
Co-Creation and Learning: Concepts and Cases



This book introduces readers to co-creation --- a complex, value-based, context-driven and collaborative effort to develop new paradigms, products and services to satisfy human wants. Co-creation is built not only around the perceptions of challenges, cause-and-effect relationships and constraints, but also around available alternatives for dealing with or overcoming those challenges. Co-creation is not about transferring or outsourcing activities, and neither is it about the customization of products and services. This book explains the emergence of the co-creation approach. It describes various models of value creation, as well as different stages and the contract process involved in co-creation. It also explores different types of learning and learning techniques, and how co-creation impacts the learning process. The book allows practitioners and policymakers to understand the processes involved in implementing co-creation in any organization, while also presenting case studies to show how to apply the relevant concepts in their day-to-day activities.

Chapters (4)

There is a growing concern to deliver value and choice to the consumers with the belief that consumers prefer to exercise and make decisions about their wants. Organizations are working, analyzing, thinking as well as designing various means of meeting consumer needs and demands (Sheth et al. in J Acad Mark Sci 289(1), 55–66, 2000). Co-creation is a medium to improvise innovation and value creation capability in a firm along with fostering customer relationships (Sawhney et al. in J Interact Mark 19(4):4–17, 2005; Prandelli et al. in Calif Manage Rev 48(4):109–35 2006; von Stamm in J Mar 73(5):30–51, 2004). This chapter thoroughly examines all aspects of the co-creation process.
Co-creation is a learning journey. To implement co-creation in an organization, it is necessary to tag on to collaborative culture (Owen et al. in Strategy Leaders 36(1):39–45, 2008) and the creation of collaborative culture requires creative thinking in solving problems, leadership, knowledge management, institutionalized learning, experiential learning, communication, quality management, and continuous improvement in an organization (Roser et al. in Co-creation: New Pathways to Value—An overview. Promise & LSE Enterprise, London 2013). The learning techniques used in the process are elucidated in this chapter, followed by an elaboration of the same in the next chapter.
This chapter includes a detailed study of co-creation principles employed by Pegasus in bringing about organizational changes in three companies—Company-A, Company-B, and Company-C. The methodologies, learning approaches and techniques used by the Pegasus team are highlighted here. An attempt has been made to shed some light on the real-life applications of co-creation.
This project was done to document an overview of ‘co-creation’ at Pegasus Institute for Excellence. Pegasus is a training institution that deals with distinct needs of an organization across diverse industry segments addressing people at all functional levels of an organization. This institute is the first in India to follow the method of OBL to train their participants.
... Co-creation adalah sebuah teori interaksi, dimana perusahaan membutuhkan sebuah sarana yang interaktif baik platform fisik ataupun virtual yang memungkinkan organisasi dapat membangun interaksi dengan karyawan, pelanggan, atau bahkan stakeholder lain, terutama interaksi yang memungkinkan pelangan menjadi bagian dari rantai nilai organisasi (Akhilesh, 2017). Menurut Agrawal & Rahman (2019), definisi co-creation mencakup dua aspek, yakni aktivitas kolaborasi yang terjadi antara aktor dalam proses seperti pelanggan, perusahaan, serta komunitas pelanggan; serta adanya tujuan yang spesifik dari co-creation yang umumnya adalah untuk menciptakan nilai bagi para aktor yang terlibat dalam proses tersebut. ...
... Definisi konseptual Definisi operasional Dimensi atau Indikator pengukuran Cocreation Co-creation adalah sebuah teori interaksi (Akhilesh, 2017) yang mencakup aktivitas kolaborasi antara berbagai aktor di perusahaan seperti pelanggan, komunitas pelanggan, dan perusahaan yang bertujuan untuk menciptakan nilai bagi para aktor yang terlibat dalam proses tersebut (Agrawal & Rahman, 2019). ...
... Co-creation diukur melalui tiga dimensi, yakni dialog (Abeza et al. 2018;Akhilesh 2017), serta customer participation behaviour dan customer citizenship behaviour (Yi & Gong, 2013) Dari 194 responden, sebanyak 81% berdomisili di Jabodetabek dan sisanya tersebar di kota lain dalam area jangakuan Sayurbox. Mayoritas responden adalah wanita (70%) sisanya adalah pria, dimana mereka mayoritas berumur 25 -44 tahun (64%), diikuti oleh kelompok umur ≤ 17 -24 tahun (30%) dan ≥ 45 tahun (7%). ...
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Using a sample of Sayurbox customers, this study aims to determine the impact of co-creation on customer loyalty through the mediating factor of customer satisfaction. Co-creation is an interaction theory that allows customers to become a part of the value chain of a company. Data was collected through an online survey using a purposive sampling technique on 194 respondents who met the requirements of Sayurbox customers who have made repeated purchases, active social media users, and Sayurbox Instagram followers. The partial test was analyzed using SPSS's statistical method of multiple linear regression models, while the mediating variables were analyzed using the Sobel test. The findings indicate that co-creation has a significant and positive impact on satisfaction, with satisfaction mediating the impact of co-creation and loyalty. The findings of this study recommend and discuss the implications of two important findings related to product and service performance, as well as interactive channels to foster co-creation between companies and consumers.
... Los propósitos de esta investigación son: (i) explorar cómo los investigadores han definido la colaboración; (ii) aprender cómo los educadores pueden fomentar el desarrollo de habilidades de colaboración en sus estudiantes y empleados; y (iii) revisar las mejores prácticas en la evaluación de las habilidades de colaboración y presentar la prueba WeQ así como su evaluación. El aprendizaje colaborativo se define como "una situación en la cual dos o más personas aprenden o intentan aprender algo juntos" (Dillenbourg, 1999, p. 1) y en detalle como solución conjunta de problemas (Akhilesh, 2017). Roschelle y Teasley definen la colaboración más específicamente como "el compromiso mutuo de los participantes en un esfuerzo coordinado para resolver un problema juntos" Además, Dillenbourg menciona la dificultad de concordar en una definición de aprendizaje colaborativo. ...
... Primero, la escala de las interacciones puede variar de dos a miles de personas, con diversas herramientas teóricas necesarias para analizar las interacciones que ocurren en diferentes niveles. En segundo lugar, la pregunta sobre lo que constituye el aprendizaje es una fuente de incertidumbre (Akhilesh, 2017). Como señala Dillenbourg (1999), los investigadores utilizan el término "aprendizaje" para referirse a las actividades, es decir, "aprender del trabajo colaborativo, lo cual se refiere a la adquisición de experticia a lo largo de toda la vida dentro de una comunidad profesional", por ejemplo, en las Organizaciones No Gubernamentales ONG (p. 4). ...
... Los seis campos consideran el complejo proceso de las dinámicas en grupos y cómo la interrelación de las experiencias humanas ocurre en un entorno grupal. Se extrajeron cuarenta y dos afirmaciones de varias medidas de dinámica de grupos, tal como se presentaron en varios estudios de investigación sobre dinámica y potencial de grupos (Akhilesh, 2017;Hüther, 2017;Hüther et al., 2018;Levi, 2017;North & Kumta, 2018;Schmid, 2014 integración. En detalle, los seis campos temáticos se exponen con afirmaciones en la prueba WeQ que se presentan a continuación: ...
En los últimos diez años ha habido un aumento en las investigaciones sobre el concepto de colaboración. Este artículo ofrece los resultados del aprendizaje colaborativo con enfoques metodológicos mixtos y datos empíricos obtenidos a partir de un WeQ-test, entrevistas guiadas, una encuesta en línea y estudios de casos. Por lo tanto, este documento contribuye con un nuevo e innovador WeQ-test. En concreto, el WeQ-test relaciona 42 declaraciones, seis temas y nueve factores individuales. El cuestionario pide la opinión de los participantes y cómo perciben la opinión de los miembros de su equipo. El WeQ-test evalúa la calidad de un equipo. En cuanto a la utilización del WeQ-test en start-ups y en las ONG, se diseñó un estudio empírico. Con las conclusiones obtenidas de esta investigación, el proyecto intenta, de forma más general, aclarar lo que significa el aprendizaje con referencia al desarrollo organizativo. Con ello, este proyecto de investigación pretende contribuir a un debate científico más amplio en este campo interdisciplinar
... Against the backdrop of diverse crises and change, a variety of practices were considered under the term of collaboration and collaborative learning have been achieving reasonable attention (Akhilesh, 2017;Gruszka, 2016;Hmelo-Silver, 2013;Redlich et al., 2019;Riemer et al., 2019). It is evident to focus on relationships and potentials within teams (Levine, 2013;Vidyasagar and Hatti, 2018). ...
... The purposes of the research are to (i) explore how researchers have identified collaboration; (ii) learn how mentors could support development of collaboration skills in their employees; and (iii) review best practices in assessing collaboration skills, as well as presenting the WeQ-test and its evaluation (Lai, 2011). Taking the term of collaborative learning into consideration, it is a situation in which two or more people learn together (Dillenbourg, 1999, p. 1;Lai, 2011) as well as joint problem solving (Akhilesh, 2017). Furthermore, Dillenbourg mentions the difficulty of agreeing on a definition of collaborative learning. ...
... The six fields consider the complex process of dynamics in groups, and how the interplay of human experiences occur in a group setting. Fourty-two propositions were extracted from a number of measures of group dynamics as presented in several research studies dealing with group dynamics and group potentials (Akhilesh, 2017;Hüther, 2017;Hüther et al., 2018;Levi, 2017;North and Kumta, 2018;Schmid, 2014). Furthermore, each proposition is linked to one thematic field. ...
In the last ten years there has been an increase in research on the concept of collaboration. While collaboration and collaborative learning are able to transform our society, only a few tools and methods were developed. In this paper, we will introduce a new and innovative method for measuring team quality that we call the WeQ-test. The test consists of 42 propositions divided into six topics. The form of the propositions requires switching between your perspective and the perspective of other members of the team. An in-depth analysis of those individual factors provides data about where the particular strengths and challenges in a group can be identified. Regarding the use of the WeQ-test in NGOs and start-ups, an empirical study will be designed. With the findings gained from this research, the project attempts to clarify on a broader scale what learning means with reference to collaboration.
... En el contexto de múltiples crisis y cambios, una serie de prácticas discutidas en el contexto de colaboración y aprendizaje colaborativo han recibido considerable atención (Akhilesh, 2017;Hmelo-Silver, 2013;Redlich et al., 2019; Riemer et al., 2019). Es evidente el centrarse en las relaciones y los potenciales dentro de los equipos (Levine, 2013; Vidyasagar & Hatti, 2018). ...
... Los seis campos consideran el complejo proceso de las dinámicas en grupos y cómo la interrelación de las experiencias humanas ocurre en un entorno grupal. Se extrajeron cuarenta y dos afirmaciones de varias medidas de dinámica de grupos, tal como se presentaron en varios estudios de investigación sobre dinámica de grupos y potencial de grupos (Akhilesh, 2017;Hüther, 2017;Hüther et al., 2018;Levi, 2017;North & Kumta, 2018;Schmid, 2014). Además, cada declaración está vinculada a un campo temático. ...
... La habilidad de aprender rápidamente, así como a un grupo o una organización, es un elemento importante del desarrollo (Akhilesh, 2017). Además, un ciclo de auto reflexión podría iniciarse a través de las perspectivas propias y las estrategias de éxito que están sucediendo (Vidyasagar & Hatti, 2018). ...
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Las investigaciones recientes se han interesado cada vez más en el concepto de colaboración. Sin embargo, aun cuando la colaboración y el aprendizaje colaborativo tienen el propósito de transformar nuestra sociedad, sólo algunas herramientas y métodos han sido desarrolladas al respecto. Empíricamente, se introducirá una nueva e innovadora prueba llamada prueba WeQ. En detalle, esta prueba consta de 42 afirmaciones en el contexto de seis temas. La forma de las afirmaciones requiere intercalar entre la perspectiva propia y la de otros miembros del equipo. Un análisis en profundidad de esos factores individuales proporciona información sobre dónde pueden localizarse las fortalezas y problemas particulares de un grupo. Se diseñará un estudio empírico respecto al uso de la prueba WeQ en ONG y startups (empresas emergentes). Con los hallazgos obtenidos de esta investigación, el proyecto busca, de manera general, aclarar qué significa el aprendizaje en relación con la colaboración.
... According to Hughes (2014), co-creation refers to the processes by which two or more parties collaborate, or participate, in creating value for themselves or others. Similarly, Akhilesh (2017) states that it is a value-based, context-driven and collaborative effort. It is essential to emphasize, as Osborne (2018) does, that this value is not created by the public administration, but by the way in which the citizen uses the services and how it interacts with his/her own life experience that creates value. ...
... According to Akhilesh (2017), co-creation evolves over a period of time and can be construed as having several stages. The author proposes a methodology based on five stages. ...
... Co-creation requires those involved to have passion and energy (Akhilesh 2017), or at least, to be truly interested in the process, so the identification of the 'right' or capable people among the neighbourhood is a central task in a community cocreation process. This is especially true of projects involving older people, for the reasons above mentioned. ...
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The aim of this article is to present the main findings on the role of communities in care provision obtained during a community co-creation process which took place in a neighborhood of the city of Donostia/San Sebastián (Spain). The article is divided into four sections. We first introduce the co-creation concept and its potential as a political strategy. Secondly, we briefly describe the project, its objectives, and the methodology followed. Thirdly, we analyse the main findings obtained from the process and, finally, we discuss the process of co-creation developed by communities and their role in the care of older people.
... For the purpose of this chapter, it is relevant to define co-creation as an approach to collaboration and innovation, which seeks to bring together people with diverse backgrounds in co-creating sustainable and meaningful solutions for new learning experiences or environments for learning. Co-creation itself can be described as a learning journey that requires two or several parties to adopt new practices and processes (Akhilesh, 2017). In a co-creation approach, participants or students are addressed not as receivers of information, but as shapers of knowledge (Marquard M., n.d.). ...
... Furthermore, co-creation can also be considered as experiential learning. Experiential learning is a learner-centred approach, where the learner is actively involved in a series of learning processes and sees the learner from the cognitive, emotional and physiological outlook (Akhilesh, 2017;Kolb, 1984). ...
... The departments have not collaborated before, but we are using the same openness and ideas of co-creation as in TLC and it has been a good thing for everybody involved. (Interview -participant) Essentially, this approach to solving problems and challenges requires various inputs from all circle participants, as co-creation is a collaborative effort (Akhilesh, 2017). The respondents also mentioned the importance of seeing how other circle participants would have solved similar problems or challenges. ...
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The need for developing new entrepreneurial ways of thinking and acting has been in the agenda for OECD and EU countries. In line with their agenda, the Nordic Council of Ministers has been preoccupied with the development of entrepreneurial mindsets among the adult population. Seeking to meet the urgent need for developing entrepreneurial thinking, the Nordic Network for Adult Learning, together with the Nordic Council of Ministers, have elaborated and tested a Scandinavian model for stimulating entrepreneurial mindsets through Transformative Learning Circles (TLC). Based on the study of the TCL pilot project, this chapter explores the process of facilitation of entrepreneurial learning. The literature on entrepreneurial learning and education emphasises on the importance of facilitation, however this issue is yet to be been addressed in-depth. This chapter seeks to fill in this gap and contribute to our understanding of the role that facilitators play in the entrepreneurial and transformative learning processes. Drawing on the social constructionist approach to learning, this chapter discusses how facilitators and learners (entrepreneurs) become co-creators of knowledge and learning experiences. Keywords: entrepreneurial mindset, entrepreneurial learning, facilitation, knowledge co-creation, transformative learning
... El término cocreación es un concepto que surge en el ámbito de los negocios para denominar al "proceso creativo, innovador y social iniciado por la empresa que involucra a las partes interesadas para generar un producto de valor" (Roser et al., 2013, p. 23). Varios autores argumentan que la cocreación implica un cambio de roles, ya que el cliente trabaja de forma conjunta con el empresario para llevar a cabo el desarrollo de nuevos productos, procesos o servicios (Akhilesh, 2017;Perks et al., 2012;Prahalad y Ramaswamy, 2000) con el objetivo de producir mejoras significativas (Coates, 2013en Ehlen et al., 2017. El estudio de Perks et al. (2012) señala que "las innovaciones son, pues, el resultado de comportamientos e interacciones entre individuos y organizaciones" (p. ...
... El TDT es un tipo de cocreación ya que, tal y como señalaba Akhilesh (2017), para que haya cocreación es necesario que dos o más profesionales se unan para diseñar un nuevo producto que satisfaga las necesidades del contexto. Como apuntaban Iversen y Pedersen (2017), "el "co" indica que el proceso es social y la "creación", que algo nuevo aparece como consecuencia del proceso (p. ...
Full-text available [spa] Esta investigación expone el proceso de cocreación docente de presentaciones gramaticales (PGs) con tecnología desde una perspectiva cognitiva en la enseñanza de español como lengua extranjera (ELE) en el Instituto Cervantes de Praga (IC de Praga) y tiene dos objetivos: analizar el proceso de diseño de PGs con tecnología y examinar el funcionamiento del equipo de cocreación docente. Para desarrollar este estudio, un equipo de siete profesores del IC de Praga diseñó cuatro PGs con tecnología para el nivel A2 en la enseñanza a adultos en línea siguiendo la metodología de los estudios basados en diseño (Design Based Research, DBR). Así, analizamos los cambios que se producen en el diseño de las PGs durante el diseño inicial (que comprende la ideación, el diseño de prototipos en papel, la revisión de los expertos y el desarrollo tecnológico) y durante los ciclos iterativos de implementación, análisis y rediseño de las cuatro PGs. Para analizar del funcionamiento del equipo nos hemos basado en el marco teórico del Teacher Design Team y hemos examinado el rol del gestor, la interacción del equipo para comunicarse de forma abierta, la apropiación y las emociones. Además, hemos evaluado la incidencia de la cocreación docente en la calidad de los materiales y en el desarrollo profesional de los miembros del equipo. Para alcanzar nuestros objetivos hemos examinado los datos procedentes del análisis de necesidades del contexto, los ocho talleres del equipo, la revisión de los expertos de los prototipos en papel, las iteraciones de las PGs y los cuestionarios y entrevistas de autoevaluación de los miembros del equipo. Además, para examinar la percepción del estudiante, se han analizado los cuestionarios de evaluación de las implementaciones y las entrevistas grupales. Los resultados del proceso de diseño de las PGs demuestran cómo la tecnología puede apoyar la secuencia de presentación de contenidos gramaticales, especialmente durante la fase de descubrimiento guiado. Además, ilustran el poder de la multimodalidad para representar visualmente el significado de las formas gramaticales, así como la necesidad de mantener la coherencia en el diseño y guiar el acceso a los elementos multimodales para facilitar la comprensión de los estudiantes. Asimismo, reflejan la transcendencia de organizar de forma sistemática las actividades de interacción de los estudiantes, y velar por la sencillez y flexibilidad del diseño de los materiales. Por otro lado, en cambio, los resultados reflejan que un uso inadecuado de la tecnología entorpece la enseñanza de la gramática desviando la atención de estudiantes y profesores del objetivo de aprendizaje hacia la tecnología y provocando la descoordinación entre el discurso del profesor y la secuencia de diapositivas. Con respecto al funcionamiento del equipo de cocreación docente, los resultados constatan la necesidad de que el gestor sea transparente, flexible y que transmita al equipo apoyo, confianza y seguridad con el objetivo de involucrar a los profesores y que participen activamente en la toma de decisiones, lo cual contribuye a crear un entorno propicio para el diseño que permite que el equipo funcione de forma efectiva. Adicionalmente, hemos comprobado que para aprovechar al máximo el tiempo disponible durante los talleres y que la interacción sea equilibrada, es necesario definir la organización de las actividades que se realizan dentro y fuera de los talleres. Por último, hemos constatado que la combinación de la metodología de DBR y la cocreación docente ofrece una panorámica muy amplia de qué sucede alrededor del proceso de diseño de materiales en equipo. En concreto, hemos encontrado que la cocreación docente optimiza los procedimientos característicos de la metodología DBR provocando que estos se alternen de forma recursiva a través de la interacción de los miembros del equipo, lo cual ha incidido en la calidad de los materiales y en el desarrollo profesional de los profesores. [eng] This research examines the process of teacher co-creation of grammatical presentations (GPs) with the use of technology in teaching of Spanish as a foreign language (Español como lengua extranjera, ELE) at the Instituto Cervantes de Praga (IC Prague) from a cognitive perspective and has two main objectives: to analyse the process of designing GPs with the use of technology and to examine the functioning of the teacher co-creation team. In this study, a team of seven teachers from IC Prague designed four technology- enabled GPs for adult A2-level students educated online, following the Design Based Research (DBR) methodology. We analysed the changes made in the design of GPs during their initial creation (comprising ideation, paper prototyping, expert review, and technology development) and during the iterative cycles of their implementation, analysis, and redesign. To study how the team works together, we based our analysis on the theoretical framework of the Teacher Design Team and examined the role of the team leader, team's ability to communicate openly, ownership and emotions. In addition, we evaluated the impact of teacher co-creation on the quality of the materials and on the professional development of the individual team members. To achieve our objectives, we have looked at the data from the context needs analysis, eight team workshops, expert review of the paper prototypes, GP iterations, questionnaires and self-evaluation interviews of the team members. In addition, to examine learner perception, implementation evaluation questionnaires and group interviews have been analysed. The results of the GPs creation process demonstrate how technology can support the process of grammatical content presentation, especially in the phase of guided discovery. Furthermore, they illustrate how multimodality can visually represent the meaning of grammatical forms, as well as the need to maintain consistency in design and guide learner’s access to multimodal elements to facilitate their comprehension. They also reflect the importance of systematically organizing interaction activities and ensuring simplicity and flexibility in the design of materials. On the other hand, the results show that inappropriate use of technology hinders the teaching of grammar, diverting the attention of students and teachers from the learning objective to the technology itself and causing a lack of coordination between the teacher's discourse and the sequence of slides. With respect to the functioning of the teacher co-creation team, the results show the team leader must be transparent, flexible and offer support, trust and confidence to the team to achieve teachers’ involvement and their active participation in decision-making, which contributes to creating a design-friendly environment where the team can work efficiently. Additionally, we have found that in order to make the most of the time available during the workshops and for the interaction to be balanced, it is necessary to organize the activities that take place inside and outside the workshops well. Finally, we have found that the combination of the DBR methodology with teacher co-creation process offers a very broad overview of the process of designing materials in teams. Specifically, we have found that teacher co-creation optimizes the processes characteristic of the DBR methodology by their constant alternation through the interaction of team members, which has had an impact not only on the quality of the materials but also on the professional development of the teachers.
... Although there has been a focus on user and stakeholder involvement in research, for instance, in governance, healthcare, public service and system design (e.g., Olson and Ives, 1981;Lettl et al., 2006;Halse et al., 2010), this focus has often been on creating guidelines or step-by-step processes, and on the methods used (e.g., Rill, 2016;Akhilesh, 2017;Ramaswamy and Ozcan, 2018), on how to measure user participation (e.g., Barki and Hartwick, 1994;Lettl et al., 2006) or research studies and empirical findings on how they have worked with users in a specific context (e.g., Brandt, 2004;Lüthje and Herstatt, 2004;Halse et al., 2010). Only a few researchers, such as Leonard-Barton (1995), have reported on strategic considerations relating to when to involve users. ...
... Specifically, it is a process in which teams of diverse stakeholders are actively engaged in a mutually empowering act of collective creativity with experiential and practical outcomes (Rill and Hämäläinen, 2018). This requires a facilitated process of learning that needs to be staged in order to develop relations between the stakeholders in the process (Rill, 2016;Akhilesh, 2017). ...
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This paper investigates how an organization can involve users in innovation processes. Based on three case studies and the literature on spaces, user-driven innovations and design management, the paper develops a framework that organizes different types of user involvement strategies. The framework aims to provide a rich understanding of how innovative spaces can be staged under different management strategies. To test the framework, nine SMEs from different Danish industries were selected. The findings show that the framework needs to be flexible in order to accommodate how users can be involved in different contexts and stages of the process. In addition, the study demonstrates various approaches to innovative spaces for involving users and their interests in the company. The framework includes a critique of the one-sided promotion of certain innovation paradigms in the literature. As demonstrated in this paper, different contexts require very different innovation approaches.
... In recent years, educators and policy makers have identified the ability to collaborate as an important outcome in its own right rather than merely a means to an end. In detail, collaboration is also seen as joint problem solving (Akhilesh, 2017). Roschelle and Teasley give a definition of collaboration more specific by stating that it is a "mutual engagement of participants in a coordinated effort to solve a problem together," (as cited in Dillenbourg et al., 1996, p. 2). ...
... To help agencies to work towards a common goal on all levels, the SDGs could serve as a common goal and vision for a sustainable world as well as for organising the agency's work. Agencies could therefore pursue their own interests by cooperating, matching Rhinard & Sundelius (2016) and also definitions of collaboration (McMillan dictionary, 2019; Salignac et al., 2019), which also can include that stakeholder pool resources to meet objectives that are only to be met together (Stout, Bartels, & Love, 2018) and engage in joint problem solving (Akhilesh, 2017). Limited funding for cooperative activities and partly, therefore, limited human resources inhibit this process. ...
... This is not limited to creating products or brands but also through management or other policies. Higher co-creation in a university increases student experience value (Akhilesh, 2017;A. M. Dean et al., 2016;D. ...
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One of the main objectives of research in marketing both in the goods and services industry is customer loyalty. Research on college marketing also focuses on alumni loyalty. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of co-creation and experience value on student loyalty in private universities. The survey was conducted on 278 alumni from 5 (five) private universities in Palembang who were randomly selected. Data was collected by distributing the google form through the alumni unit at each university and alumni groups. Data analysis was carried out by using the structural equation model partial least square approach (SEM-PLS) with the SmartPLS3 application program. The results showed that co-creation had a positive and significant effect on the value of experience and alumni loyalty. Students who gain experience value during their lectures are those who have the opportunity to interact and play an active role on campus. High interaction shows a strong level of co-creation for students and shows a better experience value, thus impacting alumni loyalty. Alumni intend to recommend their alma mater to others and care more about their alma mater. Alumni should be given space to be able to build their campus through strong alumni ties. Alumni who have concern for the alma mater are those who have a lot of experience during their studies
... This redefinition would be cocreated through a problem-based collaborative approach that is contextually driven and value-based. 29 Educators aligned with CCP aim to develop an authentic and respectful relationship with students. This relationship requires positioning and clarifying their own values in addition to the values they hold for their students. ...
Educators who recognize the value of authentic written exams for promoting student critical thinking may struggle with concerns about cheating. In this article, we explore how educators may use open-web take-home exams to help students develop integrity and evidence-based practice skills. Lang's theory is used to explore why students may cheat. We discuss the importance of caring assessment practices by drawing on critical caring pedagogy and universal design for learning. Throughout the discussion, we illustrate how authentic questions and instruction that is focused on dialogue, collaboration, and resource use may reduce cheating possibilities while improving student learning.
... 'Co-creation' is an essential mechanism in transdisciplinary, as a mechanism in accumulating positive energies for all experts involved in certain activity of idea's generation or problem solving [34], and ". . .an active, creative, and social collaboration process linking producers and consumers, aided by the organization" [35]. It is collaborative, inclusive and dialogical characters that make transdisciplinarity a potential way in creating and strengthening tolerance. ...
... Transformative learning leading to the direction of education for sustainable development is a growing field in sustainability science. With the background of crises and change, a variety of practices were discussed and the term of transformative learning has been gaining considerable attention (Akhilesh, 2017;Göpel, 2016;Gruszka, 2016;Hüther, 2017;Romano, 2017Romano, , 2018Scharmer, 2016;Wals & Corcoran, 2012). ...
This paper elaborates on a number of key success factors of transformative learning (TL) theory as well as provides arguments that validate them. The paper at hands lines out how transformative learning can improve teams in start-ups and NGOs to the direction of education for sustainable development (ESD). Moreover, social structures and belief systems can influence learning in a way that learners make transformation of their experiences in various means. It exemplifies how Mezirow’s theory can be put into practice and includes results from collaborative and social learning, personal transformation, team spirit as well as learning environments. The case studies make use of new skills and values via guided interviews. Data from 42 qualitative interviews are analysed and used to argument that transformative learning can be practiced, with success factors, in start-ups and NGOs.
... Transformative learning leading to the direction of education for sustainable development is a growing field in sustainability science. With the background of crises and change, a variety of practices were discussed and the term of transformative learning has been gaining considerable attention (Akhilesh, 2017;Göpel, 2016;Gruszka, 2016;Hüther, 2017;Romano, 2017Romano, , 2018Scharmer, 2016;Wals & Corcoran, 2012). ...
This paper elaborates on a number of key success factors of transformative learning (TL) theory as well as provides arguments that validate them. The paper at hands lines out how transformative learning can improve teams in start-ups and NGOs to the direction of education for sustainable development (ESD). Moreover, social structures and belief systems can influence learning in a way that learners make transformation of their experiences in various means. It exemplifies how Mezirow's theory can be put into practice and includes results from collaborative and social learning, personal transformation, team spirit as well as learning environments. The case studies make use of new skills and values via guided interviews. Data from 42 qualitative interviews are analysed and used to argument that transformative learning can be practiced, with success factors, in start-ups and NGOs.
... [1] -instead of us telling them what they would learn. This could be either an individual goal (seefigure 1) or a group goal (seefigure 2Lego exercise -individual result Lego exercise -group result ...
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The European project DOIT follows the maker pedagogy approach to develop an early entrepreneurial education program for children between the age of six and sixteen. In this program, children work collaboratively on solutions for challenges that they know from their personal environments with the aim to aspire to the entrepreneurial spirit and social innovation at the same time. The DOIT program involves 1,000 children in two pilot phases at 11 pilot sites in ten different European countries. A comprising evaluation design has been setup that comprises not only conventional evaluation tools such as questionnaires and tests but also participative instruments. Being aware of that conventional evaluation tools are somewhat in contrast with the innovative setting of a maker project where children are the agents for change, we tried to incorporate participative evaluation instruments where possible. The latter ones have an empowering function as children are not only the 'object' of research but they themselves take over the role of co-researchers. The paper describes some of these instruments and shares some first-hand experiences with the tools and preliminary results, as the project will still be ongoing at the time.
The HEIs face challenges that require new teaching practices adjusted to the new realities and demands of the market. Companies and organizations seek transversal competences to solve immediate problems and project future scenarios. Co-creation between higher education institutions (HEIs) and companies make it possible to prepare students for the increasingly demanding and innovative labor market, particularly in the tourism and accommodation industry. This chapter presents contributions to applying innovative and interdisciplinary methodologies in the pedagogical practices of tourism and accommodation teaching. A teaching-learning model based on co-creation methods is proposed and illustrated with a case study developed in partnership with a regional tourist enterprise in Portugal. The chapter concludes with an analysis of the co-creation model's impact and an analysis of pedagogical tools for developing new and innovative accommodation products and services that are essential for differentiation and positioning in marketing strategies.
Every member of a community or team has a rich spectrum of possibilities for his/her own development. This potential is inherent in each member and in the community. The hidden potentials can be transformed into tangible, visible and effective resources.This chapter gives a brief summary of the main scientific aspects and sources on cooperation. Furthermore, an insertion is made on current neurobiological findings. The interested reader is cordially invited to deal with these points in greater detail.
Purpose of the study: The understanding of the complex world and the ability to imagine the futures is the basis for planning and decision-making. Therefore, in this research, the possible future of university in an Iranian oil-dependent economy is studied, and, the best direction for higher education in Khuzestan province is explored. — Methodology: A formative scenario writing research method is used in the current study. The participants were recruited from among Iranian higher education experts purposefully; a series of in-depth interviews including personal and focus group interviews have also been conducted to reach saturation. —Main findings: The results of the present research showed that two main factors affect Khuzestan higher education: dependency on the state economy and increasingly growing social expectation from the university. Khuzestan universities have better select one of these orientations: Conservative University, Enabler University, Adaptive University, and Developmental University. According to the findings of the study, developmental orientation is the preferred scenario for Khuzestan higher education. — Applications of this study: It is argued that the developmental university is the preferred scenario for the future of higher education in Khuzestan Province and a proposal suggests its actualization. — Novelty/originality of this study: The applied scenario-based innovative research attempts to reveal the socio-economic role of universities in societies having State-Economy such as Iran, shows all the possible main paths, and finally determines the preferred path for a specific period of time. The current probe can be directly used to lead higher education policymakers of the province and be indirectly employed to help individuals adopt general orientations in higher education, as well as students and researchers who are interested in higher education studies, especially in the field of Higher Education (HE) public policymaking. Finally identified and explained the developmental university that is compatible with Khuzestan higher education situations is another novelty of this research. Received: 29 March 2021 Accepted: 21 June 2021
Conference Paper
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El Diseño, como muchas otras disciplinas, responde a las necesidades y exi- gencias de su tiempo, es un reflejo de la sociedad en la que aparece y se constituye bajo la influencia del contexto social. Su función es impactar directamente a una determina- da sociedad y permitir en el desempeño diario, mejorar nuestra adaptación al entorno artificial y la calidad de vida. Como disciplina muy reciente y desde la perspectiva de la formación de profesionales en el área, se ve condicionada por las innovaciones propias del momento histórico que vive la profesión y que influyen en el sistema educativo y sus mé- todos de enseñanza. Así, este documento, a manera de reflexión, se integra como resultado de un proceso de análisis relativo al papel que están desempeñando las tecnologías en la formación de los diseñadores. Se trata de una aproximación en torno a la forma en que se han modificado y acondicionado los escenarios, formales e informales, que preparan a aquellos que buscan desempañarse en esta área, sean o no, profesionales. Es apenas un es- bozo de la responsabilidad que entrañan las escuelas, universidades y demás espacios, sean reales o virtuales, en la definición y promoción de los saberes y destrezas que se supone deben tener un diseñador y el papel que ocupa la tecnología en todo ello.
This article explores the strategies for fictional content of the Danish children’s channel DR Ultra through a qualitative case study of the production framework behind its successful series Klassen (2016–now). Building on studies of television production and theories of co-creation, the analysis investigates the use of co-creative initiatives during the development and writing as well as the production of programmes. The analysis highlights the value of involving children more closely in content targeting them, not only to ensure that what is told and how it is told is relevant and appealing, but also to create a sense of participation and co-creation.
Reveals how to effectively manage events in times of crisis, and leveraging events for post-disaster recovery. The volume brings together theoretical and practical insights in order to set up a robust ground for effective crisis management and recovery strategies of events.
Provides an in-depth understanding of the challenging nature of events, where knowledge needs to be created and shared both pre-event and during the event, as well as stored effectively post-event. Generic KM frameworks and models are introduced, applied and adapted in order for event organisers to avoid ‘reinventing the wheel’ each year.
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The rates of dementia are on the rise as populations age. Storytelling is commonly used in therapies for persons living with dementia and can be in the form of life review, and reminiscence therapy. A systematic literature review was conducted to examine the range and extent of the use of digital technologies for facilitating storytelling in older adults and their care partners, and to identify the processes and methods, the technologies used and their readiness levels, the evidence, and the associated outcomes. Eight electronic databases were searched: Medline, EMBASE, PsycINFO, CINAHL, Abstracts in Social Gerontology, ERIC, Web of Science, and Scopus. We included 34 studies. Mild cognitive impairment or dementia represented over half of medical conditions reported in the studies. Overall, our findings indicate that the most common use of digital storytelling was to support older adults’ memory, reminiscence, identity, and self-confidence; however, the level of evidence of its effectiveness was low.
Jedes Mitglied einer Gemeinschaft oder eines Teams hat ein reichhaltiges Spektrum an Möglichkeiten für die eigene Weiterentwicklung. Dieses Potenzial ist in den Mitgliedern und in der Gemeinschaft angelegt. Die noch verborgenen Potenziale können sich in handfeste, sichtbare und wirkungsvolle Ressourcen verwandeln.
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El Diseño, como muchas otras disciplinas, responde a las necesidades y exigencias de su tiempo, es un reflejo de la sociedad en la que aparece y se constituye bajo la influencia del contexto social. Su función es impactar directamente a una determinada sociedad y permitir en el desempeño diario, mejorar nuestra adaptación al entorno artificial y la calidad de vida. Como disciplina muy reciente y desde la perspectiva de la formación de profesionales en el área, se ve condicionada por las innovaciones propias del momento histórico que vive la profesión y que influyen en el sistema educativo y sus métodos de enseñanza. Así, este documento, a manera de reflexión, se integra como resultado de un proceso de análisis relativo al papel que están desempeñando las tecnologías en la formación de los diseñadores. Se trata de una aproximación en torno a la forma en que se han modificado y acondicionado los escenarios, formales e informales, que preparan a aquellos que buscan desempañarse en esta área, sean o no, profesionales. Es apenas un esbozo de la responsabilidad que entrañan las escuelas, universidades y demás espacios, sean reales o virtuales, en la definición y promoción de los saberes y destrezas que se supone deben tener un diseñador y el papel que ocupa la tecnología en todo ello.
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Existe una creciente inquietud en el diseño, por integrar diferentes formas de aproximación a las experiencias de intervención territorial. El uso de metodologías provenientes desde las Ciencias Sociales ha acaparado la atención, sobre todo los beneficios de incorporar el método etnográfico al trabajo del diseño en general. En el presente artículo ahondaremos en esta relación entre Diseño y Antropología, además de exponer la propia experiencia de los autores en esta mixtura de disciplinas. Por lo tanto, este trabajo no pretende ser un estudio de caso, sino el relato de una experiencia que nos lleve por la relación de los métodos de innovación del diseño y la antropología; así como también, hacia las bases epistemológicas y metodológicas del trabajo de observación etnográfica. Lo anterior, relacionado a la experiencia de la Fundación Saber Hacer en el proyecto, desarrollado en la comuna de Peñalolén de Santiago de Chile, llamado Diseño+Oficios. Este análisis de experiencia es constituyente de un enfoque híbrido de diseño y antropología expuesto por los autores, donde los métodos de análisis territorial y cultural se combinan con los métodos proyectivos del diseño para la innovación, resultando en estrategias de innovación abierta para el trabajo con comunidades y territorios, aportando con nuevas formas de economía social, basadas en experiencias de co-creación y desarrollo de comunidades en entornos intensivos de colaboración.
This dissertation analyses success factors of transformative learning for sustainable development. The focus of this dissertation lies on how collaborative and transformative learning (TL) could be linked to education for sustainable development (ESD). Recently, applied researchers have become more and more interested in the role of transformative learning and education. However, few studies have examined we-qualities (WeQ) in the context of ESD. The neoclassical approach replicates unsustainable patterns and excludes the social dimension of humans. Such disregard is even more puzzling because of the need for transformative learning environments in achieving sustainable development. The dissertation gives some comprehensive approaches on this issue by studying the literature of transformative learning, education for sustainable development as well as collaborative theories. The dissertation reflects and shares experiences from establishing, testing and outlining examples of collaborative as well as transformative learning in start-ups, NGOs and the UN. In a sequence of four paper, various approaches towards learning practices were examined. The first paper shows potential bridges between the two schools of ESD and TL. Strengthening the transformative aspect of education for sustainable development is an urgent issue. Paper 2 and 3 are outcomes of collaborative learning with different methodological approaches and empirical data gained from a WeQ-test, guided-interviews, an online-survey as well as case studies. Paper 2 contributes with a new, innovative WeQ-test. In more detail, the WeQ-test relates 42 statements, six topics and nine individual factors. The questionnaire asks for the participants’ views and how they perceive the views of their team members. The WeQ-test evaluates the quality of a team. Regarding the use of the WeQ-test in start-ups and NGOs an empirical study was designed. With the findings gained from this research, the project more generally attempts to clarify what learning means with reference to a socio-ecological transformation. By doing so, this research project supported by the Academy for Co-creative Development, seeks to contribute to a broader scientific discussion in this interdisciplinary field. Paper 3 focuses on achieving sustainable partnership in the UN, especially in cooperation among UN organizations in the framework of the SDGs. A study was conducted and the success factors and restrictive of inter-agency cooperation identified. Paper 4 provides a deeper understanding on a number of key success factors of transformative learning theory as well as providing arguments that validate it. This paper lines out how transformative learning can improve teams in NGOs and start-ups to the direction of education for sustainable development and that social structures and belief systems can influence learning, that learners make transformation of their experiences in various ways. In sum, the findings include results from collaborative and social learning, personal transformation, team spirit as well as learning environments. The case studies make use of new skills and values via interviews and subsequent focus groups. Data from the surveys and qualitative interviews are analysed and used to argue that transformative learning can be practiced, with success factors, in NGOs and start-ups. Consequently, this dissertation is of relevance for academic scholars from the sustainable development branch as well as for policy makers, practitioners, employees and citizen.
This paper investigates how relationship between customer citizenship behaviour and new product adoption is moderated by Customer Switching Intention at mobile phone customers in Dakahliya Governorate. Data were collected from 438 mobile phone customers. Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was employed to test the hypotheses. The findings confirmed that customer citizenship behaviour significantly impacted new product adoption. And customer citizenship behaviour significantly negative impact on Customer Switching Intention. Moreover. the results showed that Customer Switching Intention mediate the relationship between customer citizenship behaviour and new product adoption.. Finally. some theoretical and managerial implications of these findings are discussed.
The purpose of this article is to identify blockchain's role in achieving logistic objectives, with the aim of pointing out the significance of blockchain technology in the digital transformation of logistics and transportation. Implementation of the blockchain technology in combination with IoT elements in logistics and transportation contributes to business process optimization, supply chain traceability and transparency, and significant financial savings. There are limitations as blockchain is at a relatively early stage of development with most projects. Therefore, the approach of theory building from multiple case studies was used. The article provides a comprehensive overview of current blockchain initiatives and use-cases. This article is believed to be the first to address the role of blockchain technology in achieving logistics objectives. Results from this research indicate that blockchain technology contributes to the achievement of logistics objectives.
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The conflicts and power relations between tourism stakeholders have recently attracted the interest of scholars studying community-based tourism. This article examines stakeholders' interests, conflicts, and conflict solving through the co-creation approach in the context of tourism development in the Longji Terrace Fields in Guilin, China. Based on qualitative research using in-depth semi-structured interviews, the article examines the existing tensions among different stakeholders as well as conflict-solving solutions. The article illustrates how stakeholders' interactions could be based on common interests and mutual benefits through a co-creation approach rather than through economic competition. Balancing the benefits of the diverse tourism stakeholders is necessary to achieve inclusive growth and sustainable tourism development in the long run. The article suggests that solving conflicts among tourism stakeholders and the co-creation of 1 relationships in contemporary tourism projects and development can be of great importance in improving our understanding of stakeholder power relations and empowerment for common goals.
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The paper aims to explore consumer co-creation experience of new product development processes. Specifically, it is an attempt to determine the level of consumer engagement in an online co-creation process, identifying motives and reasons for the participation in new product development as well as understanding the types of Internet-based co-creation that are mostly preferred by consumers. The study used an online questionnaire and the CAWI method. The results of the research showed that consumers were interested in being involved in the co-creation of new product development. However, some consumers clearly expressed their reservations regarding participation because they felt lacking required knowledge. K E Y W O R D S consumer co-creation, new product development, open innovation, Internet-based co-creation, co-creation experience
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