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Endomorphisms of free modules as sums of four quadratic endomorphisms



We will prove that every endomorphism of a free right R-module of infinite rank can be decomposed as a sum of four endomorphisms which satisfy some fixed polynomial identities.
Abstract. We will prove that every endomorphism of a free right R-module
of infinite rank can be decomposed as a sum of four endomorphisms which
satisfy some fixed polynomial identities.
The study of the problem of decomposing an endomorphism of an infinitely
generated free module as a sum of endomorphisms which satisfy various identities
is a natural extension of the research areas on various decompositions of matrices
(we refer to some classical papers as [4], [5], and to some new results proved in
[1], [2], [3] or [10]) or bounded operators on Hilbert spaces (see [7], [12], [13]). In
the last years there has been significant progress in this area. In order to describe
this, let us recall that if p1, . . . , p`are polynomials over the center of a ring R, an
endomorphism αof an R-module is a (p1, . . . , p`)-sum if it has a decomposition
k=1 αksuch that pk(αk) = 0 for all k= 1, `. If all pkare of degree 2 we say that
αis a sum of quadratic endomorphisms, [8].
The main results included in the above mentioned progress are the following:
de Seguins Pazzis developed a technique which uses stratifications of modules over
polynomial rings in order to prove that in the case of infinite-dimensional vec-
tor spaces over fields for every four split quadratic polynomials p1, . . . , p4, every
endomorphism is a (p1, p2, p3, p4)-sum, [8, Theorem 2]; Shitov proved, by using
combinatorial techniques applied to infinite directed graphs, that for every polyno-
mials pk=X2mkX,k= 1,4, with mkin the center of R, every endomorphism
of a non-finitely generated free module is a (p1, p2, p3, p4)-sum, [11, Remark 11].
Moreover, de Seguins Pazzis provided in [9] an extensive study of endomorphisms
of infinite-dimensional vector spaces that are (p1, p2, p3)-sums. From [9, Theorem 3]
it follows that the above mentioned results are optimal in the sense that there exists
a field K, three split quadratic polynomials p1, p2, p3over K, and an endomorphism
αof an infinite-dimensional K-vector space such that αis not a (p1, p2, p3)-sum.
In this note we present a simple and transparent proof for a generalization of
[8, Theorem 2] and [11, Remark 11] for free right modules of infinite rank. This is
based on ideas used by Harris in [5], respectively by Pearcy and Topping in [7]. We
are able to use these ideas since Mesyan proved in [6] that every endomorphism ϕ
of an infinitely generated free right R-module Fis a commutator, i.e. there exist
x, y End(F) such that ϕ=xy yx.
MSC2010: 15A24
Keywords: free module, endomorphism, commutator, (p1,...,p`)-sum.
Theorem 1. Let Rbe a ring. For every k= 1,4we consider two elements mk
and nkfrom the center of R, and we denote pk= (Xmk)(Xnk). Then every
endomorphism of a free right R-module Fof infinite rank is a (p1, p2, p3, p4)-sum.
Proof. Since Fis of infinite rank, we have F
=FF, hence we can view every
endomorphism of Fas a matrix α=a b
c d with a, b, c, d End(F).
By [6, Proposition 2.14] there exist two endomorphisms x, y End(F) such that
k=1(mk+nk) = xy yx. Applying the same decomposition techniques
as those used in [5] and [7], it is easy to see that there exist z, u, v End(F) such
α=xy +m1x
(n1m1)yyxy n1yx +n2z n2m2z
z m2+z
v n4.
This equality represents a decomposition of αas a (p1, p2, p3, p4)-sum, and the proof
is complete.
Acknowledgements. I would like to thank the referee for the very detailed re-
port I received. Referee’s suggestions helped me substantially improve the result I
present here.
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Department of Mathematics, Babes¸ -Bolyai University, 1 Kog˘
alniceanu street, Cluj-
Napoca, Romania
... , p 4 -sum). This result was extended in [2] to all free modules of infinite rank by using the fact that every endomorphism of an infinite rank free module is a commutator, [14]. We refer to [7], [9], [12], [13] for other applications of commutators. ...
... Remark 3.7. In [2] it is proved that every endomorphism of a free R-module F of infinite rank can be decomposed as a sum of four endomorphisms that are annihilated by prescribed split polynomials of degree 2 over the center of R. In general only three endomorphisms as before are not enough, [18]. However, as in the proof of Corollary 3.6, we can use Corollary 2.3 to conclude that for all split polynomials p 1 , p 2 , p 3 of degree 3 over the center of R, every endomorphism α of F can be decomposed as α = α 1 + α 2 + α 3 such that p i (α i ) = 0 for all i = 1, 2, 3. ...
... , p 4 -sum). This result was extended in [2] to all free modules of infinite rank by using the fact that every endomorphism of an infinite rank free module is a commutator, [14]. We refer to [7], [9], [12], [13] for other applications of commutators. ...
... Remark 3.7. In [2] it is proved that every endomorphism of a free R-module F of infinite rank can be decomposed as a sum of four endomorphisms that are annihilated by prescribed splitting polynomials of degree 2 over the center of R. In general only three endomorphisms as before are not enough, [18]. However, as in the proof of Corollary 3.6, we can use Corollary 2.3 to conclude that for all splitting polynomials p 1 , p 2 , p 3 of degree 3 over the center of R, every endomorphism α of F can be decomposed as α = α 1 + α 2 + α 3 such that p i (α i ) = 0 for all i = 1, 2, 3. ...
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... However, it is only very recently that serious results have been discovered for the algebra End(V ) of all endomorphisms of an infinite-dimensional vector space V . Let us cite an important result that combines theorems from [14,15] (see also [3] and [18]) and [13]: It can be shown that this result still holds if one allows at most two of the polynomials p 1 , . . . , p 4 to be irreducible over F, but we do not know if the result still holds with no restriction of irreducibility. ...
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Let V be a vector space with countable dimension over a field, and let u be an endomorphism of it which is locally finite, i.e. x,u(x),u2(x),… are linearly dependent for all x in V. We give several necessary and sufficient conditions for the decomposability of u into the sum of two square-zero endomorphisms. Moreover, if u is invertible, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for the decomposability of u into the product of two involutions, as well as for the decomposability of u into the product of two unipotent endomorphisms of index 2. Our results essentially extend the ones that are known in the finite-dimensional setting. In particular, we obtain that every strictly upper-triangular infinite matrix with entries in a field is the sum of two square-zero infinite matrices (potentially non-triangular, though) and that every upper-triangular infinite matrix (with entries in a field) with only ±1 on the diagonal is the product of two involutory infinite matrices.
... However, it is only very recently that serious results have been discovered for the algebra End(V ) of all endomorphisms of an infinite-dimensional vector space V . Let us cite an important result that combines theorems from [14,15] (see also [3] and [17]) and [13]: It can be shown that this result still holds if one allows at most two of the polynomials p 1 , . . . , p 4 to be irreducible over F, but we do not know if the result still holds with no restriction of irreducibility. ...
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Let $V$ be a vector space with countable dimension over a field, and let $u$ be an endomorphism of it which is locally finite, i.e. $(u^k(x))_{k \geq 0}$ is linearly dependent for all $x$ in $V$. We give several necessary and sufficient conditions for the decomposability of $u$ into the sum of two square-zero endomorphisms. Moreover, if $u$ is invertible, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for the decomposability of $u$ into the product of two involutions, as well as for the decomposability of $u$ into the product of two unipotent endomorphisms of index $2$. Our results essentially extend the ones that are known in the finite-dimensional setting. In particular, we obtain that every strictly upper-triangular infinite matrix with entries in a field is the sum of two square-zero infinite matrices (potentially non-triangular, though), and that every upper-triangular infinite matrix (with entries in a field) with only $\pm 1$ on the diagonal is the product of two involutory infinite matrices.
... In particular, Harris proved that if the additive group of a division ring D is generated by commutators then every quadratic matrix over D is a sum on nilpotent elements, [11]. The techniques from this paper were used in [4] to prove that every endomorphism of an infinitely generated free module is a sum of four square-zero endomorphisms. For other results about sums of square-zero endomorphisms we refer to [17] and [20]. ...
... Decomposing a matrix into a sum of certain special matrices has been an active topic (see [1,2,3,4,5,9,10,11,13,14,15]). For instance, Hartwig and Putcha [5] showed that, an n × n matrix A over a field F of characteristic 0 is a sum of idempotents iff tr(A) = k · 1 F , where k ∈ Z and k ≥ rank(A), and de Seguins Pazzis [4] obtained that an n × n matrix A over a field F of characteristic p > 0 is a sum of idempotents iff tr(A) ∈ F p , the prime subfield of F . ...
We give the necessary and sufficient conditions for an n × n matrix over an integral domain to be a sum of involutions and, respectively, a sum of tripotents. We determine the integral domains over which every n × n matrix is a sum of involutions and, respectively, a sum of tripotents. We further determine the commutative reduced rings over which every n × n matrix is a sum of two tripotents.
... And so on. The corresponding result for decompositions into sums was proved recently [2,10,13]. ...
Products of involutions of an infinite-dimensional vector space - Clément de Seguins Pazzis
... And so on. The corresponding result for decompositions into sums was proved recently [2,10,13]. ...
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Let R be an associative ring with unity and let M be a free right R-module of infinite rank. We prove that any endomorphism of M can be written as a sum of four square-zero endomorphisms. This result is optimal.