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Interface and Data Biopolitics in the Age of Hyperconnectivity. Implications for Design

  • HER: She Loves Data


This article describes their biopolitical implications for design from psychological, cultural, legal, functional and aesthetic/perceptive ways, in the framework of Hyperconnectivity: the condition according to which person-to-person, person-to-machine and machine-to-machine communication progressively shift to networked and digital means. A definition is given for the terms of "interface biopolitics" and "data biopolitics", as well as evidence supporting these definitions and a description of the technological, theoretical and practice-based innovations bringing them into meaningful existence. Interfaces, algorithms, artificial intelligences of various types, the tendency in quantified self and the concept of "information bubbles" will be examined in terms of interface and data biopolitics, from the point of view of design, and for their implications in terms of freedoms, transparency, justice and accessibility to human rights. A working hypothesis is described for technologically relevant design practices and education processes, in order to confront with these issues in critical, ethical and inclusive ways.
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Interface and Data Biopolitics in the Age of
Hyperconnectivity. Implications for Design
Salvatore Iaconesi
To cite this article: Salvatore Iaconesi (2017) Interface and Data Biopolitics in the Age of
Hyperconnectivity. Implications for Design, The Design Journal, 20:sup1, S3935-S3944, DOI:
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Published online: 06 Sep 2017.
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Interface and Data Biopolitics in the Age of
Hyperconnectivity. Implications for Design
Salvatore Iaconesi*
ISIA Design Florence
*Corresponding author e-mail:
Abstract: This article describes their biopolitical implications for design from
psychological, cultural, legal, functional and aesthetic/perceptive ways, in the
framework of Hyperconnectivity: the condition according to which person-to-
person, person-to-machine and machine-to-machine communication progressively
shift to networked and digital means.
A definition is given for the terms of "interface biopolitics" and "data biopolitics", as
well as evidence supporting these definitions and a description of the technological,
theoretical and practice-based innovations bringing them into meaningful
Interfaces, algorithms, artificial intelligences of various types, the tendency in
quantified self and the concept of "information bubbles" will be examined in terms
of interface and data biopolitics, from the point of view of design, and for their
implications in terms of freedoms, transparency, justice and accessibility to human
A working hypothesis is described for technologically relevant design practices and
education processes, in order to confront with these issues in critical, ethical and
inclusive ways.
Keywords: Hyperconnectivity, Algorithms, Biopolitics, Ethics, Data
1. A Hymn
In her “Hymn of Acxiom” folk singer Vienna Teng (2013) starts off with lyrics “Somebody hears you,
you know that…”, in what seems to be a church choir. After listening for a bit, the real topic the artist
is discussing about becomes clear: Acxiom is not a benevolent divinity somewhere in the cosmo-
sphere caringly waiting to hear the troubles of his beloved human beings, but, rather, a high-
powered data broker which has been described as “the Private NSA” (Tom’s Guide, 2013), as the
silent, largest consumer data processor in the world (Fortune Magazine, 2004) and as “Big Brother in
Arkansas” (NY Times, 2012). The topic of the song is data-surveillance. The idea for the song came
while the author was pursuing an MBA at the University of Michigan: a colleague working with
Acxiom data was shocked about the amount of information the company had available about herself
and her husband. An interesting thing about the song is that the creepy, Orwellian, lyrics also
empathize with databases as well as excoriating them.
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This is, in fact, an interesting point of view. As, on the one hand, we directly and indirectly
consent tour data to be collected through our behaviors and basically accepting our lifestyle, on the
other hand we feel deeply uneasy about that and from its implications. As we benefit from
enterprises being able to provide us with products and services which are “more relevant” for us
(more on this later in the article), we are simultaneously wary of the fact that a single subject knows
so much about us and uses it to “sell us” to the highest bidder, and what this possibility implies for
our liberties, freedoms and rights. Even more, it is progressively harder, if not impossible, for us, to
know and understand what parts of our online and offline environment are determined from these
data collection processes, or about which subjects have this data about us available, or how they are
using it and for what purposes (Lafrance, 2014).
In fact, the entries we see when we browse search engines, social media websites, and other online
services are completely determined by these processes: the operators of these services feed the data
they acquired about us to their classification algorithms which, in return, use it to determine what
we may be more and less interested about, or where their optimal business opportunities lay in
relation to our profile.
This is not only true for our online lives: the offline world is quickly catching up. Physical mailings;
fidelity cards; algorithmic research and control applied to stores, services and spaces of the city;
imaging through security cameras; object and facial recognition on devices and architectures; the
Internet of Things (IoT) and its sensors, possibilities for user identification and biometrics. These all
combine with a plethora of other options which are turning us into data subjects, which can be
recognized and tracked on databases as in the physical world.
2. Asymmetry
This scenario also describes a progressive asymmetry in the distribution of power, rights, freedoms
and opportunities (Tufekci, 2014; boyd, 2012).
As a matter of fact, it is practically and psychologically impossible for human beings to understand
which and how much data is captured about them, how and why it is used, and what effects it has
about their lives.
The complex interplay among users; organisation; algorithms; national, international and global
regulations and agreements, or lack of them; data and information flows within user experiences in
the physical and online domains cause grey areas to emerge, at levels which are legal, cultural,
psychological, ethical and philosophical (White, 2016).
"Code is Law", Lawrence Lessig (2006) once said. And this is really the case nowadays. With
thousands of updates and modifications to the interfaces, algorithms, data capture and usage
profiles which are performed each month to the systems of popular services, potentially provoking
radical changes to the implications for privacy, control and accountability, it is practically impossible
for legal and cultural systems not only to adapt and react, but also and more importantly to perceive
such changes and the effects they have on our freedoms, rights and expectations. If a national
government needs to pass through a whole legislative process to approve a new privacy law, an
operator like Facebook can change a few lines of code and yield substantial impact on users’ privacy
profiles. With hundreds of thousands of modifications on platforms like these each year, it is easy to
comprehend the reach of this kind of issue. Moreover, many of these changes are temporary, beta
versions, running in parallel for different users for A/B testing purposes, making the situation even
more complex.
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Interface and Data Biopolitics in the Age of Hyperconnectivity
Things get even more radical in the case of algorithmic governance of processes, where technological
entities assume progressively higher degrees of agency (and opacity). The Flash Crashes of the stock
markets in 2010 are a demonstration: autonomous algorithmic agents gone berserk causing losses
for billions of dollars, outside of any legal or cultural or perceptive framework (Menkveld, 2013).
As a result, the levels of power and control exercised on human beings and their societies by the
systems that they use are augmenting at exponential levels, and there are progressively fewer and
less effective ways for people to perceive and comprehend such processes.
On top of all of this, the dissemination of interfaces ubiquitously across devices, applications,
websites and other products and services for which today everything can represent a front-end for
digital and data based systems, further augments the incapability to understand the data and
information which is captured from our behaviour and its flows and uses (Weber, 2010).
Sharing a picture of our holidays at the beach on social networking sites does not imply the fact that
it is clear, for us, that we are producing marketing relevant data about our tastes, consumption levels
and geographical locations. And neither is the fact that while using wearable technologies or smart
IoT appliances in our daily lives the data that gets captured can be used for marketing, health,
insurance, financial and even job purposes.
Furthermore, the rise of the Stacks (Madrigal, 2012) and, more in general, of “walled gardens”, or
those situations in which applications, services and products pertain to closed, proprietary
ecosystems which are not open source and for which both the front-ends and back-ends of the
systems are opaque and inaccessible for inspection and understanding further aggravate this
Both those applications directly and, indirectly, the service levels they provide (for example through
APIs, social logins, application frameworks) on the one hand make applications and services easy and
rapid to develop and deploy, but, on the other hand, subject them to the concentration of power
which these large operators represent. It is very convenient to design and develop anything from
online services to network-connected physical products using, for example, Google’s, Apple’s, or
Facebook’s platforms and services. But, by doing this, it is automatic that our products and services
start producing data and information for these large operators, allowing them to interconnect these
across a rich variety of domains: if I develop application A and someone else develops application B
which is completely different, and we both use, for example, Facebook’s social login to implement
access services, Facebook will benefit from the data generated from both applications, from the
analytics which it desires to capture without even sharing them with A or B, and will be also able to
interconnect both data flows with their own. For example, if application A captures, for example, my
geographic location (it is, for example, an application which allows me to find where I parked my car)
and I have configured my Facebook account so that Facebook is not allowed to know my geographic
location, Facebook will have my position anyway, through application A. This kind of reasoning can
be applied to all the applications, products and services that use these frameworks.
These facts are valid and relevant for the users of these platforms, but also for the people conceiving
and creating these systems, including designers, engineers, managers, administrators, public and
private, who progressively lose the possibility (culturally and technically) to understand the
implications of their designs.
3. Bubbles, Guinea Pigs
An evidence of this occurrence is the emergence of knowledge and information "bubbles".
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In the age of Hyperconnectivity (Wellman, 2001) information abundance quickly turns into
information overload (O’Reilly, 1980). Therefore, relevance becomes an invaluable competitive
advantage and attention a precious currency (Davenport, Beck, 2013).
This is why large operators (from social media services, to search engines, to news and media
operators, all the way up to the ones which extract information from devices, appliances and other
services) use specific algorithms to try to interpret users’ behaviors to try to understand which
content might be more relevant for them, filtering out all the rest (or giving it minor priority, visually
or hierarchically) and, at the same time, ensuring that the content which generates more revenue for
them is granted higher shares of our attention space, to maximize earnings.
These algorithms and software agents also have the effect of tendentially excluding all the rest,
closing us in "bubbles", in which what is outside is not even perceived, or very hard to perceive
(Pariser, 2011).
Information spectacularization (for example through data and information visualization) further
weights down on these processes. Bratton (2008) describes how spectacularized information
visualizations (also called “data smog”) “distance peoplenow audiences for dataeven further
from their abilities and responsibilities to understand relationships between the multiple ecologies in
which they live, and the possibilities for action that they have.
These elements bubbles, algorithmic governance of information and information spectacularization
, thus, may bear the possibility that individuals progressively inhabit a controlled infosphere, in
which a limited number of subjects is able to determine what is accessible, usable and, most
important of all, knowable.
This power asymmetry also implies the fact that users can systematically be unknowingly exposed to
experiments intended to influence their sphere of perception to drive them to adopt certain
behaviors over other ones.
This is exactly what happened with Facebook in 2014 (Rushe, 2014; Booth 2014). In an experiment
(Kramer et al, 2014), Facebook manipulated information appearing on 689 thousand users’
homepages to study the phenomenon of “emotional contagion” answering the question: how to
users’ emotional expression change when they are exposed to content which is emotionally
characterized in specific ways. By algorithmically filtering in or out content with specific
characteristics they were able to induce particular expressions. The study (Kramer et al, 2014)
concluded: “Emotions expressed by friends, via online social networks, influence our own moods,
constituting, to our knowledge, the first experimental evidence for massive-scale emotional
contagion via social networks.
This is not the first case: dozens of other experiments (Hill, 2014) dealing with hundreds of thousands
of unknowing users included analyses of A/B tests, content filtering for specific purposes, comment
and interaction analysis for predictions, spreading of rumors and manufactured information, self-
censorship, social influence in advertising, and more.
In 2014, Jonathan Zittrain described an experiment in which Facebook attempted a civic-engineering
feat to answer the question: “Could a social network get otherwise-indolent people to cast a ballot in
that day’s congressional midterm elections?” (Zittrain, 2014). The answer was positive. And the past
2016 elections also demonstrated further ways in which massive, algorithmic controlled social media
interactions can influence the determination of major events.
In her article describing the effects of computational agency during the Ferguson protests, Zeynep
Tufekci described:
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Interface and Data Biopolitics in the Age of Hyperconnectivity
Computation is increasingly being used to either directly make, or fundamentally
assist, in gatekeeping decisions outside of online platforms. [...] Computational
agency is expanding into more and more spheres. Complex, opaque and
proprietary algorithms are increasingly being deployed in many areas of life, often
to make decisions that are subjective in nature, and hence with no anchors or
correct answers to check with. Lack of external anchors in the form of agreed-upon
'right' answers makes their deployment especially fraught. They are armed with our
data, and can even divine private information we have not disclosed. They are
interactive, act with agency in the world, and are often answerable only to the
major corporations that own them. As the internet of things and connected, 'smart'
devices become more widespread, the data available to them, and their
opportunities to act in the world will only increase. And as more and more
corporations deploy them in many processes from healthcare to hiring, their
relevance and legal, political and policy importance will also rise.” (Tufekci, 2015)
4. Interface and Data Biopolitics
The scenario described in the previous sections has important impacts on the “knowability”,
“readability”, accessibility and usability of the world, both in how people use it and interact with it,
and in how they are able to design it.
The implications, together with the systematicity and opaqueness of the scenario, calls for the
emergence of new areas of scientific, technological and humanistic investigation which can be
defined as Interface and Data Biopolitics.
There are multiple definitions for the term “biopolitics”: Kjellén's organicist view and his description
of the civil war between social groups” (Lemke, 2011); the political application of bioethics (Hughes,
2004); the interplay between biology and political science (Blank, 2001); Hardt and Negri’s (2005)
anti-capitalist insurrection through daily life and the body; Foucault’s (1997) “biopower”, through
governments and organizations applying political power to all aspects of human life; and many more.
We refer here mainly to Foucault’s definition, which described biopolitics as “a new technology of
power...[that] exists at a different level, on a different scale, and [that] has a different bearing area,
and makes use of very different instruments”. (Foucault, 1997, p. 242)
In his analysis Foucault mainly referred to national states and institutions. Therefore his observations
need adaptations to be considered in today’s globalized, financial, digital economies and political
apparatuses of power. For example the rise of large corporations, which match the power, influence,
and reach of national states, the different role of money, its virtualization, and the “finacialization of
life” (Lapavitsas, 2013) are things that need to be integrated in such frameworks.
Fundamentally, Biopolitics can be defined as the study of systems as they leverage as many
manifestations as possible of our daily lives, activities, relations and bodies to exercise power and
control over their users and participants, in explicit and implicit ways.
As demonstrated in the previous sections, today’s scenarios of Hyperconnectivity bring about
multiple forms of biopolitically relevant contexts. Online and application interfaces, biometrics,
wearable computing, IoT, social media and, in general, all human activities with a direct or indirect
digital information counterpart generate data which is harvested by large operators in order to be
processed to influence our actions, behaviors, beliefs and perceptions, and, thus, to exercise power.
The shift to the digital sphere also provokes a shift from “biopower” to “neuropower” (Väliaho,
2014), as the medium for control shifts from body to mind.
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For example, the elements forming an interface exercise a certain degree of power on their users. If
only options A and B are available on an interface, the user will not be able to adopt option C. In
many cases the user will not even be able to perceive that option C is possible. Hence, the interface,
its designer, and the ideology and strategy that comes with both, have a degree of authoritarian
agency over the user.
While registering to online services, many times users are asked to select their gender, to
characterize their online profile. If, for example, only the “male” and “female” options are available,
other options will be excluded and, thus, this could prove to be a problematic, upsetting and
troubling scenario for those who feel neither “male” nor “female”. The business requirements of the
operator, who would need to tag the users with predefined categories that are convenient to be
commercialized to marketing and advertising partners, would have the prevalence.
In another scenario, a wearable biometric device could record data for health purposes. For example,
a recording of a level of 1.5 to 1.8 from the device for a certain bodily value could indicate a
“healthy” condition. If users had a readout of 1.6 they would be considered “healthy”, maybe
corroborating the fact with a reassuring green light visible on the device, or on the associated
application. If, for any plausible reason, the “health” threshold would be changed to a 1.7-2.0 range,
the same users would be described as “not healthy”. The light would turn to red, maybe
accompanied by a message: “visit your doctor!” The body of the users would be the same. They
wouldn’t feel an additional headache or hurt in some other part of their body. By simple variation of
a parameter their status would change, accompanied by a series of authoritative notifications.
This is a very powerful condition. Even taking simpler, less radical and more common examples still
shows how a direct possibility to exercise power through asymmetric capacity of capturing,
processing and visualizing data, and through designing interfaces in certain ways is available to the
operators which own these platforms, systems, devices and services.
With the Internet of Things, this scenario manifests ubiquitously, affecting appliances, our homes
through domotics, our schools, offices, stores and, potentially, the public, private and intimate
spaces and contexts of our lives. As Pasquinelli (2008) puts it: “it is impossible to destroy the
machine, as we ourselves have become the machine.”
On top of that, the power asymmetry manifests itself also in another way. While it is users that
generate data and information by using interfaces, services and products, at the same time this data
is not available to them, nor they have the possibility to perceive the full spectrum of its implications
(Blanke et al, 2015).
As of today, most online services offer opportunities for users to download their own data (for
example through “Google Takeout”). But these options are misleading, because they let users
download their “content”, but not the data, information and knowledge that was generated through
it by processing it. For example, there is no way for users to know in which marketing categories they
have been classified, or what actions they performed led to being classified in such ways.
For example, let’s pretend that Facebook identified the category of “potential terrorists” as their
machine learning processes discovered a pattern in the frequency with which radical extremists use
the letter ‘f’ in their messages. If certain users, by complete chance, created messages using the
same ‘f’ frequency, they would be classified as “potential terrorists”. They would know nothing about
it, and this could have implications on their freedoms and rights. Of course this is a paradoxical
example, just to make clear the dynamics of this phenomenon.
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Interface and Data Biopolitics in the Age of Hyperconnectivity
Moreover, all this data capturing and processing is designed, as stated in the previous section, to
confront with relevance and attention, thus resulting in information, knowledge and relations
bubbles. While these processes are useful in the scenario of information overload, they also
progressively lock out difference from users’ perception: the more we are exposed to content which
we “potentially like” and to “people we potentially agree with”, the more “otherness” disappears
from our reach. This brings on a series of negative effects, such as the diminished sensibility to and
acceptance of diversity (Bozdag, van den Hoven, 2015), rising levels of cognitive biases (Bozdag,
2013), diminished tolerance, social separation (Ford, 2012), and more.
5. Conclusions: Implications for Design
The scenarios described in this article pose great challenges for Designers and, most important of all,
for Design Education.
On a first level of inspection, it is simple to verify how all of these situations and configurations of
power schemes, practices and behaviors are at the border of what is assessed by laws, regulations,
habits and customs. They are at the same time familiar and new, unexpected, unforeseen, unsought.
To confront with these issues, approaches which are trans-disciplinary are needed, because no single
discipline alone is able to cover all of the knowledge, attitude, perspective which are needed to grasp
and understand them.
The possibilities and opportunities to meaningfully deal with the issues presented in the article
emerge only at the intersections between law, psychology, culture, philosophy, sociology, ethics and
other sciences, humanities and practices.
This fact represents an important opportunity for design, which can act as a convenient, practical and
methodologically sound interconnector among disciplines and approaches.
For this, it is of utmost importance that Design curricula natively host such trans-disciplinary
approaches, not only combining disciplines as it is common practice in multi-disciplinariety, but
traversing them, generating not only contaminations, but also methodological boundary shifts.
The same state of necessity can be detected also for the topics of openness, transparency and
access. As seen in the previous sections of the article, most of the times power asymmetries manifest
themselves through lack of openness, transparency and access.
Interoperability, data openness and accessibility, usage of open licensing schemes, use of open
formats, open access to APIs: these are all types of practices that enable to confront with these
These topics should be standard part of any form of design education, highlighting not only the fact
that they enable the emergence of the ethical approaches necessary to resolve the issues described
in the article, but, also, represent potential competitive advantages for any organization, as well as
the opportunity to create meaningful actions.
The necessity of openness, transparency and access pave the way to another necessary axis for
innovation in Design Education, represented by the necessary evolution in which Design needs to
confront with Public, Private and Intimate Spheres.
As seen in the previous sections, it is now practically impossible to determine the boundaries of
these spheres. Content harvesting, sensors, analytics, and algorithms: these processes know no
boundaries. Data and information that appears to be private or even intimate is captured,
intercepted, inferred, diverted, producing results for marketing, advertising, or even for surveillance
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and control. In designing these ecosystems to confront with these issues it is necessary to make
every possible effort to clearly and transparently define the boundaries of public, private and
intimate spaces, as well as the rights and freedoms which are granted within each of them. This is a
complex process, which involves the aforementioned trans-disciplinary approaches as well as
considerations that regard current business models, legislations, human rights, and (often national
and international) security. There is no simple way to confront with this type of problem. Rather, it is
a problem to be dealt with through complex approaches, combining not only different disciplines and
practices, but also society as a whole. Here again lies the potential role for design, which can
rediscover its humanistic and social elements and act as an interconnector between multiple types of
agencies. This is also an evolutionary opportunity for design education practices, in which this
modality can be implemented directly into the learning process, by opening it up to the city, the
territory and its inhabitants.
Which brings on the next relevant pattern: the one of participation, inclusion and social engagement.
Opening up data and processes, using open licenses and formats all are necessary items, but not
sufficient. If these actions do not match cultural, social, philosophical ones, they remain ineffective in
society. Open Data, as of now, remains a tool for the few, for those researchers, engineers and
designers who mediate it for others. For these types of action to become relevant for society design
processes must include the patterns of active participation, inclusion and social engagement. This
notion must be built into design processes and education, and all possible actions must be
performed to inject these ideas into the strategies of those businesses, organizations and, in general,
clients who commission the designs.
All leads to the concluding argument of this article, which points out the necessity for design to
embrace all possible strategies and actions to promote human dignity, freedom and joy, avoiding
atomization and loneliness which have become typical of the years we live in.
The risk society (Beck, 1992) has brought on
[...] a mad, Kafkaesque infrastructure of assessments, monitoring, measuring,
surveillance and audits, centrally directed and rigidly planned, whose purpose is to
reward the winners and punish the losers. It destroys autonomy, enterprise,
innovation and loyalty, and breeds frustration, envy and fear. Through a
magnificent paradox, it has led to the revival of a grand old Soviet tradition known
in Russian as tufta. It means falsification of statistics to meet the diktats of
unaccountable power.” (Monbiot, 2014)
All this is fundamental to current models that insist on comparison, evaluation and quantification.
Design practice and education can, instead, have a positive role in this, acting as a complex, inclusive
and critical interconnector, promoting human dignity, joy and freedom.
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About the Authors:
Salvatore Iaconesi teaches Near Future Design at ISIA Design Florence. He is a robotic
engineer and a philosopher of science. He is TED Fellow, Eisenhower Fellow and Yale
World Fellow. He created the Art is Open Source international network, and founded
Human Ecosystems.
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... In a recent article, on the implications for Design and Design education in the "Age of Hyperconnectivity", Iaconesi [131] Certainly, we still lack a coherent epistemological and ontological framework that encompasses the specificities of both natural and engineered systems in their increasing intertwined relationship. Whether providing this framework is reasonably possible or not is a highly debated matter. ...
... Furthermore, the advent of predictive frameworks for policy simulation leveraging large sets of data are widening, with some threats, the decision-making and operative capabilities of our species [54]- [56], [131], [141], [142]. Indeed, such potential raises important debates on how our institutions should leverage on an increasing amount of data to manage human activities on Earth avoiding to loose the grasp on the algorithmic grounding of our own socioeconomic system [143]- [145]. ...
... In a scenario where technology could simulate large data sets to predict the outcomes of policy at the economic, political, and financial levels, it is important to avoid biases and assumptions that might narrow the palette of research and that might legitimize unrepresentative actions of public and private groups that own such technical systems [147], [151]. As other scholars agree, in order to allow for inclusive and participatory decisions to take place, systems and methods of research have to be made accessible, usable, and performable by all parties involved [131], [152], [153]. ...
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Technology is increasingly shaping our social structures and is becoming a driving force in altering human biology. Besides, human activities already proved to have a significant impact on the Earth system which in turn generates complex feedback loops between social and ecological systems. Furthermore, since our species evolved relatively fast from small groups of hunter-gatherers to large and technology-intensive urban agglomerations, it is not a surprise that the major institutions of human society are no longer fit to cope with the present complexity. In this note we draw foundational parallelisms between neurophysiological systems and ICT-enabled social systems, discussing how frameworks rooted in biology and physics could provide heuristic value in the design of evolutionary systems relevant to politics and economics. In this regard we highlight how the governance of emerging technology (i.e. nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology, and cognitive science), and the one of climate change both presently confront us with a number of connected challenges. In particular: historically high level of inequality; the coexistence of growing multipolar cultural systems in an unprecedentedly connected world; the unlikely reaching of the institutional agreements required to deviate abnormal trajectories of development. We argue that wise general solutions to such interrelated issues should embed the deep understanding of how to elicit mutual incentives in the socioeconomic subsystems of Earth system in order to jointly concur to a global utility function (e.g. avoiding the reach of planetary boundaries and widespread social unrest). We leave some open questions on how techno-social systems can effectively learn and adapt with respect to our understanding of geopolitical complexity.
... The aspects of autonomy and agency of AI solutions raise concerns on safety, risk, responsibility (e.g. Dignum, 2017b), control and the distribution of power (Iaconesi, 2017;K.-F. Lee, 2018). ...
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Digitalization and the growing service economy place challenges on organizations for transforming their service offerings to match the high user expectations. Services increasingly exploit digital technologies which play an important role in the creation of service experiences. One of the examples is artificial intelligence (AI), which may actively perform in customer service, but also provide solutions in the back end of services. While AI actively takes part in the creation of service value, the line between human and machine in the service encounters blurs. This creates new type of service components which need to be designed as part of digital service journeys. This dissertation is constructed around seven scientific publications that explore the merging of AI and service design in creating human-centred digital service solutions. The focus in the publications is on applying service design principles to AI-enabled services, from which an AI assistant is an example. AI assistants interact with users through text and voice interfaces and can be perceived as a gateway to complex digital service ecosystems. AI assistants are rather new as services, and they touch upon areas that, besides the design challenges, are ethically, philosophically and legally demanding. Here, service designers face changes both in the design process and in their role as designers. This study was conducted as a qualitative research with roots in the practice of design research. The main research data consist of five case studies and seven expert interviews analysed through coding, content analysis and visual mapping to answer the following research question: How is AI affecting the practice of service design and the design of digital services? The findings from the publications are concluded under the following four topics: (1) AI changes the design of digital service interactions, (2) AI assistants perform as actors in digital services, (3) AI needs to be human-centred rather than human-like and (4) AI assists and augments the practice of service design. Under these topics, the discussion highlights the ethical considerations and humanization aspect of AI as a part of designing and the design outcomes as AI-enabled services.
... IoT privacy and security While users generate data by using the interfaces, services and products, these data are not available to the users, and they cannot perceive their implications (Iaconesi, 2017), nor the background data gathering and sharing activities. In fact, the visibility of the data shared by these devices today is at best opaque and in worst cases absent (Lindley et al., 2017). ...
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This paper addresses many of the issuesderiving from both design activity itself and the introduction of technology intoeveryday life. Relevant authors like Papanek (1984), Thackara (2005) and Manzini (2006) warned about the risks of design activity, as well as the consequences of bringing products to the world. Papanek defined design as the second most harmful profession one can practice, while Thackara claims that design is the cause of many troubling situations in our world (Mink, 2016). Manzini advocates theimminent need for a paradigm shift towards both a more sustainable design and way of living. In Design for the Real World, Papanek pointed out that designers have a social and moral responsibility for the consequences of their innovations (Mink, 2016). For this reason, first we cannot ignore the advice, but also, we genuinely believe that designers should include ethical principles in their education. This paper seeks to address design ethics focusing on socio-technical systems and the new challenges introduced by both the Internetof things and artificial intelligence. The methodological framework combines the valuesensitive design developed in human computer interaction (HCI) and computer ethics with amethodology based on need, requirements and performances developed in architecture. This approach is applied to the development of connected appliances, to conduct our reflections on an applied case study. Some guidelines are drawn at the end of this paperto guide designers in achieving a greater understanding of the ethical implications involved in the design process, establishing the responsibilities and limits of the designer.
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Although we live in a hyperconnected world and technology is central to culture and power, this process rescinds from subjects and knowledge at the expense of performativity and datafication. To argue this, we draw from Castells' legacy and complement the network society theory with a multi-dimensional approach from psychological, economic, and political dimensions. Firstly, we address the individual level or individuation process in which subjects' condition and capacity for self-representation depend on larger technological assemblages or networks. This leads us to question the regression in the ontological immanence or capacity of agency from individuals. Secondly, we address the meso level between agency and structure, that is, the level of social actors to explore new shifts in the digital economy. This takes us to question how nodal actors in the network economy manage individuals' data but also become a 'victim' of their own datafication process. Thirdly, we reach the structural level, expressing that the network society is being replaced by a system of actors-networks-data called 'social inflation'. Whereas the network society prioritizes connections and decentralized distribution, social inflation emphasizes exponential differentiation and self-perpetuation of data systems at any cost. Likewise, the cosmological inflationary theory taken to social sciences, this system creates new networks, actors, and epistemologies, accelerating the expansion of a technical reading of reality in which even this is encompassed to fulfill the demand of ongoing datafication. Keywords: network society, social inflation, hyper-connectivity, ratification - Résumé Bien que nous vivions dans un monde hyper-connecté et que la technologie soit au coeur de la culture et du pouvoir, ce processus annule les sujets et les connaissances au détriment de la performativité et de la datafication. Pour argumenter cela, nous nous appuyons sur l'héritage de Castells et complétons la théorie de la société en réseau par une approche multidimensionnelle des dimensions psychologique, économique et politique. En premier lieu, nous abordons le niveau individuel ou processus d'individuation dans lequel la condition et la capacité d'autoreprésentation des sujets dépendent d'assemblages ou de réseaux technologiques plus larges. Cela nous amène à nous interroger sur la régression de l'immanence ontologique ou de la capacité d'agence des individus. Dans un second temps, nous abordons le niveau méso entre agence et structure, c'est-à-dire le niveau des acteurs sociaux pour explorer les nouvelles mutations de l'économie numérique. Cela nous amène à nous interroger sur la manière dont les acteurs nodaux de l'économie des réseaux gèrent les données des individus, mais deviennent aussi « victimes » de leur propre processus de datafication. Troisièmement, nous arrivons au niveau structurel, exprimant que la société en réseau est en train d'être remplacée par un système d'acteurs-réseaux-données appelé « inflation sociale ». Alors que la société en réseau donne la priorité aux connexions et à la distribution décentralisée, l'inflation sociale met l'accent sur la différenciation exponentielle et l'auto-perpétuation des systèmes de données à tout prix. La théorie cosmologique inflationniste, en sciences sociales, constitue un système qui crée de nouveaux réseaux, acteurs et épistémologies, accélérant l'expansion d'une lecture technique de la réalité dans laquelle même celle-ci est incluse pour répondre à la demande permanente de dataification. Mots clés: société en réseau, inflation sociale, hyperconnectivité, dataification - Resumen Si bien vivimos en un mundo hiperconectado y la tecnología es central para la cultura y el poder, este proceso rescinde de los sujetos y del conocimiento a expensas de la performatividad y la datificación. Para argumentar esto, nos basamos en el legado de Castells y complementamos la teoría de la sociedad en red con un enfoque multidimensional desde las dimensiones psicológica, económica y política. En primer lugar, abordamos el nivel individual o proceso de individuación en el que la condición y la capacidad de autorrepresentación de los sujetos dependen de ensamblajes o redes tecnológicas mayores. Esto nos lleva a cuestionar la regresión en la inmanencia ontológica o capacidad de agencia de los individuos. En segundo lugar, abordamos el nivel meso entre agencia y estructura, es decir, el nivel de los actores sociales para explorar nuevos cambios en la economía digital. Esto nos lleva a cuestionar cómo los actores nodales en la economía de la red gestionan los datos de los individuos, pero también se convierten en « víctimas » de su propio proceso de datificaión. En tercer lugar, llegamos al nivel estructural, expresando que la sociedad red está siendo sustituida por un sistema de actores-redes-datos denominado 'inflación social'. Mientras que la sociedad red prioriza las conexiones y la distribución descentralizada, la inflación social enfatiza la diferenciación exponencial y la autoperpetuación de los sistemas de datos a cualquier costo. La teoría cosmológica inflacionaria llevada a las ciencias sociales, constituye un sistema que crea nuevas redes, actores y epistemologías, acelerando la expansión de una lectura técnica de la realidad en la que incluso ésta se engloba para cumplir con la demanda de datificación en curso. Palabras clave: sociedad red, inflación social, hiperconectividad, datificación
The way in which technology is designed requires reconsideration. Most importantly, a clearer consideration of ethics in the design process can ensure that, even in the planning phase, there is a move towards the creation of technologies that fit with, and support, human activity in a sustainable way. To this end, this paper presents some critical points which should be considered in the design phase to encourage reflection on the evolutionary aspects of user-centered design.KeywordsDesignGuidelinesEthicsHCIHuman-computer interaction evolution
Within the framework of this article, a consistent analysis of the main characteristics of modern biopolitical knowledge was made (general rationalization and transition from the individual level of control to the level of population’s control, and consequently, the development of the data policy strategy; the transition from biopower to the strategy of neuropower, the development of the biopolitics of emotions, etc.). Accordingly basic principles of the traditional bipolitical approach shift to inductive, i.e. hidden, control over human mind and behavior. Some basic trends in the digitalization of politics are also discussed in the article (the emergence of a dilemma between transparency and total control, control as a manipulation over the interpretation of events, the development of management mechanisms through the use and transformation of the daily canons, etc.). The development and implementation of modern digital technologies affects the psychology of individuals and transforms it through the modification of perception. The development of technologies to manage individuals' perceptions and needs is also an important trend in the digitalization of politics. In addition, specific principles of these two areas of political science researches’ implementation in the organization of urban space are explored (creation of a mentally supporting physical environment, the use of the so-called "Square of Nine" in urban architectural design, etc.). Urban architecture and space design can have both a positive impact on human psychology and emotions (promoting the release of neurochemicals responsible for happiness) and a negative one (provoking sensory deprivation that causes stress). The purpose of this article is to form a scientific understanding of various strategies of conduct, in particular neuropower and data politics, as well as specific ways to implement these strategies in the context of population management (for example, through the organization of planning and construction of urban architecture).
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The objective of this study is to examine the development of socio-technical accountability mechanisms in order to: a) preserve and increase the autonomy of individuals subjected to surveillance and b) replenish the asymmetry of power between those who watch and those who are watched. To do so, we address two surveillance realms: intelligence services and personal data networks. The cases studied are Spain and Brazil, from the beginning of the political transitions in the 1970s (in the realm of intelligence), the expansion of Internet digital networks covering the 2020s (in the realm of personal data), to resistance principles in a long-term future. The examination of accountability, thus, comprises a holistic evolution of institutions, regulations, market strategies, as well as resistance tactics. The conclusion summarizes the accountability mechanisms and proposes universal principles to improve the legitimacy of authority in surveillance and politics in a broad sense. PREFACE, INTRODUCTION; PART 1. Zero. Chapter 1. Theoretical Framework; 1.1. On the forms of power 1.1.a. Restraining power: About the importance of controlling the uncontrollable. 1.1.b. Executing power: The aporia between exceptionality and normalization 1.1.c. Justifying power: A brief epistemological history 1.1.d. Constructing power: In the name of security 1.2. On surveillance: Real metaphors and perspectives 1.3. On privacy: Basic remarks 1.4. On accountability: The art of squaring the circle Chapter 2. Methodology and Operationalization 2.1. Hypothesis 2.2. Operationalization PART 2. 1975. Chapter 3. Accountability in the realm of intelligence 3.1. Intelligence 3.2. Authoritarian legacies 3.2.a. The Spanish authoritarian legacy 3.2.b. The Brazilian authoritarian legacy 3.3. Intelligence institutional paths 3.3.a. The Spanish path: SECED, CESID, CNI 3.3.b. The Brazilian path: SNI, SAE, ABIN-SISBIN 3.4. Internal control 3.5. Legislative control 3.6. Judicial control 3.7. Accountability of third dimension 3.8. The media role and civil society Chapter 4. Surveillance and intelligence: connecting the points 4.1. Surveillance metaphors and intelligence 4.2. Intelligence and the management of subjects 4.3. Intelligence accountability and legitimate resistance PART 3. 2020. Chapter 5. Accountability in the realm of personal data 5.0. Personal data 5.1. State regulations 5.1.a. Personal data protection in Spain 5.1.b. Personal data protection in Brazil 5.2. Market strategies 5.2.a. Internet and data business 5.2.b. Accountability of big market players 5.2.c. Further approaches: algorithms, privacy by design, and oligopolies 5.3. Civic agency 5.3.a. Ironic stream 5.3.b. Deliberative stream 5.3.c. Agonistic stream 5.3.d. Despair stream Chapter 6. Surveillance and personal data: connecting the points 6.1. Surveillance metaphors and personal data 6.2. Personal data and the management of subjects 6.3. Personal data accountability and further resistance PART 4. 2084. “Postscript” on the societies of surveillance; Metanarratives for resistance I. Icarus model II. Sisyphus model III. Orphic model The desert is advancing: Accountability revisited CONCLUSION References Appendices
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What is a research center? How does its role change in the age of data and computation? The article describes the theoretical and conceptual foundations that in 2020 led to the redesign of the research center HER - Human Ecosystems Relations, founded in 2013 by the artist duo Salvatore Iaconesi and Oriana Persico, to create a new type of organization capable of positioning research at the center of society, using art as a strategy and data to create sensitivities toward the complex phenomena of our globalized and hyper-connected world - from climate change, to migration to poverty. HER: she Loves Data, the new organization whose model is described, assumes as its main mission the creation of the Archive of Rituals of the New Living, embracing data and computation as existential and cultural boundaries of contemporary human beings and societies.
Conference Paper
Many application providers enforce users to register and create credentials to use their applications. The registration process usually requires the users to fill in personal information in which it is a time-consuming process. Additionally, it also increases the number of usernames and passwords that users need to remember which leads to password fatigue. Social login is a way to address this problem. With the benefits that social login could offer, this study aims to examine the user’s preference towards authentication mechanisms used for mobile learning applications. An experimental study was conducted using a mobile learning application named LANGKAWI ISLANDS. Forty participants participated in this study on a voluntary basis and used the traditional social login on LANGKAWI ISLANDS. Sign up/in time using both mechanisms is recorded. Then, the participants stated their preference for the authentication mechanisms. The result suggests that authentication process of LANGKAWI ISLANDS is much faster using social login and more favored by the participants.
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With the rise in technologies that support the collection of big data, organizations are scrambling to analyze data to enhance decision making. As the richness of data gathered increases, organizations are provided eyes into greater amounts of details on components of transactions than ever before. This has left many wondering how ethical concerns of data have continued to diminish especially when considering privacy and security. This research identifies and discusses the major ethical themes applicable to big data analytics from past literature. It described ethical questions to consider when dealing with the grey areas of big data analytics.
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It has been argued that the Internet and social media increase the number of available viewpoints, perspectives, ideas and opinions available, leading to a very diverse pool of information. However, critics have argued that algorithms used by search engines, social networking platforms and other large online intermediaries actually decrease information diversity by forming so-called ‘‘filter bubbles’’. This may form a serious threat to our democracies. In response to this threat others have developed algorithms and digital tools to combat filter bubbles. This paper first provides examples of different software designs that try to break filter bubbles. Secondly, we show how norms required by two democracy models dominate the tools that are developed to fight the filter bubbles, while norms of other models are completely missing in the tools. The paper in conclusion argues that democracy itself is a contested concept and points to a variety of norms. Designers of diversity enhancing tools must thus be exposed to diverse conceptions of democracy
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The era of Big Data has begun. Computer scientists, physicists, economists, mathematicians, political scientists, bio-informaticists, sociologists, and other scholars are clamouring for access to the massive quantities of information produced by and about people, things, and their interactions. Significant questions emerge. Will large-scale search data help us create better tools, services, and public goods? Or will it usher in a new wave of privacy incursions and invasive marketing? Will data analytics help us understand online communities and political movements? Or will it be used to track protesters and suppress speech? Will it transform how we study human communication and culture, or narrow the palette of research options and alter what 'research' means? Given the rise of Big Data as a socio-technical phenomenon, we argue that it is necessary to critically interrogate its assumptions and biases. In this article, we offer six provocations to spark conversations about the issues of Big Data: a cultural, technological, and scholarly phenomenon that rests on the interplay of technology, analysis, and mythology that provokes extensive utopian and dystopian rhetoric.
An investigation of the aesthetics and politics of new visual media under twenty-first-century capitalism, from console games to virtual reality to video installation art. In Biopolitical Screens, Pasi Väliaho charts and conceptualizes the imagery that composes our affective and conceptual reality under twenty-first-century capitalism. Väliaho investigates the role screen media play in the networks that today harness human minds and bodies—the ways that images animated on console game platforms, virtual reality technologies, and computer screens capture human potential by plugging it into arrangements of finance, war, and the consumption of entertainment. Drawing on current neuroscience and political and economic thought, Väliaho argues that these images work to shape the atomistic individuals who populate the neoliberal world of accumulation and war. Väliaho bases his argument on a broad notion of the image as something both visible and sayable, detectable in various screen platforms but also in scientific perception and theoretical ideas. After laying out the conceptual foundations of the book, Väliaho offers focused and detailed investigations of the current visual economy. He considers the imagery of first-person shooter video games as tools of “neuropower”; explores the design and construction of virtual reality technologies to treat post-traumatic stress disorder in veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan; and examines three instances of video installation art that have the power to disrupt the dominant regime of sensibility rather than reinforce it.
How a little-known Little Rock company-the world's largest processor of consumer data-found itself at the center of a very big national security debate.
This book has emerged from a specific historical constellation. It addresses some crucial social and political events we have witnessed since the turn of the century. In the past ten years, intellectuals inside and outside the United States have used the notion of biopolitics to reflect on issues as heterogeneous as the war on terror after 9/11, the rise of neoliberalism, and biomedical and biotechnological innovations such as stem cell research, and the human genome project. In these debates, the concept of biopolitics has often served as an interpretive key to analyze how the production and protection of life is articulated with the proliferation of death; or it seeks to grasp how the reduction of human beings to "bare life" (e.g., in Guantánamo and Abu Ghraib) is linked to strategies to optimize and enhance human capabilities and life expectancy.
In this short paper we discuss our work on co-research devices with a young coder community, which help investigate big social data collected by mobile phones. The development was accompanied by focus groups and interviews on privacy attitudes and aims to explore how youth cultures are tracked in mobile phone data.