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Old Literature Learning Strengthens the Character of Prospective Teachers (Needs Assessment Analysis)



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Old Literature Learning Strengthens the Character of Prospective Teachers
(Needs Assessment Analysis)
Yosi Wulandari1 and Wachid Eko Purwanto1
1Ahmad Dahlan University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Based on the achievement of graduate learning formulated by the Association of
Indonesian Language and Literature Studies Program, the old literature course is one of the
subjects that need to be mastered as an Indonesian teacher candidate. In addition, the jargon
of Nawacita that the government wants to realize is to reinforce diversity and strengthen
social restoration. However, as the times progressed, the written tradition that became the
civilization of the archipelago was no longer used. Even the old literary learning is not yet
fully able to cultivate the interest to appreciate the old Indonesian literature. In fact, the
presentation of old literary learning with appropriate and relevant teaching materials will
provide a complete picture to the students so as to foster a sense of belonging to the old
Indonesian literature. Research development of teaching materials is considered necessary
so that the old literary learning can strengthen the character of Indonesian teacher
candidates. This study begins with a needs assessment survey, followed by analysis of
structure and meaning of ancient manuscripts, design of teaching materials, and validation
of teaching materials. This paper is prepared to report on survey results related to the needs
assessment study.
Keywords: Learning, Old Literature, Character, prospective teachers, needs analysis
The advancement of the times and technology have an impact on the dynamics of social
life in Indonesia. The dominant impact seen is the erosion of the value of local wisdom or
the noble value of the nation's culture. This condition is seen in the cases that aired on
television, such as the community is easily carried away emotionally, irritable, brutal, rude,
even burning vehicles or damaging buildings while rallying. It is, of course, very
unfortunate for the progress of the nation, especially to create a young generation of
Indonesia who always devoted to God Almighty, wise, intelligent, skilled, virtuous, noble
degree, and high civilization. Thus, education as one of the efforts expected to have a
psychological orientation to shape the character of the nation.
In relation to these conditions, Law No. 20 of 2003 describes the National Education
System explains about the function of education is to develop the ability and build the
character and civilization of dignified nation in order to have more inteligent people of the
nation and to develop the potential of learners to become a human being who believes and
Fear Allah Almighty, be noble, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent,
International Conference on Teacher Training and Education 2017 (ICTTE 2017)
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), volume 158
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Copyright © 2017, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press.
and become a citizen of democratic and responsible [1]. Therefore, education in Indonesia
is required to orient the formation of nation's character, that is education that pay attention
to psychiatric education.
Literature is one of the media of psychiatric education. This is because literature has
ethical and moral content related to human life. Literature includes psychological, religious,
romantic, and sociological issues. In addition, literature was able to explain things from
various facets, even many options of literature that can be used as the source of the
formation of the nation's character.
The characters defined as psychological, moral or character qualities that distinguish
one from another. In other limits, character is a way of thinking and behaving someone to
live and work together well in the circle of family, community, nation, or country [2]. Thus,
a person is characterized when able to make decisions and take responsibility for decisions
Characters in literary texts, literary genres that can be used as a means of characterizing
the nation are literary genres that contain values or aspects (1) literary-aesthetic, (2)
humanitarian, (3) ethical and morals, and (4) religious-prophetic-philosophy. These four
values or aspects are considered capable of optimizing the role of literature in character
formation. So, the old literature also has all four values that can shape the character of the
nation's children [3].
Old literature is one of the literary genre that has the content of culture and character of
the nation. However, in the reality student attention to the old literary text is quite
apprehensive. This is also due to the low appreciation of teachers to the old literary texts.
Therefore, this condition certainly needs to get attention and increase the appreciation of
the old literature.
Meanwhile, local wisdom becomes a thing attached to the old literature. Limitations,
local wisdom can be interpreted the wisdom of a society derived from the noble values of
culture to regulate the life of society. Sibarani [4] states about local wisdom as follows.
Local wisdom in cultural traditions such as folklore is divided into local wisdom
that aims to increase welfare and which aims to create peace. Local wisdom for
welfare includes (1) hard work, (2) discipline, (3) education, (4) health, (5)
gotong royong, (6) gender management, (7) cultural preservation and creativity,
(8) ) environmental care, while local wisdom for peace includes (1) courtesy, (2)
honesty, (3) social solidarity, (4) harmony and conflict resolution, (5)
commitment, (6) positive thoughts, and (7) gratitude”.
Tjokrowinoto in [5] introduces the term "pancaguna" to describe the old literary
benefits as follows. (1) Deepening religious and moral education; (2) increase the love of
the homeland; (3) understanding the sacrifices of national heroes; (4) adding to historical
knowledge; and (5) are self-reliant and entertaining. Similarly, Haryadi [5] states nine
benefits that can be obtained from the old literature, namely as follows. (1) Can serve as
entertainment and educational media; (2) its contents can foster the love, pride of the nation
and respect for the ancestors; (3) its contents can broaden the horizons of beliefs of
customs, and civilization of the nation; (4) performances can foster a sense of unity and
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), volume 158
unity; (5) the creation process fosters a creative, responsive, and dynamic soul; (6) a source
of inspiration for the creation of other art forms; (7) the process of its creation is an
example of diligent, professional, and humble work; (8) its performance provides a
compact and harmonious model of cooperation; and (9) the foreign influences present in it
provide an overview of the broad social order and worldview. Thus, both opinions have
affirmed that literature has appropriate relevance as a media or learning material to instill
character education.
Furthermore, the old literature is one of the subjects taught in universities in the majors
or courses of Education of Language and Literature of Indonesia. Old literary learning is
taught as a provision for Indonesian teacher candidates. In connection with the required
development of teaching materials to achieve learning objectives. The purpose of
development of teaching materials is to facilitate the learning process of learners so that
require requirements that must be met. These terms are as follows. (1) provides an
orientation to the theory, reasoning, and method of applying theory in practice; (2) there are
exercises against the use of theory and its application; (3) teaching materials should provide
feedback on the exercise; (4) adjusting information and tasks with student development; (5)
fostering student interest; (6) explain the learning objectives to the students; (7) increase
student motivation; and (8) shows other sources of information [6]. Thus, the purpose of
this paper is to describe student needs analysis in old literary learning and to describe the
role of old literary learning in character formation.
This research method is survey. Sugiyono [7] explains that the survey method is the
method used in the research by using questionnaire as a research tool conducted on large or
small population, but the data studied is the data from samples taken from the population so
that the relative incidence, distribution and relationship between variable, sociological, and
psychological [7]. Population in this research is student of Study Program of Language and
Literature of Indonesia. The samples are PBSI students who have followed the old literary
restoration. The sample technique is purposive sampling. Through purposive sampling
obtained sample of twenty students who meet the assessment standards to be able to
provide information about the old literary learning. Data collection techniques used were
questionnaires and observations. Questionnaires are given when collected in a class.
Observations were made on the learning process and student knowledge. While the data
analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative.
Condition of Old Literary Material
Based on the questionnaire of the preliminary study results of twenty students, it can be
described the condition of old literary material in the form of tables as follows.
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), volume 158
Old Literature teaching materials are hard to
Strongly Agree
Old Literature course material is difficult to
Old Literature teaching materials used do not
contain ancient manuscripts
Available Old Literature materials do not
contain transliterations from the original text
Strongly Agree
Available Old Literature materials do not
contain transcriptions of the original text
Examples of available old literary texts are
Strongly Agree
Information about the old Minangkabau literary
text is difficult to obtain
Strongly Agree
Information about the mantras, prayers, and
azines of the old Minangkabau literature is hard
to know
Strongly Agree
Information about the manuscript of the
Minangkabau poem is unknown
Strongly Agree
Information about the Kaba Minangkabau text is
Strongly Agree
Thus, the information written on the table states that the average student of the PBSI
Study Program three agrees and seven strongly agree on the weaknesses in the old literary
materials used in the lesson. The statements that are approved by the students are as
follows. (1) The material of Old Literature is difficult to understand; (2) Old Literary
teaching materials used do not contain ancient texts; (3) Available Old Literature materials
do not contain transcriptions of the original text. Furthermore, the statement is considered
appropriate by the students, namely (1) Old Literary teaching materials difficult to obtain;
(2) Available Old Literature materials do not contain transliterations of the original text; (3)
Examples of available old literary texts are elusive; (4) Information on Minangkabau's old
literary texts is difficult to obtain; (5) Information about mantras, prayers and azines from
the old Minangkabau literature is difficult to obtain; (6) Information about the manuscripts
of the Minangkabau poem is unknown; and (7) Information about the text of Kaba
Minangkabau is unknown.
In addition to the contents of the statement that has been provided, students also fill out
a suggestion / input sheet in relation to the old literary materials needed.
Sample Code
It needs examples of ancient texts from various other regions
Old literary materials that contain complete and easy to understand material
With the vast and vastness of old literary material, it is deemed desperately needed
an old literary textbook covering / collecting ancient literary material
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), volume 158
Preferably the old literature reference book is easy to get
Books should be easy to get
The teaching materials of the old literature courses are / are needed to support
teaching and learning activities, in addition to references that may include old
literary material and ancient literature
In the course of the old literature is needed teaching materials as a reference that can
include material about the old literature and ancient literature
By adding a reference so that students can more easily understand the information
about the old literary material
We recommend having a reference book used by students, so that students are not
confused when looking for material
For the old literature in the development of teaching materials are improved again
and made easier for his understanding. In the material are displayed examples.
Students should be given a reference book as a learning material, in the material
more to show examples of real old literature and accurate, reference books used
easily understood
Having a reference book used in the lesson, the reference book used should be easy
to understand
The need to include ancient texts representing one archipelago, the transliteration of
ancient texts to be understood
The old literary material is easy to understand, easy to obtain, and has complete
content (there is original text and contains transliteration and transcription of original
As a student, we need old literary materials to support learning
For the development of old literature materials more complete because so that
students know related to the material and with teaching materials that help students
in knowing the old literature
We students are in need of teaching materials to support the courses and tasks given
With the reference book will facilitate students because the material or materials are
still scattered so indispensable reference book
Old literature materials are expected to be easy to obtain so students can learn easily
and students need to deepen the old literature courses because many of the old
literature contained in learning Indonesian in junior and senior high school or
Based on suggestions / inputs written by eighteen students it can be concluded that
students of Study Program PBSI realize their needs as a candidate Indonesian teachers
who must have provision of knowledge of old literature so as to increase literary
appreciation in other schools. The main point of the suggestion is the availability of
teaching materials complete with examples of ancient texts and explanations of the
structure and meaning of the text.
The Contents of Old Literature Teaching Materials Strengthen the Character of
Indonesian Language Teachers Candidate
Based on the analysis of the achievement of Old Literature courses can be explained
that the old literary learning has a teaching content that can be used as a reference to
strengthen the character of prospective teachers, especially Indonesian language teachers.
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), volume 158
In addition, the analysis is supported by the old literary concepts that have benefits in
character formation. The following outlines the achievements of learning courses of
Literary Literature from the Book of PBSI Program Curriculum, 2017 [8].
Name of
Course Achievement / Course
Teaching Materials
Ahmad Dahlan
Students are able to master the concept of
the nature of the old literature; Able to
understand the old literary relationship
with folklore; Able to understand the
function of the old literature; Able to
connect the old literary periods; Able to
master the concept of Old Malay
literature; Able to master the concept of
ancient Javanese literary variety; Able to
master the concept of Variety able to
master the concept of the function of the
old literature review; Able to master the
concept of the transfer of old literary
rides; Able to master the concept of old
literature and its relation in learning
Indonesian language
1. Old literary relationship with
2. Old literary functions
3. Periods of old literature
4. Variety of old literature (Malay)
5. Variety of old literature (Java)
6. The function of the old literature
7. Transfer old literary rides
8. The concept of teaching the old
literature of learning Indonesian at
The table illustrates that the old literature courses taught to students are not limited to
literary knowledge. The learning achievement is intended to characterize teachers' character
as well as to strengthen the understanding of local wisdom. In addition, the introduction to
the old literary concepts in detail also provides the utility for prospective teachers to teach
the old literature in field practice.
Furthermore, the teaching materials that were taught in the form of an intensive
introduction to students with old literary texts so as to foster an appreciation of the old
literature. Literature with its function dulce et utile, which is beautiful and useful is
expected to give confidence for society to role of literature in character forming. Based on
aspects of composition, literature is arranged in a neat and interesting form that makes
people happy to read, hear, see, and enjoy it.
Old literary learning for prospective teachers is also directed at the growth of
appreciative attitude towards literature. It can be observed in the field of achievements and
old literary teaching materials. Literary literature cultivates literary (cognitive) literary
knowledge of love for literary works (affective), and trains the skill of producing literary
works (psychomotor). In addition, appreciative activities can be done with receptive
activities, namely reading and listening to literary works, watching the works of literature,
productive, and documentative. Literary appreciation activities train the mind, feelings, and
motor skills so that the mind becomes critical, feelings of being sensitive, and smooth, and
well-trained motor skills. Thus, the objectives of the old literary learning become the basic
capital in the development of character education.
In relation to these findings, Solin asserts about the benefits of the old literature in
character formation. Solin explains that the Indonesian people's personality is inspired from
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), volume 158
Indonesian Literature as a source of inspiration for the realization of nation, language, and
motherland of Indonesia. Thus, reading Indonesian literature to literary literature is
believed to strengthen the identity and personality of Indonesia [9].
Furthermore, Kanzunuddin in his research results explain the literature as a medium of
learning can be exploited receptively and expressively as an effort to character education.
Utilization can be done with two steps, namely the selection of teaching materials and
management of the learning process. The literary works chosen as teaching materials are
works of quality, meaning both aesthetically and ethically. In addition, literary works
should also be good in structural construction and contain values that can guide learners to
become better human beings [10].
Based on the results of the survey and analysis it can be concluded that the old
literary learning has not used the teaching materials complete with examples of text and
transliteration. In addition, old literary literature materials are also difficult to obtain.
Students' understanding of the old literary material is still low. Furthermore, the
achievement of learning contained in the semester learning plan also has directed the
achievement of the government's jaws to form a generation of characterized nations.
Therefore, it is necessary to develop the old literary materials so that they can be used in the
old literature courses.
[1] Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 Year 2003, “Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number
20 Year 2003.” .
[2] Tim Penyusun, Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia., 2017.
[3] D. Saryono, Dasar Apresiasi Sastra. Yogyakarta: Elmatera Publishing, 2009.
[4] R. Sibarani, “Folklor sebagai Media dan Sumber Pendidikan: Sebuah Ancangan Kurikulum dalam
Pembentukan Karakter Siswa Berbasis Nilai Budaya Batak Toba,” in Folklor Nusantara Hakikat,
Bentuk, dan Fungsi, S. Endraswara, Ed. Yogyakarta: Ombak, 2013.
[5] Haryadi, Sastra Melayu. Yogyarta: IKIP Yogyakarta, 1994.
[6] J. Mblu dan Suhartono, Pengembangan Bahan Ajara. Malang: Elang Mas, 2004.
[7] Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan (Pendekatan Kualitatif, Kuantitatif, dan R&D). Bandung:
Alfabeta, 2013.
[8] Tim Penyusun, Kurikulum Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, Universtias Ahmad
Dahlan. 2017.
[9] M. Solin, “Peranan Bahasa Indonesia Dalam Membangun Karakter Bangsa,” J. Fak. Bhs. dan Seni
Univ. Negeri Medan, vol. http://dig, hal. 110, 2010.
[10] M. Kanzunnudin, “Peran Sastra Dalam Pendidikan Karakter,”
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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), volume 158
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Folklor sebagai Media dan Sumber Pendidikan: Sebuah Ancangan Kurikulum dalam Pembentukan Karakter Siswa Berbasis Nilai Budaya Batak Toba
  • R Sibarani
R. Sibarani, "Folklor sebagai Media dan Sumber Pendidikan: Sebuah Ancangan Kurikulum dalam Pembentukan Karakter Siswa Berbasis Nilai Budaya Batak Toba," in Folklor Nusantara Hakikat, Bentuk, dan Fungsi, S. Endraswara, Ed. Yogyakarta: Ombak, 2013.
Yogyarta: IKIP Yogyakarta
  • Sastra Haryadi
  • Melayu
Haryadi, Sastra Melayu. Yogyarta: IKIP Yogyakarta, 1994.
Kurikulum Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia
  • Tim Penyusun
Tim Penyusun, Kurikulum Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, Universtias Ahmad Dahlan. 2017.
Peranan Bahasa Indonesia Dalam Membangun Karakter Bangsa
  • M Solin
M. Solin, "Peranan Bahasa Indonesia Dalam Membangun Karakter Bangsa," J. Fak. Bhs. dan Seni Univ. Negeri Medan, vol. http://dig, hal. 1-10, 2010.