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Biomechanical properties of feline ventral abdominal wall and celiotomy closure techniques



Objective: To compare biomechanical properties and mechanism of failure of 3 regions of ventral abdominal wall in cats by using 2 suture materials, 2 suture bite-to-stitch intervals (SBSI), and full-thickness versus fascia-only closure. Study design: Randomized, cadaveric, ex vivo mechanical testing. Sample population: 16 adult cat cadavers, 3 samples per cat. Methods: Three regions of ventral abdominal wall were mechanically tested (N = 48 samples). Preumbilical, umbilical (U), and postumbilical (POU) regions were harvested by using a template. The thickness of the linea alba was recorded. Six samples without celiotomy served as controls. Twenty-eight samples were randomized to SBSI (2 × 2 or 5 × 5 mm) and suture material (3-0 polyglactin 910 or 3-0 polydioxanone) for simple continuous celiotomy closure. Fourteen samples were randomized to full-thickness or fascia-only closure. Samples were tested by linear distraction; tensile strength and mechanism of failure were recorded. Effects of body weight, thickness of linea alba, anatomic region, SBSI, type of closure, and suture material were evaluated by mixed model linear analysis. Load to failure was compared between males and females, full-thickness and fascia-only closure by independent t test, with P < .05 considered statistically significant. Results: The POU region achieved lower loads to failure. Load to failure was greater in males compared with females. No difference was detected between full-thickness and fascia-only closure. Failure most commonly occurred by tearing of suture through tissues. Tissue failure with suture line loosening occurred mainly in the 5 × 5-mm SBSI group. Conclusion: The POU region is biomechanically weak and may therefore be predisposed to incisional herniation.
Biomechanical properties of feline ventral abdominal wall and
celiotomy closure techniques
Fernando S. Reina Rodriguez DVM, MSc
Conor T. Buckley PhD
Joshua Milgram DVM, BVSc, DECVS
Barbara M. Kirby DVM, MS, DACVS, DECVS
University College Dublin School of
Veterinary Medicine, Dublin, Ireland
Trinity College Dublin Centre for
Bioengineering, Dublin, Ireland
Koret School of Veterinary Medicine,
Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
Jerusalem, Israel
Fernando S. Reina Rodriguez, Section of
Veterinary Clinical Studies, School of
Veterinary Medicine, University College
Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
Funding information
Veterinary Council of Ireland.
Objective: To compare biomechanical properties and mechanism of failure of 3
regions of ventral abdominal wall in cats by using 2 suture materials, 2 suture bite-to-
stitch intervals (SBSI), and full-thickness versus fascia-only closure.
Study Design: Randomized, cadaveric, ex vivo mechanical testing.
Sample Population: 16 adult cat cadavers, 3 samples per cat.
Methods: Three regions of ventral abdominal wall were mechanically tested (N 548
samples). Preumbilical, umbilical (U), and postumbilical (POU) regions were har-
vested by using a template. The thickness of the linea alba was recorded. Six samples
without celiotomy served as controls. Twenty-eight samples were randomized to
SBSI (2 32or535 mm) and suture material (3-0 polyglactin 910 or 3-0 polydiox-
anone) for simple continuous celiotomy closure. Fourteen samples were randomized
to full-thickness or fascia-only closure. Samples were tested by linear distraction; ten-
sile strength and mechanism of failure were recorded. Effects of body weight,
thickness of linea alba, anatomic region, SBSI, type of closure, and suture material
were evaluated by mixed model linear analysis. Load to failure was compared
between males and females, full-thickness and fascia-only closure by independent
ttest, with P<.05 considered statistically significant.
Results: The POU region achieved lower loads to failure. Load to failure was greater
in males compared with females. No difference was detected between full-thickness
and fascia-only closure. Failure most commonly occurred by tearing of suture through
tissues. Tissue failure with suture line loosening occurred mainly in the 5 35-mm
SBSI group.
Conclusion: The POU region is biomechanically weak and may therefore be predis-
posed to incisional herniation.
Ventral midline celiotomy is commonly performed in small
animals. Long incisions are required for exploration and
complex procedures,
whereas short incisions in the caudal
abdomen are used for ovariohysterectomy and cystotomy.
Abstract presented at the Resident Forum, European College of Veterinary
Surgeons Annual Scientific Meeting, July 2016, Lisbon, Portugal.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the orig-
inal work is properly cited.
C2017 The Authors Veterinary Surgery published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of American College of Veterinary Surgeons
Veterinary Surgery.2017;111.
Received: 28 December 2016
Accepted: 6 July 2017
DOI: 10.1111/vsu.12751
Complications of ventral midline celiotomy in small animals
include surgical site infection, peritonitis, wound dehiscence,
and incisional herniation with or without eventration.
sional dehiscence following ventral midline celiotomy may
occur acutely or chronically, weeks to years after surgery.
Although a 0.18% rate of incisional hernia has been reported
in small animals following ventral midline celiotomy,
complication is likely under reported. Incisional complica-
tions were observed in 4% of patients in a retrospective study
of 200 dogs and cats undergoing exploratory laparotomy, but
the incidence of incisional herniation was not specifically
Incisional hernia was reported in 11 of 292 dogs
(3.8%) and 8 of 74 cats (10.8%) in a retrospective study of
types of hernias (C. Bellenger, personal communication,
1990). Major abdominal evisceration injuries were described
in a retrospective study of 8 dogs and 4 cats, located at the
incision for ovariohysterectomy in half of the dogs and all of
the cats.
Incisional hernias in domestic cats appear to occur
more frequently after caudal ventral celiotomy.
this likely reflects the high prevalence of ovariohysterectomy
among abdominal procedure performed in this species, it is
unknown whether anatomical differences between cranial
and caudal ventral abdominal wall,
different thickness along
the linea alba, and/or different biomechanical properties of
abdominal wall muscles
could contribute to ventral inci-
sional hernias in the caudoventral abdomen in domestic cats.
Guidelines for ventral midline celiotomy closure in small
animals include recommendations for distance between
suture bites and stitches, but these are based on clinical expe-
and are not supported by biomechanical testing in
cats. To the best of our knowledge, biomechanical studies
have been performed only in dogs.
In these studies, the
external leaf of rectus abdominis sheath has been identified
as the primary strength-holding layer for ventral paramedian
incision closure in dogs.
To the best of our knowledge,
fascia-only closure has not been previously reported in
domestic cats. The force that the feline abdominal wall must
resist to prevent wound dehiscence is unknown. Establish-
ment of feline anatomical and biomechanical data may pro-
vide evidence to support recommendations for ventral
midline celiotomy closure in cats.
Our study seeks (1) to compare the biomechanical
properties and mechanism of failure of discrete segments
of feline ventral abdominal wall and linea alba (preumbili-
cal region [PU], umbilical region [U], and postumbilical
region [POU]), (2) to compare the load to failure and
mechanism of failure of celiotomy closure in discrete seg-
ments of feline ventral abdominal wall by using 3/0 poly-
dioxanone and 3/0 polyglactin 910 and 2 suture-bite-stitch
intervals (SBSI), and (3) to compare the load to failure and
mechanism of failure of celiotomy closure in discrete seg-
ments of feline ventral abdominal wall using full-thickness
suture bites or fascia-only suture bites in the closure. We
hypothesized that (1) the POU region of feline ventral
abdominal wall is biomechanically weak compared with
the PU and U regions, (2) there is no biomechanical differ-
ence in celiotomy closure between the 2 suture materials
tested, (3) there is no biomechanical difference between 2
SBSIs tested, and (4) there is no biomechanical difference
between full-thickness and fascia-only suture bites in feline
celiotomy closure.
Full ethical approval was obtained from the institutional ani-
mal research ethics committee of the University College
Dublin School of Veterinary Medicine, Dublin, Ireland.
Tissue collection and sample preparation
Adult domestic cats euthanized for reasons unrelated to this
study with no evidence of systemic or local disease affecting
abdominal wall (eg, obesity, cachexia, recent abdominal sur-
gery, abdominal trauma, or neoplasia) were donated. Cadav-
ers were stored frozen at 2808C within 30 minutes after
euthanasia and thawed at room temperature 24 hours prior to
testing. Body weight (BW; kg), gender, and breed were
recorded. With the cat in dorsal recumbency, hair was
clipped and the abdominal wall was inspected for bruising,
asymmetry, wounds, defects, or other evidence warranting
exclusion. Skin and subcutaneous tissue were removed. Ven-
tral abdominal wall was harvested by transverse incisions at
caudal margin of xyphoid and cranial margin of pubis and
longitudinal incisions 10 cm lateral to the linea alba on each
side (Figure 1A). Immediately after harvest, the falciform lig-
ament was removed, and the specimen was pinned to card-
board. Craniocaudal length was measured with a ruler and
Three regions of interest (ROI) were defined, PU, U, and
POU, for each abdominal wall sample. One sample of each
ROI was obtained from each cat by using a dog bone
shaped template (polylactic acid) manufactured by 3D printer
(Ultimaker 21; Ultimaker BV, Geldermalsen, the Nether-
lands). The shape of the template was based on recommenda-
tions for tensile testing of materials with elastic properties.
The template was 1.5 cm long with 5-cm shoulders and 2.5-
cm width at its center (Figure 2A). Each ROI sample in the
study was harvested with a scalpel blade after securing the
template transversely to the body wall while centered directly
over the linea alba. The sample at the linea alba was con-
firmed to measure 2.5 cm in width with digital calipers (Fish-
erbrand Traceable digital calipers; Thermo Fisher Scientific,
Waltham, Massachusetts) immediately after harvest. In addi-
tion, the thickness of the linea alba was measured at the cen-
ter of each sample with digital calipers and recorded. Care
was taken to avoid compression of tissue with pressure of
the calipers. Samples were immersed in a phosphate buffered
saline bath to avoid desiccation and stored at 48C prior to
biomechanical testing performed within 6 hours after sample
Samples were randomly assigned to 3 groups (control,
SBSI/suture material, and type of closure) by using computer
software (SPSS Statistics, Version 20; IBM, Armonk, New
York). Control samples were left intact. Celiotomy samples
were bisected by scalpel on the linea alba. Celiotomy sam-
ples were closed by simple continuous suture secured with
starting square knot of 5 throws and ending square knot of 6
After completing knots, suture material was cut,
leaving 3-mm ends. Length of suture material used was cal-
culated by adding lengths of remnants plus remaining length
on needle (all measured with digital calipers) and subtracting
from suture material length recorded on suture packet. Suture
length to wound length ratio (SL:WL) was calculated as
length of suture material used for closure divided by standar-
dized wound length (2.5 cm).
SBSI/suture material group was divided into 4 subgroups
based on SBSI and suture material used for celiotomy clo-
sure. SBSI was designated 2 32or535, indicating a dis-
tance of 2 mm or 5 mm, respectively, from suture bite to
lateral edge of the linea alba (grossly identified as the junc-
tion between the linea alba and the external leaf of rectus
FIGURE 1 A, Cat in dorsal recumbency after skin removal from ventral abdomen. B, Dog boneshaped samples indicating suture bite and stitch
interval. C, Diagram of needle penetration for full-thickness and fascial-only closure
abdominis muscle sheath) and a distance of 2 mm or 5 mm,
respectively, between suture bites (Figure 1B). Distance from
suture bite to the lateral edge of the linea alba and between
suture bites was standardized and marked on each sample by
using hectograph paper, a marker, and a ruler for accurate
needle penetration and suture spacing. A template was drawn
with lateral edges of the linea alba marked as solid lines and
points marking distance (mm) between suture bites and dis-
tance (mm) from lateral edges of the linea alba marked for
needle penetration for SBSI (Figure 2B). Celiotomy was
closed by using either polyglactin 910 USP 3-0 (Vicryl; Ethi-
con, Somerville, New Jersey) or polydioxanone USP 3-0
(PDS II; Ethicon) on a 26-mm SH taper needle. In type of
closuregroup, celiotomy was closed by using simple con-
tinuous 2 32 SBSI and polydioxanone USP 3-0 on a 26-
mm SH taper needle with full-thickness or fascia-only tissue
bites (Figure 1C).
Biomechanical testing
Samples were mounted in a testing machine (MTM; Zwick
Roell Z005; Zwick/Roell GmbH, Ulm, Germany) equipped
with a 100 N load cell. Sample shoulders were secured with
custom-made clamps attached to stationary and moving anvils
of the MTM, equidistant from the linea alba and oriented per-
pendicular to the direction of distraction (Figure 2C). Each
clamp consisted of two 5 35-cm metal plates with cheese
grater blades secured to their inner surfaces and compressed
the sample shoulders by tightening 2 screws 3 cm apart. Rota-
tion of the sample in the grips prior to testing allowed uniform
distribution of load across the sample width.
Samples were preloaded to 1 N and then tested under
vertical displacement uniaxial loading at 0.5 mm/second to
failure. Strain (%), tissue elongation (mm), and load to failure
(N) were recorded for each test. Stress was calculated using
the formula r5F
A; where rrepresents stress, Fis applied
load (N), and A(mm
) is initial cross sectional area calcu-
lated by multiplying the width (25 mm) and thickness of
each sample. Mechanism of failure was recorded by digital
camera (VG-160; Olympus, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan). All
tests were performed and interpreted by a single investigator.
Load to failure was defined as the maximum force (N)
recorded before a sharp decline on load displacement curve
followed by automatic termination of test. Test data were
transferred automatically by computer software to an Excel
2010 document (Microsoft, Redmond, Washington). Mecha-
nism of failure was evaluated and classified after completion
of all biomechanical tests.
Statistical analysis
Data were analyzed in statistical software (SPSS Statistics,
Version 20; IBM). A test for normality was performed for all
variables. Descriptive statistics were performed to determine
mean BW, thickness of linea alba, and load to failure. Spear-
mans rank correlation coefficient was calculated to evaluate
correlation between BW, gender, and thickness of linea alba.
Mixed model linear analysis was performed to evaluate
effect of suture material, SBSI, type of closure, and anatomi-
cal location (repeat measures/fixed effects) on load to failure
(dependent variable). BW, gender, and thickness of linea
alba were subjects/random effects in the statistical model.
FIGURE 2 A, Dog boneshaped sample over template. B, 5 35 celiotomy sample. Points marked on external sheath of rectus abdominis to iden-
tify site of needle penetration during closure. The 2 parallel lines represent edges of the linea alba. C, Sample mounted in materials testing machine
Stepwise regression analysis was performed to remove non-
significant variables from the statistical model; P<.05 was
considered statistically significant. One-way ANOVA for the
final statistical model was performed to compare mean load
to failure between groups, followed by post hoc analysis. An
independent ttest was performed to compare mean load to
failure between full-thickness and fascia-only closure and
load to failure for samples obtained from male and female
cats. P<.05 was considered significant.
Eighteen adult cat cadavers were evaluated for inclusion in
the study. Two cats were excluded, 1 with evidence of
abdominal trauma and 1 with a large subcutaneous mass
firmly adhered to and invading the ventral abdominal wall.
Sixteen cats (N 516) were included in the study. All speci-
mens were abandoned cats donated from rescue centers.
Information provided from the rescue centers was limited to
estimated age (range, 2-8 years) and date of euthanasia.
There were 7 females (3 entire, 4 neutered) and 9 males (5
entire, 4 neutered). Breeds included 9 domestic shorthaired
cats, 6 domestic longhaired cats, and 1 Abyssinian. The
mean 6SD BW was 3.41 61.16 kg (range, 1.30-5.28).
Four female cats used in our study had undergone ovario-
hysterectomy. We did not observe evidence of previous sur-
gical incision, suture material, scar, or adhesions on
inspection of the ventral abdominal wall prior to harvesting
the samples. We concluded that either a previous celiotomy
incision was completely healed without visible evidence of
incision or a flank approach had been used. These specimens
were included in the study.
Thickness of the linea alba
The thickness of the linea alba (mean 6SD) ranged from 0.6
to 1.98 mm (1.13 60.40). The thickness ranged ranged from
0.71 to 1.98 mm (1.39 60.4) in the PU region, 0.63 to
1.63 mm (1.08 60.33) in the U region, and 0.6 to 1.4 mm
(0.91 60.32) in the POU region (Figure 3A). This thickness
decreased gradually from cranial to caudal in all cats
(P5.002), with thicker samples obtained from the PU region
compared with those from the POU region, except in speci-
men 2, in which the thickness was identical in the PU and U
regions. There was a moderate correlation between BW and
thickness of the linea alba (R50.427, P5.02). No correla-
tion was observed between gender and thickness of the linea
alba (P5.179) or between gender and BW (P5.06).
Group distribution
Forty-eight samples (N 548) were tested biomechanically
(3 samples per cat). Six samples from 2 cats (n 56) served
as controls, with 2 samples from each ROI. Forty-two sam-
ples were obtained from the remaining 14 cats (14 samples
from each ROI). Twenty-eight of these 42 samples (n 528)
were allocated to the SBSI/suture material group (n 528),
with 7 samples (n 57) in each subgroup, depending on
FIGURE 3 A, Thickness of the linea alba (mm) per region of interest
(ROI). B, Load to failure (N) for control and celiotomy samples. C, Load
to failure per ROI. Results are mean 6SD. *P<.05.
suture material and SBSI used for celiotomy closure. Four-
teen samples (n 514) were allocated to type of closure group
(n 514), with 7 samples (n 57) undergoing full-thickness
closure and the remaining samples (n 57) undergoing
fascia-only closure. The number of samples from each ROI
was variable between groups due to randomization.
Load to failure
SL:WL was >4 in all specimens. Load to failure (mean 6
SD) ranged from 11.60 to 121.35 N (45.34 623.81) among
the 48 samples. Load to failure for control samples ranged
from 33.38 to 121.35 N (68.88 63.51) and was consistently
highest in the PU region, lower in the U region, and lowest
in the POU region. Load to failure (N) was 37.93 65.27 for
samples closed with polydioxanone, 34.55 64.29 for sam-
ples closed with polyglactin 910, 42.05 65.45 with a 2 32
SBSI, and 3.43 63.41 with a 5 35 SBSI. Load to failure
(N) was 48.18 61.15 for full-thickness closure samples,
58.73 67.30 for fascia-only closure samples, 52.64 65.19
for samples obtained from males, and 35.95 63.25 for sam-
ples obtained from females. Load to failure was not affected
by suture material (P5.488), SBSI (P5.07), or type of clo-
sure (P5.533). Mean load to failure did not differ between
suture material and SBSI groups (P5.082). Load to failure
for gender, including neutering status, did not show signifi-
cant differences between males and females (P5.102).
However, an independent ttest comparing load to failure
between males and females without considering neutering
status showed lower load to failure in females compared
with males (P5.024). No significant differences were
observed in load to failure of samples obtained from the 4
female neutered cats included in the study. Data are summar-
ized in Table 1.
In the mixed model, no effect of suture material, SBSI,
or type of closure was observed in load to failure (Figure
3B). When these variables were removed from the statistical
model (stepwise regression analysis), anatomical location
showed significance as a dependent variable with decreased
load to failure in POU region samples (P5.049) compared
with PU (P5.864) and U (P5.064) regions. One-way
ANOVA for anatomical location excluding suture material,
SBSI, and type of closure showed decreased load to failure
of the POU region (P5.009) compared with the PU and the
U regions (Figure 3C). No statistical differences were
observed between the PU and U regions (P5.34). BW con-
tributed to 33.4% of variability in load to failure, and thick-
ness of linea alba contributed to 35.4%.
Type of failure
Type of failure was classified as (1) body wall failure distant
from linea alba or celiotomy site, (2) failure of body wall by
linear tears in muscle or fascia perpendicular to linea alba at
site of suture material penetration(s) with suture line in celiot-
omy remaining intact, and (3) tissue failure at suture line with-
out linear tears with loosening of suture line resulting in gap
between incised wound edges and with intact knots. All con-
trol group samples (n 56) failed by muscle tearing distant
from the linea alba (Figure 4A). Two 2 32 SBSI samples (1
polydioxanone and 1 polyglactin 910), one 5 35 polyglactin
910 sample, and 3 fascia-only closure samples failed by mus-
cle tearing distant from the linea alba, similarly to control sam-
ples. Linear tears in muscle or fascia at points of suture
penetrationoccurredin5ofseven232 polyglactin 910 sam-
ples, 6 of seven 2 32 polydioxanone samples, 3 of seven 5
35 polydioxanone samples, 4 of 7 fascia-only closure sam-
ples, and all 7 full-thickness closure samples (Figure 4B). Tis-
sue failure without linear tears with loosening of suture line
with knots intact occurred in 1 of seven 2 32 polyglactin 910
samples, 6 of seven 5 35polyglactin910samples,and4of
seven 5 35 polydioxanone samples (Figure 4C). Failure by
muscle or fascial tearing was most commonly observed in the
232 SBSI samples, whereas failure by loosening of suture
lineoccurredmainlyin535 SBSI samples, independent of
suture material used for closure.
The main findings of our study are that (1) the POU region of
the feline ventral abdominal wall was biomechanically weaker
than the PU and U regions, (2) the thickness of the linea alba
progressively decreased from cranial to caudal, (3) no differ-
ence was detected between incisions closed with polydiaxa-
none or polyglactin 910 suture materials or between full-
thickness and fascia-only closures, and (4) the only difference
identified between incisions consisting of small versus large
bites consisted of tissue failure in which suture loosening with-
out fascial tears was observed more frequently in the large bite
In a mixed model linear analysis adjusted for BW and linea
alba thickness, the POU region sustained lower strain to fail-
ure, supporting our hypothesis that the POU region is biome-
chanically weaker than the PU and U regions. In dogs, the
internal leaf of rectus abdominis sheath disappears, and the
aponeurosis of the internal abdominal oblique muscle joins the
external leaf of the rectus abdominis sheath. This sheath is cov-
ered dorsally only by a thin continuation of transversalis fascia
and by the peritoneum in the caudal third of the abdominal
Similar anatomical findings in the cat may explain the
lower strain to failure for the POU region observed in our
study. Different characteristics and intrinsic properties of
abdominal wall muscles have been described experimentally
in dogs.
Similarities in domestic cats could contribute to dif-
ferences observed during tensile tests. To the best of our
TABLE 1 Data from 48 samples
Thickness linea
alba (mm) Load to failure (N) Strain to failure (%)
Stress at
failure (N/mm
Control (n 56) 1 2.50 1.09 0.98 0.64 74.08 55.29 33.38 116.25 125.44 27.87 2.72 2.26 2.09
7 5.28 1.41 0.90 0.68 121.35 82.85 67.65 55.31 76.11 64.32 3.44 3.68 3.98
232 Polyglactin
910 (n 57)
2 2.24 0.89 34.57 93.15 1.55 8.2
3 2.80 1.21 38.14 24.84 1.26 11.6
5 2.58 1.02 23.32 99.91 0.91 9.6
9 1.30 0.85 24.76 56.65 1.17 8.0
10 2.46 1.26 67.73 93.69 2.15 9.7
11 5.20 1.37 43.54 121 1.27 11.2
12 4.36 1.70 56.19 35.86 1.32 7.4
232 Polydioxanone
(n 57)
2 2.24 0.74 47.50 78.64 2.57 7.6
4 3.94 0.63 0.62 32.78 20.24 152.43 56.24 2.08 1.31 6.8 6.8
5 2.58 0.60 23.88 45.02 1.59 7.5
6 4.50 1.45 76.06 86.65 2.10 8.4
8 2.52 1.55 21.55 26.03 0.56 7.7
11 5.50 1.50 78.44 144.74 2.09 11.3
535 Polyglactin
910 (n 57)
2 2.24 0.89 43.33 42.64 1.95 4.3
3 2.8 0.82 0.70 22.20 14.74 35.26 20.28 1.08 0.84 5.2 5.7
4 3.94 0.71 24.84 24.81 1.40 6.4
5 2.58 0.91 30.37 142.00 1.34 6.1
9 1.30 0.60 11.60 34.56 0.77 7.4
TABLE 1 (Continued)
Thickness linea
alba (mm) Load to failure (N) Strain to failure (%)
Stress at
failure (N/mm
10 2.46 1.12 48.34 47.77 1.73 6.7
535 Polydioxanone
(n 57)
6 4.50 1.04 0.71 43.93 27.31 48.61 109.9 1.69 1.54 6.2 4.2
8 2.52 0.75 0.62 22.96 17.57 54.90 94.83 1.22 1.13 4.3 4.8
9 1.30 0.66 28.24 63.38 1.71 6.3
10 2.46 1 39.31 62.14 1.57 5.7
11 5.20 1.98 51.28 50.65 1.04 6.6
Type of
Full thickness
(n 57)
12 4.36 1.40 46.10 30.10 1.32
13 4.44 1.39 28.60 18.44 0.82
14 3.70 1.78 1.52 19.58 54.29 1.96 12.07 0.45 1.43
15 2.80 1.45 1.25 97.60 27.89 11.28 6.12 2.69 0.89
16 3.94 0.99 63.24 3.51 2.55
Fascia only
(n 57)
12 4.36 1.63 59.39 51.29 1.46
13 4.44 1.94 1.51 65.75 83.94 23.84 59.10 1.36 2.22
14 3.70 1.32 43.95 4.14 1.33
15 2.80 1.35 81.03 11.97 2.40
16 3.94 1.93 1.19 41.26 35.79 5.12 2.96 0.86 1.20
POU, postumbilical; PU, preumbilical; SBSI, suture bite to stitch interval; SL:WL, suture length to wound length ratio; U, umbilical.
Empty cell indicates data not recorded.
knowledge, this is the first study reporting the tensile strength
of the feline ventral abdominal wall. In control samples, the
POU region reached lower loads to failure compared with the
PU and U regions in the same animal. However, only 2 sam-
ples of each region with intact linea alba were tested, preclud-
ing statistical analysis and representing a limitation of our
study. All control samples failed distant to the linea alba,
highlighting the high intrinsic resistance to failure of intact
linea alba. In our study, the thickness of the linea alba
decreased gradually from cranial to caudal in all cats, being
thinner and biomechanically weaker in the POU region than
in the PU and U regions. In a human cadaveric study, fascial
thickness contributed 32% of variability in suture pull-out
force in the linea alba.
In our study, thickness of linea alba
accounted for 35.4% of variability in load to failure, suggest-
ing that linea thickness plays a role in strength of celiotomy
closure in cats.
No difference in breaking strength of celiotomy samples
was observed between the 2 suture materials (polydioxanone
and polyglactin 910) used in our study. There is no experimen-
tal or clinical evidence of a continuous suture pattern increas-
ing the risk of wound disruption.
Continuous suture patterns
distribute tension along the entire incisional length, decreasing
strain at individual suture bites.
Simple continuous closure of
the ventral abdominal wall is well accepted in dogs and
likely because it is faster than simple interrupted clo-
and does not increase the risk of wound disruption.
did not detect differences in breaking strengths for celiotomies
closed with simple continuous fascia-only or full-thickness
bites in cats. To the best of our knowledge, fascia-only closure
has not been previously reported in the domestic cat. The
external leaf of the rectus abdominis sheath has been shown to
serve as the primary strength-holding layer for ventral parame-
dian incision closure in dogs. This concept is based on a lack
of difference in biomechanical properties of fascia-only and
full-thickness closure, which was attributed to incorporating
the external leaf in both groups.
In our study, fascia-only clo-
sure is biomechanically equivalent to full-thickness closure in
the cat, likely for the same reason. Fascia-only closure could
potentially reduce postoperative incisional swelling and pain in
feline patients after abdominal surgery. Inclusion of muscle in
sutured wounds is considered to increase pain during the post-
operative period.
SL:WL 4:1 has been recommended for median celiot-
omy closure in humans,
given that incisional herniation
has been found more common in wounds closed with SL:WL
A recent trend in human median abdominal closure
favors small bites over large bites while observing this mini-
mal SL:WL of 4:1.
Our study was designed to provide
SL:WL >4:1. We arbitrarily chose 2-mm and 5-mm bites,
representing small and large bite closure, respectively. Advan-
tages of small bite closure include reduced incidence of surgi-
cal site infection, better distribution of tension across the
celiotomy closure, and reduced incidence of incisional hernia-
Large SBSI may cause the suture to cut through or
compress soft tissues when tension is applied, making the
FIGURE 4 A, Failure distant from celiotomy closure in a 2 32 polydioxanone sample. B, Failure by muscle/fascial tearing in a 2 32polyglactin
910 sample. C,Failure by loosening of suture line with intactknots
stitch loosen and allowing wound edges to separate.
observed this pattern of failure most commonly in our 5 35
SBSI celiotomy groups. No differences in breaking strength
were observed in our celiotomy samples comparing the 2
SBSI used; however, evaluation of influence of SBSI in multi-
variable analysis and mean load to failure between suture
material/SBSI samples approached significance. A larger sam-
ple could have revealed significant differences between the 2
SBSI used.
In humans, sutures engaging the transition zone between
linea alba and rectus sheath markedly increase strength of
celiotomy closure.
In small animals, this transition zone
has not been described, and the distance between the linea
alba and the site of needle penetration during celiotomy clo-
sure is rarely reported
or is based on recommendations
rather than biomechanical testing.
We designed our
study to engage the transition zone in all celiotomies, meas-
uring suture bites from the lateral edge of the linea alba. In
this setting, no difference was detected between closures
incorporating small or large bites.
Muscle/fascial tearing was the most common type of fail-
ure observed for all celiotomy samples in our study, without
any knot failure. Instead, cracks initiated by stitches at sites of
needle penetration extended longitudinally toward the celiot-
omy. The biomechanical significance of this type of failure is
unknown but has been previously described in an equine
bursting model in which fascial failure was the main failure
mode observed for the 2 suture intervals used.
needle used could have influenced this type of failure. How-
ever, we used a fine, atraumatic needle of consistent size. It is
unknown if different needle type or size could produce differ-
ent results.
Tensile testing of connective tissue is logistically difficult
because low friction at the griptissue interface often leads to
slippage prior to failure.
Cryoclamps have been used for ten-
sile testing of the linea alba of horses
because they allow bet-
ter gripping of tissue and increase friction between tissue and
grips. The custom-made clamps used in our study were previ-
ously used in a biomechanical study of muscles in other spe-
No slippage was reported in the Chism et al
with the use of dumbbell-shaped specimens, as recommended
for tensile testing of elastomers
and cheese grater clamps. No
slippage at tissuegrip interface was observed in our study.
Fresh feline cadavers were not available for our study.
However, we do not believe that freezing affected our results
because of its lack of influence on the breaking strength of the
canine linea alba.
In the Rath et al
study, samples of
abdominal wall were frozen after harvest, with muscle contrac-
tion caused by freezing artifact and more difficulties to secure
samples in grips reported. In our study, whole cadavers were
frozen and thawed intact prior to sampling and testing. We did
not observe changes in the abdominal wall or experience diffi-
culty in securing samples in grips. After thawing, samples
were collected and preserved in a saline bath under refrigera-
tion. This protocol, reported in another study with samples
kept up to 24 hours,
yields a state of mechanical stability
making the samples useful for analysis. Nonetheless, limita-
tions of our study remain inherent to its ex vivo design. Suture
degradation, surgical site infection, prolonged inflammation,
suture failure during cyclic and repetitive tension, and other
patient-related factors that contribute to incisional hernia in
vivo following ventral midline celiotomy closure
could not be evaluated in our ex vivo study. We also tested
discrete segments of ventral abdominal wall, providing an idea
of the dynamic properties of the 3 regions tested and their bio-
mechanical properties but making extrapolations of results to
the entire ventral abdominal wall impossible. Another limita-
tion relates to the method of tensile testing. We used uniaxial
loading in a single test to failure with continuous distraction.
This design differs from the clinical scenario, in which strains
are cyclic and dependent on the animalsmovementduringthe
postoperative period. Cyclic strain on an incision may result in
different results compared with continuous distraction. We
chose a low speed of distraction (0.5 mm/second, 30 mm/
minute) for our study because of the viscoelastic nature of soft
tissue specimens. In previous studies, a different speed of dis-
traction was used,
making direct comparisons of results
impossible. In addition, 2 types of forces act on the ventral
abdominal wall, intra-abdominal pressure acting on the deep
aspect and linear traction exerted by flank muscles.
We eval-
uated elasticity and elongation in discrete segments to mimic
linear traction of flank muscles. However, the interaction of
surrounding muscles of the entire ventral abdominal wall was
not evaluated. Different results may be obtained by testing
bursting strength of the abdomen and celiotomy closure techni-
ques and by evaluating tensile forces in the entire ventral
abdominal wall. A combination of tensile and bursting tests
may be more representative of forces that celiotomy closure
encounters after surgery in vivo. Another limitation is the small
number of specimens used and samples tested for variables
used in the statistical model. Due to randomization, the number
of samples from each ROI and the specimen where the sam-
ples were obtained varied among groups. A minimum of 20
samples per ROI (equivalent to 20 cats) would have been
required to obtain 80% statistical power. The coefficient of var-
iation between the different specimens tested represents
another limitation of the study. Biological tissue has a high
degree of natural variation, both interindividual and intraindi-
vidual. A large number of tests and a uniform sample popula-
tion are required to extrapolate results to the clinical scenario.
Although ex vivo studies can aid in determining adequate
suture techniques for celiotomy closure in domestic cats, pro-
spective studies evaluating the 2 SBSI that we used or other
SBSI combinations and complications associated with their
use, including incidence of incisional herniation, would be
required to determine optimal technique for celiotomy closure
in this species.
In conclusion, the POU region of ventral abdominal wall
in domestic cats is biomechanically weaker than the PU and
U regions under uniaxial loading in this model. Considering
the biomechanical results and types of failure observed in
our study, we favor simple continuous closure using 2 32-
mm SBSI and including the external leaf of rectus abdominis
muscle sheath in cats. However, additional biomechanical
and clinical studies are warranted before specific celiotomy
closure recommendations can be made.
The authors declare no conflicts of interest related to this
Joshua Milgram DVM, BVSc, DECVS
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How to cite this article: Reina Rodriguez FS, Buckley
CT, Milgram J, Kirby BM. Biomechanical properties
of feline ventral abdominal wall and celiotomy closure
techniques. Veterinary Surgery. 2017;00:1-11. https://
... In the caudal third of the abdominal wall, the internal leaf does not exist. In a cadaveric study, the thickness of the linea alba ranged from 0.6 to 1.98 mm (1.13 ± 0.40 mm) [15]. It has been found that the location of the aponeurosis of the internal abdominal oblique differs as the pre-umbilical side is both deeply and superficially located relative to the rectus abdominis, and the umbilical and post-umbilical sides are only superficially located [14]. ...
... It has been found that the location of the aponeurosis of the internal abdominal oblique differs as the pre-umbilical side is both deeply and superficially located relative to the rectus abdominis, and the umbilical and post-umbilical sides are only superficially located [14]. It has been reported that the post-umbilical region is weaker and thinner [15]. Midline celiotomy or laparotomy is the standard incision method used to access the abdominal cavity. ...
... The extent of celiotomy depends on the abdominal organ being exposed, but for abdominal exploration, celiotomy should extend from the xiphoid process to the pubic symphysis [13]. For celiotomy closure, only the external leaf of the rectus sheath should be included in the suture line in cats, as it was proven to be the holding layer of the incision [15] (Figure 3). In cats, a pre-pubic tendon does not exist, but a achments of the aponeurosis of the external abdominal oblique muscle to the tendon of the pectineus support the area, which is considered to be as strong as the pre-pubic tendon in dogs [16]. ...
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Simple Summary: The surgical anatomy of the feline gastrointestinal tract has not been studied thoroughly, and there are only a few anatomical studies in the literature. Surgical procedures carried out on the gastrointestinal tract of cats are quite frequent, and their deep knowledge of surgical anatomy can help veterinary surgeons to better understand the anatomy of the gastrointestinal tract and plan and perform the main surgical procedures used in this region. The purpose of the present study is to describe the anatomy of the feline gastrointestinal tract and mention the basic surgical procedures that are performed in each region, as well as some surgical tips for veterinary surgeons. Abstract: In cats, the gastrointestinal tract is one of the regions in which surgical procedures are most frequently performed by veterinary surgeons; therefore, knowledge of the surgical anatomy of the feline gastrointestinal tract is of high importance. The main surgical procedures performed include gastrotomy, gastrectomy, enterotomy, and enterectomy, as well as procedures in the liver and pancreas. There are also anatomical differences between dogs and cats, increasing the need for deep knowledge of the anatomy treated in the different surgical approaches. The aim of the present review is to describe in detail the anatomy of the gastrointestinal tract in cats highlighting the anatomical regions of significant importance in different surgical procedures.
... According to previous recommendations in small animals, the stitch interval increases with body size and ranges from 3 to 12 mm; however, no information was provided about the suture bites (12). The only biomechanical study performed in small animals comparing two SBSI did not find differences between a small and a large SBSI technique; however differences were observed in the mode of failure of the specimens tested (13). Despite these findings, this study was limited by the use of discrete segments of ventral abdominal wall, which were unlikely to represent the entire abdominal wall musculature, and the use of uniaxial loading, which may be a poor simulation of the forces acting on a celiotomy closure during the postoperative period (13). ...
... The only biomechanical study performed in small animals comparing two SBSI did not find differences between a small and a large SBSI technique; however differences were observed in the mode of failure of the specimens tested (13). Despite these findings, this study was limited by the use of discrete segments of ventral abdominal wall, which were unlikely to represent the entire abdominal wall musculature, and the use of uniaxial loading, which may be a poor simulation of the forces acting on a celiotomy closure during the postoperative period (13). ...
... In the caudal third of the abdominal wall of dogs and cats, the internal leaf of the rectus sheath disappears and only the peritoneum covers the dorsal aspect of the rectus abdominus muscle at this level ((14), p. 153-156; (15), p. [224][225][226][227]. Biomechanical tests of the feline ventral abdominal wall have shown that the region caudal to the umbilicus has lower load to failure when compared to the umbilical region and the region cranial to the umbilicus, possibly due to differences in the thickness of the linea alba between the 3 regions (13). Based on anatomical (14) and biomechanical findings (13), there appears to be an inherent weakness in the body wall in the region caudal to the umbilicus in domestic cats. ...
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Objective: The objective of this study was to compare the bursting strength and characterize the mode of failure of cranial and caudal midline celiotomies closed with 2 suture patterns and an absorbable monofilament suture material. Design: Randomized, cadaveric, ex- vivo mechanical testing. Sample: Feline cadavers (n = 32). Methods: Specimens were randomized into two groups based on the closure technique (small 2 × 2 mm or large 5 × 5 mm suture-bite-stitch-interval [SBSI] groups). Cranial or caudal midline celiotomies, 7.5 cm long, were created. A custom-made polyurethane bladder was inserted into the abdomen, and the celiotomies were closed in a simple continuous pattern using 3-0 polydioxanone. The repair was loaded to failure by inflating the bladder with compressed air. Bursting strength and mode of failure were recorded. Effects of body weight, gender, thickness and width of linea alba, suture-bite-stitch-interval, and location of celiotomy were analyzed using a mixed model analysis and an independent t- test, with P < 0.05 considered statistically significant. Results: There was no difference in bursting strength between cranial and caudal celiotomies. Bursting strength was lower for celiotomies closed with a large SBSI (P = 0.003). Bursting strength was greater in males compared to females (P = 0.003). Twenty five specimens failed distant from celiotomy closure, while 4 failed by fascial tearing at the site of needle penetration. Failure by loosening of the suture line with intact knots only occurred in 3 caudal celiotomies closed with a large SBSI. Gender, body weight and SBSI accounted for 61.5% of variability in bursting strength (P = 0.005). Conclusions: Small SBSI technique was mechanically superior to large SBSI when tested under these loading conditions. Clinical relevance: Supraphysiological pressures were required to cause failure in all specimens. Both small and large SBSI may be clinically applicable for midline celiotomy closure in domestic cats.
... It is currently unknown if the commonly recommended suturing parameters are suitable for feline linea alba closure, as there may be differences in the mechanical properties between human, equid, canine, and feline fascia. One recent biomechanical study demonstrated that 2 mm bite sizes was ideal for feline linea alba closure, but their method of calculating bite size did not take into account the entire width of fascia incorporated in the suture bite (12). ...
... The most common visually identified form of failure was the tissue stretching, or the sutures tearing through the tissue. This is similar to results from a recent study, whereby the majority of feline linea samples failed by muscle or fascial tearing (12). In the previously referenced feline study, their measurement of SBSI started at the edge of the muscle and not at the cut edge of the fascia. ...
... The average load at maximum displacement and load at failure were 39.8 and 20.3N, respectively. These values are lower compared to a recent similar study, where the average breaking strength was 58.7N for a 2.5 cm sample for fascia-only closure samples (12). That study used fewer samples compared to the current study, so the difference in load may be explained by differences in the sample population, segment location, and most importantly testing construct. ...
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Objective: This study aimed to determine the most appropriate suture bite and stitch interval (SBSI) size for closing feline linea alba. Study design: Randomized ex vivo mechanical testing. Sample population: Ventral abdominal walls from 35 male feline cadavers were harvested and separated into 125 segments. Methods: Segments were incised along midline then sutured back together using 3-0 polydioxanone using one of the following SBSI: 3, 5, 7.5, or 10 mm whereby the distance represents the distance both between the suture bites, and from the bite to incision line. The location of segments as well as the weight of the cadaver were recorded. A single linear distraction mechanical breaking test was performed. Statistical analyses (logistic and linear regression) were performed to determine which factors were associated with visual and mechanical failure, as well as load at failure or maximum displacement. Results: SBSI was significantly associated with load at failure or maximum displacement (p < 0.001). In particular, 5 mm SBSI had the highest load at failure amongst all the bite sizes (LSmeans = 27.55N, 95% Confidence Interval (CI): 23.65–31.44); this was significantly higher than 7.5 mm (LSmeans = 19.15N, 95% CI: 15.26–23.05, p = 0.016) and 10 mm (LSmeans = 16.55N, 95%CI:12.39–20.70, p = 0.0012) but not significantly higher than 3 mm (LSmeans = 23.78N, 95% CI: 19.69–27.86, p = 0.2). Increased SBSI increased the odds of visual failure (p < 0.001) whereas increased weight of the cadaver reduced the odds of visual failure (OR = 0.52, 95%CI: 0.30–0.88, p = 0.016). Conclusion: The 5 mm SBSI had the highest load at failure and was not significantly different from the 3 mm SBSI when apposing feline linea alba using 3-0 polydioxanone. Clinical significance: Using 5 mm SBSI is the preferred bite size compared to 7.5 or 10 mm SBSI when apposing feline linea alba with 3-0 polydioxanone.
... Studies have shown that, in cats, the post-umbilical region is biomechanically weak and may therefore be predisposed to incisional herniation. 23 It is interesting to note that, in the study presented here, both cats that experienced closure-related complications were in the PSM group. One could hypothesise that partial sternotomies (after preserving either the manubrium or xiphoid process) might also be biomechanically different to each other and to a complete sternotomy, accounting for a higher risk of closure-related complication. ...
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Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine closure-related complications and outcome after median sternotomy (MS) in cats. Methods: This was a retrospective, multicentric study. The medical records of cats undergoing MS from six referral hospitals were reviewed (2010-2020). Data retrieved included signalment, history, presenting complaints, surgery, patient outcomes and complications. Follow-up was performed via patient records and email/telephone contact with both owners and referring veterinarians. Descriptive statistics were performed. Results: Data on 36 cats were collected; four were excluded due to insufficient follow-up and six died less than 5 days after surgery. Twenty-six cats survived to discharge (survival rate 81%). Three cats had a full sternotomy (FS) performed and 23 cats a partial sternotomy (PS). Of the cats that underwent a PS, six included the manubrium (PSM) and three included the xyphoid process. For 14 cats, the length of sternotomy was unknown. Sternotomy closure was performed with suture in all cats. Two cats (7.7%) developed closure-related complications, both after PSM, during the long-term follow-up, one mild, slightly displaced sternal fracture and one severe, sternal dehiscence (without skin wound dehiscence) requiring revision surgery. No seroma, surgical site infection or wound dehiscence occurred. The most common reason for MS was the presence of a thoracic mass (17/26; 65%), with thymoma being the most common (11/17; 65%). Conclusions and relevance: MS has a low closure-related complication risk in cats when compared with dogs. Complications in cats present differently to what has been previously described in dogs.
Clinical case presentations detail unique and clinically relevant anatomical features about the canine and feline stomach, intestines, pancreas, liver, spleen, and abdominal body wall. One of these cases discusses a congenital developmental disorder—portosystemic vascular anomaly—in the context of clinical anatomy, thereby also providing relevant developmental anatomy.
This chapter discusses dehiscence involving skin, abdominal wall, and intestine. Wound closure under a tension exceeding suture strength may lead to dehiscence by suture breakage. Excessive tension may also cause ischemic necrosis of the tissue, which results in suture cut-out. Reported risk factors for intestinal dehiscence after resection and anastomosis in dogs include intestinal obstruction by a foreign body, preexisting peritonitis, and serum albumin concentrations 2.5 g/dL or lower. Cutaneous wound dehiscence is a common postoperative complication. Sutured wounds in cats are indeed only half as strong as those in dogs 7 days after surgery. This may lead to dehiscence of cutaneous wounds when skin sutures are removed despite their healed appearance. A guarded prognosis is traditionally associated with abdominal evisceration because it is associated with septic peritonitis and requires intensive treatment and monitoring.
The mechanics of passive skeletal muscle are important in impact biomechanics, surgical simulation, and rehabilitation engineering. Existing data from porcine tissue has shown a significant tension/compression asymmetry, which is not captured by current constitutive modelling approaches using a single set of material parameters, and an adequate explanation for this effect remains elusive. In this paper, the passive elastic deformation properties of chicken pectoralis muscle are assessed for the first time, to provide deformation data on a skeletal muscle which is very different to porcine tissue. Uniaxial, quasi-static compression and tensile tests were performed on fresh chicken pectoralis muscle in the fibre and cross-fibre directions, and at 45° to the fibre direction. Results show that chicken muscle elastic behaviour is nonlinear and anisotropic. The tensile stress–stretch response is two orders of magnitude larger than in compression for all directions tested, which reflects the tension/compression asymmetry previously observed in porcine tissue. In compression the tissue is stiffest in the cross-fibre direction. However, tensile deformation applied at 45° gives the stiffest response, and this is different to previous findings relating to porcine tissue. Chicken muscle tissue is most compliant in the fibre direction for both tensile and compressive applied deformation. Generally, a small percentage of fluid exudation was observed in the compressive samples. In the future these data will be combined with microstructural analysis to assess the architectural basis for the tension/compression asymmetry now observed in two different species of skeletal muscle.
Incisional hernia is a frequent complication of midline laparotomy and is associated with high morbidity, decreased quality of life, and high costs. We aimed to compare the large bites suture technique with the small bites technique for fascial closure of midline laparotomy incisions. We did this prospective, multicentre, double-blind, randomised controlled trial at surgical and gynaecological departments in ten hospitals in the Netherlands. Patients aged 18 years or older who were scheduled to undergo elective abdominal surgery with midline laparotomy were randomly assigned (1:1), via a computer-generated randomisation sequence, to receive small tissue bites of 5 mm every 5 mm or large bites of 1 cm every 1 cm. Randomisation was stratified by centre and between surgeons and residents with a minimisation procedure to ensure balanced allocation. Patients and study investigators were masked to group allocation. The primary outcome was the occurrence of incisional hernia; we postulated a reduced incidence in the small bites group. We analysed patients by intention to treat. This trial is registered at, number NCT01132209 and with the Nederlands Trial Register, number NTR2052. Between Oct 20, 2009, and March 12, 2012, we randomly assigned 560 patients to the large bites group (n=284) or the small bites group (n=276). Follow-up ended on Aug 30, 2013; 545 (97%) patients completed follow-up and were included in the primary outcome analysis. Patients in the small bites group had fascial closures sutured with more stitches than those in the large bites group (mean number of stitches 45 [SD 12] vs 25 [10]; p<0·0001), a higher ratio of suture length to wound length (5·0 [1·5] vs 4·3 [1·4]; p<0·0001) and a longer closure time (14 [6] vs 10 [4] min; p<0·0001). At 1 year follow-up, 57 (21%) of 277 patients in the large bites group and 35 (13%) of 268 patients in the small bites group had incisional hernia (p=0·0220, covariate adjusted odds ratio 0·52, 95% CI 0·31-0·87; p=0·0131). Rates of adverse events did not differ significantly between groups. Our findings show that the small bites suture technique is more effective than the traditional large bites technique for prevention of incisional hernia in midline incisions and is not associated with a higher rate of adverse events. The small bites technique should become the standard closure technique for midline incisions. Erasmus University Medical Center and Ethicon. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The development of wound complications is closely related to the surgical technique at wound closure. The risk of the suture technique affecting the development of wound dehiscence and incisional hernia can be monitored through the suture length to wound length ratio. Midline incisions should be closed in one layer by a continuous-suture technique using a monofilament suture material tied with self-locking knots. Excessive tension should not be placed on the suture. Closure must always be with a suture length to wound length ratio higher than 4.
Load-deformation data were used to determine the strength of healing abdominal incisions in dogs at 7, 14, and 21 days after wounding. The breaking energy of paramedian incisions closed by suturing the internal and external leaves of the sheath of the rectus abdominis muscle vs. incisions closed by suturing the external leaf only was similar in the 12 dogs studied. Closure of abdominal incisions by suturing only the external leaf of the rectus sheath provided wound strength comparable to the traditional method.
Closure of midline abdominal wall incisions in 469 dogs and 81 cats following various intraabdominal procedures was accomplished by using a single layer, simple continuous pattern with monofilament polypropylene. Skin was closed using simple interrupted nonabsorbable sutures. Weight of the patients ranged from 1 kg to 80 kg. Length of the incision ranged from 3 cm to 55 cm. There was one dehiscence (0.18%) and no incisional hernias. Results indicate the technique is a dependable, time saving method of abdominal closure.
Two hundred dogs and cats undergoing exploratory celiotomy for reasons other than trauma were grouped by disease classification and by body system affected. There were 61 animals in which infection or inflammation predominated, 63 animals with neoplasia, and 76 animals with noninflammatory and non-neoplastic conditions. Body systems affected were digestive, lymphatic, urinary, reproductive, other, and undetermined. Seventy-three percent of the animals survived the hospitalization period; survival rates for animals with infection or inflammation, neoplasia, and other disorders were 69%, 60%, and 86%, respectively. Within the same groups, the exploratory celiotomy provided strictly diagnostic information in 72%, 79%, and 24% of the animals, and surgical treatment was provided to 28%, 21%, and 58% of the animals, respectively. Intraoperative cytologic and histologic diagnoses were consistent in 78% of the animals; the consistency rates for animals with infection or inflammation, neoplasia, and other disorders were 81%, 88%, and 59%, respectively. Complications after surgery were observed in 30% of the animals, with 60% of the complications disease related. Complications were observed in six animals with reproductive disorders (67%), six animals with urinary disease (46%), 35 animals with digestive disease (29%), and three animals with lymphatic disease (13%).
Five centimeter segments of the linea alba in mature, female, mixed breed dogs were incised and then approximated with either stainless steel fascial staples or size 0 polypropylene suture material. Breaking strength of the linea alba closures was determined at 0 (Phase I, 18 dogs) and at 7,14, and 31 days (Phase II, 18 dogs). Histology and videointeractive planar morphometry were used to evaluate healing of the linea alba. Breaking strength and histologic and morphometric variables were analyzed statistically using analysis of variance in a split plot design. In a clinical trial, 20 cm linea alba incisions were approximated with stainless steel fascial staples after elective ovariohysterectomy in mature, female, mixed breed dogs (Phase III, eight dogs). The dogs were evaluated at 1, 2, 7,14, 31, 90, and 180 days. Linea alba incisions approximated with polypropylene suture material were significantly stronger than linea alba incisions approximated with stainless steel fascial staples on day 0. There was no significant difference between breaking strength values, histologic, and morphometric appearance of linea alba incisions closed with stainless steel fascial staples or polypropylene suture material when compared 7,14, and 31 days after surgery. All of the dogs in the clinical trial appeared to be normal at all evaluation times. Approximation of linea alba incisions with stainless steel fascial staples compares favorably to closure with a simple continuous pattern of polypropylene suture material with regard to breaking strength, clinical, histologic, and morphometric appearance.
The knot security of chromic gut, polyglycolic acid, polyglactin 910, polydioxanone, polypropylene, and monofilament nylon size 2–0 suture materials were tested biomechanically in vitro. Twenty reproducible knots were tied and incubated in canine serum at 37° for 24 hours before testing. A “secure knot” was defined as a knot that, when tested to failure, broke rather than untied by slippage. The minimum number of throws necessary to make a secure, snug (1500 g tension) square knot was three for gut, polyglycolic acid, polyglactin 910, and polypropylene and four for polydioxanone and nylon. All throws including the first were counted. With all suture materials tested, surgeon's knots were as secure as square knots. Only gut, polyglycolic acid, and polydioxanone granny knots were as secure as square knots; no loosely tied (500 g tension) asymmetric square knots were as secure as snug square knots, and only polydioxanone and polypropylene loose square knots were as secure as snug square knots. Square knots used to start a continuous pattern required one additional throw with gut, polydioxanone, and nylon. Square knots used to end a continuous pattern required two to three additional throws with all materials tested.