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Mudanças Climáticas em Rede: Um olhar interdisciplinar

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... The expression Hazard is commonly adopted as a synonym for danger or the possibility of a harmful event. The term vulnerability is associated with social groups with some type of exposure to a harmful event and susceptibility is related to environmental aspects favorable to the harmful event (BRASIL, 2007;NOBRE;MARENGO, 2017). Vulnerability is influenced by income and education. ...
... The expression Hazard is commonly adopted as a synonym for danger or the possibility of a harmful event. The term vulnerability is associated with social groups with some type of exposure to a harmful event and susceptibility is related to environmental aspects favorable to the harmful event (BRASIL, 2007;NOBRE;MARENGO, 2017). Vulnerability is influenced by income and education. ...
... For Nobre and Marengo (2017), the spatial organization of social groups in a place determines how they experience environmental disasters, and it is commonly the disadvantaged, as servants, immigrants and slaves, who suffer more (FREITAS, 2011). Mendoça (2010, p. 156, translated) comments: [...] urban socio-environmental risks are related to the intertwined phenomena of natural and social contingencies that destabilize the living conditions of urban societies; they show elements and factors of a natural (environmental) and social (cultural, political, economic and technological) order. ...
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Flash-Floods are among the hydrological disasters that most damage life and structures in Brazil. The frequency and impacts of flash-floods may become an increasing problem due to the future scenario of an increase in global temperature causing intense precipitation. Through the literature, the aim of this study was: clarify how flash-floods occur; present national policies and legal provisions related to disaster risk management and what actions are suggested for prevention and response. Flash-floods are intense water superficial movements that are not dependent on watercourses. They are depending of warm and humid climate, rugged terrain and waterproofing land cover. All over the planet, actions are proposed for these disasters. In Brazil, Civil Defense acts through monitoring, diagnosis, prognosis and structural actions, i.e., physical, and non-structural, or regulatory. The structural actions to flash-floods are focused on land cover and mainly vegetation, while non-structural actions focus on zoning risk areas and assisting of affected populations. These measurements can be improved with social data, as income, and meteorological data, as air mass movement, temperature, humidity and clouds. Information about flash-floods, responsible agencies and measures can be used to help manage the risk of these disasters.
... "As mudanças climáticas são alterações no clima provocadas por influências antrópicas ou naturais" (P13 QUEIROZ, 2020;ARTAXO, 2020;NOBRE;MARENGO, 2017;IPCC, 2023). ...
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O presente projeto de extensão tem como objetivo principal estabelecer um trabalho de pesquisa-ação crítico-colaborativa em rede, entre os membros do Grupo de Estudo, Pesquisa e Disseminação do Ensino de Ciências e Biologia e da Educação Ambiental (Seminare) da Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM), formado por professores, graduandos e pós-graduandos, e professores de outras universidades públicas do Paraná, tendo como temática integradora “Educação Ambiental e Mudanças Climáticas”. Nos dois primeiros anos do projeto, os participantes trabalharam três metas principais: 1. Diagnóstico das concepções e práticas de “Educação Ambiental e Mudanças Climáticas”; 2. Realização de eventos, estudos e discussões; 3. Contextos, problemáticas e intervenções em espaços diversos. A análise das ações e reflexões indicam que os participantes do projeto e o público beneficiário ampliaram de forma crítica suas concepções e práticas em relação à crise climática.
... A tendency to a more considerable extent of the burned area has appeared over the last years: magnitude was much more prominent in the second half of the study period, which may have resulted from the prolonged drought between 2012 and 2016 in Maranhão state, regarded as highly severe. Some authors explain its relation to events of La Niña (2011-2012) and El Niño (2015) [62,63], also described to have triggered fire events in the Cerrado and the Amazon [64][65][66]. ...
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The Brazilian savannah-like Cerrado is classified as a fire-dependent biome. Human activities have altered the fire regimes in the region, and as a result, not all fires have ecological benefits. The indigenous lands (ILs) of the Brazilian Cerrado have registered the recurrence of forest fires. Thus, the diagnosis of these events is fundamental to understanding the burning regimes and their consequences. The main objective of this paper is to evaluate the fire regimes in Cerrado’s indigenous lands from 2008 to 2017. We used the Landsat time series, at 30 m spatial resolution, available in the Google Earth Engine platform to delineate the burned areas. We used precipitation data from a meteorological station to define the rainy season (RS), early dry season (EDS), middle dry season (MDS), and late dry season (LDS) periods. During 2008–2017, our results show that the total burned area in the indigenous lands and surrounding area was 2,289,562 hectares, distributed in 14,653 scars. Most fires took place between June and November, and the annual burned area was quite different in the years studied. It was also possible to identify areas with high fire recurrence. The fire regime patterns described here are the first step towards understanding the fire regimes in the region and establishing directions to improve management strategies and guide public policies.
... Available studies on the historical precipitation in the Paraíba do Sul and Guandu river basins present conflicting findings. Nobre and Marengo (2017), for example, provide evidence of an increase in rainfall and flows in the Southeast and South of Brazil over the last 50 years, while the Guandu Plan (2018) Figure 3 highlights the drought periods that occurred over the last 30 years. Associated with non-climate stressors, the severe drought of 2014-2015 substantially affected the water avail ability in the Paraíba do Sul basin, and consequently in the Guandu river, thus forcing the already complex water management in these basins to be more adaptive. ...
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In this article the authors assess the current level of water security of the population of the Rio de Janeiro metropolis supplied by the Guandu System. It sets out from the premise that water security is only achieved when universal access to water is ensured-that is, when water resources are available, in adequate quantity and quality, along with water services that guarantee the human right to safe drinking water. Based on previous research, a review of the literature and official documents, it was possible to adapt and apply an analytic schema to the case study in order to evaluate the level of water security. The authors conclude that there are many risks associated with the water resources, including climate stressors, but it is the performance of the water supply service that most jeopardizes the current water security of the population of the Rio de Janeiro metropolis; the availability of water resources, both current and future, is not an obstacle to universal access to water.
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Como a mudança ou a crise climática é abordada na literatura latino-americana, das áreas de educação, estudos ambientais, administração pública e ciência política? O objetivo do artigo é interpretar as abordagens e compreender a presença da educação ambiental em uma amostra dessa literatura. Metodologicamente, realizamos as fases de busca e seleção sistemáticas de textos indexados na Web of Science, identificamos e classificamos eixos analíticos e realizamos uma análise sintética dos resultados. A análise demonstrou que os textos selecionados sobre mudança e crise climática são atravessados pelos temas: formação e conscientização; causas antropogênicas da mudança/crise climáticas e suas consequências socioeconômicas e políticas que afetam desigualmente grupos sociais e territórios; e o debate sobre instituições e decisões no âmbito das políticas públicas nacionais e internacionais. Os resultados evidenciaram que a educação ambiental está circunscrita à área da educação, constituindo-se como um nicho temático. Esses resultados podem contribuir com a literatura sobre questão climática.
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Objective: To investigate the trends of extreme rainfall and temperature indices in the city of Rio de Janeiro, as measures to assess climate change. Theoretical benchmark: Extreme climatic events have been observed more frequently than has become a concern all over the world, so the investigation of trends in extreme precipitation and temperature indices makes it necessary to enter how this dynamic in climatic conditions affects the city of Rio de Janeiro. Method: The methodology for assessing climate change will be used from the indicators defined by the Expert Team on Climate Change Detection, Monitoring and Indices (ETCCDMI) panel, but of the 27 indicators proposed by the panel, 12 indicators were used that were more adapted to the reality of the city of Rio de Janeiro, for the simulation of climate data, data from the stations of the National Institute of Meteorology (INMET) and for the simulation of the indicators in the RClimdex software. Daily data of 53 years of 19 (six) stations obtained from the historical series of the period between 1970 and 2023 were analyzed, for the precipitation indices: PRCPTOT, R10, R20, R95p and R99p, and for the temperature indices: TX90p, TN90p, TMAXmean, TMINmean and DTR. Results and conclusion: The results indicate a trend of decreasing rainfall of low rainfall and a significant increase of extreme rainfall, the data also show a decrease of thermal amplitude, with the increase of minimum temperatures and a moderate decrease of maximum temperatures. Implications of the research: The study in question presents internationally validated indicators that demonstrate how extreme events are intensifying in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Originality/value: The data demonstrated in this research are of extreme importance as a source of research for future works that address this theme, besides serving as a subsidy to decision makers to propose adaptive measures to the territory, in the face of the intensification of extreme events in the city of Rio de Janeiro.
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Climate change is accompanied by rising temperatures and increasing frequency and intensity of heat waves, phenomena that are amplified in urban areas. Due to the microclimatic potential of green infrastructure, it becomes an important strategy for climate change adaptation in cities. Therefore, this research quantifies the effects of green infrastructure on urban microclimate under current climate conditions and future climate projections in the city of São Paulo, answering the following questions: 1) Based on the urban and climate context of the city of São Paulo, what are the microclimatic effects of green infrastructure in the city, under current and future climate? 2) How will green infrastructure react to increasing temperatures, from the point of view of plant health, and what are the impacts on their microclimatic effects? To this end, this work uses the Local Climate Zones - LCZ classification for urban morphology, some microclimatic and vegetation parameters collected in the field, the future climate projections of IPCC AR5 / RCP 8.5 of the PROJETA/INPE platform and the high-resolution microclimate model ENVI-met V5, to simulate the microclimatic effects of vegetation in different scenarios and also the vitality of plants. The green infrastructure utilized in the simulations are street trees. Overall, for LCZ 3, 6 and 8, the most commonly found in São Paulo, at the hottest times of the day vegetation reduced air temperature by up to 0.72°C in the current climate, up to 0.5°C in the future climate 2079-2099, with virtually no reduction on the most extreme heat day in November 2099. At the same time, vegetation reduced the mean radiant temperature by up to 14°C in the current climate and up to 8°C in future climate projections; surface temperature was also reduced by up to 14°C in the current climate and up to 13°C in future projections. In all simulations the comfort indices PET and TEP reach thermal discomfort levels of warm and very warm, and can reach very high thermal sensations, 60°C for PET and close to that in TEP, within the worst-case climate scenario. However, the presence of vegetation in the simulations reduced the PET and TEP values, on average, by 5°C in the current climate, by 4.5°C in the future climate 2079-2099, and by 2.5°C on the most extreme heat day in November 2099. There was a change in thermal sensation from very hot to hot within TEP with the presence of vegetation in the current scenario. As an indicator of plant health in the face of urban warming, leaf temperature averaged 28°C in the current climate, 31°C in the future climate 2079-2099, and up to 48°C on the most extreme heat day, suggesting, in the latter case, cessation of evapotranspiration and the risk of irreversible damage to vegetation. In view of the results, it is evident that vegetation reduces heating and improves the feeling of urban thermal comfort, especially diurnal; however, there are limitations on the microclimatic effects of vegetation, especially when it is subjected to high temperatures.
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Devido ao aumento dos desastres naturais e os impactos causados por eles ao redor do mundo nos últimos anos, fez com que a ONU publica-se um relatório no dia internacional da redução do risco de desastre com o título "Aumento dramático em desastres climáticos nos últimos vinte anos". Este relatório descreve segundo as palavras da organização "Os eventos climáticos extremos passaram a dominar a paisagem do século 21". Os desastres naturais referem-se aos fenômenos provocados pelo desequilíbrio da natureza e/ou pela ação do homem levando a perda de estabilidade das condições socioeconômicas, danos humanos, materiais ou ambientais, podendo ser em países avançados ou em desenvolvimento. Os números demonstram que mesmo com o acordo de Hyogo assinado em 2005 ocorreram poucas mudanças nas nações participantes em relação a mitigação dos riscos de desastres naturais. Entre os anos de 1980 e 1999, houve 4.212 desastres associados a riscos naturais em todo o mundo, ceifando aproximadamente 1,19 milhão de vidas e afetando 3,25 bilhões de pessoas, resultando em aproximadamente US $1,63 trilhão em perdas econômicas mundiais. Entre 2000 e 2019 percebeu-se um aumento significativo em números de eventos de desastres climáticos extremos, período foram registrados 7.348 desastres, que ceifaram 1,23 milhão de vidas, afetando 4,2 bilhões de pessoas, resultando em US $2,97 trilhões em perdas econômicas mundiais. Com isso, percebe-se que os desastres naturais não são devastadores apenas em termos de vidas, mas também em meios de subsistências. Portanto, a presente pesquisa teve como objetivo levantar e analisar um banco de dados de desastres naturais no município de Poços de Caldas-MG, utilizando-se de fontes oficiais e não oficiais. Os dados oficiais foram levantados na Defesa Civil e Corpo de Bombeiros, enquanto que os dados não oficiais foram levantados nos principais jornais da cidade de Poços de Caldas, MG. Esses dados foram classificados de acordo com a Classificação e Codificação Brasileira de Desastres (COBRADE), sendo as informações analisadas ao longo dos períodos disponíveis.
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Todo o conteúdo deste periódico, exceto onde está identificado, está licenciado sob uma Licença Creative Commons. Segurança hídrica, abastecimento metropolitano e mudanças climáticas: considerações sobre o caso do Rio de Janeiro Resumo: Este trabalho avalia o nível atual de segurança hídrica da po-pulação da Metrópole do Rio de Janeiro abastecida pelo Sistema Guan-du. Parte-se do pressuposto que a segurança hídrica é alcançada somen-te quando há universalização do acesso à água pela população, ou seja, quando há disponibilidade de água bruta, em quantidade e qualidade, e serviços de água que garantam o direito humano de água. Com base em pesquisas anteriores, revisão bibliográfica, documentos oficiais e entre-vistas, foi possível adaptar e aplicar um esquema analítico de avaliação qualitativa de segurança hídrica ao Sistema Guandu. Conclui-se que são muitos os riscos associados à água bruta, incluindo estressores cli-máticos, mas é o desempenho do sistema de distribuição de água tratada que mais compromete a segurança hídrica atual da população do oeste metropolitano; a disponibilidade de água bruta, atual e futura, não é o impeditivo para a universalização do acesso à água. Palavras-chave: Segurança hídrica; Abastecimento público; Mudanças climáticas; Sistema Guandu; Região Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro.
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