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A systematic review of the pain scales in adults: Which to use?

  • SBU Taksim Training and Research Hospital


Objective: The study analysed the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), the Verbal Rating Scale (VRS) and the Numerical Rating Scale (NRS) to determine: 1. Were the compliance and usability different among scales? 2. Were any of the scales superior over the other(s) for clinical use? Methods: A systematic review of currently published studies was performed following standard guidelines. Online database searches were performed for clinical trials published before November 2017, on the comparison of the pain scores in adults and preferences of the specific patient groups. A literature search via electronic databases was carried out for the last fifteen years on English Language papers. The search terms initially included pain rating scales, pain measurement, pain intensity, VAS, VRS, and NRS. Papers were examined for methodological soundness before being included. Data were independently extracted by two blinded reviewers. Studies were also assessed for bias using the Cochrane criteria. Results: The initial data search yielded 872 potentially relevant studies; of these, 853 were excluded for some reason. The main reason for exclusion (33.7%) was that irrelevance to comparison of pain scales and scores, followed by pediatric studies (32.1%). Finally, 19 underwent full-text review, and were analysed for the study purposes. Studies were of moderate (n=12, 63%) to low (n=7, 37%) quality. Conclusions: All three scales are valid, reliable and appropriate for use in clinical practice, although the VAS is more difficulties than the others. For general purposes the NRS has good sensitivity and generates data that can be analysed for audit purposes.
A systematic review of the pain scores in adults: Which to use?
Objective: The study analyzed the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), the Verbal Rating Scale
(VRS) and the Numerical Rating Scale (NRS) to determine: 1. Were the compliance and
usability different among scales? 2. Were any of the scales superior over the other(s) for
clinical use?
Methods: A systematic review of currently published studies was performed following
standard guidelines. Online database searches were performed for clinical trials published
before November 2017, on the comparison of the pain scores in adults and preferences of the
specific patient groups. A literature search via electronic databases was carried out for the last
fifteen years on English Language papers. The search terms initially included pain rating
scales, pain measurement, pain intensity, VAS, VRS, and NRS. Papers were examined for
methodological soundness before being included. Data were independently extracted by two
blinded reviewers. Studies were also assessed for bias using the Cochrane criteria.
Results: The initial data search yielded 872 potentially relevant studies; of these, 853 were
excluded for some reason. The main reason for exclusion (33.7%) was that irrelevance to
comparison of pain scales and scores, followed by pediatric studies (32.1%). Finally,19
underwent full-text review, and were analyzed for the study purposes. Studies were of
moderate (n=12, 63%) to low (n=7, 37%) quality.
Conclusions: All three scales are valid, reliable and appropriate for use in clinical practice,
although the VAS is more difficulties than the others. For general purposes the NRS has good
sensitivity and generates data that can be analysed for audit purposes.
Key words: acute pain, pain score, pain scale, pain intensity, pain management, emergency
A systematic review of the pain scores: Which to use?
I. Pain in the emergency department
Acute pain is one of the most common chief complaints reported by most patients
admitted to the ED, while its perception and expression have great variations between
countries (1). The definition of pain by International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP)
as 'an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue
damage, or described in terms of such damage' is accepted worldwide (2).
Subjective and multidimensional nature of the pain experience render pain assessment
really challenging. In the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
(JCAHO) guidelines, implementation of this standard in clinical practice comprised the
addition of pain as the "fifth" vital sign to be noted in the context of initial assessment; the use
of pain intensity ratings; and posting of a statement on pain management in all patient care
areas. Supplemented with regular pain reassessments, the schedule of pain reassessment
should be driven by patients’ pain severity (3).
Pain estimations need to be elicited and recorded to highlight both the presence of pain
and the efficacy of pain treatment. The patients’ perception of pain should be documented
during the initial assessment of a patient. Current evidence provides a general
recommendation that pain needs to be evaluated and managed within 20–25 minutes of initial
healthcare provider assessment in the ED (4). Pain treatment should be targeted to a goal of
reducing the pain score (eg, by 50%, below 4/10, or referred to as mild/ moderate or severe)
rather than a specificanalgesic dose (5).
II. Pain scores and documentation of pain
The patient’s self-report is the most accurate and reliable evidence of the existence of
pain and its intensity, and this holds true for patients of all ages, regardless of communication
or cognitive deficits (6).
In the absence of objective measures, the clinician must depend on the patient to
supply key information on the localization, quality and severity of the pain. Although
physicians commonly question the reported severity and rely on their own estimates, the value
of the patients’ description of the location and nature of the discomfort has been proved on the
theorethical basis and routine practice (7).
Pain scores have gained acceptance as the most accurate and reliable measure of
assessing a patient’s pain and response to pain treatment (5). Scales devised to estimate and/or
express the patient’s pain can be evaluated in two groups: Unidimensional and
multidimensional measures. It should be noted that unidimensional scales measure only
intensity, they cannot be viewed as a comprehensive pain assessment. Comprehensive pain
assessment is expected to encompass both the unidimensional measurement of pain intensity
and the multidimensional evaluation of the pain perception. The unidimensional pain intensity
scales commonly used bedside are:
Numeric Rating Scale (NRS),
Visual Analog Scale (VAS),
Verbal Rating / Descriptor Scale (VRS/VDS).
II.B.1. The VAS is the most widely used tool forestimating both severity of pain and to judge
the extent of pain relief (8). Healthcare worker asks the patient to select a point on a line
drawn between two ends to express how intense he/she perceives pain (Fig. 1). The VAS is a
continuous scale comprised of a horizontal (HVAS) or vertical (VVAS) line, usually 100 mm
long, anchored by two verbal descriptors (i.e.,“no pain” and “worst imaginable pain” (9, 10).
Patients are asked to rate “current” pain intensity or pain intensity “in the last 24 hours”.
The VAS is an easy-to-use instrument which does not warrant using a sophisticated
device. It is also highly sensitive indetecting treatment effects, and its results can be analysed
by parametric tests (11). Minimal translation difficulties have led to an unknown number of
cross-cultural adaptations (10). Although this tool is suitable for use with older children and
adults, the need for a marking and for being able to visualize and mark the line, can make the
VAS impractical to use in the emergency situation. On the other hand, most experts believe
that the VAS offers little practical advantage over verbal reports in the clinical practice (5).
II.B.2. The numeric rating scale (NRS) is a single 11-point numeric scale broadly
validated across myriad patient types. Data obtained via NRS are easily documented,
intuitively interpretable, and meet regulatory requirements for pain assessment and
documentation (12). To date, findings demonstrated that even in the chaotic prehospital phase
most acute care patients allow evaluation via a simple “zero-to-10 scale” or NRS reliably,
respecting their pain levels (13). Like the pain VAS, minimal language translation difficulties
support the use of the NRS across cultures and languages (14).
Evidence indicated that patients really want to give a pain number, rather than simply
relate whether they want analgesia. Strengths of this measure over the pain VAS are the ability
to be administered both verbally (therefore by telephone) and in writing, as well as its
simplicity of scoring. However, similar to the pain VAS, the pain NRS evaluates only 1
component of the pain experience, pain intensity, and therefore does not capture the
complexity and idiosyncratic nature of the pain experience or improvements due to symptom
fluctuations (10).
NRS is a commonly used tool necessitating the patient rate his pain on a scale from 0 to
10, with 0 indicating no pain and 10 reflecting the worst possible pain (Fig. 2). NRS are often
conducted as a scale from 1 to 10 which does not give the patient a solution to indicate no
pain at all. It can be used with children who are able to understand numbers. The pain scores
are interpreted as:
0 = no pain
1-3 = mild pain
4-6 = moderate pain
7-10 = severe pain
NRS can be used with most children older than 8 years of age, and behavioral
observation scales are required for those unable to provide a self-report (15). For patients with
cancer-related pain, the NRS is the most frequently used instrument to measure pain intensity
(16). Goulet et al. examined the agreement and correlation of electronic medical record-based
ratings of NRS and self-administered NRS in 1643 adult patients (17). The correlation was
high, but the mean electronic medical record-based NRS score was significantly lower than
the survey score (1.72 vs. 2.79; P <0.0001).
II.B.3. Verbal Pain Scores (VPSs), Verbal Rating Scales (VRS) or Verbal Descriptor
Scales: These tools may discern those patients who are truly in pain but who may not express
their discomfort, as well as influence the physician to inquire about the patient’s pain.
VRS consist of a number of statements describing increasing pain intensities (Fig. 1).
Patients are told to choose the word which best describes their pain intensity. The number of
descriptors used has ranged from four (none, mild, moderate, severe) to 15 (18). For patients
who have limited literacy or cognitive impairment, use of these scales may be difficult, and
they do not provide the number of choices available with the VAS or NRS, thus potentially
limiting precision (19).
This article reviews the current literature to provide systematic data regarding the
results from comparative studies on unidimensional assessment of pain intensity using the
NRS, VRS, or VAS. The following points were investigated to determine evidence-based
-Were the compliance and usability different among scales?
-Were any of the scales superior over the other(s) for clinical use?
III. Methods
A systematic review of currently published studies was performed following standard
guidelines. Online database searches were performed for randomized controlled trials
published before November 2017, on the comparison of the pain scores in adultsand
preferences of the specific patient groups. A literature search via the Cochrane Central
Register of Controlled Trials, PubMed/ Medline, ClinicalKey, EMBASE, the Cumulative
Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), and BIOSIS was carried out for the
last fifteen years on English Language papers. Published studies evaluating the patients’
preferences and usability ofthe pain intensity scales were targeted. The reference lists of
retrieved articles were used to generate more papers and search terms. Data were
independently extracted by two blinded reviewers. The discrepancies, on the other hand, were
resolved by the primary author. The research protocol to answer these questions was
registered in PROSPERO, the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews
(registration number is: CRD42017080974).
III.A. Search methodology
A comprehensive literature search was carried out using the following strategy:
Online searches were performed using the following search keywords and terms: (‘pain
assessment’ OR ‘pain intensity’ OR ‘pain score’ OR ‘pain comparison’ OR ‘pain scale’ OR
‘acute pain’ OR ‘pain rating’) AND (‘emergency’ AND ‘acute’ AND ‘score’). The search was
limited to human studies (clinical trials) conducted on adults and published in English.
III.B. Study selection, data screening and critical appraisal
The study included all comparative trials conducted to assess the use of commonly
used scales measuring acute pain intensity and to compare them with each other on specific
patient groups, exclusively in adults. All RCTs of any duration that investigated pain scores in
comparison to each other were identified. All potentially eligible papers were critically
appraised, with the emphasis on evidence from randomised trials and international guidelines
rather than smaller studies, case series and case reports. Reference lists of relevant systematic
reviews and all included studies were checked to identify additional eligible articles.
Conference abstracts and proceedings were not deemed eligible for inclusion in the review.
Citation titles and abstracts were independently screened and assessed regarding the
methodological quality by two reviewers (H.T. and O.D.). Any disagreements between the
two reviewers were then resolved by consensus or in consultation with a third reviewer (O.K.)
if needed.
III.C. Quality assessment and risk of bias
Eligible clinical studies were rated regarding the quality of evidence as per GRADE
guidelines and assigned to one of four groups: High (A), moderate (B), low (C) and very low
(D) quality (20).
Studies that met the inclusion criteria for the review were assessed for bias using the
risk of bias criteria developed by Cochrane’s EPOC group (21) which is based upon
Cochrane’s Risk of Bias Tool (22). Studies were assessed with regard to selection bias,
performance bias, detection bias, attrition bias, reporting bias, and other sources of bias.
Studies were rated as “low risk of bias (L)”, “high risk of bias (H),” or “unclear risk of bias
(U)” on a general impression after evaluating all criteria (Table 1).
IV. Results: The initial electronic data search yielded a total of 872 potentially
relevant studies; of these, 853 were excluded for some reason, and finally 19 trials fully met
the selection criteria based on inclusion of information regarding comparative data on the pain
scales, and specific populations’ preferences on the scales (Fig. 2). The main reason for
exclusion (33.7%, 288/853) was that irrelevance to comparison of pain scales and scores,
followed by pediatric studies (32.1%, 274/853).
Data collected for the review of the 19 clinical studies included in the analysis of the
pain scales used in the acute setting were tabulated and summarized (Table 1). With respect to
quality of evidence per GRADE guidelines, there were 12 (63%) moderate quality (B) and 7
(37%) low quality (C) evidence derived from the studies.
V. Discussion: In order to use pain-rating scales well clinicians need to appreciate the
potential for error within the tools, and the potential they have to provide the required
information. Interpretation of the data from a pain-rating scale is not as straightforward as it
might first appear. Leigheb M, et al. pointed out that there is substantial discordance between
NRS and VAS scores which is suggestive of a need for clinical judgment to be incorporated
into assessment of actual pain intensity and concluded that leaning on pain scale data alone is
not a comprehensive approach (23).
In the present study, most of the studies in the analysis indicated a good correlation
between VAS, VRS/VDS and NRS, although some pointed out there is a discrepancy in some
situations. One study reported a moderate agreement between calculated percentage pain
reduction from a VAS or NRS and the difference could range up to 30%.
VDS and NRS were also found to have strong correlation and can be used in practice
depending on the preference. The elderly were found to prefer VDS to express their pain
intensity (24, 25) including those with mild to moderate cognitive impairment. Accordingly,
Ware et al. reported that NRS was the preferred scale in the cognitively intact group while
FPS-R was the preferred scale in the cognitively impaired group (26).
A number of studies cited a considerable difficulty in practical use of VAS, especially
in the elderly and populations with disadvantages. For example, Yazici et al. noted that the
NRS, TPS, FPS, and VDS were appropriate pain rating scales for the participants in this
study, and that the VAS should be used in combination with one of these scales (27).
One of the first reviews on comparison of the three pain scales (VAS, VRS, and NRS)
were published by Williamson and Hoggart in 2005 and they reported that
all three scales were valid, reliable and appropriate for use, although the VAS had more
practical difficulties than the other two scales (28). They stressed that for general purposes the
NRS has good sensitivity and produces data that can be analysed for audit purposes.
Likewise, Hjermstad MJ, et al. performed a systematic review of studies to culminate data on
the use and performance of unidimensional pain scales (29). They reported that when
compared with the VAS and VRS, NRSs had better compliance in 15 of 19 studies reporting
this, and were the recommended tool in 11 studies. Overall, NRS and VAS scores
corresponded, with a few exceptions of systematically higher VAS scores.
Limitations of this article are similar to all review articles: the dependence on
previously published research and availability of references. There is also a lack of published
Level I and Level II studies specific to this topic in the world’s literature.
VI. Summary and conclusion
“Pain cannot be treated if it cannot be assessed”. The most important principle is that
clinicians should somehow assess their patients’ pain levels, no matter which method or scale
one uses to accomplish this task. Special scales developed and validated for patients with
difficulties in communication should be made available, and ED physicians should have a
plan for assessing pain in different case scenarios.
The bulk of evidence published to date have demonstrated a gap for improvementto
indicate pluses and minuses of each rating scale used for acute pain. Reports focus that
although all pain-rating scales are valid, reliable and appropriate for use in emergency setting,
the VAS has somehow appeared more difficult than the others. Elderly patients and those with
cognitive impairment, communication problems and minorities have found verbal descriptor
or rating scales more practical than others in expression of their pain intensity. Ongoing
research in the area of ED patient pain management along with usability of each tool should
be conducted on specific patient groups and populations before firm conclusions could be
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... 3) Throughout the eight-week implementation phase of the 10-week project, the collective group of patients who received MT intervention would achieve a statistically significant decrease in pain and anxiety levels as evidenced by a paired-sample t-test comparison of pre-and post-MT intervention State-Trait Anxiety Inventory State-5 (STAIS-5) survey and NRS for pain survey results. [14,15] The goals were established by the author, the music therapist, and RN feedback. The organization currently employs a board-certified music therapist in the palliative care unit. ...
... This survey utilized valid and reliable tools proven appropriate in clinical practice. [14,15] Additionally, data was obtained via an EMR analysis to evaluate how many patients met inclusion criteria, how many patients received a MT consultation order, and how many patients were offered and treated with MT. This data, in conjunction with the survey results, revealed the effectiveness of the project. ...
... A reduction of pain from severe to moderate, or moderate to mild levels according to the NRS for pain is considered clinically significant. [14] Among participants receiving MT, 54% (n = 13) achieved a clinically significant reduction of pain as evidenced by transitioning from either severe to moderate pain, or moderate to mild pain. ...
Objective: Acute pain is a common and complex problem among postoperative trauma patients, burdening over 90% of the population. Although pharmacological interventions remain the mainstay of pain management in the inpatient setting, non-pharmacological interventions are emerging as legitimate adjuncts. The non-pharmacological intervention of music therapy has been shown to significantly and consistently lower pain and anxiety levels. This quality improvement project aimed to pilot the integration of music therapy for postoperative trauma patients at a Level I Trauma Center in the Southeast United States and evaluate its effects on pain and anxiety levels.Methods: A before and after intervention study was conducted at the organization over a 10-week period. Unit registered nurses were educated on patient inclusion criteria and placed music therapy consultation orders accordingly. A board-certified music therapist provided evidence-based music therapy intervention for consulted patients. A survey consisting of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory State-5 and the numeric rating scale for pain was administered pre- and post-intervention. A paired-sample t-test was run to evaluate the statistical significance of music therapy’s effect on pain and anxiety.Results: The mean pre-test State-Trait Anxiety Inventory State-5 score was 8.43 (sd = 3.46), and the post-test was 5.64 (sd = 1.10) among patients who received music therapy (n = 28). A significant decrease in anxiety was found (t (27) = 5.227, p < .001). The mean pre-test numeric rating scale for pain score was 6.36 (sd = 2.59), and the post-test was 4.57 (sd = 2.66). A significant decrease in pain was found (t (4.90) = 4.892, p < .001).Conclusions: Patients who received music therapy as an adjunct intervention achieved a statistically significant decrease in pain and anxiety levels. This quality improvement project validates current research and bolsters evidence-based practice recommendations that reference music therapy as a legitimate adjunct to pharmacological pain and anxiety treatment regimens.
Background The aim of this study is to describe the course of recovery of physical ability for patients undergoing lung wedge resection surgery for bone tumor metastases using the 1-minute sit-to-stand (1MSTS) test. Methods All patients undergoing wedge resection for localized lung metastases from January 2022 to July 2023 were recruited consecutively. The recovery of physical performance was assessed by conducting the 1MSTS test the day before surgery and every day after surgery. A comparison was made between the number of repetitions performed in the preoperative test vs the performance on the sixth postoperative day. Results A total of 52 patients were enrolled. The median age was 51 years and women made up 44.2% of the sample. The 1MSTS test on the sixth day was conducted in all patients with a median number of repetitions of 17.5, with a value comparable to the preoperative median. The patients able to recover to the preoperative repetitions were 38%. Multivariate analysis showed female gender as a protective factor and previous respiratory comorbidities and previous surgery to the upper limbs/trunk as risk factors. During preoperative assessment, higher heart rate and lower oxygen saturation (SpO2) after 1MSTS test were also predictors of a worse postoperative outcome. Conclusion After wedge resection surgery for lung metastasis, the recovery of physical ability should be encouraged from the early postoperative phases and can be monitored through the use of the 1MSTS test during hospitalization. Aerobic training exercises in the preoperative phase may be useful to improve preoperative performance.
To evaluate the usefulness of robotic subxiphoid-optical thymectomy (RST). Thirty-seven procedures (thymoma, n = 19; thymic carcinoma, n = 1; myasthenia gravis, n = 3; and others, n = 14) performed between October 2020 and December 2023 were included. The right and left 6th intercostal midclavicular lines and subxiphoid, with an assistant port placed in the right third intercostal anterior axillary line, were adapted. Postoperative pain was assessed using a numerical rating scale (NRS). A good view of the surgical field is obtained. The median console time was 113 min and the time to roll-in was 30 min. The body mass index (BMI) was 21.6. One patient with thymic carcinoma required combined resection of the left phrenic nerve and left brachiocephalic vein without conversion to thoracotomy, and 1 patient had post-pericardiotomy syndrome with bilateral pleural effusion. There was a correlation between the prolonged time to roll-in and BMI (ρ = 0.439; p = 0.007). Pain was controlled with oral medication on postoperative day 1 and significantly decreased at discharge and at the first outpatient visit without epidural anesthesia (median NRS scores: 4, 1, and 1, respectively). RST is a safe procedure that provides surgeons with a sufficient view of the anterior mediastinum and causes minimal postoperative pain.
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Pain assessment has become an important component in modern healthcare systems. It aids medical professionals in patient diagnosis and providing the appropriate care and therapy. Conventionally, patients are asked to provide their pain level verbally. However, this subjective method is generally inaccurate, not possible for non-communicative people, can be affected by physiological and environmental factors and is time-consuming, which renders it inefficient in healthcare settings. So, there has been a growing need to build objective, reliable and automatic pain assessment alternatives. In fact, due to the efficiency of facial expressions as pain biomarkers that accurately expand the pain intensity and the power of machine learning methods to effectively learn the subtle nuances of pain expressions and accurately predict pain intensity, automatic pain assessment methods have evolved rapidly. This paper reviews recent spatial facial expressions and machine learning-based pain assessment methods. Moreover, we highlight the pain intensity scales, datasets and method performance evaluation criteria. In addition, these methods’ contributions, strengths and limitations will be reported and discussed. Additionally, the review lays the groundwork for further study and improvement for more accurate automatic pain assessment.
Context : Tendon injuries are common disorders in both workers and athletes, potentially impacting performance in both conditions. This is why the search for effective treatments is continuing. Objective(s) : The objective of this study was to analyze whether the ultrasound-guided percutaneous needle electrolysis technique may be considered a procedure to reduce pain caused by tendinosis. Evidence Acquisition : The search strategy included the PubMed, SCOPUS, CINAHL, Physiotherapy Evidence Database, SciELO, and ScienceDirect up to the date of February 25, 2024. Randomized clinical trials that assessed pain caused by tendinosis using the Visual Analog Scale and Numeric Rating Scale were included. The studies were evaluated for quality using the Cochrane Risk of Bias 2, and the evidence strength was assessed by the GRADEpro GDT. Evidence Synthesis : Out of the 534 studies found, 8 were included in the review. A random-effects meta-analysis and standardized mean differences (SMD) were conducted. The ultrasound-guided percutaneous needle electrolysis proved to be effective in reducing pain caused by tendinosis in the overall outcome (SMD = −0.97; 95% CI, −1.26 to −0.68; I 2 = 58%; low certainty of evidence) and in the short-term (SMD = −0.83, 95% CI, −1.29 to −0.38; I 2 = 65%; low certainty of evidence), midterm (SMD = −1.28; 95% CI, −1.65 to −0.91; I 2 = 0%; moderate certainty of evidence), and long-term (SMD = −0.94; 95% CI, −1.62 to −0.26; I 2 = 71%; low certainty of evidence) subgroups. Conclusion(s) : The application of the ultrasound-guided percutaneous needle electrolysis technique for reducing pain caused by tendinosis appears to be effective. However, due to the heterogeneity found (partially explained), more studies are needed to define the appropriate dosimetry, specific populations that may benefit more from the technique, and possible adverse events.
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Objective: The present pilot study aimed to propose an innovative scale-independent measure based on electroencephalographic (EEG) signals for the identification and quantification of the magnitude of chronic pain. Methods: EEG data were collected from three groups of participants at rest: seven healthy participants with pain, 15 healthy participants submitted to thermal pain, and 66 participants living with chronic pain. Every 30 s, the pain intensity score felt by the participant was also recorded. Electrodes positioned in the contralateral motor region were of interest. After EEG preprocessing, a complex analytical signal was obtained using Hilbert transform, and the upper envelope of the EEG signal was extracted. The average coefficient of variation of the upper envelope of the signal was then calculated for the beta (13–30 Hz) band and proposed as a new EEG-based indicator, namely Piqβ, to identify and quantify pain. Main results: The main results are as follows: (1) A Piqβ threshold at 10%, that is, Piqβ ≥ 10%, indicates the presence of pain, and (2) the higher the Piqβ (%), the higher the extent of pain. Conclusions: This finding indicates that Piqβ can objectively identify and quantify pain in a population living with chronic pain. This new EEG-based indicator can be used for objective pain assessment based on the neurophysiological body response to pain. Significance: Objective pain assessment is a valuable decision-making aid and an important contribution to pain management and monitoring.
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Introduction This systematic review investigates the interplay between oxytocin and exercise; in terms of analgesic, anti-inflammatory, pro-regenerative, and cardioprotective effects. Furthermore, by analyzing measurement methods, we aim to improve measurement validity and reliability. Methods Utilizing PRISMA, GRADE, and MECIR protocols, we examined five databases with a modified SPIDER search. Including studies on healthy participants, published within the last 20 years, based on keywords “oxytocin,” “exercise” and “measurement,” 690 studies were retrieved initially (455 unique records). After excluding studies of clinically identifiable diseases, and unpublished and reproduction-focused studies, 175 studies qualified for the narrative cross-thematic and structural analysis. Results The analysis resulted in five categories showing the reciprocal impact of oxytocin and exercise: Exercise (50), Physiology (63), Environment (27), Social Context (65), and Stress (49). Exercise-induced oxytocin could promote tissue regeneration, with 32 studies showing its analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, while 14 studies discussed memory and cognition. Furthermore, empathy-associated OXTR rs53576 polymorphism might influence team sports performance. Since dietary habits and substance abuse can impact oxytocin secretion too, combining self-report tests and repeated salivary measurements may help achieve precision. Discussion Oxytocin’s effect on fear extinction and social cognition might generate strategies for mental training, and technical, and tactical development in sports. Exercise-induced oxytocin can affect the amount of stress experienced by athletes, and their response to it. However, oxytocin levels could depend on the type of sport in means of contact level, exercise intensity, and duration. The influence of oxytocin on athletes’ performance and recovery could have been exploited due to its short half-life. Examining oxytocin’s complex interactions with exercise paves the way for future research and application in sports science, psychology, and medical disciplines. Systematic Review Registration, identifier CRD42024512184
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. Background and aim of the work: The aim of pain management in the Emergency Department (ED) is to temporarily optimize patient quality of life by reducing acute discomfort. The goals of this study were to evaluate the intensity and location of pain experienced by patients in the ED, the time to analgesia administration in the ED, and the patient's satisfaction so to identify potential useful interventions to improve pain management. Methods: We prospectively collected data on the intensity of pain experienced by 137 patients during their ED stays using the Visual Analog Scale (VAS) and the Numeric Rating Scale (NRS). Patients were further stratified by pain intensity according to three categories, and by cause of pain. Results: NRS pain measurements were higher than VAS measurements. Patients who took pain medication within a few hours before their ED visit had a higher mean VAS score at arrival in comparison to patients who did not. Patients treated with pain medications, compared to the non-treated, had more pain at arrival; abdominal pain was treated earlier than non-abdominal pain, whereas no difference in timing of medication administration was noted between traumatic and non-traumatic pain. Among the hospitalized patients, the chest was the most common location of pain; these patients had lower NRS scores than non-hospitalized patients. Patients with mild to moderate pain were more satisfied then those with severe pain. Conclusions: The discrepancy between NRS and VAS scores suggests that pain intensity cannot be determined accurately according to pain scale data alone but should also incorporate clinical judgment.
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AbstractOBJECTIVE Correlating two unidimensional scales for measurement of self-reported pain intensity for elderly and identifying a preference for one of the scales.METHODA study conducted with 101 elderly people living in Nursing Home who reported any pain and reached ( 13 the scores on the Mini-Mental State Examination. A Numeric Rating Scale - (NRS) of 11 points and a Verbal Descriptor Scale (VDS) of five points were compared in three evaluations: overall, at rest and during movement.RESULTSWomen were more representative (61.4%) and the average age was 77.0±9.1 years. NRS was completed by 94.8% of the elderly while VDS by 100%. The association between the mean scores of NRS with the categories of VDS was significant, indicating convergent validity and a similar metric between the scales.CONCLUSION Pain measurements among institutionalized elderly can be made by NRS and VDS; however, the preferred scale for the elderly was the VDS, regardless of gender.
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Pain assessment is an important component of pain management and health professionals require valid tools to assess pain to guide their pain management decisions. The study sought to select, develop, and validate context-appropriate unidimensional pain scales for pain assessment among adult post-operative patients. A mixed methods design was adopted. The study was conducted at two hospitals in Accra, Ghana. The qualitative phase involved 17 patients and 25 nurses, and the quantitative phase involved 150 post-operative patients. Qualitative data was collected iteratively through individual interviews and focus groups. Two existing pain scales (0–10 Numeric Rating Scale [NRS] and Wong-Baker FACES [FPS] scales) and one new pain scale (Colour-Circle Pain Scale–[CCPS]) were validated. The psychometric properties of the three scales were assessed when patients had fully recovered from anesthesia. The CCPS had higher scale preference than NRS and FPS. Convergent validity was very good and significant (0.70–0.75). Inter-rater reliability was high (0.923–0.928) and all the scales were sensitive to change in the intensity or level of pain experienced before and after analgesia such as paracetamol and diclofenac suppositories, injectable pethidine, and oral tramadol had been administered. Using a valid tool for pain assessment gives the clinician an objective criterion for pain management. Due to the subjective nature of pain, consideration of socio-cultural factors for the particular context ensures that the appropriate tool is used.
Background: This study aimed to determine the level of agreement between calculated percentage pain reduction, derived from visual analog or numerical rating scales, and patient-reported percentage pain reduction in patients having labor epidural analgesia. Methods: In a prospective observational study, parturients were asked to rate their pain intensity on a visual analog scale and numerical rating scale, before and 30min after initiation of epidural analgesia. The percentage pain reduction 30min after epidural analgesia was calculated by the formula: 100×(score before epidural analgesia-score 30min after epidural analgesia)/score before epidural analgesia. To evaluate agreement between calculated percentage pain reduction and patient-reported percentage pain reduction, we computed the concordance correlation coefficient and performed Bland-Altman analysis. Results: Ninety-seven women in labor were enrolled in the study, most of whom were nulliparous, with a singleton fetus and in spontaneous labor. The concordance correlation coefficient with patient-reported percentage pain reduction was 0.76 (95% CI 0.6 to 0.8) and 0.77 (95% CI 0.6 to 0.8) for the visual analog and numerical rating scale, respectively. The Bland-Altman mean difference between calculated percentage pain reduction and patient-reported percentage pain reduction for the visual analog and numerical rating scales were -2.0% (limits of agreement at 29.8%) and 0 (limits of agreement at 28.2%), respectively. Conclusion: The agreement between calculated percentage pain reduction from a visual analog or numerical rating scale and patient-reported percentage pain reduction in the context of labor epidural analgesia was moderate. The difference could range up to 30%. Patient-reported percentage pain reduction has advantages as a measurement tool for assessing pain management for childbirth but differences compared with other assessment methods should be taken into account.
Background: For patients with cancer-related pain, the numeric rating scale is the most frequently used instrument to measure pain intensity. In the literature, it has been suggested to interpret patient-reported ratings of pain in relation to the pain intensity which is acceptable to the individual patient. Aim: We aimed to examine the feasibility and course of acceptable pain intensity. Design: A secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial that tested the effectiveness of standard care versus standard care supplemented by a pain consultation combined with a patient pain education program. Setting: A total of 72 patients were included from an outpatient oncology clinic of a university hospital. They were diagnosed with cancer-related nociceptive pain with an average pain intensity ⩾4. Results: Most patients (97%) were able to give a score for acceptable pain. Almost half of the patients scored their acceptable pain in the range of moderate to severe. Patients' ratings of acceptable pain were stable; after 8 weeks, 69% of patients had a variation of up to 1 point compared to baseline. However, the mean acceptable pain intensity remained equal in the standard care group (from 4.6 (range: 0-8) to 5.0 (range: 2-8)) and decreased in the intervention group (from 4.6 (range: 2-8) to 3.8 (range: 0-7, p < 0.01), difference between groups p < 0.05). Conclusion: Measurement of acceptable pain intensity is feasible. Patients with additional pain treatment became more critical and accepted less pain. More research is needed before we can use acceptable pain intensity as a reference for the interpretation of pain ratings.