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Distal radial artery in endovascular interventions


Abstract and Figures

Forearm and hand arteries are preferrable for use as an access site when performing endovascular interventions. The common place for radial artery catheterization is forearm at its distal third, but another site to puncture the radial artery is located within the anatomical snuffbox, and distally, at the dorsal hand surface, in the vertex of the angle between the long extensor of the thumb and the second metacarpal bone. Radial artery catheterization within the anatomical snuffbox followed by hemostasis allows to preserve distal blood flow in the superficial palmar arch thus reducing the risk of occlusion of the access artery. Moreover, this approach also reduces the risk of redundant compression with following occlusion of the access artery.
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Distal radial artery in endovascular interventions
AL Kaledin1, IN Kochanov1, PS Podmetin1, SS Seletsky1, VN Ardeev1
1 Mechnikov's Northwestern State Medical University, 191015, 47, Piskarevsky ave., St.
Petersburg, Russian Federation
2 "Vsevolozhskaya KMB" state budgetary interdistrict hospital, 188643, 20, Koltushi
highway, Vsevolozhsk, Russian Federation
Kaledin Alexander Leonidovich, candidate of medical sciences, surgeon, tel. +79213049946,
Kochanov Igor Nikolayevich, candidate of medical sciences, Head of Department;
Ardeev Vladimir Nikolayevich, Head of Department;
Podmetin Pyotr Sergeevich, cardiac interventionalist;
Seletsky Sergey Sergeevich, cardiovascular surgeon.
Summary. Forearm and hand arteries are preferrable for use as an access site when
performing endovascular interventions. The common place for radial artery catheterization is
forearm at its distal third, but another site to puncture the radial artery is located within the
anatomical snuffbox, and distally, at the dorsal hand surface, in the vertex of the angle
between the long extensor of the thumb and the second metacarpal bone. Radial artery
catheterization within the anatomical snuffbox followed by hemostasis allows to preserve
distal blood flow in the superficial palmar arch thus reducing the risk of occlusion of the
access artery. Moreover, this approach also reduces the risk of redundant compression with
following occlusion of the access artery.
Keywords: forearm radial artery; radial artery within anatomical snuffbox; radial artery at the
dorsum of hand; radial artery occlusion.
Radial arterial access for performing interventional procedures was first introduced in
1989[1] and in 1993 [2]. Radial artery catheterization is a fundamental approach that is used
as a procedural access in the different catheterization laboratories in more than 90% of
procedures [3] due to low prevalence of access-related complications. Feasibility and safety of
this technique initially provoked some euphoria among interventional specialists, but later
there was a realization of disadvantages of the technique and an evaluation of possible
complications of radial artery catheterization including arterial spasm, tortuosity, vessel
thrombosis (occlusion) and different types of wall lesions of the access artery. For the
evaluation of complications it's useful to consider the anatomy of forearm and hand vessels.
Arteries of forearm and hand are presented by radial and ulnar arteries that run toward the
hand where they form superficial and deep palmar arches (Fig. 1). Traditionally, the optimal
radial artery puncture site was considered to be at the distal third of forearm because of the
superficial position of the artery closely to the radial bone that facilitates puncture and
following hemostasis. Another site for the puncture is anatomical snuffbox where the artery
lies closely to the skin along the surface of radiocarpal joint that serves as "basement" [4]. The
distinctive feature of this area is its location distally to the superficial palmar branch of radial
artery that communicates with superficial palmar arterial arch. And finally, the third possible
puncture site of radial artery is located even more distally - at the dorsum of hand, in the
vertex of the angle between the long extensor of the thumb and the second metacarpal bone
(Fig. 2). In this area, the radial artery is surrounded by soft tissues of hand, which is essential
for the adequate hemostasis.
Figure. 1 Blood vessels of distal forearm and hand
Figure 2 Catheterization site of radial artery at forearm and at hand (marked with black
arrows, left to the right: radial artery of the dorsum of the hand - RADH; radial artery within
the anatomical snuffbox - RAAS; forearm radial artery - FRA).
Performing the endovascular interventions via forearm radial artery (FRA) is considered
preferable due to the lower risk of access site bleeding [5]; this is caused by above-mentioned
anatomical proximity of the radial artery to the "bone basement".
1- ulnar artery
2, 3 - deep palmar branch of radial artery
4, 9 - superficial palmar arch
5 - digital arteries
8 - artery of the thumb
10 - radial artery
Arterial wall damages in access site are multi-faceted: perforation and/or pulsatile
haematoma (false aneurysm), injury of proximal major blood vessels, arteriovenous fistula.
Post-catheterization radial artery occlusion (PCRAO) is the most common complication of
radial access; it's reported by different authors to occur in 0-10% of cases [6]. There are three
fundamental causes of the access artery occlusion: arterial puncture; arterial catheterization
[7] and incorrect puncture hemostasis [8]. Long-term complete radial artery compression that
can lead to PCRAO [8] is a result of nothing else than a mistake of an operator who applies
hemostatic bandage. Relatively high rates of this complication prompted us to search for ways
to minimize the problem. We modelled several cases of occlusions of forearm and hand
arteries (Fig. 3-5).
Fig. 3. Case modelling of FRA occlusion with retained blood flow in ulnar artery and filling of palmar arches.
Fig. 4. Case modelling of ulnar artery occlusion with active blood flow in radial artery and filling of corresponding
blood supply area and palmar arches.
Fig. 5 Case modelling of radial artery occlusion within the anatomical snuffbox with active blood flow in radial and
ulnar arteries and filling of palmar arches.
On the basis of observations, we made the suggestion that in case of total radial artery
occlusion within the anatomical snuffbox (RAAS), the antegrade blood flow would be
preserved through the superficial palmar arch, therefore the risk of thrombosis and extensive
forearm radial artery occlusion would be minimized. Radial artery portion of the hand is
surrounded by soft tissues that are elastic by nature; this leads to "noncomplete" artery
compression with a hemostatic bandage applied to this area. Combining this consideration
with the aforementioned possibility of preserved antegrade blood flow in the superficial
palmar arch makes to suggest lower risk of post-catheterization radial artery occlusion in this
We believe that post-puncture and post-catheterization occlusions are caused by
individual arterial wall reactions on mechanical effect of endovascular manipulations within
the artery. The findings of the histological studies after the radial artery puncture and
catheterization showed significant pathologic changes affecting all arterial layers: medial
inflammation, tissue necrosis, endothelial dysfunction, impairment of smooth muscle cell
layer, intimal hyperplasia, cell proliferation, collagen synthesis, adventitial
neovascularization, internal remodelling, thrombosis [7]. Probably, these data suggest one of
explanations of stenoses that develop in radial arterial grafts after CABG in some patients.
The post-catheterization impairment of the radial artery does not manifest only with
occlusion but also with stenosis. The pulsation over a length of the radial artery is preserved
but its use as an access artery seems problematic (Fig. 6).
Fig. 6 Post-catheterization stenosis of the proximal portion of radial artery (author's observation).
Therefore, prior to repeat catheterization procedures it may be necessary to perform the
ultrasound examination of planned forearm and hand arteries of access.
In our hospital we performed analysis of radial artery changes before and after
catheterization at different time periods using optical coherence tomography. To comprehend
these changes in the arterial wall we primarily evaluated OCT-imaging results of radial artery
prior to percutaneous coronary intervention - PCI (Fig. 7).
Fig. 7 OCT-picture of distal FRA prior to PCI (primary intervention). The RAAS is catheterized (our observation).
One of early signs that is believed to be a trigger factor of radial artery stenosis or
occlusion is an intimal dissection far from the puncture/catheterization site (Fig. 8).
Fig. 8 OCT-picture of distal FRA after PCI. The area of intimal dissection is visible. RAAS is catheterized, primary
procedure (our observation).
After the endovascular intervention, radial artery media and adventitia are involved in
the pathological process more lately (Fig 9, 10).
Fig. 9 OCT-picture of distal forearm radial artery with medial calcification and intimal
injury. RAAS is catheterized. 2 years after PCI (our observation).
Fig. 10 Post-puncture distal FRA stenosis 3 months after the catheterization. Medial hypertrophy,
adventitial neovascularization (our observation).
To minimize the above-mentioned pathological changes in the wall of the radial artery it
may be justified to use a mixture of heparin, nitroglycerine and verapamil solutions with
normal saline. It is also appropriate to use hydrophlic-coated sheaths [9].
To prevent radial artery from occlusion for future access we proposed to catheterize it
distally to its superficial branch communicating with the superficial palmar arch:
1. within the anatomical snuffbox (Fig. 11);
Fig. 11 Radial artery catheterization within the anatomical snuffbox (our observation).
at the dorsum of hand - in the vertex of the angle between the long extensor of the thumb
and the second metacarpal bone (Fig. 12).
Fig. 12 Radial artery catheterization at the dorsum of hand (our observation).
The purpose of our study was to develop and to implement a novel radial artery access
(located at hand) for performing endovascular interventions. Also, we pursued our object to
reduce the rate of access-related complications.
Materials and methods
From 2013 through 2016 a total of 5983 patients underwent radial artery catheterization.
Access arteries included:
1. forearm radial artery (FRA) - 3099 patients (51,8%);
2. radial artery within the anatomical snuffbox (RAAS) - 2775 patients (46,4%);
3. radial artery at the dorsum of hand (RADH) - 109 patients (1,8%).
The catheterization technique was similar among the groups, with a slightly different
needle-skin angle in case of RADH puncture (70-75˚). The catheterization algorithm of
forearm and hand portions of radial artery included: palpating for the radial and ulnar arteries
to detect the pulsation; blood pressure measurement on both hands; US examination of
forearm arteries bilaterally with the measurement of arterial diameters; Allen's test was
initially used, but since then it has been abandoned because of low significance of the results.
The follow-up was performed in patients with multistage endovascular interventions at the
repeat procedures. The number and success of repeat catheterizations were reported. The
French size of the tools used was 5 - 8 (Table 1).
Table 1. The size of the instruments used in PCI procedures.
(n = 3099)
(n = 2775)
(n = 109)
While implementing in our clinic the arterial access within the anatomical snuffbox and
hereafter - at the dorsum of the hand on a routine basis, we analysed the time to artery
catheterization (learning curve), the fluoro time and the absorbed dose of radiation (when
performing coronary angiography procedures). Statistical analysis of the results included
median values (Me) and interquartile ranges (Q25Q75) of the above parameters. Student's t-
test was used for the multiple comparisons of the values.
Results and discussion.
FRA has maximal diameter by US of forearm and hand arteries. Ulnar artery and RAAS
didn't differ significantly in diameter (Fig. 13).
Fig. 13 Diameter of forearm and hand arteries prior to endovascular interventions. Note
- * median values presented.
The "time to catheterization" analysis showed comparable rates between forearm and
hand radial artery access sites (Fig 14) after performing approximately 50 procedures.
Fig. 14 Time* to catheterization as a function of number of manipulations performed.
Note - * median values presented.
Considering work specifics of our clinic, radial access at the forearm and at the hand
was used for endovascular coronary interventions in most of cases (Table 2).
Table 2. Forearm and hand radial arterial access for performing endovascular
2,5 2,4
FRA Ulnar atrery RAAS
diameter of artery * (mm)
85 80 83
47 42 50 45 48 50 52 49 51
90 85
40 40
56 52 54 50 51
47 51
254 237
57 52
62 60 56
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 150 200 300 400 500 550
time to FRA catheterization, s
time to RAAS catheterization,
time to RADH catheterization,
(n = 3099)
(n = 2775)
(n = 109)
Coronary arteries
2781 (89,7%)
2589 (93,3%)
107 (98,2%)
Aortoiliac arterial segment
255 (8,2%)
143 (5,2%)
Brachiocephalic arteries
62 (2%)
42 (1,5%)
1 (0,03%)
1 (0,03%)
2 (1,8%)
The cases of catheterization failure and repeat radial artery punctures/catheterizations
are listed in Table 3.
Table 3. Repeat catheterizations and catheterization failure of forearm and hand arteries.
(n = 3099)
(n = 2775)
(n = 109)
Catheterization/puncture failure
124 (4%)
71 (2,3%)
9 (8,3%)
Repeat (two or more times)
320 (10,3%)
347 (12,5%)
12 (11%)
We analyzed the dependence of fluoroscopy time and absorbed radiation dose when
performing coronary angiography with different arteries of access. Fluoroscopy time with
FRA and RAAS had no significant differences (p≤0.01). Fluoro time rates were significantly
lower in RADH access as compared to FRA and RAAS approaches (Fig. 15). Notably,
RADH catheterization was performed by a limited number of experienced operators.
Fig. 15 Time of fluoroscopy (on coronary angiography) depending on access artery.
Note - 1 median values presented;
- 2 interquartile range presented;
Radiation dose analysis showed the same results (fig. 16).
Fig. 16 Radiation absorbed dose (during coronary angiography) variations depending on
access artery.
Note - 1 median values presented;
- 2 interquartile range presented;
Follow-up of forearm and hand arteries of access was performed in 32% of patients (fig.
FRA [4,29-11,02] ² RAAS [4,31-11] ² RADH [3,31-6,02] ²
8,26 8,33
fluoro time, sec
FRA [703-1508] ² RAAS [749-1548] ² RADH [534-1095] ²
1197 1191 901
Rg ¹ dose
71% 63,6% 75,5%
29% 36,4% 24,5%
FRA (n=3009) RAAS (n=2775) RADH (n=109)
no follow-up
Fig. 17 The results of follow-up of access artery.
The results showed higher frequency of post-catheterization occlusions of radial artery
after approaching to FRA (table 4).
Table 4. Frequency of post-catheterization occlusions of radial artery at forearm and at
Number of patients
at follow-up of access artery
Access artery occlusion
FRA (n=873)
4,2% *
RAAS (n=1009)
2,2 % *
RADH (n=27)
Note - * differences in rates of artery occlusion between FRA and RAAS catheterization
are significant in p ≤ 0,05.
Interesting results were obtained in RADH catheterization group. Local RAAS
occlusion with preserved blood flow of forearm radial artery was observed in 2% of cases;
FRA occlusion after catheterization of radial artery within the anatomical snuffbox was
observed in less than 0,5% of cases (fig. 18).
Fig. 18 Variants of occlusion involving RAAS and their prevalence.
Therefore it should be noted that after the catheterization of RAAS the prevalence of
FRA occlusion was reduced almost 10 times and the total number of occlusions was reduced
Access artery follow-up
RAAS (n=1009)
FRA occlusion (without
RAAS occlusion) 0,1% FRA and RAAS
occlusion 0,3% Local RAAS occlusion
with active blood flow in
FRA - 1,8%
twice. Encouraging results were obtained in RADH group where there were no reported cases
of radial artery occlusion. However, further observations are needed.
The analysis of the other acess-related complications showed no significant differences
between catheterization sites (table 5).
Table 5. Acess-related complications.
Haematoma > 10 cm
Pulsatile haematoma (transfusion
˂ 0,1%
˂ 0,1%
Infection, arteriitis
Dissection/rupture of access artery
a/v fistula
˂ 0,1%
˂ 0,1%
The modern trend in population to a "younger" stable angina and the evolution of the
intervention techniques will inevitably lead to an increased number of repeat endovascular
interventions consequently requiring the repeat use of the same "access arteries", so we may
need to keep arterial access "safe";
Not only a mechanical compression of an access artery makes a contribution to post-
catheterization occlusion of the artery, but also does the impairment of arterial wall layers
during PCI;
Catheterization of RAAS has lower rates of occlusive complications as compared to
The risk of RAAS occlusion due to the compression towards the "bone basement" still
Radial artery at the dorsum of hand is surrounded by soft tissues that poses a
background to a reduced risk of its occlusion during the compression with a hemostatic
The post-catheterization stenosis of an access artery makes the repeat use of the artery
difficult although the antegrade blood flow in it may be preserved.
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... The 3 most common postprocedural complications included radial artery spasm, RAO, and access hematoma. Access pain outcome was evaluated in 2 studies: Bhambhani et al 12 and Hammami et al 14 ; crossover outcome was included in 4 studies: Aoi et al, 11 Hammami et al, 14 Amin et al, 18 and Vefali et al 17 ; RAD was included in 2 studies: Koutouzis et al, 7 Kaledin et al 16 ; and, access bleeding was included in 3 studies Aoi et al, 11 Lin et al, 20 and Kis et al. 23 The Newcastle-Ottawa Scale assessment showed all studies with high quality (score 07/9). The Table 1A Baseline demographics, co-morbidities and study characteristics of observational studies included in the meta-analysis Variable ...
... Wang 2020 9 Aoi 2019 11 Bhambhani 2020 12 Chugh 2020 13 Hammami 2021 14 Gajurel 2018 15 Kaledin 2017 16 Amin 2017 18 Soydan 2021 22 Roghani-Dehkordi 2020 21 Kis 2020 The American Journal of Cardiology ( ...
... In addition, the DATA STAR study showed no difference in RAO between DR and TR. In contrast, some studies reported a lower risk of RAO in DR when compared with that of TR. 13,16,25 Our study is also consistent with this finding of lower RAO risk in DR as compared with TR. Similar to the observation by Bhambhani et al, 12 our study did not find a statistically significant difference in the success of arterial puncture. ...
Data comparing outcomes of distal radial (DR) and traditional radial (TR) access of coronary angiography and percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) are limited. Online databases including Medline and Cochrane Central databases were explored to identify studies that compared DR and TR access for PCI. The primary outcome was the rate of radial artery occlusion (RAO) and access failure. Secondary outcomes included access site hematoma, access site bleeding, access site pain, radial artery spasm, radial artery dissec-tion, and crossover. Unadjusted odds ratios (ORs) with a random-effect model, 95% confidence interval (CI), and p <0.05 were used for statistical significance. Metaregression was performed for 16 studies with 9,973 (DR 4,750 and TR 5,523) patients were included. Compared with TR, DR was associated with lower risk of RAO (OR 0.51, 95% CI 0.29 to 0.90, I 2 = 42.6%, p = 0.02). RAO was lower in DR undergoing coronary angiography rather than PCI. Access failure rate (OR 1.77, 95% CI 0.69 to 4.55, I 2 87.36%, p = 0.24), access site hematoma (OR 1.11, 95% CI 0.68 to 1.83, I 2 0%, p = 0.68), access site pain (OR 2.22, 95% CI 0.28 to 17.38, I 2 0%, p = 0.45), access site bleeding (OR 1.11, 95% CI 0.16 to 7.62, I 2 85.11%, p = 0.91), radial artery spasm (OR 0.79, 95% CI 0.49 to 1.29, I 2 0%, p = 0.35), radial artery dissection (OR 1.63, 95% CI 0.46 to 5.84, I 2 0%, p = 0.45), and crossover (OR 1.54, 95% CI 0.64 to 3.70, I 2 25.48%, p = 0.33) did not show any significant difference. DR was associated with lower incidence RAO when compared with TR, whereas other procedural-related complications were similar.
... Одним из первых в РФ данный способ применил Бабунашвили А. М. в 2011г [9]. Суть метода заключается в катетеризации a. radialis дистальнее места ее разветвления на глубокую и поверхностную ладонные дуги [5], т.е. пунктируется глубокая ладонная ветвь лучевой артерии (ГЛВ ЛА) на тыльной поверхности кисти или в области "анатомической табакерки" [8]. ...
... Однако и он не лишен недостатков, затрудняющих проведение вмешательств, среди которых извитость, малый диаметр, интраоперационный спазм лучевой артерии (a. radialis), возможное повреждение стенки (перфорация, диссекция), вероятность возникновения гематом в месте пункции, тромбоза с последующим нарушением микроциркуляции и развитием ишемии кисти, окклюзия a. radialis [5]. Общее число осложнений колеблется от 1 до 20% случаев, что затрудняет повторное использование данной артерии при проведении последующих чрескожных коронарных вмешательств (ЧКВ), реконструктивной хирургии, гемодиализного свища (артериовенозной фистулы), аортокоронарного шунтирования [6,7]. ...
... Часть авторов сообщает о том, что применение новой методики длительно и существенно затягивает проведение ЭВП [8,9]. Другие исследователи сообщают, что при освоении нового доступа и приобретении опыта метод эффективен, безопасен и по времени сопоставим с традиционным [5,8]. Однако работ, посвященных применению ДЛД у больных с ОКС, для которых временной фактор играет решающее значение, немного и большая их часть представлена разбором клинических случаев, что и обусловило проведение настоящего исследования. ...
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Endovascular methods are leading in the treatment of patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Transradial access (TRA) is traditionally used, but there are some disadvantages. Distal transradial access (dTRA) is an alternative to conventional TRA, but its outcomes in patients with ACS are controversial. Aim . To evaluate the safety and efficacy of vascular accesses, as well as in-hospital outcomes of treatment of patients with ACS using conventional TRA versus dTRA. Material and methods . This single-center, prospective, randomized study included 264 patients with ACS, which were divided into 2 groups: group 1 (n=132) — dTRA, group 2 (n=132) — TRA. The groups were comparable in the initial clinical, laboratory and angiographic characteristics. Results . During percutaneous coronary intervention, 240 drug-eluting stents were implanted in 184 patients. In 10 patients, access was converted: from dTRA to TRA in 2,3% (n=3), from dTRA to femoral — 3,0% (n=4), from dTRA to femoral in 2,3% (n=3). The mean puncture time was 125,1±11,9 s in group 1 and 58,8±8,2 s in group 2 (p<0,00005). There was no difference in the total intervention duration as follows: 30,5±7,1 min and 29,4±4,6 min (p=0,1428), respectively. The time to hemostasis was significantly higher in the TRA group: 354,2±28,1 vs 125,4±15,3 min in group 1 (p<0,00005). When using dTRA, a lower incidence of hematomas (0,8 (n=1) vs 7,0% (n=9) (p=0,019)), spasm (5,6 (n=7) vs 13,2% (n=17) (p=0,039)) and radial artery occlusion (0,8 (n=1) vs 6,2% (n=8) (p=0,036)). The number of major adverse cardiac events (MACE) in both groups was comparable: 10,4% (n=13) and 10,1% (n=13) in group 1 and 2, respectively (p=0,932). Conclusion . The use of dTRA does not increase the total procedure duration compared to conventional TRA. The complication rate was comparable in both study groups. When dTRA was used, the incidence of local complications was significantly lower compared to conventional TRA. Thus, dTRA can be an alternative to conventional TRA, but large randomized trials are required for final conclusions.
... In 1.8% of these patients, RAO was observed at the snuffbox level. It has been reported that forearm RA flow continues actively in patients with snuffbox RAO (15) . Oliveira et al. reported that distal and proximal RA pulses were palpable after DTRA in all patients discharged from the hospital (16) . ...
... An important finding of our study is that the IMT of the CTRA group was significantly higher than the DTRA group in the first month. In the publications in which the RA structure was evaluated by intravascular USG, it was observed that the reduction in RA diameter was particularly related to intimal thickening, which is shown to be closely related to recurrent TRACAG (9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22) . Another study concluded that radial intervention reduces radial graft patency and causes intimal hyperplasia in the artery (20) . ...
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Introduction: To compare radial artery (RA) diameters, intima-media thickness (IMT), and vascular functions before and after conventional and distal RA cannulation. It has been proposed that distal transradial (DTRA) cannulation can reduce RA complications. However, there has been no comparative study examining the effects of DTR and conventional transradial (CTRA) intervention on RA structure and function. Patients and Methods: Radial artery diameter, IMT, flow-mediated vasodilation (FMD) response were measured using conventional and Doppler RA ultrasonography before, and one day and one month after the procedure in patients who underwent CTRA or DTRA. Results: While baseline and first-day IMT values were similar between the groups, first-month IMT values in the CTRA group were found to be significantly increased compared to those in the DTRA group (CTRA= 0.39 ± 0.10 mm, DTRA= 0.32 ± 0.07 mm, p= 0.016). While proximal RA occlusion developed in three patients who underwent CTRA, it did not develop in any of the patients undergoing DTRA (p= 0.072). Conclusion: In patients who underwent CTRA, RA IMT increased significantly in the first month after the procedure, compared to patients who underwent DTRA. Proximal RAO was not observed in any of the patients who underwent DTRA.
... The major finding in the current study was that dRA offered a noninferior initial success rate to RA in the general population. Kaledin et al. reported that 12.5% of dRA catheterizations required more than one attempt [20]. Arora et al. showed that the rate of firstpass radial artery was 85.7% via the in-plane technique in awake patients [21]. ...
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Background The novel distal radial artery (dRA) approach is a popular arterial access route for interventional cardiology and neurointerventions. We explored the dRA as an alternative site to the classic forearm radial artery (RA) for perioperative blood pressure monitoring. We hypothesized that dRA catheterization is noninferior to RA for the first attempt success rate. Methods This was a single-center, prospective, randomized controlled, noninferiority study. Adult patients who underwent elective surgery at the Jinling Hospital from May 2021 to August 2021 were enrolled. The primary endpoint was to test the noninferiority of the first attempt success rate between the groups. Secondary endpoints included anatomical characteristics, catheterization time, arterial posterior wall puncture rate, postoperative compression time, dampened arterial pressure waveforms, and complications. Results Totally, 161 patients who received either dRA ( n = 81) or RA ( n = 80) catheterization were analyzed. The first attempt success rates were 87.7 and 91.3% in the dRA and RA groups, respectively, with a mean difference of − 3.6% (95% CI, − 13.1 to 5.9%). The dRA diameter and cross-sectional area were significantly smaller than those of the RA ( P < 0.001). The subcutaneous depth of dRA was significantly greater than that of the RA ( P < 0.001). The dRA had a longer catheterization time ( P = 0.008) but a shorter postoperative compression time ( P < 0.001). The arterial posterior wall puncture rate of dRA was significantly higher than that of the RA ( P = 0.006). The dRA had fewer dampened arterial waveforms than RA ( P = 0.030) perioperatively. Conclusions The dRA is a rational alternative approach to RA for perioperative arterial pressure monitoring and provides a noninferior first attempt success rate. Trial registration This study is registered in the Chinese Clinical Trials Registry (registration number: ChiCTR2100043714 , registration date: 27/02/2021).
... There have been a few reports of dissection and arterio-venous fistula. There were no significant differences in total problems in cohorts comparing d-TRA to TRA by Kaledin et al. [23]. ...
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Background Transradial access (TRA), which has a minimal risk of problems such as radial artery occlusion (RAO), hemorrhage, spasm, and so on, is now considered the standard procedure for cardiac catheterization. The aim of the study is to present the distal transradial access (d-TRA) as a possible promising novel technique in the field of cardiac coronary interventions comparing it to the standard conventional TRA using primary and secondary endpoints, exploring its benefits and drawbacks as a new experience in Alexandria University. One hundred cases with variable indications for coronary interventions were randomized to two arms using systematic random sampling method, coronary interventions in the first one were done via d-TRA (50 patients) and in the second arm via conventional TRA group (50 patients). Results Technically, there were highly statistically significant differences between the two arms in favor of TRA regarding procedural success, number of punctures taken, Access time, Total procedural time, vasodilator used, and crossover to another access site; meanwhile safety profile parameters have showed statistically significant differences in favor of d-TRA regarding post-operative hematoma, AV fistula, post-operative pain and compression time, and there were no statistically significant differences regarding RAO although it occurred more in TRA group. Conclusions In the realm of cardiac intervention, the distal radial approach is a promising technique. When compared to TRA, we found it to be a viable and safe method for coronary angiography and interventions and it could be a real option for the interventionists in the near future, with a lower risk of radial artery blockage and no significant differences in wrist hematoma and radial artery spasm. The success rate of d-TRA is proportional to the steepness of the operator's learning curve and the quality of the examples chosen.
In urgent surgical practice with bleeding of various genesis, when the question of endovascular hemostasis arises, it is crucial to choose the safest arterial access, in which specific vascular complications will be minimal. Reducing the likelihood of hemorrhagic complications in the arterial access during X-ray endovascular surgery is an essential aspect, especially with a high degree of blood loss. The possibility of using distal radial access with localization on the back of the left hand for endovascular interventions in emergency surgery is discussed in this article.
Blood pressure (BP), an important vital sign to assess human health, is expected to be monitored conveniently. The existing BP monitoring methods, either traditional cuff-based or newly-emerging wearable-based, all require skin contact, which may cause unpleasant user experience and is even injurious to certain users. In this paper, we explore contact-less BP monitoring and propose airBP, which emits millimeter-wave signals toward a user’s wrist, and captures the reflected signal bounded off from the pulsating artery underlying the wrist. By analyzing the reflected signal strength of the signal, airBP generates arterial pulse and further estimates BP by exploiting the relationship between the arterial pulse and BP. To realize airBP, we design a new beam-forming method to keep focusing on the tiny and hidden wrist artery, by leveraging the inherent periodicity of the arterial pulse. Moreover, we custom-design a pre-training and neural network architecture, to combat the challenges from the arterial pulse sparsity and ambiguity, so as to estimate BP accurately. We prototype airBP using a coin-size COTS mmWave radar and perform extensive experiments on 41 subjects. The results demonstrate that airBP accurately estimates systolic and diastolic BP, with the mean error of -0.30 mmHg and -0.23 mmHg, as well as the standard deviation error of 4.80 mmHg and 3.79 mmHg (within the acceptable range regulated by the FDA’s AAMI protocol), respectively, at a distance up to 26 cm.
Introduction Radial approaches are classified into traditional radial access (TRA) and more contemporary distal radial access (DRA), with recently published comparative studies reporting inconsistent outcomes. As there have been several recent randomized control trials (RCT), we assessed the totality of evidence in an updated meta-analysis to compare outcomes of DRA and TRA. Methods We searched PubMed, CENTRAL, Web of Science, EMBASE, and Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews from inception to June 2022 for studies comparing DRA and TRA for coronary angiography. Primary outcomes were the rate of radial artery occlusion (RAO) and access failure. Secondary outcomes included hematomas and puncture site bleeding. The pooled risk ratio (RR) with 95 % confidence interval (95 % CI) was calculated for each outcome. Results A total of 14,071 patients undergoing coronary angiography from 23 studies, including 5488 patients from 10 RCTs. The mean age of the study population was 59.8 ± 5.9 years with 66.2 % men. Outcomes for a total of 6796 (48.3 %) patients undergoing DRA and 7166 (50.9 %) patients undergoing TRA were compared. DRA was associated with a lower rate of RAO (RR = 0.36, 95CI [0.27, 0.48], I2 = 0 %) but an increased risk of vascular access failure (RR = 2.38, 95CI [1.46, 3.87], I2 = 82.7 %). There was no significant difference in the rate of bleeding or hematoma formation. Conclusion In an updated metanalysis, DRA is associated with lower rates of RAO but with higher rates of access failure.
Coronary artery disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is one of the most widely performed medical procedures used to save lives, currently over 3 million annually worldwide. The femoral artery has been the preferred vascular access site. However, radial access is gaining extensive popularity due to the benefits of earlier ambulation, fewer access site complications, and decreased rates of bleeding. Improvements in technology and understanding of the anatomic features of the vascular system have led to new insights into coronary angiography procedures. Distal radial access, which was first used in 2017, shows a higher success rate and fewer complications than previous sites; therefore, it might be the future for cardiovascular intervention. For this purpose, we conducted this prospective study at Beirut Cardiac Institute (BCI) comparing the two arms: radial vs. distal radial artery techniques through the anatomical snuffbox, in terms of patient’s length of stay, complication rate, and success rate of each procedure.
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The immediate effects of transradial access on the radial artery wall are unknown. In this study we sought to assess the histological changes induced by catheterization on the radial artery. Thirty-four patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) had radial arteries harvested to serve as bypass conduits. The proximal and distal ends of the radial artery conduits were sectioned and embedded in paraffin. Both ends of all specimens were evaluated by a blinded pathologist for intimal hyperplasia, medial inflammation, medial calcification, periarterial tissue or fat necrosis, adventitial inflammation, adventitial necrosis, and adventitial neovascularization. Fisher's exact test was used for statistical analysis. Fifteen previously catheterized radial arteries (TRA group) were compared with 19 noncatheterized arteries (NCA group). The distal ends of the TRA group showed significantly more intimal hyperplasia (73.3% vs 21.1%; p = 0.03), periarterial tissue or fat necrosis (26% vs 0%; p = 0.02), and more adventitial inflammation (33.3% vs 0%; p = 0.01) than the distal ends of the NCA group. The distal ends of the TRA group also showed significantly more intimal hyperplasia (73.3% vs 26.6%; p = 0.03) and adventitial inflammation (33.3% vs 0%; p = 0.01) than the proximal ends of the same arteries. There were no histological differences in the proximal ends of the two groups. Transradial catheterization induces significant histological changes suggestive of radial artery injury limited to the puncture site in the form of intimal hyperplasia, medial inflammation, and tissue necrosis. Both the proximal and distal ends of the radial artery show a spectrum of atherosclerotic changes independent of its use for transradial catheterization.
Radial artery occlusion (RAO) is the most common structural consequence of transradial access (TRA) with an estimated incidence ranging from 2-10 %. Its occurrence is free of any major clinical consequences, especially at rest, with most if not all cases of digital ischemia occurring as a result of embolization, rather than RAO. The incidence of RAO is unacceptably high if “best practices” are not followed. Strategies to prevent RAO need to be implemented to preserve radial artery patency in order to exploit other benefits of TRA.
Radial access use has been growing steadily but, despite encouraging results, still varies greatly among operators, hospitals, countries and continents. Twenty years from its introduction, it was felt that the time had come to develop a common evidence-based view on the technical, clinical and organisational implications of using the radial approach for coronary angiography and interventions. The European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (EAPCI) has, therefore, appointed a core group of European and non-European experts, including pioneers of radial angioplasty and operators with different practices in vascular access supported by experts nominated by the Working Groups on Acute Coronary Syndromes and Thrombosis of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). Their goal was to define the role of the radial approach in modern interventional practice and give advice on technique, training needs, and optimal clinical indications.
Percutaneous entry into the distal radial artery and selective coronarography using a French 5 sheath and preshaded catheters were attempted in 100 patients with a normal Allen test. Cannulation of the radial artery was not possible in ten patients, and selective catheterization of the coronary arteries was unsuccessful in two. Manipulation of catheters presented no problem, and arterial spasm was rarely observed, only before the use of a 23-cm-long sheath. Only two complications without symptoms were observed: arterial dissection of the brachial artery in one patient and occlusion of the radial artery in another. With experience, this approach may become as effective and possibly safer than the transbrachial entry.
A new approach for implantation of Palmaz Schatz coronary stents is reported. We describe the technique and rationale of coronary stenting with miniaturized angioplasty equipment via the radial artery. This technique is illustrated in three patients. One patient underwent Palmaz Schatz stent implantation for a saphenous vene coronary bypass graft stenosis, the second patient for a restenosis in the anterior descending coronary artery after atherectomy, and the third patient for a second restenosis after balloon angioplasty in the circumflex coronary artery.
Guidance on the application of radial access in interventional angiocardiography (best clinical practice for transradial endovascular interventions).-М.: АСВ Рubl
  • A M Babunashvilli
  • D S Kartashov
Babunashvilli A.M., Kartashov D.S. Guidance on the application of radial access in interventional angiocardiography (best clinical practice for transradial endovascular interventions).-М.: АСВ Рubl.; 2017.-6 (article in Russian).
New access to facilitate endovascular operations: first-in-man study
  • A Kaledin
Kaledin A. New access to facilitate endovascular operations: first-in-man study.
Radial Artery Use and Reuse. Cardiac Interventions Today
  • S Gupta
  • S Nathan
S. Gupta, S. Nathan. Radial Artery Use and Reuse. Cardiac Interventions Today.
Hydrophilic coating aids radial sheath intervention: A randomized double
  • F Kiemeneij
  • D Fraser
  • T Slagboom
Kiemeneij F., Fraser D., Slagboom T. et al. Hydrophilic coating aids radial sheath intervention: A randomized double-blind comparison of coated and uncoated sheaths //