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The denning behaviour of dingoes (Canis dingo) living in a human-modified environment


Abstract and Figures

Little is known about reproduction and den site selection by free-ranging dingoes. We present observations of den sites used by dingoes inhabiting a large-scale mining operation located in the Great Sandy Desert, Western Australia. We observed 24 dens concentrated within a 1-km radius. Den sites were generally situated in elevated positions overlooking the surrounding area, were a short distance from food and water resources, required vegetation (particularly spinifex grass) to provide a firm foundation and stable ceiling in the soft sand, and had single den openings that faced away from the rising and daytime sun. Distance to human structures or activity did not appear to influence site selection. Four of the dens were active, containing a total of 37 pups aged between two and four weeks of age. One den contained 18 pups of different ages, indicating that communal denning was also occurring. The high number of breeding females within close proximity suggests that multiple family groups are able to share resources and live in close proximity. Our findings highlight the importance of human-modified areas and abundance of resources in the reproduction and breeding site selection of dingoes.
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The denning behaviour of dingoes (Canis dingo) living
in a human-modied environment
Bradley Smith
and Anne-Louise Vague
School of Human Health and Social Sciences, CQUniversity Australia, Building 32/2.27,
Bruce Highway, North Rockhampton, Qld 4702, Australia.
Newcrest Mining Limited, Telfer Environment, 234 Railway Parade, West Leederville, WA 6007, Australia.
Corresponding author. Email:
Abstract. Little is known about reproduction and den site selection by free-ranging dingoes. We present observations
of den sites used by dingoes inhabiting a large-scale mining operation located in the Great Sandy Desert, Western Australia.
We observed 24 dens concentrated within a 1-km radius. Den sites were generally situated in elevated positions overlooking
the surrounding area, were a short distance from food and water resources, required vegetation (particularly spinifex grass)
to provide a rm foundation and stable ceiling in the soft sand, and had single den openings that faced away from the rising
and daytime sun. Distance to human structures or activity did not appear to inuence site selection. Four of the dens were
active, containing a total of 37 pups aged between two and four weeks of age. One den contained 18 pups of different ages,
indicating that communal denning was also occurring. The high number of breeding females within close proximity
suggests that multiple family groups are able to share resources and live in close proximity. Our ndings highlight the
importance of human-modied areas and abundance of resources in the reproduction and breeding site selection of dingoes.
Additional keywords: breeding, Canis lupus, den site, dingo, reproduction, wild dog.
Received 29 February 2016, accepted 18 August 2016, published online 27 September 2016
For wild canids, selection of den sites, and the activities that occur
at den sites is directly related to the reproductive success of the
pack (Fuller et al. 2003; Benson et al. 2015). For grey wolf pups
(Canis lupus), where mortality is highest in the rst six months of
life (Harrington and Mech 1982; Benson et al. 2013), adaptive
selection of den sites should maximise the ability of the pack to
efciently provision the breeding female and her pups, as well as
provide safety from predators and other threats (Benson et al.
2015). Knowledge of den selection and characteristics can benet
conservation and management by providing insight into the
relationship between environmental conditions and population
dynamics. Although our understanding of grey wolf reproductive
and denning behaviours is quite comprehensive (Mech 1970),
reports directly relating to such denning behaviours in the dingo
(Canis dingo), a wild canid endemic to Australia (Smith 2015)
are scant, with the exception of ad hoc observations by
Thomson (1992a), Corbett and Newsome (1975), Harden (1981),
and Breckwoldt (1988).
Like grey wolves, male and female dingoes can exhibit long-
term pair bonding, maintain and defend a shared territory,
cooperatively care for young, and reproduce seasonally (Corbett
and Newsome 1975; Thomson 1992a, 1992b, 1992c; Corbett
2001; Lord et al. 2013; Smith 2015). Dingo pups are generally
born in dens in the winter months (June to August), which
coincides with periods that are optimal for rearing young (Smith
2015). The average litter size is 45 pups, with a possible range
of 110 (Corbett and Newsome 1975; Jones and Stevens 1988;
Catling et al. 1992; Corbett 2001; Allen et al. 2015; Smith 2015).
Most dingoes do not become sexually mature until their
second year, although in captivity, and/or areas where resources
are abundant, it can occur earlier (Catling 1979; Catling et al.
1992; Corbett 2001; Smith 2015). It is generally believed that
only one dingo bitch has pups per territory (Smith 2015);
however, this is not always the case. On Fraser Island, for
instance, multiple litters and multiple lactating females have been
observed in the same pack area or territory (Allen et al. 2015).
In many respects, dingoeschoice of den site mirrors that of
wolves (Mech 1970; Kowalewski 2009). Dingo dens have been
found in hollow logs, enlarged rabbit warrens and rock shelters,
under large tussocks of spinifex and at the bases of large trees
(Thomson 1992a;Corbett 2001). The most comprehensive
study relating to dingo den selection was conducted by Thomson
(1992a), who reported observations of 21 natal dens and pup
rearing in wild dingos around Fortescue River, Western Australia,
between 1975 and 1984. In this region, dingoes appeared
selective in their choice of sites, showing preference for
elevated sites (that often commanded extensive views of lower
approaches), proximity to water (within 2.5 km, but most within
0.5 km), and den openings oriented away from the north to limit
Journal compilation ÓAustralian Mammal Society 2016
Australian Mammalogy
the excessive heat from the sun. Dens were found in everything
from rock piles, ledges and outcrops, shallow hollows underneath
a large tussock of spinifex, hollow logs, and an enlarged burrow
of the large sand monitor (Varanus gouldii). In hilly areas,
dingoes appeared to prefer to create tunnels that had multiple
smaller cavities, or tunnels leading from the main chamber that
extended for several metres. The main chambers generally
opened directly to the outside, with some having multiple
entrances. Although the size of the entrances differed, most were
large enough to allow a human to crawl inside.
The availability of resources, such as food and water, are key
drivers of dingo distribution and behaviour (Smith 2015).
Anthropogenic activity such as tourism (e.g. at locations such as
Fraser Island, and Uluru: Allen et al. 2015; Behrendorff et al.
2016), periurban areas (Allen et al. 2016), and mining operations
(Newsome et al. 2013a) that occur within natural dingo home
ranges often provide supplementary resources that can inuence
dingo distribution and behaviour, and lead to negative
humandingo interactions or conict (Lawrance and
Higginbottom 2003; Appleby 2015). Newsome et al. (2013a),
for example, discovered that average group sizes, genetic
diversity, and diet in a population of dingoes living around two
mines in the Tanami Desert, Northern Territory, were greater in
areas with abundant focal food sources around the mine sites,
compared with those in more distant areas. This provided support
for the notion that resource richness favours larger group size,
consistent with the Resource Dispersion Hypothesis (Macdonald
1983). Although the ndings from the report by Newsome
et al. (2013a, 2013b, 2014) reinforce the notion that access
to anthropogenic resources alters the social structure and
movements, the impacts of extreme resource concentration on
dingo reproductive behaviour such as the selection and density
of natal dens remains uncertain.
In a rst step to rectifying this, we provide an account of the
denning behaviour of dingoes living in a human-modied
environment (a mining operation). Such information is pertinent
to gaining a greater understanding of the species, and to
monitoring and managing dingo populations.
Materials and methods
Study area
Newcrest Mining Limiteds Telfer Copper and Gold Mine
(Telfer) is located in the Great Sandy Desert, Western Australia
(21.71S, 122.23E). The annual mean temperature is 34.1C
(highest monthly mean of 37.4C, and lowest monthly mean of
30.1C). In June and July (winter/dry season), during the height
of the whelping season, the mean temperature is 25.3C
(highest monthly mean of 27.9C, lowest monthly mean of
23.4C). During December and January (summer/wet season),
the mean temperature is 40.4C (highest monthly mean of
43.5C, lowest monthly mean of 36.4C). Average annual
rainfall is 30.4 mm, with the average during June and July
being 13.2 mm, and the average during December and January
being 49.9 mm (Telfer Aero, site 013030, based on data from
19742015: Australian Bureau of Meteorology 2016).
Telfer Mine comprises open pit and underground operations
and there are ~800 employees and contractors that operate on a
y-in-y-outbasis (typical shift rotation involves eight days
on site, six days off site). The site operates 24 h per day, seven days
per week (with day- and night-shift rosters). Mine infrastructure
includes water storage ponds, water pipelines, sewerage treatment
plant, power station, administration buildings and work sheds
throughout the site, underground mine, two open pits, large piles
of waste rock, topsoil storage areas, and a landll (where all
waste products are disposed, including all food waste). Facilities
at the village include an aireld, administration buildings, dining
hall and kitchen, BBQ cooking facilities, accommodation
rooms, and sporting facilities (swimming pool, golf range, tennis
courts). The mine site area covers 4910 ha. The closest human
settlement to Telfer is an Indigenous community located
~100 km away.
Dingo population
The main habitats in this region of the Great Sandy Desert are
sand plains, stony hills, linear sand dunes and swales, and isolated
clay pans. The region includes a wide variety of vertebrate fauna,
the following having been veried through analysis of dingo scats
collected on site (Smith, unpubl. data): reptiles (e.g. Scincidae,
Varanidae, Elapidae), birds (e.g. Dromaius novaehollandiae);
feral mammals such as camel (Camelus dromedarius), cat (Felis
catus), fox (Vulpes vulpes), and small marsupials and rodents (e.g.
Pseudomys hermannsburgensis,Zyzomys argurus,Dasykaluta
rosamondae). A comprehensive and current estimate of the
dingo population has yet to be conducted, although we estimate
that the population during the 2015 whelping season was ~120
individuals across the mine footprint (excluding the pups born in
2015). Population estimates were determined through observing
and subsequent counting of dingoes by the authors at various
locations around the mine site over a period of 18 days (nine days
in July and nine days in December 2015), and based on the
outcomes of a cull conducted in February 2016. Genetic testing
of a random sample of the resident dingo population (n= 44,
conducted by Zoological Genetics in 2015) indicates that the
population has a high level of genetic purity (average = 92.6%,
range = 8299%). Historically, dingo numbers had been managed
by culling onsite when there were families and domestic pets in
the town. Since the Telfer expansion in 2004 the focus has
been on minimising interaction between dingoes and humans,
minimising dingo access to food (e.g. education of staff, fencing
eating areas, locking bins), and ad hoc culling programs.
Den sites
Dens (active and inactive) were visited over a 5-day period in
July 2015. Searches on foot were conducted in and around the
immediate vicinity of the mine site to identify areas of high dingo
activity. A total of 19 search areas (of various sizes) were selected
(Fig. 1) according to recent and past observation of dingo activity
identied by mine staff. High dingo activity was determined
according to the presence of footprints/tracks in the sand,
trampled vegetation, and scats. Six areas showed no activity, four
showed limited or old activity, six showed high activity but were
considered unlikely to contain a den site (e.g. transit areas), and
three areas showed high levels of recent activity and were
considered likely to contain a den site A detailed transect was
conducted of these areas, and were subsequently labelled Area A
(10.98 ha), Area B (22.06 ha) and Area C (13.91 ha) (Fig. 1).
BAustralian Mammalogy B. Smith and A.-L. Vague
The outside of the dens were photographed before the area
was disturbed by the researchers, and the location recorded using
a hand-held GPS device (Garmin eTrex H, Garmin International
Inc., KS, USA). A bearing (Garmin eTrex H) from the main
entrance was taken, as well as photographs of inside the den. The
width and depth of main chamber was measured using a 5-m
retractable steel tape measure. Lastly, we noted the position of
the den opening according to its position in the landscape (e.g.
ground level, or position on a mound), species of vegetation
surrounding the den, and whether any canopy was present.
The distances from the den to fresh water, roads, buildings, and
rubbish tip were measured using ArcGIS software after den
GPS positions were entered into the software. If pups were
present, they were counted during examination of the den, or by
observing the pups outside the den. This method enabled
complete counts to be made. Age was estimated according
to physical characteristics (size and open/closed eyes) and
behavioural development (the ability to walk, and the dexterity of
Fig. 1. (a) An aerial view of the mine site. Areas highlighted green indicate no dingo activity, blue indicates
old/limited dingo activity, yellow indicates high activity but unlikely to contain a den site, and red indicates
high levels of activity and considered likely to contain a den site. (b) Location of dingo natal dens in relation to
roads, water source, landll, and mining operations. Area A, topsoil storage area (Dens 116); Area B, topsoil
storage area and natural bushland (Dens 1723); and Area C, the landll (Den 24). Green dots indicate active
dens, and red dots inactive dens.
Dingo den site selection Australian Mammalogy C
movement) using comparative data from studies of dingoes
(Smith 2015).
No more than 10 min was spent at each den site, and care was
taken to minimise the disturbance to the den and to the pups (i.e.
they were not handled). No adult dingoes were present, but
two were nearby and ed on approach. Despite this, out of the
four active dingo den sites visited, only two litters remained in the
den on the following days. Such a response by dingoes was
also observed by Thomson (1992a). It is therefore important
when studying den sites to realise that, like other canids (e.g.
grey wolves: Mech 1970; Kowalewski 2009; Person and Russell
2009), dingoes are sensitive to human encroachment.
Den characteristics
We located 24 den sites across three sites within the mine (Fig. 1).
Most of the dens were located in topsoil storage areas (79%,
n= 19). Prior to any land clearing (e.g. mining, roads and waste
dumps), the topsoil of the disturbance area is collected (by
stripping with a loader) to a depth of 250 mm. This topsoil is
relocated to the closest topsoil storage area for future progressive
rehabilitation works. Topsoil is paddock dumpedinto mounds
that do not exceed 3 m in height. These mounds provided the
ideal location for dingo natal dens. The remainder were located
in natural/undisturbed bushland (17%, n= 4), and one was
located in the landll (4%, n= 1). All dens were located within a
1-km radius of each other, and different distances to the nearest
unsealed road (102 m 11 s.e.), human structure (343 m
27 s.e.), major water source (302 m 33 s.e.), and landll
(731 m 38 s.e.).
Of the 24 dens located, two were located at ground level, two
at the top of natural mounds, one at the landll, and 19 within
an articial (topsoil) mound. The dens positioned in topsoil
mounds varied in their position. These included within the
bottom third of a mound (37%, n= 7), base of a mound (21%,
n= 4), top third (16%, n= 3), top of mound (16%, n= 3), and
half-way (10%, n= 2) (see Table 1). All dens were surrounded
by, or close to, native grasses (typically either soft spinifex
(Triodia pungens) or hard spinifex (Triodia basedowii)). The
roots of the grasses and/or trees provided a rm foundation
and stable ceiling in the sandy soil. The other common
vegetation included small (~12-m high) native trees from the
genus Acacia, which provided some coverage for four of the 23
natural dens (17%). The den in the landll was also protected;
however, the coverage consisted of hard rubbish (e.g. large
wooden crates). Common to all active dens was evidence of
high dingo activity: for example, footprints that formed networks
of pathways, resting pads/beds, scats, and anthropogenic objects
(e.g. leather boots and gloves) that had evidence of chew marks.
Above or beside the den there was often an observation post
overlooking a large open area. Fig. 2 presents a typical example
of a den in this area.
The openings of the dens, on average, measured 456 mm
wide (37 s.e., and 421 mm in height (27 s.e.) and were
typically domed (Fig. 2). The average depth of the chamber
measured 1045 mm (70 s.e.). Dens had only one opening,
with the exception of Den 16, which had multiple entrances.
The den located in the landll (Den 24) was positioned within
Table 1. Descriptions of dingo natal dens including the number of dens, the number of dens with a canopy, and the number of active dens grouped according to the position of den in
relation to the ground
Mean (s.e.m.) dimensions (cm) are provided for the height and width of the den openings, the depth of the main chamber, as well as the elevation (m). Distances (m) to the nearest road, human structure,
water source and landll are also included (mean s.e.m)
Position of den NCanopy Active Den Dimensions Distances (m) to:
Height (cm) Width (cm) Depth (cm) Elevation (m) Road Human structure Water source Land ll
Ground 2 0 0 385.00 ± 5.00 505.00± 115.00 1020.00 ± 380.00 298.5 ± 2.50 45.50 ± 6.50 358.50 ± 109.50 354.50 ± 235.50 692.00 ± 88.00
Base of mound 4 0 1 488.75 ± 79.49 370.00 ± 111.43 1070.00 ± 261.85 295.75 ± 2.50 176.50 ± 6.60 293.25 ± 39.99 265.00 ± 32.88 796.75 ± 48.95
Bottom 1/3 of mound 7 1 0 450.00 ± 71.48 416.85 ± 62.27 962.85 ± 148.54 297.71 ± 1.81 117.14 ± 17.95 358.00 ± 45.15 288.57 ± 56.86 788.14 ± 50.00
Half way up mound 2 1 1 405.00 ± 95.00 530.00 ± 10.00 975.00 ± 75.00 263.50 ± 34.50 80.50 ± 13.50 383.50 ± 223.50 334.00 ± 134.00 706.50 ± 101.50
Top 1/3 of mound 4 1 1 382.50 ± 28.39 595.00 ± 113.83 1252.50 ± 104.67 297.75 ± 1.03 70.75 ± 19.12 333.25 ± 58.39 264.00 ± 104.63 770.00 ± 48.66
Top of mound 4 1 0 366.25 ± 29.25 410.00 ± 61.78 1002.50 ± 66.76 297.50 ± 2.78 89.50 ± 22.62 385.25 ± 83.99 352.25 ± 102.20 739.75 ± 52.65
Landll 1 1 1 –– – –20.00 197.00 335.00
DAustralian Mammalogy B. Smith and A.-L. Vague
a complex network of large wooden crates, which prevented
accurate measurements.
Most dens, including active dens (those containing pups), had
openings that faced in a south-west direction (bearing 190264)
(Fig. 3). This was away from the rising sun (bearing ~58).
Four of the dens located contained pups that were estimated to be
between two and four weeks of age. Thus, mating likely occurred
in April, and whelping in June. Estimated mating date for Dens 4,
8 and 21 was 1 April 2015 (based on a whelping date of 3 June
2015), and estimated mating date for Den 24 was 15 May 2015
(based on a whelping date of 17 June 2015) (mating date was
calculated by subtracting 63 days, the average gestation time,
from the estimated whelping date). One of the dens contained 18
pups (see Fig. 4aand b) but, given the variation in pup size and
locomotion, it likely consisted of three different litters (aged two
to four weeks). Overall, this suggests that there were at least 46
breeding females, and 37 pups in close proximity during the
2015 breeding season. Although whelping occurs in a dened
period, it is highly likely that more litters were born after the
survey, and thus this estimate is a conservative one.
This paper provides an observational account of the denning
behaviour and site selection of a population of free-ranging
dingoes living in an area where human-related sources of food
and water are abundant throughout the year. Uniquely, at this site,
a high concentration of dens and puppies were located within a
small area (within 1 km). However, the characteristics of the
dens appear similar to those reported for dingoes elsewhere
(Corbett and Newsome 1975; Harden 1981; Breckwoldt 1988;
Thomson 1992a; Corbett 2001), as well as for grey wolves (Mech
1970; Person and Russell 2009; Kowalewski 2009). Some
notable exceptions here include the lack of multiple entrances, the
lack of diversity in terms of den types, and the sheer number of
dens in close proximity. In the Great Sandy Desert, the range
of den types is somewhat limited. However, it appears that the
articial creation of topsoil storage areas provides a suitable
material for den construction, with the position on the mound
being related to local conditions (such as sun, wind, and
vegetation). The lack of predators in the area may have reduced
the need for multiple den entrances.
It is not known why there was such a high number of den
sites in close proximity. Thomson (1992a) and Harden (1981)
suggest that dingoes move den sites to follow food sources.
However, at the mine, resources were available year-round.
High numbers of dens might indicate a high rotation of den sites
each year, as also reported by Harden (1981). Pups might be
regularly moved after birth, or perhaps a new den is preferred
each breeding season and den sites are not reused (as has been
observed in a grey wolf population in Finland: Kaartinen et al.
2010). It is not known whether the dens were being used outside
of the breeding season as a way for adults to seek protection
from the extreme heat of the day, and/or the rains in the wet
Although wild canids tend to establish den sites away from
roads or areas of high human activity, they are resilient and can
persist in human-dominated landscapes (Person and Russell
2009; Ahmadi et al. 2014). Dingoes, for instance, are capable
of successfully living within periurban areas (Corbett 1998;
Allen et al. 2013), yet little is known about their denning
behaviour in such areas. In the current study, dens were located
close to man-made structures and activity. Human-disturbed
areas such as Fraser Island (Allen et al. 2015), and mining
operations in remote areas (Newsome et al. 2014), appear to
provide the ideal environment for dingo subsistence. At this
site, for example, mining operations provide constant access to
food (via the landll and accommodation village), ample water
Fig. 2. A typical den in the topsoil storage area. Most dens had arched
openings, were positioned below vegetation (in this case spinifex) to provide a
rm foundation and stable ceiling in the sandy soil, and provided elevated
areas that acted as lookouts.
Fig. 3. The orientation of main entrances grouped according to direction.
The asterisk (*) indicates active natal dens (Den 4, 213; Den 8, 205; Den
21, 243). The length of each bar reects a frequency of 1 (inner circle) or
2 (outer circle).
Dingo den site selection Australian Mammalogy E
Fig. 4. View of the outside and inside of each active den. (a,b) Den 4 containing seven pups aged 34 weeks, located at ground level;
(c,d) Den 8 containing 18 pups of various ages (24 weeks) (a small ledge outside the den opening provided a barrier preventing smaller
pups from straying from the den); (e,f) Den 21 containing six pups aged 34 weeks, located halfway up a topsoil mound and covered by
dead Acacia trees; (g,h) Den 24 containing six pups aged two weeks, located in the landll underneath large wooden crates and boxes.
FAustralian Mammalogy B. Smith and A.-L. Vague
(available through dripping or leaking pipes, and water storage
ponds of various sizes), navigation channels (created through
the establishment of dirt roads) and shade (available throughout
the site beneath oversize truck tyres, pipes and buildings),
and allow the construction of dens (e.g. topsoil storage areas).
Despite the location of the den sites being close to high human
activity, they were rarely, if ever, disturbed by the miners. It
appears that dingoes have habituated to the presence of people
and vehicles, and to the constant noise and activity on site. Thus,
the human-disturbed landscape in this population can be seen
to be helping, not hindering, the survivability of dingoes.
As in free-ranging dingo populations observed in central
Australia (Green and Catling 1977) and Fraser Island (Allen
et al. 2015), we discovered several breeding females raising
litters within the same general area/territory. In addition, we
observed an incidence of communal denning. This raises
questions about the prominence of the role of infanticide by the
dominant female, as proposed by Corbett (1988), which has
been observed in only a single captive population (Corbett
1988). It is more than likely that the conditions of Corbetts
study site (limited enclosure size, increased aggression, and
lack of opportunity for individuals to disperse) gave rise to this
abnormal behaviour, or at least the probability of it being
The ndings reported here are observational only, and lack
denning and reproductive behaviour of free-ranging dingoes
from nearby unmodied sites. Nonetheless, our observations
highlight the signicance of human-modied areas and
abundance of resources (human-related sources of food and
water) in the reproduction and breeding site selection of
dingoes. That is, dingo numbers are likely to swell, and multiple
family groups are able to live in close proximity around shared
resources. It is imperative that access to resources available to
dingoes (such as food in landlls and where humans frequent)
continues to be a management priority.
Funding for this study was provided by Telfer Mines Environmental
Department (Newcrest Mining Limited), and from an internal grant from
Central Queensland University. The data presented in this study were
collected by Telfer Environment staff as part of their ongoing monitoring
and management of the resident dingo. Permission to access, analyse and
publish the data was sought from, and subsequently approved by, the Central
Queensland University Animal Ethics Committee, Project No. A15/09-335.
The authors thank Chris Tiemann, Matthew Shaw and Claire Learey for
assistance during eldwork, and Dr Damian Morrant, Robert Appleby,
Dr Ben Allen, Dr Ross Goldingay and an anonymous reviewer for valuable
comments on the manuscript.
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HAustralian Mammalogy B. Smith and A.-L. Vague
... The availability of resources, such as food and water, are key drivers of dingo (Canis dingo) distribution and behaviour (Newsome et al. 2013). Anthropogenic activity such as tourism (Behrendorff et al. 2016), periurban land use Morrant et al. 2017) and mining operations (Newsome et al. 2014a(Newsome et al. , 2014b within natural dingo home ranges often provide supplementary resources that can influence dingo distribution and behaviour (Smith and Vague 2017), potentially leading to dingo-human conflict (Appleby 2015;Smith et al. 2018). Sudden changes in the availability of anthropogenic food resources can result in prey switching and/or spillover predation into adjacent natural areas (Newsome et al. 2014b(Newsome et al. , 2015. ...
... topsoil stockpiles). These conditions can support artificially high populations of dingoes living in close proximity (Smith and Vague 2017). As such, these populations offer unique contexts for exploring dingo behaviour and humandingo interactions (Smith et al. 2018). ...
... The aim of this study was to quantify the diet of a population of dingoes living in a remote mining operation in Western Australia. We expected to see a high reliance on anthropogenic food sources (Newsome et al. 2014a(Newsome et al. , 2014b, and, given the high population of dingoes living in close proximity at this site (Smith and Vague 2017), a high occurrence of cannibalism. ...
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Mining operations in remote Australia represent a unique opportunity to examine the impact of supplementary food and water provision on local wildlife. Here, we present a dietary analysis of dingoes living at a mine site in the Great Sandy Desert, Western Australia. A total of 270 faeces (scats) were collected from across the mine footprint on two occasions three months apart. The most frequently consumed food resource was anthropogenic (rubbish), which was found in 218 of 270 faeces (80.7% of scats and 65.3% of scat volume). Also of note was a high proportion of dingo remains, which was found in 51 of 270 faeces (18.9% of scats and 10.4% of scat volume), suggesting the occurrence of cannibalism. These findings highlight the potential influence of human-modified areas and associated resource availability on the diet of dingoes, and have implications for the environmental management of areas surrounding mining operations.
... Beyond conflict with livestock producers, which remains the most significant cause of conflict, it is well established that anthropogenic activity occurring within natural dingo home ranges can influence dingo distribution and behaviour if dingoes are able to access supplementary resources. For example, at tourist locations Behrendorff et al. 2016), periurban areas , and mining operations (Newsome et al. 2013a(Newsome et al. , 2013b(Newsome et al. , 2014Smith and Vague 2017) dingo numbers have increased, as have negative human-dingo interactions. Despite the findings that access to anthropogenic resources alters the social structure and movements of dingo populations, and inferences that certain subsequent management approaches may also do the same (O'Neill et al. 2017), the impacts of high numbers of dingoes living within human settlements on the mainland such as at mining sites are only beginning to be explored. ...
... Mining townships, which are spread across the country, offer another context in which to explore human-dingo interactions. Like tourist destinations, these mining operations can influence dingo population growth by providing an environment for dingo subsistence (Newsome et al. 2013a;Smith and Vague 2017). In arid zones, for instance, mines provide constant access to food (e.g. via the landfill), ample water (e.g. via water storage ponds or leaking pipes), shade (e.g. via oversized truck tyres, pipes, and buildings), and potential den sites (Smith and Vague 2017). ...
... Like tourist destinations, these mining operations can influence dingo population growth by providing an environment for dingo subsistence (Newsome et al. 2013a;Smith and Vague 2017). In arid zones, for instance, mines provide constant access to food (e.g. via the landfill), ample water (e.g. via water storage ponds or leaking pipes), shade (e.g. via oversized truck tyres, pipes, and buildings), and potential den sites (Smith and Vague 2017). These sites also represent a unique context for interactions between humans and dingoes to occur. ...
This study provides insight into the attitudes and perceptions of people who live alongside dingoes in a remote Australian mining town. A mixed-methods, self-administered questionnaire was circulated, targeting employees across 11 departments (n=160). Overall, employees saw dingoes favourably (60.5%), and believed that humans and dingoes should be able to co-exist (75.8%). Dingoes were not considered to be causing unacceptable damage or to be over-abundant, despite being seen almost daily at both the village and work sites. A total of 31.4% of employees had felt threatened or scared because of a dingo on more than one occasion, and 16.5% had experienced a dingo being aggressive toward them at least once. Yet, only 21.0% of employees considered dingoes dangerous to people, and few worried about their safety at the village or work site (9.5% and 11.4% respectively), or the safety of others in general (21.6%). There was a dichotomy of views regarding the dingo’s presence: employees were supportive of dingoes living in close proximity at the mine, so long as they were not directly being problematic (i.e., representing a personal threat, or causing property damage). Half of the employees surveyed (50.4%) felt management decisions relating to dingoes were personally important to them, highlighting the need to ensure that employees are consulted, and that dingo management strategies are well communicated. These findings have implications for improving the success rates of management approaches to human-carnivore conflict at mine sites and other situations where predators are perceived to threaten human safety.
... The most notable gaps relating to parental care exist in relation to the presence of the male and female at den sites, nursing schedules, and the temporal organisation of parental behaviour across the 24-h day. This is understandable given that before the start of weaning at around four weeks of age the young are typically confined to an underground den, difficult for human observers to access and where disturbance might result in changes in the behaviour of the parents and even in them relocating or abandoning the young (e.g., Thomson, 1992a;Smith and Vague, 2017). ...
... Although sharing a genetic lineage with dogs (Ardalan et al., 2012;Oskarsson et al., 2011;Sacks et al., 2013;Savolainen et al., 2004), the dingo has been a wild-living canid on a continent geographically isolated from other canids (including dog or wolf lineages), and independent from humans for at least 5000 years until the arrival of the British and their dogs in 1788 (Cairns and Wilton, 2016;Cairns et al., 2017;Smith and Litchfield, 2009;Smith, 2015a). Reports directly relating to dingo reproductive, parental and denning behaviour are scant, with most restricted to anecdotal observations (e.g., Corbett and Newsome, 1975;Harden, 1981;Jones and Stevens, 1988;Thomson, 1992a;Smith and Vague, 2017), or conducted with captive populations (e.g., Breckwoldt, 1988;Corbett, 1988;Hudson et al., 2016). ...
... Choice of den sites is generally similar to that of other wild canids -including preference for elevated sites providing extensive views of lower approaches, close to water, and with the den opening positioned so as to offer maximum protection from the weather. Site selection varies according to food resources and habitat, and can include hollow logs, enlarged rabbit warrens, rock piles, or under trees or tussocks (Smith and Vague, 2017;Thomson, 1992a). Alloparental behaviour has been identified in both wild (Corbett and Newsome, 1975;Corbett, 2001;Thomson, 1992a) and captive dingoes (Corbett, 1988), beginning at 15 days postpartum (Breckwoldt, 1988). ...
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The period before pups are weaned represents a key developmental stage for canids that is directly related to the survivability of the pack. Yet our understanding of the role of the parents during this period when pups are confined to a den is rather limited. We sought further insight into this period by observing diurnal patterns of pre-weaning den visits and nursing behaviour in a captive population of dingoes (Canis dingo). We continuously video-monitored behaviour at dens of four captive, genetically pure, dingo pairs (one litter each) during the first three postpartum weeks just before the start of weaning. Mothers occupied the den almost continuously during the night, but significantly less so during the day, and consistently spent most den time nursing. Fathers were largely absent from inside the den despite lack of apparent aggression from females, low outside temperatures, and space for them inside. They spent a large percentage of time on top of the den, suggestive of sentinel duty, although further experiments are necessary to substantiate this. Although limited to captive animals, our observations are consistent with scant reports of bi-parental care in wild dingoes and with suggestions in the literature that reduced parental care in household and free-ranging domestic dogs might be, at least partly, due to the weakening of bi-parental care during their long history of close association with and dependence on humans.
... Both ethnohistorical accounts and Aboriginal oral traditions indicate that Indigenous communities throughout mainland Australia maintained complex social relations with wild-caught dingo pups (Balme & O'Connor 2016;Barker & Macintosh 1979;Breckwoldt 1988;Cahir & Clark 2013;Corbett 1995;Fijn 2018;Gollan 1982Gollan , 1984Gould 1969Gould , 1970Gould , 1980Hamilton 1972;Hayden 1975;Jones 1970;Kolig 1973;Koungoulos 2017;Koungoulos & Fillios 2020a, 2020bMacintosh 1974Macintosh , 1975Meehan et al. 1999;Meggitt 1965;Musharbash 2017;Pierotti and Fogg 2017;Philip 2016;Philip & Garden 2016;Rose 1992;Shipman 2021;Smith 2015a;Smith & Litchfield 2009;White 1972). Available evidence suggests that during the annual dingo denning and whelping season (June-August), when litters are born (Purcell 2010), Aboriginal people set out to look for dens, typically located in caves (Thomson 1992: 523) or abandoned burrows, hollow logs and cavities formed under trees and tussocks (Breckwoldt 1988;Hudson et al. 2019;Smith & Vague 2016;Figure 2). When a den was found, some pups (average litter size is four to five; range: 1-10; Smith 2015b: 35) would be killed and eaten, while the rest would be taken to rear in camp (Dawson 1830: 176;Mitchell 1839: 347;Nind 1831: 29). ...
... It is also plausible that erstwhile owners of favoured camp dingoes were motivated to acquire the pups of these individuals in the expectation that they would be of similarly high quality. Denning behaviour in dingoes is not well understood (Smith & Vague 2016). Anecdotal evidence suggests dingoes reuse the same dens (especially caves) year after year (Corbett 1995: 41;Rolls 1969: 458), although it may be "the same general area [that] is frequently used -sometimes by the same female or one of her offspring" (Corbett 1995: 41). ...
Aboriginal Australians are known to have routinely taken dingo pups from wild dens to rear as companion animals, with the mature canids typically returning to the bush to mate. Available accounts emphasise the strong emotional bonds between Indigenous people and “camp dingoes”, which were essentially raised as though they were human. Yet despite the closeness of human–canine relations in Australia, it is widely contended that Aboriginal people did not domesticate dingoes. The accepted thinking is that while the dingoes lived part of their lives with humans, they were ultimately “free agents” that foraged and reproduced independently. Here, I propose that the Aboriginal practice of raising wild‐caught dingo pups generated a distinct population of free‐roaming adult dingoes that were socialised to interact with humans and may have remained loosely associated with them. I suggest that this hitherto unrecognised dingo ecotype, which should not be thought of as truly wild, yielded most of the pups taken from the bush by humans. Contrary to received wisdom, therefore, Aboriginal peoples’ interactions with dingoes involved management and domestication processes, but not as conventionally defined (i.e., controlled breeding, artificial selection).
... Females reach breeding age at about 12-24 months (Catling et al., 1992). As with wolves, and most wild canids, dingoes use underground dens to birth and nurse their young (Breckwoldt, 1988;Smith and Vague, 2016;Hudson et al., 2019). Dingo pups are reliant on intensive biparental care up until the age of 16 weeks (Thomson, 1992). ...
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The historically known relationship of interspecies companionship between Aboriginal foraging communities in Australia and free-ranging dingoes provides a model for understanding the human-canid relations that gave rise to the first domesticated dogs. Here, we propose that a broadly similar relationship might have developed early in time between wild-living wolves and mobile groups of foragers in Late Pleistocene Eurasia, with hunter-gatherers routinely raiding wild wolf dens for pre-weaned pups, which were socialized to humans and kept in camp as tamed companions (“pets”). We outline a model in which captive wolf pups that reverted to the wild to breed when they were sexually mature established their territories in the vicinity of foraging communities — in a “liminal” ecological zone between humans and truly wild-living wolves. Many (or most) of the wolf pups humans took from the wilderness to rear in camp may have derived from these liminal dens where the breeding pairs had been under indirect human selection for tameness over many generations. This highlights the importance of the large seasonal hunting/aggregation camps associated with mammoth kill-sites in Gravettian/Epigravettian central Europe. Large numbers of foragers gathered regularly at these locations during the wild wolf birthing season. We infer that if a pattern of this kind occurred over long periods of time then there might have been a pronounced effect on genetic variation in free-ranging wolves that denned and whelped in the liminal zones in the vicinity of these human seasonal aggregation sites. The argument is not that wolves were domesticated in central Europe. Rather, it is this pattern of hunter-gatherers who caught and reared wild wolf pups gathering seasonally in large numbers that might have been the catalyst for the early changes leading to the first domesticated dogs — whether in western Eurasia or further afield.
... Importantly, this phenomenon is evident today when commercial mining operations are established in remote desert locations where the free-roaming dingo populations previously had little if any contact with humans [71,72]. The mines produce abundant food waste that attracts numerous scavenging dingoes ( Figure 6); indeed, some long-established operations harbour genetically distinct populations of commensal dingoes [71,72] that den and whelp within the mine precinct [73]. Negative human-dingo interactions have been documented. ...
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This paper investigates the origin of the once popular belief in Australian society that wild dingoes do not attack humans. To address this problem, a digital repository of archived newspaper articles and other published texts written between 1788 and 1979 was searched for references to dingoes attacking non-Indigenous people. A total of 52 accounts spanning the period between 1804 and 1928 was identified. A comparison of these historical accounts with the details of modern dingo attacks suggests that at least some of the former are credible. The paper also examined commonly held attitudes towards dingoes in past Australian society based on historical print media articles and other records. Early chroniclers of Australian rural life and culture maintained that dingoes occasionally killed and ate humans out of a predatory motivation. By the early decades of the 20th century, however, an opposing view of this species had emerged: namely, that dingoes were timid animals that continued to pose a danger to livestock, but never to people. This change in the cultural image of dingoes can possibly be linked to more than a century of lethal dingo control efforts greatly reducing the frequency of human–dingo interactions in the most populous parts of the country. This intensive culling may also have expunged the wild genetic pool of dingoes that exhibited bold behaviour around people and/or created a dingo population that was largely wary of humans.
... A growing literature underscores the potential for anthropogenic resource subsidies to affect animal foraging (Kirby et al. 2017) and denning (Smith and Vague 2017) behavior, host-parasite interactions (Becker et al. 2015), predator-prey relationships (Rodewald et al. 2011), scavenging (Mateo-Tomás et al. 2015, species recoveries (Chapron et al. 2014), and both positive (Cox and Gaston 2018) and negative (Taylor et al. 2016) human-wildlife interactions. Our results demonstrate experimentally that the restriction of access to anthropogenic food resources can alter top predator diets and intraspecific interactions. ...
Anthropogenic foods are utilized by many animals around the world, and these resources could impact dietary preferences and intra- and interspecific interactions. Under a quasi-Before-After-Control-Impact experimental design, we assessed how dingoes (Canis dingo) responded to a decline in anthropogenic foods in the Tanami Desert, central Australia. We did so by assessing dingo diets close to and away from human influence during a period when food waste was available at two rubbish tips, and then during a period when food waste was restricted at one of the tips. Our results demonstrate that access to anthropogenic foods can alter a top predator’s diet. Namely, dingoes showed a preference for eating the desert mouse (Pseudomys desertor) in areas where food waste was restricted, whereas dingo diets did not reflect ambient prey availability at areas where food waste was constantly available. Reduced availability of food waste also affected interactions between dingoes, with cannibalism decreasing where food waste was removed, and it may have increased consumption of a subordinate mesopredator, the feral cat (Felis catus). By implication, efforts to manage food waste could reestablish or strengthen interactions between predators and their wild prey with possible cascading consequences for ecosystems.
As we enter an era of global mass extinctions, it is important to tackle wildlife research and conservation from multiple fronts, including those made available by wildlife organisations, zoos and sanctuaries. Captive studies are particularly useful when studying free-ranging populations is difficult, and/or when controlled conditions are required. Yet, despite the significant role that they play in supporting research and conservation of species and ecosystems, they are rarely recognised in the scientific literature. Here we present a case study of the Australian Dingo Foundation (ADF), a private organisation and captive breeding facility that actively supports research and conservation efforts relating to the dingo ( Canis dingo). Over the past decade (2010 to 2020), the ADF has facilitated research across eight research disciplines that include archaeology, behaviour, biology, cognition, evolutionary psychology, non-lethal management, reproduction and parental behaviour, and vocalisations. This has resulted in at least 21 published scientific studies which are summarised in this paper. As this case study demonstrates, captive facilities have the potential to contribute to the understanding and conservation of dingoes by providing practical alternatives to, and/or supplement studies of free-ranging populations. We conclude by outlining some of the implications and limitations of conducting research using captive dingo populations.
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A LARGE, DARK WOLF poked his nose out of the pines in Yellowstone National Park as he thrust a broad foot deep into the snow and plowed ahead. Soon a second animal appeared, then another, and a fourth. A few minutes later, a pack of thirteen lanky wolves had filed out of the pines and onto the open hillside. Wolf packs are the main social units of a wolf population. As numbers of wolves in packs change, so too, then, does the wolf population (Rausch 1967). Trying to understand the factors and mechanisms that affect these changes is what the field of wolf population dynamics is all about. In this chapter, we will explore this topic using two main approaches: (1) meta-analysis using data from studies from many areas and periods, and (2) case histories of key long-term studies. The combination presents a good picture-a picture, however, that is still incomplete. We also caution that the data sets summarized in the analyses represent snapshots of wolf population dynamics under widely varying conditions and population trends, and that the figures used are usually composites or averages. Nevertheless, they should allow generalizations that provide important insight into wolf population dynamics.
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Top-predators play stabilising roles in island food webs, including Fraser Island, Australia. Subsidising generalist predators with human-sourced food could disrupt this balance, but has been proposed to improve the overall health of the island’s dingo (Canis lupus dingo) population, which is allegedly ‘starving’ or in ‘poor condition’. We assess this hypothesis by describing the diet and health of dingoes on Fraser Island from datasets collected between 2001 and 2015. Medium-sized mammals (such as bandicoots) and fish were the most common food items detected in dingo scat records. Stomach contents records revealed additional information on diet, such as the occurrence of human-sourced foods. Trail camera records highlighted dingo utilisation of stranded marine fauna, particularly turtles and whales. Mean adult body weights were higher than the national average, body condition scores and abundant-excessive fat reserves indicated a generally ideal-heavy physical condition, and parasite loads were low and comparable to other dingo populations. These data do not support hypotheses that Fraser Island dingoes have restricted diets or are in poor physical condition. Rather, they indicate that dingoes on Fraser Island are capable of exploiting a diverse array of food sources which contributes to the vast majority of dingoes being of good-excellent physical condition.
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Knowledge of the resource requirements of urban predators can improve our understanding of their ecology and assist town planners and wildlife management agencies in developing management approaches that alleviate human-wildlife conflicts. Here we examine food and dietary items identified in scats of dingoes in peri-urban areas of north-eastern Australia to better understand their resource requirements and the potential for dingoes to threaten locally fragmented populations of native fauna. Our primary aim was to determine what peri-urban dingoes eat, and whether or not this differs between regions. We identified over 40 different food items in dingo scats, almost all of which were mammals. Individual species commonly observed in dingo scats included agile wallabies, northern brown bandicoots and swamp wallabies. Birds were relatively common in some areas but not others, as were invertebrates. Dingoes were identified as a significant potential threat to fragmented populations of koalas. Dietary overlap was typically very high or near-identical between regions, indicating that peri-urban dingoes ate the same types or sizes of prey in different areas. Future studies should seek to quantify actual and perceived impacts of, and human attitudes towards, peri-urban dingoes, and to develop management strategies with a greater chance of reducing human-wildlife conflicts.
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Australian dingoes are threatened by interbreeding with domestic dogs. As a refuge from further interbreeding, the conservation significance of dingoes on Fraser Island is unquestioned. However, some dingoes presenting genuine human safety risks are humanely destroyed. In this study, we explore the potential effects of this on the sustainability of the island's dingo population. Dingo abundance was 76–171 adult individuals during the mating (pre-whelping) season of 2012. A total of 110 dingoes were destroyed between 2001 and 2013. Approximately 66 per cent of known-age dingoes destroyed were <18 months old and 65 per cent of known-gender dingoes destroyed were male. In any given year, no more than four female dingoes of any age were destroyed during dingoes' annual mating and whelping seasons. On only one occasion was an adult (and subordinate) female dingo destroyed during this period. Available data therefore indicate that the spatially and temporally variable removal of so few female and/or adult animals from a population of this size is highly unlikely to have adverse effects on dingo population growth rates or breeding success. Adverse effects of humane destructions might be expected to increase if a substantially greater proportion of adult and/or female dingoes are targeted for destruction in the future.
The mythology of the wolf vastly outstrips scientific knowledge of the species in the mind of the average citizen. The present article, based on research in the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem, redresses this imbalance by showing an "up close and personal" view of a classical den site. It shows first how to respect the security and privacy of the animals, and then how to recognize and interpret the basic elements of a site such as pathways, den openings, and tracks. This kind of look at the "material culture" of a typical pack can replace ideology and fantasy about the species with respect, awe, and intimacy, and so help to form a corresponding "pack" of knowledgeable stakeholders committed to its preservation.