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Down syndrome: A study of chromosomal mosaicism

  • National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health (ICMR)

Abstract and Figures

Recent data suggest that chromosome mosaicism is a possible mechanism for intrauterine and postnatal survival in cases of trisomy 18 and Turner syndrome (45X). The aim of this study was to evaluate if chromosomal mosaicism is a possible mechanism of survival in Down syndrome (DS) (trisomy 21) individuals. Mosaicism was studied by interphase fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH), using a specific probe for chromosome 21 (21q22.13–21q22.2) in 78 cases suspected of DS. To rule out tissue specific mosaicism, buccal cells or amniocytes were analysed in addition to blood in 20 DS cases. Thirty-three per cent of the cases studied by FISH in only peripheral blood were mosaics. In 20 cases of trisomy 21, two tissues were studied and mosaicism was not detected in either of the two tissues in 15 cases. The remaining five cases were mosaics in both the tissues analysed. Clinical comparisons in 17 DS mosaics showed a direct relationship between the percentage of trisomic cells and the degree of phenotypic manifestations. These results suggest that mechanism(s) other than mosaicism may exist for the intrauterine and postnatal survival of DS cases.
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At least 25% of preimplantation conceptuses and 15% of
clinically recognized pregnancies are lost spontaneously. One
major reason for this high rate of pregnancy loss is
chromosome aneuploidy. A significant proportion of human
preimplantation embryos and first trimester fetuses that abort
spontaneously are chromosomally defective (Jacobs and
Hassold, 1987; Márquez et al., 2000; Munné et al., 2002).
Approximately 50% of first trimester spontaneous abortions
are trisomic, 20% are monosomic and 25% are polyploid
(Jacobs and Hassold, 1987).
Trisomy for almost every chromosome has been described in
spontaneously aborted fetuses; some trisomies are very
frequent (e.g. trisomy 15, 16, 21, 18), whereas others are rare
(e.g. trisomy 1, 5, 19). Irrespective of their frequency of
occurrence, one common feature of all trisomies is that they
act as lethal mutations to the developing embryo or fetus,
although some trisomic fetuses do survive to term. It has been
estimated that of conceptuses with trisomy 13 or 18, less than
5% survive till term, whereas about 20–25% of trisomy 21
conceptuses are live born (Kalousek et al., 1989).
What makes these few trisomic conceptions different from
others in terms of their intrauterine survival? Current dogma
holds that under the pressure of natural selection, most
aneuploid conceptions are aborted spontaneously, but natural
selection does not prevail when mosaicism is operative; thus
most live born chromosomally aneuploid fetuses may be
mosaics (Hook and Warburton, 1983; Kalousek et al., 1989;
Modi et al., 1999). Using interphase fluorescence in-situ
hybridization (FISH), it has been shown that all live born cases
of trisomy 18 have a coexisting normal diploid (disomy 18)
cell line, indicating that mosaicism is a possible mechanism of
intrauterine and postnatal survival of infants with trisomy 18
(Modi et al., 1999). However, in the same study, only 20% of
Down syndrome (DS) patients studied were mosaics. This
frequency of mosaicism was lower than that observed in cases
of trisomy 18 (100%) and Turner syndrome (75%) (Modi et
Down syndrome: a study of chromosomal
mosaicismDeepak Modi obtained his Bachelors degree in Zoology in 1993 and obtained his Masters
degree in Animal Physiology in 1995. He completed his PhD degree in Applied Biology in
2002, the subject of which was the understanding of the molecular basis of ovarian and
testicular differentiation in human fetuses. His present research interests are in deciphering
the molecular cascade of endometrial implantation and endometrial–embryo cross talk in
primates, and the characterization of progesterone receptors on spermatozoa.
Deepak Modi1, Prajakta Berde, Deepa Bhartiya
Cell Biology Department, Research Society, Bai Jerbai Wadia Hospital for Children, Acharya Donde Marg, Parel,
Mumbai, India
1Correspondence: Primate Biology Division, National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health (NIRRH), JM
Street, Parel, Mumbai 400 012, India. Tel: +91 22 4121111; e-mail:
Dr Deepak Modi
Recent data suggest that chromosome mosaicism is a possible mechanism for intrauterine and postnatal survival in cases of
trisomy 18 and Turner syndrome (45X). The aim of this study was to evaluate if chromosomal mosaicism is a possible
mechanism of survival in Down syndrome (DS) (trisomy 21) individuals. Mosaicism was studied by interphase fluorescence
in-situ hybridization (FISH), using a specific probe for chromosome 21 (21q22.13–21q22.2) in 78 cases suspected of DS.
To rule out tissue specific mosaicism, buccal cells or amniocytes were analysed in addition to blood in 20 DS cases. Thirty-
three per cent of the cases studied by FISH in only peripheral blood were mosaics. In 20 cases of trisomy 21, two tissues
were studied and mosaicism was not detected in either of the two tissues in 15 cases. The remaining five cases were mosaics
in both the tissues analysed. Clinical comparisons in 17 DS mosaics showed a direct relationship between the percentage of
trisomic cells and the degree of phenotypic manifestations. These results suggest that mechanism(s) other than mosaicism
may exist for the intrauterine and postnatal survival of DS cases.
Keywords: chromosome aneuploidy, Down syndrome, fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH), mosaicism, trisomy 21
Online - Vol 6. No 4. 499–503 Reproductive BioMedicine Online; on web 17 February 2003
Articles - Mosaicism in Down syndrome - D Modi et al.
al., 1999). It was concluded that chromosome mosaicism
might not be a possible mechanism for survival of DS infants.
However, in that study, only peripheral blood cells were
analysed for detection of mosaicism. It is likely that the
absence of mosaicism in blood does not imply its absence in
other tissues, as FISH analysis in multiple tissues of Turner
syndrome fetuses revealed mosaicism in some tissues that was
not detected in amniotic fluid cells (Ameil et al., 1996).
Similarly, it is possible that live born cases of DS may be
mosaics in tissues other than blood.
Another possible reason for the low incidence of trisomy 21
mosaics observed in the earlier study (Modiet al., 1999) could
be the failure to detect mosaicism because of technical
difficulties. In the previous study, an alpha satellite probe was
used to detect trisomy 21; through sequence homology, the
probe also cross hybridizes to the centromere of chromosome
13, yielding four hybridization signals in a normal case. This
probe has limited sensitivity in detecting low level mosaicism
as compared with other chromosome specific probes (Modi et
al., 1999). Hence it is likely that mosaicism, particularly of
low degree, may have been missed.
Therefore the purpose of the study was to analyse the ploidy
level of chromosome 21 in clinically suspected cases of DS
using a probe specific to chromosome 21. To rule out tissue
specific mosaicism cells from buccal mucosa or amniocytes
were analysed in addition to peripheral blood. The aim of the
study was to detect trisomy 21 mosaicism more sensitively and
hence comment on whether or not mosaicism is a possible
mechanism of intrauterine survival of trisomy 21 infants.
Materials and methods
Seventy-eight cases with a clinical suspicion of DS were
included in this study. The inclusion criteria were those
described previously (Modi et al., 1999). Mononuclear cells
from peripheral blood or cord blood were isolated and fixed
according to standard cytogenetic protocol. Oral mucosa cells
(buccal cells) were washed twice in normal saline and fixed in
3:1 methanol:acetic acid. Aliquots of 15 ml of amniotic fluid
were collected transabdominally (16–24 weeks of gestation)
and spun at 500 gfor 10 min. The pellet (amniocytes) was
washed once in normal saline and processed according to
routine cytogenetic protocol. The specific probe for
chromosome 21 was purchased from Vysis (Richmond, UK),
and encompassed D21S259. D21S341 and D21S342 loci on
the long arm of chromosome 21 (21q22.13–21q22.2). FISH
was performed according to manufacturers instructions.
Briefly, the cells were spread on a silane-treated slide and air-
dried. Amniocytes and buccal cells were pretreated with
0.005% pepsin and post-fixed in 4% formaldehyde. After
incubation in 2×SSC at 37°C, the slides were dehydrated in
ethanol grades. The diluted probe was then applied on the
slides, sealed and co-denatured with the target cells at 75°C for
5 min. Hybridization was performed overnight at 37°C. The
slides were washed in 0.4×SSC at 70°C for 2 min and in 2×
SSC at room temperature for 1 min. The cells were mounted in
aquamount containing an antifade and DAPI (4,6-diamido-2-
phenylindole) as a counterstain. At least 500 mononuclear
cells, 200 buccal cells or 100 amniocytes were scored for the
number of signals under a fluorescence microscope (Olympus
BX 60) using appropriate filter sets.
Mononuclear cells, buccal cells and amniotic fluid cells from
25 normal cases were analysed to detect hybridization
efficiency and frequency of signal distribution.
The hybridization efficiency of the probe used was 99% for
mononuclear and buccal cells and 96% for amniocytes. The
lower limit for detecting a separate cell line was 2% in
mononuclear and buccal cells and 4% for amniocytes. These
values corresponded to the mean +2 SD of the false positive as
reported previously (Ameil et al., 1996; Modi et al., 1999). As
the true false negative values cannot be estimated, the upper
limit for detecting mosaicism was arbitrarily assumed as 95%.
This implied that any case showing <2% trisomic cells in
blood/buccal cells and <4% in amniocytes was considered as
normal and a non-mosaic trisomy was defined when >95%
cells were trisomic.
Figure 1 shows FISH results of a case with trisomy 21
mosaicism detected in the peripheral blood. Seventy of 78
cases with clinical suspicion of DS were found to be trisomic
Figure 1: Fluorescence in-situ
hybridization (FISH) on blood
mononuclear cells using a locus
specific 21 chromosome probe.
Note the presence of two and
three signals (arrow) indicating
Articles - Mosaicism in Down syndrome - D Modi et al.
in peripheral blood, of which 33% (n= 23) were mosaics
(Table 1). Blood and buccal cells or amniocytes were
examined in only 20 cases of DS (Table 2). Of these, 5/20
cases were mosaics in both the tissues studied. Mosaicism was
not detected in any of the two tissues in the remaining 15
cases. The extent of mosaicism (percent trisomic cells) varied
between the two tissues in cases 1, 2 and 3. However, in the
remaining cases (two mosaic and 15 non-mosaics), the
numbers of trisomic cells were not significantly different in the
two cell types studied.
Table 3 gives the phenotypic characteristics of 17 mosaic DS
cases. There is an apparent correspondence between the
number of trisomic cells and the phenotypic manifestations
(Table 4); the number of phenotypes appears to reduce with
the fall in the number of trisomic cells (r2= 0.602; statistical
test not applied because of low numbers). The small size of the
sample, together with the subjective nature of scoring DS
phenotypes quantitatively, precluded a more detailed statistical
Table 1. Details of live born Down syndrome cases selected in
the present study.
No. of cases selected 78
No. of cases affected 70
No. of mosaics (%) 23 (33)
Age range 2 days to 6 years
Sex ratio (male:female) 4:1
Table 2. Comparison of the percentage of trisomic cells
detected by FISH in mononuclear cells from the blood and
buccal cells or amniocytes in trisomy 21 patients.
Serial no. Blood Buccal cells or amniocytes
6 99 100
7a100 98
8 100 100
9a100 96
10 99 100
11 100 100
12 100 98
13a99 95
14 97 98
15 100 95
16 100 100
17 97 98
18 99 95
19 99 96
20 100 97
Table 3. Phenotypic characteristics of 17 mosaic DS cases.
Percentage trisomy 90 80 70 60 50 25 18 10
Patient no. 12121212123123112
Hypotonia +++++++++++–+–––
Clinodactly + + – +++++–++–++++
Wide gap between + + + + ––––+–+–++
1st and 2nd toes
Broad short hands +++++?++–+++++
Simian crease ++++–+–++?+––+––
Protruding tongue ++++++–+–++–+–––
Fissured tongue + + + –––––––––––
Low set/small ears ++++++–+–+++–++–
Depressed ++++–+++++++++++
nasal bridge
Small nose + + +++––++––+–––
Epicanthic folds ++++++–+–++–? ++–
Flat facies +++++++–++–+++––
Upward slant + + +++–++––––++
of eyes
Accessory ? + + + –––?+––––––
3rd fontanelle
Brachycephaly – – ? +++–––+––+–––
Microcephaly + + ––––++–+––+++–+
Cardiac anomaly + –––+–++?+–+––+
+ = present; – = absent; ? = unknown/not recorded.
Articles - Mosaicism in Down syndrome - D Modi et al.
In all, 33% of DS patients included in the present study
showed mosaicism using a FISH probe specific for
chromosome 21. This number is higher than that reported
earlier (20%) (Modi et al., 1999) using a common alpha
satellite 13/21 probe (20%). It is interesting to note that the
frequency of mosaicism as detected by FISH is comparatively
higher in cases of Turner syndrome (75%) and trisomy 18
(100%) than that observed for DS in the present study
(Fernandez et al., 1996; Modi et al., 1999). Thus, it appears
that chromosomal mosaicism is possibly not a common
phenomenon in cases of Down syndrome.
However, absence of mosaicism in blood does not exclude
mosaicism in other tissues. Tissue specific mosaicism has been
reported in cases of trisomy 18, trisomy 13 and Turner
syndrome (Kalousek et al., 1989; Ameil et al., 1996; D Modi,
unpublished data). To verify this possibility, buccal cells or
amniotic fluid were analysed by FISH in 20 cases of DS and
the results were compared with those obtained from blood. As
evident from Table 2, the degree of mosaicism varied between
the two tissues in some mosaic individuals, but none of the
non-mosaic cases (in blood) was found to be mosaic in the
alternate tissue investigated. Mosaicism was not detected by
FISH in the cells obtained from urine of four non-mosaic cases
of DS (D Modi, unpublished data). These findings corroborate
the results of Kalousek et al. (1989), who did not detect
mosaicism in any of the embryonic or extra-embryonic tissues
of trisomy 21 newborns. Thus, it appears that mosaicism is
probably not a common event in cases of trisomy 21, and it is
tempting to speculate that a mechanism other than mosaicism
exists to facilitate the survival of these fetuses.
Chromosome 21 is one of the smallest chromosomes in the
human genome. Recent sequencing data have shown that
chromosome 21 contains approximately 225 genes in the 33.8
Mb region sequenced (Hattori et al., 2000). However, in
comparison, in chromosome 22, which is the same size as
chromosome 21, the 33.4 Mb region sequenced has 545 genes
(Dunham et al., 1999). These results imply that chromosome
21 is gene poor as compared with chromosome 22. Thus, it is
possible that due to the low density of genes on chromosome
21, trisomy 21 is one of the most common viable non-mosaic
autosomal trisomies.
The survival of an embryo largely depends on a favourable
intrauterine anatomical, biochemical and physiological milieu.
It has been speculated that the intrauterine milieu buffers the
environmental insults and stochastic errors that the embryo
faces during development, thereby preventing the
development of serious birth defects (Shapiro, 1989, 1994).
Furthermore, it has been suggested that the loss of genetic
balance (e.g. a trisomy) predisposes the embryo to the
traumatic factors that lead to the formation of congenital
malformations and probably even embryo death (Shapiro,
1989, 1994). It has been previously shown that maternal
factors such as race, fever, alcohol use and exposure to
cigarette smoke during pregnancy influences the phenotypic
manifestations in DS (Khoury and Erickson, 1992). Thus,
developmental instability and altered homeostasis of the
aneuploid embryos increase its susceptibility to the
environmental factors, resulting in serious malformations and
even death. In this context, it is possible that DS fetuses
(although aneuploid) are less susceptible to the environmental
insults and stochastic errors faced in utero as compared with
other aneuploid individuals (e.g. trisomy 18, monosomy X),
resulting in the intrauterine and postnatal survival of these
infants even in absence of mosaicism. However, this
hypothesis needs to be exhaustively tested.
In accordance with previous results in cases of trisomy 18
(Modi et al., 1999), in the present study too, a relationship was
found between the number of trisomic cells in blood and the
phenotypic manifestations in DS cases. Although the numbers
of cases studied are too limited for rigorous statistical analysis,
a positive correlation (r2= 0.602) between the number of
trisomic cells and the phenotypic expression was observed.
Maximum phenotypes were noted when the number of
trisomic cells in blood was >50%, whereas the number of
phenotypes was minimal in mosaic individuals where the
percentage of trisomic cells was <20%. These results further
confirm the long-existing notion that mosaic aneuploid
individuals are clinically advantaged over non-mosaics
(Benda, 1969; Percy et al., 1993). However, detailed clinical
assessment and long-term follow-up of these cases will be
required for better understanding of this relationship and
making use of these findings for counselling the affected
patients especially mosaics.
The results here also recommend the use of sensitive
molecular techniques such as interphase FISH in clinical
practice for diagnosis of chromosomal disorders, as FISH
permits identification of the aneuploidy even when it is present
in low grade (low level mosaicism) which may not be detected
by using conventional karyotyping. This has particular
relevance in terms of clinical management of the patients and
counselling of the parents, especially for prenatal diagnosis in
the next pregnancy.
Table 4. Numerical relationship between percentage of
trisomic cellsaand number of phenotypes in mosaic DS casesa.
Trisomic cells (%) Number of phenotypes present
90 13
90 15
80 9
80 12
70 11
70 15
60 8
60 10
50 6
50 12
50 11
25 4
25 10
25 9
18 3
10 5
10 5
aData derived from Table 3.
Articles - Mosaicism in Down syndrome - D Modi et al.
In conclusion, the frequency of mosaicism as studied by FISH
in DS individuals is greater (33%) than that reported
previously (20%). However, since this frequency is still lower
than that reported for trisomy 18 (100%) and Turner syndrome
cases (75%), it is likely that different fetoprotective
pathway(s) exist which facilitate the survival of DS
This work was supported by a grant from the Department of
Biotechnology, Ministry of Health and Sciences, India. We
thank Dr Sudha G Gangal (Director) for her valuable
suggestions. We are very grateful to the clinical staff of our
Genetic clinic.
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Received 14 October 2002; refereed 1 November 2002; accepted 13
January 2003.
... In patients with mosaic Down Syndrome, the number of trisomic cells in several tissues and cells is related to the phenotypic manifestations (Modi et al., 2003;Papavassiliou et al., 2009). Respectively, mosaicism can be of high grade, in which patients have a high proportion of trisomic cells (80-90%) with distinctive Down Syndrome characteristics; or low grade, in which there is a low ratio of trisomic cells (0.1-38%), and the syndrome is not phenotypically perceptible (Hultén et al., 2013). ...
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Trisomy 21 is the most common genetic disorder seen among infants, and it causes spontaneous abortions, abnormal neural development and other pathologies associated with newborn development. In newborns with this trisomy, 90-95% have full trisomy, 1.4-1.9% have mosaicism, and 1-4.7% have translocations. The principal cause of trisomy 21 is advanced maternal age, in which recombination errors may occur during fetal development, age-related accumulation of damaged DNA, cohesin degradation producing the premature loss of chromosomes or sister chromatids, and alterations during the spindle formation process. The paternal age has also an effect on trisomy 21, specifically during male aging, when there is higher risk of chromosomal breaking in spermatozoa. Epigenetics is also an important risk factor of trisomy 21 through changes in the DNA methylation process, histone modification and non-coding RNAs. Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) have emerged in recent years as a safe alternative for couples with fertility problems. These techniques, which include controlled ovarian stimulation (COS), in vitro fertilization (IVF), intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and vitrification, decrease the incidence of aneuploidy in human preimplantation embryos, and are widely used. The following study aims to review and discuss the available literature on trisomy 21 in the field of assisted human reproduction.
... Chromosomes 21 and 22 are the smallest chromosomes in the genome with approximately 225 and 545 genes, respectively, thus trisomy 21 can be tolerated more often than trisomy 22, even in the absence of mosaicism. (Littooij, Hochstenbach, Sinke, Tintelen, & Giltay, 2002;Modi, Berde, & Bhartiya, 2003). It is evident in our registry, as more patients displayed free trisomy 21 (78.06%) ...
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Background Detection of chromosomal abnormalities is crucial in various medical areas; to diagnose birth defects, genetic disorders, and infertility, among other complex phenotypes, in individuals across a wide range of ages. Hence, the present study wants to contribute to the knowledge of type and frequency of chromosomal alterations and polymorphisms in Ecuador. Methods Cytogenetic registers from different Ecuadorian provinces have been merged and analyzed to construct an open‐access national registry of chromosome alterations and polymorphisms. Results Of 28,806 karyotypes analyzed, 6,008 (20.9%) exhibited alterations. Down syndrome was the most frequent autosome alteration (88.28%), followed by Turner syndrome (60.50%), a gonosome aneuploidy. A recurrent high percentage of Down syndrome mosaicism (7.45%) reported here, as well as by previous Ecuadorian preliminary registries, could be associated with geographic location and admixed ancestral composition. Translocations (2.46%) and polymorphisms (7.84%) were not as numerous as autosomopathies (64.33%) and gonosomopathies (25.37%). Complementary to conventional cytogenetics tests, molecular tools have allowed identification of submicroscopic alterations regions or candidate genes which can be possibly implicated in patients' symptoms and phenotypes. Conclusion The Ecuadorian National Registry of Chromosome Alterations and Polymorphisms provides a baseline to better understand chromosomal abnormalities in Ecuador and therefore their clinical management and awareness. This data will guide public policy makers to promote and financially support cytogenetic and genetic testing.
... Mosaic variegated aneuploidy (MVA), in which inactivating gene mutations in mitotic proteins causes an increase in forms and frequency of aneuploidy, ultimately results in microcephaly and mental retardation (Warburton et al., 1991;Kajii et al., 1998). Constitutive aneuploidies as found in Down syndrome (Wiseman et al., 2015) have clear effects on brain function, providing support for functional consequences of neural mosaic aneuploidies and GM, while constitutive cases may also themselves be chromosomal mosaics (Modi et al., 2003;Leon et al., 2010;Hulten et al., 2013). Indeed, multiple reports of elevated levels of somatic aneuploidy in patients with ataxia telangiectasia (McConnell et al., 2004;Iourov et al., 2009a,b), schizophrenia (Yurov et al., 2001;Yurov et al., 2008), autism (Yurov et al., 2007b;Iourov et al., 2008), and Alzheimer's disease (Pack et al., 2005;Mosch et al., 2007;Iourov et al., 2009b;Iourov et al., 2011;Yurov et al., 2014) support pathogenic links. ...
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Since the discovery of DNA, the normal developing and functioning brain has been assumed to be composed of cells with identical genomes, which remains the dominant view even today. However, this pervasive assumption is incorrect, as proven by increasing numbers of reports within the last 20 years that have identified multiple forms of somatically produced genomic mosaicism (GM), wherein brain cells – especially neurons – from a single individual show diverse alterations in DNA, distinct from the germline. Critically, these changes alter the actual DNA nucleotide sequences – in contrast to epigenetic mechanisms – and almost certainly contribute to the remarkably diverse phenotypes of single brain cells, including single‐cell transcriptomic profiles. Here we review the history of GM within the normal brain, including its major forms, initiating mechanisms, and possible functions. GM forms include aneuploidies and aneusomies, smaller copy number variations (CNVs), long interspersed nuclear element type 1 (LINE1) repeat elements, and single nucleotide variations (SNVs), as well as DNA content variation (DCV) that reflects all forms of GM with greatest coverage of large, brain cell populations. In addition, technical considerations are examined, along with relationships amongst GM forms and multiple brain diseases. GM affecting genes and loci within the brain contrast with current neural discovery approaches that rely on sequencing non‐brain DNA (e.g., genome‐wide association studies (GWAS)). Increasing knowledge of neural GM has implications for mechanisms of development, diversity, and function, as well as understanding diseases, particularly the overwhelming prevalence of sporadic brain GM unlinked to germline mutations. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
... This data corroborates with the results of a previous study on carriers of somatic/gonadal segmental mosaicism where a high proportion of Rea cells detected in cultured Tlymphocytes was found to be associated with clinical manifestation of chromosomal imbalance [6]. This data is also consistent with previous reports showing a higher frequency of abnormal phenotypes with high frequencies of the abnormal cell lines in whole chromosome aneuploidy mosaicism [10,11]. ...
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Background Mosaicism for chromosome rearrangements is common in preimplantation diagnoses, yet is rare in prenatal diagnoses as well as in other groups of patients referred to cytogenetic testing. Consequently, there is a lack of detailed studies on this kind of mosaicism in all groups of patients. Previous reports have identified a deficit of males among asymptomatic carriers of N/unbalanced Rea. Three mechanisms were proposed for explaining this phenomenon, including a high instability in the early female embryonic development, a male-specific selection against abnormal cells in the early embryo development, or a high intrauterine lethality of male carriers. To address these possibilities, we have performed a meta-analysis of male-to-female ratio (sex ratio, SR) in prenatally diagnosed and in spontaneously aborted carriers of mosaic Rea. ResultsOne hundred and twenty one prenatally detected cases of normal cell line/autosome rearrangement mosaicism (N/Rea) with known carriers’ sex were identified from the literature. Carriers of N/unbalanced Rea presented with 38 abnormal and 28 normal/apparently normal outcomes while carriers of N/balanced Rea presented with 24 normal and 3 abnormal outcomes. 58% of carriers of N/unbalanced Rea with an abnormal outcome displayed a high proportion (> 50%) of amniocytes with the abnormality compared to 25% of carriers with normal/apparently normal outcome. More female carriers of N/unbalanced Rea were identified with an abnormal outcome (15 M/23F) in contrast to a notable male predominance (18 M/10F) among those with normal outcome. Additionally, among spontaneously aborted carriers of N/unbalanced Rea, there was a strong female predominance (7 M/23F). Conclusion Previous reports have identified a deficit of male among asymptomatic carriers of N/unbalanced Rea. The current data suggests a male-specific selection against chromosomal abnormalities.
... In general, the phenotypic manifestations associated with DS with mosaic trisomy 21 depends on the proportion of trisomy 21 cells in a particular organ. 46 Studies of patients with DS with mosaic trisomy 21 have supported the hypothesis that a dosage effect from genes encoded by chromosome 21 contributes to the low incidence of many solid tumors. Patients with DS with a higher dosage of genes encoded on chromosome 21 (eg, those without mosaic trisomy 21) should be expected to have a lower incidence of solid tumors than those with mosaic trisomy 21 or individuals without trisomy 21. ...
Individuals with Down syndrome (DS) are at elevated risk for acute leukemia, whereas solid tumors are uncommon, and most types, including breast cancers, have significantly lower-than-expected age-adjusted incidence rates. This article reports on a man with DS and breast cancer, thought to be the first in the literature, and presents the management of his cancer. The literature on malignancies in patients with DS is reviewed and the major epidemiologic studies that have examined the spectrum of cancer risk in individuals with DS are summarized. Potential environmental and genetic determinants of cancer risk are discussed, and the potential role of chromosomal mosaicism in cancer risk among patients with DS is explored. Trisomy of chromosome 21, which causes DS, provides an extra copy of genes with tumor suppressor or repressor functions. Recent studies have leveraged mouse and human genetics to uncover specific candidate genes on chromosome 21 that mediate these effects. In addition, global perturbations in gene expression programs have been observed, with potential effects on proliferation and self-renewal.
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Introduction: Down syndrome is a congenital disorder caused by a total or partial trisomy of chromosome 21 and is considered the most common genetic cause of congenital malformations and intellectual disability. The objective of this study was to describe the cytogenetic alterations of patients with Down syndrome and their relationship with maternal age. Methods: Cross-sectional, descriptive-analytical study. 436 patients with Down syndrome admitted to the Instituto Nacional de Salud del Niño during the 2017-2019 period were included. The variables analyzed were: cytogenetic diagnosis and maternal age. Results: It was found that 99,3% (n=433) of patients presented some type of cytogenetic alteration and three patients presented a normal karyotype. The age of the patients at the time of sampling was between 0,03 and 17 years, the male/female ratio was 1.2:1. The most frequent cytogenetic alteration was free trisomy 21 (94,7%), followed by Robertsonian translocation (n=16) and mosaicism (n=6). In the case of maternal age, a median of 37 years was found (range: 13-47). Conclusions: Free trisomy 21 is the most common cytogenetic condition in Down syndrome; however, the Robertsonian translocation and mosaicisms were more frequent in patients whose mothers were les than 35 years old, suggesting that there are other risk factors than advanced maternal age in this group.
Background Common fetal aneuploidies include Down syndrome (trisomy 21 or T21), Edward syndrome (trisomy 18 or T18), Patau syndrome (trisomy 13 or T13), Turner syndrome (45,X), Klinefelter syndrome (47,XXY), Triple X syndrome (47,XXX) and 47,XYY syndrome (47,XYY). Prenatal screening for fetal aneuploidies is standard care in many countries, but current biochemical and ultrasound tests have high false negative and false positive rates. The discovery of fetal circulating cell-free DNA (ccfDNA) in maternal blood offers the potential for genomics-based non-invasive prenatal testing (gNIPT) as a more accurate screening method. Two approaches used for gNIPT are massively parallel shotgun sequencing (MPSS) and targeted massively parallel sequencing (TMPS). Objectives To evaluate and compare the diagnostic accuracy of MPSS and TMPS for gNIPT as a first-tier test in unselected populations of pregnant women undergoing aneuploidy screening or as a second-tier test in pregnant women considered to be high risk after first-tier screening for common fetal aneuploidies. The gNIPT results were confirmed by a reference standard such as fetal karyotype or neonatal clinical examination. Search methods We searched 13 databases (including MEDLINE, Embase and Web of Science) from 1 January 2007 to 12 July 2016 without any language, search filter or publication type restrictions. We also screened reference lists of relevant full-text articles, websites of private prenatal diagnosis companies and conference abstracts. Selection criteria Studies could include pregnant women of any age, ethnicity and gestational age with singleton or multifetal pregnancy. The women must have had a screening test for fetal aneuploidy by MPSS or TMPS and a reference standard such as fetal karyotype or medical records from birth. Data collection and analysis Two review authors independently carried out study selection, data extraction and quality assessment (using the QUADAS-2 tool). Where possible, hierarchical models or simpler alternatives were used for meta-analysis. Main results Sixty-five studies of 86,139 pregnant women (3141 aneuploids and 82,998 euploids) were included. No study was judged to be at low risk of bias across the four domains of the QUADAS-2 tool but applicability concerns were generally low. Of the 65 studies, 42 enrolled pregnant women at high risk, five recruited an unselected population and 18 recruited cohorts with a mix of prior risk of fetal aneuploidy. Among the 65 studies, 44 evaluated MPSS and 21 evaluated TMPS; of these, five studies also compared gNIPT with a traditional screening test (biochemical, ultrasound or both). Forty-six out of 65 studies (71%) reported gNIPT assay failure rate, which ranged between 0% and 25% for MPSS, and between 0.8% and 7.5% for TMPS. In the population of unselected pregnant women, MPSS was evaluated by only one study; the study assessed T21, T18 and T13. TMPS was assessed for T21 in four studies involving unselected cohorts; three of the studies also assessed T18 and 13. In pooled analyses (88 T21 cases, 22 T18 cases, eight T13 cases and 20,649 unaffected pregnancies (non T21, T18 and T13)), the clinical sensitivity (95% confidence interval (CI)) of TMPS was 99.2% (78.2% to 100%), 90.9% (70.0% to 97.7%) and 65.1% (9.16% to 97.2%) for T21, T18 and T13, respectively. The corresponding clinical specificity was above 99.9% for T21, T18 and T13. In high-risk populations, MPSS was assessed for T21, T18, T13 and 45,X in 30, 28, 20 and 12 studies, respectively. In pooled analyses (1048 T21 cases, 332 T18 cases, 128 T13 cases and 15,797 unaffected pregnancies), the clinical sensitivity (95% confidence interval (CI)) of MPSS was 99.7% (98.0% to 100%), 97.8% (92.5% to 99.4%), 95.8% (86.1% to 98.9%) and 91.7% (78.3% to 97.1%) for T21, T18, T13 and 45,X, respectively. The corresponding clinical specificities (95% CI) were 99.9% (99.8% to 100%), 99.9% (99.8% to 100%), 99.8% (99.8% to 99.9%) and 99.6% (98.9% to 99.8%). In this risk group, TMPS was assessed for T21, T18, T13 and 45,X in six, five, two and four studies. In pooled analyses (246 T21 cases, 112 T18 cases, 20 T13 cases and 4282 unaffected pregnancies), the clinical sensitivity (95% CI) of TMPS was 99.2% (96.8% to 99.8%), 98.2% (93.1% to 99.6%), 100% (83.9% to 100%) and 92.4% (84.1% to 96.5%) for T21, T18, T13 and 45,X respectively. The clinical specificities were above 100% for T21, T18 and T13 and 99.8% (98.3% to 100%) for 45,X. Indirect comparisons of MPSS and TMPS for T21, T18 and 45,X showed no statistical difference in clinical sensitivity, clinical specificity or both. Due to limited data, comparative meta-analysis of MPSS and TMPS was not possible for T13. We were unable to perform meta-analyses of gNIPT for 47,XXX, 47,XXY and 47,XYY because there were very few or no studies in one or more risk groups. Authors' conclusions These results show that MPSS and TMPS perform similarly in terms of clinical sensitivity and specificity for the detection of fetal T31, T18, T13 and sex chromosome aneuploidy (SCA). However, no study compared the two approaches head-to-head in the same cohort of patients. The accuracy of gNIPT as a prenatal screening test has been mainly evaluated as a second-tier screening test to identify pregnancies at very low risk of fetal aneuploidies (T21, T18 and T13), thus avoiding invasive procedures. Genomics-based non-invasive prenatal testing methods appear to be sensitive and highly specific for detection of fetal trisomies 21, 18 and 13 in high-risk populations. There is paucity of data on the accuracy of gNIPT as a first-tier aneuploidy screening test in a population of unselected pregnant women. With respect to the replacement of invasive tests, the performance of gNIPT observed in this review is not sufficient to replace current invasive diagnostic tests. We conclude that given the current data on the performance of gNIPT, invasive fetal karyotyping is still the required diagnostic approach to confirm the presence of a chromosomal abnormality prior to making irreversible decisions relative to the pregnancy outcome. However, most of the gNIPT studies were prone to bias, especially in terms of the selection of participants.
The autosomal trisomies, trisomy 21 (Down syndrome), trisomy 18 and trisomy 13, are among the most common birth defects seen in live-born children. All three conditions are associated with advanced maternal age. Prenatal serum screening programs in conjunction with high-resolution ultrasound detect increasing numbers of affected pregnancies so that families can make informed decisions. The prognosis for trisomies 18 and 13 remain poor for life and mental development. Families of affected children should receive supportive counseling and a realistic appraisal of the likely outcome. In general, cardiac surgery and other invasive procedures are not indicated for most children with these trisomies. In contrast, the outlook for live-born children with Down syndrome has continued to improve, particularly because of early repair of congenital heart disease, which is seen in nearly half these children. Chronologic surveillance of vision, hearing and endocrine function can further reduce morbidity. Children with Down syndrome have high incidences of chronic otitis media, sleep apnea and hypothyroidism, and regular screening is indicated. The risk for acute lympocytic leukemia (ALL) is 10–20% that of control children, accounting for 1–3% of all children with ALL. Problems of later life include obesity and Alzheimer dementia, which is seen in 50–70% of older adults. Despite these complications, the quality of life experienced by most individuals with Down syndrome is reasonably favorable given surveillance for known complications and a supportive environment.
This is the protocol for a review and there is no abstract. The objectives are as follows: To determine and compare the diagnostic accuracy of massively parallel shotgun sequencing (MPSS) and targeted massively parallel sequencing (TMPS) using plasma circulating cell-free DNA (ccfDNA) for the detection of common fetal aneuploidies in pregnant women. We will evaluate the screening performance of MPSS and TMPS as triage tests (a second tier test) for deciding which pregnant women (increased risk for fetal aneuploidy) should receive further testing after a first tier screening and before a diagnostic test. To assess the diagnostic performance of MPSS and TMPS as a first tier test in pregnant women with no a priori risk (i.e. in all pregnant women) as a replacement for other first tier tests. In addition, we will assess the diagnostic performance of MPSS and TMPS as a second tier test as a replacement for the diagnostic test. We also aim to investigate potential sources of heterogeneity that may influence the diagnostic accuracy of MPSS and TMPS such as gestational age at the time of blood collection and type of reference standard used.
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The clinical and cytogenetic findings associated with mosaicism for trisomy 21/Down syndrome are the focus of this review. The primary topics discussed in this overview of the extant literature include the history of this condition and its diagnosis, the incidence of mosaicism, the meiotic and/or mitotic chromosomal malsegregation events resulting in mosaicism, the observation of mosaicism in the parents of children with the non-mosaic form of Down syndrome, and the variation in phenotypic outcome for both constitutional and acquired traits present in people with mosaicism for trisomy 21/Down syndrome, including cognition, fertility, and overall phenotypic findings. Additional topics reviewed include the social conditions of people with mosaicism, as well as age-related and epigenetic alterations observed in people with mosaicism for trisomy 21/Down syndrome. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
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We have studied mosaicism (the co-existence of more than one cell line) by interphase fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) in 125 subjects suspected of having aneuploidy of chromosome 13, 18, 21 or X. All the cases of Edward syndrome, 70% of Turner syndrome cases and 19% of Down syndrome cases were found to be mosaics. It is speculated that mosaicism could be the mechanism of intrauterine and postnatal survival of trisomy 18 and Turner syndrome cases. Mechanisms other than mosaicism may also exist for the survival of Down syndrome cases.
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Knowledge of the complete genomic DNA sequence of an organism allows a systematic approach to defining its genetic components. The genomic sequence provides access to the complete structures of all genes, including those without known function, their control elements, and, by inference, the proteins they encode, as well as all other biologically important sequences. Furthermore, the sequence is a rich and permanent source of information for the design of further biological studies of the organism and for the study of evolution through cross-species sequence comparison. The power of this approach has been amply demonstrated by the determination of the sequences of a number of microbial and model organisms, The next step is to obtain the complete sequence of the entire human genome. Here we report the sequence of the euchromatic part of human chromosome 22. The sequence obtained consists of 12 contiguous segments spanning 33.4 megabases, contains at least 545 genes and 134 pseudogenes, and provides the first view of the complex chromosomal landscapes that will be found in the rest of the genome.
Erratum in Nature 2000 Apr 20;404(6780):904. Abstract Knowledge of the complete genomic DNA sequence of an organism allows a systematic approach to defining its genetic components. The genomic sequence provides access to the complete structures of all genes, including those without known function, their control elements, and, by inference, the proteins they encode, as well as all other biologically important sequences. Furthermore, the sequence is a rich and permanent source of information for the design of further biological studies of the organism and for the study of evolution through cross-species sequence comparison. The power of this approach has been amply demonstrated by the determination of the sequences of a number of microbial and model organisms. The next step is to obtain the complete sequence of the entire human genome. Here we report the sequence of the euchromatic part of human chromosome 22. The sequence obtained consists of 12 contiguous segments spanning 33.4 megabases, contains at least 545 genes and 134 pseudogenes, and provides the first view of the complex chromosomal landscapes that will be found in the rest of the genome. Comment in Tiny chromosome is rich in genes and medical promise. [Nature. 1999] The book of genes. [Nature. 1999] 'Finishing' success marks major genome sequencing researchers pounce on glut of data. [Nature. 1999] Do we need a huge new centre to annotate the human genome? [Nature. 2000] PMID: 10591208 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Although the manifestations of Down syndrome (DS) are well known, certain major birth defects such as duodenal atresia and endocardial cushion defects are present in some infants but not others, suggesting the possible role of other genetic or environmental factors interacting with the trisomy genotype. To explore the possible role of maternal factors in the presence of major defects among DS infants, we examined data from an epidemiologic study of DS conducted in metropolitan Atlanta. Of 219 DS infants born between 1968 and 1980, 50 had recorded cardiac defects, 9 had selected gastrointestinal atresias and 4 had oral clefts. We evaluated the association of these defects with several maternal factors including age, race, first trimester cigarette smoking, alcohol use, and fever. We found that different maternal factors were associated with several defects: (1) mother's race with cardiac defects (40% in blacks vs. 17% in whites, P less than 0.01), (2) mother's age with oral clefts (6% for less than 25 years, 1% for 25-34, and 0% for greater than 34, P less than 0.05), and (3) maternal first trimester fever with gastrointestinal defects (15% in infants with history of fever and 3% in infants without a history of fever, P less than 0.01). We also observed an inverse relationship between maternal alcohol use and the presence of ventricular septal defect. These findings suggest that maternal risk factors may influence the clinical manifestations of DS. In addition to searching for a genetic basis for the DS phenotype, we suggest that the role of environmental factors and maternal exposures be specifically explored in clarifying the genesis of various birth defects in Down syndrome.
Cytogenetic analysis of 14 placentas from live newborn infants or from terminated pregnancies with trisomies 13 and 18 revealed that all were mosaic. The mosaicism was confined to the cytotrophoblast and not detected in villous stroma, chorionic plate, or amnion. The percentage of cells with a normal karyotype varied from 12% to 100%, the average being 70%. No such confined mosaicism could be detected in 12 placentas of trisomy 21 fetuses. These findings suggest that a postzygotic loss of a trisomic chromosome in a progenitor cell of trophectoderm facilitates the intrauterine survival of trisomy-13 and -18 conceptuses. They also imply that it is placental function which determines the intrauterine survival and that the mother plays no active role in rejection of trisomic conceptions. The combination of both a pre- and post-zygotic cell division defect in viable trisomy-13 and -18 conceptions points to the possibility of a genetic predisposition to such events. The detection of only a diploid cell line in the cytotrophoblast of some pregnancies with trisomies 13 and 18 also suggests that direct preparation is unreliable for prenatal diagnosis of these trisomies on chorionic villi sampling and that long-term villous culture should be used.
The proportions of chromosomal genotypes associated with the Turner syndrome genotype (excluding those with a Y chromosome) in embryonic and fetal deaths, in fetuses diagnosed prenatally, and in living individuals were reviewed. The ratio of apparent non-mosaic 45,X to 45,X/46,XX mosaics was notably higher in a New York City series of embryonic and fetal deaths, 13.5 to 1, than in living individuals reported to the New York State Chromosome Registry, 3.6 to 1. The ratios of 45,X cases to those with 46,Xi(Xq) was 5.7 to 1 in living individuals, but was 112 to 0 in embryonic and fetal deaths, an even greater disparity, indicating the marked fetoprotective effect of more than one dose of some locus or loci on the long arm of the X chromosome. The results of review of data pertinent to the livebirth prevalence of the (apparent non-mosaic) 45,X genotype suggest a rate of about 5.7 per 100,000 livebirths (11.8 per 100,000 females) with 95% confidence limits of 2.6 per 100,000 to 10.8 per 100,000. The rate in fetuses diagnosed prenatally is 8/27,202, about 30 per 100,000. As a large proportion of these, perhaps 75%, would undergo spontaneous fetal death if not terminated electively, these figures are consistent with the direct estimate of livebirth rates. The rate of all those with X chromosome abnormalities (with a Y chromosome) associated with signs or symptoms that eventually lead to referral for cytogenetic study was estimated at a minimum of 10.7 per 100,000 livebirths, (22.2 per 100,000 females).
We previously observed low level mosaicism (2-4% normal cells) in phytohemagglutinin-stimulated peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) in 29% of a small group of elderly persons with Down syndrome (DS). An analysis of cytogenetic data on 154 trisomy 21 cases (age 1 day to 68 years) showed that the proportion of diploid cells in such cultures significantly increased (P < 0.005) with advancing age. Thus, the "occult" mosaicism in PBL of the elderly persons with DS is likely due to the accumulation of cells that have lost a chromosome 21. A consequence of chromosome 21 loss could be uniparental disomy of the 2n cells, a factor that might have significant biological consequences if some chromosome 21 genes are imprinted. Loss of a chromosome 21 from trisomic cells might result in tissue-specific mosaicism and "classical" mosaicism in different age groups. Chromosome 21 loss might also be relevant to the development of Alzheimer-type dementia in DS and in the general population.