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Secure Mobile Banking Biometric Authentication



This paper presents an approach to securing mobile banking biometric authentication. The proposed system is based on secure client-server conventional XOR biometrics, which stores, transmits and verifies templates in encrypted form. Encryption keys are stored on bank's authentication servers, thus protecting the user twofold: if the phone gets stolen, both encryption keys and original templates are unavailable to an adversary. Once the user is authenticated, the communication between the client (the smartphone) and the server (bank) is encrypted. Having in mind that modern smartphones have iris scanners which operate by calculating Hamming distance and that variety of smartphones have fingerprint readers, which can, according to literature, be converted to XOR biometrics, one may conclude that the system is highly applicable and that it does not suffer from severe computational costs and drawbacks originating from cryptographic operations.
The 9th International Conference on Business Information Security
(BISEC-2017), 18th October 2017, Belgrade, Serbia
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Applied Studies, Belgrade and eSigurnost Association, Belgrade,
Singidunum University, Faculty of Technical Sciences,
Belgrade Metropolitan University, Faculty of Information Technologies and SECIT Security Consulting,
Institute of ICT, Joint Training Simulation & Analysis Center, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences,
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Applied Studies,
Abstract: This paper presents an approach to securing mobile banking biometric authentication. The proposed system is
based on secure client-server conventional XOR biometrics, which stores, transmits and verifies templates in encrypted
form. Encryption keys are stored on bank's authentication servers, thus protecting the user twofold: if the phone gets
stolen, both encryption keys and original templates are unavailable to an adversary. Once the user is authenticated, the
communication between the client (the smartphone) and the server (bank) is encrypted. Having in mind that modern
smartphones have iris scanners which operate by calculating Hamming distance and that variety of smartphones have
fingerprint readers, which can, according to literature, be converted to XOR biometrics, one may conclude that the system
is highly applicable and that it does not suffer from severe computational costs and drawbacks originating from
cryptographic operations.
Keywords: Biometrics, Authentication, Cryptography, Mobile Banking
Mobile banking is a service provided by a financial
institution that allows customers to conduct financial
transactions, such as electronic bill payments and funds
transfers, using a mobile device and software provided by
the aforementioned institution. While mobile banking has
it's upsides, security of financial transactions is a very
important issue that needs to be addresed very carefully, as
online banking is one of the most sensitive tasks performed
by general user [1]. Althoug many traditional banks offer
mobile baking with peace of mind [2], one should note that
there is not a silver bullet providing a user with 100%
security guarantee. According to [3], a survey conducted
by the Bureau of Financial Institutions found that 75 banks
and credit unions’ losses due to data security breaches
reached a total of over $2.1 million US. This is a significant
loss that financial institutions must address in order to
reduce fraud rates and protect users worldwide. Jeon et al.
identified three assets (which can be defined as targets of
attack for mobile devices): device, application and private
information [4]. Aforementioned authors defined a threat
as anything that is capable of acting against an asset in a
manner that can result in harm [4]. Broadly, two types of
threats are identified in [5]: ones casued by external factors
(adversaries) and ones caused by internal factors (user
unawareness). Regarding financial transactions conducted
via mobile the devices the following security apects should
be addressed: physical security of the device, security of
application running on the device, authentication of the
user and the device to the service provider, encryption of
data being transmitted and data that will be stored in device
for later analysis by the customer.
Variety of authentication methods, both having upsides
and downsides are implemented in mobile banking today.
As an example, customers that secure data with passwords
or PINs are at risk of fraud. Major companies have
identified the need for strong security countermeasures and
they are producing new hand-held products with built-in
biometric devices. Accordig to [6], the market size for
biometrics is expected to reach $24.59 billion in the next
six years and a lot of the growth will be seen from banks.
According to Gartner, over 30% of mobile devices are
currently using biometrics; banks should see as an
opportunity rather than a barrier to adoption [7]. Although
users of biometric devices do not need to remember
passwords or carry tokens and biometric traits are
distinctive and non-revocable in nature [8], thus offering
non-repudiation [9], one should note that biometric
templates can be intercepted, stolen, replayed or altered if
unsecured biometric device is connected to a network or if
an adversary gains physical access to a device. This
enforces the need for identity theft prevention with
technological countermeasures such as cancelable
biometrics, such as non-invertible transforms presented in
[10, 11] and strong cryptography.
Research presented in this paper deals with authentication
issue in mobile banking: precisely, cryptographically
secure authentication based on conventional XOR
biometrics presented in [12] is employed as mobile
banking authentication system. Variety of smartphones
having fingerprint readers, while devices with iris scanners
are emerging technology. As fingerprint can be converted
into XOR biometrics [13] and iris is verified by calculating
Hamming distance and comparing it with a threshold, we
can conclude that this modular system is suitable for
implementation in mobile banking.
In this section, cryptographically secured modular
authentication systems based on conventional XOR
biometrics with distributed storage are briefly described.
Additional details on enrolment and verification phases as
well as security evaluation of the system are given in [12].
System consists of one or more clients, an authentication
server and a trusted storage. Client is a device used to
capture biometrics, obtain auxiliary data and create
encrypted cancelable templates. Authentication server
manages encryption keys and verifies cancelable
templates, while the trusted storage stores the encrypted
templates. Two important characteristics of the proposed
system are that it keeps biometric templates encrypted or
cancelable during all stages of storage, transmission and
verification, and that it does not suffer from severe
computational costs and large sizes of encrypted templates.
Authentication server resides in the bank. As
authentication server stores encryption keys, it is logically
that encrypted templates reside on the client. This prevents
the attacker who obtains illegal access to authentication
server to decrypt the temples.
The client is a mobile device (smartphone or a tablet) with
fingerprint reader or an iris scanner. If the fingerprint
biometrics is used, conversion to conventional XOR
biometrics before cancellable template generation is
necessary during both enrolment and verification phases.
A system that generates XOR biometrics of fingerprints
based on filterbank of Gabor filters of different spatial
radial angles is presented in [13]. According to authors, the
resulting fixed-length binary representation was tested in
an authentication scenario with associated mechanism for
extraction of associated cryptology keys, based on the
principles of error correcting codes and the perspective of
the proposed approach was experimentally evaluated.
Additional software that provides feature extraction and
cryptographic operations is installed on the client (as an
additional application provided by the bank).
The non-invertible transform key is stored on the device.
User obtains this key from the bank. User is allowed to
wipe both the key and the data stored during enrolment
phase both locally, if he suspects the data is somehow
compromised, and remotely, if the device gets stolen. The
bank is allowed to do remote data wiping also, if the
authentication server is somehow compromised.
During the enrolment phase, client-side application
calculates hash of the devices IMEI and sends it to the
authentication server. Server generates a private-public
keypair (Kpriv, Kpub), stores the private key with hash of
IMEI (H(id), Kpriv) and sends public key to the mobile
device. User provides biometrics to the mobile device.
Client-side app creates a binary template b0 (with the aid of
additional conversion if fingerprints are used) and
generates cancelable binary template b = Kt b0 using
non-invertible transform key stored on the device. Client-
side app further generates random seed s0 and encrypts it
with the public key: sE = E(s0 , Kpub). App generates a
keystream s = PRNG (s0) using pseudorandom number
generator and given seed, calculates s b, stores values
(sE, s b) on the device and discards the rest of the data.
During the verification phase, hash of the device IMEI is
calculated on the client-side application and sent to the
authentication server. User provides biometrics to the
mobile device. Client-side app creates template b0 and
generates cancelable binary template b = Kt b0’. App
retrieves values sE and (s b), calculates s b band
sends it with the encrypted seed sE and hash of the devices
IMEI to the authentication server. Server retrieves private
key from stored record (H(IMEI), Kpriv) with the
corresponding device IMEI hash, decrypts the seed with
the private key s0 = E(sE , Kpriv) and generates the
keystream: s = PRNG (s0). Authentication server calculates
b b’ = s s b b’ and compares the Hamming
distance between cancellable templates b and bwith the
treshold. According to that result, the decision is made and
sent back to the client. If the user is genuine, the rest of the
communication between the mobile device and mobile
banking authentication server is encrypted.
Regarding the security of the proposed solution, the
following conclusions can be made. Templates are
encrypted or at least cancelable during all stages of storage,
transmission and verification, and the mobile device is not
allowed to access private keys stored on authentication
server. Authentication server has no access to the transform
keys and cancellable templates created on the mobile
device during enrolment. If the phone is stolen, an
adversary cannot claim as legitimate user as the system is
prone to all attacks listed in [14] as well as to hill-climbing,
non-randomness, re-usability, blended substitution and
linkage attack. Additionally, one should note that the user
is allowed to remotely wipe all stored data if the phone gets
lost or stolen.
However, one should note that security of the system also
depends on the security of the biometric device itself. As
an example, a hack on Samsung Galaxy S8 iris scanner is
briefly discussed. Iris patterns stable and distinctive
features for personal identification [15]. More than 250
distinguishing characteristics of an iris (degrees of
freedom) can be used in biometrics, resulting in six times
more identifiers than the fingerprint [16]. This is why iris
is sometimes referred to as an optical fingerprint.
According to aforementioned, iris scanners should be hard
to trick into false acceptance, but a group of hackers have
managed to do so with the iris-based authentication in
Galaxy S8 in an easy-to-execute attack. Hardware required
to complete the attack included a digital camera, a printer
and a contact lens, costing less than the unlocked
smartphone. The hack required taking a picture of the
subject's face, printing it on paper, superimposing the
contact lens (see Image 1), and holding the image in front
of the locked phone [17].
Image 1: Galaxy S8 iris-based authentication hack (still-
frame taken from [18])
Despite that, the manufacturer of the iris recognition used
in the smartphone still claims that iris recognition allows
consumers to finally trust that their phones are protected.
This paper presented an implementation of modular
authentication systems based on XOR biometrics into
mobile banking. Security evaluation of the proposed
system given within the paper. According to high level of
security and low computational costs make it highly
applicable as an authentication solution for mobile
banking. Our further work will focus on implementing the
system in simulated mobile banking scenario.
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last time visited September 2017.
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Full-text available
Biometrics is a pattern recognition system that refers to the use of different physiological (face, fingerprints, etc.) and behavioral (voice, gait etc.) traits for identification and verification purposes. A biometrics-based personal authentication system has numerous advantages over traditional systems such as token-based (e.g., ID cards) or knowledge-based (e.g., password) but they are at the risk of attacks. This paper presents a literature review of attack system architecture and makes progress towards various attack points in biometric system. These attacks may compromise the template resulting in reducing the security of the system and motivates to study existing biometric template protection techniques to resist these attacks.
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Need for information security and privacy is increasing in recent times. Since several valuable data and files are stored in an organization server system and moreover personal information are being shared in WWW, the need for providing security and permitting only the authorized user is becoming indispensable. For this purpose, biometric authentication is used in several applications and it is progressively acquiring more attention in the field of research. Several biometrics like fingerprint, iris, retina, etc., are used in rendering security to the information or key. The generation of cryptographic key from biometrics is used generally to secure the system. On the other hand, the storage and security for the biometric templates and the encryption keys are of a major concern. The effectiveness and the flexibility of the cryptographic key generation schemes make it suitable for integrating it with the biometric features (Biometric cryptosystems). Security is one of the major concerns in the present world and there is need for many researches to deal with the better biometrics based cryptographic key generation schemes. In this survey, discussed the several biometrics based cryptographic key generation schemes which will show the way for development of better security schemes using biometrics and cryptography.
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Recent developments in mobile technologies have produced a new kind of device, a programmable mobile phone, the smartphone. Generally, smartphone users can program any application which is customized for needs. Furthermore, they can share these applications in online market. Therefore, smartphone and its application are now most popular keywords in mobile technology. However, to provide these customized services, smartphone needs more private information and this can cause security vulnerabilities. Therefore, in this work, we analyze security of smartphone based on its environments and describe countermeasures.
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A person only has two irises - if his pattern is stolen he quickly runs out of alternatives. Thus methods that protect the true iris pattern need to be adopted in practical biometric applications. In particular, it is desirable to have a system that can generate a new unique pattern if the one being used is lost, or generate different unique patterns for different applications to prevent cross-matching. For backwards compatibility, these patterns should look like plausible irises so they can be handled with the same processing tools. However, they should also non-invertibly hide the true biometric so it is never exposed, or even stored. In this paper four such ldquocancelablerdquo biometric methods are proposed that work with conventional iris recognition systems, either at the unwrapped image level or at the binary iris code level.
In this paper, we propose an efficient method for personal identification by analyzing iris patterns that have a high level of stability and distinctiveness. To improve the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed system, we present a new approach to making a feature vector compact and efficient by using wavelet transform, and two straightforward but efficient mechanisms for a competitive learning method such as a weight vector initialization and the winner selection. With all of these novel mechanisms, the experimental results showed that the proposed system could be used for personal identification in an efficient and effective manner.
Online banking is one of the most sensitive tasks performed by general Internet users. Most traditional banks now offer online banking services, and strongly encourage customers to do online banking with 'peace of mind.' Although banks heavily advertise an apparent '100% online security guaran-tee,' typically the fine print makes this conditional on users fulfilling certain security requirements. We examine some of these requirements as set by major Canadian banks, in terms of security and usability. We opened personal check-ing accounts at the five largest Canadian banks, and one online-only bank. We found that many security require-ments are too difficult for regular users to follow, and be-lieve that some marketing-related messages about safety and security actually mislead users. We are also interested in what kind of computer systems people really use for online banking, and whether users satisfy common online bank-ing requirements. Our survey of 123 technically advanced users from a university environment strongly supports our view of an emerging gap between banks' expectations (or at least what their written customer policy agreements imply) and users' actions related to security requirements of online banking. Our participants, being more security-aware than the general population, arguably makes our results best-case regarding what can be expected from regular users. Yet most participants failed to satisfy common security require-ments, implying most online banking customers do not (or cannot) follow banks' stated end-user security requirements and guidelines. The survey also sheds light on the security settings of systems used for sensitive online transactions. This work is intended to spur a discussion on real-world sys-tem security and user responsibilities, in a scenario where everyday users are heavily encouraged to perform critical tasks over the Internet, despite the continuing absence of appropriate tools to do so.
Online banking authentication system using mobile-OTP with QR-code
  • Y S Lee
  • N H Kim
  • H Lim
  • H Jo
  • H J Lee
Y.S. Lee, N.H. Kim, H. Lim, H. Jo, and H.J. Lee, "Online banking authentication system using mobile-OTP with QR-code", in Proc. 5th International Conference on Computer Sciences and Convergence Information Technology (ICCIT), 2010, November 2010, pp. 644-648, IEEE.
Biometric Authentication for Mobile Banking: What Banks Need to Know
  • B Armour
B. Armour, "Biometric Authentication for Mobile Banking: What Banks Need to Know", Clear Bridge Mobile, available online, last time visited September 2017.