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Cardiopulmonary resuscitation: What is new in 2017


Abstract and Figures

A timely and effective cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is crucial for saving lives of the individuals who suffer sudden cardiac arrest. Different relevant authorities have published guidelines for educating the caregivers in delivering effective CPR. The present report summarizes the recent changes in the CPR guidelines.
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© 2017 Journal of Clinical and Preventive Cardiology | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow
A timely and effective cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is crucial for saving lives of the
individuals who suffer sudden cardiac arrest. Different relevant authorities have published
guidelines for educating the caregivers in delivering effective CPR. The present report
summarizes the recent changes in the CPR guidelines.
Keywords: Cardiac arrest, debrillation, sudden cardiac death
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: What is New in 2017
ST Yavagal1, DM
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DOI: 10.4103/JCPC.JCPC_24_17
Address for correspondence: Dr. ST Yavagal, DM,
1782, 34th Cross, 14th Main, BSK 2nd Stage, Bengaluru - 560 070,
Karnataka, India.
Recently, the American Heart Association (AHA) has updated
the guidelines for CPR and Emergency Cardiac Care (ECC).[4]
There are several suggested changes including the system care,
continuous quality improvement, education and continuous
updating of guidelines. The AHA ECC committee has set an
impact goal of doubling bystander CPR rate and doubling
the cardiac arrest survival by 2020. In total, there are 315
recommendations which are discussed in 15 sections.
Evolution of cardiopulmonary resuscitation
In 1960, Kouwenhoven (retired, engineer), Jude (surgical
resident), and Kriscker Bocker (engineer) published an
article titled - “survival of a patient with closed chest cardiac
massage” from John Hopkins Hospital. This was based on their
experience in animal studies. In 1960, a combination of closed
chest compression with rescue breathing was introduced.
In 1962, DC debrillator was introduced. In 1966, the CPR
guidelines were developed by the AHA and periodically these
guidelines are updated.[5] During the past 50 years, early
recognition and activation of emergency medical system, early
CPR, and early debrillation has saved many lives around the
world. In 1970, trained ambulance personnel started treating
OHCA. Today, trained lay persons have started initiating the
treatment for OHCA.[6]
PArt 2: evIdence revIew And guIdelIne
In 2015 guidelines Scientic Evidence Evaluation and
Review System – a web-based resource which will be
continuously updated has been introduced instead of periodical
review. The International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation
and International Consensus on CPR and ECC science with
Review Article
Today, medical profession and media have educated
the public regarding coronary artery disease and
hypertension. However, the most neglected eld is sudden
cardiac death (SCD). Thousands of people are dying outside
the hospital due to SCD. In India, survival rate following
SCD is <1%. Thus, there is a need for updating ourselves
with the recent changes in the concept of cardiopulmonary
resuscitation (CPR) and to create awareness about performing
high-quality CPR.
sudden cArdIAc deAth
SCD is the leading cause of death globally, and the incidence
of SCD is increasing in India also. The global incidence of
out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) is 62/10,000. Estimated
survival to hospital discharge is 8% and not much has changed
for many years. In the USA alone, 275,000 sudden deaths per
year occur as OHCA. Unfortunately, often the rst sign of
cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the last sign in SCD. Nearly
50% of all deaths in ST‑elevation myocardial infarction and
50% of all CVD deaths are due to SCD. Nearly 80% of all
SCDs are due to ventricular arrhythmias.[1] Obviously, OHCA
is a major public health problem that has not been addressed
adequately. The survival rate can be improved if high-quality
CPR is attempted.[2] In-hospital cardiac arrests (IHCAs) occur
in 3–6/1000 hospital admissions. These are often secondary to
hypotension and shock which is the end result of physiological
deterioration from the underlying medical conditions such as
infections, renal failure, anemia, toxins, electrolyte imbalance,
hypoxia, drugs, and trauma. In these cases, the best approach is
treating the underlying disease to prevent cardiac arrest. These
patients tend to have a better survival to discharge (37%).
PArt 1: executIve suMMAry
In 2010 guidelines, the new approach to primary cardiac
arrest (PCA) was cardio-cerebral resuscitation (CCR). Classic
CPR should be reserved for secondary cardiac arrest (SCA).[3]
1Department of Cardiology,
Kempegowda Institute of
Medical Sciences, Bengaluru,
Karnataka, India
Received: June, 2017.
Accepted: June, 2017.
How to cite this article: Yavagal ST. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation: What
is new in 2017. J Clin Prev Cardiol 2017;6:147-53.
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148 Journal of Clinical and Preventive Cardiology ¦ Volume 6 ¦ Issue 4 ¦ October-December 2017
treatment recommendations were used in 2015 AHA update.
They categorized the recommendations as Class I, II, III and
level of evidence as a, b, c.
Class (strength of recommendation)
• I – Strong
• IIa – Moderate
• IIb – Weak
• IIIa – No benet
• IIIb – Harmful.
Level (quality) of evidence
a. High-quality evidence from randomized clinical trials
and meta-analysis
b. R – moderate-quality evidence from randomized trials
NR - moderate-quality evidence from nonrandomized
c. Poor - expert opinion based on clinical experience.
Thus, 2015 guidelines are evidence-based recommendations.
OHCA and IHCA care must function differently. The
education of both lay rescuers and health-care providers must
be targeted.
Cardiac arrest
There are two types of cardiac arrest – primary and secondary.
Primary cardiac arrest
It is an unexpected, witnessed (seen or heard) collapse
in a person who is not responsive. Gasping occurs in
majority (55%) of patients in OHCA and is often interpreted
as breathing. Here, heart suddenly stops pumping blood and
the arterial blood is oxygenated at the time of the arrest. About
70%–80% of patients with OHCA have PCA.[7]
Secondary cardiac arrest
SCA is secondary to severe hypoxia often from drowning,
respiratory failure, drug overdose, or hypotension due to shock
or hemorrhage. Classic CPR should be reserved for SCA.
PArt 3: ethIcAl Issues
Ethical issues related to CPR are discussed. However, no
clear-cut recommendations are made.
PArt 4: systeM cAre And QuAlIty
The AHA 2015 guidelines suggest that OHCA and IHCA care
must function differently. For OHCA, a cardiac resuscitation
center (CRC) such as a hospital with all facilities should be
recognized. The contact number of CRC should be known
to all people in that area. When a cardiac arrest occurs, the
bystander needs to inform the CRC. It is expected that the
person at the CRC – (1) will ask the bystander to start chest
compressions at a rate of 100–120/min, (2) will arrange
to send the ambulance with all facilities, and (3) using the
available technologies, will summon the nearest CPR-trained
person to the rescue spot (Class IIb). With this approach,
bystander initiation of CPR has been shown to increase to
62% versus 48% in control group.[8] Use of debrillator by
lay person continues to improve survival. Dispatcher should
provide compression-only-CPR (CO-CPR) instruction to
caller (Class I).
For IHCA, the medical emergency team or rapid response
team should be formed at institution level which can include
trained experts in advance life support. In the event of a
cardiac arrest in the indoor patient ward, the available staff
can initiate the treatment and simultaneously send the call
to the rapid response team. Implementation of these systems
and methods can improve the survival rate in both OHCA and
PArt 5: Adult bAsIc lIfe suPPort
In 2015, the AHA published CPR guidelines that included
major changes as compared to the earlier guidelines.[4,9]
In the earlier guidelines, the recommendations included the
initial sequence of steps known as, A B C; where A = airway,
B = breathing, and C = chest compression. The current
guidelines now recommend the sequence as, C A B, except in
newborns. “Look, listen, and feel” is no longer recommended,
instead here is an increased focus on methods to ensure
high‑quality CPR. Rapid identication of potential cardiac
arrest is important. An unconscious person with an abnormal
or absent breathing or agonal gasp is a sign of cardiac
arrest (Class IIa). Rescuer should activate emergency response
system without leaving the victim. CPR should be started
before the rhythm is identied and should be continued.
1. Chest compressions of adequate rate (100–120/min)
(Class IIa)
2. Chest compression of adequate depth. In adults, at least
2 inches (5 cm); in children, about 2 inches (5 cm); and
in infants, depth of 1/3rd of the anteroposterior (AP)
diameter of the chest are recommended
3. Allowing complete chest recoil after each compression
4. Minimizing interruptions in compression
5. Avoiding excessive ventilation
6. Emergency cardiac treatment such as routine atropine,
cricoid pressure, and airway suctioning is no longer
7. If multiple rescuers are available, they should rotate the
task of compressions every 2 min.
Indications of cardiopulmonary resuscitation
CPR should be performed immediately on any person who
has become unconscious and is found to be pulseless. Loss of
effective cardiac activity is generally due to the spontaneous
initiation of a nonperfusing arrhythmia, sometimes
referred to as malignant arrhythmias. The most common
being ventricular brillation (VF), pulseless ventricular
tachycardia (VT), pulseless electrical activity, asystole, and
pulseless bradycardia.
Contraindications of cardiopulmonary
The only absolute contraindication to CPR is a “do not
resuscitate” order. A relative contraindication is if a clinician
justiably feels that the intervention would be medically futile.
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Journal of Clinical and Preventive Cardiology ¦ Volume 6 ¦ Issue 4 ¦ October-December 2017
Standard cardiopulmonary resuscitation
CPR should be started before the rhythm is identied and
should be continued. In its full standard form, CPR comprises
three steps:
Chest compression
Chest compression
It is not cardiac massage but a compression and decompression
maneuver. Each compression is in accordance with the
patient’s heart beat. If the chest compressions are interrupted
for any reason, blood ow to the heart and brain essentially
stops, decreasing the chance for neurologically intact survival.
Idris et al.[10] observed in their study that the highest rate of
return to spontaneous circulation is at a chest compression
rate of about 125/min. Other studies further showed that
the compression depth becomes shallow if it is done at a
rate more than 120/min. Thus, on the basis of the available
evidence, the optimum compression rate as recommended
should be 100–120/min.[11] Depth of at least 2 inches or 5 cm
for an average adult is needed while avoiding excessive chest
compression depth (>2.4 inches or 6 cm) (Class I). However,
this is challenging without a feedback device. The key thing
to keep in mind while doing CPR is “push hard and push
fast.” Matlock[12] demonstrated that singing, humming, or
listening to songs during CPR improved the compliance,
predictable return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC), and
imparted neurologically intact survival; however, this is not
recommended in the guidelines.
resuscitation versus standard
cardiopulmonary resuscitation
In CO-CPR, the provider delivers only chest compressions at
a rate of 100–120/min with a depth of 2 inches without pause
until the arrival of the medical team. Chest compressions
should be continued through debrillation or resumed
immediately without any postshock pulse check since ROSC
is not instantaneous even after successful debrillation.
The initiation of bystander resuscitation, especially when
begun within 1 min of arrest, markedly improves the survival.
In the study by Becker et al.,[13] survival was more than
four times greater in patients who received early bystander
resuscitation. Further, a meta-analysis of several observational
studies showed higher survival rate in CO-CPR compared to
standard CPR.[14] CO-CPR is clearly better than no CPR and
this should be the primary message to be conveyed to all
health-care professionals and general population.
PArt 6: AlternAtIve technIQues
Automated cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Three types of automated compressors are available:
1. Pneumatically driven piston compressors
2. Active compression-decompression device (LUCAS)
3. Load-distributing band compression (AutoPulse)
These devices improve coronary perfusion pressure during
IHCA compared to manual compression. ASPIRE study
showed that survival to discharge was better with AutoPulse
than manual CPR.[15] LINC[16] and PARAMEDIC[17] trials are
large ongoing randomized trials evaluating the prehospital use
of mechanical compression-decompression devices. Routine
use of these mechanical devices is not recommended at
present. They can be used in hospital settings where standard
CPR is difcult, for example, during transport or when
access to patient is limited such as CPR during percutaneous
coronary intervention (PCI). If these devices are used, it is
important to provide training to minimize interruptions in
chest compression during the use of the device. Most of the
studies did not demonstrate the superiority of mechanical
chest compressions over conventional CPR. Thus, manual
chest compression remains the standard of care.
Present guidelines have repositioned airway and breathing
below circulation in SCA from a cardiac cause. SCA from
pulmonary cause, for example, drowning, choking, and
respiratory failure in whom oxygen reserve is likely to
be depleted, the airway and breathing should be restarted
as quickly as possible. If patient is not breathing, two
ventilations are given through providers’ mouth or bag-valve
mask. This can be challenging to perform correctly and
is best done by two trained rescuers. It is recommended
that tidal volume of 500 ml should be delivered in 1 s.
In effective mouth-to-mouth ventilation, chest should
rise with each ventilation. If not, it indicates inadequate
mouth seal or airway occlusion. Two ventilations should
be given in sequence after 30 compressions (30:2). When
breaths are completed, compressions are restarted. If
available, a barrier device (pocket mask or face shield)
should be used. Ventilations should be provided every 6–8 s
(8–10 breaths/min). Ambu bag is sufcient. Higher ventilation
rate can increase intrathoracic pressure resulting in diminished
venous return and reduced cardiac output. It can also cause
gastric ination which increases the risk of aspiration and can
impede ventilation further by elevating the diaphragm and
restricting the lung expansion. Endotracheal tube placement
should be done when possible. If possible, it should be
conrmed by continuous wave capnography and should
be connected to the ventilator (Class I). Ultrasound is an
additional method. “Death by Hyperventilation,” an editorial
by Aufderheide and Lurie,[18] stresses that frequent forcible
ventilation decreases survival. 100% oxygen can be used.
The use of maximal feasible inspired oxygen during CPR is
strengthened. This recommendation applies only while CPR is
ongoing and does not apply to care after ROSC.
Gasping is a sign of cardiac arrest with an adequate perfusion to
the brain. Untreated gasping lasts for 4–5 min. If compressions
are initiated while patient is gasping or soon after gasping
stops, the patient is likely to continue or resume gasping.
Gasping results in ventilation with a negative intrathoracic
pressure and is associated with increased survival. In Arizona
study,[7] survival of patients with OHCA was 9% when CPR
was applied and patient was not gasping, but 39% if patient
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was gasping during CPR. Gasping is more physiological than
any form of positive ventilation. Positive ventilation increases
intrathoracic pressure, intracerebral pressure and decreases
venous return to the thorax and subsequent cardiac output.[19]
Early debrillation is critical to survival after SCA. The
most frequent initial rhythm in OHCA is VF. The chance of
successful debrillation diminishes over time. Two high‑quality,
population-based cohort studies showed that the use of these
devices by bystanders doubles the survival after OHCA. It is
an effective treatment for VF or pulseless VT associated with
cardiac arrest. No specic training is required. The rescuer
simply follows the audiovisual instructions when the device
is switched on. It is very important to reduce the pauses in
chest compression during debrillation. One cycle of chest
compression is to be resumed immediately after shock without
waiting to look for pulse or rhythm. Even the interruptions in
the compression while preparing for debrillation result in a
drop in coronary perfusion pressure. Hence, every effort should
be made to minimize the interruption in compression (Class I).
Several studies[20] have shown that it is completely safe for
a rescuer wearing standard examination gloves to continue
chest compressions during the use of a biphasic debrillator
and self-adhesive pads. Automated external cardioverter
debrillator (AECD) is used in more intensively monitored
areas. They provide continuous monitoring with two pads
placed over the patient’s chest and automatically debrillate
a shockable rhythm. Ali et al.[21] in a prospective study of
55 patients at risk of pulseless VT/VF reported that the average
interval between onset of arrhythmia and rst debrillation
was 33 s and resulted in 94% of ROSC. AECD is safe and
likely results in early debrillation than standard telemetry
monitoring. However, its routine use is not recommended.
PArt 7: Adult AdvAnced cArdIovAsculAr
lIfe suPPort
Role of drugs in cardiopulmonary
Adrenaline (epinephrine)
Current guidelines recommend that adrenaline should be given
intravenously (IV) every 3–5 min during cardiac arrest (adult
1 mg, children 10 mcg/kg) (Class I). It increases the aortic
relaxation (diastolic) pressure and the rate of ROSC. However,
no difference in survival/hospital discharge was observed.
Large randomized trials are needed to resolve this uncertainty.
Regarding timing of administration, for nonshockable rhythm,
adrenaline gets priority. For shockable rhythm, debrillation
gets the priority.
Vasopressin, steroid, and epinephrine combo
Treatment with vasopressin, steroid, and epinephrine (VSE)
during CPR is found to be benecial (Class IIb). Spyros
et al. (2013)[22] in their randomized trial in patients with IHCA
observed that treatment with VSE followed by treatment of
survivors with daily steroids increased the frequency of being
discharged with a neurologically favorable outcome compared
to the patients receiving standard care with epinephrine
alone. VSE patients also had improved hemodynamic and
central venous oxygen saturation as well as less organ
Other drugs
Vasopressin is removed from the advanced cardiovascular
life support (ACLS) cardiac arrest algorithm. It simplied
the approach. IV atropine, brinolysis, routine uid loading,
and articial pacing have no effect on outcome. Sodium
bicarbonate is only to be used in prolonged resuscitation.
Delivery of drugs through a tracheal tube is no longer
recommended. Precordial thump recommendation is neither
for for nor against. Not recommended for OHCA.
Prognostication during cardiopulmonary
Low partial pressure of end-tidal carbon dioxide in intubated
patients after 20 min of CPR is associated with failure of
CPR. This should not be used in isolation and in nonintubated
Return of spontaneous circulation not rapidly
achieved - other options
Other options include mechanical CPR device, endovascular
assist device, intra-aortic balloon counter pulsation, and
extracorporeal CPR. Role of these options either alone or in
combination is not well understood.
PArt 8: PostresuscItAtIon cAre
The principles of postarrest care are:
1. To identify and treat the underlying etiology
2. To mitigate ischemia–reperfusion injury and prevent
secondary organ injury
3. To make accurate estimates of prognosis to guide the
clinical team and to inform the family when selecting
goals of continued care.
Apart from timely and effective CPR, optimal postresuscitation
care is also crucial for good outcomes. The two important
pillars of postresuscitation care are coronary angiogram (CAG)
and therapeutic hypothermia. Specic management includes
avoiding and immediately correcting hypotension and
Coronary angiogram/percutaneous coronary
A number of studies have documented the high prevalence of
acute coronary occlusion in patients resuscitated from OHCA.
Hence, CAG and coronary intervention should be performed
as an emergency (rather than late in the hospital or not at all)
for all OHCA even in comatose patients. In a retrospective
study[23] in survivors of IHCA caused by VF, 27% underwent
CAG, 17 patients had PCI, and 13 showed ST segment
elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) or new left bundle
branch block. Patients who underwent CAG or PCI were
more likely to survive than those who did not. Survivors of
OHCA were treated with therapeutic hypothermia and CAG
was done. At least one signicant lesion in 58% of patients
without ST elevation was observed.[24] Thus, there is a need
for liberal use of CAG and stent or surgery PCI following
cardiac arrest.
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Therapeutic hypothermia
All comatose (i.e., lack of meaningful response to verbal
commands) adult patients with ROSC after cardiac arrest should
have targeted temperature management to select and maintain a
constant temperature between 32°C and 36°C for at least 24 h.
One should try to prevent fever. Routine cooling of patients after
ROSC using rapid infusion of cold saline is not recommended.
The use of mild (32°C–36°C) therapeutic hypothermia for
comatose postresuscitated cardiac arrest victims is accepted
by many resuscitation scientists. Two large randomized
prospective trials[25] showed improved survival and improved
neurologic function of survivors when therapeutic hypothermia
was used for comatose victims of OHCA. The AHA and
European Society of Cardiology recommend that induced
hypothermia may be considered for comatose adult patients
with ROSC after IHCA of any initial rhythm.
The different methods available for therapeutic hypothermia
i. IV infusion of cold saline
ii. External cooling methods such as:
a. Cooling blankets
b. Icepacks to groin, axilla, and neck
c. Wet towels and fanning
d. Cooling helmet
e. Intravascular heat exchange device.
Hypothermia improves neurological outcome after ROSC. It
reduces metabolic rate. It suppresses many chemical reactions
associated with reperfusion injury and reduces mitochondrial
damage and apoptosis (programmed cell death). Possible
adverse effects of hypothermia are arrhythmias, infection,
and coagulopathy. Contraindications for hypothermia include
severe cardiogenic shock, life-threatening arrhythmias,
pregnancy, and patients with primary coagulopathy.
Postresuscitation care includes the use of amiodarone,
beta-blockers, and full cardiac evaluation which includes
electrocardiogram (ECG), echocardiogram, CAG, and
implantable cardioverter debrillator in selected cases.
Organ donation
All cardiac arrest persons who progress to death or brain death
should be evaluated as potential organ donators in settings
where program exists.
PArt 9: Acute coronAry syndroMe
It addresses prehospital and emergency department phase only.
Prehospital ECG recording (Class I) and computer-assisted
interpretation (Class 2b) or transmission of ECG to emergency
department physician (Class 2a) by trained staff in ambulance
is recommended. This will help in prearrival notication to
the hospital and/or prehospital activation of cath lab. If there
are no signs of STEMI on ECG, measurement of hs-cTnI or
hs-TnT can be done. Heparin and aspirin can be started at
prehospital level (Class 2b). Supplementary oxygen can be
given. Aim should be for primary PCI (Class I). If delay is
anticipated, thrombolysis should be given and the patient
should be shifted to PCI center (Class 2b).
PArt 10: sPecIAl cIrcuMstAnces
a. Opioid overdose: Naloxone administration by
nonhealth-care provider in opioid overdose is a new
b. Drug toxicity: IV lipid emulsion in cardiac arrest due to
drug toxicity when CPR is failing is recommended
c. Cardiac arrest in later half of pregnancy: Left uterine
displacement to be done during CPR to avoid aortocaval
d. Perimortem cesarean delivery (PMCD): PMCD should
be considered after 4 min after maternal cardiac arrest
when there is no ROSC (Class 2a).
PArt 11: PedIAtrIc bAsIc lIfe suPPort
Algorithm for one and two health-care providers has been
separated. CAB (Class 2b) not compression-CPR (Class 1)
is recommended. Rate of chest compression should be
100–120/min. Depth should be 1/3rd of AP diameter (Class 2a)
or 1.5 inches (4 cm) for infants and 2 inches (5 cm) for
children. Rescue breathing is required because of asphyxial
nature of the cardiac arrest. If unwilling or unable to deliver
breath, CO-CPR (Class 1) is recommended.
PArt 12: PedIAtrIc AdvAnced lIfe suPPort
Aggressive volume replacement/increase is not recommended.
Titrated uid therapy is indicated. There is limited survival
benet for routine use of atropine. Titration of CPR should
be done to achieve the BP target. Amiodarone/lignocaine is
acceptable for shock refractory VT/VF. Fever in comatose
children should be avoided. Hypothermia or normothermia
is equally benecial in comatose children. If hemodynamic
instability is present after cardiac arrest, patients should be
treated actively with uids/inotropes/vasopressin to maintain
systemic blood pressure.
PArt 13: neonAtAl resuscItAtIon
This is primarily for newborn infants. Guidelines remain
unchanged from 2010. There is increased focus on umbilical
cord management, maintaining normal temperature, accurate
determination of heart rate, and optimizing oxygen use. There
is de-emphasis on routine suctioning of meconium. Etiology is
always asphyxia. Hence, effective ventilation is critical.
PArt 14: educAtIon
Even today, there is low survival rate both in OHCA and IHCA.
High-quality training is needed for both lay public and health-care
professionals. Use of high‑delity manikins are recommended for
advanced life support training. It is benecial to use audiovisual
feedback devices during CPR training (Class IIb). More frequent
training instead of 2-year retraining cycle is useful. To reduce
the time taken for debrillation is needed. Communities may
consider training of bystanders in CO-CPR.
PArt 15: fIrst AId
First aid means helping behavior and initial care provided for
acute illness or injury. Training should include early recognition
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of stroke, hypoglycemia, how to manage chest wound without
no occlusive dressing, and dental avulsion. Trained persons
should be able to recognize symptoms of anaphylaxis.
Cardio-cerebral resuscitation
A new approach for patients with PCA has shown signicantly
increased survival. After introducing CCR program, which
stressed upon CO‑CPR, lay rescuer CPR increased from 28%
to 40% and resulted in 300% improvement (3.7%–17.6%) in
survival to hospital discharge [Figure 1].[26]
• Recognition
PCA is an unexpected witnessed (seen or heard)
collapse in a person who is not responsive.
• Calling: 108
• CO-CPR:
• Place the person on hard surface
• Compression for 100–120/min of 2” depth, with
complete release after each compression.
PCA prohibits early intubation, advocates passive ventilation,
minimal interruption of chest compression, and encourages
early administration of epinephrine [Figure 2].
In the past, comatose patients following OHCA were often
“medically abandoned.” Today, improved survival rate is
reported with the aggressive postresuscitation care which
1. Therapeutic mild hypothermia
2. Early CAG to open occluded coronary artery
3. With aggressive management of blood glucose,
ventilation to avoid hyperoxemia and hemodynamic
control, survival rate improves from 34% to 59% and
favorable neurological outcome from 39% to 55%.[27]
No new recommendations are added to the existing guidelines.
But there are few things that have been observed. Andersen
et al.[28] have reported that there is no benet with early
intubation within 15 minutes in IHCA. Survival benets
with intubation was 16% as against 19% in persons without
intubation. Reynolds et al.[29] have reported that shorter the
duration of resuscitation to get ROSC more favourable will
be the outcome. Rajan et al.[30] have reported that shorter the
ambulance response time better will be the prognosis.
Currently recommended initial sequence of steps in CPR
is no longer ABC. It is CAB. High-quality CPR with
minimum interruption should be our goal. Role of routine
use of drugs is unclear. However, epinephrine has got
some benets. After successful resuscitation, the focus
should shift to postresuscitation care which includes
maintenance of cardio-cerebral perfusion pressure, achieving
therapeutic hypothermia and early CAG. The four Cs of
CPR (compression, cardioversion, cooling, and cardiac
catheterization) are the only interventions which improve
survival rate in both OHCA and IHCA.
Guidelines now have changed from periodical review to
continuous update. Recommendations have AHA class
and level of evidence. There is tremendous potential for
increasing the survival in CA. Success in CPR depends on
prompt rescuer action, high-quality CPR, optimized ACLS,
and post-CA care. Thus, there is a need for high-quality
training for everyone.Figure 1: Components of cardio-cerebral resuscitation[6]
Figure 2: The prehospital component of cardio-cerebral resuscitation[6]
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Yavagal: CPR-What is new
Journal of Clinical and Preventive Cardiology ¦ Volume 6 ¦ Issue 4 ¦ October-December 2017
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... These patients tend to have a better survival to discharge (37%). 6 CPR is series of actions done by witnesses at the scene, and its aim is to restore cardiac and pulmonary functions and prevent brain damage. 7 It is very important that every person in the community know about Basic life support to save lives and improve the quality of community health. ...
... This rate has been unchanged in the past 3 decades. [5] In Asian countries, survival discharge rate of OHCA ranges from 0.9 to 9.0%. [6] Those who make it alive often suffer from injury to the brain and nervous system. ...
Conference Paper
Objective. This study aims to determine the factors related to unwillingness of adult bystanders to perform CPR, and improvement of willingness, including reduction of barriers, among the lay people after CPR training. This research studied known barriers to bystander CPR including fear of litigation, risk of disease transmission, fear of hurting someone as a result of performing CPR unnecessarily, and fear of hurting someone if CPR is incorrectly performed. Methods. We collected questionnaires received from laypersons attending a CPR training course implemented by the Pasig City General Hospital Emergency Department. Pre-and post-training questionnaires were given to participants who attended a chest compression-only CPR training in May 2017. Data were analyzed using standard statistical analyses. Results. A total of 3,052 participants of varying ages joined the free hands-only CPR training. Of which, 350 adults voluntarily answered and completed the pre and post training questionnaire. Respondents were between the ages of 18 to 74 years old with a mean age of 40.82 years. 58% of those who participated were male while 42% were female. Among the listed reasons for joining the CPR class, the most common motivation was "to be prepared/just in case" followed by having "an infant or child at home." Of note is that self-reported confidence in performing bystander CPR is relatively low at a mean of 4.89 on a 10-point Likert Scale. This is reflected on a low likelihood of performing CPR on a stranger and/or family member with a mean of 4.59 and 5.27, respectively. Post training, mean confidence increased to 7.67 while likelihood of performing CPR to a stranger and/or family member significantly increased to 7.34 and 7.93, respectively (p value <0.00). Having attended a CPR course in the past is related to a lower pretest rating of listed barriers. Moreover, all the four known barriers to performance of bystander CPR had significant decrease in likelihood after the participants completed the training course. Conclusions. We showed that CPR training significantly increased the confidence and willingness of adult bystanders to perform CPR on strangers as well as family members. Moreover, known barriers to performing bystander CPR namely fear of litigation, risk of disease transmission and fear of hurting someone if CPR is done unnecessarily or incorrectly were alleviated through lay public training.
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Background: -Bystander-initiated cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) increases patient survival following out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) but it is unknown to what degree bystander CPR remains positively associated with survival with increasing time to potential defibrillation. The main objective was to examine the association of bystander CPR with survival as time to advanced treatment increases. Methods: -We studied 7,623 OHCA patients between 2005-2011, identified through the nationwide Danish Cardiac Arrest Register. Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to examine the association between time from 911-call to emergency medical service arrival (response time) and survival according to whether bystander CPR was provided (yes/no). Reported are 30-day survival chances with 95% bootstrap confidence intervals. Results: -With increasing response times, adjusted 30-day survival chances decreased both for patients with bystander CPR and those without. However, the contrast between the survival chances of patients with vs. without bystander CPR increased over time: within 5 minutes, 30-day survival was 14.5% (95% CI: 12.8-16.4) vs. 6.3% (95% CI: 5.1-7.6), corresponding to 2.3 times higher chances of survival associated with bystander CPR; within 10 minutes, 30-day survival chances were 6.7% (95% CI: 5.4-8.1) vs. 2.2% (95% CI: 1.5-3.1), corresponding to 3.0 times higher chances of 30-day survival associated with bystander CPR. The contrast in 30-day survival became statistically insignificant when response time exceeded 13 minutes (bystander CPR vs. no bystander CPR: 3.7% [95% CI: 2.2-5.4] vs. 1.5% [95% CI: 0.6-2.7]) but 30-day survival was still 2.5 times higher associated with bystander CPR. Based on the model and Danish OHCA Statistics, an additional of 233 patients could potentially be saved annually if response time was reduced from 10 minutes to 5 minutes, and 119 patients if response time was reduced from 7 minutes (the median response time in this study) to 5 minutes. Conclusions: -The absolute survival associated with bystander CPR declined rapidly with time. Yet, bystander CPR while waiting for an ambulance was associated with a more than doubling of 30-day survival even in case of long ambulance response time. Decreasing ambulance response time by even a few minutes could potentially lead to many additional lives saved every year.
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Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) performed by bystanders is associated with increased survival rates among persons with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. We investigated whether rates of bystander-initiated CPR could be increased with the use of a mobile-phone positioning system that could instantly locate mobile-phone users and dispatch lay volunteers who were trained in CPR to a patient nearby with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. We conducted a blinded, randomized, controlled trial in Stockholm from April 2012 through December 2013. A mobile-phone positioning system that was activated when ambulance, fire, and police services were dispatched was used to locate trained volunteers who were within 500 m of patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest; volunteers were then dispatched to the patients (the intervention group) or not dispatched to them (the control group). The primary outcome was bystander-initiated CPR before the arrival of ambulance, fire, and police services. A total of 5989 lay volunteers who were trained in CPR were recruited initially, and overall 9828 were recruited during the study. The mobile-phone positioning system was activated in 667 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests: 46% (306 patients) in the intervention group and 54% (361 patients) in the control group. The rate of bystander-initiated CPR was 62% (188 of 305 patients) in the intervention group and 48% (172 of 360 patients) in the control group (absolute difference for intervention vs. control, 14 percentage points; 95% confidence interval, 6 to 21; P<0.001). A mobile-phone positioning system to dispatch lay volunteers who were trained in CPR was associated with significantly increased rates of bystander-initiated CPR among persons with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. (Funded by the Swedish Heart-Lung Foundation and Stockholm County; number, NCT01789554.).
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Importance: A strategy using mechanical chest compressions might improve the poor outcome in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, but such a strategy has not been tested in large clinical trials. Objective: To determine whether administering mechanical chest compressions with defibrillation during ongoing compressions (mechanical CPR), compared with manual cardiopulmonary resuscitation (manual CPR), according to guidelines, would improve 4-hour survival. Design, setting, and participants: Multicenter randomized clinical trial of 2589 patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest conducted between January 2008 and February 2013 in 4 Swedish, 1 British, and 1 Dutch ambulance services and their referring hospitals. Duration of follow-up was 6 months. Interventions: Patients were randomized to receive either mechanical chest compressions (LUCAS Chest Compression System, Physio-Control/Jolife AB) combined with defibrillation during ongoing compressions (n = 1300) or to manual CPR according to guidelines (n = 1289). Main outcomes and measures: Four-hour survival, with secondary end points of survival up to 6 months with good neurological outcome using the Cerebral Performance Category (CPC) score. A CPC score of 1 or 2 was classified as a good outcome. Results: Four-hour survival was achieved in 307 patients (23.6%) with mechanical CPR and 305 (23.7%) with manual CPR (risk difference, -0.05%; 95% CI, -3.3% to 3.2%; P > .99). Survival with a CPC score of 1 or 2 occurred in 98 (7.5%) vs 82 (6.4%) (risk difference, 1.18%; 95% CI, -0.78% to 3.1%) at intensive care unit discharge, in 108 (8.3%) vs 100 (7.8%) (risk difference, 0.55%; 95% CI, -1.5% to 2.6%) at hospital discharge, in 105 (8.1%) vs 94 (7.3%) (risk difference, 0.78%; 95% CI, -1.3% to 2.8%) at 1 month, and in 110 (8.5%) vs 98 (7.6%) (risk difference, 0.86%; 95% CI, -1.2% to 3.0%) at 6 months with mechanical CPR and manual CPR, respectively. Among patients surviving at 6 months, 99% in the mechanical CPR group and 94% in the manual CPR group had CPC scores of 1 or 2. Conclusions and relevance: Among adults with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, there was no significant difference in 4-hour survival between patients treated with the mechanical CPR algorithm or those treated with guideline-adherent manual CPR. The vast majority of survivors in both groups had good neurological outcomes by 6 months. In clinical practice, mechanical CPR using the presented algorithm did not result in improved effectiveness compared with manual CPR. Trial registration: Identifier: NCT00609778.
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Survival after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest is closely linked to the quality of CPR, but in real life, resuscitation during prehospital care and ambulance transport is often suboptimal. Mechanical chest compression devices deliver consistent chest compressions, are not prone to fatigue and could potentially overcome some of the limitations of manual chest compression. However, there is no high-quality evidence that they improve clinical outcomes, or that they are cost effective. The Prehospital Randomised Assessment of a Mechanical Compression Device In Cardiac Arrest (PARAMEDIC) trial is a pragmatic cluster randomised study of the LUCAS-2 device in adult patients with non-traumatic out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. The primary objective of this trial is to evaluate the effect of chest compression using LUCAS-2 on mortality at 30 days post out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, compared with manual chest compression. Secondary objectives of the study are to evaluate the effects of LUCAS-2 on survival to 12 months, cognitive and quality of life outcomes and cost-effectiveness. Methods: Ambulance service vehicles will be randomised to either manual compression (control) or LUCAS arms. Adult patients in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, attended by a trial vehicle will be eligible for inclusion. Patients with traumatic cardiac arrest or who are pregnant will be excluded. The trial will recruit approximately 4000 patients from England, Wales and Scotland. A waiver of initial consent has been approved by the Research Ethics Committees. Consent will be sought from survivors for participation in the follow-up phase. The trial will assess the clinical and cost effectiveness of the LUCAS-2 mechanical chest compression device. The trial is registered on the International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial Number Registry (ISRCTN08233942).
Importance: Tracheal intubation is common during adult in-hospital cardiac arrest, but little is known about the association between tracheal intubation and survival in this setting. Objective: To determine whether tracheal intubation during adult in-hospital cardiac arrest is associated with survival to hospital discharge. Design, setting, and participants: Observational cohort study of adult patients who had an in-hospital cardiac arrest from January 2000 through December 2014 included in the Get With The Guidelines-Resuscitation registry, a US-based multicenter registry of in-hospital cardiac arrest. Patients who had an invasive airway in place at the time of cardiac arrest were excluded. Patients intubated at any given minute (from 0-15 minutes) were matched with patients at risk of being intubated within the same minute (ie, still receiving resuscitation) based on a time-dependent propensity score calculated from multiple patient, event, and hospital characteristics. Exposure: Tracheal intubation during cardiac arrest. Main outcomes and measures: The primary outcome was survival to hospital discharge. Secondary outcomes included return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) and a good functional outcome. A cerebral performance category score of 1 (mild or no neurological deficit) or 2 (moderate cerebral disability) was considered a good functional outcome. Results: The propensity-matched cohort was selected from 108 079 adult patients at 668 hospitals. The median age was 69 years (interquartile range, 58-79 years), 45 073 patients (42%) were female, and 24 256 patients (22.4%) survived to hospital discharge. Of 71 615 patients (66.3%) who were intubated within the first 15 minutes, 43 314 (60.5%) were matched to a patient not intubated in the same minute. Survival was lower among patients who were intubated compared with those not intubated: 7052 of 43 314 (16.3%) vs 8407 of 43 314 (19.4%), respectively (risk ratio [RR] = 0.84; 95% CI, 0.81-0.87; P < .001). The proportion of patients with ROSC was lower among intubated patients than those not intubated: 25 022 of 43 311 (57.8%) vs 25 685 of 43 310 (59.3%), respectively (RR = 0.97; 95% CI, 0.96-0.99; P < .001). Good functional outcome was also lower among intubated patients than those not intubated: 4439 of 41 868 (10.6%) vs 5672 of 41 733 (13.6%), respectively (RR = 0.78; 95% CI, 0.75-0.81; P < .001). Although differences existed in prespecified subgroup analyses, intubation was not associated with improved outcomes in any subgroup. Conclusions and relevance: Among adult patients with in-hospital cardiac arrest, initiation of tracheal intubation within any given minute during the first 15 minutes of resuscitation, compared with no intubation during that minute, was associated with decreased survival to hospital discharge. Although the study design does not eliminate the potential for confounding by indication, these findings do not support early tracheal intubation for adult in-hospital cardiac arrest.
Background: -Little evidence guides the appropriate duration of resuscitation in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA), and case features justifying longer or shorter durations are ill-defined. We estimated the impact of resuscitation duration on the probability of favorable functional outcome in OHCA using a large, multi-center cohort. Methods: -Secondary analysis of a North American, single blind, multi-center, cluster-randomized clinical trial (ROC-PRIMED) of consecutive adults with non-traumatic, EMS-treated, OHCA. Primary exposure was duration of resuscitation in minutes (onset of professional resuscitation to return of spontaneous circulation [ROSC] or termination of resuscitation). Primary outcome was survival to hospital discharge with favorable outcome (modified Rankin scale [mRS] 0-3). Subjects were additionally classified as survival with unfavorable outcome (mRS 4-5), ROSC without survival (mRS 6), or without ROSC. Subject accrual was plotted as a function of resuscitation duration, and the dynamic probability of favorable outcome at discharge was estimated for the whole cohort and subgroups. Adjusted logistic regression models tested the association between resuscitation duration and survival with favorable outcome. Results: -The primary cohort included 11,368 subjects (median age 69 years [IQR: 56-81 years]; 7,121 men [62.6%]). Of these, 4,023 (35.4%) achieved ROSC, 1,232 (10.8%) survived to hospital discharge, and 905 (8.0%) had mRS 0-3 at discharge. Distribution of CPR duration differed by outcome (p<0.00001). For CPR duration up to 37.0 minutes (95%CI 34.9-40.9 minutes), 99% with eventual mRS 0-3 at discharge achieved ROSC. Dynamic probability of mRS 0-3 at discharge declined over elapsed resuscitation duration, but subjects with initial shockable cardiac rhythm, witnessed cardiac arrest, and bystander CPR were more likely to survive with favorable outcome after prolonged efforts (30-40 minutes). Adjusting for prehospital (OR 0.93; 95%CI 0.92-0.95) and inpatient (OR 0.97; 95%CI 0.95-0.99) covariates, resuscitation duration was associated with survival to discharge with mRS 0-3. Conclusions: -Shorter resuscitation duration was associated with likelihood of favorable outcome at hospital discharge. Subjects with favorable case features were more likely to survive prolonged resuscitation up to 47 minutes.
Among patients with cardiac arrest, preliminary data have shown improved return of spontaneous circulation and survival to hospital discharge with the vasopressin-steroids-epinephrine (VSE) combination. To determine whether combined vasopressin-epinephrine during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and corticosteroid supplementation during and after CPR improve survival to hospital discharge with a Cerebral Performance Category (CPC) score of 1 or 2 in vasopressor-requiring, in-hospital cardiac arrest. Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group trial performed from September 1, 2008, to October 1, 2010, in 3 Greek tertiary care centers (2400 beds) with 268 consecutive patients with cardiac arrest requiring epinephrine according to resuscitation guidelines (from 364 patients assessed for eligibility). Patients received either vasopressin (20 IU/CPR cycle) plus epinephrine (1 mg/CPR cycle; cycle duration approximately 3 minutes) (VSE group, n = 130) or saline placebo plus epinephrine (1 mg/CPR cycle; cycle duration approximately 3 minutes) (control group, n = 138) for the first 5 CPR cycles after randomization, followed by additional epinephrine if needed. During the first CPR cycle after randomization, patients in the VSE group received methylprednisolone (40 mg) and patients in the control group received saline placebo. Shock after resuscitation was treated with stress-dose hydrocortisone (300 mg daily for 7 days maximum and gradual taper) (VSE group, n = 76) or saline placebo (control group, n = 73). Return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) for 20 minutes or longer and survival to hospital discharge with a CPC score of 1 or 2. Follow-up was completed in all resuscitated patients. Patients in the VSE group vs patients in the control group had higher probability for ROSC of 20 minutes or longer (109/130 [83.9%] vs 91/138 [65.9%]; odds ratio [OR], 2.98; 95% CI, 1.39-6.40; P = .005) and survival to hospital discharge with CPC score of 1 or 2 (18/130 [13.9%] vs 7/138 [5.1%]; OR, 3.28; 95% CI, 1.17-9.20; P = .02). Patients in the VSE group with postresuscitation shock vs corresponding patients in the control group had higher probability for survival to hospital discharge with CPC scores of 1 or 2 (16/76 [21.1%] vs 6/73 [8.2%]; OR, 3.74; 95% CI, 1.20-11.62; P = .02), improved hemodynamics and central venous oxygen saturation, and less organ dysfunction. Adverse event rates were similar in the 2 groups. Among patients with cardiac arrest requiring vasopressors, combined vasopressin-epinephrine and methylprednisolone during CPR and stress-dose hydrocortisone in postresuscitation shock, compared with epinephrine/saline placebo, resulted in improved survival to hospital discharge with favorable neurological status. Identifier: NCT00729794.
Guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation recommend a chest compression rate of at least 100 compressions per minute. Animal and human studies have reported that blood flow is greatest with chest compression rates near 120/min, but few have reported rates used during out-of-hospital (OOH) cardiopulmonary resuscitation or the relationship between rate and outcome. The purpose of this study was to describe chest compression rates used by emergency medical services providers to resuscitate patients with OOH cardiac arrest and to determine the relationship between chest compression rate and outcome. Included were patients aged ≥ 20 years with OOH cardiac arrest treated by emergency medical services providers participating in the Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium. Data were abstracted from monitor-defibrillator recordings during cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Multiple logistic regression analysis assessed the association between chest compression rate and outcome. From December 2005 to May 2007, 3098 patients with OOH cardiac arrest were included in this study. Mean age was 67 ± 16 years, and 8.6% survived to hospital discharge. Mean compression rate was 112 ± 19/min. A curvilinear association between chest compression rate and return of spontaneous circulation was found in cubic spline models after multivariable adjustment (P=0.012). Return of spontaneous circulation rates peaked at a compression rate of ≈ 125/min and then declined. Chest compression rate was not significantly associated with survival to hospital discharge in multivariable categorical or cubic spline models. Chest compression rate was associated with return of spontaneous circulation but not with survival to hospital discharge in OOH cardiac arrest.
The 2010 international guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation recently recommended an increase in the minimum compression depth from 38 to 50 mm, although there are limited human data to support this. We sought to study patterns of cardiopulmonary resuscitation compression depth and their associations with patient outcomes in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest cases treated by the 2005 guideline standards. Prospective cohort. Seven U.S. and Canadian urban regions. We studied emergency medical services treated out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients from the Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium Epistry-Cardiac Arrest for whom electronic cardiopulmonary resuscitation compression depth data were available, from May 2006 to June 2009. We calculated anterior chest wall depression in millimeters and the period of active cardiopulmonary resuscitation (chest compression fraction) for each minute of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. We controlled for covariates including compression rate and calculated adjusted odds ratios for any return of spontaneous circulation, 1-day survival, and hospital discharge. We included 1029 adult patients from seven U.S. and Canadian cities with the following characteristics: Mean age 68 yrs; male 62%; bystander witnessed 40%; bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation 37%; initial rhythms: Ventricular fibrillation/ventricular tachycardia 24%, pulseless electrical activity 16%, asystole 48%, other nonshockable 12%; outcomes: Return of spontaneous circulation 26%, 1-day survival 18%, discharge 5%. For all patients, median compression rate was 106 per minute, median compression fraction 0.65, and median compression depth 37.3 mm with 52.8% of cases having depth <38 mm and 91.6% having depth <50 mm. We found an inverse association between depth and compression rate ( p < .001). Adjusted odds ratios for all depth measures (mean values, categories, and range) showed strong trends toward better outcomes with increased depth for all three survival measures. We found suboptimal compression depth in half of patients by 2005 guideline standards and almost all by 2010 standards as well as an inverse association between compression depth and rate. We found a strong association between survival outcomes and increased compression depth but no clear evidence to support or refute the 2010 recommendations of >50 mm. Although compression depth is an important component of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and should be measured routinely, the most effective depth is currently unknown.