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Amniotic therapeutic biomaterials in urology: Current and future applications



To examine the rationale and applications of amniotic tissue augmentation in urological surgery. Published literature in English-language was reviewed for basic science and clinical use of amniotic or amnion-chorionic tissue in genitourinary tissues. Basic science and animal studies support the likely benefit of clinical applications of amnion-derived tissues in a variety of urologic interventions. The broad number of properties found in amniotic membrane, coupled with its immunologically privileged status presents a number of future applications in the urological surgical realm. These applications are in their clinical infancy and suggest that further studies are warranted to investigate the use of these products in a systematic fashion.
Transl Androl Urol 2017;6(5)© Translational Andrology and Urology. All rights reserved.
Historical medical uses of amniotic membrane
The medical uses of the human placenta probably date back
centuries, with the first description of its use in a treatise
in 1593 by a Chinese clinician Li Shi-Zhen (1). The first
mention of the medical use of amniotic membrane in
the Western literature appeared in 1910 by Davis, who
reported on a series of cases where it was used as a skin
graft in a large case series at Johns Hopkins Hospital (2).
This was shortly followed by Drs. Stern and Sabella,
collaborators who separately published studies using this
material in wounds and burns (3,4). Through the rest of
the 20th century the medical use of the placenta, and more
specifically the amniotic membrane, was described in a
number of medical indications including; but not limited
to, the following types of cases: (I) skin grafting; (II) lower
extremity diabetic ulcers (5); (III) lower extremity venous
leg ulcers (6); (IV) general wounds (7); (V) conjunctival
surgery and repair (8); (VI) burns (9,10); (VII) periodontal
disease and dentistry (11,12); (VIII) vaginal reconstruction
and OB/GYN applications (13); (IX) neurosurgical
applications including spine surgery (14,15); (X) orthopedic
surgery applications (16).
Properties and function of amniotic tissues
While amniotic membrane was originally used because of
its recognized ability to substitute as a skin like tissue with
healing properties, the underlying physiologic, biochemical
and cytological properties of the tissue are reported to
confer a number of additional properties, in addition to
simply performing as a skin substitute. These properties
include: (I) contains essential growth factors (17); (II)
modulation of inflammation (18); (III) reduction of scar
tissue formation (18); (IV) barrier properties (14); (V)
immunologically privileged tissue (19); (VI) enhancement
of wound healing (20); (VII) reduction of pain in burns
and wounds; (VIII) innate antibiotic properties (21). There
Review Article
Amniotic therapeutic biomaterials in urology: current and future
Siam Oottamasathien1,2, James M. Hotaling1,3, James R. Craig1,3, Jeremy B. Myers1,3, William O. Brant1,3
1Department of Surgery and Section of Pediatric Urology, 2Primary Children’s Hospital, 3Department of Surgery and Division of Urology Section of
Men’s Health, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Contributions: (I) Conception and design: All authors; (II) Administrative support: All authors; (III) Provision of study materials or patients: All
authors; (IV) Collection and assembly of data: All authors; (V) Data analysis and interpretation: All authors; (VI) Manuscript writing: All authors; (VII)
Final approval of manuscript: All authors.
Correspondence to: Siam Oottamasathien, MD. University of Utah, 100 North Mario Capecchi Drive, Suite 3550, Salt Lake City, Utah 84113, USA.
Abstract: To examine the rationale and applications of amniotic tissue augmentation in urological surgery.
Published literature in English-language was reviewed for basic science and clinical use of amniotic or
amnion-chorionic tissue in genitourinary tissues. Basic science and animal studies support the likely benet
of clinical applications of amnion-derived tissues in a variety of urologic interventions. The broad number
of properties found in amniotic membrane, coupled with its immunologically privileged status presents a
number of future applications in the urological surgical realm. These applications are in their clinical infancy
and suggest that further studies are warranted to investigate the use of these products in a systematic fashion.
Keywords: Amnion; chorion; dehydrated membranes; hypospadias; urethral reconstruction
Submitted Aug 04, 2017. Accepted for publication Aug 30, 2017.
doi: 10.21037/tau.2017.09.01
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944 Oottamasathien et al. Amniotic therapeutic biomaterials in urology: current and future applications
Transl Androl Urol 2017;6(5)© Translational Andrology and Urology. All rights reserved.
are varying degrees of documentation of each of the above
properties, but these attributes appear regularly in the
The underlying bimolecular mechanisms responsible
for the above properties are becoming increasingly well
characterized, in a growing, robust literature (1,17,22-24)
(Table 1). Briey, active participation of mesenchymal and
circulating stem cells, activated by a wide array of growth
factors and cytokines, and the provision of a collagen based
architecture present a unique structure that promotes
healing and regeneration of tissues in which the amniotic
membrane and its components are applied (22).
Preclinical urologic applications of amniotic
tissue products
The general history of the use of amniotic membrane
products and the more recent understanding of the
underlying mechanism of action behind their properties
suggested a number of urologic applications. Preclinical
work has explored a number of urogenital applications.
The use of amniotic membrane as a potential material
for bladder repair extends back to the early 1980s (25).
More recently, Iigma and others demonstrated that
transplantation of preserved human amniotic membrane
could successfully be used for bladder augmentation in
rats, with resulting regeneration of a number of tissues
in the bladder being demonstrated as early as 3 months
postoperatively (26).
Salehipour et al. have evaluated the use of human
amniotic membrane in the reconstruction of long ureteral
defects in dogs (27). In this study, the use of human
amniotic membrane for the reconstruction of ureteral
defects in a canine model was studied. The authors used
chorion prepared and properly treated for surgical insertion
into dogs with circumferentially cut defects, and while they
did not believe the approach to be useful for long (3 cm)
defects, they speculated that use of the amniotic membrane
might be studied for shorter defects or as a patch graft.
Shakeri et al. looked at the use of amniotic membrane
as a xenograft for urethroplasty in rabbits. The authors
concluded that amniotic membrane technology was
an inexpensive, easy, and biodegradable graft yielding
very little antigen effect and a viable option in surgical
urethroplasty approaches (28).
Wang et al. looked at a variation of this idea, namely
using the collagen scaffolding of amniotic membrane
as a potential regenerative material in urethroplasty,
and obtained preliminary success in that approach (29).
The author’s concluded that tissue-engineered denuded
human amniotic scaffold (dHAS) created by separating the
basement membrane layer of amniotic membrane minimizes
potential rejection and maximizes the biocompatibility of
amniotic membrane, making it a potential ideal xenograft
for urethral reconstruction. This concept was also explored
by Gunes and others, who compared the use of buccal
mucosa and amniotic membrane for urethroplasty in a
rabbit model (30). The group examined whether buccal
mucosa, amniotic membrane, or both might be useful
in urethroplasty using epithelial transformation as the
experimental endpoint, noting highest efficacy in the
combined tissue application. After 8 weeks, the best
epithelial transformations were observed in the combined
In another study, Shakeri also noted that amniotic
membrane maybe a substitute for transitional epithelium
of the bladder in dogs. The authors concluded that grafts
remained in place in all cases, except in one of the dogs in
the augmentation group that developed patch perforation,
urine leakage and nally peritonitis. In others, histological
examinations revealed evidence of regeneration of normal-
appearing urothelium, lamina propria, neovascularization,
retracting placental patch, and reconstitution of a normal-
appearing and functioning bladder. This suggests that
placental membranes, because of their low antigenic
properties, easy availability and tolerability by the host
urinary tract, could provide an excellent graft material for
urinary tract reconstructions (31).
Comparison of amniotic membrane with other materials
in preclinical work was conducted by Sharifiaghdas
et al. (32). They examined the use of poly lactic-co-
glycolic acid (PLGA), PLGA/collagen and human amniotic
membrane (hAM) for human urothelial and smooth muscle
cell engineering. The authors demonstrated significant
improvement of cell attachment and growth achieved by
collagen coating (PLGA/collagen) compared to PLGA and
hAM. hAM was a weaker matrix for bladder engineering
Human amniotic uid and isolates prepared from human
amniotic membrane derived mesenchymal stem cells have
also had some preliminary scientific work performed on
their inherent biological properties. Human amniotic
membrane mesenchymal stem cells were interestingly noted
to have a suppressive effect on prostate cancer cells (33).
Sedrakyan et al. found that amniotic uid stem cells seemed
to reduce the formation of renal brosis in a mouse model
Translational Andrology and Urology, Vol 6, No 5 October 2017
Transl Androl Urol 2017;6(5)© Translational Andrology and Urology. All rights reserved.
Table 1 Regulators of wound healing and inflammation found in dHACM
Regulators of wound healing and inflammation found in dHACM
Regulators of soft tissue healing in dHACM
Angiogenin (Ang)
Angiopoietin-2 (ANG-2)
Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF)
Beta nerve growth factor (β-NGF)
Bone morphogenetic protein 5 (BMP-5)
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)
Endocrine gland-derived vascular endothelial growth factor
Epidermal growth factor (EGF)
Fibroblast growth factor 4 (FGF-4)
Growth hormone (GH)
Heparin binding egf-like growth factor (HB-EGF)
Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF)
Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-I)
Insulin-like growth factor binding protein 1 (IGFBP-1)
Insulin-like growth factor binding protein 2 (IGFBP-2)
Insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 (IGFBP-3)
Insulin-like growth factor binding protein 4 (IGFBP-4)
Insulin-like growth factor binding protein 6 (IGFBP-6)
Keratinocyte growth factor (KGF/FGF-7)
Placental growth factor (PlGF)
Platelet-derived growth factor AA (PDGF-AA)
Platelet-derived growth factor BB (PDGF-BB)
Transforming growth factor alpha (TGF-α)
Transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-β1)
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)
Vascular endothelial growth factor D (VEGF-D)
Matrix metalloproteinases
Matrix metalloproteinase 1 (MMP-1)
Matrix metalloproteinase 2 (MMP-2)
Matrix metalloproteinase 3 (MMP-3)
Matrix metalloproteinase 8 (MMP-8)
Matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9)
Matrix metalloproteinase 10 (MMP-10)
Matrix metalloproteinase 13 (MMP-13)
Table 1 (continued)
Table 1 (continued)
Protease inhibitors
Alpha 1 antitrypsin (α1AT)
Alpha 2 macroglobulin (α2M)
Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 1 (TIMP-1)
Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 2 (TIMP-2)
Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 4 (TIMP-4)
Regulators of inflammation in dHACM
Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (GCSF)
Granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF)
Growth differentiation factor 15 (GDF-15)
Interferon gamma (IFNγ)
Interleukin 1 alpha (IL-1α)
Interleukin 1 beta (IL-1β)
Interleukin 1 receptor antagonist (IL-1RA)
Interleukin 4 (IL-4)
Interleukin 5 (IL-5)
Interleukin 6 (IL-6)
Interleukin 7 (IL-7)
Interleukin 10 (IL-10)
Interleukin 12 p40 (IL-12p40)
Interleukin 12 p70 (IL-12p70)
Interleukin 15 (IL-15)
Interleukin 17 (IL-17)
Macrophage colony-stimulating factor (MCSF)
Osteoprotegerin (OPG)
Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2)
B lymphocyte chemoattractant (BLC/CXCL13)
Chemokine ligand 1 (I-309/CCL1)
Eotaxin 2
Interleukin 8 (IL-8)
Interleukin 16 (IL-16)
Macrophage inflammatory protein 1 alpha (MIP-1α/CCL3)
Macrophage inflammatory protein 1 beta (MIP-β1/CCL4)
Macrophage inflammatory protein 1 delta (MIP-1δ/MIP-5/
Monocyte chemotactic protein 1 (MCP-1/CCL2)
Monokine induced by gamma interferon (MIG/CXCL9)
Regulated on activation, normal t-cell expressed and
secreted (RANTES/CCL5)
dHACM, dehydrated human amnion/chorion membrane.
946 Oottamasathien et al. Amniotic therapeutic biomaterials in urology: current and future applications
Transl Androl Urol 2017;6(5)© Translational Andrology and Urology. All rights reserved.
of acute tubular necrosis (34).
Amniotic membrane has also been used as a supportive
scaffold for other procedures. For example, Burgers et al.
used nerve grafts, nerve growth factor and a supportive
scaffold made from amniotic membrane to repair surgically
induced erectile dysfunction in rats. In this study, the use
of fetal amniotic membrane as an alternative growth factor
matrix was used to improve the regeneration of ablated
cavernous nerves in rats as a model to study surgically
damaged nerves. The use of membrane as an alternative
nerve growth matrix improved electrically stimulated
erections and mating behavior in these mice (35).
The underlying logic in many of these preclinical studies
focuses on both the structural and regenerative properties
of amniotic membrane. In the first case, the underlying
structure of the membrane, created by various collagen
types, forms an architecture or scaffold that assists in
the re-creation of normal tissue. In the second case, the
biologically active growth factors, cytokines and other
biomolecules initiate and modulate the regenerative process
that involves the recruitment and activation of stem cells
and broblasts in the area under consideration.
Clinical urological applications of amniotic
tissues in humans
The broadly recognized ability of amniotic tissues to help
in healing and regenerative repair of tissues suggested a
number of other direct clinical applications. Preclinical
work and initial evaluation of these tissues have been
attempted in a number of urogenital indications. Koziak
et al. built on the previous preclinical work described above
and investigated the use of amniotic membrane in the
reconstruction of long ureteral strictures in 11 patients
(36,37). Several reports of the use of amniotic membrane
to repair vesicovaginal stulas have also been reported. In
each case, successful use of the material has permitted a
less aggressive operative or non-operative approach to this
problem (38).
Most recently, the use of an amniotic membrane
protective layer in the surgical eld of patients undergoing
robotic assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy as a means of
protecting adjacent nerve bundles from scarring has been
advanced by a number of clinicians (39,40). The notion that
amniotic membrane might be useful in preventing adhesions
at the surgical site in DaVinci robot prostatectomies was
initially developed and evolved across a number of sites.
Patel et al. published a retrospective series of these patients
demonstrating improvement in both urinary incontinence
and erectile function in the short-term post-operative
period (41). For completeness, it is worth noting that
amniotic membrane has found numerous applications in
OB/GYN surgery as well, with applications in the repair
of various abnormalities of the vagina, uterus and related
structures in patients (42-49).
At our institutions, we have applied amniotic membrane
technology in the following four realms of adult and
pediatric urology: (I) proximal and redo-hypospadias
repairs; (II) complex penile reconstruction in Peyronie’s
disease; (III) microsurgical cord denervation procedures;
(IV) posterior urethroplasty in the male with a history of
pelvic radiation.
In the eld of hypospadias surgery, proximal hypospadias
comprises most of the severe cases and results in higher
surgical complication rates (50). Between 6–20% of
hypospadias patients are diagnosed with proximal
hypospadias (51,52). Hypospadias is corrected surgically
with the goal of improving cosmetic appearance as well as
normalizing erectile function and voiding. Surgery creates
a straight phallus, with the meatus residing at the tip of the
glans, with a proper and symmetrical appearance of both
the glans and penile shaft. For more severe hypospadias,
specifically for proximal hypospadias, a variety of surgical
techniques can be employed. Unfortunately, even the most
skilled surgeons cannot guarantee a positive outcome.
Complications from proximal hypospadias repair range
from 6–30% depending on the severity of the defect,
the surgical technique utilized, and the experience of the
surgeon (53). Surgical results are also poorer in re-operative
cases. Common complications include urethrocutaneous
fistulas (UCF), urethral stricture, urethral diverticulum,
and persistent ventral curvature (54). UCF, or a reopening
of the surgical site, can occur in 13–33% of patients,
depending on the different surgical techniques utilized
(50-52,55-58). Current data suggests that an experienced
pediatric urologist successfully can close fistulas in 71%,
72%, 77%, 100%, and 100% of patients after stula repairs
1 to 5, respectively (59). With these high reoperation
rates, there is a significant need to investigate innovative
approaches to reduce complication rates. One such
approach is the potential application of dehydrated human
amnion/chorion membrane (dHACM). The underlying
premise is to provide a barrier layer with a robust source
of tissue and vascular growth factors and provide a local
anti-inammatory environment, thus optimizing soft tissue
healing of the surgical site (20,41,60-62).
Translational Andrology and Urology, Vol 6, No 5 October 2017
Transl Androl Urol 2017;6(5)© Translational Andrology and Urology. All rights reserved.
In the eld of Peyronie’s disease, surgical correction of
curvature with either permanent plication sutures or graft
material usually requires full or partial mobilization of
the deep dorsal neurovascular bundle to allow for proper
placement of surgical material as well as to avoid potentially
devastating complications such as glans numbness and
ischemia. Typically, the neurovascular bundle is placed
back in its anatomical position and in most cases, it will
overly the site of surgical curvature correction. The
inflammatory response associated with healing and the
subsequent formation of fibrotic tissue and neuroma has
been theorized as the cause for post-operative pain with
the associated graft material or suture knots. The use of
dHACM has been postulated to be used as an interposition
graft in between the plication knots or graft material and
the neurovascular bundle in an effort to reduce brosis and
neuroma formation and therefore improve pain outcomes.
Anecdotally, we have noticed diminished postoperative pain
and more rapid recovery, and are currently studying, in a
more formal manner, the utility of using this interposition
graft in these cases.
In the eld of chronic orchialgia, management strategies
are aimed at identifying specic etiologies of the pain and
managing those directly (i.e., varicocelectomy, vasectomy
reversal, epididymectomy). When a specific etiology
cannot be identied, the individual has failed conservative
management, or has failed surgical management and
spermatic cord denervation may be discussed. Methods that
have been employed to improve outcomes of spermatic cord
denervation include the use of a provocative pre-operative
spermatic cord block and the intraoperative use of the
operating room microscope. Even with these improvements
in pre-operative screening and surgical techniques the
success rate of the procedure is still not 100% (current
studies success rates range from 70–90%) and there is a
reported orchiectomy rate of 10–20% after the surgery due
to persistent pain (63,64). The utilization of dHACM as a
wrap at the site of denervation has been theorized to reduce
the formation of brosis and neuroma and therefore reduce
persistent pain post-operatively (63).
In the eld of posterior urethral contracture in the male
with a history of pelvic radiation, surgical management is
aimed at resecting the affected scarred or infected tissue,
achieving a watertight tension free anastomosis, and
providing a healthy bed of tissue to allow for good wound
healing. However, even with these surgical tenants, necrosis
and reformation of scar tissue still may occur even in the
most skilled hands. The use of dHACM as a wrap at the
site of urethral anastomosis has been theorized to recruit
healthy tissue ingrowth and improve surgical outcomes.
Clinical outcomes are currently being evaluated.
Potential future applications of human amniotic
The broad number of properties found in amniotic
membrane, coupled with its immunologically privileged
status presents a number of future applications, particularly
given the historical preclinical and clinical uses described
above. New applications continue to be proposed, and the
potential for combining amniotic membrane allografts with
other biomaterials expands this horizon further.
The authors are indebted to Dr. Donald E. Fetterolf for
providing critical suggestions to this review surrounding
amnion/chorion technology.
Conicts of Interest: William O. Brant: proctor, consultant,
and grant recipient, Boston Scientic; Siam Oottamasathien:
scientic advisory consultant, GlycoMira Therapeutics Inc.
The other authors have no conicts of interest to declare.
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Cite this article as: Oottamasathien S, Hotaling JM, Craig
JR, Myers JB, Brant WO. Amniotic therapeutic biomaterials in
urology: current and future applications. Transl Androl Urol
2017;6(5):943-950. doi: 10.21037/tau.2017.09.01
... The first clinical report about using the human amniotic membrane allograft to repair an anterior urethral defect was published in 2020 [24]. Previously, amniotic membranes were used in hypospadias repair, complex reconstruction in Peyronie's disease, and posterior urethroplasty after pelvic irradiation [25]. Numerous studies showed that amniotic membrane allografts have biological advantages such as inf lammation modulation, scar formation reduction, barrier properties, wound healing enhancement, pain reduction, and immunological and antibacterial effects [25]. ...
... Previously, amniotic membranes were used in hypospadias repair, complex reconstruction in Peyronie's disease, and posterior urethroplasty after pelvic irradiation [25]. Numerous studies showed that amniotic membrane allografts have biological advantages such as inf lammation modulation, scar formation reduction, barrier properties, wound healing enhancement, pain reduction, and immunological and antibacterial effects [25]. In addition, amniotic membrane grafts are an appropriate choice for anterior urethral construction, since they are applicable, inexpensive, and easy to apply. ...
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Partial androgen insensitivity syndrome is a rare X-linked disorder. While most cases are sporadic, familial cases are less frequent. The management of this syndrome follows a multidisciplinary approach involving hormone substitution, psychological counseling, and surgical procedures. We present a case series of three young siblings with familial partial androgen insensitivity syndrome who presented with a female phenotype. All of them were managed with hormonal treatment for 6 months followed by surgical reconstruction. The operative procedure involved phalloplasty and urethroplasty using amniotic membrane transplant, which is considered a novel technique in this group of patients. No intraoperative or postoperative complications were observed and good results were achieved within 2 years of follow-up.
... Considering the critical importance of optimizing VV outcomes for male infertility specialists, further investigation into the potential benefits of steroid therapy in this patient population is warranted. Furthermore, exploring innovative biotechnologies designed for wound healing and the reduction of tissue inflammation, such as the BioD™ tri-layer amniotic membrane may offer additional avenues to optimize surgical outcomes in male reproductive medicine (13,14). Future work is warranted to determine whether anti-inflammatory grafts have a role in the reduction of inflammation and late failure in patients undergoing vasal reconstruction. ...
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Objective: This retrospective study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of low-dose prednisone as a rescue therapy for patients with deteriorating semen parameters following vasovasostomy. Materials and methods: Electronic medical records were queried at the University of Miami with documented CPT code 55400 (Bilateral Vasovasostomy) between January 2016 and April 2023. Records were then reviewed to identify patients who demonstrated ≥50% decrease in semen parameters, specifically sperm concentration, motility and total motile sperm count. Patients who were treated with 6 weeks of low-dose prednisone were identified, and baseline semen parameters and subsequent changes after prednisone therapy were assessed. A Mann-Whitney U Test was used to compare semen parameter changes before and after prednisone. Adverse effects associated with prednisone were monitored. Results: A total of 8 patients were identified with deteriorating semen parameters who were treated with 6 weeks of low-dose prednisone. Following prednisone therapy, all patients demonstrated improvements in total motile sperm count (TMSC), with a median improvement of 6 million. The median relative improvement in TMSC was 433%. Sperm concentration and motility also improved compared to post-operative baseline. No adverse effects were reported during the treatment period. Conclusions: Low-dose prednisone therapy appears to be a safe and effective intervention for managing deteriorating semen parameters following VV. The observed improvements in TMSC suggest the potential of prednisone to rescue patients with delayed failure after VV. Further research with larger sample sizes is warranted to confirm the safety and efficacy of low-dose prednisone as a rescue therapy in this specific patient population. Optimizing VV outcomes is crucial in male infertility, and further exploration of steroid therapy and innovative biotechnologies is warranted.
... To overcome these limitations, it is possible to chemically and physically modify the surfaces of electrospun nanofibers with bioactive proteins from AMs or bladder tissue after electrospinning, resulting in biomimetic and bioactive nanofibers. In a review of studies conducted on bladder tissue regeneration, AM has been considered an alternative for its desirable properties (anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, and biocompatible properties) (10)(11)(12)(13)(14). In addition, AMs are easily accessible, have no ethical restrictions in their preparation, and can be used instead of animal products in clinics. ...
Nanofibrous scaffolds have attracted much attention in bladder reconstruction approaches due to their excellent mechanical properties. In addition, their biological properties can be improved by combination with biological materials. Taking into account the advantages of nanofibrous scaffolds and decellularized extracellular matrix (dECM) in tissue engineering, scaffolds of poly‑L‑lactic acid (PLLA) coated with decellularized human amnion membrane (hAM) or sheep bladder (SB)‐derived ECM proteins are developed (amECM‐coated PLLA and sbECM‐coated PLLA, respectively). The bladder regenerative potential of modified electrospun PLLA scaffolds is investigated in rabbits. The presence of ECM proteins is confirmed on the nanofibers’ surface. Coating the surface of the PLLA nanofibers improves cell adhesion and proliferation. Histological and immunohistochemical evaluations show that rabbits subjected to cystoplasty with a multilayered PLLA scaffold show de novo formation and maturation of the multilayered urothelial layer. However, smooth muscle bundles (myosin heavy chain [MHC] and α‐smooth muscle actin [α‐SMA] positive) are detected only in ECM‐coated PLLA groups. All groups show no evidence of a diverticulumor fistula in the urinary bladder. These results suggest that the biofunctionalization of electrospun PLLA nanofibers with ECM proteins could be a promising option for bladder tissue engineering. Furthermore, hAM can also replace animal‐sourced ECM proteins in bladder tissue regeneration approaches. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved
... Many studies have shown placement of AM leads to restoration of vascularity within dermal wounds, reduced infiltration of immune cells, and return of functionality [8,9]. As AM offer improved wound healing in many other medical practices, likewise amniotic bladder therapy (ABT) may improve urothelial healing [10]. Based on these properties, the ability of micronized AM to ameliorate bladder inflammation and promote urothelial regeneration in IC/BPS patients was hypothesized by our team. ...
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Background Interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome (IC/BPS) is characterized by symptomatic frequency and urgency, as well as chronic pelvic pain. Disruption of the urothelial barrier is closely associated with IC/BPS. As amniotic membranes (AM) offer capabilities of wound healing in many other fields of medicine, likewise amniotic bladder therapy (ABT) may offer capability of urothelial healing in IC/BPS. Methods Under general anesthesia, 10 consecutive IC/BPS patients received intra-detrusor injections of 100 mg micronized AM (Clarix Flo) diluted in 10 ml 0.9% preservative-free sodium chloride. Clinical evaluation and questionnaires (Interstitial Cystitis Symptom Index (ICSI), Interstitial Cystitis Problem Index (ICPI), Bladder Pain/ Interstitial Cystitis Symptom Score (BPIC-SS), Overactive Bladder Assessment Tool, and SF-12 Health Survey) were repeated at pre-op and 2, 4, 8 and 12 weeks post-op. Results Ten females (47.4 ± 14.4 years) who had recalcitrant IC/BPS for 7.8 years (5.2–12.1 years) received injection of micronized AM uneventful in all cases. After treatment, voiding symptoms and bladder pain significantly improved from pre-injection to 3 months. BPIC-SS significantly decreased from 37.4 ± 0.70 at baseline to 12.2 ± 2.90 at 3 months (p < 0.001). This corresponded to a significant improvement in their overall physical and mental quality of life. No adverse events occurred related to micronized AM injections, such as UTIs or acute urinary retention. Conclusion ABT could be an innovative treatment option for IC/BPS patients in terms of improving clinical symptoms based on preliminary outcomes at 3 months. Further studies are warranted to confirm the usefulness of ABT in patients with IC/BPS and to determine the duration of the effect.
... Native hAM has been applied as a scaffold for TE and regeneration in different medical fields. Some reviews describe its use as a grafting material [69] in oral and periodontal surgeries [70], cartilage damage [71], lower extremity repair [72], healing of chronic wounds and ulcers [73] as a biomaterial in urology [74,75] in gynecology [76], as of patch for cardiac surgery [77] and as a treatment of ocular surface pathologies [78]. The hAM is an outstanding allogeneic graft material. ...
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Amniotic membrane (AM) is a biological tissue that surrounds the fetus in the mother’s womb. It has pluripotent cells, immune modulators, collagen, cytokines with anti-fibrotic and anti-inflammatory effect, matrix proteins, and growth factors. In spite of the biological characteristics, some results have been released in preventing the adhesion on traumatized surfaces. Application of the AM as a scaffold is limited due to its low biomechanical resistance and rapid biodegradation. Therefore, for using the AM during surgery, its modification by different methods such as cross-linking of the membrane collagen is necessary, because the cross-linking is an effective way to reduce the rate of biodegradation of the biological materials. In addition, their cross-linking is likely an efficient way to increase the tensile properties of the material, so that they can be easily handled or sutured. In this regard, various methods related to cross-linking of the AM subsuming the composite materials, physical cross-linking, and chemical cross-linking with the glutraldehyde, carbodiimide, genipin, aluminum sulfate, etc. are reviewed along with its advantages and disadvantages in the current work.
... Oottamasathien et al. proposed that amniotic membrane could be used for reducing complication rate, particularly from high re-operation rate of hypospadias. The underlying premise is to provide a barrier layer with robust source of tissue, vascular growth factors and anti-inflammatory environment for soft tissue healing [88]. ...
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This chapter describes how bovine amniotic membrane could be indicated for wound healing, especially in complex surgery such as urethral reconstruction. Chemical studies have assessed both histologically and immunohistochemically that bovine amniotic membrane creates scaffold for wound healing. Whereas, clinical studies have shown that bovine amniotic membrane property could be substituted for wound dressing hence improving skin or mucosal integrity. Bovine membrane has been known to be used for many specialties such as ocular surgery, neurosurgery, maxillofacial and orthopedic surgery. This chapter includes such studies and shows the usage possibility of bovine amniotic membrane for other complex defect as shown in urethral reconstruction.
... Based on the number of surveys conducted or ongoing clinical studies, urology has also played a large part in studies using hAM [84,134,135]. Shakeri et al. evaluated hAM as a xenograft for urethroplasty in rabbits [136]. They concluded that it was an inexpensive, simple, and biodegradable graft, yielding very little antigen effect, and a viable option in surgical urethroplasty. ...
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An important component of tissue engineering (TE) is the supporting matrix upon which cells and tissues grow, also known as the scaffold. Scaffolds must easily integrate with host tissue and provide an excellent environment for cell growth and differentiation. Human amniotic membrane (hAM) is considered as a surgical waste without ethical issue, so it is a highly abundant, cost-effective, and readily available biomaterial. It has biocompatibility, low immunogenicity, adequate mechanical properties (permeability, stability, elasticity, flexibility, resorbability), and good cell adhesion. It exerts anti-inflammatory, antifibrotic, and antimutagenic properties and pain-relieving effects. It is also a source of growth factors, cytokines, and hAM cells with stem cell properties. This important source for scaffolding material has been widely studied and used in various areas of tissue repair: corneal repair, chronic wound treatment, genital reconstruction, tendon repair, microvascular reconstruction, nerve repair, and intraoral reconstruction. Depending on the targeted application, hAM has been used as a simple scaffold or seeded with various types of cells that are able to grow and differentiate. Thus, this natural biomaterial offers a wide range of applications in TE applications. Here, we review hAM properties as a biocompatible and degradable scaffold. Its use strategies (i.e., alone or combined with cells, cell seeding) and its degradation rate are also presented.
While patient preference often helps guide treatment decisions, poor long-term success combined with cumulative risk of repeat endoscopic treatments and the complications innately associated with urethral stricture emphasize that urethroplasty is most often the best choice for successful treatment in the long-term. This has led to the need to better refine urethroplasty techniques and optimize patient outcomes. Urethroplasty has now largely transitioned to a day-surgery procedure in the majority of centers. Some evidence suggests that avoiding urethral transection and/or avoiding overzealous urethral mobilization may lead to a reduction in post-operative sexual dysfunction. The trend toward single stage penile urethroplasty with buccal mucosal grafts likely minimizes patient morbidity without compromising urethroplasty success. For urethroplasty success to further improve particularly in patients at high risk for stricture recurrence, the synergistic potential of combining wound healing enhancing agents with evolving tissue-engineering represents an exciting future opportunity in the quest to perfect urethroplasty outcomes.
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Placental tissues encompass all the tissues which support fetal development, including the placenta, placental membrane, umbilical cord, and amniotic fluid. Since the 1990s there has been renewed interest in the use of these tissues as a raw material for regenerative medicine applications. Placental tissues have been extensively studied for their potential contribution to tissue repair applications. Studies have attributed their efficacy in augmenting the healing process to the extracellular matrix scaffolds rich in collagens, glycosaminoglycans, and proteoglycans, as well as the presence of cytokines within the tissues that have been shown to stimulate re-epithelialization, promote angiogenesis, and aid in the reduction of inflammation and scarring. The compositions and properties of all birth tissues give them the potential to be valuable biomaterials for the development of new regenerative therapies. Herein, the development and compositions of each of these tissues are reviewed, with focus on the structural and signaling components that are relevant to medical applications. This review also explores current configurations and recent innovations in the use of placental tissues as biomaterials in regenerative medicine.
This chapter describes the roles, types, brief history, and basic principles of flaps and grafts used in hypospadias repair. Different tissues are used to optimize individual penile reconstructions, including the prepuce, buccal mucosa, penile skin, and scrotum. Various techniques for urethral substitution, augmentation, and layer interposition are available to address different patient pre-operative characteristics. Summary tables describing flap and graft comparisons, technique advantages and disadvantages, and outcomes of current literature provide brief overviews of the chapter. As for future direction, an introduction to tissue engineering and nanotechnology provides a glimpse of how the field of hypospadiology may change in the coming years.
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We report the case of a 66 year old female with a supratrigonal vesicovaginal fistula (VVF) that developed after undergoing radical hysterectomy, chemotherapy and pelvic radiation therapy for advanced cervical cancer. VVF repairs in an irradiated field are known to be complicated procedures with significant morbidity and a high rate of failure due to the effect of radiation. Amniotic membranes have been demonstrated to improve healing rates in difficult to heal wounds. To decrease morbidity a minimally invasive robotic procedure was performed and a dehydrated amniotic allograft patch was used to augment tissue healing. The VVF was repaired using the da Vinci Surgical System and the amniotic membrane was used as an interposition patch over the repair. There were no operative or postoperative complications and the patient was discharged home on postoperative day one. A cystogram performed 3 weeks postoperatively demonstrated a healed fistula. Follow-up at 5 months revealed no incontinence. This is the first reported case of a robotic VVF repair performed in an irradiated pelvis and the first use of an amniotic membrane allograft in the repair a VVF. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s11701-015-0546-8) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
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Introduction: Complex vesico-vaginal fistula (VVF) has a high recurrence rate and so the repair with graft tissues seems to be favorable. Amniotic membrane (AM) plays an increasing role as a scaffold for the repair of defect tissue due to its unique biological properties with regard to promoting wound healing. Material and methods: An innovative surgical procedure for AM-assisted repair of a complex vesico-vaginal fistula as the Idea Stage following the IDEAL recommendations is presented. The development of amnion preparation and the involved surgical steps are described. Results: We are able to report a successful repair of VVF by abdominal approach with an amniotic membrane graft. Good functional results, no adverse events and no graft rejection have been detected. Conclusions: Favorable results confirm the technical simplicity, safety and efficacy of this procedure. Following the IDEAL recommendations, consecutive animal experiments and a cohort study are in progress.
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In the 1800s, a baby born with a caul, a remnant of the amniotic sack or fetal membranes, was thought to be lucky, special, or protected. Over time, fetal membranes lost their legendary power and were soon considered nothing more than biological waste after birth. However, placenta tissues have reclaimed their potential and since the early 1900s an increasing body of evidence has shown that these tissues have clinical benefits in a wide range of wound repair and surgical applications. Nowadays, there is a concerted effort to understand the mechanisms underlying the beneficial effects of placental tissues, and, more recently, cells derived thereof. This review will summarize the historical and current clinical applications of human placental tissues, and cells isolated from these tissues, and discuss some mechanisms thought to be responsible for the therapeutic effects observed after tissue and/or cell transplantation.
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To investigate hypospadias' prevalence and trends, rate of surgical repairs and post-repair complications in an Australian population. Hypospadias cases were identified from all live-born infants in New South Wales, Australia, during the period 2001-2010, using routinely collected birth and hospital data. Prevalence, trends, surgical procedures or repairs, hospital admissions and complications following surgery were evaluated. Risk factors for reoperation and complications were assessed using multivariate logistic regression. There were 3186 boys with hypospadias in 2001-2010. Overall prevalence was 35.1 per 10 000 live births and remained constant during the study period. Proportions of anterior, middle, proximal and unspecified hypospadias were 41.3%, 26.2%, 5.8% and 26.6%, respectively. Surgical procedures were performed in 1945 boys (61%), with 1718 primary repairs. The overall post-surgery complication rate involving fistulas or strictures was 13%, but higher (33%) for proximal cases. Complications occurred after 1 year post-repair in 52.3% of cases and up to 5 years. Boys with proximal or middle hypospadias were at increased risk of reoperation or complications, but age at primary repair did not affect the outcome. One in 285 infants were affected with hypospadias, 60% required surgical repair or correction and one in eight experienced complications. The frequency of late complications would suggest that clinical review should be maintained for >1 year post-repair. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to
The placenta is a fetomaternal organ provided by nature to aid development of the growing embryo by facilitating gas and nutrient exchange between the mother and fetus and by helping to maintain fetomaternal tolerance. Aside from playing an age-old and essential role in fetal development, placental tissues have also attracted the interest of clinical scientists due to their potential utility as a therapeutic agent. For decades, the human term placenta, which is available in plentiful supply and raises no ethical concerns for its procurement, has been used as a surgical material in skin transplantation, as a biological dressing for treatment of skin wounds, burn injuries and chronic leg ulcers, for prevention of tissue adhesion in surgical procedures, and in ocular surface reconstruction. More recently, human placenta has also attracted increasing attention from cell and molecular biologists, who have turned to this tissue in the search for a novel stem cell source. Indeed, cells derived from the amniotic and chorionic fetal membranes have been shown to present with high plasticity and to possess low immunogenicity as well as immunomodulatory properties, thereby making them prime candidates for development of cell therapy-based tissue regeneration strategies. This chapter will provide an overview of the clinical applications which have been described for placental tissue or which are currently applied, and will also give a summary of the most recent results obtained in preclinical studies, which present promising perspectives for the future clinical application of placenta-derived cells.