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Austronesian influence and Transeurasian ancestry in Japanese: A case of farming/language dispersal


Abstract and Figures

In this paper, I propose a hypothesis reconciling Austronesian influence and Transeurasian ancestry in the Japanese language, explaining the spread of the Japanic languages through farming dispersal. To this end, I identify the original speech community of the Transeurasian language family as the Neolithic Xinglongwa culture situated in the West Liao River Basin in the sixth millennium BC. I argue that the separation of the Japanic branch from the other Transeurasian languages and its spread to the Japanese Islands can be understood as occurring in connection with the dispersal of millet agriculture and its subsequent integration with rice agriculture. I further suggest that a prehistorical layer of borrowings related to rice agriculture entered Japanic from a sister language of proto-Austronesian, at a time when both language families were still situated in the Shandong-Liaodong interaction sphere.
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󰅺  󰂶 󰆽󰆻󰆼󰇂 󰃊 󰂹 󰆼󰆻󰂺󰆼󰆼󰇁󰆾󰃈󰆽󰆽󰆼󰆻󰇀󰇃󰆾󰆽󰄀󰆻󰆻󰇂󰆻󰆽󰆻󰆻󰇀
             󰄀󰄀 
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 
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   󰄀󰂶        
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󰆔 
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       󰆽󰆼󰆼
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󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆙󰃎            󰄀
 󰃍󰂺󰂺󰂶     󰂶 󰆔󰆜󰆚󰆔󰃎󰂺
  󰃍󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆙󰃎  󰂶     
       
          󰄀
       󰃍󰆔󰆓󰂶󰆓󰆓󰆓󰄍󰆔󰆓󰆓󰆓󰃎  
󰃍󰆔󰆓󰆓󰆓󰄍󰆖󰆓󰆓 󰃎 󰂺   󰃍󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆕󰃎    󰄀
         󰂶 
             
       󰄀 󰂶
         
󰂺 󰂶         󰄀
          
     󰂶  󰄀
       󰂺
      󰂶   󰄀
         
   󰂺      󰄀
      󰄀 󰄙󰄛   
          󰂶  
   󰄀󰂶  󰄙󰄀󰂺󰄛󰇟
  󰂶         
          󰃈 󰄀
 󰂺  󰂶   󰃍󰆔󰆜󰆛󰆚󰃎󰂶  
 󰃍󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆕󰃎󰂶    󰃍󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆖󰃎   󰃍󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆘󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆔󰃎󰂶
     󰄘      
   󰂹   󰂶    󰄀
󰂶          
󰆞              󰂺
  󰄙󰄛     󰃍󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆙󰂹 󰆚󰆚󰄍󰆚󰆛󰂶 󰆛󰆓󰄍󰆛󰆔󰃎     
             
    󰂺  󰂶   󰄙󰂶󰄛    󰃍󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆜󰃎󰂶
     󰂶        
  󰂺
󰆽󰆼󰆽 
    󰇂 󰃍󰆽󰆻󰆼󰇂󰃎 󰆽󰆼󰆻󰄍󰆽󰇀󰆼
󰄀󰂺       
          󰄀
  󰃍󰆙󰆕󰆓󰆓󰄍󰆖󰆚󰆘󰆓󰃎󰂶       󰄀
   󰂶        
         󰂶 
      󰄀 
  󰄀  󰂺   
   󰄀      
  󰃍󰂶 󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆘󰃎󰂶         
          
 󰄀󰄀        󰄀
 󰃍󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆔󰃎󰂺
     󰂺  󰆕   
            
      󰂶  
     󰂺  󰆖 
          󰄀
           󰂺
 󰆗         
       󰂺 
  󰆘      󰃈 󰄀
          
  󰂺
󰆕    
󰆕󰂺󰆔     
  󰄙󰄛       
󰂶   󰂺 󰆔󰂺         
             
 󰂹 󰂶 󰂶 󰂶 󰂶   󰃍󰄀
  󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆓󰂹 󰆔󰄍󰆕󰃎󰂺 󰄙󰄛     
  󰄙󰂶󰄛        
  󰂶 󰂶    󰂺  󰂶 
       󰂶 󰄀
     󰄀  󰃍󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆘󰂶
          󰄀
   󰂶         󰄀
       󰆽󰆼󰆾
    󰇂 󰃍󰆽󰆻󰆼󰇂󰃎 󰆽󰆼󰆻󰄍󰆽󰇀󰆼
 󰆼      󰂣   󰂤
 󰂹 󰂺󰂺󰂶  󰂶     󰂶  
 󰄀󰂶   󰄀    󰂶  󰄀
      󰂶   󰄀
 󰂶  󰃍󰄀󰄀󰃎  󰂶  󰃍󰄀
󰃈󰄀󰃎  󰂶    󰂶 
        󰂶 
        󰂶 󰂺 󰃍 󰂶
󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆚󰃎󰂺 󰂶          󰄀
     󰂶     
󰄀   󰂶      
 󰂶        󰄀
     󰃍󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆘󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆘󰃎󰂺    
          󰂶 󰄀
         
       󰃍󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆘󰂹 󰆔󰆙󰆖󰄍󰆔󰆚󰆖󰃎󰂺 
󰂶          󰄀
       󰂺    󰄀
󰂶    󰃍󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆘󰃎󰂶    
  󰃍󰂶 󰃎󰂶    
       󰂺 󰆕󰂺
󰆽󰆼󰆿 
    󰇂 󰃍󰆽󰆻󰆼󰇂󰃎 󰆽󰆼󰆻󰄍󰆽󰇀󰆼
 󰆽         󰂣 󰂤
󰆕󰂺󰆕     
 󰂶        
󰂶   󰂺 󰆖󰂶    󰂺     󰄀
           
      󰃍 󰂶 󰆔󰆜󰆚󰆙󰂶 󰆔󰆜󰆚󰆛󰂷 󰂶
󰆔󰆜󰆛󰆘󰂹 󰆔󰆓󰆘󰄍󰆔󰆔󰆓󰂷 󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆚󰃎󰂺     
       󰂶  
󰃍󰃎 󰂶     󰂺
          
    󰂶     󰃍󰆔󰆜󰆛󰆗󰃎
    󰄙󰄛 󰂺 󰂶  
        󰃍󰂶 󰆔󰆜󰆛󰆗󰂷
󰂶 󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆓󰂷 󰂶 󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆙󰂷 󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆜󰃎󰂺     󰄀
    󰃍󰆔󰆜󰆚󰆜󰂶 󰆔󰆜󰆛󰆕󰃎󰂶     󰄀
󰂺    󰂹      󰄀
  󰂶         󰄀
 󰆔        󰄀
    󰄀󰂺      󰄀
          
  󰄀         
󰄀 󰂺
       󰆽󰆼󰇀
    󰇂 󰃍󰆽󰆻󰆼󰇂󰃎 󰆽󰆼󰆻󰄍󰆽󰇀󰆼
 󰆾      󰂣   󰂤
 󰆼      󰃖 󰂐 󰃖
󰄀 󰄀
    
    󰆔 󰂺 󰆕
  󰃈󰄀 
       
    
󰆖      
󰆖󰂺󰆔        
       󰃍󰄖    󰄘
󰆔󰆓󰆜󰄍󰆜󰆔󰃎󰂶   󰃍󰄖    󰂶󰄘 󰆕󰆛󰆗󰃎   󰃖
 󰃍󰄖    󰂶󰄘 󰆘 󰃎   󰂶 󰂶
󰂶 󰂶        󰄀
      󰂶    
󰂺     󰂶    
          󰂺 󰄀
󰂶         󰂶  
  󰂶  󰂶     
      󰂺 󰂶  󰄀
󰆽󰆼󰇁 
    󰇂 󰃍󰆽󰆻󰆼󰇂󰃎 󰆽󰆼󰆻󰄍󰆽󰇀󰆼
       󰂶    󰃍󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆙󰂶
󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆜󰃎󰂶          
  󰂺
      󰂶  
   󰄀󰂶     󰄀
 󰂺   󰄀 󰃍󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆗󰂹 󰆗󰃎󰂶  󰂶 
  󰂶     󰄙  
    󰂻    󰂺󰄛 󰂶  
   󰂶       󰆚   
  󰂶   󰂶     
  󰃍󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆓󰂹 󰆖󰆙󰆚󰂶 󰆖󰆚󰆜󰄍󰆖󰆛󰆓󰂷   󰂺󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆛󰂹 󰆜󰂶 󰆔󰆗󰂷
  󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆛󰂹 󰆙󰆜󰄍󰆜󰆓󰂷 󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆔󰂹 󰆖󰆓󰆔󰂷   󰂺󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆕󰂹 󰆕󰃎󰂺
   󰃍󰆙󰆕󰆓󰆓󰄍󰆘󰆗󰆓󰆓󰃎󰂶      
    󰃍        
󰃍󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆚󰂹 󰆔󰆘󰆛󰂶 󰂺 󰆔󰃎󰂶         󰂺
        󰂶   󰄀
    󰃍 󰃎     
 󰃍 󰃎 󰃍󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆔󰂹 󰆖󰆓󰆔󰃎󰂺       
      󰄀  󰃍  󰂺󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆕󰂹
󰆛󰆘󰂷   󰂶  󰃎󰂺      󰄀
 󰂶       󰂶  󰂶
󰂶   󰃍󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆓󰂷   󰂺󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆛󰂷   󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆛󰂷
󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆔󰂷   󰂺󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆕󰂷   󰂺󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆙󰃎󰂺    
 󰆙󰆕󰆓󰆓     󰂶 
          󰃍󰆘󰆗󰆓󰆓󰄍
󰆗󰆘󰆓󰆓󰃎    󰃍󰆗󰆘󰆓󰆓󰄍󰆕󰆜󰆓󰆓 󰃎 󰃍  󰂺󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆚󰃎󰂺 
        󰃍󰆙󰆚󰆘󰆓󰄍󰆗󰆛󰆘󰆓󰃎 
 󰃍󰆙󰆓󰆓󰆓󰄍󰆘󰆓󰆓󰆓󰃎        󰂶  
  󰂺        
󰂶       󰂶   󰄀
󰂶   󰄀  󰂶    
   󰂺        
󰄀  󰂶      
        󰂶 
       󰂶 
    󰄀󰂺
󰆖󰂺󰆕       󰂣󰅭󰅮󰅩󰅩󰃣󰅬󰅩󰅩󰅩󰂤
    󰂶     
󰂺  󰂶         󰄀
       󰆽󰆼󰇂
    󰇂 󰃍󰆽󰆻󰆼󰇂󰃎 󰆽󰆼󰆻󰄍󰆽󰇀󰆼
 󰂶     󰂺    
󰂶         
      󰂶       󰄀
󰂶       󰂺     󰄀
           󰄀
      󰃍  󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆚󰃎󰂺 󰂶 
     󰃍󰆗󰆘󰆓󰆓󰄍󰆕󰆜󰆓󰆓󰃎    
           
    󰂺        
  󰂶        
     󰃍󰂶 󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆘󰂹 󰆚󰆗󰃎󰂺  󰆕󰆛󰆓󰆓󰂶 
          
        󰃍   󰂺󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆚󰃎󰂺   󰄀
           󰃍
 󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆔󰂹 󰆔󰆓󰆙󰂷   󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆚󰂹 󰆗󰆙󰆗󰃎󰂶     󰄀
       󰆕󰆚󰆓󰆓     
󰂶     󰂺  󰃍󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆖󰂹 󰆛󰃎    
      󰆖󰆓󰆓󰆓  󰆕󰆚󰆓󰆓   
     󰃍󰆗󰆛󰆓󰆓󰄍󰆔󰆘󰆓󰆓󰃎󰂺
     󰄀󰄀
󰂶           
          󰄀
 󰂶       󰄀󰄀󰂺 󰄀
󰂶    󰄀󰄀    
            󰂶 
     󰂺     󰄀
           
       󰃍󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆖󰃎󰂶 
󰃍󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆜󰃎   󰃍󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆔󰃎        󰄀
           
  󰂺      
  󰂶        󰄀
           󰂶 
󰆖󰆘󰆓󰆓  󰃍󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆔󰂹 󰆖󰆓󰆚󰃎󰂺  󰃍󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆘󰃎        
  󰄀    󰂺   󰂶   
           
 󰄀󰂺          
          󰄀 
 󰂺
󰆽󰆼󰇃 
    󰇂 󰃍󰆽󰆻󰆼󰇂󰃎 󰆽󰆼󰆻󰄍󰆽󰇀󰆼
 󰆿           
   󰃍󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆖󰂹 󰆘󰆜󰆜󰃎     
 󰂶   󰄀  󰂶    
  󰄀    󰄀     
          󰂶 󰂶  
     󰂺     󰂶 󰂶
        󰂶  
      󰂺  󰂶   
         󰂺
          󰄀
  󰆕󰆕󰆓󰆓         
   󰃍  󰂺󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆘󰃎󰂺      󰄀
       󰄀  
      󰂺   󰄀
      󰆔󰆕󰆓󰆓  󰆚󰆓󰆓 󰃍  󰂺󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆚󰃎󰂺 
󰂶    󰂶       
       󰂶      
 󰆕󰆓󰆜  󰆔󰆘󰆘 󰂺 󰂶     
󰆕󰆕󰆓󰆓             󰄀
 󰂺 󰂶   󰂶     
       󰆽󰆼󰇄
    󰇂 󰃍󰆽󰆻󰆼󰇂󰃎 󰆽󰆼󰆻󰄍󰆽󰇀󰆼
 󰄀        󰂶 󰄀
 󰄀          󰄀
   󰆔󰆔  󰂺     
         
  󰂶      󰄀 󰂺
        󰂶  
          󰂺 󰂶
     󰄀    
    󰂺
󰆖󰂺󰆖         󰅬󰅩󰅩󰅩
          
         
 󰂺        
    󰃍󰆘󰆓󰆓󰆓󰄍󰆕󰆛󰆓󰆓󰃎   󰃍󰆗󰆔󰆓󰆓󰄍
󰆕󰆙󰆓󰆓󰃎      󰂺 󰂶   󰂶
       󰂶     
   󰂺      󰂶  
   󰂶        
    󰂺  󰂶       
 󰂶         
󰆗󰆓󰆓󰆓       󰆖󰆓󰆓󰆓    
󰃍  󰂶  󰃎󰂺   󰂺 󰃍 󰃎   
         󰃍󰆙󰆚󰆘󰆓󰄍󰆗󰆛󰆘󰆓󰃎 
 󰃍󰆙󰆘󰆓󰆓󰄍󰆘󰆓󰆓󰆓 󰃎     󰂶    
󰃍 󰃎            
 󰂶            
󰂺        󰂶  󰄀
           
󰂶         
           󰄀
          
󰄀󰂶      󰃍󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆛󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆔󰂹 󰆕󰆚󰂷   󰂺󰂶 
󰃎󰂶  󰃍󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆛󰃎    󰃍󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆛󰂹 󰆜󰆖󰄍󰆜󰆗󰃎    
     󰄀 󰂺
         
    󰂹       󰂶 
󰂶    󰂶          󰃍󰂶
󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆜󰃎󰂶   󰃍  󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆜󰃎󰂶     
󰆽󰆽󰆻 
    󰇂 󰃍󰆽󰆻󰆼󰇂󰃎 󰆽󰆼󰆻󰄍󰆽󰇀󰆼
 󰂶         
  󰃍  󰂶 󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆙󰂹 󰆗󰆚󰄍󰆗󰆛󰂷   󰂺󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆗󰃎󰂺 󰄀
󰂶           
      󰂶     
󰃍󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆙󰃎   󰃍󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆘󰃎󰂶        
    󰆖󰆓󰆓󰆓󰄍󰆕󰆗󰆓󰆓󰂶    
     󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆓 󰃍  󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆛󰂹 󰆛󰆓󰂷 
 󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆚󰃎󰂺        󰃍  󰂺󰂶
󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆕󰃎        󰄀 󰄀
󰂶       󰂶    󰂺
           
    󰂶       󰄀 󰄀
     󰆖󰆓󰆓󰆓     
  󰂺  󰂶   󰂺 󰃍󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆗󰂹 󰆗󰆖󰆓󰃎   
        󰄀
   󰆛󰆓󰆓󰆓󰄍󰆙󰆓󰆓󰆓󰂶    󰄀
    󰂺
 󰄀       
        󰃍 󰄀󰃎
  󰂶  󰃍 󰃎     
󰂶   󰃍 󰃎      󰂺
     󰃍󰂶 󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆘󰂹 󰆚󰆛󰄍󰆚󰆜󰂶 󰆛󰆘󰃎󰂶   
         󰂶
     󰂺    󰂶  
           
      󰂶   󰂶  󰂶 
      󰂶   󰄀 
 󰂺
     󰃍󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆜󰃎   󰃍󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆓󰃎 
 󰄀          
󰃍󰆔󰆖󰆓󰆓󰄍󰆔󰆓󰆓󰆓󰃎      󰂺   
     󰃍󰆔󰆖󰆓󰆓 󰄍󰆓󰃎  󰂺   
            
󰂶  󰄀       󰄀
󰂺 󰂶          
           󰂶 
           
 󰃍  󰂶 󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆙󰂹 󰆘󰆚󰃎󰂺       󰄀
 󰂶  󰄀        
  󰂺
       󰆽󰆽󰆼
    󰇂 󰃍󰆽󰆻󰆼󰇂󰃎 󰆽󰆼󰆻󰄍󰆽󰇀󰆼
 󰇀        
              
   󰂶        󰃍󰆔󰆓󰆓󰆓󰄍
󰆖󰆓󰆓󰃎󰂺            
󰃍󰂶 󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆓󰂷 󰂶 󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆖󰂷 󰂶 󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆜󰂷   󰂶 󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆛󰂷 󰄀
  󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆖󰂷   󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆗󰂷 󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆘󰃎󰂶  
     󰂺   󰂶   
󰂶     󰂶    󰄀
 󰂶  󰂶     󰂺  
       󰄙󰄛    󰄀
󰂶      󰂶 󰄀 󰂺 󰄀
      󰂶    
       󰃍  󰂶 󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆙󰂹 󰆘󰆛󰂶 
 󰂶 󰆔󰆜󰆛󰆕󰂹 󰆗󰆓󰆘󰃎󰂶        
 󰃍󰂶 󰆔󰆜󰆛󰆓󰂹 󰆛󰆕󰂷 󰂶 󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆔󰂹 󰆕󰆙󰄍󰆕󰆚󰂷 󰂶 󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆖󰂹 󰆕󰂷 󰂶 󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆚󰂹 󰆔󰆓󰆛󰂶
󰆔󰆖󰆘󰂷 󰂶 󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆛󰂹 󰆚󰆚󰂷 󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆚󰂹 󰆘󰆔󰃎󰂶     󰂶
 󰄀    󰃍󰂶 󰆔󰆜󰆛󰆓󰂹 󰆛󰆗󰂷 󰂶 󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆚󰂹 󰆔󰆚󰂷   󰂺󰂶
󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆘󰃎    󰂺  󰂶   
󰂶   󰂶   󰂶     󰄀
        󰂶   
󰂺 󰆘󰂺
󰆽󰆽󰆽 
    󰇂 󰃍󰆽󰆻󰆼󰇂󰃎 󰆽󰆼󰆻󰄍󰆽󰇀󰆼
󰆗      
          
       󰄀
 󰂺   󰂶      
     󰄀󰂶   󰄀
       󰃍  󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆚󰂶
        󰄀󰄀
  󰄀 󰂶     
        󰄙󰄛  󰄙󰂶󰄛
      󰃎󰂺   󰄀
        󰄀󰂺
 󰂶       󰂶  
   󰂶      
 󰄀󰄀        
󰂺 󰂶         
           󰄀
     󰄎 󰄀󰄎
 󰂺
󰆗󰂺󰆔   
󰂶           
     󰂺     
     󰄖󰄘  󰄖󰂶󰄘   󰃍󰆔󰃎󰂺  
    󰃍󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆚󰃎      󰂺
󰃍󰆞󰃎  󰃻󰄀 󰄖    󰄘 󰅦 󰃻󰄀 󰄖  
󰂶 󰄘 󰍪 󰃻 󰄖  󰄘
󰈾 󰃻 󰄖󰂶 󰄘 󰃍 󰃻󰃖   󰃎
󰍪 󰃻󰃖 󰄖 󰄘 󰃍 󰃻󰄀  󰃎
󰂺 󰂹  󰃻󰄀󰅦󰃻󰃖󰂞󰄀 󰄖 󰂶  󰂶 
󰄘 󰍪 󰃻󰂞󰃻 󰄖    󰂶 󰄘 󰃍 󰃻󰄀
 󰃎
 󰃻󰃖󰄀 󰅦 󰃻󰃖󰄀󰂞󰃻󰃖󰄀 󰄖 󰂶 󰂷  󰄘
󰃍 󰃻󰄀󰄀 󰃎
  󰄀 󰄖󰆔  󰂶   󰃍 󰃎󰂷 󰆕  󰂶
 󰃍󰂺󰃎󰂶󰄘   󰄀 󰄖󰆔󰂶 󰆕󰂶󰄘  󰄀 󰄖 󰂷 
󰂶 󰂶 󰂶󰄘  󰄀 󰄖 󰂶 󰂶󰄘  󰄀 󰄖 󰂶 󰂶󰄘
       󰆽󰆽󰆾
    󰇂 󰃍󰆽󰆻󰆼󰇂󰃎 󰆽󰆼󰆻󰄍󰆽󰇀󰆼
 󰄀 󰄖  󰃍󰃎󰂶    󰃍 󰃎󰂷  
 󰃍 󰃎󰂶     󰄘 󰃍󰂶 󰆔󰆜󰆖󰆘󰂹 󰆖󰆓󰆔󰃎󰂶  󰄀
󰄖 󰄘 󰃍󰂶 󰆔󰆜󰆙󰆔󰂹 󰆔󰆙󰆔󰃎󰂶 󰄀󰂶 󰄀 󰄖 󰂶󰄘  
󰄀 󰄖 󰂶󰄘  󰄀 󰄖 󰂶󰄘  󰄀󰂶 󰄀 󰄖
󰂶 󰂶  󰃍󰃎󰂶󰄘  󰄀 󰄖 󰂶 󰄘 󰃍󰂶
 󰃻󰂞󰃻 󰄖    󰄘
  󰂶󰂶    󰅦 󰄖󰆔 󰂶
󰂶 󰂶 󰂷 󰆕   󰂶   󰂶   󰂶
󰂷 󰆖 󰂶 󰂶󰄘   󰅦 󰄖󰆔 󰂶 󰂷 󰆕 󰂶 󰂶
󰂶  󰂷 󰆖 󰂶 󰄘 󰃍󰂶 󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆚󰃎󰂶  
󰄖󰆔󰂶 󰆕󰂶 󰆖󰂶󰄘   󰄖󰆔 󰂶 󰂷 󰆕  󰃍 󰃎󰂶  󰃍 󰃎󰂶
󰆖 󰂶 󰄘 󰃍󰂶 󰆔󰆜󰆖󰆘󰂹 󰆕󰆔󰆓󰃎󰂶   󰅦 󰄖󰆔󰂶 󰆕󰂶 󰆖󰂶󰄘  󰂶
 󰄖󰂶 󰄘 󰃍󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆔󰂹 󰆖󰆘󰆗󰃎󰂶  󰂶󰂶 󰄖󰂶
󰂶 󰄘 󰃍󰂶 󰆔󰆜󰆙󰆔󰂹 󰆔󰆙󰆔󰃎󰂶    󰄖󰂶 󰂶󰄘 
 󰄖󰂶 󰄘 󰃍󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆔󰂹 󰆖󰆘󰆗󰃎
󰂺 󰂹  󰃻󰄀 󰄖 󰄘 󰅦 󰃻󰄀 󰄖    󰄘 󰃈
󰃻󰄀 󰄖  󰄘
󰍪 󰃻 󰄖󰄘 󰃍  󰃻󰄀  󰂿󰃎
󰍪 󰃻󰃖 󰄖 󰄘 󰃍 󰃻󰄀  󰃎
 󰃻󰄀 󰄖 󰂶  󰄘 󰅦 󰃻󰄀 󰄖    󰄘 󰃈
󰃻󰄀 󰄖  󰄘
 󰄀 󰄖  󰃍󰃎󰂶 󰂶 󰂶 󰂶󰄘 󰄀 󰄖 󰄀
󰂶  󰂶 󰂶󰄘 󰄀 󰄖󰆔     󰂶 󰆕 
󰂶   󰃍󰄘 󰃎󰂶󰄘 󰄀 󰄖󰆔  󰂶   󰂶 󰆕  󰂶 
󰄘 󰃍󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆖󰃎󰂶  󰄀 󰄖 󰂶󰄘  󰄀 󰄖 
󰃍 󰃎󰂶 󰂶 󰂶 󰂶󰄘  󰄀 󰄖 󰂶󰄘 
󰄀 󰄖 󰂶󰄘  󰄀󰂶 󰄀 󰄖 󰂶󰄘  󰄀󰂶 󰄀󰂶
󰄀 󰄖 󰄘 󰃍󰂶 󰆔󰆜󰆚󰆘󰄍󰆔󰆜󰆚󰆚󰂹 󰆖󰆜󰂶 󰆗󰆕󰂶 󰆖󰆘󰆘󰃎
 󰃻 󰄖󰄘
  󰄖󰂶 󰂶 󰄘 󰃍󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆖󰃎󰂶 
    󰄖󰂶 󰂶 󰄘 󰃍  󰂺󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆖󰃎
 󰃻󰃖 󰄖 󰄘
  󰄼  󰄖 󰂶   󰃍
󰃎󰂶󰄘  󰄖     󰂷   
󰆽󰆽󰆿 
    󰇂 󰃍󰆽󰆻󰆼󰇂󰃎 󰆽󰆼󰆻󰄍󰆽󰇀󰆼
󰂶      󰄘 󰃍󰈽  󰈴 󰄖󰄘󰃎 󰃍󰄀
󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆖󰃎󰂶   󰄖󰂶󰄘   󰄖󰂶󰄘 󰄀 
 󰄖󰄘
󰂺 󰂹  󰃻󰄀 󰄖󰂶 󰂶 󰂶 󰄘 󰅦  󰃻󰄀 󰄖󰂶
󰂶  󰄘 󰍪 󰃻 󰄖  󰄘 󰃍 󰃻󰄀  󰃎 󰈾  󰃻
󰄖󰂶 󰄘
󰍪󰃖 󰄖 󰄘 󰃍 󰃻󰄀 󰃎 󰈾 󰃻󰄀󰈾󰃻 󰄖 󰄘
 󰃻󰄀 󰄖 󰂶 󰂶 󰄘 󰅦 󰃻󰄀 󰄖 󰂶 󰂶 󰄘
󰂏󰄀 󰄖󰆔  󰂶 󰆕   󰃍󰂺󰃎󰂶󰄘 󰂏󰄀 󰅦 󰄀 󰄖 󰂶 󰂶
󰂶󰄘  󰄀 󰄖󰂶 󰂶󰄘 󰄀 󰄖 󰂶 󰂶 󰂶󰄘 
󰄀 󰄖 󰂶 󰂶  󰃍󰂺󰃎󰂶󰄘  󰄀 󰄖 󰂶  
  󰃍󰂺󰃎󰂶󰄘  󰄀 󰄖  󰃍󰂺󰃎󰄘 󰃍 󰄀 󰄀󰂞󰄀 󰄀
  󰈽  󰃻󰄀󰂣󰂞󰂤󰄀 󰃎󰂶   󰅦
 󰄖 󰂶󰄘  󰄀 󰄖 󰂶 󰄘 󰃍  󰂺󰂶 󰆔󰆜󰆙󰆚󰃎
󰃍 󰄀󰄀  󰈽  󰃻󰄀󰄀 󰃎󰂷 󰂏󰄀 󰄖󰆔  󰂶 
 󰃍󰂺󰃎󰂷 󰆕 󰂶 󰂶  󰃍󰂺󰃎󰂷 󰆖  󰂶 󰂶󰄘 
󰄖  󰃍 󰃎󰂶󰄘  󰄋󰄀 󰄖 󰄘 󰃍 󰄀󰂣󰂤󰄀  󰈽 
󰃻󰄀󰂣󰂤󰄀  󰈴 󰃻󰄀󰄀 󰃎󰂶  󰄀 󰄖 󰂷 󰂶󰄘
󰂏󰄀 󰄖 󰂶 󰂶   󰃍󰂺󰃎󰂶󰄘 󰄵󰄀 󰄖  󰃍󰂺󰃎󰄘 󰃍 󰃻󰄀
󰂣󰂞󰂤󰄀 󰃎󰂶  󰄵󰄀 󰄖󰂶 󰂶 󰄘 󰃍 󰃻󰄀󰃖 󰄼 󰄀
 󰃻 󰄖󰂶 󰄘
 󰄵󰂶  󰄖󰆔 󰂶 󰂶 󰆕 󰂶 󰂶 󰂶󰄘 󰃖 󰄖
 󰃻 󰄖 󰄘
 󰄵󰂶  󰄖󰃍󰃎   󰃍 󰃎󰄘
󰂺 󰂹  󰃻 󰅦 󰃻 󰅦 󰃻 󰄖 󰄘
󰂶  󰇓 󰄖󰃍󰃎   󰃍 󰃎󰄘
   󰂶     󰄖 󰄘  󰄖 󰄘 
          󰄀 󰄖 
󰃍󰃎󰂶    󰃍 󰃎󰂷    󰃍 󰃎󰂶     󰂶󰄘
      󰄖      󰂺󰄘 
         󰄖  󰂶 󰂺󰄘
        󰄖  󰄘 
       󰆽󰆽󰇀
    󰇂 󰃍󰆽󰆻󰆼󰇂󰃎 󰆽󰆼󰆻󰄍󰆽󰇀󰆼
󰄖    󰄘   󰄖󰂶 󰄘    󰄖󰂶 
 󰄘  󰄖  󰄘  󰄖󰂶 󰂺󰄘
        󰃻󰄀󰄀  
    󰃍󰂺󰂺󰂶 󰄀 󰄖  󰂶  󰂶 󰂶
  󰃍󰂺󰃎󰄘 󰍪 󰄀 󰄖    󰂶   
󰂶  󰂶    󰃍󰂺󰃎󰂶󰄘 󰄀 󰄖 󰂶 󰂶 󰂶 󰂷
 󰂶  󰃍󰂺󰃈󰂺󰃎󰄘 󰍪 󰄀 󰄖        󰂶
 󰂶󰄘 󰄀 󰄖  󰂶  󰂶   󰃍󰂺󰃎󰄘 󰍪 󰄀 󰄖 
󰂶      󰂶   󰃍󰂺󰃎󰄘  󰄀 󰄖  󰂶
 󰂶     󰂶       󰃍󰂺󰃎󰄘 󰍪 󰄀 󰄖 󰂶
󰂶 󰂶 󰂶  󰃍󰂺󰃎󰄘󰃎󰂶      
 󰃻󰄀 󰅦 󰃻󰃖󰂞󰄀 󰄖 󰂶  󰂶  󰂺󰄘  
󰃻󰂞󰃻 󰄖    󰂶 󰄘       󰃻󰄀
󰂞󰃻󰄀         󰃻󰄀󰂶 󰂺󰂺󰂶  󰂺 󰄀 󰄖
 󰂶   󰃍 󰃎󰂶   󰄘 󰍪  󰄖󰂶  󰄘 󰃍󰂶
󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆘󰂹 󰆗󰆙󰆕󰄍󰆗󰆙󰆖󰃎󰂺
 󰄀 󰄖 󰂶 󰂶  󰃍󰃎󰄘     
    󰃻󰄀󰂺     󰃻󰄀  
  󰂶 󰂶        󰂶  
 󰂺     󰃻󰄀     󰄀 󰃻󰄀  
         󰃻 󰄖󰄘 󰃍  󰂶
 󰂶  󰂶  󰂶  󰂶  󰂣󰂤󰂶  󰂣󰂤󰂶
 󰂶  󰂣󰂤   󰃎󰂺     
    󰄖󰂶󰄘     󰂶   
      󰄖 󰂶  󰂺󰄘  
󰄖 󰄘   󰂶         󰂶
󰂺󰂺󰂶  󰄀 󰄖 󰂶 󰄘 󰃍  󰂺󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆛󰂹 󰆔󰆘󰆓󰃎󰂺    󰃻
󰄖  󰂶   󰄘       󰃻󰄀󰄖 
  󰄘         󰃻󰄀󰂶 󰂶 
󰂶   󰄀 󰄖  󰄘 󰍪 󰂏 󰄖󰂶 󰄘  󰂺 󰂏󰄀 󰄖
󰄘 󰍪 󰂏 󰄖󰂶 󰄘 󰃍󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆘󰂹 󰆗󰆙󰆔󰄍󰆗󰆙󰆕󰃎󰂺    
    󰃻 󰄖󰂶󰄘      
 󰂺       󰄖󰄘  
      󰄖󰆔 󰂶 󰆕 󰂶 󰂶󰄘   󰂺
  󰂺 󰃍󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆖󰃎           
󰄖󰂶 󰂶 󰂶󰄘          󰂺󰇠  
󰆟 󰂶 󰂶    󰃻 󰅦 󰃻 󰄖󰂶󰄘       
󰆽󰆽󰇁 
    󰇂 󰃍󰆽󰆻󰆼󰇂󰃎 󰆽󰆼󰆻󰄍󰆽󰇀󰆼
            
     󰂶       
      󰄖 󰄘  
 󰃻󰃖 󰄖 󰄘      
  󰃻󰄀󰂶󰇡        󰂶 󰂺󰂺󰂶   󰃻󰃖
 󰄖󰄘 󰃍󰂺󰂺󰂶 󰂺 󰂶  󰂶  󰃎󰂶  󰃻󰃖 󰄖󰄘 󰃍󰂺󰂺󰂶
󰂺󰃈󰃈󰂺   󰂺  󰄖󰂶󰄘 󰂺 󰂶 󰂺 󰂶 
   󰄖󰄘󰃎󰂶  󰃻󰃖 󰄖󰂶 󰄘 󰃍󰂺󰂺󰂶 󰂺  󰄖󰂶󰄘 
 󰄖 󰃍 󰂶 󰂶 󰃎󰂶󰄘   󰄖󰂶󰄘 󰂺  󰄖󰂶󰄘  󰄖󰄘󰃎
 󰃻󰃖 󰄖󰄘 󰃍󰂺󰂺󰂶 󰂺 󰂶 󰂺 󰂶 󰃈 󰂶 󰂺
 󰄖󰄘󰃎   󰃻󰃖 󰄖󰄘 󰃍󰂺 󰂶 󰂺 󰂶 󰂺
󰂶 󰂺 󰃎󰂺
       󰂹    󰃻󰄀󰄀  󰂶
󰂶   󰂶     󰃻󰄀󰄀  󰂶
󰂶        󰄀   
  󰄀    󰂺    
󰃍󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆖󰂹 󰆗󰆖󰆛󰂷 󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆚󰃎󰂶          
       󰃍 󰂶󰂶󰃎  
    󰄀 󰂺     
        󰃻󰄀 󰄖 󰂶 󰂶 󰄘
    󰄋󰄀 󰄖 󰂶󰄘 󰄀 󰄖 󰂷 󰂶󰄘 󰄵󰄀
󰄖  󰃍󰂺󰃎󰄘  󰄵󰄀 󰄖󰂶 󰂶 󰄘 󰃍   
     󰃎󰂺
     󰂶    
 󰃖󰂞󰃖      󰄀󰂣󰂤󰄀󰂺     
 󰄀 󰄖 󰂶󰄘    󰂶  󰄀 󰄖 󰂶󰄘
   󰂹 󰂺󰂺󰂶 󰄀 󰄖 󰄘󰍪  󰄀 󰄖   󰃍󰂺󰃎󰂶󰄘
 󰄀 󰄖    󰃍󰂺󰃎󰂺󰄘     
󰄀󰂣󰂤󰃖 󰄀         󰄀󰂣󰂤󰄀  
         󰄀󰃖󰄀󰂶  󰄀 
   󰃻󰄀󰄀󰂶 󰂺󰂺󰂶 󰄀 󰄖 󰄘 󰍪 󰄀 󰄖 󰂶  󰃍󰂺󰃎󰄘
󰃍󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆘󰂹 󰆖󰆔󰆓󰄍󰆖󰆔󰆔󰃎󰂺         
󰄀 󰄖    󰃍󰂺󰃎󰂶󰄘  󰄀 󰄖  󰃍󰂺󰃎󰄘  󰂏󰄀󰂶
         󰂺         
 󰂶  󰂶  󰂶      󰄖󰂺󰄘    
        󰄀󰂶  󰄀󰂶  󰄀   󰄀
󰄖 󰂺󰄘
󰆠       󰃻󰄀   󰂺
       󰆽󰆽󰇂
    󰇂 󰃍󰆽󰆻󰆼󰇂󰃎 󰆽󰆼󰆻󰄍󰆽󰇀󰆼
 󰄋󰄀 󰄖󰆔  󰂷 󰆕  󰂷 󰆖 󰄘   󰃻󰄀 󰄖 󰂶 󰂶
󰂺󰄘         󰃻󰄀  󰃻󰄀󰂶 
󰂶      󰄖󰂶󰄘   󰄖  󰄘 
 󰄖  󰄘   󰃻󰄀 󰄖  󰂶 󰂶 󰄘 󰃍󰂶
󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆘󰂹 󰆗󰆙󰆜󰄍󰆗󰆚󰆓󰃎󰂺         󰅦 
󰄖 󰄘   󰄀 󰄖 󰂶 󰄘   󰃻󰄀 󰄖 󰂶
󰂶 󰂺󰄘 󰂶     󰃻󰄀󰂣󰂞󰂤󰄀󰂶   
     󰂶       
󰃍󰂺󰂺󰂶   󰄵󰂣󰂤󰄀 󰄖 󰂶 󰂶󰄘  󰄵󰂣󰂤󰄀 󰄖  󰄘   󰄵󰂣󰂤󰄀
󰄖  󰂶   󰃍󰂺󰃎󰄘󰄎󰂺  󰄵󰄀 󰄖 󰄘󰃎󰂶   󰄵󰄀 󰄖 
󰃍󰂺󰃎󰄘   󰃻󰄀 󰄖 󰂶 󰂶 󰂺󰄘 󰂶    
󰃻󰄀󰂞󰄀󰂶 󰂺󰂺󰂶 󰄀󰂶  󰄀 󰄖 󰂷  󰃍 󰃎 󰃍󰂺󰃎󰄘 󰍪 󰄀󰂶 
󰄋󰄀 󰄖    󰂷  󰂶  󰂷  󰃍 󰃈󰃎
󰃍󰂺󰃎󰄘 󰃍󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆘󰂹 󰆕󰆘󰆓󰄍󰆕󰆘󰆔󰃎     󰄵󰄀 󰄖󰂶
󰂶 󰄘   󰂺
    󰂶     󰄀󰄀󰂶 󰄀󰄀󰂶 󰄀󰄀󰂶
 󰄀󰄵󰄀󰂶 󰄀󰄵󰄀󰂶 󰄀󰄵󰄀󰂶 󰄀󰄵󰄀         
  󰃻󰄀󰄀󰂶 󰂺󰂺󰂶  󰄀 󰄖  󰄘 󰍪 󰄋󰄀 󰄖  󰃍󰂺󰃎󰄘  󰄀 󰄖
 󰄘 󰍪  󰄋󰄀 󰄖  󰃍󰂺󰃎󰄘 󰃍󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆘󰂹 󰆖󰆕󰆓󰄍󰆖󰆕󰆔󰃎󰂺  
       󰄀 󰄖 󰂶 󰂶  󰃍󰂺󰃎󰄘  
󰃻󰄀 󰄖 󰂶 󰂶 󰄘   󰄀 󰄖 󰄘   󰃻󰄀 󰄖
󰂶 󰂶 󰂺󰄘
  󰂶    󰄵 󰄖󰄘     󰄵 󰄖
󰂺󰄘   󰂶 󰂶 󰂶     
    󰃍󰂶󰂶󰃎       
     󰂶 󰂺󰂺󰂶   󰂶  󰃻 󰄖  󰂶 󰄘󰂺
            
  󰄖 󰂶󰄘 󰂺󰂺  󰃻󰃖 󰃍󰂺󰂺󰄀󰃎 󰈾 󰃻 󰈾 󰃻󰂺
          󰄖󰂶 󰄘
󰃍󰈽 󰃻󰃖󰄀󰃎      󰄖󰂶 󰄀󰄘 󰃍󰈽 󰃻󰃖
󰄀󰃎      󰂺   󰂶  
    󰂶  󰇓      
 󰂺     󰃍󰆔  󰆕󰃎󰇢    
   󰂶        
      󰇓 󰄖 󰂺󰄘    󰃻 󰅦
󰆡           󰂶󰂶  󰂶
     󰇓 󰂺 󰇔󰂶󰇓 󰂺 󰇔  󰇓 󰂺 󰇔󰂺    
        󰂶   󰂶 󰄀
      󰂶 󰂺       
󰆽󰆽󰇃 
    󰇂 󰃍󰆽󰆻󰆼󰇂󰃎 󰆽󰆼󰆻󰄍󰆽󰇀󰆼
󰃻 󰅦 󰃻󰂺      󰄀󰄀   
 󰄀󰄀      󰂶     
       󰅦󰃍󰂺󰂺󰂶  󰄖󰂶
󰄀󰄘 󰅦 󰄀 󰄖󰂶 󰂶󰄘  󰄖󰂶  󰄘 󰅦 
󰄖󰂶  󰂶󰄘  󰅦 󰄖󰂶 󰄘 󰂺󰃎   󰅦󰃍󰂺󰂺󰂶 
󰄖󰄘 󰅦  󰄖󰂶󰄘  󰅦 󰄖 󰃍󰂺󰃎󰂶󰄘  󰅦 󰄖  󰃍󰂺󰃎󰂶󰄘 󰂺󰃎 
     󰃻 󰅦 󰃻 󰅦 󰃻    󰃻
󰅦 󰃻 󰅦 󰃻󰂺
          󰄀
   󰂶    󰂺 󰂶  
          
     󰃻󰄀󰄀 󰅦 󰃻󰄀󰄀    󰄀
󰂺 󰂶     󰄖 󰄘  󰄖 󰄘 
   󰂶    󰄀󰂺   
    󰂶    
       󰂶     󰄖 󰄀
󰂶 󰂶 󰂶  󰃍󰃎󰂶󰄘  󰄖󰂶 󰂶 󰂷 󰂶 󰂶
󰂶󰄘  󰄀 󰄖 󰂶 󰂶󰄘  󰄀 󰄖 󰂶 󰂶  󰃍󰃎󰂶󰄘
󰄀 󰄖 󰂶 󰂶 󰂶  󰂶  󰃍󰃎󰂶󰄘 󰂺    
            󰄖 󰂶󰄘 
      󰄖 󰄘     
󰄖 󰂶󰄘       󰄀 󰃻󰄀 󰄖
 󰄘       󰄖 󰄘 󰃍󰄀
󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆚󰃎󰂺
󰂶        󰄀
  󰂶         󰂶  
 󰂺       
           
          󰂺
       󰂶   󰄀
 󰂶       󰂶   
      󰂺
    󰂺       
       󰂺
             
  󰃕󰃖  󰃕󰃖   󰂺  󰄀     
󰃻  󰃻󰂺             
󰂹    󰂶    󰂶       󰂺
       󰆽󰆽󰇄
    󰇂 󰃍󰆽󰆻󰆼󰇂󰃎 󰆽󰆼󰆻󰄍󰆽󰇀󰆼
     󰂶     
   󰄖󰄘 󰄖󰄘    󰄀
  󰄖󰄘  󰄖  󰄘  󰄖󰄘       󰄀
󰂺       󰂶    󰂶
         󰄀󰂺
      󰄀󰂶    
 󰃻󰇓󰄀 󰄖  󰃍󰃎󰄘  󰃻󰇓 󰄖󰄘      
            
          󰄀
󰂹 󰂺󰂺󰂶  󰂶    󰄖 󰂶󰄘   󰄖 󰄘  
   󰄖󰄘󰂷  󰂶   󰄖 󰄘   󰄖󰄘󰂷 
     󰄖 󰄘   󰄖󰄘󰂷  󰂶  
 󰄖 󰄘   󰄖󰂶󰄘   󰄖 󰄘   󰄖󰂶󰄘 
󰄖󰄘󰂷  󰂶   󰂶   󰄖󰄘󰂷   󰄀 󰄖󰄘󰂷  
  󰄖󰃍󰃎 󰂺󰄘
      󰄖 󰄘      󰄀
     󰄖󰂶 󰄘     
              
          󰂺  
             
 󰂶          󰂺   
            
           󰄀
       󰃍  󰂺󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆗󰂹 󰆕󰆙󰆗󰃎󰂺   󰄀
           
      󰃍󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆖󰃎󰂺
    󰂶   󰃍󰆕󰃎󰂶     
󰄖 󰃍 󰃎󰂶󰄘    󰂶   󰂺
󰃍󰆟󰃎  󰃻 󰄖  󰄘
󰂺 󰂹  󰃻󰂣󰂤 󰅦 󰃻󰂣󰂤 󰄖   󰄘 󰃍 󰃻󰄀
 󰂶  󰃻󰄀󰂣󰂤  󰂿󰃎
 󰃍󰃎  󰄖      󰂶󰄘 󰂺 󰄀
󰄖      󰂶󰄘   󰄖 󰂶
󰂶󰄘   󰄖 󰂶 󰂶󰄘   󰄖 󰄀
  󰂶 󰆔󰃈󰆔󰆛  󰃍󰈺 󰂺 󰆙󰆓󰆚  󰃎󰂶󰄘   󰄖
󰂶󰄘   󰄖   󰂶     
 󰄘󰂷 󰂺  󰄖󰆔 󰂶󰄘   󰄖󰆔󰂶󰄘   󰄖󰆔󰂶󰄘
 󰂏 󰄖󰆔󰂶󰄘   󰄖󰆔󰄘
󰆽󰆾󰆻 
    󰇂 󰃍󰆽󰆻󰆼󰇂󰃎 󰆽󰆼󰆻󰄍󰆽󰇀󰆼
󰂺 󰂹  󰃻 󰄖󰃍󰃎 󰄘 󰃍 󰃻󰄀󰃍󰂞󰃎 󰃎
󰂶   󰄖󰃍󰃎 󰂶 󰂶 󰂶 󰂶   
󰂺 󰂹  󰃻 󰄖󰃍󰃎 󰄘 󰃍 󰃻󰄀  󰂶  󰃻󰄀󰃎
 󰆕󰂺󰆗󰂶   󰄖󰃍󰃎 󰄘󰇣
 󰃍󰆖󰂺󰆚󰅦󰃎󰂶  󰇔󰄖󰂶 󰂶 󰂶 󰂶󰄘 
󰃍󰃎 󰂶  󰃍󰃎 󰂶  󰃍󰃎 󰂶
 󰃍󰃎 󰂶  󰂶  󰃻 󰄖󰂶 󰄘
    󰃻󰂣󰂤 󰅦 󰃻󰂣󰂤 󰄖   󰄘  
󰂶   󰃻󰂣󰂤󰃖 󰄖 󰄘   󰃻󰂣󰂤󰃖
󰄖󰄘      󰂶   󰃻󰄀  
  󰃍󰂺󰂺󰂶        󰃖 󰄖󰂶󰄘 󰃖 󰄖󰂶󰄘
󰃖 󰄖󰄘  󰃖 󰄖󰂶󰄘    󰃖  󰃖󰂶 
       󰃖 󰄖󰂶󰄘 󰃖 󰄖󰂶󰄘 󰃖 󰄖󰄘
      󰃖 󰄖󰂶󰄘 󰃖 󰄖󰄘󰃎   󰃻󰄀
󰂣󰂤    󰃍󰂺󰂺󰂶  󰃻󰂏 󰄖󰄘 󰍪 󰂏󰃖 󰄖󰂶  󰄘󰃎󰂺
        󰃻󰄀     
 󰂺          󰃻󰂣󰂤 
         󰃻 󰄖
󰂺󰄘   󰃍󰆔󰆜󰆙󰆓󰂹 󰆘󰆔󰂶 󰆛󰆕󰃎󰂶  󰃍󰆔󰆜󰆛󰆗󰂹 󰆕󰆛󰆗󰃎󰂶   
󰂺 󰃍󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆖󰂹 󰆔󰆔󰆕󰆚󰃎󰂶           
󰄖   󰂶󰄘  󰂶      
󰂺         󰄀   
 󰂶         󰃻󰄀 󰃍󰂺󰂺󰂶  󰃻󰄀 󰄖
󰄘     󰄀  󰃍󰆗󰃎󰃎      
           
󰂺  󰂶 󰂶 󰄀     
 󰄀 󰄀        󰃻󰄀󰂣󰂞󰂤 
   󰃍󰂶 󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆙󰂹 󰆗󰆗󰄍󰆗󰆘󰃎󰂶 󰂺󰂺󰂶   󰄖󰄘 󰃍󰈽 󰃻󰃖󰃎󰂶
 󰄖󰄘 󰃍󰈽 󰃻󰃖󰃎󰂶  󰄖󰄘 󰃍󰈽 󰃻󰃖󰃎󰂶 󰂺     
   󰄖  󰃍󰃎󰄘 󰃍󰈽 󰃻  󰄖 󰄘󰃎 
      󰄖󰄘   󰂺 󰂶  󰂶
 󰃻󰃖󰃖 󰄖󰂶 󰄘      󰃻 󰄖󰃍󰃎 󰄘
       󰃻󰄀󰂶      󰄖󰂶󰄘 
󰆢  󰂺 󰆗            󰃍󰃈
󰃎     󰂺
       󰆽󰆾󰆼
    󰇂 󰃍󰆽󰆻󰆼󰇂󰃎 󰆽󰆼󰆻󰄍󰆽󰇀󰆼
󰄖󰂶󰄘  󰄖󰂶󰄘 󰂺     
     󰄖󰄘  󰂶      
     󰄀󰂺
󰆗󰂺󰆕    
        󰄖 󰄘  󰄖 󰄘
   󰃍󰆖󰃎  󰃍󰆗󰃎󰂺       
    󰆘      󰂶  
          
         󰃍󰂶 󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆚󰂹 󰆙󰆗󰂷 󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆓󰂹
󰆖󰆛󰆙󰂷 󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆖󰂹 󰂺 󰆖󰂺󰆖󰃎󰂺      
󰄀   󰄖 󰂺󰄘    󰂶  
󰂺             
     󰃍󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆜󰂹 󰆙󰆙󰂷   󰂺󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆓󰂹 󰆘󰆔󰆕󰄍󰆘󰆔󰆗󰃎󰂺
       󰂶   󰂹
   󰄀     󰄀 
 󰂶   󰂺    
          󰃍󰂶 󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆘󰃎󰂺
󰃍󰆠󰃎  󰃻󰄀 󰄖 󰄘
󰂺 󰂹  󰃻󰂣󰂤󰄀 󰄖  󰃍󰃎 󰂶     
󰄘  󰃍󰃎 󰄀 󰄖󰆔   󰃍󰂺󰂺󰂶 󰃎󰂶   󰃍 󰃎󰂶
  󰃍󰃎󰂶   󰃍󰃎 󰂶󰄘  󰄖 󰂶󰄘 
󰄖   󰂶󰄘 󰄖  󰂷      
 󰂶󰄘 󰂺 󰄀 󰄖󰆔󰂶󰄘  󰄖       
  󰂶󰄘  󰄀 󰄖󰆔󰂶󰄘  󰄖󰆕    󰂶 
     󰂶󰄘  󰄀 󰄖󰆔󰂶󰄘  󰄖󰆕󰂶󰄘  󰄀 󰄖󰆔󰂶󰄘  󰄖󰆕󰂶󰄘
 󰄀 󰄖󰆔󰂶󰄘  󰄖󰆕󰂶󰄘  󰄀󰂶 󰄀󰂶 󰄀 󰄖󰆔󰂶󰄘 󰂶 󰄖󰆕󰂶󰄘
 󰄀 󰄖󰆔󰂶󰄘  󰄖󰆕󰂶󰄘  󰄀 󰄖󰆔󰂶󰄘  󰄖󰆕󰂶󰄘  󰄀 󰄖󰆔󰂶󰄘
 󰄖󰆕󰂶󰄘  󰄀 󰄖󰆔󰂶󰄘  󰄖󰆕󰂶󰄘  󰄀 󰄖󰆔󰂶󰄘 󰂶 󰄖󰆖 󰂶
        󰂶󰄘  󰄀 󰄖󰆔󰂶󰄘
 󰄖󰆖󰂶󰄘  󰄀 󰄖󰆔󰂶󰄘 󰄖󰆖󰂶󰄘  󰄀 󰄖󰆔󰂶󰄘  󰄀 󰄖󰆔󰂶󰄘 
󰄖󰆗 󰂶 󰂶󰄘  󰄀 󰄖󰆔󰂶󰄘  󰄖󰆗󰂶󰄘  󰄀 󰄖󰆔󰂶󰄘 󰂏 󰄖󰆗󰂶󰄘 
󰄀 󰄖󰆔󰂶󰄘  󰄀 󰄖󰆔󰄘
󰂺 󰂹  󰃻󰄀 󰄖  󰄘
 󰂶  󰂶  󰂶   󰄖󰂶  󰃍 󰃎󰄘 󰈽
 󰃻 󰄖󰂶  󰃍 󰃎󰄘 󰈽 󰃻 󰈽 󰃻󰄀 󰄖  󰄘 󰈴 󰃻󰄀
  󰃍󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆘󰂹 󰆗󰆓󰆚󰃎
󰆽󰆾󰆽 
    󰇂 󰃍󰆽󰆻󰆼󰇂󰃎 󰆽󰆼󰆻󰄍󰆽󰇀󰆼
󰂺 󰂹  󰃻󰄀 󰄖 󰄘
󰄀 󰄖 󰃍󰃎󰂶   󰃍󰃎󰂶  󰃍󰂺󰃎󰂶󰄘  󰄖
  󰄘 󰈽  󰄖󰂶 󰄘 󰈴 󰃻󰄀 󰄖 󰄘 󰈴 󰄀 
󰂶  󰂣󰂤 󰄖󰄘
󰂺 󰂹  󰃻󰄀 󰄖  󰄘
 󰃍󰃎󰂶  󰄀 󰄖󰂶 󰂶  󰃍 󰃎󰄘󰂷  󰃍󰆕󰂺󰆖󰃎󰂶  
󰄖󰂶󰄘   󰄖󰄘 󰈽  󰃻󰄀 󰈴 󰃻󰄀 
󰃍󰂶 󰆔󰆜󰆙󰆙󰂹 󰆕󰆛󰆙󰄍󰆖󰆓󰆖󰂷 󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆘󰂹 󰆔󰆘󰆙󰃎
     󰄀    󰂶   󰄖 
󰃍󰂺󰂺󰂶 󰃎󰂶   󰃍 󰃎󰂶   󰃍󰃎󰂶   󰃍󰃎 󰂶󰄘 
      󰄖  󰃍󰃎 󰂺󰄘  
          
󰂶     󰄖     󰄘  
       󰃻󰂣󰂤󰄀󰂺
    󰄖󰂶  󰃍 󰃎󰄘      󰄀󰂶
             
    󰂺 󰂶  󰃍󰆔󰆜󰆙󰆓󰂹 󰆚󰆗󰃎  󰄀
   󰃻󰄀     󰃻󰄀    
󰃍󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆘󰂹 󰆙󰆜󰃎󰂺     󰃻󰄀    󰄀
 󰃍󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆘󰂹 󰆗󰆓󰆚󰃎󰂶       
󰄖   󰂺󰄘  󰄀       󰂶
     󰃻󰄀     
  󰃻󰄀󰂺          
     󰃻󰄀 󰄖 󰂺󰄘
󰃍󰆡󰃎  󰃻󰂏󰄀 󰄖 󰄘
󰂺 󰂹  󰃻󰂏󰄀 󰄖 󰂶 󰄘
 󰃍󰂺󰃎 󰄀 󰄖  󰃍   󰃎󰂶󰄘 󰂺 󰄀 󰄖󰆔  󰂶
󰂶   󰂶󰄘  󰄖    󰂶󰄘 
󰄀 󰄖󰆔󰂶󰄘  󰄀 󰄖󰆔󰂶󰄘  󰄀 󰄖󰆔󰂶󰄘  󰄀 󰄖󰆔󰂶󰄘  󰄀 󰄖󰆔󰂶󰄘 
󰄀 󰄖󰆔󰂶󰄘  󰄀 󰄖 󰂶  󰂶  󰂶  󰂶  󰂶 
 󰃍 󰃎󰂶       󰂶󰄘  󰄀 󰄖󰆔󰂶󰄘 
󰄀 󰄖󰆔󰂶󰄘  󰂏󰄀 󰄖󰆔󰂶󰄘  󰄀 󰄖󰆔󰂶󰄘  󰄀󰂶  󰂣󰂤󰄀󰂶 
󰄀󰂶  󰄖󰂶󰄘  󰄀 󰄖 󰂶  󰂶 󰂶󰄘  󰄖󰂶󰄘
 󰄀󰂶 󰄀 󰄖 󰂶󰄘   󰄖   󰂶󰄘  󰄖󰂶
       󰆽󰆾󰆾
    󰇂 󰃍󰆽󰆻󰆼󰇂󰃎 󰆽󰆼󰆻󰄍󰆽󰇀󰆼
󰂺 󰂹  󰃻󰄀 󰄖 󰄘  󰃻󰃖󰄀 󰄖 󰄘 󰃍󰃻󰄀󰄀 󰄀
󰃎  󰃻󰃖󰄀 󰄖󰂶 󰄘 󰃍󰃻󰄀󰄀 󰃎
󰂺 󰄀 󰄖󰆔  󰂶 󰂶 󰂶 󰂶 󰂶  󰃍󰂺󰃎󰂶󰄘
󰄀 󰄖󰆔󰂶󰄘 󰄀 󰄖󰆕   󰂶 󰂶  󰃍󰂺󰃎󰂶󰄘 󰂺 󰄀 󰄖󰆔󰂶󰄘󰄀󰂶
󰄀󰂶 󰄀 󰄖󰆕󰂶󰄘 󰄀 󰄖󰆕󰂶󰄘  󰄀 󰄖󰆔󰂶󰄘 󰄀 󰄖󰆕󰂶󰄘  󰄀 󰄖󰆔󰂶󰄘 󰄀 󰄖󰆕󰂶󰄘
 󰄀 󰄖󰆔󰂶󰄘 󰄀 󰄖󰆕󰂶󰄘  󰄀 󰄖󰆔󰂶󰄘  󰄖󰂶󰄘  󰄀
󰄖󰆔󰂶󰄘  󰄀󰂶  󰄀󰂶 󰄀 󰄀󰂶  󰄀󰂶 󰄀 󰄖󰆔󰄘
󰂺 󰂹  󰃻󰄀 󰄖 󰂶  󰃍󰃎󰄘
 󰄀 󰄖󰆔  󰂶 󰂶 󰂶󰄘  󰄀󰂶 󰄀 󰄖󰆔󰂶󰄘 
󰂏󰄀 󰄖󰆔󰂶󰄘  󰄀󰂶 󰄀 󰄖󰆔󰂶󰄘  󰄀 󰄖  󰂶  󰂶󰄘
󰄀 󰄖󰆔󰂶󰄘  󰄀 󰄖  󰃍󰃎󰂶󰄘  󰄖  
󰂶󰄘󰂏 󰄖󰂶󰄘  󰂏󰂶󰂏 󰄖󰄘
󰂺 󰂹  󰃻 󰄖   󰂶    󰄘
󰂏󰂶   󰄖  󰂶 󰂶 󰂶󰄘 󰄀 󰄖  󰂶 󰂶 󰄘 󰃍󰈽
 󰃻 󰄖 󰄘 󰈴 󰄵󰄀 󰂷 󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆘󰂹 󰆕󰆘󰆛󰃎
󰂺 󰂹  󰃻󰄀 󰄖 󰄘
 󰄖󰂶󰄘 󰇔 󰄀 󰄖  󰂶󰄘  󰄀 󰄖󰄘
       󰄀  󰃻󰄀  
     󰄀󰂶      󰄀󰂶 
        󰂺  
   󰄀 󰄖󰄘       󰃻󰂏󰄀 󰄖 󰂶
     󰃻󰄀       󰄀
 󰂶   󰄀   󰄀󰂶  󰄀  󰄀 󰄀 
 󰄀   󰄀   󰄀󰂶      
 󰂺
 󰂶      󰃻󰄀  󰃈󰃈 󰄀󰂶 
󰄀󰂶 󰃈 󰄀󰂶 󰃈󰃈 󰄀   󰃍󰂶 󰆔󰆜󰆘󰆙󰂹 󰆜󰆛󰆔󰃎󰂺
   󰂏󰂶󰂏 󰄖󰂶󰄘     
󰂶         
    󰃻󰄀󰂺
 󰄀  󰄀󰂶      󰃻󰄀 
󰃻󰄀 󰃍󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆘󰂹 󰆖󰆚󰆖󰃎󰂺 󰂶      
 󰃍󰂿󰃎   󰃻󰂣󰂏󰂤󰂶         
 󰃻󰂏󰄀 󰄖  󰂶 󰂶 󰄘     󰃍󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆘󰂹
󰆔󰆘󰆜󰄍󰆔󰆙󰆖󰃎󰂺        󰇓󰃍󰈽 󰃻󰃎  󰇔
󰆽󰆾󰆿 
    󰇂 󰃍󰆽󰆻󰆼󰇂󰃎 󰆽󰆼󰆻󰄍󰆽󰇀󰆼
󰃍󰈽 󰃻󰃎   󰂶    󰃻  󰃻󰄀 󰄖 󰄘  
   󰃍󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆘󰂹 󰆔󰆕󰆛󰃎󰂺  󰄀  
 󰃻󰄀    󰂶         󰄀
󰆗󰂺󰆖    󰃖
          󰃍󰆘󰃎󰂶 󰃍󰆙󰃎 
󰃍󰆚󰃎󰂺  󰆖󰆘󰆓󰆓          󰄀
       󰂶  
 󰃍󰂺󰂺󰂶  󰆖󰆘󰆓󰆓󰃎        󰄀
    󰃍󰂺󰂺󰂶  󰆖󰆘󰆓󰆓󰃎     󰂺 
  󰂶    󰄀   󰂺
             
    󰂺       󰂶 
         󰄎   󰆘󰆓󰆓󰆓󰄍
󰆙󰆓󰆓󰆓󰂶          
  󰂺  󰂶        
           󰃍󰂶 󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆘󰂹 󰆛󰆘󰃎󰂺
              
󰃍󰆢󰃎  󰃻 󰄖󰄘
󰂺 󰂹  󰃻 󰂣󰂕 󰈓 󰃑 󰈓󰂕 󰃑󰂤
󰂶  󰄵 󰄖󰄘
󰂺 󰂹  󰃻 󰄖󰄘
 󰃍󰆕󰂺󰆗󰃎󰂶   󰄖󰄘 󰅦 󰄀󰂶 󰄀 󰄖󰄀󰂶󰄘  󰃍
󰃎  󰂶  
        󰃻      
󰂶      󰃻󰂶     
󰂺   󰄀 󰃻  󰃻 󰄖󰄘    
 󰂶    󰄖󰄘   󰄖 
  󰄀 󰂺󰄘      󰃻 󰄖󰄘  
  󰄀󰂶     󰃻󰃖 󰄖󰄘 󰃍
 󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆔󰃎󰂺     󰃍󰆔󰆜󰆛󰆘󰂹 󰆔󰆘󰆙󰄍󰆔󰆘󰆛󰂶 󰆔󰆛󰆚󰂶 󰆕󰆔󰆔󰃎󰂶  
   󰂶   󰇔󰄖󰃈   󰄘  
        󰄵 󰄖󰂺󰄘
       󰆽󰆾󰇀
    󰇂 󰃍󰆽󰆻󰆼󰇂󰃎 󰆽󰆼󰆻󰄍󰆽󰇀󰆼
󰃍󰆣󰃎  󰃻 󰄖󰂶  󰄘
󰂺 󰂹  󰃻 󰄖󰂶  󰄘
 󰄖󰂶  󰄘
󰂺 󰂹  󰃻 󰄖󰂶  󰄘
 󰃍󰆕󰂺󰆘󰃎󰂶   󰄖󰂶  󰄘
      󰂶 󰂶  󰂺  
     󰂶  󰂶    󰂶  
   󰂺         
󰂶        󰄀
      󰂺     
󰂶    󰂷   󰃍󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆘󰂹 󰆔󰆕󰆘󰃎   
󰃍󰆤󰃎  󰃑 󰄖󰂶  󰄘
󰂺 󰂹  󰃻 󰄖󰂶  󰄘
󰂶  󰂶   󰄖󰄘
󰂺 󰂹  󰃻 󰄖󰂶  󰄘
 󰃍󰆕󰂺󰆔󰃎󰂶  󰂶   󰆓󰂶 󰄀  󰃍󰆕󰂺󰆔󰃎󰂶  󰃍󰄀
󰃎  󰂶  󰃍󰃎  󰂶  󰃍󰃎  󰂶 
󰃍󰃎  󰂶   󰃍󰈽  󰃻󰃖 󰄀󰃎󰂶 
󰃻 󰅦 󰃻 󰄖󰄘
              
         󰂶 󰂶    󰂺 
          
    󰃻󰂺     󰃻   
      󰂺
󰆗󰂺󰆗      
      󰂺   
        󰄀󰂺  󰄀
󰂶   󰄖 󰂶󰄘  󰇓󰄖 󰂶  󰄘   
󰄖 󰄘     󰂶     
󰄀 󰄖󰂶󰄘 󰄀 󰄖 󰄘   󰄀 󰄖󰂶󰄘  󰃍 󰂶
󰆽󰆾󰇁 
    󰇂 󰃍󰆽󰆻󰆼󰇂󰃎 󰆽󰆼󰆻󰄍󰆽󰇀󰆼
   󰇓󰄖 󰂶  󰄘     
  󰃍󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆛󰂹 󰆖󰆚󰆔󰄍󰆖󰆚󰆕󰃎   󰃍󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆘󰂹 󰆘󰆘󰆕󰃎󰂺 󰂶  󰄀
  󰄖 󰄘       󰂺  
󰃻󰃖 󰄖   󰂶󰄘  󰂶    
  󰄀   󰄖 󰄘 󰃍  󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆔󰃎󰂺 󰂶 󰄀
󰄀 󰃻󰃖 󰄖 󰂶󰄘       󰃻󰂐
󰄖   󰄘  󰄀  󰄖 󰂶󰄘   
   󰄀 󰄀󰄀  󰃻 󰄖 󰄘 󰃍󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆖󰂹
󰆔󰆕󰆜󰄍󰆔󰆖󰆓󰃎󰂺 󰂶    󰄖 󰄘    󰂶
     󰂶   󰄖 󰂶󰄘 󰂶   
󰃍󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆖󰂹 󰆔󰆖󰆓󰃎󰂶      󰄀  󰃻 󰄖 󰄘 
   󰃻󰄀󰂺
           󰄀
󰂶          󰄖󰄘    
 󰂺 󰂶        
󰄀󰂶 󰂶  󰂶     󰄀
   󰂺      󰂶   
    󰄀       
  󰂺
        󰃻 󰄖 󰂶  󰄘
       󰃻 󰈾 󰃻 󰈾 󰃻 󰄖󰂶󰄘  󰆔󰆘󰆓󰆓 
       󰂺   󰄀
     󰂶 󰂺󰂺󰂶  󰄀 󰅦 󰄀 󰅦 󰄀
󰄖 󰄘   󰄀 󰄖󰄘 󰅦 󰄀 󰄖 󰂺󰄘
    󰃍󰆛󰃎󰄍󰃍󰆜󰃎  󰄀   
   󰂶      
󰂺     󰃍󰆛󰂺󰆕󰃎  󰃍󰆜󰂺󰆖󰃎    
         
󰂶  󰂶      󰂺󰇤
󰆣      󰄘 󰃍󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆘󰃎      󰃍
 󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆘󰂹 󰆖󰆓󰃎󰂹       󰂶 
   󰄘 󰃍󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆔󰃎   󰂶  󰆔󰆛󰆕 󰂺    󰄀
         󰄀 
        󰆜󰆓󰆓󰂺   
           
    󰆔󰆛󰆕 󰂶    󰆜󰆓󰆓 󰂶  󰄀  
   󰂺
       󰆽󰆾󰇂
    󰇂 󰃍󰆽󰆻󰆼󰇂󰃎 󰆽󰆼󰆻󰄍󰆽󰇀󰆼
󰃍󰆥󰂺󰆞󰃎 󰂹  󰃻 󰄖󰃍󰃎 󰄘 󰃍󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆘󰃎
󰂺 
 󰃕󰃖 󰂶  󰃕󰃖 󰂶  󰃕󰄀
󰃖  󰄖󰄘
󰂺 󰄀󰂹  󰃻 󰃍  󰃻󰂣󰂤󰂶 󰃻󰂣󰂤󰃎󰂶 󰄀
   󰄖󰂶󰄘   󰄖󰄘
󰃍󰆥󰂺󰆟󰃎 󰂹  󰃻 󰄖󰃍  󰃎 󰄘
 󰃍󰆕󰂺󰆗󰃎󰂶   󰄖  󰂶     
󰂶󰄘   󰂶   󰄖󰄘
 󰃍󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆓󰂹 󰆔󰆘󰆘󰂶 󰆕󰆔󰆔󰃎        󰄖󰄀
󰄘  󰂺 󰂶    󰃻     󰄀
   󰃻        󰄀  
󰄀󰂶       󰂺   
    󰃻  󰃻󰂌 󰃑󰂶 󰃻  󰃻󰂺
󰃍󰆦󰂺󰆞󰃎  󰂹  󰃻󰂐 󰄖 󰂷󰂶 󰄘󰃍 󰂶
󰃍󰆦󰂺󰆟󰃎 󰂹  󰃻 󰄖 󰄘 󰃍󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆘󰃎
󰂺 
  󰄖 󰂶󰄘   󰄖 󰂶󰄘  
󰄖 󰄘
󰂺 󰄀󰂹  󰃻 󰄖 󰄘
  󰄖 󰂶󰄘   󰄖 󰂶󰄘  󰃍󰄀
󰃎  󰄖 󰂶󰄘  󰃍󰃎  󰄖 󰂶󰄘 
󰃍󰃎  󰄖 󰂶󰄘   󰄖   
     󰂶󰄘   󰄖   󰂶󰄘
  󰄖 󰃍 󰃎󰂶  󰂶 󰂶󰄘  
󰄖   󰂶  󰂷  󰃍 󰃎󰂶󰄘   󰄖 
 󰂶󰄘    󰄖   󰂶  󰂶󰄘  
󰄖 󰂶󰄘   󰄖 󰄘
󰃍󰆦󰂺󰆠󰃎 󰂹  󰃻 󰄖 󰄘
 󰃍󰆕󰂺󰆖󰃎󰂶  󰇔󰄖 󰂶󰄘   󰂶  󰂶
 
󰆽󰆾󰇃 
    󰇂 󰃍󰆽󰆻󰆼󰇂󰃎 󰆽󰆼󰆻󰄍󰆽󰇀󰆼
 󰃍󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆓󰂹 󰆔󰆘󰆘󰂶 󰆕󰆖󰆖󰃎   󰃍󰆔󰆜󰆛󰆗󰂹 󰆗󰆕󰃎   
  󰄖 󰄘       󰄀󰄀
 󰂺    󰃻 󰄖 󰄘    
󰃍󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆘󰃎        󰄀 󰂺 
      󰄀󰂶     󰂷 
        󰂶  
      󰄀  󰂺 󰄀 󰃻
󰄖 󰄘         󰃻 󰄖 󰂶󰄘
 󰄀    󰃻󰂺  󰃍󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆔󰃎    
  󰄖 󰄘       󰃻  
         󰄀  
     󰃻󰂐 󰄖󰂶 󰂶  󰂺󰄘   
   󰄖     󰄘 󰃍󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆚󰂹 󰆖󰆛󰆔󰃎
    󰄀󰄀   󰄖   
󰂶 󰄘     󰄖 󰂶󰄘     
 󰂶     󰄀   
 󰄀󰄀  󰆗󰆓󰆓󰆓󰂺     󰂶
    󰄖 󰄘      󰄖 󰂺󰄘
            
󰂶      󰄀     
        󰆖󰆓󰆓󰆓󰂶    
     󰂶  󰆔󰆖󰆓󰆓󰂶    
     󰂺
          󰃍󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆔󰂹 󰆔󰆕󰆙󰄍
󰆔󰆕󰆚󰃎󰂶    󰄀     
  󰂶     󰃻 󰄖 󰄘  󰃻󰂐󰂫󰂬
󰄖 󰂶   󰄘  󰄀󰄀 󰃻󰆔 󰄖󰂶 󰂶
 󰄘 󰃍󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆘󰂹 󰆔󰆙󰆚󰂷 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆔󰃎󰂺 󰂶     󰃍󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆔󰂹
󰆜󰆔󰃎󰂶       󰃻󰂐    
󰂶            
  󰂶   󰂺 󰂶  󰄀
    󰃻󰂐 󰄖󰂶 󰂶  󰄘   󰂶
   󰂺
       󰃻󰂐󰂫󰂬 󰄖 󰂶 󰄀
  󰂶󰄘       󰄀󰄀󰄀
      󰂶     󰄖
󰄘󰂹  󰃻󰂶  󰃖󰃖    󰄖󰄘 󰃍  󰂺󰂶 
󰂷 󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆘󰂹 󰆔󰆙󰆚󰃎󰂺 󰂶 󰂶     
    󰂶       󰄀
       󰆽󰆾󰇄
    󰇂 󰃍󰆽󰆻󰆼󰇂󰃎 󰆽󰆼󰆻󰄍󰆽󰇀󰆼
    󰄀    󰂶  
        󰄀󰂺
󰄘      󰄀󰄀
             
           󰄀
      󰂶   
           󰂺 󰂶  
 󰂶      󰂶    󰄀
             󰂶
    󰂺       
󰄀󰄀        󰂶
      󰆚  󰂺     
              
    󰂺        
         󰃍󰆛󰃎  󰃍󰆜󰃎󰂺 󰂶
        󰄘 󰃍󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆗󰂹 󰆗󰆖󰆓󰃎   
   󰄀   󰆙󰆓󰆓󰆓󰄍󰆛󰆓󰆓󰆓 󰂺
󰃍󰆔󰆓󰃎       󰄀 
   󰂺        󰂶
           
      󰂺
󰃍󰆞󰆝󰂺󰆞󰃎 󰂹  󰃻 󰃬 󰃮 󰃍  󰂺󰂶 
󰂷 󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆘󰃎
󰂺 󰂹
 󰃍󰄘󰃎  󰃬 󰃮
 󰃍󰃎 󰂹 󰄖 󰄘
  󰃬 󰃮
 󰃍󰃎  󰃬 󰃮
 󰃍󰃎  󰃬 󰃮
󰂺 󰄀󰂹
  󰄖 󰂺󰄘
  󰄖󰄘
󰃍󰆞󰆝󰂺󰆟󰃎 󰂹  󰃻 󰅦󰃻 󰄖  󰂶   󰄘
 󰃍󰆕󰂺󰆗󰂿󰃎󰂶   󰄖   󰂷  󰂶 󰄀
󰂷 󰄀    󰂶󰄘 󰃖 󰄖 󰄀
󰂶󰄘  󰃖󰇓󰄖    󰂶󰄘 󰃖󰇓 󰄖  
󰆽󰆿󰆻 
    󰇂 󰃍󰆽󰆻󰆼󰇂󰃎 󰆽󰆼󰆻󰄍󰆽󰇀󰆼
󰃈󰂶󰄘󰃖󰇔󰄖     󰄘󰂷  󰇔 󰄖󰄀
󰂶  󰂶󰄘  󰇔 󰇔 󰄖󰂶  󰄘
󰃍󰆞󰆝󰂺󰆠󰃎 󰂹  󰃻 󰄖   󰂶 󰄘 󰃍󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆘󰃎
󰂶  󰄵 󰄖󰂶    󰂶󰄘 󰂺󰂺󰂶   󰄖
󰄘󰂷   󰄖   󰂶  󰄘 󰃍  󰄖󰄘󰃎󰂶
 󰄖 󰄘 󰃍  󰄖󰄘󰃎󰂶  菩薩 󰃻 󰄖󰄘 󰃍
 󰃎
  󰂺 󰃍 󰃎    󰃻 󰄖
 󰃍 󰃎󰂺󰄘       
    󰃻 󰄖  󰂶   󰂺󰄘
 󰄀           
  󰄀 󰃻󰄀󰂶  󰃻󰄀󰂶 󰃻󰄀󰄀  󰃻󰄀    
   󰃻󰄀󰂶 󰃻󰄀󰄀  󰃻󰄀󰂺    󰄀  
󰄀       󰂺   
         󰂶      󰄖
  󰂷  󰂶 󰂷 󰄀   
󰂶󰄘 󰃖 󰄖 󰄘  󰃖󰇓󰄖   󰃈󰂶󰄘  
      󰄖     󰂺󰄘 
   󰄀      
󰃍 󰃎󰂶         
  󰄖     󰂶󰄘  󰂶 
   󰂶         
      󰂺  󰂶   
    󰄖  󰄘  󰄖  󰂺󰄘 
󰃍󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆘󰃎   󰃻 󰄖 󰄘     󰄀
    󰄀 󰃻 󰄖󰂺󰄘 󰂶  
    󰂹 󰄙󰃕󰃖 󰃻     󰃻󰂶
     󰄀     󰃻󰄀   󰃻󰄀󰄛󰇥 󰃍󰂶
󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆘󰂹 󰆕󰆖󰆗󰃎󰂺           
   󰄀  󰇔 󰄖󰂶  󰄘  
    󰇔󰄖󰂶  󰄘      󰇔
󰇔󰄖󰂶  󰂺󰄘     󰃻  
   󰃻 󰄖  󰄘    󰂺
󰆤    󰃻  󰄖󰂶󰄘        󰃻
󰄖󰄘  󰄘          󰃻
  󰂺
       󰆽󰆿󰆼
    󰇂 󰃍󰆽󰆻󰆼󰇂󰃎 󰆽󰆼󰆻󰄍󰆽󰇀󰆼
            󰃻󰃖 󰄼 󰃖 
       󰂷   󰃍󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆘󰂹
󰆖󰆖󰆜󰄍󰆖󰆗󰆙󰃎󰂺      󰃻  󰃻   
      󰂶      
        󰇔   
    󰂶󰇓  󰂶    󰄘 󰂺 
        󰂺
    󰃻 󰄖  󰂶   󰄘
 󰄘 󰃍󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆘󰃎        󰄀
  󰃻 󰄖󰂺󰄘        
        󰃻󰄀     󰃻󰄀󰂶
     󰃻󰄀  󰃻󰄀󰂶     󰃻󰄀󰂺 
   󰂶           󰂶
 󰂺         
           
     󰂶    󰂺 󰆘󰂺
󰆘 
  󰂶      
     󰂶     
    󰂺
         
        
   󰂺 󰂶      
        󰂺
󰂶 󰄘 󰃍󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆙󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆕󰃎       󰄀
          
       󰄀 󰄀
        󰂶   󰄀
         󰄀
         󰄀
   󰂺    
  󰂶        
           
󰂺        
           
   󰂺
󰆽󰆿󰆽 
    󰇂 󰃍󰆽󰆻󰆼󰇂󰃎 󰆽󰆼󰆻󰄍󰆽󰇀󰆼
       󰂺 󰂶    󰄀
            
 󰆙󰆓󰆓󰆓    󰂶      
󰄀  󰂶     󰄀
 󰂶         󰂺 
            󰄀
   󰂶    󰄖 󰄘  󰄖
󰄘     󰄀󰂺     
    󰄀      󰄀
 󰂶  󰂶       󰂺    
       󰂶   
      󰄀  󰂶
            󰄀
     󰂺       
󰃍󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆚󰃎󰂶      󰂶    󰄀
          
  󰂺
󰂶          
 󰂺 󰂶       
    󰂺    
   󰄀       󰄀
     󰂶     
   󰂶        󰂶 
        󰂺   󰄀
    󰂶  󰂶 󰂶 󰂶 
 󰂶        󰄀
  󰂺        
       󰂶     󰄀
󰂺          󰄀
      󰂶   󰄖  󰄘
 󰄖 󰂺󰄘
󰂶         󰄀
   󰂶    󰂺  
  󰄀      󰂶  󰄀
            󰄀
 󰂶    󰂺        󰄀
       󰂶  
           
   󰂶        󰄀
    󰄀  󰂺
       󰆽󰆿󰆾
    󰇂 󰃍󰆽󰆻󰆼󰇂󰃎 󰆽󰆼󰆻󰄍󰆽󰇀󰆼
          
  󰂺    󰂶  󰂶
   󰂶 󰄀 󰄀
󰂶          
󰂶  󰄀    󰄀 
󰂺           󰂶 󰄀
   󰂺   󰂶      
  󰆖  󰄙  󰂶   󰂺  󰄀
    󰂶󰄛       
   
   
   
  
󰂺  
󰂺  
  
  
  
 󰄀
 󰄀
 󰄀
 󰄀
 󰄀󰄀
 󰄀
 󰄀
 󰄀
󰂺  
󰍪   
󰈾  
󰆽󰆿󰆿 
    󰇂 󰃍󰆽󰆻󰆼󰇂󰃎 󰆽󰆼󰆻󰄍󰆽󰇀󰆼
    󰂶     󰆖 󰂶  
           
      󰂺   
          󰃍󰃎
   󰄘  󰆕󰆓󰆕󰆓    
󰃍   󰆙󰆗󰆙󰆙󰆔󰆕󰃎   󰂺
󰂶 󰄀󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆓󰂺       󰂹 
󰂺     󰆕󰂹 󰆛󰆜󰄍󰆜󰆛󰂺
󰂶 󰂶   󰂶   󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆘󰂺 
       󰂶 󰂺    
  󰆘󰆓󰃍󰆔󰃎󰂹 󰆚󰄍󰆕󰆗󰂺
󰂶  󰂺 󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆘󰂺 󰃮 󰂏   󰅫󰅩󰂌󰅩󰅩󰅩 󰂏 󰂌 󰂌
    󰂺 󰂹 󰂺
󰂶 󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆘󰂺    󰂏      󰂌  
󰂺 󰂹  󰂺
󰂶 󰂺 󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆚󰂺 󰃖 󰂺 󰂹 󰂺
󰂶   󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆔󰂺   󰂶   󰆕󰆓 󰄀
 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆔󰂺   󰂹󰃈󰃈󰂺󰂺󰃈󰃈󰆕󰆙󰆘󰆔󰆔󰆓󰆕󰆓󰆜󰅨
󰃍  󰆕󰆛󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆚󰃎󰂺
󰂶 󰂺 󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆚󰂺    󰃖 󰂺  󰂺
󰂹   󰄖 󰂺
󰂶 󰂺󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆘󰂺  󰂏     󰂺 󰂹 󰄀
󰂶 󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆔󰂺  󰂏     󰂺 󰂹
󰂶     󰃍󰂺󰃎󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆕󰂺   󰂞
 󰂺 󰂹     󰂺
󰂶 󰂺 󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆓󰂺 󰂞󰃖󰂺  󰂶  󰆕󰆓󰂺  󰂹
 󰂺
󰂶 󰂺 󰆔󰆜󰆘󰆙󰂺   󰂐   
󰂺   󰄀    󰆔󰆔󰂺
󰂹      󰂺
󰂶 󰂶  󰂺 󰂶  󰂶  󰂶  󰂶   󰂺
       󰆽󰆿󰇀
    󰇂 󰃍󰆽󰆻󰆼󰇂󰃎 󰆽󰆼󰆻󰄍󰆽󰇀󰆼
󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆗󰂺     󰂶    󰂶 
󰂹           
󰆜 󰂺   󰆕󰆗󰂹 󰆕󰆙󰆔󰂺
󰂶 󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆛󰂺      󰂹     
    󰂿   󰄀󰂶  󰂶
 󰂺 󰂶  󰂶    󰃍󰂺󰃎󰂶     
󰂏  󰂌   󰂶     
   󰆘󰂶 󰆔󰆓󰆘󰄍󰆔󰆖󰆕󰂺 󰂹 󰂺
󰂶 󰂺 󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆙󰂺    󰂹    
   󰂺    󰃍󰂺󰃎󰂶  
  󰂶 󰆔󰆔󰆚󰄍󰆔󰆙󰆓󰂺 󰂹   󰂺
󰂶 󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆘󰂺   󰂶   󰆔󰆗  󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆘󰂺
  󰂹󰃈󰃈󰂺󰆕󰂺󰃈󰃈 󰃍  󰆔󰆙󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆘󰃎󰂺
󰂶 󰂺    󰂺 󰆔󰆜󰆛󰆕󰂺   󰂹   󰂺
     󰆘󰆜󰂹 󰆖󰆜󰆜󰄍󰆗󰆔󰆔󰂺
󰂶   󰃍󰂺󰃎 󰆔󰆜󰆚󰆘󰄍󰆔󰆜󰆚󰆚󰂺 󰃮 󰃮 󰃖󰃮 󰃖
󰂐 󰂐 󰅪󰃣󰅫󰂺 󰂹 󰂺
󰂶  󰂺  󰄀 󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆖󰂺      󰄀
󰂺  󰆚󰆚󰂹 󰆛󰆚󰄍󰆜󰆘󰂺
󰂶  󰂺   󰂺 󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆛󰂺     󰂹  
  󰂺  󰆚󰆕󰂹 󰆛󰆘󰆛󰄍󰆛󰆙󰆙󰂺
󰂶    󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆖󰂺    󰂹  
󰂺  󰆖󰆓󰆓󰂹 󰆘󰆜󰆚󰄍󰆙󰆓󰆖󰂺
󰂶    󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆚󰂺      
   󰂹       
󰂺     󰆕󰆜󰃍󰆗󰃎󰂹 󰆗󰆘󰆘󰄍󰆗󰆙󰆛󰂺
󰂶    󰂺 󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆙󰂺     
     󰂺   󰆔󰆓󰆗󰃍󰆔󰃎󰂹 󰆗󰆖󰄍󰆙󰆗󰂺
󰂶 󰂺 󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆓󰂺    󰂺 󰂹  󰂺
󰂶     󰃍󰂺󰃎󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆗󰂺     󰂺 󰂹
󰂶    󰄀󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆗󰂺 󰄀 󰂹 󰄀
 󰂺    󰃍󰂺󰃎󰂶    󰂶 󰆔󰄍󰆜󰂺  󰂹
󰂶  󰂺 󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆙󰂺   󰂹    
  󰂺    󰃍󰂺󰃎󰂶   
   󰂶 󰆕󰆙󰆚󰄍󰆕󰆚󰆜󰂺 󰂹     
󰂶  󰂺 󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆜󰂺   󰂐     󰂺 󰂹
  󰄖 󰂺
󰆽󰆿󰇁 
    󰇂 󰃍󰆽󰆻󰆼󰇂󰃎 󰆽󰆼󰆻󰄍󰆽󰇀󰆼
󰂶  󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆕 󰄖󰄘  󰄖󰄘      
 󰂺   󰆖󰆜󰂹 󰆕󰆘󰆚󰄍󰆕󰆙󰆕󰂺
󰂶 󰂶   󰂶  󰂶  󰄀󰂶 
󰂶   󰂺 󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆛󰂺   󰂹   
             
 󰂺     󰆔󰆚󰃍󰆔󰃎󰂹 󰆘󰄍󰆔󰆛󰂺
󰂶 󰂶  󰂶  󰂶  󰂶  󰂺 󰂶  󰂶  
󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆚󰂺          
          󰂶  󰂺
    󰆔󰆔󰃍󰆔󰃎󰂹 󰆔󰆖󰆚󰄍󰆔󰆗󰆚󰂺
󰂶 󰂺 󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆙󰂺 󰂏   󰂺     󰄀
 󰆕󰆕󰆕󰂺 󰂹 󰄀 󰂺
󰂶 󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆜󰂺       
󰂺    󰃍󰂺󰃎󰂶  󰂏    
    󰂶   󰆔󰆓󰆛󰂶 󰆕󰆛󰆖󰄍󰆖󰆓󰆘󰂺 󰂹 󰄀
 󰂺
󰂶    󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆓󰂺 󰂺     󰄀
  󰃍󰂺󰃎󰂶      󰂏
󰂌 󰂌 󰂶 󰆚󰆛󰂶 󰆔󰄍󰆘󰂺󰂹 󰂺
󰂶 󰂺 󰆔󰆜󰆚󰆜󰂺   󰄀 󰂺  
    󰆕󰆛󰂹 󰆔󰄍󰆕󰆓󰂺
󰂶 󰂺 󰆔󰆜󰆛󰆕󰂺   󰄀 󰂺 
    󰆔󰂹 󰆔󰄍󰆕󰆛󰂺
󰂶 󰂺 󰆔󰆜󰆛󰆗󰂺         󰂺
      󰆖󰂹 󰆖󰆔󰄍󰆘󰆓󰂺
󰂶 󰂺 󰆔󰆜󰆛󰆘󰂺       󰂺  
    󰆗󰂹 󰆜󰆚󰄍󰆔󰆔󰆘󰂺
󰂶 󰂶  󰂶 󰂺󰂺 󰂶  󰂶  󰂶  󰂺󰂺 󰂺
󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆛󰂺    󰂺    󰆔󰂺 󰂹  
 󰂺
󰂶  󰄀󰂶 󰄀 󰂶  󰂶  󰂶  󰂶 󰄀
 󰂶  󰂶  󰄀 󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆗󰂺  󰂹   
 󰂺       󰆜󰆗󰂹 󰆗󰆕󰆙󰄍󰆗󰆖󰆙󰂺
󰂶 󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆜󰂺     󰂐 󰂌   󰃖
󰂺        󰂺 󰂹 󰂺
󰂶  󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆖󰂺         
󰂺    󰂺   󰆗󰆓󰂹 󰆔󰄍󰆔󰆕󰂺
󰂶 󰄀󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆔󰂺         󰂺
  󰆘󰆕󰃍󰆗󰃎󰂹 󰆖󰆓󰆚󰄍󰆖󰆕󰆜󰂺
󰂶    󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆔󰂺     
       󰆽󰆿󰇂
    󰇂 󰃍󰆽󰆻󰆼󰇂󰃎 󰆽󰆼󰆻󰄍󰆽󰇀󰆼
    󰂺      󰆕󰆚󰆛󰂹 󰆖󰆙󰆙󰆕󰄍
󰂶 󰂶  󰂺 󰂶  󰂶   󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆙󰂺 󰄀 
         󰂹
   󰂺    󰂏  󰆚󰂹 󰆕󰆗󰆚󰄍󰆕󰆙󰆔󰂺
󰂶 󰂶  󰂺 󰂶  󰂶  󰂶   󰂺 󰄘󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆕󰂺
       󰂹      
 󰂺      󰆔󰆗󰆜󰂹 󰆔󰄍󰆛󰂺
󰂶  󰂺 󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆙󰂺   󰂹 󰄀     
󰂺   󰂶  󰂶  󰂶   󰄀
 󰃍󰂺󰃎󰂶  󰂐   󰂶 󰆖󰆔󰄍󰆗󰆘󰂺 󰂹
  󰂺
󰂶  󰂺 󰆔󰆜󰆙󰆔󰂺  󰂏   󰂺 󰂹 
 󰂺
󰂶  󰂺 󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆙󰂺       󰃖 󰂺
󰂹   󰄖 󰂺
󰂶  󰂺󰂶 󰄀 󰂶  󰄀 󰂺 󰆔󰆜󰆙󰆚󰂺 󰃖󰂺
 󰂹   󰂺
󰂶  󰂺 󰆔󰆜󰆛󰆗󰂺   󰂺  󰂺  
 󰆕󰆛󰂹 󰆕󰆖󰆗󰄍󰆕󰆜󰆘󰂺
󰂶  󰂺 󰆔󰆜󰆚󰆔󰂺      󰂺 󰂹  󰄀
   󰂺
󰂶 󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆜󰂺    󰂏    󰂺 󰂹 
󰂶 󰂺 󰆔󰆜󰆚󰆙󰂺  󰄀     󰄀
󰂺     󰆕󰂹 󰆗󰆔󰆖󰄍󰆗󰆖󰆘󰂺
󰂶 󰂺 󰆔󰆜󰆚󰆛󰂺    󰂿 󰃖 
󰆘󰆓󰂹 󰆔󰆔󰆔󰄍󰆔󰆔󰆘󰂺
󰂶 󰂺 󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆖󰂺    󰂺 󰂹   󰂺
󰂶 󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆖󰂺  󰃖 󰂺 󰄀
   󰆛󰆘󰂺 󰂶 󰂹   󰂺
󰂶 󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆔󰂺     󰃖 󰂺 
󰂶  󰂺
󰂶 󰂺󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆛󰂺    󰂐     󰂺
󰂹  󰂺
󰂶 󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆚󰂺   󰂿     󰂺  
󰆔󰆜󰂹 󰆗󰆚󰄍󰆚󰆘󰂺
󰂶 󰂺 󰆔󰆜󰆛󰆓󰂺    󰄖   󰄘󰂹  
    󰄀  󰄀  󰂺 
   󰆕󰂹 󰆘󰆘󰄍󰆔󰆕󰆛󰂺
󰆽󰆿󰇃 
    󰇂 󰃍󰆽󰆻󰆼󰇂󰃎 󰆽󰆼󰆻󰄍󰆽󰇀󰆼
󰂶 󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆘󰂺       󰂺  
󰂶  󰂶    󰃍󰂺󰃎󰂶    
󰂏 󰂌 󰂌  󰂶 󰆔󰆖󰄍󰆖󰆚󰂺 󰂹   󰂺
󰂶    󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆔󰂺     󰄀
   󰂺   󰂺  󰃍󰂺󰃎󰂶   
  󰂶 󰆛󰆛󰄍󰆔󰆖󰆚󰂺 󰂹   󰂺
󰂶 󰂶  󰂶 󰄀 󰂶 󰄀 󰂶   󰄀
 󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆗󰂺        󰂺 󰃖
     󰆘󰆛󰂹 󰆕󰆓󰆚󰂺
󰂶 󰂺 󰆔󰆜󰆙󰆓󰂺     󰂐  󰅪󰂌󰃖
 󰂺   󰂶   󰆗󰂺 󰂹 
󰂶  󰂺 󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆖󰂺      󰂺 󰃖
  󰆕󰆜󰂹 󰆗󰆖󰆖󰄍󰆗󰆗󰆔󰂺
󰂶  󰂺 󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆚󰂺         
   󰂺  󰄀 󰄀 󰃍󰂺󰃎󰂶   󰂐 
  󰂶 󰆔󰆖󰆔󰄍󰆔󰆗󰆖󰂺 󰂹   󰄖 󰂺
󰂶  󰂺 󰆔󰆜󰆓󰆙󰂺 󰂐     󰃖 
󰂺     󰄀󰂺 󰂹 󰄀
󰂶  󰂺 󰆔󰆜󰆖󰆘󰂺  󰂺   󰄀
 󰆔󰆔󰆔󰂺 󰂹 󰄀 󰂺
󰂶 󰂺 󰆔󰆜󰆛󰆚󰂺   󰂏    󰃖 󰂺
󰂹  󰂺
󰂶 󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆘󰂺     󰂌 󰂌  󰂕
 󰆙󰆗󰂺 󰂹 󰂺
󰂶 󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆘󰂺   󰂏    
󰂺       󰆕󰆜󰆔󰂺 󰂹 󰄍
󰂶 󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆚󰂺 󰄀󰂹   󰂿    󰆜󰆚󰂹 󰆔󰆜󰄍
󰂶 󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆚󰂺  󰂺    󰃍󰂺󰃎󰂶 
    󰂶     
󰂶 󰆘󰆛󰆙󰄍󰆙󰆕󰆙󰂺 󰂹   󰂺
󰂶 󰂺 󰂺      󰂺  󰄀
     󰃍󰂺󰃎󰂶    󰂶
󰆜󰆖󰄍󰆔󰆕󰆕󰂺 󰂹 󰂺
󰂶 󰂺 󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆘󰂺   󰂺 󰂹  󰂺󰄀󰂺  󰃍󰂺󰃎󰂶  
   󰂶       󰆛󰂶 󰆖󰆖󰆚󰄍
󰆖󰆚󰆕󰂺  󰂹   󰂺
       󰆽󰆿󰇄
    󰇂 󰃍󰆽󰆻󰆼󰇂󰃎 󰆽󰆼󰆻󰄍󰆽󰇀󰆼
󰂶 󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆖󰂺          
 󰂺    󰃖   󰆕󰆖󰂹 󰆔󰆕󰆚󰄍󰆔󰆖󰆙󰂺
󰂶 󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆘󰂺 󰄀󰄀󰂹     󰄀
󰂺   󰂶  󰂶   󰄀 󰃍󰂺󰃎󰂶  󰃖
   󰂏   󰂌   󰂶 󰆔󰆙󰆔󰄍󰆔󰆚󰆙󰂺
󰂹 󰂺
󰂶 󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆛󰂺        󰂺  
 󰂺   󰄀󰂶  󰂶  󰂺 󰂶
 󰂶    󰃍󰂺󰃎󰂶      󰂏 
󰂌   󰂶       
 󰆘󰂶 󰆔󰆖󰆖󰄍󰆔󰆘󰆛󰂺 󰂹 󰂺
󰂶 󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆔󰂺        󰂿  󰆗󰃍󰆖󰃎󰂹
󰂶 󰂺 󰆔󰆜󰆙󰆙󰂺    󰃕    󰃖󰂺 󰂹
 󰂺
󰂶 󰂺 󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆙󰂺         󰄀
 󰂺      󰂺󰂺  󰃍󰂺󰃎󰂶 󰃖
  󰂶 󰆖󰆗󰆜󰄍󰆖󰆘󰆛󰂺 󰂹   󰂺
󰂶 󰂺 󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆔󰂺        󰂹   
   󰄀 󰂺   󰆙󰃍󰆔󰃎󰂹 󰆕󰆗󰄍󰆗󰆙󰂺
󰂶  󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆚󰂺 󰄀   󰄀  󰄀󰂺 
     󰃍󰂺󰃎󰂶    󰃖
󰂶 󰆔󰆔󰆚󰄍󰆔󰆗󰆛󰂺 󰂹 󰂺
󰂶 󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆚󰂺      󰂺 󰂹 󰄀
  󰄖 󰂺
󰂶 󰂺 󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆜󰂺   󰄀󰄀     󰂺
      󰄀  󰂶
     󰂶 󰂶 󰂶 
󰂶 󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆓󰂺       󰂺  
 󰆔󰆗󰂹 󰆖󰆙󰆖󰄍󰆗󰆔󰆗󰂺
󰂶 󰂶  󰂺 󰂶   󰂺 󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆓󰂺  󰄙󰄛 󰂺
󰂶 󰂶 󰂶      󰂺  
󰆗󰆔󰃍󰆗󰃎󰂹 󰆘󰆔󰆔󰄍󰆘󰆕󰆘󰂺
󰂶  󰂺 󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆖󰂺        󰂺 
   󰆖󰆗  󰂶  󰂶  󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆖󰂺
󰂶 󰂶  󰂶   󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆖󰂺    
 󰂺 󰂹 󰂺
󰂶  󰂺   󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆚󰂺       󰂹
    󰃈 󰂺  󰃖
   󰆚󰃍󰆕󰃎󰂹 󰆔󰆘󰆕󰄍󰆔󰆛󰆙󰂺
󰆽󰇀󰆻 
    󰇂 󰃍󰆽󰆻󰆼󰇂󰃎 󰆽󰆼󰆻󰄍󰆽󰇀󰆼
󰂶  󰂺󰂺󰂶  󰂶 󰂺  󰂶  󰂶 
󰂶   󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆚󰂺    
      󰂺     󰆛󰆔󰂹 󰆗󰆜󰄍
󰂶 󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆜󰂺     󰃮 󰂏    
  󰂺  󰂹   󰂺
󰂶  󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆖󰂺    󰂺 󰂹 󰄀󰄀
 󰂶 󰂺 󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆛󰂺     󰄀 󰂺
      󰃍󰂺󰃎󰂶    󰂶 󰆙󰆚󰄍󰆔󰆓󰆕󰂺
󰂹 󰂺
󰂶󰂺 󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆗󰂺    󰂿   󰆖󰆖󰂹 󰆖󰆛󰆚󰄍
󰂶 󰂺 󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆛󰂺       
  󰂺       󰃍󰂺󰃎󰂶  
 󰂶 󰆖󰆙󰆙󰄍󰆖󰆚󰆛󰂺 󰂹 󰂺
󰂶 󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆘󰂺        󰄖󰂺󰄘  
 󰆕󰆘󰃍󰆕󰃎󰂹 󰆕󰆕󰆜󰄍󰆕󰆖󰆛󰂺
󰂶 󰂺 󰃕󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆓󰃖 󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆚󰂺   󰂏     
󰃖 󰂺 󰂹   󰂺
󰂶  󰂺   󰂺 󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆛󰂺       󰂺
 󰆔󰆛󰂹 󰆙󰆜󰄍󰆜󰆓󰂺
󰂶  󰂺 󰆔󰆜󰆛󰆘󰂺        
 󰂺  󰂶  󰂺
󰂶    󰂺  󰃍󰂺󰃎󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆜󰂺    󰃖
   󰃮   󰂺  󰂹   󰂺
󰂶 󰄀󰂺 󰆔󰆜󰆜󰆘󰂺      󰂺    󰃍󰂺󰃎󰂶  󰃖
   󰂐    󰂶 󰆙󰆘󰄍󰆛󰆛󰂺 󰂹 󰂺
󰂶󰂶  󰂺 󰂶  󰂶  󰂺 󰂶  󰂶 󰄀
 󰂶  󰂶  󰂶  󰂶  󰂶  
󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆘󰂺          󰄀
  󰂶  󰂶  󰂺  󰆔󰆔󰆕󰃍󰆖󰃎󰂹 󰆚󰆓󰆕󰄍󰆚󰆓󰆙󰂺
  󰂹󰃈󰃈󰂺󰂺󰃈󰃈󰆔󰆔󰆕󰃈󰆖󰃈󰆚󰆓󰆕󰂺󰂺 󰃍 󰄀
 󰆗󰂶 󰆕󰆓󰆔󰆚󰃎󰂺
󰂶 󰂶  󰂶  󰂶   󰂺 󰆕󰆓󰆓󰆕󰂺    
 󰂹    󰂺    
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... While the exact chronology and impacts of such climate change will no doubt continue to be debated, adding millet agriculture to a variety of other subsistence strategies, including hunting, gathering and fishing, probably helped Chulmun populations expand into different environments and adapt to the changing climate. In Neolithic Northeast Asia, broad-spectrum subsistence was common in regions such as the West Liao basin and the southern Primorye, but this does not contradict the basic tenets of the farming/language dispersal hypothesis (Robbeets, 2017b;Li et al., 2020). ...
... Third, there are a number of linguistic indications that the Macro-Koreanic speakers added rice technology to a pre-existing agricultural package through borrowing from Japanic speakers, who, in turn, borrowed rice terminology from their earlier continental neighbours in the Shandong area, including, among others, speakers of Para-Austronesian languages, i.e. sister languages of proto-Austronesian (Stevens & Fuller, 2017;Robbeets, 2017b). The repurposing of agricultural vocabulary as rice terminology in Korean, for instance, supports the idea that the speakers of Koreanic were already familiar with agriculture before adding rice to their agricultural package. ...
... For example, Proto-Koreanic *pap originally meant 'any boiled cereal' and Proto-Koreanic *pʌsal 'hulled (of any grain); hulled corn of grain', but later these meanings specified into 'boiled rice' and 'hulled rice ', respectively (Francis-Ratte, 2017;Robbeets et al., 2020). The proposed borrowing of Proto-Koreanic terms such as *pye '(unhusked) rice' and *pʌsal 'hulled (of any grain); hulled corn of grain; hulled rice' from Proto-Japanic *ip-i 'cooked millet, steamed rice' and *wasa-ra 'early ripening (of any grain)' (Vovin, 2016;Robbeets et al., 2020), and of Proto-Japanic terms such as *kəmai 'dehusked rice' and *usu '(rice and grain) mortar' from Para-Austronesian *Semay 'cooked rice' and *lusuŋ '(rice) mortar' (Sagart, 2011;Robbeets, 2017b) is indicative of the direction of the diffusion, namely from Para-Austronesian into Japanic in the Shandong-Liaodong interaction sphere and, subsequently, from Japanic into Koreanic on the Korean peninsula. ...
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While earlier research often saw Altaic as an exception to the farming/language dispersal hypothesis, recent work on millet cultivation in northeast China has led to the proposal that the West Liao basin was the Neolithic homeland of a Transeurasian language family. Here, we examine the archaeolinguistic evidence used to associate millet farming dispersals with Proto-Macro-Koreanic, analysing the identifica- tion of population movements in the archaeological record, the role of small-scale cultivation in language dispersals, and Middle–Late Neolithic demography. We conclude that the archaeological evidence is con- sistent with the arrival and spread of Proto-Macro-Koreanic on the peninsula in association with millet cultivation in the Middle Neolithic. This dispersal of Proto-Macro-Koreanic occurred before an apparent population crash after 3000 BC, which can probably be linked with a Late Neolithic decline affecting many regions across northern Eurasia. We suggest plague (Yersinia pestis) as one possible cause of an apparently simultaneous population decline in Korea and Japan.
... There are several examples of crop dispersal resulting in the borrowing of the crop name and other agricultural vocabulary associated with it without causing language shift. This is the case for several documented farming dispersals: the pre-Columbian diffusion of the sweet potato from the Andean region to the South Pacific and associated borrowings from Quechuan and Aymara into Polynesia (Adelaar & Muysken 2004: 41); the dispersal of barley and wheat agriculture from the Fertile Crescent through the Near East to China diffusing crop names into Indo-European, Old Chinese and individual Transeurasian languages (Blažek 2016, Robbeets 2017a, Kümmel 2017; the dispersal of taro cultivation from Southeast Asia to New Guinea, inducing various borrowings across the languages of New Guinea (Schapper 2017); or the spread of rice agriculture to the Korean peninsula with borrowing from Austronesian or Sinitic into Japanic (Robbeets 2017b) and from there into Koreanic (Vovin 2015). Remarkably, in most of these examples the introduction of the particular crop constitutes the innovation of a pre-existing agricultural package rather than a transition from foraging to agriculture. ...
... However, the early introduction of the northeast Asian paternal lineage C2 may receive an alternative explanation in the light of de Boer and colleagues' findings. Early gene flow between coastal populations in northern East Asia and Jomon people and the frequency of the alleged "Para-Austroasiatic" O2b lineage in Japan may be explained by gene flow between speakers of Proto-Japonic and Southeast Asian languages at a time before 1500 BC -when rice was added to the agricultural package and Japonic was still spoken in the Shandong-Liaodong interaction sphere (Robbeets 2017b). In this way, the hypothesis that the founding dispersals of the Japonic family coincided with the spread of agriculture may remain the most parsimonious one. ...
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In this special collection, we address the origin and dispersal of the Transeurasian languages, i.e. Japonic, Koreanic, Tungusic, Mongolic and Turkic, from an interdisciplinary perspective. Our key objective is to effectively synthesize linguistic, archaeological and genetic evidence in a single approach, for which we use the term 'triangulation'. The 10 articles collected in this volume contribute to the question of whether and to what extent the early spread of Transeurasian languages was driven by agriculture in general, and by economic reliance on millet cultivation in particular.
... Austronesian people are widely distributed in the ISEA and Pacific and further present in Madagascar. Although no genetic evidence supports the arrival of Austronesians to the Japanese Archipelago in ancient times (GenomeAsia100K Consortium 2019, Gakuhari et al. 2020, Wang et al. 2021, but see also Matsumoto, 2009), several archaeological (Oda, 1992, Yamagiwa et al. 2019) and linguistic (Hudson, 1999, Robbeets, 2017 studies suggest signatures of ancient cultural interactions between Austronesian and Japanese people. Furthermore, Tokutaro Yasuda investigated the appellations of chicken breeds in Southeast and East Asian countries and pointed out some similarities between Malay, Indonesian, and Japanese appellations (Matsumura 1977). ...
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Japanese native chickens (JNCs) comprise approximately 50 breeds, making Japan a diversity hotspot for native chicken breeds. JNCs were established through the repeated introduction of chickens from foreign countries. Jidori, which is the generic name of JNC breeds whose ancestral morphology resembles that of their wild progenitor (red junglefowls), is generally thought to have propagated from north East Asia (Korea and north China) to ancient Japan. However, mitochondrial haplogroup D, which is abundant in Island Southeast Asia (ISEA) as well as the Pacific but relatively rare in other regions, can be observed in some Jidori breeds (e.g., Tosa-Jidori, Tokuji-Jidori) with high frequency, leading to speculation that chickens from ISEA or the Pacific also contributed genetically to JNCs. To test this hypothesis, we sequenced the mitochondrial genomes of Jidori breeds and conducted phylogeographic analysis. Our results indicate that the JNC Haplogroup D belongs to Sub-haplogroup D2, which is currently only observed in Xinjiang, northwest China, and not to Sub-haplogroup D1, which is widely distributed in the ISEA-Pacific region. The other mitochondrial haplogroups of Jidori examined in this study also showed affinity to those of chickens native to north East Asia. Therefore, our findings support the north East Asian origin hypothesis for Jidori.
... His argument is thus circular: pK *pasʌr is a loanword from pre-pJ, because pJ *wasay was pre-pJ *wasar, which is because pK *pasʌr is a loanword from pre-pJ. Robbeets (2017) seeks to strengthen Vovin's hypothesis. She reconstructs Old Japanese (OJ) wasa-and woso 2 , both meaning 'precocious, early ripening, ' as pJ *wasara~wǝsǝrǝ 'early ripening crop, early ripening rice. ...
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In this paper, I will provide etymological explanations for the two Korean words for 'grain': ssal 'uncooked grain' and pap 'cooked grain. ' The word ssal 'uncooked grain' is a loanword from Middle Chinese bu-sat 'Bodhisattva, ' linking the Buddhist holy figure to the type of food that has a sacred status in Korean culture. The support for this claim comes from the fact that (i) grains were sometimes associated with the Buddha's body in Korea, and (ii) certain dialects of Japanese have also referred to rice-undoubtedly the most favored type of grain-as bosatsu 'Bodhisattva' or buppō-sama 'Lord Buddha Dharma. ' Moreover, pap 'cooked grain' is most likely derived from the baby-talk term for 'food, ' because cross-linguistically, baby-talk terms for 'food' or 'to eat' tend to be similar to /papa/ or /mama/, some of which shifted into the adult-talk term for food or a common type of food.
... In addition to evidence for cultivated fields, seed and consumable plants such as a millet-like crop, nuts and roots, I reconstruct subsistence activities such as "sowing", "grinding", "kneading", "weaving", "sewing", "making rope" and indirect evidence for pottery production. Interestingly, proto-Transeurasian lacks maritime vocabulary and terms for rice agriculture, while Japano-Koreanic reflects coastal subsistence terms but still lacks rice vocabulary (Robbeets 2017). 2 Therefore, cultural reconstruction 2. Francis-Ratte (this volume) reconstructs pJK *yə '(dry) rice', suggesting that Japanese and Korean may have diverged at a time when field rice was already being cultivated in Northeast Asia while paddy rice was not introduced yet. ...
Vladimir Propp interpreted the fairytale with all its episodes and images as a narrative correspondence to the initiation rites described in Africa, Australia, Melanesia and South America. For him, the motif of clashing rocks was the equivalent of monstrous jaws swallowing adolescent boys. For the authors of the Encyclopedia of Fairy Tales, this motif is a borderline inside the universal opposition between life and death, ours and others. Here we present the systematized data on the world distribution of the narratives that describe dangerous objects which, while remaining in the same place, constantly or occasionally produce rocking, swinging, spinning or other movements. The absence of such an image in Africa (outside the Maghreb) is an argument in favor of its emergence not in the African homeland but after the peopling of Eurasia, possibly in the Central Asian — Southern Siberian region. The most numerous and different versions are recorded in North America. In the Old World, many cases are known from the circumpontic region. In Australia and Melanesia, the motif is known but its versions there are rare. Its spread before the beginning of the peopling of America is beyond doubt. There is no correlation between the “clashing rocks” motif and forms of social organization or economy. Inside particular areas, the variants of the motifs easily replace each other. Most often, the motif is either an obstacle on the border of the supernatural world or a weapon controlled by a demonic person.
The article discusses the linguistic affi liation of the Okunev people. Arguments are cited favoring the idea that they spoke a Dene-Caucasian language belonging to the Yeniseian branch. This is indirectly evidenced by genetic and cultural ties between Okunev ancestors and Native Americans, by parallels to Okunev art in prehistoric China and on the northwestern coast of North America, and by Okunev type petroglyphs in northern Kashmir, where, in addition, a linguistic isolate is preserved—Burushaski, a language related to Yeniseian. Being a relict population, which remained in the place from where the Dene-Caucasian speaking tribes had migrated in various directions, Okunevans may have been ancestors of Yeniseians (another contender is the Karasuk population, whose ties with Okunevans remain to be established), as well as collateral relatives of Na-Dene, Sino-Tibetans, and other Dene- Caucasians. Alternative proposals, such as a Uralic, specifi cally Samoyed affi liation of the Okunev language, are less probable for several reasons. The idea that this language was Indo-Iranian, which almost necessarily follows from the hypothesis that the key role in Okunev origins was played by Yamnaya-Catacomb tribes, is quite unlikely. This idea is much more plausible with regard to Chaa-Khol people of Tuva, who display marked cranial affi nities with a number of Yamnaya and Catacomb groups and with Scythians of the Pontic steppes. Okunevans proper show no such affi nities.
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The purpose of this chapter is to examine the consonant inventories of the Transeurasian languages from a comparative perspective. This chapter will begin with a discussion of the reconstruction of the consonant inventory of Proto-Transeurasian (PTEA), the hypothetical proto-language from which the Turkic, Mongolic, Tungusic, Koreanic, and Japonic languages are descended. Thereafter, the individual branches will be considered in turn. The chapter ends with a discussion of root structure patterning in Proto-Transeurasian.
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Providing a contemporary and comprehensive look at the topical area of areal linguistics, this book looks systematically at different regions of the world whilst presenting a focussed and informed overview of the theory behind research into areal linguistics and language contact. The topicality of areal linguistics is thoroughly documented by a wealth of case studies from all major regions of the world and, with chapters from scholars with a broad spectrum of language expertise, it offers insights into the mechanisms of external language change. With no book currently like this on the market, The Cambridge Handbook of Areal Linguistics will be welcomed by students and scholars working on the history of language families, documentation and classification, and will help readers to understand the key area of areal linguistics within a broader linguistic context.
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Millets and rice were important for the demographic history of China. This review draws on current archaeobotanical evidence for rice and millets across China, Korea, eastern Russia, Taiwan, Mainland southeast Asia, and Japan, taking a critical approach to dating evidence, evidence for cultivation, and morphological domestication. There is no evidence to suggest that millets and rice were domesticated simultaneously within a single region. Instead, 5 regions of north China are candidates for independent early cultivation of millets that led to domestication, and 3 regions of the Yangtze basin are candidates for separate rice domestication trajectories. The integration of rice and millet into a single agricultural system took place ca. 4000BC, and after this the spread of agricultural systems and population growth are in evidence. The most striking evidence for agricultural dispersal and population growth took place between 3000 and 2500BC, which has implications for major language dispersals.
It is generally believed that Japanese is an isolated language, forming a single family together with the languages of the Ryukyu Islands. Although Japanese shares many typological features with the so-called Altaic languages, the lack of clear phonological correspondences is a serious problem for the Japanese-Altaic hypothesis. Austronesian elements in Japanese have been underestimated until now, because they have been thought to be lexical in character: that is, old borrowings. I argue that Japanese is a mixed language formed through the pidginization of northern, possibly Tungusic, languages with some form of Austronesian. The language family in the southern areas that is linked to the Ryukyu-Japanese Archipelago is called Austronesian. Van H. Labberton and J. Whymant in the 1920s and some other scholars first noticed the location of Austronesian speakers relative to the Archipelago, and postulated the importance of Austronesian in the formation of the Japanese language. However, tentative comparison among vocabularies yields semantically improbable examples (Table 23.1), even after attention is paid to phonological correspondences.
A Companion to Chinese Archaeology is an unprecedented, new resource on the current state of archaeological research in one of the world's oldest civilizations. It presents a collection of readings from leading archaeologists in China and elsewhere that provide diverse interpretations about social and economic organization during the Neolithic period and early Bronze Age. • An unprecedented collection of original contributions from international scholars and collaborative archaeological teams conducting research on the Chinese mainland and Taiwan • Makes available for the first time in English the work of leading archaeologists in China • Provides a comprehensive view of research in key geographic regions of China • Offers diverse methodological and theoretical approaches to understanding China's past, beginning with the era of established agricultural villages from c. 7000 B.C. through to the end of the Shang dynastic period in c. 1045 B.C.