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Assessing quality of maternity care in Hungary: Expert validation and testing of the mother-centered prenatal care (MCPC) survey instrument


Abstract and Figures

Background Instruments to assess quality of maternity care in Central and Eastern European (CEE) region are scarce, despite reports of poor doctor-patient communication, non-evidence-based care, and informal cash payments. We validated and tested an online questionnaire to study maternity care experiences among Hungarian women. Methods Following literature review, we collated validated items and scales from two previous English-language surveys and adapted them to the Hungarian context. An expert panel assessed items for clarity and relevance on a 4-point ordinal scale. We calculated item-level Content Validation Index (CVI) scores. We designed 9 new items concerning informal cash payments, as well as 7 new “model of care” categories based on mode of payment. The final questionnaire (N = 111 items) was tested in two samples of Hungarian women, representative (N = 600) and convenience (N = 657). We conducted bivariate analysis and thematic analysis of open-ended responses. ResultsExperts rated pre-existing English-language items as clear and relevant to Hungarian women’s maternity care experiences with an average CVI for included questions of 0.97. Significant differences emerged across the model of care categories in terms of informal payments, informed consent practices, and women’s perceptions of autonomy. Thematic analysis (N = 1015) of women’s responses identified 13 priority areas of the maternity care experience, 9 of which were addressed by the questionnaire. Conclusions We developed and validated a comprehensive questionnaire that can be used to evaluate respectful maternity care, evidence-based practice, and informal cash payments in CEE region and beyond.
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R E S E A R C H Open Access
Assessing quality of maternity care in
Hungary: expert validation and testing of
the mother-centered prenatal care (MCPC)
survey instrument
Nicholas Rubashkin
, Imre Szebik
, Petra Baji
, Zsuzsa Szántó
, Éva Susánszky
and Saraswathi Vedam
Background: Instruments to assess quality of maternity care in Central and Eastern European (CEE) region are scarce,
despite reports of poor doctor-patient communication, non-evidence-based care, and informal cash payments. We
validated and tested an online questionnaire to study maternity care experiences among Hungarian women.
Methods: Following literature review, we collated validated items and scales from two previous English-language surveys
and adapted them to the Hungarian context. An expert panel assessed items for clarity and relevance on a
4-point ordinal scale. We calculated item-level Content Validation Index (CVI) scores. We designed 9 new items concerning
informalcashpayments,aswellas7newmodel of carecategories based on mode of payment. The final questionnaire
(N= 111 items) was tested in two samples of Hungarian women, representative (N= 600) and convenience (N= 657). We
conducted bivariate analysis and thematic analysis of open-ended responses.
Results: Experts rated pre-existing English-language items as clear and relevant to Hungarian womens maternity care
experiences with an average CVI for included questions of 0.97. Significant differences emerged across the model of
care categories in terms of informal payments, informed consent practices, and womens perceptions of autonomy.
Thematic analysis (N= 1015) of womens responses identified 13 priority areas of the maternity care experience, 9 of
which were addressed by the questionnaire.
Conclusions: We developed and validated a comprehensive questionnaire that can be used to evaluate respectful
maternity care, evidence-based practice, and informal cash payments in CEE region and beyond.
Keywords: Questionnaire, Validation, Respectful maternity care, Informal payments, Hungary
Plain English summary
Women in Hungary and in the CEE region report negative
experiences with pregnancy care. It is unknown how com-
mon these experiences are. High numbers of women pay
their obstetricians with informal cash payments, some-
times called tips, in order to obtain higher quality care.
We dont know if, when women pay informally, they actu-
ally get higher quality care.
In order to quantitatively explore the experience of
quality maternity care in Hungary, we assembled a multi-
disciplinary expert panel to adapt English-language mater-
nity care surveys to the Hungarian context. We instructed
the experts to think broadly about all aspects of care that
may be important to women.
Generally, the experts found that English-language sur-
veys could be easily adapted, and they helped us narrow
the number of survey questions from 155 to 117. Because
the informal payment, or tipsystem, is specific to
Hungary, the experts developed new questions using Hun-
garian words to represent this practice. We then tested all
questions on two groups of post-partum Hungarian
women who use the internet: a random, representative
* Correspondence:
Departments of Global Health Sciences and Obstetrics, Gynecology, and
Reproductive Sciences, University of California at San Francisco, Mission Hall,
Box 1224, 550 16th Street, Third Floor, San Francisco, California 94158, USA
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Rubashkin et al. Reproductive Health (2017) 14:152
DOI 10.1186/s12978-017-0413-3
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
sample and another group recruited from online mater-
nity care forums.
We found that the new questions about informal cash
payments made sense to women and that women re-
ported more positive experiences with care when they
paid informally. Womens responses to an open-ended
question revealed that we addressed the majority of care
dimensions that mattered to them.
In conclusion, we developed a survey to comprehen-
sively explore the maternity care experience in Hungary.
Our survey process and questions may be useful to
explore the maternity systems of surrounding countries.
Article summary
We used a rigorous process to develop and validate a pa-
tient survey instrument that can evaluate womens expe-
riences in the Hungarian maternity care system.
No other survey has explored the connection between
informal cash payments and quality of maternity care in
the CEE region.
Survey development could have employed more active
users of the maternity system. Some care dimensions
important to women were not addressed by the survey.
Person-centered care has been associated with engender-
ing the most optimal relationship between patient and
provider in all medical specialties [1]. Balanced sharing of
information, individualized care plans, and continuous
emotional support are elements that have been shown to
improve birth care outcomes and increase satisfaction
with the birth experience [2, 3]. The World Health Orga-
nizations (WHO) vision for quality of care for pregnant
women and newborns mandates both the provision of
evidence-based medical services and curation of the ma-
ternal experience [4, 5]. However, in a systematic review
of 65 studies across 34 countries Bohren and colleagues
confirmed that few tools exist to measure the experience
of respect or mistreatment in maternity care [6].
While the CEE region demonstrates generally favor-
able maternal health indicators [7], Miteniece et al.s sys-
tematic review of 20 investigations into the regions
quality of maternity care confirmed the need to also as-
sess the professional, technical, and informational as-
pects of maternity care [8]. Birth care providers are
often trained with outdated curricula [9], resulting in
overapplication of non-evidence-based techniques.
Doctor-patient communication is often poor, with pro-
viders lacking the skills to interpret what mothers need
during pregnancy care [10, 11]. Women themselves play
an important role in the doctor-patient interaction
during pregnancy, including uptake of information, opti-
mizing health behaviors, and adherence to care. How-
ever, there is scarce information about whether women
in the CEE region have autonomy over their childbear-
ing experiences. Mitenice et al. conclude that the evi-
dence on these and other aspects of quality maternity
care in the CEE region are derived in large part from
qualitative designs, and few studies provide nationally
representative data [8].
To date, there have been conflicting quantitative inves-
tigations of the quality of maternity care in Hungary. In
a 1998 survey of academic obstetric departments,
Hagymasy found high levels of family-centered obstet-
rics, defined as involvement of fathers, an upright birth-
ing position, and skin-to-skin to contact [12]. In
contrast, a 2004 birth guide, compiled by surveying a
convenience sample of women and hospital staff, re-
vealed significant variations in the quality of information
provided to pregnant women and in respectful treatment
from staff [13].
Neither of these previous surveys explored the effects
of informal cash payments, even though in Hungary
more than 60% of pregnant women pay informally for
birth care [14]. Informal and formal cash payments may
affect quality of maternity care in terms of affordability
and accessibility of services. As with fee-for-service offi-
cial payment schemes, informal payments may generate
unnecessary use of services with doctors recommending
procedures in order to increase their income rather than
for therapeutic benefit [15, 16].Even though quantita-
tive data is lacking, qualitative studies from Serbia and
the Ukraine found that women pay informally to have a
chosenobstetrician attend their births, and that they
perceive many benefits to this continuity relationship-
mainly, receiving more respectful care [10, 17]. However,
given the lack of representative data to measure and
monitor the quality of maternity care, the extent to
which women actually benefit from these payments is
Investigators in the United States and in Canada have
used cross-sectional surveys to assess womens experi-
ences of quality maternity care, addressing issues of
evidence-based care, doctor-patient communication, and
the process of decision-making in birth. The American
survey Listening to Mothers 3 (LTM3) has been adminis-
tered three times to a representative cohort of U.S.
women [18]. Changing Childbirth in British Columbia
(CCinBC) incorporated items from LTM3 but also used
community-based participatory research methods to de-
velop new items pertaining to womens maternity care
preferences, their decision-making, and perceptions of
autonomy and respect [19, 20]. Given the existence of
high-quality, English-language survey items, we decided
to adapt and content validate these items for use in the
Rubashkin et al. Reproductive Health (2017) 14:152 Page 2 of 10
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Hungarian context with the primary aim of creating a
comprehensive questionnaire to explore quality mater-
nity care. Specifically, we examined quality care accord-
ing to the rates of obstetric procedures, several measures
of the experience of care, as well as the prevalence of in-
formal cash payments.
Survey construction
To create the first version of the questionnaire, we com-
bined the LTM3 and the CCinBC surveys. Duplicate
items and those specific to foreign systems (e.g., Ameri-
can health insurance) were excluded. We added a vali-
dated scale to measure womens role and ability to
participate in decision-making, the Mothers Autonomy
in Decision Making scale (MADM) developed by Vedam
and colleagues [19]. We adapted informal payment ques-
tions from a cross-country survey on general inpatients
The Hungarian maternity care system has similarities
to Canada and the United States. A national health in-
surance scheme covers Hungarian maternity services (as
in Canada), and a Hungarian woman has her choice of
private or public prenatal providers (as in Canada and
the U.S.). Like North America, providers are not re-
quired to be present for the births of their prenatal pa-
tients, in which case the on-callprovider attends the
birth. Unlike North America, in Hungary a pregnant
woman who desires to have her chosenprenatal pro-
vider present at her birth will informally contractwith
her physician for the extraservice of attending the
birth [22].
Informal cash payments pose several challenges to
quantitative exploration. First, informal cash payments
are usually unregistered, and no government data source
exists [23]. Second, Stepurko et al. found that respon-
dents frequently refuse to answer questions about infor-
mal payments [24]. Finally, a woman typically pays after
her delivery, making it challenging to explore associa-
tions with prenatal and birth outcomes that necessarily
happen prior to the payment [17]. Thus, we needed to
develop survey items that would be both culturally ac-
ceptable andat least in conceptprecede in time the
outcomes of interest.
Content validation
When designing instruments it is common to undertake
a validation process to provide evidence that the instru-
ment is relevant to the regional context. One approach
is to have experts judge the relationship between the
survey items and the theory on which the instrument is
based [25, 26]. We invited 31 lay and professional mater-
nity care content expertsincluding active users of the
systemto validate the comprehensiveness and regional
specificity of our questionnaire [27]. Experts were identi-
fied through purposive sampling of research, profes-
sional, and birth-advocacy networks to maximize
non-overlapping expertise [28]. Those experts who ac-
cepted our invitation were instructed on how to review
the survey items in light of the concept of women-cen-
tered care, focusing on issues of continuity of care,
doctor-patient communication, care preferences, and the
use of evidence-based techniques [3, 29]. We required
all experts to be bilingual in English and Hungarian.
The final survey instrument, The Mother-Centered
Pregnancy Care Survey, consisted of 111 items: 5
screening, 16 prenatal care, 35 birth care, 12 postpartum
care, 22 care preferences, 11 informal payments, 8
MADM scale items, 2 open-ended questions that in-
quired about the best and worst aspects of the experi-
ence of care. Among these, a total of 75 questions
collected information on elements of women-centered
care and were woven across the above domains.
The final questionnaire then underwent 5-way inde-
pendent translation, as has been first previously used in
Hungarian research, consisting of 3 independent transla-
tors who worked in parallel, followed by 1 translator
who reconciled and assembled these parallel versions,
and concluded by 1 final back translation of the recon-
ciled Hungarian version into English [30]. The final back
translation was checked for accuracy by an author who
is a native English speaker (NR). Four Hungarian mater-
nity care users beta-tested the survey for language,
length, clarity, and functionality.
Survey administration
With the help of mostly international private donors
without vested interests, a sum of $4300 US dollars was
raised to retain the survey firm Ipsos. Ipsos maintains a
panel of more than 70,000 members who are representa-
tive of Hungarian internet users for age, sex, and geo-
graphical location. We selected women between the ages
of 1845 with children under the age of 5 as the target
population (total available N= 7762).
Ipsos administered the survey to the target population
using a quota system to ensure a representative distribu-
tion regarding age, marital status, household size, educa-
tion level, monthly income, settlement, and marital
status. Balancing the resources available with the sample
size needed to conduct a robust analysis, Ipsos stopped
the invitations once a representative sample of 600
women was achieved. Ipsos also managed data collection
for a convenience sample (N= 657) obtained via social
media networks of birth and parenting organizations.
Recruitment lasted for the month of October 2014. All
Rubashkin et al. Reproductive Health (2017) 14:152 Page 3 of 10
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respondents gave informed consent prior to initiating
the survey.
The research team reviewed all numeric and qualitative
data supplied by the expert panel. We assessed inter-
rater agreement by using the content validity index
(CVI), summing the number of experts who rated an
item as highly relevant and clear (level 3 or 4) and divid-
ing by the total experts. We then averaged these scores
to generate an item-level CVI (I-CVI). We considered
items to be relevant and clear with an I-CVI score
greater than 0.8 [26]. We reviewed all comments with
equal attention, giving extra weight to repeat themes.
Revisions were done carefully in dialogue between a na-
tive English speaker (NR) and a native Hungarian
speaker (IS) in order to maintain clarity.
We compared demographic characteristics with two-
tailed z tests (for dummy variables) or Pearson Chi
(for categorical variables). We then compared the
amount of informal payments across groups by two-
tailed t or z tests (ANOVA). We employed STATA ver-
sion 14.1 for all statistical calculations. Responses to an
open-ended question What was the worst thing about
the care you received during your recent birth?under-
went thematic analysis [31]. Two authors (ZS and ES)
read through all the responses, categorized the content,
and then coded the content by hand in order to deter-
mine the frequency of different themes.
The Regional Ethics Committee of Semmelweis
University, Budapest (ref. number: 99/2014) approved
this study. Because participation in the study was volun-
tary and preserved the anonymity of the participants
with no invasive sampling techniques, the ethics
committee did not require a formal consent process.
Nonetheless, the survey opened with a discussion of
risks, benefits, and potential harms, and then stated that
by starting the survey a woman consented to participate.
Our research was conducted in full accordance with the
World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki.
Eleven of the 31 invited multi-disciplinary experts com-
pleted the entire validation process. The final panel
consisted of: research and a clinical psychologists [2];
obstetrician-gynecologists [2]; a lawyer expert in birth is-
sues [1]; directors of non-governmental organizations
[2]; a midwife [1]; a doula [1]; an epidemiologist [1]; a
mother [1]. One of the psychologists runs a support
group for new mothers, and the NGO directors lead ini-
tiatives on expanding pregnancy and birth options. The
doula herself is a mother and has supported birthing
mothers in Hungary. Thus, 6 of the 11 experts had per-
sonal experiences as, or close relationships with active
users of Hungarian maternity care.
Figure 1 summarizes the survey development and val-
idation process. Only 3 items scored below the com-
monly used I-CVI cut off at or below 0.8. The LTM3
question Is your baby during this time period living?
received an I-CVI of 0.8. Experts felt this question used
harsh language and might turn women away. Another
question from LTM3, Did you get your first prenatal
visit as early in your pregnancy as you wanted?scored
0.76; experts felt this question was not relevant to a so-
cialized health system. As a group the informal payment
questions received scores (I-CVI 0.93) above the cut off
for inclusion. However, experts consistently commented
on the lack of relevance to the intrapartum context of
Fig. 1 Survey development process
Rubashkin et al. Reproductive Health (2017) 14:152 Page 4 of 10
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Table 1 Nine new informal cash payment questions
Considering all types of official and informal cash payments, how much
IN TOTAL did you spend (out of pocket, in cash) related just to the
delivery of your baby? This refers to the amount of cash paid after your
prenatal visits concluded.
a. Total amount
b. I dont remember
c. Decline to answer
Beleértve az összes hivatalos díjat és nem hivatalos hálapénzt, mennyi
pénzt fizetett Ön (és családja) összesen a szülésért a saját zsebéből,
készpénzben? Ebbe az összegbe ne számítsa bele a szülést megelőző
vizitek árát akkor sem, ha a befizetett összeg után nem kapott számlát!
a. Teljes összeg: ezer FORINT
b. Nem emlékszem.
c. Nem kívánok válaszolni.
How much of this [X amount paid] for your birth was an informal cash
a. Total amount
b. I dont remember
c. Decline to answer
Ebből az összegből a hálapénz összege:
a. ezer FORINT
b. Nem emlékszem.
c. Nem kívánok válaszolni.
When you paid cash for your pregnancy and birth carein the private or
the public systemwhat did you expect to receive in return? Choose all
that apply.
I expected toYes/No (Select all that apply instead of Yes/No)
a. Receive better quality care
b. Obtain more attention from the staff
c. Find a more skilled physician and/or midwife
d. Wait less time to get an appointment
e. Have better access to my doctor and/or midwife
f. Have my chosen doctor or midwife attend my birth
g. Have more control over my care
h. Because I felt thankful for care I received.
i. Get nothing in return. I felt is was required to pay.
j. Other [text box]
Amikor hálapénzt fizetett a szülésért mit várt el a pénzéért cserébe? Több
választ is bejelölhet. Igen-nel és Nem-mel felelhet.
Azt vártam, hogy...
a. jobb minőségűellátást kapjak.
b. több figyelmet kapjak a személyzettől.
c. jobb orvost és/vagy szülésznőt kapjak.
d. kevesebbet kelljen várnom arra, hogy időpontot kapjak.
e. jobb hozzáférésem legyen az orvosomhoz és/vagy szülésznőmhöz.
f. a választott orvosom vagy szülésznőm legyen jelen a szülésemnél.
g. legyen beleszólásom az ellátásomba.
h. Azért fizettem, mert hálás voltam az ellátásért, amit kaptam.
i. Nem vártam semmit viszonzásképpen. Muszáj volt fizetnem.
j. Egyéb: a fentiektől eltérődolgot vártam:
When did you make the informal cash payment for your delivery?
a. Before I gave birth
b. After I gave birth while I was in the hospital
c. After I gave birth and went for a visit to the clinic
d. I dont remember
Mikor fizetett Ön hálapénzt a szüléséért?
a. A szülés előtt.
b. A szülés után, amíg még a kórházban voltam.
c. A szülés után, amikor vizsgálatra/ellenőrzésre mentem.
d. Nem emlékszem.
You spent [x amount] for all of your prenatal visits and birth care, formal
and informal. Was it necessary to borrow cash from family or friends, the
bank or from a credit card, or sell personal assets to cover this cost?
a. Yes
b. No
c. I dont remember
Ön összesen (beleértve a hivatalos összegeket és a hálapénzt is) forintot
költött a várandósgondozásra és a szülésre. Kellett ehhez kölcsönkérnie
pénzt családtagoktól vagy barátoktól, esetleg banki kölcsönt felvennie
vagy hitelkártyán túlköltenie, vagy eladni valamilyen személyes tárgyat/
tulajdont, hogy ki tudja fizetni ezt az összeget?
a. Igen.
b. Nem.
c. Nem emlékszem.
You paid an informal payment during your prenatal care or for your birth.
Did your provider ask you to pay a specific amount, or did they leave it
up to you to decide how much to pay?
a. Yes, they asked for a specific amount.
b. No, they let me decide how much to pay.
c. I dont remember
Amennyiben fizetett hálapénzt a várandósgondozás alatt és a szülésért,
kérte Öntől az szülészeti ellátója, hogy fizessen egy bizonyos összeget
vagy Önre bízta, hogy mennyit fizet?
a. Igen, kértek egy bizonyos összeget.
b. Nem, rám bízták, hogy mennyit fizetek.
c. Nem emlékszem
You paid [x] amount in total for informal cash payments during your
prenatal care and birth. To whom did you make this informal cash
payments? Choose all that apply.
a. A doctor in the clinic
b. A nurse in the clinic
c. A doctor in the hospital
d. A nurse in the hospital
e. A midwife in the hospital
f. A midwife at home
g. Other
h. I dont remember
Ön ezer forint hálapénzt fizetett a várandósgondozásért és a szülésért.
Kinek adta ezt a hálapénzt? Jelölje be azokat a személyeket, akinek adott
pénzt! Több személyt is megjelölhet.
a. Egy orvosnak a rendelőben.
b. Egy nővérnek a rendelőben.
c. Egy orvosnak a kórházban.
d. Egy nővérnek a kórházban.
e. Egy szülésznőnek a kórházban.
f. Egy otthonszülést kísérőbábának.
g. Másnak.
h. Nem emlékszem.
You said that you paid [x amount] in informal cash payments for your
pregnancy and birth care. How did you feel about this informal cash
Very negative/ Somewhat negative/ Indifferent/ Somewhat positive/ Very
Amennyiben fizetett hálapénzt a várandósgondozás alatt és a szülésért,
hogyan érintette Önt, hogy fizetnie kellett?
Nagyon rosszul érintett / Kicsit rosszul érintett / Közömbösen /
Meglehetősen pozitívan érintett / Nagyon pozitívan érintett
During your recent birth while in the hospital or at home, how often
were you treated poorly because of? Check all that apply.
a. Your race, ethnicity, cultural background or language spoken
b. Your financial situation
A legutóbbi vajúdásánál és szülésénél - akár kórházban zajlott, akár otthon
- milyen gyakran bántak Önnel igazságtalanul az alábbi okokból? Jelölje
meg az összeset, amely igaz. Több választ is bejelölhet.
Rubashkin et al. Reproductive Health (2017) 14:152 Page 5 of 10
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questions developed for general inpatients. Table 1 lists
the nine new informal payment questions that we devel-
oped with expert input.
After the informal payment questions the next most
challenging group of items referred to the overlap be-
tween payments and the model of care (doctor, midwife).
Experts decided that the process of paying a provider in-
formally hinged on the model that the majority of
women select prior to delivery. In accordance with pre-
vious research and their own system knowledge, experts
then decided to use the word chosen(választott)to
refer to the continuity prenatal relationship that women
pay for informally. The word chosenwas then applied
to the private and public models of care to yield three
models of chosen doctor care and one model of chosen
(hospital) midwifery care. Two models of not chosen
care represented the default model provided by the state
insurance system. Independent home birth midwifery
was its own category. These linguistic results are shown
in Table 2.
Ipsos field tested the survey and confirmed that the
duration of participant engagement required approxi-
mately 30 min. Altogether, Ipsos sent 892 e-mail invita-
tions to their panel with a response rate of 67%. Reasons
for drop out were: 14 (1.6%) quota full, 115 (12.9%)
screened out, 163 (18.3%) terminated the survey. In
addition, 657 completed surveys were obtained through
convenience internet sampling. Table 3 shows demo-
graphic indicators for the sample with the corresponding
most recent census data listed below the table. Overall,
the representative sample compared well to recent
census data. Pearson Chi
statistics show that the con-
venience sample was statistically significantly more
highly educated women (Chi
= 341.8, p< 0.0001), lived
in the capital (Chi
= 128.2, p< 0.0001), and had higher
average net incomes (t=16.02, p< 0.0001).
Table 4 reveals the informal payment practices in the
representative sample according to the model of care
categories. Excluding the categories with fewer than five
respondents, we see that the response percentages to the
informal payment question ranged between 75 and 86%.
Pearson Chi
statistics showed that the share of women
who paid informally was significantly different across the
groups (Chi
= 183.6; p< 0.0001). ANOVA test shows
that the amount of informal payment is also significantly
different across groups (F = 6.73, p< 0.0001).
Regarding informed consent practices, Table 5 shows
the responses from the representative sample as to
whether a womans permission was obtained prior to
undergoing a cesarean (N= 244) or an episiotomy (N=
257). Pearson Chi
statistics showed that the permission
practices were significantly different across provider types
for cesarean section (Chi
=39.2, p= 0.003) but were not
significantly different for episiotomy (Chi
=18.6, p=
0.414). MADM scores were significantly different across
permission categories (ANOVA results for caesarean: F =
14.50, p< 0.0001, for episiotomy: F = 10.34 p< 0.0001).
Table 6 shows the coded results from an open-ended
question from LTM3. Thematic analysis of the open-
ended responses (N= 1015) from the entire sample iden-
tified 13 priority areas of the maternity care experience,
9 of which were addressed by the questionnaire.
Table 1 Nine new informal cash payment questions (Continued)
c. Your sexual orientation or gender identity
d. You refused care that your provider recommended
e. Because you developed a birth plan
f. Because you did not pay an informal cash payment
Never/ Sometimes/ Usually/ Always
a. Az Ön bőrszíne, nemzetiségi hovatartozása, kultúrális háttere,
anyanyelve miatt?
b. Az Ön anyagi helyzete miatt?
c. Az Ön szexuális orientációja vagy nemi identitása miattt?
d. Azért, mert Ön visszautasította a szülészeti ellátója javaslatait?
e. Azért, mert Ön szülési tervvel érkezett?
f. Azért, mert Ön nem adott hálapénzt?
Table 2 Model of care categories with linguistic results
Which of these providers was the most important
source of your prenatal care?
Hungarian linguistic adaptation of model of care
Convenience N
= 657 (%)
Representative N
= 600 (%)
Chosen doctor in a private hospital system választott orvos magánkórházban 10 (1.5) 2 (0.3)
Chosen doctor in a private practice választott orvos magánrendelésen 287 (43.8) 167 (28.0)
Chosen doctor in a state institute választott orvos állami intézményben 119 (18.1) 184 (30.8)
Chosen hospital midwife választott (kórházi) szülésznő78 (11.9) 28 (4.7)
Independent (home birth) midwife független bába 82 (12.5) 3 (0.5)
I did not choose a doctor, just went to my local
nem választottam orvost, a helyi rendelőintézetbe/
szakrendelőbe jártam
68 (10.4) 155 (26.0)
District public health nurse védőnő12 (1.8) 58 (9.7)
I did not go to prenatal care nem jártam várandósgondozásra 1 3 (0.5)
Rubashkin et al. Reproductive Health (2017) 14:152 Page 6 of 10
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We used a standardized and rigorous methodology to de-
velop and validate a survey instrument that comprehen-
sively examined maternity care experiences in Hungary,
thus filling an important gap where no government-
sponsored data exists. The process included collating vali-
dated items from the international literature, adapting
them to the Hungarian context by expert panel, designing
region-specific new items, and validating the content. To
the best of our knowledge, no other group has undertaken
this task. We found that existing English-language survey
items concerning the experience of maternity care were
clear and relevant to the Hungarian context. This is likely
due to the fact that many of the issues related to excessive
obstetric procedures, poor communication, and the lack
of maternal autonomy that we found in Hungary are also
common in the United States and Canada [8, 18, 19].
Our expert process proved effective at identifying survey
domains that required additional adaptation. For example,
our maternity care experts identified that informal pay-
ment questions developed for general inpatients required
adaptation. Our expert panel integrated linguistic, system,
and user expertise to develop new survey items specific to
the CEE region. We believe this was a result of the collab-
oration across our diverse panel. Some argue that content
experts should have significant research or clinical experi-
ence. However, inclusion of layexperts has been found
to be appropriate in many situations [27] and is consistent
with the principles of patient-centered research [32].
To test reliability, we administered the survey to two
samples of service users: a randomly selected representa-
tive sample and a parallel convenience sample. The instru-
ment performed well in both groups: it was user friendly,
feasible to distribute in an online format, and captured in-
formation on several domains relevant to maternal experi-
ence of care during pregnancy and childbirth.
In our 30-min survey 67% of the items addressed is-
sues of person-centered care. We found that the extent
of informed consent and autonomy (MADM scores) var-
ied significantly across the model of care categories. We
also found lower MADM scores in the women who had
cesareans and episiotomies performed without their con-
sent. Lack of consent for procedures was a common
theme in the responses to the open-ended question.
These findings are discussed in detail in a separate paper
[33] and are supported by qualitative studies that show
that women pay informally to receive care that they per-
ceive to be more respectful [10, 17]. Analysis of our
model of care categories showed extensive overlap be-
tween informal payments and the use of the word
chosen. Women who went to their local clinic without
choosing a doctor paid informally 17% of the timethe
lowest frequency of all the models of care. We believe
Table 3 Social demographic indicators
N= 657
N= 600
Age Age in years (SD)
Min, Max
33.7 (4.18)
20, 47
33.3 (4.96)
21, 45
Less than <7 grade 0 17 (2.8)
Grade 8 0 16 (2.7)
Trade School 9 (1.3) 92 (15.3)
High School 91 (13.9) 244 (40.7)
College 256 (39.0) 167 (27.8)
University diploma 301 (45.8) 64 (10.7)
Capital 304 (46.3) 100 (16.7)
County Seat 95 (14.5) 124 (20.7)
City 151 (23.0) 200 (33.3)
Village 107 (16.3) 176 (29.3)
(thousands HUF)
Mean (SD) 374 (218) 209.23 (118)
Max 2250 875
Missing 39 (6.5)
Census data education, women age 2049: Less than high school 19.6%;
completed high school 39.5%; college degree and above 26.1%
Census data settlement, entire population: Capital 17.4%; County seat 20.4%;
city 31.7%; village 30.5%
Census data income, net household 2014: average 158 thousands of forints
Table 4 Informal payments by provider type, representative sample
Answered informal payment question,
Reported paying informally,
Av. amount of informal
Chosen doctor in a private hospital system 2 (100) 2 (100) 333 (236)
Chosen doctor in a private practice 125 (75) 102 (82) 210 (128)
Chosen doctor in a state institute 138 (75) 108 (78) 169 (103)
Chosen hospital midwife 24 (86) 22 (92) 203 (99)
Independent (home birth) midwife 3 (100) 0 (0)
I did not choose a doctor, just went to my local clinic 125 (81) 21 (17) 81 (45)
District public health nurse 50 (86) 10 (20) 118 (65)
I did not go to prenatal care 2 (67) 0 (0)
Total 469 (78) 265 (57) 180 (116)
Rubashkin et al. Reproductive Health (2017) 14:152 Page 7 of 10
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
the statistically significant different distribution of infor-
mal payments across the care categories validates these
categories for future research in Hungary and the CEE
region. Because informal payments may distort health
care services in ways that require policy intervention
[21], reliable survey items are necessary to evaluate their
effects [23].
Because we chose an expert validation process with-
out extensive community involvement, we may not
have addressed additional elements of mother-
centered care in this population. For example,
responses to the open-ended questions indicate
additional items could have addressed the physical
state of the maternity and newborn wards, newborn
care in general, and home birth. Additionally, internet
users may not be representative of the Hungarian
general population; a more representative sample
would require telephone or face-to-face interviewing.
Finally, given the challenges of surveying the broad
preferences and outcomes of the entire maternity sys-
tem, ideal distribution of our survey would capture
more pathways, especially for ethnic/minority and
poor women.
We developed a reliable and relevant survey instru-
ment to evaluate evidence-based care and maternal
experiences in Hungary. This survey instrument can
be easily adapted for use in other Central and Eastern
European countries, where informal payments, the
variable application of evidence, and concerns with
respectful provider-patient relationships are similar.
We plan to utilize the data resulting from this survey
to inform interprofessional education and elucidate
Table 5 Permission for cesarean (N= 244) or episiotomy (N= 257), representative sample
Yes, they asked and I
gave my permission.
No, they did not ask
my permission.
I refused the
procedure, but they
still did it.
I dont remember
Cesarean Episiotomy Cesarean Episiotomy Cesarean Episiotomy Cesarean Episiotomy
Chosen doctor in a private practice (%) 72 (91.1) 25 (35.2) 5 (6.3) 42 (59.2) 0 1 (1.4) 2 (2.5) 3 (4.2)
Chosen doctor in a state institute (%) 79 (90.8) 27 (35.5) 6 (6.) 45 (59.2) 0 0 2 (2.3) 4 (5.2)
Chosen hospital midwife in a private or state
clinic (%)
4 (57.1) 7 (41.2) 2 (28.6) 9 (52.9) 0 0 1 (14.3) 1 (5.9)
I did not choose a doctor, just went to my local
clinic (%)
37 (72.6) 16 (24.2) 9 (17.7) 46 (69.7) 1 (2.00) 1 (1.5) 4 (7.8) 3 (4.6)
District public health nurse (%) 14 (70.0) 8 (29.6) 6 (30.0) 18 (66.7) 0 0 0 1 (3.7)
Total (%) 206 (84.5) 83 (32.6) 28 (11.4) 160 (62.0) 1 (0.4) 2 (0.8) 9 (3.7) 12 (4.7)
MADM score Mean (SD) 26.9 (7.5) 28.1 (6.5) 19.0 (5.7) 22.3 (8.3) 23.5 (12.0) 18.4 (7.1) 23.7 (7.9)
Table 6 Thematic analysis of responses to open-ended question: What was the worst thing about the care you received during your
recent birth? (N= 1015)
Explored by any items in the final survey
1. No consent for interventions / interventions done against my wishes Yes
2. Painful interventions (vaginal examinations, cervix stretching, episiotomy) Yes
3. Doctor/midwife style Yes
4. Hurrying the labor Yes
5. I could not choose a comfortable position Yes
6. They did not help with breastfeeding Yes
7. Lacking information Yes
8. Did not allow support people to be present Yes
9. Problems with prenatal care Yes
10. Hospital condition (room, bed, food, bathroom) No
11. Newborn hospital unit No
12. Children could not be with me No
13. Told home birth was too dangerous No
Rubashkin et al. Reproductive Health (2017) 14:152 Page 8 of 10
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determinants of high quality maternity care in
Hungary. A survey similar to ours could be used to
regularly monitor trends in Hungarian maternity care
as well as for cross-country comparisons in the CEE
region, where representative data on quality maternity
care is lacking.
CCinBC: Changing Childbirth in British Columbia; CEE Region: Central and
Eastern European Region; CVI: Content Validity Index; LTM3: Listening to
Mothers 3; MADM: Mothers Autonomy in birth Decision Making scale
We would like to acknowledge our expert panel and translators, without
whom this research would not have been possible: Experts: Balazs Balint,
Agnes Czovek, Agnes Geréb, Nora Schimcsig, Katalin Varga, Erika Schmidt,
Stefania Kapronczay, Linda Roszik, Peter Lobmayer, Anna Iványi, Zuzana
Kriskova. Translators: János Hanák; Frigyes Tarján, Erika Solyom, Zsofia
Goreczky. Pilot testers: Anna Ternovszky, Zsuzsana Kertesz, Irén Móré and
Klára Ecsedi.
Funding for data collection was obtained through crowd sourcingvia the
internet website A proposal was posted on the website, and
individual private donors contributed funds. To mitigate conflict of interest,
we asked that no women who planned to participate in the study
contribute to the fund. These privately raised funds were used to retain the
survey firm Ipsos (Thaly Kalman utca 39, Budapest Hungary). Petra Bajis
research was supported by the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund OTKA (PD
112499). Nicholas Rubashkins research was supported by a Fulbright
research scholar grant.
Open access
The authors agree to make the supporting data available.
NR and IS were co-investigators during the entire survey validation and
analysis process. Dr. R drafted this paper and thus is first author. PB
contributed an economic perspective with survey items concerning informal
payments and analysis of the informal payments. She also conducted
statistical tests for the data contained herein. ZS and ÉS consulted on survey
sampling techniques and conducted the thematic analysis of the responses
to one of the open-ended questions. SV performed the role of supervising
researcher, working closely with Dr. R throughout the entire survey validation
and analysis process. She also edited drafts and approved the final
manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
Ethics approval and consent to participate
The Regional Ethics Committee of Semmelweis University, Budapest (ref.
number: 99/2014) approved this study. Because participation in the study
was voluntary and preserved the anonymity of the participants with no
invasive sampling techniques, the ethics committee did not require a formal
consent process. Nonetheless, the survey opened with a discussion of risks,
benefits, and potential harms and then stated that by starting the survey a
woman consented to participate. Our research was conducted in full
accordance with the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki.
Consent for publication
All authors consent to this articles publication.
Competing interests
The authors alone are responsible for the content and writing of this paper.
We declare no financial, political, intellectual, or religious interests in this
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Author details
Departments of Global Health Sciences and Obstetrics, Gynecology, and
Reproductive Sciences, University of California at San Francisco, Mission Hall,
Box 1224, 550 16th Street, Third Floor, San Francisco, California 94158, USA.
Institute of Behavioral Sciences, Semmelweis University, VIII. Nagyvárad tér 4.
XX. Em, Budapest H-1089, Hungary.
Department of Health Economics,
Corvinus University of Budapest, Fővám tér 8. Main Building Room E113,
Budapest 1093, Hungary.
The Birth Place Lab, Faculty of Medicine, The
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
Midwifery Program |
Department of Family Practice, Suite 320 - 5950 University Boulevard,
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z3, Canada.
Received: 9 June 2017 Accepted: 10 November 2017
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... The Mother's Autonomy in Decision Making (MADM) scale and Mothers on Respect index (MOR) are person-centered, validated, and reliable tools to capture the experiences and perceptions of birthing people in this comparative analysis (Vedam et al., 2017a(Vedam et al., , 2017bFeijen-de Jong et al., 2020;Rubashkin et al., 2017;Vedam et al., 2017aVedam et al., , 2017b. ...
... This scale has been evaluated as having strong psychometric properties, has been validated for variety of provider types and service users, and is appropriate to use with clients receiving care at a community birth center (Vedam et al., 2017a(Vedam et al., , 2017bFeijen-de Jong et al., 2019;Rubashkin et al., 2017). ...
Full-text available
Objective National studies report that birth center care is associated with reduced racial and ethnic disparities and reduced experiences of mistreatment. In the US, there are very few BIPOC-owned birth centers. This study examines the impact of culturally-centered care delivered at Roots, a Black-owned birth center, on the experience of client autonomy and respect. Methods To investigate if there was an association between experiences of autonomy and respect for Roots versus the national Giving Voice to Mothers (GVtM) participants, we applied Wilcoxon rank-sum tests for the overall sample and stratified by race. Results Among BIPOC clients in the national GVtM sample and the Roots sample, MADM and MORi scores were statistically higher for clients receiving culturally-centered care at Roots (MADM p < 0.001, MORi p = 0.011). No statistical significance was found in scores between BIPOC and white clients at Roots Birth Center, however there was a tighter range among BIPOC individuals receiving care at Roots showing less variance in their experience of care. Conclusions for Practice Our study confirms previous findings suggesting that giving birth at a community birth center is protective against experiences of discrimination when compared to care in the dominant, hospital-based system. Culturally-centered care might enhance the experience of perinatal care even further, by decreasing variance in BIPOC experience of autonomy and respect. Policies on maternal health care reimbursement should add focus on making community birth sustainable, especially for BIPOC provider-owners offering culturally-centered care.
... These levels of informed consent are notably low. However, the lack of informed consent for episiotomy is in line with what is found in other studies [40][41][42]. In Sweden, the use of episiotomy is low, especially in spontaneous vaginal Data are n(%) *Adjusted for "Swedish as native language", "fear of birth", "level of education" and "length of the second stage" ...
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Objectives To study informed consent to midwifery practices and interventions during the second stage of labor and to investigate the association between informed consent and experiences of these practices and interventions and women’s experiences of the second stage of labor. Methods This study uses an observational design with data from a follow-up questionnaire sent to women one month after giving birth spontaneously in the Oneplus trial, a study aimed at evaluating collegial midwifery assistance to reduce severe perineal trauma. The trial was conducted between 2018–2020 at five Swedish maternity wards and trial registered at, no NCT03770962. The follow-up questionnaire contained questions about experiences of the second stage of labor, practices and interventions used and whether the women had provided informed consent. Evaluated practices and interventions were the use of warm compresses held at the perineum, manual perineal protection, vaginal examinations, perineal massage, levator pressure, intermittent catheterization of the bladder, fundal pressure, and episiotomy. Associations between informed consent and women’s experiences were assessed by univariate and multivariable logistic regression. Findings Of the 3049 women participating in the trial, 2849 consented to receive the questionnaire. Informed consent was reported by less than one in five women and was associated with feelings of being safe, strong, and in control. Informed consent was further associated with more positive experiences of clinical practices and interventions, and with less discomfort and pain from interventions involving physical penetration of the genital area. Conclusion The findings indicate that informed consent during the second stage is associated with feelings of safety and of being in control. With less than one in five women reporting informed consent to all practices and interventions performed by midwives, the results emphasize the need for further action to enhance midwives’ knowledge and motivation in obtaining informed consent prior to performance of interventions.
... We describe elsewhere the multi-disciplinary expert content validation of North-American English-language survey items, 18,19 and adaptation to the Hungarian context, including developing new survey items that we used to identify the different informal payment arrangements women made to obtain continuity of care. 20 The expert content validation process rated highly the clarity and relevance of these English-language survey items, including the items from the Maternal Autonomy and Decision Making (MADM) scale. The study received ethical approval from the Semmelweis University Regional and Institutional Committee of Science and Research Ethics (Nr 99/2014) and was conducted in compliance with the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki. ...
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Introduction To describe and compare intervention rates and experiences of respectful care when Hungarian women opt to give birth in the community. Methods We conducted a cross‐sectional online survey (N = 1257) in 2014. We calculated descriptive statistics comparing obstetric procedure rates, respectful care indicators, and autonomy (MADM scale) across four models of care (public insurance; chosen doctor or chosen midwife in the public system; private midwife‐led community birth). We used an intention‐to‐treat approach. After adjusting for social and clinical covariates, we used logistic regression to estimate the odds of obstetric procedures and disrespectful care and linear regression to estimate the level of autonomy (MADM scale). Findings In the sample, 99 (7.8%) saw a community midwife for prenatal care. Those who planned community births had the lowest rates of cesarean at 9.1% (public: 30.4%; chosen doctor: 45.2%; chosen midwife 16.5%), induced labor at 7.1% (public: 23.1%; chosen doctor: 26.0%; chosen midwife: 19.4%), and episiotomy at 4.44% (public: 62.3%; chosen doctor: 66.2%; chosen midwife: 44.9%). Community birth clients reported the lowest rates of disrespectful care at 25.5% (public: 64.3%; chosen doctor: 44.3%; chosen midwife: 38.7%) and the highest average MADM score at 31.5 (public: 21.2; chosen doctor: 25.5; chosen midwife: 28.6). In regression analysis, community midwifery clients had significantly reduced odds of cesarean (0.35, 95% CI 0.16–0.79), induced labor (0.27, 95% CI 0.11–0.67), episiotomy (0.04, 95% CI 0.01–0.12), and disrespectful care (0.36, 95% CI 0.21–0.61), while also having significantly higher average MADM scores (5.71, 95% CI 4.08–7.36). Conclusions Hungarian women who plan to give birth in the community have low obstetric procedure rates and report greater respect, in line with international data on the effects of place of birth and model of care on experiences of perinatal care.
... No basta la traducción literal al español, sino que se debe asegurar que los constructos que se expresan en la cultura de origen sean aplicables, significativos y equivalentes (14) . Se han descrito diversas metodologías para resguardar los constructos, confiabilidad y validez del instrumento original en el nuevo contexto, conocido como validación transcultural (15,16) . ...
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Objetivos: Validar transculturalmente para contexto chileno, cuestionario en inglés que evalúa competencias comunicacionales empleadas por el odontólogo con sus pacientes. Métodos: Se realizaron seis etapas: traducción, panel de expertos, entrevistas cognitivas, adaptación en línea, método test y re-test, evaluando la consistencia interna y estabilidad, y retrotraducción al inglés. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de las variables sociodemográficas y un análisis descriptivo de los ítems del cuestionario considerando la media de las puntuaciones, desviación estándar y proporción de respuestas positivas, neutras y negativas. Resultados: 70 participantes contestaron el cuestionario (42 mujeres y 28 hombres, edad promedio 38 años). Las entrevistas cognitivas y comité de expertos permitieron hacer adaptaciones a la cultura chilena. Con respecto a la consistencia interna y estabilidad del cuestionario, el valor obtenido para α-Cronbach fue mayor a 72% y λ-Guttman mayor a 81%. Para la estabilidad del cuestionario el coeficiente de correlación Spearman fue de 72% y los coeficientes de concordancia fueron mayores a 76% (valor-p<0,05). Conclusiones: El cuestionario sobre la literacidad de salud oral en el contexto chileno es válido desde la perspectiva de la adaptación transcultural y confiable desde la perspectiva de la consistencia interna y estabilidad.
... Many studies on maternal satisfaction, maternal perception, and malnutrition in prenatal or postnatal care have been conducted in different hospitals around the world, leading to the development of reliable and valid tools, especially in developing countries where health care is poorer. The development of these tools has conducted to the design or confirmation of their validity and reliability 8,10 , providing essential inputs to care teams and healthcare providers. ...
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Background: Mothers' perceptions of the quality and quantity of care they have received and their relationship with healthcare personnel significantly impact continuity of care and future referrals. This study evaluated the psychometric dimensions of the Iranian version of the Mothers' Perception of Postpartum Health Care questionnaire in comprehensive health centers. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study in which the questionnaire was administered to 250 women from different comprehensive health centers. First, the questionnaire was translated verbatim from English to Persian. Then, we evaluated the face, content, structural validity, and reliability of the questionnaire. Results: The results showed that this questionnaire's face, content, structure validity, and reliability were adequate. Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the entire questionnaire was 0.668. The interclass correlation coefficient was 0.688, which confirmed divergent validity. Conclusions: Mothers' Perception of Postpartum Health Care questionnaire in comprehensive health centers is valid and reliable for measuring maternal perception of these vital services.
... The terminologies were positive childbirth experience, women-centered care, humanizing birth, family-centered maternity care and compassionate and respectful maternity care. [5][6][7][8][9][10] The other researchers used the converse of those terminologies like; disrespect, abuse, and mistreatment during childbirth. [11][12][13][14] But person-centered maternity care scale which has 3 dimensions and 30 components is now a valid and comprehensive tool to measure the maternal experience of person-centered maternity care quantitatively in developing settings. ...
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Background: Globally, less attention has been given to the abuse and disrespect observed during maternity care. Person-centered maternity care is providing care that is respectful and responsive to individual women’s preferences and needs and that their values guide all clinical decisions during childbirth. In Ethiopia, person-centered health care is one of the factors that increase client satisfaction and health service utilization. Therefore, we aimed to determine the level of person-centered maternity care among mothers who gave birth in health facilities of South Wollo Zone public hospitals, Northeastern, Ethiopia, 2019 using a mixed-method study. Methods: An institution-based cross-sectional study was conducted using both qualitative and quantitative data collection methods.Three hundred sixty-nine study participants were selected for the quantitative study using simple random sampling. Twelve study participants were selected for the qualitative study using purposive sampling. The quantitative data was coded and entered into Epi data 4.4 version and the analysis was carried out using Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 23. Descriptive statics was presented using tables and figures. Thematic analysis was used for qualitative data and presented with the quantitative result through triangulation. Result: The Percentage mean score of the person-centered maternity care scale of the respondents was 64% of the total expected score. Whereas, the percentage means score sub-scales were 81.9%, for dignity and respect, 56.4% for communication and autonomy and 61.6% for supportive care. Most mothers who participated in an in-depth interview reported that there is not enough bed, delivery coach and bedpan in government hospitals. Conclusion and recommendations : Person-centered maternity care in health facilities of South Wollo Zone public hospitals is low. Therefore, responsible health sectors should work to improve the quality of care through effective communication between clients and providers and a supportive environment is crucial to succeeding in increasing the uptake of high-quality facility-based births.
... The Hungarian version of the PAM-13 was developed in 2020 showing excellent validity and moderate test-retest reliability in an online cross-sectional survey among a sample (n = 779) of the general population aged 40 and over [10]. -The Mother-centred Pregnancy Care Survey aims at measuring maternity care experiences and draws from the surveys Listening to Mothers 3 and Changing Childbirth in British Columbia [11]. The findings showed significant differences between care models regarding informed consent practices and women's perceptions of autonomy, and priority areas to enhance maternity care experiences were outlined. ...
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In Hungary, the National Health Insurance Fund provides health care coverage for nearly all residents, but healthcare spending is below the EU's average (6.4% versus 9.9% of the GDP in 2019, respectively). In 1997, patients' rights were established by laws of the healthcare system. The patients' voice, however, has remained weakly embedded in decision-making processes both on the system and individual patient levels. Policy progress achieved in the past years may foster patient-centeredness in health policy decision-making. However, people-reported data are not yet embedded in the Hungarian health information system and national population or household surveys, thus undermining the monitoring of the performance of the health system regarding patient-centred aspects. From the academic research side, several advances have occurred regarding the availability of validated instruments for the measurement of patient-centred aspects. These recent studies have placed Hungary in a uniquely advanced position compared with other countries in the Central and Eastern European (CEE) region. The use of those instruments in clinical guidelines and practices, to the education curricula of future health workers, is still in an early stage.
... The results showed that the tool had a Context validity of 98%. Compared to the tool used in the present study, it had the same differences of Taavoni's study regarding the number of items asked, the different community, the likelihood of bias, and the time taken to complete the questionnaire [16]. ...
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Background Providing high quality and respectful care during pregnancy and birth is one of the ways to reduce complications in women. Respectful care is a type of care that requires a valid instrument to measure. This study was conducted to determine the validity and reliability of the Persian version of the Respectful Maternity Care (RMC) questionnaire in 2018. Methods This study was performed with 150 women (in the first 48 h after birth), who were admitted in the postpartum wards of public hospitals from 1st January until 6th April 2018 in Zanjan city in Iran. Participants were selected randomly using the Poisson distribution (Time) sampling method. After receiving permission from the questionnaire’s author, the internal consistency of the tool was measured by Cronbach’s alpha coefficient after the Forward translation of the Persian version of the tool under expert supervision. The reliability of the modified questionnaire was assessed using a test-retest method in 10 eligible postpartum women, who completed the same questionnaire again after 72 h. The validity of the tool was confirmed by exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis using LISREL and SPSS software. Results The original RMC tool achieved an overall high internal reliability (α = 0.839). Confirmatory factor analysis of original RMC scores demonstrated poor fit indices. In LISREL proposed paths for the model, one item was excluded and a re-exploratory factor analysis was performed with the remaining 14 items. Four new subscales were defined for the revised tool including Abusive Care, Effective Care, Friendly Care, and Respectful Communication, which explained 60% of the variance. Conclusions The revised tool included four subscales of Abusive Care, Effective Care, Friendly Care, and Respectful Communication in 14 items which explained 60% of the variance. Given the importance of providing high quality maternity care, and the variety of cultures and birth services across different countries, further research is needed on this RMC tool to evaluate its use in other countries and regions.
Background: Severe maternal morbidity and mortality are worse in the United States than in all similar countries, with the greatest effect on Black women. Emerging research suggests that disrespectful care during childbirth contributes to this problem. Purpose: To conduct a systematic review on definitions and valid measurements of respectful maternity care (RMC), its effectiveness for improving maternal and infant health outcomes for those who are pregnant and postpartum, and strategies for implementation. Data sources: Systematic searches of Ovid Medline, CINAHL, Embase, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, PsycInfo, and SocINDEX for English-language studies (inception to July 2023). Study selection: Randomized controlled trials and nonrandomized studies of interventions of RMC versus usual care for effectiveness studies; additional qualitative and noncomparative validation studies for definitions and measurement studies. Data extraction: Dual data abstraction and quality assessment using established methods, with resolution of disagreements through consensus. Data synthesis: Thirty-seven studies were included across all questions, of which 1 provided insufficient evidence on the effectiveness of RMC to improve maternal outcomes and none studied RMC to improve infant outcomes. To define RMC, authors identified 12 RMC frameworks, from which 2 main concepts were identified: disrespect and abuse and rights-based frameworks. Disrespect and abuse components focused on recognizing birth mistreatment; rights-based frameworks incorporated aspects of reproductive justice, human rights, and antiracism. Five overlapping framework themes include freedom from abuse, consent, privacy, dignity, communication, safety, and justice. Twelve tools to measure RMC were validated in 24 studies on content validity, construct validity, and internal consistency, but lack of a gold standard limited evaluation of criterion validity. Three tools specific for RMC had at least 1 study demonstrating consistency internally and with an intended construct relevant to U.S. settings, but no single tool stands out as the best measure of RMC. Limitations: No studies evaluated other health outcomes or RMC implementation strategies. The lack of definition and gold standard limit evaluation of RMC tools. Conclusion: Frameworks for RMC are well described but vary in their definitions. Tools to measure RMC demonstrate consistency but lack a gold standard, requiring further evaluation before implementation in U.S. settings. Evidence is lacking on the effectiveness of implementing RMC to improve any maternal or infant health outcome. Primary funding source: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (PROSPERO: CRD42023394769).
Objective: Valid and reliable maternity patient-reported experience measures (PREMs) are critical to understanding women's experiences of care. They can support clinical practice, health service and system performance measurement, and research. The aim of this review is to identify and critically appraise the risk of bias, woman-centricity (content validity), and psychometric properties of maternity PREMs published in the scientific literature. Data source: MEDLINE, CINAHL Plus, PsycINFO, and EMBASE were systematically searched for relevant records between 01/01/2010 and 10/07/2021. Study eligibility criteria: We searched for articles describing the instrument development of maternity PREMs and measurement properties associated with instrument validity and reliability testing. Articles were excluded that described PREMs developed outside of the maternity context and articles that did not contribute to the instruments' development, content validation, and/or psychometric evaluation. Study appraisal and synthesis methods: Included articles underwent risk of bias, content validity, and psychometric properties assessments in line with the COnsensus-based Standards for the selection of health Measurement INstruments (COSMIN) guidance. PREM results were summarized according to language subgroups. An overall recommendation for use was determined for each PREM language subgroup. Results: Fifty-four studies reported on the development and psychometric evaluation of 25 maternity PREMs, grouped into 45 language subgroups. The quality of evidence underpinning the instruments' development was generally poor. Only 2 (4.4%) PREMs reported sufficient content validity, and only 1 (2.2%) received a level 'A' recommendation, required for real-world use. Conclusion: Maternity PREMs demonstrated poor quality evidence for their measurement properties and insufficient detail about content validity. Future maternity PREM development needs to prioritise women's involvement in deciding what is relevant, comprehensive, and comprehensible to measure. Improving maternity PREM content validity will improve overall validity and reliability and facilitate real-world practice improvements. Standardised PREM implementation also needs to be prioritised to support advancements in clinical practice for women.
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Shared decision making (SDM) is core to person-centered care and is associated with improved health outcomes. Despite this, there are no validated scales measuring women’s agency and ability to lead decision making during maternity care. Objective To develop and validate a new instrument that assesses women’s autonomy and role in decision making during maternity care. Design Through a community-based participatory research process, service users designed, content validated, and administered a cross-sectional quantitative survey, including 31 items on the experience of decision-making. Setting and participants Pregnancy experiences (n = 2514) were reported by 1672 women who saw a single type of primary maternity care provider in British Columbia. They described care by a midwife, family physician or obstetrician during 1, 2 or 3 maternity care cycles. We conducted psychometric testing in three separate samples. Main outcome measures We assessed reliability, item-to-total correlations, and the factor structure of the The Mothers’ Autonomy in Decision Making (MADM) scale. We report MADM scores by care provider type, length of prenatal appointments, preferences for role in decision-making, and satisfaction with experience of decision-making. Results The MADM scale measures a single construct: autonomy in decision-making during maternity care. Cronbach alphas for the scale exceeded 0.90 for all samples and all provider groups. All item-to-total correlations were replicable across three samples and exceeded 0.7. Eigenvalue and scree plots exhibited a clear 90-degree angle, and factor analysis generated a one factor scale. MADM median scores were highest among women who were cared for by midwives, and 10 or more points lower for those who saw physicians. Increased time for prenatal appointments was associated with higher scale scores, and there were significant differences between providers with respect to average time spent in prenatal appointments. Midwifery care was associated with higher MADM scores, even during short prenatal appointments (<15 minutes). Among women who preferred to lead decisions around their care (90.8%), and who were dissatisfied with their experience of decision making, MADM scores were very low (median 14). Women with physician carers were consistently more likely to report dissatisfaction with their involvement in decision making. Discussion The Mothers Autonomy in Decision Making (MADM) scale is a reliable instrument for assessment of the experience of decision making during maternity care. This new scale was developed and content validated by community members representing various populations of childbearing women in BC including women from vulnerable populations. MADM measures women’s ability to lead decision making, whether they are given enough time to consider their options, and whether their choices are respected. Women who experienced midwifery care reported greater autonomy than women under physician care, when engaging in decision-making around maternity care options. Differences in models of care, professional education, regulatory standards, and compensation for prenatal visits between midwives and physicians likely affect the time available for these discussions and prioritization of a shared decision making process. Conclusion The MADM scale reflects person-driven priorities, and reliably assesses interactions with maternity providers related to a person’s ability to lead decision-making over the course of maternity care.
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Background: Abuse of human rights in childbirth are documented in low, middle and high resource countries. A systematic review across 34 countries by the WHO Research Group on the Treatment of Women During Childbirth concluded that there is no consensus at a global level on how disrespectful maternity care is measured. In British Columbia, a community-led participatory action research team developed a survey tool that assesses women's experiences with maternity care, including disrespect and discrimination. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was completed by women of childbearing age from diverse communities across British Columbia. Several items (31/130) assessed characteristics of their communication with care providers. We assessed the psychometric properties of two versions of a scale (7 and 14 items), among women who described experiences with a single maternity provider (n=2514 experiences among 1672 women). We also calculated the proportion and selected characteristics of women who scored in the bottom 10th percentile (those who experienced the least respectful care). Results: To demonstrate replicability, we report psychometric results separately for three samples of women (S1 and S2) (n=2271), (S3, n=1613). Analysis of item-to-total correlations and factor loadings indicated a single construct 14-item scale, which we named the Mothers on Respect index (MORi). Items in MORi assess the nature of respectful patient-provider interactions and their impact on a person's sense of comfort, behavior, and perceptions of racism or discrimination. The scale exhibited good internal consistency reliability. MORi- scores among these samples differed by socio-demographic profile, health status, experience with interventions and mode of birth, planned and actual place of birth, and type of provider. Conclusion: The MOR index is a reliable, patient-informed quality and safety indicator that can be applied across jurisdictions to assess the nature of provider-patient relationships, and access to person-centered maternity care.
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Background Despite growing recognition of neglectful, abusive, and disrespectful treatment of women during childbirth in health facilities, there is no consensus at a global level on how these occurrences are defined and measured. This mixed-methods systematic review aims to synthesize qualitative and quantitative evidence on the mistreatment of women during childbirth in health facilities to inform the development of an evidence-based typology of the phenomenon. Methods and Findings We searched PubMed, CINAHL, and Embase databases and grey literature using a predetermined search strategy to identify qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-methods studies on the mistreatment of women during childbirth across all geographical and income-level settings. We used a thematic synthesis approach to synthesize the qualitative evidence and assessed the confidence in the qualitative review findings using the CERQual approach. In total, 65 studies were included from 34 countries. Qualitative findings were organized under seven domains: (1) physical abuse, (2) sexual abuse, (3) verbal abuse, (4) stigma and discrimination, (5) failure to meet professional standards of care, (6) poor rapport between women and providers, and (7) health system conditions and constraints. Due to high heterogeneity of the quantitative data, we were unable to conduct a meta-analysis; instead, we present descriptions of study characteristics, outcome measures, and results. Additional themes identified in the quantitative studies are integrated into the typology. Conclusions This systematic review presents a comprehensive, evidence-based typology of the mistreatment of women during childbirth in health facilities, and demonstrates that mistreatment can occur at the level of interaction between the woman and provider, as well as through systemic failures at the health facility and health system levels. We propose this typology be adopted to describe the phenomenon and be used to develop measurement tools and inform future research, programs, and interventions.
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In 2015, as we review progress towards Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), despite significant progress in reduction of mortality, we still have unacceptably high numbers of maternal and newborn deaths globally. Efforts over the past decade to reduce adverse outcomes for pregnant women and newborns have been directed at increasing skilled birth attendance.1, 2 This has resulted in higher rates of births in health facilities in all regions.3 The proportion of deliveries reportedly attended by skilled health personnel in developing countries rose from 56% in 1990 to 68% in 2012.4 With increasing utilisation of health services, a higher proportion of avoidable maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity have moved to health facilities. In this context, poor quality of care (QoC) in many facilities becomes a paramount roadblock in our quest to end preventable mortality and morbidity.
Background: In Central and Eastern Europe, many women make informal cash payments to ensure continuity of provider, i.e., to have a "chosen" doctor who provided their prenatal care, be present for birth. High rates of obstetric interventions and disrespectful maternity care are also common to the region. No previous study has examined the associations among informal payments, intervention rates, and quality of maternity care. Methods: We distributed an online cross-sectional survey in 2014 to a nationally representative sample of Hungarian internet-using women (N = 600) who had given birth in the last 5 years. The survey included items related to socio-demographics, type of provider, obstetric interventions, and experiences of care. Women reported if they paid informally, and how much. We built a two-part model, where a bivariate probit model was used to estimate conditional probabilities of women paying informally, and a GLM model to explore the amount of payments. We calculated marginal effects of the covariates (provider choice, interventions, respectful care). Results: Many more women (79%) with a chosen doctor paid informally (191 euros on average) compared to 17% of women without a chosen doctor (86 euros). Based on regression analysis, the chosen doctor's presence at birth was the principal determinant of payment. Intervention and procedure rates were significantly higher for women with a chosen doctor versus without (cesareans 45% vs. 33%; inductions 32% vs. 19%; episiotomy 75% vs. 62%; epidural 13% vs. 5%), but had no direct effect on payments. Half of the sample (42% with a chosen doctor, 62% without) reported some form of disrespectful care, but this did not reduce payments. Conclusion: Despite reporting disrespect and higher rates of interventions, women rewarded the presence of a chosen doctor with informal payments. They may be unaware of evidence-based standards, and trust that their chosen doctor provided high quality maternity care.
Maternal health outcomes in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) compare unfavorable with those in Western Europe, despite macro-indicators that suggest well-designed maternal care systems. However, macro-indicators at the system level only capture capacity, funding and utilization of care and not the actual allocation of financial and human resources, the quality of care and access to it. It is these latter which are problematic in the CEE region. In this study service-related indicators of access to maternal care in CEE are examined. These include availability, appropriateness, affordability, approachability and acceptability of maternal care. This study uses a qualitative systematic literature review, analyzing information of peer-reviewed articles published since 2004. Other inclusion criteria included language, setting and publication purpose. The included articles were analyzed using a framework analysis technique and quality was assessed using standardized evaluation checklists. Results indicate improvements in maternal care. However, availability of care is limited by outdated equipment and training curricula, and the lack of professionals and pharmaceuticals. Geographical distance to healthcare institutions, inappropriate communication of providers and waiting times are the main approachability barriers. Some mothers are unaware of the importance of care or are discouraged to utilize healthcare services because of cultural aspects. Finally, a major barrier in accessing maternal care in the CEE is the inability to pay for it. Our findings indicate that major gaps in evidence exist and that more representative and better quality data should be collected. Governments in CEE countries need to establish a reliable system for measuring and monitoring a suitable set of indicators, as well as deal with the general social and economic problem of informality. Medical curricula in the CEE region need to be overhauled and there should be a focus on improving the allocation of medical staff and institutions as well as protecting vulnerable population groups to ensure universal access to care.
Maternal health outcomes in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) compare unfavorable with those in Western Europe, despite macro-indicators that suggest well-designed maternal care systems. However, macro-indicators at the system level only capture capacity, funding and utilization of care and not the actual allocation of financial and human resources, the quality of care and access to it. It is these latter which are problematic in the CEE region. In this study service-related indicators of access to maternal care in CEE are examined. These include availability, appropriateness, affordability, approachability and acceptability of maternal care.
Background: Historically, women have been attended and supported by other women during labour. However, in hospitals worldwide, continuous support during labour has become the exception rather than the routine. Objectives: Primary: to assess the effects of continuous, one-to-one intrapartum support compared with usual care. Secondary: to determine whether the effects of continuous support are influenced by: (1) routine practices and policies; (2) the provider's relationship to the hospital and to the woman; and (3) timing of onset. Search methods: We searched the Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Group's Trials Register (31 May 2013). Selection criteria: All published and unpublished randomised controlled trials comparing continuous support during labour with usual care. Data collection and analysis: We used standard methods of The Cochrane Collaboration Pregnancy and Childbirth Group. Two review authors independently evaluated methodological quality and extracted the data. We sought additional information from the trial authors. We used random-effects analyses for comparisons in which high heterogeneity was present, and we reported results using the average risk ratio (RR) for categorical data and mean difference (MD) for continuous data. Main results: Twenty-two trials involving 15,288 women met inclusion criteria and provided usable outcome data. Results are of random-effects analyses, unless otherwise noted. Women allocated to continuous support were more likely to have a spontaneous vaginal birth (RR 1.08, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.04 to 1.12) and less likely to have intrapartum analgesia (RR 0.90, 95% CI 0.84 to 0.96) or to report dissatisfaction (RR 0.69, 95% CI 0.59 to 0.79). In addition, their labours were shorter (MD -0.58 hours, 95% CI -0.85 to -0.31), they were less likely to have a caesarean (RR 0.78, 95% CI 0.67 to 0.91) or instrumental vaginal birth (fixed-effect, RR 0.90, 95% CI 0.85 to 0.96), regional analgesia (RR 0.93, 95% CI 0.88 to 0.99), or a baby with a low five-minute Apgar score (fixed-effect, RR 0.69, 95% CI 0.50 to 0.95). There was no apparent impact on other intrapartum interventions, maternal or neonatal complications, or breastfeeding. Subgroup analyses suggested that continuous support was most effective when the provider was neither part of the hospital staff nor the woman's social network, and in settings in which epidural analgesia was not routinely available. No conclusions could be drawn about the timing of onset of continuous support. Authors' conclusions: Continuous support during labour has clinically meaningful benefits for women and infants and no known harm. All women should have support throughout labour and birth.
Background: Midwives are primary providers of care for childbearing women around the world. However, there is a lack of synthesised information to establish whether there are differences in morbidity and mortality, effectiveness and psychosocial outcomes between midwife-led continuity models and other models of care. Objectives: To compare midwife-led continuity models of care with other models of care for childbearing women and their infants. Search methods: We searched the Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Group's Trials Register (25 January 2016) and reference lists of retrieved studies. Selection criteria: All published and unpublished trials in which pregnant women are randomly allocated to midwife-led continuity models of care or other models of care during pregnancy and birth. Data collection and analysis: Two review authors independently assessed trials for inclusion and risk of bias, extracted data and checked them for accuracy. The quality of the evidence was assessed using the GRADE approach. Main results: We included 15 trials involving 17,674 women. We assessed the quality of the trial evidence for all primary outcomes (i.e. regional analgesia (epidural/spinal), caesarean birth, instrumental vaginal birth (forceps/vacuum), spontaneous vaginal birth, intact perineum, preterm birth (less than 37 weeks) and all fetal loss before and after 24 weeks plus neonatal death using the GRADE methodology: all primary outcomes were graded as of high quality.For the primary outcomes, women who had midwife-led continuity models of care were less likely to experience regional analgesia (average risk ratio (RR) 0.85, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.78 to 0.92; participants = 17,674; studies = 14; high quality), instrumental vaginal birth (average RR 0.90, 95% CI 0.83 to 0.97; participants = 17,501; studies = 13; high quality), preterm birth less than 37 weeks (average RR 0.76, 95% CI 0.64 to 0.91; participants = 13,238; studies = eight; high quality) and less all fetal loss before and after 24 weeks plus neonatal death (average RR 0.84, 95% CI 0.71 to 0.99; participants = 17,561; studies = 13; high quality evidence). Women who had midwife-led continuity models of care were more likely to experience spontaneous vaginal birth (average RR 1.05, 95% CI 1.03 to 1.07; participants = 16,687; studies = 12; high quality). There were no differences between groups for caesarean births or intact perineum.For the secondary outcomes, women who had midwife-led continuity models of care were less likely to experience amniotomy (average RR 0.80, 95% CI 0.66 to 0.98; participants = 3253; studies = four), episiotomy (average RR 0.84, 95% CI 0.77 to 0.92; participants = 17,674; studies = 14) and fetal loss less than 24 weeks and neonatal death (average RR 0.81, 95% CI 0.67 to 0.98; participants = 15,645; studies = 11). Women who had midwife-led continuity models of care were more likely to experience no intrapartum analgesia/anaesthesia (average RR 1.21, 95% CI 1.06 to 1.37; participants = 10,499; studies = seven), have a longer mean length of labour (hours) (mean difference (MD) 0.50, 95% CI 0.27 to 0.74; participants = 3328; studies = three) and more likely to be attended at birth by a known midwife (average RR 7.04, 95% CI 4.48 to 11.08; participants = 6917; studies = seven). There were no differences between groups for fetal loss equal to/after 24 weeks and neonatal death, induction of labour, antenatal hospitalisation, antepartum haemorrhage, augmentation/artificial oxytocin during labour, opiate analgesia, perineal laceration requiring suturing, postpartum haemorrhage, breastfeeding initiation, low birthweight infant, five-minute Apgar score less than or equal to seven, neonatal convulsions, admission of infant to special care or neonatal intensive care unit(s) or in mean length of neonatal hospital stay (days).Due to a lack of consistency in measuring women's satisfaction and assessing the cost of various maternity models, these outcomes were reported narratively. The majority of included studies reported a higher rate of maternal satisfaction in midwife-led continuity models of care. Similarly, there was a trend towards a cost-saving effect for midwife-led continuity care compared to other care models. Authors' conclusions: This review suggests that women who received midwife-led continuity models of care were less likely to experience intervention and more likely to be satisfied with their care with at least comparable adverse outcomes for women or their infants than women who received other models of care.Further research is needed to explore findings of fewer preterm births and fewer fetal deaths less than 24 weeks, and all fetal loss/neonatal death associated with midwife-led continuity models of care.