018). With regards to weight of age grading, severely underweight ( 6.3), underweight (6.4 -6.9), normal weight (7.0 -11.5) and overweight (≥ 11.6). The length of age: severely stunted ( 66.2); stunted (66.3 -68.8), normal length (68.9 -79.2) and tall (79.3). With respect to weight for length: severely wasted ( 7.1), wasted (7.2 -7.7), no ...
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This study assessed the nutritional status of children under 0-2 years using anthropometric measurement approach in selected primary Health Centers (PHC) in Ife North Local Government of Area of Osun State and identified mothers' perceived factors that influenced nutritional status these children. It also investigated the feeding practices engaged by mothers of 0-2 children. A descriptive cross-sectional study that targeted a population of 200 mothers with children 0-2 years attending the selected PHCs used a simple random sampling technique to select a sample size of 160 mothers using Slovin's formula. Weighing scale, stadiometer, and Shakir's tape were used to get data from 0-2 children while a self-structured questionnaire was used to collect data from mothers of these children. Face and content validity of the questionnaire were ensured by experts in related research field with a mean reliability coefficient of 0.66 using the test re-test method. Data collected were analyzed using Emergency Nutrition Assessment for Standardized Monitoring and Assessment of Relief and Transition (ENA for SMART) software and Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20. The research hypotheses were tested using chi square at 5% level of significance. The study revealed that underweight (8.8%), stunting (9.4%) and wasting (6.9%) were found among the children. Furthermore, lack of readily available nutritional food, lack of money to buy adequate food, inability of child to eat his or her food well, stringent work schedule and husbands being the only source of income were major factors identified as hindering the nutritional status of the children. About 91.2% of the mothers practiced exclusive breastfeeding and 23.8% used locally available food as complementary feeding after exclusively breastfeeding their children. It is recommended that government authorities should organize women empowerment programmes on skills acquisition to help them to be self-reliance.
... INTERSWITCH got a mean HC of 33.19 ± 1.3cm as international standard [20] and WHO multicenter Growth Reference Group obtained an earlier international standard of 34.2 ± 1.3cm [26]. Our result is also higher than reports from Malaysia, 32.748 ± 1.3197 cm [27] and India 32.77 ± 1.55 cm [22]. It does seem that Nigerian newborns have bigger head circumference than international standards. ...
... The average head circumference for Malaysian newborns was found to be smaller than the World Health Organization Standard Growth Chart for Term Infant. There is an increasing trend of microcephaly across the years and the low birth weight was noted as the main predictor of microcephaly [8]. Chi-square test and t-test was used to analyze the prevalence of gender difference in body mass index with sample data of 426 high school students who completed sectional self-report questionnaires. ...
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New born baby is a gift from God and what a newborn baby looks like is not a baby model, rather a newborn baby looks varies from baby to baby in terms of weight, height and head circumferences. In this research, a sample of 200 male and female babies was used for the analysis. The aim is to identify if there is a significant difference between the means of the variables considered. In this research, three variables were considered for both male and female babies at birth. The result showed that the mean birth weight is 3.55kg and 3.39kg for male and female babies respectively. The mean height and head circumference of female babies recorded higher than their male counterpart. The Hoteling's T 2-test showed that there is a significant difference between the mean vectors of the variables considered; hence a discriminant analysis was conducted. The discriminant function obtained fairly classifies the group at 42% error rate. From the results gotten, there is significant difference between the height, weight and head circumference of male and female babies and conclude that male babies are heavier in terms of weight while female babies have bigger head circumference than the male babies.
Ultrasound imaging is one of the vital image processing techniques that aids doctors to access and diagnose the feotal growth process by measuring head circumference (HC). This chapter gives a detailed review of cephalic disorders and the importance of diagnosing disorders in the earlier stage using ultrasound images. Additionally, it proposes an approach that uses four primary stages: pre-processing, pixel-based feature extraction, classification, and modeling. A cascaded neural network model based on ultrasound images is recommended to identify and segment the HC of the feotus during the extraction phase. According to the findings of the experiments, both the rate of head circumference measurement detection and segmentation accuracy has significantly increased. The proposed method surpasses the state-of-the-art approaches in all criteria, two assessment criteria for HC measurement, is qualitatively distinct from other prior methods, and attained an accuracy of 96.12%.
The purpose of this work was to measure the effect of the proper prenatal medical care on the health of newborns. This study was based on a survey conducted in France in 2010 by the National Institute for Health and Medical Research and the Ministry of Health. Three different definitions of newborn health were used, and the definition of proper prenatal care was set based on the recommendations of the Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS). The analysis was conducted based on propensity score methods to adjust for potential confounders. The results showed that proper prenatal may reduce some newborn health problems. But, if allowance is made for women’s behaviour or for mothers’ perceptions of their pregnancy, prenatal care could have no effect on newborn health. Moreover, it seems that a subpopulation of women would use prenatal care visits to enforce a self-commitment, to adhere to personal good conduct rather than for only medical reasons. Better information, prevention and customization of prenatal care according to pregnant women’s profiles might be more effective in terms of health and perhaps cost-saving.
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In April 2006, the World Health Organization (WHO) released new international growth charts for children aged 0-59 months. Similar to the 2000 CDC growth charts, these charts describe weight for age, length (or stature) for age, weight for length (or stature), and body mass index for age. Whereas the WHO charts are growth standards, describing the growth of healthy children in optimal conditions, the CDC charts are a growth reference, describing how certain children grew in a particular place and time. However, in practice, clinicians use growth charts as standards rather than references. In 2006, CDC, the National Institutes of Health, and the American Academy of Pediatrics convened an expert panel to review scientific evidence and discuss the potential use of the new WHO growth charts in clinical settings in the United States. On the basis of input from this expert panel, CDC recommends that clinicians in the United States use the 2006 WHO international growth charts, rather than the CDC growth charts, for children aged <24 months (available at The CDC growth charts should continue to be used for the assessment of growth in persons aged 2-19 years. The recommendation to use the 2006 WHO international growth charts for children aged <24 months is based on several considerations, including the recognition that breastfeeding is the recommended standard for infant feeding. In the WHO charts, the healthy breastfed infant is intended to be the standard against which all other infants are compared; 100% of the reference population of infants were breastfed for 12 months and were predominantly breastfed for at least 4 months. When using the WHO growth charts to screen for possible abnormal or unhealthy growth, use of the 2.3rd and 97.7th percentiles (or ±2 standard deviations) are recommended, rather than the 5th and 95th percentiles. Clinicians should be aware that fewer U.S. children will be identified as underweight using the WHO charts, slower growth among breastfed infants during ages 3-18 months is normal, and gaining weight more rapidly than is indicated on the WHO charts might signal early signs of overweight.
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Zika virus (ZIKV) is an emerging mosquito-borne pathogen with reported cases in Africa, Asia, and large outbreaks in the Pacific. No autochthonous ZIKV infections have been confirmed in Thailand. However, there have been several cases reported in travelers returning from Thailand. Here we report seven cases of acute ZIKV infection in Thai residents across the country confirmed by molecular or serological testing including sequence data. These endemic cases, combined with previous reports in travelers, provide evidence that ZIKV is widespread throughout Thailand. © The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.
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The ability of the World Health Organization (WHO) growth standards to represent the growth of South East Asian infants has been questioned. The aim of this study was to provide contemporary data on the growth of Indonesian breast-fed and formula-fed infants, compared with the WHO growth standards. A prospective cohort study of 160 normal healthy infants was undertaken in a suburban area of South Jakarta, Indonesia. Infants from 2-6 weeks of age were recruited, and consumed exclusively either breast milk or infant formula for at least 6 months, with follow-up until 12 months of age. Overall, the infants in this study were lighter (weight-for-age), were shorter (length-for-age) and had smaller head circumferences (head circumference-for-age) than the average WHO Growth Reference Study (WGRS) population but were of similar proportion (weight-for-length). Compared with the WGRS, the z-scores for weight-for-age, length-for-age and head circumference-for-age in the Indonesian children fell from birth to 6 weeks of age and then increased until 3 months of age in both the breast-fed infants and the formula-fed infants. At 6 weeks of age, the weight-for-age z-scores fell below -2 standard deviations (SD) for 16 (20.5%) breast-fed and 40 (51.3%) formula-fed infants, and the length-for-age z-scores fell below -2 SD for 31 (39.7%) breast-fed and 41 (52.6%) formula-fed infants. The WHO growth standards do not reflect the growth of this cohort of Indonesian infants and may overestimate the levels of underweight and stunted children. Identifier: NCT01721512This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No-Derivatives 4.0 License, where it is permissible to download and share the work, provided it is properly cited. The work cannot be changed in any way or used commercially.
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Introduction: There is currently a lack of representative data for local gestational age-specific size-at- birth percentile charts. Existing charts also suffer from limitations relating to the measurement of gestational age (GA) and an outdated population. We aim to construct reference values and charts for size-at-birth from 35 to 41 weeks, based on the healthy local population. Materials and methods: Prospective observational birth cohort study which recruited pregnant mothers from the 2 major public hospitals with obstetric service in Singapore, at <14 weeks gestation and data was collected for birth weight, length and head circumference of infants born from November 2009 to May 2011. Percentile curves were created separately for male and female infants using the lambda-mu-sigma (LMS) method. The new percentile curves were then compared with other internationally published growth charts. Results: Smoothened curves for birth weight, length and head circumference centiles were created from 863 infants (460 males, 403 females). Male infants consistently exceeded female infants in all 3 variables at each GA. For a male and female Singapore infant at 38 weeks gestation, the 10-50-90th centile values for weight would be 2663-3096-3597 vs. 2571-2966-3417 grams, for length 46.4-48.6-51.1 vs. 45.6-48.0-50.4 cm, and for head circumference 32.0-33.5-35.2 vs. 31.4-32.9-34.6 cm. There was no statistically significant difference between ethnic groups. On comparing our birth weight curves with data from Finland across all gestations, birth weights in our term infants (GA ≥37 weeks) were found to be lower across the 10-50-90th percentiles. Conclusion: The new centile charts in this study may be used as reference charts for size-at-birth for a subgroup of near-term and term infants. The use of foreign charts may lead to misclassification of small for gestational age (SGA) or large for gestational age (LGA) infants.
The Zika virus, and its suspected link to an increase in the number of babies born with microcephaly and a spike in neurological conditions is a global public health emergency, the World Health Organization has declared.1 2 3 4 5 6 WHO’s public health emergency committee, which met on Monday 1 February, declared that the spread of the virus was an emergency of public health concern, triggering funding into research, vector control, and efforts to stop pregnant women becoming infected. WHO’s director general, Margaret Chan, told a press conference that the virus was an “extraordinary event and a public health threat to other parts of the world.” She said that evidence for a link between the virus and the increase in cases of microcephaly in babies and a spike in cases of …
Background Multiple studies suggest that there is an association between autism and extreme growth of head circumference during early infancy. However, in our view, it is not yet definitively known whether dynamic features of head circumference growth are associated with autism. To address this issue, we carried out a nested matched case-control study using data from national well baby clinics in Finland; autism cases were identified from the Finnish Hospital and Outpatient Discharge Registry. Methods A nonparametric Bayesian method was used to construct growth velocity trajectories between birth and 2 years of age in autism cases and matched controls (n=468 in main analyses, 1:1 matched controls). Estimates of odds ratios for autism risk in relation to the growth velocities were obtained using conditional logistic regression. Results Growth velocity of head circumference at 3 months of age, adjusting for gestational age at birth and maternal age, is significantly associated with autism (P=0.014); the finding was observed in subjects with comorbid intellectual disability (ID) (P=.025) but not in those without ID (p=0.15). Height growth velocity among subjects with autism and without ID is significantly associated with autism at 6 months (P=0.007), and weight growth velocity at 18 months without ID (P=.02) and 24 months without ID (P=0.042) and with ID (P=.037). Conclusions Acceleration in head circumference growth is associated with autism with comorbid ID at 3 months, but not subsequently. This association is unrelated to acceleration in height and weight, which are not strongly associated with autism until after 6 months.
The Zika virus (ZIKV) is a mosquito-borne flavivirus (Aedes), similar to other arboviruses, first identified in Uganda in 1947. Few human cases were reported until 2007, when a Zika outbreak occurred in Yap, Micronesia, even though ZIKV activity had been reported in Africa and in Asia through virological surveillance and entomological studies. French Polynesia has recorded a large outbreak since October 2013. A great number of cases and some with neurological and autoimmune complications have been reported in a context of concurrent circulation of dengue viruses. The clinical presentation is a "dengue-like syndrome". Until the epidemic in French Polynesia, no severe ZIKV disease had been described so far. The diagnosis is confirmed by viral genome detection by genomic amplification (RT- PCR) and viral isolation. These two large outbreaks occurred in a previously unaffected area in less than a decade. They should raise awareness as to the potential for ZIKV to spread especially since this emergent disease is not well known and that some questions remain on potential reservoirs and transmission modes as well as on clinical presentations and complications. ZIKV has the potential to spread to new areas where the Aedes mosquito vector is present and could be a risk for Southern Europe. Strategies for the prevention and control of ZIKV disease should include the use of insect repellent and mosquito vector eradication.
The aim of this study was to assess the diagnostic approach to microcephaly in childhood and to identify the prevalence of the various underlying causes/disease entities. We conducted a retrospective study on a cohort of 680 children with microcephaly (399 males, 281 females; mean age at presentation 7-8mo, range 1mo-5y) from patients presenting to Charité - University Medicine Berlin (n=474) and University Hospital Dresden (n=206). Patient discharge letters were searched electronically to identify cases of microcephaly, and then the medical records of these patients were used to analyze parameters for distribution. The putative aetiology for microcephaly was ascertained in 59% of all patients, leaving 41% without a definite diagnosis. In the cohort of pathogenetically defined microcephaly, genetic causes were identified in about half of the patients, perinatal brain damage accounted for 45%, and postnatal brain damage for 3% of the cases. Microcephaly was associated with intellectual impairment in 65% of participants, epilepsy was diagnosed in 43%, and ophthalmological disorders were found in 30%. Brain magnetic resonance imaging revealed abnormalities in 76% of participants. Microcephaly remains a poorly defined condition, and a uniform diagnostic approach is urgently needed. A definite aetiological diagnosis is important in order to predict the prognosis and offer genetic counselling. Identifying gene mutations as causes of microcephaly increases our knowledge of brain development and the clinical spectrum of microcephaly. We therefore propose a standardized initial diagnostic approach to microcephaly.