
Russian Sociology in the 1920s–Mid-1950s: The Beginnings of Soviet Sociology

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This period is patchy. The 1920s were most significant: Between 1917 and 1922, there was a struggle between Marxist sociology and all non-Marxist schools. By 1922, Marxist sociology dominated and slowly developed under the umbrella of historical materialism. Several empirical surveys based on the Marxist methodology were conducted during this period. The 1930s and 1940s were less significant as sociological activities were minimized and the discipline itself survived only in a latent form. This chapter sheds light on how the sociological heritage of the two early periods of Russian sociology (up to the mid-1950s) has been used in modern sociological debates in Russia.

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Academic tradition in the history of sociology in Russia>> (by Elena Koukoushkina) looks back at the history of the Russian Academy of sciences founded by Peter the Great as a site for, initially, social and since the second half of the 19(th) century - increasingly sociological research. The author notes that educated part of the society had been first to look up for sociology as tool to improve obvious inequalities of life between upper strata and large majority of the people. Academicians, often as university professors, had brought Russian sociology to a place of prominence in global sociological community. The story is told - via Stalin-time prohibitions and later restrictions - to present days with sociology as recognized member among institutions of the Russian academy of sciences.
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