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Remote electronic monitoring as a potential alternative to on-board observers in small-scale fisheries ☆


Abstract and Figures

Small-scale fisheries can greatly impact threatened marine fauna. Peru's small-scale elasmobranch gillnet fishery captures thousands of sharks and rays each year, and incidentally captures sea turtles, marine mammals and seabirds. We assessed the ability of a dedicated fisheries remote electronic monitoring (REM) camera to identify and quantify captures in this fishery by comparing its performance to on-board observer reports. Cameras were installed across five boats with a total of 228 fishing sets monitored. Of these, 169 sets also had on-board fisheries observers present. The cameras were shown to be an effective tool for identifying catch, with > 90% detection rates for 9 of 12 species of elasmobranchs caught. Detection rates of incidental catch were more variable (sea turtle = 50%; cetacean = 80%; pinniped = 100%). The ability to quantify target catch from camera imagery degraded for fish quantities exceeding 15 individuals. Cameras were more effective at quantifying rays than sharks for small catch quantities (x ≤ 15 fish), whereas size affected camera performance for large catches (x > 15 fish). Our study showed REM to be effective in detecting and quantifying elasmobranch target catch and pinniped bycatch in Peru's small-scale fishery, but not, without modification, in detecting and quantifying sea turtle and cetacean bycatch. We showed REM can provide a time-and cost-effective method to monitor target catch in small-scale fisheries and can be used to overcome some deficiencies in observer reports. With modifications to the camera specifications, we expect performance to improve for all target catch and bycatch species.
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Remote electronic monitoring as a potential alternative to on-board
observers in small-scale sheries
David C. Bartholomew
,Jerey C. Mangel
, Joanna Alfaro-Shigueto
, Sergio Pingo
Astrid Jimenez
, Brendan J. Godley
Centre for Ecology and Conservation, University of Exeter, Penryn Campus, Penryn, Cornwall TR10 9FE, UK
ProDelphinus, Enrique Palacios, 630-204, Lima 18, Peru
Universidad Cientica del Sur, Facultad de Biología Marina, Lima 42, Peru
Department of Geography, College of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK
Vessel monitoring systems
Small-scale sheries can greatly impact threatened marine fauna. Peru's small-scale elasmobranch gillnet shery
captures thousands of sharks and rays each year, and incidentally captures sea turtles, marine mammals and
seabirds. We assessed the ability of a dedicated sheries remote electronic monitoring (REM) camera to identify
and quantify captures in this shery by comparing its performance to on-board observer reports. Cameras were
installed across ve boats with a total of 228 shing sets monitored. Of these, 169 sets also had on-board
sheries observers present. The cameras were shown to be an eective tool for identifying catch, with > 90%
detection rates for 9 of 12 species of elasmobranchs caught. Detection rates of incidental catch were more
variable (sea turtle = 50%; cetacean = 80%; pinniped = 100%). The ability to quantify target catch from
camera imagery degraded for sh quantities exceeding 15 individuals. Cameras were more eective at quan-
tifying rays than sharks for small catch quantities (x 15 sh), whereas size aected camera performance for
large catches (x > 15 sh). Our study showed REM to be eective in detecting and quantifying elasmobranch
target catch and pinniped bycatch in Peru's small-scale shery, but not, without modication, in detecting and
quantifying sea turtle and cetacean bycatch. We showed REM can provide a time- and cost-eective method to
monitor target catch in small-scale sheries and can be used to overcome some deciencies in observer reports.
With modications to the camera specications, we expect performance to improve for all target catch and
bycatch species.
1. Introduction
Overexploitation has long been identied as a major threat to global
biodiversity (Diamond, 1984), especially in the marine biome (Knapp
et al., 2017). Monitoring of biodiversity and exploitative activities has
been identied as a major priority in conservation biology (Bawa and
Menon, 1997) and new monitoring tools are being developed for a
variety of biomes (e.g. Bicknell et al., 2016; Rist et al., 2010). Improved
monitoring of the sheries sector is of particular importance as global
illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) shing practices are esti-
mated at 1126 million tonnes per annum (Agnew et al., 2009).
Small-scale sheries make a substantial contribution to global sh
captures (Chuenpagdee et al., 2006), producing more than half of the
world's annual catch and supplying most sh consumed in developing
nations (Berkes et al., 2001). However, despite their importance to
global catches, small-scale sheries are often largely under-regulated
(Berkes et al., 2001). Moreover, small-scale sheries remain relatively
unstudied compared to large industrial sheries due to insucient re-
sources and poor infrastructure (Berkes et al., 2001; Lewison et al.,
2004; Mohammed, 2003; Pauly, 2006), making it dicult to quantify
their impacts on target and non-target species (Berkes et al., 2001;
Lewison et al., 2004; Pauly, 2006).
Independent on-board observers have traditionally been used to
monitor target catch (Alfaro-Cordova et al., 2017; Haigh et al., 2002;
Mangel et al., 2013) and bycatch (Caretta et al., 2004; Gales et al.,
1998; Rogan and Mackey, 2007)insheries, including some small-scale
sheries (Doherty et al., 2014; Mangel et al., 2010; Ortiz et al., 2016).
However, use of on-board observers to quantify shing activities can
Received 7 May 2017; Received in revised form 15 December 2017; Accepted 2 January 2018
The work is all original research carried out by the authors. All authors agree with the contents of the manuscript and its submission to the journal. No part of the research has been
published in any form elsewhere, unless it is fully acknowledged in the manuscript.
Corresponding author at: Centre for Ecology and Conservation, University of Exeter, Penryn Campus, Penryn, Cornwall TR10 9FE, UK.
E-mail addresses: (J.C. Mangel), (B.J. Godley).
Biological Conservation 219 (2018) 35–45
0006-3207/ © 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
sometimes yield biased information, resulting from deployment eects
(Benoît and Allard, 2009), observer eects (Benoît and Allard, 2009;
Faunce and Barbeaux, 2011) and low eet coverage (McCluskey and
Lewison, 2008). Monitoring small-scale sheries through observers
poses a major challenge due to the large number of vessels, limited
number of trained personnel, low enforcement and vigilance, and dif-
cult working conditions, given the small size of vessels (Salas et al.,
Some vessel monitoring system (VMS) technologies have been de-
veloped as an alternative or to supplement on-board observers. VMS is
most commonly associated with Geographical Positioning Systems
(GPS), but also incorporates other monitoring technologies. VMS is
capable of providing data at high spatial and temporal resolution and
has been installed in numerous sheries (Campbell et al., 2014;
Gerritsen and Lordan, 2010; Jennings and Lee, 2012; Witt and Godley,
2007), although to date, VMS has been mostly deployed in industrial
sheries, where it is sometimes mandatory (Bertrand et al., 2008).
Several aspects of shing activities can be monitored using VMS, in-
cluding vessel position, operational characteristics, engine operation,
and soak time (Kindt-Larsen et al., 2011; Lee et al., 2010; Vermard
et al., 2010). Simple VMS technologies, such as GPS, have been de-
ployed in some small-scale sheries to monitor their activities (Metcalfe
et al., 2016), whilst also providing some direct benets to the shermen
such as improved navigation (Wildlife Conservation Society
Bangladesh, 2016).
One increasingly popular VMS is the use of Remote Electronic
Monitoring (REM) cameras, and represents one of the many applica-
tions of cameras in marine environmental research (Bicknell et al.,
2016). Studies have been carried out to measure the eectiveness of
REM systems at monitoring industrial shing activities, including target
catch (Ames et al., 2007; Hold et al., 2015; Kindt-Larsen et al., 2011;
Stanley et al., 2009), bycatch (Kindt-Larsen et al., 2012; Pasco et al.,
(b) (c)
Fig. 1. The camera system developed by Shellcatch Inc. used in
our study to monitor catch includes (i) a camera and GPS logger,
(ii) a battery pack, (iii) a solar panel to charge the battery, and
(iv) a metal frame to mount the camera to the boat. The position
where the camera was installed depended on the vessel's con-
guration. Attachment locations included (a) guard rail (vessel
2); (b) cabin (vessel 3); (c) mast A-frame (vessel 5).
D.C. Bartholomew et al. Biological Conservation 219 (2018) 35–45
2009) and the use of bycatch mitigation technologies (Ames et al.,
2005). The potential benets of REM systems to small-scale sheries
research, surveillance and enforcement is high, as it could help improve
the understanding of these large, vastly understudied eets by supple-
menting or reducing the need for extensive and costly on-board ob-
server programmes.
Within small-scale sheries, gillnets represent one of the main
capture methods for elasmobranchs (Alfaro-Shigueto et al., 2010;
Cartamil et al., 2011; Smith et al., 2009). In Peru, it is estimated that
approx. 100,000 km of gillnets are set each year by the small-scale
shing eet (Alfaro-Shigueto et al., 2010), and studies have shown it to
have high interaction rates with sea turtles, marine mammals and
seabirds (Alfaro-Shigueto et al., 2011; Mangel et al., 2010; Ortiz et al.,
2016). Monitoring this large small-scale shing eet, with approx. 3000
vessels is a major challenge (Alfaro-Shigueto et al., 2010), and any
means of enhancing our ability to understand this small-scale shery
would greatly improve conservation eorts. Our study aimed to assess
the ability of REM systems to detect and quantify target and incidental
catch in Peru's small-scale elasmobranch gillnet shery and assess the
advantages and disadvantages of using REM technology compared with
on-board observers.
2. Methods
2.1. The shery
Our study monitored 30 shing trips across 5 vessels from the small-
scale shing ports of San José and Bayóvar in northern Peru from
December 2015 to September 2016. Small-scale shery vessels are
dened by Peruvian shery regulations as having a maximum length of
15 m, a maximum storage capacity of 32.6 m
, and relying pre-
dominantly on manual labour for all shing activities (Ley General de
Pesca, 2001). The vessels used in our study had a mean length of 10.8 m
(0.8 m SD; Range 1012 m; Supplementary Table 1). Our study shery
uses monolament and multilament gillnets that are set in the late
afternoon by the shing vessels, and left to soak near the surface or
seaoor for approx. 14 h, before being retrieved early the following
morning. The nets stay xed to the vessel drifting throughout the set
and are typically 1.5 to 3 km long with a stretched mesh size of 8 to
15 cm. The shery catches multiple species but primarily targets shark
and ray species. The shery also incidentally captures sea turtles
(Alfaro-Shigueto et al., 2011), cetaceans (Mangel et al., 2010), pinni-
peds (Alfaro-Shigueto et al., 2010), and seabirds (Awkerman et al.,
2006). All shing vessels and crews were voluntary participants in the
2.2. Camera system
The camera system used to monitor the catches on board vessels was
developed by Shellcatch Inc. (, and com-
prised a camera and GPS logger, connected to a portable power pack
charged by a solar panel (Fig. 1). The camera lens was equivalent to a
35 mm full-frame SLR lens, with a xed focal length of
3.60 ± 0.01 mm and focal ratio (F-stop) of 2.9. The camera's eld of
view was set to 53.5 ± 0.1° by 41.4 ± 0.1° and the sensor resolution
was set to 2592 by 1944 pixels. The camera was programmed by
Shelllcatch Inc. to take photos continuously at 40 s intervals to balance
data collection with data management, despite the possibility of
missing discarded catch within this interval. The images were recorded
to a built-in hard drive and were subsequently downloaded to a com-
puter using cloud data storage software developed by Shellcatch Inc.
The entire system was enclosed in a waterproof housing and was in-
stalled on each shing vessel using a metal mount (Fig. 1).
The camera systems were deployed on ve shing vessels. They
were mounted in a location to provide maximal coverage of the vessel
where catch is processed and to maintain exposure to the sun to charge
the battery through the solar panel. The exact location of the camera
was decided after consultation with the shermen, to prevent the
camera hindering normal shing practices, and to ensure some privacy
was provided to the shermen outside of shing activities. The in-
stallation process was also dependent on the exact conguration of each
shing vessel as the eet is composed of a range of dierent vessel
types, some containing cabins of varying height. The shermen were
asked to undertake normal shing practices and not to alter their be-
haviour in the presence of the camera.
2.3. On-board observer data collection
On four of the ve shing vessels, trained on-board observers were
additionally present (Supplementary Table 1). Observers recorded the
number of individuals captured for all elasmobranch and bycatch spe-
cies. Identication guides were provided to the observers to aid species
identication. Observers also recorded the total length for a subset of
the sharks captured (following Romero et al., 2015) and the disc width
for a subset of the rays captured (following Ebert and Mostarda, 2016).
Catch was recorded using common names, so it was not always possible
to distinguish between closely related species that share a common
name. Consequently, all target catch analysis was done at the genus
level. Participating shermen were consulted to verify that all common
names correctly matched our interpretation.
2.4. Photo analysis
Photos were analysed using GoPro Studio version 2.5.9. This soft-
ware was used to convert the photos into a time lapse video at 10
frames per second with high image quality (Supplementary Video 1).
An analyst subsequently reviewed the videos using QuickTime Player
version 10.4. Each haul was analysed frame by frame and each captured
animal was recorded. The analyst identied the catch to genus and
consulted an expert for assistance when identication was uncertain.
Identication was aided by identication guides for each taxon. For a
sample of sets (n= 139) we recorded the amount of time necessary to
complete the photo analysis. The mean time per set was
26.5 ± 11 min (mean ± SD; range 8.346.3; n = 139).
2.5. Statistical analysis
2.5.1. Target catch
The on-board observer reports were compared to the photo analyst's
observations. The number of individuals of each genus was compared
for each haul and the dierence between the two methods was calcu-
lated. For each shing vessel, the mean and standard deviation of the
number of individuals captured per set was calculated from the ob-
servers' reports and the photo analysis. Ratios were calculated by di-
viding catch quantity from observer reports by catch quantity identied
by the photo analyst. As net length could not be estimated from the
photos and varied between sets, it was not possible to use the catch per
unit eort (CPUE) metric, so catch per set was used in this study. Catch
genera were identied by either the observer, the camera or both in
each set. A percentage occurrence was calculated for each outcome to
determine the ability of the camera to detect each genera.
The mean and standard deviation of the discrepancy between the
two methods was also calculated for sets when either the observer or
the photo analyst reported catch for each genus. All instances when
there was a dierence in number of animals landed of the same genus
between the observer report and the photo analyst's observations were
investigated. After subsequent review of the time lapse video, the likely
causes of the discrepancy were identied and attributed to six dierent
categories: camera failure, camera obstruction, insucient eld of view
(identied by catch being piled on the edge of the camera's eld of
view), insucient light levels, image resolution, or clear deciencies in
the observer reports.
D.C. Bartholomew et al. Biological Conservation 219 (2018) 35–45
To understand which parameters aect the performance of the
cameras, generalised linear mixed eects models (GLMM) with a ne-
gative binomial error structure and log link function were undertaken
(n= 362 species capture events) using package lme4 in R statistical
software, version 3.2.3 (Bates et al., 2015; R Core Team, 2014). A ne-
gative binomial error distribution was used as our dependent variable
(quantity detected by the camera) involved counts with a variance
greater than the mean. Sets where no catch was detected by the ob-
servers and the camera for each genus were removed, as they were not
appropriate for investigations into the factors aecting camera perfor-
mance, especially when considering the sheer number of zeros (1859 of
2028 possible captures) most hauls capture only a few genera. Initial
models included xed eect (quantity from observer reports, mean
species size and taxon (i.e. shark or ray) and random eect (haul)
parameters. Vessel was not included as a random eect as all variation
between vessels was accounted for through the inclusion of haul as a
random eect. Catch quantity from observer reports was included as a
quadratic term to test if the camera performed more eectively with
dierent catch magnitudes. Dierent genera were divided into three
size categories based on the mean total length (sharks) or disc width
(rays) for each genus calculated from the size measurements the ob-
servers recorded. Genera with a mean length or width 100 cm were
classied into size class A, > 100 cm and 150 cm as class B, and >
150 cm as class C. Models of all possible combinations of xed eects
were tested using the dredge function in the R package MuMIn (Bartoń,
2017), after the global model was standardised using the standardize
function in the arm package (Gelman and Su, 2016). The minimal
adequate model was selected based on the lowest Akaike Information
Criterion corrected for small sample size (AICc) value (Sakamoto et al.,
1986). Initial model selection included the quadratic term for quantity
from observer reports in the minimal adequate model, but after model
inspection, a quadratic function was not appropriate due to a high
heteroscadiscity of model residuals. Instead, a stepwise regression
model was undertaken, with an appropriate split point for our dataset
identied using the segmented function in the R package segmented
(Muggeo, 2003). GLMMs were subsequently undertaken using the same
procedure as described above, but with observer quantity included as a
linear term, for both small catches (observer quantity 20; n= 296)
and large catches (observer quantity > 20; n= 66). For larger cat-
ches, a Poisson error distribution with square-root link function tted
our data more eciently, so was used as the model error family. Fol-
lowing this stepwise regression approach, one anomalous point
(camera = 179, observer = 1200) was shown to be highly inuential
on our models, so the stepwise regression procedure was repeated
without this extreme value, identifying a new split point for our data.
GLMMs were again used to model both small catches (observer quan-
tity 15; n= 279) and large catches (observer quantity > 15;
n= 82).
2.5.2. Bycatch
A comparison was also made between the observer reports and the
photo analyst's observations for bycatch. The detection rate of bycatch
when recorded by either the observer or the photo analyst was com-
pared for the two methods. A mean and standard deviation for the
detection rates for each vessel was subsequently taken to measure the
ability of detecting bycatch using cameras. Due to the low-resolution
specications of the camera, the photo analyst was not always able to
identify the bycatch to species level, so all analyses were based on
higher taxonomic groupings (cetaceans, pinnipeds, leatherback turtles
Dermochelys coriacea, hard-shell sea turtles, seabirds). Attempts were
made by the photo analyst and three experts to identify the hard-shell
sea turtles to species level and these were compared to the observer
3. Results
3.1. Fishing eort
A total of 228 shing sets from December 2015 to September 2016
across the ve shing vessels were reviewed by the photo analyst and
catch was recorded for each set. 89% of sets took place over the con-
tinental shelf within 50 km of the coastline. A total of 169 sets were
reviewed during the study period across the four vessels with observers
present. Initial studies revealed the position of the camera on vessel 2
was not appropriate as the shermen piled the nets in front of the
camera, preventing the photo analyst from seeing much of the catch.
Consequently, the camera position was changed and the 12 sets where
the problem occurred were excluded from subsequent analyses. Vessel 1
did not have an observer aboard for the initial 14 sets, so these were
also excluded from subsequent analyses.
3.2. Target catch
Twelve genera of elasmobranchs were captured and identied by
both the observers and the photo analyst across the four vessels with
observers present (Fig. 2). One genus (Sphyrna) was captured by all four
shing vessels, seven genera (Carcharhinus,Galeorhinus,Mobula,Mus-
telus,Myliobatis,Notorhynchus,Squatina) were captured by three shing
vessels, one genus (Alopias) was captured by two shing vessels and
three genera (Prionace,Pteroplatytrygon,Triakis) were captured by only
one vessel. For six genera (Carcharhinus,Notorhynchus,Mustelus,My-
liobatis,Sphyrna,Squatina), the mean catch recorded by the observers
was higher than that identied by the photo analyst (ratios ranging
from 0.52 to 1.00). In contrast, the mean catch recorded by the ob-
servers was lower than that identied by the photo analyst for ve
genera (Alopias,Galeorhinus,Mobula,Prionace,Pteroplatytrygon; ratios
ranging from 1.00 to 2.44). There was no discrepancy between the two
methods for Triakis (Table 1a).
The ability of the cameras to identify the genera caught in each set
was investigated for each vessel. For 9 of 12 genera of target catch, the
photo analyst was able to detect its capture for > 90% of instances
when reported by the observer. Only 3 genera (Carcharhinus,
Pteroplatytrygon, and Squatina) were detected by the photo analyst on
90% of instances when reported by the observer (85%, 82% and 65%
respectively; Table 1b).
The discrepancy between the number of individuals caught for each
genus was calculated for all sets when either the observer or photo
analyst recorded the genus as captured. All genera of elasmobranchs,
except Mustelus and Sphyrna, had a mean discrepancy of < 5 in-
dividuals (Table 1c). There were 226 instances when there was a dis-
crepancy between the observer and the photo analyst's reports. Six main
problems were identied as the potential cause of the discrepancies:
camera eld of view (n= 134), camera obstructions (n= 60), image
resolution (n= 58), observer failing to record all catch (n= 51),
camera failure (n= 45), and low light levels (n= 21; Fig. 3).
GLMMs were undertaken to understand which factors aected the
performance of the cameras (n= 362 species capture incidences). The
eects of quantity, size and whether the catch was a shark or ray were
investigated. The variation between dierent sets was controlled for by
a random eect in our model. Quantity and size were retained in our
initial minimal adequate model when quantity was included as a
quadratic term (MAM; all other models ΔAICc > 2; see Supplementary
Tables 2a & 3a). Taxon was not retained in the MAM.
A stepwise regression model was subsequently undertaken with
observer quantity as a linear term, with an appropriate split point es-
timated at 20.74 (1.39 SE; n = 362). GLMMs were undertaken for both
small catches (observer quantity 20; n= 296) and large catches
(observer quantity > 20; n= 66). Observer quantity and taxon were
retained in our MAMs for both small and large catches, but size class
was no longer identied to inuence camera performance. GLMMs
D.C. Bartholomew et al. Biological Conservation 219 (2018) 35–45
were re-applied after removal of a highly inuential anomaly and a new
split point was identied at 15.73 (1.23 SE, n= 361). For small catches
(observer quantity 15; n= 279), observer quantity and taxon were
retained in our MAM (see Supplementary Tables 2b & 3b):
Camera Negative Binomial μ e Camera μ~()()~
=+× +× +
β Observed β Shark Ray a0.673 .
where β1=0.160;
Shark Ray Ray
Shark Ray Shark
0, .
0.327 .
aN~ (0, 0.117).
For large catches (observer quantity > 15; n= 82) observer
quantity and size class were retained in our MAM (see Supplementary
Tables 2c & 3c):
Camera Poisson μ Camera μ~()( )~
=+× +× +
β Observed β Size Class a3.216 .
Fig. 2. The target species of the San José and Bayóvar shery includes several shark and ray species: (a) thresher sharks (Alopias spp.), (b) bronze whalers (Carcharhinus brachyurus), (c)
school sharks (Galeorhinus galeus), (d) broadnose sevengill sharks (Notorhynchus cepidianus), (e) Blue sharks (Prionace glauca) (f) Pacic angel sharks (Squatina californica), (g) ham-
merhead sharks (Sphyrna spp.), (h) smoothhound sharks (Mustelus spp.), (i) spotted houndsharks (Triakis maculata), (j) eagle rays (Myliobatis spp.), (k) pelagic stingrays (Pteroplatytrygon
violacea) and (l) spinetail devil rays (Mobula japanica). Images captured using cameras developed by Shellcatch Inc. installed on the shing vessels involved in our study.
D.C. Bartholomew et al. Biological Conservation 219 (2018) 35–45
where β
= 0.041;
Size Class A
Size Class B
0, .
1.782 . ;
aN~ (0, 3.470).
This suggests that quantity and taxon inuence camera performance
for small catches (x 15) and that quantity and size category inuence
camera performance for large catches (x > 15). The cameras were
more accurate at quantifying catch when catch quantity was low
(GLMM, Z = 12.197, p< 0.001; Supplementary Fig. 1a). For small
catches, the camera performed better for rays than sharks (GLMM,
Z=3.479, p < 0.001). For large catches, the camera performed
more accurately for species of medium size (category) than for small
species (category A; GLMM, Z = 3.740, p < 0.001; Supplementary
Fig. 1b). It was not possible to measure camera performance for large
species (category C) for large catches as no catches for this size class
exceeded 15 individuals.
3.3. Bycatch
From 172 sets, observers recorded a total of 33 hard shell sea turtles
(19 green Chelonia mydas, 9 olive ridley Lepidochelys olivacea, 5 uni-
dentied) in 20 sets; 7 dolphins (3 common Delphinus spp., 2 dusky
Lagenorhynchus obscurus, 2 Burmeister's porpoise Phocoena spinipinnis)
in 7 sets; and 5 South American sea lions Otaria avescens in 2 sets as
incidental capture (Fig. 4). The photo analyst recorded a total of 12
turtles, 4 dolphins and 5 seals captured from reviewing the same trips.
The photo analyst recorded 3 dolphins in 3 sets and 5 sea lions in 5 sets
that were not reported by the observers. No leatherback turtles or
seabirds were captured during trips with observers present, but were
detected by the cameras on vessels lacking observers (1 leatherback
turtle, 1 Humboldt penguin Spheniscus humboldti). 48 hard shell sea
turtles in 21 sets, 10 dolphins in 7 sets and 6 South American sea lions
in 5 sets were also detected by the cameras from 47 sets (9 trips)
without an observer present.
The ability of the camera to detect the presence of bycatch was
determined for each vessel. Dividing sets of photo analyst detected
bycatch by analyst and/or observer detected bycatch determined the
camera detection percentage. Sea turtle bycatch had a mean detection
of 50% (26% SD; n= 3 vessels), whilst the mean detection rate of
pinniped bycatch was 100% (0% SD; n= 2 vessels) and cetacean by-
catch was 80% (36% SD; n = 3 vessels; Table 1b).
Attempts were made by the photo analyst and three experts to
identify the 12 hard shell sea turtles detected by the photo analyst for
vessels with on-board observers present. On-board observers were as-
sumed to have correctly identied all individuals to species level as
they were able to manipulate the animal to facilitate identication.
After comparing identications with those from on-board observers, it
was possible to correctly identify the turtles to species level with a
mean accuracy of 83% (15% SD). It was not always possible to identify
the animal to species level due to limitations in the camera's image
4. Discussion
Monitoring catch in small-scale sheries is vital to understanding
their impact on aquatic ecosystems. In this study, we present a quan-
titative assessment of electronic monitoring using cameras in a small-
scale shery setting. Our study showed remote electronic monitoring
(REM) to be eective in detecting and quantifying elasmobranch target
catch and pinniped bycatch in Peru's small-scale shery, but not in
detecting and quantifying sea turtle and cetacean bycatch. When
compared to previous studies looking at similar REM systems in in-
dustrial sheries, REM performed at similar accuracies in our study for
both target and incidental catch (Ames et al., 2005; Kindt-Larsen et al.,
2011; Pasco et al., 2009; Stanley et al., 2009).
The cameras installed on the shing vessels were shown to be highly
eective at identifying the genera of target catch. In fact, our study
showed observers were more likely to fail to report genera captured
than the camera failing to detect them. In many of the instances, the
photo analyst noted that much of the unreported catch was consumed
on-board by the shermen or was of low economic value, e.g. non-
commercial crabs, catsh, rays and small invertebrates. Thus, our study
and wider-scale use of REM, could help improve understanding of the
population-level impacts on species of low economic value that are
consumed by shermen or discarded, which often remain unreported in
small-scale sheries (Salas et al., 2007).
From our analysis, three features of the catch composition were
shown to aect the camera performance at quantifying catch: catch
quantity, taxonomic group and mean body size. Firstly, our results show
Table 1a
Mean catch of each genus per set identied by the cameras installed on the boats and recorded by the observers in their reports for the four vessels with observers present. Catch was
measured in terms of numbers of individuals captured.
Species Common name 1 (N = 15) 2 (N=9) 4(N= 44) 5 (N= 101) Mean (N=4)
Camera Observer
Camera Observer
Camera Observer
Camera Observer
Camera Observer
Alopias spp. Thresher 1.2 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.3
Bronze whaler 0.0 0.0 1.9 1.9 0.1 0.1 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7
Galeorhinus galeus School 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.4 0.1 0.1
Mustelus spp. Smoothhound 0.0 0.0 3.7 5.9 43.6 84.6 12.5 0.0 10.9 26.6
0.0 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.4 15.9 0.1 0.2
Prionace glauca Blue 0.8 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.2
Sphyrna spp. Hammerhead 15.3 21.1 5.7 9.8 0.1 0.1 0.8 0.9 5.5 8.0
Squatina californica Angel 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.6 0.7 1.7 1.6 0.6 0.6
Triakis maculata Spotted
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0
Mobula spp. Devil 0.4 0.0 7.7 4.3 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 2.1 1.1
Myliobatis spp. Eagle 0.0 0.0 2.0 2.7 1.7 1.8 5.4 6.9 2.3 2.8
Pelagic stingray 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.1
D.C. Bartholomew et al. Biological Conservation 219 (2018) 35–45
Table 1b
Probability of detection of each genus of target catch and taxon of bycatch by the cameras and observers for the four vessels with observers present. It should be noted that there may also be instances when both the camera and observers fail to
detect catch, but this cannot be directly measured in our study.
Species Common name 1 2 4 5 Mean (SD)
Target catch
Alopias spp. Thresher 63% 25% 13% 8 ––0–––0 100% 0% 0% 2 81% (27) 13% (18) 6% (9) 2
Carcharhinus brachyurus Bronze whaler –––0 83% 17% 0% 6 67% 0% 33% 3 67% 22% 11% 9 72% (10) 13% (12) 15% (17) 3
Galeorhinus galeus School 0% 100% 0% 1 ––0 86% 0% 14% 7 100% 0% 0% 5 62% (54) 33% (58) 5% (8) 3
Mustelus spp. Smoothhound –––0 100% 0% 0% 3 100% 0% 0% 12 86% 5% 9% 65 94% (7) 2% (3) 5% (5) 3
Notorhynchus cepidianus Broadnose sevengill –––0 100% 0% 0% 1 100% 0% 0% 1 60% 24% 16% 25 87% (23) 8% (14) 5% (9) 3
Prionace glauca Blue 100% 0% 0% 4 ––0–––0––0 100% (0) 0% (0) 0% (0) 1
Sphyrna spp. Hammerhead 83% 0% 17% 6 100% 0% 0% 4 100% 0% 0% 3 79% 14% 7% 14 90% (11) 4% (7) 6% (8) 4
Squatina californica Angel –––0 0% 0% 100% 1 88% 13% 0% 8 85% 12% 3% 33 57% (50) 8% (7) 34% (57) 3
Triakis maculata Spotted houndshark –––0––0–––0 100% 0% 0% 4 100% (0) 0% (0) 0% (0) 1
Mobula spp. Devil 0% 100% 0% 4 75% 25% 0% 4 –––0 80% 20% 0% 5 52% (45) 48% (44) 0% (0) 3
Myliobatis spp. Eagle –––0 100% 0% 0% 2 83% 17% 0% 12 78% 15% 7% 67 87% (12) 11% (9) 2% (4) 3
Pteroplatytrygon violacea Pelagic stingray –––0––0–––0 59% 24% 18% 17 59% (0) 24% (0) 18% (0) 1
Cetacean 50% 50% 0% 4 ––0 100% 0% 0% 1 20% 20% 60% 5 57% (40) 23% (25) 20% (35) 3
Pinniped –––0––0 0% 100% 0% 2 40% 60% 0% 5 20% (28) 80% (28) 0% (0) 2
Sea Turtle 20% 0% 80% 5 60% 0% 40% 5 –––0 70% 0% 30% 10 50% (26) 0% (0) 50% (26) 3
=probability of detection by both the camera and observers.
=probability of detection by cameras but not observers.
=probability of detection by observers but not cameras.
D.C. Bartholomew et al. Biological Conservation 219 (2018) 35–45
that the camera's performance was lower when catch quantity exceeded
15 individuals. With high quantities of catch, the photo analyst was
unable to distinguish between individuals as they became piled up,
reducing the accuracy of catch estimates. Other studies have also pre-
viously found electronic monitoring performance to decline as the catch
magnitude increases in mixed-species net sheries (Lara-Lopez et al.,
2012; van Helmond et al., 2015). This nding contrasts to longline
sheries, where several studies showed quantity did not aect catch
estimates generated from electronic monitoring (Ames et al., 2005,
2007; Stanley et al., 2009). Our study further emphasises the diculty
of quantifying catch in net sheries where many individuals are hauled
together, unlike longline sheries where individuals are hauled one by
one and can be counted more easily.
Secondly, our study suggests REM is more eective at detecting and
quantifying ray species than sharks when catch quantity is below 15
individuals, but not for larger catches. This may be a consequence of the
greater surface area of rays compared to sharks, increasing the
likelihood of each individual being detected on camera. However, this
result might simply be a consequence of the positioning of the cameras
on the shing vessels, with rays more likely to be placed within the
camera's eld of view than sharks.
Finally, our study has shown that REM performs dierentially for
dierent sized target catch genera when catches exceed 15 individuals,
with a lower proportion of small-sized animals (size class A: length/
width 100 cm) detected. Few studies have investigated the eect of
size on electronic monitoring performance in sheries (Pasco et al.,
2009; van Helmond et al., 2015). Pasco et al. (2009) studied the eect
of size on cod bycatch recognition in the Northern Irish Nephrops
shery, whilst van Helmond et al. (2015) investigated the eects of
mesh size, and coincidentally the size of individuals captured, in the
Dutch bottom-trawl shery on electronic monitoring performance. In
both studies, it was shown that quantifying catch was easier for larger
individuals, corresponding with our ndings.
Our cameras performed less well at detecting and quantifying in-
cidentally caught large vertebrate species, corresponding with the re-
sults of previous studies (Ames, 2005; Ames et al., 2007; Pasco et al.,
2009). Our study does, however, contrast with the ndings of a pre-
vious study (Lara-Lopez et al., 2012) who found electronic monitoring
to be more eective at quantifying bycatch than target catch in the
southern Australian shark gillnet shery. However, in previous studies
the cameras were congured to prioritise monitoring of bycatch (Lara-
Lopez et al., 2012), whereas our current study prioritised the location of
target catch processing. The dierence in priority could explain the
contrasting outcomes.
Lower rates of detection for bycatch could also be explained by the
length of time catch spends on deck, with unwanted catch released or
discarded relatively quickly after it is hauled. Consequently, bycatch
may not pass into the camera's eld of view during this period. Frame
rates have been identied as an issue limiting the eectiveness of
electronic monitoring in other studies (Denit et al., 2016; Needle et al.,
2014), and the 40 s interval between photos could be a cause of lower
performance in our study. Moreover, sea turtles and cetaceans can
damage nets and pose a major challenge to haul aboard for shermen,
especially those that rely predominantly on manual labour, meaning
much bycatch is not brought on deck. Many incidentally caught in-
dividuals will also drop out of the net before reaching the deck
(Bravington and Bisack, 1996; Kindt-Larsen et al., 2012). Consequently,
these animals that fail to reach the deck will never enter the camera's
eld of view, but may still be detected by observers. Following in-
vestigations into the cause of discrepancies between observer and photo
analyst reports, the majority were attributed to aspects of the camera's
specication that were kept low to aid data storage and management. It
Table 1c
Mean discrepancy between catch identied by the cameras and observer reports for each genus for the four vessels with observers present. Catch was measured in terms of numbers of
individuals captured.
Genus Common name Discrepancy
1 N 2 N 4 N 5 N Mean N
Alopias spp. Thresher 0.6 8 00 0.0 2 0.3 2
Carcharhinus brachyurus Bronze whaler 0 0.7 6 0.3 3 0.6 9 0.5 3
Galeorhinus galeus School 1 1 0 0.3 7 0.2 5 0.5 3
Mustelus spp. Smoothhound 0 6.7 3 54.3 37 7.2 66 22.7 3
Notorhynchus cepedianus Broadnose sevengill 0 2.0 1 0.0 1 0.8 25 0.9 3
Prionace glauca Blue 0.5 4 000 0.5 1
Sphyrna spp. Hammerhead 14.3 6 9.3 4 0.0 3 1.6 14 6.3 4
Squatina californica Angel 0 0.0 1 1.4 8 0.8 28 0.7 3
Triakis maculata Spotted houndshark 000 0.0 4 0.0 1
Mobula spp. Devil 1.5 4 9.0 4 0 0.4 5 3.6 3
Myliobatis spp. Eagle 0 3.0 2 1.3 12 4.9 67 3.1 3
Pteroplatytrygon violacea Pelagic stingray 000 0.9 17 0.9 1
Fig. 3. The proportion of incidence of dierent factors causing discrepancies in the
number of individuals per genus between the observer reports and that identied by the
photo analyst for each vessel (1: n= 15; 2: n= 16; 4: n= 52; 5: n= 143). The mean
proportion of incidence for the 4 vessels was calculated. The causes of the discrepancies
were divided into six dierent categories: CF camera failure, CO camera obstructed by
objects or shermen, FOV insucient eld of view, IR insucient image resolution,
LL low light preventing a clear photo, OR deciencies in the observer reports. The
camera's eld of view was identied as the main factor causing discrepancies between the
photo analyst's and observer reports.
D.C. Bartholomew et al. Biological Conservation 219 (2018) 35–45
is expected overall performance will improve through modications to
the camera's specications, as found in previous studies (Ames et al.,
The use of REM could provide a lower cost alternative to the on-
board observer programme. Based on estimated costs of our observer
programme and electronic monitoring systems, including installation,
servicing, data storage and wage costs, REM systems oered savings of
approx. 50% per vessel monitored. Unlike on-board observers who have
to be at sea for the duration of the shing trip, photo analysts can re-
view a day's shing in under 30 min. Electronic monitoring also over-
comes other challenges of monitoring small-scale sheries, such as
space limitation for observers, security at sea in small vessels and large
eet sizes. Kindt-Larsen et al. (2012) showed electronic monitoring
could provide > 50% savings over observer programmes, although this
is likely attributed to higher wages in the study country. Financial
savings from electronic monitoring could allow for a substantial in-
crease in eet coverage compared to on-board observers. Advance-
ments in technology and decreasing costs of data storage mean elec-
tronic monitoring is likely to become an even cheaper alternative,
whilst providing more accurate data.
Our study has revealed many advantages and disadvantages of using
REM and on-board observers to monitor the catch of small-scale sh-
eries (Table 2). REM has the potential to replace or supplement on-
board observers to monitor small-scale sheries, which remain widely
unmonitored and unstudied globally (Berkes et al., 2001; Lewison et al.,
2004; Mohammed, 2003; Pauly, 2006). The potential applications of
electronic monitoring in small-scale sheries are numerous. When
combined with GPS data it can provide a powerful tool to identify
shing grounds, areas of high bycatch risk and other important data for
shery management and conservation (Gerritsen and Lordan, 2010;
Jennings and Lee, 2012; Witt and Godley, 2007). Moreover, recent
studies have identied eective bycatch mitigation technologies for
small-scale sheries (Mangel et al., 2013; Ortiz et al., 2016; Peckham
et al., 2016) and REM could supplement observer data to improve ac-
curacy, monitor their eectiveness and enforce their use. With an
appropriate regulatory or enforcement structure, REM could also be
used to monitor illegal shing practices, such as the shark nning trade
(Worm et al., 2013).
Despite its potential to improve sheries' monitoring, concerns re-
garding the eectiveness of electronic monitoring systems remain
(Association for Professional Observers, 2016). Some of these could
more easily be overcome, such as through modications to the camera
specications (e.g. frame rate), but others relate to the inherent nature
of these systems. Camera systems can be manipulated, may be poorly
maintained and are vulnerable to hidden activity outside their eld of
view. Consequently, in some cases, actions may be required to over-
come these limitations, such as installation of multiple cameras or pe-
nalties for violations.
Although the use of REM could help increase the coverage of small-
scale sheries, the vast nature of these shing eets remains a great
challenge. Peru's small-scale sheries alone are composed of nearly
10,000 vessels (Alfaro-Shigueto et al., 2010), meaning full coverage
remains unlikely. Nevertheless, REM has the potential to dramatically
advance our understanding of small-scale shery interactions with
elasmobranchs and other threatened taxa (a key research priority e.g.
Rees et al., 2016). Any method that increases the quality and quantity
of data can ultimately only help inform and improve conservation ac-
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://
We would like to thank the members of Pro Delphinus, including
Francisco Cordova and Hazel Akester, who provided assistance with
data collection and analysis. Advice on statistical analysis was provided
by Prof. Dave Hodgson, Dr. Robert Thomas and Jeremy Smith. Helpful
comments and suggestions on the manuscript were provided by the
editor and three anonymous reviewers. This project would not have
been possible without the gracious cooperation of all the shermen
(a) (b) (c)
(d) (e) (f)
Fig. 4. Several species are also caught incidentally in the
shery: (a) common dolphins (Delphinus spp.), (b) dusky
dolphin (Lagenorhynchus obscurus), (c) olive ridley turtle
(Lepidochelys olivacea), (d) leatherback turtle (Dermochelys
coriacea), (e) South American sea lion (Otaria avescens)
and (f) Humboldt penguin (Spheniscus humboldti). Images
captured using cameras developed by Shellcatch Inc. in-
stalled on the shing vessels involved in our study.
D.C. Bartholomew et al. Biological Conservation 219 (2018) 35–45
involved in this study. We are grateful to Shellcatch Inc. for developing
the camera systems and sharing the camera specications. This work
was supported by the Darwin Initiative Project EIDP0046 and the
Whitley Fund for Nature Grant 150626 CF15. David C. Bartholomew is
supported by a NERC studentship NE/L002434/1.
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Factor Cameras On-board observers
Boat coverage Dependent on eld of view and positioning of the
Whole vessel coverage
Fleet coverage Potentially high Dicult to implement on a large spatial and temporal scale
Bias Independent analyst Fishermen may not report truthfully or may change activity in the presence of
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Identication once and in real-time, unless pictures taken. Can use multiple
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Animal manipulation Angle and visual cues dependent on camera Observer can alter position to aid identication
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Re-analysis Possible Not possible, unless pictures taken
Image quality Camera resolution Human eye
Data intensity Data intensive Data non-intensive
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database. Use of apps and computer programs on-board the exception
Automation Potential for articial intelligence None
Catch per unit eort (CPUE)
Dicult to estimate net length, but soak time estimate
Human hours Low< 30 min to analyse each set High - Observer required to be onboard for duration of trip
Cost Medium High
Vessel accommodation Little space required Space to occupy an extra person on-board required
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sharks. Mar. Policy 40, 194204.
D.C. Bartholomew et al. Biological Conservation 219 (2018) 35–45
... The sensors include GPS receivers and hydraulic and drum-rotation sensors which can capture the fishing gear usage and indicate the fishing activities along with the location information. Compared to VMS, the captured information from EM can be subsequently used to monitor fishing activities that include target catch, bycatch and the use of bycatch mitigation technology (Bartholomew et al., 2018). Another form of vessel surveillance is achieved by the use of Automatic Identification Systems (AIS) to track and monitor fishing vessel activity. ...
... Both tools have advanced over the past two decades and are now providing the opportunity to improve the coverage of fisheries (Bartholomew et al., 2018) thereby providing data for a more accurate picture of fishing activities and improved data for status assessment. There is a great amount of effort being directed to automate and develop algorithms of analytical processes from these data for ordinary management activities such as catch counting (Khokher et al., 2022) or Marine Protected Area (MPA) enforcement. ...
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To ensure sustainable fisheries, many complex on-vessel activities are periodically monitored to provide data to assist the assessment of stock status and ensure fishery regulations are being met. Such monitoring is often performed manually which is an exhaustive and expensive process. Consequently, several forms of Electronic Monitoring (EM) have emerged recently and include the use of electronic monitoring using on-board video cameras and Automatic Identification System (AIS). Unfortunately, insufficient cameras, ineffective camera position or obstructions, may lead to objects or behaviours of interest not being observed. In addition, more subtle, anomalous behaviours characteristic of behaviours of interest may still be captured. With the increasing success of deep learning methods, this article identifies the scope and challenges of using state-of-the-art deep learning approaches to anomaly detection in fisheries, and in particular to automatically detect abnormal behaviours from on-board video cameras and AIS data in line with current fishing practices and regulations. This study will take us one step closer towards automatic anomaly detection frameworks that can potentially replace existing manual monitoring methods.
... These challenges will only be addressed if compulsory and permanent measures on data collection are put in place in all European coastal states. Mandatory use of electronic logbooks to report bycatch, as well as deployment of adequate monitoring programmes (onboard observers and/or Remote Electronic Monitoring) covering a representative percentage of the fleet, are necessary to address this conservation (Babcock, Pikitch, & Hudson, 2003;Bartholomew et al., 2018;Course, Pierre, & Howell, 2020). This will inevitably require an increase in the level of funding provided by national and supranational entities including to identify, develop and test effective bycatch mitigation measures. ...
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The incidental capture (bycatch) of seabirds is a global conservation issue and a top threat to European species that demands urgent conservation and management action. Here, we present the first European review of seabird bycatch data, considering all fishing gears and data collection methods available in the region. We calculate seabird bycatch numbers per species, family, country and European marine region and assess the reliability of the data available. The cumulative bycatch estimate extracted from this review suggests that about 195,000 seabirds (ranging from around 130,000 to 380,000) are bycaught in European waters annually. The most affected seabird species is the Common Guillemot Uria aalge with over 31,000 birds killed per year. The marine region with the highest bycatch estimate is the Northeast Atlantic (over 115,000 seabirds year⁻¹). Gillnet fisheries are responsible for the highest bycatch levels, with over 95,000 seabirds year⁻¹, followed by longline fisheries. The families most affected by bycatch are Anatidae and Alcidae. These numbers are likely an underestimation since we were unable to find bycatch estimates, or to extrapolate estimates from available bycatch data for 12 (out of 34) European coastal states. Our assessment also identified significant data gaps in key areas such as Gran Sol (in the north‐east Atlantic), the central and Eastern Mediterranean and the Black Sea. Combining systematic data collection with immediate implementation of mitigation measures will be crucial to fill in knowledge gaps, reduce current mortality levels and meet international conservation commitments such as those of the European Union and the Convention on Migratory Species.
... However, the coverage of observers in certain regions remains extremely low (Gilman et al., 2014). In recent years, electronic monitoring (EM) systems, which utilize cameras, GPS, and sensors, have emerged as a reliable alternative to onboard observers in some fisheries (Bartholomew et al., 2018;Kindt-Larsen et al., 2011;Ruiz et al., 2015). It is worth noting that the reliability of EM relies heavily on the proper handling and maintenance of the onboard equipment (van Helmond et al., 2020;Suuronen and Gilman, 2020). ...
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Fishing impacts the marine environment significantly, and quantifying this impact requires precise fishing effort data. This study explores the challenges associated with accurately estimating fishing effort by purse seiners and proposes a solution using records collected from real-time communication devices on fishing fleets. The estimation of fishing effort based on high-frequency GPS data can be verified with the onboard visual records. Additionally, by linking vessels within a fleet, the method utilizes information from carriers (vessels that transport fish) to enhance the estimation. Through the use of generalized additive models, this study effectively estimates the fishing effort of Japanese purse seiners, demonstrating their accuracy. Furthermore, by incorporating carrier information, models based on matched records prove to have superior predictive performance compared to those based on fishing vessel or carrier records alone. These findings lay the foundation for the potential of this approach to provide precise and cost-effective information for sustainable fishery management. The affordability of GPS devices and the common requirement of communication devices across various fleets further support the feasibility of implementing this approach.
... The availability of stable electrical power in small vessels may be limited by battery capacity when the engine is not running (van Helmond et al., 2020). Although an electronic monitoring system (EMS) that uses portable power and solar panels has been developed for small vessels (i.e., 10-12 m), only a single camera can be installed because of space limitations or vulnerability to hidden activity outside the field of view (Bartholomew et al., 2018). Moreover, in some cases, some construction is needed to avail power supply in fish auction centers because power supply is usually not available in these areas (probably to prevent short circuits due to weathering). ...
... The availability of stable electrical power in small vessels may be limited by battery capacity when the engine is not running (van Helmond et al., 2020). Although an electronic monitoring system (EMS) that uses portable power and solar panels has been developed for small vessels (i.e., 10-12 m), only a single camera can be installed because of space limitations or vulnerability to hidden activity outside the field of view (Bartholomew et al., 2018). Moreover, in some cases, some construction is needed to avail power supply in fish auction centers because power supply is usually not available in these areas (probably to prevent short circuits due to weathering). ...
... Remote electronic monitoring improves coverage of a fleet and enhances compliance around fishing activities and location 90 . It can also provide these benefits to small-scale fisheries, but it can be less effective in filling in some of the essential data gaps around bycatch and can be affected by species type and haul size (larger catches reduce accuracy) 151 . However, there is reluctance and lack of adoption owing to issues from perceived intrusion of privacy by the industry, equipment and data storage requirements, and equipment challenges in the harsh marine environment (such as corrosion) 147 . ...
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Food production data — such as crop, livestock, aquaculture and fisheries statistics — are critical to achieving multiple sustainable development goals. However, the lack of reliable, regularly collected, accessible, usable and spatially disaggregated statistics limits an accurate picture of the state of food production in many countries and prevents the implementation of effective food system interventions. In this Review, we take stock of national and international food production data to understand its availability and limitations. Across databases, there is substantial global variation in data timeliness, granularity (both spatially and by food category) and transparency. Data scarcity challenges are most pronounced for livestock and aquatic food production. These challenges are largely concentrated in Central America, the Middle East and Africa owing to a combination of inconsistent census implementation and a global reliance on self-reporting. Because data scarcity is the result of technical, institutional and political obstacles, solutions must include technological and policy innovations. Fusing traditional and emerging data-gathering techniques with coordinated governance and dedicated long-term financing will be key to overcoming current obstacles to sustained, up-to-date and accurate food production data collection, foundational in promoting and monitoring progress towards healthier and more sustainable food systems worldwide.
... Since 2016, the IATTC scientific staff has annually made a recommendation to its Members to increase ob server coverage to at least 20 % in the longline fishery, but unfortunately there has no consensus among IATTC Members to adopt this recommendation. There have been recent efforts by the IATTC to increase coverage and reduce costs of observer coverage through electronic monitoring, which would likely be an effective monitoring tool for leatherback turtles both in industrial and artisanal pelagic fisheries within the EPO (Bartholomew et al. 2018, Brown et al. 2021. ...
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Industrial tuna and artisanal fisheries targeting multiple species in the eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO) interact with the Critically Endangered East Pacific (EP) leatherback turtle Dermochelys coriacea. In 2021, a revised Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) resolution on sea turtles aimed to reduce sea turtle bycatch in EPO industrial tuna fisheries and ensure their safe handling and release. A new ecological risk assessment approach—Ecological Assessment for the Sustainable Impacts of Fisheries (EASI-Fish)—was used to assess vulnerability status and to better understand the potential efficacy of 70 scenarios that compared simulated conservation and management measures (CMMs) for EPO industrial (purse-seine and longline) and artisanal (longline and gillnet) fisheries to the status quo in 2019. In 2019, a fishing mortality proxy (F ̃ 2019) and the breeding stock biomass per recruit (BSR2019) exceeded precautionary biological reference points (F80% and BSR80%), classifying the stock as ‘most vulnerable’. Industrial and artisanal longline fisheries had the highest impacts because they had the highest areal overlap with the modelled EP leatherback distribution. Of the 70 CMM scenarios, 42 resulted in significant improvements in vulnerability status (i.e. to ‘least vulnerable’). The use of large circle hooks, finfish bait, and best handling and release practices each decreased vulnerability; however, the most effective scenarios involved using these 3 measures in concert. The benefits predicted from EASI-Fish for CMM scenarios assume full compliance and attaining the modelled levels of efficacy, our modelling provides stakeholders with evidence-based recommendations to address key threats to EP leatherback turtles to improve their conservation status by reducing fishing impacts.
... Technological developments in mobile monitoring and other geolocated devices now allow researchers to gather detailed spatiotemporal data of human interactions to test the situational social influence processes leading to individual and collective non-compliance in natural systems [16,79,80]. Videos recorded for resource management (e.g., remote electronic monitoring on fishing vessels) [81,82] or that are uploaded by resource users (e.g., catch-and-release by anglers) [83] can help researchers study in-group interactions like density, gestures, speech, or expressions of emotion [79,84]. Remote observation technologies such as drones and camera traps can also be used to gather interaction data within and between groups in conservation contexts [12,85,86]. ...
It is well established that the decisions that we make can be strongly influenced by the behaviour of others. However, testing how social influence can lead to non-compliance with conservation rules during an individual's decision-making process has received little research attention. We synthesise advances in understanding of conformity and rule-breaking in individuals and in groups, and take a situational approach to studying the social dynamics and ensuing social identity changes that can lead to non-compliant decision-making. We focus on situational social influence contagion that are copresent (i.e., same space and same time) or trace-based (i.e., behavioural traces in the same space). We then suggest approaches for testing how situational social influence can lead to certain behaviours in non-compliance with conservation rules.
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Sea turtles are an iconic group of marine megafauna that have been exposed to multiple anthropogenic threats across their different life stages, especially in the past decades. This has resulted in population declines, and consequently many sea turtle populations are now classified as threatened or endangered globally. Although some populations of sea turtles worldwide are showing early signs of recovery, many still face fundamental threats. This is problematic since sea turtles have important ecological roles. To encourage informed conservation planning and direct future research, we surveyed experts to identify the key contemporary threats (climate change, direct take, fisheries, pollution, disease, predation, and coastal and marine development) faced by sea turtles. Using the survey results and current literature, we also outline knowledge gaps in our understanding of the impact of these threats and how targeted future research, often involving emerging technologies, could close those gaps.
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In 2010, an international group of 35 sea turtle researchers refined an initial list of more than 200 research questions into 20 metaquestions that were considered key for management and conservation of sea turtles. These were classified under 5 categories: reproductive biology , biogeography, population ecology, threats and conservation strategies. To obtain a picture of how research is being focused towards these key questions, we undertook a systematic review of the peer-reviewed literature (2014 and 2015) attributing papers to the original 20 questions. In total, we reviewed 605 articles in full and from these 355 (59%) were judged to substantively address the 20 key questions, with others focusing on basic science and monitoring. Progress to answering the 20 questions was not uniform, and there were biases regarding focal turtle species, geographic scope and publication outlet. Whilst it offers some meaningful indications as to effort, quantifying peer-reviewed literature output is ob viously not the only, and possibly not the best, metric for understanding progress towards informing key conservation and management goals. Along with the literature review, an international group based on the original project consortium was assigned to critically summarise recent progress towards answering each of the 20 questions. We found that significant research is being expended towards global priorities for management and conservation of sea turtles. Although highly variable, there has been significant progress in all the key questions identified in 2010. Undertaking this critical review has highlighted that it may be timely to undertake one or more new prioritizing exercises. For this to have maximal benefit we make a range of recommendations for its execution. These include a far greater engagement with social sciences, widening the pool of contributors and focussing the questions, perhaps disaggregating ecology and conservation.
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Human activities have fundamentally altered the marine environment, creating a need for effective management in one of Earth's most challenging habitats. Remote camera imagery has emerged as an essential tool for monitoring at all scales, from individuals to populations and communities up to entire marine ecosystems. Here we review the use of remote cameras to monitor the marine environment in relation to human activity, and consider emerging and potential future applications. Rapid technological advances in equipment and analytical tools influence where, why, and how remote camera imagery can be applied. We encourage the inclusion of cameras within multi-method and multi-sensor approaches to improve our understanding of ecosystems and help manage human activities and minimize impacts.
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Cross-system studies on the response of different ecosystems to global change will support our understanding of ecological changes. Synoptic views on the planet's two main realms, the marine and terrestrial, however, are rare, owing to the development of rather disparate research communities. We combined questionnaires and a literature review to investigate how the importance of anthropogenic drivers of biodiversity change differs among marine and terrestrial systems and whether differences perceived by marine vs. terrestrial researchers are reflected by the scientific literature. This included asking marine and terrestrial researchers to rate the relevance of different drivers of global change for either marine or terrestrial biodiversity. Land use and the associated loss of natural habitats were rated as most important in the terrestrial realm, while the exploitation of the sea by fishing was rated as most important in the marine realm. The relevance of chemicals, climate change and the increasing atmospheric concentration of CO2 were rated differently for marine and terrestrial biodiversity respectively. Yet, our literature review provided less evidence for such differences leading to the conclusion that while the history of the use of land and sea differs, impacts of global change are likely to become increasingly similar.
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Small-scale fisheries provide an essential source of food and employment for coastal communities, yet the availability of detailed information on the spatiotemporal distribution of fishing effort to support resource management at a country level is scarce. Here, using a national-scale study in the Republic of Congo, we engaged with fishers from 23 of 28 small-scale fisheries landing sites along the coast to demonstrate how combining community engagement and relatively low cost Global Positioning System (GPS) trackers can rapidly provide fine-scale information on: (1) the behavioural dynamics of the fishers and fleets that operate within this sector; and (2) the location, size and attributes of important fishing grounds upon which communities are dependent. This multi-disciplinary approach should be considered within a global context where uncertainty over the behaviour of marine and terrestrial resource-users can lead to management decisions that potentially compromise local livelihoods, conservation, and resource sustainability goals. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved
There is a growing global concern for the conservation of manta and devil rays (Mobulidae). Populations of mobulids are falling worldwide and fisheries are one of the main activities contributing to this decline. Mobulid landings have been reported in Peru for decades. However, detailed information regarding the description of mobulid captures is not available. This study provides an assessment of mobulid captures and fish-market landings by small-scale gillnet fisheries from three landing sites in northern Peru. Onboard and shore-based observations were used to monitor captures and landings respectively between January 2015 and February 2016. All mobulid species known to occur in Peru were recorded from landings, with immature Mobula japanica as the most frequent catch. No manta rays (Manta birostris) were reported as caught although one specimen was observed as landed. The mean nominal CPUE was 1.6 ± 2.8 mobulids[]⁻¹ while the average capture per set (fishing operation) was 2.0 ± 8.09 mobulids[set]⁻¹. Smooth hammerhead shark (S. zygaena) and yellowfin tuna (T. albacares) were target species highly associated with mobulid captures. The majority of mobulid captures occurred in nearshore waters and over the continental shelf off Zorritos and San Jose. Mobulid capture showed a temporal trend, increasing between September 2015 and February 2016, with a peak in October 2015 (10.17 ± 0.23 mobulids[]⁻¹), reflected by landings that showed an additional peak in May. A generalized linear zero-inflated negative binomial two-part model (GLM ZINB) indicated that longitude and latitude explained both the zero-inflated binomial model, as well as the count negative binomial model, which also included season as a explanatory variable for differences in mobulid captures. The mean CPUE (mobulids[]⁻¹) and mean Variance values obtained from the fitted final model were 1.73 and 25.51, respectively. Results also suggest that high mobulid captures could reflect an opportunistic behaviour of fishermen who catch mobulids when target species are not as abundant. Considering the global conservation status of mobulids, (Manta and Mobula), and acknowledging that M. birostris was the only species not recorded captured in the study but is the only species legally protected in Peru, further studies are necessary to support the possible inclusion of Mobula species in national management plans.
Tools for performing model selection and model averaging. Automated model selection through subsetting the maximum model, with optional constraints for model inclusion. Model parameter and prediction averaging based on model weights derived from information criteria (AICc and alike) or custom model weighting schemes. [Please do not request the full text - it is an R package. The up-to-date manual is available from CRAN].