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Geoengineering the oceans: An emerging frontier in international climate change governance



International climate change policy is increasingly reliant upon future large-scale removal and sequestration of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. Assumptions on the development of ‘negative emissions’ technologies are built into recent IPCC emissions modelling and the 2015 Paris Agreement. Terrestrial proposals, such as bioenergy with carbon capture and storage, may be of limited benefit as the estimated land required would be vast and may negatively impact upon food security. The world's oceans could play an important role in meeting international climate change targets. ‘Marine geoengineering’ is being proposed to enhance the oceans capacity to sequester emissions and enhance the Earth's albedo. This article draws on discussions at a recent Marine Geoengineering Symposium held at the University of Tasmania to highlight prominent marine geoengineering proposals and raise questions about the readiness of the international law system to govern further research and implementation of these ideas.
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Australian Journal of Maritime & Ocean Affairs
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Geoengineering the oceans: an emerging frontier
in international climate change governance
Jeffrey McGee, Kerryn Brent & Wil Burns
To cite this article: Jeffrey McGee, Kerryn Brent & Wil Burns (2017): Geoengineering the oceans:
an emerging frontier in international climate change governance, Australian Journal of Maritime &
Ocean Affairs, DOI: 10.1080/18366503.2017.1400899
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Published online: 09 Nov 2017.
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Geoengineering the oceans: an emerging frontier in
international climate change governance
Jeffrey McGee
, Kerryn Brent
and Wil Burns
Faculty of Law and Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, Centre for Marine Socio-Ecology, University of
Tasmania, Hobart, Australia;
Faculty of Law, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia;
School of
International Service, American University, Washington, DC, USA
International climate change policy is increasingly reliant upon
future large-scale removal and sequestration of greenhouse gases
from the atmosphere. Assumptions on the development of
negative emissionstechnologies are built into recent IPCC
emissions modelling and the 2015 Paris Agreement. Terrestrial
proposals, such as bioenergy with carbon capture and storage,
may be of limited benefit as the estimated land required would
be vast and may negatively impact upon food security. The
worlds oceans could play an important role in meeting
international climate change targets. Marine geoengineeringis
being proposed to enhance the oceans capacity to sequester
emissions and enhance the Earths albedo. This article draws on
discussions at a recent Marine Geoengineering Symposium held
at the University of Tasmania to highlight prominent marine
geoengineering proposals and raise questions about the readiness
of the international law system to govern further research and
implementation of these ideas.
1. Introduction
Climate geoengineering, defined by the UKs Royal Society as the deliberate large-scale
manipulation of the planetary environment to counteract anthropogenic climate
change(The Royal Society 2009) is now at least implicitly embedded in key assumptions
of international climate change policy. The 2015 Paris Agreement aims to limit human
induced climate change to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and undertakes to
pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.
However, limiting climate change to this range is unlikely to occur solely by reducing
the amount of greenhouse gas emissions going into the atmosphere. The Intergovern-
mental Panel on Climate Changes Fifth Assessment Report (2014a) included 204 separate
scenarios which in integrated assessment model runs held atmospheric temperature
increases to less than 2°C above pre-industrial averages by 2100. Of those 204 scenarios,
184 contemplated large-scale deployment of one form of climate geoengineering, so-
called carbon dioxide removal (CDR) or negative emissionstechnologies, which seek to
© 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
CONTACT Jeffrey McGee Faculty of Law and Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies,
Centre for Marine Socio-Ecology, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia
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remove and sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through biological, geochem-
ical or chemical means. (IPCC 2014a; Moreira et al. 2016). The IPCC is also currently prepar-
ing a report that will include modelling on the 1.5°C stabilisation goal.
This report will also
likely rely on significant assumptions regarding future use of negative emissions technol-
ogies, particularly terrestrial negative emissions such as bioenergy with carbon capture
and storage (BECCS).
The climate science and policy communities have also discussed the potentially impor-
tant role of negative emission technologies in responding to overshoot scenarios
(Boucher, Lowe, and Jones 2009). Overshoot of the Paris temperature goals is increasingly
likely, given that the current nationally determined commitments of the Paris Agreement
provide a pathway to a 2.3°C3.5°C temperature increase above pre-industrial levels
and the ambition of current policy settings is pointing to 2.6°4.9° of warming (Climate
Action Tracker 2017).
The oceans have been proposed as a potentially key locus for CDR geoengineering
through early scientific work on an option known as ocean iron fertilization (OIF) (Buesse-
ler and Boyd 2003). OIF would entail seeding iron-deficient areas of the worlds oceans to
stimulate carbon-sequestering phytoplankton production (Hubbard 2016). OIF is one of
few geoengineering proposals that has progressed to field testing (Smetacek and Naqvi
2008; Martin et al. 2013). There have also been proposals for other processes to stimulate
phytoplankton production in the oceans, including with macronutrients such as nitrogen
and phosphorous (Harrison 2017).
In addition to carbon dioxide removal options of this nature, there has also been
research on so-called solar radiation management (SRM) geoengineering approaches.
SRM geoengineering approaches focus on reducing the amount of solar radiation
absorbed by the Earth (estimated at approximately 235 W m
currently) by an amount
sufficient to offset some, or all, of the increased trapping of infrared radiation by rising
levels of greenhouse gases, thereby exerting a cooling impact (MacCracken 2009). The
oceans are proposed as potential sites for implementation of SRM techniques such as
marine cloud brightening and enhanced ocean bubbles (NRC SRM Report 2015b), both
approaches of which are described in more detail below.
A national Marine Geoengineering Symposium was held in Hobart, Tasmania on 25
November 2016 hosted by the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) and sup-
ported by the Antarctic Climate & Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre (ACE-CRC) and
the Faculty of Law at the University of Tasmania. This symposium provided a venue for
interdisciplinary discussion and analysis of emerging marine geoengineering technologies
and governance issues. The papers delivered at this symposium explored key scientific
questions including the rationale behind ocean fertilization and how it might provide a
means to enhance the Earths system in terms of sequestering higher levels of carbon
dioxide in the oceans (Bowie 2016) and the role of modelling in understanding CDR
geoengineering proposals (Lenton 2016). Papers also discussed the complex nature of
existing international and Australian domestic law frameworks that are potentially appli-
cable to ocean fertilization and other marine geoengineering proposals (Jabour 2016)
(Brent and McGee 2016) (McDonald and Gogarty 2016). Broader socio-legal questions
were also discussed in terms of the intersection between ocean fertilization and the
rights of indigenous people, including a high profile 2012 attempt at OIF off the
Western coast of Canada (Abate 2016). Suggestions were provided for furthering
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geoengineering governance: one paper proposed that ocean fertilization might provide a
test-bed for the development of more robust geoengineering governance mechanisms at
an international and domestic level (Boyd 2016). Another paper considered how scenarios
might be used by policymakers to gauge public attitudes on geoengineering that can
inform future decision-making on governance (Talberg 2016). Finally, the symposium con-
cluded with a sobering reminder of the consequences of inaction on climate change (i.e.
large-scale negative impacts) and the potential importance of geoengineering technol-
ogies in avoiding the worst of these (Rohling 2016).
The following discussion of marine geoengineering draws inspiration from the papers
and discussion generated from this symposium. The purpose of this discussion is not to
advocate for, or against, marine geoengineering as a part of the human response to
climate change. Instead, we simply seek to point to the assumptions that are gathering
around geoengineering in international climate change policy and the fact that the
oceans are increasingly being viewed as a potential site for geoengineering activity.
However, any research on marine geoengineering technologies outside the laboratory
setting, or potential deployment, will trigger consideration of the adequacy of existing
governance frameworks at both a domestic and international level. This article sketches
the more prominent marine CDR and SRM proposals and flags the key issues they raise
for international governance.
In section 2, we provide a short history of ocean fertilization and how such experiments
led to international law rules for the governance of marine geoengineering. In section 3,
we provide an update on the more prominent proposals for future marine CDR and SRM
technologies. In section 4, we flag some key issues for the international law system in
managing research and potential implementation of marine CDR and SRM technologies.
In section 5, we conclude by pointing out the importance of expediting an interdisciplinary
and international research program on marine geoengineering governance.
2. Ocean fertilization: experimentation and development of governance
The worlds oceans have taken up a large share of the increased energy in the climate
system (IPCC 2014b) caused by anthropogenic climate change. The oceans have also
absorbed thirty percent of atmospheric carbon dioxide from human activities, helping
to reduce potential warming associated with greenhouse gas emissions, but also
causing ocean acidification (IPCC 2014b). However, the worlds oceans also have signifi-
cant further potential for enhanced large-scale capture and storage of carbon dioxide.
One such enhancement option that has gained prominence over the past fifteen years
is ocean fertilization. Since 1993, there have been 15 ocean fertilization field-experiments
(ACE CRC Report 2016).
However, most of these early experiments were for non-geoen-
gineering purposes (i.e. to understand changes in ocean productivity and atmospheric
concentrations over glacial-interglacial cycles(Strutton 2012)). Later experiments,
such as the 2009 LOHAFEX experiment, examined the potential of ocean fertilization to
sequester carbon dioxide (Schiermeier 2009). Additionally, in 2012 there was a controver-
sial ocean fertilization experiment off the West Coast of Canada on behalf of the Haida
Salmon Restoration Corporation that was ostensibly aimed at improving the yield of fish-
eries in the area (Lukacs 2012).
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Since 2007 there has been significant activity on geoengineering governance within
international regimes on biodiversity protection (Convention on Biological Diversity)
ocean dumping (London Convention and London Protocol).
As mentioned above, ocean
fertilization field tests have been conducted since the early 1990s. However, in the mid
2000s, corporations began proposing the development of ocean fertilization for the
purpose of sequestering carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and generating carbon
credits for sale on domestic and/or international carbon markets (Fuentes-George
2017). In May 2007, the US-based corporation Planktos Corp planned to conduct an
in-situ ocean fertilization experiment in a high seas area off the Galapagos Islands in
South America. Planktos proposed dissolving 100 tons of iron dust over a 10,000-
square-kilometre area of the ocean to facilitate a phytoplankton bloom.
NGOs Greenpeace International and the IUCN brought this proposal to the attention of
the ocean dumping regime. The NGOs highlighted potential for ocean fertilization to
harm the marine environment and a high level of scientific uncertainty surrounding
the proposals.
This NGO lobbying prompted the ocean dumping regime and biological diversity
regime to consider what steps might be needed to regulate ocean fertilization
(Fuentes-George 2017).
There have been a number of developments within the ocean dumping and biological
diversity regimes that have been detailed elsewhere (Scott 2013; Ginzky and Frost 2014).
Here, we instead sketch the broad contours of these early attempts at regulating marine
The initial focus of both regimes was on the issue of ocean fertilization. In 2007, follow-
ing the reports issued by the IUCN and Greenpeace International, the Scientific Group to
the ocean dumping regime issued a statement of concern on ocean fertilization request-
ing the regime consider regulating ocean fertilization.
In May 2008, the Convention on
Biological Diversity acknowledged this statement and adopted a non-binding decision
that requested states ensure that ocean fertilization activities do not take place until
there is an adequate scientific basis on which to justify such activities with the excep-
tion of small scale scientific research studies within coastal waters.
In October 2008, the
ocean dumping regime similarly adopted a non-binding resolution noting that knowl-
edge on the effectiveness and potential environmental impacts of ocean fertilization is
currently insufficient to justify activities other than legitimate scientific research.
resolution stated that ocean fertilization activities other than legitimate scientific research
should not be allowed, and recommended developing a framework to assess whether
proposed activities qualify as legitimate scientific research. These early decisions of the
ocean dumping regime and the biological diversity regime therefore reinforced one
another and essentially pursued the same governance aims of: (1) prohibiting ocean
fertilization for commercial purposes; (2) seeking to prevent environmental harm from
ocean fertilization; (3) creating limited exceptions for scientific research in line with a pre-
cautionary approach.
In 2010, the focus of these regimes began to broaden in relation to marine geoengi-
neering. In October of that year, the ocean dumping regime adopted an assessment fra-
mework for states to employ to determine whether proposed ocean fertilization
experiments qualify as legitimate scientific research.
This framework first involves eval-
uating the scientific attributes of proposed ocean fertilization experiments and excludes
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proposals that directly give rise to economic gains. The framework also establishes pro-
cesses for risk assessment and management. At the same time as developing this
assessment framework, the ocean dumping regime also started to consider developing
binding (i.e. legally enforceable) rules, not just for ocean fertilization, but for marine
geoengineering activities more broadly.
Australia and New Zealand had previously
suggested that the ocean dumping regime broaden its scope to consider other
marine geoengineering proposals, as it was reasonable to assume that they will similarly
fall within the scope of the ocean dumping regime and attract international concern.
In October 2010, the parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity adopted decision
X/33, which similarly broadened its scope from ocean fertilization to climate-related
geo-engineering activities.
Decision X/33 provides a non-binding ban on all geoengi-
neering activities (both CDR and SRM) that may negatively affect biodiversity. Once
again, this decision created an exception for small-scale scientific research carried out
in a controlled setting.
In 2013, parties to the ocean dumping regime adopted a further resolution, amend-
ing the 1996 London Protocol to create binding rules for regulating marine geoengi-
Resolution LP.4(8) defines marine geoengineering broadly. It includes
marine geoengineering for climate purposes, as well as marine geoengineering activi-
ties intended to improve marine productivity, such as the 2012 Haida incident off
Canada. At present, the rules only provide detailed regulation of ocean fertilization,
which is prohibited unless it qualifies as legitimate scientific research.
LP.4(8) also pro-
vides a general assessment framework, similar to the framework adopted for ocean fer-
tilization in 2010, which can be used by states to assess whether other marine
geoengineering proposals may qualify for a permit. LP.4(8) therefore establishes a regu-
latory framework that could be adapted to govern future field testing and deployment
of other marine geoengineering technologies. However, these rules will only become
binding once the amendment enters into force. This requires a two-thirds majority
of Contracting Parties accepting the amendment.
At present, only the United
Kingdom has accepted the amendment. Thus, while LP.4(8) may provide a useful
guide for the regulation of ocean fertilization and other marine geoengineering
research, states (and their scientists and policymakers) are not yet bound under inter-
national law to comply with LP.4(8).
Several additional field tests of ocean fertilization may take place in the near future. A
team of scientists from South Korea, funded by the Korean Ministry of Oceans and Fish-
eries, propose conducting ocean fertilization field tests in the Southern Ocean in 2018
(Yoon et al. 2016). A private company is also proposing to conduct a similar ocean fertiliza-
tion activity off the coast of Chile in 2018 (Tollefson 2017). These are the first field tests
proposed since amendment LP.4(8) was adopted in 2013. South Korea and Chile are
both Parties to the London Protocol, but have not as yet accepted the LP.4(8) amend-
ments. The assessment framework for ocean fertilization that was finalised in 2010
would nevertheless be relevant to both proposals. It will be interesting to ascertain the
extent to which these rules influence the manner in which ocean fertilization activities
are planned and conducted. These proposed field tests will therefore be more than
mere physical science experiments they will also test the first formal attempts to regulate
geoengineering under international law.
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3. Proposals for other types of marine geoengineering
As the international law system has made early efforts to regulate ocean fertilization activi-
ties, marine scientists have formulated additional CDR and SRM proposals involving the
oceans. Most of these proposals have not yet moved beyond the drawing board or labora-
tory stage. However, the following list provides an indication of some of the marine geoen-
gineering proposals that have been introduced in peer-reviewed scientific literature in
recent years:
(1) Enhanced weathering and mineral carbonation techniques
Weatheringrefers to natural processes by which rocks (i.e. silicate and carbonate rocks)
break down (Taylor et al.). As part of this process, carbon dioxide reacts with these rocks
and is thereby removed from the atmosphere for thousands of years (The Royal Society
2009; NRC CDR Report 2015a). According to Hartmann et al. (2013), this reaction
between carbon dioxide and silicate rocks has regulated the Earths carbon cycle and
climate for several eons. In the oceans, dissolved carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
reacts with powdered minerals (Hartmann et al. 2013; NRC CDR Report 2015a). Such reac-
tions can form sediments that settle on the ocean floor (NRC CDR Report 2015a). However,
this naturally occurring weathering process is slow. One geoengineering proposal is to
accelerate this process by adding powdered minerals to the ocean to increase the rate
of carbon dioxide removed from the atmosphere. This could also counteract ocean acid-
ification from elevated atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide (The Royal Society
2009; Hartmann et al. 2013).
(2) Enhanced kelp farming
A further marine geoengineering proposal involves cultivating kelp (seaweed). Growth
of kelp removes carbon dioxide from the oceans through photosynthesis (Duarte et al.
2017). There are doubts on the extent to which kelp can act as a long term carbon sink,
as it eventually decomposes and the carbon may thereby re-enter the atmosphere
(Duarte et al. 2017). However, kelp might be used as a biomass to replace fossil fuels in
energy production and therefore contribute to the production of BECCS (Chung et al.
2013; Duarte et al. 2017).
(3) Ocean up-welling and/or down-welling
Ocean upwelling proposals involve using large-scale vertical pipes in the oceans to
bring nutrient-rich water from the deep ocean to the surface (The Royal Society 2009).
This method is an alternative to ocean fertilization. Instead of adding nutrients to stimu-
late phytoplankton growth, nutrients would instead be transferred from the deep ocean
(Lovelock and Rapley 2007). Similar pipes could also be used to enhance the down-
welling of carbon-rich cold water for storage in the deep ocean (Zhou and Flynn 2005;
The Royal Society 2009).
(4) Ocean alkalisation for coral reef recovery/restoration
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Increased concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere makes the oceans
more acidic (IGBP, IOC, SCOR 2013). Ocean acidification reduces coral reef growth and
the associated carbon sequestration provided by coral reefs. This geoengineering proposal
therefore attempts to offset reductions in coral reef growth by mixing alkaline substances
(such as calcium carbonate) into seawater (Feng et al. 2016). Whilst there are practical con-
cerns about the ability of this approach to protect whole reefs, it might be useable at a
smaller scale.
(5) Marine cloud brightening
Clouds reflect a percentage of incoming solar radiation (sunlight) into space, preventing
it from warming the earths surface. Low clouds over dark ocean surfaces are especially
effective at influencing the earths reflectivity or albedo(NRC SRM Report 2015b).
Marine cloud brightening proposes to increase the longevity and whiteness of ocean
clouds (Latham et al. 2012). This technique would involve seedingexisting marine
ocean clouds with microscopic sea water particles, increasing the amount of droplets
within the cloud to enhance the amount of incoming sunlight it reflects (Jones and
Haywood 2012; Latham et al. 2012).
(6) Microbubbles to enhance ocean albedo
Microbubbles dispersed in water have similar reflective properties to water droplets
found in in clouds (Seitz 2011). A further proposal to enhance the earths albedo is to
create microbubbles to brighten the surface of the ocean. Microbubbles could be gener-
ated at strategic locations to have a localised cooling effect (i.e. the tropics) and could also
be generated from ships to enhance the brightness of their wakes that can be kilometres
long (Seitz 2011).
4. Marine geoengineering: key issues for the international law system
Proposals to develop geoengineering technologies pose significant challenges for the
international law system. The concept of geoengineering automatically gives rise to con-
sideration of international law as geoengineering technologies are broadly intended to
manipulate the atmosphere and/or global climate system (The Royal Society 2009). As a
class of geoengineering activities, CDR proposals are generally perceived to involve less
perturbation in the Earths system compared to SRM proposals, such as use of strato-
spheric aerosols (NRC CDR Report 2015a). However, proposals to use the oceans as a
site for geoengineering raises questions about their impact on the marine environment.
As discussed above, risk of harm to the marine environment and human health from
placing large amounts of iron particles into the oceans was a key driver behind the
2013 amendments to the London Protocol. Enhanced weathering and other marine geoen-
gineering proposals that involve placing large quantities of minerals or other matter into
the oceans raise similar concerns (NRC CDR Report 2015a). A key challenge for the inter-
national law system is therefore how to govern risks of harm to the marine environment
from marine geoengineering, and how to respond to such harm should it eventuate. This
may include developing rules and institutions to provide mechanisms for environmental
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impact and risk assessment, systems for monitoring results of geoengineering, mechan-
isms for civil society consultation and/or participation, plus rules for responsibility/liability
for transboundary harm to the territory of other states and harm to the oceans as a global
A further challenge is to understand how existing rules of international law might
apply to different marine geoengineering proposals. As stated above, the 2013 amend-
ments to the London Protocol establish a framework that could be used to govern marine
geoengineering proposals (including scientific research) in addition to ocean fertilization.
However, in addition, there are a number of other regimes for ocean governance that
may be relevant to marine geoengineering proposals. These regimes include the 1982
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea,
1995 United Nations Fish Stocks Agree-
1980 Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources,
Convention Concerning the Protection of World Culture and Natural Heritage,
and the
2015 Paris Agreement. In addition to international agreements, rules of customary inter-
national law are also likely to be relevant, including the obligation on states to prevent
significant transboundary harm and harm to the global commons, as well as the precau-
tionary principle/approach. Finally, it is also important to understand the interplay
between these existing rules and regimes in the context of marine geoengineering.
That is, how they might overlap and interact to form an existing governance structure
for marine geoengineering.
The initial governance efforts to respond to ocean fertilization in the ocean dumping
regime and biological diversity regime largely followed a preventative and/or precau-
tionary approach. As noted above, governance efforts within these regimes have primar-
ily been directed at minimising the risk of harm to the marine environment and
biodiversity. We do not question the need to address the risks of environmental
harm from ocean fertilization and other marine geoengineering proposals. However,
protecting the marine environment from harm might no longer be appropriate as the
primary goal of marine geoengineering governance. The targets set under the 2015
Paris Agreement (and the IPCC emission pathways informing these targets) present a
new challenge for international law and geoengineering governance. As stated above,
the Paris Agreement implicitly relies on large-scale negative emissions in the second
half of this century in order to limit global temperature rise to 2 degrees Celsius. The
international governance of geoengineering technologies therefore now needs to
develop in such a way as to support and eventually realise the assumptions built into
the Paris Agreement. It is no longer enough for international law and governance to
be driven by the risks of developing negative emissions technologies. Consideration
must also be given to the risks of not developing negative emissions technologies
(Larkin et al. 2017). In the case of marine geoengineering governance, it may be necess-
ary to revise the preventative/precautionary approach that has developed around ocean
fertilization and consider whether this approach complements expectations about the
development of negative emissions technologies in the Paris Agreement.Inthe
context of BECCS, Peters and Geden (2017) suggest that a more facilitative approach
to governance and policy may be necessary, including the development of carbon
accounting systems and incentivizing the research and development of BECCS. This
raises the question as to whether a similar approach may be appropriate in the
context of marine geoengineering.
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5. Conclusion
International climate change policy has already moved into a period in which assumptions
about negative emissions are playing a significant role in modelling for future temperature
stabilisation pathways. If these assumptions are to be realised, research into the science,
governance, social acceptability and ethics of terrestrial and marine-based CDR will
need to be accelerated by the research community. Presently, there are many formative
ideas for marine geoengineering, which have not progressed beyond the journal article
or laboratory stage. This lack of progress is in part unsurprising, given the initial highly pre-
cautionary approach to the governance of marine geoengineering put in place by the
ocean dumping and biodiversity regimes. This precautionary approach is also understand-
able, given the heavy emphasis upon mitigation of greenhouse gases within the UNFCCC
process in the lead up to the 2009 Copenhagen COP15 meeting. However, the reality now
facing the global climate regime is that regardless of the ambition of emission reductions,
there will need to be very significant negative emissions later this century to get close to
the 1.5°C2.0°C temperature stabilisation goals of the Paris Agreement. The threats posed
by temperature increases of 3°C or more in this century and beyond may also necessitate
contemplation of the use of SRM approaches that could buy us time on the path to de-
carbonization and help us avoid exceeding critical climatic thresholds.
This new reality for international climate change policy calls for an urgent rethinking of
the current international governance regimes for both terrestrial and marine based geoen-
gineering. For marine geoengineering, the 2013 LP.4(8) amendments of the London Pro-
tocol provide an existing template that might guide initial efforts to govern marine
geoengineering proposals other than ocean fertilization, especially scientific research.
However, governance frameworks for marine geoengineering research and deployment
will be of limited use unless accompanied by parallel societal agreement around the
social acceptability and ethical desirability of marine geoengineering. Any future research
into marine geoengineering will therefore need to be carried out thorough a genuinely
interdisciplinary program of scientists, lawyers, social scientists and ethicists. This interdis-
ciplinary research program will offer the best prospects of properly informing societal
deliberation into research of marine geoengineering and the democratic legitimacy of
any wider application of these techniques.
1. Paris Agreement, opened for signature 12 December 2016 (entered into force 4 November
2016) art 2(1)(a).
2. IPCC (2017).
3. Prominent examples include: the IronEx-I experiment conducted near the Galapagos Islands in
1993(Coale et al. 1998); the 1999 Southern Ocean Iron Release Experiment(SOIREE) con-
ducted in the Australasian-Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean (
project/2051); and the Subarctic Ecosystem Response to Iron Enrichment Study(SERIES) con-
ducted in the Gulf of Alaska in 2002 (Boyd et al. 2004).
4. Convention on Biological Diversity, opened for signature 5 June 1992, 1760 UNTS 79 (entered
into force 29 December 1993)
5. Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter,
opened for signature 29 December 1972, 1046 UNTS 138 (entered into force 30 August
1975) (London Convention); 1996 Protocol to the 1972 Convention on the Prevention of
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Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter, opened for signature 7 November
1996, [2006] ATS 11 (entered into force 24 March 2006) (London Protocol).
6. World Conservation Union (IUCN) Regulation of CO
sequestrationScientific Group of the
London Convention, 30th mtg, Agenda Item 12, LC/SG 30/12 (8 May 2007); United States,
Planktos, Inc., Large-scale Ocean Iron Addition ProjectsScientific Group of the London Con-
vention, 30th mtg, Agenda Item 12, LC/SG 30/INF.28 (1 June 2007).
7. Greenpeace International, Challenging geo-engineering solutionsto climate change: The
urgent need for detailed scientific scrutiny and international regulations to protect the
oceans from large-scale iron fertilization programs, Scientific Group of the London Conven-
tion, 30th mtg, Agenda Item 12, LC/SG 30/12/1 (8 May 2017) and World Conservation
Union (IUCN) Regulation of CO
sequestrationScientific Group of the London Convention,
30th mtg, Agenda Item 12, LC/SG 30/12 (8 May 2007).
8. Statement of concern regarding iron fertilization of the oceans to sequester CO
, LC-LP.1/Circ.14
(13 July 2007).
9. Decision adopted by the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity at its
Ninth Meeting: IX/16. Biodiversity and climate change, 9th mtg, Agenda Item 4.5, UNEP/CBD/
COP/DEC/IX/16 (9 October 2008) Section C.
10. Resolution LC-LP.1 (2008) on the Regulation of Ocean Fertilization (adopted 31 October 2008),
Report of the Thirtieth Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the London Convention and
the Third Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the London Protocol, 30th and 3rd mtgs,
Agenda Item 16, Annex 6, LC 30/16 (9 December 2008).
11. Assessment Framework for Scientific Research Involving Ocean Fertilization (adopted 14 October
2010), Report of the Thirty-Second Consultative Meeting and the Fifth Meeting of Contracting
Parties, 32nd and 5th mtgs, Agenda Item 15, Annex 6, LC 32/15 (9 November 2010).
12. See, eg, Australia and New Zealand, Examination of each of the legally binding options
(options 4 to 8 developed in 2009) according to the criteria in the terms of reference,
and of any additional options or criteria received under item 2 & further development
of any of the legally binding options, as necessary: Regulating Ocean Fertilization Exper-
iments under the London Protocol and Convention, LP CO2 3/3/1 (8 February 2010);
Canada, Discussion of an Additional Option to Achieve the Regulation of Legitimate Scien-
tific Research Involving Ocean Fertilization under the London Protocol, LC 32/4/1 (3
August 2010).
13. Australia and New Zealand, Regulating Ocean Fertilization Experiments under the London
Protocol and Convention, LC 31/4/1 (4 September 2009).
14. Decision Adopted by the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity at its
Tenth Meeting: X/33. Biodiversity and climate change, 10th mtg, Agenda Item 5.6, UNEP/CBD/
COP/DEC/X/33 (29 October 2010) paragraph 8(w).
15. Resolution LP.4(8) on the Amendment to the London Protocol to Regulate the Placement of Matter
for Ocean Fertilization and Other Marine Geoengineering Activities (adopted on 18 October 2013),
Report of the Thirty-Fifth Consultative Meeting and the Eight Meeting of Contracting Parties,
35th and 8th mtgs, Agenda Item 15, Annex 4, LC 35/15 (21 October 2013).
16. Resolution LP.4(8) Art 6bis(1); Annex 4 (1.2)(1.3).
17. London Protocol, art 21(3).
18. United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, opened for signature 10 December 1982,
1833 UNTS 3 (entered into force 16 November 1994)
19. Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law
of the Sea of 10 December 1982 Relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish
Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks, opened for signature 4 August 1995, 2167 UNTS 3
(entered into force 11 December 2001).
20. Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources, opened for signature 20
May 1980, [1982] ATS 9 (entered into force 7 April 1982).
21. Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, opened for
signature 23 November 1972, 1037 UNTS 151 (entered into force 15 December 1975).
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Kerryns contribution to this article was supported by a scholarship from the Institute for the Study of
Social Change at the University of Tasmania.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
Notes on contributors
Dr Jeffrey McGee is the Senior Lecturer in Climate Change, Marine and Antarctic Law at the University
of Tasmania. Dr McGees research is focused on the international architecture of climate change gov-
ernance, negative emissions strategies, Antarctic governance and realist theories of international
law. Dr McGee has over a decade of experience in private legal practice and as a senior legal
adviser to the Australia government. He is a fellow of the Earth System Governance Network and
member of the Humanities and Social Sciences Expert Group of the Scientific Committee on Antarc-
tic Research.
Dr Kerryn Brent is a Lecturer in the Faculty of Law at the University of Tasmania in Hobart, Australia.
Dr Brent researches in the field of international environmental law, focusing on the governance of
geoengineering technologies. Her Ph.D. thesis examined the role of customary international law
for the governance of solar radiation management geoengineering. Dr Brent is continuing her
research on geoengineering governance with a new focus on marine geoengineering proposals.
Dr Wil Burns is a Co-Executive Director of the Forum for Climate Engineering Assessment in the
School of International Services at American University, and is based in Berkeley, California. He
also serves as non-residential scholar at American Universitys School of International Service and
a Senior Scholar at the Centre for International Governance Innovation in Canada. His current
areas of research focus are: climate geoengineering; international climate change litigation; adap-
tation strategies to address climate change, with a focus on the potential role of micro-insurance;
and the effectiveness of the European Unions Emissions Trading System.
Jeffrey McGee
Kerryn Brent
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... Carbon sequestration methods have also been investigated through ocean fertilisation. Compared to their terrestrial counterparts, of all the carbon dioxide removal technologies undergoing current research or implementation, approaches targeting oceans appear to have more significant potential to stem the sea-level rise in the temporal scale required to curb rising seas (McGee et al., 2018). ...
... Alternatively, artificial sea spray foam could be released on the ocean surface via nozzles, and mechanical shakers succeeded in stabilisation the bubbles through the injection of surfactants, such as amphiphilic nanoparticles or phospholipids, to increase the longevity of these bubbles from minutes to days, weeks or months (Julia A. Crook et al., 2016;Seitz, 2011). The foam to be used would be nondispersive, non-toxic, biodegradable and ecologically benign (McGee et al., 2018). ...
... Geoengineering the biological pump could take several forms. For example, terrestrial nutrients could be supplied to the ocean, or macronutrients from within the ocean by upwelling deep nutrient-rich waters to the euphotic zone using local wave power to pump deep waters and iron supply to both high-nutrient lowchlorophyll to low-nutrient low-chlorophyll regions (McGee et al., 2018). Still, increased marine phytoplankton activity might directly increase cloud albedo, reducing the amount of solar radiation to surface waters, which would, in turn, decrease water evaporation and consequent rainfall activity (Caldeira, 1989). ...
... The answer to this question may be straightforward in some cases, but more complex in many others [37]. Consider, for example, conflicts arising from the use of the oceans for climate mitigation through marine geoengineering [44] or for the extraction of deep-sea minerals for the energy transition [41]. In both cases, the risk to marine biodiversity increases. ...
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In June 2023, governments agreed to a new treaty on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ). Unlike most other multilateral environmental agreements that typically emerge in response to newly identified transboundary environmental issues, the BBNJ Agreement steps into an already crowded institutional landscape as a global authority with broad objectives. The challenge facing this new legal instrument is unique. It must transform the architecture of ocean governance by harmonizing existing institutions, frameworks, and bodies (IFBs) while respecting their autonomy. This study examines the numerous references to IFBs in the treaty text to shed light on how the BBNJ Agreement might affect the dynamics with and among existing IFBs. The findings suggest that the BBNJ Agreement represents a new model for multilateral environmental agreements. It relies on its capacity to orchestrate incumbent IFBs and forge a new polycentric order centered around its treaty objectives. Its institutional power is likely to be constrained by the obligation to involve relevant IFBs in its decision-making processes. But the primary strength of the BBNJ Agreement lies in the normative authority it has established. Its objectives are effectively promoted within IFBs, potentially taking precedence in the event of serious or irreversible harm to marine biodiversity. When fully implemented, the BBNJ Agreement has the potential to redefine the relationships among existing IFBs and improve their coherence for more holistic ocean governance.
... The intricacy of oceanic biological pumps, marine carbon pumps (MCP), and changing climates cause this phenomenon. Numerous studies have warned against geoengineering and ocean fertilization [42,43]. Large-scale microalgae cultures in open ponds or closed photobioreactor (PBR) systems may be able to store carbon because they proliferate in nutrient-rich environments [44,45]. ...
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The substantial rise in carbon emissions can be attributed to the initiation of the industrial revolution in the 17th century. The increase in global temperature is linked to higher concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide. The anticipated increase in international sea levels is predicted to affect a considerable portion of the world's population significantly. The susceptibility of blue carbon ecosystems to climate change prompts inquiries regarding their capacity to operate effectively in the future while simultaneously delivering ecological advantages to coastal communities, including climate change adaptation. The primary emphasis of the study was on blue carbon, a term used to describe the process of carbon sequestration in coastal and marine ecosystems to mitigate the dangers associated with climate change.
... One contested area of investigation where DTs might prove particularly useful is marine geoengineering. Involving manipulations of natural processes and habitats to counteract anthropogenic climate change and its impacts, marine geoengineering also has the potential to result in harmful effects 56,57 . Iron fertilization to aid in primary producer growth, artificial upwelling to reduce sea surface temperature, and seaweed cultivation and alkalinization to absorb carbon are some of the ideas in the field. ...
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Digital twins, a nascent yet potent computer technology, can substantially advance sustainable ocean management by mitigating overfishing and habitat degradation, modeling, and preventing marine pollution and supporting climate adaptation by safely assessing marine geoengineering alternatives. Concomitantly, digital twins may facilitate multi-party marine spatial planning. However, the potential of this emerging technology for such purposes is underexplored and yet to be realized, with just one notable project entitled European Digital Twins of the Ocean. Here, we consider the promise of digital twins for ocean sustainability across four thematic areas. We further emphasize implementation barriers, namely, data availability and quality, compatibility, and cost. Regarding oceanic data availability, we note the issues of spatial coverage, depth coverage, temporal resolution, and limited data sharing, underpinned, among other factors, by insufficient knowledge of marine processes. Inspired by the prospects of digital twins, and informed by impending difficulties, we propose to improve the availability and quality of data about the oceans, to take measures to ensure data standardization, and to prioritize implementation in areas of high conservation value by following the ‘nested enterprise’ approach.
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The model pathways of the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) for the timely achievement of global climate targets, especially the target of limiting global warming to 1.5°C compared to pre-industrial levels, suggest the need for safeguarding and enhancing the global carbon sink. Experts argue that the deployment of so-called negative emissions technologies for large-scale carbon dioxide removal holds potential for keeping the temperature in line with limits set by the Paris Agreement. Ocean-based negative emissions technologies (ONETs) intend to enhance carbon sequestration and storage in the ocean, e.g., by changing the ocean’s physical or biogeochemical properties. But in addition to these intended effects, ONETs may also cause unintentional impacts on the ocean’s condition and on related coastal and marine ecosystem services that are relevant for the attainment of a range of global policy goals. This article links potential direct and indirect, intentional and unintentional impacts of eight ONETs on the marine environment to the regulations and policy goals of international environmental agreements of the current global ocean governance regime. The results thereof outline a direct, implicit and indirect governance framework of ONETs. Hereby, a broader perspective of the concept of (global) ocean governance is adopted to outline a wider network that goes beyond the explicit regulation of ONETs within the realm of ocean governance. This first-order assessment derives gaps and challenges in the existing governance framework, as well as needs and opportunities for comprehensive governance of the technologies. It is determined that while the inclusion of ONETs in the global climate strategy may be deemed necessary for reaching net zero emission targets in the future, a range of potential trade-offs with other policy goals may need to be considered or dealt with when deploying ONETS for climate mitigation. Further, foresight-oriented and adaptive governance mechanisms appear imperative to bridge gaps resulting from extensive uncertainties and unknowns linked to ONET deployment in a changing ocean and. The identified ONET governance framework reiterates current challenges in ocean governance, for instance related to fragmentation, but also represents an opportunity for a synergistic and integrated approach to future governance.
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The chapter looks at climate change litigation against the backdrop of existing law. It uses a comparative approach to discuss tort and nuisance type cases that have principally occurred in the U.S., Germany, and the Netherlands. The chapter establishes different categories of horizontal civil litigation and discusses key legal and forensic issues where climate cases serve particularly well as a reference area for transboundary corporate liability. This includes justiciability, causation, standing and compensable damage as well as the existence and extent of a duty of care.
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One strategy to address environmental degradation caused by transnational human activities is to focus on States as the principal actors and law-makers on the international plane. In order to address environmental challenges, States have by and large three avenues for regulatory management at their disposal: the first one is domestic legislation on pollution control and conservation within the boundaries of jurisdictional limits set by international law; the second avenue is action through regional organisations of economic integration which have the power of supranational law-making, although these also have to observe the same jurisdictional limits in relation to the international community; and the third avenue is traditional international law-making, the method on which this Chapter focuses.
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Article 8 of the Paris Agreement, in its para. 1, recognises the importance of averting, minimising and addressing loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change. With this, Article 8 connects with the Warsaw International Mechanism (WIM)-work programme of 2013 which specifies that adverse effects resulting from climate change can be both sudden and slow onset events.
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Building on a comprehensive study commissioned by the German Federal Environmental Agency in 2018, this book seeks to identify the legal preconditions of the liability of private enterprises for transboundary environmental damage. This goal required an accurate description of the situation de lege lata , i.e. an examination of whether and if so, to what extent existing norms and institutions in international and national law can adequately and effectively address transboundary environmental damage caused by economic actors. However, such an examination would be both incomplete and soon outdated if current and emerging legal developments along with their implications were not also considered in appropriate depth. In addition to the stated goal of identifying existing legal norms and principles, this book has simultaneously endeavoured to focus on current scholarly debates, legal controversies and policy discussions about how liability for environmental damage could and should evolve de lege ferenda .
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The goal of this chapter is to understand the functions and objectives of environmental liability law. This task requires going beyond the traditional perspective of the judge or the lawyer to a certain extent, as these roles are usually concerned with the restitution of or compensation for environmental damage that has already occurred, a repressive perspective which is typically contrasted with the preventive function of environmental liability. In line with the latter function, liability law can be considered as a regulatory approach to cope with environmental problems and thus as a complement or alternative to other instruments of international law which are designed to minimise or eliminate environmental risks.
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A cumulative emissions approach is increasingly used to inform mitigation policy. However, there are different interpretations of what ‘2°C’ implies. Here it is argued that cost-optimization models, commonly used to inform policy, typically underplay the urgency of 2°C mitigation. The alignment within many scenarios of optimistic assumptions on negative emissions technologies (NETs), with implausibly early peak emission dates and incremental short-term mitigation, delivers outcomes commensurate with 2°C commitments. In contrast, considering equity and socio-technical barriers to change, suggests a more challenging short-term agenda. To understand these different interpretations, short-term CO2 trends of the largest CO2 emitters, are assessed in relation to a constrained CO2 budget, coupled with a ‘what if’ assumption that negative emissions technologies fail at scale. The outcomes raise profound questions around high-level framings of mitigation policy. The article concludes that applying even weak equity criteria, challenges the feasibility of maintaining a 50% chance of avoiding 2°C without urgent mitigation efforts in the short-term. This highlights a need for greater engagement with: (1) the equity dimension of the Paris Agreement, (2) the sensitivity of constrained carbon budgets to short-term trends and (3) the climate risks for society posed by an almost ubiquitous inclusion of NETs within 2°C scenarios. Policy relevance Since the Paris meeting, there is increased awareness that most policy ‘solutions’ commensurate with 2°C include widespread deployment of negative emissions technologies (NETs). Yet much less is understood about that option’s feasibility, compared with near-term efforts to curb energy demand. Moreover, the many different ways in which key information is synthesized for policy makers, clouds the ability of policy makers to make informed decisions. This article presents an alternative approach to consider what the Paris Agreement implies, if NETs are unable to deliver more carbon sinks than sources. It illustrates the scale of the climate challenge for policy makers, particularly if the Agreement’s aim to address ‘equity’ is accounted for. Here it is argued that much more attention needs to be paid to what CO2 reductions can be achieved in the short-term, rather than taking a risk that could render the Paris Agreement’s policy goals unachievable.
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Seaweed aquaculture, the fastest-growing component of global food production, offers a slate of opportunities to mitigate, and adapt to climate change. Seaweed farms release carbon that maybe buried in sediments or exported to the deep sea, therefore acting as a CO2 sink. The crop can also be used, in total or in part, for biofuel production, with a potential CO2 mitigation capacity, in terms of avoided emissions from fossil fuels, of about 1,500 tons CO2 km⁻² year⁻¹. Seaweed aquaculture can also help reduce the emissions from agriculture, by improving soil quality substituting synthetic fertilizer and when included in cattle fed, lowering methane emissions from cattle. Seaweed aquaculture contributes to climate change adaptation by damping wave energy and protecting shorelines, and by elevating pH and supplying oxygen to the waters, thereby locally reducing the effects of ocean acidification and de-oxygenation. The scope to expand seaweed aquaculture is, however, limited by the availability of suitable areas and competition for suitable areas with other uses, engineering systems capable of coping with rough conditions offshore, and increasing market demand for seaweed products, among other factors. Despite these limitations, seaweed farming practices can be optimized to maximize climate benefits, which may, if economically compensated, improve the income of seaweed farmers.
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States, transnational networks of scientists, corporate actors, and institutions in the climate change regime have known for decades that iron ore, when dumped in the ocean, can stimulate the growth of plankton. Over the past twenty years, normative disagreements about appropriate behavior have shaped international governance of the phenomenon. Prior to 2007, firms lobbied governments to treat the oceans as a carbon sink and to allow corporations that dumped iron to sell carbon credits on the international market. However, after 2007 a transnational coalition of oceanographers and advocates opposed this agenda by linking it to an emergent antigeoengineering discourse. Crucial to their efforts was their interpretation of uncertainty: for opponents, scientific uncertainty implied possibly devastating consequences of iron dumping, which was thus best addressed with extreme caution. This normative approach ultimately shaped governance, since advocates successfully used it to lobby institutions in ocean governance to prevent carbon credits from being issued for ocean fertilization. Since these subjective understandings of certainty influenced global ocean governance, this article explains international behavior as a consequence of changing norms.
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In order to meet the goal of limiting global average temperature increase to less than 2 °C, it is increasingly apparent that negative emissions technologies of up to 10 Pg C yr⁻¹ will be needed before the end of the century. Recent research indicates that fertilization of the ocean with the macronutrients nitrogen and phosphorus where they limit primary production, may have sequestration advantages over fertilizing iron limited regions. Utilizing global datasets of oceanographic field measurements, and output from a high resolution global circulation model, the current study provides the first comprehensive assessment of the global potential for carbon sequestration from ocean macronutrient fertilization (OMF). Sufficient excess phosphate exists outside the iron limited surface ocean to support once-off sequestration of up to 3.6 Pg C by fertilization with nitrogen. Ongoing maximum capacity of nitrogen only fertilization is estimated at 0.7 ± 0.4 Pg C yr⁻¹. Sequestration capacity is expected to decrease from the upper toward the lower bound over time under continued intense fertilization. If N and P were used in combination the capacity is ultimately limited by societies willingness to utilize phosphate resources. Doubling current phosphate production would allow an additional 0.9 Pg C yr⁻¹ and consume 0.07% yr⁻¹ of known global resources. Therefore offsetting up to around 15% (1.5 Pg C yr⁻¹) of annual global CO2 emissions is assessed as being technically plausible. Environmental risks which to date have received little quantitative evaluation, could also limit the scale of implementation. These results reinforce the need to consider a multi-faceted approach to greenhouse gasses, including a reduction in emissions coupled with further research into negative emissions technologies.
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Since the start of the industrial revolution, human activities have caused a rapid increase in atmospheric CO2 concentrations, which have in turn been cited as the cause of a variety climate changes such as global warming and ocean acidification. Various approaches have been proposed to reduce atmospheric CO2 concentrations. The ''Martin (or Iron) Hypothesis'' suggests that ocean iron fertilization (OIF) should be an efficient method for stimulating the biological pump in iron-limited high nutrient-low chlorophyll regions. To test the Martin hypothesis, a total 13 OIF experiments have been performed since 1990 in the Southern Ocean (7 times), in the subarctic Pacific (3 times), in the equatorial Pacific (twice), and in the subtropical Atlantic (once). These OIF field experiments demonstrated that primary production could be significantly increased after artificial iron addition. However, export production efficiency revealed by the OIF experiments was unexpectedly low compared to production from natural processes in all, except one of the experiments (i.e., the Southern Ocean European Iron Fertilization Experiment, EIFEX). These results, including side effects such as N2O production and hypoxia development, have been scientifically debated amongst those who support and oppose OIF experimentation. In the context of increasing global and political concerns associated with climate change, it is valuable to examine the validity and usefulness of the OIF. We provide a general overview of the OIF experiments conducted over the last 25 years (past), a discussion of OIF considerations including possible side effects (present), and an introduction to the OIF experiment plan currently being designed by Korean oceanographers (future).
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Artificial ocean alkalinization (AOA) is investigated as a method to mitigate local ocean acidification and protect tropical coral ecosystems during a 21st century high CO2 emission scenario. Employing an Earth system model of intermediate complexity, our implementation of AOA in the Great Barrier Reef, Caribbean Sea and South China Sea regions, shows that alkalinization has the potential to counteract expected 21st century local acidification in regard to both oceanic surface aragonite saturation Ω and surface pCO2. Beyond preventing local acidification, regional AOA, however, results in locally elevated aragonite oversaturation and pCO2 decline. A notable consequence of stopping regional AOA is a rapid shift back to the acidified conditions of the target regions. We conclude that AOA may be a method that could help to keep regional coral ecosystems within saturation states and pCO2 values close to present-day values even in a high-emission scenario and thereby might 'buy some time' against the ocean acidification threat, even though regional AOA does not significantly mitigate the warming threat.
Policymakers are beginning to understand the scale of carbon dioxide removal that is required to keep global warming [ldquo]well below 2 [deg]C[rdquo]. This understanding must now be translated into policies that give business the incentive to research, develop and deploy the required technologies.
Stabilization at concentrations consistent with keeping global warming below 2 °C above the pre-industrial level will require drastic cuts in Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions during the first half of the century; net negative emissions approaching 2100 are required in the vast majority of current emission scenarios. For negative emissions, the focus has been on bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS), where carbon-neutral bioenergy would be combined with additional carbon capture thus yielding emissions lower than zero. Different BECCS technologies are considered around the world and one option that deserves special attention applies CCS to ethanol production. It is currently possible to eliminate 27.7 million tonnes (Mt) of CO2 emissions per year through capture and storage of CO2 released during fermentation, which is part of sugar cane-based ethanol production in Brazil. Thus, BECCS could reduce the country’s emissions from energy production by roughly 5%. Such emissions are additional to those due to the substitution of biomass-based electricity for fossil-fueled power plants. This paper assesses the potential and cost effectiveness of negative emissions in the joint production system of ethanol and electricity based on sugar cane, bagasse, and other residues in Brazil. An important benefit is that CO2 can be captured twice along the proposed BECCS supply chain (once during fermentation and once during electricity generation). This study only considers BECCS from fermentation because capturing such CO2 is straightforward, thus potentially representing a cost-effective mitigation option for Brazil compared to other alternatives. The assessment shows that fuel prices would increase by less than 3.5% due to the adoption of BECCS from fermentation, while increasing investors’ revenues are sufficient to compensate for the investment required. With appropriate government subsidies, or by sharing BECCS costs between all car fuels and all electricity supplied by hydro and bioelectricity, the increment in ethanol and electricity prices could be less than 1% for the final consumer. Meanwhile it would supply 77.3% of all cars’ fuel (private cars) and 17.9% of all electricity in Brazil.