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New diagnostic criteria for gestational diabetes mellitus and their impact on the number of diagnoses and pregnancy outcomes


Abstract and Figures

Aims/hypothesis: Detection and management of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) are crucial to reduce the risk of pregnancy-related complications for both mother and child. In 2013, the WHO adopted new diagnostic criteria for GDM to improve pregnancy outcomes. However, the evidence supporting these criteria is limited. Consequently, these new criteria have not yet been endorsed in the Netherlands. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of these criteria on the number of GDM diagnoses and pregnancy outcomes. Methods: Data were available from 10,642 women who underwent a 75 g OGTT because of risk factors or signs suggestive of GDM. Women were treated if diagnosed with GDM according to the WHO 1999 criteria. Data on pregnancy outcomes were obtained from extensive chart reviews from 4,431 women and were compared between women with normal glucose tolerance (NGT) and women classified into the following groups: (1) GDM according to WHO 1999 criteria; (2) GDM according to WHO 2013 criteria; (3) GDM according to WHO 2013 fasting glucose threshold, but not WHO 1999 criteria; and (4) GDM according to WHO 1999 2 h plasma glucose threshold (2HG), but not WHO 2013 criteria. Results: Applying the new WHO 2013 criteria would have increased the number of diagnoses by 45% (32% vs 22%) in this population of women at higher risk for GDM. In comparison with women with NGT, women classified as having GDM based only on the WHO 2013 threshold for fasting glucose, who were not treated for GDM, were more likely to have been obese (46.1% vs 28.1%, p < 0.001) and hypertensive (3.3% vs 1.2%, p < 0.001) before pregnancy, and to have had higher rates of gestational hypertension (7.8% vs 4.9%, p = 0.003), planned Caesarean section (10.3% vs 6.5%, p = 0.001) and induction of labour (34.8% vs 28.0%, p = 0.001). In addition, their neonates were more likely to have had an Apgar score <7 at 5 min (4.4% vs 2.6%, p = 0.015) and to have been admitted to the Neonatology Department (15.0% vs 11.1%, p = 0.004). The number of large for gestational age (LGA) neonates was not significantly different between the two groups. Women potentially missed owing to the higher 2HG threshold set by WHO 2013 had similar pregnancy outcomes to women with NGT. These women were all treated for GDM with diet and 20.5% received additional insulin. Conclusions/interpretation: Applying the WHO 2013 criteria will have a major impact on the number of GDM diagnoses. Using the fasting glucose threshold set by WHO 2013 identifies a group of women with an increased risk of adverse outcomes compared with women with NGT. We therefore support the use of a lower fasting glucose threshold in the Dutch national guideline for GDM diagnosis. However, adopting the WHO 2013 criteria with a higher 2HG threshold would exclude women in whom treatment for GDM seems to be effective.
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New diagnostic criteria for gestational diabetes mellitus and their
impact on the number of diagnoses and pregnancy outcomes
Sarah H. Koning
&Jelmer J. van Zanden
&Klaas Hoogenberg
&Helen L. Lutgers
Alberdina W. Klomp
&Fleurisca J. Korteweg
&Aren J. van Loon
Bruce H. R. Wolffenbuttel
&Paul P. van den Berg
Received: 5 September 2017 /Accepted: 19 October 2017 /Published online: 22 November 2017
#The Author(s) 2017. This article is an open access publication
Aims/hypothesis Detection and management of gestational di-
abetes mellitus (GDM) are crucial to reduce the risk of
pregnancy-related complications for both mother and child.
In 2013, the WHO adopted new diagnostic criteria for GDM
to improve pregnancy outcomes. However, the evidence
supporting these criteria is limited. Consequently, these new
criteria have not yet been endorsed in the Netherlands. The
aim of this study was to determine the impact of these criteria
on the number of GDM diagnoses and pregnancy outcomes.
Methods Data were available from 10,642 women who
underwent a 75 g OGTT because of risk factors or signs sug-
gestive of GDM. Women were treated if diagnosed with GDM
according to the WHO 1999 criteria. Data on pregnancy out-
comes were obtained from extensive chart reviews from 4,431
women and were compared between women with normal glu-
cose tolerance (NGT) and women classified into the following
groups: (1) GDM according to WHO 1999 criteria; (2) GDM
according to WHO 2013 criteria; (3) GDM according to
WHO 2013 fasting glucose threshold, but not WHO 1999
criteria; and (4) GDM according to WHO 1999 2 h plasma
glucose threshold (2HG), but not WHO 2013 criteria.
Results Applying the new WHO 2013 criteria would have
increased the number of diagnoses by 45% (32% vs 22%) in
this population of women at higher risk for GDM. In compar-
ison with women with NGT, women classified as having
GDM based only on the WHO 2013 threshold for fasting
glucose, who were not treated for GDM, were more likely to
have been obese (46.1% vs 28.1%, p< 0.001) and hyperten-
sive (3.3% vs 1.2%, p< 0.001) before pregnancy, and to have
had higher rates of gestational hypertension (7.8% vs 4.9%,
p= 0.003), planned Caesarean section (10.3% vs 6.5%, p=
0.001) and induction of labour (34.8% vs 28.0%, p=0.001).
In addition, their neonates were more likely to have had an
Apgar score <7 at 5 min (4.4% vs 2.6%, p=0.015) and to
have been admitted to the Neonatology Department (15.0% vs
11.1%, p= 0.004). The number of large for gestational age
(LGA) neonates was not significantly different between the
two groups. Women potentially missed owing to the higher
2HG threshold set by WHO 2013 had similar pregnancy out-
comes to women with NGT. These women were all treated for
GDM with diet and 20.5% received additional insulin.
Conclusions/interpretation Applying the WHO 2013 criteria
will have a major impact on the number of GDM diagnoses.
Using the fasting glucose threshold set by WHO 2013 iden-
tifies a group of women with an increased risk of adverse
outcomes compared with women with NGT. We therefore
support the use of a lower fasting glucose threshold in the
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article
( contains peer-reviewed but
unedited supplementary material, which is available to authorised users.
*Bruce H. R. Wolffenbuttel
Department of Endocrinology, University of Groningen, University
Medical Center Groningen, HPC AA31, P.O. Box 30.001,
Hanzeplein 1, 9700 RB Groningen, the Netherlands
Laboratory of Clinical Chemistry, Certe, Medical Laboratory North,
Groningen, the Netherlands
Department of Internal Medicine, Martini Hospital, Groningen, the
Department of Internal Medicine, Medical Center Leeuwarden,
Leeuwarden, the Netherlands
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Martini Hospital,
Groningen, the Netherlands
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of
Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, the
Diabetologia (2018) 61:800809
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
Dutch national guideline for GDM diagnosis. However,
adopting the WHO 2013 criteria with a higher 2HG threshold
would exclude women in whom treatment for GDM seems to
be effective.
Keywords Diagnosis .Diagnostic criteria .GDM .
Gestational diabetes mellitus .Pregnancy .Pregnancy
outcomes .WHO
2HG 2 h plasma glucose
GDM Gestational diabetes mellitus
HAPO Hyperglycaemia and Adverse Pregnancy
IADPSG International Association of the Diabetes and
Pregnancy Study Groups
IFG Impaired fasting glucose
IGT Impaired glucose tolerance
IQR Interquartile range
LGA Large for gestational age
NGT Normal glucose tolerance
NICE National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
SGA Small for gestational age
UMCG University Medical Center Groningen
Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is associated with an
increased risk of pregnancy-related complications for both
mother and child [1,2]. International guidelines recommend
active screening for GDM since many of these risks can be
reduced by its detection and management [3,4]. However,
these guidelines lack uniformity in terms of their diagnostic
In 2010, the International Association of the Diabetes and
Pregnancy Study Groups (IADPSG) proposed more stringent
thresholds for diagnosing GDM that were based on the results
of the international prospective Hyperglycaemia and Adverse
Pregnancy Outcomes (HAPO) study [5,6]. This study dem-
onstrated a linear association between maternal glucose levels
at fasting and during an OGTT and the risk of adverse preg-
nancy outcomes such as increased birthweight, primary
Caesarean section and neonatal hypoglycaemia [6]. The
IADPSG diagnostic criteria (fasting plasma glucose
5.1 mmol/l; and/or 1 h plasma glucose 10.0 mmol/l; and/
or 2 h plasma glucose (2HG) 8.5 mmol/l) have now been
adopted by many guideline committees and expert groups,
including the WHO in 2013 [5,7].
However, evidence in support of applying the new criteria
to diagnose GDM to improve pregnancy outcomes is limited.
The optimal glucose thresholds to define GDM remain uncer-
tain and international consensus has not yet been reached [8,
9]. Applying the new criteria gives rise to more women being
diagnosed with GDM and the resulting cost increases and
medicalisation of pregnancy are causes for concern for
healthcare managers and caregivers [10,11]. Studies into clin-
ical outcomes and cost-effectiveness analyses are required to
better appraise the value of these new glucose thresholds. In
the Netherlands, the new WHO 2013 criteria have not yet
been endorsed. In their 2010 guideline Diabetes and
Pregnancy, the Dutch Society of Obstetrics and
Gynaecology instead recommends using the WHO 1999
criteria to diagnose GDM (fasting glucose 7.0 mmol/l and/
or 2HG 7.8 mmol/l) [12,13]. When compared with the new
WHO 2013 criteria, these use a much higher threshold for
fasting glucose and a lower threshold for 2HG.
The consequences of adopting the WHO 2013 thresholds
need to be evaluated in order to answer the following crucial
questions: Do the additional women diagnosed with GDM
using the new WHO 2013 fasting glucose criteria (fasting
glucose 5.1 but 6.9 mmol/l) indeed have unfavourable
pregnancy outcomes? What are the pregnancy outcomes of
the women who would be missed owing to the higher 2HG
threshold using the WHO 2013 criteria (i.e. women with 2HG
7.8 but 8.4 mmol/l)?
The aim of this study was therefore to evaluate the possible
impact on the number of GDM diagnoses and pregnancy out-
comes when applying the new WHO 2013 criteria instead of
the older WHO 1999 criteria.
Study design and population This study is a retrospective
evaluation of data on testing for GDM (in women with rele-
vant risk factors), pregnancy management and pregnancy out-
comes collected between January 2011 and September 2016
in the Groningen area by Certe; a regional primary- and sec-
ondary healthcare laboratory in the north of the Netherlands
and by the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG); a
tertiary referral centre.
As previously described [14,15], pregnant women be-
tween 24 and 28 weeks of gestation were referred either by
their midwife (in primary care) or by their gynaecologist (in
secondary/tertiary care) for a 75 g OGTT if they had one or
more risk factors for GDM [13]. These risk factors were; a
pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI) 30 kg/m
first-degree relative with diabetes; having a previous neonate
weighing 4500 g at birth or a birthweight >95th percentile;
having a personal history of GDM, intrauterine fetal death or
polycystic ovary syndrome; and belonging to an ethnic risk
Diabetologia (2018) 61:800809 801
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
group (Asian, African-Caribbean, Middle Eastern i.e.
Moroccan and Egyptian).Universal testing is not recommend-
ed in the Dutch national guideline.
An OGTT was also recommended for women with
signs suggestive of GDM (e.g. fetal macrosomia or
polyhydramnios). Women were treated if diagnosed with
GDM according to the WHO 1999 criteria: fasting glu-
cose 7.0 mmol/l and/or 2HG value 7.8 mmol/l [12]. All
women were referred to a dietitian for dietary counselling
and received instructions for self-monitoring of blood glu-
cose values by a diabetes specialist nurse. If, after 1
2 weeks, repeated measurements indicated a fasting glu-
cose level >5.3 mmol/l and/or 1 h postprandial plasma
glucose level >7.8 mmol/l, insulin therapy was started
The study was conducted in accordancewith the guidelines
of the Declaration of Helsinki and Good Clinical Practice, and
approved by the Medical Ethical Review Committee of the
UMCG. The data was analysed retrospectively and all require-
ments for patient anonymity are in agreement with the regu-
lations of the ethical committee of both hospitals for publica-
tion of patient data. According to this and the Dutch law
Medical Research with Human Subject, no informed consent
was deemed necessary.
GDM classification and outcomes On the basis of their
OGTT results, women were retrospectively assigned to the
following diagnostic groups:
1. normal glucose tolerance (fasting glucose <5.1 mmol/l
and 2HG <7.8 mmol/l), denoted as NGT;
2. GDM according to WHO 1999 criteria (fasting glucose
7.0 mmol/l and/or 2HG 7.8 mmol/l), denoted as WHO
3. GDM according to WHO 2013 criteria (fasting glucose
5.1 mmol/l and/or 2HG 8.5 mmol/l), denoted as WHO
We separately identified two further groups of women as
4. GDM according to new WHO 2013 fasting glucose
threshold, but do not meet WHO 1999 criteria (fasting
glucose 5.1 but 6.9 mmol/l and 2HG <7.8 mmol/l),
denoted as WHO 2013 only fasting glucose;
5. GDM according to WHO 1999 2HG threshold, but do not
meet WHO 2013 criteria (fasting glucose <5.1 mmol/l
and 2HG 7.8 but 8.4 mmol/l), denoted as WHO
1999 only 2HG.
It should be noted that the women with NGT underwent an
OGTT because they had risk factors for GDM or signs sug-
gestive of GDM (e.g. fetal macrosomia or polyhydramnios).
Approximately 85% of the women were tested based on
predefined risk factors for GDM. Since the women with
NGT are not representative of all pregnancies not affected
by GDM, neonatal outcomes regarding birthweight in the
general obstetric population in the Northern region of the
Netherlands (period 20112013) were obtained from the
Dutch Perinatal Registry and the Municipal Health Service
Groningen. The nature of this dataset unfortunately does not
allow exclusion of those screened for GDM.
The original OGTT dataset comprised 10,642 women with
GDM risk factors or signs suggestive of GDM. We were able
to retrospectively collect data on maternal characteristics and
pregnancy outcomes in a representative sample of women
(n= 4431) from written medical and obstetric records at
midwivesoffices in primary care and at two hospitals; the
UMCG and the Martini Hospital Groningen (Fig. 1). All data
were incorporated in an anonymised database. An overview of
collected maternal and neonatal outcomes is given in ESM
Tab le 1.
Statistical analyses Continuous data are presented as mean ±
SD, or as median and interquartile range (IQR) in case of
skewed distribution. Categorical data are presented as num-
bers and percentages. Differences between groups were tested
fasting glucose
<5.1 and
2HG <7.8
GDM according to
WHO 2013 criteria:
fasting glucose 5.1
and 2HG 8.5 mmol/l
GDM according to
WHO 1999 criteria:
fasting glucose
7.0 and 2HG 7.8
GDM according to
WHO 2013 only fasting
glucose criteria:
fasting glucose
5.1 but 6.9 and
2HG <7.8 mmol/l
GDM according to
WHO 1999 only 2HG
fasting glucose
<5.1 and 2HG 7.8 but
8.4 mmol/l
GDM classification
Pregnancy outcomes collected
in a representative sample
OGTT data available
for period Jan 2011 – Sep 2016
Fig. 1 Flow chart of the study population
802 Diabetologia (2018) 61:800809
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
using the Studentsunpairedttest for continuous data, or the
MannWhitney Utest in case of skewed distribution. For
categorical data, a χ
test or Fishers exact test was used.
All pvalues are two-tailed, and pvalues <0.05 are consid-
ered statistically significant.
Number of GDM diagnoses and maternal characteristics
OGTT data were collected from 10,642 pregnant women with
GDM risk factors or signs suggestive of GDM. In Table 1,
numbers of women with GDM are presented according to the
WHO 1999 criteria and WHO 2013 criteria. The number of
women with GDM in the total cohort was 22% when the
WHO 1999 criteria were applied and 32% when the WHO
2013 criteria were applied.
The characteristics of the women in the different GDM
classification groups are presented in Table 2. Characteristics
and pregnancy outcomes were collected for 4,431 women
who had singleton pregnancies. The fasting glucose, 2HG
values and age of these 4,431 women (fasting glucose 4.7 ±
0.6 mmol/l; 2HG 6.6 ± 1.6 mmol/l; age of the mother at
OGTT 30.6 ± 4.9 years) were similar to the values obtained
for the other 6,211 women (mean fasting glucose 4.8 ±
0.5 mmol/l; 2HG 6.6 ± 1.6 mmol/l; age of the mother at
OGTT 30.1 ± 4.9 years) who completed a 75 g OGTT.
Treatment for GDM was only given to women diagnosed
according to the WHO 1999 criteria, since the WHO 2013-
based GDM classification was only assigned retrospectively.
In comparison with women in the NGT group, women classi-
fied as having GDM (using the WHO 2013 criteria or WHO
1999 criteria) were older, had a higher pre-pregnancy BMI
A total of 667 women were retrospectively classified as
having GDM based only on the WHO 2013 fasting glucose
criteria. In comparison with women in the NGT group, these
women were older, had a higher pre-pregnancy BMI (29.1
[IQR 24.833.5] vs 25.2 [IQR 22.030.4] kg/m
were more likely to be obese (46.1% vs 28.1%, p<0.001),to
have smoked during pregnancy (13.2% vs 10.5%, p=0.05)
and to have chronic hypertension (3.3% vs 1.2%, p<0.001).
A total of 234 women were retrospectively classified as
having GDM based only on the WHO 1999 criteria for
2HG. These women were all treated for GDM, 79.5% with
diet only and 20.5% received additional insulin therapy. In
comparison with women with NGT, women in this group
were older, had a slightly higher pre-pregnancy BMI (26.4
[IQR 23.330.4] vs 25.2 [IQR 22.030.4] kg/m
were more likely to be overweight (33.9% vs 23.0%,
p< 0.001) and to have hypertension (3.0% vs 1.2%, p=0.02).
Pregnancy outcomes Maternal and neonatal outcomes ac-
cording to the different GDM classification groups are given
in Table 3. Compared with women in the NGT group, women
classified as having GDM (using the WHO 2013 criteria or
WHO 1999 criteria) were more likely to develop gestational
hypertension or preeclampsia and to have had a planned
Caesarean section delivery or induced labour.
Compared with women in the NGT group, women classi-
fied as having GDM based only on the WHO 2013 criteria for
fasting glucose were more likely to have gestational hyper-
tension (7.8% vs 4.9%, p= 0.003), to have a planned
Caesarean section (10.3% vs 6.5%, p= 0.001) and induced
labour (34.8% vs 28.0%, p=0.001).
Women classified as having GDM based only on the WHO
1999 criteria for 2HG were more likely to have induced labour
(62.8% vs 28.0%, p< 0.001) compared with women in the
NGT group. There were no significant differences in gesta-
tional hypertension, preeclampsia or mode of delivery be-
tween this group and women with NGT.
Neonates from mothers classified as having GDM
(using the WHO 2013 criteria or WHO 1999 criteria) had
a lower birthweight, a lower gestational age at delivery and
were less likely to have macrosomia compared with those
from mothers with NGT. However, the likelihood of these
neonates being born large for gestational age (LGA) [16]
Table 1 Number of GDM diag-
noses according to the WHO
1999 and WHO 2013 criteria
Criteria mmol/l WHO 1999
Fasting glucose 7.0
and/or 2HG 7.8
WHO 2013
Fasting glucose 5.1
and/or 2HG 8.5
Tot al cohort n= 10,642
Tot al GDM, n(%) 2326 (22) 3364 (32)
GDM based on elevated fasting glucose, but with 2HG
below the threshold, n(%)
14 (1) 2045 (61)
GDM based on the 2HG, but with fasting glucose
below the threshold, n(%)
2267 (97) 634 (19)
GDM based on both elevated fasting glucose and
elevated 2HG, n(%)
45 (2) 685 (20)
Abbreviations: 2HG, 2 h plasma glucose
Diabetologia (2018) 61:800809 803
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Tab le 2 Maternal characteristics according to the GDM classification groups
NGT WHO 1999 WHO 2013 WHO 2013 only fasting glucose WHO 1999
only 2HG
Criteria (mmol/l) Fasting glucose <5.1 and
2HG <7.8
Fasting glucose 7.0 and/or
2HG 7.8
Fasting glucose 5.1 and/or
2HG 8.5
Fasting glucose 5.1-6.9 and
2HG <7.8
Fasting glucose <5.1 and
2HG 7.8-8.4
Characteristics N
N4431 2851 913 1346 667 234
Treated for GDM, n(%) Diet 0 524 (57.4) 338 (25.1) 0 186 (79.5)
Additional insulin therapy 0 389 (42.6) 341 (25.3) 0 48 (20.5)
Age (years) 4431 30.7 ± 4.9 32.1 ± 5.1*** 32.0 ± 5.2*** 31.6 ± 5.2*** 31.6 ± 4.5**
Pre-pregnancy BMI (kg/m
) 4196 25.2 (22.030.4) 27.7 (24.131.8)*** 28.7 (24.532.9)*** 29.1 (24.833.5)*** 26.4 (23.330.4)**
Pre-pregnancy BMI, n(%)
4196 *** *** *** ***
<25 kg/m
1311 (48.8) 285 (32.0) 366 (28.5) 167 (26.9) 86 (37.4)
2530 kg/m
618 (23.0) 276 (30.9) 365 (28.4) 167 (26.9) 78 (33.9)
30 kg/m
755 (28.1) 331 (37.1) 551 (42.9) 286 (46.1) 66 (28.7)
Ethnicity, n(%)
4431 * * *
White 2211 (77.6) 719 (78.8) 1060 (78.8) 519 (77.8) 178 (76.1)
Asian 160 (5.6) 65 (7.1) 62 (4.6) 21 (3.1) 24 (10.3)
African-American 150 (5.3) 37 (4.1) 78 (5.8) 48 (7.2) 7 (3.0)
Mediterranean 207 (7.3) 68 (7.4) 95 (7.1) 47 (7.0) 20 (8.5)
Other 123 (4.3) 24 (2.6) 51 (3.8) 32 (4.8) 5 (2.1)
Nulliparous, n(%) 4431 1281 (44.9) 373 (40.9)* 523 (38.9)*** 250 (37.5)*** 100 (42.7)
Chronic hypertension, n(%) 4427 34 (1.2) 37 (4.1)*** 52 (3.9)*** 22 (3.3)*** 7 (3.0)*
Smoking during pregnancy, n(%) 4381 296 (10.5) 101 (11.1) 165 (12.4) 87 (13.2)* 23 (9.8)
Data are expressed as mean ± SD, median (IQR) or proportion of n(%)
pvalues are based on Students unpaired ttest (non-skewed continuous variables), MannWhitney Utest (skewed continuous variables), or χ
test/Fishersexacttest.*p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001
compared with NGT group
Data with respect to pre-pregnancy BMI, chronic hypertension and smoking are missing in 235 (5.3%), 4 (0.09%) and 50 (1.1%) of the subjects, respectively
pvalues are for the complete categorical variable BMI and ethnicity, indicating changes in ethnic composition and BMI composition between groups
804 Diabetologia (2018) 61:800809
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Tab le 3 Pregnancy outcomes according to the GDM classification groups
NGT WHO 1999 WHO 2013 WHO 2013 fasting
glucose only
WHO 1999 2HG only
Pregnancy outcomes General obstetric population
in the north of the Netherlands
Fasting glucose <5.1
and 2HG <7.8
Fasting glucose 7.0
and/or 2HG 7.8
Fasting glucose 5.1
and/or 2HG 8.5
Fasting glucose 5.1-
6.9 and 2HG <7.8
Fasting glucose <5.1
and 2HG 7.8- 8.4
N29,562 4431 2851 913 1346 667 234
Treated for GDM, n0 913 679 0 234
Gestational hypertension, n(%) 4427 139 (4.9) 62 (6.8)* 98 (7.3)** 52 (7.8)** 16 (6.9)
Preeclampsia, n(%) 4427 41 (1.4) 28 (3.1)** 35 (2.6)** 12 (1.8) 5 (2.1)
Induction of labour, n(%) 4405 793 (28.0) 587 (64.3)*** 670 (50.0)*** 230 (34.8)** 147 (62.8)***
Mode of delivery, n(%) 4410
Vaginal 2051 (72.3) 618 (67.7)** 904 (67.4)** 451 (68.1)* 165 (70.5)
Emergency CS 327 (11.5) 116 (12.7) 177 (13.2) 89 (13.4) 28 (12.0)
Planned CS 185 (6.5) 103 (11.3)*** 150 (11.2)*** 68 (10.3)** 21 (9.0)
Instrumental 272 (9.6) 76 (8.3) 110 (8.2) 54 (8.2) 20 (8.5)
Gestational age at delivery (weeks) 4431 39.7 (38.740.6) 38.3 (38.039.0)*** 38.7 (38.039.9)*** 39.6 (38.340.4)*** 38.6 (38.139.4)***
LGA, n(%) 3246 (11.0) 4430 514 (18.0) 167 (18.3) 271 (20.1) 140 (21.0) 36 (15.4)
Macrosomia, n(%) 4275 (14.5) 4431 595 (20.9) 108 (11.8)*** 226 (16.8)** 148 (22.2) 30 (12.8)**
Small for gestational age, n(%) 2364 (8.0) 4430 195 (6.8) 36 (3.9)** 69 (5.1)* 38 (5.7) 5 (2.1)**
Birthweight (g) 4431 3544 ± 579 3391 ± 550*** 3477 ± 590** 3580 ± 596 3437 ± 498**
Birth trauma, n(%) 4420 64 (2.3) 27 (3.0) 43 (3.2) 20 (3.0) 4 (1.7)
Hypoglycaemia, n(%)
4418 NA 38 (4.2)*** NA NA 4 (1.7)
Hyperbilirubinaemia, n(%)
4418 NA 24 (2.6)** NA NA 5 (2.1)
Stillbirth, n(%) 4431 10 (0.4) 2 (0.2) 6 (0.4) 4 (0.6) 0
Preterm delivery, n(%) 4431 146 (5.1) 57 (6.2) 92 (6.8)* 46 (6.9) 11 (4.7)
Respiratory support, n(%) 4418 116 (4.1) 34 (3.7) 51 (3.8) 27 (4.1) 10 (4.3)
Apgar score <7 at 5 min, n(%) 4414 74 (2.6) 30 (3.3) 57 (4.3)** 29 (4.4)* 2 (0.9)
Admission to neonatology, n(%) 4423 315 (11.1) 130 (14.2)* 206 (15.3)*** 100 (15.0)** 24 (10.3)
Data are expressed as mean ± SD, median (IQR) or proportion of n(%)
Data were collected in primary care (midwives) and secondary care (hospital). In primary care, neonatal hypoglycaemia and hyperbilirubinaemia were not reported and measured in all pregnancies.
Therefore we only report the percentages for the WHO 1999 group, as all these women delivered in secondary care
Data with respect to gestational hypertension, preeclampsia, induction of labour, mode
of delivery, birth trauma, hypoglycaemia, hyperbilirubinaemia, respiratory support, Apgar score and admission to the neonatology are missing in 4 (0.09%), 4 (0.09%), 26 (0.5%), 21 (0.5%), 11 (0.2%), 13
(0.3%), 13 (0.3%), 13 (0.3%), 17 (0.4%) and 8 (0.2%) of the subjects, respectively
pvalues are based on Students unpaired ttest (non-skewed continuous variables), MannWhitney Utest (skewed continuous variables), or χ
test/Fishersexacttest.*p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001
compared with NGT group
Diabetologia (2018) 61:800809 805
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did not differ significantly from that of neonates born to
women with NGT. The likelihood of these neonates being
born small for gestational age (SGA) [16]waslowerthan
that of neonates born to women with NGT.
Compared with neonates from mothers with NGT, neo-
nates from mothers classified as having GDM based only on
the WHO 2013 criteria for fasting glucose had similar
birthweight (3580 ± 596 g vs 3544 ± 579 g, p= 0.145), likeli-
hood of having macrosomia (22.2% vs 20.9%, p=0.452)or
being born LGA (21.0% vs 18.0%, p= 0.077). However,
these neonates were more likely to have had an Apgar score
<7 after 5 min (4.4% vs 2.6%, p= 0.015) and to have been
admitted to the neonatology department (15.0% vs 11.0%,
p= 0.004). None of the other neonatal outcomes showed sig-
nificant differences between these two groups.
Compared with neonates from mothers with NGT, neo-
nates from mothers classified as having GDM based only on
the WHO 1999 criteria for 2HG had a lower birthweight
(3437 ± 498 g vs 3544 ± 579 g, p= 0.01) and were less likely
to have macrosomia (12.8% vs 20.9%, p= 0.003). The likeli-
hood of these neonates being born LGA was similar to those
from mothers with NGT (15.4% vs 18.0%, p= 0.309).
However, 20.5% of the women in this group were treated with
insulin. None of the other neonatal outcomes showed signifi-
cant differences between these two groups.
When we compared the percentage of LGA neonates in our
data with those found in the general obstetric population in the
north of the Netherlands (11%), we found that all GDM clas-
sification groups as well as women with NGT had a higher
percentage of LGA neonates.
This large retrospective cohort study to evaluate the pos-
onstrates that the number of GDM diagnoses would in-
crease by 45%, relative to the WHO 1999 criteria. We
also show that applying these new criteria indeed iden-
tifies a new group of women (with fasting glucose 5.1
but 6.9 mmol/l) who have unfavourable characteristics
and more adverse pregnancy outcomes when compared
either with women found to have NGT upon testing or
with the general obstetric population. Our results show
that women potentially missed owing to the higher 2HG
threshold (2HG 7.8 but 8.4 mmol/l) of the WHO 2013
criteria have similar pregnancy outcomes to women with
NGT. Our results also indicate that neonates from mothers
who are tested for GDM but are found to have NGT are
more likely to be born LGA or with macrosomia than
those born to mothers in the general obstetric population
in our region.
The number of gestational diabetes diagnoses and mater-
nal characteristics Several authors have expressed concerns
about the adoption of the WHO 2013 criteria, as this will
significantly increase the number of GDM diagnoses, and
impose a higher burden on healthcare provided by obstetri-
cians [10,11]. Studies have shown that implementing the new
WHO 2013 criteria will result in a two- to threefold increase in
the number of GDM diagnoses [9,11,17]. The increase from
22% to 32% observed in our cohort of women at higher risk of
GDM was mainly the result of an increase in the number of
women who would be diagnosed on the basis of an elevated
fasting glucose level. At the same time a number of women
would not be diagnosed due to the higher threshold for 2HG in
the WHO 2013 criteria.
The lower fasting glucose threshold in the WHO 2013
criteria identifies a group of women who are more likely than
those with NGT to be obese and hypertensive. Moreover, the
women classified as having GDM based only on the WHO
1999 criteria for 2HG were also more likely than women with
NGT to be overweight. It is known that impaired fasting glu-
cose (IFG; fasting glucose 5.6 and 6.9 mmol/l) and/or im-
paired glucose tolerance (IGT; 2HG 7.8 and 11.0 mmol/l)
are both predictors for the future development of type 2 dia-
betes [18]. IFG and IGT are associated with an unfavourable
metabolic profile, including obesity and hypertension. Both
groups successfully identify a group of high-risk women with
an adverse metabolic profile. These women are at increased
risk of developing complications during pregnancy.
Pregnancy outcomes Although uncertainty remains regard-
ing the optimal glucose threshold to define GDM,
hyperglycaemia during pregnancy is clearly associated with
an increased risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes [6]. Indeed,
women in this study classified as having GDM using any
criteria had higher rates of adverse maternal outcomes, includ-
ing hypertensive disorders during pregnancy, planned
Caesarean section and induced labour when compared with
women with NGT. Moreover, the neonates of mothers classi-
fied as having GDM by any criteria were likely to have been
admitted to the neonatology department.
Concerns have been raised about the medicalisationof
pregnancy should the new WHO 2013 criteria be implement-
ed [10]. Based on the WHO 1999 criteria currently applied in
the Netherlands, these women are not diagnosed with GDM
and are therefore not treated with diet and/or insulin.
However, our findings suggest that these women already have
higher intervention rates. We demonstrated that, in contrast to
women with NGT, women classified as having GDM based
only on the WHO 2013 criteria for fasting glucose had higher
rates of gestational hypertension, planned Caesarean section
and induced labour and their neonates were more likely to
have an Apgar score <7 at 5 min and to be admitted to the
neonatology department. A number of other studies have also
806 Diabetologia (2018) 61:800809
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
shown that women reclassified as having gestational diabetes
using the new WHO 2013 criteria are at increased risk of
adverse pregnancy outcomes including gestational hyperten-
sion, Caesarean section, neonatal intensive care admission and
LGA neonates [1922].
In terms of the likelihood of having an LGA neonate, we
found no significant differencesbetween the women classified
as having GDM based on the WHO 2013 threshold for fasting
glucose and women with NGT. However, the percentage of
women in this group having an LGA neonate was much
higher than for the general obstetric population (21% vs
11%). On the basis of these findings, it seems that women
fasting glucose should not be left untreated. This is supported
by the results of a study by Landon et al, 2009, suggesting that
early treatment in women with mild GDM reduces the per-
centage of women giving birth to LGA neonates by 7% [4].
Our study has also shown that implementing the new WHO
2013 criteria with a higher 2HG threshold may exclude a
group of women who now benefit from treatment. The women
classified as having GDM based only on the WHO 1999
criteria for 2HG had pregnancy outcomes similar to those of
women with NGT. A notable finding was that they had the
lowest rate of LGA neonates of all other diagnostic groups.
The only obstetric variable that differed in comparison with
the NGT group was the rate of induced labour, but it has to be
borne in mind that induction of labour at 38/39 weeks of
gestation is more likely to be recommended in women being
treated for GDM, especially those receiving insulin therapy.
All women classified as having GDM based on the WHO
1999 criteria were actively treated with diet and/or insulin.
These interventions normalised their glycaemic profile and
outcomes for this group [14,15]. Therefore, it is unclear
whether these women can be safely left untreated after
implementing the new WHO 2013 criteria. Indeed, Farrar
et al, 2015, showed that even women with a 2HG glucose
level 7.5 mmol/l are at increased risk of adverse outcomes
(i.e. birthweight >90th percentile, high infant adiposity, and
Caesarean section) [23]. These authors therefore recommend
using a 2HG glucose threshold even lower than those recom-
mended by both the WHO 1999 and WHO 2013 criteria.
A notable finding of our study is that the women who had
undergone an OGTT and were subsequently found to have
NGT also had a rate of LGA neonates higher than that of
the women receiving treatment after being diagnosed with
GDM based on the WHO 1999 criteria for 2HG (18.0% vs
15.4%). Although this finding was not statistically significant,
it was a large difference compared with the incidence of LGA
neonates in the general obstetric population (18% vs 11%).
This coincidental finding shows that even NGT women with-
out a positive diagnosis of GDM are at increased risk of giving
birth to an LGA neonate. This finding is in agreement with a
study by Meek et al, 2015, who demonstrated that women
diagnosed and treated for GDM according to the National
Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) criteria in
the UK had lower rates of LGA neonates than women nega-
tive for GDM according to both the NICE and IADPSG/WHO
2013 criteria [21]. A possible explanation for this finding is
that these women were tested too early in pregnancy and were
therefore not diagnosed with GDM at this time. Some studies
have shown that the OGTT has a poor reproducibility, sug-
gesting that some women who first test negative for GDM can
test positive on a second test [24]. We therefore agree with the
suggestion made by Meek et al, 2015, that standard lifestyle
interventions (including dietary advice) given to women with
GDM might also benefit NGT women.
Strengths and limitations
A major strength of our study is the relatively large cohort of
laboratory results from 75 g OGTTs and the extensive and
detailed information regarding pregnancy outcomes in a sub-
set of 4431 women with singleton pregnancies. All women
with GDM were treated according to a detailed protocol in
two large hospitals [14,15]. Maternal and pregnancy outcome
data were collected manually from individualscharts at their
midwivesoffices. This study also has limitations that should
be noted. First, since universal testing for GDM is not current-
ly recommended in the Netherlands, only women with one or
more risk factors for GDM or signs suggestive of GDM, such
as macrosomia, were tested. The number of pregnancies af-
fected by GDM found in our study is therefore not a reflection
of the general obstetric population, and represents a selected
group of women at higher risk of GDM. Universal testing is
now recommended in several countries around the world.
However, literature regarding the best method of screening
(universal or risk-based) remains controversial [8]. Second,
the WHO 2013 criteria also recommend that the diagnosis of
GDM should include a 1 h plasma glucose of 10.0 mmol/l
following a 75 g OGTT. Since we did not have data for 1 h
glucose levels, the number of GDM diagnoses reported here
might be an underestimation. Third, all women diagnosed
according to the WHO 1999 criteria were offered treatment
for GDM. Finally, we have compared outcomes with those in
the general population in the north of the Netherlands between
2011 and 2013. Unfortunately data after 2013 have not yet
been made available from public datasets. Furthermore, this
dataset does not indicate which women were tested with an
Conclusions This large retrospective cohort study evaluat-
ed the possible impact on the number of GDM diagnoses
and pregnancy outcomes of applying the new WHO 2013
rather than the old WHO 1999 criteria. We demonstrated
that the number of GDM diagnoses would increase
Diabetologia (2018) 61:800809 807
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
markedly if the WHO 2013 criteria were implemented.
Nevertheless, the WHO 2013 threshold for fasting glucose,
5.1 but 6.9 mmol/l, identifies a group of women with an
increased risk of pregnancy complications. We therefore
recommend that, to improve GDM outcomes, the fasting
glucose threshold in the Dutch national guideline needs to
be reduced. However, it remains unclear from our data
whether women with a 2HG 7.8 but 8.4 mmol/l can be
safely left untreated. Recent studies suggest that a 2HG
threshold of 7.5 mmol/l may be more appropriate. Future
studies should evaluate whether a stricter 2HG OGTT
threshold further improves pregnancy outcomes and
should also address pregnancy outcomes in women who
are tested but found to have NGT.
Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank the endocrinologists,
gynaecologists, diabetes specialist nurses, and dietitians of the
University Medical Center and Martini Hospital Groningen. Special
thanks are expressed to the participating midwife practices: De
Verloskundigenpraktijk van Groningen, Verloskundigenpraktijk
Hoogezand, Verloskundigenpraktijk La Vie, Verloskundigenpraktijk
New Life, Verloskundige Stadspraktijk, Verloskundigenpraktijk t
Stroomdal, Verloskundigenpraktijk Veendam. We would also like to
thank H. Hepkema-Geerligs (customer relations manager Laboratory of
Clinical Chemistry, Certe, the Netherlands) and the students S. Klöppner
(University Medical Center Groningen) and J. van Amstel (University
Medical Center Groningen) for their contribution to the data collection.
Finally, we thank epidemiologist H. Groen (Department of
Epidemiology, University Medical Center Groningen), the Dutch
Perinatal Registry and the Municipal Health Service Groningen for pro-
viding the data on the reference population in the northern region of the
Some of the data were presented as an abstract at the 53rd EASD
Annual Meeting in 2017.
Data availability The datasets generated during and/or analysed during
the current study are not publicly available. The dataset contains clinical
data which, because of the Dutch law for Personal Data Protection and
patient confidentiality, cannot be shared publicly. Patients did not sign
informed consent to release their data on an individual basis on the inter-
net, but data are available from the corresponding author on reasonable
Funding Novo Nordisk Netherlands provided an unrestricted research
grant. The study sponsor was not involved in the designs of the study; the
collection, analysis and interpretation of data; writing the report; or the
decision to submit the report for publication.
Duality of interest The authors declare that there is no duality of inter-
est associated with this manuscript.
Contribution statement SHK and AWK analysedthe data and drafted
the manuscript. All authors qualify for authorship according to
International Committee of Medical Journal Editors criteria. They have
all contributed to the conception and design of the study, the interpretation
of the data, the critical revision of the article for important intellectual
content and the final approval of the version to be published. SHK and
BHRWare the guarantors of this work.
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appro-
priate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the
Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.
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... Currently, the Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group of India advocates for universal screening using a single non-fasting 2-h 75 g OGTT, with 2 h value > 140 mg/ dL being diagnostic of GDM [16]. The International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Groups (IADPSG) criteria are based on the findings of the largescale Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome (HAPO) study and hence popular globally, [17] but its drawback is argued to be the large number of false-positive cases due to lower fasting cutoffs and hence adding to the burden of GDM [18,19]. In addition, diagnosing the Indian population by international studies can be inconclusive as the HAPO study lacked Indian representativeness in its findings [17]. ...
Full-text available
Background Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is frequently misdiagnosed during pregnancy. There is an abundance of evidence, but little is known regarding the regional prevalence estimates of GDM in India. This systematic review and meta-analysis aims to provide valuable insights into the national and regional prevalence of GDM among pregnant women in India. Methods We conducted an initial article search on PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar, and ShodhGanga searches to identify quantitative research papers (database inception till 15th June,2022). This review included prevalence studies that estimated the occurrence of GDM across different states in India. Results Two independent reviewers completed the screening of 2393 articles, resulting in the identification of 110 articles that met the inclusion criteria, which collectively provided 117 prevalence estimates. Using a pooled estimate calculation (with an Inverse square heterogeneity model), the pooled prevalence of GDM in pregnant women was estimated to be 13%, with a 95% confidence interval (CI) ranging from 9 to 16%.. In India, Diabetes in Pregnancy Study of India (DIPSI) was the most common diagnostic criteria used, followed by International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Groups (IADPSG) and World Health Organization (WHO) 1999. It was observed that the rural population has slightly less prevalence of GDM at 10.0% [6.0–13.0%, I²=96%] when compared to the urban population where the prevalence of GDM was 12.0% [9.0–16.0%, I² = 99%]. Conclusions This review emphasizes the lack of consensus in screening and diagnosing gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), leading to varied prevalence rates across Indian states. It thoroughly examines the controversies regarding GDM screening by analyzing population characteristics, geographic variations, diagnostic criteria agreement, screening timing, fasting vs. non-fasting approaches, cost-effectiveness, and feasibility, offering valuable recommendations for policy makers. By fostering the implementation of state-wise screening programs, it can contribute to improving maternal and neonatal outcomes and promoting healthier pregnancies across the country.
... GDM prevalence is increasing worldwide [27]. As a result, a greater proportion of pregnancies are identified as being at high risk and are managed with additional education, lifestyle modification, pharmacological therapy, and other interventions. ...
Full-text available
Objective The primary aim of this study is to utilize a neural network model to predict adverse neonatal outcomes in pregnancies complicated by gestational diabetes (GDM). Design Our model, based on XGBoost, was implemented using Python 3.6 with the Keras framework built on TensorFlow by Google. We sourced data from medical records of GDM-diagnosed individuals who delivered at our tertiary medical center between 2012 and 2016. The model included simple pregnancy parameters, maternal age, body mass index (BMI), parity, gravity, results of oral glucose tests, treatment modality, and glycemic control. The composite neonatal adverse outcomes defined as one of the following: large or small for gestational age, shoulder dystocia, fetal umbilical pH less than 7.2, neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) admission, respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), hyperbilirubinemia, or polycythemia. For the machine training phase, 70% of the cohort was randomly chosen. Each sample in this set consisted of baseline parameters and the composite outcome. The remaining samples were then employed to assess the accuracy of our model. Results The study encompassed a total of 452 participants. The composite adverse outcome occurred in 29% of cases. Our model exhibited prediction accuracies of 82% at the time of GDM diagnosis and 91% at delivery. The factors most contributing to the prediction model were maternal age, pre-pregnancy BMI, and the results of the single 3-h 100 g oral glucose tolerance test. Conclusion Our advanced neural network algorithm has significant potential in predicting adverse neonatal outcomes in GDM-diagnosed individuals.
... Due to the varying diagnostic criteria, the incidence of GDM varies from 3% to 21.2% in Asia and from 0.31% to 18% globally, and the prevalence continues to rise (10)(11)(12). The WHO recommended a 75-g anhydrous glucose load screening test for diagnosis after 8-14 h overnight fasting at 24-28 gestational weeks (13). Because pregnant women undergo the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) at the second stage of the trimester, early warning signs for dysglycemia may be missed. ...
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Objective This study aims to develop and evaluate a predictive nomogram for early assessment risk factors of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) during early pregnancy term, so as to help early clinical management and intervention. Methods A total of 824 pregnant women at Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University and Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Hubei Province from 1 February 2020 to 30 April 2020 were enrolled in a retrospective observational study and comprised the training dataset. Routine clinical and laboratory information was collected; we applied least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) logistic regression and multivariate ROC risk analysis to determine significant predictors and establish the nomogram, and the early pregnancy files (gestational weeks 12–16, n = 392) at the same hospital were collected as a validation dataset. We evaluated the nomogram via the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, C-index, calibration curve, and decision curve analysis (DCA). Results We conducted LASSO analysis and multivariate regression to establish a GDM nomogram during the early pregnancy term; the five selected risk predictors are as follows: age, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), fibrinogen-to-albumin ratio (FAR), blood urea nitrogen-to-creatinine ratio (BUN/Cr), and blood urea nitrogen-to-albumin ratio (BUN/ALB). The calibration curve and DCA present optimal predictive power. DCA demonstrates that the nomogram could be applied clinically. Conclusion An effective nomogram that predicts GDM should be established in order to help clinical management and intervention at the early gestational stage.
... Uno de los objetivos de IADPSG fue fomentar un enfoque internacional para mejorar la calidad de atención e investigación en el campo de la DMG, se propuso diagnosticar con base al valor poscarga de 2 horas con una PTOG de 75 g, realizada entre las 24 y 28 SDG, con prioridad en las mujeres con diabetes previa, definiendo así la DMG en el año 2010 como: "hiperglucemia con primer reconocimiento durante el embarazo que no es diabetes manifiesta" en lugar de cualquier hiperglucemia reconocida por primera vez en el embarazo, como ha sido recomendado previamente 50,51 . En la corte de estudio de Reichelt AJ. y cols. ...
Full-text available
Existen diferentes criterios para el diagnóstico de diabetes mellitus gestacional (DMG); sin embargo, hoy en día son controversiales debido a que carecen de unanimidad. Es así que el objetivo de la presente investigación se basó en una revisión sistemática de los criterios diagnósticos de DMG en América Latina. Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática en las bases de datos PubMed, Web of Siente y Google Scholar, en inglés y español, comprendiendo el periodo 2017-2020, seleccionando 22 artículos clasificados por país: Brasil (50%), México (31.8%), Chile (1.1%), Perú (1.1%) y Argentina (1.1%). Los criterios internacionales para realizar el diagnóstico de DMG en México fueron con base en la IADPSG (9.4%), Carpenter y Coustan (6.2%) y ADA (6.2%); en Chile y Perú se basaron en los criterios de la OMS y de la IADPSG; en Argentina utilizaron ALAD y en Brasil utilizaron IADPSG (27.2%), de la Sociedad Brasileña de Diabetes (18.1%), ADA (1.1%), Carpenter y Coustan (1.1%) y NICE (1.1%). Los estudios incluidos muestran que los criterios más estrictos para establecer el diagnóstico de DMG, son los propuestos por la IADPSG, adoptados por la OMS y la ADA, con el punto de corte para glucosa en ayunas ≥ 92 mg/dL, importante para un control y tratamiento tanto a corto como a largo plazo. Palabras clave: América Latina, diagnóstico, complicaciones del embarazo, diabetes gestacional, factores de riesgo, obesidad. There are different criteria for the diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), however, they are currently controversial because they lack unanimity. Thus, the aim of the present investigation was based on a systematic review of the diagnostic criteria for GDM in Latin America. A systematic search was conducted in the databases PubMed, Web of Science, and Google Scholar, in English and Spanish, covering the period 2017-2020, selecting 22 articles, classified by country: Brazil (50%), Mexico (31.8%), Chile (1.1%), Peru (1.1%) and Argentina (1.1%). The international criteria for diagnosis of GDM in Mexico were based on IADPSG (9.4%), Carpenter and Coustan (6.2%), and ADA (6.2%); in Chile and Peru they were based on WHO and IADPSG criteria; in Argentina they used ALAD and in Brazil, they used IADPSG (27.2%), Brazilian Diabetes Society (18.1%), ADA (1.1%), Carpenter and Coustan (1.1%) and NICE (1.1%). The included studies show that the strictest criteria for establishing the diagnosis of GDM are those proposed by the IADPSG, adopted by the WHO and ADA, with the cutoff point for fasting glucose ≥ 92 mg/dL, important for short-and long-term control and treatment.
... Konnig et al. compared two screening tests to diagnose GDM: WHO 1999 and AIDPSG/WHO 2013 in women with a high risk for GDM development. There was a 45% increase in the number of diagnosed cases (32% in the AIDPSG/WHO 2013 group, and 22% in the WHO 1999 group) [146]. There is still a debate, over which criteria are better [147]. ...
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Over the last few decades, several definitions of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) have been described. There is currently not enough research to show which way is the best to diagnose GDM. Opinions differ in terms of the optimal screening and diagnostic measures, in part due to the differences in the population risks, the cost-effectiveness considerations, and the lack of an evidence base to support large national screening programs. The basic method for identifying the disease is the measurement of glucose plasma levels which may be determined when fasting, two hours after a meal, or simply at any random time. The currently increasing incidence of diabetes in the whole population, the altering demographics and the presence of lifestyle changes still require better methods of screening for hyperglycemia, especially during pregnancy. The main aim of this review is to focus on the prevalence and modifications to the screening criteria for GDM across all continents in the 21st century. We would like to show the differences in the above issues and correlate them with the geographical situation. Looking at the history of diabetes, we are sure that more than one evolution in GDM diagnosis will occur, due to the development of medicine, appearance of modern technologies, and the dynamic continuation of research.
Background Screening pregnant women for gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) has recently been expanded in Norway, although screening eligibility criteria continue to be debated. We aimed to compare the cost-effectiveness of alternative GDM screening strategies and explored structural uncertainty and the value of future research in determining the most cost-effective eligibility criteria for GDM screening in Norway. Design We developed a probabilistic decision tree to estimate the total costs and health benefits (i.e., quality-adjusted life-years; QALYs) associated with 4 GDM screening strategies (universal, current guidelines, high-risk, and no screening). We identified the most cost-effective strategy as the strategy with the highest incremental cost-effectiveness ratio below a Norwegian benchmark for cost-effectiveness ($28,400/QALY). We excluded inconclusive evidence on the effects of screening on later maternal type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in the primary analysis but included this outcome in a secondary analysis using 2 different sources of evidence (i.e., Cochrane or US Preventive Services Task Force). To quantify decision uncertainty, we conducted scenario analysis and value-of-information analyses. Results Current screening recommendations were considered inefficient in all analyses, while universal screening was most cost-effective in our primary analysis ($26,014/QALY gained) and remained most cost-effective when we assumed a preventive effect of GDM treatment on T2DM. When we assumed no preventive effect, high-risk screening was preferred ($19,115/QALY gained). When we assumed GDM screening does not prevent perinatal death in scenario analysis, all strategies except no screening exceeded the cost-effectiveness benchmark. In most analyses, decision uncertainty was high. Conclusions The most cost-effective screening strategy, ranging from no screening to universal screening, depended on the source and inclusion of GDM treatment effects on perinatal death and T2DM. Further research on these long-term outcomes could reduce decision uncertainty. Highlights This article analyses the cost-effectiveness of 4 alternative gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) screening strategies in Norway: universal screening, current (broad) screening, high-risk screening, and no screening. The current Norwegian screening recommendations were considered inefficient under all analyses. The most cost-effective screening strategy ranged from no screening to universal screening depending on the source and inclusion of GDM treatment effects on later maternal diabetes and perinatal death. The parameters related to later maternal diabetes and perinatal death accounted for most of the decision uncertainty.
Aims: We compared pregnancy outcomes of untreated 'mild' GDM (GDM by WHO 2013 but not by WHO-1999) to normal glucose tolerant women (NGT). Methods: In a universal screening program 4333 pregnant women had a 3-point 75g OGTT in Hungary in 2009-2013. By WHO-2013 untreated NGT was diagnosed in n=3303, 'mild' GDM in n=336 cases. Results: 'Mild' GDM women were older (mean difference, SE: 1.4, 0.3 yrs), had higher fasting (1.0, 0.02), 60-minute (1.0, 0.09), and 120-minute (0.4, 0.06 mmol/l) blood glucose, and blood pressure (2.6, 0.5 / 2.0, 0.5 mmHg). Weight gain was similar in both groups (-0.3, 0.3 kg). GDM newborns were heavier (142, 50g) and were more frequently macrosomic (>4000g, OR 1.85, 95%CI 1.35-2.54). Hypertension during pregnancy was more prevalent in the GDM group (OR 1.55, 95%CI 1.05-2.28), as well as induced (OR 1.38, 95%CI 1.10-1.74) and instrumental delivery (OR 1.34, 95%CI 1.07-1.68), and acute caesarean section (OR 1.32, 95%CI 1.04-1.64). Most of these differences substantially attenuated or became non-significant after adjustment for pre-pregnancy BMI. Conclusions: Pregnancy outcomes of 'mild' GDM were worse compared to normal glucose tolerant women however these differences were explained by the pre-pregnancy BMI difference between groups.
Aims: Mounting evidence has shown that caveolin-1 plays a pathological role in the progression of albuminuria. Our study aimed to provide clinical evidence showing whether circulating caveolin-1 levels were associated with microalbuminuria (MAU) in women with overt diabetes mellitus in pregnancy (ODMIP). Methods: A total of 150 pregnant women were enrolled in different groups, including 40 women with ODMIP and MAU (ODMIP + MAU), 40 women with ODMIP, and 70 women without ODMIP (Non-ODMIP). Plasma caveolin-1 levels were determined by ELISA. The presence of caveolin-1 in the human umbilical vein vascular wall was evaluated by immunohistochemical and western blot analysis, respectively. Albumin transcytosis across endothelial cells was measured using an established nonradioactive in vitro approach. Results: Significantly increased levels of plasma caveolin-1 were detected in ODMIP + MAU women. The Pearson's correlation analysis revealed a positive correlation between plasma caveolin-1 levels and Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c %) as well as with MAU in the ODMIP + MAU group. Simultaneously, experimental knockdown or overexpression of caveolin-1 significantly decreased or increased the level of albumin transcytosis across both human and mouse glomerular endothelial cells (GECs), respectively. Conclusions: Our data showed a positive association between plasma caveolin-1 levels and microalbuminuria in ODMIP + MAU.
Background and aims The purpose of the study was to conduct a comparative analysis of population frequencies of alleles and genotypes of polymorphic variants of genes for impaired insulin synthesis and associated with insulin signal transduction. Methods This investigation uses a genomic database of 1800 conditionally healthy individuals of Kazakh ethnicity, who underwent full genome genotyping using OmniChip 2.5–8 Illumina chips of ∼2.5 million Single Nucleotide Polymorphism at deCODE Iceland Genomic Centre. Results The highest frequency of carriage of minor A allele – 17.6% rs4607517 polymorphism of Glucokinase gene, unfavorable genotypes A/G – 29.5% and A/A – 3.0% in comparison with European and Asian populations, indicates a contribution of hereditary family forms of Maturity-onset diabetes of the young type 2 to gestational diabetes mellitus in Kazakh population. Conclusions The study of the associations of genetic markers of gestational diabetes mellitus will allow timely identification of high-risk groups before and at an early stage of pregnancy, carrying out the necessary effective preventive measures and, in the case of gestational diabetes mellitus development, optimizing the correction of carbohydrate metabolism disorders and predicting outcomes for the mother and the fetus.
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Background: To evaluate the neonatal and obstetric outcomes of pregnancies complicated by gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). Screening and treatment - diet-only versus additional insulin therapy - were based on the 2010 national Dutch guidelines. Methods: Retrospective study of the electronic medical files of 820 singleton GDM pregnancies treated between January 2011 and September 2014 in a university and non-university hospital. Pregnancy outcomes were compared between regular care treatment regimens -diet-only versus additional insulin therapy- and pregnancy outcomes of the Northern region of the Netherlands served as a reference population. Results: A total of 460 women (56 %) met glycaemic control on diet-only and 360 women (44 %) required additional insulin therapy. Between the groups, there were no differences in perinatal complications (mortality, birth trauma, hyperbilirubinaemia, hypoglycaemia), small for gestational age, large for gestational age (LGA), neonate weighing >4200 g, neonate weighing ≥4500 g, Apgar score <7 at 5 min, respiratory support, preterm delivery, and admission to the neonatology department. Neonates born in the insulin-group had a lower birth weight compared with the diet-group (3364 vs. 3467 g, p = 0.005) and a lower gestational age at birth (p = 0.001). However, birth weight was not different between the groups when expressed in percentiles, adjusted for gestational age, gender, parity, and ethnicity. The occurrence of preeclampsia and gestational hypertension was comparable between the groups. In the insulin-group, labour was more often induced and more planned caesarean sections were performed (p = 0.001). Compared with the general obstetric population, the percentage of LGA neonates was higher in the GDM population (11.0 % vs.19.9 %, p = <0.001). Conclusions: Neonatal and obstetric outcomes were comparable either with diet-only or additional insulin therapy. However, compared with the general obstetric population, the incidence of LGA neonates was significantly increased in this GDM cohort.
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Background: To identify relevant factors predicting the need for insulin therapy in women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and secondly to determine a potential 'low- risk' diet-treated group who are likely to have good pregnancy outcomes. Methods: A retrospective analysis between 2011-2014. Multivariable backward stepwise logistic regression was used to identify the predictors of the need for insulin therapy. To identify a 'low-risk' diet-treated group, the group was stratified according to pregnancy complications. Diet-treated women with indications for induction in secondary care were excluded. Results: A total of 820 GDM women were included, 360 (44%) women required additional insulin therapy. The factors predicting the need for insulin therapy were: previous GDM, family history of diabetes, a previous infant weighing ≥ 4500 gram, Middle-East/North-African descent, multiparity, pre-gestational BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2, and an increased fasting glucose level ≥ 5.5 mmol/l (OR 6.03;CI 3.56-10.22) and two-hour glucose level ≥ 9.4 mmol/l after a 75-gram oral glucose tolerance test at GDM diagnosis. In total 125 (54%) women treated with diet only had pregnancy complications. Primiparity and higher weight gain during pregnancy were the best predictors for complications (predictive probability 0.586 and 0.603). Conclusion: In this GDM population we found various relevant factors predicting the need for insulin therapy. A fasting glucose level ≥ 5.5 mmol/l at GDM diagnosis was by far the strongest predictor. Women with GDM who had good glycaemic control on diet only with a higher parity and less weight gain had a lower risk for pregnancy complications.
ABSTRACT Up to 9% of pregnancies reportedly are complicated by gestational diabetes, which carries substantial risks of both maternal and perinatal complications. It is not clear whether screening and treatment to control maternal glucose levels can lower these risks. In this randomized trial, 490 women at 24 to 34 weeks gestation who had gestational diabetes were assigned to receive dietary advice, have blood glucose monitoring, and receive insulin as needed. Another 510 women received routine care. The intervention and routine care groups were similar at the outset, although those having the intervention were older and less likely to be white or primiparous. More than 90% of women were considered to be at risk of gestational diabetes because of the results of an oral glucose challenge testing. Significantly fewer women in the intervention group than those given routine care had serious perinatal outcomes (1% vs 4%). These included death, shoulder dystocia, bone fracture, and nerve palsy. Thirty-four women had to be treated to prevent a serious perinatal outcome. More infants born to intervention group women were admitted to a neonatal nursery. Labor was induced significantly more often in the intervention group than in the routine care group (39% vs 29%). Rates of cesarean delivery were similar. Assessments of women's health status showed trends favoring the intervention group. Less frequent postnatal depression was an example. All 5 perinatal deaths were in the routine care group. Birth weights were significantly lower in the intervention group, and these infants were born at earlier gestational ages. Fewer intervention infants were large for gestational age at birth and fewer had macrosomia (birth weight of 4 kg or greater). Women having the intervention had fewer antenatal clinic visits than did those given routine care, but more physician visits. These findings indicate that treating gestational diabetes lowers the risk of serious perinatal complications without at the same time increasing the rate of cesarean delivery.
The incidence of gestational diabetes (GDM) is rising globally and it represents an important modifiable risk factor for adverse pregnancy outcomes. GDM is also associated with negative long-term health outcomes for both mothers and offspring. Acceptance and implementation of the 2013 World Health Organization (WHO) criteria varies globally and within Europe. There is at present no consensus on the optimal approach to GDM screening in Europe. More uniformity in GDM screening across Europe will lead to an opportunity for more timely diagnosis and treatment for GDM in a greater number of women. More targeted research is necessary to evaluate optimal screening strategies based on the 2013 WHO criteria across different European populations with a focus on implementation strategy. Future research should address these important questions so that solid recommendations for GDM screening can be made to European health organizations based on screening uptake rates, maternal well-being, maternal and neonatal health outcomes, equity and cost-effectiveness. Here we describe the ongoing controversy on GDM screening and diagnosis, and provide an overview of important topics for future research concerning GDM screening in Europe.