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Shelf life prediction of canned fried-rice using accelerated shelf life testing (ASLT) arrhenius method


Abstract and Figures

Research on shelf-life prediction of canned fried rice using Accelerated Shelf-life Test (ASLT) of Arrhenius model has been conducted. The aim of this research to predict shelf life of canned-fried rice products. Lethality value of 121°C for 15 and 20 minutes and Total Plate count methods are used to determine time and temperatures of sterilization process.Various storage temperatures of ASLT Arrhenius method were 35, 45 and 55°C during 35days. Rancidity is one of the derivation quality of canned fried rice. In this research, sample of canned fried rice is tested using rancidity value (TBA). TBA value was used as parameter which be measured once a week periodically. The use of can for fried rice without any chemical preservative is one of the advantage of the product, additionaly the use of physicalproperties such as temperature and pressure during its process can extend the shelf life and reduce the microbial contamination. The same research has never done before for fried rice as ready to eat meal. The result showed that the optimum conditions of sterilization process were 121°C,15 minutes with total plate count number of 9,3 × 10¹ CFU/ml. Lethality value of canned fried rice at 121°C,15 minutes was 3.63 minutes. The calculated Shelf-life of canned fried rice using Accelerated Shelf-life Test (ASLT) of Arrhenius method was 10.3 months.
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IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Shelf life prediction of canned fried-rice using accelerated shelf life
testing (ASLT) arrhenius method
To cite this article: M Kurniadi et al 2017 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 101 012029
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Shelf life prediction of canned fried-rice using accelerated
shelf life testing (ASLT) arrhenius method
M Kurniadi1, R Bintang2, A Kusumaningrum1, A Nursiwi2, A Nurhikmat1, A
Susanto1, M Angwar1, Triwiyono1 and A Frediansyah1
1Research Unit for Natural Products Technology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences,
2Science and Food Technology, Sebelas Maret University (UNS), Surakarta,
Email address:
Abstract. Research on shelf-life prediction of canned fried rice using Accelerated Shelf-life
Test (ASLT) of Arrhenius model has been conducted. The aim of this research to predict shelf
life of canned-fried rice products. Lethality value of 121°C for 15 and 20 minutes and Total
Plate count methods are used to determine time and temperatures of sterilization
process.Various storage temperatures of ASLT Arrhenius method were 35, 45 and 55°C
during 35days. Rancidity is one of the derivation quality of canned fried rice. In this research,
sample of canned fried rice is tested using rancidity value (TBA). TBA value was used as
parameter which be measured once a week periodically. The use of can for fried rice without
any chemical preservative is one of the advantage of the product, additionaly the use of
physicalproperties such as temperature and pressure during its process can extend the shelf life
and reduce the microbial contamination. The same research has never done before for fried
rice as ready to eat meal. The result showed that the optimum conditions of sterilization
process were 121°C,15 minutes with total plate count number of 9,3 x 101 CFU/ml. Lethality
value of canned fried rice at 121°C,15 minutes was 3.63 minutes. The calculated Shelf-life of
canned fried rice using Accelerated Shelf-life Test (ASLT) of Arrhenius method was 10.3
1. Introduction
Canned food products has been developed since several decades ago. In some countries, military
ransom used special food of their own country. The United States of America (USA) has its pizza and
the Phillipines has its canned rice with sausage from pork [1]. In Indonesia, rice is the main food that
is consumed by many people there. More than 90% of Indonesian people consume rice as their main
food [2],[3]. As the high consumption of rice in Indonesia, Indonesian people tend to process rice into
other food products to avoid boredom and increase rices nutrition value. One of favourite processed
rice products in Indonesia is fried rice. In its serving, fried rice is processed food that must be
immediately consumed, because fried rice has short shelf-life relatively. The decrease that occur on
fried rice is rancidity. Beside rancidity, there are microorganisms which cause decrease and harm on a
humans health. This is caused by chemical reactions taking place naturally, so that it will affect the
taste, color, texture and nutrients in the food[4]. In the oil there are two types of main damage, which
are rancidity and hydrolysis [5]. Rice-based food products are vulnerable to get contaminated by B.
cereus that is growing and producing emetic toxins in a relatively short time on the rice storaged in
room temperature [6]. Therefore, preservation is needed to extend shelf-life of canned fried rice.
In canning, sterilization process is the primary process in commercial sterile food production,
especially to guarantee the security of commercial sterile food. The sterilization process in canning is
ICONPROBIOS 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 101 (2017) 012029 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/101/1/012029
Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution
of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd
heating process of the can as well as its content in many factors causing decay on food, without
causing over cooking on the food [7]. In general, the canning process of food ingredients consisting of
some stages, some of them are ingredient preparation, filling process, exhausting, sterilization,
cooling, and storing [8]. After sterilization process, cooling process must be done immediately to
prevent food over cooking and thermophilic bacteria growing. The temperature to reduce Clostridium
botulinum number in a canned food is 121.1oC for 3 minutes [9]. The indicators of optimum
sterilization process is generally done by ensuring that Clostridium botulinum has died. Thus, other
microbes which are vulnerable to heat will be automatically dead if Clostridium botulinum can be
killed successfully.
The use of can for fried rice without any chemical preservative is one of the advantage of the
additionaly the use of physical properties such as temperature and pressure during its process
can extend the shelf life and reduce the microbial contamination . The same research has never done
before for fried rice as ready to eat meal. In Indonesia, rule regarding shelf-life of food ingredients is
stated in Law of Food No. 18 year 2012 regarding food and Government Regulation No.28 year 2004
regarding security, quality and nutrient of food. To determine shelf-life of canne fried rice, it needs to
conduct a research regarding shelf-life prediction. One of the methods to predict shelf-life is by using
Accelerated Shelf Life Testing (ASLT) method with Arrhenius model and food storage with extreme
temperature, in which the damage on food products occur faster then the shelf life is determined based
on extrapolation to storage temperature.
Based on product identification that is done, it is found that quality factor that becomes parameter
the products quality decrease reaction kinetics. To find out quality decrease level, quality factor
are transformed in a plot kinetic and an appropriate kinetic parameter model will be obtained.
Quality decrease process of food ingredients is stated by the following common equation [10]-[11]:
 
Q : Quality factor
t : time
k : constant rate that depends on temperature and water activity
n : degree factor or reaction order
dQ/dt : change of Q factor per time unit (positive sign if the decrease is stated in Q addition
and negative if the measure one is Q decrease)
Most of all, decrease of food ingredient quality includes zero order (order 0) reaction and one order
(order 1). Withevaluation of constant rate (k) at different three temperatures or more, Arrhenius
correlation chart can be made, i.e. extrapolation with straight line of correlation between ln k and 1/T
to predict kinetic reaction (k) from reactions at other temperatures [11]. Shelf-life is determined based
on the most influential factor toward the product. One of the factors that is able to influence a
products shelf-life is temperature. Determination of shelf-life and temperature limit factor can be
done by Arrhenius kinetic approach. Zero order quality decrease reaction can be stated with the
following equation [12]:
  
And for order 1 decrease reaction can be stated by the following equation:
  
In which:
A1 : final score
A0 : initial score (day-0)
ICONPROBIOS 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 101 (2017) 012029 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/101/1/012029
K : reaction constant rate
t : shelf-life (in day, month or year)
Here we report, for the first time, the using of ASLT method for predicting shelf life of canned fried
rice product
2. Materials and Methods
2.1 Sample preparation
Ingredients which are used to make fried rice are rice type IR64, garlic, onion, chilly, margarine, soy
sauce, fried beef sausage, salt, fried local chicken meat and food grade cylindric can (anamel material)
in size of 301 x 205 mm (Ø x h) [13]. Chemical reagents used for analysis are TBA reagent, aquades,
HCl 4N, PCA media, and NaCl 0.85%.
2.2 Instruments
- seamer
machine and incubator at operation temperatures.
2.3 Accelerated Shelf-life Testing (ASLT) Arrhenius Method
Kinetics observation on canned fried rice quality decrease uses Accelerated Shelf Life Test (ASLT)
method and Arrhenius model. The sample is stored at 3 different temperatures, i.e. 35°C, 45°C, and
55°C. The sample parameters are observed for 35 days to get decrease rate based on rancidity testing
of the product during storage as the critical parameter of the quality of canned fried rice. Next, the
data which were obtained from rancidity testing were plotted in chart of correlation of time (x axis)
and average sensory score on each storage temperature (y axis). The determination of shelf-life of
canned fried rice is determined by the biggest R2 (determination coefficient) value among critical
parameters (TBA score) [14].
2.4 Sensory Test
Sensory test are used for knowing organoleptic level of canned fried rice to 25 untrained panelists.
Organoleptic level including of colour, smell, taste, texture.
2.5 Analysis Methods
2.5.1. Total plate count
The materials used are PCA media and NaCl of 0,85%. The equipment and the materials are
sterilized.About 25 g of sample was taken and mixed up using mixer machine, followed by addition
of 225 ml NaCl 0,85% and homogenized. Homogenous liquor was brought to Laminar Air Flow for
dilution and platting. Fresh rice sample was diluted up to 10-5 and canned rice up to 10-3. The dilution
was done by taking liquid of 1 ml and poured in to the tube containing 9 ml NaCl 0,85%. The diluted
sample was platted into the petridish about of 1 ml poured on to the homogenizeed media and let
stand until clotting. After clotting, petridish is put into a closed container and filled up with CO
(anaerobic condition). The container is stored in incubator at 37°C for 72 hours. At the end, the
number of colony was calculated manually using colony counter.
2.5.2. Target lethality (Fo)
The analysis of heat lethality value (Fo) using Thermocouple CTF 9004 which its needle installed on
the wall of the can. Afterwards, canned products is sterilized with the temperature and time required.
During the sterilization process, thermocouple recorded the data to be re-written in Microsoft excel
and analyzed. Condition of autoclave set up at 121°C and time of 15 and 20 minutes. Fo value can be
estimated with equation [15]:
 
 
ICONPROBIOS 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 101 (2017) 012029 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/101/1/012029
2.5.3 TBA Analysis
TBA analysis was conducted once a week during 35 days. The sample was stored at 3 different
temperatures of 35°C, 45°C, 55°C (based on actual temperatures in Indonesia from distribution to
products sale) during 35 days. Sample of 10 grams and aquadest 50 ml were mixed up into blender
then poured into destillation flask 1000 ml with addition of aquades 47,5 ml and HCL 4 M of 2,5 ml.
Afterward destillation flask was installed on distillation apparatus and be heated until 50 ml of
destilate was collected. Collected destilate then be filtered and poured into erlenmeyer followed by
addition of TBA reagent of 5 ml (0,02 M thiobarbituric-acid solution in 90% of glacial acetate acid).
Next step, the glass containing solution was heated on boiling water for 35 minutes, and cool down by
using flowing water. Afterwards, absorbance was measured with wave length of 528 nm [16].
3. Result and Discussion
3.1. Optimum Temperature and time of Canned-fried rice Sterilization
Figure 1. Heat sufficiency in the sterilization process of canned fried rice in temperature 121°C for 15
Figure 2. Heat sufficiency in the sterilization process of canned fried rice in temperature 121°C for
20 minutes
In determining optimum value of the sterilization of canned fried rice, we need to concern on Fo value
ICONPROBIOS 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 101 (2017) 012029 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/101/1/012029
in that process. Fo value is lethality equivalence of thermal processs with heating time at temperature
of 250 F or 121°C. Fo value to reduce Clostridium botulinum by 12D is 3 minutes at minimum [17].
Microbes which can form spores has better heat resistant compared than those which cannot. Fo value
that fulfill process standards is sterilization treatment at temperature of 121°C for 15 minutes that is
Fo of 3.63 minutes.
Table 1. Total calculation of microbes number
Microbes Number (CFU/g)
2.3 x 104
9.3 x 101
9 x 101
Most of BPOMs regulations state that canned products apply maximum limit by 1 x 10
products are canned corned, canned sausage, canned fish, canned fruits and canned vegetables [18
Fried rice is not acid food therefore it safe to interact with can materials. In canned food acid, acid
can be interact with Pb so it is possible for food contaminated by metal .” Gudeg ” canned that
sterilized at 121°C during 20 minutes has been occured Fe (iron), S (Sulphur) and Al (alumunium )
changes . No lead (Pb) has detected in the can before use as packaging . The study about metal
migration during thermal process has been done in previous research[19]-[20]. This canned fried rice
is safe to be consumed. It means that the process that is done during producing canned fried rice has
processed well and appropriately. The can has met the requirement standard for canned food industry.
Table 2. Sensory test of canned fried rice
121°C, 20 minutes
4.24 a
4.36 a
4.48 a
4.40 a
121°C,15 minutes
4.40 a
4.44 a
4.52 a
4.48 a
Small alphabet letter for vertical comparison, and number that is followed by
the same alphabet in each sample show real indifference in sig. 5%
Sensory Score:
1 = dislike much
2 = dislike
3 = a bit like
4 = like
5 = like very much
Table 2 shows the result of organoleptic on all sensory parameters , i.e. colour , smell, taste,
texture , overall are in the same subset . It shows that different treatments of temperature and
sterilization time of canned fried rice in each sample do not show real difference among samples. It
can be seen that the higher the temperature is, the longer time needed in the sterilization process, the
assessment from 25 panelists will be getting decreased . It means that the panelists consider that the
quality of the product decrease.
ICONPROBIOS 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 101 (2017) 012029 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/101/1/012029
Table 3. TBA value change of canned fried rice during storage at temperature of 35, 45 and 55°C
Time (Days)
Average TBA value (mg malonaldehid/kg)
Rancidity limit of canned foods is 0.5 mg malonaldehid /kg. The selection of reaction order of
rancidity increase on canned fried rice is done by comparing determination coefficient (R2) in each
linear regression equation at the same temperature of zero order with reaction ofone order. Reaction
order with the biggest determination coefficient is the used reaction order.
Figure 3. Chart of correlation between TBA score and time at Order 0
Figure 4. Chart of correlation between TBA score and time at Order 1
y = 0.0003x + 0.0248
R² = 0.8716
y = 0.0004x + 0.0253
R² = 0.8996
y = 0.0006x + 0.0259
R² = 0.8773
0 7 14 21 28 35
TBA score
Time (Day)
y = 0.0107x - 3.6762
R² = 0.8948
y = 0.013x - 3.6593
R² = 0.9287
y = 0.0158x - 3.6331
R² = 0.9077
00 7 14 21 28 35
Ln Skor TBA
Time (Day)
ICONPROBIOS 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 101 (2017) 012029 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/101/1/012029
Table 4. K value in Order 1 of Linear regression equation
Temperature (K)
ln K
Figure 3 and Figure 4 show that R2 value order 1 at temperature of 35, 45 and 55°C is bigger than
order 0, so that order one is selected to determine Arrhenius equation. The determination of Arrhenius
equation is done by making plot of ln K and 1/T (Table. 4) values in the reaction of TBA value
change of canned fried rice.
Figure 5. Arrhenius plot of TBA value of canned fried rice during storage
Linear equation from Arrhenius plot :
  
For extrapolation, the storage temperature in normal condition 30 °C (303 K), Resulted :
 
  
  
TBA critical point (A1), resulted from previous research was 0.5 mg/kg; initial TBA (Ao) was 0.026
mg/kg, so then from equation (3) in order 1:
 
     
4. Conclusion
Optimum temperature and time of sterilization of canned fried rice is at 121°C for 15 minutes. The
shelf-life prediction of canned fried rice by using ASLT Methods Arrhenius Model at storage
temperature of 30°C is 10.3 months. We recommend to consumer to follow the guideline that has
been published especially on heating step of the canned food before consumed to improve the texture
and increase the appetite.
y = -1968.1x + 1.8505
R² = 0.9997
0.003 0.00305 0.0031 0.00315 0.0032 0.00325 0.0033
Ln K
ICONPROBIOS 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 101 (2017) 012029 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/101/1/012029
The authors would like to thank the project of Superior Research LIPI 2016 for the financial support
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ICONPROBIOS 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 101 (2017) 012029 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/101/1/012029
... The ASLT method has been widely used to determine the shelf-life of food products, including determining the shelf-life of fried rice (Kurniadi et al., 2017), cingur salad (Yuwono, Waziiroh, & Ilhamadi, 2019), apple pie (Pulungan, Sucipto, & Sarsiyani, 2016) and apple brownies (Pulungan, Sukmana, & Dewi, 2018). The ASLT method has also been widely used to determine the shelf-life of beverage products, including Dialium indum syrup (Rifkowaty & Muttaqin, 2016), functional drinks from Imperata cylindrica root extract (Anagari, Mustaniroh, & Wignyanto, 2011), and soursop juice drinks (Arif, Wijana, & Mulyadi, 2015). ...
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This study aims to determine the cabe jamu (Piper retrofractum Vahl) herbal drink shelf-life with the addition of sodium benzoate concentration and determine the sodium benzoate addition effect on the cabe jamu herbal drink shelf-life. This research used Accelerated Shelf-Life Testing (ASLT) method. Cabe jamu herbal drink was stored at 35 °C and 45 °C and then tested every week for 28 days. The test parameters used were pH, total dissolved solids (TDS), color, total microbes, and total phenolics. The results showed that the cabe jamu herbal drink without sodium benzoate addition stored at a lower temperature had a longer shelf-life. Cabe jamu herbal drink with 400 ppm sodium benzoate addition and stored at 35 °C has the most extended shelf-life, which was 201.21 days. Sodium benzoate addition had a significant effect on the cabe jamu herbal drink shelf-life at a temperature of 35 °C and 45 °C. Keywords: Accelerated Shelf-life Testing, cabe jamu herbal drink, shelf-life Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui umur simpan minuman herbal cabe jamu dengan penambahan konsentrasi natrium benzoat dan mengetahui pengaruh penambahan natrium benzoat terhadap umur simpan minuman herbal cabe jamu. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Accelerated Shelf-Life Testing (ASLT). Minuman herbal cabe jamu disimpan pada suhu 35 °C dan 45 °C kemudian diuji setiap minggu selama 28 hari. Parameter uji yang digunakan adalah pH, total padatan terlarut (TPT), warna, total mikroba, dan total fenolik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa minuman herbal cabe jamu tanpa penambahan natrium benzoat mempunyai umur simpan yang lebih lama jika disimpan pada suhu yang lebih rendah. Minuman herbal cabe jamu dengan penambahan natrium benzoat 400 ppm dan disimpan pada suhu 35 °C mempunyai umur simpan terlama, yaitu 201,21 hari. Penambahan natrium benzoat berpengaruh signifikan terhadap umur simpan minuman herbal cabe jamu pada suhu 35 °C dan 45 °C. Kata kunci: Accelerated Shelf-life Testing, minuman herbal cabe jamu, umur simpan
This paper presents a feasibility study focused on estimating the shelf life of packed fresh milk through odor analysis and machine learning techniques. The study involved the capture of milk odors using five chemical gas sensors. Four distinct features were extracted from the sensor responses, namely response range, response ratio, initial response rate, and cumulative response. These features were then used as inputs for subsequent machine learning analysis. Storage tests were conducted on four brands of fresh milk, stored at room (25 °C) and refrigerated (10 °C) temperatures, resulting in the collection of features and remaining shelf-life data. A Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) neural network was used to develop predictors for both maximum and minimum remaining shelf life. The results indicated a high level of prediction accuracy, ranging from 85.0 to 100% for the prediction of maximum remaining shelf life. However, the minimum remaining shelf-life prediction exhibited lower accuracy, ranging from 43.1 to 67.6%. This discrepancy highlights the complexity in predicting the minimum shelf life, which relies solely on sensory analysis. This feasibility study presents a promising avenue for estimating the shelf life of food products by leveraging on odor data and machine learning algorithms. The findings underscore the potential of odor-based analysis as a complementary approach to traditional shelf-life estimation methods. However, the challenges associated with accurately predicting minimum shelf life based solely on odor require further investigation and refinement. In conclusion, this study offers valuable insights into the application of odor analysis and machine learning for shelf-life estimation, potentially enhancing food safety and quality assessment in the food industry. Further research and refinement of this methodology could lead to more accurate and practical shelf-life prediction techniques for a wide range of food products.
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Gudeg is a traditional food from Yogyakarta with a short shelf life. To extend the shelf-life, gudeg packed with cans. Research on quality changes during storage of canned gudeg had been done. The study was conducted in order to determine quality changes that occur in canned gudeg during the storage period. Canned gudeg material consisted of gudeg jackfruit, eggs, chicken, krecek and tolo beans with size cans of 72.63 x 53.04 mm (Ø x h). Observations canned gudeg quality performedfor 18 months with 3-month interval includes the analysis of physical, chemical, microbiological and organoleptic. The results showed that there were quality changes, including 0.6 points of pH, 36% of soluble protein, 20.15 ppm of aluminum content, 0.06 mg malonaldehyde/kg for TBA value, 5.1 points color brightness and 2 CFU/g total microbial, aswell as decline in15.77 ppm sulfur and organoleptic quality parameters. Canned gudeg hold for 15 months with 68.49% of water contents; of 1.56% ash content; 8.40% of protein content; 12.74% of fat content and 5.60% of fiber content.Keywords: Canned gudeg, storage period, the quality changes. ABSTRAKGudeg adalah makanan tradisional dari Yogyakarta dengan masa simpan pendek. Untuk memperpanjang masa simpannya, gudeg dikemas dengan kaleng. Penelitian tentang perubahan mutu gudeg kaleng selama penyimpanan telah dilakukan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui perubahan mutu yang terjadi pada gudeg kaleng selama masa penyimpanan. Bahan gudeg yang dikalengkan terdiri dari gudeg nangka, telur, daging ayam, krecek dan kacang tolo dengan kemasan kaleng ukuran 72,63 x 53,04 mm (Ø x h). Pengamatan mutu gudeg kaleng dilakukan selama 18 bulan dengan interval 3 bulan meliputi analisis fisika, kimia, mikrobiologi, dan organoleptik. Penelitianmenghasilkan perubahan yang terjadi pada gudeg kaleng selama penyimpanan antara lain kenaikan pH 0,6 poin, protein terlarut 0,73%, kadar aluminium 20,15 ppm, nilai TBA 0,06 mg malonaldehid/kg, kecerahan warna 5,1 poin dan total mikroba 2 CFU/g. Selama penyimpanan penurunan sulfur 15,77 ppm dan penurunan parameter mutu organoleptik. Gudeg kaleng tahan selama 15 bulan dengan kadar air 68,49%; kadar abu 1,56%; kadar protein 8,40%; kadar lemak12,74%, dan kadar serat 5,60%.Kata kunci: Gudeg kaleng, masa simpan, perubahan mutu
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The temperature rise is one of issues of climate change that has the effect of rice production in Indonesia, especially to the development and growing of plants. This research used the Model of Shierary Rice with Geographical Information System (GIS) to estimate the decreasing of rice production in every province in Indonesia based on some scenarios of temperature rise. The model used the Shierary Rice to estimate the rice production and Shierary Weather to forecast the weather on the certain location based on the condition of normal climate. The result of research showed that temperature rise would make the age of rice the shorter and decrease the rice yields. This research pointed out that irrigated farm having less impact from temperature rise compared with rainfed farm which had the decreasing of rice yield for 11.1%/OC and 14.4%/OC sequentially as well.
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Background: Lipid oxidation is responsible for the deterioration of the nutritional and organoleptic qualities of foods. It also leads to the formation in these products of compounds which are harmful for the consumer's health. The synthetic antioxidants used by industries in order to solve this problem are also prone to be toxic and quite volatile at high temperatures. On the other hand, the trend among researchers to replace the synthetic antioxidants with natural ones is increasing because of their potential health benefits. In this study, old Cameroonian green tea leaf methanolic extracts were added in palm olein and its efficiency in delaying the oxidation of oil under forced storage conditions was assessed. Methods: The plant material was extracted with methanol and its total phenolics content evaluated by colorimetry, followed by the qualitative identification of some phenolic antioxidants by HPLC-DAD and ESI-MS. After preliminary antioxidant studies, the extract was added in oil at concentrations that ranged from 200 to 1800 ppm. Oil containing butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) and oil without antioxidant served as positive and negative controls, respectively. The oxidative stability of these oil samples was evaluated by determining their oxidation induction times on Rancimat (at 110 °C) and measuring their oxidative state by the Schaal oven test method during 30 days of storage at 70 °C. Here, oil samples were collected every 10 days and their peroxide, p-anisidine, total oxidation, thiobarbituric acid, iodine values as well as changes in their linoleic acid profile gas chromatography coupled to flame ionization detector (GC/FID) were evaluated. Results: The outcomes showed the total phenolics content of the extract to be 53.5 mg GAE/g. Gallic acid, epicatechin gallate, gallocatechin and epigallocatechin gallate were the phenolic antioxidants detected. The induction times of palm olein supplemented with the extract (200–1800 ppm) were found to be in the range of 24.8–28.9 h, while those of control and oil containing BHT were 20.1 and 22.7 h, respectively. The extracts, at all concentrations, were also found to be efficient like butylated hydroxytoluene in inhibiting the oxidation of palm olein during 30 days of storage at 70 °C. Conclusion: The investigations showed that old Cameroonian green tea leaves are a viable source of natural antioxidants for delaying palm olein oxidation.
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Lead (Pb) is pollutant found in canned foods. It is derived from the soldering between the can and the lid. This study aims to find out the analytical performance of standar curves , the better method between dry ashing dan wet ashing, the best oxidant solution in wet ashing ang determine lead in canned sausage and canned lychee.This research including : Performance determination of the standard addition curve analysis includes linearity, limits of detection and limits of quantitation, sensitivity, accuracy and precision, sample destruction using dry ash 500 oC and wet destruction with a variety of oxidizing subtrace such as HNO3 p.a; HNO3 p.a, H2SO4 p.a (3:1), and HNO3 p.a, H2SO4 p.a, H2O2 p.a (6:2:1), and determine the concentration of lead in canned sausage and canned lychee The results of this research of the standard curve analysis of lead (Pb) are r =0,9999, LOD 0,028 ppm, LOQ 0,0933 ppm, and sensitivity of 0,00757 the average accuracy of 98%, and precision 2,74%. Wet ashing is more stabil than dry ashing. The best oxidizing substance of canned sausage comes from HNO3, H2SO4 and H2O2 (6:2:1) and lead was found 0,64 ppm whilebest oxidizing substance of canned lychee comes from HNO3, H2SO4 (3:1) and lead was found 0,72 ppm.
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A study conducted to determine antioxidants ability of garlic applied in beef fat. Garlic's antioxidants determination has the result in water immersion about 53,66%. The study used a completely randomized statistically design with 5x5 factorial. The first factor was the level of crushed garlic (0, 3, 6, 9 and 12% in w/w) then the second factor for storage time (3, 6, 9 and 12 days) at refrigeration temperature (3-5 °C). Thiobarbituric acid value (TBA) and beef fat level percentage were evaluated. The results show that there was an interaction (P<0.05) between the value of TBA and beef fat level percentage. Garlic crushed could reduce the level percentage of beef fat and slowdown the increasing TBA values during storage at refrigerator temperature.
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Study on the assessment of bacteria load of some on-the-shelf canned food products bought from different shops in the open markets in Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria was undertaken. Eleven canned food products including 2 cans of tomato paste (TP), 2 of fish-in-tomato-sauce (FTS), 3 of sweet corn (SC), baked beans (BB), 1 of green peas (GP) and 2 kidney beans (KB) were collected randomly and used for the analysis. Culture-based identification depicts the presence of Bacillus sp., Staphylococcus sp., Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Salmonella sp., Klebsiella sp., Proteus sp., Pseudomonas sp. and Escherichia coli. Plasmid profiling of culture-dependent isolates showed visible bands except Staphylococcus sp., Klebsiella sp. and Bacillus sp. Randomly amplified polymorphism DNA [RAPD] profiling using varying oligonucleotide primers specific for identification of 16SrRNA genes of some organisms of public health concern, confirmed the presence of coliforms, Staphylococcus sp., Vibrio sp., S. typhi and S. enteritidis on gel electrophoresis field. In the context of possible risk of consuming contaminated canned food products, this study was designed to show that most on-the-shelf canned food products can possibly habour organisms of public health importance which can be ascertained through molecular characterization using PCR-based technique. There is also the possibility of these organisms posing food safety issues and pharmaceutical risks in case of possible out break, assayed through plasmid profiling of the culture-dependent isolates. A major concern in this study is the lack of adherence to food safety regulations. The products still been marketed on the shelves and analyzed in this study must have outlived the shelf stability period.
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A Multivariate Accelerated Shelf-Life Testing (MALST) study in cereal of dried apple snack incubated at 18 degrees C, 25 degrees C and 35 degrees C. Quality attributes were analyzed until 18 months. The data obtained were used to modeling univariate and multivariate kinetic, through Principal Componenent Analysis PCA. PCA could explain the interaction between attributes; which would imply that model reflected in terms of variability, biochemical phenomena associated with the deterioration of the product. There was a good relationship between both models in the Shel-life estimated with the comparative advantage that MALST method could model simultaneously the complete and "all at once" phenomenon of deterioration. (c) 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of 11th International Congress on Engineering and Food (ICEF 11) Executive Committee.
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Consumers expect that food products will be safe and convenient to use and still have all the qualities of a fresh product. Foods often undergo processing, which has three major aims: to make food safe while providing products with the highest quality attributes, to transform food into forms that are more convenient or more appealing, and to extend shelf-life. Food processes such as thermally based ones (i.e. pasteurization and drying) or frozen storage occur in time-varying temperature conditions. Mathematical models that describe/predict changes in processed food characteristics with accuracy and precision in realistic, dynamic conditions are important tools in the development of new products and control systems. In this chapter, mathematical models that include time-varying temperature conditions (i.e. dynamic approach) will be presented for two relevant situations in the domain of processed foods: the case of microbial thermal inactivation and the case of food quality alterations under frozen storage.
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Among the cellular molecules, lipids that contain unsaturated fatty acids with more than one double bond are particularly susceptible to action of free radicals. The resulting reaction, known as lipid peroxidation, disrupts biological membranes and is thereby highly deleterious to their structure and function. Lipid peroxidation is being studied extensively in relation to disease, modulation by antioxidants and other contexts. A large number of by-products are formed during this process. These can be measured by different assays. The most common method used is the estimation of aldehydic products by their ability to react with thiobarbituric acid (TBA) that yield 'thiobarbituric acid reactive substances' (TBARS), which can be easily measured by spectrophotometry. Though this assay is sensitive and widely used, it is not specific and TBA reacts with a number of components present in biological samples. Hence caution should be used while employing this method. Wherever possible this assay should be combined with other assays for lipid peroxidation. Such methods are measurement of conjugated dienes, lipid hydroperoxides, individual aldehydes, exhaled gases like pentane, isoprostanes, etc. The modern methods also involve newer techniques involving HPLC, spectrofluorimetry, mass spectrometry, chemiluminescence etc. These and other modern methods are more specific and can be applied to measure lipid peroxidation. There are certain restraints, in terms of high cost and certain artifacts, and these should be considered while selecting the method for estimation. This review analyses the merits and demerits of various assays to measure lipid peroxidation.
In order to model the thermal processing of canned foods, the neural networks technique was applied, whose aim was to determine the cold point temperature based on the initial process conditions and the retort's temperature. The network had the following input variables: the processing time, the retort's and cold point's temperature at the current time t i , and at previous times t i−1 and t i−2 . The output variable was the temperature of the cold point at the time t i+1 . For training the network, a time/temperature data set was obtained through the product processing in a vertical retort. The back-propagation through time and Jordan networks were trained and its generalization performance were compared. In this work, a better generalization capacity were obtained using the back-propagation through time network, which presented an average relative error of 2.2% between the calculated and predicted F values. The architecture of the selected network was the 5-8-9-1.