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Estimating of higher order velocity moments and their derivatives in boundary layer by Smoke Image Velocimetry

  • Kazan Scientific Center of the RAS
  • Kazan Scientific Center of the RAS


The results of an experimental evaluation of the third-order moments profiles of velocity fluctuations and their partial derivatives in a zero pressure-gradient turbulent boundary layer are presented. Profiles of characteristics are estimated on the basis of the dynamics of two-component instantaneous velocity vector fields measured by the optical method Smoke Image Velocimetry (SIV). Comparison SIV-measurements with the results of measurements by a thermoanemometer and DNS data with similar Reθ and Reτ showed good agreement between the profiles of <u'2v'>⁺, <u'v'2>⁺, ∂<u'2v'>⁺/∂y⁺ и ∂<u'v'2>⁺/∂y⁺ obtained by SIV and DNS.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Estimating of higher order velocity moments and
their derivatives in boundary layer by Smoke
Image Velocimetry
To cite this article: N.I. Mikheev et al 2017 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 891 012092
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PTPPE-2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 891 (2017) 012092 doi :10.1088/1742-6596/891/1/012092
Estimating of higher order velocity moments and their
derivatives in boundary layer by Smoke Image Velocimetry
N.I. Mikheev1,2, А.Е. Goltsman1, I.G. Salekhova3, I.I. Saushin1
1 Kazan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Lobachevsky str. 2/31,
Kazan, 420111, Russian Federation
2 Kazan National Research Technical University named after AN Tupolev - KAI, 10,
K.Marx St., Kazan, 420111, Russian Federation
3Kazan Federal University, 18 Kremlyuvskaya street, Kazan, 420008, Russian
Abstract. The results of an experimental evaluation of the third-order moments profiles of
velocity fluctuations and their partial derivatives in a zero pressure-gradient turbulent boundary
layer are presented. Profiles of characteristics are estimated on the basis of the dynamics of two-
component instantaneous velocity vector fields measured by the optical method Smoke Image
Velocimetry (SIV). Comparison SIV-measurements with the results of measurements by a
thermoanemometer and DNS data with similar Reθ and Reτ showed good agreement between the
profiles of <uꞌ2vꞌ>+, <uꞌvꞌ2>+, ∂<uꞌ2vꞌ>+/∂y+ и ∂<uꞌvꞌ2>+/∂y+ obtained by SIV and DNS.
1. Introduction
The physical interpretation of third-order velocity moments are the convective transport of second-order
moments by the turbulent velocity fluctuation [1, 2]. Triple correlations play a defining role in the
diffusion term of the turbulent energy balance equation which is the basis for analytical and numerical
methods of investigating the boundary layer. The importance of estimating the triple correlations <uꞌ3>,
<uꞌ2vꞌ>, <uꞌvꞌ2>, <vꞌ3> was noted in the work of Townsend [3] long enough. In describing of complex
unsteady flows by the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations, the order of the moments in the
closing equations has a significant effect on the uncertainty of the solution. As an example would be
flows with dominant convective forces [4]. Nevertheless, the inclusion of higher order moments in the
empirical turbulence models is hampered by the insufficient volume of the accumulated experimental
database. The results of estimating of triple correlations in zero pressure-gradient boundary layer
obtained from the results of measurements by a thermoanemometer are presented in [5-13]. The point
method of laser Doppler anemometry for this purpose was used much less often [14-15]. In the case of
estimating higher-order moments from the results of measurement with a thermoanemometer the
uncertainty of the estimate depends essentially on the scale of the measurement, which is determined by
the distance between the wires and their length [16]. Obviously, one of the possible solutions to this
problem is the use of thermoanemometric probes with reduced wire sizes, in particular, for the
estimation of third-order moments in work [13] a thermoanemometer with platinum wire of 60 μm in
length and 2 μm in diameter was used. The second approach to reducing the uncertainty of estimates of
small-scale characteristics is the use of empirical-based algorithms for filtering the signal from
PTPPE-2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 891 (2017) 012092 doi :10.1088/1742-6596/891/1/012092
measurement errors [16-21]. Nevertheless, the question of the uncertainty of estimating higher-order
moments from the results of measurement with a thermoanemometer is still open [22].
However, if we return to the main reason for the relevance of the experimental estimate of triple
correlations, namely, to the rate of advection of turbulent energy by turbulent motion
2i i j
there are new obvious problems and uncertainties associated with the determination of spatial gradients
from the measurement results by point methods, so this estimate is potentially more correct to be
performed on the basis of the measurement results by field methods.
The profiles of triple correlations estimated from measurements of the field optical method Particle
Image Velocimetry (PIV) were performed in [23]. Unfortunately, according to the authors of this paper
the profiles of spatial gradients of the third-order moments were not reliable and were not performed.
This can be explained by the limitation of the PIV method on the balance between spatial resolution and
uncertainty in the measurement of small-scale turbulence structures [24-36]. In part, this problem was
solved in two new spatial measurement techniques "Shake-The-Box" (STB) [37] and VIC+ [38].
However, these two approaches have not yet been tested to estimate higher-order moments of the
velocity fluctuations.
The use of the high-speed optical method for measuring the instantaneous velocity fields Smoke
Image Velocimetry (SIV) [39, 40] due to the multiply higher tracer concentration compared to PIV and
PTV (which helps reduce measurement noise with increasing spatial resolution) allows estimating the
fields of small-scale characteristics with a sufficient degree of accuracy, for example, [40] presents an
estimate of the dissipation term for the conservation equation of turbulent energy with a spatial
resolution to 1.6-2.0 of the Kolmogorov scale and temporal resolution of 7 kHz. The results of the
evaluation of the second and third orders moments and their derivatives in a turbulent boundary layer
obtained on the basis of SIV-measurements are presented in this paper.
2. Experimental setup
The structure of air flow in a smooth plane channel has been studied using the optical method of Smoke
Image Velocimetry (SIV). Experimental setup is shown in figure 1. The setup arrangement and flow
parameters were very close to the ones in the experiments by Willert [41], in which turbulence
characteristics in the developed turbulent boundary layer were studied using PIV technique. The test
section 1 was a rectangular 75×150 mm2 channel with the length of 1 m and a smooth inlet 10 with 6:1
contraction. A turbulence generating grid 9 with 5 mm cell size, 1.2 mm steel wire diameter and 36%
solidity was mounted downstream of the smooth inlet 1. A 50-mm long strip of abrasive P24 (ISO 6344-
2) 12 was glued onto the channel perimeter. This provided fully developed turbulent boundary layer in
the measurement area during the experiments. Channel walls were made of transparent materials (glass
and polycarbonate). Stable air flow rate downstream of the test section was provided by a regulating
gate 11 and a 1.3 m3 receiver tank 2 mounted upstream of the latter. Flow rate was measured by an
ultrasonic flowmeter 3 IRVIS RS4-Ultra mounted downstream of the receiver tank. The relative error
in flow rate did not exceed 1%.
To visualize the flow pattern, the air-aerosol mixture (MT-Gravity fluid with medium fog density
and average particle size of 0.1…5 μm; Safex aerosol generator 5) was supplied from the preparation
chamber 4 to the channel inlet. The measurement area 6 was illuminated by a continuous diode-pumped
solid-state laser KLM-532/5000-h 7. The flow pattern in the channel symmetry plane at the distance of
L = 0.7 m from the turbulence generating grid 9 (figure 1) was recorded by a monochrome high-speed
camera Fastec HiSpec 8 with the frame resolution of 665×110 pixel (scaling factor of 0.0625 mm/pixel),
frame rate f = 7083 1/s, and recording time of 3.5 s. The camera was equipped with a Navitar 1’’F/0,95
lens (focal length 25 mm, manual focus).
Flow velocity fields were measured by optical SIV technique based on digital processing of flow
pattern video recordings. Here, velocity vector fields were estimated by the analysis of turbulent
structure displacements visualized by smoke. Profiles of velocity and turbulent fluctuations were
PTPPE-2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 891 (2017) 012092 doi :10.1088/1742-6596/891/1/012092
estimated from 16×16 pixel windows as well. Maximum displacement of turbulent structures between
two consecutive frames was 10 pixels (at the boundary layer edge). Image resolution in y+ coordinates
was 1 pixel = 0.8 y+.
Figure 1. Experimental setup
3. Results and discussion
Table 1 presents the main characteristics of the investigated turbulent boundary layer. Profiles of
turbulent fluctuation intensity and triple correlation were written in wall coordinates:
' ' '
i i j
i i j
y u u u u
where dynamic velocity, uτ, was estimated by using the results of velocity measurement at a point within
the viscous sublayer.
Figure 2 shows the profiles of triple correlations <u2v>+ and <uv2>+ at close values of Reθ and
Reτ estimated by the results of SIV measurements, by the thermoanemometer [7] and obtained by the
results of DNS [42]. The profile <u2v>+ estimated from the results of SIV-measurements qualitatively
and quantitatively agrees well with the results of DNS. In the viscous sublayer negative values of
<u2v>+ monotonically decreasing at a distance from the wall are observed. In part of transition the
viscous sublayer to the buffer region near the coordinate y+≈8, the local extremum is clearly observed
on the <u2v>+ profiles. In the buffer layer, the profile <u2v>+ monotonically increases to the coordinate
y+≈30 where the second local extremum is observed. Further from this coordinate to the edge of
boundary layer, <u2v>+ decreases monotonically to an asymptotic zero value. A similar behavior is
observed for the profile <uv2>+ but both the SIV and DNS results indicate a shift of the second
extremum into the depth of the logarithmic sublayer. The described features of the evolution of the
profiles along the thickness of boundary layer are not found on the profiles estimated from the results
of measurements by the thermoanemometer [7], however, triple correlations have a similar order. The
graphs also clearly demonstrate the advantage of the field optical method over the point method with
respect to the spatial frequency of measurements.
The profiles of the triple correlation derivatives <uꞌ2vꞌ>+ and <uꞌvꞌ2>+ (figure 3) taken along the
normal to the wall describe the transfer of turbulent energy by turbulent velocity fluctuations. The
quantities ∂<uꞌ2vꞌ>+/∂y+ and ∂<uꞌvꞌ2>+/∂y+ describe respectively the transport (diffusion) of the double
correlations uꞌ2 and uꞌvꞌ over the thickness of boundary layer [23]. The profiles of the partial differentials
<uꞌ2vꞌ>+ and <uꞌvꞌ2>+ in figure 3 are obtained by approximating the DNS, SIV, and thermoanemometric
measurements using a three-point central difference scheme. The trends of profiles ∂<uꞌ2vꞌ>+/∂y+ and
∂<uꞌvꞌ2>+/∂y+ estimated by the results of SIV-measurements, in spite of the relatively large spread of
discrete values, are generally agree satisfactorily with DNS results. The application of the SIV-
measurement technique made it possible to estimate the location of the extreme point and the sign of
∂<uꞌ2vꞌ>+/∂y+ and ∂<uꞌv2>+/∂y+ with good agreement with the DNS results. At the same time, the profiles
∂<uꞌ2vꞌ>+/∂y+ and ∂<uꞌvꞌ2>+/∂y+ estimated from the results of measurements by the thermoanemometer
[7] showed a satisfactory agreement with DNS results only in order of magnitude.
4. Conclusions
For the considered turbulent boundary layer, the optical method of SIV made it possible to estimate the
profiles of <uꞌ2vꞌ>+ and <uꞌvꞌ2>+ with a reasonable degree of accuracy in comparison with the results of
DNS [42] with similar Reτ. Profiles ∂<uꞌ2vꞌ>+/∂y+ и ∂<uꞌvꞌ2>+/∂y+ estimated by the results of SIV-
measurements, in spite of the available scatter of values, on the whole describe DNS results well enough.
PTPPE-2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 891 (2017) 012092 doi :10.1088/1742-6596/891/1/012092
Table 1. Characteristics of turbulent boundary layer measured
Shear velocity at the wall (s-1)
Momentum thickness, θ (mm)
Dynamic velocity, uτ (m/s)
Friction factor, Cf
Velocity at the channel axis, U (m/s)
Turbulent boundary layer thickness, δ99% (mm)
Displacement thickness, δ* (mm)
Figure 2. Profiles of triple correlations; - DNS [42] (Reτ=180); - hot wire [7] (Reθ=706); - SIV
(Reτ=214, Reθ=425)
Figure 3. Profiles of triple correlation derivatives; - approximation of DNS results [42] (Reτ=180);
- approximation of hot wire results [7] (Reθ=706); - SIV (Reτ=214, Reθ=425)
The work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (project no.16-19-10336).
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The current experimental activity aimed at resolving the scaling of stream-wise turbulence intensity profiles uu+(y+) with Reynolds number in turbulent flat plate boundary layers has brought the largely unresolved issue of correcting systematic errors in hot-wire measurements of uu+(y+) into focus. Here, a heuristic scheme is proposed to generate unique uu+(y+Redelta*) profiles from data obtained with single hot wires of widely different length, aspect ratio and construction over a large Reynolds number range of 4000
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The Reynolds number similarity hypothesis of Townsend [The Structure of Turbulent Shear Flow (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1976)] states that the turbulence beyond a few roughness heights from the wall is independent of the surface condition. The underlying assumption is that the boundary layer thickness δ is large compared to the roughness height k. This hypothesis was tested experimentally on two types of three-dimensional rough surfaces. Boundary layer measurements were made on flat plates covered with sand grain and woven mesh roughness in a closed return water tunnel at a momentum thickness Reynolds number Reθ of ∼ 14 000. The boundary layers on the rough walls were in the fully rough flow regime (ks+ ≥ 100) with the ratio of the boundary layer thickness to the equivalent sand roughness height δ/ks greater than 40. The results show that the mean velocity profiles for rough and smooth walls collapse well in velocity defect form in the overlap and outer regions of the boundary layer. The Reynolds stresses for the two rough surfaces agree well throughout most of the boundary layer and collapse with smooth wall results outside of 3ks. Higher moment turbulence statistics and quadrant analysis also indicate the differences in the rough wall boundary layers are confined to y<5ks. The present results provide support for Townsend’s Reynolds number similarity hypothesis for uniform three-dimensional roughness in flows where δ/ks ≥ 40.
A DNS database is presented to document third- and fourth-order moments and their budgets for fully developed plane-channel flow and for strained plane-channel flow. The effect of straining has a similar effect on statistics, such as the skewness and flatness of velocities, as in an adverse-pressure-gradient (APG) boundary layer. In addition to higher-order statistics, some modeling implications are also described, including issues related to decomposition of the velocity–pressure gradient correlations, the assumption of dissipation isotropy and a fourth-order turbulence time scale. An analysis of two-point correlations along the inhomogeneous direction is made to include the effects of APG straining. This reveals the advantage of a one-point length-scale based on wall-normal velocity fluctuations as an alternative to the traditionally used length-scale based on turbulence kinetic energy. The present study should prove to be useful for turbulence modelers in need of data to develop and assess higher-than-second-order Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes closure models.
A high-frame-rate camera and a continuous-wave laser are used to capture long particle image sequences exceeding 100,000 consecutive frames at framing frequencies up to 20 kHz. The electronic shutter of the high-speed CMOS camera is reduced to \(10\,\upmu\)s to prevent excessive particle image streaking. The combination of large image number and high frame rate is possible by limiting the field of view to a narrow strip, primarily to capture temporally resolved profiles of velocity and derived quantities, such as vorticity as well as higher order statistics. Multi-frame PIV processing algorithms are employed to improve the dynamic range of recovered PIV data. The recovered data are temporally well resolved and provide sufficient samples for statistical convergence of the fluctuating velocity components. The measurement technique is demonstrated on a spatially developing turbulent boundary layer inside a small wind tunnel with \(Re_\delta = 4{,}800,\, Re_\tau = 240\) and \(Re_\theta = 515\). The chosen magnification permits a reliable estimation of the mean velocity profile down to a few wall units and yields statistical information such as the Reynolds stress components and probability density functions. By means of single-line correlation, it is further possible to extract the near-wall velocity profile in the viscous sublayer, both time-averaged as well as instantaneous, which permits the estimation the wall shear rate \(\dot{\gamma }\) and along with it the shear stress \(\tau _w\) and friction velocity \(u_\tau\). These data are then used for the calculation of space-time correlation maps of wall shear stress and velocity.
The accuracy of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) dissipation rate measured by PIV is studied. The critical issue for PIV-based dissipation measurements is the strong dependency on the spatial resolution, Δx, as reported by Saarenrinne and Piirto (Exp Fluids Suppl:S300-S307, 2000). When the PIV spacing is larger than the Kolmogorov scale, η, the dissipation is underestimated because the small scale fluctuations are filtered. For the case of Δx smaller than the Kolmogorov scale, the error rapidly increases due to noise. We introduce a correction method to eliminate the dominant error for the small Δx case. The correction method is validated by using a novel PIV benchmark, random Oseen vortices synthetic image test (ROST), in which quasi-turbulence is generated by randomly superposing multiple Oseen vortices. The error of the measured dissipation can be more than 1,000% of the analytical dissipation for the small Δx case, while the dissipation rate is underestimated for the large Δx case. Though the correction method does not correct the underestimate due to the low resolution, the dissipation was accurately obtained within a few percent of the true value by using the correction method for the optimal resolution of η/10 < Δx < η/2.
Spatial averaging, resulting from the finite size of a hot-wire probe, significantly affects the accuracy of velocity measurements in turbulent flows close to walls. Here, we extend the theoretical model, introduced in Segalini et al. (Meas Sci Technol 22:104508, 2011) quantifying the effect of a linear spatial filter of hot-wire probes on the mean and the variance of the streamwise velocity in turbulent wall-bounded flows, to describe the effect of the spatial filtering on the third- and fourth-order moments of the same velocity component. The model, based on the three-(four) point velocity-correlation function for the third-(fourth-) order moment, shows that the filtering can be related to a characteristic length scale which is an equivalent of the Taylor transverse microscale for the second-order moment. The capacity of the model to accurately describe the attenuation is validated against direct numerical simulation (DNS) data of a zero pressure-gradient turbulent boundary layer. The DNS data allow the filtering effect to be appraised for different wire lengths and for the different moments. The model shows good accuracy except for the third-order moment in the region where a zero-crossing of the third-order function is observed and where the equations become ill-conditioned. An “a posteriori” correction procedure, based on the developed model, to correct the measured third- and fourth-order velocity moments is also presented. This procedure, based on combining the measured data by two single hot-wire sensors with different wire lengths, is a natural extension of the one introduced by Segalini et al. (Exp Fluids 51:693–700, 2011) to evaluate both the turbulence intensity and the transverse Taylor microscale in turbulent flows. The technique is validated against spatially averaged simulation data showing a good capacity to correct the actual profiles over the entire height of the boundary layer except, as expected, for the third-order moment in the region where the latter exhibits a zero-crossing. Moreover, the proposed method has been tested on experimental data from turbulent pipe flow experiments.