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A case of primary squamous cell carcinoma of the gallbladder with local invasion of the liver and peritoneum, and metastasis to the omentum


Abstract and Figures

Primary squamous cell carcinoma of the gallbladder is a rare entity that comprises approximately 1%-3% of all primary gallbladder cancers. We report the case of a 37-year-old woman who was diagnosed with a locally invasive squamous cell carcinoma of the gallbladder. Surgical pathology revealed a predominantly squamous cell carcinoma composition of the tumor with a few microscopic foci of adenocarcinoma (<1% of tumor). We discuss pertinent clinical features, risk factors, and imaging characteristics to prompt early diagnosis and treatment, which will ultimately lead to improved patient outcomes.
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A case of primary squamous cell carcinoma of the gallbladder
with local invasion of the liver and peritoneum, and
metastasis to the omentum
Asaph C.J. Levya,*, Francisco Casalduc-Cocaa, Saeed Asiryb, Allen Goodmana
aDepartment of Radiology, Northwell Health System, Lenox Hill Hospital, 100 East 77th St, New York, NY 10075 USA
bDepartment of Pathology, Northwell Health System, Lenox Hill Hospital, New York, NY USA
Article history:
Received 17 August 2017
Received in revised form 11
September 2017
Accepted 25 September 2017
Available online 6 November 2017
Primary squamous cell carcinoma of the gallbladder is a rare entity that comprises approx-
imately 1%-3% of all primary gallbladder cancers. We report the case of a 37-year-old woman
who was diagnosed with a locally invasive squamous cell carcinoma of the gallbladder. Sur-
gical pathology revealed a predominantly squamous cell carcinoma composition of the tumor
with a few microscopic foci of adenocarcinoma (<1% of tumor). We discuss pertinent clin-
ical features, risk factors, and imaging characteristics to prompt early diagnosis and treatment,
which will ultimately lead to improved patient outcomes.
© 2017 the Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. under copyright license from the University
of Washington. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://
Gallbladder cancer (GBC) is the fifth most common gastroin-
testinal tract malignancy in the United States, with an incidence
of 6500 cases annually [1]. Known risk factors for GBC include
chronic cholelithiasis, female gender (ratio approximately 3:1),
porcelain gallbladder, adenomatous polyposis of the gallbladder
(GB), carcinogens (eg, miners exposed to radon), Salmonella typhi
infection, and abnormal pancreaticobiliary duct junction [1].
Although only up to 3% of patients with cholelithiasis develop
gallbladder cancer, gallstones are present in 70%-90% of patients
diagnosed with GBC [1]. Chronic irritation of the GB wall related
to gallstones is hypothesized to be the major risk factor for ma-
lignant transformation of the GB epithelium. Approximately
80%-95% of primary gallbladder cancers are adenocarcinoma
(AC) [2]. Other histologic types include small cell cancer, squa-
mous cell carcinoma (SCC), lymphoma, and sarcoma.
Patients with GBC are usually asymptomatic in the absence
of advanced disease. As a result, diagnosis and management
can be challenging. Patients can often present with symp-
toms such as anorexia, abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting,
Declaration of Interest: We certify that there are no financial or personal relationships with other people or organizations that could
inappropriately influence our work. We certify that this is an original manuscript, which has not been published elsewhere.
*Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A.C.J. Levy).
1930-0433/© 2017 the Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. under copyright license from the University of Washington. This is an open
access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Radiology Case Reports 13 (2018) 269–274
Available online at
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which may be indistinguishable from those of acute chole-
cystitis [3]. Findings that are more specific for advanced disease
include weight loss, obstructive jaundice (secondary to tumor
invasion of the intrahepatic bile ducts or hepatic metasta-
ses), ascites, palpable abdominal mass, and hepatomegaly.
Computed tomography and ultrasonography results are often
consistent with acute cholecystitis and cholelithiasis.Thus, most
cases are diagnosed intraoperatively.
Case report
A 37-year-old previously healthy Caucasian female pre-
sented initially with progressive right upper quadrant (RUQ)
abdominal pain and pruritus. Her pain became increasingly
worse 2 days prior to presentation. Review of systems re-
vealed jaundice, scleral icterus, pruritus, fatigue, light-colored
stools, and progressive abdominal distension, despite not having
made any dietary modifications. She did not report weight loss,
fever, chills, nausea, or vomiting. Social history reveals social
alcohol consumption and a light tobacco smoking history. On
examination, she was jaundiced, with a palpable RUQ mass.
Her abdomen was soft and nontender. Laboratory findings dem-
onstrated a WBC count of 7100/µL (normal: 3.8-10.5 K/µL), total
bilirubin (T. Bili) of 7.3 mg/dL (Normal: 0.2-1.2 mg/dL), direct
bilirubin (D. Bili) of 5.7 mg/dL (Normal: 0.2 mg/dL), alkaline
phosphatase (Alk Phos) of >1000 U/L (Normal: 40-120 U/L), and
Ca 19-9 of 45.0 U/mL (Normal: 41.3 U/mL). The initial com-
puted tomography scan of the abdomen was interpreted to
include intrahepatic biliary ductal dilatation, a dilated stone-
filled GB up to 6.4 cm in diameter with an abnormally thickened
wall up to 0.6 cm, and pericholecystic fluid, which was con-
cerning for acute cholecystitis or choledocholithiasis.There was
also an 8.4 cm heterogeneous soft tissue mass within the liver
with an infiltrative component adjacent to the GB fossa (Figs. 1
and 2). A corresponding MRI demonstrated a focal defect in the
Fig. 1 Coronal contrast-enhanced CT image of the
abdomen demonstrates gallbladder wall thickening,
pericholecystic hepatic lesions (tumor invasion),
intrahepatic biliary ductal dilatation, as well as a soft tissue
peritoneal lesion adjacent to the gallbladder (arrow). CT,
computed tomography.
Fig. 2 Axial contrast-enhanced CT image demonstrates
large hypodense hepatic lesions, a distended gallbladder
neck with stones (arrow), and intrahepatic biliary ductal
dilatation. CT, computed tomography.
Fig. 3 Coronal T2-weighted MIP image of the biliary tree
demonstrating CHD obstruction (arrow). CHD, common
hepatic duct; MIP, maximum intensity projection.
270 Radiology Case Reports 13 (2018) 269–274
anterior GB wall adjacent to the right hepatic lobe, likely related
to GB wall necrosis in this region/acute gangrenous cholecys-
titis. Also noted was common hepatic duct (CHD) obstruction
and a large 7.6-cm lesion in hepatic segment 4B, as well as a
second smaller lesion within segment 5, which did not enhance
with gadolinium (Figs. 3-5). As a result, a likely diagnosis of
hepatic abscesses was given with consideration for a super-
imposed infiltrative neoplastic process.
Interventional radiology was consulted for placement of a
cholecystostomy tube and drainage of hepatic abscesses. A cho-
lecystostomy was placed with aspiration of approximately
150 cc of purulent bilious fluid. A large hypoechoic lesion in
hepatic segment 4 was accessed and a drain was placed with
aspiration of only a few cc of purulent fluid. Gram stain and
culture of both specimens showed no growth of organisms.
Despite placement of a cholecystostomy tube and hepatic
drain, T. bili remained elevated up to 7.9 mg/dL over the fol-
lowing 3 days. As a result, an ultrasound was obtained which
redemonstrated a persistently dilated GB with an appropri-
ately positioned cholecystostomy, a thickened GB wall, and
multiple heterogeneous hepatic lesions, which were thought
to be phlegmon or developing abscesses (Fig. 6). Gastroenter-
ology (GI) was consulted and performed an endoscopic
retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) with placement
of a pancreatic duct stent as well as CHD stent placement for
a visualized stricture. A CHD biliary brushing was performed
at the time which was negative for malignant cells. Follow-
ing the ERCP, her diet was advanced, her T. bili trended down
to 3.3 mg/dL, and her WBC remained in normal range prior to
discharge home.
Fig. 4 Axial T1-weighted precontrast image demonstrates
heterogeneous, predominantly hypointense hepatic
lesions, a peritoneal lesion (arrow), and cholelithiasis
within the gallbladder.
Fig. 5 MRI: (A) Axial diffusion-weighted image demonstrates restricted diffusion within the periphery of one of the
hepatic lesions (arrow). There is cholelithiasis within a distended gallbladder neck. (B) Axial T1-weighted contrast
enhanced image (5-minute delay) demonstrates hepatic lesions with peripheral enhancement and central hypointensity
Fig. 6 Ultrasound images: (A) Markedly dilated intrahepatic biliary ducts within the left hepatic lobe. (B) Marked
gallbladder wall thickening, cholelithiasis, and adjacent hypoechogenic hepatic lesions or invasion.
271Radiology Case Reports 13 (2018) 269–274
She presented again 1 month later with 1 day of severe RUQ
abdominal pain. A repeat ERCP was performed with brushings
of the CHD stricture which returned suspicious for SCC. The
decision was made to perform a laparoscopic cholecystec-
tomy. The previously seen peritoneal soft tissue mass adjacent
to the GB was biopsied and sent for frozen section, which
showed SCC. The gallbladder was resected. Histologic exam-
ination of the GB demonstrated stage T3NxM1 moderately
differentiated invasive SCC with extensive necrosis involving
the entire GB, as well as local invasion to the peritoneum and
metastasis to the omentum (Figs. 7 and 8). A few microscopic
foci of AC were also seen (<1% of total tumor volume). The
patient was discharged to follow-up with another facility for
further treatment.
Primary SCC of the gallbladder is a rare entity that comprises
between 1-3% of all primary GB cancers [4,5].There is a poorer
prognosis associated with primary SCC of the gallbladder when
compared to the more common AC variant because it is thought
to be more locally invasive, and is typically diagnosed at a more
advanced T stage [2,4,6]. The overall mean survival rate for pa-
tients with GBC is 6 months, with a 5-year survival rate of 5%
[3]. The gallbladder lacks a serosal layer between the gallblad-
der and liver, which increases susceptibility for local hepatic
tumor invasion.This is why early diagnosis of primary SCC of
the GB is critical for improved patient outcomes.
Song et al. demonstrate in their analysis of 411 patients
with GBC, that there is no statistically significant difference
of percentage of patients with normal or elevated Ca-19-9
levels. It cannot be reliably used as an indicator for disease,
however, a larger number of patients with GBC had a CA-19-9
level >37 (U/mL) [2]. Song et al. also reported a median
follow-up time of 21 months and demonstrated that patients
with mixed adenosquamous carcinoma (ASC)/SCC differenti-
ation had a median survival of 3.3 months compared to 6.0
months in the AC variant [2]. However, Kalayarasan et al.
(136 patients) found no significant difference in survival
rates between patients with SCC/ASC vs AC [6]. A summary
of recently reported cases of SCC of the GB is presented
(Table 1).
Radiographic features suspicious for gallbladder cancer
include: intraluminal mass, diffuse mural thickening, mass re-
placing the gallbladder (present in 40-65% of cases at initial
detection), intra-hepatic biliary ductal dilatation, and hepatic
lesions adjacent to the gallbladder fossa [11]. More advanced
features include peritoneal carcinomatosis, lymphadenopa-
thy, and hepatic/distant metastases. Once we identify suspicious
features, it is important to correlate with the history and
imaging features for suspicious signs and symptoms, as well
as risk factors.
The differential diagnosis for findings suspicious for
gallbladder cancer include: gallbladder polyp, gallbladder
wall thickening/edema (secondary to adenomyomatosis,
portal hypertenion, hepatitis, infectious mononucleosis,
congestive heart failure, renal failure, and pancreatitis), cho-
lecystitis (including acute calculous, acalculous, chronic, and
xanthogranulomatous variants), bile duct tumors, biliary ob-
struction, cholangiocarcinoma, hepatocellular carcinoma,
gallbladder volvulus, and liver abscess.
As radiologists, it is important to keep GBC on the differ-
ential for patients with gallbladder wall thickening, intra-
hepatic biliary ductal dilatation, and/or adjacent hepatic lesions.
It is also important to assess for regional lymphadenopathy.
Although it has been described, regional lymphadenopathy is
Fig. 7 Microscopic pathology: (A) Nerve (green arrow) is surrounded and invaded by tumor nests (perineural invasion). (B)
Lymphatic channel (green arrow) with tumor nest inside (lymphovascular invasion).
Fig. 8 Extensive areas of tumor necrosis are identified
(green arrow).
272 Radiology Case Reports 13 (2018) 269–274
Table 1 Summary of recently reported cases of SCC of the gallbladder
Reference No. of
Age Gender Presentation Imaging findings/diagnostic modality (Dx) Pathology Involvement Survival (mo)
Alpuerto et al.
(2017) [4]
1 75 F RUQ pain, WBC (15,000/µL),
and Normal Liver Function
Tests (LFTs)
CT: GB wall thickening, pericholecystic fluid,
irregular soft tissue mass in GB fundus
US: 3.8 cm Heterogeneous GB fundal lesion
with small calcifications
Dx: Cholecystectomy, duodenal/stomach
Pure SCC of
the GB
Local invasion of the
liver, duodenum, and
Alive at the time
of publication
Chandna et al.
(2016) [7]
1 70 F Dyspepsia, RUQ pain,
icterus, and no palpable
CT: Not performed
US: Gallstones with a thickened irregular
GB wall
Dx: Cholecystectomy
Keratinizing SCC
confined to the
Locally resected tumor
with negative margins
Not reported
Hoshimoto et al.
(2016) [8]
of 68
Not reported Imaging findings were not reported SCC (40%-90%)
T2 and T3 stages
Local invasion of the
Not reported
et al. (2013) [6]
4 (SCC)
10 (ASCa)
of 49
Abdominal pain, emesis,
and palpable RUQ mass
Imaging was performed but findings are not
Dx: Staging laparoscopy and tumor resection
SCC/ASC stage
T3 (43%) or
T4 (57%)
Local invasion of the
duodenum, CBD, liver,
and colon
Median of 28
Khan et al.
(2012) [9]
1 35 F R-sided abdominal pain,
palpable RUQ mass
CT/US: Enlarged GB up to 8.4 cm, thickened GB
wall up to 0.8 cm, an 8-cm solid hepatic mass
within the right hepatic lobe, and cholelithiasis
Dx: Cholecystectomy and partial hepatectomy
Pure SCC
stage T4N0Mx
Local invasion of the
liver and omentum
Not reported
Mghirbi et al.
(2016) [5]
1 67 F RUQ pain, 15 kg weight
loss, and palpable RUQ
CT: 8-cm solid cystic mass of the GB bed with
intrinsic calcifications and extension into the
adjacent liver parenchyma
US: 10-cm heterogeneous GB mass with
echogenic center and hepatic invasion
Dx: Colonoscopic biopsy of a right colon lesion
SCC of the GB (R
colon biopsy)
Local invasion of the
liver and right colon
Not reported
Roa et al.
(2011) [10]
8 (SCC)
26 (ASCa)
of 65
Specific presenting
symptoms not included
Imaging was performed but findings are not
Dx: Most cases following cholecystectomy for
suspected acute cholecystitis
SCC/ASC stage
T2, T3 (68%), and
T4 at diagnosis
Local invasion of the
duodenum, CBD, liver,
stomach, and colon
ASCamean of 23
Adeno mean
of 50
Song et al.
(2015) [2]
10 (SCC)
24 (ASCa)
of 61.4
10:24 (M:F) Included abdominal pain,
jaundice, weight loss, and
palpable mass
Imaging was performed but findings are not
Dx: Tumor resection
SCC/ASC stage
T3 (38%) or
T4 (62%)
88.2% with liver
Median of 3.3
Levy et al. (2017)
(this study)
1 37 F Abdominal pain/distension,
jaundice, pruritus, fatigue,
pale stools, and palpable
RUQ mass
CT: Intrahepatic biliary ductal dilatation, dilated
GB with thickened wall, an 8-cm heterogeneous
liver mass, and cholelithiasis
US: Multiple heterogeneous hepatic lesions
thought to be abscesses
MRI: CHD biliary obstruction and 7.6-cm
nonenhancing hepatic lesion
SCC (<1%
Local invasion of the
liver, peritoneum, and
metastasis to the
Alive at the time
of publication
ASC, adenosquamous carcinoma; CBD, common bile duct; CHD, common hepatic duct; CT, computed tomography; Dx, diagnosis; GB, gallbladder; RUQ, right upper quadrant; SCC, squamous cell
carcinoma; US, ultrasound; WBC, white blood cell.
ASC, adenosquamous differentiation (composed of cases with adenocarcinoma with more than 30%aor 25%b,c of the SCC component).
273Radiology Case Reports 13 (2018) 269–274
seldom reactive secondary to acute cholecystitis.However,there
may be a rare instance where lymphadenopathy is present
secondary to a superimposed infection such as infectious mono-
nucleosis or a systemic lymphoproliferative disorder [12]. Albeit
the SCC variant does not typically demonstrate local lymph
node involvement, the more common AC variant does, and the
presence of lymphadenopathy should increase suspicion for
malignancy. The patient’s risk factors should also be as-
sessed to determine likelihood for GB cancer. Our patient’s
known risk factors are chronic cholelithiasis and female gender.
Care should also be made to obtain as much history as pos-
sible because the provided history is often meager.The synthesis
of both imaging features and clinical history should lead you
to suspect GBC.
We would like to acknowledge the departments of Radiology
and Pathology at Northwell Health System’s Lenox Hill Hos-
pital for their collaboration on caring for this patient and
preparation of this report.
Supplementary data
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found
in the online version, at
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[2] Song H-W, Chen C, Shen H-X, Ma L, Zhao Y-L, Zhang G-J,
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274 Radiology Case Reports 13 (2018) 269–274
... Patients are usually asymptomatic or have vague presenting symptoms like anorexia, abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting and in case of advanced disease, there will be weight loss, obstructive jaundice, ascites, palpable abdominal mass, and hepatomegaly [3]. Rarely, SCC may present as liver abscess probably due to direct involvement of liver parenchyma and associated necrosis [4]. ...
Full-text available
Introduction and importance Squamous cell carcinoma of the gall bladder is a rare but aggressive tumor. It has a wide variety of presentations. Presentation as a liver abscess is a rare condition only 2 cases reported in the literature before. Case report A 45-year-old male patient presented to the emergency with complaints of fever, right upper quadrant pain, and jaundice. On evaluation, an initial diagnosis of the liver abscess was made. Due to the deteriorating condition of the patient, he was taken up for surgery. Upon exploration, there were multiple deposits over the bilateral lobes of the liver, so a controlled drainage of abscess cavity was done with biopsy from the wall of the gall bladder and liver metastasis was taken which showed squamous cell carcinoma of gall bladder with liver metastasis. The patient was given gemcitabine and oxaliplatin as palliative chemotherapy. He died after 11 months of presentation. Discussion and conclusion The aggressive and advanced nature of the disease at the presentation poses a formidable challenge in managing such patients but early diagnosis and surgical management can provide long term benefits.
Full-text available
Primary pure squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the gallbladder is an exceptionally rare type of tumor that comprises only 1% of all gallbladder cancer. SCC of the gallbladder portends a worse prognosis than the more common adenocarcinoma variant because of its aggressive invasion to local structures and because it is often diagnosed at an advanced stage. Owing to its rarity, diagnosis and management can be challenging. Herein, we present the case of a 75-year-old female complaining of abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. Computed tomography and ultrasonography results of the abdomen were consistent with acute cholecystitis and cholelithiasis. Histologic evaluation of the resected mass revealed a malignant tumor with prominent keratinization, confirming the diagnosis of an invasive primary pure SCC of the gallbladder. Microscopic examination showed direct infiltration to the liver, duodenum, and stomach. This case report describes the hospital course of a patient with SCC of the gallbladder and suggests that gallbladder cancer should be considered as part of the differential diagnosis in elderly patients presenting with acute cholecystitis. In addition, this article will review existing literature to examine the utility of different diagnostic techniques and treatment modalities available in the management of gallbladder cancer.
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Gallbladder cancer is the most common malignant tumor of the biliary tract. The majority of cases are adenocarcinoma (AC). Pure squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of gallbladder accounts only 3% of the malignant neoplasm of this organ. Many patients are at advanced stage when diagnosed and have bad therapeutic efficacy. At present, radical surgery is the only chance to gain long-term survival for patients with early-stage gallbladder cancers. Recent reports have shown a benefit of adjuvant chemoradiation in this type of tumor. At present, no therapy is defined for unresectable cancer of the gallbladder, especially for SCC.
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Primary well differentiated keratinising Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) is a rare gall bladder malignancy accounting for 3.3% of all gall bladder carcinomas. Here we present a case of a 70-year-old female with complaints of dyspepsia and right upper quadrant pain for 3 months. Ultrasonography showed gall stones along with thickened and irregular gall bladder wall. Grossly an exophytic growth was noted involving large part of the body of gall bladder. Histological features were of well differentiated SCC with extensive keratinisation involving full thickness of the wall. No glandular component was seen. Metastasis from other primary was ruled out after thorough workup. SCC of gall bladder has an infiltrative growth pattern and behaves aggressively. Early diagnosis plays the most important role in increasing the survival.
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Gallbladder cancer, though generally considered rare, is the most common malignancy of the biliary tract, accounting for 80%–95% of biliary tract cancers. An early diagnosis is essential as this malignancy progresses silently with a late diagnosis, often proving fatal. Its carcinogenesis follows a progression through a metaplasia–dysplasia–carcinoma sequence. This comprehensive review focuses on and explores the risks, management, and outcomes for primary gallbladder carcinoma. Epidemiological studies have identified striking geographic and ethnic disparities – inordinately high occurrence in American Indians, elevated in Southeast Asia, yet quite low elsewhere in the Americas and the world. Age, female sex, congenital biliary tract anomalies, and a genetic predisposition represent important risk factors that are immutable. Environmental triggers play a critical role in eliciting cancer developing in the gallbladder, best exemplified by cholelithiasis and chronic inflammation from biliary tract and parasitic infections. Mortality rates closely follow incidence; those countries with the highest prevalence of gallstones experience the greatest mortality from gallbladder cancer. Vague symptoms often delay the diagnosis of gallbladder cancer, contributing to its overall progression and poor outcome. Surgery represents the only potential for cure. Some individuals are fortunate to be incidentally found to have gallbladder cancer at the time of cholecystectomy being performed for cholelithiasis. Such an early diagnosis is imperative as a late presentation connotes advanced staging, nodal involvement, and possible recurrence following attempted resection. Overall mean survival is a mere 6 months, while 5-year survival rate is only 5%. The dismal prognosis, in part, relates to the gallbladder lacking a serosal layer adjacent to the liver, enabling hepatic invasion and metastatic progression. Improved imaging modalities are helping to diagnose patients at an earlier stage. The last decade has witnessed improved outcomes as aggressive surgical management and preoperative adjuvant therapy has helped prolong survival in patients with gallbladder cancer. In the future, the development of potential diagnostic markers for disease will yield screening opportunities for those at risk either with ethnic susceptibility or known anatomic anomalies of the biliary tract. Meanwhile, clarification of the value of prophylactic cholecystectomy should provide an opportunity for secondary prevention. Primary prevention will arrive once the predictive biomarkers and environmental risk factors are more clearly identified.
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The information in the literature on squamous cell and adenosquamous carcinomas of the gallbladder is highly limited. In this study, 606 resected invasive gallbladder carcinoma cases were analyzed. Squamous differentiation was identified in 41 cases (7%). Those without any identifiable glandular-type invasive component were classified as pure squamous cell carcinomas (8 cases) and those with the squamous component constituting 25–99% of the tumors were classified as adenosquamous carcinomas (26 cases) and included into the analysis. The remaining 7 that had <25% squamous component were classified as adenocarcinoma with focal squamous change and excluded. The clinicopathological characteristics of adenosquamous carcinoma/squamous cell carcinomas were documented and contrasted with that of ordinary gallbladder adenocarcinomas. The average patient age was 65 years (range 26–81); female/male ratio, 3.8. In only 13%, there was a preoperative clinical suspicion of malignancy. Grossly, 58% presented as thickening and hardening of the wall and 6% were polypoid. In 12%, mucosa adjacent to the tumor revealed squamous metaplasia. All pure squamous cell carcinomas had prominent keratinization. Giant cells and tumor-infiltrating eosinophils were observed in 29 and 51% of the squamous cell carcinomas/adenosquamous carcinomas versus 10% (P=0.02) and 6% (P=0.001) in gallbladder adenocarcinomas, respectively. All but three cases had ‘advanced’ (pT2 and above) carcinomas. Follow-up was available in 31 patients: 25 died of disease (median=5 months, range 0–20), and 6 were alive (median=64 months, range 5–112.5). The survival of patients with squamous cell carcinomas/adenosquamous carcinomas was significantly worse than that of gallbladder adenocarcinomas (P=0.003), and this adverse prognosis persisted when compared with stage-matched advanced gallbladder adenocarcinoma cases (median=11.4 months, P=0.01). In conclusion, squamous differentiation was noted in 7% of gallbladder carcinomas. The incidence of adenosquamous carcinoma (defined as 25–99% of the tumor being squamous) was 4%, and that of pure squamous cell carcinoma (without any documented invasive glandular component) was 1%. Pure squamous cell carcinomas often showed prominent keratinization. The overall prognosis of adenosquamous carcinoma/squamous cell carcinoma appears to be even worse than that of ordinary adenocarcinomas. Most patients died within a few months; however, those few who were alive beyond 2 years in this cohort experienced long-term survival.Keywords: adenosquamous; carcinoma; gallbladder; squamous
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Objective: The purpose of this article is to review the epidemiology, multimodality imaging findings, differential diagnosis, pathologic staging, and current treatment options of gallbladder carcinoma. Conclusion: Understanding the characteristic appearances of primary gallbladder carcinoma at multiple imaging modalities can facilitate diagnosis and enable more accurate staging for triage to extended resection or an alternate therapy.
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the association of the proliferative ability of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) component with its proportion and tumor progression in adenosquamous carcinoma (ASC) in the biliary tract. Methods: Nine patients with ASC in the biliary tract (four each in the gallbladder and the extrahepatic bile duct and one in the ampulla of Vater) who underwent surgical resection were retrospectively reviewed. Results: The proportion of the SCC component in the primary sites ranged from 30% to 95%. The Ki-67 index of the SCC component was higher than that of the adenocarcinoma component in all cases, regardless of the component ratio in the patients' primary lesions. Predominance of the SCC component in the advancing region of the tumor, in angiolymphatic invasion and in perineural invasion was observed in most of the cases. The component ratio in metastatic lymph nodes differed from that in the corresponding primary lesions in all six cases with lymph node metastasis. Among these cases, the proportion of the SCC component was increased in the metastatic lymph nodes compared with that in the corresponding primary lesion in two cases, whereas the proportion was decreased in four cases. Conclusions: The SCC component of ASC in the biliary tract displayed a relatively higher proliferative ability, which might be associated with local invasiveness. However, not only the high proliferative ability of the SCC component but also other biological factors might contribute to tumor progression and metastasis in ASC of the biliary tract.
Objectives: To explore clinicopathological features and effects of surgical treatment of squamous/adenosquamous carcinoma of the gallbladder. Methods: We enrolled 411 patients who were surgically treated for gallbladder cancer in our hospital, including 10 with squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), 24 with adenosquamous carcinoma (ASC), and 377 with adenocarcinoma (AC). The ASC-SCC group was compared with the AC group for clinicopathological features and surgical outcomes. Results: The patients' average age was 61.4 years. Abdominal pain was the most common presenting symptom, and 67.6% of patients had gallstones. All patients had advanced-stage (T3/T4) carcinomas. The ASC-SCC group had significantly higher percentages of T4 disease (61.8%) and N1 nodal involvement (58.8%) than did the AC group (T4 disease: 34.0%, P = 0.001; N1 involvement: 39.0%, P = 0.02). Patients in the ASC-SCC group who underwent R0 resections had significantly better 1-year survival (30%) than those who underwent R1 or R2 resections (0%; P = 0.025), but lower 1-year survival rates than similar-staged patients in the AC group (69.3%; P = 0.016). Conclusions: Patients with gallbladder ASC-SCC were similar to those with AC in clinical characteristics, but tended to have more infiltration of multiple adjacent organs and lymphatic metastasis. Curative resection could give these patients better outcomes. J. Surg. Oncol. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Pure squamous cell carcinoma of gallbladder is a rare tumor accounting for only 3% of the malignancies of gallbladder. A 35-year-old female presented with pain and lump in right hypochondrium. Ultrasonography and computed tomography revealed a thickened gallbladder filled with stones without any obvious growth and a large hepatic mass. Histologically, a pure type of well differentiated squamous cell carcinoma of gallbladder was diagnosed after excluding all possible differential diagnoses owing to different histogenesis and aggressive biological behaviour. Early diagnosis is the most important parameter for improving the survival indices among the patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the gallbladder.