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An Efficient Markov Chain Model for the Simulation of Heterogeneous Soil Structure

Soil Science Society of America Journal

Abstract and Figures

The characterization of the soil habitat is of fundamental importance to an understanding of processes associated with sustainable management such as environmental flows, bioavailability, and soil ecology. We describe a method for quantifying and explicitly modeling the heterogeneity of soil using a stochastic approach. The overall aim is to develop a model capable of simultaneously reproducing the spatial statistical properties of both the physical and biological components of soil architecture. A Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methodology is developed that uses a novel neighborhood and scanning scheme to model the two-dimensional spatial structure of soil, based on direct measurements made from soil thin sections. The model is considerably more efficient and faster to implement than previous approaches, and allows accurate modeling of larger structures than has previously been possible. This increased efficiency also makes it feasible to extend the approach to three dimensions and to simultaneously study the spatial distribution of a greater number of soil components. Examples of two-dimensional structures created by the models are presented and their statistical properties are shown not to differ significantly from those of the original visualizations.
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An Efficient Markov Chain Model for the Simulation of Heterogeneous Soil Structure
Keijan Wu, Naoise Nunan, John W. Crawford,* Iain M. Young, and Karl Ritz
ABSTRACT et al. (1995). Finally, Yeong and Torquato (1998) use
a combination of the two-point correlation function and
The characterization of the soil habitat is of fundamental impor- the lineal path function to characterize the pore geome-
tance to an understanding of processes associated with sustainable
management such as environmental flows, bioavailability, and soil try of a broad range of isotropic structures.
ecology. We describe a method for quantifying and explicitly modeling The most useful of these models has been used to
the heterogeneity of soil using a stochastic approach. The overall aim interpret the impact of structure on physical properties
is to develop a model capable of simultaneously reproducing the and processes; but comparatively little work has exam-
spatial statistical properties of both the physical and biological compo- ined the impact on biology. Some attempt has been
nents of soil architecture. A Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) made to link biological processes with soil structure;
methodology is developed that uses a novel neighborhood and scan- these have generally been limited to N transformations
ning scheme to model the two-dimensional spatial structure of soil, (Young and Ritz, 2000). These studies have clearly dem-
based on direct measurements made from soil thin sections. The model onstrated the importance of understanding the relative
is considerably more efficient and faster to implement than previous spatial distribution of the physical and biotic elements
approaches, and allows accurate modeling of larger structures than
has previously been possible. This increased efficiency also makes it of soil structure in determining the larger-scale proper-
feasible to extend the approach to three dimensions and to simultane- ties of the resultant biological process (Arah et al., 1997;
ously study the spatial distribution of a greater number of soil compo- Rappoldt and Crawford, 1999). Therefore there is a
nents. Examples of two-dimensional structures created by the models need to further develop models of soil structure that
are presented and their statistical properties are shown not to differ are capable of integrating the physical and biological
significantly from those of the original visualizations. heterogeneities that occur in most soils. However there
are a number of challenges that place constraints on
appropriate methodologies, and one of the most signifi-
Models of soil physical structure have been devel- cant of these is the limitation of existing imaging tech-
oped since the 1950s and used to interpret the nology.
impact of structure on function. Childs and Collis- The only reliable methods for visualizing soil in three
George (1950) introduced the cut-and-rejoin models of dimensions are and X-ray tomography (Rogasik et
soil capillaries, which were modified by Marshall (1958). al., 1999). While the technology is rapidly improving, it
While many models of soil structure have been devel- is not a trivial matter to differentiate between pore and
oped since then, most relate the structure to physical solid matrix in these visualizations. Although resolu-
processes, generally ignoring heterogeneity (for exam- tions of 5 m or higher are now possible, it is still not
ples see review by Young et al. [2001]), or assume simple possible to directly image soil microbes in situ and in
pore-size distribution models in an attempt to take some three dimensions over comparable scales. The only
qualitative account of spatial heterogeneity (Young and method for simultaneously imaging soil structure and
Ritz, 2000). A number of the more sophisticated ap- the distribution of microbes is by using biological thin
proaches exploit the observation that the structure is sections (e.g., Nunan et al., 2001, 2003). Therefore any
spatially correlated. For example, Dexter (1976) used a model of structure must be capable of being parameter-
one-dimensional Markov chain model for horizontal soil ized from two-dimensional data and extrapolated to
structure. Moran and McBratney (1997) proposed a three dimensions.
two-dimensional fuzzy random model of soil pore struc- The requirements of a useful model capable of de-
ture, which treats the pores as a fuzzy porous set rather scribing the heterogeneity of physical and biological
than explicitly dealing with geometry. In Vogel (2000) elements in soil are three-fold. First, the models must
a network model for water retention and permeability be able to describe the spatial structure of multiphase
is developed where the pore network is geometrically media (matrix, pore, microbe etc.) at the scale of individ-
idealized but can be used to predict physical properties ual pores and microbes. Second, the model must also
from topological parameters determined from thin sec- accommodate any spatial anisotropy inherent in soil.
tions. The geometry of the pore network is explicitly Finally, the model should be capable of using parame-
described using a fractal-based approach in Crawford ters determined from two-dimensional sections. Cur-
rently, no method exists that has been demonstrated to
K. Wu and N. Nunan, Soil-Plant Dynamics Unit, Scottish Crop Re- simultaneously satisfy these requirements. Yeong and
search Institute, Invergowrie, Dundee, DD2 5DA, UK; J.W. Crawford
and I.M. Young, SIMBIOS, University of Abertay Dundee, Kydd Torquato (1998) state that their method can be devel-
Building, Bell Street, Dundee DD1 1HG, Scotland; K. Ritz, National oped to satisfy these constraints, although to date no
Soil Resources Institute, Cranfield University, Silsoe, Bedfordshire such modification has appeared. The development of
MK45 4DT, UK. Received 4 June 2002 *Corresponding author their method based on correlation functions, to multi-
Published in Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 68:346–351 (2004).
Soil Science Society of America Abbreviations: MCMC, Markov chain Monte Carlo; MRF, Markov
random fields.677 S. Segoe Rd., Madison, WI 53711 USA
dependency built into the conditional probabilities, but only
phase anisotropic media is far from a trivial extension after a number of iterations of the algorithm. Indeed a major
of the existing methodology. limitation of the application of the conventional MRF method
In this paper, we introduce an efficient method for is the tendency to a convergence slowly and an associated
modeling the architecture of soil, based on two-dimen- high computational demand. This limits the application to
sional images obtained from soil thin sections. The algo- systems where the number of states of each point is low, and
rithm is based on a Markov chain process that permits where there are only relatively short-range spatial correlations
the macroscopic (centimeter scale) properties to be de- in the structure. Furthermore, the standard implementation
termined from local (pore scale) conditions. A Monte of the method cannot reproduce nonisotropic structures, nor
Carlo implementation is used to reproduce the stochas- can it recognize concavity or convexity of shapes (Tjelmeland
tic properties of the architecture and to estimate fea- and Besag, 1998). Thus, this renders the method inappropriate
for modeling most soil structures.
tures of the posterior or predictive distribution of inter-
Elfeki and Dekking (2001) employed a raster scheme within
est by using samples drawn from images derived from a MCMC approach to simulate geological strata. Their model
real soil. was parameterized from data collected from a set of wells,
Markov chain Monte Carlo methods usually employ and they assumed that the state of a particular point in the
an iterative scheme to obtain the final spatial description strata was dependent on the points immediately to one side
(Besag and Green, 1993), and where correlated struc- and to the top. Therefore if the state of the points are known
tures of the order of the image size exist (such as mac- along a transect at the surface and in a vertical direction at a
ropores in soil thin sections) the iterative schemes are single well location, it is possible to use the model to predict
slow to converge or may even fail. The development of the state of the remaining points in the transect-well plane.
MCMC presented in this paper avoids these problems The model calculates the state of a particular point on the
by a novel choice of neighborhood for the Markov chain basis of the state of the point to the left and above, and the
and the use of a scanning scheme, based on Elfeki and conditional probabilities associated with the Markov process.
This is repeated in a step-wise way as the chain moves from
Dekking (2001) but without the requirement for precon- left to right across the domain in a raster fashion. Crucially,
ditioning, in which the model image is constructed from however, to get an accurate representation the chain must be
a single-pass raster. The resulting structure models are conditioned on several wells across the transect. Therefore
quantitatively compared with the original images to test the probabilities are adjusted to guarantee agreement with
the validity of the approach. A brief discussion of the the well data (Elfeki and Dekking, 2001). This approach is
applicability of the method to extrapolate to three- appropriate for data on geological strata since the number of
dimensions is presented, although a full treatment is wells that can be drilled always limits one, and the aim is
deferred to a forthcoming paper. Finally, the trivial ex- to reproduce the actual structure as closely as possible. The
tension to simultaneously modeling the biological and purposes are quite different to those of the algorithm pre-
physical components of soil architecture in three-dimen- sented here. In our case, we have complete information about
sions is outlined. the state of the points in a two-dimensional domain (i.e., soil
thin section), and we aim to reproduce the functionally impor-
tant statistical properties of the structure rather than a literal
MATERIALS AND METHODS copy of the structure itself. The method should also be ex-
tendable to three dimensions, and for the reasons outlined
Methodology above, we are restricted to methods that can extrapolate from
A detailed description of Markov random fields (MRF) can two-dimensional data. The method of Elfeki and Dekking
be found in Besag (1974), Geman and Geman (1984) and (2001) is then inappropriate.
Cressie (1993). Markov theory lends itself to modeling soil
precisely because the structure of soil is spatially correlated. Multidimensional Markov Chain Model
This means that the structural state at any particular point in
space is conditionally dependent on the state in the vicinity. We consider an image made up of pixels arranged in a
Formally, the neighborhood where such dependency prevails rectangular array. The standard implementation of the MRF
is predefined and these dependencies are expressed in the method assumes that the state of a particular point in an image
form of conditional probabilities. depends on the state of an isotropic neighborhood centered
In using the MRF method to model visualizations such as about the point. As this is unsuitable for modeling anisotropic
those in the current application, a central assumption is that soil structures, we proceed by removing this constraint.
the state of the structure at some point conditionally depends
on only a relatively small number of points in a predefined The Potential Function
neighborhood. Implementation of the algorithm commences
with the derivation of the conditional probabilities from direct The standard MRF method calculates the required condi-
measurements of the probabilities of different neighborhood tional probability from a potential function defined in an iso-
structures in an image of soil structure. The generation of tropic neighborhood. The fundamental framework contains
model structures starts with an initial estimate of the spatial the following components:
distribution of states (e.g., a spatially random distribution). (i) a set S{x|xS} of (pixel) sites;
The structure at each point is then updated in accordance (ii) a set N{n
|nN} attached to the site;
with the conditional probabilities derived from the image. (iii) a probability model, for the joint distribution of the S.
This update is then repeated by successive applications of
the conditional probabilities at each point, until the statistical p(x)exp
properties of the resulting spatial distribution converge (i.e.,
do not change significantly between successive iterations).
Larger-scale correlations emerge as a consequence of the local Here we redefine the neighborhood as one based on five pixels
348 SOIL SCI. SOC. AM. J., VOL. 68, MARCH–APRIL 2004
However, the apparent compactness is a consequence of the
assumption that the potential functions can be expressed as
a linear function of the parameters. Because of this, the param-
eters can be estimated using maximum-likelihood methods
(Qian and Titterington, 1991). This appears to work for many
kinds of images, but its applicability to images of soil, where
relatively long-range correlations exist, has not been verified.
We attempted to model the structure of our soil samples by
calculating the potential function. However, the resulting
model structures were inadequate. For moderate-sized images,
the modeled structure showed substantial departures from the
Fig. 1. Notation relating to neighborhood system adopted in this original (parent) structure, and as the size of the modeled
study. (a) Two-pixel neighborhood; (b) five-pixel neighborhood. domain increased, the agreement deteriorated further (Fig. 2).
Thus, the simplifying assumptions underlying the linear formu-
forming an anisotropic neighborhood as illustrated in Fig. 1.
lation of the potential functions are incompatible with the
Thus, the state of any given pixel is assumed to depend on the
image structures associated with soil. We therefore developed
two pixels immediately to its left, and on the three immediately
an alternative method based on direct measurement of the 64
above it.
conditional probabilities associated with all possible configura-
The conditional probabilities are then determined from
tions of the five-pixel neighborhood (Fig. 1).
the relation:
)Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method
While the definition of the neighborhood as defined in Fig. 1
provides the potential to treat anisotropy, this change alone
[2] is clearly insufficient, and an alternative to the determination
of conditional probabilities from the potential functions mustwhere Nis the number of neighbors, g
and G
are the potential
functions, and x
represents the state of the pixels at positions be found. To this end, we replace the potential functions with
the full set of conditional probabilities that define all possible(i,j). Because of the difficulty in parameterizing the potential
function, these models are usually generalized to involve an combinations of states for the neighborhood. In the case stud-
ied here, we aim to model the relative position of pore spacearbitrary structure of pairwise pixel interactions (Gimel’farb,
1999). There have only been a few attempts to broaden the and solid, and so each pixel can be in one of two possible states.
The standard methods for implementing MCMC are itera-class of these models by introducing potential functions with
more complex neighborhoods, including the Gibbs model tive, for example, the Gibbs sampler version of the Metropolis
Hastings algorithm (Geman and Geman, 1984). However,(Moussouris, 1974) and region maps (Derin and Elliot, 1987).
The associated potentials for the formulae have only two val- these suffer from long convergence times as discussed above,
and are not suitable for modeling large correlated structuresues: G
, if all states xin the neighborhood n
equal, and ⫺␪
otherwise. For higher-order interactions, the such as are found in soil. Here, we use a more efficient method
based on the scanning scheme algorithm proposed by Qianpotential functions are assumed to be a linear function of
parameters, which can be derived from an image only under and Titterington (1991), modified to cope with long-range
correlations in the structural heterogeneity found in soil im-such simplified assumptions.
The advantage of determining the probabilities from the po- ages. The modification replaces the potential function with a
more explicit determination of the transition probabilities astential function is that the neighborhood interactions of an
entire image can be represented by relatively few parameters. detailed below.
Fig. 2. Comparison of simulated soil images with real images. The size of each image is 1.6 by 1.2 cm. (a) Original soil image with anisotropic,
linear pore structure. (b) Simulated image using the potential function; (c) simulated image using the scan scheme. (d) Original soil image
containing pores of the order of the image size; (e) simulated image using the potential function; (f) simulated image using the scan scheme.
The Scanning Scheme Algorithm Sampling
After considering several different forms for the neighbor- Soil cores were collected from an arable field and thin
hood, we determined that the neighborhood given in Fig. 1 sections were produced using the method described in Nunan
was the smallest capable of reproducing the observed soil et al. (2001). Soil pore maps were obtained by subtracting
properties. The modeling proceeds in two steps. First, the images obtained with cross-polarized light from images cap-
state of the pixel located at the point (i,j ) is determined from tured using transmitted bright-field light. The resultant images
knowledge of those at (i,j 1), (i1, j1), (i1,j), and were then segmented into solid and void. The images em-
(i1,j1) using the associated four-neighborhood condi- ployed in this study were binary pore maps of dimension 760
tional probability. Second, the state of the pixel at (i,j 1) by 570 pixels, representing an area of 1.6 by 1.2 cm. Images
is obtained from knowledge of the new state at (i, j ) together were selected to represent a range of characteristic soil struc-
with the state of the those at (i,j 1), (i1,j1), (i1, tural properties, as shown below.
j), and (i1, j1) using the associated five-neighborhood
conditional probability. These probabilities are obtained from Comparison of Real and Simulated Images
the original image by sampling the four- and five-neighbor-
hoods, and enumerating the different realizations of the state To compare the simulated and real images we selected a
of the point (i,j) and (i,j 1) respectively for each configura- range of quantitative metrics that characterize the heterogene-
tion of the neighborhood. ity and connectivity of the structures under investigation. The
To initiate the model we need to assign states to all the most obvious of these is the porosity and this is readily deter-
cells in the first row, and the first cell of the next row. The mined from both the real and simulated structures. The corre-
cells in the first row are obtained using a two-neighborhood sponding values are listed in Table 1 and range from 7 to
Markov chain where the state of a cell is conditionally depen- 24% in the real structures. There was no significant difference
dent on the state of the cell to its left. The parameters for this between the porosities in the simulated and real structures
Markov chain are obtained as above, but using the smaller (P0.05, paired ttest).
two-cell neighborhood. The state of the first cell of the next The second metric adopted was the mass fractal dimension,
row is determined using the same two-neighborhood condi- which essentially characterizes the degree of aggregation of
tional probability. Using these boundary values, the chain runs the solid matrix. The mass (solid) fractal dimension was deter-
from the left-hand corner of the image and progresses in raster mined by the box counting method (Hastings and Sugihara,
fashion across the image to the right-hand side. First, the state 1993). The calculated values are listed in Table 1, and again
of cell (i,j) in the neighborhood is evaluated, followed by the there was no significant difference between the simulated and
state of cell (i,j 1). The neighborhood is then advanced two real structures (P0.05, paired ttest).
cells to the left and the process is repeated. This continues The third and fourth metrics chosen characterize the pore
until the last cell on the right-hand side is reached and its space, where visually obvious differences between the samples
state is evaluated. At this point, the cells in the first two rows were present. The third is the variance of the porosity as
have been evaluated. Next, the neighborhood remains at the measured in a 0.4 by 1.6 mm sampling window placed at 50
right-hand side but moves one row down. The chain now random locations in each image. For a given porosity, this is
reverses direction, and instead of deriving the states of the a measure of the connectivity of the pore space (Mandelbrot,
(i,j) and (i,j 1) cells in terms of the state of the others, it 1985). We used the Chi-Square goodness-of-fit test, and tested
is the states of cells (i,j ) and (i,j1) that are determined. the null hypothesis that the variances in each pair of simulated
However, before the chain can proceed leftwards, the state and original images were different. This could be rejected at
of the first cell on the right-hand side of the third row must the 95% confidence level indicating that this aspect of the
be evaluated. This is done in the same way as when the neigh- structure of the pore space was not significantly different in
borhood was at the left-hand side of the domain, using the the real and simulated images. The fourth metric measured
two-neighborhood conditional probability. The chain can now the spatial correlation of the pore space by determining the
advance leftwards until the left-hand side of the domain is
semivariogram. Figure 3 shows the variograms for the different
reached. The neighborhood then moves down one row, and
soil samples used in this study, and there are clear differences
the chain reverses as before. Thus, the whole domain is
scanned in a raster-like fashion on this basis, until the states in these between the different soil sections. The figure shows
of all the required cells are obtained. the comparison between the variograms for the real and simu-
The scanning scheme algorithm converges rapidly. In the lated structures. There is no formal statistical way of compar-
examples reported here, we observed the transition kernel ing the properties of semivariograms, however the high degree
(i.e., the matrix of conditional probabilities for all possible of correspondence between the curves for the measured and
neighborhood configurations), calculated from the recon- simulated structures is good, adding further support for the
structed image as the chain progressed. Almost all the proba- modeling methodology.
bilities had become stable after the chain had completed 200
rows, which is equivalent to a depth of 4.0 mm in the original
Table 1. Comparison of soil properties between real image and
soil section and takes about 10 s of computing time on a 1.7-
simulated image
GHz Pentium IV computer. In other words, the minimum size
Real soil Simulated
of a simulated representative soil image should be 0.6 by 0.4
image image
, and it takes only a few minutes to generate an image
covering several squared.
Sample 1 Porosity, % 7 7
Mass fractal dimension, D
1.9642 1.9654
Sample 2 Porosity, % 17 16
Mass fractal dimension, D
1.9382 1.9322
Sample 3 Porosity, % 24 22
The method was validated using images obtained from soil
Mass fractal dimension, D
1.9204 1.9366
Sample 4 Porosity, % 12 11
thin sections and selected to represent a broad contrast in
Mass fractal dimension, D
1.9599 1.9503
structural properties.
350 SOIL SCI. SOC. AM. J., VOL. 68, MARCH–APRIL 2004
Fig. 3. Some examples of soil thin section images and associated simulated images (each image size is 1.6 by 1.2 cm) (a) original images (i.e.,
soil thin sections); (b) associated simulated image; (c) semivariograms of pore space in original and simulated images.
CONCLUSIONS AND DISCUSSION structures than has previously been possible and so link
pore-scale to core-scale. By linking with suitable models
We describe a new method for modeling the complex for physical processes, it should now be possible to
architecture of soil. The method is based on a MCMC search for scaling laws from first principals that relate
approach, but incorporates a novel neighborhood defi- the impact of microscopic detail on macroscopic be-
nition and scanning scheme to model large-scale spatial havior.
correlations with rapid convergence. In this approach The method is easily extendable to simultaneously
the state of a pixel in the model image is conditionally model the spatial distribution of a variety of components
dependent on the state of the pixels in the predefined of soil architecture. In the current paper, we verified
neighborhood. The associated conditional probabilities the approach by modeling the physical elements hence
are calculated directly from a segmented image obtained each pixel could be in one of two states—pore or solid.
from a thin section of soil. The method reproduces the In a forthcoming publication, we have extended the
mean and spatial variance of the porosity, and fractal approach to model the relative spatial distribution of
dimension of the matrix as well as the spatial variogram microbes in soil, parameterized directly from soil thin
of the pore space, as estimated from original thin section sections that have been prepared in a manner that pre-
images. Agreement was obtained with images of widely serves the microbes in situ (Nunan et al., 2003).
contrasting soil structures. As well as being capable of
While it is of interest to be able to produce two-
modeling broad-scale heterogeneity, the method is also
dimensional models of the different components of soil
more efficient and therefore faster than previous ap-
proaches. As a consequence, we can simulate larger architecture that have the same statistical properties as
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... The numerical reconstruction methods can be divided into process-based methods (PBM) and stochastic methods (Lin et al. 2020). The stochastic reconstruction methods mainly include the sequential indicator simulation (Keehm et al. 2004), the simulated annealing algorithm (Song 2019;Xiao et al. 2022), the multiple-point statistics (Tahmasebi et al. 2012;Wu et al. 2018), the Gaussian random field method (Quiblier 1984), and the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method (Song et al. 2018;Wu et al. 2004Wu et al. , 2006Yang et al. 2015;Yao et al. 2013). Among them, the MCMC method is widely used to process the images (Geman and Geman 1984). ...
... Among them, the MCMC method is widely used to process the images (Geman and Geman 1984). Wu et al. (2004) redefined the concept of the neighborhood, the state of a point only depends on the state of a few neighbor points and made the MCMC algorithm capable of quickly completing the reconstruction of porous media. Compared with the simulated annealing algorithm, the MCMC algorithm has less computing time but lower accuracy (Yao et al. 2013). ...
... The Markov chain describes a sequence of states in which each state value depends on a finite number of previous states. Markov chain Monte Carlo methods, which employ an iterative scheme to obtain the spatial distribution, tend to be slow or may even fail (Wu et al. 2004). Therefore, Wu et al. (2004) extended the MCMC method to the construction of digital cores and redefined the concept of the neighborhood that the state of a point only depends on the state of a few neighboring points to improve the convergence efficiency of the MCMC algorithm. ...
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3D digital models can facilitate the understanding of micro- and nanoscale pore structures and enhance the permeability prediction accuracy of geological materials. However, the reconstruction of digital models using the conventional Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm cannot well reflect the microstructure of the heterogenous media and needs to be improved. In this study, referring to the box-counting method (BCM) of fractal theory, the conventional probability distribution function was extended to different scale probability functions, and the concept of value paths was introduced to control the reconstruction quality. Subsequently, a comparison to the conventional MCMC algorithm was conducted based on the statistical function and the pore fractal dimension to verify the effectiveness of the improved algorithm. Finally, the reconstruction model was applied in finite element simulation to predict the permeability of soft soil. The verification results showed that the improved MCMC algorithm can well realize the reconstruction of heterogeneous porous media since the squared correlation coefficients of statistical functions of the 3D reconstruction and the original image are above 0.98, and the pore fractal dimension of reconstructions using the improved MCMC was closer to the original image than that using the conventional MCMC. Furthermore, in permeability prediction, permeability simulations using images reconstructed with an improved MCMC algorithm are closer to the experimental values, with a maximum prediction error of 1.87 times (that of MCMC was 4.21 times) the corresponding experimental value.
... The construction methods of digital rock mainly include two categories: physical experimental methods and numerical reconstruction methods. Numerical reconstruction methods, such as the four-parameter random growth method [20], sequential indicator simulation method [21], simulated annealing method [22], multipoint statistics method [23], and Markov chain-Monte Carlo method [24], although cost-effective, have limitations in terms of accuracy and simulation fidelity due to their reliance on numerical calculations for simulating rock structures [25,26]. ...
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The microscopic pore-fracture structure and wettability have a significant influence on the two-phase seepage of shale gas and water. Due to the limitation of experimental conditions, the seepage patterns of gas and water in shale pores and slits under different wetting conditions have not been clarified yet. In this study, the three-dimensional digital rock models of shale inorganic pores, organic pores, and microfractures are established by focused ion beam-scanning electron microscopy scanning, and gas-driven water seepage simulation in shale microscopic pore-fracture structure under different wetting conditions is carried out based on volume of fluid method. The simulation results show that the gas–water relative permeability curves of microfractures are up-concave, and the gas–water relative permeability curves of inorganic and organic pores are up-convex; the gas–water two-phase percolation in microfractures is least affected by the change of wettability, the gas–water two-phase percolation in inorganic pores is most affected by the change of wettability, and the organic pores are in between; the gas–water two-phase percolation zone of microfractures is the largest, and the isotonic saturation is the highest; under the water-wet conditions, the critical gas saturation of microfractures, inorganic pores, and organic pores are 0.13, 0.315, and 0.34, respectively, and the critical gas saturation of organic pores under non-water-wet conditions is 0.525, indicating that under water-bearing conditions, the shale gas flow capacity in water-wet microfractures is the strongest, followed by water-wet inorganic pores, water-wet organic pores, and hydrophobic organic pores, respectively.
... However, reconstructed rock samples have similar structural features in different directions, the calculation speed is slow, and hard data constraints need to be given in advance (Ting et al. 2010). The Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm (Keijan et al. 2004) is a method that creates a state sequence of a Markov chain. The state value at each position depends on a limited number of positions in front of it, and the probability of this state is called conditional probability. ...
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The 3D digital rock technology is extensively utilized in analyzing rock physical properties, reservoir modeling, and other related fields. This technology enables the visualization, quantification, and analysis of microstructures in rock cores, leading to precise predictions and optimized designs of reservoir properties. Although the accuracy of 3D digital rock reconstruction algorithms based on physical experiments is high, the associated acquisition costs and reconstruction processes are expensive and complex, respectively. On the other hand, the 3D digital rock random reconstruction method based on 2D slices is advantageous in terms of its low cost and easy implementation, but its reconstruction effect still requires significant improvement. This article draws inspiration from the Concurrent single-image generative adversarial network and proposes an innovative algorithm to reconstruct 3D digital rock by improving the generator, discriminator, and noise vector in the network structure. Compared to traditional numerical reconstruction methods and generative adversarial network algorithms, the method proposed in this paper is shown to achieve good agreement with real samples in terms of Dykstra-Parson coefficient, porosity, two-point correlation function, Minkowski functionals, and visual display.
... Compared with physical experimental methods, the numerical reconstruction methods employ a number of 2D thin-sections or 3D porous media images as training images (TIs) and reconstruct porous media using the statistical information drawn from TIs. Numerous numerical reconstruction techniques are available, including the simulated annealing method [12], Markov chain Monte Carlo [51], multi-point statistics (MPS) [35], sequential indicator simulation [13], the denoising diffusion probabilistic models [23] and the truncated Gaussian random field method [3]. If only two phases in porous media need to be reconstructed, the two-point cluster function has been proven to be a superior descriptor for the structural information of porous media [19]. ...
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The accurate reconstruction of porous media is difficult to accomplish in practical research due to the intricacy of the internal structure of porous media, which cannot be described only using some equations or languages. The emerging deep learning methods open up a new research field for the reconstruction of porous media. One of the classic deep learning methods is generative adversarial network (GAN), which has been applied to the reconstruction of porous media, but also requires sufficient training samples as well as a long simulation process. Some GAN’s variants, such as the single-image GAN (SinGAN), are proposed to achieve desired results with only one training image (TI), but its serial structure still necessitates lengthy training time. Based on SinGAN, a stochastic reconstruction method of porous media combining attention mechanisms with multiple-stage GAN is proposed, focusing on important features of porous media with a single TI to achieve favorable simulation quality and using two discriminators to maintain enough diversity (one discriminator prefers real data, and the other favors fake data). Experiments prove that our method outperforms some numerical reconstruction methods and SinGAN in terms of practicality and efficiency.
... Three high resolution binary SEM images ( Fig. 1) gathered from shale oil reservoir are used to reconstruct the 3D nanoporous shale based on Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm (Wu et al., 2004). The pixel size and resolution of each SEM image are 400 × 400 and 27.5 nm, respectively. ...
Hydrocarbon mass transport in nanoporous media notably differs from that in traditional micro-scale porous media due to strong solid-fluid interaction in nanoscale confined pore space. Accurate prediction of hydrocarbon thermodynamic transport in nanoporous shale must consider the bound water distribution pattern, fluid occurrence in dual-wet pores (organic and inorganic), thermodynamic phase equilibrium, boundary slippage and rheological property. So far, there is no such a model that incorporates the above mentioned factors into assessing the multicomponent hydrocarbon mass transport in nanoporous shale. In this work, we propose a pore network based multicomponent hydrocarbon mass transport model considering above mentioned factors and the multicomponent hydrocarbon thermodynamic transport mechanisms are elucidated in detail. The bound water film stability and induced capillary condensation are first analyzed according to Kelvin equation and the extended DLVO theory. A thermodynamic phase equilibrium-fluid occurrence coupling model is further developed considering the oil-gas capillary pressure change with oil saturation on pore network model (PNM). The multicomponent hydrocarbon single pore transport model is derived considering boundary slippage, adsorption layer thickness and fluid rheology and is extended to PNM transport simulation. The multicomponent hydrocarbon permeability variations at different pressure, pore size, relative humidity and total organic carbon (TOC) are analyzed in detail. The predicted hydrocarbon flux change with pressure gradient matches well with the previous observed trend in the laboratory experiments. Study results reveal that the multicomponent hydrocarbon exhibits non-linear transport behavior determined by the fluid rheology and the threshold pressure gradient for hydrocarbon starting to flow is mutually controlled by the yield stress and pore size.
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The multiphase distribution and transport properties in porous media are strongly influenced by capillary pressure and rock–fluid interactions. The influence of nano-scale wetting film caused by the disjoining pressure on the multiphase transport properties is not fully considered in the current pore scale modeling methods, and it is unclear how the nano-scale wetting film influences the transport behavior at different porous media scale. In this study, we propose a multiphase pore network transport model that considers capillary pressure, disjoining pressure (the latter arising only in fluid films on solid surfaces) and fluid transport mechanisms in irregular pores. The thickness of nano-scale wetting film under multiphase conditions in irregular pores is calculated based on the force balance between capillary pressure and disjoining pressure resulting from van der Waals force, electric double-layer interactions and structural force. The gas displacing water process is simulated in a water-wet 3D unstructured pore network extracted from 3D-reconstructed digitized shale image. The influence of nano-scale wetting film on essential transport properties including relative permeability, capillary pressure curve and resistivity index is analyzed, and its variation is elucidated for different porous media length scales. Notably, the nano-scale wetting film enhances the wetting-phase relative permeability and electrical conductivity in nano-scale porous media, and the effect is way less important on micron-scale. We further conclude the deviation from the case without nano-scale water film can be attributed to the interplay of corner water transport area and nano-scale water film transport area in invaded pore throats by analyzing the wetting-phase distribution based on the proposed three microscopic parameters. We also found that the nano-scale wetting film causes more wetting fluid retention after displacement in nano-porous media, which possibly explains the low flowback rate after hydraulic fracturing in shale and ultra-tight sandstones. Article Highlights A multiphase pore network transport model that considers both capillary pressure and disjoining pressure is proposed. Nano-scale wetting film enhances the wetting phase relative permeability and electrical conductivity in nano-scale porous media. Nano-scale wetting film causes more wetting fluid retention after displacement in nanoporous media.
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Characterization of shallow subsurface sedimentary architecture, such as alluvial soil layers, is essential in hydrogeology. Elfeki and Dekking (2001) presented a highly efficient coupled Markov chain model for subsurface characterization with conditioning on well logs. The model is capable of reproducing some major subsurface features at their approximate locations. However, the model shows some obvious limitations, such as layer inclination and underestimation of minor states, when applied to simulating the structures of alluvial soil textural layers with sparse borehole data. This study presents an idea to mitigate these deficiencies by conditioning two-dimensional simulations of vertical transects on simulated lines generated by one-dimensional Markov chain methods. This method is proven to be effective with some tradeoffs by rigorous testing using different borehole schemes and comparison with simulated realizations from the coupled Markov chain model. Since datasets of densely distributed boreholes are often not available in most real-world applications, the method may enlarge the application scope of the coupled Markov chain methodology in shallow subsurface characterization with sparse borehole data.
A simple description of soil respiration is combined with a three-dimensional random fractal lattice as a model of soil structure. The lattice consists of gas-filled pores and soil matrix that is a combination of the solid phase and water. A respiration process is assumed to take place in the soil matrix. Oxygen transport occurs by diffusion in the gas-filled pores and, at a much slower rate, in the soil matrix. The stationary state of this process is characterized by the fraction of the matrix that has zero oxygen concentration, i.e., the anoxic fraction. The anoxic fraction of a three-dimensional lattice appears to be largely determined by the presence and distribution of pores that are not connected to the surface of the lattice. Local gradients in connected gas-filled pores play an insignificant role due to the enormous difference in diffusion coefficient between the gas-filled pores and the saturated soil matrix. Analytical and numerical results for the fractal model are compared with calculations for a dual-porosity model comprising spherical aggregates with a lognormal radius distribution. A one-dimensional fractal lattice and the dual-porosity model yield qualitatively similar predictions, suggesting an anoxic fraction that decreases exponentially with the square root of the local oxygen concentration. However, the anoxic fraction of a three-dimensional fractal lattice decreases much faster than exponentially, implying that large clumps of soil matrix are comparatively rare. We propose that this is due to aggregation of soil particles in more than a single dimension, which has important consequences for anaerobic processes in soil. The fractal model accounts for the geometrical implications of three dimensions. A lognormal radius distribution is essentially a one-dimensional structure model.
Multidimensional Markov chain models are developed for texture. By suitable choice of parameters, textures can be simulated that are similar to those generated by Markov random field models, but the simulation procedure is computationally much more economical. The problem of parameter estimation is examined for non-noisy and noisy data. In the latter case, procedures are developed for simultaneous parameter estimation and image restoration. Illustrative examples are provided.
Models are used increasingly to predict long-term changes in soil organic matter (SOM). Comparison with measured data is clearly desirable. We compared simulations of the mechanistic ITE (Edinburgh) Forest (EF) and Hurley Pasture (HP) ecosystem models with experimental SOM data from three long-term experiments: a 30 year old pine forest in South Carolina, USA, a 100 year old area of naturally regenerating woodland at Rothamsted in southeast England, and a 140 year old grass pasture subjected to various input regimes also at Rothamsted. EF's model trees died too readily during occasional periods of drought, so we cut out the water submodel (which includes leaching): the cut-down model simulated measured accumulation of C to within around 10% but greatly overestimated that of N, where leaching was in fact significant. Again, and for the same reason (plant death during drought), we had to cut the water submodel out of HP: the resulting simulations generally overestimated SOM-N, especially in treatments receiving nitrogenous inputs, and bracketed the measured SOM-C data. Simulated SOM levels responded rapidly to organic and inorganic inputs, however, whilst measured data did not. We therefore rewrote the SOM submodel to include protected and stabilised SOM pools, in an attempt to buffer the system. The new submodel showed little effect of treatment, improved SOM-N simulations, but consistently overestimated SOM-C. This mismatch between measurement and model may reflect nothing more than too shallow a sampling depth.We performed no site-specific parameter optimisation because: (1) the data sets are small; (2) it is not clear how much of the SOM in the system is contained within the experimental sampling depth; and (3) the models are mechanistic, with parameters reflecting real measurable properties of the systems they represent. In the absence of such tuning, the models should simulate other relevant systems just as well as those presented here.
A structural model and an approximate method for calculating the permeability of porous materials are proposed.
This paper presents a lattice Boltzmann model (LBM) for 2-D advection and anisotropic dispersion equation (AADE) based on the Bhatnagar, Gross and Krook (BGK) model. In the proposed model, the particle speed space is discretized using a rectangular lattice that has four speeds in nine directions, and the single relaxation time is assumed to be directionally dependent. To ensure that the collision is mass-invariant when the relaxation time is directionally dependent, the concentration is calculated from a weighted summation of the particle distribution functions. The proposed model was verified against benchmark problems and the finite difference solution of solute transport with spatially variable dispersion coefficients and non-uniform velocity field. The significant results are that it conserves mass perfectly and offers accurate and efficient solutions for both dispersion-dominated and advection-dominated problems.
ergy-level scanning, which is characterized by scanning with two different energy levels simultaneously. Impor- Numerous soil ecological functions are influenced by soil structure tant results from dual energy-level scanning with x-rays through its impact on spatial and temporal distributions of soil parti- cles, water, and air within the soil profile. The nondestructive tech- and g-rays were presented by Phogat et al. (1991) and nique of x-ray computed tomography (CT) was used for studying soil DiCarlo et al. (1997). We apply dual energy x-ray CT structure. X-ray attenuation determined for two energy levels (80 kV using a commercial scanner (i) to determine the varia- and 120 kV) was used to calculate distributions of water, air, and tions of water content, dry bulk density, and phase com- solids, as well as the voxel dry bulk density for two silt loam subsoils. position at the microscale and (ii) to measure their spa- The spatial resolution during scanning was 0.25 mm in the horizontal tial distribution in naturally structured soils. These and 1 mm in the vertical direction. For different voxel sizes, the measurements for the characterization of soil structure weighted mean of the derived volumetric water, air, and solid contents, should enhance our knowledge regarding the impact of and the dry bulk densities agreed with the sample's phase composition soil structure on water and gas transport processes. and dry bulk density obtained by weighing. The use of dual energy scanning to study the heterogeneity of soil structure and the spatial distribution of water, air, and solids is discussed. THEORY
The limit to the precision with which moisture-release data may be related to soil structure is examined. Thin sections in two orthogonal planes were prepared from cores for which moisture release data and saturated conductivity measurements were also collected. Structural parameters are inferred indirectly through estimation of the mass fractal dimension from the moisture-release curve, and directly through measurement of the scaling properties of the pore space and solid matrix from the thin sections using image analysis. Theoretical results are presented which show that, in the absence of additional information, the interpretation of the moisture-release curve is ambiguous for several reasons. A power-law exponent is a consequence of either a fractal pore volume; a fractal solid volume; a fractal pore wall; or a non-fractal, self-similar pore wall, and one cannot infer from the measurement which is the case. Experimental results are presented which confirm that direct measurement of the fractal dimension of the solid matrix is a good predictor of the Brooks–Corey exponent for the soils studied here. Therefore, although a specific structural parameter characterizes the moisture-release curve, the latter cannot be used as a detailed measure of soil structure.
The formulation of conditional probability models for finite systems of spatially interacting random variables is examined. A simple alternative proof of the Hammersley–Clifford theorem is presented and the theorem is then used to construct specific spatial schemes on and off the lattice. Particular emphasis is placed upon practical applications of the models in plant ecology when the variates are binary or Gaussian. Some aspects of infinite lattice Gaussian processes are discussed. Methods of statistical analysis for lattice schemes are proposed, including a very flexible coding technique. The methods are illustrated by two numerical examples. It is maintained throughout that the conditional probability approach to the specification and analysis of spatial interaction is more attractive than the alternative joint probability approach.
We make an analogy between images and statistical mechanics systems. Pixel gray levels and the presence and orientation of edges are viewed as states of atoms or molecules in a lattice-like physical system. The assignment of an energy function in the physical system determines its Gibbs distribution. Because of the Gibbs distribution, Markov random field (MRF) equivalence, this assignment also determines an MRF image model. The energy function is a more convenient and natural mechanism for embodying picture attributes than are the local characteristics of the MRF. For a range of degradation mechanisms, including blurring, nonlinear deformations, and multiplicative or additive noise, the posterior distribution is an MRF with a structure akin to the image model. By the analogy, the posterior distribution defines another (imaginary) physical system. Gradual temperature reduction in the physical system isolates low energy states (``annealing''), or what is the same thing, the most probable states under the Gibbs distribution. The analogous operation under the posterior distribution yields the maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimate of the image given the degraded observations. The result is a highly parallel ``relaxation'' algorithm for MAP estimation. We establish convergence properties of the algorithm and we experiment with some simple pictures, for which good restorations are obtained at low signal-to-noise ratios.
A new conceptual model for soil pore-solid structure is formalized. Soil pore-solid structure is proposed to comprise spatially abutting elements each with a value which is its membership to the fuzzy set ''pore,'' termed porosity. These values have a range between zero (all solid) and unity (all pore). Images are used to represent structures in which the elements are pixels and the value of each is a porosity. Two-dimensional random fields are generated by allocating each pixel a porosity by independently sampling a statistical distribution. These random fields are reorganized into other pore-solid structural types by selecting parent points which have a specified local region of influence. Pixels of larger or smaller porosity are aggregated about the parent points and within the region of interest by controlled swapping of pixels in the image. This creates local regions of homogeneity within the random field. This is similar to the process known as simulated annealing. The resulting structures are characterized using one-and two-dimensional variograms and functions describing their connectivity. A variety of examples of structures created by the model is presented and compared. Extension to three dimensions presents no theoretical difficulties and is currently under development.