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Safety, Efficacy, and Physicochemical Characterization of Tinospora crispa Ointment: A Community-Based Formulation against Pediculus humanus capitis


Abstract and Figures

The high prevalence of pediculosis capitis, commonly known as head lice (Pediculus humanus capitis) infestation, has led to the preparation of a community-based pediculicidal ointment, which is made of common household items and the extract of Tinospora crispa stem. The present study aimed to evaluate the safety, efficacy, and physicochemical characteristics of the T. crispa pediculicidal ointment. The physicochemical properties of the ointment were characterized, and safety was determined using acute dermal irritation test (OECD 404), while the efficacy was assessed using an in vitro pediculicidal assay. Furthermore, the chemical compounds present in T. crispa were identified using liquid-liquid extraction followed by ultra-performance liquid chromatography quadruple time-of-flight mass spectrometric (UPLC-qTOF/MS) analysis. The community-based ointment formulation was light yellow in color, homogeneous, smooth, with distinct aromatic odor and pH of 6.92±0.09. It has spreadability value of 15.04±0.98 g·cm/sec and has thixotropic behavior. It was also found to be non-irritant, with a primary irritation index value of 0.15. Moreover, it was comparable to the pediculicidal activity of the positive control Kwell®, a commercially available 1% permethrin shampoo (P>0.05), and was significantly different to the activity of the negative control ointment, a mixture of palm oil and candle wax (P<0.05). These findings suggested that the community-based T. crispa pediculicidal ointment is safe and effective, having acceptable physicochemical characteristics. Its activity can be attributed to the presence of compounds moupinamide and physalin I.
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Pediculosis capitis (head lice infestation) is the most com-
mon type of pediculosis [1], an ectoparasitic disease in hu-
mans [2]. It is caused by the infestation of head lice (Pediculus
humanus capitis) [3], a 6-legged, blood sucking, wingless insect
that thrives on human scalp [4] (Fig. 1). Head lice are com-
mon among children aged 3-11 years, which can be transmit-
ted through either direct (head-to-head) contact with the in-
fested person or indirectly through personal items, such as
combs, hats, scarfs, beddings and towels [5]. Pediculosis capi-
tis presents a public health problem [6] as it can cause social
stigma, embarrassment, low self-esteem, loss of productivity,
and frustration among afflicted individuals [7]. It is not gener-
ally associated with morbidity [7] and is not currently consid-
ered to be vectors for human pathogens [8], but secondary
bacterial infections may occur as a result of subsequent skin
excoriation due to sensitization to louse saliva [6].
A number of both over-the-counter and prescription formula-
tions are available for the treatment of pediculosis capitis. These
includes permethrin, pyrethrin, malathion, and lindane. How-
ever, their use to control pediculosis globally has been ham-
pered due to the growing issues concerning the aforementioned
treatments [7]. There have been records of resistance in many
parts of the world due to a large treatment selection pressure in-
duced by conventional pediculicides. Resistance contributes to
treatment failures, which may result in chronic infestations [9].
In addition, these chemicals are neurotoxic [10] and cause pru-
ritus, erythema, and edema [11]. With the associated treatment
failures, drug resistance, and side effects of the currently avail-
able pediculicides, the search for safe and effective alternative
pediculicidal agents are comprehensively conducted.
ISSN (Print) 0023-4001
ISSN (Online) 1738-0006
Korean J Parasitol Vol. 55, No. 4: 409-416, August 2017
Received 11 May 2017, revised 16 July 2017, accepted 19 July 2017.
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© 2017, Korean Society for Parasitology and Tropical Medicine
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Safety, Efficacy, and Physicochemical Characterization of
Tinospora crispa Ointment: A Community-Based
Formulation against Pediculus humanus capitis
Gerwin Louis Tapan Dela Torre1, Kerstin Mariae Gonzales Ponsaran1, Angelica Louise Dela Peña de Guzman1,
Richelle Ann Mallapre Manalo1, Erna Custodio Arollado1,2,
Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, National Institutes of Health, University of the Philippines Manila, Ermita, Manila 1000, the Philippines;
Department of Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, University of the Philippines Manila, Ermita, Manila 1000, the Philippines
The high prevalence of pediculosis capitis, commonly known as head lice (Pediculus humanus capitis) infesta-
tion, has led to the preparation of a community-based pediculicidal ointment, which is made of common household items
and the extract of Tinospora crispa stem. The present study aimed to evaluate the safety, efficacy, and physicochemical
characteristics of the T. crispa pediculicidal ointment. The physicochemical properties of the ointment were characterized,
and safety was determined using acute dermal irritation test (OECD 404), while the efficacy was assessed using an in vi-
tro pediculicidal assay. Furthermore, the chemical compounds present in T. crispa were identified using liquid-liquid ex-
traction followed by ultra-performance liquid chromatography quadruple time-of-flight mass spectrometric (UPLC-qTOF/
MS) analysis. The community-based ointment formulation was light yellow in color, homogeneous, smooth, with distinct
aromatic odor and pH of 6.92± 0.09. It has spreadability value of 15.04 ± 0.98 g·cm/sec and has thixotropic behavior. It
was also found to be non-irritant, with a primary irritation index value of 0.15. Moreover, it was comparable to the pedicu-
licidal activity of the positive control Kwell
, a commercially available 1% permethrin shampoo (P> 0.05), and was signifi-
cantly different to the activity of the negative control ointment, a mixture of palm oil and candle wax (P<0.05). These find-
ings suggested that the community-based T. crispa pediculicidal ointment is safe and effective, having acceptable physi-
cochemical characteristics. Its activity can be attributed to the presence of compounds moupinamide and physalin I.
Key words:
Pediculus humanus capitis, Tinospora crispa, dermal irritation, ointment, pediculicidal assay
Korean J Parasitol
Vol. 55, No. 4: 409-416, August 2017
In the Philippines, the burden of pediculosis capitis among
schoolchildren was considered high at 54.7% during 1986
[12]. The disease burden increased significantly to 84% in the
year 2000, and in 2012, it was named as the second highest
medical problem among schoolchildren after tooth decay [13].
At the present time, the growing problem on pediculosis capi-
tis still persists. In this aspect, communities have resorted to
formulate their own pediculicidal treatment to resolve the
high prevalence of the disease. Community-based pediculici-
dal ointment formulation was documented by the Philippine
Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care (PITAHC)
utilizing common household items and the extract of Tinospo-
ra crispa stem as the active constituent [14]. The selection of T.
crispa may be attributed to its wide distribution throughout
the Philippines [15] and its traditional use as an anti-parasitic
agent on humans and domestic animals [16].
The aim of this work was to evaluate the safety and efficacy
of the community-based ointment preparation containing T.
crispa extract against head lice, and characterize its physico-
chemical properties.
Plant sample
Fresh T. crispa stems were collected from the town of Alabat,
in the province of Quezon, Philippines. The plant was identi-
fied to be T. crispa by the National Museum of the Philippines
- Botany Division and was given a voucher specimen no. 16-
Preparation of T. crispa ointment
The fresh stems of T. crispa were garbled and washed with
water to remove any clinging dirt and insect debris. The prepa-
ration of the ointment followed a community-based formula
[14]. The stems were chopped into small pieces. In a pot, a
cup of the chopped stems, together with a cup of palm oil,
were boiled for 15 min for the extraction of active constituents
from the stem. The oil extract was then filtered, and 1 white,
unscented, pulverized candle (diameter–1 cm; length-14.5
cm) was incorporated to the oil extract through continuous
stirring under the temperature range of 50-60˚C. It was then
transferred on opaque ointment jars, after the candle has com-
pletely melted.
Characterization of T. crispa ointment
The T. crispa ointment was subjected to physicochemical
tests of homogeneity, color, odor and pH. Spreadability mea-
surement was performed using the slip and drag character-
istics of the ointment [17]. Rheological behavior was deter-
mined using Brookfield Viscometer (Spindle – LV3) at 25˚C.
Experimental animals
Adult healthy albino rabbits of both sexes (8-10 weeks old;
1.5-2.0 kg) were procured from the St. Lukes Medical Center,
Research & Biotechnology Division (Quezon City, Philip-
pines). The rabbits were housed individually at the animal fa-
cility of the National Institutes of Health, maintained in a con-
trolled room temperature (23-25˚C) under 12 hr/12 hr light/
dark cycle, with commercial rabbit pellet and water supplied
ad libitum. Acclimatization was done 1 week before the der-
mal irritation test. The experimental procedure was approved
by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)
of the University of the Philippines Manila (IACUC protocol
no. 2016-022).
Dermal irritation test
Acute dermal irritation study was carried out using the
OECD guideline 404 [18] with some modifications. Four rab-
bits (2 male and 2 female) were used in the study. Six areas of
approximately 6 cm2, 3 on each side of the dorsal area of each
rabbit, were shaved 24 hr before the test. The shaved areas on
the left side were applied with 0.5 g of T. crispa ointment using
a sterile cotton swab and held in place with a gauze patch and
non-irritating tape. The shaved areas on the right side served as
the control and received 0.5 g of the negative control ointment
Fig. 1. Microscopic picture of an adult Pediculus humanus capitis
(head louse).
Dela Torre et al.: Community-based Tinospora crispa pediculicidal ointment 411
(palm oil and pulverized candle only). After 4 hr, the gauze
patches were removed and the shaved areas were rinsed with
distilled water. The test areas were examined at approximately
1, 24, 48, and 72 hr after the removal of gauze for evidences of
primary irritation and scored according to the scale used in the
OECD guideline 404 (Table 1).
Primary irritation index (PII) was calculated by dividing the
sum of erythema and edema scores, with the product of the
number of test sites and the number of grading intervals [19].
It was then classified according to Draize method of classifica-
tion using PII scoring as non-irritant (if PII<0.5), slightly irri-
tant (if PII<2), moderately irritant (if PII <2-5), and severely
irritant (if PII >5) [20].
Ethical Consideration
The study was reviewed and approved by the University of
the Philippines Manila Review and Ethics Board (UPMREB)
and was given the study code no. UPMREB 2016-277-01. Prior
to screening and collection of head lice, verbal assent was ob-
tained from the children and informed written consent was
secured from their parents or guardians. All children and their
families were given an over-the-counter 1% permethrin sham-
poo (Kwell®) after the study.
Screening of schoolchildren with head lice
Schoolchildren aged 5-11, of either sex around the 5th Dis-
trict of Manila, were screened for their possible inclusion in
the study. Screening was made by the parent or guardian of
the child. The hair was divided into 4 quadrants by a plastic
head lice comb. Next, the hair on each quadrant was combed
6 times starting from the scalp and ending at the hair tips [21].
The number of lice collected was counted. Children with at
least 5 living lice and did not use any form of pediculicidal
agents in the previous month were included in the study.
Head lice collection
Adult head lice were collected from the screened schoolchil-
dren. The parents or guardians extracted the head lice at the
day of the researchers visit to ensure the viability of the in-
sects. Head lice were placed over a plastic container covered
with filter paper, moistened with distilled water to prevent
death by desiccation. The collected head lice were transported
to the Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences laboratory for the
in vitro assay. Only fully active and intact adult head lice with
the size range of 2-3 mm long were used, irrespective of sex.
Within an hour after the collection, the assay was performed.
In vitro pediculicidal assay
The T. crispa ointment was tested for its pediculicidal activity
along with the negative control ointment (palm oil and pul-
verized candle only) and positive control (1% permethrin
shampoo, Kwell®). A total of 252 head lice were used in the
study (n =84 per group). The analyses were tested in batches
of 84 (n =28 per group) at room temperature (25 ±C). Petri
dishes lined with filter paper were prepared. Head lice were
then placed on the filter paper together with some hair
strands. To prevent the desiccation of head lice, the filter pa-
pers were moistened with distilled water. Samples were intro-
duced through direct application. Each louse received either
15 mg of T. crispa ointment, 15 mg of negative control or a
single drop of the positive control. After 20 min of exposure to
the samples, the head lice were washed with tap water to sim-
ulate treatment on an infested host. Afterwards, head lice were
placed into new petri dishes with unused moistened filter pa-
pers and were examined under a dissecting microscope. Three
pre-defined criteria for the evaluation of the pediculicidal ac-
tivity of samples were used. Lice were defined as active if no
changes in the activity or behavior were observed post-treat-
ment. In the some vital signs category, the reduced activity
was shown by the inability of the lice to walk in a progressive
fashion and the absence of righting reflex when rolled onto
the back, but still with peristalsis. Lastly, the complete absence
of any vital signs such as peristalsis and movement of anten-
nae or legs, even after stimulating with a single hair strand,
Table 1. Grading of skin reactions
Erythema and eschar formation Edema formation
No erythema 0No edema 0
Very slight erythema (barely perceptible) 1Very slight edema 1
Well defined erythema 2Slight edema (edges of area well defined by definite rating) 2
Moderate to severe erythema 3Moderate edema (raised approximately 1 mm) 3
Severe erythema (beef redness) to eschar formation
preventing grading of erythema
4Severe edema (raised more than 1 mm and extending beyond
area of exposure)
Korean J Parasitol
Vol. 55, No. 4: 409-416, August 2017
were defined as no vital signs. Observations were conducted
at 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180 min post-treatment [22,23].
Compound identification
The solution (50 ml) obtained from the T. crispa extraction
with palm oil was extracted 3 times with equal amount of di-
methylsulfoxide (DMSO). The DMSO portion was pooled
and was diluted to 5% using distilled water. The solution was
filtered using 0.2 μm syringe filter. Palm oil underwent the
same treatment and was used as blank. The resulting filtrates
were subjected to ultra-performance liquid chromatography
quadruple time-of-flight mass spectrometric (UPLC-qTOF/
MS) analysis for the identification of compounds present [24].
UPLC-qTOF/MS analysis was performed using Waters Ac-
quityTM UPLCTM I-Class/Xevo equipped with Xevo G2-XS qTOF
mass spectrometer. Chromatographic separation was per-
formed using Waters HSS T3 C18 column (2.1×1
00 mm i.d.,
1.8 μm) maintained at 40˚C. The mobile phase was composed
of acetonitrile+0.1% formic acid (A) and water+0.1% formic
acid (B). The following gradient program was employed: 5% A
for 0.5 min, linearly increased to 95% A for 10 min, followed
by an isocratic phase for 4.5 min, then 99% A for 2.5 min and
linearly decreased to 5% A for 25 min. The flow rate 0.4 ml/
min and the injection volume was 5 μl.
The Waters Xevo G2-XS qTOF MSE was run in positive ion
mode. The capillary and cone voltages were set to 1.0 kV and
40 V, respectively, with the cone gas flow at 40 L/hr. The desol-
vation temperature was 550˚C, gas flow at 950 L/hr, and
source temperature at 120˚C. Data were collected between the
mass range of 100 and 1,200 Da, with a scan time of 0.150
sec. MS analysis was carried out to identify the compounds
present in the T. crispa extract and the data were processed us-
ing UNIFI Scientific Information System with the Traditional
Chinese Medicine Library (TCML) for identification of puta-
tive compounds present in the sample.
Statistical analysis
The data were expressed as mean±standard error of the
mean (SE). The differences between groups per observation
time were compared by 1-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)
followed by Tukeys post-hoc test. To investigate the efficacy
between T. crispa ointment and positive control over time,
2-way mixed ANOVA was used. All statistical analyses were
performed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
(SPSS, Chicago, Illinois, USA) 23.0. Results with P<0.05 were
considered statistically significant.
Characterization of T. crispa ointment
The community-based formulation of T. crispa ointment
was light yellow, smooth and homogenous, having a distinc-
tive aromatic odor and pH of 6.92±0.09. It has a spreadability
value of 15.04±0.98 Rheological study revealed that
he ointment has a thixotropic behavior (Fig. 2).
Pediculicidal activity study
The results of the in vitro pediculicidal assay are shown in
Fig. 3. It was observed that all groups displayed fluctuations in
their activities over time except for active head lice group treat-
ed with T. crispa ointment. For the active head lice group, the T.
crispa ointment treatment showed comparable activity with
the positive control at 30 (P=0.728), 60 (P=0.165), 90 (P=
0.214), 120 (P=0.240), 150 (P=0.096), and 180 (P=0.056)
min (Fig. 3A). On the other hand, positive control and T. crispa
ointment treatment groups demonstrated significantly differ-
ent activities with negative control at all observation times
(P<0.05). Comparable activities were also observed in the
head lice group with some vital signs treated with T. crispa
ointment relative to positive (P>0.05) and negative (P>0.05)
controls (Fig. 3B) at all time points. The mortality or the num-
ber of head lice with no vital signs treated with T. crispa oint-
ment decreased over time but displayed comparable activity
with the positive control at 30 (P=0.961), 60 (P=0.229), 90
(P=0.416), 120 (P=0.334), 150 (P=0.278), and 180 (P=
0.131) min (Fig. 3C). Significantly different activities in the
mortality of head lice were observed in positive and T. crispa
ointment treatment groups in comparison to the negative con-
trol (P<0.05). It should be noted that at 30 min observation
Fig. 2. Rheogram of Tinospora crispa ointment at 25
Shear stress (
0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400
Shear rate (Y)
Dela Torre et al.: Community-based Tinospora crispa pediculicidal ointment 413
time, the percentage mortality of head lice in the positive con-
trol group is lower than that of T. crispa ointment group, which
is the highest mortality of the group at 76.80%. Two-way
mixed ANOVA was utilized to further assess the comparability
of the positive control and T. crispa ointment groups based on
time and treatment. Time (F(5,20)=0.371, P=0.863,
=0.085) and treatment (F(1,4)=2.034, P=0.227,
p2= 0.337)
have no significant effect on the overall mortality of head lice,
Fig. 3. Percent activity of T. crispa ointment, positive control (1%
permethrin, Kwell
shampoo) and negative control ointment (palm
oil+pulverized candle) on head lice. (A) Percentage of head lice
that are active, post-treatment. (B) Percentage of head lice con-
sidered having ‘some vital signs’, post-treatment. (C) Percentage
mortality of head lice considered having ‘no vital signs’, post-
treatment. Different lower case letters in mean significantly differ-
ent, P< 0.05, whereas similar letters mean not significantly differ-
ent from each other.
Active head lice (%)
30 60 90 120 150 180
Time (min)
Head lice with some Vital Signs (%)
30 60 90 120 150 180
Time (min)
Head lice with No Vital Signs (%)
30 60 90 120 150 180
Time (min)
Fig. 4. Base peak ion chromatogram of T. crispa extract, showing 3 unique peaks as compared to palm oil (blank). (A) Moupinamide. (B)
Physalin I. (C) An unknown compound.
Tinospora crispa ointment
Positive control
Negative control
Tinospora crispa ointment
Positive control
Negative control
Tinospora crispa ointment
Positive control
Negative control
Korean J Parasitol
Vol. 55, No. 4: 409-416, August 2017
with the positive control (x
̅=81.35%) and T. crispa ointment
̅=67.06%) performing slightly similar overall activities.
Dermal irritation test
All the rabbits skin areas treated with negative control oint-
ment were devoid of both erythema and edema, thus, having a
PII value of 0.00. No signs of edema but with a very slight ery-
thema on a single area of all rabbits were observed an hour after
the application of T. crispa ointment, which disappeared there-
after. It was classified as a non-irritant formulation because of
the PII value of 0.15. Additionally, the skin of the rabbits on all
areas tested were intact throughout the 72 hr study duration.
Compound identification
T. crispa oil extract was analyzed by UPLC-qTOF/MS for
compound identification, using palm oil as blank. The chro-
matogram generated is shown in Fig. 4. It was observed that
there were 3 distinct peaks in the T. crispa extract as compared
to palm oil, with retention times at 5.28, 6.66 and 8.26 min.
Using the TCML, the compound with retention time of 5.28
min and an observed mass of 313.1311 Da was identified to be
moupinamide, while the compound with retention time of
6.66 and an observed mass of 558.2083 Da was recognized to
be physalin I. Although the last compound with retention
time of 8.26 min was not identified from the TCML, it was
known to have an observed m/z of 230.2471.
Pediculosis capitis has been well-known since antiquity [25]
and hitherto, remains a public health problem worldwide
[26]. With the presence of resistance to conventional pediculi-
cidal agents [9], the combat against head lice became more
difficult. To address the problem, the search for alternative
treatments were initiated, focusing on natural products as they
can provide good pediculicidal activity and can offer a valid al-
ternative to conventional treatments [27]. In the Philippines, a
community-based ointment formulation against head lice is
currently being used. The ointment is composed of edible oil
and candle wax as bases, and T. crispa extract as active ingredi-
ent [14]. The formulation has an almost neutral pH value
range of 6.92±0.09, which is close to pH value range of the
skin (pH 4.0-7.0), and similar to the pH of a viable epidermis
(around pH 7.0) [28]. The ointments pH is acceptable be-
cause the use of substances with neutral pH can maintain the
physiological pH of the skin, preventing the overgrowth of mi-
croorganisms [29]. The T. crispa ointment exhibits thixotropy
at 25˚C, which means that the viscosity decreases with increas-
ing rate of shear. This rheological behavior is preferred due to
its low flow resistance confirming the ointments high spread-
ability, satisfying the ideal quality in topical application [30].
Assessment of irritation for a topical product, especially for
a community-based ointment formulation, is a significant step
in the determination of their acceptability and safety. The 0.00
PII score of the negative control ointment can be attributed to
the previous non-irritancy claims of palm oil [31] and the in-
ertness of candle wax [32]. On the other hand, the 0.15 PII
score of T. crispa ointment, depicted as very slight erythema,
may be due to various compounds extracted from the plant.
The data gathered revealed that T. crispa extract has a negligible
skin irritancy effect, inferring that the community-based oint-
ment formulation of T. crispa is safe to be used topically.
The general activity of pediculicides occurs by penetrating
the cuticle barrier on the skin of the lice and then disrupting
the sodium channel in the nerve membrane, thereby causing
delayed repolarization leading to impairment of the nerve re-
sponsible for breathing [33]. As a result, lice experience suffo-
cation and expire. Permethrin, is one of the most extensively
used pediculicide available in the market due to its great effi-
cacy and wide margin of safety [34]. In the experiment, a small
percentage of the lice treated with permethrin were still active
after 180 min observation period. This may be attributed to
lice that developed resistance against pyrethroids (i.e. perme-
thrin). It is caused by a substitution of an amino acid in a pro-
tein responsible for knockdown resistance, that results to in-
sensitivity of the cholinergic nerves to pediculicides [35,36].
Although the source of the lice did not use permethrin or any
pediculicides for the past month prior to collection, it may be
caused by the transfer of permethrin-resistant head lice from
another host. The prevalent occurrence of resistant head lice is
due to misdiagnosis, overuse and improper use of pediculi-
cides [27,37]. On the other hand, presence of inactive head
lice in the group treated with palm oil was noted. Although it
is anticipated for palm oil not to have any effect on the mor-
tality of the lice, the presence of inactive head lice may be
caused by the hydrophobic nature of the oil, which was re-
ported to work by occluding the respiratory spiracle of the
head louse [35]. Several papers have also reported that mayon-
naise, petroleum jelly and olive oil are capable of causing mor-
tality in head lice but only supplies transient period of stasis
Dela Torre et al.: Community-based Tinospora crispa pediculicidal ointment 415
[22,36]. However, over 180 min period, it was observed that
the percentage of head lice with no vital signs decreased and
so it may also be due to a period of temporary stasis called
sham death as insects (i.e., head louse) exhibit this ability
when exposed to chemicals for less than 6 hr [22,38]. Head
lice utilize their anatomical structure and physiologic charac-
teristics to exhibit this ability as a defense mechanism when
exposed to either too much water or to various chemicals that
cause stupor, in a period insufficient to kill them [39,40]. This
phenomenon is characterized by a momentary period where
in head lice are thought to be inactive due to the absence of
their gut and limb movements, but after some time they re-
commence and resume, respectively [39]. Fluctuations in the
activities seen in all treatment groups may also be attributed to
sham death.
It was confirmed that the community-based ointment for-
mulation of T. crispa is an effective pediculicide, with the high-
est percent mortality (78.60%) at 30 min post-treatment, and
is comparable to the commercially available permethrin on
the basis of pediculicidal efficacy on adult head lice. Although
there was an observed decrease in the number of head lice
considered to have no vital signs over time, T. crispa ointment
still performed better than palm oil and relatively the same
with permethrin. The efficacy of T. crispa may be attributed to
the 3 compounds detected in the UPLC-qTOF/MS analysis.
The 2 compounds were identified to be moupinamide and
physalin I, and a third unknown compound with a m/z of
230.2471. The structural aspect of these compound may con-
tribute to the pediculicidal efficacy [41-43]. Moupinamide be-
longs to the class benzenoids, and its direct parent methoxy-
phenol [44]. Studies have shown that benzenoids and me-
thoxyphenol, have ability to elicit insecticidal activity, however
their mode of action were not reported [41,45]. Physalin, on
the other hand, belongs to the class of lipids [44] because of
its steroidal nature. Lipids act on the spiracle of head louse and
causes suffocation [35]. These studies provide supportive evi-
dence for moupinamide and physalin I, as the compounds re-
sponsible for the pediculicidal efficacy of T. crispa ointment.
We would like to express our sincerest gratitude to the Phil-
ippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care (PI-
TAHC) for funding this project. We would also like to thank
Ms. Camille Vien D. Sayson and Mr. Patrick Gabriel G. More-
no for their technical assistance in the project.
The authors of this article have no issues that might lead to
a conflict of interest.
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... Following an incubation period of 24 h, the extract produced relative mobility values of 25, 7 and 0 at doses of 1, 5 and 10 mg/mL, respectively (Zaridah et al. 2001). Another study reported that an ointment prepared from an oil extract of the stem displayed significant activity against Pediculus humanus capitis compared to a shampoo used as a positive control and containing 1% permethrin (Torre et al. 2017). The ethanol extract of the stem (1.56-200 lg/mL) also proved to be active against Toxoplasma gondii (RH strain) compared to standards of veratrine and clindamycin used at the same concentrations. ...
... No harmful effects were observed neither following the administration of the ethanol extract (50-200 mg/kg) to male Balb/C mice, nor following the administration of fractions from the methanol extract (various doses with the maximal dose of 2000 mg/kg) on Swiss albino mice (Ahmad et al. 2016b;Rakib et al. 2020a). A dermal irritation test employing adult albino rabbits showed that a T. crispa-based ointment was nonirritant when administered topically (Torre et al. 2017). ...
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Tinospora crispa (L.) Hook. f. & Thomson (Menispermaceae) is a plant indigenous to Africa and South-East Asia. It is widely used in ethnomedicine to alleviate various diseases including hypertension, diabetes, rheumatism, jaundice, inflammation, fever, fractures, scabies, and urinary disorders. A total of 167 phytoconstituents, belonging to 12 different chemical categories, including alkaloids, flavonoids, terpenoids, and phenolic compounds have thus far been isolated from various parts of T. crispa. Numerous in vitro and in vivo investigations have already established the antidiabetic, anticancer, antiparasitic, antimicrobial, immunomodulatory, hepatoprotective, analgesic, antipyretic, antihyperuricemic, and pesticidal activity of this plant, as well as its effects on the cardiac and the central nervous system. Most pharmacological investigations to date have been carried out on plant extracts and fractions. The exact identity of the phytoconstituents responsible for the observed biological effects and their mode of action at the molecular level are yet to be ascertained. Toxicological studies have demonstrated that T. crispa is relatively safe, although dose-dependent hepatotoxicity is a concern at high doses. This review presents a comprehensive update and analysis on studies related to the ethnomedicinal uses, phytochemistry, pharmacological activity and toxicological profile of T. crispa. It provides some critical insights into the current scientific knowledge on this plant and its future potential in pharmaceutical research.
... The plant has been evaluated for its antiparasitic action against gastrointestinal helminths (Fernandez 1997;Ramada et al. 2018). It has also been studied for its potential to control head lice (Torre et al. 2017). Its molluscicidal activity has also been studied in various species of snails in the Philippines. ...
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Lymnaeid snail infestation and snail-borne parasitic diseases, such as fasciolosis, remain a problem in the livestock industry in the Philippines. Effective molluscicides are thus needed. However, the routine application of commercially available molluscicides may cause unwanted environmental contamination. Natural alternatives to commercially available molluscicides are called for, thus, this study investigated the molluscicidal activity and efficacy of makabuhay (T. rumphii) ethanolic stem extract against lymnaeid snails. A total of 150 mature snails from Barangay Guiamalia, Esperanza, Sultan Kudarat were subjected to immersion bioassay with T. rumphii ethanolic extracts. There were five treatment groups: Treatment A or negative control (100% tap water), Treatment B (5 000 ppm), Treatment C (7 500 ppm), Treatment D (10 000 ppm) and Treatment E or positive control (10 000 ppm Surekill® 70WP). Snail death was measured 24-, 48-and 72-hours post-exposure. The results revealed a 100% treatment-specific mortality in all T. rumphii extract concentrations, and in the positive control at 24-hours post-treatment. Treatments B, C, D and E had an excellent efficacy of 96.67%. These results show that T. rumphii ethanolic extracts at 5 000 ppm, 7 500 ppm and 10 000 ppm concentrations are effective natural molluscicides against lymnaeid snails. The promising results suggest that T. rumphii stem ethanolic extract may be an excellent natural, inexpensive alternative to commercially available molluscicides.
... [8,13,20] Few studies reported that alkaloids in T. crispa stem showed antioxidant, antimicrobial, antiparasitic, and antidiabetic activities. [20,36,37] On the basis of these reported data, we indicated that antioxidant and antiinflammatory properties of T. crispa stem strongly contribute to antihyperuricemic effect. [9][10][11][12] Furthermore, we postulate that the high flavonoid content in T. crispa stem is potential for either in vivo or in vitro antihyperuricemic effects. ...
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Background Three varieties of the flattened, wingless Anoplura insects infest humans: Pediculus humanus var. capitis (head louse), P. humanus var. corporis (body louse), and Phthirus pubis (pubic or crab louse). Pediculosis capitis is more common in children but also occurs in adults. P. h. capitis (Anoplura: Pediculidae) is highly prevalent in many societies. Patients present with intense pruritus of the scalp and often have posterior cervical lymphadenopathy. Excoriations and small specks of louse dung are noted on the scalp, and secondary impetigo is common. Lice may be identified, especially when combing the hair. Head lice infestations occur worldwide and are most common in children between the ages of 3 and 12. Based on pediculicide sales in the United States, an estimated 10-12 million children are infested each year. Bite reaction on pediculosis capitis is papular urticaria on the neck. Reactions related to immune sensitivity/tolerance. In Saudi Arabia moderate pediculosis prevailed among the female students of the primary schools. It was age and hair texture (straight or curly) dependent. There are some alternative treatment for peduculosis capitis. One of them is Illicium verum (star anise) fruit oil extract shampoo. There were no significant differences observed in the two groups who used 80% star anise fruit oil extract and permethrin shampoo in reducing the number of lice, in reducing the mean distance of nits from the scalp of patients, in the number of subjects with persistent head lice and in the number of adverse reactions reported. This effect has been observed after 10 day using Illicium verum (star anise) fruit oil extract shampoo. Furthermore, ointment which is made of common household items and the extract of Tinospora crispa stem was significantly different to the activity of the negative control ointment, a mixture of palm oil and candle wax. T. crispa pediculicidal ointment is safe and effective, having acceptable physi-cochemical characteristics. The efficacy was assessed using an in vitro pediculicidal assay. The chemical compounds present in T. crispa were identified using liquid-liquid extraction followed by ultra-performance liquid chromatography quadruple time-of-flight mass spectrometric (UPLC-qTOF/MS) analysis. The community-based ointment formulation was light yellow in color, homogeneous, smooth, with distinct aromatic odor and pH of 6.92±0.09. Conclusion There are some alternative treatment for peduculosis capitis. There are by using Illicium verum (star anise) fruit oil extract shampoo and extract of Tinospora crispa.
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Pediculus humanus capitis causal agent of pediculosis, is a blood sucking insect of the order Anoplura including the Pediculidae Family with the genera Pediculus humanus var. corporis and P. h. var. capitis. This species does not recognize geographical, socioeconomic, or cultural barriers and it is probably one of the oldest ectoparasites of humanity. P. h. capitis is an obligate ectoparasite and lives on the human scalp at the base of hair, where its body temperature is more easily regulated, and feeds on human blood every 4–6 h. P. h. capitis has a simple metamorphosis, and three life stages: egg, nymph and adult. Each P. h. capitis survives for about 30 days. The female P. h. capitis produces about 130 eggs in its life. After about 9 days, the eggs hatch to nymph. The nymph molts several times over the course of 15 days and becomes an adults P. h. capitis. P. h. capitis has no wings, but has a long head with a keratinized body. Its flattened back-ventral body allows the ectoparacite to move easily between the hairs of the host and makes it difficults to be caught by combs. Pediculosis capitis is considered as a major economic and social concern throughout developing nations where it is often associated with school age children. Pediculosis capitis are common among children aged 3-11 years, which can be transmitted through either direct (head-to-head) contact with the infested person or indirectly through personal items, such as combs, hats, scarfs, beddings and towels. The infestation problem may lead to various physical, economical and psychological consequences. Pruritus is the most common symptom of a P. h. capitis infestation and can cause disturbance of sleep at night due to intense scratching. Bite reactions, excoriations, secondary impetiginisation, pyoderma, cervical lymphadenopathy, conjunctivitis, fever, and malaise are also possible manifestations. These infestations are asymptomatic. Pediculosis capitis presents a public health problem as it can cause social stigma, embarrassment, low self-esteem, loss of productivity, and frustration among afflicted individuals. It is not generally associated with morbidity and is not currently considered to be vectors for human pathogens, but secondary bacterial infections may occur as a result of subsequent skin excoriation due to sensitization to louse saliva. A negative social stigma frequently accompanies the identification of pediculosis as well as the frustration involved with the cost, time and effort needed for treatment and environmental control. Some of the literature have suggested that there is no significant association between P. h. capitis infestation and poor hygiene. P. h. capitis transmission through head to head contact can easily occur despite the persons are hygienic. The prevention of peduculosis capitis need for educational campaigns, regular mass screening and treatment, and planning a management strategy. Holistic behavioural and social intervention programs should be implemented in the primary schools which include increase awareness on hygiene, identifying factors associated with pediculosis capitis and early detection of infestation. Health educational programs for the students, family and teachers should be carried out. The school health team should be responsible for treating and preventing the P. h. capitis infestation to minimize spread to others. The definitive diagnosis of pediculosis capitis disease is find P. h. capitis (adult, nymph, and egg) on skin and head hair. Egg is very easy to see and is the most efficient markers in diagnosing the disease. The discovery of an adult P. h. capitis is a sign that it is experiencing infection is active, but adult P. h. capitis are very hard to find as they can move about 6-30 cm per minute and is avoidance of light. Comb mites can help find mites and nymphs. The treatment can be applied strategies that include physical and chemical methods. Chemical control has been widely used over the world, these includes permethrin, pyrethrin, malathion, and lindane. Malathion was found to be more effective than comb alone in the treatment of pediculosis capitis, although severe methodological concerns were raised. Insecticides are easy to use and the results are very effective. However, it has been realized potential side effects and also found many occurrences resistance of mites to some insecticides. Physical methods that can use a haircut to prevent infestation and helps to make topical medications work better (not blocked by hair).
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Background Pediculosis is a common parasitic infestation in students worldwide, including Iran. This condition is more prevalent in populous and deprived communities with poor personal hygiene. This study sought to assess the efficacy of peer education for adopting preventive behaviors against pediculosis in female elementary school students based on the Health Belief Model (HBM). Methods A total of 179 female fifth grade students were selected using multistage random sampling and were randomly allocated to control and intervention groups. A standard questionnaire was designed and administered to collect baseline information. An educational intervention was then designed based on the conducted needs assessment. The educational program consisted of three sessions, held by peers for the intervention group. The questionnaire was re-administered one month after the intervention. Independent and paired t-test, Pearson’s correlation coefficient, and regression analysis were applied as appropriate. Results The two groups had no significant differences in the scores of knowledge, HBM constructs, or behavior before the intervention. After the intervention, however, the mean scores of all parameters significantly improved in the intervention group. Conclusion Peer education based on HBM is an effective strategy to promote preventive behaviors against pediculosis in among fifth grade female elementary school students in Iran.
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Background: Due to increased resistance and safety concerns with insecticide-based pediculicides, there is growing demand for head lice treatments with a physical mode of action. Certain mineral oils kill lice by blocking spiracles or by disrupting the epicuticular wax layer. The present study was performed to evaluate efficacy and safety of a mineral oil-based shampoo. Methods: This randomized, controlled, investigator-blinded, monocentric study (EudraCT registration no. 2014-002918-23) was performed from October 2014-June 2015 in Germany. A mineral oil shampoo (Mosquito® Med Läuse Shampoo 10 in Germany, Paranix or Silcap shampoo elsewhere), registered as medical device, was compared to a conventional, locally reimbursed, pyrethroid-based pediculicide (Goldgeist® Forte solution). In total, 107 patients (>1 year) with confirmed head lice infestation were included (test arm: n = 53; control arm: n = 54). All subjects received two applications of either test or control product at day 0 and day 7, according to the instructions for use. Efficacy and safety was evaluated directly, 1h and 24h after first application, before and after second treatment, and at day 10. The main objective was demonstrating a cure rate for the test product, being superior to 70% at day 10. Results: Cure rates at day 10 (corrected for re-infestation) for the test product (96.1%) and control (94%) significantly exceeded the pre-defined target (70%) (p < 0.001, 2-sided, 1-sample, chi-square test) with confirmed non-inferiority for the test product. Over all visits, cure rates were consistently higher for the test product, whereas more initially-cured subjects remained lice-free until end of study (78%; control: 60%). Both products were safe and well tolerated, offering good esthetical effects. Conclusion: This study showed that substance-based medical devices (including the tested mineral oil shampoo) can be safe and effective alternatives for insecticide-based pediculicides, with less risk for development of resistance because of the physical mode of action. Trial registration: German Clinical Trials Register (DRKS) DRKS00009753 and EudraCT database 2014-002918-23.
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Borneol is a bicyclic monoterpenoid alcohol commonly used in traditional Chinese and Indian medicine. It is extracted from the essential oil of various medicinal plants. It has antibacterial, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory action proven in studies that used oral and intraperitoneal applications of this monoterpene in mice. The current study was designed to develop a topical gel formulation containing the monoterpene borneol using carbopol as gel base and to evaluate its stability. The prepared formulation was subjected to physical characterization and physical-chemistry assessment. The gel was prepared from carbopol and 5% of borneol. The prepared gel was subjected to pharmacotechnical tests such as its pH, viscosity, conductivity, spreadability, centrifugation, and accelerated stability with freezing-thaw cycle. The borneol was successfully incorporated into the carbopol formulation. Borneol gel (BG5) showed good stability after eight months of its development and after 12 days in the freeze-thaw cycle, not showing statistical difference in pH value, conductivity, and viscosity before and after test. Furthermore, the formulation showed a good spreadability. Therefore, it was concluded that the formulation could be very promising alternative for the topical or transdermal treatment of skin diseases.
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Tinospora crispa (L.) Hook. f. & Thomson (Menispermaceae), found in the rainforests or mixed deciduous forests in Asia and Africa, is used in traditional medicines to treat numerous health conditions. This review summarizes the up-to-date reports about the ethnobotany, phytochemistry, pharmacological activities, toxicology, and clinical trials of the plant. It also provides critical assessment about the present knowledge of the plant which could contribute toward improving its prospect as a source of lead molecules for drug discovery. The plant has been used traditionally in the treatment of jaundice, rheumatism, urinary disorders, fever, malaria, diabetes, internal inflammation, fracture, scabies, hypertension, reducing thirst, increasing appetite, cooling down the body temperature, and maintaining good health. Phytochemical analyses of T. crispa revealed the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, and flavone glycosides, triterpenes, diterpenes and diterpene glycosides, cis clerodane-type furanoditerpenoids, lactones, sterols, lignans, and nucleosides. Studies showed that the crude extracts and isolated compounds of T. crispa possessed a broad range of pharmacological activities such as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, immunomodulatory, cytotoxic, antimalarial, cardioprotective, and anti-diabetic activities. Most pharmacological studies were based on crude extracts of the plant and the bioactive compounds responsible for the bioactivities have not been well identified. Further investigations are required to transform the experience-based claims on the use of T. crispa in traditional medicine practices into evidence-based information. The plant extract used in pharmacological and biological studies should be qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed based on its biomarkers. There should be detail in vitro and in vivo studies on the mechanisms of action of the pure bioactive compounds and more elaborate toxicity study to ensure safety of the plant for human use. More clinical trials are encouraged to be carried out if there are sufficient preclinical and safety data.
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Purpose: To formulate topical gels containing various essential oils and evaluate their antibacterial activity against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) skin infections. Methods: The four essential oils namely, lemon grass, rosemary, thyme and basil were steam-distilled and then evaluated for their antibacterial activity against MRSA. Lemon grass and thyme oils were chosen for further studies, including analysis of their composition by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Gels were formulated using carbopol 940, hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose, sodium carboxymethy cellulose with lemon grass oil and evaluated for their physical appearance, pH, spreadability rheological properties, antibacterial activity against MRSA and skin irritation in human volunteers. The selected gels were prepared with thyme oil alone or in combination with lemon grass oil and compared with that containing lemon grass oil alone. Results: The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of lemon grass and thyme oils were 30 and 4 mu l/ml, respectively. Carbopol 940 gel (0.75 %) containing lemon grass oil showed good physical characteristics, including spreadability and rheological properties; it also showed the strongest antibacterial activity of the gels tested. No significant difference (p <= 0.05), were observed between the characteristics of the gels containing thyme oil alone and in combination with lemon grass oil. The antibacterial activity of the gel containing the two oils was approximately the sum of those containing the individual oils. No signs or symptoms of lesions, redness or itching were found when the gels were applied to the skin. Conclusion: The carbopol 940 gel containing lemon grass and thyme oils possess good antibacterial activity against MRSA when applied to human skin, and exhibit no skin irritation.
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An endeavour to delineate the salient details of the treatment of head lice infestation has been made in the present article. Treatment modalities including over the counter permethrin and pyrethrin, and prescription medicines, including malathion, lindane, benzyl alcohol, spinosad are discussed. Salient features of alternative medicine and physical treatment modalities are outlined. The problem of resistance to treatment has also been taken cognizance of.
The study was conducted to determine the antioxidant capacity, expressed as half maximal inhibitory concentration, IC50, of Caesalpinia pulcherrima leaf, flower and seed methanol extracts, and their correlation to their total phenolic, flavonoid and triterpenoid contents. Thin layer chromatographic profiling of the methanol extracts was also conducted followed by ultra-performance liquid chromatography quadruple time-of-flight mass spectrometric analysis for the identification of antioxidant compounds. Based on the quantitative antioxidant assays, all extracts exhibited comparable activity with the reference standard at 800 µg/ml (P>0.05). Correlation data revealed a strong negative correlation between the IC50 and the total phenolic, flavonoid and triterpenoid contents of the extracts, with statistically significant negative correlations observed between the flavonoids of leaf (r=–0.997) and flower¬ (r=–0.998) with reducing power assay, and triterpenoids of flower (r=–1.000) with 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl scavenging assay. Two common spots with antioxidant activity in the thin layer chromatography profiles were subjected to ultra-performance liquid chromatography quadruple time-of-flight mass spectrometric. The majority of compounds were identified in the library as triterpenoids, flavonoids and phenolics, and still a large quantity of compounds were unidentified. Hyperforin, 3-(4'-hydroxy-benzyl)-5,7-dihydroxy-6,8-dimethyl-chroman-4-one and platycodigenin were identified to be the common compounds present on the three plant parts.
Elaeis Guineensis (Palm) Oil is the natural oil obtained from mesocarp of Elaeis guineensis, the palm tree. Elaeis Guineensis (Palm) Kernel Oil is the natural oil obtained from the seeds of that tree. Hydrogenated Palm Oil and Hydrogenated Palm Kernel Oil are end products of the controlled hydrogenation of the natural oils. These ingredients are primarily used as skin conditioning agents in cosmetic formulations. Palm Oil is currently reported to be used at concentrations up to 2%. Undiluted Palm Oil has an oral LD50 in rats of >5g/kg. Short-term and subchronic feeding studies showed no evidence of toxicity. Chronic feeding studies produced results suggestive of metabolic hyperactivity. Serum cholesterol and liver size were greatly increased compared to a corn oil diet. Minimal ocular irritation and no skin irritation, sensitization, or photosensitization were reported in animals studies. Anomalies in 30% of the live fetuses delivered by female albino rats fed commercial grade Palm Oil were reported. Other studies including multigeneration tests of crude Palm Oil and heated Palm Oil (as would occur in cooking) reported no reproductive toxicity, developmental toxicity, or differences in endocrine function. Although some data show that Palm Oil can be mutagenic in certain Ames Test Salmonella strains, it was negative in other strains and negative in an assay of chromosomal aberrations in bone marrow samples taken from mice dosed orally. Several studies suggesting an inhibitory effect of Palm Oil on 7,12-dimethylbenz(α)anthracene (DMBA) tumorigenesis have attributed the effect to the high vitamin E content of the oil. There was no evidence of irritation or sensitization in clinical tests. Use testing of products containing Palm Oil produced no ocular or skin irritation. The Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR) Expert Panel noted that crude Palm Oil produced fetal anomalies in rats, but concluded that the findings likely related to contaminants and that daily use of cosmetic products would not be expected to result in the high levels of exposure in the animal study. Because of the potential for contamination of Palm Oil, however, the Panel recommends that levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons be kept at a minimum in cosmetic grades of these ingredients. On the basis of the animal and clinical data included in this report, the CIR Expert Panel concludes that Elaeis Guineensis (Palm) Oil, Elaeis Guineensis (Palm) Kernel Oil, Hydrogenated Palm Oil, and Hydrogenated Palm Kernel Oil are safe as used in cosmetic formulations.