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Macroclinium Chasei (Orchidaceae, Oncidiinae): A new record for Brazil


Abstract and Figures

We present a new record for Brazil, Macroclinium chasei, until now known only from Bolivia and Peru. A description, illustration and photographs are presented, together with data of geographic distribution, and taxonomical and ecological comments.Resumo: É apresentado o registro de Macroclinium chasei para o Brasil, conhecida até o momento apenas para a Bolívia e Perú. São fornecidas a descrição, ilustração, prancha fotográ ca, além de dados de distribuição geográ ca, comentários taxonômicos e ecológicos da espécie.
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LANKESTERIANA 17(3): 369–373. 2017.
Mathias E. EngEls1,3 & liliEn C. FErnEda roCha2
1 Assessoria Técnica Ambiental Ltda., Rua Marechal José Bernardino Bormann, 821, Batel,
Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil, 80730-350
2 Juris Ambientis Consultores S S Ltda., Curitiba, Brazil
3 Author for correspondence:
abstraCt. We present a new record for Brazil, Macroclinium chasei, until now known only from Bolivia and
Peru. A description, illustration and photographs are presented, together with data of geographic distribution,
and taxonomical and ecological comments.
rEsuMo. É apresentado o registro de Macroclinium chasei para o Brasil, conhecida até o momento apenas para
a Bolívia e Perú. São fornecidas a descrição, ilustração, prancha fotográca, além de dados de distribuição
geográca, comentários taxonômicos e ecológicos da espécie.
KEy words / Palavras ChavE: Amazon, Amazônia, Macroclinium, Mato Grosso, Oncidiinae, Rio Teles Pires
Introdution. The neotropical genus Macroclinium
Barb.Rodr. is constituted by 44 species (Govaerts
2016), found from Mexico to Bolivia and Brazil
(Pupulin 1997). Six species had been previously
recorded from Brazil: Macroclinium brasiliense
(Pabst) Dodson, M. mirabile (C.Schweinf.) Dodson,
M. paraense Campacci & da Silva, M. roseum Barb.
Rodr., M. saraca-taquerense Campacci & da Siva,
and M. wullschlaegelianum (Focke) Dodson. The
species are distributed in the states of Amazonas,
Goiás, Maranhão, Pará, Rio de Janeiro, Rondônia,
Roraima, Tocantins and in Distrito Federal (BFG 2015,
Campacci et al. 2015).
During the ora rescue at the Hydroeletric Power
Plant of Colíder (Mato Grosso State), material of
Macroclinium chasei Dodson & Benn. was collected,
corresponding to a new record for Brazil. The species
is here presented with a description, illustration,
photographs, as well as taxonomical and ecological
taxonoMiC trEatMEnt
Macroclinium chasei Dodson & D.E.Benn., Icon. Pl.
Trop., ser. 2, 1: t. 98 (1989).
TYPE: Peru. Huanuco: Leôncio Prado, 5–7 Km
towards La Divisoria from Tingo Maria, 850 m,
20.VII.1987, L. Moore ex D. Bennett & M. Chase 4092
(holotype MO, illustration!).
Epiphytic herbs. Roots ca. 0.5 mm thick, terete,
whitish. Stem compact, pseudobulbs absent. Leaves
alternate and imbricate, 4–6 by sympodium, 0.7–1.4
× 0.4–0.5 cm, laterally compressed, falcate, slightly
fleshy, apex acute to obtuse, green, with reticulate,
brownish and thick ribs. Inorescence axillar, bi-
flowered, at beginning simple, becoming composed
with the production of new secundary inflorescences;
main peduncle 15–33 mm long, 0.25 mm thick, terete,
brown to greenish; secundary peduncle 2–3 mm long,
0.25 mm thick, terete, brown to greenish. Flowers
resupinates. Ovary and pedicel ca. 4 mm long, 0.3
mm in diameter, terete, pale green. Dorsal sepal ca.
4 × 2 mm, elliptic to elliptic-oblanceolate, obtuse to
acute, white. Lateral sepals ca. 5.0 × 2.0–2.5 mm,
lanceolate-ovate, obtuse, white. Petals ca. 4 × 1 mm,
narrowly elliptic, acute, white with purple-pink dots.
Lip 5.0–6.0 × 1.5–2.0 mm, unguiculate, white to
white slightly pink; claw adaxially sub-canaliculate;
blade elliptic to elliptic-oblanceolate, acute to obtuse,
the margin sometimes slightly ondulate. Column
ca. 1.5 mm long, clinandrium minutely denticulate,
Received 4 March 2017; accepted for publication 1 July 2017. First published online: 18 September 2017.
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Costa Rica License
LANKESTERIANA 17(3). 2017. © Universidad de Costa Rica, 2017.
white with base purple-pink. Anther ca. 0.6 mm long,
dorsixed, subovate, with two globoses protuberances
at the base, these with inconspicuously alveolate
surface, apex minutely denticulate, white with base
purple-pink. Pollinia 2, ca. 0.3 mm, ovate, laterally
flattened, yellow; stipe ca. 1 mm long, subspathulate,
translucid-white; viscidium ca. 0.1 mm long, rounded,
white-brownish. Fruits and seeds not seen.
FigurE 1. Macroclinium chasei. A. Habit. B. Section of leaf. C. Detail of texture of the leaf. D. Perianth flattened. E. Lip
flattened. F. Column with anther. G. Pollinarium. H. Pollinia in lateral view. Illustration by M.E.Engels based on Engels
& Bezerra 4773, MBM.
ExaMinEd MatErial. Brazil. Mato Grosso: Itaúba, Flora
rescue from UHE Colíder, fl., 21 July 2016, M.E.
Engels & A.S. Bezerra 4773 (MBM, RB, TANG –
spirit collection). Fig. 1–3.
Macroclinium chasei occurs in Bolivia, Peru
(Bennet & Christenson 1994, Pupulin 1997, Carnevali
& Cetzal-Ix 2012, Govaerts 2016) and Brazil, in the
Mato Grosso State (Fig. 3). This material correspond
FigurE 2. Macroclinium chasei. Habit and flowers (Engels & Bezerra 4773, MBM). Photographs by M.E. Engels.
LANKESTERIANA 17(3). 2017. © Universidad de Costa Rica, 2017.
EngEls & FErnEda roChaMacroclinium chasei in Brazil 371
to the rst record of the species in Brazil. It was
found as an epiphyte of thin branches in the canopy
in the paludose forest (Stational Forest Always Green
Aluvial) crossed by a tributary stream of the Teles
Pires river, in southern Amazonia. Flowering occurs
from July to October.
We believe that this species may occur in other
areas of the Brazilian southern Amazonian that
share the same ecological and phytophysiognomics
conditions. According to Miranda and Menini Neto
(2010) several orchids are seldom collected because
they are rare, occur in places with difcult access (in
this case, trees canopy) and are not easily seen during
collect expeditions due to their small size. This facts
may explain the lack of records of Macroclinium
chasei in Brazil until now.
Macroclinium chasei belongs to M. sect. Hirtzae
Dodson & Pupulin, a group characterized by plants
without pseudobulbs, non-articulated leaves, bi-
flowered inflorescences, column with thickened apex,
dorsal anther, opercule xed at base of clinandrium,
and discoid and flat pollinia (Pupulin 2001). In addition
to M. chasei, other species belonging to this section
are M. biorum Bennet & Christenson, M. brasiliense,
M. dentiferum Thiv, M. hirtzii Dodson, M. mirabile,
M. paraense and M. saraca-taquerense. Besides M.
chasei, other four species of M. sect. Hirtzae occur
in Brazil: M. brasiliense, M. mirabile, M. paraense
and M. saraca-taquerense. It differs from these by
the entire lip, acute to obtuse apex, without callous
and by the apex of the clinandrium and anter minutely
The leaf surface of M. chasei presents thick and
brown reticulations over the green blade (Dodson
& Bennet 1989), a texture that is more evident in
individuals living in places with higher exposition to
the sun light.
ConsErvation data dEFiCiEnt (dd): known only from
one collect in Brazil, lack of additional individuals
from the site and neighboring regions (IUCN 2010).
aCKnowlEdgMEnts. We thank to Companhia Paranaense
de Energia (COPEL) for allow and encourage the publication
of the data of this work. Consórcio CIA Ambiental and staff
are warmly acknowledged. We also thank Carla A. Royer
for her help with the bibliography.
litEraturE CitEd
Bennet, D. B. & Christenson, E. A. (1994). New species and
new combinations in Peruvian Orchidaceae. Brittonia,
46(1), 24–53.
BFG (The Brazil Flora Group). (2015). Growing
knowledge: an overview of seed plants diversity in
Brazil. Rodriguésia, 66(4),1085–1113.
Campacci, M. A., Bohnke, E., Carr Jr, G. F., Silva, J. B. F. &
Harding, P. A. (2015). Coletânea de orquídeas brasileira
– Novas espécies. Coletânea de orquídeas brasileira,
11, 405–442.
Carnevali, G. & Cetzal-Ix, W. (2012). A new species of
Macroclinium (Orchidaceae: Oncidiinae) from Andean
Venezuela with brief comments on the biogeography ot
the genus. Phytotaxa, 40, 12–20.
Dodson, C. H. & Bennett, D. E. (1989). Orchids of Peru.
Icones Plantarum Tropicarum, series 2, fascicle 1.
Plates 0001–0100. St. Louis, Missouri: Missouri
Botanical Garden Press.
Govaerts, R. (2016). World Checklist of Selected Plant
Families. Facilitated by the Royal Botanic Gardens,
Kew. Recovered from
[Accessed: 30 September 2016].
IUCN. (2010). Standards and Petitions Working Group.
Guidelines for Using the IUCN Red List Categories and
Criteria. Versao 8.1. Recovered fromles/
doc/SSC/RedList/RedListGuidelines.pdf [Accessed: 30
September 2016].
Miranda, M. R. & Menini Neto, L. (2010). Redescoberta de
FigurE 3. Distribution map of Macroclinium chasei. Circle:
previous records. Asterisk: current record.
LANKESTERIANA 17(3). 2017. © Universidad de Costa Rica, 2017.
Centroglossa macroceras Barb. Rodr. e Thysanoglossa
jordanensis Porto & Brade (Orchidaceae), duas micro-
orquídeas consideradas presumivelmente extintas no
Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Hoehnea, 37(2), 403–405.
Pupulin, F. (1997). Una sinossi del genere Macroclinium
(Orchidaceae: Oncidiinae). Caesiana, 9, 1–20.
Pupulin, F. (2001). Miscellaneous new taxa in Neotropical
Orchidaceae. Selbyana, 22(1), 14–26.
LANKESTERIANA 17(3). 2017. © Universidad de Costa Rica, 2017.
EngEls & FErnEda roChaMacroclinium chasei in Brazil 373
LANKESTERIANA 17(3). 2017. © Universidad de Costa Rica, 2017.
Mormodes matogrossensis, a new epiphytic orchid species is described and illustrated from the Floresta Estacional Sempre Verde along the Teles Pires River in southern Brazilian Amazon. This species belongs to M. sect. Mormodes and is similar to M. vinacea and M. paraënsis but differs by the lip lanceolate-trullate with basal lateral lobes, which are rounded and inconspicuously obtuse. We provided description, taxonomic and ecological comments, state of conservation, geographic distribution map, illustrations of the new species.
Full-text available
Nos últimos anos as revisões taxonômicas e floras locais envolvendo Clusiaceae têm feito avançar exponencialmente o conhecimento taxonômico do grupo. Como resultado disso, recentes descobertas vêm sendo feitas, como a publicação de novas espécies e a ampliação na distribuição de táxons. Aqui, nós fornecemos as primeiras fotos em campo das flores e frutos, bem como a primeira descrição das flores estaminadas de Tovomita calophyllophylla García-Villacorta & Hammel. Ainda, nós estendemos a distribuição geográfica dessa espécie para a região Centro-Oeste do Brasil. São fornecidos descrição, comentários sobre a distribuição e taxonomia, e chave de identificação para as espécies de Tovomita ocorrentes na região Centro-Oeste.
This study provides new records of Macroclinium roseum, a species originally described from the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro, and which appears to be endemic to the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. The new records expand the documented distribution of the genus in the Atlantic Forest to the states of Espírito Santo and Alagoas. Previous reports of the species from the Amazon appear to have been made in error. The collections from Espírito Santo and Alagoas, made in 2005 and 2017, respectively, are the first collections of M. roseum since its description in 1882. An updated description and distribution map for the species are provided, along with photographs, assessment of the species’ conservation status, and a key for the identification of the Brazilian species of Macroclinium. A lectotype and epitype are designated for M. roseum.
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The rediscovery of Centroglossa macroceras and Thysanoglossa jordanensis in São Paulo State is reported. The two species were cited in the list of threatened flora species in São Paulo State in Presumably Extinct category, due to the lack of collections in state during the last 50 years. Both species were rediscovered in municipality of São José dos Campos, district of São Francisco Xavier, in Mantiqueira Range. After this rediscovery, these species must be considered as Critically Endangered, due to their restricted occurrence and low number of observed specimens. Centroglossa macroceras is also lectotipified.
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A new species of Macroclinium (Orchidaceae, Oncidiinae) is described and illustrated from the Venezuelan Andes. Macroclinium larense is related to M. borjaense but is readily diagnosed by its wider isthmus, which is about as long as broad whereas it is conspicuously narrower in M. borjaense; furthermore, sizes and proportions of other floral organs are also different. The new species is only known from the Yacambú National Park in Lara state. An identification key and a distribution map of the species of Macroclinium present in Venezuela are provided. Finally, a brief biogeographical consideration of the genus is presented.
Four new orchid species are described and illustrated: Macroclinium exiguum Pupulin, Ma croclinium montis-narae Pupulin, Prosthechea joaquingarciana Pupulin, and Prosthechea neglecta Pupulin. Trichocentrum pfavii subsp. dotae Pupulin also is described and illustrated. Macroclinium sections Aduncae Pupulin and Hirtzae Dodson & Pupulin, and Macroclinium sect. Macroclinium subsections Dalessandrae Dodson & Pupulin and Bicolores Dodson & Pupulin are described. Trichocentrum sect. Lobulatae Pupulin is proposed to include Mesoamerican taxa with erect lobes at the base of the lip.
seventeen new species and combinations are proposed in the generaChondrorhyncha, Cischweinfia, Cochlioda, Eloyella, Encyclia, Kefersteinia, Koellensteinia, Macroclinium, Rodriguezia, Solenidiopsis, andStenia. All new species are illustrated. A key is provided for 2-flowered species ofMacroclinium, PeruvianSigmatostalix, and PeruvianStenia. Solenidium (Solenidiopsis) peruvianum Schltr. is lectotypified.
Growing knowledge: an overview of seed plants diversity in Brazil
BFG (The Brazil Flora Group). (2015). Growing knowledge: an overview of seed plants diversity in Brazil. Rodriguésia, 66(4),1085-1113.
Coletânea de orquídeas brasileira - Novas espécies
  • M. A. Campacci
  • E. Bohnke
  • G. F. Carr Jr
  • J. B. F. Silva
  • P. A Harding
Campacci, M. A., Bohnke, E., Carr Jr, G. F., Silva, J. B. F. & Harding, P. A. (2015). Coletânea de orquídeas brasileira-Novas espécies. Coletânea de orquídeas brasileira, 11, 405-442.
Orchids of Peru. Icones Plantarum Tropicarum, series 2, fascicle 1. Plates 0001-0100
  • C H Dodson
  • D E Bennett
Dodson, C. H. & Bennett, D. E. (1989). Orchids of Peru. Icones Plantarum Tropicarum, series 2, fascicle 1. Plates 0001-0100. St. Louis, Missouri: Missouri Botanical Garden Press.
World Checklist of Selected Plant Families. Facilitated by the Royal Botanic Gardens
  • R Govaerts
Govaerts, R. (2016). World Checklist of Selected Plant Families. Facilitated by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Recovered from [Accessed: 30 September 2016].
Redescoberta de FigurE 3. Distribution map of Macroclinium chasei. Circle: previous records
  • M R Miranda
  • L Neto
Miranda, M. R. & Menini Neto, L. (2010). Redescoberta de FigurE 3. Distribution map of Macroclinium chasei. Circle: previous records. Asterisk: current record.
Centroglossa macroceras Barb. Rodr. e Thysanoglossa jordanensis Porto & Brade (Orchidaceae), duas microorquídeas consideradas presumivelmente extintas no Estado de São Paulo
LANKESTERIANA 17(3). 2017. © Universidad de Costa Rica, 2017. Centroglossa macroceras Barb. Rodr. e Thysanoglossa jordanensis Porto & Brade (Orchidaceae), duas microorquídeas consideradas presumivelmente extintas no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Hoehnea, 37(2), 403-405.