
Optimization of the combination of music education and preschool dance teaching based on multimedia

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Multimedia platform and network provide rich resources and interactive teaching mode for dance music teaching. In this paper, the author analyse the optimization of the combination of music education and preschool dance teaching based on multimedia. The application of modern technology makes the teaching methods of dance and music education shows an open feature. There are many ways of dancing teaching, which can be combined with the regional characteristics of the kindergarten. At the same time, the children can realize the diversity of knowledge and culture. Overall, the integration of music concept into preschool dance education is an effective measure to stimulate the interest of children's dance, improve their learning level and improve the quality of teaching.

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... Si la danza se integra en el ámbito educativo, tal y como reflejanVicente, Ureña, Gómez&Carrillo (2010), el alumnado desarrollará habilidadesde coordinación, perceptivo-motoras, control y conocimiento corporal, lo que le permitirá expresarse con un nuevo lenguaje de manera personal. Se acercará al mundo de la danza, así como, favorecerá su socialización e interrelación con sus iguales.Será relevante en el desarrollo intelectual, afectivo y emocional del alumnado (de Rueda & López, 2013;Fuentes, 2006;Rizo, 1996), mejorará su autoestima, obteniendo beneficios en relación a la felicidad-satisfacción (Abilleira, Fernández-Villarino, Ramallo& Prieto, 2017) y mejorará su conocimiento y diversidad cultural (Liu, 2017), en definitiva y desde el campo de la motricidad y de la salud física, mental y emocional, es una forma de estrategia para su mejora y promoción (López, Carlson, Cain, Bonilla, Chuang, Elder &Sallis, 2015). ...
... Fecha de aceptación: 27-09-18 Rosario Padial Ruz ambiente diferente de aprendizaje, permite exteriorizar sensaciones, emociones y sentimientos a través del cuerpo, es una posibilidad de aprendizaje, expresión y comunicación con sus iguales y facilita el desarrollo de los diferentes contenidos: conceptuales, procedimentales, y actitudinales (Renobell, 2009), mejora los niveles de aprendizaje del alumnado y la calidad de la enseñanza (Liu, 2017). En la escuela se puede iniciar al alumnado en distintos estilos de danza, considerando que el principal medio para trabajarlo es a través del juego, intentando que éste se divierta, se interese y se motive aprendiendo, dándole así otra alternativa para su necesidad de movimiento, de expresión y de poder mostrar sus emociones (de Rueda & López, 2013;Esteve &López,2014;Rial & Villanueva, 2016). ...
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El presente proyecto educativo, que tiene como eje central el baile flamenco, muestra una experiencia didáctica con alumnado de educación infantil, con el objetivo de utilizar el baile como recurso didáctico para el desarrollo motriz y emocional. A lo largo del proyecto se mantuvo una metodología adecuada a la edad, al contexto y al objetivo marcado desde el inicio del mismo. Se utilizaron recursos materiales tanto reciclados como los propios del aula y otros relacionados directamente con el flamenco. Los resultados muestran la posibilidad de trabajar el baile flamenco como recurso didáctico en el aula de educación infantil de manera lúdica. Por lo que se concluye que utilizar este recurso desde edades tempranas, proporciona una mejora integral del alumnado.Abstract. The present educational project, which has flamenco dance as its central axis, shows a didactic experience with pupils of early childhood education, with the aim to use dance as a didactic resource for motor and emotional development. Throughout the project, a methodology tailored to age, context, and to the objectives set at the beginning was maintained. Either recycled resources, material from the classroom, and other appliances strictly related to flamenco were employed. The results show that flamenco dance can be used effectively as a didactic ludic tool in early childhood education. Therefore, using this resource from early ages contributes to students’ integral development.
... Si la danza se integra en el ámbito educativo, tal y como reflejanVicente, Ureña, Gómez&Carrillo (2010), el alumnado desarrollará habilidadesde coordinación, perceptivo-motoras, control y conocimiento corporal, lo que le permitirá expresarse con un nuevo lenguaje de manera personal. Se acercará al mundo de la danza, así como, favorecerá su socialización e interrelación con sus iguales.Será relevante en el desarrollo intelectual, afectivo y emocional del alumnado (de Rueda & López, 2013;Fuentes, 2006;Rizo, 1996), mejorará su autoestima, obteniendo beneficios en relación a la felicidad-satisfacción (Abilleira, Fernández-Villarino, Ramallo& Prieto, 2017) y mejorará su conocimiento y diversidad cultural (Liu, 2017), en definitiva y desde el campo de la motricidad y de la salud física, mental y emocional, es una forma de estrategia para su mejora y promoción (López, Carlson, Cain, Bonilla, Chuang, Elder &Sallis, 2015). ...
... Fecha de aceptación: 27-09-18 Rosario Padial Ruz ambiente diferente de aprendizaje, permite exteriorizar sensaciones, emociones y sentimientos a través del cuerpo, es una posibilidad de aprendizaje, expresión y comunicación con sus iguales y facilita el desarrollo de los diferentes contenidos: conceptuales, procedimentales, y actitudinales (Renobell, 2009), mejora los niveles de aprendizaje del alumnado y la calidad de la enseñanza (Liu, 2017). En la escuela se puede iniciar al alumnado en distintos estilos de danza, considerando que el principal medio para trabajarlo es a través del juego, intentando que éste se divierta, se interese y se motive aprendiendo, dándole así otra alternativa para su necesidad de movimiento, de expresión y de poder mostrar sus emociones (de Rueda & López, 2013;Esteve &López,2014;Rial & Villanueva, 2016). ...
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The present educational project, which has flamenco dance as its central axis, shows a didactic experience with pupils of early childhood education, with the aim to use dance as a didactic resource for motor and emotional development. Throughout the project, a methodology tailored to age, context, and to the objectives set at the beginning was maintained. Either recycled resources, material from the classroom, and other appliances strictly related to flamenco were employed. The results show that flamenco dance can be used effectively as a didactic ludic tool in early childhood education. Therefore, using this resource from early ages contributes to students' integral development. © Copyright: Federación Española de Asociaciones de Docentes de Educación Física (FEADEF)
... Literature [14] argues that dance teachers can start from the perspective of aesthetic value when evaluating students' competence so that the dance has both power and beauty, and the beat of music and dance is strictly controlled so that the dance and music are perfectly integrated. Literature [15] analyzed the optimization of the combination of multimedia-based music education and early childhood dance teaching, combined with regional characteristics. The integration of music concepts into early childhood dance education is an effective measure to stimulate the interest of young children in dance, improve the level of young children's learning, and improve the quality of teaching. ...
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This paper utilizes MPEG4 technology to design an interactive multimedia system and applies the system to instruct young children’s dance movements and techniques in their dance learning. The implementation process of the system is to use a multi-layer neural network to establish a coarse estimation method of dance posture, and then through the root node deep regression network to deeply estimate and analyze the 2D posture of young children in the process of dance. Finally, the multi-feature fusion module is used to fuse the skeletal points and key point features of the body to analyze the 3D posture of young children during the dance. After testing the recognition effect of the system and analyzing the application effect of the interactive multimedia system, the overall movement completion time of the spiral dance in the experimental group was significantly reduced, and the time required for the rotational movement in the dance was also reduced from the initial 1.22 s to 0.899 s. There were significant differences in the levels of artistic creativity in all dimensions of artistic creativity before and after the application of the interactive multimedia system (P<0.05). This paper provides a reference method for improving the ability of young children to dance and cultivate artistic creativity. Also, it lays the foundation for the educational application of interactive multimedia systems.
... Jin, Y. et al. added virtual environment technology to dance teaching, which effectively stimulated students' interest in dance learning and promoted the progress of students' dance performance [14]. Liu, J. for multimedia and Internet technology combination of music and dance to carry out the form of all-round analysis, pointed out that the form of teaching with interactivity and diversity, to a certain extent, promotes the improvement of the quality of student teaching [15]. Zeng, S. et al. explored the effects of a system for assessing students' dance ability from an aesthetic perspective vision and described the phenomenon of cooperation and interaction between dance and music [16]. ...
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The continuous development of artificial intelligence has brought new exploration paths and ideas for the teaching field, however, the current application and research of motion capture technology in college dance teaching mode is less. In this study, the human body and the appearance model are modeled in three dimensions: the simulated annealing particle swarm algorithm is used to optimize the human body modeling posture. Then, the feature vector matching algorithm is used to capture the human body’s movement posture, construct the college dance teaching mode, and carry out practical application. According to the study, the capture effect of the five movements in the dance teaching classroom video clip is between 0.865 and 0.945, and each movement is recognized with an accuracy of above 95%. After using this model, it was concluded by analyzing the effect of dance teaching that the number of excellent grades in the experimental group was 2 more than that in the control group, and the number of good grades was 2 more than that in the control group. This study provides a new development path for dance teaching in colleges and universities.
... Literature [21] uses a multimedia network platform to combine music education and preschool dance teaching, which provides richer resources for dance teaching and promotes more interactive dance teaching, and the integration of music education into preschool dance education can effectively stimulate young children's interest in dance and enhance their learning level. Literature [22] based on multimedia and computer technology for dance teaching reform shows that in the process of dance teaching, teachers need to pay attention to the changes in students' dance movements with the music to help students control the rhythm of the dance, and fully express the artistic meaning of the dance. ...
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Integrating the traditional dance system into the university dance performance course helps optimize the dance performance mode of college students, better cultivate students’ dance disciplinary literacy, and realize the innovative development of the traditional dance system. This paper firstly integrates the traditional dance system into the design framework of teaching resources of university dance performance courses. It constructs a unit-type dance performance teaching mode by combining the characteristics of the traditional dance system. Secondly, taking University Z of City B as the research object, the teaching comparison method is used to verify its teaching effect, the threshold regression model is introduced to explore the influencing factors of the dance performance course, and the parameters of the model are estimated by the least squares method. Finally, the data were used to quantitatively compare the students’ pre- and post-test scores of the modular dance performance teaching, and the threshold regression model of the dance performance course was subjected to benchmark regression and robustness test. The results showed that the experimental group’s mean value of mastery of traditional dance movements reached 87.53±7.05 points, a 31.98% improvement over the control group’s performance. The existence of single and double thresholds of policy prerequisites and subject selectivity on the level of university dance performance course design can realize the integration of traditional dance system and university dance performance course design, and provide a new way to innovate dance movements.
... Adhering to principles of consistency, systematic learning, and accessibility for diverse groups of students leads to the development of these skills. Interactive learning fosters a comfortable learning environment for students, which allows for material review and feedback (Liu, 2017). ...
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Music contributes to the expansion of the outlook, memory training, and the development of children’s creative abilities. The main objective of the work is to determine the effectiveness of music education for preschool children through the use of modern technologies aimed at the development of the memory of students, taking into account the relationship between parents and teachers. The study relied on the methods of analysis and comparison, which contributed to the development of approaches to teaching preschoolers. The learning mechanisms were based on the development of musical hearing, sense of rhythm, technical aspects, and speech clarity. To implement the training, GNU Solfege, MUSIQUEST, LOOPIMAL, and Penxy were used. The study determined the preschoolers’ performance in Experimental Group 1 (EG1) (with parental involvement) and Experimental Group 2 (EG2) (without parental involvement). The findings suggested that 46% of members in EG1 and 12% of members in EG2 obtained strong knowledge after three months of study. After six months, the number of students with proficient knowledge increased to 83% and 21%, respectively. The increase in performance is associated with the development of practical skills, memorization of information, and the narrow focus of the used online learning applications. It was found that the training influenced the development of long-term memory in preschoolers of EG1 (0.98) and the development of short-term memory in students of EG2 (0.97). The paper’s practical implications are attributed to identifying the need for the implementation of preschool music education and the use of modern online music technology.
... To analyze the factors affecting the quality of dance teaching, the literature [12] improved the evaluation index system of physical dance teaching quality by analyzing the theory of physical dance teaching quality. The literature [13] combined multimedia platforms and music education to build an interactive teaching model combining music education and dance teaching so that the teaching method of dance music education presents open characteristics, and the music concept is integrated into the dance education of young children to improve the quality of dance teaching. The literature [14] established a regression model as well as a neural network prediction model with the dance participants to form the quality index as the dependent variable and special performance as the dependent variable and showed through testing that the model constructed by the neural network was more accurate than the regression model in predicting the level of dance performance and physical quality development. ...
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In this paper, the dance teaching digitization process and virtual character dance movement dataset are designed, combined with the Vicon motion capture system, neural network fusion shape technology and dance movement recognition algorithm to realize dance teaching digitization. The traditional K-modes algorithm is improved from three aspects: determining the number of clustering families, the determination of the initial clustering center, and the clustering distance metric to construct a digital dance teaching quality evaluation model. After the application analysis, it was concluded that the difference between the students of the experimental group and the students of the conventional group of dance movements was P<0.05, and the learning situation of the experimental group showed an upward trend, the learning enthusiasm increased by 0.21, the learning efficiency increased by 0.23, and the clustering index were higher than 0.9. Dance teaching based on digital technology can improve the quality and effect of the teaching.
... The development of students' comprehensive literacy has also become content in the teaching of dance creation in colleges and universities, and dance learning not only makes students' bodies more perfect but also requires dancers to be able to realize the function of emotional expression through body language [4][5]. The connotation of dance choreography is that the choreographer the various body movements through refinement, organization, development and coordination in order to express the unique form of dance, so as to express the theme of the work of thought and emotion [6][7][8]. More and more colleges and universities are beginning to pay attention to the cultivation of students' comprehensive literacy, and when training dance students, we should focus on improving their choreographic ability, which not only helps to cultivate more applied and high-quality dance talents. ...
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This paper establishes a model for teaching dance innovation in colleges and universities based on big data. Using a clustering algorithm to obtain the characteristics of dance teaching using affiliation assignment calculation to maximize the fuzzy indicators, the dance innovation teaching indicators are divided to improve the assessment accuracy. The optimization of dance teaching assessment indicators is normalized to complete the data processing and clustering in the teaching system and combined with the user preference to divide the student group based on similar characteristics. The results show that 45.00% of the student’s performance ability of physical balance is excellent, and the dance teaching classroom question score is 93. Big data technology can effectively integrate and categorize the existing dance teaching resources in colleges and universities, thus improving the quality of dance teaching.
... The main principles and requirements of curriculum design were developed for the country music education pedagogical theory, including the principles of interest, practicality, and operability, to ensure that the curriculum could eventually be applied and implemented effectively. The target audience, teaching implementation tools and curriculum environment are analyzed, and the main objectives of the curriculum are determined [16][17][18][19]. According to the cognitive development characteristics of students, a framework of teaching contents of the AI course containing three levels of knowledge is constructed, and the main teaching contents of each lesson are determined. ...
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This paper analyzes the elements of music curriculum based on artificial intelligence, reveals the nature of weighted linear regression through the nature of the weight function, and establishes a rural music education model using the weighted least squares method. According to the numerical characteristics of multidimensional random vectors, given multidimensional random vectors, the data set of the music teaching platform is set as the country music education indicator using the coordinate coefficient number vectors of each dimension of teaching. It was found that the passing rate of learning ability in the rural music education interactive teaching platform was as high as 97%, and schools should make full use of artificial intelligence technology to promote the better application of the interactive teaching platform in music online education and provide an effective way for rural primary and secondary school music education.
... Ferreira et al. through intelligent and realtime generation of personalized scoring report, it can help students solve the difficulties in dance training, correct the training deviation, and make up for the blind spot of action training, so as to fully stimulate their enthusiasm for independent learning and training vitality, help students form the dynamic shaping of dance skills and improve the common teaching efficiency of teachers and students [17]. Liu proposed that in the process of students performing dance, the teacher should take pictures with a camera, then feed back to the students to watch together, and analyze the students' expression, dance posture, movement, and modeling, so that the teacher can clearly understand the advantages and disadvantages existing in teaching and more clearly grasp the problems existing in students' training [18]. Jin proposed that the multimedia technology of dance has greatly improved the creativity of dance specialty. ...
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As a body movement art, dance has its special form of expression. In terms of dance vocabulary, it can be roughly divided into two parts: external body movement and internal modality. In the process of body movement, it conveys information through silent language and the audience directly feels the information given by the dance image through vision. This is the special way of expressing emotion and meaning in dance art. This paper combines artificial intelligence technology and BP neural network (BPNN) algorithm to intelligently control dance teaching and solve complex nonlinear control problems. This paper studies dance teaching based on artificial intelligence technology. In this paper, BPNN algorithm and PCA-BPNN algorithm are used to test the dance teaching training of dance language, dance music, and stage art. The average accuracy of the BPNN evaluation model is 85.35% when the time reaches 80, while the average accuracy of the PCA-BPNN evaluation model is 65.64%. This shows that the accuracy of the BPNN evaluation model is higher than that of the PCA-BPNN evaluation model. Under the artificial intelligence technology, the dance using BPNN algorithm brings more intense sensory stimulation to the viewer because of the accompaniment of music, so as to achieve the infection and enjoyment of beauty and achieve the harmonious unity of sports and art.
... Under the influence of the rapid development of modern educational technology, coupled with the continuous deepening of applied linguistics research, computers and networks have begun to enter the field of education on a large scale, and the traditional classroom teaching concepts and the main teachers' bodies have undergone tremendous changes [1][2] . Many local universities have begun to use multimedia to help teach English [3][4]. ...
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The rapid development of information technology has brought opportunities and challenges to English teaching. Online teaching has become a trend in language teaching, and it is also the core of the ongoing reform of English teaching. It not only changes the traditional English classroom thinking and teaching methods, but also changes the students’ learning environment and learning methods. At present, many experts and scholars at home and abroad have conducted research on the teaching activities of English network. Researchers have also put in a lot of effort and research to study how to use online platforms to help teach English. This article focuses on the study of multimedia-assisted English teaching in higher vocational education based on the Internet. First, it uses the literature research method to explain the problems in multimedia-assisted English teaching in higher vocational education, then puts forward some relevant suggestions for improvement, and finally uses the questionnaire method to analyze the multimedia A survey on the status quo of English teaching in higher vocational colleges was conducted. The results of the survey showed that the multimedia construction in schools is still good at this stage. Among them, computer equipment accounts for the most, reaching about 39%, and then the slide projector, accounting for about 32%. Regarding whether multimedia teaching can replace traditional teaching, 55% of teachers think that it can be partially replaced, and 31% of teachers think that the two should be combined.
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