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Sailan-ur-Rahhem (Abnormal Vaginal Discharge) in Greco-Arabic Medicine: A Review

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Research & Reviews: A Journal of Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy
ISSN: 2394-1960 (Online)
Volume 4, Issue 2
Sailan-ur-Rahem (Abnormal Vaginal Discharge) in Greco-
Arabic Medicine: A Review
Khadija Zahid Ali1, Azhar Hasan1, Shabir Ahmad Parray2,*, Wasim Ahmad3
1Department of Ilmul Qabalat wa Niswan, Mohammadia Tibbia College, Mansoora Malegaon,
Nashik, Maharashtra, India
2Department of Ilmus Saidla (Unani Pharmacy), Mohammadia Tibbia College, Mansoora Malegaon,
Nashik, Maharashtra, India
3Department of Ilmul Advia, Mohammadia Tibbia College, Mansoora Malegaon, Nashik,
Maharashtra, India
Greco-Arab medicine also known as Unani System of Medicine (USM) is well known based on
the Hippocratic humoral theory. According to USM, every person is supposed to have a
unique humoral constitution which represents his healthy state and any change in this state
causes illness of the said person. The severity of the disease depends directly upon the change
in equilibrium from mizaj (Temperament). In Greco-Arab medicine, Sailan-ur-Rahem is a
diseased condition which occurs due to change in the quality and quantity of Balgham
(phlegm) and because of excess useless matter present in the uterus, which is accumulated due
to Zoef-e-quwat-e-dafea. The aim of the present review is to ascertain the Unani concept of
Sailan-ur-Rahem as described in Unani classical literature, and hence to spread the
knowledge for preventive measures and the management of Sailan-ur-Rahem by Unani single
and compound drug formulations which are cost effective and easily available and devoid of
side effects.
Keywords: Unani Medicine, Sailanur Rahem, Abnormal Vaginal Discharge, Balghami Khilt,
Quwat-e-Dafea, Mizaj
*Author for Correspondence E-mail:
Unani system of medicine was originated in
Greece and developed by Arabs into an
elaborated medical science based on the
framework of teachings of Buqrat
(Hippocrates) and Jalinoos (Galen). Since, it
has been known as Greeko-Arab Medicine [1].
Unani medicine, as is well known, based on
the Hippocratic humoral theory. This theory
supposes the presence of four humours in the
body through blood, phlegm, yellow bile and
black bile. The mizaj of individuals are
expressed by word damawi (sanguine),
balghami (phlegmatic), safrawi (choleric) and
saudawi (melancholic), according to the
dominancy of the humour. Every person is
supposed to have a unique humoral
constitution which represents his healthy state
and any change in this state causes illness of
the said person. The severity of the disease
depends directly upon the change in
equilibrium from mizaj (temperament) [2, 3].
The medicines and other therapeutic
managements used in this system, in fact, help
the body to regain this power to an optimum
level and thereby restore humoral balance,
thus retaining health [46].
Sailan-ur-Rahem is a condition in which
abnormal discharges comes from the uterus,
cervix and vagina other than blood. It covers
almost all types of discharges caused by
genital tract infection [7]. Infact, it is one of
the commonest and frequent gynaecological
complaints; more than 25% of women’s visits
to the gynaecologist [8]. In terms of modern
medicine, we often translate it as
Leucorrhoea which is not appropriate
translation of the disease. Infact, the modern
famous gynaecologists had written down the
difference itself. According to Kumar and
Malhotra, The Leucorrhoea means a running
of white substance’ and it is an excessive
amount of the normal vaginal discharge [9].
Sailan-ur-Rahem (Abnormal Vaginal Discharge) in Greco-Arabic Medicine Ali et al.
RRJoUSH (2017) 1-6 © STM Journals 2017. All Rights Reserved Page 2
In USM, Sailan-ur-Rahem is a diseased
condition and a wide term, includes all those
infections which are defined under different
names in modern medicine like
trichomoniasis, moniliasis, bacterial vaginosis
or gonnococcal cervicitis etc [9]. In Sailan-ur-
Rahem, the excess useless matters is present in
the uterus, which is accumulated due to Zoef-
e-quwat-e-dafea [5], and hence excretory
waste of uterus is present in the form of
Sailanur Rahem [11]. The disease occurred
due to irregular and disproportional
distribution of the Akhlat (humors). The
mucous fluid secreted from the vagina is a
kind of Balghami khilt [4]. This disease also
occurs due to change in the quality and
quantity of Balgham [12]. Sailanur Rahem is
caused due to poor nutritional faculty of uterus
(Zoef-e-quwat-e-ghazia of rahem) or if there is
excessive waste product in the body or the
Quwat-e-jazba (absorptive power) of the
uterus becomes weak. Normally, this
excessive waste product is expelled out from
the uterus or vagina as Istefragh (excretion)
[13, 12]. Infact, from the above discussion,
any vaginal discharge that is frankly purulent
and contains pus cells should be considered to
be due to a specific vaginal infection [9].
Classification of Sailan-ur-Rahem
In Unani System of Medicine, the disease is
classified as follows:
According to Khilt
According to Age
According to Site
1. Sailan-ur- Rahem
Damvi - it is caused
by excess of khilte
dam and colour of
discharge is reddish.
2. Sailan-ur- Rahem
Safravi - it is caused
by excess of khilte
safra and the colour
of discharge is
3. Sailan-ur- Rahem
Balghami- it is
caused by excess of
khilte Balgham and
the colour of
discharge is whitish.
4. Sailan-ur- Rahem
Saudavi - it is caused
by excess of khilte
sauda and the colour
of discharge is
blackish. [1418]
(a) Sailan-ur-Rahem in small girls:
Some immature girls suffer from the white
discharge; this is due to worm infestation,
incontinence of urine and vaginal itching etc.
(b) Sailan-ur-Rahem in adolescent girls:
In young unmarried girls, discharge is caused by
excessive sorrow and sadness and unhealthy
condition. It happens near to menstruation, which
causes irritation in the outer area of the vagina.
(c) Sailan-ur-Rahem in newly married women:
This type of discharge is from inner side of the
vagina found mostly in the newly married
women. It is due to the inflammation of uterus
that is aggravated by coitus. In this condition, the
discharge is yellowish white in colour, sour in
nature and causes abrasion and burning in vagina.
(d) Sailan-ur-Rahem in parous women:
This type of discharge is due to cervical laceration
during delivery or chronic inflammation of the
mucous membrane of the uterus. It may become
occasionally due to chronic gonorrhoea. In this
condition, discharge is white and viscous like
white part of egg that comes from the cervix and
it becomes yellowish or reddish because of
mixing of pus or blood. This type of sailan
commonly occurs in childbearing women.
(e) Sailan-ur-Rahem in menopausal women:
This type of discharge occurs in old age women
due to cervical or endometrial carcinoma and
rarely due to Warm Rahem Muzmin. This
discharge is like curd or buttermilk [1418].
(a) Sailan-e-Farji (Vulvar Discharge):
In this condition, the discharge is from the
outer part of vagina.
(b) Sailan-e-Mehbali (Vaginal Discharge):
The discharge comes from inner part of the
(c) Sailan-e-Unqui (Cervical Discharge)
The discharge comes from the cervix of the
(d) Sailan-e-Rahemi (Uterine Discharge):
Uterine discharge may occur at any age of life
and comes from the mucous membrane of the
uterus. In this condition the discharge is white
and viscous like white part of egg [1418].
Predisposing Factors
Predisposing factors of Sailanur Rahem are
Zoef-e-Quwat-e-Jaziba (weakness of
absorptive power) [12]; low socio-economic
condition and bad personal hygiene [14];
Kasrat-e-Isqaat (frequent abortion),
hardworking, cold [19]; Kasrat-e-milaap
(frequent intercourse), Sozak (gonorrhoea),
Aateshak (syphilis), Ehtebas-e-Haiz
(amenorrhoea), Zoef-e-Aam (general
weakness) [15]; Qabz-e-muzmin (chronic
constipation), Niqras (gout), Waja-ul-mafasil
(arthritis), Warm-e-Rahem (metritis), Warm-e-
mahbal (vaginitis) [20]; use of unclean clothes
during menses, Kirm-e-shikam (worm
infestation), Pechish (dysentery), Ishaal
(diarrhoea), Diqq (tuberculosis), calcium
deficiency, Mana-e-aalat-e-hamal
(contraceptive devices), faqr-ud-dam
(anaemia) that suppress the immunity power
Research & Reviews: A Journal of Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy
Volume 4, Issue 2
ISSN: 2394-1960 (Online)
RRJoUSH (2017) 1-6 © STM Journals 2017. All Rights Reserved Page 3
of body and hence increase the chance of
ufoonat (infection) and Nafsiyati dabaav
(mental stress) [21].
Mahiyat-ul-Marz (Pathophysiology)
In case of Sailanur Rahem, Sue Mizaj afflicts
the uterus and effects on the Quwat-e-Ghazia
(nutritive faculty). It is Quwat-e-Maseka
(retentive faculty) which remains at the
receiving end predominantly and becomes
unable to hold back the nutrients in the uterus
for a sufficient time till the Quwat-e-Hazema
(digestive faculty) acts upon these nutrients to
convert them into a matter suitable for
assimilation and incorporation. This half-
braked material subjugates the Hararat-e-
Gharizia. In relative deficiency of Hararat-e-
Gharizia, Hararat-e-Ghariba overpowers the
uterus and turns the accumulation of uterine
waste into infected material. This infected
material may be deviated from normalcy in
colour, consistency and odour. This harmful
and toxic material is excreted out by Quwat-e-
dafea (excretory power). This harmful
material is irritant in nature and when flows
out of the genital tract cause burning and
irritation and when accumulates, causes
ulceration (erosion) especially in the cervix.
This discharge flowing out of the genital tract
is known as Sailan-ur-Rahem [22].
Asbab (Etiology)
It has been described by Ibn Sina that
weakening of Quwat-e-Hazema (digestive
faculty) of urooq-e-haiz and predominance of
Akhlat-e-Arba (four humours) is caused due to
ufoonat (infection) in the uterus, which leads
to Sailan-ur-Rahem [7]. According to another
well known scholar of unani system of
medicine, Ali Ibn Abbas Majoosi, described
that the causative factors of Sailan-ur-Rahem
are Zoef-e-Quwat-e-Jazeba, which causes
excess waste in the body and predominance of
Akhlat Arba [23]. Whereas some other Unani
physicians have described that Sailan-ur-
Rahem is caused by Zeof-e-Quwat-e-Ghazia of
Rahem along with predominance of Akhlate
Arba and waste material in the body [11, 24,
25]. Other causes of Sailan-ur-Rahem are
Nutu-e-rahem (prolapse of uterus), early
pregnancy, Zoef-e-aam (generalized
weakness), anaemia, low socio-economic
status, excessive intake of cold and moist food,
excessive intake of hot and spicy foods,
inadequate diet, excessive intercourse,
unhygienic condition, stress and strain, worm
infestation, amenorrhoea, sozak (Gonorrhoea),
ateshak (syphilis), Waja-ul-Mafasil (arthritis),
Niqras (gout), diqq (tuberculosis), Warm-e-
Rahem, busoor-e-Rahem, Qurooh-e-Rahem
and Bawaseer-e-Rahem [16, 26].
There is thin or thick, viscous, yellowish white
discharge from the vagina. it is associated with
Hikkat-ul-mahbal (pruritus vulvae), Waja-ul-
zahar (low backache), Waja-ul-batan (lower
abdominal pain), Kasrat-e-baul (increased
frequency of micturition), Usr-e-baul
(dysuria), cramps in calf muscle, menstrual
irregularities and Usr-e- tamas (painful
menses), Usr-e-Tanaffus (dyspnoea), loss of
appetite, giddiness, dard-e-sar (headache),
sozish-e-uzlaat-e-badan (burning sensation in
extremities), Nafakh-e-shikam (indigestion),
Qabz (constipation) and Kasrat-e-bedaari
(insomnia) [7, 10, 15, 17, 20, 21]. Vaginal
mucosa and vulva may become inflamed. The
patient may become infertile due to discharge.
The patient may become pale, weak, lethargic
and irritable [7, 10, 15, 17, 20, 21]. Physical
and mental status of the patient gets deprived.
Complexion of the face gets affected and
occasionally there may be puffiness of face
and eyes [10, 13]
In the classical literature of USM, a simple test
is done for the identifying the predominance of
humour i.e. by fresh cotton or white cloth,
(swab method). Ask the patient to keep the
sterile swab in the vagina overnight then allow
it to dry in shade and assess the predominant
humour by its colour. If the discharge is
reddish with predominance of heat, and red
turbid urine indicates predominance of Khilt-e-
Dam. If the discharge is white with other sign
and symptoms of Balgham indicates
predominance of Khilt-e-Balgham. If the
discharge is yellowish, foul smelling and
associated with intense thirst denotes
predominance of Khilt-e-Safra. The blackish
and turbid discharge associated with dryness
and weakness is sign of predominance of
Khilt-e-Sauda [13, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28].
Sailan-ur-Rahem (Abnormal Vaginal Discharge) in Greco-Arabic Medicine Ali et al.
RRJoUSH (2017) 1-6 © STM Journals 2017. All Rights Reserved Page 4
Table 1: Tashkhees-e-farikha (Differential
Diagnosis) of Sailan-ur-rahem on the Basis of
Classical Literature of USM.
Name of Marz
(Differential diagnosis)
Sailan Mani
Discharge is yellowish white,
thick, non-infective with a
characteristic odour.
Bawaseer Rahem
Discharge is reddish or
blackish with associated
Busoor Rahem
Discharge is scanty, yellowish
or reddish in colour. Burning
sensation and irritation are
Sartaan Rahem
Discharge is like meat water or
black in colour with foul smell.
Qurooh Rahem
Discharge is thick yellowish
pus like.
Thick foul smelling discharge
is present.
[7, 16, 23, 24]
Usoole Ilaj (Line of Treatment) [19, 15]
1. In Unani medicine the line of treatment of
Sailanur Rahem is to remove the cause at
first step, then
2. The patients should be advised for general
measures of Sailanur Rahem to avoid
3. Depend upon the dominant khilt (humour),
disease should be treated by munzij &
mus-hil therapy (concoctive and purgative)
of that Khilt; and after that farzajat
(suppositories), which are used in
treatment of menorrhagia, should be
4. If cause is weakness of Quwate ghazia
(nutritive power), then Bahi (Cydonia
vulgaris), Apple and Sharbat of lemon
(Citrus lemon), Arq-e-maul lahem, Maul
jubn, Maul fawakhah etc should be given.
Ghiza-e-latif (easily digestible foods) and
beverages will increase the quwate ghazia
(nutritive power) of uterus.
5. If cause is Warm-e-rahem (Metritis), then
same treatment should be prescribed as
treatment for Warm-e-rahem.
6. If cause is local vaginal infection,
treatment should be given to evacuate the
morbid humour from stomach and liver.
7. If anaemia is a cause, iron compound
should be given.
8. During the treatment course, digestion
should be maintained and Qabz
(constipation) should be avoided by
prescribing Mullayin ghiza and Dawa
(laxative diet and drugs).
9. Maintain strength of all vital organs of the
body by improving the general health of
10. They must also be directed to avoid
exertions and similarly Nafsiyati asbab
(anxiety factor) should be minimized or
11. Cotton loose fitting undergarments should
be used by patients to keep the area
12. Maintain sanitation especially the local
hygiene of affected area [15, 19].
Ilaj (Treatment)
Ilaj bil Dawa (Drug therapy)
Use those drugs which possess the properties
of Mukhrij-e-balgham (Expectorant),
Muqawwi (Tonic), Habis and Qabiz
(Astringent) [25], Mudir (diuretics), Mullayin
(laxative), Mus-hil (purgative), Musakkin
(Analgesic). Further, the drugs should be
selected depending on the khilt involved [28,
29]. In the classical literature of Unani system
of medicine, single and compound (poly
herbal) formulations mentioned by Unani
physicians are summarized in Tables 13
Table 2: List of Single Drugs Generally Used
by Unani Physicians in Management of
Sailan-ur- rahem.
Unani Name
Acacia arabica
Gule Supari
Acecia catechu
Lodh pathani
Sandal Safaid
Gule Surkh
[11, 15, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31]
Research & Reviews: A Journal of Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy
Volume 4, Issue 2
ISSN: 2394-1960 (Online)
RRJoUSH (2017) 1-6 © STM Journals 2017. All Rights Reserved Page 5
Table 3: List of the Polyherbal Drugs
Generally Used by Unani Physicians in
Management of Sailan-ur-rahem.
Name of compound
(polyherbal) formulation
Name of compound
(polyherbal) formulation
Safoof-e-Sailanur Rahem
Majoon-e-Supari Pak
Halwa-e-Supari Pak
Majoon-e-suhaag sonth
Habb-e- Marwareed
Kushta baiz-e-murg
Kushta musallas
[15, 30, 32]
Ilaj bil Ghiza (Dietotherapy)
1. Ghiza-e-latif and Saree-ul-hazm (easily
digestible foods) and beverages should be
given. They increase the Quwate ghazia
(nutritive power) of uterus, e.g., Moong ki
dal, Arhar ki dal, Maul leham, Green
vegetables, and fruits like pomegranates,
apples, grapes etc.
2. Use iron-containing foods.
3. Ghiza-e-kaseef, Hot, spicy and bitter food
should be avoided [25].
1. Uterine weakness leads to infertility
2. Isqaat (Abortion) [12, 24].
Sailan-ur-rahem is a very common
gynaecological problem worldwide, which
most of the women have to face in her lives.
Because of many side effects in Modern
system of medicine, the unani drugs and its
compound formulations can be used as good
alternative for treatment of the disease. Unani
drugs have long history of effectiveness in
treatment of Sailan-ur-rahem without causing
any side effect on the human body. The
disease in Unani system of medicines is in
wide meaning includes all sorts of infections
in the present era. The management and
treatment of the disease mentioned by Unani
physicians is very effective and
We are thankful to the President of Al-
Jamiatul Mohammadia Al-Khairiya, for
providing the facilities.
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Cite this Article
Khadija Zahid Ali, Azhar Hasan, Shabir
Ahmad Parray, Wasim Ahmad. Sailan-
ur-Rahem (Abnormal Vaginal Discharge)
in Greco-Arabic Medicine: A Review.
Research & Reviews: A Journal of Unani,
Siddha and Homeopathy. 2017; 4(2):
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The great Greek Philosopher & Physician Hippocrates (460 -377 B.C.) is the founder of Unani Medicine. Unani medicine is based on the humoral theory (Nazriya Akhlat) postulated by Hippocrates. According to this theory, the health of a person depends on the four basic fluids (Akhlat) viz. Dam (blood), Balgham (phelgm), Safra (yellow bile) and Sauda (black bile) of the body. Every person is supposed to have a unique humoral constitution which represents his healthy state. And to maintain the correct humoral balance there is a power of self-preservation or adjustment called Quwwat-e-Mudabbira Badan or simply Tabiat (Homeostasis) in the body. [1, 7-9] When this proportion is disturbed it manifests in various pathologies. These pathologies are predisposed by the six essential factors of life i.e. environment; foods and drinks; rest and body functions; emotions and psychological rest; sleep and wakefulness and retention and excretion. The medicines and other therapeutic managements used in this system, in fact, help the body to regain this power to an optimum level and thereby restore humoral balance, thus retaining health.[1-3, 6, 8, 10] ABSTRACT Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the leading cause of death in India and the leading cause of death worldwide. One of the important cause of CHD is change in lifestyle and hence obesity and its related consequences. Today, more than 1.1 billion adults worldwide are overweight, and 312 million of them are obese. In addition, at least 155 million children worldwide are overweight or obese. Unani System of Medicine is a well known for its own way of treatment by various methods. The present paper describes the detailed concept of obesity (Samane Mufrat) and its related consequences and management with reference to the Unani concept.
Concept of Anxiety in Greeco Arab medicine: A Review. Internationale pharmaceutica sciencia
  • A Jamal
  • S A Parray
  • M A Siddiqui
  • M A Quamri
Jamal A, Parray SA, Siddiqui MA, Quamri MA. Concept of Anxiety in Greeco Arab medicine: A Review. Internationale pharmaceutica sciencia. 2012; 2(2): 1-6.
Theories and Philosophies of medicine. (New Delhi): Institute of history of medicine and medical research
  • Anonymous
Anonymous. Theories and Philosophies of medicine. (New Delhi): Institute of history of medicine and medical research; 1973: 84, 89–91, 118–121.
  • S Ahmad
  • Tabiyah
Ahmad S. Al Umoor al Tabiyah. NM ed: Delhi: Saini, Printers; 1980.
Temperamentology-A scientific appraisal of human temperament. 1 Edn: Aligarh: AMU
  • I Zaidi
  • M Zulkifle
  • S Ahmad
Zaidi I, Zulkifle M, Ahmad S. Temperamentology-A scientific appraisal of human temperament. 1 Edn: Aligarh: AMU; 1999.
Al-Qanoon Fit Tib Idara Kitabus Shifa
  • Ibn Sina
Ibn Sina. Al-Qanoon Fit Tib. Vol 2. Urdu translation by Kintoori SGH. (New Delhi): Idara Kitabus Shifa; 2007; 341p.
Text Book of Gynaecology. 5 th Edn
  • D Dutta
Dutta D C. Text Book of Gynaecology. 5 th Edn, (Kolkata): New Central Book Agency; 2008; 159-60p.
Jeffcoate's Principles of Gynaecology
  • P Kumar
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