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(Not so) Great Expectations: Listening to Foreign-Accented Speech Reduces the Brain’s Anticipatory Processes

Frontiers in Psychology

Abstract and Figures

This study examines the effect of foreign-accented speech on the predictive ability of our brain. Listeners actively anticipate upcoming linguistic information in the speech signal so as to facilitate and reduce processing load. However, it is unclear whether or not listeners also do this when they are exposed to speech from non-native speakers. In the present study, we exposed native Dutch listeners to sentences produced by native and non-native speakers while measuring their brain activity using electroencephalography. We found that listeners’ brain activity differed depending on whether they listened to native or non-native speech. However, participants’ overall performance as measured by word recall rate was unaffected. We discussed the results in relation to previous findings as well as the automaticity of anticipation.
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fpsyg-11-02143 August 21, 2020 Time: 15:50 # 1
published: 25 August 2020
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.02143
Edited by:
Cristina Baus,
Pompeu Fabra University, Spain
Reviewed by:
Kimmo Alho,
University of Helsinki, Finland
Janet Van Hell,
Pennsylvania State University (PSU),
United States
Niels O. Schiller
Present address:
Marianne L. S. De Heer Kloots,
Faculty of Science, University of
Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Marieke Meelen,
Theoretical and Applied Linguistics,
University of Cambridge, Cambridge,
United Kingdom
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
Language Sciences,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Psychology
Received: 25 April 2020
Accepted: 31 July 2020
Published: 25 August 2020
Schiller NO, Boutonnet BP-A,
De Heer Kloots MLS, Meelen M,
Ruijgrok B and Cheng LL-S (2020)
(Not so) Great Expectations: Listening
to Foreign-Accented Speech
Reduces the Brain’s Anticipatory
Processes. Front. Psychol. 11:2143.
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.02143
(Not so) Great Expectations:
Listening to Foreign-Accented
Speech Reduces the Brain’s
Anticipatory Processes
Niels O. Schiller1,2*, Bastien P.-A. Boutonnet1, Marianne L. S. De Heer Kloots1,
Marieke Meelen1, Bobby Ruijgrok1,2 and Lisa L.-S. Cheng1,2
1Leiden University Centre for Linguistics, Leiden University, Leiden, Netherlands, 2Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition,
Leiden, Netherlands
This study examines the effect of foreign-accented speech on the predictive ability of our
brain. Listeners actively anticipate upcoming linguistic information in the speech signal
so as to facilitate and reduce processing load. However, it is unclear whether or not
listeners also do this when they are exposed to speech from non-native speakers. In the
present study, we exposed native Dutch listeners to sentences produced d non-native
speakers while measuring their brain activity using electroencephalography. We found
that listeners’ brain activity differed depending on whether they listened to native or non-
native speech. However, participants’ overall performance as measured by word recall
rate was unaffected. We discussed the results in relation to previous findings as well as
the automaticity of anticipation.
Keywords: prediction, speech perception, sentence comprehension, foreign-accented speech, Dutch, native vs.
non-native speech processing
Language comprehension involves many tasks such as word recognition including segmentation
(where are the boundaries between words?), lexical access (activating word forms and their
corresponding meanings stored in memory) and putting word meanings together to understand the
message. Our brains are able to fulfill these complex tasks without any problem. How? It has been
suggested that one factor contributing to the process of language comprehension and potentially
facilitating it is prediction. Our brains may pro-actively predict what is to come next in an utterance
and a conversation based on prior knowledge. Some researchers have claimed that the language
comprehension system makes use of the predictive power of the brain by predicting upcoming
information in the speech stream.
In language processing, but also in a wide array of other cognitive domains (Kok et al.,
2012b, 2014;Boutonnet and Lupyan, 2015;Samaha et al., 2016;Vandenbroucke et al., 2016),
comprehenders actively anticipate upcoming information thereby (pre-)activating specific features
of such linguistic information, ranging from basic acoustic features to high-level conceptual-
semantic ones (Federmeier and Kutas, 1999;DeLong et al., 2005;Van Berkum et al., 2005;Obleser
et al., 2007;Schiller et al., 2009;Vinck et al., 2011;McGettigan et al., 2012;Van Berkum, 2013;
Foucart et al., 2014, 2015;DeLong and Kutas, 2016), in order to facilitate and reduce the processing
load (Pickering and Garrod, 2007).
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Schiller et al. Listening to Foreign-Accented Speech
For instance, Schiller et al. (2009) present electrophysiological
data from two experiments demonstrating that listeners make
predictions for upcoming words using a speech-error detection
task. Their data strongly suggest that natural speech is processed
semantically even when speech is not task-relevant. Their results
further indicate that listeners attempt to predict upcoming words.
This process of prediction presumably facilitates comprehension
and communication in general. Nevertheless, more recently it
has been argued that pre-activation of the phonological form
of upcoming linguistic information may not be as stable as
suggested by previous research and that prediction may not be a
necessary condition for language comprehension (Ito et al., 2017;
Nieuwland et al., 2018).
However, the bulk of studies available to date has
demonstrated such anticipatory processes in the visual modality
in experiments where words are presented one-by-one on a
computer screen at a relatively slow and regular pace. Two
of the main limitations of such paradigms are that (a) the
auditory modality is not involved in such paradigms, and
(b) speech communication takes place at a much faster rate
(Riding and Vincent, 1980). If anything, visual presentation
rate is likely to enhance and entrench predictive mechanisms.
Investigations in the auditory modality have so far limited
themselves to measuring word anticipation in speech produced
and comprehended by native speakers (Foucart et al., 2015) with
the exception of studies by Lev-Ari (2015) and Romero-Rivas
et al. (2016). However, these studies do not directly investigate
anticipatory mechanisms proper in the brain.
In today’s society, daily interactions with non-native speakers
are becoming more and more frequent, if not the norm. Foreign-
accented speech differs from native speech in at least three ways:
the presence of non-canonical and unstable phonology (Nissen
et al., 2007;Wade et al., 2007;Wester et al., 2007;Hanulíková
et al., 2012) followed by unusual prosodic patterns (Gut, 2012)
and loose semantic word choice [e.g., the so-called “chocolate pie”
vs. “brownie” effect mentioned by Lev-Ari (2015)]. Given that
the reason for the brain to predict upcoming information is to
facilitate subsequent processing, it is not unreasonable to assume
that foreign-accented speech may strongly modulate the nature
and involvement of linguistic predictive mechanisms. However,
would our brain predict more, less, or just as much when listening
to a non-native speaker?
There are at least two ways in which predictive mechanisms
in the comprehension of foreign-accented speech might be
modulated. The first, and perhaps the most intuitive, is that
prediction may increase. Given unreliable and potentially
ambiguous input, generating stronger predictions could help
a comprehender normalize non-native deviance (Goslin et al.,
2012) so as to reduce processing load. The opposite could
also be true. Given that foreign-accented speech is more
variable (and essentially noisier) than speech produced by native
speakers, predictions may fall short of the signal (especially
in the case where not enough knowledge is present about
the specific ways in which an interlocutor deviates from the
native norm) thereby confronting the system with too many
prediction errors to be resolved and consequently increasing
processing load.
Two of the most relevant studies on foreign-accent processing
available to date point in these two opposing directions. In the
study by Lev-Ari (2015), participants, whose eye-movements
were being recorded, were presented with arrays of five pictorial
items, three of which shared two themes, and two of them
shared only one. On each trial, the participants were asked to
follow the auditory instructions to click on, e.g., “the witch
on a broom, then on “the man on the magic carpet” and
then on “Santa riding a sleigh, thereby setting up a semantic
theme of “imaginary creatures.” Instructions came either from
a native or a non-native speaker with a foreign accent. On
the next trial, two items would be left on the screen: a
mermaid and a ferry. The mermaid shares only the main theme
set up by the three items (“imaginary creatures”; i.e., witch,
Santa, etc.) and the ferry only shares the less dominant one
(“means of transportation”; i.e., broom, magic carpet, sleigh).
The participants were then instructed to click on the /fεri/,
which is interpretable as both “fairy” and “ferry.” The results
showed that upon word onset, the participants’ eyes were already
fixating more toward the mermaid and chose it more often
than the (target) picture of the ferry, especially when they were
instructed by a non-native compared to a native speaker and
when they had high as opposed to low working memory load.
This suggests that the participants were strongly relying on
the context (i.e., imaginary creatures) to anticipate upcoming
trials and less on the acoustic speech output of foreign-accented
speakers, and this somewhat tricked them into choosing the
“wrong” target.
In another relevant study, Romero-Rivas et al. (2016)
presented highly constrained high-cloze probability sentences
to two groups of native speakers of Spanish. The sentences
were produced either by a native or non-native speaker,
respectively. Participants’ brain activity was monitored using
electroencephalography (EEG). Each of these sentences ended
either with a highly probable lexical item (“best completion”),
an item semantically related to the best completion or an
unrelated item. Earlier research by Kutas and Hillyard (1980,
1984) has shown that such a manipulation results in what
has become known as the N400 effect. Processing of all
(content) words results in an event-related brain potential
(ERP) component with a negative polarity that peaks around
400 ms after word onset and is called the N400 component. In
their seminal study, Kutas and Hillyard (1980) demonstrated
that semantically anomalous words elicit a more negative
deflection in the ERP signal than semantically appropriate
words occurring in the same position in sentences, i.e., an
N400 effect (He spread the warm bread with butter vs. He
spread the warm bread with socks). The N400 effect has been
associated with lexical and post-lexical processing, e.g., lexical
access and semantic integration of words into context (Kutas
and Van Petten, 1994;Kutas and Federmeier, 2000;Van Petten
and Luka, 2006; for reviews; see also Holcomb, 1993). The
N400 effect is currently considered as indicating the difficulty
with which a word can be integrated in the utterance context
(Leckey and Federmeier, 2019).
By looking at the brain activity following the presentation
of the final word, Romero-Rivas et al. (2016) found that while
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Schiller et al. Listening to Foreign-Accented Speech
both groups of participants showed increased N400 activity
when presented with the semantically related but not expected
word, only the group which listened to native speakers showed
a difference between the semantically related and unrelated
conditions (which yielded further increased N400 activity). In
other words, regardless of whether the lexical item was related
to the best completion, it required just as much effort to be
integrated by the brain. From these results, Romero-Rivas et al.
(2016) concluded that anticipation is not affected by foreign
accent but that the activation of semantic relationships may not
be as “wide” when someone is listening to a non-native speaker
a result consistent with some of the evidence from speech
comprehension in adverse conditions (Goslin et al., 2012;Strauß
et al., 2013). However, it is important to note that this study does
not measure anticipation per se, as Romero-Rivas et al. (2016)
monitored brain activity starting from the onset of the critical
word rather than before the critical word, as is commonly done.
At this stage, i.e., the onset of the critical word, brain activity
might reflect a mix between the pre-activation and integration
of the critical words rather than their pre-activation alone.
Finally, because the accent manipulation is applied between-
participants in their study, it may be the case that some degree
of accommodation to foreign-accented speech has occurred (but
see Witteman et al., 2013 who found rapid adaptation to foreign-
accented speech even in a within-participants design).
To disentangle these two potential explanations (i.e., whether
foreign-accented speech increases or decreases anticipation) and
to resolve some of the potential shortcomings from Romero-
Rivas et al. (2016) study, we designed an experiment that
enables us to measure word anticipation before the presentation
of the critical word and manipulates expectedness as well
as speaker’s accent within-participants. This design has the
advantage of suppressing potential accommodation effects, which
might happen in a blocked design, as well as reflecting a more
ecologically valid environment where a given person might be
communicating with a mix of native and non-native speakers
in a short span of time. To do so, we used a classic paradigm
including the creation of high-cloze probability sentences while
manipulating agreement between the highly expected lexical item
and a preceding article (DeLong et al., 2005;Martin et al., 2013) or
a preceding adjective (Van Berkum et al., 2005;Otten et al., 2007).
More specifically, we adapted the design of a study by Foucart
et al. (2015) which consisted of manipulating the grammatical
gender of the article (het or de, in Dutch) preceding the expected
or unexpected target while masking the critical noun so as to
record brain activity which only pertains to the processing of the
article and word anticipation rather than a mix of the two (see
section “Materials and Methods” for more detail).
We hypothesized that if anticipation processes take place
during speech processing, we should observe modulations of ERP
amplitudes depending on whether or not the article matches the
expected noun, with increased amplitudes for mismatches. Based
on Foucart et al. (2015), we expected to find modulations in
an early ERP time window (200–300 ms), i.e., a phonological
mismatch negativity (PMN), and a later N400 effect. The PMN
is a negative-going ERP component shown to be sensitive to
phonological properties of words and taken as an indicator
of early lexical processing, such as the initial (pre-lexical)
phonological processing stage of auditory speech perception
(Connolly and Phillips, 1994;Connolly et al., 1995;Schiller
et al., 2009). The PMN has been reported, for instance, during
the processing of a phonological mismatch in the onset of an
expected and an actually heard word. Temporally, the PMN
precedes the (auditory) N400 and has been shown to be largely
independent of the N400, since it occurred regardless of the
semantic appropriateness of the spoken words (Connolly and
Phillips, 1994;D’Arcy et al., 2004 for an overview). It is usually
identified in the ERP signal as the most negative peak between
150 and 350 ms after stimulus onset.
Furthermore, based on the studies mentioned earlier, we
hypothesized that the particular accent (i.e., non-native vs.
native) with which a trial was produced should interact with the
classic expectedness effect, especially in the earlier time window
which we believe is the most likely one to index the pre-activation
of stimulus-specific features (Foucart et al., 2015). However, we
did not have specific hypotheses regarding the direction of the
interaction since the evidence available to date suggests either
increased reliance on predictions (Lev-Ari, 2015) or a somewhat
more shallow effect of these predictions (Romero-Rivas et al.,
2015, 2016), suggesting a potentially less pronounced effect of
predictions during non-native accent processing.
Finally, we wanted to assess the impact of native vs. foreign
accent on the memory traces generated by word prediction
(Foucart et al., 2015). Therefore, we presented participants with a
list of words and asked them to indicate whether or not they had
heard them in the sentence listening part. The word list consisted
of an equal proportion of old expected and unexpected words
from the listening task as well as new and neutral (not dependent
on a predictive sentential context) ones (see section “Materials”
for details). As previously demonstrated (Foucart et al., 2015),
expected yet unheard, words seem to form stronger memory
traces than unexpected (and unheard) words. We expect that if
interactions between expectedness and accent are present at the
neural level, an impact on word recall may also be detected.
Twenty-four native speakers of Dutch (Mage = 23, SE = 0.82)
took part in the experiment. All participants were right-handed
and had normal or corrected-to-normal vision and reported no
neurological nor auditory disorder. Participants were students
at Leiden University. The study was carried out in accordance
with the recommendations of the local ethics committee at the
Faculty of Humanities of Leiden University. All participants
gave their written informed consent before taking part in the
experiment, in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki.
The data of nine participants were removed due to low signal-
to-noise ratio and/or when 25% of the trials had to be
removed because of non-correctible artifacts. One of those
nine participants was also removed due to extremely low
accuracy (<40% correct) on the comprehension questions in
the listening task.
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Schiller et al. Listening to Foreign-Accented Speech
One-hundred-and-twenty highly predictive Dutch sentence
contexts were created such that each would generate a strong
expectation (70% cloze probability see Supplementary
Material) for a particular lexical item. In the present experiment,
this lexical item was always a noun of a specific grammatical
gender in Dutch (e.g., the neuter noun boek ‘book’ preceded
by the neuter definite determiner het ‘theneu, or the non-neuter
noun tafel ‘table with the non-neuter definite determiner de
‘thenonneu’). Sixty additional sentences were created as filler
sentences without strong expectations of any lexical item (see
Table 1).
All 180 sentence contexts were recorded by a group of four
Dutch native speakers (two males, two females) and four non-
native Dutch speakers (two males, i.e., one native speaker of
German and one native speaker of English [Southern-Irish
variety], and two females, i.e., one native speaker of Macedonian,
the other of Polish). The decision to include a variety of
different accents was so that we would not observe an effect
of a particular accent but rather of accented speech in general.
Native speakers were asked to pronounce the sentences as
naturally as possible and with neutral prosody. Non-native
speakers were asked the same but listened to the native speakers’
recordings before recording their own production in order to
minimize differences in rate of speech and overall prosody. None
of the non-native recordings contained mispronunciations or
obvious errors, and the difference between native and non-native
recordings was that non-native speakers’ phonetic output was at
times non-canonical.
To alleviate potential systematic confounds between the length
of expected vs. unexpected sentences (see section “Acoustic
Processing”), the assignment of the expectedness conditions
was fully randomized for each participant. Each subgroup of
sentences was then further divided with one half coming from
native speakers and the other from non-native speakers, also
randomized for each participant. Thus, each participant was
presented only once with a given sentence context, either with an
expected or unexpected article and either produced with a native
or non-native accent.
It has been shown that strong foreign accents have a different
effect on listeners’ comprehension than slight accents (e.g.,
Witteman et al., 2013;Porretta et al., 2017). To obtain an
objective measure of the accents of the eight speakers, a separate
group of 40 native Dutch participants (Mage = 21.30, SE = 0.65)
took part in a rating study. These participants completed a
Qualtrics survey (Qualtrics, Provo, UT, United States) in which
they rated the sentences produced by each speaker on a slider
scale (from 1 = “no accent” to 7 = “very strong accent”). All
sentences including the fillers were presented auditorily, such
that participants were never presented with the same sentence
context twice. Participants were paid 5 upon completion of
the task. The native Dutch speakers received a median rating
of 1.07 (M= 1.26, SE = 0.07) and the non-native speakers
received a median rating of 4.32 (M= 4.35, SE = 0.11). These
ratings differed significantly from each other, V= 0, p<0.001,
d= 1.11. Figure 1 illustrates the mean ratings obtained for each
individual speaker.
To test for differences between the eight speakers, pairwise
comparisons using a Wilcoxon signed rank test with Bonferroni
correction were calculated and summarized in Table 2.
Within the native Dutch speaker group, the mean ratings
of one male speaker (i.e., “m2”) differed significantly from
the three other speakers. Within the foreign-accented speaker
group, the mean ratings of all speakers differed significantly from
each other. Compared with the native Dutch speaker group,
the foreign-accented speaker group was less homogeneous.
TABLE 1 | Examples of the sentences (with simple glosses and translation between parentheses for the Control condition) used in the experiment.
Condition Sentence context Article +
deleted item
Expected Mijn gelezen boeken staan op de onderste plank in
my read books stand on the lowest shelf in
de kast
the (book)shelf
op mijn kamer.
in my room
Unexpected Mijn gelezen boeken staan op de onderste plank in
my read books stand on the lowest shelf in
het bureau
the desk
op mijn kamer.
in my room
Expected André is de nieuwe coach van
André is the new coach of
het team
the team
op zijn volleybalclub.
in his volleyball club
Unexpected André is de nieuwe coach van
André is the new coach of
de groep
the group
op zijn volleybalclub. in his
volleyball club
Control Lezen is niet saai, zolang je maar geen saaie boeken leest. reading
is not boring, as long you but no boring books read
(Reading is not boring as long as you do not read boring books.)
Control Mijn zoon woont al drie jaar in het buitenland, maar mijn
my son lives already 3 years in the foreign land, but my
(My son already lives abroad for 3 years, but my
dochter studeert en woont nog thuis.
daughter studies and lives still at home
daughter still studies and lives at home.)
Note that for the control sentences, the deletion was not always in a noun phrase or after an article. As explained in the Materials and Methods section (see section
“Acoustic Processing”), this was to disrupt the pattern in the experimental sentences.
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FIGURE 1 | Error bar chart of the mean ratings per speaker.
TABLE 2 | Means and standard errors of the mean ratings and p-values of the Bonferroni-corrected multiple comparisons between the recorded speakers.
Comparison (p-value)
Speaker Mean SE m2 f1 f2 Irish German Polish Macedonian
m1 1.28 0.08 0.038 1.00 0.696 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
m2 1.39 0.08 0.037 0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
f1 1.27 0.08 0.095 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
f2 1.15 0.06 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
Irish 2.39 0.10 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
German 5.31 0.15 <0.001 0.002
Polish 4.76 0.16 <0.001
Macedonian 5.67 0.15
However, since all participants received equally many sentence
contexts from each speaker, any potential advantage from a
particular speaker should be equal in all conditions and for
all participants.
Acoustic Processing
Recordings were processed and edited in Praat (Boersma, 2002).
To make each condition (expected vs. unexpected) comparable
as well as to reduce any bias due to cues such as overall prosody,
coarticulation, and so on, we used the same sentence context
for both versions of each sentence (either the one recorded
for the expected or unexpected condition) up to the word
preceding the article and spliced the rest of the sentence from
the other condition. Conditions were randomly selected with an
equal division between the two conditions. In each of the 120
experimental sentences, the (un)expected noun was completely
muted for 500 ms after the article offset and the sentence closure
followed this break. The average sentence context length was
of 3.05 s (SE = 0.03) and that of the article was of 0.16 s
(SE = 0.001).
To ensure that the purpose of the experiment remained
unclear to the participants, we included silences (between 200 and
300 ms long) in the filler sentences at random positions. Finally,
to justify the presence of silences to the participants, sentences
were band-pass filtered in the range 300–3,000 Hz to make them
sound like they were extracted from a telephone conversation.
Crucially, for the present study (see the sections “Hypothesis
Testing” and “Results”), while sentence-context length and article
length were significantly longer in the non-native recordings than
in the native recordings (b= 0.52, t= 3.861, p<0.0002; b= 0.03,
t= 5.37, p<0.0001, respectively), these effects never interacted
with the article’s expectedness.
Listening Task
Participants were seated in a sound-proof testing room and
sat approximately one meter from a computer screen and two
loud speakers placed on either side of the screen. Participants
were told to listen and pay attention to the sentences that were
going to be played to them and that they would be asked
questions about those sentences during and after the listening
phase. Thirty percent of the sentences were randomly followed
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Schiller et al. Listening to Foreign-Accented Speech
by a written question on the screen regarding the preceding
spoken sentence and requiring a “yes” or “no” response via
button presses, the sole purpose of which was to ensure that
participants paid attention to the sentences. After a practice of
five sentences, participants were auditorily presented with 180
sentences (60 expected sentences [30 native/30 non-native], 60
unexpected sentences [30 native/30 non-native], and 60 fillers
[30 native/30 non-natives]). Each sentence was preceded by a
black fixation cross on the white screen in front of them for a
duration of 1 s after which it turned red for a period of 500 ms to
announce to the participant that the sentence was about to start,
and then it subsequently turned blue when the sentence started
and remained on screen until the sentence ended. A blank screen
of 200 ms preceded the next trial. When a question followed
the sentence, it appeared on screen following the blank screen
and remained visible until participants responded. Another blank
screen of 200 ms followed participants’ answers before the next
trial started. Participants were invited to take a break every
30 sentences. Their electroencephalogram (EEG) was recorded
throughout the listening task of the experiment which lasted 30–
40 min.
Lexical Recall Task
Upon completion of the listening task, participants were
presented with a series of words presented one-by-one on the
screen. For each word, they were asked to decide whether
or not they had heard it in the listening task. These words
included the 60 expected nouns, the 60 unexpected nouns
(both unheard/muted), and 60 words (heard/presented) from the
filler sentences. Word-presentation order was randomized for
each participant.
The EEG was recorded from 64 Ag/AgCl electrodes placed
on the participants’ scalp according to the extended 10–20
convention (American Electroencephalographic Society, 1994)
at a rate of 1 kHz in reference to the common mode sense
(CMS) and driven right leg (DRL) using a BioSemi (Active
Two) system. Data were filtered offline with a high-pass 0.1 Hz
filter and a low-pass 20 Hz filter and re-referenced to the
common average of all scalp electrodes. Epochs ranging from
100 to 600 ms relative to article onset were extracted from the
continuous recording. Epochs with activity exceeding ±75 µV
at any electrode site were automatically discarded. The Gratton
and Coles algorithm (Gratton et al., 1983) was used to correct
for vertical and horizontal eye movement artifacts. Baseline
correction was applied in relation to the 100 ms EEG signal of
pre-stimulus activity. After these steps, all remaining epochs were
averaged by condition and for each participant. Pre-processing
steps up to and including eye movement artifact correction
were performed in BrainVision Analyzer (Brain Products GmbH)
and the remaining steps were performed in the MATLAB
environment (v. 2013a The MathWorks) using a combination
of in-house scripts and routines implemented in EEGLAB (v.
13.2.3) and ERPLAB (v.
Hypothesis Testing
Statistical hypothesis testing on all analyses were performed in
the R environment (v. 3.2.3). Linear mixed-effects modeling
was performed using the lme4, R package (v. 1.1.10; Bates
et al., 2014) and p-values from those models were obtained
using the Satterthwaite approximation for degrees of freedom
implemented in the lmerTest, R package (Tests in Linear Mixed
Effects Models [R package lmerTest version 2.0-32], 2014).
Behavioral Data
The only behavioral data we analyzed in the present study
was the proportion of words recalled by participants. To assess
the potential effects of accent and/or expectedness, we used
a generalized linear mixed-effect model to predict from the
interaction between accent and expectedness by participant
whether or not a given word was remembered. We restricted
our analysis to the comparison between words which were never
heard (due to muting) in the experimental sentences (expected or
unexpected) and words which were heard in the control sentences
(neutral in terms of expectations).
ERP Analyses
Two ERP modulations were identified from grand-averaged data
and congruent with previous investigations of word anticipation
in the auditory modality (Van Berkum et al., 2005;Foucart et al.,
2015). First, we observed an early negative differential in the 120–
300 ms time window and, second, a classic N400 effect in the
400–600 ms time window. Both modulations were maximal on
electrode Cz and measured over (fronto-)central sites (FC3, FC1,
FCz, FC2, FC4, C3, C1, Cz, C2, C4, CP3, CP1, CPz, CP2, CP4).
Since the effect was uniformly distributed, and since we were
not interested in its spatial distribution, mean ERP amplitudes
for the two time periods were measured over the whole central
region of interest. For both time windows, mean ERP amplitudes
were subjected to a linear mixed-effect model, where mean
amplitudes were predicted by the interaction between accent and
expectedness, with random slopes by participant.
Listening Task (EEG)
120–300 ms Period
The linear mixed-effect model carried out on the first ERP
modulation revealed that ERP mean amplitudes could be reliably
predicted by an interaction between accent and expectedness
(b= 0.71, t= 3.41, p= 0.0007), whereby ERP amplitudes were
more negative upon hearing an unexpected article than when
hearing an expected article when participants were listening to
native speech but this was not the case when they were listening
to foreign-accented speech (Figure 2).
400–600 ms Period
In this time window, article expectedness was the only reliable
predictor of ERP mean amplitudes (b= 0.43, t= 2.46, p= 0.014),
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FIGURE 2 | Grand-average waveforms of event-related potentials (ERPs) from the expected and unexpected articles across the central region of interest (FC3, FC1,
FCz, FC2, FC4, C3, C1, Cz, C2, C4, CP3, CP1, CPz, CP2, CP4) and across all participants. In blue are ERPs from the expected articles and in red are the ERPs
from the unexpected articles. (A) ERPs from the articles in sentences presented in a native accent. (B) ERPs from the articles in sentences presented in a non-native
whereby ERP amplitudes were more negative upon hearing an
unexpected article compared to an expected one, regardless of
the accent (i.e., native vs. non-native) with which the speech was
produced (Figure 2).
Lexical Recall Task
Results for this task are presented in terms of proportions
of words reported as “heard” by the participants resulting in
aggregated values between 0 and 1. However, as explained in
the “Hypothesis Testing” section above, statistical analyses were
performed using logistic regression with the aim to predict a
binary label (0 or 1) for each item. The analysis was performed
on the unheard expected and unexpected items as well as the
heard items from the control sentences. In this task, expectedness
reliably predicted whether or not a participant would report
a word as heard. In the case where words were actually
unheard, participants reported hearing words they had expected
significantly more often than words they had not expected
(b= 1.12, z= 7.5, p<0.00001) and, unsurprisingly, participants
reported hearing significantly more words that they had actually
heard (albeit not strongly expected) compared to words they
had not expected (b= 1.1, z= 7.4, p<0.00001). Importantly,
words which were actually heard were recalled just as often
as unheard expected words as indicated by the absence of a
difference between control and expected sentences (Figure 3).
It is hard to deny that our brain predicts upcoming information.
Indeed, prediction and anticipation have been demonstrated in
a number of domains ranging across a wide array of cognitive
functions such as visual perception, attention and consciousness
(Kok et al., 2014;Summerfield and de Lange, 2014) as well as
auditory perception (Groppe et al., 2010). Linguistic information
has been shown to bias systems as early and as basic as vision
(Boutonnet et al., 2013;Lupyan and Ward, 2013;Boutonnet
and Lupyan, 2015;Samaha et al., 2016), as well as processes
at the interface of these systems (Francken et al., 2014, 2015),
and finally, the language system itself (DeLong et al., 2005;Van
Berkum et al., 2005;Martin et al., 2013;Van Berkum, 2013;
Foucart et al., 2014, 2015).
A key driver of brain predictions is likely to be contextual
information. Context influences the content of such predictions
(Bar, 2004) as well as their effects on brain activity itself (up-
/down-regulation) as is often the case in attention/prediction
trade-offs (Kok et al., 2012a,b). While the content of linguistic
predictions is known to be influenced by the linguistic context
(see “Introduction” section for arguments), we have yet to know
whether a given, more general, context can affect how the
brain predicts. That is, whether it always predicts or whether
its predictions always have the same weight on upcoming
information. One of the most common communicative contexts
in which people interact nowadays involves people who are
communicating in a non-native language. Undeniably, the
speech of a non-native speaker is likely to be less accurate
in terms of syntax, word choice (e.g., “the chocolate pie” vs.
“the brownie” effect; Lev-Ari, 2015), phonological and acoustic
realization and so on. If the anticipation mechanism of the
brain is set off so that it does not have to fully process
upcoming stimuli and it only dedicates the full and costly
extent of its processing pipeline when predictions do not match
the signal, it is likely that a non-native speaker’s production,
which matches canonical predictions less, will affect how
our brain predicts.
As reviewed earlier, work by Lev-Ari (2015) demonstrated
that participants listening to non-native speech were more likely
to rely on contextual information, suggesting that listeners
may predict more in such a condition. Conversely, in a study
on word integration, Romero-Rivas et al. (2016) showed that
integrating the best completion of a sentence (i.e., the most likely
lexical candidate given a sentence context) leads to identical
brain activity in both native and non-native accent conditions.
However, the depth of semantic activation seemed shallower
when participants listened to sentences uttered in a foreign
accent. While this result cannot speak directly to the issue
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FIGURE 3 | Bar plot showing the proportion of items reported as heard in the sentence listening task. In green are heard words from the control sentences, in blue
are unheard but expected words from the experimental sentences, and in red are unheard and unexpected words from the experimental sentences. Error bars
depict standard errors of the mean. The red horizontal bar depicts the 50% chance level. *Indicates statistically significant differences (p<0.05).
of anticipation per se, it certainly suggests differences in the
processing of native versus non-native speech.
To tease apart these preliminary hypotheses, as well as
to gain further insights in the anticipatory processes in a
manner that is more ecologically valid and at the same time
overcoming limitations from between-subject designs, we tested
word anticipation in a within-subject design while recording
participants’ brain activity using EEG. We expected both early
(PMN) and late (N400) ERP components to be modulated by
expectedness such that an unexpected article would lead to
increased negativities in both time windows (Foucart et al., 2015).
We further hypothesized that the expectedness effect should be
modulated by the accent with which the sentence was uttered, but
we had no strong expectation with regards to its direction due to
the mixed results available to date (Lev-Ari, 2015;Romero-Rivas
et al., 2015, 2016).
Our results provide support for the fact that the brain does not
passively integrate information but, rather, anticipates upcoming
words in continuous speech (DeLong et al., 2005;Van Berkum
et al., 2005;Otten et al., 2007;Martin et al., 2013;Van Berkum,
2013;Foucart et al., 2014, 2015). Furthermore, we show that
context may influence the brain’s predictions as, depending on
the reliability of the stimuli, such processes can be up- or down-
regulated. Indeed, the simple fact of listening to a non-native
speaker reduced the brain’s anticipatory processes as shown
by the lack of modulation between expected and unexpected
articles in the early ERP time window (PMN). Importantly,
reduced anticipation does not mean complete system breakdown
as indicated by a similar modulation of the classic N400 (Kutas
and Federmeier, 2011;Leckey and Federmeier, 2019) component
in both accent conditions. Together with the results from the
lexical recall task, which showed that expected items form a more
robust memory trace than unexpected items so that participants
were just as likely to report a word as “previously heard”
when it was expected (but not heard) as compared to when
they actually heard the word in either accent conditions, it is
clear that successful performance does not depend solely on
early anticipation.
The results presented in this study complement earlier
findings pointing toward an effect of foreign accent on sentence
comprehension (Romero-Rivas et al., 2015) and reinforces the
need to measure anticipation proper (as done in the present
study) since our results are not fully compatible with the
supposedly unaffected “anticipation” presented by Romero-
Rivas et al. (2016). The interpretation of what processes
and mechanisms lead to the early negative deflection are
still unclear. However, under an account of the brain as a
prediction machine which pre-activates stimulus templates of
the sensory input it has predicted (Kok et al., 2014), we
believe the early ERP modulation to index feature mismatch
at the phonological level given the auditory nature of the
experiment as well as the timing, and the topographic distribution
of the effect (see also Schiller et al., 2009). This ERP
component is often referred to as phonological mismatch
negativity (PMN) (Connolly and Phillips, 1994;Hagoort and
Brown, 2000;Diaz and Swaab, 2007). This interpretation has
also been advanced by Foucart et al. (2015) although they
remain quite agnostic as to whether the ERP modulation is
an early manifestation of a classic N400 effect or whether it
is another component. We believe that our results can help
settle that debate, given the fact that while the late ERP
modulation a classic N400 effect is obtained in both
accent conditions, the early modulation is not. This suggests
that these two time windows reflect somewhat independent
processes: an early feature (phonological) matching mechanism
driven by predictions and a late “lexical” recovery/integration
process, respectively.
Interestingly, the results from the lexical recall task, showing
no interaction between noun expectedness and accent, suggest
that the brain is highly flexible and can recover and re-create
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similar end-of-process effects in behavior. Prediction alone,
understood here as the pre-emptive activation of specific stimulus
templates, may not be necessary for successful performance
in language comprehension a point recently advocated by
Huettig and Mani (2015). That being said, it is important to note
that this point does not undermine the fact that prediction is
known to take place in several perceptual and cognitive tasks
and therefore should not be underestimated. Indeed, further
research on linguistic prediction and prediction in the brain in
general, preferably including data from more participants, should
focus on determining the complex dynamics between predictive
and integrative processes to understand the degree of overlap
and separation between these processes and their neural and
behavioral consequences.
Taken together, our results show that the brain is highly
flexible and proactive in language comprehension as well as
highly sensitive and responsive to contextual task demands,
thereby fine-tuning the influence of higher-level knowledge on
lower-level sensory experience, providing strong challenges to
models of language comprehension, but also of more general
cognition, such as “passive resonance” or other models assuming
an almost strictly bottom-up information flow (Biederman,
1987;Serre et al., 2007;Kuperberg et al., 2011;Paczynski and
Kuperberg, 2012).
What are the consequences of the discrepancy between the
differences detected in the electrophysiological data and their
apparent lack of impact on behavioral performance? Consider
the following point: if brain predictions are the processes by
which we think the brain activates specific stimulus templates
(Kok et al., 2014), i.e., phonological features in the present
case, how can it be that expected but unheard words were
recalled to the same extent in sentences in which prediction
supposedly occurred as well as when it did not? It is important
to note that although the early stages of brain activity (potentially
related to the activation of phonological features) differed
between native and non-native sentences, expectancy effects
were obtained in both conditions in the later time window.
It must be noted that while the classic N400 effect is often
associated with “integration, given that our stimuli never
contained the critical stimuli, the expectancy effect detected
on this component cannot come from integration since there
is nothing to integrate. Rather, we believe that higher-level
conceptual features are likely to have been activated from the
highly predictive sentential context at a later stage, yielding
a “false” memory trace. Furthermore, we do not exclude the
possibility that the activation of higher-level conceptual features
can lead to the activation of lower-level perceptual feature
as demonstrated in cuing/priming paradigms (Edmiston and
Lupyan, 2013, 2017;Boutonnet and Lupyan, 2015;Samaha
et al., 2016). Our results are therefore in line with previous
reports of such effects on memory by Foucart et al. (2015)
and compatible with the evidence showing that degraded
speech or phonemes can be restored to the extent that their
perceptual experience might not differ from that in optimal
conditions (Warren, 1970;Groppe et al., 2010;Sohoglu et al.,
2012;Bendixen et al., 2014) and fit very well into theories
of perception which allow for higher-level representation to
feedback (top-down) information to lower levels. In other words,
expecting a specific lexical item, leads to the activation of specific
stimulus features across the whole processing stream, which, in
case information is absent, resembles that of the actual input
(SanMiguel et al., 2013).
The human brain anticipates upcoming words in on-going
conversation. Such anticipation is likely to be supported by
predictive mechanisms already identified in various aspects of
human cognition and believed to be a key driver of brain
function as a whole (Bar, 2003;Friston, 2005;Clark, 2013).
However, such predictions may be down-regulated depending
on the general context such as stimulus reliability, e.g., whether
a sentence is produced by a native or a non-native speaker in
the current study. We found that when native speakers of Dutch
listened to non-native speakers producing Dutch sentences
containing a highly predictable lexical item, their early brain
activity did not reveal word anticipation. While brain activity
differed depending on whether participants listened to native
or non-native accents, their overall performance, measured by
word recall, was unaffected, and both accent conditions led to
higher recall rates of expected compared to unexpected words,
independently of the accent in which the sentences were heard. In
other words, listening to a non-native speaker of one’s own native
language reduces our brain’s chances to deal with conflicting
information only at the levels where the input might be most
misaligned with one’s predicted features such as acoustic or
phonological features.
The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be
made available by the authors, without undue reservation.
The studies involving human participants were reviewed and
approved by Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Humanities,
Leiden University. The patients/participants provided their
written informed consent to participate in this study.
NS and LC contributed to the design of this study and the
writing including the revision. BB contributed to the design
of the study, carried the study out, analyzed the data, and
wrote the first draft. MD carried out the study. MM created
the stimuli and carried out part of the study. BR carried out
the control measurements between the native and non-native
speakers. All authors contributed to the article and approved the
submitted version.
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BB was supported by the European Union’s Seventh Framework
Programme for research, technological development and
demonstration under grant agreement no. 613465.
The Supplementary Material for this article can be found
online at:
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Frontiers in Psychology | 11 August 2020 | Volume 11 | Article 2143
... Previous research has also suggested a more shallow semantic activation in listeners when they heard speech in a foreign accent compared to speech with no accent (Romero-Rivas et al., 2016), indicating that foreign-accented speech and native-accented speech are processed differently. However, more recent research revealed that foreign-accented speech affected understanding only during the early stage of speech processing while there was no difference in listeners' processing of native and foreign-accented speech at the later stage (Schiller et al., 2020). This implies that listeners' overall understanding was not influenced by the presence or absence of an accent. ...
... Nonetheless, it was noted that the level of semantic activation appeared more superficial when listeners heard the sentences in a foreign accent, implying a differential processing of native-accented and foreign-accented speech. To address this point and investigate the aspect of anticipation directly, a recent ERP study was conducted that aimed to provide more insight into whether foreigneraccented speech reduces or increases anticipation (Schiller et al., 2020). It used a within-participants design and monitored brain-activity before the presentation of the critical word. ...
... This lack of early brain activity, suggesting that there was no word anticipation, was indicated by the absence of phonological mismatch negativity (PMN) in foreign-accented speech. By contrast, later ERP components did not reveal any significant difference between native and foreign-accented speech processing, implying that listeners' overall performance was not affected depending on whether they listened to sentences in native or non-native accents (Schiller et al., 2020). This shows that foreign-accented speech only affected the early stages of speech processing and there was no difference in the understanding of native and foreign-accented speech at a later stage. ...
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Comprehension assesses a listener’s ability to construe the meaning of an acoustic signal in order to be able to answer questions about its contents, while intelligibility indicates the extent to which a listener can precisely retrieve the acoustic signal. Previous comprehension studies asking listeners for sentence-level information or narrative-level information used native listeners as participants. This is the first study to look at whether clear speech properties (e.g. expanded vowel space) produce a clear speech benefit at the word level for L2 learners for speech produced in naturalistic settings. This study explored whether hyperarticulated speech was more comprehensible than non-hyperarticulated speech for both L1 British English speakers and early and late L2 British English learners in quiet and in noise. Sixteen British English listeners, 16 native Mandarin Chinese listeners as early learners of L2 and 16 native Mandarin Chinese listeners as late learners of L2 rated hyperarticulated samples versus non-hyperarticulated samples in form of words for comprehension under four listening conditions of varying white noise level (quiet or SNR levels of + 16 dB, + 12 dB or + 8 dB) (3 × 2× 4 mixed design). Mean ratings showed all three groups found hyperarticulated speech samples easier to understand than non-hyperarticulated speech at all listening conditions. Results are discussed in terms of other findings (Uther et al., 2012) that suggest that hyperarticulation may generally improve speech processing for all language groups.
... Previous studies show that listeners employ top-down resources to process speech in challenging situations, engaging contextual cues, predictive processing, and prior knowledge about the topic to enhance comprehension ((Dave et al., 2021); (Foucart et al., 2015); cf. (Schiller et al., 2020)). However, in the alpha frequency band, associated with top-down mechanisms and attentional control/inhibition, we did not observe any significant effects. ...
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Previous studies show that there are differences in native and foreign speech processing (Lev-Ari, 2018) while mixed evidence has been found regarding differences between dialectal and foreign accent processing (see: Adank et al., 2009; Floccia et al. 2006 but see also: Floccia et al., 2009; Girard et al., 2008). Within this field, two theories have been proposed. The Perceptual Distance Hypothesis states that the mechanisms underlying dialectal accent processing are attenuated versions of those of foreign (Clarke & Garrett, 2004). While, the Different Processes Hypothesis argues that the mechanisms of foreign and dialectal accent processing are qualitatively different (Floccia et al, 2009). A recent study looking at single-word EEG data, suggested that there may be flexibility in processing mechanisms (Thomas et al., 2022). The present study deepens this investigation by addressing in which frequency bands native, dialectal and foreign accent processing differ when listening to extended speech. Electroencephalographic data was recorded from 30 participants who listened to dialogues of approximately six minutes spoken in native, dialectal and foreign accents. Power spectral density estimation (1-35 hz) was performed. Linear mixed models were done in frequency windows of particular relevance to discourse processing. Frequency bands associated with phoneme [gamma], syllable [theta], and prosody [delta] were considered along with those of general cognitive mechanisms [alpha and beta]. Results show power differences in the Gamma frequency range. While in higher frequency ranges foreign accent processing is differentiated from power amplitudes of native and dialectal accent processing, in low frequencies we do not see any accent-related power amplitude modulations. This suggests that there may be a difference in phoneme processing for native accent types and foreign accent, while we speculate that top-down mechanisms during discourse processing may mitigate the effects observed with short units of speech.
... As stated earlier, construction and utilization of context rely on the quality of speech signal (Pichora-Fuller et al., 1995). It has been shown that context would assist speech recognition only when the SNR becomes low but not too low (Schiller et al., 2020). When the SNR is extremely favorable, context is not needed for recognition because of the high quality of the speech signal (Pichora-Fuller et al., 1995;Nagaraj, 2017). ...
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Purpose To elucidate how aging would affect the extent of semantic context use and the reliance on semantic context measured with the Repeat–Recall Test (RRT). Methods A younger adult group (YA) aged between 18 and 25 and an older adult group (OA) aged between 50 and 65 were recruited. Participants from both the groups performed RRT: sentence repeat and delayed recall tasks, and subjective listening effort and noise tolerable time, under two noise types and seven signal-to-noise ratios (SNR). Performance–Intensity curves were fitted. The performance in SRT50 and SRT75 was predicted. Results For the repeat task, the OA group used more semantic context and relied more on semantic context than the YA group. For the recall task, OA used less semantic context but relied more on context than the YA group. Age did not affect the subjective listening effort but significantly affected noise tolerable time. Participants in both age groups could use more context in SRT75 than SRT50 on four tasks of RRT. Under the same SRT, however, the YA group could use more context in repeat and recall tasks than the OA group. Conclusion Age affected the use and reliance of semantic context. Even though the OA group used more context in speech recognition, they failed in speech information maintenance (recall) even with the help of semantic context. The OA group relied more on context while performing repeat and recall tasks. The amount of context used was also influenced by SRT.
... The PMN is a pre-lexical effect; an increased negativity occurs when there is an inconsistency between the sensory input of a given target, and its expected phonological representation (Connolly, D'Arcy, Kujala & Alho, 2001;Connolly & Phillips, 1994;Newman & Connolly, 2009). Past research shows that the presence of a non-native accent leads to an increased PMN response among L1-listeners (Porretta, Tremblay & Bolger, 2017;Thomas et al., in prep; see also Goslin et al., 2012;Schiller et al., 2020), especially for those who report little or no experience with the accent under study (Porretta et al., 2017). This appears to suggest that, for L1-listeners, lexical recognition (based on acoustic features) is arduous for words originating from an L2-interlanguage. ...
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In our continuously globalizing world, cross-cultural and cross-linguistic communications are far from exceptional. A wealth of research has indicated that the processing of non-native accented speech can be challenging for native listeners, both at the level of phonology (e.g., Munro & Derwing, 1995) and syntax (Caffarra & Martin, 2019). However, few online studies have examined the underpinnings of accented-speech recognition from the perspective of the non-native listener, even though behavioural studies indicate that accented input may be easier to process for such individuals (i.e., the interlanguage speech intelligibility benefit; Bent & Bradlow, 2003). The current EEG study first examined the phonological and syntactic analysis of non-native accented speech among non-native listeners. As such, thirty English learners-of-Spanish listened to syntactically correct and incorrect Spanish sentences produced in native- and non-native accented Spanish. The violation in the incorrect sentences was caused by errors that are typical (i.e., gender errors; *la color) or atypical for English learners-of-Spanish (i.e., number errors; *los color). Results indicated that non-native listeners elicit a Phonological Mismatch Negativity (PMN) when attending to speech produced by a native Spanish speaker. Furthermore, the non-native listeners showed a P600 for all grammatical violations, indicating that they repair all errors regardless of their typicality or the accent in which they are produced. Follow-up analyses compared our novel data to the data of native listeners from the methodologically identical precursor study (Caffarra & Martin, 2019). These analyses showed that native- and non-native listeners exhibit directionally opposite PMN effects; while natives exhibited a larger PMN for English- accented Spanish, non-natives displayed a larger PMN in response to native-Spanish utterances (a classic interlanguage speech intelligibility benefit). An additional difference was observed at the syntactic level: whereas natives repaired only atypical number errors when they were English-accented, non-native participants exhibited a P600 in response to all English-accented syntactic errors, regardless of their typicality (a syntactic interlanguage speech intelligibility benefit). Altogether, these results suggests that accented speech is not inherently difficult to process; in fact, non-natives may benefit from the presence of a non- native accent. Thus, our data provide some of the first electrophysiological evidence supporting the existence of the classic interlanguage speech intelligibility benefit, and its novel syntactic counterpart.
... However, in the foreign-accented group, there was no difference between the N400 effect at unexpected within and between category completions, while in the native accented group, within-category completions elicited a lower N400 effect than betweencategory completions (replicating previous findings). More recently, Schiller, Boutonnet, Kloots, Meelen, Ruijgrok and Cheng (2020) found an interaction between foreign-accented speech and expectancy in a within-group ERP study. Participants listened to native or nonnative accented Dutch sentences containing an expected or unexpected noun preceded by an article. ...
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People make comprehension easier by predicting upcoming utterances. But what happens when people comprehend and produce utterances concurrently, in two different languages? That is the question addressed in this thesis, which considers the role of prediction in simultaneous and consecutive interpreting. After developing a model of prediction in simultaneous interpreting, the dissertation reports three eye-tracking studies which use a visual-world paradigm. These studies explore whether prediction takes place during simultaneous interpreting; how specific this prediction is; whether interpreters predict differently from other bilinguals; whether training affects prediction; and whether a consecutive interpreting task affects predictive processing. The dissertation concludes that prediction often takes place in both simultaneous and consecutive interpreting, even in noisy conditions, and that interpreters tend to predict earlier and to a greater extent than other bilinguals. Exploratory findings suggest that greater synchronicity of comprehension and production supports prediction – something that could be investigated in future research.
Professor Albert Costa (1972-2018) was one of the most influential scholars in the fields of psycholinguistics and bilingualism. This book provides a faithful look at the most relevant lines of research in which he worked during his academic career. Written by some of his close collaborators and friends, the book presents a coherent summary of the most relevant psycholinguistic theories on language processing and bilingualism, including critical reviews to current models of lexical access, the representation of cognate words, neurolinguistic models of bilingualism, cross-linguistic effects in bimodal bilinguals (sign language), prediction processes and linguistic alignment in bilinguals, the influence of foreign-language effects in social cognition and the effects of bilingualism in emotion and decision making processing. This volume is a tribute to Prof. Costa and his work, and is born from a deep love and respect for his way of approaching the science of multilingualism from a psycholinguistic perspective.
Perceiving and comprehending speech depends on the intelligibility of the speech signal. Frequently, communication occurs with adverse listening conditions including background noise or reverberation which compromise the intelligibility of the speech signal. Studies focused on the effects of these extrinsic degrading factors on the perception of a message after it has been produced. Fewer studies, however, explored the effect of a non-native accent on speech perception and comprehension (Anderson-Hsieh et al., 1992; Munro & Derwing, 1995; van Wijngaarden et al., 2002). Objective This study determines the effects of speech from a non-native speaker of English on semantic processing as it occurs in speech perception. Design Individuals made judgements about semantically congruent or incongruent sentences spoken by native or non-native accented speakers while we assessed processing of semantic information using behavioral and neurophysiological (ERP) responses. Study sample Two groups of 12 individuals between 20 and 30 years of age participated in this study. Results The results revealed a later N400 in response to a non-native accent. Conclusions N400 effect results indicated that, compared to a native accent, listening to non-native accent increases semantic processing difficulty, even with relevant semantic context.
A recent paper by Boswijk, Loerts & Hilton (Boswijk et al., 2020) in this journal discusses how technological advances allow us to explore the cognitive processing of so-called salient linguistic features, and how this could provide us with quantifiable measures of ‘salience’. The paper concludes that, although promising, the used measure of pupil dilation seems to be limited as a measure for linguistic salience, and therefore refers future research to other measures, specifically Event Related Potentials (ERPs). In this paper we therefore replicate the Boswijk et al. study using the ERP measure with the hypothesis that linguistic salience evokes distinct ERP components. We use the same materials that were used in the Boswijk et al. (2020) paper to observe changes in Dutch participants' pupil sizes when listening to stimuli containing salient and non-salient variants of linguistic variables. Using Generalized Additive Mixed Modelling (GAMM), we find distinct responses for five of six stimuli categories. We consider our findings in light of the literature on linguistic salience and discuss how our findings relate to the Boswijk et al. (2020) study. We find that ERPs provide a more fine-grained measure of theoretically salient stimuli.
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Prediction is an important part of language processing. An open question is to what extent people predict language in challenging circumstances. Here we tested the limits of prediction by asking bilingual Dutch native speakers to interpret Dutch sentences into their English counterparts. In two visual world experiments, we recorded participants’ eye movements to co-present visual objects while they engaged in interpreting tasks (consecutive and simultaneous interpreting). Most participants showed anticipatory eye movements to semantically-related upcoming target words in their L1 source language during both consecutive and simultaneous interpretation. A quarter of participants during simultaneous interpretation however did not move their eyes, an extremely unusual participant behaviour in visual world studies. Overall, the findings suggest that most people predict in the source language under challenging interpreting situations. Further work is required to understand the causes of the absence of (anticipatory) eye movements during simultaneous interpretation in a substantial subset of individuals.
There is an apparent disparity between the fields of cognitive audiology and cognitive electrophysiology as to how linguistic context is used when listening to perceptually challenging speech. To gain a clearer picture of how listening effort impacts context use, we conducted a pre-registered study to simultaneously examine electrophysiological, pupillometric, and behavioral responses when listening to sentences varying in contextual constraint and acoustic challenge in the same sample. Participants (N = 44) listened to sentences that were highly constraining and completed with expected or unexpected sentence-final words (“The prisoners were planning their escape/party”) or were low-constraint sentences with unexpected sentence-final words (“All day she thought about the party”). Sentences were presented either in quiet or with +3 dB SNR background noise. Pupillometry and EEG were simultaneously recorded and subsequent sentence recognition and word recall were measured. While the N400 expectancy effect was diminished by noise, suggesting impaired real-time context use, we simultaneously observed a beneficial effect of constraint on subsequent recognition memory for degraded speech. Importantly, analyses of trial-to-trial coupling between pupil dilation and N400 amplitude showed that when participants’ showed increased listening effort (i.e., greater pupil dilation), there was a subsequent recovery of the N400 effect, but at the same time, higher effort was related to poorer subsequent sentence recognition and word recall. Collectively, these findings suggest divergent effects of acoustic challenge and listening effort on context use: while noise impairs the rapid use of context to facilitate lexical semantic processing in general, this negative effect is attenuated when listeners show increased effort in response to noise. However, this effort-induced reliance on context for online word processing comes at the cost of poorer subsequent memory.
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Perceptual experience results from a complex interplay of bottom-up input and prior knowledge about the world, yet the extent to which knowledge affects perception, the neural mechanisms underlying these effects, and the stages of processing at which these two sources of information converge, are still unclear. In several experiments we show that language, in the form of verbal labels, both aids recognition of ambiguous "Mooney" images and improves objective visual discrimination performance in a match/non-match task. We then used electroencephalography (EEG) to better understand the mechanisms of this effect. The improved discrimination of images previously labeled was accompanied by a larger occipital-parietal P1 evoked response to the meaningful versus meaningless target stimuli. Time-frequency analysis of the interval between the cue and the target stimulus revealed increases in the power of posterior alpha-band (8-14 Hz) oscillations when the meaning of the stimuli to be compared was trained. The magnitude of the pre-target alpha difference and the P1 amplitude difference were positively correlated across individuals. These results suggest that prior knowledge prepares the brain for upcoming perception via the modulation of alpha-band oscillations, and that this preparatory state influences early (~120 ms) stages of visual processing.
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Do people routinely pre-activate the meaning and even the phonological form of upcoming words? The most acclaimed evidence for phonological prediction comes from a 2005 Nature Neuroscience publication by DeLong, Urbach and Kutas, who observed a graded modulation of electrical brain potentials (N400) to nouns and preceding articles by the probability that people use a word to continue the sentence fragment ('cloze'). In our direct replication study spanning 9 laboratories (N=334), pre-registered replication-analyses and exploratory Bayes factor analyses successfully replicated the noun-results but, crucially, not the article-results. Pre-registered single-trial analyses also yielded a statistically significant effect for the nouns but not the articles. Exploratory Bayesian single-trial analyses showed that the article-effect may be non-zero but is likely far smaller than originally reported and too small to observe without very large sample sizes. Our results do not support the view that readers routinely pre-activate the phonological form of predictable words.
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Listeners are able to anticipate upcoming words during sentence comprehension, and, as a result, theyalso pre-activate semantically related words. In the present study, we aim at exploring whether theseanticipatory processes are modulated by indexical properties of the speakers, such as a speaker's accent.Event-related brain potentials were obtained while native speakers of Spanish listened to native (Ex-periment 1) or foreign-accented speakers (Experiment 2) of Spanish producing highly constrainedsentences. The sentences ended in: (1) the highest cloze probability completion, (2) a word semanticallyrelated to the expected ending, or (3) a word with no semantic overlap with the expected ending. InExperiment 1, we observed smaller N400 mean amplitudes for the semantically related words as com-pared to the words with no semantic overlap, replicating previousfindings. In Experiment 2, we ob-served no difference in integrating semantically related and unrelated words when listening to accentedspeech. These results suggest that linguistic anticipatory processes are affected by indexical properties ofthe speakers, such as the speaker's accent.
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Previous studies suggest that linguistic material can modulate visual perception, but it is unclear at which level of processing these interactions occur. Here we aim to dissociate between two competing models of language–perception interactions: a feed-forward and a feedback model. We capitalized on the fact that the models make different predictions on the role of feedback. We presented unmasked (aware) or masked (unaware) words implying motion (e.g. " rise, " " fall "), directly preceding an upward or downward visual motion stimulus. Crucially, masking leaves intact feed-forward information processing from low-to high-level regions, whereas it abolishes subsequent feedback. Under this condition, participants remained faster and more accurate when the direction implied by the motion word was congruent with the direction of the visual motion stimulus. This suggests that language–perception interactions are driven by the feed-forward convergence of linguistic and perceptual information at higher-level conceptual and decision stages.
Gaining an understanding of the neural correlates of language is a difficult task given the rapidity of language processing. The excellent temporal resolution associated with event-related potentials (ERPs) makes them an ideal method for investigations in this area. This chapter discusses factors that must be considered when using ERPs and provides guidelines for effective experimental design and recording and analysis of ERP data. It then discusses the characteristics of a number of ERP components used in the study of language comprehension and production, offering examples of how these have been implemented within a variety of research areas.
This study examines processing of native- and Chinese-accented English words. Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded for a set of spoken English words varying in degree of foreign accentedness. Waveform differences emerge for the Phonological Mapping Negativity (PMN) component across the continuum of foreign accentedness. Moreover, these differences in the response also vary across a measure of listener experience related to the amount of reported interaction listeners have with Chinese-accented speakers. The results are discussed in relation to online processing of speech variability, long-term exposure to the variability inherent to foreign-accented speech, and the functional significance of the PMN.
Current psycholinguistic theory proffers prediction as a central, explanatory mechanism in language processing (e.g., Pickering & Garrod, 2013). However, widely-replicated prediction effects may not mean that prediction is necessary in language processing (Huettig & Mani, 2016). As a case in point, Martin et al. (2013) reported ERP evidence for prediction in native speakers but not in non-native speakers. Articles mismatching an expected noun (e.g., “a” when people expect “umbrella”) elicited larger negativity in the N400 time window compared to articles matching the expected noun in native speakers, but not in non-native speakers. We attempted to replicate these findings in two experiments, but found no evidence for prediction irrespective of language nativeness. We argue that pre-activation of phonological form of upcoming nouns, as evidenced in article-elicited effects, may not be a robust phenomenon. We conclude that a view of prediction as a necessary computation in language comprehension must be re-evaluated.