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Hutan Lindung Sungai Wain merupakan satu-satunya sisa kawasan hutan yang masih dalam kondisi sangat baik di Kota Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur. Beberapa penelitian telah dilakukan di tempat ini, namun masih banyak hal yang harus diteliti dan diketahui untuk kegiatan konservasi dan pengelolaan kawasan, demi perbaikan lingkungan dan peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi ekologi kawasan, khususnya yang berhubungan dengan struktur dan komposisi tegakan hutan serta keanekaragamannya. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan membuat sembilan petak sampel yang masing-masing berukuran 200 m x 20 m, dengan luas total 3,6 ha. Semua pohon berdiameter batang setinggi dada (dbh) ≥ 10 cm yang berada di dalam petak cuplikan dicatat, diukur, dan diidentifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kondisi tegakan di Hutan Lindung Sungai Wain dicirikan oleh tingkat kerapatan pohon yang rata-rata mencapai 532,50 pohon/ha dan luas bidang dasar 20,57 m²/ha. Dalam seluruh petak cuplikan terdapat sebanyak 385 pohon, termasuk dalam 143 marga dan 49 suku. Berdasarkan jumlah spesies dalam setiap suku, maka Euphorbiaceae merupakan suku yang paling dominan yang terdiri atas 47 jenis. Berdasarkan besarnya indeks nilai penting setiap spesies, maka Shorea laevis Ridl. merupakan jenis yang paling dominan, diikuti oleh Madhuca kingiana (Brace) H.J. Lam, Gironniera nervosa Planch., dan Eusideroxylon zwageri Teijsm. & Binnend. Keanekaragaman vegetasi secara umum dicirikan oleh perbedaan asosiasi penyusun tegakan pada setiap petak dan nilai indeks kesamaan komposisi antar tegakan yang rendah, yakni bervariasi antara 14,6% dan 33,1%.

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... Several trees of Kalawasan and Karantina islands were commonly found in secondary and old secondary forests and they are even typical species of primary forest of Kalimantan (Sidiyasa, 2009;Yassir & Arbainsyah, 2014;Rahayu et al., 2017). We found 241 individuals of trees representing 14 families, recorded from the area of 1.04 ha on Kalawasan island. ...
... The tree diameter distribution on Kalawasan and Karantina islands followed the shape of reversed J informing that natural regeneration on both sites was well occurred (Yassir & . A similar pattern of diameter distribution was also noted in Sungai Wain primary forest (Sidiyasa, 2009), research forest of Samboja (Rahayu et al., 2017), and secondary forest of Samboja Lestari (Yassir & Arbainsyah, 2014). Tree height on Kalawasan island varied from 3 to 17 m (mean =10.41 m, Sd = 3.30). ...
... In our case, trees with the highest IVI also had the highest value of relative density, relative frequency, and basal area. Sidiyasa (2009) stated that species with the highest IVI was well adapted to the environment since they could employ resources, such as light and nutrition, in an efficient manner. ...
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Some small islands in Balikpapan Bay consist of dry land which may have different vegetation structure and composition. Our study was the first to uncover vegetation conditions and soil properties of dry land on small islands in Balikpapan Bay, which has never been conducted before. The research was carried out on Kalawasan and Karantina islands. Information on vegetation was obtained by applying a line transect method. Data on soil properties were collected by setting up 3 sampling plots in each transect of vegetation. Parameters used for analyzing vegetation including relative density, relative frequency, relative dominance, Shannon-Wiener diversity index, evenness index, and similarity index. Meanwhile, data on soils were analyzed descriptively. Trees on Kalawasan island were comprised of 241 individuals belonging to 21 species. There were 61 individuals (22 species) of trees on Karantina island. The diversity index of trees on Kalawasan and Karantina island was 2.55 and 2.72, respectively. The tree evenness index was 0.84 on Kalawasan island and 0.88 on Karantina island. The index of similarity for trees between the two islands was 0.21. Furthermore, the soil characteristics on Kalawasan and Karantina islands showed similarities. In general, soil in Kalawasan and Karantina islands could be categorized as marginal soil which was common in East Kalimantan. Considering the rapid loss of tropical forests in the mainland of Kalimantan indicates that the small islands of Balikpapan Bay play an important role in future biodiversity conservation in East Kalimantan.
... Selama penelitian tercatat 900 pohon, 885 pancang, dan 1.069 semai. Hasil tersebut mencerminkan bahwa regenerasi pohon-pohon di lokasi penelitian cukup ideal dimana jumlah semai lebih banyak dibandingkan pancang (Sidiyasa, 2009 ...
... Seperti diketahui, vegetasi tepi Sungai Menamang memiliki tutupan kanopi yang kurang rapat sehingga memungkinkan sinar matahari menembus lantai hutan. Kondisi ini akan merangsang proses regenerasi benih-benih pohon yang toleran terhadap sinar matahari sehingga pohon-pohon berdiameter kecil umum ditemukan (Sidiyasa, 2009). ...
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This study aimed to obtain information on vegetation characteristics of the orangutan’s habitat, including diversity, composition and structure, in the riparian forest of Menamang. Data was collected using a line-plot sampling method. The diversity index of trees and saplings was higher than seedlings. It was found that Lagestroemia speciosa showed the highest value of IVI at tree stage, accounted for 24.71 %. Fordia splendidissima then was dominant species at sapling stage with IVI of 29.94 %. Furthermore, Pterospermum diversifolium grew in abundance at seedling stage with IVI of 26.87 %. Overall, vegetation in the research location was consisted by relatively young trees characterized by the abundance of trees with diameter of ≥ 10 - 20 cm and height of < 15 m.
... Pada seluruh tingkat pertumbuhan vegetasi diperoleh kerapatan sebesar 352 individu pohon/ hektar dan rata-rata bidang dasar sebesar 16,77 m 2 /ha. Hasil ini lebih kecil dibandingkan penelitian Sidiyasa (2009) di Hutan Lindung Sungai Wain yang menunjukkan kerapatan pohon sebesar 532,50 pohon/ha dan rata-rata luas bidang dasar 20,57 m²/ha. Serta penelitian Samsoedin dan Heriyanto (2010) di hutan pamah terganggu Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser yang memiliki kerapatan sebesar 687 pohon/ha dengan luas bidang dasar 24,52 m 2 /ha. ...
... Grafik sebaran diameter pohon dalam penelitian ini sedikit berbeda dengan sebaran diameter pohon di hutan alam primer. Pada umumnya grafik sebaran diameter pada hutan alam berbentuk J terbalik (Sidiyasa, 2009;Irawan, 2011). Berdasarkan grafik kelas diameter sebagian besar vegetasi termasuk dalam kelas diameter 0-10 cm (31,66 %) dan 20-30 cm (29,16 %). ...
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Most of primary forest after exploitation era in Indonesia was converted into secondary forest including Forest Management Unit of Poigar. On the other hand the understanding of forest vegetation will help ecology restoration efforts. This study aims to analyze the structure, composition and tree species diversity of Inobonto Poigar I. In order to accomplish the proposed objectives, 31 plots of 20 m x 20 m were randomly established in the forest area where number and name of tree species in each plot was identified and counted. The research was conducted on September 2014 and recorded a total of 78 species within measured plot. The average basal area of the forest was 16,77 m2/ha and the size class distribution was different from primary forest which is resembled a reserved J-shaped pattern. Trema orientalis was found as the dominant species among tree and pole levels, whereas Piper sp. dominated sapling level respectively. The Shannon-Wiener index showed that sapling has the higher diversity than tree and poles. The result of structure and composition analysis of vegetation has indicated that Inobonto I forest is secondary forest.
... Dengan memperhatikan grafik sebaran diameter, indeks keragaman, dan komposisi jenis pohon penyusun tegakan maka Arboretum Tabang tergolong areal hutan dengan dinamika regenerasi alami yang baik (Kalima dan Denny, 2020;Hidayat, 2014;Sidiyasa, 2009). Sepuluh suku dengan jumlah jenis dan dominansi tertinggi yang ditemukan di Arboretum Tabang merupakan tumbuhan asli Pulau Kalimantan dan memiliki nilai konservasi, ekologi, dan sosial budaya yang tinggi. ...
... Hal ini diperkuat dengan kehadiran Melicope glabra sebagai jenis pioner hutan sekunder yang mampu mencapai ukuran pohon besar. Namun, keberadaan jenis-jenis dari suku Dipterocarpaceae di kawasan arboretum menunjukkan kondisi hutan mulai membaik, yaitu dalam proses suksesi menuju ekosistem puncak (Sidiyasa, 2009). Pohon-pohon dari kelompok meranti ini berpotensi sebagai pohon induk penghasil benih dan semai untuk kegiatan restorasi areal tambang dalam pemulihan kembali ke ekosistem hutan dataran rendah Dipterocarpaceae. ...
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Arboretum Tabang is a biodiversity protection area for the native tree flora of Kalimantan, developed by PT. Bara Tabang. The arboretum is located in the Central Kutai landscape that is limited with flora information, and in the meantime facing massive land use change in forested areas. This study aims to provide information on tree species as a baseline for arboretum management plans. An inventory was conducted in 2021 with census method throughout the arboretum area for trees with a diameter at breast height >5 cm. We recorded 210 species from 839 tree stands in the Arboretum Tabang. Dipterocarpaceae had the highest number of species in this area, followed by Moraceae and Lauraceae. However, Macaranga gigantea and Euphorbiaceae were more dominant based on the LBD value. Nineteen species have high conservation value based on national legislation and the IUCN Redlist. Most species are timber-producing trees with high to low quality. Biomass in the research area is 193.33 tons and carbon potential is 104.48 tons. The diversity of tree species in Arboretum Tabang indicates the potential for seeds or seedlings source area for post-coal land reclamation and revegetation and biodiversity conservation on Central Kutai landscape.
... Pohon yang terdapat di 40 petak ukur umumnya berperawakan besar dengan rata-rata diameter batang berkisar antara 20-30 cm. Pada umumnya hutan alam memiliki kondisi normal luas bidang dasar pohon dengan diameter batang > 10 cm sebesar 27-38 m 2 /ha (Sidiyasa, 2009;Saridan & Fajri, 2014)). Sehingga hasil pengamatan ini memberikan gambaran bahwa hutan rawa gambut Danau Punggualas, TN Sebangau dalam keadaan terganggu atau rusak dengan luas bidang dasar 15,53 m²/ha. ...
... Hal ini berbeda dengan kondisi di jalur lainnya, dimana tutupan tajuk pohon masih cukup rapat sehingga vegetasi tingkat semai tidak melimpah, meskipun masih cukup banyak jenis campuran vegetasi asli hutan rawa gambut dan vegetasi sekunder. Jika dibandingkan dengan hasil penelitian Sidiyasa (2009), diketahui bahwa kondisi hutan yang ada di Hutan Lindung Sungai Wain, Kalimantan Timur memiliki jumlah jenis pohon yang lebih tinggi yakni 385 jenis dalam luasan 3,60 ha dengan kerapatan 1.917 batang/ha, dan basal areal 20,57 m2/ha. Kondisinya memang sangat berbeda, akan tetapi kawasan hutan rawa gambut di Danau Punggualas ini mengalami tekanan yang mengakibatkan terancamnya kawasan tersebut. ...
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Sari Hutan rawa gambut di banyak tempat umumnya telah mengalami kerusakan akibat aktivitas pembalakan hutan, kebakaran, pembangunan drainase atau kanal dan alih fungsi kawasan menjadi keperuntukan lain. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui komposisi jenis dan struktur hutan rawa gambut di Danau Punggualas, Taman Nasional (TN) Sebangau, Kalimantan Tengah. Penelitian komposisi jenis dan struktur hutan rawa gambut Danau Punggualas, TN Sebangau, Kalimantan Tengah diamati berdasarkan data dari 40 petak ukur seluas 2,10 ha. Vegetasi diamati dengan menggunakan metode transek. Pengamatan dan pengukuran dilakukan untuk semua tegakan pohon. Hasil penelitian ditemukan 2.253 individu dalam 99 jenis, 77 genus dan 42 suku yang tersebar dalam berbagai kelas diameter. Kerapatan tingkat pohon mencapai 139,41 pohon/ha dan luas bidang dasar 15,53 m²/ha. Tingkat tiang 960 batang/ha dan luas bidang dasar 25,39 m²/ha, tingkat pancang 9.090 batang/ha dan luas bidang dasar 6,42 m²/ha, tingkat semai 91.000 individu/ha. Suku yang mempunyai jumlah jenis terbanyak adalah Myrtaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Sapotaceae, Dipterocarpaceae, dan Lauraceae. Berdasarkan indeks nilai penting (INP), jenis tumbuhan yang mendominasi adalah Diospyros borneensis Hiern. (INP 39,91 %) dan Palaquium xanthochymum (de Vriese) Pierre (INP 32,64 %). Terdapat sebelas jenis tumbuhan yang masuk kategori dilindungi oleh International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) dan empat jenis endemik.
... Selama penelitian tercatat 900 pohon, 885 pancang, dan 1.069 semai. Hasil tersebut mencerminkan bahwa regenerasi pohon-pohon di lokasi penelitian cukup ideal dimana jumlah semai lebih banyak dibandingkan pancang (Sidiyasa, 2009 ...
... Seperti diketahui, vegetasi tepi Sungai Menamang memiliki tutupan kanopi yang kurang rapat sehingga memungkinkan sinar matahari menembus lantai hutan. Kondisi ini akan merangsang proses regenerasi benih-benih pohon yang toleran terhadap sinar matahari sehingga pohon-pohon berdiameter kecil umum ditemukan (Sidiyasa, 2009). ...
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This study aimed to obtain information on vegetation characteristics of the orangutan’s habitat, including diversity, composition and structure, in the riparian forest of Menamang. Data was collected using a line-plot sampling method. The diversity index of trees and saplings was higher than seedlings. It was found that Lagestroemia speciosa showed the highest value of IVI at tree stage, accounted for 24.71 %. Fordia splendidissima then was dominant species at sapling stage with IVI of 29.94 %. Furthermore, Pterospermum diversifolium grew in abundance at seedling stage with IVI of 26.87 %. Overall, vegetation in the research location was consisted by relatively young trees characterized by the abundance of trees with diameter of ≥ 10 - 20 cm and height of < 15 m.
... Pada seluruh tingkat pertumbuhan vegetasi diperoleh kerapatan sebesar 352 individu pohon/ hektar dan rata-rata bidang dasar sebesar 16,77 m 2 /ha. Hasil ini lebih kecil dibandingkan penelitian Sidiyasa (2009) di Hutan Lindung Sungai Wain yang menunjukkan kerapatan pohon sebesar 532,50 pohon/ha dan rata-rata luas bidang dasar 20,57 m²/ha. Serta penelitian Samsoedin dan Heriyanto (2010) di hutan pamah terganggu Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser yang memiliki kerapatan sebesar 687 pohon/ha dengan luas bidang dasar 24,52 m 2 /ha. ...
... Grafik sebaran diameter pohon dalam penelitian ini sedikit berbeda dengan sebaran diameter pohon di hutan alam primer. Pada umumnya grafik sebaran diameter pada hutan alam berbentuk J terbalik (Sidiyasa, 2009;Irawan, 2011). Berdasarkan grafik kelas diameter sebagian besar vegetasi termasuk dalam kelas diameter 0-10 cm (31,66 %) dan 20-30 cm (29,16 %). ...
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Most of primary forest after exploitation era in Indonesia was converted into secondary forest including Forest Management Unit of Poigar. On the other hand the understanding of forest vegetation will help ecology restoration efforts. This study aims to analyze the structure, composition and tree species diversity of Inobonto Poigar I. In order to accomplish the proposed objectives, 31 plots of 20 m x 20 m were randomly established in the forest area where number and name of tree species in each plot was identified and counted. The research was conducted on September 2014 and recorded a total of 78 species within measured plot. The average basal area of the forest was 16,77 m2/ha and the size class distribution was different from primary forest which is resembled a reserved J-shaped pattern. Trema orientalis was found as the dominant species among tree and pole levels, whereas Piper sp. dominated sapling level respectively. The Shannon-Wiener index showed that sapling has the higher diversity than tree and poles. The result of structure and composition analysis of vegetation has indicated that Inobonto I forest is secondary forest.
... Grafik sebaran jumlah individu dalam setiap tingkat pertumbuhan (Gambar 3), memperlihatkan kurva berbentuk huruf "J" terbalik, yang menunjukkan kondisi hutan berada dalam kondisi normal/seimbang, dimana jumlah individu pada tingkat semai>pancang>tiang>pohon, sehingga proses regenerasi dapat berlangsung karena tersedia permudaan dalam jumlah yang mencukupi. Struktur/sebaran jumlah pohon dengan kurva seperti itu umumnya dijumpai pada hutan hujan tropis yang menggambarkan satu komunitas hutan yang dinamis (Sidiyasa 2009;Hidayat 2014). Namun demikian, tidak tiap jenis dapat beregenerasi, karena memungkinkan terjadi pergantian jenis yang mendominasi pada tiap tingkat pertumbuhan. ...
... Proses perubahan tersebut dapat dipicu oleh beberapa faktor antara lain bencana angin besar pada tahun 1984 yang menimbulkan rumpang (gap), atau perusakan kawasan secara berulang. Rumpang menciptakan terbukanya ruang tumbuh yang cukup sehingga dapat merangsang berkembangnya pohon-pohon yang tadinya tertekan untuk tumbuh secara bersamaan (Sidiyasa 2009). ...
... Menurut Nurdiansah dan Dharmawan (2018), keadaan tersebut dapat di analisa dari density pohon mangrove. Density (kerapatan) adalah jumlah individu per luasan area atau volume yang umumnya terhitung dengan satuan hektar dalam n/Ha (n = jumlah individu spesies-i) (Sidiyasa, 2009). Tingkat kerapatan hutan mangrove di suatu daerah menunjukkan kondisi kualitas hutan mangrove yang berkaitan. ...
Mangrove ecosystems are ecosystems located in coastal areas that are affected by tides and have many functions, namely ecological, physiological and economic functions. The purpose of this study was to determine the health condition of the mangrove ecosystem and the diversity of mangrove species in the West Bali National Park area. The technique applied in this study was a purposive random sampling method, with a total of 65 plots, and to determine the health condition of the mangrove ecosystem using the Hemispherical photography method. The mangrove species found at the observation site were Avicennia offinalis, Aegiceras floridum, Bruguiera cylindrica, Ceriops tagal, Lumnitzera racemose, Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora mucronata, Sonneratia alba, and Sonneratia caseolaris. The value of mangrove health conditions is determined from several parameters such as canopy cover which has a range of cover values ranging from 51.35% - 66.67% with an average percentage cover of all data collection stations of 60.27%, density has a value range of 2100 trees/ha – 8867 trees/ha, with a diversity value of 0.97 in the low diversity category, and with an average environmental parameter value such as temperature around 28.1 ± 0.56?, while the average value of salinity is 22.3 ±3.27‰, and the average pH was 5.9±0.12, with sandy mud substrate dominating the entire observation area.
... The index value of species diversity (H') indicates that this forest area has moderate species diversity, and there are certain species that dominate significantly, as indicated by the low value of the evenness index (E) ( Table 1). When compared with the results of other studies on logged-over or burnt forest areas, the number of plant species in the study area was higher than that found in Sangkima [11] but lower when compared to the vegetation in Sungai Wain [12]. Based on the field observations, the PT Bara Tabang forest area has varied ecosystem conditions, including small hills, valleys, riparian, and riverbanks to the top of sandy hills. ...
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Coal production that conducted open mining techniques transformed the ecosystem and was followed by the degradation of land quality. After the activity, biodiversity loss and water and soil damage occur in the ecosystem. This study observed the potential of endangered trees as essential elements of the ecosystem that experienced negative impacts after the coal mining activity and how to improve the situation. Vegetation analysis was conducted with eight line of plotted stripe random sampling, and followed with calculation of IVI, diversity index, and evenness index. Tree identification in the 3.2 ha of sample plot in the forest area of the coal mining concession indicated that there are 224 species of trees and 17 species are endangered with the domination of the Dipterocarpaceae family and one species is protected. Collection of seedlings and saplings of the species, followed by transferring the plants into the arboretum area developed to protect tree species in the surrounding area, could be a solution to ensure the species’ existence. Using seedlings and saplings as enrichment species in the restoration and rehabilitation area are also an application of biodiversity offset that is part of sustainable biodiversity management in the mining industry.
... Based on the density values of the 2 studied blocks the pattern is as seedlings > saplings > poles > trees. These results are in line with several previous researchers Indriyanto (2006), Sidiyasa (2009), andHidayat (2014) who reported similar regeneration processes. Competition for space utilization, soil nutrients, and sunlight causes the normal pattern of the regeneration process. ...
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Peat swamp forests are playing important role in climate change by carbon storage, biodiversity conservation, and crucial local livelihoods. The construction of drainage channels in Sebangau National Park, Indonesia negatively affects the Peatland ecosystem and degrades the vegetation diversity. This research aims to study the composition and vegetation diversity of secondary peat swamp forests in Sebangau National Park (SNP), especially around large and small drainage channels. For the observation of vegetation composition and diversity, each observation block consisted of 3 transects that were 300 m apart from each other, and perpendicular to the channel. For observations on small drainage channel blocks, transects are made to continue the previous transect at a distance of 500 m from the end of the large drainage channel. On each transect, 5 plots of vegetation were made using the plot line method with a distance of 50 m between each plot. A total of 15 plots of 30mx30m size were prepared for each drainage channel category. Observations were made on the growth rate of seedlings in a 2m x 2m plot, poles in a 5m x 5m plot, saplings in a 10m x 10m plot, and trees in a 20m x 20m plot. The results of the study showed that Shorea spp., Combretocarpus rotundatus, Cratoxylum arborencens, and Calophyllum sp. are the dominant plant species of the study area. Overall 92 species were reported from the Large Drainage Channel block and 86 species from the Small Drainage Channel block. Further, the Species Diversity ranged between 1.43 - 1.57 while Species Richness ranged from 16.80 – 23.03, and the Evenness Index ranged from 0.83 – 0.92 at all levels of vegetation growth. Results of the study can be concluded that the channel dimensions do not have any effect on species number, diversity index, species richness, and species evenness at all levels of vegetation growth. The Similarity Index of species at seedlings, saplings, and poles is more than 50%, while at the tree level it was reported less than 50%.
... This confirms that the agroforest system in Tumbang Mantuhe village is still in normal or balanced condition. An inverted "J" curve is commonly found in tropical rain forests, which represents a dynamic forest community [18,19]. ...
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A rubber agroforest system is a form of land use that considers ecological and economic aspects that are still maintained by the people of Tumbang Mantuhe Village. This study aims to identify and analyze the diversity of vegetation in the agroforest system in Tumbang Mantuhe Village, Gunung Mas Regency, Central Kalimantan. This research uses purposive sampling and the vegetation analysis method. The results showed that the species of vegetation in the rubber agroforest system amounted to 29 species in 23 families. At the seedling level, it is dominated by Macaranga sp. and Xylopia ferruginea; the sapling level is dominated by H. brasiliensis and Syzygium tawahense; the pole level is dominated by Deplanchea bancana and Xylopia ferruginea; at the tree, the level is dominated by H. brasiliensis and Lithocarpus sp. At the seedling, sapling, pole, and tree levels, the diversity values were moderate and the species richness values were moderate to high, and the species distribution was even (stable). The H. brasiliensis agroforest system with various trees in it is a characteristic of local wisdom that the people of Tumbang Mantuhe Village have applied from generation to generation, which provides a balance between ecology and economy.
... Tingkatan dalam keanekaragaman hayati tersebut dapat menentukan kekuatan adaptasi suatu populasi yang akan menjadi bagian tidak terpisahkan dalam interaksinya dengan spesies. Komponen dalam keanekaragaman hayati meliputi dua komponen yang berbeda terdiri dari kekayaan spesies dan kemerataan spesies (Nahlunnisa et al., 2016;Sidiyasa, 2009). Jumlah spesies total dinyatakan dalam indikator nilai kekayaan spesies, sedangkan distribusi kelimpahan dinyatakan dalam indikator nilai kemerataan spesies pada masingmasing spesies dalam suatu komunitas (Ludwig dan Reynolds, 1988;Nahlunnisa et al., 2016). ...
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Dalam melakukan pengelolaan hutan alam produksi, penggunaan sistem pemanenan yang memberikan dampak kerusakan lingkungan minimal sangat diharapkan. Salah satu sistem pemanenan yang dapat meminimalisir dampak kerusakan lingkungan akibat pemanenan adalah Reduced Impact Logging (RIL). Namun demikian, data hasil kajian terkait dampak sistem pemanenan konvensional dan RIL terhadap komposisi, keanekaragaman jenis dan juga sebaran jenis tanahnya masih sangat sedikit. Padahal, data tersebut sangat penting sebagai bagian strategi untuk implementasi pengelolaan hutan alam lestari dapat lebih berhasil kedepan. Tulisan ini bertujuan menginformasikan sebaran jenis tanah, komposisi dan keanekaragaman jenis tegakan pada wilayah pengusahaan hutan alam yang telah menerapkan sistem pemanenan secara konvensional dan RIL dalam rangka mendukung strategi pengelolaan hutan alam lestari. Plot berbentuk lingkaran digunakan untuk melakukan survei analisis vegetasi di tiga (3) areal IUPHHK-HA yaitu PT. A, PT. B, dan PT. C di Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah serta data yang terkumpul selanjutnya dianalisis lebih lanjut yaitu INP (Indeks Nilai Penting), indeks keanekaragaman jenis (Shannon-Wiener), indeks kekayaaan jenis (Margalef) dan indeks kemerataan jenis. Hasil penelitian di seluruh lokasi studi menunjukkan sebaran jenis tanah yang didominasi oleh kompleks Kambisol-Podsol sebesar masing-masing 82,0% (PT. A), 45,38% (PT. B), 48,48% (PT. C) yang memiliki tingkat kesuburan rendah dan ketersediaan hara yang rendah; tidak ditemukan banyak perubahan keberadaan famili-famili tumbuhan berdasarkan 5 spesies dengan INP tertinggi pada masing-masing tingkat pertumbuhan pancang, tiang dan pohon (selisih rata-rata nilai INP pada semua tingkatan pertumbuhan berada dibawah nilai 10%) dimana masih sangat didominasi oleh famili-famili Dipterocarpaceae, Myrtaceae, Fabaceae dan Fagaceae; tidak ditemukan banyak perubahan terhadap nilai keanekaragaman (nilai 3,00-3,19), kekayaan (nilai 6,57-7,61) dan kemerataan jenis (nilai 0,82-0,88). Dengan demikian, sistem pemanenan pada hutan alam yang dilaksanakan dengan baik yang mempunyai dampak terhadap lingkungan minimal akan memberikan keberlanjutan komposisi tegakan dan keanekaragaman hayati untuk mendukung terjaminnya kelestarian hutan pada areal pengusahaan hutan alam produksi di Indonesia. ABSTRACT In managing natural production forest, the use of a logging system that provides minimal damage is highly desirable. One of the logging systems that can minimize the impact of damage due to logging is Reduced Impact Logging (RIL). However, data from studies related to the impact of conventional and RIL logging systems on the composition, species diversity and distribution of soil types are still very few. In fact, the data is very important as part of a strategy for implementing sustainable natural forest management to be more successful in the future. This paper aims to inform the distribution of soil types, composition and species diversity of stands in forest concession areas that have applied conventional logging systems and RIL in order to support sustainable natural forest management strategies. The circular plot was used to conduct a vegetation analysis survey in three (3) IUPHHK-HA areas, namely PT. A, PT. B, and PT. C in Central Kalimantan Province and the data collected were then analyzed further, namely the INP (Importance Value Index), the species diversity index (Shannon-Wiener), the species richness index (Margalef) and the species evenness index. The results of the research in all study locations showed that the distribution of soil types was dominated by the Kambisol-Podsol complex as amounted 82,0% (PT. A), 45,38% (PT. B), 48,48% (PT. C) which had low fertility and low nutrient availability; not found much change in the existence of plant families based on 5 species with the highest INP at each growth stage of saplings, poles and trees (difference in the average INP values at all growth stages below 10%) that still very much dominated by the Dipterocarpaceae, Myrtaceae, Fabaceae and Fagaceae families; not found much change in the value of diversity (value 3,00-3,19), richness (value 6,57-7,61) and evenness of species (value 0,82-0,88).Thus, a logging system that is carried out properly in managing natural forest that has minimum environmental impact will provide sustainability of stand composition and biodiversity to support the assurance of forest sustainability in natural forest concession areas in Indonesia. .
... This is due to sufficient numbers of individuals in regeneration. This balanced condition is generally found in tropical forests, such as Wain River, East Kalimantan, Sesaot, West Nusa Tenggara[16][17][18].There are 1448 types of vegetation growing in PJF Nature Reserve that spread over four growth levels. According to the identified 46 families of plants in PJF Nature Reserve, Euphorbiaceae, Asteraceae, Moraceae and Fabaceae have larger species compared to other families (Figure 2). ...
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Pinus Jantho Forest (PJF) Nature Reserve has unique characteristics and distinctive ecosystem that plays an important role in the preservation of germplasm and the protection of natural resources. The sustainability of the PJF Nature Reserve is strongly determined by vegetation of its constituents. Therefore, an effort is needed to help its management properly, one of which is by knowing the diversity of plants that make up the community in PJF Nature Reserve. The purpose of this research is to analyze the composition and diversity of plant species in PJF Nature Reserve. Data collection and sampling were done using multiple square method. The plots were laid out by systematic sampling. PJF Nature Reserve composed of 111 species from 46 family. The seedling and understorey have the highest number individuals (1028 in total). Then there are 240 individuals at sapling level, 108 individuals at pole, and 72 individuals for tree. The Euphorbiaceae family has the largest number of species (11 species). The highest Important Value Index (IVI) for seedlings and understorey, sapling and pole, and tree respectively were Chloranthus elatior (11.09%), Piper aduncum (21.90% and 19.32%), and Pinus merkusii (25.52%). The Diversity Index indicates a high level of plant species diversity (3.25-3.63).
... The curve in both locations shows that regeneration of the trees began to occur after 10 years of Merapi eruption in 2010. According to Sidiyasa (2009), Dendang and Handayani (2015), inverted J curve shows dynamic and balanced forest conditions. Irawan (2011), Wahyuni and Kafiar (2017), Utami and Putra (2020), emphasized that an inverted J curve indicates that germination process of seedlings and saplings continues to provide supply for mature forest. ...
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The 2010 Mount Merapi eruption caused variety of damage level in Mount Merapi National Park (MMNP). Over time, composition of vegetation and carbon stocks continues to change towards a climax. The objective of this study is to analyze the vegetation composition and tree carbon stocks in MMNP forest land with variations of damage level forest land after 10 years of Mount Merapi eruption in 2010. Data collection was administered from December 2019 to January 2020 in Dlimas (heavy damage), Gandog (moderate damage) and Tritis (minor damage). Plot placement was determined randomly in each location by making the main plot of 20 x 100 m for large trees and a subplot of 5 x 40 m for small trees (poles, saplings, seedlings). The composition vegetation analysis was performed using an inverted J curve, Importance Value (IV) index and Shannon-Wiener Diversity Index (H'). The calculation of carbon stock and woody necromass (dead trees) using allometric equations. Based on the results of data analysis, there are 40 species from 34 families. Moderate damage location has the highest diversity index H' for large trees of 0.45 and small trees of 2.23. The highest carbon stock of tree stands and woody necromass was in minor damage of 172.06 ton ha-1 , followed by moderate damage of 119.42 ton ha-1 and minor damage as much as 10.29 ton ha-1. Moderate and minor damage locations have curves that are close to inverted J shape with the density of seedlings and saplings more than large trees as a form of secondary forest regeneration. Abiotics correlated to carbon stock and tree density consist of air temperature, air humidity, soil pH, soil moisture, land slope and elevation. Ten years after the eruption, forests with moderate dan minor damage in MMNP Yogyakarta Province have high regeneration rate and carbon stock.
... Each species supports each other to grow in the same habitat. [25] stated that the medium value of the dominance index show that there is no dominance of a species in a particular habitat. [17] also reported that this condition showed a positive association because plant species were present simultaneously with other plant species. ...
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Karst area is an ecosystem type that has an important function as water conservation. It is essential to know the composition and structure of the trees species of the karst area. This current study aims to determine the diversity of species and their potential in the buffer zone of Karst Citatah, West Java, Indonesia. The data on tree species composition were collected by using a plot employed on a community forest land, which was spread in three villages. Vegetation analysis was conducted by a census (100%) in all selected sampling areas. The importance value index (IVI) showed that sengon species ( Paraserianthes falcataria ) were dominant, both rejuvenation level (79.23) and tree-level (165.71). The diversity index of rejuvenation level was very stable as it had a range of H’ > 2 compared to the tree level that had a range of H’ value 1-2. The dominance index was only seen at the tree level, i.e., sengon ( Paraserianthes falcataria ) species, where the C value was one. At the level of rejuvenation, there was no visibility of the domination of one species to other species. The similarity index at rejuvenation level and tree-level were quite high (> 55%). The regeneration at the rejuvenation level grows well until it reached the tree level. The suggested pattern of management that is suitable according to the vegetation structure in the research area is a public forest with a mixed garden system.
... (2006) dan Syaukani et al. (2005) menyatakan bahwa grafik tegakan hutan dengan distribusi diameter batang yang menyerupai kurva "L" atau J terbalik dapat menggambarkan hutan yang tidak seumur dan seimbang (stabil/normal), atau jumlah individu pada tingkat pancang > tiang > pohon. Menurut Meyer (1952) hutan dalam kondisi seimbang (balanced forest) akan menjamin regenerasi tegakan di masa mendatang karena masih ada permudaan tingkat belta (anakan) yang cukup dan dinamis, walaupun dipengaruhi oleh jenis-jenis oportunis yang membutuhkan celah antar kanopi yang cukup luas seperti dari suku Euphorbiaceae (Sidiyasa 2009;Hidayat 2014;Ogawa et al. 1965;Proctor et al. 1983). ...
... In total, the density of trees in this study site is 400 specimen/ha (Table 6). These results are not much different from the results of other studies such as Kartawinata et al. (2008) in lowland dipterocarp forest at Wanariset Samboja, East Kalimantan with a tree density of 557/ha; Sidiyasa (2009) Kalimantan with a tree density of 502/ha, Sudrajat and Dwiputro (2019) in the Conservation Forest of the buffer zone of the Liquid Natural Gas Industry area, East Kalimantan, obtaining a tree density of 491.75 ind/ha, whereas, in Germplasm Preservation Areas, Central Kalimantan, Pamoengkas et al. (2019) only obtained 182.5/ha. The example for comparison of densities at each growth stage in the four Kalimantan forest areas with slightly different sampling sizes is as in Table 8 below. ...
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Dodo, Hidayat S. 2020. The structure, composition, and threatened plants in The Kinarum Protected Forest, South Kalimantan, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 21: 2603-2618. Kinarum Protected Forest (Kinarum PF) is one of the remaining tropical forest areas in Tabalong District, South Kalimantan, Indonesia. It is feared that deforestation will occur in this forest due to various human activities. The research was conducted to determine the structure and composition of vegetation in Kinarum PF which several decades ago was once a forest concession area. This research also explored the existence of threatened, endemic, and protected plants. Research has been carried out using the track plot method. The total research area is 0.6 ha consisting of three transect lines with five plots measuring 20 x 20 m2 each transect. Data were analyzed with important value index (IVI), dominance index, species diversity index, and species abundance index. The results recorded 460 specimens belonging to 121 species, 86 genera, and 43 families. Most species are from the family Lauraceae followed by Moraceae and Rubiaceae. The results also recorded 42 species included in the IUCN red list plants, eight of which are classified as threatened plants, namely Aglaia angustifolia, Artocarpus tamaran, Dracontomelon costatum, Durio dulcis, Durio kutejensis, Eusideroxylon zwageri, Myristica magnifica, and Shorea guiso. These plants have an average IVI value less than 10% and the species abundance index is close to zero. In general, the forest condition is classified as moderate with a diversity index value at each growth stage in the range of values 1-3. However, IVI of each species, especially those belonging to the threatened, endemic, and protected plants are on average low.
... Reverse J-curve shows a normal regeneration process in natural forest due to the availability of adequate number of seedling and juvenility [10]. The distribution curve of the number of trees forming an reverse J usually occurs in tropical forests which describe one dynamic forest [23,24]. Table 2). ...
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Andongrejo Village is one of the buffer villages of Meru Betiri National Park (TNMB). The lack of baseline data related to the diversity of vegetation in agroforestry system surrounding TNMB requires further research as a conservation effort and sustainable ecosystem management purpose. The objectives of this research were to: (a) analyze the structure and composition of vegetation in agroforestry system, (b) analyze the diversity of vegetation in agroforestry system, as well as (c) analyze correlation of canopy density with the diversity of seedlings and understorey in agroforestry system in Andongrejo village, Jember Regency, East Java. The method used was purposive vegetation sampling and vegetation analysis. The number of individual (ind/ha) in all three canopy density classes did not show reverse J-curve. The dominant species found were Banana ( Musa sp.), Teak ( Tectona grandis ), and Sengon ( Paraserianthes falcataria ). The species richness and diversity index at all tree level growth were clasified into low diversity and low species richness. The higher percentage of canopy density results in the higher individuals per ha and the number of species per ha (r = 0.500 and r = 0.696). The implementation of enrichment planting with species that has high economic value at all tree level growth are necessary. Introducing fruit species is one of alternative ways to increase the local community’s income and conserve the diversity in agroforestry system. Silviculture technique (eg prunning) is necessary to maintain the diversity and tree level growth in this location.
... Hal ini juga mengindikasikan bahwa kondisi hutan tersebut masih dalam keadaan yang normal/seimbang dan Gambar 3 Sebaran kelas lapisan tajuk pada dua stratum pengamatan di Hutan Nabundong. masih memungkinkan adanya persediaan permudaan untuk regenerasi di masa mendatang (Onrizal et al. 2005;Sidiyasa 2009;Dendang & Handayani 2015). ...
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Hutan mempunyai peran yang besar dalam siklus karbon global, yaitu sekitar 50% total karbon diserap dalam bentuk biomassa dan 50% lagi tersimpan di tanah pada lapisan atas, yaitu 1 m dari permukaan tanah. Penelitian tentang potensi cadangan karbon ini dilakukan di kawasan Hutan Nabundong, Kabupaten Padang Lawas Utara. Kawasan Hutan Nabundong ini merupakan hutan produksi yang dikelola oleh KPH (Kesatuan Pemangkuan Hutan) Wilayah VI Sumatera Utara. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi struktur hutan, menduga nilai biomassa bagian atas permukaan tanah menggunakan persamaan alometrik serta menentukan kandungan karbon Hutan Nabundong. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa stratum I (212,68 tonC/ha) mempunyai kandungan karbon yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan stratum II (151,78 tonC/ha). (Tropical forest plays a major role in global carbon (C) cycle, about 50% of the total carbon is stored in biomass and 50% is stored in the top 1 m of the soil. Research on the potential for carbon stock was conducted in Nabundong forest in Padang Lawas Utara District. It was managed by the FMU (Forest Management Unit) region VI North Sumatra. This research aims to identify forest structure, estimate above ground biomass using allometric equations, and determine the carbon stock potential of Nabundong forest. The results showed that stratum I (212.68 tonC/ha) had higher carbon stock than stratum II (151.78 tonC/ha).
... 2008). Berdasarkan diameter batangnya, struktur tegakan di kawasan hutan ini tampak seperti pada Gambar 2. Pola struktur tegakan berdasarkan diameter membentuk kurva huruf L atau J terbalik, yang merupakan suatu bentuk umum yang terjadi di hutan hujan tropis sebagaimana hasil penelitian Onrizal (2005), Sidiyasa (2009) dan Hidayat (2014). Menurut Polosakan (2012), apabila kelas diameter batang 10-20 cm sangat menonjol dibandingkan dengan kelas diameter lain, maka hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pada kawasan tersebut pernah terjadi kerusakan hutan dan saat ini dalam proses regenerasi menuju pembentukan hutan alami seperti semula. ...
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ABSTRAK Hutan Lindung Tanjung Tiga adalah hutan hujan tropis yang tersisa di Muara Enim berada pada ketinggian di atas 1300 m dpl. Keberadaan hutan ini sangat penting baik sebagai pengatur hidrologis maupun sebagai penghasil kayu. Pada umumnya bangunan rumah masyarakat di desa Tanjung Tiga masih menggunakan beragam kayu hutan, sementara keberadaan pohon penghasil kayu-kayu utama untuk bangunan ini sudah mulai berkurang. Penelitian mengenai kondisi hutan, khususnya komposisi dan struktur tegakan penghasil kayu bahan bangunan telah dilakukan pada bulan April 2013. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang famili pohon-pohon penghasil kayu bangunan di Hutan Tanjung Tiga sebagai bahan acuan tindakan konservasi hutan baik bagi masyarakat maupun pemerintah setempat. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode transek dan petak contoh kuadrat di tiga areal berbeda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya tiga famili penting yaitu Myrtaceae, Fagaceae dan Lauraceae, namun baik jumlah maupun diameter batangnya sangat rendah sehingga perlu segera upaya pencegahan penebangan lebih lanjut dan tindakan konservasi yang menguntungkan semua pihak. ABSTRACT Tanjung Tiga protected forest is a remnant of tropical rain forests, which are located at an altitude above 1300 m asl. The existence of this forest is very important both as a regulator of hydrological, as well as the timber resources. In general, rural residential buildings in the village still use a variety of forest timber. While the presence of trees producing the main timber for the building has begun to diminish in nature. Research on the condition of forests, in particular the composition and structure of the building material stands have been carried out in April 2013. This study aimed to obtain information on trees family that produce building material in forests as a reference for forest conservation efforts both for society and local authorities. The research was conducted with nested sampling plots in three different blocks. The results showed the presence of three important families are Myrtaceae, Fagaceae and Lauraceae, but both the number and diameter of the stem so low that it needs immediate effort to prevent further logging and conservation measures that benefit all parties.
... Di Hutan Lindung Sungai Wain, Balikpapan, Gonystylus non bancanus (G. velutinus, G. affinis, dan Gonystylus sp.) tumbuh berkelompok pada tepi anak sungai dengan kemiringan hingga 45 o (Sidiyasa, 2009). Hal ini dapat diterangkan bahwa Gonystylus non bancanus menyukai tempat yang miring atau aerasi baik. ...
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p> Abstract Gonystylus non bancanus species group belongs to a group of commercial timber ramin, which many of them have been exploited, therefore effort for their cultivation and conservation become necessary. In order to support these efforts, a research has been conducted which aims to determine the potential distribution of Gonystylus non bancanus in four locations (West Sumatra, Bengkulu, Central Kalimantan, and West Kalimantan) from May to November, 2015. Data were collected using a square plot size of 20 m × 20 m, the number of sample plot made on each location were 10. The results showed that Gonystylus non bancanus found at altitudes between 220–700 m above sea level and the edge of a hill with a rather steep topography and spread in groups. The composition of vegetation around the species of Gonystylus non bancanus were mostly common species of Shorea bracteolata Dyer with an IVI of 124.21%, Dipterocarpus kunstleri King. with INP 112.76% and Shorea laevis Ridl. with IVI 98.25%. Physical environment recorded around the species are the temperature between 22–36°C, humidity between 83–95%, slope between 21–>50% and a pH between 5.3 to 6.4. Shorea bracteolata Dyer was highly associated with Gonystylus non bancanus (the Ochiai highest index was 0.61), Syzygium occlusum Miq. (Ochiai index 0.58), and Shorea lamellata Foxw. (Ochiai index 0.48). The natural regeneration of Gonystylus non bancanus found in the study sites were still normal indicated by the greater number of seedlings than the number of trees, although the distribution and the existence of this species were relatively scatterred in the forest. Avstrak Kelompok jenis Gonystylus non bancanus termasuk dalam kelompok kayu komersial ramin, yang saat ini telah banyak dieksploitasi, sehingga diperlukan upaya budi daya dan konservasi. Dalam rangka menunjang upaya tersebut, telah dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui sebaran dan potensi Gonystylus non bancanus di empat lokasi (Sumatera Barat, Bengkulu, Kalimantan Tengah, dan Kalimantan Barat) pada bulan Mei sampai November 2015. Pengumpulan data menggunakan plot bujur sangkar ukuran 20 m × 20 m, jumlah satuan contoh yang dibuat pada setiap lokasi sebanyak 10 plot. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Gonystylus non bancanus dijumpai pada ketinggian tempat antara 220–700 m dpl, di pinggir bukit dengan topografi agak curam, dan menyebar secara berkelompok. Komposisi vegetasi di sekitar pohon Gonystylus non bancanus banyak dijumpai jenis-jenis Shorea bracteolata Dyer dengan INP sebesar 124,21%, Dipterocarpus kunstleri King. dengan INP 112,76%, dan Shorea laevis Ridl. dengan INP 98,25%. Lingkungan fisik yang berkaitan erat dengan jenis tersebut adalah suhu antara 22– 36°C, kelembaban udara antara 83–95%, kemiringan lahan antara 21–>50% dan pH tanah antara 5,3–6,4. Jenis Shorea bracteolata Dyer berasosiasi dengan Gonystylus non bancanus paling kuat (indeks Ochiai 0,61), Syzygium occlusum Miq. (indeks Ochiai 0,58) dan Shorea lamellata Foxw. (indeks Ochiai 0,48). Regenerasi alami Gonystylus non bancanus di lokasi penelitian masih normal artinya jumlah semai lebih besar dari pancang dan jumlah pancang lebih besar dari pohon, namun secara umum keberadaan jenis ini sangat terpencar hanya di hutan tertentu.</p
... Bila digambarkan kurvanya akan membentuk huruf J terbalik atau menyerupai huruf L. Meyer (1952( , dalam Onrizal et al. 2005) menyatakan bahwa tegakan hutan dengan distribusi diameter pohon seperti kurva "L" disebut sebagai hutan dalam kondisi seimbang (balanced forest). Kondisi demikian umum terjadi di hutan-hutan tropis sebagaimana juga hasil penelitian Sidiyasa (2009) di Hutan Lindung Sungai Wain, Kalimantan Timur dan penelitian di kawasan hutan Mangrove Taman Nasional Alas Purwo oleh Heriyanto dan Subiandono (2012). ...
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The Research has been conducted in buffer zone, Sesaot Protected Forest. The aim of research is to provide information about the condition of the vegetation that covers the diversity, structure, and composition. This information is important for forest managers to maintain and even improve the composition of plant species as natural forest vegetation.Therefore, studies of forest vegetation have been conducted in two blocks (Waode and Pengkoak) using stratified sampling plots. The results indicate that the minimum curve area were found in plots of (40 x 40 m) developed in two different blocks of observations with each diversity index was 1.23 (in waode) and 1.14 (in Pengkoak). Vegetation structure in the block Waode was fairly well possessing an L-type structure, while for the block Pengkoak was somewhat less well with a U-shaped like structure. Twenty-nine plant species in Waode and 26 species on the Pengkoak were recorded with a similarity index (IS) of 0.47. The similarity index indicates that the two blocks are quite different in species composition. In the block Waode, Saurauria pendula is a dominant tree with an IVI of 107.79 followed by Debregeasia dichotoma (IVI 95.55). In contrast, in the block Pengkoak, D. dichotoma has the highest IVI, followed by Laportea decumana.Keywords: Diversity, structure and composition, Sesaot protected forest
Perubahan tutupan lahan menjadi perkebunan kelapa sawit dianggap menurunkan keanekaragaman hayati, termasuk keragaman tumbuhan. Hutan sekunder yang berada di sekitar perkebunan kelapa sawit diharapkan dapat menjaga keberlanjutan dari keragaman tumbuhan yang masih tersisa meskipun bukan bagian dari areal perkebunan kelapa sawit. Penelitian dilakukan di empat perkebunan kelapa sawit yang tersebar di dua kabupaten yaitu Kampar dan Pelalawan, Provinsi Riau selama 28 hari pada bulan Maret 2016. Metode penelitian yaitu analisis vegetasi petak tunggal dengan mengidentifikasi keragaman tumbuhan di hutan sekunder yang ada di sekitar perkebunan kelapa sawit. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diperoleh bahwa keanekaragaman jenis tumbuhan bervariasi sesuai dengan kondisi lokasinya. Jumlah spesies tumbuhan yang ditemukan beragam, PT SAR (85 spesies), PT AMA (71 spesies), PT MUP (44 spesies) dan PTPN (41 spesies). Perbedaan ini karena luasan dan kerapatan hutan sekunder juga berbeda. Nilai kekayaan jenis juga berbeda setiap lokasi, yaitu PT SAR (12.02), PT AMA (9.80), PT MUP (7.66), dan PTPN (5.67). Semakin tinggi nilai kekayaan spesies di suatu lokasi menunjukkan bahwa areal tersebut memiliki keanekaragaman yang tinggi. Hutan sekunder di sekitar PT SAR merupakan areal yang memiliki tingkat keragaman tumbuhan lebih tinggi dibandingkan ketiga lokasi lainnya.
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Mount Ciremai National Park forest that area had been encroached. Because of that condition, stand structure especially the species composition and vegetation structure need to be researched. The aim of this research was to identify plant species and analyze forest vegetation structure. This research was conducted between March-April 2018 in the 15.500 ha area with 0.02% sampling intensity. Data was collected using grid line method that consisted of 34 sample plots with the 10 m distance between the plots and 20 m between the lines. The numbers of identified plant species at the research location were 43 species, classified by 10 families and 24 genera. Cinnamomum sintoc has a high level of dominance species. The forest vegetation was consisting by the different growth phases. The tree phase has the highest density of 3672 species/ha, while the seedling phase was lowest density of 1060 species/ha. The forest crown stratification were consisting of A, B, C, D and E stratum. The highest number of plants were from C strata for 4651 trees and the least from A strata with 25 trees with the highest tree was 42 m. Could be concluded that the composition of Mount Ciremai National Park forest have so many number of species and complex structure vegetation forest.
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Beberapa aspek penting yang diperlukan dalam manajemen hutan alam produksi dalam mencapai kelestarian meliputi aspek produksi yang berkaitan dengan perencanaan produksi, aspek ekologi yang berkaitan dengan pengaruh sistem penebangan yang diterapkan, dan aspek produktivitas (terutama dalam memperbaiki kualitas dan kuantitas tegakan setelah penebangan).Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan data dan informasi sebagai m as u k a n b ag i pe n g a tur an h as i l hu tan a l am pr od u k s i t eru t ama untuk rot as i ke du a . Pene l iti a n ini d il aksa n aka n p a d a s atu ko n ses i U nit Manaj e men H ut a n di a r ea l Lo n g Bag un K a lim a nt a n Tim u r , ya n g bert u j u an untu k m e n y e diakan d a ta d a n in formasi tegak a n ti ngga l p a d a hut an a lam p r oduk s i s etelah p e n eb an gan ya n g m e l iputi : s t ru k tur t egaka n t in gga l p a d a umur 2 tah un (R e n ca n a Karya Ta hun an/RKT 20 0 I ) , 5 tahun (RK T 1 998 /1 999 ) , 8 t a hun (R KT 1 995/ 19 96) s e t e l a h p e n e b a n ga n , dan hu ta n prime r seba g ai ko n tr ol. H as il p e ne l i t i a n m e n u nj ukk a n b a h w a be n tu k pe rtum b uhan di pe n garu hi ol e h s iste m pe n e b angan. Karakt e ri s ti k t e g ak a n ( ri s a l ah t egakan , ta p ak, dan i np ut s il vikultur / p e meli h araa n ) p e r l u d ip ert imb a n gk an untu k m e mb angu n m ode l - m o d e l din a mi ka pe rtumbu h a n p ada h utan b ekas t e b a n g an . B e ntu k s tru kt ur tegak a n tin gga l hu t an a l am b ek as te b a n g an b e rd asar k a n ni l ai k er a pat a MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 0 2 DocumentNotSpecified 7.8 磅 Normal 0 n (j u m l a h bata n g p e r h <span style="mso-spacerun: 'yes'; font-family: 'Times New Roman'; color: #424242;
One of the serious problems Indonesia is facing today is deforestation. Forests have been playing a very important role in Indonesia as the main natural resources for the economic growth of the country. Large areas of tropical forests, worldwide considered to be among the richest in plant diversity, have been lost in recent years mainly due to inappropriate logging, illegal logging, shifting cultivation, and forest fires. The negative repercussions of these activities are felt from an economical as well as from an ecological point of view.Time and again, Indonesia has experienced severe droughts often resulting in large forest fires. The fires used to occur only sporadically but now occur regularly every approx. 4 years in the area, with the largest and most destructive ones so far taking place in 1997-98. This climatic phenomenon was linked to a particularly pronounced El Niño Southern-Oscillation (ENSO), combined with numerous fires closely connected with human activities.'Dipterocarpaceae: Forest fires and forest recovery' discusses a comprehensive ecological understanding of fires, an overview of forest dynamics after fires, and the restoration strategies of the forest. Planting materials are reviewed in terms of their genetic diversity and their growth in different soil substrates, with various mycorrhizal inoculations and levels of light. The present publication is the last in a series adding information to the earlier projects conducted by Smits (1994), Yasman (1995), Hatta (1999) and Omon (2002).Microclimatic conditions change considerably after forest fires. The burned forest was characterized by elevated levels of light intensity and heat, and significantly reduced levels of humidity. After the fires, the natural dynamics of forest, in terms of regeneration of plants and butterfly communities, was set back to an earlier development phase where there were no more trees, only 2.5% of saplings survived and all saplings shorter than 5 m died. The butterfly community in the burned area had high densities of pioneer species associated with disturbed habitats. Burning caused a significant shift in the forest butterfly community. There was a highly significant variation in sapling and seedling density, diameter, and species richness between burned and unburned forest. Even though sapling height was significantly greater in burned than in unburned forest, there was no significant difference between their growth in both forests. The growth of both saplings and seedlings was completely unaffected by any edge effect in both forest types. The species richness, density and height of seedlings were significantly greater in unburned forest but their growth was significantly greater in burned forest. The diverse seedling community of unburned forest was replaced by a species-poor community of pioneers dominated by Euphorbiaceae.Dipterocarp forests can recover from fire impact if the damage is not too extensive and the fires are not recurrent, but their natural recovery is too slow to make it economically interesting, and therefore foresters try to restore the desired state of high forest as soon as possible. Their measures are based on the fact that similar microclimatic conditions in both forest types were reached within two years, so assisted recovery can be implemented soon in the burned area by introducing valuable climax tree species i.e dipterocarp species, before they would arrive spontaneously.Such operations require seedlings. Key issues for the management of dipterocarp stock plants in the nurseries included genetic diversity of the seedlings, choice and preparation of appropriate potting mixes, species-soil original matching, nursery hygiene and mycorrhizal inoculation. Cuttings grown in sandy loam showed a stronger and faster growth than the cuttings in sandy clay loam and loam. The higher sand fraction in the soil provided a good aeration for mycorrhizae and plants roots. Pasteurised soil media increased the growth of seedlings in the nursery. It is assumed that composition, acidity, moisture content and heat of the rooting media can be combined in a treatment optimising the conditions for both root development and root colonisation by fungi, thus increasing the quality and quantity of seedlings produced. It was found that interactions between so many factors lead to a highly complex situation, far from easy to control.S. leprosula proved to be very homogeneous as expressed from the similarities in frequencies of the band patterns. The similarity was relatively high between eastern, central and western Kalimantan populations but the nearer the geographic distance the more similar the populations.The initial inoculation supported S. leprosula to start growing in the greenhouse. In the established dipterocarp nursery, the spores of mycorrhizal fungi inoculated seedlings easily and freely. In 15 months in the greenhouse, all seedlings were colonised by these mycorrhizal weed fungi. Laccaria sp. was the most common one, followed by Thelephora sp. , Riessiella sp. and Inocybe sp . After 12 months in the field, the species composition of mycorrhizal fungi involved in root colonisation changed again. Inocybe sp . was still there, with two new other species being most abundant, namely Amanita sp. and Scleroderma sp. Even though the growth of S. leprosula seedlings in the nursery was supported by initial inoculation, in the field, no initial inoculation seedlings showed a stronger growth because they benefited more from the late stage fungi infecting the plants at the planting location.When dipterocarps are used, the key to success for a dipterocarp planting is species choice and light control. Selecting species suited to the local soil and site conditions is essential. Light control should correspond to the light requirements of a species during its growing stages, so planting methods should reflect site conditions and growth characteristics of the species. S. leprosula is a light-demanding species at the early stage, 60 to 73% (relative light intensity) for seedlings and 74 to 100% for saplings.The assisted recovery of pure Imperata cylindrica areas after fires is accelerated using mixed plantations composed of indigenous fast-growing pioneer tree species, i.e Peronema canescens that offer suitable conditions for the establishment of indigenous dipterocarp species. In circumstances without stress by fire, a young P. canescens tree has a well-developed monopodial trunk with a light canopy so that the light intensity under this species is very high or not much lower than in the open site. This shade condition (semi-closed) is not very suitable for S. leprosula seedlings when under-planted under this species. The capacity of P. canescens after fires to reiterate abundantly ('traumatic reiteration') and converge architecturally from Scarrone's model to a physiognomy resembling Leeuwenberg's model provided more favourable environmental conditions for S. leprosula to grow under the canopy of these trees (closed stand). Within almost three years, S. leprosula saplings in a closed stand and in a semi-open area reached a height of 281 to 283 cm and a diameter of 33 to 34 mm, whereas in the open area and under the semi-closed canopy of. P. canescens they were only 165 to 193 cm high and 22 to 27 mm in diameter.Long-term survival of a species depends on its ability to adapt to environmental change. Adaptability is a two-sided process. It rests on the optimal match between a genotype (organism) and its direct environment (ecosystem patch or 'eco-unit'). It is important to understand the reaction of the plants, so as to select genotypes adapted and adaptable to environmental stress in new environments. For this reason, next to the taxonomical data of S. leprosula , the architectural model and its reiteration are also described in this book.In Chapter 7 an overview is provided of the fire and forest regeneration issues with special reference to the Dipterocarpaceae and Shorea leprosula . Much practical information is provided on conditions for a successful regeneration of Dipterocarpaceae. It is concluded that the Dipterocarpaceae have become a threatened plant family and that safeguarding the genetic diversity of Shorea leprosula is highly urgent. If Dipterocarpaceae are to survive, the issue of fires must be resolved and dealt with.
In the last two decades El-Niño-induced fires have caused widespread destruction of forests in East Kalimantan. The 1997-98 fires were the most extensive yet. The post-fire situation was studied in detail by field assessments and high-resolution SAR-images. My results show that rain forests are better able to conserve their high plant diversity than has been assumed because of the network of unburnt remnant forest, large remnant trees, and abundant tree regeneration. These elements were present in burnt forests throughout the burnt region. Subsequent destructive human activities, rather than El-Niño fires themselves, are the major threat to these forests´ plant diversity.
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