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Agricultural Dispersals in Mediterranean and Temperate Europe



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Agricultural Dispersals in Mediterranean and Temperate Europe
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Summary and Keywords
Along with ceramics production, sedentism, and herding, agriculture is a major
component of the Neolithic as it is defined in Europe. Therefore, the agricultural system
of the first Neolithic societies and the dispersal of exogenous cultivated plants to Europe
are the subject of many scientific studies. To work on these issues, archaeobotanists rely
on residual plant remains—crop seeds, weeds, and wild plants—from archaeological
structures like detritic pits, and, less often, storage contexts. To date, no plant with an
economic value has been identified as domesticated in Western Europe except possibly
opium poppy. The earliest seeds identified at archaeological sites dated to about 5500–
5200 BC in the Mediterranean and Temperate Europe. The cultivated plants identified
were cereals (wheat and barley), oleaginous plant (flax), and pulses (peas, lentils, and
chickpeas). This crop package originated in the Fertile Crescent, where it was clearly
established around 7500 BC (final Pre-Pottery Neolithic B), after a long, polycentric
domestication process. From the middle of the 7th millennium BC, via the Balkan
Peninsula, the pioneer Neolithic populations, with their specific economies, rapidly
dispersed from east to west, following two main pathways. One was the maritime route
over the northwestern basin of the Mediterranean (6200–5300 BC), and the other was the
terrestrial and fluvial route in central and northwestern continental Europe (5500–4900
BC). On their trajectory, the agropastoral societies adapted the Neolithic founder crops
from the Middle East to new environmental conditions encountered in Western Europe.
Agricultural Dispersals in Mediterranean and
Temperate Europe
Aurélie Salavert
Subject: Environmental History, Agriculture and the Environment, Environmental Economics
Online Publication Date: Aug 2017 DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780199389414.013.307
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Environmental
Agricultural Dispersals in Mediterranean and Temperate Europe
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The Neolithic pioneers settled in an area that had experienced a long tradition of hunting
and gathering. The Neolithization of Europe followed a colonization model. The
Mesolithic groups, although exploiting plant resources such as hazelnut more or less
intensively, did not significantly change the landscape. The impact of their settlements
and their activities are hardly noticeable through palynology, for example. The control of
the mode of reproduction of plants has certainly increased the prevalence of Homo
sapiens, involving, among others, a demographic increase and the ability to settle down
in areas that were not well adapted to year-round occupation up to that point. The
characterization of past agricultural systems, such as crop plants, technical processes,
and the impact of anthropogenic activities on the landscape, is essential for
understanding the interrelation of human societies and the plant environment. This
interrelation has undoubtedly changed deeply with the Neolithic Revolution.
Keywords: archaeology, Neolithic, Palaeoethnobotany, ancient cereals, opium poppy, early farming systems
Agriculture is the relationship between an exploiting species and one or more exploited
species living in an artificial cultivated ecosystem (Mazoyer & Roudart, 1997). In this
sense, humans are not the only ones practicing agriculture. For exemple, Atta and
Acromyrmex, two ant genera from the Americas, cultivate fungi that will constitute the
essence of their alimentation. However, humans have invented many techniques and
artifacts to cultivate a great number of crops. There is currently a wide variety of
agricultures in the world, and even now, in the 21st century, agriculture is at the base of
most human economies. But what about the first agrarian systems? When did humans
become farmers? How did cultivated plants and farming techniques come to Temperate
and Mediterranean Europe? Research on the earliest farming systems is highly
significant, especially in a globalized context, in which new modes of production have
been emerging since the 1980s to handle and patent the gene pool of cultivated plants. In
Europe, the privatization of agricultural heritage, as well as experimentation to diffuse
agriculture beyond Earth, is coming face to face with a renewal of old varieties and food
production on a local scale. It shows that agricultural innovations are complex and not
linear, even today (Bonneuil et al., 2006).
In the absence of iconographic and written sources for the ancient period, archaeological
materials are the most direct evidence for the early agricultures that appeared in several
places across the world from around 11,500 years to 5,000 years ago. Agriculture is one
of the main components of Neolithic economy, associated with animal husbandry,
potterymaking, and sedentary habitats in Western Europe (Price & Bar-Yosef, 2011).
Often described as a revolution (Childe, 1925), the Neolithic period appears today like a
transitional phenomenon in the Near East, as well as in the diffusion of its economy to
Europe. Agriculture did not arrive suddenly. It took around 3,000 years for domesticates
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to spread from the Aegean to Great Britain and Ireland. But even if it was not a
revolution, the invention of agriculture and its dispersal constituted a crucial change in
human economy, as well as its relationship with the natural environment. Before
becoming farmers and herders, human beings were predators, living lives of hunting and
gathering, for a long time.
This geographical framework includes a territory stretching roughly from the Black Sea
in the east to the Atlantic Ocean in the west. In Europe, the Neolithic period is part of the
Holocene epoch, which began about 12,000 years ago. The Holocene is characterized by
a global warming that followed the frosty and arid climate of the Pleistocene. The epoch
is divided into several chronological zones, defined in particular by palynology (i.e., the
study of pollen grains conserved in sediment). The beginning of the Neolithic corresponds
with the middle of the Atlantic chronozone, characterized by the extension of deciduous
oak to the detriment of the boreal forest, composed of birch, pine, and hazelnut, in
Temperate Europe, as well as Scots pine and juniper in the Mediterranean. The
Mesolithic/Neolithic transition corresponds to the passage from a hunting/gathering to an
agropastoral way of life. The transition occurred at different times over three millennia,
between 7000 and 4000 BC, according to the regions of Europe and their location on the
long route of diffusion of agriculture. The primary Neolithic settlement regions in Europe
are, roughly, the Balkans, central Europe, and the central and northwestern areas of the
Mediterranean basin. This article aims to present the emergence of agriculture in Europe
in the middle of the 7th millennium BC, demonstrating the main routes of cultivated plant
diffusion to Temperate and Mediterranean Europe, as well as highlighting assumptions
about early Neolithic farming systems (Fig. 1).
Studying the Origin of the First Agrarian
System and Its Introduction into Europe
How Is the Spread of Early Agriculture Studied?
Proxies Used to Study Early Agriculture
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Figure 1. Chronological setting of the first
agriculture dispersals in Western Europe. The main
archaeological cultures, defined mainly by ceramic
decoration, are shown in italic.
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Interdisciplinarity is fundamental to the study of past societies, including early crop
diversity and the diffusion of agriculture. Farming systems result from the combination of
natural, sociocultural, economic, and technical elements (Jouve, 1988). Several types of
residues, plant microfossils (phytoliths, pollen grains and starch, and organic residues),
plant macrofossils (charcoal), artifacts (grinding stones and harvesting tools), and
archaeozoology (bone pathology) allow the study of most of the components, especially
the ecosystem context and technological practices. Synthesizing the results and
integrating all the archaeological disciplines and scientific tools used, therefore, is an
arduous task. Even then, this synthesis cannot be exhaustive due to the mass of data
produced by archaeology (many proxies are used to study the agricultural system), the
large territory in question (Europe), and the interest aroused by this huge socioeconomic
transition in the scientific community (from which has come an abundant bibliography).
This article concentrates on the first moments of Neolithic primary colonization in the
Balkans, the Mediterranean, and Temperate Europe, relying on the most direct evidence
of past agricultural practices – the plant macroremains recovered from archaeological
Definition and Methodology of Archeobotany
Archaeobotany is the study of seeds, fruits, and inflorescent parts from archaeological
sites. Plant macroremains are collected during excavations and mostly come from
sedimentary samples. Water sieving allows the extraction of fragile plant remains from
their sedimentary matrix. Most often, seeds and fruits are charred in Temperate and
Mediterranean Europe. This can result from one or a few specific actions in time and
space—as in a burned storage structure—but also disparate events, as in the progressive
accumulation of remains resulting from cooking accidents (Bouby, 2000). Others
macroremains, such as cereal processing byproducts or weeds, are not related to human
food but rather are direct evidence of past farming practices. Furthermore, the study of
wild fruits and seeds allows us to consider the importance of gathering practices in the
Neolithic productive economy, even when it is assumed that domesticated taxa constitute
the main vegetal element of the human diet.
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Figure 2. Archaeological sample following water
sieving, with a mix of emmer, einkorn, and an
important amount of Lapsana communis, a frequent
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After careful separation
from other macroremains
(microfauna, shells, lithics,
and mineral residues), seeds, fruits, and parts of the inflorescence are identified using a
binocular microscope, with magnifications from about 10 to 50 times (Fig. 2). The
archaeobotanical process always begins with the morphological observation of plant
remains to identify the taxa. For this purpose, the archaeological specimens, often
charred and damaged, are compared with specimens from modern seed comparison
collections, as well as morphological botanical descriptions. The cultivated plants and
evidence of their mode of production and processing that reach us are fragmentary and
most often of accidental origin (as is the case with many archaeological remains). Indeed,
certain types of remains, such as leaves, roots, and tubers, are not clearly identified
because of their uncharacteristic anatomy and low resistance to carbonization. In
addition, different sampling protocols, an unequal analytical corpus, and nonuniform,
macro-level counting methods across the discipline make it difficult to integrate data
from different researchers (Fig. 3). Thus, limiting filters are to be taken into account
when the archaeobotanist seeks to interpret archeobotanical assemblages and create a
comparative work between two regions, for example.
The first archaeobotanical
studies were conducted in
Egypt on desiccated seeds
from pharaonic tombs,
which were studied by
Kunth (1826). Results from
the Swiss pile-dwelling
sites and the Hallstatt salt
mines in Austria were
published 40 years later
(Heer, 1865; Unger,
Lesquereux, &
Hruschauer, 1851). In
1968, the creation of the
International Work Group
for Palaeoethnobotany
(IWGP) allowed for a
united discipline,
organizing an international symposium every three years in Europe, in which the study of
the first farming system in the world takes an important place. The domestication of plant
species and their introduction into new regions are, indeed, among the favorite subjects
of archaeobotanists. From the 1980s, an increase in archaeological research has enabled
the acquisition of archaeobotanical material. The reference work regarding crop
domestication, reprinted several times, discusses the origin of cultivated plants and their
distribution in the western and central regions of the Asiatic continent (Zohary, Hopf, &
Neolithic weed in Temperate Europe (Remicourt-en-
Bia Flo II, around 5000 BC, Belgium).
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Figure 3. Presentation of the main filters that come
into archaeobotanical studies, as well as tools used
by the archaeobotanist to reconstruct past farming
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Weiss, 2012). In addition, archeobotanical syntheses and comparative works at the
regional and supraregional scale in Europe have appeared in several collective works and
articles (e.g., Bogaard & Jones, 2007; Chevalier, Marinova, & Peña-Chocarro, 2014;
Colledge & Conolly, 2007A; Coward, Shennan, Colledge, Conolly, & Collard, 2008).
Contribution of Cultivated Plants to Understanding Early Crop Diversity
Cultivated plants (cereals, pulses, and oleaginous/textile materials) are represented by
their seeds, as well as, for cereals, their envelopes (lemma and palea) and the rachis that
produces the chaff. The chaff corresponds to byproducts from the processing of cereals
and allows for the study of postharvesting stages, such as the way that cereals were
stored (cleaned seeds, spikelets, or ears). Rachis also provides one of the best
morphological traits visible through archaeobotany for discriminating wild and cultivated
cereals. In a cultivated cereal, the rachis has robust scars, indicating that the ears are
indehiscent (i.e., they cannot disperse by themselves, unlike wild cereals). For the same
reason, and because of the cereal processing, the rachis base is often broken. Seeds or
chaff imprints, used in building materials or tempered ceramic, can also provide
information about the crops and the use of grain products. Seeds and chaff provide
information on crop morphological diversity in the earliest stages of Neolithic dispersal.
For cultivated plants, the rank of the species, in the morphological sense of the term, is
most often identifiable. Sometimes only the genus (e.g., Triticum/Hordeum) can be
identified due to poor preservation of remains. Sometimes species cannot be
discriminated because of similar morphological criteria (e.g., Triticum aestivum/durum),
preventing the appreciation of the whole diversity of past cultivated plants.
In addition to the strictly
morphological study,
genetic research applied
to charred plant
macrofossils has been in
development since the
2000s (Brown et al., 2015;
Schlumbaum et al., 2008).
This will provide
substantial information on
the origin of ancient plant
remains, the process of
domestication, and the
genetic diversity within a field, which is not visible through the seeds or cereal rachis
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Figure 4. Seeds of Neolithic cultivated plants from
Early Neolithic sites in Belgium. (a) T. monococcum
(einkorn); (b) T. dicoccum (emmer); (c) P. sativum
(pea); (d) L. culinaris (lens); (e) L. usitatissimum
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Contribution of Weeds to Study the Early Farming System
Weed seeds are also conserved, even in charred conditions. Weeds, from the
archaeobotanical point of view, correspond to uncultivated plants installed in the fields.
They result from the cleaning of cereals or pulses and are direct indicators of the
exploited agricultural environments and the agricultural techniques used. In a cultivated
plot, the flora is the result of a combination of agronomic factors (e.g., the depth of
plowing and the seasonality of seedlings) and the environment (e.g., precipitation,
temperature, and soil properties) that interact in complex ways. Archaeological weed
assemblages, therefore, are the products of past farming systems.
The identification of weeds within the rank of species is more problematic then for
cultivated plants, as it depends on the preservation of the seeds, the experience of the
archaeobotanists, and the richness of the reference collections of current plants. Indeed,
the diversity of wild plants is much wider than cultivated plants. Moreover, botanical
identification depends on several anatomical criteria (e.g., size, color of flowers, number
of petals, and arrangement of leaves). However, most often, only the seed is conserved in
an archaeological context.
Interpretation of weed assemblages is based on the current flora ecology and on farming
experiments (Bogaard, 2002; Jones, 2005; Jones, Charles, Colledge, & Halstead, 1995).
When the weed identifications are precise enough (to the specie level), the
phytosociology of these plants are indicators of the mode of cultivation. Archaeological
weeds can be classified according to their current cooccurrences in fields, in large
classes such as Secalinetea (corresponding to winter crops) and Chenopodietea
(corresponding to summer crops). However, both classes may cohabit in the same plot,
and the weed flora would be influenced by how the land is worked rather than the sowing
season (Behre & Jacomet, 1991; Lundström-Baudais, 1986). For example, Chenopodium
album, which is regularly identified in Neolithic archaeobotanical assemblages, is found
in both summer and winter crops (Bogaard, Jones, Charles, & Hodgson, 2001). It is then
much less developed and has a smaller size (Lundström-Baudais, 1986). The main limit to
reconstructing the Neolithic farming system in general, including the intensity of crops,
the seasonality, and the sustainability of the fields, is due to the current difficulty in
finding (by ethnology) or reproducing (by experimentation) farming systems in an
ecological and socioeconomical setting comparable to those of past societies.
Table 1. Main Crops and Weeds Mentioned in the Text
Group Latin Names English Common
Wild and
Cultivated Cereals
H. vulgare subsp. spontaneum (K.
Koch) Thell.
Wild barley
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H. vulgare subsp. vulgare L. Cultivated hulled
H. vulgare subsp. nudum L. Cultivated naked
T. aestivum L. Bread wheat
T. monococcum L. Einkorn
T. monococcum subsp. aegilopoides
(Link) Thell.
Wild einkorn
T. turgidum L. ssp. dicoccoides (Körn.
ex Asch. & Graebn.) Thell.
Wild emmer
T. turgidum L. subsp. dicoccon
(Schrank) Thell.
Cultivated emmer
T. turgidum subsp. durum (Desf.)
Macaroni wheat
Wild and
Cultivated Pulses
C. arietinum L. Chickpea
L. cicera L. Red pea
L. sativus L. Grass pea
L. culinaris Medik. Lens
P. sativum L. Pea
V. ervilia (L.) Willd. Bitter vetch
V. faba L. Broad bean
V. sativa L. Common vetch
L. usitatissimum L. Flax
P. somniferum L. Opium poppy
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Papaver somniferum subsp. setigerum
(DC.) Arcang.
Wild poppy
Weeds C. album L. Goosefoot
B. secalinus L. Rye brome
B. tectorum L. Drooping brome
F. convolvulus (L.) Á.Löve Black-bindweed
G. aparine L. Cleaver
L. communis Juss. Nipplewort
S. viridis (L.) P. Beauv. Wild/green foxtail
S. verticillata (L.) P. Beauv. Bristly foxtail
For the last 15 years, a method called Functional Interpretation of Botanical Survey
(FIBS) has been used extensively to interpret weed assemblages. FIBS is based on the
autoecology of weed species, including individual attributes such as length of growth
period, canopy height, and ability to regenerate after significant soil disturbances
(Bogaard, Hodgson, Wilson, & Band, 1998; Jones, Bogaard, Charles, & Hodgson, 2000). It
makes it possible to go further in interpreting past agricultural regimes (intensive or
extensive) and crops’ seasonality. The growth conditions of the cultivated plants (e.g.,
water supply and soil fertility) can also be specified thanks to the stable isotopes of
carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) carried out on cereal seeds in particular (Fiorentino,
Ferrio, Bogaard, Araus, & Riehl, 2015). These analyses, which will certainly develop
exponentially in the future, constitute a promising tool complementary to the
interpretations of archaeological assemblages of weeds to understand how plants were
At the Origins of Agriculture in the Near East
Geographical Location of Wild Progenitors of Neolithic Crops
There is currently a consensus that crops found in European archaeological sites were
not domesticated locally. Most of them come from the Near East. However, the question
of domestication attempts of cereals and pulses before the arrival of Neolithic groups is
still subject to debate in both Temperate and Mediterranean Europe.
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Taxonomic classification, as well as cynogenetic and molecular affinities, make it possible
to identify, with more or less precision, the wild ancestors of cultivated plants. However,
not all of them have been identified with certainty, especially for pulses. For example,
Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccoideae is the wild progenitor of emmer (Triticum dicoccum),
one of the first wheats domesticated in the Near East, whereas the wild ancestor of the
faba bean (Vicia faba) is still unknown (Zohary et al., 2012). The presence of wild
ancestor populations in one region, therefore, is the main criterion in favor of the local
domestication of this plant in the Neolithic period. By the end of the 19th century,
botanists such as de Candolle (1883), and later Vavilov (1951), worked on these issues,
labeling the Fertile Crescent as one of the world’s centers of plant domestication.
Most putative wild progenitors are, thus, currently absent in Western Europe except for
the Balkans. Triticum aegilopoides, the ancestor of einkorn (Triticum monococcum); Lens
orientalis, the ancestor of lens (Lens culinaris); and Hordeum spontaneum, the ancestor
of barley (Hordeum vulgare) are present in Southeast Europe today (Redden et al., 2015;
Valamoti et al., 2007; Zohary et al., 2012). Thus, the hunter-gatherers of the Balkan
Peninsula had at their disposal populations of the wild progenitors of cultivated cereals
and pulses. In the Franchthi Cave, in the Peloponnese (southern Greece), populations of
barley, lentils, and wild oats have been found to be exploited during the Mesolithic
period, in archaeological layers dating to around 7900–7500 BC (Valamoti & Kotsakis,
2007). On the following Neolithic archaeological levels, cereals and pulses were identified
on the morphological base, which could suggest a domestication process at that site.
However, the absence of transitional domestication traits supports the hypothesis of the
sudden introduction of cultivars in their fully domesticated morphology during the Initial
Neolithic, in the first half of the 7th millennium BC (Perlès, 2001).
Wild pulses and cereals are identified in other Mesolithic layers in Mediterranean
Europe. For example, in the L’Abeurador, a cave located in the Massif Central (southern
France), numerous charred pulses and seeds of the genera Vicia, Lathyrus, and Pisum
have been identified in Mesolithic levels dating to around 9000 BC (Vaquer & Ruas,
2009). These three genera are part of the founder crop package of the Near East. Their
identification rank remains imprecise due to poor conservation of macroremains. We do
not know whether these Mesolithic wild pulses correspond to wild progenitors. At
L’Abeurador, wild pulses have been found along with hazelnut shells, dogwood seeds, and
wild grapeseeds, which were probably consumed by inhabitants of the cave. Thus, as in
Franchthi Cave, wild pulses also could have been intensively picked up by Mesolithic
hunter-gatherers before the introduction of cultivated plants in the Mediterranean region
by Neolithic farmers.
These examples demonstrate that exploitation of wild resources, among other wild
cereals and pulses that were potentially ancestors of Neolithic crops, are common in
Mesolithic sites, mainly the Mediterranean region. However, intensive wild plant
gathering does not necessarily involve local domestication processes. Indeed, in Neolithic
Europe, the archaeological seeds and elements of cereal chaff are domestic from the
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morphological point of view. There are no transitory forms, as may be suspected in the
Near East (Tanno & Willcox, 2006).
Process of Domestication in the Near East
The domestication of a plant is a long process. First, the wild ancestor is collected, more
or less intensively. Humans, in a way, cultivate a wild population before it depends
entirely on them for reproduction. The focus of domestication at the origin of the
cultivated plants identified on the European Neolithic sites (mainly cereals and pulses), is
located in the Fertile Crescent—that is to say, the southeast of Anatolia, the Middle
Euphrates, and the Southern Levant.
The process of domestication began in the Epipalaeolithic, about 12,000 years ago. Some
authors have estimated that the climatic deterioration of the recent Dryas (12,500–11,500
BP), which corresponds to the end of the last glacial period and which results in a
decrease in temperatures, would have played a stimulating role in the choice of
cultivation of cereals to compensate for climatic risks. According to Willcox (2005), the
models explaining the transition to agriculture place too much importance on this event.
Indeed, although the deterioration is undeniable, the climatic conditions had only a
moderate effect on vegetation. In addition, agriculture, which depends on a stable
climate, was established after the Younger Dryas, at the end of the 9th millennium BC.
The availability of wild cereals, ancestors of domestic cultivars, is one of the key factors
in understanding the beginning of agriculture. This availability depends on soil types,
precipitation, and temperatures. In the 1990s, it was thought that there was only one
center of domestication, followed by a dispersal of cultivars. Since the early 2000s, the
hypothesis of polycentric domestication in the Fertile Crescent has been accepted on the
basis of the distribution of wild populations, archaeobotanical data, and genetic analyses
of modern cereal populations (Gebel, 2004; Willcox, 2005). The transition from harvesting
to fully established agriculture was gradual, taking several hundred years (Willcox, 2007).
The domestication occurred independently in two regions: southeastern Anatolia/Middle
Euphrates and the Southern Levant. The presence of a water source in these regions is
surely the primary necessity that led to the establishment of villages, even if the wild
cereals were sometimes distant (Willcox, 2005).
The Founder Crop Package
At the end of the 8th millennium BC, corresponding to the Pre-Pottery Neolithic B period
(PPNB, 7500–7000 BC), domestic plants and animals were at the basis of subsistence. The
founding crops, also called the “Neolithic crop package,” consisted of hulled cereals:
einkorn (T. monococcum), emmer (T. dicoccum), and barley (H. vulgare subsp. vulgare)
(Zohary, 1996). The free-treshing wheat (Triticum aestivum/durum) and naked barley (H.
vulgare subsp. nudum) were domesticated in a second phase (Willcox, 2007). Pulses were
reprented by lens (L. culinaris), pea (Pisum sativum), chickpea (Cicer arietinum), and
vetch (Vicia ervilia). Secondary pulses such as broad bean (Vicia faba) and grass pea
(Lathyrus sativus) do not seem to have met the same success, depending on location in
the Fertile Crescent, and are thus not included systematically in the founding crop
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package. Flax (Linum usitatissimum) is the only textile and oilseed plant in the package.
Thus, the Neolithic populations that spread into Western Europe have potentially five
types of cereals, at least four pulses and one oil and textile plant.
General Chronological Setting of Agriculture Dispersal to Europe
Hypotheses regarding the routes of diffusion and the parameters for the outbreaks of
Neolithic migration rely on a large number of proxies, such as radiocarbon dating and the
comparison of material productions, genetic, climatic, archaeozoological, and
archaeobotanical data. Radiocarbon dating is the strongest tool pointing to the arrival of
an agricultural economy from the Near East. Cereal grains, or associated archaeological
contexts, are found earlier in the East than in the West. The diffusion westward, from the
Near East via Anatolia, started from around the very beginning of the 7th millennium BC.
The pioneer front of colonization spread quickly from the core zone, as shown by early
evidence of cultivated plants in the late Pre-Pottery Neolithic A (PPNA, 9500–8700 BC)
site Klimonas in Cyprus, involving as well an early knowledge of navigation techniques
from at least 10,000 years ago (Vigne et al., 2012). Rapid climate deterioration
(aridification) or demographic pressures are often suggested as triggers for the diffusion
process to Western Europe (Berger & Guilaine, 2009; Bocquet-Appel, 2011; Weninger et
al., 2006).
By the mid-1960s, Clark (1965) proposed a model of diffusion from the Near East to
Western Europe starting before 5200 BC. Since then, thanks to the increasing number of
archaeological excavations and radiocarbon datings, which are also more precise, the
diffusion of the Neolithic economy has become better understood. In the early 1970s, a
new theory proposed an advancement at an average speed of about 1 km/year
(Ammerman & Cavalli-Sforza, 1971). However, the linear progress is questioned because
even if it was indeed fast, barriers are recorded in several European regions, as in the Pô
plain (northern Italy), the Biscay Bay (north of Spain), and the Hungarian plains.
Currently, the arrhythmic diffusion, or the boom-and-bust model, is the most popularly
argued theory (Guilaine, 2003; Mazurié de Keroualin, 2003; Shennan, 2013). It should be
noted that it is the movements of the components of the Neolithic economy (notably, the
seeds of cultivated plants), not strictly those of the people that are considered (Rasse,
Two main streams of diffusion to Europe are identified: by maritime route, along the
north Mediterranean coasts (Impressa/Cardial route), and by land, along the main water
courses of Southeast and Central Europe, such as the Danube and the Rhine (Danubian
route) (Rowley-Conwy, 2011). Climate (late frosts in temperate zones) and topography
(mountainous areas) are probably not the only factors to have influenced the rhythm and
the diffusion trajectories of the first farmers in Europe. Internal factors specific to each of
the Neolithic societies certainly greatly influenced their way of managing the
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sustainability of their socioeconomic systems (Manning, Colledge, Crema, Shennan, &
Timpson, 2016; Rasse, 2008).
The question of the contribution of local Mesolithic groups to the spread of Neolithic
economy is also still widely discussed (e.g., Hadjikoumis, Robinson, & Viner, 2011).
Diffusion processes may take slightly different forms (e.g., contacts, exchanges, or
acculturation), depending on cultural contexts and geographical locations. For example,
despite arguments in favor of the introduction of fully domesticated plants in Franchthi
Cave, the artifacts (i.e., stone tools and ornaments) present a strong continuity between
the Mesolithic and Neolithic horizons, which could correspond to a brief acculturation
episode by local hunter-gatherers during the “Initial Neolithic” (Perlès, 1990). This could
be a local phenomenon that cannot be applied generally to all sites with a succession of
Mesolithic and Neolithic levels in southern Greece (Perlès, Quiles, & Valladas, 2013). This
example illustrates quite well the probably complex process of Neolithic economy
diffusion from the Near East to Europe, especially in the Balkans, at the origin of the two
main streams of Neolithization to the west and north of the European continent.
Diversity of Crops and Farming Systems in
Mediterranean and Temperate Europe in the
Diversity of First Cultivated Plants in the Balkans
Chronocultural Background of Agriculture Dispersal in the Balkans
The east of the Balkan Peninsula (Greece, Macedonia, and Bulgaria) is the first point from
which the Neolithic economy spread quickly to Europe. Based on the evidence presented
in ceramic and lithic artifacts and architecture, this complex has a clear Near Eastern
origin, in the cultural continuity of the final PPNB period (Mazurié de Keroualin, 2003).
The Neolithic economy arrived in the Peloponnese and Macedonia about 6500 cal BC,
before the first evidence in Thessaly and Bulgaria, suggesting that multiple points of
contact could have occurred during the second half of the 7th millennium BC in the
Aegean and Balkans (Lespez et al., 2013; Perlès et al., 2013). Thus, migration from
Anatolia to the Aegean and Thrace regions may not correspond to a single event, but
rather to separate waves of diffusion, both by sea and on land (Özdoğan, 2011). The
Struma, Maritsa, and Vardar valleys in southwest Bulgaria could be the primary routes of
Neolithic diffusion to the interior of the Balkan Peninsula around 6200–6100 BC, with the
Karanovo and the Starčevo/Körös/Criş cultures (Lichardus-Itten, Demoule, Perničeva, &
Grebska-Kulova, 2006). The first farming groups settled in fertile open lands of the Great
Hungarian plain and would give birth to the widespread Linearbandkeramik (LBK) culture
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TEMPERATE EUROPE”). They were probably not greatly constrained by the environment,
especially in the eastern Balkan Peninsula. In addition, the hunter-gatherers’ population
density was probably very low at the time of their arrival.
The settlement types are varied. There are caves, such as Franchthi, which can be
interpreted as a shepherd shelter that is seasonal or complementary to a permanent site
that has not been discovered yet (Mazurié de Keroualin, 2003). Perennial sites are also
encountered. They present square or rectangular house plans of varying sizes,
constructed of brick or cob, as in Neo Nikomedeia in Macedonia or Kovačevo in Bulgaria
(Lichardus-Itten, 2012). Both types of sites have provided archaeobotanical material. The
fine pottery was generally painted. Sheep and goats seem to predominate at the very
beginning of farming diffusion (Mazurié de Keroualin, 2003).
The west of the peninsula is often considered separately in archaeological literature,
probably because this region doesn’t correspond, from a cultural point of view, to the
Balkano-Anatolian complex. Two routes of diffusion to the Adriatic and south of the
Carpathians are identified (Forenbaher et al., 2013; Orton, Gaastra, & Linden, 2016). The
maritime route corresponds to the so-called Impressed Ware culture (6100 BC; see
Crop Diversity in the Balkans
A consequent amount of archaeobotanical studies have been carried out in this pioneer
colonization zone [i.e., Bulgaria and Greece (Colledge, Conolly, & Shennan, 2004, 2007B;
Marinova, 2007; Marinova, Tonkov, Bozilova, & Vajsov, 2012, Marinova & Valamoti, 2014;
Valamoti & Kotsakis, 2007)]. On the other hand, there are not many pieces of data
available to the east of the Balkan Peninsula, especially for early Neolithic coastal
In these regions, the crop package is consistent with what is known in the Near East. It is
composed of hulled wheat; hulled and naked barley; free-threshing wheat; a range of
pulses such as lentil, pea, chickpea, and bitter vetch; and flax. From a quantitative point
of view, hulled wheat varieties (emmer and einkorn) seem to be the most important crops
in southeast Europe (Marinova & Valamoti, 2014). However, the quantitative criterion is
not very relevant for comparing, as the hulled/naked wheat ratio depends on the
chronology of the archaeological sites, the number of sites and samples studied,
taphonomy, and past human practices.
Few qualitative variations can be noted in the group of pulses between Greece and
southwest Bulgaria. First, chickpea is present but sparse. It seems that this pulse is not
present in the north of Greece, although it has been identified in many sites in South
Bulgaria, such as Kovačevo. However, in this site, chickpea is associated with the more
recent stages (from 5600 BC) of the Neolithic in Southern Bulgaria, while it is not
mentioned in the north (Marinova & Popova, 2008; Valamoti & Kotsakis, 2007). This
confirms that the Neolithic economy might have penetrated Europe at many different
points and times. Thus, not all plants came suddenly, suggesting a potential break in the
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transmission process. Second, grass pea is continuously present in southeast Europe,
regarding the founder crop package, and the importance of this pulse in the Balkans is
pointed out (Kislev, 1989; Valamoti & Kotsakis, 2007). Indeed, concentrations of grass pea
have regularly been identified in Early Neolithic sites in Bulgaria and Greece (Valamoti,
Moniaki, & Karathanou, 2011). Lathyrus cicera, the putative wild ancestor of L. sativus, is
distributed in Turkey, as well as Greece and Transcaucasia (Zohary et al., 2012).
Diversity of First Cultivated Plants in the Mediterranean
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Chronocultural Background of Agriculture Dispersal in the Mediterranean
A synthesis of radiocarbon dates, many on cereal seeds, from early Neolithic sites in Italy,
southern France, and Iberia indicates that the spread of the Neolithic economy took place
between 5700 and 5500 BC, by the maritime route (Zilhão, 2014). It therefore took no
more than a couple of centuries to spread from the Thyrrenian Sea to the Albora coast.
The diffusion of human groups, their economy, and their ideas over more than 3,000 km
of coastal territories was then quite rapid, but probably not linear and continuous
(Mazurié de Keroualin, 2003). The ceramic style, as well as radiocarbon dating
compilation, indicates that different Neolithic groups may have arrived simultaneously
around 5700 BC at different points in the northeastern Iberian Peninsula (Morales
Hidalgo, Fontanals Torroja, Oms Arias, & Vergès Bosch, 2010). Furthermore, a long
period of stasis seems perceptible before the first domesticated plants reached north-
central Spain (Zilhão, 2014). Indeed, Biscay Bay, in the Cantabrian region, was not
reached until the middle of the 5th millennium, as evidenced by wheat grain emmer
dating to 4400 BC (Peña-Chocarro et al., 2005). At first, the pioneering advance seems to
have become rather concentrated in the coastal areas before quickly moving inland, and
even into higher altitudes via major river systems (Guilaine & Manen, 2007).
These pioneer communities are part of a large cultural entity, defined mainly on ceramic
decoration and technology, called the Impressa/Cardial complex. In the central and
western Mediterranean Basin, the ceramic paste was decorated with impressions and
incisions with fingers, nails, varied tools, or shell edges, such as cardium, which gave its
name to the Cardial culture (Mazurié de Keroualin, 2003). Impressa ceramics are more
characteristic of the early Neolithic in Italy and southeast France, while the Cardial style
is encountered in the western part of the Mediterranean Basin.
Village organization and extent, as well as architectural techniques for housing, are not
well known for the Early Neolithic in the Mediterranean. Many settlements are found in
the open air with light structures, or in rock shelters, which do not lend themselves to the
conservation of archaeological structures or archaeobotanical remains. Rich and fertile
soils in the valley floors seem to have been appreciated and utilized by the first farming
communities for their settlements, as along the central coast of the Iberian Peninsula
(Pérez-Jordà & Peña-Chocarro, 2013). A few sites have been preserved under waterlogged
conditions, allowing for an outstanding preservation of organic material. Many wooden
posts were discovered at La Marmotta (on Bacciano Lake in central Italy) and at La
Draga (on Banyoles Lake in northeast Spain). These huts could correspond to long-term
open-air settlements, the building of which would need a substantial labor investment
(Fugazzola Delpino & Tinazzi, 2010). These two types of habitats could be interpreted as
the coexistence of different mobility patterns (semimobile or permanent) and economic
strategies (herders or farmers) from the early Neolithic (Mazurié de Keroualin, 2003).
The same variations are visible in the livestock package, in which the proportions of pigs,
sheeps/goats, cows, and wild fauna, as well as sheep morphotypes, are different
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depending on location and whether the sites are attributed to the Impressa or Cardial
culture (Rowley-Conwy et al., 2013; Vigne, 2007).
Crop Diversity in the Mediterranean
In Italy, despite the substantial amount of sites studied, the number of remains identified
is generally low. However, some Early Neolithic sites, as La Marmotta in Central Italy and
Sammardenchia in the Pô Plain, have been subject to systematic archaeobotanical
studies, which allow for a substantial overview of the crop package in the coastal Central
Mediterranean (Rottoli & Pessina, 2007; Rottoli & Castiglioni, 2009). In France, the
amount of data to date is very weak (Gassin et al., 2010). In the Iberian Peninsula, several
sites have yielded important and well-preserved data sets, as on the lakeshore site of La
Draga in Catalonia and Cova de l’Or and Los Castillejos on the southeastern coast of the
peninsula (Antolín & Buxó, 2011, 2012; Rovira, 2007). Recent regional syntheses give
substantial data on cultivated plants in these regions and the variation of crop package
composition at the supraregional scale (Antolín, Jacomet, & Buxó, 2015; Buxó, 2007;
Peña-Chocarro et al., 2013; Pérez Jordà & Peña-Chocarro, 2013; Zapata, Peña-Chocarro,
Pérez-Jordá, & Stika, 2004).
From a qualitative point of view, the Neolithic crop package (especially cereals) is
equivalent to the Balkans and the Near East. The first farmers in the central and western
Mediterranean have grown einkorn; emmer; free-threshing wheat; hulled and naked
barley; a wide range of pulses, such as lentils, peas, beans, vetches, and grass peas; and
flax. The set of cultivated plants is highly diversified. On Cardial sites from southern
France and the Iberian Peninsula, naked cereals predominate, while emmer and einkorn
appear to be predominant to the east, in the Central Mediterranean (Antolín & Buxó,
2012; Buxó, 2007; Gassin et al., 2010; Peña-Choccaro et al., 2013). However, the more or
less rigorous division between hulled cereals in the Impressa culture and naked cereals in
the Cardial culture needs to be confirmed by further studies. Indeed, in the northeast of
the Iberian Peninsula, the proportions of naked and hulled cereals vary depending on the
site (Antolín & Buxó, 2012). Hulled cereals have been identified in some other sites on the
central coast of Catalonia. In other sites, such as La Draga, the naked wheats dominate.
There are no taphonomic, geological, or pedological features to explain these differences,
indicating that several agricultural traditions in the choice of main cereals may have
coexisted as soon as the early Neolithic at the microregional scale (Antolín & Buxó, 2011,
2012). The two types of cereals (naked or hulled) do not have the same requirements (in
terms of dehusking, for example) and involve different technical systems. However, the
comparison of proportion is based on many cereals identified at the genus level (Triticum
or Hordeum), which prevents a clear view of the naked/hulled dominances in the region.
Moreover, this example illustrates quite well the limits of the sole morphological
identification of the taxa to address early crop diversity. Indeed, genotype differences can
be recorded within a field of wheat that looks visibly homogeneous, as it is currently
highlighted in the western Mediterranean (Oliveira et al., 2012).
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Regarding pulses, chickpea is absent from the Impressa/Cardial route, which indicates
that it was not diffused by the very first farmers (Colledge, Conolly, & Shennan, 2005).
The reasons for this neglect are still poorly understood. It may or may not have been a
conscious choice. Indeed, explanations of an exclusively environmental nature are
difficult to substantiate, since all other taxa domesticated in the Near East are identified
in the Mediterranean stream. Furthermore, we note the addition of common vetch (Vicia
sativa) and broad bean (Vicia faba) as minor components of the crop package in the
Mediterranean (Antolín & Buxó, 2012; Rottoli & Pessina, 2007; Rottoli & Castiglioni, 2009).
The findings of a large amount of broad bean in early-PPNB occupation levels of Tell el-
Kerkh (northwest Syria) and in a middle-PPNB storage structure at Yiftah’el (Israel) could
also point toward an early cultivation of this pulse in the area where the Neolithic crop
package originated (Kislev, 1989). There is a real difficulty in differentiating wild and
domesticated forms because of the overlapping of seed size, especially as these pulses
could also be considered as a contaminant in cultivated fields (Zohary et al., 2012).
Furthermore, charred archaeological pulses are very fragile, which does note facilitate
their identification (Tanno & Willcox, 2006). Thus, the origin and diffusion of pulses
remains a largely unknown part of early agriculture across the Mediterranean basin, as
well as in the Near East.
An additionnal species, opium poppy (Papaver somniferum), completes the Mediterranean
crop package and has not, to date, been identified, further east in the Balkan Peninsula
EUROPE”). At La Marmotta, seeds preserved in carbonized and uncarbonized form,
charred capsules, and stigmatic disks were discovered (Rottoli & Pessina, 2007). In Spain,
poppy has been identified in sites such as La Draga, Los Murceliagos, and La Lampara
(Antolín & Buxó, 2012; Stika, 2005).
Diversity of the First Cultivated Plants in Temperate Europe
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Chronocultural Background of Agriculture Dispersal in Temperate Europe
The Neolithic economy spread from south-central Europe, approximately following the
Danube watershed, into northwestern continental Europe during the 6th millennium BC.
The first farmers of south-central Europe appear in the Starčevo/Körös/Criş complex
(6100–5500 BC), which extend from Transdanubia to the Great Hungarian Plain and
Transylvania. Around 5600 BC, the LBK culture emerged in southwestern Slovakia and
western Hungary, to the north of Lake Balaton (Gronenborn, 1999). In this area, the
relationship between LBK culture and the Starčevo/Körös/Criş complex is still subject to
debate (Stadler & Kotova, 2010).
Around 5500 BC, the LBK culture began its rapid first phase of expansion westward,
reached the Rhine by 5300 BC, and, during a second phase, extended to the Paris Basin,
ending around 4900 BC (Bogucki, 2003). To the east, LBK groups settled during the late
6th millennium BC in western Ukraine (Bogucki, 2000). LBK material production shows
some variation depending on location and chronology of the site. However, the cultural
identity of the pioneer farmers is strong enough to follow the route of early agriculture
diffusion through Temperate Europe from Southwest Ukraine to the Paris Basin. This
culture is characterized by a broad distribution of similar pottery types and decoration, as
well as long houses with a rectangular layout. The decoration of pots—incised linear
forms in bands or ribbons—provided the name for this archaeological culture
(Linearbandkeramik, Linear Ceramic, or Rubané). Houses and villages are clearly
sedentary. The negatives of wood posts, called post holes, make it possible to trace the
ground plan of the Danubian houses, which could measure between 10 and 45 meters
(Coudart, 1998). The first farmers settled mainly on loessic patches, which are assumed
to have a high natural fertility (Catt, 2001), and uninhabited zones separate clusters of
villages from each other. LBK emergence is believed by some to be linked to an increase
of wetter and colder climatic conditions, and its collapse to warmer and drier conditions
(Dubouloz, 2008).
Crop Diversity in Temperate Europe
The Neolithic crop package in Central and Northwest continental Europe is quite well
known, thanks to many archaeobotanical studies carried out in LBK sites (e.g., Bakels,
1978; Knörzer, 1997; Kreuz, 2007; Kreuz, Marinova, Schäfer, & Wiethold, 2005; Salavert,
In the Starčevo/Körös/Criş sphere, at the origin of farming in Central Europe, the
diversity of crops may be underestimated. Indeed, the plant economy of the Starčevo/
Körös/Criş is mainly known through imprints in daub and ceramics. However, few sites
from this period provide charred macroremains, which allow for an overview of the plants
cultivated by the first farmers in South-Central Europe (Bogaard, Krause, & Strien, 2011;
Colledge & Conolly, 2007B; Gyulai, 2010; Reed, 2015). To date, the list of crops is rather
smaller. Both hulled wheats (einkorn and emmer) and, sometimes barley, lens, and peas
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are identified. The arrival of naked wheat seems to have been delayed to the end of the
6th millennium BC, which corresponds to Late Neolithic (Reed, 2015).
In LBK sites, the range of crops is also relatively narrow (Bakels, 2009; Colledge et al.,
2005; Kreuz et al., 2005; Kreuz, 2007; Salavert, 2011). The general pattern shows that
einkorn dominated central European sites for the duration of the LBK culture (Kreuz,
2007). Einkorn has a good resistance to lodging that could explain the choice of this
cereal, despite its lower yield compared to emmer (Kreuz, 2007). However, west of the
Rhine, in the southern Limbourg, Hesbaye, and Hainaut regions, emmer clearly
dominates, whether the grains or chaff are taken into account (Salavert, 2011). Thus, a
climatic hypothesis cannot be the only motivation behind humans’ choices in their
farming strategies. Concerning barley, hulled and naked forms are scarce, which gives an
unknown status to this taxon. Barley, as with naked wheat, whose findings are anecdotal,
may have been considered a weed in LBK fields rather than a true crop plant (Kreuz,
2007). However, even if the barley form (hulled or naked) is not always specified in
archaeobotanical counting tables because of bad conservation of the charred caryopses,
naked barley seems more frequent in the western part of the LBK cultural extension,
more precisely in the Hainaut and Parisian Basin, and could thus be part of the crop
package in these peripheral regions of the primary Neolithic economy dispersal (Bakels,
2009; Salavert, 2011). Indeed, naked barley has been recognized at Wange and
Overhespen in the north of Hesbaye (Bakels, 1992) and in four LBK sites in the Aisne
valley in France (Bakels, 1999).
The group of pulses is composed of lentils and peas. In the group of fiber/oleaginous
plants, in addition to flax, opium poppy (Papaver somniferum) appears only in sites dated
from 5300 BC and related to the second phase of LBK extension (Bakels, 1996; Kreuz,
2007; Salavert, 2011).
There is, thus, a clear decrease of crop diversity in Temperate Europe. This reduction
corresponds to a moment of rupture in the diffusion of the Neolithic economy. The
dynamic slows down, or stops, for several centuries on the level of the Hungarian plain.
This pause allowed human societies, as well as the animals and plants that they
transported, to adapt to different climatic conditions (more humidity, longer winter) than
those encountered previously. However, the cultural argument—that is to say, the choice
made by the first farmers of Temperate Europe—cannot be ignored, as hulled wheats also
can be successful in temperate environments (Colledge et al., 2005). This break could
have enabled the groups to acquire agricultural know-how before being able to spread
them into western and eastern Temperate Europe (Bogucki, 2000).
Early Farming Systems in Mediterranean and Temperate Europe
The definition of Neolithic farming systems (more precisely, the seasonality of crops or
the maintenance techniques of soil fertility) is at the center of archaeobotanical research,
which relies on weeds and stable isotope analyses.
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In Central Europe, the specific diversity of weeds is also restricted. The most common
species are Bromus secalinus, Chenopodium album, Fallopia convolvulus, and Lapsana
communis. These are the main components of the plant association Bromo-Lapsanetum-
Praehistoricum, defined by Knörzer (1971) based on weed assemblages. However, this
association is no longer observed in cultivated fields in Central Europe. According to
several authors, it would show the presence of fields, permanent or not, cultivated every
year with the same methods throughout the LBK territory, which would cause a well-
defined combination of weeds (Bakels, 1978, 2009; Knörzer, 1971). It is difficult to
interpret extinct associations to reconstruct past agricultural practices such as the size of
fields, their sustainability, and the seasonality of crops.
For a long time, the practice of slash-and-burn agriculture was suggested to explain the
rapid expansion of early farmers in the forest environment of Central Europe. The
principle is as follows: A forested area is cultivated over a short period (one to five years)
after being cleared and burned. Organic burned material provides nutrients that improve
agricultural yield. After this short period, crops are moved to another area that has
undergone the same treatment (Bogaard, 2002), allowing the initial site time to recover.
However, the presence of long-lived Neolithic LBK sites such as Langweiler 8 and
Vaihingen and der Enz (Germany), as well as the spatial proximity of villages, do not offer
an economic area wide enough to allow the operation of the system in each village across
many generations.
Furthermore, the comparison of weed censuses from current experimental fields, in
addition to a large number of archaeological weeds that have been precisely identified
and come from deposits resulting from the processing of harvests of emmer and einkorn,
exclude the possibility of shifting cultivation in the Early Neolithic in Temperate Europe
(Bogaard, 2002). Indeed, with a shifting cultivation system, perennial weeds dominate.
However, in archaeological assemblages, perennial weeds account for only 2% of the
samples taken into account, and annual weeds greatly dominate.
Thanks to weed autoecology, Bogaard (2004) has suggested that Early Neolithic farmers
would have practiced intensive and permanent agriculture on a limited surface, usually
near settlements. The sustainability of the fields was permitted, thanks to a strong supply
of animal manure and weeding. The main sociotechnological implications are agricultural
production at the domestic scale, strong integration between livestock and agriculture,
and probably a very significant investment of labour and time (Jones, 2005; Saqalli et al.,
2014). For example, manuring and weeding would be six to seven times more labor
intensive than shifting cultivation (Pétrequin, Pétrequin, & Schaal, 2015). In the Balkans,
the contribution of manure, as evidenced by nitogen isotope values (δ N), was integrated
into agricultural systems from the very beginning of the spread of Neolithic economics
(Bogaard et al., 2013; Fraser, Bogaard, Schäfer, Arbogast, & Heaton, 2013). Furthermore,
at Vaihingen an der Enz, Germany, the integration of archeobotanical analyses, especially
weed autoecology (such as soil pH requirements), as well as ceramic typology on a site
almost completely excavated, has led to claims of a sort of clanic/group organization, with
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the distribution of cultivated areas according to group membership and a transfer of plots
from generation to generation (Bogaard et al., 2011).
The Early Neolithic farming system in the Western Mediterranean has not been described
in detail, mainly because of badly preserved archaeological weed assemblages at current
sites. Statistical approaches, with precise identification based on substantial data sets,
cannot yet be applied (Antolín & Buxó, 2012). Furthermore, it is far too early to formulate
a general trend applicable to the whole Mediterranean region. At Los Castilleros, weed
assemblages indicate permanent fields (Rovira, 2007). It seems that “most common taxa
are annual plants typical of disturbed areas that could grow as arable weeds in irrigated
or dry fields” (Antolín & Buxó, 2012, p. 99). The most common taxa are Chenopodium
album and Galium aparine. The very few forest taxa in the assemblages could indicate
that early farmers in Spain did not use the shifting cultivation (Antolín, Buxó, Jacomet,
Navarrete, & Saña, 2014). The ecological requirements of annual plants and the
flowering length indicate relatively intensive perturbations as well as long-term and
intensively managed sowing of plots in autumn and possibly spring (Antolín et al., 2015;
Peña-Chocarro et al., 2013).
Looking for the Origin of Opium Poppy in Western Europe
Identification of Wild and Cultivated Poppy
Opium poppy is a significant addition in the Neolithic crop package in Meditterranean
and Temperate Europe. Opium poppy could be one of the unique plants domesticated in
the European territory during the Neolithic. The origin and diffusion of the plant in
Western Europe are yet to be understood, especially the question of its wild progenitor.
The family Papaveraceae occurs in temperate and subtropical climates. Today, its main
distribution is around the Mediterranean region and the Middle East (Baser & Arslan,
2014). Papaver somniferum subsp. setigerum is often considered to be the wild ancestor
of Papaver somniferum subsp. Somniferum, which is the cultivated form (Hammer, 1981;
Zohary et al., 2012). However, recent botanical results based on their geographical
distribution and the morphological characteristics of poppy identify three subspecies of
poppy cultivated at present: P. somniferum subsp. setigerum, P. somniferum subsp.
Songaricum, and P. somniferum subsp. somniferum. The putative wild ancestor can
therefore also be considered as a cultivated form by botanists (Baser & Arslan, 2014).
The Western and Central Mediterranean is the region of origin for wild poppy that is most
often mentioned in archaeobotanical literature (Bakels, 1996; Knörzer, 1971; Schultze-
Motel, 1979). However, wild populations of poppy have developed in other geographical
areas, including Central Asia, the Caucasus, North Africa, and the Eastern Mediterranean
(Salavert, 2010). Given the range of opium poppy, based on the occurrence of its wild
ancestor and the evidence of current phytogeography, its origin is difficult to identify. The
wild and cultivated forms of P. somniferum are interfertile, and wild populations that are
supposed to be “authentic” may be naturalized populations or escaped from cultivated
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fields (De Candolle, 1883; Ladizinsky, 1998). This is why some authors believe that there
are currently no known true wild populations of opium poppy in the world (Merlin, 1984;
Chouvy, 2001). The wild ancestor and the natural distribution zone of wild poppy,
therefore, are imprecise and may not be confined to the Western Mediterranean.
The morphological criteria to distinguish wild from cultivated seeds in archaeological
records are not established. The poppy seed is small (less than 1 mm in diameter) and
spherical. It has multiple facets and is pentagonal and hexagonal edged with a slight
bulge (Fig. 5). Capsules and stigmatic discs of opium poppy also have been identified at
archaeological sites.
Although cultivated seeds
are generally larger than
wild seeds, there are no
valid criteria for
differentiating them
(Hammer, 1981). The
variability of cultivated
poppy seeds is very broad
and also covers the wild
form. It is therefore
impossible to distinguish
between the seeds, as well
as the capsules, of wild
and cultivated poppy,
especially from the
Neolithic period.
Furthermore, the number of seeds identified at archaeological sites is generally low.
Particular taphonomical conditions must be present to preserve the seeds, and the
remains most often originate from a single sample. This rarity can be attributed to the
small size of the seeds, which requires a suitable sieving method (0.25 μm mesh). In the
same way, the oil content of the seed does not predispose it to preservation. Finally,
processes of poppy transformation may not necessitate contact with fire, which weakens
the chances that the seeds will be charred and thus preserved at archaeological sites.
Click to view larger
Figure 5. Seeds of P. somniferum (opium poppy) from
a Linearbandkeramik site in Belgium (around 5000
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Earliest Neolithic Poppy on Archaeological Sites
The largest number of Neolithic archaeological sites that have delivered poppies are
located in the Impressa/Cardial and LBK complexes in Western Europe. In the current
state of research, about 30 sites dated between 5200 and 5000 BC have delivered seeds
of P. somniferum in the LBK. Sites are located in the area delimited by the province of
Hesse (Germany) in the east and Hainaut (Belgium) in the west (Salavert, 2010). The
seeds are absent from the earliest LBK sites (5500–5300 BC), even in the case of sites
located east of the Rhine, and appear only during the second phase of LBK expansion,
after 5300 BC. Outside this zone, several determinations are mentioned in France,
Austria, and Poland, still at LBK sites dating between 5200 and 5000 BC (Salavert, 2011).
Thus, the opium poppy is well established in the LBK context, particularly in the
northwestern extension of the culture. In the Impressa/Cardial complex, a large quantity
of carbonized and noncharred seeds, capsules, and stigmatic disks was found at the
lakeside site of La Marmotta (Italy), dated by radiocarbon and dendrochronology between
5500 and 5400 BC (Kromer, 2009). At the site of La Draga (Spain), charred and
watterlogged seeds were identified in one Neolithic structure. The archaeological level is
dated between 5400 and 5100 BC, with a majority of dates between 5250 and 5150 BC
(Antolín & Buxó, 2011). The opium poppy is mentioned in at least three other Cardial sites
dated between 5200 and 4900 BC (Antolín & Buxó, 2012; Salavert, 2011). The importance
of the plant in the Neolithic Mediterranean has probably been underestimated because of
the small size of the seeds and the mode of conservation (charred), which is not suitable
for oleaginous seeds. The Eastern Mediterranean also has delivered poppy. A waterlogged
seed was found at the Atlit-Yam Pre-Pottery Neolithic C (PPNC) site in Israel (Kislev,
Hartmann, & Galili, 2004). The series of radiometric datings obtained at the site ranges
from about 7400 and 5900 BC. This is the single identification of P. somniferum in the
Near Eastern Neolithic. The antiquity of the PPNC opium poppy seed can be questioned,
on the one hand, by its isolated nature in a region heavily investigated by
archaeobotanists, and on the other hand, by the fact that only one (watterlogged) seed
was discovered on this submerged site very favorable to the preservation of organic
material. No opium poppy has been mentioned in Neolithic sites in Southeast Europe.
The Spanish and Italian arcaheological identifications, in a region supposedly at the
origin of the (also supposed) ancestor of the plant, are weakly anterior to LBK Europe.
The limitations of the comparisons of dating are real (particularly the inaccuracy of
radiocarbon datings), but above all, the fact that it is not the poppy seeds that are directly
dated, but other materials (bones, charcoal) sometimes localized in other structures or
archaeological layers that date the whole site or the occupation phase.
Scenario of Domestication and Diffusion
Absolute datings from the sites of the Early Neolithic period in Western Europe do not
clearly indicate where the opium poppy was cultivated for the first time. One possibility is
that the poppy accompanied the dispersal of Neolithic pioneer communities with other
cultivated plants originating in the Near East, such as wheats, pulses, and flax. This
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hypothesis is uncertain because this plant has not been discovered, to date, in the earliest
LBK sites (the Starčevo/Körös/Criş or Balkano-Anatolian complex).
If we assume that the origin of the plant is the Western Mediterranean, poppy could have
integrated the LBK area under its wild or cultivated form. The contacts between the
Neolithic populations of Southern and Northern Europe also have long been observed in
archaeological artifacts. They are, for example, established between the Cardial-
Epicardial farmers and the LBK populations through ceramic decorations (e.g., Meier-
Arendt, 1966; Guilaine & Manen, 1997) and ornaments (Bonnardin, 2009). In addition,
wild plants, such as Bromus sterilis/tectorum and perhaps Setaria viridis/verticillata,
identified occasionally in LBK sites, originate from the Mediterranean regions
(Oberdorfer, 1990). Thus, it is not surprising that seeds of Mediterranean origin are
identified in LBK archaeobotanical assemblages.
There have been no discoveries of incised capsules or other elements that would make it
possible to understand the use of this plant by early farmers. Poppy can be grown for its
oil, or the seeds may have been added to food preparations and consumed. The
psychotropic properties may not have been unknown to the Neolithic societies.
Furthermore, in Vaihingen an der Enz, it seems that only the houses located in the
southeast of the site have adopted this plant. No different taphonomic conditions from the
rest of the village could explain this spatial distribution. This could indicate a different
social status of certain people as favored contacts with the Southern Cardial (Bogaard et
al., 2011) or particular knowledge about poppy cultivation.
Spread of Agriculture to Northern and Western Europe
The presence of cultivated plants is a marker of the spread of the agrarian economy,
especially when the seeds are dated directly to the radiocarbon, and are accompanied by
weeds. On this basis, there is no convincing evidence of Mesolithic agriculture to date in
the north and northwestern margins of Europe which correspond to southern
Scandinavia, northern Germany and Poland, as well as Britain and Ireland (Behre, 2007;
Sørensen & Karg, 2014; Tresset, 2015). The diffusion of cultivated plants is attested there
from 4000 BC, which marks the beginning of the initial Neolithic, a little less than a
millennium after the decline of the LBK culture in central and western Temperate Europe
During this millennium, different archaeological cultures developed there, such as
Blicquy/Villeneuve-Saint-Germain, Rössen, Epi-Rössen, Michelsberg, or Chasséen. Their
social, cultural, and economic structures are significantly different from those of the LBK
pioneer farmers who travelled along the Danube from 5500 BC. Concerning cultivated
plants, naked cereals have been developed, in particular tetraploid wheat (Triticum
durum/turgidum), probably under the influence of neolithic populations from the western
Mediterranean (Bakels, 2009).
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The modalities for the introduction of cultivars at the beginning of the 4th millennium in
the northern and western Europe are still discussed. The particular points are the
progressive adoption of agriculture by indigenous mesolithic groups, the sudden arrival
of cultivars thanks to small groups of experimented farmers from central Europe, as well
as the importance of cereals compared to gathering/fishing/hunting products, in the early
Neolithic diet (Rowley-Conwy, 2004; Jones & Rowley-Conwy, 2007; Thomas, 2008; Kreuz
et al., 2014; Sørensen & Karg, 2014; Jones & Sibbesson, 2016). Several factors are
proposed to explain the relaunch of the crop diffusion to new geographical areas at the
beginning of the 4th millennium BC: demographic pressures; a warmer and drier climate
around 4000 BC, which would extend the spring growing season for cereals; or the
search for good flint sources (Bonsall et al., 2002; Jones et al., 2000; Sørensen & Karg,
According to radiocarbon dates, only three centuries have been needed to adopt the
Neolithic economy, suggesting the arrival of small groups of experienced farmers in
southern Scandinavia and northern Germany (Sørensen & Karg, 2014). Similarly, for
southern Scandinavia, mitochondrial DNA studies show a close relationship between
Neolithic individuals belonging to the northern Funnelbeaker culture (TRB or TBK),
developing in northern Germany to the territory of Sweden, with those of Central Europe
(Malmström et al., 2015). In Britain and Ireland, pollen records show that the
disturbances of initial Neolithic people activities were sudden and rapid in deciduous
forest (Woodbridge et al., 2014). However, seeds of cultivated cereals are still often
identified in small amounts around 4000 BC (Jones & Rowley-Conwy, 2007). The agrarian
economy seems fully established from 3750 BC in Ireland (Whitehouse et al., 2014;
McClatchie et al., 2016) and from 3600 BC in northern Germany (Kirleis et al., 2012).
However, taphonomic factors may explain the weak data set related to early Neolithic
settlements in these areas (Jones & Rowley-Conwy, 2007).
Archaeobotanical syntheses from southern Scandinavia (northern Germany, Denmark,
and southern and western Sweden) show that the main cultivated plants identified in the
Funnelbeaker context, corresponding to local early and middle Neolithic, are emmer and
einkorn, as well as naked barley and bread wheat (Robinson, 2003; Larsson & Broström,
2011; Kirleis & Fischer, 2014). For northern Germany, poppy and pulses are not identified
at the very beginning of the period (Kirleis & Fischer, 2014). Recently, discoveries of
naked tetraploid wheat in southern Scandinavia support a possible cultural interaction
between the Funnelbeaker and contemporaneous neolithic groups in Central Europe,
such as the Michelsberg culture, where this cereal is widely cultivated (Kirleis & Fischer,
2014; Kreuz et al., 2014). In the same way, the Michelsberg crop package is characterized
by weak evidence of pulses (lentils and pea) and oleaginous/fiber plants (Kreuz et al.,
2014). In Ireland, the early Neolithic is characterized by a mixed blend of cereals
composed mainly of emmer, some naked wheat (T. astivum/durum/turgidum), and naked
barley. Einkorn is rare. Flax is present from the beginning of the Neolithic, while pulses
are absent (McClatchie et al., 2014, 2016).
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This is a very rapid view of the spread of the Neolithic economy based on cereal
cultivation in the northern margins of Europe. The northern and northwestern parts of
Europe are therefore characterized by the importance of hulled wheat, but also free-
treshing wheat and naked barley, which corresponds to the main cereals cultivated by the
Neolithic groups of Central Europe at the beginning of the 4th millennium BC. Pulses are
rare (Colledge et al., 2005). The characterization of farming systems is still in progress. In
England, preliminary studies indicate a high rate of annual plants compared to perennial
weeds characteristic of fields cultivated by a slash-and-burn system (Bogaard et al., 2007).
As in Ireland, the intensive system of fixed and perennial fields in the landscape is
favored (McClatchie et al., 2014).
Click to view larger
Figure 6. Synthetic presentation of the maritime
diffusion in Mediterranean (Impressa/Cardial) and
continental diffusion in Temperate Europe
(Linearbandkeramik), as well as the spread of
cultivars in northern and western Europe between
6500 and 4000 BC.
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To summarize these findings, the dispersal route of agriculture into Mediterranean and
Temperate Europe is rather well known, thanks to archaeology. The diffusion of the
Neolithic economy was rapid and spanned about 1,500 years, from 6500 BC in Greece to
the beginning of the 4th millennium BC in Ireland (Fig. 6). The maritime route of
agriculture dispersal, along the Mediterranean coasts, presents a minimal loss of
diversity compared to agricultural origins in the Near East. Only the chickpea did not
spread with the very first farming communities in the Balkans. Naked cereals are
included in the crop package, but it seems that hulled wheats were preferred at the very
beginning of the Neolithic diffusion (Balkans and Impressa). The habitat types (caves,
rock shelters, open-air sites) are diversified, as are the crops that the first Mediterranean
farmers cultivated from 6500 to 5500 BC. Farming practices need further investigation.
Thanks to palaeocological studies, it seems that the first farming groups in the Western
Mediterranean may have had a heterogeneous impact, in terms of timing and spatial
extent, on the oak forests, which we assume earlier Mesolithic groups modified only
sparsely (Revelles, IN PRESS; Thiébault, 1988).
In Temperate Europe, the habitat types are more homogeneous and the Neolithic crop
package presents a low diversity. Cultivated fields are probably long-lasting and may have
been managed on the domestic scale for several family generations. This transfer goes
hand in hand with the high investment required for agricultural work and the
maintenance of the sustainability of the field (thanks to manure). It also implies a strong
territorial settling of the groups of the early Neolithic in the Danubian sphere in the
second half of the 6th millennium BC. Studies on daily firewood gathered near the LBK
sites of the first farmers in Belgium show the rapid increase in heliophilic taxa of hedges
(Maloideae, for example). This dynamic may indicate the rapid opening of forest areas for
the establishment of fields and their maintenance near habitats, as well as local anthropic
pressure on the landscape (Salavert, Bosquet, & Damblon, 2014A; Salavert & Dufraisse,
2014B). Less than one millennium after the end of the LBK culture, the agriculture saw a
second wave of dispersal to northern and western Europe. As during the LBK, the high
percentages of Maloideae and Corylus indicate that impact of Funnel beaker farmers on
forest may have occurred on a small scale (Jansen et al., 2014).
The two routes, maritime and continental, thus show different dynamics in diffusion
processes, cultures, and farming practices. Opium poppy is the main addition in western
Europe, and its use concerns both regions. Many points must be highlighted to go further
in the research on poppy domestication and uses. First, its wild progenitor is still not
recognized with absolute certainty. Second, the status (wild or cultivated) of early
Neolithic poppy is not understood, thanks to its seed morphology. Finally, the radiocarbon
dating is indirect and not accurate enough to trace the diffusion process with precision.
However, thanks to archaeological data, we do know that poppy was probably not
integrated into the Neolithic crop package from the Near East or the Balkans. It seems to
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have been introduced in the Central and Western Mediterranean basin, from about 5400
BC at the earliest, but most of the discoveries are from around 5200 BC, both in
Mediterranean and Temperate Europe. The proximity of radiocarbon dating indicates that
the diffusion from south to north might have been very rapid. The cultivation or the
gathering of opium poppy does not seem to be shared by all farmers within an LBK
village. Thus, the plant seems to have had a different status than traditional crops, such
as hulled wheat and pulses, in the Neolithic economy.
Cultivated plants are now known to be the basis of human alimentation in the Early
Neolithic, although gathering also continued to be practiced, especially for foods such as
hazelnuts, wild apples, and wild grapes. However, this part of the Neolithic diet, along
with the status of wild trees in the farming system of the Early Neolithic, is not well
understood. There are many aspects of the dispersal (notably crop diversity) and
components of the farming system that need further investigations. The A-DNA and stable
isotope research currently in development will surely enhance our knowledge in this
subject without neglecting archaeobotanical studies, which are still at the base of our
knowledge of the very first farming communities in Europe.
Further Reading
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l’agricultura i de l’alimentació vegetal del neolític a catalunya. In A. Bosch, J. Chinchilla,
& J. Tarrús (Coords.), El poblat lacustre del neolític antic de La Draga: Excavacions de
2000–2005, Monografies del CASC 9 (pp. 147–174). Girona, Spain: CASC-Museu
d’Arqueologia de Catalunya.
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only; commercial use is strictly prohibited (for details see Privacy Policy and Legal Notice).
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Aurélie Salavert
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Agricultural Dispersals in Mediterranean and Temperate Europe
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... However, several lines of evidence suggest that these seeds may be intrusive and come from more recent cultural layers; first, wild opium poppy does not grow today in the Near East or Anatolia 14,15 ; secondly, no additional evidence was found despite the large amount of archaeobotanical studies in the area 16,17 , and thirdly, archaeological remains are currently absent on the Neolithic economy dispersal route from the Near East to western Europe, i.e. in the Balkans and central Europe prior to 5300 cal BCE 9 (Fig. 1A1, Fig. 1B). The best argued hypothesis is that the opium poppy could be the only crop to have been domesticated in western Europe, given that 50 Early Neolithic sites (5900-4700 cal BCE, Fig. 1A2, see Supplementary Information S1, all calibrated radiocarbon dates are given with a 2-sigma range) with at least one opium poppy seed have been recorded through archaeobotanical literature 10,11,[18][19][20][21] . The two earliest attestations are located in the Mediterranean, where eight sites, dated between ca. ...
... To date, there are no recorded remains from sites attributed to the earliest LBK period (LBK I), ca. 5600-5300 cal BCE in central Europe 18,26 . In this cultural complex, the earliest attestations are the charred seeds discovered in structures dated to the Flomborn phase from ca. 5300 cal BCE (LBK II, Fig. 1A1) [27][28][29] . ...
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Abstract This paper aims to define the first chrono-cultural framework on the domestication and early diffusion of the opium poppy using small-sized botanical remains from archaeological sites, opening the way to directly date minute short-lived botanical samples. We produced the initial set of radiocarbon dates directly from the opium poppy remains of eleven Neolithic sites (5900–3500 cal BCE) in the central and western Mediterranean, northwestern temperate Europe, and the western Alps. When possible, we also dated the macrobotanical remains originating from the same sediment sample. In total, 22 samples were taken into account, including 12 dates directly obtained from opium poppy remains. The radiocarbon chronology ranges from 5622 to 4050 cal BCE. The results show that opium poppy is present from at least the middle of the sixth millennium in the Mediterranean, where it possibly grew naturally and was cultivated by pioneer Neolithic communities. Its dispersal outside of its native area was early, being found west of the Rhine in 5300–5200 cal BCE. It was introduced to the western Alps around 5000–4800 cal BCE, becoming widespread from the second half of the fifth millennium. This research evidences different rhythms in the introduction of opium poppy in western Europe.
... The origin of this large cultural complex is to be sought in the peripheral areas of the Painted Pottery cultures of the Carpathian-Balkan regions, most notably the Star≠evo/Körös-Cris which extended during the first half of the 6 th millennium from Serbia to the lower Danube basin. In its early phase of development, the LBK is characterized by the low variability of its ceramics, house types and more generally settlement and food production systems (Bánffy, Oross 2010;Czekaj-Zastawny 2009;Kreuz et al. 2005;Kulczycka-Leciejewiczowa 2000;Lenneis 2001;Lenneis, Pieler 2016;Lichardus et al. 1985;Lüning 2005;Oross, Bánffy 2009;Quitta 1960;Pavlů 2000;Salavert 2017). Recent bioarchaeological and palaeogenetic research supports the migration hypothesis developed as early as the 1920s (Childe 1929) and describes a process of direct population movement (Brandt et al. 2013;2015;Lipson et al. 2017;Mathieson et al. 2015), in addition to the internal mobility of individuals, particularly women (Price et al. 2001;Bentley et al. 2012). ...
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Exploiting a database developed during a previous research project, this study uses factor analyses, GIS techniques and basic geostatistics to evaluate in detail the agro-ecological determinants of the first Neolithic diffusion in continental temperate Europe (the Linearbandkeramik or LBK), as well as its underlying settlement dynamics around half a millennium (5550–4925 BCE). More than 6600 LBK site locations, spread from Moldavia to Normandy, are initially assessed for their informative coherence and ability to offer a unified perspective on the evidence established at more local and regional levels. Most of these data can be used to define the broad geo-pedological options involved in the location of sites across Europe; loess substrate was far from being an exclusive settlement choice and a variety of soils, typically of medium moisture, were exploited. LBK farmers thus had a great capacity to adapt to the different geographical contexts they encountered. With regard to settlement dynamics in Central and Western Europe, the data reveal a systemic interplay between creation, stability and abandonment of sites, supporting the diffusion of the LBK subsistence system. The progressive decline in the number of new sites was compensated by an increase in their stability until the last stage of the expansion process. At this point, abandonments became widespread without significant renewal, except in the westernmost regions. The easternmost parts of Europe could not be integrated in the large-scale temporal modelling, since the chronological data available in the database are insufficiently precise. Shedding new light on the systemic variability of the geo-environmental options followed by these early farmers and highlighting some modalities and spatial-temporal limits of the resilience of their agro-sylvo-pastoral system, our overall analysis confirms and somewhat clarifies current interpretations of the LBK phenomenon.
... Our study focuses more specifically on plant processing and consumption in western Linearbandkeramik (LBK) regions, and specifically in the Paris Basin. The expansion of the LBK culture originating from central Europe occurred rapidly across Central Europe north of the Alps around 5500 BC (Salavert 2017). In a first wave, farmers colonized Northwestern Europe (east of the Rhine) around 5300 BC, and in a second wave, they reached the Paris Basin around 5100 BC. ...
... Our study focuses more specifically on plant processing and consumption in western Linearbandkeramik (LBK) regions, and specifically in the Paris Basin. The expansion of the LBK culture originating from central Europe occurred rapidly across Central Europe north of the Alps around 5500 BC (Salavert 2017). In a first wave, farmers colonized Northwestern Europe (east of the Rhine) around 5300 BC, and in a second wave, they reached the Paris Basin around 5100 BC. ...
... This statement is applicable to the Early  Neolithic period in the Paris Basin where our knowledge of plant use is primarily based on the archaeobotanical record of sites ranging from the Aisne Valley in France to Hesbaye in central Belgium ( Figure 1) (Bakels, 1984(Bakels, , 1999(Bakels, , 2009Berrio, 2011;Dietsch-Sellami, 2004;Hamon, Salavert, Dietsch-Sellami, & Monchablon, 2019;Salavert, 2010Salavert, , 2011. The Linearbandkeramik (LBK) culture, which originated in central Europe and expanded rapidly westwards reaching the Paris Basin around 5100 BC (Salavert, 2017), was subsequently replaced around 4900 BC by another group known as the Blicquy/Villeneuve-Saint-Germain (BVSG). ...
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While we know that cereals played an important role in the diet of Linearbandkeramik (LBK) and Blicquy/Villeneuve-Saint-Germain (BVSG) populations in the Paris Basin, many questions remain to be answered as to the real contribution of other plants. To assess this topic, the recovery of other lines of data beyond macrobotanicals is crucial: starch grains have the potential to reveal additional information regarding past plant use. However, in Western Europe, in particular, for the Neolithic period, there is a significant lag in the development of the discipline. We, therefore, present how our current reference collection (composed of nearly 100 taxa spread across 35 families) was established, the reasoning behind our plant selections, and where the material comes from. Overall, our work shows that even though not all the selected plant organs produce diagnostic starch grains, it may be possible to broaden the spectrum of plants likely consumed by Early Neolithic (and beyond) populations in the Paris Basin, in particular concerning the use of wild plants and specific plant parts, especially underground storage organs (tubers, rhizomes, roots, bulbs, etc.). We believe our research will help guide future scholars in the creation of their own starch grain reference collection and to carry out such analyses on archaeological material from this region by consulting our image database. We conclude by providing a brief summary of what the starch grain record in the Paris Basin tells us to date on ancient plant use.
... The position of the landmarks was chosen in order to be the most reproducible as possible: two landmarks were positioned at the top and bottom extremes of the seeds and three around the hilum part (Fig. 7D). The landmark points covered most critical biological traits, from seed length (ldk: [4][5] to the hilum arch (ldk:1-3). ...
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Opium poppy (Papaver somniferum L. subsp. somniferum) was likely domesticated in the Western Mediterranean, where its putative wild ancestor is indigenous, and then spread to central and northern Europe. While opium poppy seeds are regularly identified in archaeobotanical studies, the absence of morphological criteria to distinguish the seeds of wild and domestic forms prevents the documentation of their respective historical and geographical occurrences and of the process of opium domestication as a whole. To fill this gap and better understand the status of this crop in the Neolithic, we combined seed outline analyses, namely elliptic Fourier transforms, with other morphometric descriptors to describe and identify Papaver setigerum, Papaver somniferum and other Papaver taxa. The combination of all measured parameters gives the most precise predictions for the identification of all seven taxa. We finally provide a case study on a Neolithic assemblage from a pile-dwelling site in Switzerland (Zurich-Parkhaus Opéra, ca. 3170 BC). Our results indicate the presence of mixed populations of domestic and wild seeds belonging to the P. somniferum group, suggesting that the plant was already in the process of domestication at the end of 4th millennium BC. Altogether, these results pave the way to understand the geography and history of the poppy domestication and its spread into Europe.
... Food practices is a key issue to reconstruct part of the cultural identities of past and present societies. With the spread of the Neolithic from the Near East, agricultural systems and new food habits were introduced very rapidly by demic diffusion and colonization throughout Europe (Zohary et al., 2012;Rasse, 2008;Salavert, 2017). Among the major cultural and technical shifts that accompanied these processes, the importance of cereal consumption in the diet has been mainly explored by archaeologists through the recovery of botanical macroremains and the study of ceramic contents. ...
Food practices have always been a key issue to reconstruct part of the cultural identities of past and present societies. In archaeology, the question of vegetal processing and consumption has generally been discussed through different, yet complementary lenses that include botanical remains and cooking pots. However, it has seldom been integrated in a combined approach. Our paper explores the characteristics and role of plant transformation in Early Neolithic contexts from the Paris Basin (5100–4900 BCE), by combining use-wear analysis of grinding tools and the study of microbotanical remains (starch grains and phytoliths). Our integrated approach reinforces the interpretations and reduces the methodological limitations that arise when each analysis is considered separately. It also proposes a more complex vision than initially expected regarding the uses and lifecycles of grinding tools in daily plant preparation. Together with the dominant processing of cereals and legumes, tubers and rhizomes appear to have been regularly ground on querns. Different steps in plants processing are also evident, such as dehusking, heating, and sprouting. Other clues point towards the transformation of bark and ferns, known for their varied medicinal properties. These results and related methodological issues support discussions regarding the possible conservatism or innovations in vegetal food practices of Early Neolithic farmers inhabiting a region located at the most westerly point of the Linearbandkeramik expansion during the final centuries of this first wave of Neolithic dispersal throughout the European continent.
... The Neolithic diffusion of domestic plants and animals across Europe from the seventh to the fourth millennia BC involved the reshaping of agropastoral systems in keeping with local constraints and resources, leading to the adaptation of practices as well as changes in animal and plant physiology (Balasse and Tresset, 2009;Bogaard et al., 2013;Marinova and Valamoti, 2014;Orton et al., 2016;Balasse et al., 2017;Salavert, 2017;Ivanova et al., 2018Ivanova et al., , 2020. In particular, the dispersal of plants and animals initially domesticated in south-eastern Anatolia towards higher latitudes led to selection in the photoperiod responsive biological cycles of imported domesticates. ...
During the course of the diffusion of Neolithic agro-pastoral societies across Europe, animal husbandry was adapted to local constraints and resources, involving changes in practices as well as in animal physiology. As a result, the timing of animal breeding was impacted, with consequences on the organization of agro-pastoral tasks and the seasonal availability of animal products. Past sheep birth seasonality can be investigated through the reconstruction of the seasonal cycle recorded in molars, based on the sequential analysis of stable oxygen isotope ratios (δ¹⁸O) in enamel. Modern sheep serve as comparative material to define the season of birth. In the present study, we provide new reference values for winter births in the sheep third molar (M3) using data from the modern Kemenez sheep herd. The dataset also includes paired upper and lower M3s in order to test the comparability of results obtained from both teeth. Results show a moderate shift in the isotopic record between upper and lower M3s. The consecutive difference in the assessment of the timing of birth is one month, on average. Additionally, we provide a new set of results for sheep from Nova Nadezhda (Bulgaria, early sixth millennium BC), combining upper and lower molars, in order to expand data relating to the earliest stages of the introduction of sheep to Europe. At Nova Nadezhda, sheep were born in late winter and spring, and the pattern of birth distribution does not indicate the control of sheep reproduction by separating males from females. When compared to previously published results at other Neolithic and Chalcolithic sites in the Balkans, corrected for the shift between upper and lower M3s, no latitudinal and chronological trend is observed between the Southern Balkans, Northern Balkans and Hungarian plains over the early sixth to the second half of the fifth millennia BC. This apparent uniformity for the length (3–4 months) and timing of the birth period could be challenged in the future by enlarged datasets.
... Food practices is a key issue to reconstruct part of the cultural identities of past and present societies. With the spread of the Neolithic from the Near East, agricultural systems and new food habits were introduced very rapidly by demic diffusion and colonization throughout Europe (Zohary et al., 2012;Rasse, 2008;Salavert, 2017). Among the major cultural and technical shifts that accompanied these processes, the importance of cereal consumption in the diet has been mainly explored by archaeologists through the recovery of botanical macroremains and the study of ceramic contents. ...
Conference Paper
Starch grain analysis is a well-established methodology used in archaeology to address issues related to the exploitation of plants and food in the past. Although widely used in certain parts of the world, material from Early Neolithic sites (Linearbandkeramik and Blicquy-Villeneuve-Saint-Germain; 5200-4700 BC) in north-western Europe, and more specifically those located in the Paris Basin, have yet to be systematically studied. This communication presents results recovered from both grinding stones and ceramics from various sites across this area (e.g., Menneville, Ath, Loison-sous-Lens). This research will thus be able to address not only issues related to food selection (cereals, tubers), or processing and preparation techniques (grinding, cooking), but also regarding the function of various tools. By considering data obtained from other archaeobotanical remains, and from other disciplines such as use-wear analysis, and chemical analyses of residues in vases, the data obtained through the study of starches could complement or even modify the vision we currently have of the dietary practices of the first agricultural populations in north-western Europe.
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Cet ouvrage est dédié à Jean-Pierre Bocquet-Appel, anthropologue biologiste, l’un des pères fondateurs de la paléodémographie en France, disparu en 2018. Mondialement connu et reconnu, il a contribué au développement de nouvelles techniques d’estimation de l’âge au décès d’assemblages de squelettes et promu la mise en place des estimateurs en paléodémographie. Il a également participé à l’émergence de la démographie spatiale et de la modélisation de type-multi-agent en particulier des agriculteurs néolithiques. Nous lui devons une avancée considérable dans la compréhension des processus démographiques liés aux grandes transitions qu’ont vécu les hommes en différents points du globe avec la découverte de la signature de la transition démographique impliquée dans le passage des sociétés d’une économie de collecte à une économie agricole. Cet ouvrage offre un voyage au cœur de sa vie de chercheur, reprenant tour à tour, dans une démarche diachronique et pluridisciplinaire, la démographie anthropologique de la Préhistoire jusqu’à la période contemporaine. Il brosse également un portrait généreux de cet homme engagé qui n’a eu de cesse d’œuvrer pour sa discipline, que ce soit à travers une approche réflexive sur l’histoire des sciences et l’épistémologie ou la transmission de ses savoirs auprès de jeunes générations. Cet ouvrage convie ainsi le lecteur à une expérience originale et innovante aux confins d’une discipline rare, la paléodémographie.
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During the last decades until 2006 sixteen campains of archaeological excavations were conducted on the bottom of lake Bracciano in Lazio, on a place originally settled by a Neolithic large village during the sixth millennium BC. Researching an area on the lake floor at a depth of about ten meters the archaeologist has identified a well organized system of huts that seem to have formed a Neolithic village rationally organized, with a first set of structures that had been built and renovated through the existence of the village, lasting at least four centuries, till 5100 BC. Datings according to the method of C14-made by different research institutes-show human presence at the settlement for more than 400 years, starting, in terms of absolute calibrated chronology, from the fist half of the sixth millennium BC. From the dendrochronological analysis on more than 2.000 samples of pieces of old posts of oak and ash trees – used for various structures of the village – ShortMedia, stillfloating, and a Longcurve Media were obtained, anchored by the method of cross-dating (Wiggle-matching). The study of the distribution of posts in the village – in particular on the already identified structures, togheter with their dendrochronological dating – allow us to propose a preliminary subdivision of the different phases of human presence in the Marmotta neolithic village.
Plants and animals originally domesticated in the Near East arrived in Europe between 7000 and 4000 BC. Was the new technology introduced by migrants, or was it an 'inside job'? How were the new species adapted to European conditions? What were the immediate and long-term consequences of the transition from hunting and gathering to farming? These central questions in the prehistory of Europe are discussed here by leading specialists, drawing on scholarship in fields as diverse as genetics and IndoEuropean linguistics. Detailed studies document the differences between European regions, and fresh generalisations about the origins of European agriculture are also proposed and debated.
Pulses have constituted an important food source for prehistoric communities in the Old World, yet little is known as regards their processing for consumption through the archaeobotanical record. This paper provides an overview of archaeobotanical evidence for the use of pulses in prehistoric Greece based on two case studies from the north, and explores (a) their preparation for consumption, in particular their detoxification and (b) the consumption of pulses as a component of ordinary daily meals in prehistoric times, as well as those for special occasions, within a context of feasting and ritual. The paper examines charred remains of Vicia ervilia (bitter vetch) and Lathyrus sativus (grass pea) from early Bronze Age Agios Athanasios and late Neolithic Kremasti Koiladas, respectively, as the former provides a basis for a pilot exploration of pulse detoxification and the latter, due to its origin, offers a rare opportunity to discuss the context of consumption. In the pilot exploration of pulse seed preparation for consumption, the inner cotyledon morphology of modern V. ervilia seeds which were experimentally processed with water and pounding was examined macroscopically and through SEM micrographs. Preliminary observations suggest that intentional splitting of pulse seeds as part of processing for consumption as food may be recognisable in the archaeobotanical record. Processing with water may also be detected. The particular context of the Kremasti finds suggests that pulses, in this particular case L. sativus, may have constituted special foods for particular occasions, loaded with symbolic meaning. KeywordsPulse processing–Toxicity– Lathyrus sativus – Vicia ervilia –Prehistoric Greece–Ritual pulse ‘consumption’
Two major challenges to continued global food security are the ever increasing demand for food products, and the unprecedented abiotic stresses that crops face due to climate change.Wild relatives of domesticated crops serve as a reservoir of genetic material, with the potential to be used to develop new, improved varieties of crops. Crop Wild Relative and Climate Change integrates crop evolution, breeding technologies and biotechnologies, improved practices and sustainable approaches while exploring the role wild relatives could play in increasing agricultural output. Crop Wild Relative and Climate Change begins with overviews of the impacts of climate change on growing environments and the challenges that agricultural production face in coming years and decades. Chapters then explore crop evolution and the potential for crop wild relatives to contribute novel genetic resources to the breeding of more resilient and productive crops. Breeding technologies and biotechnological advances that are being used to incorporate key genetic traits of wild relatives into crop varieties are also covered. There is also a valuable discussion on the importance of conserving genetic resources to ensure continued successful crop production. A timely resource, Crop Wild Relative and Climate Change will be an invaluable resource for the crop science community for years to come.
Preface. 1. Origin of agriculture. 2. Increasing diversity under domestication. 3. The course of reducing and maintaining genetic diversity under domestication. 4. Speciation under domestication. 5. Weeds and their evolution. 6. Evolution of selected crop plants. 7. Genetic resources for future crop evolution. References. Index.