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Engineering Mechanics

  • Amrita School of Engineering Chennai


Description: Designed for the first-year undergraduate students of all engineering disciplines, this well-written textbook presents a comprehensive coverage of the fundamental concepts, principles and applications of engineering mechanics in an easy-to-comprehend manner. The book presents an in-depth analysis of various branches of engineering mechanics and the units of measurements. It discusses the system of forces, its characteristics and graphical representation along with composition of coplanar concurrent/non-concurrent forces in a simple but effective style. Using a self-instructive student-friendly approach, the book describes properties of surfaces which cover centre of gravity and moment of inertia. Separate chapters are devoted to a thorough study of friction, kinematics and kinetics of particles. Finally, this book explains the elements of rigid body dynamics. KEY FEATURES : Includes a number of self-explanatory, graded and worked-out examples for practice. Incorporates review and summary, key terms and review questions at the end of each chapter to clarify the concepts. Presents step-by-step build-up of topics with side-by-side free body diagrams. Contains problems for practice at the end of each chapter to consolidate learning.
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... Imani, and Braga-Neto [7] gave an estimation of state and parameters of Partially Observed Boolean Dynamical Systems. We have taken the help from other references including [8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18] in the field of friction and lifting machine to complete the work. The bell crank lever is an apparatus shown in Figure-1 which is used to verify the law of moments. ...
... Generally speaking, some current college textbooks [1][2][3][4][5][6][7] for engineering mechanics or structural analysis course often propose two main methods for building relations among virtual displacements of different points for the system with holonomic and scleronomic constraints, ie, analytical method and geometrical method. Using analytical method, one can determine the virtual displacements of interest points (usually points of forces) by taking differentials of their position coordinates, and geometrical methods by introducing the concept of the instant center of rotation of virtual displacements. ...
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A theorem for planar case and its generalization for spatial case are proposed to determine the projection of a virtual displacement to the orientation under the case of knowing the projections of a virtual displacement to the given two or three orientations for object systems subject to holonomic and scleronomic constraints. Some lemmas corresponding to the two theorems for special cases are given. Applications to structural static analysis are investigated using the two theorems in this paper. Result reveals that the two theorems and corresponding lemmas are easy to be used, shorten the distance between the principle of virtual displacement and its application, and the relating problems can be solved quickly with them. © 2017, Budapest University of Technology and Economics. All rights reserved.
Bu çalışmada, paletli otonom bir araç tasarlanmış olup tasarlanan otonom aracın yörünge kontrolü bulanık mantık denetleyici (BMD) kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çok amaçlı tasarlanan otonom araç, otomatik yönlendirme, belirli bir görevi icra etme, çeşitli ortamlara yük taşıyabilme özelliklerine sahiptir. Otonom araçların yörünge kontrolünde farklı kontrol teknikleri kullanılmaktadır. Otonom robotun yörünge kontrol yapısının performansını klasik PI denetleyici ile karşılaştırılmış ve kontrol sistemi Matlab/Simulink modeli kullanılarak benzetim çalışmaları gerçekleştirilmiştir. BMD’nin sistemin performansını artırdığı ve daha kararlı bir yapı sağladığı gerçekleştirilen benzetim çalışmaları ile ortaya konulmuştur.
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Herstellung von dünnen Glasflakes mit hohem Aspektverhältnis. Das Hauptziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die physikalischen Vorgänge während der Herstellung von Glasflakes und ihren Einfluss auf die Qualität des Endprodukts nachzuvollziehen, um den gesamten Vorgang verfahrenstechnisch zu optimieren und eine reproduzierbare Herstellung von Glasflakes mit eng definiertem Eigenschaftsprofil, wie Flake-Dicke und relativem Durchmesser, zu ermöglichen. Zu diesem Zweck kommt neben der experimentellen Arbeit die numerische und analytische Modellierung der Strömung der Glasschmelze in dem Zerstäuber zum Einsatz. Eine rein experimentelle Arbeit erweist sich, aufgrund der hohen Anzahl an Parametern, als sehr aufwändig. Eine mathematische Modellierung soll in diesem Fall den Einfluss der einzel-nen Parameter auf die Dicke des Flakes genauer quantifizieren und eine Vorhersage der Dicke, in Abhängigkeit der Material- bzw. Betriebsparameter, ermöglichen. Außerdem werden numerische Simulationen eingesetzt, um das Wärmemanagement und die Strukturmechanik des verwendeten Zerstäubers zu optimieren.
Mechanics is a branch of physics that is concerned with the motion and deformation of bodies that are acted on by mechanical disturbances called forces. Mechanics is the oldest of all physical sciences, dating back to the times of Archimedes (287–212 BC). Galileo (1564–1642) and Newton (1642–1727) were the most prominent contributors to this field. Galileo made the first fundamental analyses and experiments in dynamics, and Newton formulated the laws of motion and gravity.
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