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Library and Information Science at Faculty of Library Science of the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain)



The Complutense University of Madrid is a public university created in the 16th century. Currently offers many studies of different areas of knowledge, and it is one of the institutions of higher education with a large number of students and professors. It currently has about 70,000 students and about 6,000 professors. The Faculty of Library and Information Sciences(LIS) is the center of the Complutense University of Madrid in which all subjects related to libraries, archives and documentation centers are studied. This faculty offers programs and courses in LIS in the three university levels: Bachelor's degree, Master's degree and PhD studies. Our programs prepare students to work with librarians, archivists, information specialists, web editors, and information managers. The Bachelor's degree in LIS has a curriculum 240 ECTS (four years full-time), in which students acquire the necessary skills to work in any kind of library, archive, documentation center, mass media and private companies. The subjects of study that compose it, are part of diverse scientific fields: documentary treatment, management of information units, photographic documentation, information policies, library heritage and documentary technology. At the end of the fourth year, students must present a academic work, in which they must demonstrate that they have acquired the competencies and skills required in the Bachelor's degree curriculum. The basic objective of these studies is to train professionals capable of selecting, managing, organizing and preserving the information contained in any format and preserved in any repository.
Publicado en EUCLID NEWSLETTER 01/11/2017 - Issue #34
Library and Information Science at Faculty of Library Science of the Complutense
University of Madrid (Spain)
Alicia Arias Coello
Department of Library Science and Documentation
The Complutense University of Madrid is a public university created in the 16th
century. Currently offers many studies of different areas of knowledge, and it is
one of the institutions of higher education with a large number of students and
professors. It currently has about 70,000 students and about 6,000 professors.
The Faculty of Library and Information Sciences(LIS) is the center of the
Complutense University of Madrid in which all subjects related to libraries,
archives and documentation centers are studied. This faculty offers programs
and courses in LIS in the three university levels: Bachelor's degree, Master's
degree and PhD studies. Our programs prepare students to work with librarians,
archivists, information specialists, web editors, and information managers.
The Bachelor's degree in LIS has a curriculum 240 ECTS (four years full-time),
in which students acquire the necessary skills to work in any kind of library,
archive, documentation center, mass media and private companies. The subjects
of study that compose it, are part of diverse scientific fields: documentary
treatment, management of information units, photographic documentation,
information policies, library heritage and documentary technology. At the end of
the fourth year, students must present a academic work, in which they must
demonstrate that they have acquired the competencies and skills required in the
Bachelor's degree curriculum.
The basic objective of these studies is to train professionals capable of selecting,
managing, organizing and preserving the information contained in any format and
preserved in any repository.
The Master's degree is based on learning related to the management of
documentation, libraries and archives and is taught in two modalities, present
face-to-face and online mode.
The Master's degree has five specialties: documentation management, library
management, archive management, bibliographic heritage management and
documentation management in mass media.
Students choose a speciality, but they must study a module compulsory subjects,
with the following contents:
Documentary Information Retrieval Applications
Project Management in Documentation Units
Quality of services and user satisfaction
Automated representation in libraries, archives and documentary services
The Master's degree has a duration of one academic year (60 ECTS) and the
end, the students must do a research work, and the subject must have relation
with the speciality that the student has chosen.
In the 2017-2018 school year, the faculty will update the contents of the
Bachelor's degree and Master's degree. The Bachelor's degree will have more
ECTS credits in technology, and the master’s degree will have only two
specialties: Library management and Archive management. At this time, in our
faculty we are designing two new Master's degrees, one on Bibliographic heritage
and other on Iconographic documentation and mass media.
PhD studies aim to provide students with the necessary skills for research in the
area of Library and Information Science (LIS). This goal implies that students
must be able to find the key answers to solve complex problem, to design, to
create, to develop and to undertake innovative projects in LIS. They must also
learn to work in international and multidisciplinary contexts, develop critical
thinking and be able to defend the results of their research.
PhD studies lasts three years. In the first year the students must do some
seminars related to the acquisition of research experiences, and at the end of the
third year, they have to defend their doctoral thesis.
The Faculty of Library Science publishes a scientific journal specialized in LIS,
Revista General de Información y Documentación. In addition, in our center, two
continuing training courses are offered, one on book binding and other on books
edition in collaboration with an editorial of school books.
Finally, it is important to say that our faculty participates in all international
exchange programs for students and professors, and in this 2016-2017 academic
year, we have realized the I Conference of Students of LIS in Spain.
For more information please visit our website:
Bachelor's degree:
PhD studies:
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