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Bad Boy Geographer: A Memoir



A candid take on my "career" as an academic, with a good deal of attention to my time at the University of Texas at Austin and the attempt to fire me.
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... So at the risk of letting moralizing and hungry hound dogs of both sexes out of their constricting cages, I'm sending along, as a separate attachment ("Colombia [1969-71]"), what I was up to as a Syracuse Ph.D. in highland Colombia many years before you ventured forth. 18 Too, since I've taken you and Dydia and others to task for lousy writing, here's a chance for you and others to take a good whack at me for my writing skills, or lack thereof. These are savvy articles with a lot of good advice, and they ought to be copied and stapled together and be required reading for all geography graduate students. ...
What is Systems Analysis?" The Professional Geographer
  • One
One was: "What is Systems Analysis?" The Professional Geographer, 20 (1968), 81
Another small piece that I wrote alone wasSystems Theory, Systems Analysis and Education of the Geographer
Another small piece that I wrote alone was: "Systems Theory, Systems Analysis and Education of the Geographer," Proceedings, New York-New Jersey Division, Association of American Geographers, 1 (1968), 65-73.
Here's to a Martini in Your Shoe footnote 7; Famous Geographers in Need of Schooling, footnote 1; and Korski, Irreverent Essays on Geographers, EstrildaGeography and Natural Selection-Revisited
xix See Geography Inside Out, footnote 7; Here's to a Martini in Your Shoe," footnote 7; Famous Geographers in Need of Schooling, footnote 1; and Korski, Irreverent Essays on Geographers, Estrilda, 2007. xx "Geography and Natural Selection-Revisited," Syracuse Department of Geography Discussion Paper Series, No. 25 (1976), 38 pp. This paper was subsequently critiqued by Rodrique, Agnew, Lewontin, Ghiselin; de Laubenfels, Mazur, Vita-Finzi, and Young, ed. by D. Robinson, "Comments on Geography and Natural Selection-Revisited," No. 26 (1977), 58 pp.
xxii See my essays on Sauer's scholarshipCoconuts on a Lava Flow in the Chiricahua Mountains
xxii See my essays on Sauer's scholarship, "Coconuts on a Lava Flow in the Chiricahua Mountains," Geography Inside Out, Syracuse University, 2002, 103-114;