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Abstract and Figures

Natural ecosystems are directly dependent on beneficial microorganisms present in the rhizosphere for soil health and plant productivity. Soil bacteria were isolated from soil of central and upper Himalayan region with a view to screen/evaluate their Plant growth promoting potential. Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPRs) are employed as inoculants for biofertilization, phytostimulation and biocontrol. Dominant morphotypes were picked up from King`s B, CAS, YEMA and Pikovaskaya Agar by employing dilution plating. A total of 55 isolates were evaluated for growth promotion using Paper Towel Assay on lentil and 9 isolates were selected for detailed characterization. In dual plate assay all 9 isolates inhibited Fusarium solani; few isolates were inhibitory towards Ganoderma lividense and Colletotrichum dematium.
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Volume: 2: Issue-1: Jan-Mar -2011 ISSN 0976-4550
Agrawal Pavan. Kumar.*, Agrawal Shruti2, Verma, Satish.Kumar.3 Singh
Santosh.Kumar4 and Shukla Keshav. Prashad.5
3Department of Biotechnology, Sai institute of paramedical and allied Sciences, 26/26A, Rajpur road, Near
Meedo grand hotel, Dehradun-248001
2Department of Microbiology, Sai institute of paramedical and allied Sciences, 26/26A, Rajpur road,
Near Meedo grand hotel, Dehradun-248001
4Department of Biotechnology, SBS PG Inst. of Biomedical Science & Research, Balawala, Dehradun-
5Department of Biotechnology, MNNIT, Allahabad
ABSTRACT: Natural ecosystems are directly dependent on beneficial microorganisms present in the rhizosphere
for soil health and plant productivity. Soil bacteria were isolated from soil of central and upper Himalayan region
with a view to screen/evaluate their Plant growth promoting potential. Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria
(PGPRs) are employed as inoculants for biofertilization, phytostimulation and biocontrol. Dominant morphotypes
were picked up from King`s B, CAS, YEMA and Pikovaskaya Agar by employing dilution plating. A total of 55
isolates were evaluated for growth promotion using Paper Towel Assay on lentil and 9 isolates were selected for
detailed characterization. In dual plate assay all 9 isolates inhibited Fusarium solani; few isolates were inhibitory
towards Ganoderma lividense and Colletotrichum dematium.
Key words: Plant growth promotory rhizobacteria, Paper towel assay, lentil
Bacterial diversity is of particular importance in human sustenance since these small creatures comprise the
majority of earth’s species diversity. Bacterial diversity is considered as one of the most useful resource with
considerable significance in the global form of bioremediation and bio-prospecting (Homer-Devin et al 2004).
Interaction between bacteria and roots of plants has been reported to be beneficial, detrimental or neutral and this
delicate balance is a consequence of both soil and plant type( Latour et al 1996) . Bacteria, beneficial to plants
may be symbiotic or free living, and are abundant near the roots. Such beneficial free-living bacteria have been
termed PGPR or plant growth promotory rhizobacteria( Glick ,1995). They benefit plants through, (a) Production
of plant hormones, such as auxins by Gutierrez et al 1996 (b) asymbiotic N2 fixation by Kennedy et al 1997 (c)
antagonism against phytopathogenic microorganisms by production of antibiotics (Sharma et al 2003) ,
siderophroes( Meyer2000), β-(1,3)-glucanase, chitinase(Renwick et al 1991) and cyanide(Flaishman et al 1996)
and (d) solubilization of mineral phosphates and other nutrients(de Freitas et al 1997) (e)ability to effectively
colonize roots are responsible for plant growth promotion [Burdetal 2000, Duffy BK, Defago G (1999),. A
number of PGPR such as Bacillus (Holl et al 1988), Pseudomonas(O’ Neill et al 1992) and Arthrobacter (Beall
and Tipping 1989) have been used for enhancement of plant performance.
Phytopathogens are major and chronic threats to food production and ecosystem stability worldwide. As
agricultural production intensified over the past few decades, producers became more and more dependent on
agrochemicals as a relatively reliable method of crop protection helping with economic stability of their
operations. Despite inconsistency in field performance, biological control is considered as an alternative or a
supplemental way of reducing the use of chemicals in agriculture ( Gerhadson 2002)
The Himalayan region represents a unique combination of plant and soil type that changes drastically with
altitude however only limited efforts have so far been made to explore the available bacterial diversity. In the
present study soil samples were collected from Chaubatia (Ranikhet) Uttaranchal Himalayas and Leh region, for
assessment of PGPR characterization.
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Sampling Sites:Five soil samples viz, MFA-1, MFB-1, FQP, FMP and FPA were collected from Ranikhet
(Chaubatia) at latitude 29.60C and longitude 79.50C; soil sample A-2 was from Leh (latitude, 340C and longitude,
77.50C). Characteristics of the habitat and their physico-chemical properties are presented in Table 1.
Soil Analysis: Soils were analyzed for pH and organic carbon by Walkely & Black 1934. Available and total ‘P’
were analyzed according to Olsen 1954. Dehydrogenase activity was measured according to Thalman1968.
Isolation of bacteria: Bacterial population was enumerated using 10-fold serial dilutions (Johnson and Curl1972)
and expressed as CFU g-1 dry soil; serially diluted soil samples (upto 10-5) were plated on King’s B medium for
pseudomonads by Buysen1996, yeast extract mannitol agar for rhizobia (Vincet et al 1991), Pikovaskya’s agar
for phosphate solubilizer (Pickovaskaya1948) and chromeazurol ‘S’ (CAS) agar for siderophore
producers(Schwyn and Neilands 1987). Plates were incubated in triplicates at 280C and counts (CFU) were
recorded after 72 h. A total of 55 colonies representing all the morphotypes were picked up and categorized on the
basis of soil type and media used.
Screening of bacteria for plant growth: Lentil (Lens esculentus var. PL406) seeds were surface sterilized with
0.1% mercuric chloride for 5 min, rinsed with sterilized distilled water (SDW) and soaked in bacterial suspension
(3×108 cfu ml-1) using 1% carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC). Air dried seeds were placed on a paper towel (ten
seeds per paper) and incubated at 28±20C for 21 d in a growth chamber. Percentage germination was recorded
along with root and shoot length (ISTA1993). Non-bacterized seeds served as control. Five replicates were used.
Functional attributes of the bacterial isolates: On the basis of plant growth performance in paper towel assay,
nine promising isolates were tested for their ability to produce indole acetic acid (Gordon and Weber 1951).
IAA production: Bacteria were grown overnight in five ml of M-9 minimal medium(John et al 2005)
supplemented with L-tryptophan to achieve a final concentration of 0, 50, 100, 200 and 500 µg ml-1. After
incubation for 42 h, bacterial growth was measured spectrophotometrically at 600 nm; cells were removed from
culture medium by centrifugation at 7,500 rpm for 10 min. A 1 ml aliquot of supernatant was mixed with 4 ml of
Salkowski‘s reagent (150 ml of concentrated H2SO4, 250 ml of D.W, 7.5 ml of 0.5 M FeCl3, 6H2O). Samples were
left at 28±20C for 25 min and absorbance was read at 535 nm. The concentration of IAA was determined by
referring to a standard curve.
In vitro antifungal assay: Bacteria were tested for antagonism against Colletotrichum dematium, Fusarium
solani and Ganoderma lividans using a dual culture plate assay (Sharma and Johri 2003).
Soil analysis: Soil samples (MFA-1, MFB-1, FPA, FQP, FMP and A2) used in this investigation had slightly
acidic pH (6.25 to 6.60). Organic matter and organic carbon content was high in all samples except FPA (0.64%)
(Table 2) which represents a forest soils. Sample MFB-1 (11.84 kg ha-1), MFA-1 (27.87 kg ha-1) and FMP (50.32
kg ha-1) showed medium to high level of available ‘P’ whereas others were low (Table 1). Presence of organic
matter and availability of nutrients such as phosphorus influences microbial activity of the soil studied by Johri et
al 1999; Nautiyal et al 2000. A forest soil with mixed root fragments (FMP) depicted high dehydrogenase activity
(448.87 µg TPF ml-1 16 h-1) compared to soil without such material (FPA 52.61 µg TPF ml-1 16 h-1). FMP also had
population count (7.0×107 CFU g-1 soil) Table 1.
Dehydrogenase activity and organic matter content of a soil are correlated with soil health. There was a direct
relationship between total biological activity and organic carbon. Microbial counts in FMP were also directly
related with biological activity and organic carbon ( Lodha et al 2002).
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Table 1: Characteristics of soils from Central and Upper Himalayan region
Code Sample site pH
matter (%)
‘C’ (%)
‘P’ Kg ha-1
Total‘P’ Kg
e activity µg
TPF ml-1
Modern farming
upper profile
Rampur (3100 msl)
6.55±0.12 2.98 ±0.11 1.73±0.15 27.87±0.37 124.0±o.66 352.48±0.33
Modern Farming
Lower profile
Rampur (3100 msl)
6.50±0.19 2.17±0.17 1.26±0.16 11.84±0.89 43.83±0.67 131.54±0.18
Forest Soil (Oak,
Banj) Ganju (3500
msl) 6.45±0.32 3.93±0.53 2.28±0.29 9.15±0.59 258.14±0.11 437.60±0.79
FMP Forest Soil mixed
with roots (5000 msl) 6.40±0.22 4.59±0.41 2.66±0.32 50.32±0.12 196.00±0.17 448.87±0.16
Forest Soil (Planted
1987, Rampur road
(3300 msl) 6.25±0.19 1.10±0.13 0.64±0.37 5.73±0.25 159.46±0.13 52.61±0.27
Leh cold Desert at an
altitude of 12,000-
13,000 feet (Mixed
farming of wheat
Brassica and Potato
6.60±0.43 2.07±0.17 0.92±0.47 33.80±0.32 115.52±0.17 109.50±0.38
*sem: standard error of mean
Screening of bacteria for plant growth promotion: A total of 55 isolates were used to asses their influence on
seed germination and root/ shoot length of lentil in a paper towel assay. On the basis of their growth performance,
nine isolates namely MFA-1SD-2, MFA-1R-3, MFB-1R-3, FPASD-1, FQPR-2, FQPR-3, FMPPB-3, FA2K105
and FA2K1003, were used for further characterization.
Bacterized lentil seeds showed improved plant growth compared to untreated control (Table 2). A significant
difference in percentage of germination was observed compared to control; values ranged between 14.18 to
38.36%. Isolates exhibiting improved seed germination also supported improved root and shoot length (Table 3).
Seeds coated with bacterial isolates derived from soil representing modern farming practices (MFB-1R-3) showed
maximum germination (38.36%), root length (9.41 cm) and shoot length (2.83 cm). On the contrary, seeds coated
with bacterial isolates derived from Leh soil (FA2K1003) showed minimum seed germination (14.18%), root
length (9.41 cm) and shoot length (2.83 cm) compared to control (Table 3). Seed bacterization (or seed coating)
has proven to be a method of choice for studying bacterial growth promotion and biological control of plant
diseases including pre emergence and post-emergence diseases.In this study, seed treatment with the bacterial
isolates significantly improved seed emergence together with plant root and shoot length.
Functional attributes of bacteria: Except MFA-1R3, all other bacterial isolates were positive for siderophore
production, phosphate solubilization and indole acetic acid production (Table 2) but were negative for HCN.
Isolate MFB-1 R-3 produced highest level of IAA in liquid broth (33.55 µg ml-1) and FA2K1003, the least (1.75 µg
In vitro fungal growth inhibition assay: Under in vitro condition, five isolates restricted growth of test fungus
G. lividans in dual culture test. Inhibition level was 31.5% for MFB-1 R-3 and 39.4% for FA2K1003. Growth of
Colletotrichum dematium was inhibited by five bacterial isolates with a value of 22.5% for MFB-1 R-3 and 47.5%
for FPA SD-1. Growth of F. solani was inhibited by all nine bacterial isolates; inhibition level ranged from 7.14%
to 52.3% (Table 3).
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Table 2: Growth promotory potential of selected bacterial isolates in a paper towel assay
on lentil (Lens esculentus var. PL 406)
Isolates IAA (
g ml-1)
Seed germination
(%) 3d
Root length (cm)
Shoot length (cm)
Control 53.252 1.70 3.29
MFA-1 SD-2 1.80±0.21 68.31 4.19 12.60
MFA-1R-3 6.22±0.19 73.62 2.04 10.40
MFB-R-3 33.55±0.37 73.62 4.53 12.70
FPA-SD-1 2.88±0.31 73.62 2.98 11.50
FQP R-2 2.25±0.48 68.31 2.80 10.90
FQP R-3 1.83±0.29 66.17 3.21 12.20
FMP PB-3 6.31±0.27 66.17 3.57 11.50
FA2K10513.55±0.16 68.31 2.45 12.52
FA2K1051.75±0.24 60.77 1.99 9.45
CD at 5% - 7.79 0.623 1.77
SEm - 2.80 0.224 0.640
Table 3: In vitro antagonistic behaviour of select bacterial isolates against
phytopathogenic fungi
Percent inhibition of growth (%)
Isolates G. lividens C. dematium F. solani
MFA-1 SD-2 ND ND 35.70±0.77
MFA-1R-3 34.00±0.19 ND 42.80±0.58
MFB-R-3 31.50±0.82 22.50±0.58 45.02±0.24
FPA-SD-1 36.80±0.56 47.50±0.24 52.30±0.16
FQP R-2 ND ND 19.00±0.29
FQP R-3 ND ND 23.80±0.17
FMP PB-3 36.80±0.12 25.00±0.16 7.14±0.13
FA2K105ND 32.50±0.29 40.00±0.26
FA2K100339.40±0.77 25.00±0.17 33.30±0.12
Based on dual culture
In vitro fungal growth inhibition assay showed variable antagonism against G. lividans, C. dematium and F.
solani. There is considerable evidence to suggest that there is unlimited diversity of genetically dissimilar
microorganisms in the rhizosphere, among which communities, suppressive to plant pathogens are abundant in
the soil.
Biological control of pathogenic and other deleterious microorganisms in soil-root interface is often attributed to
antibiosis where antibiotics produced by Gram -ve and Gram +ve antagonistic bacteria play direct role in disease
suppression. In this study, isolates were prominent antagonistic against F. solani. The highly effective disease-
suppressive fluorescent pseudomonad species strains owe their suppressive potential to antibiotics produced in the
rhizosphere. Phenazine derivatives were the first antibiotics implicated in biocontrol produced by fluorescent
pseudomonads, such as Pseudomonas fluorescens and P. aureofaciens. Several other antibiotics and
antimicrobials are produced in the rhizosphere by P. fluorescens, including HCN, 2, 4-diacetylphloroglucinol
(DAPG), and pyoluteorin, which directly interfere with growth of various pathogens and contribute to disease
suppression (Dwivedi and Johri 2003 ).
From a more general perspective, the diversity within populations of antagonistic microorganisms with a common
biocontrol trait is a means to improving biocontrol.
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This approach builds on existing knowledge of mechanisms while exploiting genetic differences that have
evolved to enable microbial populations to compete successfully in diverse soil and rhizosphere environments.
Understanding the diversity within populations of biocontrol agents holds the promise of pairing specific
genotypes with their most supportive plant hosts or soil environments to maximize root colonization and disease
suppression. Finally, establishing the presence and functionality of individual populations within a particular soil
is just one first step toward fully understanding the nature of suppressiveness within that soil. Ultimately, the
parameters within which the activities of functionally important microbial populations combine to produce a
suppressive soil also must be defined. To identify those parameters, new and more detailed studies will be
required to characterize the soil structure and composition, the environmental conditions under which suppression
occurs, the molecular interactions among functionally important populations under different conditions, and the
biogeography and population dynamics of beneficial as well as pathogenic microbial populations in the field.
Because of the complexity of field soils, high through put methods will be required to adequately characterize
these populations, but the pay-off will be worth the effort. The future studies of biologically based soil
suppressiveness will present new insights in to the microbial ecology of agricultural soils and lay the foundation
for the development of creative management strategies for the suppression of soil borne diseases.
The author wish to thank to chairmain Mr Harish Arora and Vicechairperson Mrs Rani arora of SIPAS, Dehradun.
We acknowledge the sincere thanks to Dean life science and Principal SIPAS for providing us research facilities.
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... Solubilizing efficiency (% S.E) Where; Z = Solubilization zone (mm); C = Colony diameter (mm) Quantitative estimation of Indole acetic acid (IAA) production from rhizobacteria IAA production was detected as described by Agrawal et al., 2011;Agrawal and Agrawal, (2013). Each bacterium was cultured in nutrient broth medium and incubated at 28˚C for 48 h in a shaker incubator. ...
... A total of six isolates were able to produce auxin ranging from 5 to 11 µg ml -1 in the presence of the precursor L-tryptophan in the medium. Agrawal et al., (2011) reported PGPB isolate MFB-1 R-3 produced highest level of IAA in liquid broth (33.55 µg ml -1 ) and FA 2 K100 3 , the least (1.75 µg ml -1 ). In a study carried by Shukla et al., (2012) it was reported that an isolate of Pseudomonas sp designated as KS51 showed the properties of PGPR such as production of IAA (8 µg ml -1 day -1 ) and was also a potent degrader of naphthalene (78.44%) and anthracene (63.53%) as determined by HPLC analysis. ...
... The isolates were also subjected to siderophore production test. Siderophores are low molecular weight, extracellular compounds with a high affinity for ferric iron, that are secreted by microorganisms to take up iron from the environment (Sharma and Johri, 2003;Agrawal et al., 2011) and their mode of action in suppression of diseases were thought to be solely based on competition for iron with the pathogen (Bakker et al., 1987;Duijff et al., 1997). The siderophore production potential was measured by calculating the siderophore production index from the clear zone formed in CAS dye media. ...
... Solubilizing efficiency (% S.E) Where; Z = Solubilization zone (mm); C = Colony diameter (mm) Quantitative estimation of Indole acetic acid (IAA) production from rhizobacteria IAA production was detected as described by Agrawal et al., 2011;Agrawal and Agrawal, (2013). Each bacterium was cultured in nutrient broth medium and incubated at 28˚C for 48 h in a shaker incubator. ...
... A total of six isolates were able to produce auxin ranging from 5 to 11 µg ml -1 in the presence of the precursor L-tryptophan in the medium. Agrawal et al., (2011) reported PGPB isolate MFB-1 R-3 produced highest level of IAA in liquid broth (33.55 µg ml -1 ) and FA 2 K100 3 , the least (1.75 µg ml -1 ). In a study carried by Shukla et al., (2012) it was reported that an isolate of Pseudomonas sp designated as KS51 showed the properties of PGPR such as production of IAA (8 µg ml -1 day -1 ) and was also a potent degrader of naphthalene (78.44%) and anthracene (63.53%) as determined by HPLC analysis. ...
... The isolates were also subjected to siderophore production test. Siderophores are low molecular weight, extracellular compounds with a high affinity for ferric iron, that are secreted by microorganisms to take up iron from the environment (Sharma and Johri, 2003;Agrawal et al., 2011) and their mode of action in suppression of diseases were thought to be solely based on competition for iron with the pathogen (Bakker et al., 1987;Duijff et al., 1997). The siderophore production potential was measured by calculating the siderophore production index from the clear zone formed in CAS dye media. ...
... Molecular advances in the field of microbiology are being continuously explored so as to bring about a complete knowledge of convoluted bio-chemical interactions that usually take place in rhizosphere. Till date, microbial taxonomists have used several approaches in order to distinguish rhizo-bacterial diversity and PGPR isolates up to species level; one among such being molecular approach (Agrawal et al., 2011). Several investigations like DNA base ratio (mole % G + C) analysis, DNA-DNA hybridisation, DNA microarray, reverse sample genome probing, 16 s rRNA sequencing and amplified rDNA restriction analysis are employed in evaluating microbial diversity for molecular studies (Muyzer et al., 1993). ...
... Comparative examination of 16 sRNA gene as a microbial tool was incorporated by Woese (1987). This small sized subunit of the genome was chosen as a model molecule for the following reasons: (i) homogeneity in presence and action (ii) possessing highly conserved, variable along with hypervariable sequenced regions make it an important for identification unto species level (iii) nonetheless restricted to only 1500 bases, still comfortably sequenceable and, adequate sufficient for identification and evolutionary analysis (Spratt, 2004;Agrawal et al., 2011). ...
Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) are associated both with the rhizosphere and/or may be non-rhizospheric. The present study isolation, screening and molecular characterisation of PGPR from the potato cultivars Kufri sindhuri, Kufri chipsona-3 and Kufri lauvkar. These isolates were screened for their traits like production of indole acetic acid (IAA), ammonia, hydrogen cyanide (HCN), siderophore presence, phosphate solubilisation (P-solubilisation) and also antifungal activity. All the bacterial isolates were found positive for P-solubilisation, IAA, ammonia and siderophore production. Bacillus amyloliquefaciens followed by Pseudomonas brassicacearum showed highest P-solubilisation and IAA production whereas HCN production was found in three isolates. Certain species of Bacillus and Pseudomonas were showing antifungal activity against Pythium sp. and Fusarium sp. Phylogentic relationship among the identified PGPR as a phylogenetic tree was generated by neighbour joining approach with the help of MEGA 6.06 version and UPGMA dendogram constructed. When compared PGPR isolates, PB12, PR3 and PR1 were found to be closely associated and PB10 and PB11 were distantly related. Mycorrhizal fungi are symbionts forming mutualistic relationship with plant roots. In this study, surface-sterilized potato tubers were sown in earthen pots filled with sterile soil. Pots were inoculated with AMF along with the PGPRs and another half without any AMF and PGPRs inoculation representing control. Inoculation was done twice 3 days before sowing the tubers and on the onset of seedling emergence. Plants along with their controls were sampled at 90 days after planting (DAP). The potato growth parameters including the tuber yield had increased by using arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) bioinoculants in interplay with PGPRs under pot culture conditions. AMF and PGPRs are environmentally friendly and are known to offer sustainable approach in increasing the production of crop.
... Some members of the group are diazotrophs and B. subtilis was isolated from the rhizosphere of a range of plant species at concentration as high as 10 7 per gram of rhizosphere soil. Bacillus species have been reported to promote the growth of a wide range of plants however; they are very effective in the biological control of many plant microbial diseases (Agrawal et al., 2011;Kokalis-Burelle et al., 2002 (Fowler et al., 2003). Bacillus megaterium KL39, a biocontrol agent of red-pepper Phytophthora blight disease, produces an antifungal antibiotic active against a broad range of plant pathogenic fungi (Jung et al., 2003). ...
... Among the PGPR, fluorescent pseudomonads are the most exploited bacteria for biological control of soil borne and foliar plant pathogens. Among the various isolates tested, P. fluorescens isolate Pf1 effectively inhibited mycelial growth of the pathogen in vitro conditions and decreased the fruit rot incidence under greenhouse conditions (Raguchander et al., 2001, Agrawal et al., 2011. The application of biocontrol PGPR strains has given promising results in cereals, vegetables, fruit and ornamental plant production under glass house and field conditions (Kloepper et al., 2000). ...
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At a molecular level, plants are rather leaky. They are perpetually sloughing off cells, leaking moisture, nutrients, carbohydrates and other compounds. Because the plant roots provide food, shelter and energy, areas of very high biological diversity are found directly on roots and the areas next to them. This area is collectively called the rhizosphere. The role of rhizobia, mycorrhizae, biological control organisms, and the whole of the soil food web in maintaining soil quality for crop production have been reported by various researchers. However, rhizobia and mycorrhizae are just a small portion of the total biodiversity in the soil. Although our knowledge has increased, we remain woefully ignorant about soil biology. There is a group of soil bacteria known as plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR). Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) are naturally occurring soil bacteria that aggressively colonize plant roots and benefit plants by providing growth promotion. Inoculations of crop plants with certain strains of PGPR at an early stage of development improve biomass production through direct effects on root and shoot growth. Inoculation of agricultural crops with PGPR may result in multiple effects on early-season plant growth, as seen in the enhancement of seedling germination, plant vigor, plant height, shoot weight, and nutrient content of shoot tissues. PGPR are reported to influence the growth, yield and nutrient uptake by an array of mechanisms. There has been much research interest in PGPR and there is now an increasing number of PGPR being commercialized for various crops. Several reviews have discussed specific aspects of growth promotion by PGPR. In this review, we have discussed various bacteria which act as PGPR, mechanisms and the desirable properties exhibited by them.
... Indole acetic acid (IAA) production was detected as described by Agrawal et al., (2011). Bacterial cultures were grown for 48hours on the nutrient broth at 37±2 °C. ...
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Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) influence the plant growth by various direct or indirect mechanisms. To look for efficient PGPR strains having multiple activities, total 28 bacterial isolates were isolated from different rhizospheric soil of tomato crop in the vicinity of Dehradun. The bacterial isolates were biochemically characterized and screened in vitro for their plant growth promoting traits like production of indole acetic acid (IAA), phosphate solubilization, hydrogen cyanide (HCN), siderophore and catalase. Total 5 bacterial isolates of Bacillus showed potential PGPR activities. The productions of indole acetic acid (IAA) by all rhizobacteria were investigated as important mechanism for plant growth stimulation. All rhizobacterial isolates produced IAA in vitro by the addition of L-tryptophan, in the culture medium. All rhizobacterial isolates in comparison with the control, also showed increment in both the shoot and the roots of tomato seedlings. PGPR were tested for seed germination and seedling vigour by using tomato seeds in roll towel method. Generally, the seed germination ranged from 90 percent (uninoculated control) to 97.5 percent. All the strains, HBS-VIII, FAR-IIIb, HBR-II, GAR-III and HBR-VII significantly improved seed germination when compared to the uninoculated control (UIC). The isolate HBRVII showed significantly increased seed germination (97.5%) and also shoot and root length as well as enhanced vigour index of 115.50, 714.35 after 6 and 16 days respectively. The rhizobacteria could exhibit more than two or three PGPR traits that promote plant growth directly or indirectly.
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The global necessity to increase agricultural production from a steadily decreasing and degrading land resource base has placed considerable strain on the fragile agro-ecosystems. Current strategies to maintain and improve agricultural productivity via highinput practices places considerable emphasis on ‘failsafe’ techniques for each component of the production sequence with little consideration to the integration of these components in a holistic, systems approach. While the use of mineral fertilizers is considered the quickest and surest way of boosting crop production, their cost and other constraints deter farmers from using them in recommended quantities. In recent years, concepts of integrated plant nutrient management (IPNM) have been developed, which emphasize maintaining and increasing soil fertility by optimizing all possible sources (organic and inorganic) of plant nutrients required for crop growth and quality. This is done in an integrated manner appropriate to each cropping system and farming situation. Improvement in agricultural sustainability requires optimal use and management of soil fertility and soil physical properties, both of which rely on soil biological processes and soil biodiversity. An understanding of microbial diversity perspectives in agricultural context, is important and useful to arrive at measures that can act as indicators of soil quality and plant productivity. In this context, the long-lasting challenges in soil microbiology are development of effective methods to know the types of microorganisms present in soils, and to determine functions which the microbes perform in situ. This review describes some recent developments, particularly in India, to understand the relationship of soils and plants with the diversity of associated bacteria, and traces contributions of Indian scientists in isolating and defining the roles of plant growth promoting bacteria to evolve strategies for their better exploitation
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The ways in which plant growth promoting rhizobacteria facilitate the growth of plants are considered and discussed. Both indirect and direct mechanisms of plant growth promotion are dealt with. The possibility of improving plant growth promoting rhizobacteria by specific genetic manipulation is critically examined.Key words: plant growth promoting rhizobacteria, PGPR, bacterial fertilizer, soil bacteria.The ways in which plant growth promoting rhizobacteria facilitate the growth of plants are considered and discussed. Both indirect and direct mechanisms of plant growth promotion are dealt with. The possibility of improving plant growth promoting rhizobacteria by specific genetic manipulation is critically examined.Key words: plant growth promoting rhizobacteria, PGPR, bacterial fertilizer, soil bacteria.
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Metabolite production was investigated in four bacterial strains that promoted (plant growth promoting rhizobacteria -PGPR-, B. licheniformis, isolate B.12 and B. pumilus isolate B.3) or inhibited (deleterious rhizobacteria -DRB-, P. fluorescens bv II, isolates P.9 and P.20) growth of nodulated and non-nodulated Alnus glutinosa seedlings. These strains were isolated and characterized from the rhizosphere of a natural alder population, and their biological effects on plant growth determined on previous studies. Biological assays were performed to confirm the observed effects on aerial length (AL), aerial surface (AS), number of leaves (ML) and total nitrogen (TN). According to the high resolution gas chromatography (HRGC) results, PGPR strains produced auxin-like (IAA-1) compounds at levels of 1.736 and 1.790 mg IAA-1 L-1 culture growth medium; however, they did not produce HCN. These compounds are derived from IAA and not from the Trp originated by peptide degradation in culture media. The promoting effect is evidenced when comparing the effects of IAA and the filtered bacterial growth culture medium to control (increases of 64% in aerial surface, 277% in total N content and 32% in aerial length). The deleterious strains produced HCN (1.6 and 2.4 mg kg-1 detected in growth culture medium) and they did not produce IAA-1 compounds. The bacterial culture's -free of bacteria-inhibiting effects were 7% in aerial surface, 240% in total nitrogen content and 15% in aerial length. The results reported here suggest that the interactions that take place in the alder rhizosphere are in a delicate equilibrium. In view of this, the coexistence of PGPR and DRB strains in this environment is unquestionable, and does affect alder health in field conditions.
A group of root-associated bacteria, plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR), intimately interact with the plant roots and consequently influence plant health and soil fertility. Among these PGPR, fluorescent psuedomonads occur commonly in the rhizosphere of plants and help suppress disease establishment and spread. Psuedomonads suppress soil-borne fungal pathogens by producing antifungal metabolites such as pyoluteorin, pyrrolnitrin, phenazines, and 2,4-diacetyl phloroglucinol. In addition, psuedomonads can indirectly suppress fungal pathogens by scavenging iron in the rhizosphere environment through the release of siderophores. Considering the global significance of antifungal metabolites in disease suppression and consequent applicability of psuedomonads in biological control strategies, biosynthesis and regulation of these molecules is discussed in this review to high-light new developments in the subject.