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Evaluation of the Effect of Platelet-Rich Plasma on Post-Burn Scars

Case Report
Volume 5 Issue 2 - August 2017
DOI: 10.19080/OAJS.2017.05.555660
Open Access J Surg
Copyright © All rights are reserved by Malek Ahmed Mohamed Elsayed
Evaluation of the Effect of Platelet-Rich Plasma
on Post-Burn Scars
Malek Elsayed*, Mohamed Abdel Moaty, Amr Moghazy and Omar Salah Eldeen
Surgery Department, Suez Canal University Hospitals, Faculty of Medicine, Suez Canal University, Egypt
Submission: August 06, 2017; Published: August 16, 2017
*Corresponding author: Malek Ahmed Mohamed Elsayed, Department of Surgery, Plastic Surgery Unit, Suez Canal University Hospitals, Ismailia,
Egypt, Tel: ; Email:
Open Access J Surg 5(2): OAJS.MS.ID.555660 (2017) 001
The healing process comprehends four stages, namely:
      
  
[1]. Following the injury, platelets are stimulated to aggregate
and to secrete growth factors, cytokines and other homeostatic
factors required for clotting cascade which characterize,
         
      
   
to the place of wound, such as leukocytes, macrophages and
neutrophils, which act on the phagocytosis of the products
resulting from the cellular lysis [3] When this stage is over, the
       
        
Residual epithelial cells or those which have migrated to
the injured area multiply themselves and form scars. The scar
       
   
  
only growth factors deriving from platelets themselves were
use of autologous PRP as an additional element for transfusion
in cardiac surgeries, for the purpose of eliminating the use of
homologous products. However, in the 90’s decade PRP started
   
mainly in the areas of dentistry and orthopedics [6].
       
Introduction                
Objectives                 
Methods     
        
Results             
use of this treatment.
How to cite this article: Malek E, Mohamed A M, Amr M, Omar S E. Evaluation of the Effect of Platelet-Rich Plasma on Post-Burn Scars. Open Access
J Surg. 2017; 5(1): 555660.DOI: 10.19080/OAJS.2017.05.555660.
Open Access Journal of Surgery
concentration of growth factors and secretion of proteins which
   
      
 
      
cells, such as monocytes and leukocytes, in the injury site.
   
mediated process seems to result from the control of the local
    
         
many clinical studies, particularly in periodontal surgery,
orthopedics and trauma surgery, and plastic surgery [8]. Despite
    
scars treatment, during the maturation and remodeling phases,
using PRP. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to evaluate
The current prospective randomized clinical controlled
trial was conducted at the outpatient clinic of plastic surgery
of Suez Canal University Hospitals, Faculty of Medicine, Suez
2017 after the approval of the Research Ethical Committee
A written informed consent for treatment together with
        
  
The selection of the patients in this study was done according to
the following criteria:
a. Inclusion Criteria
 
        
and scar location.
iii. Scars ranged from 2cm to 15 cm in diameter.
 
v. Patients signed the informed consent form prior to
 
      
   
recent fever condition, anemia, cancer.
ii. Patients with skin lesions in the area of the injection.
iii. Current intake of oral anticoagulants, platelet
   
2 involved 19 patients who treated as a control group with
        
  
       
data, preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative evaluation.
All patients were interviewed and their personal data taken, and
        
        
intermediate zone.
           
   
 
     
     
     
  
 
          
the upper part, consisting of PPP; and the lower part, consisting
           
  
   
Figure 1 in the proportion of 0.1 mL per 0.9 mL of PRP. The PRP
How to cite this article: Malek E, Mohamed A M, Amr M, Omar S E. Evaluation of the Effect of Platelet-Rich Plasma on Post-Burn Scars. Open Access
J Surg. 2017; 5(1): 555660.DOI: 10.19080/OAJS.2017.05.555660.
Open Access Journal of Surgery
Figure 1: Calcium Gluconate for PRP activation.
Figure 2: Prepared PRP for injection.
Patients with group 1 treated with one session of PRP
   
solution administered using a “linear retrograde and fanning”
technique with two or three retrograde injections, called
       
  
The “tunnelling” technique takes advantage of the restoration of
the mild trauma provoked.
   
application for at least three months. Silicone gel or sheeting
applied over the scars and maintained for at least three months.
        
       
washing twice daily. Use of Silicone gel in cream or ointment
areas, use on the face, or in hot humid climates [9]. Treated areas
gently massaged and molded with hydrating cream after each
session. After the treatment the patients returned to normal
same day; at departure they used emollient creams and creams
1, 3, 6 months.
 
    
PRP intralesional injection and the other group was treated as
    
   
         
Figure 3: Changes in Observer Scar Assessment Scale in PRP
Figure 4: Changes in Patient Scar Assessment Scale in PRP
Figure 5: Changes in Observer Scar Assessment Scale in
Silicone group.
The results were evaluated one month after the last session
     
         
       
 
          
assessment among PRP group, it shows quite improvement of
How to cite this article: Malek E, Mohamed A M, Amr M, Omar S E. Evaluation of the Effect of Platelet-Rich Plasma on Post-Burn Scars. Open Access
J Surg. 2017; 5(1): 555660.DOI: 10.19080/OAJS.2017.05.555660.
Open Access Journal of Surgery
and 2.2 respectively, the least improvement of these parameter
was thickness with 1.0 mean difference. All results were
   
parameters of the of the patients assessment among PRP group,
it shows quite improvement of color, itching and relief with mean
these parameter were pain and thickness with 1.6 and 1.9 mean
Figure 6: Changes in Patient Scar Assessment Scale in Silicone
Figure 7: Changes in OSAS, PSAS and POSAS in PRP group.
Figure 8: Changes in OSAS, PSAS and POSAS in Silicone
Regarding the Silicone group, Figure 5 shows the improvement
          
        
difference 1.8 and 1.7 respectively, the least improvement of
these parameter was pigmentation with 0.7 mean difference. All
       
improvement of the parameters of the of the patient assessment,
it shows quite improvement of thickness and relief with mean
       
of these parameter was color with 0.6 mean difference. All
        
PRP and Silicone groups.
Case 1
 
Figure 9: Case 1.
Figure 10: Case 2.
       
with one month interval.
       
treatment protocol. Laser, surgery, radiotherapy, Silicone gel
     
        
          
different studies is usually small and the techniques used are
not standardized [11]. Different platelet concentrations are
       
cicatrization [12]. The increase in the rotation force is known to
provide a higher platelet concentration; however, too high forces
may lead to the loss of growth factors in the supernatant plasma
due to an early activation of the platelets and to the rupture of
         
How to cite this article: Malek E, Mohamed A M, Amr M, Omar S E. Evaluation of the Effect of Platelet-Rich Plasma on Post-Burn Scars. Open Access
J Surg. 2017; 5(1): 555660.DOI: 10.19080/OAJS.2017.05.555660.
Open Access Journal of Surgery
       
        
      
        
the maintenance of platelet integrity and effective activation
of the material, which often are not elucidated in the studies.
   
         
          
          
        
capillary activity and thus local collagen deposition.
According to this study, treatment of patients with post
        
         
       
of the scar. We are aware of limitations of this study, namely
        
        
According to the study results, treatment of patients with
         
       
        
potential use of this treatment.
1.             
        
2. 
  
3.          
         
   
5. 
    
6.            
   
   
7.           
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Updated international clinical recommendations on scar management:
       
10. 
Scales and Scar Measuring Devices. Eplasty 10.
11.             
Tissue engineered strategies for skeletal muscle injury. Stem Cell Int
12.             
Autologous platelets have no effect on the healing of human Achilles
13.          
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15. 
of hydrocolloid dressing in the treatment of hypertrophic scars and
16. 
scars? A hypothesis. Surgery 108: 122.
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DOI: 10.19080/OAJS.2017.04.555660
... The impaired healing process in burn wounds is augmented by the various GFs released by PRP resulting in neovascularization (NV) and neocollegenesis (NC). [26,27] Technique PRP can be injected into the scar using the "linear retrograde and fanning" technique with two or three retrograde injections, or "tunnelling": a back-and-forth movement of the needle which first creates a tunnel, a track and then loads it with the solution. In a study utilizing monthly sessions of PRP for a total of three sessions amongst 19 patients, significant improvement was observed in itching, pigmentation, and pliability of scars. ...
... Improvement in pain was also experienced and may be attributed to nerve GFs which help in nerve healing and regeneration. [27] Various treatment combinations such as fat grafting, CO 2 laser, and PRP are associated with improvement in the post-burn scars. [28] As per the author's experience, a cocktail treatment consisting of PRP, ablative Pixel Erbium: YAG laser, and MNRF in 5 patients of post-burn scars significantly improved pigmentation, vascularity, skin texture, thickness, and pliability [Figures 3 a-c]. ...
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Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) contains several growth factors and cellular adhesion molecules which promote wound healing, angiogenesis and accelerate the rejuvenation of skin and hair follicles. With its proven regenerative and regrowth potential in a plethora of conditions, PRP has been deemed as the “futuristic elixir.” Current evidence suggests that PRP effectively stimulates angiogenesis, collagen as well as elastin regeneration, and is a safe, easy to prepare, minimally invasive technique with limited downtime, and negligible risk of allergic/hypersensitivity reactions owing to its autologous nature. It has shown excellent results when utilized as monotherapy or in combination with microneedling or ablative lasers in acne scars, post-burn or post-traumatic scars, melasma, striae distensae, chronic ulcers, and lichen sclerosus. PRP injections or PRP combined with microneedling are increasingly being utilized for skin rejuvenation and recently have been utilized to provide non-invasive face lifts. A novel technique combining non-cultured epidermal cell suspension suspended in PRP results in superior repigmentation outcomes in case of vitiligo. Use of PRP alone or in combination with hair transplant in androgenetic alopecia is another well-researched indication and its use has been successfully extrapolated to indications such as alopecia areata, chronic telogen effluvium, and cicatricial alopecia. In spite of its established efficacy in such a vast number of indications, PRP should be used with utmost caution. These growth mediators exert their own endocrine, paracrine, and enzymatic effects, the complete influence of which still remains a mystery and only years of experience, in the times to come will unravel the absolute power of our “mighty dragon warrior.”
... Results (itching, pigmentation, and pliability) were also better with PRP in a trial of 38 patients with mature scars after burns who were treated with intralesional PRP injection [10]. However, the results of our study are at odds with those of Ruiz et al., who reported significantly better outcomes in vascularity, pliability, discomfort, color, and irregularity, especially after 180 days of treatment [11]. ...
... Though, silicone-based management performed better than PRP in terms of scar thickness. 31 Injections of autologous PRP were administered to a patient with a scar from BWs once a month for 6 months, according to Ruiz et al. Particularly after 180 days of treatment, they observed significant changes in pliability, vascularity, discomfort, irregularity and colour. ...
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The meta‐analysis aimed to assess the efficiency of platelet‐rich plasma (PRP) in the management of burn wounds (BWs). Using dichotomous or contentious random‐ or fixed‐effects models, the outcomes of this meta‐analysis were examined and the odds ratio (OR) and the mean difference (MD) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were computed. Thirteen examinations from 2009 to 2023 were enrolled for the present meta‐analysis, including 808 individuals with BWs. PRP had significantly shorter healing time (MD, −5.80; 95% CI, −7.73 to −3.88, p < 0.001), higher healing rate (OR, 3.14; 95% CI, 2.05–4.80, p < 0.001), higher healed area percent (MD, 12.67; 95% CI, 9.79–15.55, p < 0.001) and higher graft take area percent (MD, 4.39; 95% CI, 1.51–7.26, p = 0.003) compared with standard therapy in patients with BW. However, no significant difference was found between PRP and standard therapy in graft take ratio (OR, 1.70; 95% CI, 0.86–3.34, p = 0.13) and infection rate (OR, 0.55; 95% CI, 0.20–1.47, p = 0.23) in patients with BW. The examined data revealed that PRP had a significantly shorter healing time, a higher healing rate, a higher healed area percent and a higher graft take area percent; however, no significant difference was found in graft take ratio or infection rate compared with standard therapy in patients with BW. Yet, attention should be paid to its values since all of the selected examinations had a low sample size and some comparisons had a low number of selected studies.
... Enhancement of collagen breakdown, inhibition of TGF-β and fibrosis by IFN-γ, inhibition of proliferation by IFN-α2b (47) Improved appearance of scars, decreased recurrence of keloid scars (47) Painful injections, Flu-like adverse effects (47) An expensive therapy, but a promising method to treat extreme scarring (47) and pliability parameters. However, thickness of scar tissue showed a better improvement by silicon-based products (54). ...
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Contribution of platelets in tissue regeneration and their possible application in regenerative medicine, which is primarilymediated via secretion of granular components following platelet activation, has been well established in the recent decades.Therefore, platelet rich plasma (PRP), as a portion of plasma with higher concentrations of platelets than the baseline level,is now an attractive therapeutic option in various medical fields mainly for tissue repair and regeneration following injuries.Burn injuries are devastating trauma with high rate of morbidities affecting several aspects of the patient’s life. They requirea long-time medical care and high costs. However, even following the best treatment procedures, post-burn scars areinevitable consequence of burn healing process. Therefore, development of new treatment modalities for both burn healingand prevention of post-burn scar establishment seems to be necessary. Regarding the well-known role of PRP in woundhealing, here we aimed to provide a comprehensive insight in the possible application of PRP as an adjuvant therapy forthe management of burn injuries and subsequent scars. In terms of the following keywords (individually or in combination),original/review articles were searched in PubMed, Scopus, and Google Scholar databases from 2009 to 2021: platelet richplasma, PRP therapy, platelet biology, platelet function, burn healing, burn scar, scar formation, burn management, woundhealing, regenerative medicine. All type of articles or book chapters in English language and relevant data were included inthis review. This review initially focused on PRP, its mechanisms of action, preparation methods, and available sources. Then,pathophysiology of burns and subsequent scars were discussed. Finally, their current conventional therapeutic modalities andimplication of PRP in their healing process were highlighted.
... Platelet-rich plasma is produced from centrifuged blood and combined with thrombin and calcium chloride as a thick coagulum gel. 5 Platelets are important in wound healing because they will migrate to the wound site and coagulate. Activated platelets are also a rich source of growth factors and cytokines. ...
Burn-related morbidity and mortality are usually caused by secondary infection and long healing time. In these circumstances, the use of products that can accelerate and enhance the wound healing process is urgently needed. One breakthrough in wound healing therapy is platelet-rich plasma (PRP). Platelet-rich plasma is autologous plasma with a platelet concentration above the normal value. This study is a literature review aiming to describe the role of PRP in burn wound healing. PRP has various mechanisms in burn wound healing, such as increasing hemostasis, releasing growth factors, reepithelialization, inducing fibroblast proliferation in the extracellular matrix, and promoting angiogenesis which increases the rate of wound healing. In addition, it also has an antimicrobials effect. Previous studies have been done in animal models and humans to prove the efficacy of PRP in burn wound healing. Most studies have revealed that PRP can accelerate wound healing time and increase the quality of wound healing. So, using PRP in burns can be very useful for patients to reduce burn morbidity and mortality.
... Intradermal injections of PRP were given monthly for 3 months to one group and the other group was given silicone based products for local application. At the end of 3 months, response by intralesional PRP injection was found to be better than that by Silicone-based products, especially in terms of itching, pigmentation and pliability [23]. Similar improvement was also observed in our study of the post burn scar when the adjoining skin improved in texture, colour and pliability. ...
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The skin’s recognised functions may undergo physiological alterations due to ageing, manifesting as varying degrees of facial wrinkles, diminished tautness, density, and volume. Additionally, these functions can be disrupted (patho)physiologically through various physical and chemical injuries, including surgical trauma, accidents, or chronic conditions like ulcers associated with diabetes mellitus, venous insufficiency, or obesity. Advancements in therapeutic interventions that boost the skin’s innate regenerative abilities could significantly enhance patient care protocols. The application of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is widely recognized for its aesthetic and functional benefits to the skin. Yet, the endorsement of PRP’s advantages often borders on the dogmatic, with its efficacy commonly ascribed solely to the activation of fibroblasts by the factors contained within platelet granules. PRP therapy is a cornerstone of regenerative medicine which involves the autologous delivery of conditioned plasma enriched by platelets. This is achieved by centrifugation, removing erythrocytes while retaining platelets and their granules. Despite its widespread use, the precise sequences of cellular activation, the specific cellular players, and the molecular machinery that drive PRP-facilitated healing are still enigmatic. There is still a paucity of definitive and robust studies elucidating these mechanisms. In recent years, telocytes (TCs)—a unique dermal cell population—have shown promising potential for tissue regeneration in various organs, including the dermis. TCs’ participation in neo-angiogenesis, akin to that attributed to PRP, and their role in tissue remodelling and repair processes within the interstitia of several organs (including the dermis), offer intriguing insights. Their potential to contribute to, or possibly orchestrate, the skin regeneration process following PRP treatment has elicited considerable interest. Therefore, pursuing a comprehensive understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanisms at work, particularly those involving TCs, their temporal involvement in structural recovery following injury, and the interconnected biological events in skin wound healing and regeneration represents a compelling field of study.
The common causes of scars are infection, surgery, injuries, and inflammation. Scars in the forehead, eye, nose, cheek, and other prominent parts will have a serious impact on the patients’ mental health and social activities. Scars in some specific parts may even cause dysfunction resulting in a severe reduction in the patient’s quality of life. How to effectively improve the appearance and texture of scars has always been the direction of many plastic surgeons.
Background: To evaluate the efficacy of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in the treatment of burn wounds. Methods: A comprehensive literature survey was conducted in electronic medical journal databases to identify studies that examined the effect of PRP treatment to burn wounds and meta-analyses of mean differences (MD) standardized MD, or odds ratios (OR) were performed. Results: The percentage of graft take was not significantly different between PRP-treated and control wound areas. Healing rate was significantly better in PRP-treated wounds. Healing time was also significantly less in PRP-treated wounds. There was no significant difference between PRP-treated and control wound areas in epithelialization, or in the incidence of adverse events. Incidence of infection was also not different between PRP-treated and control wound areas. Scar assessment score was significantly better in PRP-treated than in control wound areas. Conclusion: PRP treatment to burn wounds is found to improve healing. Variations in study design and sample size, types of wounds, PRP preparation protocols, and high risk of bias in some of the included studies may have impact on these outcomes.
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Skeletal muscle injuries are common in athletes, occurring with direct and indirect mechanisms and marked residual effects, such as severe long-term pain and physical disability. Current therapy consists of conservative management including RICE protocol (rest, ice, compression, and elevation), nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and intramuscular corticosteroids. However, current management of muscle injuries often does not provide optimal restoration to preinjury status. New biological therapies, such as injection of platelet-rich plasma and stem-cell-based therapy, are appealing. Although some studies support PRP application in muscle-injury management, reasons for concern persist, and further research is required for a standardized and safe use of PRP in clinical practice. The role of stem cells needs to be confirmed, as studies are still limited and inconsistent. Further research is needed to identify mechanisms involved in muscle regeneration and in survival, proliferation, and differentiation of stem cells.
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Animal studies have shown that local application of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) stimulates tendon repair. Preliminary results from a retrospective case series have shown faster return to sports. Autologous PRP stimulates healing of acute Achilles tendon ruptures. Study Randomized controlled trial; Level of evidence, 2. Thirty patients were recruited consecutively. During surgery, tantalum beads were implanted in the Achilles tendon proximal and distal to the rupture. Before skin suture, randomization was performed, and 16 patients were injected with 10 mL PRP (10 times higher platelet concentration than peripheral blood) whereas 14 were not. With 3-dimensional radiographs (roentgen stereophotogrammetric analysis; RSA), the distance between the beads was measured at 7, 19, and 52 weeks while the patient resisted different dorsal flexion moments over the ankle joint, thereby estimating tendon strain per load. An estimate of elasticity modulus was calculated using callus dimensions from computed tomography. At 1 year, functional outcome was evaluated, including the heel raise index and Achilles Tendon Total Rupture Score. The primary effect variables were elasticity modulus at 7 weeks and heel raise index at 1 year. The mechanical variables showed a large degree of variation between patients that could not be explained by measuring error. No significant group differences in elasticity modulus could be shown. There was no significant difference in heel raise index. The Achilles Tendon Total Rupture Score was lower in the PRP group, suggesting a detrimental effect. There was a correlation between the elasticity modulus at 7 and 19 weeks and the heel raise index at 52 weeks. The results suggest that PRP is not useful for treatment of Achilles tendon ruptures. The variation in elasticity modulus provides biologically relevant information, although it is unclear how early biomechanics is connected to late clinical results.
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Objective: Pathologic scarring affects millions of people worldwide. Quantitative and qualitative measurement modalities are needed to effectively evaluate and monitor treatments. Methods: This article reviews the literature on available tools and existent assessment scales used to subjectively and objectively characterize scar. Results: We describe the attributes and deficiencies of each tool and scale and highlight areas where further development is critical. Conclusion: An optimal, universal scar scoring system is needed in order to better characterize, understand and treat pathologic scarring.
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The clinical use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) for a wide variety of application has been reportedly employed most prevalently in problematic wounds, maxillofacial and hemi-facial atrophy, Romberg Syndrome, and diabetic foot ulcers. To our knowledge, PRP has never been described in the enhancement of fat grafting during tissue-engineering application in vivo. The authors describe the preparation of PRP and its use in a series of 43 patients who underwent plastic, reconstructive, and maxillofacial surgery for chronic lower extremity ulcers (n = 18) and multiple facial applications (n = 25). PRP mixed with fat grafting was used in 76% patients affected by multiple facial diseases and in 88.9% patients affected by lower extremity ulcers. PRP injection alone was used in the remaining patients. The authors observed that after a 7.1-week and 9.7-week (average) course of twice-daily wound treatment with PRP suspended on a collagen base, 61.1% and 88.9% of chronic lower extremity ulcers underwent to 100% reepithelization compared with 40% and 60% of controls (n = 10) treated with hyaluronic acid and collagen medication. In patients treated with reconstructing three-dimensional projection of face by fat grafting and PRP, we observed a 70% maintenance of contour restoring and three-dimensional volume after 1 year compared to only 31% of controls (n = 10) treated with fat grafting alone. In vitro, PRP induced a significant increase in the number of adipose-tissue-derived stem cells compared to control cultures. These results documented that PRP accelerates chronic skin ulcer reepithelization and improves maintenance and function of fat graft in patients who underwent plastic reconstructive surgery, possibly by stimulating adipose-tissue-derived stem cell proliferation.
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We have developed a new system for the production of autologous platelet-rich plasma and red blood cell concentrates to be used in autologous transfusion support of cardiac surgery patients. In 15 operations no homologous blood products were required. Costs were diminished since with the same harness it was possible to carry out the intraoperative blood salvage and concentrate the erythrocytes contained in the oxygenator and its lines. Indirect costs were also reduced since no infective complication was observed due to homologous blood products.
Background: In 2002, an international advisory panel was convened to assess the scientific literature and develop evidence-based guidance for the prevention and treatment of pathologic scarring. Emerging clinical data, new treatment options, and technical advances warranted a renewed literature search and review of the initial advisory panel recommendations. Objective: To update the management algorithm for pathologic scarring to reflect best practice standards at present. Materials and methods: Management recommendations were derived from clinical evidence amassed during a comprehensive literature search and from the clinical experience and consensus opinion of advisory panel members. Results: A combination approach using multiple modalities provides the maximum potential for successful treatment of hypertrophic scars and keloids. The advisory panel advocates a move toward more aggressive initial management of keloids, including earlier application of 5-fluorouracil. A growing body of clinical research supports a place in therapy for newer agents (e.g., bleomycin, onion extract, imiquimod, mitomycin C) and laser therapy (pulsed-dye, fractional) for scar management. Conclusion: Prevention and treatment of pathologic scarring requires individualized care built upon the principles of evidence-based medicine and continues to evolve in step with technological and scientific advances.
Inflammation represents a fundamental aspect of the healing process. Besides their primary role in hemostasis, platelets play an active role in the immunological and inflammatory aspect of tissue healing. Indeed , they can be directly involved in the inflammatory response by the production and release of several inflammatory mediators, including a variety of cytokines, such as TGF-beta, IL-1 beta, CD40L, and chemokines, such as CXCL7, CXCL4, CXCL4L1, CCl5, CXCL1, CXCL8, CXCL5, CXCL12, CCL2, CCL3. Platelet are not only a source of several chemokine involved in the inflammatory response and tissue healing, but they also express chemokine receptors, in particular CCR1 CCR3 CCR4 and CXCR4, thus being able to being able to regulate the inflammatory response associated to the healing process. However, this local inflammation must be taken under control, and platelets can prevent the excess of leukocytes recruitment by anti-inflammatory cytokines, such as TGF-beta. For this biological properties of platelets, platelet rich plasma therapy (PRP) is considered an innovative and promising approach that has been extended to many field of medicine, ranging from non-union defects, bone fractures, spinal fusion, bone implant and osteointegration, joint arthroplasty, to the treatment of several traumatic or degenerative pathologies of tendons, cartilage and ligaments.
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has been utilized in surgery for 2 decades; there has been a recent interest in the use of PRP for the treatment of sports-related injuries. PRP contains growth factors and bioactive proteins that influence the healing of tendon, ligament, muscle, and bone. This article examines the basic science of PRP, and it describes the current clinical applications in sports medicine. This study reviews and evaluates the human studies that have been published in the orthopaedic surgery and sports medicine literature. The use of PRP in amateur and professional sports is reviewed, and the regulation of PRP by antidoping agencies is discussed.