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A Review on Indonesian Fishermen Prosperity in the Coastal Area



Fishermen poverty is multi-dimensional problems. Since the fishermen income always under regional minimum wage. Inversely with position of Indonesia that become the world third largest in fishing production. At the same time, Indonesian fisheries are under threat due to degradation of marine ecosystem and overfishing. Therefore, enhancing the massive production is not a solution to solve all problems. The main purpose of this paper is collecting the view of researchers related to the causes and solutions as poverty alleviation. The poverty alleviations can be started with improvement in fish catching and processing, transparent and environmental friendly, increasing fishermen’s ability, and good management of assets.
A Review on Indonesian Fishermen Prosperity in the Coastal Area
Danang CAHYAGI1,a*, Raja Oloan Saut GURNING1,b
1Department of Marine Engineering, Marine Technology Faculty, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh
Nopember Surabaya, Jl. Arief Rahman Hakim, Surabaya 60111 Indonesia,
*corresponding author
Keywords: Fishermen, prosperity, poverty, resources, management.
Abstract. Fishermen poverty is multi-dimensional problems. Since the fishermen income always
under regional minimum wage. Inversely with position of Indonesia that become the world third
largest in fishing production. At the same time, Indonesian fisheries are under threat due to
degradation of marine ecosystem and overfishing. Therefore, enhancing the massive production is
not a solution to solve all problems. The main purpose of this paper is collecting the view of
researchers related to the causes and solutions as poverty alleviation. The poverty alleviations can
be started with improvement in fish catching and processing, transparent and environmental
friendly, increasing fishermen’s ability, and good management of assets.
Indonesia is a rich country in marine resources as well as access to water territory islands that
easily lead to the development of the fishing industry. It is followed by position of Indonesia that
became third largest in fish production, after China and Peru [1]. When global catches are declining,
the fisheries sector in Indonesia was recorded in a steady increase since 1950 to 2010. The
goverment has been targeting 22.39 million tons production increase. This target will drive
Indonesia become the world largest fish producer [2].
However, high fisheries production is not followed by prosperity of fishermen. In last decade,
fishermen’s incomes always under regional minimum wage. In 1996/1997, fishermen incomes are
Rp 82.000 - Rp 200.000 per month from minimum regional wage Rp 380.000 per month [3]. In
2013, average income of fishermen is only about Rp 561.000 per month [4] from Rp 860.000 (taken
from the minimum regional wage in same year) [5]. Fishermen poverty is not only based on wage,
but also difficulty on getting the fuel, bait, and fishing gear. At the same time, Indonesian fisheries
are under threats due to the degradation of marine ecosystem and overfishing. According to the
research in 2012, Indonesia is the most vulnerable destroyed indicated by reefs management,
fisheries, and food compared with other 27 countries [6]. Thus, enhancing massive fishing
production is not a solution to solve all problems.
The phenomenon of poverty in Indonesia as previously described implies the birth of various
poverty programs including poverty alleviation program in urban, rural, and coastal [7]. The
policies that have been issued give an impact on the elements of society.
The problem of fisherman poverty has become a concern by government, researchers, and
media. They provided views in order to face the problems of fishermen poverty with several
solutions. In this paper, we collect and analyze many publications related to welfare of fishermen.
This review aims to determine the problems and solutions in fishermen life. The results of the
literature review have been compiled, linked by problems, and analyzed to give fishermen
prosperity solution options.
Applied Mechanics and Materials Submitted: 2017-02-10
ISSN: 1662-7482, Vol. 874, pp 3-9 Revised: 2017-08-28
doi:10.4028/ Accepted: 2017-09-12
© 2018 Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland
Previous Research
Some research on improving the welfare of fishermen has been conducted in several regions in
Indonesia. The study was adapted to the problems encountered in certain areas. The research in
each region has different cases. For example, we reviewed the research conducted in Demak,
Semarang, and Pati [8-11]. The problems faced in these regional is related to the fishermen income.
From this research it is found that poverty of fishermen is connected to several variables. These
variables are demographic variables, socio-cultural variables, and socio-economic variables.
At East Java, research was based on overfishing problems by survey method. The objective was
to get the dominant factor of fisherman poverty related to overfishing. The results showed that there
are fifteen related factors causing poverty in eastern Java. Three of them are fishing territory,
fishing gear, and fishing behavior [8].
Research in West Sumatra was based on issues of action and behavior of fishermen [9]. The
underlying poverty of fishermen in West Sumatra is the belief of solutions absence for increase
welfare. Hence the fishermen lose motivation and choose to surrender with the poverty. The
complexity that occurs makes the poverty allevation become difficult. A good plan is needed to
overcome poverty that not only be reached, but also sustainable.
As other poverty alleviation sollutions, some literature makes several solusion. The first, people
and women as a role model to facing the poverty related to provision of nutritious food [10-11]. The
second, involve the community as a poverty alleviation strategy with combining fishing and non-
fishing jobs is required as fishermen additional income [12]. Furthermore, policies development
research conducted to determine the impact felt by the fishing community [13-14], and economy
enhancing for fisheries with a study about cooperation revitalizaion [15]. Research conducted in
each region has its own specification. The diversity of problems is based on the state of society.
Result and Analysis: Prosperity Mater
1) Challange of Government Rule
In 2001-2005, fishing permit was directed to bilateral agreement. In this period, Indonesia
received allocations of foreign vessels from China, Philippines, and Thailand. In 2005 - 2010,
development of national fishing industries changed. Fishing license scheme return to the integrated
fishery business program, which foreign fishing vessels permits are closed and ex-foreign vessel
import are opened. In 2010-2014, the development was emphasized in integrated fishing industries.
Government gives procurement opportunities for vessels over 300 GT and requires a legal business
entity [16].
On the implementation, national fishing industries faced the foreign vessel ownership problem.
Based on audit in 2013, 1.132 units of ex-foreign fishing vessels in 33 ports, and 187 companies
ownership doesn’t have license. The ship came from China (347 ships) Thailand (280 vessels),
Taiwan (216 vessels), Japan (104 vessels), and the Philippines (98 vessels). Government also found
the practice of slavery, document falsification, and money laundering. In 2015, foreign funded for
fisheries are fully closed [16].
Regulation of restriction on trawl and seins nets are applied due to reduce marine destruction.
Trawl and seinse net are used to catch demersal fish, and give the largest result. Trawling and seine
nets are considered as the cause of marine ecosystems damage. Since scours impact on reefs and
seabed, and the resulting in a decrease in number of fish stock [17]. Therefore, the government
issued a ban for trawl and seinse net. However, enforcement of these regulations has an impact on
the activities of fishermen, particularly those along the northern coast of Java. Because trawl and
seine nets are major gear used by fishermen in Java [16].
2) Analysis of poverty and family income
Research on poverty and fisherman income is conducted in Central Java. There are several
variables that affect the poverty of fishermen such as demographic, sociocultural, and socio-
economic. From each variable, the effect on fisherman poverty known by survey and statistical
methods [18-19]. As result, the the literature gives some aspect that influence over poverty of
4 Marine Systems and Technologies
fisherman. They are age, education level, experience, vessel ownership, assets of fishing gear,
assets outside of fisher's activities, lack of understanding about cooperatives, and lack of
understanding of the process of selling fish to collectors. The dominating aspects as the cause of
fisherman poverty are the experiences of fishermen, the number of family members working, the
fishing technology, and the behavior of fishermen who took the reefs.
Experience as fishermen (directly or indirectly) gives effect to the result of fishing. The longer
experience, the greater revenue earned. The occasion of productive family members also influence
to income. Fishing activities using different technologies can affect to production. Since the
appliance of the new technology can improve the resources capacity and management [20-21].
3) Actions and behaviors
Research on aspects and behavior of poverty is conducted in West Sumatra [9]. The research
objection is to find the causes of fisherman poverty related to the characteristics of fishermen's life.
As the result, poverty of fishermen is a very complex problem. Poverty cycle began from welfare
difference between workers and ship-owner. Since the ship owner has a high income because they
have higher initial investment. Low income for the crew will create the beginning of poverty.
The fishermen income depends on the number of fish-out. At peak fishing period, fishermen's
income became higher. In this period, people usually use their income for paying the debt when
lack fishing period. This cycle continues and fishermen do not have a chance to save or simply
improve the financial system. The behaviors of fishermen who take the reefs also give the negatife
impact to themselves. Coral reef theft gives the damage for fish habitat and reduce future fish stock
The complexity of poverty then affects the psychological condition of fishermen. The profession
as a fisherman is regarded as a profession identical with poverty. Fishermen choose to surrender and
accept the situation. Nevertheless, the fishermen do not give up and continue their fishing activities.
4) Fishermen ability in fishing and management
Most of coastal societies who have jobs as fishermen do not assume it as the job they want. They
choose it because they do not have any other skills. Coast is considered as an opportunity to
increase revenue since the coast is close distance from home. For the old people, fisherman was
taken because they wanted to spend remaining power to help family income. For young fishermen
(dropouts form school), the profession as a fisherman was taken because of the economic
difficulties [9]. Fishing skills are obtained by self-taught with experience. It takes a long time for
someone to become an expert as a fisherman. When someone is an expert on fishing, most of them
have passed productive age.
The lack of ability to manage revenue is also one of the causes poverty cycle. Fishermen are a
profession with non-fixed income. The conditions require people to actively manage their finances
in order to survive in difficult period as well as fulfilled family needs. The ability of a non-fixed
revenue management should be owned by fishermen.
5) Overfishing and Destructive Fishing
The quantity of fisheries product in the last decade decreased drastically. In 2000, the
contribution of fisheries based on national fisheries production reached 80.58 percent. In 2012, it
contributed 37.75 percent only. The decline in the contribution of fisheries product presumes
because of overfishing impact in national fishing territory. In fact, since 2010, fisheries production
(5.4 million tons per year) is above of the total allowable catch (5.22 million tons per year) [22].
Trawling and seine nets are considered as the cause of marine ecosystems damage. Since scours
impact on reefs and seabed, and the resulting in a decrease in number of fish stock.
6) Recent supply chain
Fishermen revenue is relied on distribution and production quantities. At peak period, fish prices
are decreasing. At lack of production period, the fish price tends to be higher. The dependency price
of fish to market conditions affects the fishermen revenue. Fishermen positions who want to fish
sold immediately urged them to follow the market price [23]. Therefore, although fish catches during
the peak period are abundant, the income received by fishermen tends to have no significant effect.
Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 874 5
Fish that has a rotten nature. Therefore, excessive fish supply is avoided. This resulted in the
chance of unsold and damaged fish becoming higher. One of the many alternatives to be done today
is the process of salted fish. The salted fish will have longer lasting strength. Nevertheless, the price
of salted fish will be very low compared to fresh fish. Fishermen should catch more fish to earn the
same income. Overfishing will also contribute to overfishing. Some areas in Indonesia that do the
process of salted fish are Tegal, Makasar, and Tanjungpinang [23].
Finding and Solution
Based on literature review, there are several solutions by researchers achieve fishermen
prosperity. Such as strengthening government rule, increasing fishermen fishing ability, increasing
fishermen management ability, combining fishing and non-fishing jobs, occasion of women role,
and supply chain refinement. Review on solution for Indonesian fishermen prosperity in the coastal
area is shown in Fig. 1.
Review on fishermen poverty
solution Increase Fishermen’s
Management Ability
Government Rule
Future Supply Chain
Women Role
Combining Fishing
and Non-fishing Jobs
Increase Fishermen’s
Fishing Ability
Increase production
Increase fish
processing industry
Decrease foreign
Decrease over and
destructive fishing
Green Fishing
Skill Improvement
Determination of the
number of users and
environment capacity
Reinforcement and
development of
coastal communities
Net repair services
Engine repair services
Wood worker
Construction workers
Optimization of labor
in the family
Appropriate savings
Development of
fishing cooperatives
Insurance for
productive activities
to increase income
maintain nutrition and
family health
provide quality
financial management
Cold chain system
Capacity information
Market system
Cold storage as price
Figure 1. Review on solution for Indonesian fishermen prosperity in the coastal area.
1) Positive Impact of Government Rule
It should be admitted that the policy of fishing industry gives new opportunities. In the fourth
quarter of 2014, the production capacities of the national fishing industry have 5,78 percent positive
growth compared to the previous quarter. At the same time, central bureau of statistic said the
export volume in November is lower than the previous month from 84,42 thousand tons to
77,27 thousand tons, and imports also decrease from 12,42 thousand tons to 8,92 thousand ton.
From these facts, some see indicate the increasing of the national fish processing ratio. The decline
in the number of foreign ships by 48,5 percent of the data recorded prior to the moratorium also
gives the opportunities for local fishermen due to strenght foreign fishermen reduction [22].
The government policies that are directly related to the solution of economic problems are
cooperation (koperasi). Cooperation is not only capable of prospering workers and other
economically weak groups, but also managed to build a productive and harmonious relationship
6 Marine Systems and Technologies
between the weak economy and strong economic group. In Indonesia, the cooperation has been
present since 1912 in Tegal, and in 1947 established the Gabungan Pusat Koperasi Perikanan
Indonesia (GKPI) with the aim for improving the fishermen life, and increasing the production of
fisheries for the benefit of the Indonesian people. Despite the development GKPI facing many
problems, Indonesian cooperation are able to contribute to the fishermen to give credit, and the
purchase of fishery products at competitive prices. Revitalization of the cooperative is one good
solution in strengthening the economic development of fisheries. Revitalization should be started
with strengthening the quality of human resources, clean management, capitals refinement, good
relationship with corporation, get closer to the fishing community, and get government support [15].
In recent years, the government issued a special scheme to improve the fishery system. They are
the development of tuna resource management, and the development of national fish logistics
management. The development of tuna resource management is done by revising the structure of
the fishery management system, identification of responsibility and capacity, and strengthening the
role of community fishing organizations. Development in trade is done by making national fish
logistics system. National fish logistics system consists of procurement, storage, transportation, and
distribution. This policy is expected to ensure the availability, affordability and sustainability of
national fisheries [24].
2) Increasing fishermen’s fishing ability
Improving fisherman's ability can be achieved by the process of socialization of fishery
technology, fleet, fishing gear, and fishery logistics. Improvement aims to enable fishermen to
utilize the potential of resources optimally. Training through awareness-raising forums / kinship
among fishermen communities. The training is not only done to improve the capability of fishermen
in the field of fishing gear, but also on the quality of trading system to improve the access of
marketing locally and regionally. Training was also accompanied by provision support [25-26].
3) Increasing fishermen’s management ability
The fishermen’s income tends to fluctuate widely and depends on the nature. While bad wave
season, it is not possible for small vessel for fishing. During this period, the fishermen are advised
to find alternative revenue [19]. Fishermen also perform optimization strategies in household labor.
Their son involves in fishing activity and maintaining fishing gear, while daughter and wife can
help with selling vegetable [11]. Increased fishermen management capability can be through routine
socialization. Fishermen are given the knowledge to manage their finances and adjust to certain
conditions or seasons. Benefit of cooperation should be a consideration for the balance of revenue
in certain period [15].
4) Combining fishing and non-fishing jobs
Livelihood as a fisherman is depends on weather and sea conditions. In these conditions
fishermen fishermen have difficulty getting satisfactory income. The cessation of fishing activities
with various causes can be filled with various useful alternative activities and can provide additional
income for fishermen. For example, fishermen can repair their own motorboats without bringing
them to the service shop, fishermen can do fish farming and sell them to the market. Fishermen can
also switch professions as farmers, motorcycle taxi drivers, and construction laborers. Alternative
income suggestions also have challenges, due to limited employment, capital, and location [12].
5) Occasion Women role
Women contribution in coastal activity is providing to increase revenue and improving nutrition
and health of fishermen's families. Development of women's empowerment is an integral part of
national development. Based on human resources, the ability of qualified women is indispensable.
Qualified human resources are the key to national productivity and for strengthening the nation's
competitiveness in social and economy. Women in fishermen family can contribute for additional
income. The common products that can be produced by women in coastal society are meatballs,
nuggets, and fish chip. The product is used for family dishes, or available for sale. This was
conducted in Tambak lorok, Semarang. Fish chips are produced on a daily basis with 1.5 kg fish can
be obtained a profit of Rp 1,750,000 / month [10].
Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 874 7
6) Future supply chain refinement
Supply chain refinement can be started with adding cold chain system in fisheries distribution.
This system reduced decreasing of products quality due to transportation and storage. The addition
of cold storage in the distribution system can control the fluctuating fish price. At the peak fishing
period, some fish will be kept in cold storage and sale when lack fishing period. This scheme needs
to be supported by the implementation of information systems related to the availability of product
in market, and price [23].
Based on literature review, there are several problems and solution about poverty in coastal
community. Poverty in coastal community is caused by lack of income, actions and behaviors,
fishermen ability, overfishing and destructive fishing, and unmanageable supply chain. In order to
solve the problems, Indonesian fisheries needs solution for productivity, maintaining fisheries
resources, as well as capable of maintaining the fishermen welfare. There are recommended
solution by researchers such as strengthening government rule, increasing fishermen’s fishing
ability, increasing fishermen’s management ability, combining fishing and non-fishing jobs,
occasion of women role, and supply chain refinement. Strengthening government policy is aimed to
maintain fisheries resources and national sovereignty, as well as cooperation management to ensure
the economic development of fishermen. Increasing fishermen’s fishing ability will improve
competitiveness and provide knowledge about the productive and environmental friendly fishing.
The purpose of increasing fishermen’s management ability and combining fishing and non-fishing
jobs is give fishermen plan how to manage their asset both peak and lack fishing period. The
occasion of women role is aimed to give additional revenue to support main fishing activity and
assure fishermen family viability. Refinement of fishing supply chain will maintain product quality
and price. This recommendation might be a consideration for all stakeholders such as fishermen,
ship-owner, cooperation, corporation, port authority, and government in order to keep good
interaction and relationship for better management and prosperity actualization.
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Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 874 9
... Indonesia employs over 7 million people in the fisheries sector and is the second largest producer of fish worldwide [4]. Fishers and fishing communities, however, tend to occupy the lowest economic strata and are thus vulnerable to fluctuations in supply and demand [5][6][7]. Government data indicate that Indonesia faces the greatest decline in marine fisheries as a result of climate change compared to other nations, with a potential decrease in catch of 20% in the next three decades [8]. Ironically, evidence of this shift has become increasingly apparent since Indonesia's post-independence efforts to expand fish production capacity during the late 1960s [9]. ...
Fishing is vital to millions of people in Southeast Asia. Overfishing along with climate-induced stressors have presented significant challenges to managers. Solutions for fisheries management in the region, however, tend to narrowly focus on production and catch restrictions despite the importance of local economies and relationships. For example, the role of networks known as patron-client systems are understood by scholars and local populations as important drivers of fisheries exploitation in Indonesia, but policy is rarely directed at them. Here, we perform value chain analysis to better understand the socioeconomic factors that mediate fish catch, distribution, and governance outcomes in an Indonesian fishing community. The community’s social context spurred the following research questions: i) In what ways does the regional fish trading system influence fisheries value chains; and ii) How does the current structure of trade align with fisheries and fishing actors on the island? Survey-based fieldwork collected data on species composition, revenue, and buyer/seller relationships from the point of catch to sale. These results showed that patrons earn disproportionate trading benefits compared to fishing clients, including higher revenues, bargaining power, and flexibility from their central position as lenders. Findings also revealed a strong connection between pelagic-based fishing crews and the wider market system, which mediates the trade of fish off-island. Given the links between trading hierarchies and fish flows in our study, we argue that efforts to enhance fisheries governance would be most effective if introduced through off-island auctioneers since they have significant power in controlling fish catch and distribution.
... Most of the small-scale fishers fall into the high level of poverty category. According to Cahagi D and Gurning R [22] study, 22 percent of the coastal village's population rely on fisheries for their main source of income. However, the average fisher income was lower compared to the provincial minimum wage, which was around 65 percent in 2013. ...
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The Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management Program (COREMAP) is a marine conservation program providing capacity building for fishers and villagers, including training in business management, creating alternative livelihoods, and programs in marine resource management. This study evaluates the impact of the program by applying a quasi-experimental design using propensity score matching (PSM). The program outcomes are compared between people in COREMAP areas with control areas and COREMAP beneficiaries with non-beneficiaries. A survey of 684 households was conducted across the six districts in Eastern Indonesia. The results show positive livelihood impacts of COREMAP on coastal communities. In particular, beneficiaries are better off than non-beneficiaries concerning income from alternative livelihood sources and overall household income. The focus of livelihood support in reducing pressure on coastal resources appears to be an effective strategy. The management community unit plays a vital role in conserving coastal and marine resources within the project sites. Hence, there is much incentive for continuing such COREMAP’s initiatives. Keywords: Marine conservation; COREMAP; Propensity score matching; Livelihood impact; Indonesia.
... Budget allocation includes several considerations, one of them is where the capital investment that is used for equipment purchasing, repairment, replacement or conversion comes from. Is it from their own capital or having loan from the bank, this definitely affects the financial sustainability of this research [5][6][7][8][9]. ...
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KM. Mina Jaya Niaga is an asset that belongs to PT. IKI (Industri Kapal Indonesia) as one of Indonesian State-Owned Enterprises according to Letter of Directorate General of Treasury Ministry of Finance Republic of Indonesia. There are 14 ships unit that completed and 17 ships set unit, 2 units operated by PT. Perinus, 8 units are heavy damage and 4 units operated with minor repair. Therefore, it need immediate decision to tackle the problems. To optimized the operational, KM Mina Jaya Niaga would be operated as a conversion from longliner to fish carrier. This study covers economic analysis based on operational pattern of KM Mina Jaya Niaga as fish carrier. It will be operated on WPP-RI 716 with home based port at Bitung. It will accommodate fish that obtained from fishing vessels of with 50 GT on 4 fishing ground with estimated time for 1 voyage 18,92 hours, loading-unloading at Bitung 1 day, and time to berth at port 4 days. So, operational is 6 days. Variable financing scenarios are performed to repair, modify and re-operate KM Mina Jaya Niaga as a fish carrier ship. Among them are self-funded by PT IKI as the owner of the vessel or joint funding with several parties. If viewed from an economic point of view, the conversion of KM Mina Jaya Niaga from longliner ship to fish carrier ship is feasible and can be a profitable business.
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Kemiskinan merupakan sebuah kata yang sangat melekat dengan keluarga Nelayan, sehingga banyak usaha telah dilakukan oleh pemerintah untuk menanganinya, umumnya melalui pemberian bantuan serta pemberdayaan usaha keluarga nelayan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat kondisi struktur pendapatan perikanan keluarga Nelayan selama ini melalui analisis ketergantungan pendapatan perikanan keluarga Nelayan terhadap tingkat usaha penangkapan. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis data Panel, dengan dua variabel berupa data rata-rata pendapatan keluarga Nelayan dan rata-rata pengeluaran BBM di enam lokasi tipologi penangkapan pada penelitian PANELKANAS – Bitung, Sampang, Sambas, Sibolga, OKI dan Purwakarta – sepanjang periode 2010-2013. Hasil analisis data sepanjang periode pengamatan menunjukkan beberapa fenomena berikut ini: 1). Peningkatan usaha penangkapan berpengaruh signifikan meningkatkan Pendapatan Perikanan Keluarga sebesar 15% dari nilai usaha yang dilakukan; 2). Terjadi rata-rata pendapatan perikanan non-penangkapan yang positif di semua lokasi penelitian; dan 3). Terdapat kesenjangan nilai rata-rata pendapatan perikanan non-perikanan antar lokasi penelitian. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh, maka untuk membantu keluarga nelayan meningkatkan kesejahteraannya akan diperlukan kebijakan yang dapat mendorong peningkatan usaha penangkapan dan diversifikasi usaha perikanan.Title: Structure of Capture Fisheries Income Family Fisherman and Implications: Panel Data Analysis of The National Marine and Fishery Poverty is a word closely associated with fisher’s households, thus far numerous government efforts – such as grants and empowerment programs – have been conducted to tackle this problem. This paper is aimed at scrutinizing the income structure of fisher’s households by analyzing the dependency of their income to their Catching Effort. The panel data analysis conducted is based on the average Household’s Fisheries Income and its average Gasoline Expenditure data of six PANELKANAS’ Captured Fisheries locations – Bitung, Sampang, Sambas, Sibolga, OKI and Purwakarta – which were observed through out the 2010-2013 periode. The result shows several phenomena, such as: (1). Catch effort is a significant factor positively affecting the household’s fisheries income, as much as 15% of the total effort value; (2). There has been a positive average non-captured fisheries income in every location observed; and (3). There have been disparities of the average non-captured fisheries income among different locations. With such results, poverty alleviation of fisher’s households would still require both catch-effort enhancing as well as livelihood diversifying policies.
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Kemiskinan nelayan dinilai meluas dengan tingkat kedalaman kemiskinan yang memprihatinkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menemukan faktor dominan penyebab kemiskinan rumah tangga nelayan motor tempel di wilayah tangkap lebih Jawa Timur. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode survei dengan maksud untuk menemukan deskripsi general dan universal atas faktor-faktor penyebab kemiskinan rumah tangga nelayan. Teknik sampling yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah Multi Stage Cluster Sampling. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa sebanyak 61,79 persen rumah tangga nelayan mempunyai sumber pendapatan lain selain dari melaut. Rumah tangga nelayan yang memiliki pendapatan per kapita kurang dari garis kemiskinan sebanyak 61,79 persen. Terdapat 15 faktor dominan penyebab kemiskinan rumah tangga nelayan yang meliputi faktor: (1) kelembagaan yang merugikan nelayan kecil, (2) program yang tidak memihak nelayan kecil, (3) pandangan hidup yang berorientasi akherat saja, (4) keterbatasan sumberdaya, (5) ketidak sesuaian alat tangkap, (6) rendahnya investasi, (7) terikat utang, (8) perilaku boros, (9) keterbatasan musim penangkapan, (10) kerusakan ekosistem, (11) penyerobotan wilayah tangkap, (12) lemahnya penegakan hukum, (13) kompetisi untuk mengungguli nelayan lain, (14) penggunaan alat/bahan terlarang serta (15) perilaku penangkapan. Kemiskinan yang membelenggu rumah tangga nelayan bersifat multidimensional yang menyangkut kemiskinan struktural maupun kemiskinan kultural. Dalam rangka program pengentasan kemiskinan faktor kelembagaan merupakan faktor pertama dan utama yang harus dibenahi.
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Strengthening civil society values is required in a poor fishermen community so that the community becomes the central point of development process in the seashore and marine areas to uplift the living standard of fishermen so that traditional coastal resource management is remain valued and cared for. The results of this study found that kinship, mutual help, cooperation, mutual trust among the poor families become social capital to survive with their family members. Utilization of local institutions that grow and thrive in the life of rural communities has helped many poor households in order to survive. Therefore, it is suggested that the government should pay attention to local institutions by providing reinforcement to those institutions to be able to serve as a forum for the fishermen in the villages in order to empower them without having to bring in outside agencies because, in principle, institutions that grow and thrive in society have helped fishermen in rural life; and it is a social capital. The results of this study reveal that the survival strategy of rural poor fishermen by adopting a multiple income strategy that involve family members in economic activities like fishing, it is recommended to train and educate the members with good skills so that the business can be managed properly to increase their income. In addition, the capital assistance to the poor fishermen should be given without collateral requirement, so that they can manage their business well.
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Measuring the vulnerability of human populations to environmental change is increasingly being used to develop appropriate adaptation policies and management plans for different economic sectors. We developed a national-level vulnerability index that is specific to food security policies by measuring nations’ relative vulnerabilities to a decline in their coral reef fisheries. Coral reef fisheries are expected to decline with climate and anthropogenic disturbances, which may have significant consequences for food security. The vulnerability measure was composed of exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity indicators specific to fisheries, reef management, and food security. The vulnerability index was used to evaluate 27 countries, as data required to fully populate the theoretical framework was limited. Of these, Indonesia and Liberia were identified as most and Malaysia and Sri Lanka as least vulnerable nations. Our analysis revealed two common national vulnerability characterizations: low income countries with low adaptive capacity and middle-income countries with higher adaptive capacity but high sensitivity. These results suggest developing context-specific policies and actions to build adaptive capacity in the low-income countries, and to decrease sensitivity in middle-income countries. Comparing our food security evaluation to a more general vulnerability approach shows that they produce different priority countries and associated policies.
The poverty of fishermen has become a critical and complex issue. The level of fishermen’s povertyand income inequality are related to fishermen characteristic such as demographic, socio-economic, and socioculturalfactors. The objective of this study is to analyze the poverty an income inequality of fishermen, andfactors that influence it. The result of study shows fishermen experience and number of family influenceincome fishermen.
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  • Statistik Badan Pusat
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Fenomena kemiskinan nelayan sebagai dampak overfishing di Pantai Utara Jawa Timur
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Kebijakan Perikanan dan Kelautan, Gramedia Pustaka Utama
  • A Fauzi
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