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Analyzing urban population density gradient for Morbi city


Abstract and Figures

This paper analyzes the urban structure by considering population density gradient by applying four mathematical functions. It has been shown that how the population density function varies with the increase in distance from CBD. The best fit function for population density of Morbi city has been determined.
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International Conference on “Research and Innovations in Science, Engineering & Technology”
Analyzing urban population density gradient for
Morbi city
Toral Vyas
(Transportation Engg.) Civil Engineering Department
L.D.College of Engineering
Ahmedabad , India
Civil Engineering Department
L.D.College of Engineering
Ahmedabad , India
Abstract This paper analyzes the urban structure by
considering population density gradient by applying four
mathematical functions. It has been shown that how the population
density function varies with the increase in distance from CBD. The
best fit function for population density of Morbi city has been
Keywords—population density gradient; Central Business
District(CBD); mathematical functions
Urban population has increased remarkably during last 2
decades. The urban population was 54% of the total global
population in 2014 which was increased from 34% in 1960,
and continues to grow. The global urban population is
expected to grow approximately 1.84% per year between 2015
and 2020, 1.63% per year between 2020 and 2025, and 1.44%
per year between 2025 and 2030 (WHO report 2015).
Numbers of parameters are affecting it but the most important
parameter is opportunity. Opportunity is also a parameter
which determines the pattern of spatial growth of urban area.
The urban growth sprawls in the direction where opportunities
are more available. Population density varies with distance
from the city centre (Griffith, 1980).In Gujarat the urban
population was 37.4% (2001) was increased to 42.6% in
2011(Census 2011). The urban population growth rate in
Morbi is 3.33 % from 2001 to 2011. Population density
gradient is parameter which determines the spatial form of
urban structure.
The structure of settlement influences the transportation
system. The spatial distribution is connected by transportation
system within its geographical area. Generally it is
charatacterised by their densities. It is important to understand
urban form and analyze the urban structure, transport supply
and travel pattern as well as to develop relationship among
urban structure and structural parameters. There are some
indicators used for analysis of urban structure like population
density, dispersion or density distribution, transportation
network, accessibility, land use composition. Three spatial
features affect the economic development of a region: the
density (population), the distance (mobility and accessibility)
and division (the spatial integration of economies)
(Catherine-2010).Improving access to people and markets is
a key driver which plays an important role in economical
development. The connectivity with international and regional
markets creates economic opportunities and this attractiveness
of opportunity leads to the population growth in to that
particular area Generally the tendency of the people is to settle
near the CBD due to the proximity of economical activities
and opportunities.
Colin Clark (1951) has explained that the population density
gradient with respect to radial distance for urban area can be
represented by exponential function. Clark found that
residential density does not decline by a uniform percentage
with each unit of increase in distance from the center. Density
gradients can be specified by two parameters: Do and b in the
following formula: Dx = Do e -bx
Where x = Radial distance
e =2.718 (the base of natural logarithms)
Do = population density at centre
Dx = Population density at distance x from CBD
b = slope factor
Number of research work has been carried out worldwide to
analyze the population density gradient. Tanner (1961) &
sherratt (1960) had developed two models independently and
concluded that the population declines exponentially some
distance away from the centre. Northam(1979) &
Newling(1969) had proposed another model in which another
significant feature(density crater) was added to earlier models
He found out that the area immediately adjacent to the CBD
has lower density of population which rises some distance
away creating a crater in the density gradient curve.
The research work has been carried out for Morbi city.
Morbi is situated on the bank of river Machchhu and 60 km
away from Rajkot city. Morbi is a historical city of Saurashtra
region. It is a hub of ceramic industries. There are more than
700 units of ceramic production. There are some other
industrial development like clock manufacturing and
International Conference on “Research and Innovations in Science, Engineering & Technology”
electronic bike production. There is high rate of migration to
Morbi because of its industrial development. The major
outgrowths of Morbi city are Trajpar, Sanala, Ravapar and
Mahendranagar. There are 14 wards in Morbi city (as per 2011
Fig-1 Location of study area in map
The CBD of Morbi city is ward no. 6 which is also known
as “Nagar Darwaja”.It is highly congested and highly
populous area. There are Darbar Gadh and Mani Mandir near
to it which is old and historic sites of Morbi city. Number of
shops and other commercial activities are concentrated over
here. Residential and commercial type of land use is observed
in ward no 6.The total area of Morbi city is around 29 Km2.
Fig.2 population scenario of Morbi
Fig. 3 Digitized map of Morbi city
The population growth of Morbi city is 3.33% (2001 to
2011). The development of ceramic industries played an
important role in the population growth as well as the
distribution of population. Ward no. 6 has been considered as
the CBD of city. For analysis purpose the Euclidian distance
has been considered which is the distance between the
geometric centers of the respective wards. The central wards
are the core part of the city (old city).
TABLE-1 population density and distance from CBD
No. Population density
(Inhabitant/ km2) Distance
1 3692.70 2.56
2 33273.53 0.80
3 10776.93 0.86
4 6304.38 1.66
5 3695.28 1.63
6 20402.30 0.00
7 13102.76 1.41
8 13398.82 2.13
9 4637.21 3.19
10 2507.62 3.37
11 28032.33 1.22
12 19318.68 0.63
13 26753.21 0.67
14 8175.60 1.87
Fig-4 ward wise Population density
The density gradient is analyzed by applying four
mathematical functions. These functions are logarithmic,
linear, exponential and second order polynomial. As per
Collin Clark theory the density declines with distance from the
city centre. For Morbi city the density declines but some
distance away from city centre. Ward no. 2 and ward no. 11 is
the two densest adjacent wards from CBD. In these two wards
the density is higher as compared to ward no-6 which shows
that there is rise in population density from city centre and
afterwards it declines as per Collin Clark theory.
International Conference on “Research and Innovations in Science, Engineering & Technology”
Fig. 5 Population density Gradient (log. Function)
Fig. 6 Population density Gradient ( 2 nd order poly. Function)
Fig. 7 Population Density Gradient (Expo. Function)
Fig. 8 Population Density Gradient (Linear)
TABLE-2 The fit of various function for the density gradient in 2011 ,Morbi
Type of
1 Logarithmic y = - 1385 ln(x) + 18702 0.569
2 Linear y = -7366 x + 25448 0.513
3 Polynomial
(2nd order) y = 571.8 x
– 9385 x + 26692 0.516
4 Exponential y = 30471e
From table-2 it is observed that the population density gradient
declines in all four types of function. The R2 value for
exponential function is highest as compared to the other
Morbi is developing city of Saurashtra region. Its population
density is following the exponential relation with distance
from centre and its best fit value of R2 is 0.645.
Authors of this research paper would like to thank to Morbi
Municipality for providing the demographic data of Morbi
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International Conference on “Research and Innovations in Science, Engineering & Technology”
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ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Full-text available
Worldwide increase in urban population draws special attention to urban population density related research. Based on Thana level census data for the years 2001 and 2011, this study attempts to analyze the density gradient of urban population in Dhaka Metropolitan Area using Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Four mathematical functions have been considered to examine the change in population density with distance from CBD, after the classical work of Colin Clark in 1951. The density gradient appears to be following the negative exponential function. Result reveals that the density curve flattens over time, indicating greater increase of population density in the areas located further from the CBD than areas adjacent to it. GIS-based surface modeling using density contours shows the spatial pattern of population density has changed substantially. The study further corroborates that historical as well as economic factors are influencing the pattern and change of population density in Dhaka Metropolitan Area (DMA).
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The compact city concept is adopted in city planning policies of many developed countries for the following benefits: efficient use of land while curtailing sprawl, reduction in transport network and reliance on mass transport, a socially interactive environment with vibrancy of activities, economic viability, etc. However, it is still debated whether the cities in developing countries like India, which are already dense, will really benefit from the compact city form. Measuring urban form and compactness of these cities becomes more important for understanding the spatial urban structure to intervene accordingly for sustainable urban development. This paper explores various parameters and dimensions of measurement of compactness. Urban form characteristics and their indicators are derived for the study of Nagpur city, India. This study is an attempt to measure the urban form to derive the benefits of compactness. The study indicates that Nagpur city, inherently has a compact form, but may disperse in near future; and there is a need to implement policies to retain its compact character to achieve sustainable urban development.
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The spatial distribution of populations and settlements across a country and their interconnectivity and accessibility from urban areas are important for delivering healthcare, distributing resources and economic development. However, existing spatially explicit population data across Africa are generally based on outdated, low resolution input demographic data, and provide insufficient detail to quantify rural settlement patterns and, thus, accurately measure population concentration and accessibility. Here we outline approaches to developing a new high resolution population distribution dataset for Africa and analyse rural accessibility to population centers. Contemporary population count data were combined with detailed satellite-derived settlement extents to map population distributions across Africa at a finer spatial resolution than ever before. Substantial heterogeneity in settlement patterns, population concentration and spatial accessibility to major population centres is exhibited across the continent. In Africa, 90% of the population is concentrated in less than 21% of the land surface and the average per-person travel time to settlements of more than 50,000 inhabitants is around 3.5 hours, with Central and East Africa displaying the longest average travel times. The analyses highlight large inequities in access, the isolation of many rural populations and the challenges that exist between countries and regions in providing access to services. The datasets presented are freely available as part of the AfriPop project, providing an evidence base for guiding strategic decisions.
The existing empirical literature about polycentric population density has focused on the urban scale, and the alternative models proposed in that context have been justified using heuristic arguments. This paper describes how polycentric density distributions can, in general, be endowed with a theoretical framework which differs from the existing literature with respect to the treatment of centers: instead of assuming that they represent places of work, it assumes they are places that provide goods and services to households. This imposes a hierarchical structure on the model, which allows replacing the set of distances to all centers (typically used in the existing literature as the same explanans irrespectively of location) with a smaller set of distances that corresponds to the number of levels in the hierarchy and varies with location. The central‐place framework used also provides a direct link between a polycentric model and the Clark formula, in the sense that the latter can emerge through a smoothing procedure of the former. Finally, in the context of central places, the scope of related empirical investigations can be extended naturally from the urban to the regional scale. This is the scale of a simple test presented here, which has been specifically included to support the corresponding theoretical arguments about the structure of a polycentric density gradient. The paper concludes with some expected problems and advantages of applying these ideas to the urban scale.
Transportation Planning -Principles, Practices and policies
"Transportation Planning -Principles, Practices and policies" Pradip Kumar Sarkar, Vinay Maitri, G.J.Joshi PHI Learning Private limited Delhi-110092 2015