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High diversity and unique composition of gut microbiomes in pygmy (Kogia breviceps) and dwarf (K. sima) sperm whales


Abstract and Figures

Mammals host diverse bacterial and archaeal symbiont communities (i.e. microbiomes) that play important roles in digestive and immune system functioning, yet cetacean microbiomes remain largely unexplored, in part due to sample collection difficulties. Here, fecal samples from stranded pygmy (Kogia breviceps) and dwarf (K. sima) sperm whales were used to characterize the gut microbiomes of two closely-related species with similar diets. 16S rRNA gene sequencing revealed diverse microbial communities in kogiid whales dominated by Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes. Core symbiont taxa were affiliated with phylogenetic lineages capable of fermentative metabolism and sulfate respiration, indicating potential symbiont contributions to energy acquisition during prey digestion. The diversity and phylum-level composition of kogiid microbiomes differed from those previously reported in toothed whales, which exhibited low diversity communities dominated by Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria. Community structure analyses revealed distinct gut microbiomes in K. breviceps and K. sima, driven by differential relative abundances of shared taxa, and unique microbiomes in kogiid hosts compared to other toothed and baleen whales, driven by differences in symbiont membership. These results provide insight into the diversity, composition and structure of kogiid gut microbiomes and indicate that host identity plays an important role in structuring cetacean microbiomes, even at fine-scale taxonomic levels.
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SCieNtifiC REPORTs | 7: 7205 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-07425-z
High diversity and unique
composition of gut microbiomes in
pygmy (Kogia breviceps) and dwarf
(K. sima) sperm whales
Patrick M. Erwin , Ryan G. Rhodes, Kevin B. Kiser, Tiany F. Keenan-Bateman,
William A. McLellan & D. Ann Pabst
Mammals host diverse bacterial and archaeal symbiont communities (i.e. microbiomes) that play
important roles in digestive and immune system functioning, yet cetacean microbiomes remain largely
unexplored, in part due to sample collection diculties. Here, fecal samples from stranded pygmy
(Kogia breviceps) and dwarf (K. sima) sperm whales were used to characterize the gut microbiomes of
two closely-related species with similar diets. 16S rRNA gene sequencing revealed diverse microbial
communities in kogiid whales dominated by Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes. Core symbiont taxa were
aliated with phylogenetic lineages capable of fermentative metabolism and sulfate respiration,
indicating potential symbiont contributions to energy acquisition during prey digestion. The diversity
and phylum-level composition of kogiid microbiomes diered from those previously reported in toothed
whales, which exhibited low diversity communities dominated by Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria.
Community structure analyses revealed distinct gut microbiomes in K. breviceps and K. sima, driven by
dierential relative abundances of shared taxa, and unique microbiomes in kogiid hosts compared to
other toothed and baleen whales, driven by dierences in symbiont membership. These results provide
insight into the diversity, composition and structure of kogiid gut microbiomes and indicate that host
identity plays an important role in structuring cetacean microbiomes, even at ne-scale taxonomic levels.
Microorganisms form symbiotic relationships with nearly all animal taxa, from basal invertebrate phyla (e.g.
sponges)1 to humans2, and play important roles in the biology, ecology and evolution of animal life3. e struc-
tural and functional diversity of microbial communities (“microbiomes”) have been particularly well-studied in
mammals and shown to be a key determinant of health and disease4. Indeed, host-microbe interactions in the
mammalian gastrointestinal tract contribute signicantly to host metabolism and pathogen defense. e gut
microbiome provides essential nutrients (e.g. vitamins)5 and aids in the digestion of complex macromolecules
to deliver energy sources otherwise unavailable to animal hosts2. Furthermore, these microbes are crucial to the
development and regulation of the immune system6 and contribute to pathogen defense through colonization
resistance, competing for colonization sites and secreting substances that inhibit pathogen growth7. e study
of the complex bacterial and archaeal taxa that comprise mammalian gut microbiomes can thus provide insight
into host health and homeostasis, and is particularly timely for species threatened by anthropogenic disturbances,
such as marine mammals.
Marine mammals are emblematic and ecologically signicant members of coastal and pelagic ecosystems8 that
are represented in three mammalian orders (Carnivora, Cetartiodactyla and Sirenia), united by lifestyle rather
than evolutionary history. e cumulative eects of direct (e.g. hunting) and indirect (e.g. habitat exploitation)
anthropogenic impacts have led to worldwide declines in marine mammal populations, including extinction
events9, and have resulted in over 20% of extant species being classied as threatened or endangered10. Mass
mortality events from viral pathogens and secondary opportunistic infections11, 12 have prompted investigations
of infectious diseases, their impacts of cetacean populations and their zoonotic implications13. In addition to
the study of pathogenic bacteria and viruses, recent work has also focused on determining the composition and
Department of Biology and Marine Biology, Center for Marine Science, University of North Carolina Wilmington,
Wilmington, NC, 28409, USA. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to P.M.E. (email:
Received: 14 February 2017
Accepted: 28 June 2017
Published: xx xx xxxx
SCieNtifiC REPORTs | 7: 7205 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-07425-z
function of resident microbial communities inhabiting marine mammals. To date, most studies have focused on
mammals in the orders Sirenia (e.g. dugongs14, 15, manatees16) and Carnivora (e.g. seals1719, sea lions20), while
cetaceans remain largely unexplored (whales, dolphins and porpoises, Order Cetartiodactyla)21, due in part to
diculties in in situ sample collection and the opportunistic nature of stranding events22. e emerging eld of
cetacean microbiology has largely focused on gut microbiome composition20, 23, 24, with recent metagenomic
surveys characterizing the putative functionality of these symbiotic communities25. Preliminary trends in the
structure of cetacean gut microbiomes include divergence between cetacean-associated and free-living micro-
bial communities20, a high degree of host-specicity, and lower diversity microbiomes in toothed whale species
compared to baleen whales25. Broader host taxon sampling is required to conrm these trends and apply this
knowledge towards conservation and rehabilitation eorts for threatened and endangered cetacean species26.
In this study, we characterized the gut microbiomes of two closely-related species in the cetacean genus Kogia,
K. breviceps (pygmy sperm whale) and K. sima (dwarf sperm whale), which exhibit similar gross morphology
and ecological niches in open ocean habitats27, 28. Both species have a shark-like appearance, characterized by a
blunt rostrum (or pointed snout), underslung jaw and cervical pigmentation pattern that resembles a gill slit28.
Historically, the shared morphological characteristics between these species have confounded taxonomic analy-
ses of the genus Kogia. Current species-level resolution of kogiid whales recognizes two species, based on mor-
phology and molecular evidence2931, although at-sea identication remains challenging. In general, K. breviceps
exhibits greater body size than K. sima, with distinct dierences in dorsal n location, dorsal n height and exter-
nal “false gill slit” pigmentation between the two species28, 31, 32. It has been suggested that K. breviceps may dive
more deeply and be found further oshore than K. sima32, but these species display a high degree of dietary over-
lap that indicates very similar foraging ecologies27. Both species exhibit a worldwide distribution in tropical and
temperate o-shore waters and predominantly feed on cephalopods during extended, deep dives. Observations
at-sea of kogiid whales have been rare, due to their inconspicuous surface behavior and extended dive times, yet
K. breviceps and K. sima are among the most commonly stranded cetaceans along the southeastern U.S.33, 34. Here,
we examined fecal samples of stranded individuals of K. breviceps and K. sima to study kogiid gut microbiomes in
a comparative context controlling for broad dierences in diet and phylogenetic history. Our objectives were to
provide the rst characterization of kogiid gut microbiomes and to determine their host-specicity, by comparing
microbiome diversity and structure between kogiid species and across other toothed (odontocete) and baleen
(mysticete) whale hosts. We hypothesized that kogiid gut microbiomes would exhibit: (1) similar richness and
diversity compared to other toothed whale species, (2) lower richness and diversity compared to baleen whale
species, and (3) distinct community structure compared to other toothed and baleen whale species.
Composition of cetacean gut microbiomes. A total of 1,720 symbiont OTUs were recovered from
K. breviceps (n = 1,368) and K. sima (n = 890), representing 11 bacterial phyla and one archaeal lineage (Fig.1,
TableS1). e gut microbiomes of K. breviceps and K. sima were dominated by the bacterial phyla Firmicutes
and Bacteroidetes, together accounting for >68% of the total gut microbial communities in each kogiid host.
Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria, Synergistetes and Verrucomicrobia were also common members of kogiid gut
microbiomes (Fig.1), with six additional rare phyla (<1% relative abundance) detected in both K. breviceps and
K. sima (TableS1). Notably, some dierentiation of gut microbiomes in K. breviceps and K. sima was observed
at the phylum level. In total, ve phyla exhibited dierential abundances between hosts, including signicantly
(P < 0.05) higher relative abundances of Bacteroidetes, Verrucomicrobia and Lentisphaerae in K. breviceps, and
Actinobacteria and Cyanobacteria in K. sima (TableS1).
Comparative analysis with other toothed and baleen whale species revealed that the dominance of the bacterial
phyla Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes in kogiid microbiomes was more characteristic of baleen whales than those of
other toothed whales (Fig.1). e vast majority (84 to 91%) of the gut microbiomes in baleen whale hosts (hump-
back whales, right whales, and sei whales) were comprised of Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes, whereas non-kogiid
toothed whale hosts were dominated by Proteobacteria (60% in bottlenose dolphins) and Actinobacteria (66% in
beluga whales, Fig.1). Despite these shared dominant phyla, several bacterial phyla distinguished kogiid micro-
biomes from those in baleen whales: Actinobacteria and Synergistetes were common in kogiid hosts (6–15 and
2–4%, respectively) while rare in baleen hosts (<2 and <0.2%, respectively), while Spirochaetes were common
members of baleen whale microbiomes (3–8%) and extremely rare in kogiid hosts (<0.03%).
Diversity of cetacean gut microbiomes. Gut microbiomes in kogiid whales exhibited high OTU-level
diversity, averaging 432 (±7 SE) and 416 (±18 SE) symbiont OTUs per host in K. breviceps and K. sima, respec-
tively. No signicant dierences in richness (S), diversity (1/D), evenness (E1/D) and dominance (d) were observed
in gut microbial communities between kogiid hosts (post hoc Tukey’s HSD tests, Fig.2), indicating similar
richness and evenness of gut microbiomes in these closely related species. Broader comparisons of diversity
including previously characterized cetacean gut microbiomes revealed that kogiid whales hosted microbial com-
munities with signicantly (P < 0.05) higher diversity than those occurring in other toothed whales (bottlenose
dolphins = 52 ± 18 OTUs, beluga whales = 84 ± 8, post hoc Tukey’s HSD tests, Fig.2). Similarly, a single OTU
dominated the microbial communities of bottlenose dolphins (67%) and beluga whales (74%), while the most
abundant OTU accounted for less than a quarter of the microbiome in K. breviceps (23%) and K. sima (15%). In
contrast, kogiid gut microbiomes did not dier signicantly in richness, diversity and dominance compared to
the gut microbial communities inhabiting three baleen whale species (post hoc Tukey’s HSD tests, Fig.2).
Community structure of cetacean gut microbiomes. Despite similarities in community diversity, the
gut microbiomes in K. breviceps and K. sima exhibited signicant dierences in community structure according
to both OTU-based and phylogenetic beta-diversity metrics (PERMANOVA, P < 0.01, Table1), indicating that
SCieNtifiC REPORTs | 7: 7205 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-07425-z
distinct microbial communities inhabit each host species. ese dierences were visible in cluster plots based on
microbiome similarity, which grouped kogiid individuals by host species (Fig.3). Importantly, these structural
dierences were driven by dierences in the relative abundance of shared symbiont taxa, as analyses based on
symbiont membership revealed no signicant dierences (PERMANOVA, P > 0.11) in microbiome community
structure between kogiid hosts for either beta-diversity metric (Table1, Fig.S1) and no host-specic clustering of
microbiomes in cluster plots (Fig.S1). Indeed, the 538 OTUs shared between K. breviceps and K. sima accounted
for >99% of the recovered sequences, while the unique OTUs in each hosts’ microbiome (n = 830 in K. breviceps,
n = 352 in K. sima) were extremely rare (in total, representing <1% of all sequences). Signicant dierences in
dispersion were detected between the microbiomes of K. breviceps and K. sima (PERMDISP, P < 0.01, TableS2),
indicating greater intra-specic variability in microbial communities among K. sima individuals. Again, these
dierences were driven by variability in the relative abundance of shared symbionts, as analyses based on symbi-
ont membership revealed no signicant dierences in dispersion (PERMDISP, P > 0.05, TableS2). No signicant
dierences in the structure of kogiid gut microbiomes were detected based on sex (ANOSIM, P > 0.18) or carcass
condition (P > 0.36, TableS3).
e high degree of host-specicity exhibited by kogiid gut microbiomes was also observed across more dis-
tantly related host species, including other toothed whales and baleen whales, as cluster plots based on microbial
community similarity grouped all individuals by host species (Fig.3). Host species accounted for the majority
(69%) of variation observed between samples and signicant dierences between hosts were observed for most
pairwise comparisons (Table1), with exceptions generally involving pairwise comparisons with low statistical
power (i.e. hosts with low replication, T. truncatus and D. leucas). Dierences between the gut microbiomes of
these more distantly related cetacean hosts were driven by symbiont membership, rather than relative abun-
dance of shared taxa alone, as analyses of presence-absence data revealed a higher proportion of variation (83%)
explained by host species and more distinct clustering of host species in cluster plots (Fig.S1).
Dominant symbiont OTUs in kogiid gut microbiomes. Core microbiomes in kogiid whales were iden-
tied as symbiont OTUs detected in all samples of each host species, thereby excluding potentially transient mem-
bers of the recovered communities. Core microbiomes were comprised of 147 and 155 OTUs in K. breviceps and
K. sima, respectively, and represented a small fraction of overall symbiont diversity (10.7% in K. breviceps, 17.4%
in K. sima). However, core OTUs also represented dominant symbiont taxa and accounted for the vast majority of
overall symbiont communities (96.2 to 97.4%). A high degree of overlap in symbiont membership was observed
when comparing the core communities in K. breviceps and K. sima. e shared component of core microbiomes
Figure 1. Phylum-level composition of gut microbiomes in Kogia breviceps and K. sima compared with
previous data from other toothed and baleen whales25. Relative abundances of common microbial phyla are
shown in color, with rare phyla (other) in black (Fusobacteria, Euryarchaeota, Lentisphaerae, Cyanobacteria,
Planctomycetes, Fibrobacteres, Deferribacteres, TM7, TM6, Acidobacteria, Elusimicrobia, Armatimonadetes,
ermi, and ermotogae).
SCieNtifiC REPORTs | 7: 7205 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-07425-z
in these two kogiid hosts was comprised of 115 OTUs that accounted for most of the sequence reads recovered
from K. breviceps (95.6%) and K. sima (94.0%, TableS4).
e 25 most common OTUs in kogiid microbiomes were examined in further detail to compare their rel-
ative abundances between kogiid hosts and presence in the microbiomes of other toothed and baleen whales
(Table2). All 25 OTUs represented core members of both kogiid species microbiomes, yet exhibited dierent rel-
ative abundances in each host. Together, these 25 OTUs contributed to 66.3% of the variation observed between
the microbiomes of K. breviceps and K. sima, with 14 OTUs (56%) exhibiting signicantly dierent abundances
between kogiid hosts (Table2). Eighteen (72.0%) of these OTUs were unique to kogiid microbiomes (i.e., not
detected in the other toothed and baleen hosts included herein) and 15 OTUs (60%) exhibited greater than 3%
sequence divergence from any previously characterized sequence (GenBank database), likely representing novel
bacterial species. Combined with the unresolved taxonomic status of some dominant OTUs, these results indicate
that several novel taxa comprise kogiid microbiomes and are most closely related to symbionts identied in gut
communities of other mammalian hosts (Table2). For example, the most abundant OTU in both kogiid hosts
(OTU1) was unique to kogiid microbiomes, unclassied below the phylum level (Bacteroidetes) and exhibited
over 9% sequence divergence from the most closely related bacterium, a symbiont characterized from elephant
(Elephas maximus) feces (Table2).
e few symbiont OTUs shared between gut communities of kogiid and other cetacean hosts were generally
in very low abundance in one or both hosts, with notable exceptions. OTU2 (Firmicutes, Peptostreptococcaceae)
was a dominant member of the microbiomes in both kogiid hosts (10.2% in K. breviceps, 6.7% in K. sima) as
well as bottlenose dolphins (18.5%). Mycobacterium arupense (Actinobacteria, OTU4) and Oscillospira sp.
(Firmicutes, OTU8) were common in K. breviceps (3.8 and 2.6%, respectively) and K. sima (1.3 and 1.0%), with
the former symbiont a dominant member of beluga whale microbiomes (65.3%) and the latter symbiont a domi-
nant member of humpback whale microbiomes (14.5%).
Characterization of gut microbiomes in pygmy (K. breviceps) and dwarf (K. sima) sperm whales revealed diverse
and host-specic microbial communities inhabiting kogiid whales. Gut microbiomes in K. breviceps and K.
sima exhibited similar levels of richness and evenness, along with high overlap in symbiont membership, yet
Richness (S)
Evenness (E
ab ab
bc bc
D. leucas
T. truncatus
K. breviceps
K. sima
M. novaeangliae
E. glacialis
B. borealis
D. leucas
T. truncatus
K. breviceps
K. sima
M. novaeangliae
E. glacialis
B. borealis
To othed whales Baleen whales Toothed whales Baleen whales
Figure 2. Diversity metrics of kogiid gut microbiomes compared with previous data from other toothed
(gray bars) and baleen (black bars) whales25. Dierent letters above bars denote signicantly dierent means
among host species (P < 0.05). No signicant dierences in evenness occurred between host species (n.s. = not
signicant). Error bars represent ±1 standard deviation.
SCieNtifiC REPORTs | 7: 7205 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-07425-z
were dierentiated by the relative abundance of shared symbiont taxa. As a result, distinct microbial community
structure was detected between kogiid species, as well as, among kogiid microbial communities and previously
characterized gut microbiomes of other toothed and baleen whales. Notably, these latter dierences were driven
by dierences in community membership and several dominant kogiid-associated OTUs exhibited high levels
of dierentiation from any described bacteria, indicating the presence of unique symbiont taxa in these hosts.
Kogiid gut microbiomes exhibited unique structure and composition and a high-degree of host-specicity, thus
highlighting the importance of host identity in structuring cetacean microbiomes.
e diversity of gut microbial communities in kogiid whales was unexpectedly high, as previous investiga-
tions of toothed whale gut microbiomes revealed low levels of phylum- and OTU-level diversity. Symbiont OTU
richness in K. breviceps (432 ± 7) and K. sima (416 ± 18) was nearly ve times higher than the gut microbiomes of
bottlenose dolphins (T. truncatus 52 ± 8) and beluga whales (D. leucas 84 ± 18) included in comparative analyses
Pairwise Comparison
Bray-Curtis Similarity UniFrac Distance
Rel. Abund. Presence-Abs. Weighted Unweighted
t P t P t P t P
K. breviceps - K. sima 2.405 0.001*1.350 0.119 2.906 0.001*1.187 0.145
K. breviceps - D. leucas 6.531 0.001*15.29 0.001*5.702 0.001*2.228 0.003*
K. breviceps - E. glacialis 10.405 0.001*46.88 0.001*5.006 0.001*3.085 0.001*
K. breviceps - M. novaeangliae 6.895 0.001*25.44 0.001*3.681 0.002*2.304 0.002*
K. breviceps - T. truncatus 4.045 0.001*8.223 0.001*3.287 0.001*2.143 0.003*
K. sima - D. leucas 3.509 0.005*9.296 0.001*2.844 0.010*1.856 0.033
K. sima - M. novaeangliae 3.854 0.001*15.827 0.001*1.927 0.025 1.900 0.025
K. sima - E. glacialis 6.071 0.001*30.62 0.001*3.014 0.001*2.447 0.001*
K. sima - T. truncatus 2.270 0.022 4.927 0.002*1.704 0.065 1.770 0.034
E. glacialis - D. leucas 5.831 0.001*11.558 0.001*3.877 0.001*2.061 0.005*
E. glacialis - M. novaeangliae 3.440 0.001*7.181 0.001*1.609 0.079 1.625 0.029
E. glacialis - T. truncatus 3.495 0.004*6.253 0.001*2.633 0.002*1.968 0.007*
M. novaeangliae - D. leucas 3.788 0.004*6.231 0.002*2.337 0.032 1.553 0.098
M. novaeangliae - T. truncatus 1.964 0.070 3.122 0.014*1.530 0.136 1.445 0.174
T. truncatus - D. leucas 1.770 0.141 2.321 0.075 1.121 0.379 1.108 0.386
Table 1. Pairwise statistical comparisons of microbial community structure (PERMANOVA) across cetacean
hosts, based on OTU-dependent (Bray Curtis) and OTU-independent (UniFrac) metrics of relative abundance
(Rel. Abund., Weighted) and presence-absence (Presence-Abs., Unweighted) data. Asterisks (*) indicate
signicant dierences following B-Y corrections.
Eubalaenaglacialis F16
Eubalaenaglacialis F9
Eubalaenaglacialis F2
Eubalaenaglacialis F5
Eubalaenaglacialis F8
Eubalaenaglacialis F11
Eubalaenaglacialis F12
Balaenoptera borealis JS1
Tursiops truncatusJS13
Tursiops truncatusJS14
Delphinapterus le ucas JS16
Delphinapterus le ucas JS17
Kogiabreviceps K02
Kogiabreviceps K07
Kogiabreviceps K06
Kogiabreviceps K09
Kogiabreviceps K04
Kogiabreviceps K08
Kogiabreviceps K01
Kogiabreviceps K03
Kogiabreviceps K05
Microbiome Similarity (Bray-Curtis, %)
Sperm Whales
Sperm Whales
Beluga Whales
Bottlenose Dolphins
Right Whales
Toothed Whales Baleen Whales
Figure 3. Similarity of gut microbiomes in Kogia breviceps and K. sima compared with previous data from
other toothed and baleen whales25 based on relative abundance OTU data. Shaded boxes delineate toothed
whale species (light gray) and baleen whale species (dark gray).
SCieNtifiC REPORTs | 7: 7205 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-07425-z
herein. In contrast to the kogiid colonic content sampled from stranded wild individuals, fecal samples from
bottlenose dolphins and beluga whales were collected following defecation by captive individuals25. However,
similarly low diversity communities have been reported in other toothed whale species, including rectal swabs
of wild (36 ± 2) and captive (41 ± 8) bottlenose dolphins20, striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba, 75 OTUs)23
and colonic contents of the Yangtze nless porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis, 30 OTUs)24, indi-
cating that dierent sampling methods and host status (wild vs. captive) alone do not account for the observed
dierences in microbiome richness between kogiids and other toothed whales. As such, kogiid whales appear
to represent a more fertile microbial habitat compared to other toothed whale species, possibly related to the
unique colonic sac that enlarges the large intestine of kogiid whales (e.g. 50 L of feces were extracted from a
295 cm individual K. breviceps)35. e presence of this colonic feature, and its potential to sequester feces for
extended periods of time, are also hypothesized to contribute to the detectability of the neurotoxin domoic acid in
kogiids36. Otherwise, kogiid gastrointestinal tracts exhibit similar morphology to those of most other odontocetes
(including Physeter macrocephalus) and mysticetes, with a multi-chambered stomach consisting of single fore-,
main and pyloric chambers37. Interestingly, the low diversity of gut microbiomes in non-kogiid toothed whales
contrasts with other body sites of these animals, where high diversity microbial communities have been reported.
For example, the oral microbiome of bottlenose dolphins displayed twice the phylum-level and four times the
OTU-level diversity compared to their gut microbiomes20. Whether the observed dierences in microbiome
diversity between kogiid and other toothed whales translate into dierences in community functionality and
stability (e.g. via functional redundancy) are important questions for understanding host-symbiont interactions
and will require additional metagenomic and cultivation-based studies of whale microbiomes.
Kogiid whale gut microbiomes were dominated by symbiont taxa aliated with the phyla Firmicutes and
Bacteroidetes, two common lineages in mammalian gut communities. Members of the phylum Firmicutes were
rare in some non-kogiid toothed whale hosts, for example, representing <2% of gut communities in beluga
whales. In bottlenose dolphins, high variability was observed in the relative abundance of Firmicutes symbi-
onts (<1 to 55%), though recent work indicates that Firmicutes are indeed dominant members of the bottle-
nose dolphin gut microbiome20, 38. In contrast, Bacteroidetes were greatly reduced (<2%) in gut microbiomes
of both non-kogiid toothed whales investigated herein, consistent with previous studies20, 38, while comprising
a large fraction of symbiont communities in K. breviceps (31%) and K. sima (13%). Bacteroidetes are common
members of herbivorous1416 and carnivorous18, 39, 40 marine mammal microbiomes and are well known for their
ability to degrade high molecular weight organic compounds, including complex polysaccharides41. Accordingly,
OTU Phylum (lowest taxonomy) K. breviceps K. sima % Contrib. Unique BLAST Match Source (Identity, Acc. No.)
*000001 Bacteroidetes (unclassied) 22.98 ± 2.12 9.72 ± 3.66 10.87 Ye s Elephant Feces (90.6, EU471682)
*000007 Firmicutes (o_Clostridiales) 3.33 ± 1.29 7.09 ± 1.28 4.14 Ye s Dolphin Rectum (96.0, JQ204280)
*000010 Firmicutes (f_Mogibacteriaceae) 5.07 ± 0.46 1.64 ± 0.95 1.97 Ye s Sea Lion Rectum (94.0, JQ207359)
*000018 Synergistetes (f_Synergistaceae) 3.78 ± 0.43 0.14 ± 0.08 2.94 Ye s Zebra Feces (92.4, EU470284)
*000021 Bacteroidetes (o_Bacteroidales) 3.22 ± 0.62 0.10 ± 0.04 2.52 Ye s Bovine Colon (90.5, JX096352)
*000008 Firmicutes (g_Oscillospira) 2.55 ± 0.45 0.97 ± 0.34 1.34 No Equine Manure (100, AY212772)
*000026 Proteobacteria (Campylobacter f etus) 2.62 ± 1.41 0.04 ± 0.00 2.08 Ye s Human Feces (99.2, CP015575)
*000030 Verrucomicrobia (f_RFP12) 2.26 ± 0.53 0.11 ± 0.07 1.73 Yes Sediment (92.6, GU453511)
*000020 Actinobacteria (f_Coriobacteriaceae) 0.25 ± 0.03 4.11 ± 1.85 3.1 Ye s Bovine Rumen (91.7, KT172105)
*000022 Actinobacteria (g_Adlercreutzia) 0.40 ± 0.05 3.63 ± 1.08 2.59 Ye s Swine Feces (93.3, KP102484)
*000039 Firmicutes (f_Ruminococcaceae) 1.57 ± 0.52 0.24 ± 0.06 1.07 Yes Chicken Feces (96.0, JQ248085)
*000038 Firmicutes (g_Butyrivibrio) 1.52 ± 0.20 0.29 ± 0.04 0.99 Yes Sea Lion Rectum (96.0, JQ208575)
*000047 Bacteria (unclassied) 1.40 ± 0.52 0.05 ± 0.01 1.1 Ye s Anaerobic Digester (90.1, KF631052)
*000058 Firmicutes (o_Clostridiales) 1.17 ± 0.81 0.05 ± 0.01 0.92 Ye s Swine Feces (96.5, KP107340)
000002 Firmicutes (f_Peptostreptococcaceae) 10.20 ± 2.29 6.67 ± 3.35 6.17 No Dolphin Rectum (98.8, JQ202598)
000005 Firmicutes (Clostridium perfringens) 1.65 ± 0.86 8.63 ± 5.37 6.79 No Human Feces (100, KX674026)
000004 Actinobacteria (Mycobacterium arupense) 3.83 ± 1.27 1.32 ± 0.56 2.7 No Porpoise Feces (100, JN792395)
000013 Bacteria (unclassied) 1.32 ± 0.43 3.81 ± 1.86 2.6 Ye s Dolphin Rectum (98.8, JQ203364)
000025 Bacteroidetes (unclassied) 1.92 ± 0.78 1.57 ± 1.42 1.89 Ye s Bovine Rumen (92.1, AB616513)
000016 Firmicutes (g_Oscillospira) 1.45 ± 0.21 2.38 ± 1.47 1.51 Ye s Human Feces (100, HQ808319)
000034 Bacteroidetes (unclassied) 1.52 ± 0.40 0.39 ± 0.21 1.02 Ye s Bovine Rumen (90.2, GQ327094)
000033 Proteobacteria (g_Citrobacter) 0.10 ± 0.04 3.29 ± 3.23 2.63 No Human Feces (100, CP016762)
000037 Firmicutes (f_Mogibacteriaceae) 0.78 ± 0.06 1.63 ± 0.82 0.92 Ye s Sea Lion Rectum (96.4, JQ207359)
000029 Firmicutes (Clostridium perfringens) 0.08 ± 0.03 2.60 ± 2.10 2.06 No Dolphin Rectum (100, JQ202064)
000049 Firmicutes (Faecalibacterium prausnitz ii) 0.94 ± 0.24 0.61 ± 0.42 0.68 No Sea l Colon (99.2, GQ867580)
Table 2. Common OTUs in the gut microbiomes of Kogia breviceps and K. sima, showing phylum- and lowest-
level taxonomy, relative abundances, and percentage contributions to dissimilarity between hosts (SIMPER
analysis). Unique OTUs were those not detected in other whale species (comparative analysis herein). BLAST
matches show the source and identity (%) of the closest known relative for each OTU. Asterisks (*) denote
dierentially abundant OTUs between kogiid hosts.
SCieNtifiC REPORTs | 7: 7205 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-07425-z
these symbionts are thought to play a key role in the digestive health of mammals and their absence in many
toothed whale species may reect alternative nutrient acquisition strategies. Importantly, Bacteroidetes have been
reported as common (even dominant) in other body sites of toothed whale hosts, including the oral, upper gastric
and respiratory microbiomes of bottlenose dolphins20, thus their absence in the lower gut may indicate environ-
mental selection against these taxa in this particular microhabitat of these hosts.
e structural determinants of gut microbiome composition in marine mammals include age, diet and phy-
logenetic position17, 20, 25, similar to studies of terrestrial counterparts42, 43. In this study, the similar foraging niches
and dietary overlap between K. breviceps and K. sima27 allowed for the investigation of cetacean microbiomes in
a comparative context controlling for broad dierences in diet and isolating host-specic factors. Our results
suggest that host identity plays an important role in structuring cetacean microbiomes, even at ne-scale taxo-
nomic levels, as distinct microbiome structure was observed between closely-related kogiid hosts. In contrast,
host sex and carcass condition showed no signicant eects on microbiome structure in kogiid whales. Evidence
to date indicates that sex is not an important structuring factor for marine mammal microbiomes, as past studies
have similarly reported no signicant eect of sex on gut microbiomes of bottlenose dolphins20, leopard seals
(Hydrurga leptonyx)17, manatees (Trichechus manatus)16 and dugongs (Dugong dugon)14. An exception to this
trend occurs in elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) which, in contrast to the aforementioned species, exhibit pro-
nounced sexual size dimorphism hypothesized to drive observed dierences in gut microbiomes between males
and females17. Future studies of gut microbial communities in cetacean species that display drastic sexual size
dimorphism (e.g. the true sperm whale, Physeter macrocephalus) will yield further insight into the impacts of
sex-specic variations in body size and foraging behavior on gut microbiome structure. Importantly, no eect of
carcass condition was recovered herein. ese results are consistent with recent studies of postmortem mammal
microbiomes (e.g. murine models)44 showing that endogenous gut bacteria continue to dominate gastrointesti-
nal communities until advanced stages of decomposition, specically intestinal rupture and the exposure of the
abdominal cavity to oxygen. e postmortem stability of gut-associated communities indicates that stranded
whales in early stages of decomposition can be used to provide accurate representations of cetacean gut microbi-
omes in wild ranging animals.
e taxonomic composition of kogiid gut microbiomes also oers insight into the putative functionality of
gut-associated bacteria, as several core symbiont taxa were classied into bacterial lineages with known physio-
logical capabilities. Facultative and obligate anaerobes with fermentative metabolism were common, including
members of the families Ruminococcaceae (Faecalibacterium, Oscillospira), Enterobacteriaceae (Citrobacter)
and Lachnospiraceae (Buytrivibrio). Microbial fermentation transforms undigested dietary components into
end-products readily metabolized by mammal hosts, namely short-chain fatty acids (SCFA). Similar to rumi-
nant mammals, cetacean gastrointestinal tracts include a non-glandular forestomach that likely functions as a
fermentation vessel, based on cultivation studies of forestomach bacteria45, SCFA proling of this chamber46 and
metagenomic characterization of carbon metabolism in whales25. e taxonomic data herein, combined with
past evidence of fermentation in sperm whales (based on bile acid composition)47, indicates that fermentative
metabolism occurs in the gastrointestinal tract of K. breviceps and K. sima and potentially contributes to energy
acquisition during prey digestion. Other core members of kogiid gut microbiomes were aliated with sulfate
reducing bacteria, including Desulfovibrio (Desulfovibrionaceae) and Desulfomonile (Syntrophaceae), which may
persist in the anaerobic habitat of whale intestines by deriving energy from the respiration of sulfate present in
small volumes of seawater ingested with prey. Finally, several putative pathogens were detected in K. breviceps
and K. sima, including Campylobacter fetus, Clostridium perfringens and Mycobacterium arupense. e clinical
relevance of these bacteria is unclear, although their role as opportunistic pathogens in other hosts48, taxonomic
distinction from pathogens reported for toothed whale species49 and prevalence in diverse cetacean hosts50 sug-
gest low virulence and potentially a greater threat to immunocompromised individuals.
In summary, this study characterized the structure and taxonomic composition of gut microbiomes of kogiid
whales, a critical rst step in understanding the role of cetaceans as microbial habitats and the contributions of
symbiont communities to host metabolism and health. e selective pressures that contribute to the establish-
ment and maintenance of host-specic microbiomes in kogiid whales may include unique microhabitats within
each host, functional contributions of specic microbial guilds to host tness, or a combination of both phenom-
ena. Future studies targeting how these diverse, host-specic microbiomes form (e.g. comparative analyses across
cetacean life stages) and their physiological characteristics (e.g. metagenomic and culture-based investigations)
will provide further insight into microbiome development and functionality. Ultimately, a holistic understanding
of host-microbe interactions in kogiid whales may yield insights into the impacts of gut dysbiosis on health and
aid in health assessments and rehabilitation eorts for these species, which currently exhibit very low success rates
due to mortality from gastric and intestinal stasis35.
Ethics Statement. All research activities were carried out under a NOAA Stranding Agreement to UNCW
and research protocols were approved by UNCW’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (protocols
A0809-019, A1112-013 and A1415-015). ere is considerable uncertainty surrounding the status of Kogia brev-
iceps and K. sima, with both species categorized as “Data Decient” on the IUCN Red List of reatened Species
( is study relied solely upon postmortem sampling of stranded kogiid whales
from North Carolina, responded to under authorization of the US Marine Mammal Protection Act. Animals
were either found dead (n = 4), died during initial response (n = 4) or underwent humane euthanasia (n = 5)
for reasons unrelated to this study following consultation with the National Marine Fisheries Service and under
the supervision of a licensed veterinarian in accordance with the American Veterinary Medical Association
Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals (2013 Edition).
SCieNtifiC REPORTs | 7: 7205 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-07425-z
Sample Collection, DNA Extraction and Illumina Sequencing. Colonic fecal samples were collected
during necropsy of stranded individuals of K. breviceps (n = 9) and K. sima (n = 4) from the mid-Atlantic United
States (North Carolina, Table3, Fig.4) between 2009 and 2014 and stored at 80 °C. All sampled individuals were
adults (length range = 220–328 cm, weight range = 184–515 kg) stranded in fresh to moderate carcass condition
(Carcass Classication Codes 1–3)51 and exhibited no signs of direct, human-induced mortality (e.g. boat colli-
sions, shery interactions). Sampled individuals included both sexes (Table3).
DNA extracts were prepared from 200 mg of fecal material using the Powersoil DNA Extraction kit
(MoBio), following Earth Microbiome Project standard protocols (
ome/protocols-and-standards/dna-extraction-protocol/). DNA extracts were sent to Molecular Research LP
(Shallowater, TX) for amplication, library construction and multiplexed sequencing of partial (V4) 16S rRNA
gene sequences on an Illumina MiSeq platform. DNA extracts were used as templates for PCR amplications
using the HotStarTaq Plus Master Mix kit (Qiagen) and the universal bacterial/archaeal forward primer 515 f
and reverse primer 806r52, with a multiplex identier barcode on the forward primer. ermocycler conditions
consisted of an initial denaturation step at 94 °C for 3 min; 28 cycles of 94 °C for 30 s, 53 °C for 40 s, and 72 °C for
1 min; and a nal elongation step at 72 °C for 5 min. Samples were pooled in equimolar concentrations, puried
using Agencourt Ampure XP beads (Beckman Coulter) and sequencing on an Illumina MiSeq following the man-
ufacturer’s guidelines. For comparative analyses, previously characterized cetacean gut microbiome datasets25
were downloaded for bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas), hump-
back whales (Megaptera novaeangliae), right whales (Eubalaena glacialis) and sei whales (Balaenoptera borealis,
TableS5). ese datasets were constructed using the same extraction kit, primer pair and sequencing platform as
the data generated herein.
DNA Sequence Processing. Combined datasets from this study and Sanders et al.25 were processed
simultaneously in mothur53 using a modied version (full details and mothur code in TableS6) of a previ-
ously described pipeline54. Briey, sequence reads were quality-ltered, aligned to the SILVA database (release
119, non-redundant, mothur-formatted) and trimmed to the V4 region, screened for sequencing anoma-
lies (e.g. chimeras) and errors, then assigned to taxonomic groups using a naïve Bayesian classier55 and
Greengenes taxonomy (May 2013 release, mothur-formatted). Following the removal of non-target amplicons
(chloroplasts, mitochondria and eukaryotic reads), the remaining high quality sequences were clustered into
operational taxonomic units (OTUs) at 97% sequence identity (average neighbor algorithm) and taxonomy
assigned to each OTU by majority consensus56. Singleton OTUs (occurring once in the global dataset) were
removed and datasets were subsampled to lowest read count (n = 24, 389) to avoid artifacts of varied sam-
pling depth on diversity calculations. Raw sequence data were deposited as FASTQ les in the Sequence
Read Archive of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (SRA NCBI) under the accession no.
Statistical Analyses. To compare community diversity among cetacean hosts, alpha-diversity indices were
calculated for OTU richness (observed richness, S), diversity (inverse Simpson, 1/D), evenness (Simpson, E1/D)
and dominance (Berger-Parker, d), as implemented in mothur. Analyses of variance (ANOVAs) were used to
compare diversity index means across cetacean host species, followed by Tukey’s honest signicant dierence
(HSD) tests for multiple pairwise post hoc comparisons.
To compare community structure among cetacean hosts, beta-diversity indices were calculated based
on an OTU-dependent metric (Bray-Curtis similarity) and an OTU-independent (i.e. phylogenetic) met-
ric (UniFrac distance)57. Two iterations of each beta-diversity metric were performed to differentiate
between the effects of taxon abundance (OTU relative abundance Bray-Curtis, weighted UniFrac) and
ID Field ID Species Sex Pregnant Length
(cm) Weight
(kg) Strand Date Latitude Longitude Condition*
K1 KLC-113 K. breviceps FYes 286 n.a. 16-Sep-2011 36.04357 N 075.67401 W 1, 2
K2 KLC-135 K. breviceps FNo 252.5 183.6 5-Oct-2012 35.67985 N 075.48023 W 1, 2
K3 NCARI-012 K. breviceps FYes 296 n.a. 14-Oct-2011 36.41728 N 075.83416 W 1, 2
K4 KLC-211 K. breviceps FNo 295 314.8 16-Sep-2014 35.87716 N 075.57759 W 1, 2
K5 KLC-106 K. breviceps MNo 261 257.6 4-May-2011 36.04387 N 075.67439 W 1, 2
K6 SWT-009 K. breviceps MNo 328.5 515 9-Dec-2012 33.87536 N 077.95721 W 1, 3
K7 WAM-644 K. breviceps MNo 307 392 16-Aug-2008 33.90623 N 078.34224 W 1, 2
K8 MDB-056 K. breviceps MNo 263.5 n.a. 15-Dec-2009 35.71547 N 075.49213 W 2, 3
K9 KLC-212 K. breviceps MNo 293.5 418 1-Oct-2014 36.06975 N 075.69198 W 1, 2
K10 CAHA-002 K. sima FNo 233.5 n.a. 24-Aug-2010 35.35057 N 075.49969 W 2, 3
K11 CAHA-065 K. sima MNo 226 187.3 6-Jul-2011 35.77310 N 075.52691 W 1, 2
K12 CAHA-003 K. sima MNo 236.5 n.a. 24-Aug-2010 35.44597 N 075.48259 W 2, 3
K13 CAHA-004 K. sima MNo 220 n.a. 25-Aug-2010 35.45683 N 075.48248 W 2, 3
Table 3. Stranded individuals of K. breviceps and K. sima examined in this study and associated metadata
for each sample (n.a. = data not available). *Carcass condition at stranding (le) and at examination (right):
1 = Alive, 2 = Fresh Dead, 3 = Moderate Decomposition.
SCieNtifiC REPORTs | 7: 7205 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-07425-z
taxon membership (OTU presence-absence Bray-Curtis, unweighted UniFrac) on the structure of cetacean
microbiomes. Bray-Curtis similarity values were calculated from OTU tables in PRIMER (version 6.1.11)
and visualized in cluster dendrograms. UniFrac distances were calculated in mothur based on an approxi-
mate maximum-likelihood phylogeny constructed in FastTree 2.1.558 with unique sequence reads (n = 52,
867). Permutational multivariate ANOVAs (PERMANOVA+, version 1.0.1) were used to test for dierences
in microbiome structure among host species, with significance determined by Monte Carlo asymptotic
P-values corrected for multiple pairwise comparisons (Benjamini-Yekutieli false-discovery rate control59 and
an experiment-wise error rate of α = 0.05), and to estimate components of variation ascribed to the factor
‘host species’ and to residual variation. Permutation multivariate analyses of dispersion (PERMDISP) were
conducted to test for homogeneity of multivariate dispersions (i.e. deviations from centroids) among host
species, with signicance determined by permutational P-values similarly corrected for multiple pairwise
Additional analyses of kogiid microbiome data were conducted to identify individual symbiont taxa contrib-
uting to community-level dierences in microbiome structure between K. breviceps and K. sima. At the phylum
level, signicant dierences in the relative abundance of bacterial phyla between kogiid hosts were determined
using Student’s t tests. At the OTU level, a one-way similarity percentage species contributions (SIMPER) analysis
was conducted to investigate the contribution of each symbiont OTU to the observed community dissimilarity
between kogiid hosts. In addition, symbiont OTUs that were dierentially abundant between kogiid hosts were
identied using Metastats (non-parametric t tests)60 and LefSe (non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis sum-rank tests)61.
To test for microbiome dierentiation based on sex and carcass condition, separate two-way analyses of similarity
(ANOSIM) were conducted for the factors ‘sex’ and ‘carcass condition, each crossed with the factor ‘host species’
to control for dierences between kogiid species. To exclude potentially transient members of kogiid symbi-
ont communities, core microbiomes were identied for each kogiid host and strictly dened as symbiont OTUs
detected in all samples within a host species.
Figure 4. Stranded individuals of Kogia breviceps (A) and K. sima (B). Photo credits: UNCW Marine Mammal
Stranding Program (A) and the Virginia Aquarium (B).
SCieNtifiC REPORTs | 7: 7205 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-07425-z
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For access to samples, we thank the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (Karen Clark), Cape
Hatteras National Seashore (Michelle Bogardus, Paul Doshkov), Virginia Aquarium and Marine Science Center
Foundation (Susan Barco) and volunteers of the UNCW Marine Mammal Stranding Program. Work carried out
under NOAA Stranding Agreement to UNCW, UNCW IACUC Protocols A0809-019, A1112-013, and A1415-
015. Stranding response supported in part by NOAA Prescott Grants to UNCW.
Author Contributions
P.M.E., R.G.R., K.B.K., T.F.K., W.A.M., D.A.P. designed research: T.F.K., W.A.M., D.A.P. collected samples; P.M.E.
analyzed data; P.M.E., R.G.R., K.B.K., T.F.K., W.A.M., D.A.P. wrote the paper.
Additional Information
Supplementary information accompanies this paper at doi:10.1038/s41598-017-07425-z
Competing Interests: e authors declare that they have no competing interests.
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... Recent investigations have focused on characterizing the microbiomes of marine mammals to gain new insights into their roles in host biology , ecology , and evolution (e.g. Apprill et al. 2014, Nelson et al. 2015, Erwin et al. 2017, Godoy-Vitorino et al. 2017, Nishida and Ochman 2018, Suzuki et al. 2019, Apprill et al. 2020, Centelleghe et al. 2020, Denison et al. 2020, Robles-Mala gamba et al. 2020. Micr obiome c har acterization has also been identified as an important tool for monitoring the health of marine mammals in a r a pidl y c hanging ocean envir onment (r eview ed b y Nelson et al. 2015, Apprill 2017. ...
... Consistent with pr e vious studies, gut bacterial comm unities in T. truncatus display ed lo w diversity and w ere dominated b y OTUs affiliated with the phyla Firmicutes, Fusobacteria, and Proteobacteria (Bik et al. 2016, Soverini et al. 2016, Suzuki et al. 2019 , Abdelrhman et al. 2020 , Robles-Malagamba et al. 2020 ). Gut bacteria richness in T. truncatus was low ( < 100 OTUs), typical of odontocetes (with the notable exception of kogiids, Erwin et al. 2017, Denison et al. 2020 and lo w er than mysticetes ( > 400 O TUs , Sanders et al. 2015, Erwin et al. 2017. Indeed, a small cor e comm unity (four OTUs) dominated gut bacterial communities in T. truncatus (64.0% ...
... Consistent with pr e vious studies, gut bacterial comm unities in T. truncatus display ed lo w diversity and w ere dominated b y OTUs affiliated with the phyla Firmicutes, Fusobacteria, and Proteobacteria (Bik et al. 2016, Soverini et al. 2016, Suzuki et al. 2019 , Abdelrhman et al. 2020 , Robles-Malagamba et al. 2020 ). Gut bacteria richness in T. truncatus was low ( < 100 OTUs), typical of odontocetes (with the notable exception of kogiids, Erwin et al. 2017, Denison et al. 2020 and lo w er than mysticetes ( > 400 O TUs , Sanders et al. 2015, Erwin et al. 2017. Indeed, a small cor e comm unity (four OTUs) dominated gut bacterial communities in T. truncatus (64.0% ...
Gut microbiomes are important determinants of animal health. In sentinel marine mammals where animal and ocean health are connected, microbiome impacts can scale to ecosystem-level importance. Mass mortality events affect cetacean populations worldwide, yet little is known about the contributory role of their gut bacterial communities to disease susceptibility and progression. Here, we characterized bacterial communities from fecal samples of common bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, across an unusual mortality event (UME) caused by dolphin Morbillivirus (DMV). 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis revealed similar diversity and structure of bacterial communities in individuals stranding before, during and after the 2013-2015 Mid-Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphin UME and these trends held in a subset of dolphins tested by PCR for DMV infection. Fine-scale shifts related to the UME were not common (10 of 968 bacterial taxa) though potential biomarkers for health monitoring were identified within the complex bacterial communities. Accordingly, acute DMV infection was not associated with a distinct gut bacterial community signature in T. truncatus. However, temporal stratification of DMV-positive dolphins did reveal changes in bacterial community composition between early and late outbreak periods, suggesting that gut community disruptions may be amplified by the indirect effects of accumulating health burdens associated with chronic morbidity.
... The gut microbiome (GM) has been extensively studied in many species of terrestrial mammals (Ley et al., 2008;NIH HMP Working Group, 2009;McFall-Ngai et al., 2013;Xue et al., 2015;Moeller et al., 2016;Shiffman et al., 2017;Brice et al., 2019;Perofsky et al., 2019;Song et al., 2020;de Jonge et al., 2022), but few studies have been conducted on marine mammals, especially in the free-ranging state (Sanders et al., 2015;Soverini et al., 2016;Erwin et al., 2017;Godoy-Vitorino et al., 2021;Suzuki et al., 2019;Abdelrhman et al., 2020;Glaeser et al., 2022;Tian et al., 2020;Bai et al., 2021;Bai et al., 2022;Brown et al., 2022;Li et al., 2022a;Wang et al., 2022). Among marine mammals, the Cetacea infraorder (which comprises two parvorders, i.e., Odontocetes and Mysticetes) includes only exclusively aquatic species fully adapted to the aquatic environment, representing an ideal model for studying the evolutionary drivers of symbiosis between the GM and its host (Gatesy et al., 2013). ...
... In this context, research has been performed aiming at comparing GM changes between mysticetes (baleen whales) and odontocetes (toothed whales), whose important differences in feeding apparatus led to a marked trophic separation (Ley et al., 2008;Thewissen et al., 2011;Gatesy et al., 2013). Studies suggested a general diversification of the cetacean GM according to parvorders (Muegge et al., 2011;Sanders et al., 2015;Bik et al., 2016;Erwin et al., 2017;McKenzie et al., 2017). Indeed, even if they rely on a carnivorous diet, mysticetes need to gain energy from chitin-rich foods (i.e., crustaceans and molluscs), requiring further adaptations, also in terms of the GM, for the extraction of energy from complex polysaccharides (Herwig et al., 1984;Langer., 2001;Sanders et al., 2015). ...
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Despite their pivotal roles in marine ecosystems, only few studies have addressed the gut microbiome (GM) of cetaceans in a comprehensive way. Being long-living apex predators with a carnivorous diet but evolved from herbivorous ancestors, cetaceans are a proper model for studying GM-host evolutionary drivers of symbiosis, and represent a valuable proxy of overall marine ecosystem health. Here, we investigated the GM of 8 different cetacean species, considering both Odontocetes (toothed whale) and Mysticetes (baleen whale), by means of 16S rRNA-targeted amplicon sequencing. For this purpose, we collected fecal samples from free-ranging individuals of cetaceans circulating within the Pelagos Sanctuary (Northwestern Mediterranean Sea) and we also included publicly available cetaceans gut microbiome sequences. Overall, we show a clear GM trajectory related to host phylogeny and taxonomy (i.e., phylosymbiosis), with remarkable GM declinations which may reflect adaptations to different diets between baleen and toothed whales. Besides, while most samples were found also to be infected by protozoan parasites of possible anthropic origin, we report that this phenomenon did not lead to severe GM dysbiosis. This study underlines the importance of both host phylogeny and diet in shaping the GM of cetaceans, highlighting the role of neutral processes as well as environmental factors in the establishment of this GM-host symbiosis. Furthermore, the presence of potentially human-derived protozoan parasites in faeces of free-ranging cetaceans emphasizes the importance of these animals as bioindicators of anthropic impact on marine ecosystems.
... Resequencing of select samples confirmed data reproducibility (Text S2; Table S2; Figure S1A,B). Sequences were processed in the Mothur software package (Schloss et al., 2009) following the pipeline described in Erwin et al. (2017). Briefly, sequences were aligned to the SILVA taxonomy database (v132.v4), ...
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Ascidians are marine invertebrates known to occasionally host symbiotic crustaceans. Although the microbiomes of both ascidians and free‐living crustaceans have been characterized, there is no documentation of microbial communities in an ascidian–crustacean symbiosis. Samples of the solitary ascidian Ascidia sydneiensis and ambient seawater were collected in Belize. Four symbiotic amphipod crustaceans were retrieved from the branchial sac of the animal, and their microbiomes were compared with those from their ascidian host (tunic and branchial sac compartments) and seawater. Microbiome richness and diversity differed significantly between sample types, with amphipod microbiomes exhibiting significantly lower diversity than tunic and ambient seawater samples. Microbiome composition also differed significantly between sample types and among all pairwise comparisons, except for branchial sac and amphipod microbiomes. Differential operational taxonomic unit (OTU) analyses revealed that only 3 out of 2553 OTUs had significantly different relative abundances in amphipods compared with ascidian branchial sacs, whereas 72 OTUs differed between amphipod and tunic and 315 between amphipod and seawater samples. Thus, different body compartments of A. sydneiensis hosted distinct microbiomes, and symbiotic amphipods contained microbiomes resembling the region they inhabit (i.e., the branchial sac), suggesting that environmental filtering and co‐evolutionary processes are determinants of microbiome composition within ascidian–crustacean symbioses.
... These data also indicate that both species predominantly feed on squid, with few fish and crustaceans in the diet (Ross, 1979;Sekiguchi et al., 1992;McAlpine and Murison, 1997;Plön et al., 1999;Santos et al., 2006;Beatson, 2007;West et al., 2009;Staudinger et al., 2014;Matsuda et al., 2023, this volume). Recent studies of the gut microbiome of both species indicate significant differences in diversity from other toothed whales, but considerable similarities between the two species (Erwin et al., 2017). ...
Little is known about the biology of pygmy (Kogia breviceps) and dwarf (K. sima) sperm whales as these animals are difficult to observe in the wild. However, both species strand frequently along the South African, Australian and New Zealand coastlines, providing samples for these otherwise inaccessible species. The use of DNA samples from tissue and DNA extracted from historical material, such as teeth and bone, allowed a first analysis of the population structure of both species in the Southern Hemisphere.
... K. sima uses shelf-edge and slope waters, and K. breviceps is found seaward of the continental shelf, which may be related to the depth of the water in which they feed (Jefferson et al., 2015;McAlpine, 2018;Ross, 1979;Sekiguchi et al. 1992;Wang et al., 2002). Analysis of the gut microbiome, which is thought to be closely related to diet, also revealed differences in the relative abundance of shared bacterial taxa between both species (Erwin et al., 2017). ...
... a. asiaeorientalis) (Wan et al. 2016), bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) (Wan et al. 2022), melon-headed whales (Peponocephala electra) (Bai et al. 2022), short-finned pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus) (Bai et al. 2021), pygmy (Kogia breviceps), and dwarf (K. sima) sperm whales (Erwin et al. 2017), whereas at the genus level, the Risso's dolphin diverged from other toothed whales. For example, unlike Halomonas, Photobacterium, and Cetobacterium, detected as abundant taxa in the marine dolphins and porpoises (Wan et al. 2018(Wan et al. , 2021(Wan et al. , 2022, the Risso's dolphin contained higher proportions of Vagococcus (5.94%) and Bacteroides (4.27%) (Fig. 1b). ...
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Ingesting marine plastics is increasingly common in cetaceans, but little is known about their potential effects. Here, by utilizing 16S rRNA gene sequencing, we profiled the intestinal bacterial communities of a stranded Risso’s dolphin (Grampus griseus) which died because of the ingestion of rubber gloves. In this study, we explored the potential relationships between starvation raised by plastic ingestion with the dolphin gut microbiota. Our results showed significant differences in bacterial diversity and composition among the different anatomical areas along the intestinal tract, which may be related to the intestinal emptying process under starvation. In addition, the intestinal bacterial composition of the Risso’s dolphin showed both similarity and divergence to that of other toothed whales, suggesting potential roles of both host phylogeny and habitat shaping of the cetacean intestinal microbiome. Perhaps, the microbiota is reflecting a potentially disordered intestinal microbial profile caused by the ingestion of macro-plastics which led to starvation. Moreover, two operational taxonomic units (0.17% of the total reads) affiliated with Actinobacillus and Acinetobacter lwoffii were detected along the intestinal tract. These bacterial species may cause infections in immunocompromised dolphins which are malnourished. This preliminary study profiles the intestinal microbiota of a Risso’s dolphin, and provides an additional understanding of the potential relationships between starvation raised by ingesting macro-plastics with cetacean gut microbiota.
... These findings suggest that the animals synthesize the substance themselves rather than extract it from their cephalopod prey. A recent analysis of the microbiome present in the fecal matter of both Kogia species indicated a very high diversity and unique community structure (Erwin et al. 2017). ...
... Species-specific microbiomes have been reported in previous studies that compared three (Black et al., 2021) and five (Storo et al., 2021) shark species. The species-specific microbiomes were also observed in other wild apex predators such as bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus, Tursiops aduncus), sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus; Erwin et al., 2017) and killer whales (Orcinus orca; Lima et al., 2012;Chiarello et al., 2017). Despite the difference between the sharks and the surrounding water, environmental conditions are known to influence the composition of the microbiota. ...
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Sharks, as apex predators, play an essential ecological role in shaping the marine food web and maintaining healthy and balanced marine ecosystems. Sharks are sensitive to environmental changes and anthropogenic pressure and demonstrate a clear and rapid response. This designates them a “keystone” or “sentinel” group that may describe the structure and function of the ecosystem. As a meta-organism, sharks offer selective niches (organs) for microorganisms that can provide benefits for their hosts. However, changes in the microbiota (due to physiological or environmental changes) can turn the symbiosis into a dysbiosis and may affect the physiology, immunity and ecology of the host. Although the importance of sharks within the ecosystem is well known, relatively few studies have focused on the microbiome aspect, especially with long-term sampling. Our study was conducted at a site of coastal development in Israel where a mixed-species shark aggregation (November–May) is observed. The aggregation includes two shark species, the dusky ( Carcharhinus obscurus ) and sandbar ( Carcharhinus plumbeus ) which segregate by sex (females and males, respectively). In order to characterize the bacterial profile and examine the physiological and ecological aspects, microbiome samples were collected from different organs (gills, skin, and cloaca) from both shark species over 3 years (sampling seasons: 2019, 2020, and 2021). The bacterial composition was significantly different between the shark individuals and the surrounding seawater and between the shark species. Additionally, differences were apparent between all the organs and the seawater, and between the skin and gills. The most dominant groups for both shark species were Flavobacteriaceae, Moraxellaceae, and Rhodobacteraceae. However, specific microbial biomarkers were also identified for each shark. An unexpected difference in the microbiome profile and diversity between the 2019–2020 and 2021 sampling seasons, revealed an increase in the potential pathogen Streptococcus. The fluctuations in the relative abundance of Streptococcus between the months of the third sampling season were also reflected in the seawater. Our study provides initial information on shark microbiome in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. In addition, we demonstrated that these methods were also able to describe environmental episodes and the microbiome is a robust measure for long-term ecological research.
... Marine carnivores include species belonging to the orders Cetacea and Pinnipedia, genus Enhydra, and species Ursus maritimus, and they are united by lifestyle rather than evolutionary history (Erwin et al., 2017). They have undergone significant habitat transitions during their evolution (Williams, 1999), and the order Cetacea has dramatically changed from herbivorous to carnivorous . ...
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The gut microbiome can help the host adapt to a variety of environments and is affected by many factors. Marine carnivores have unique habitats in extreme environments. The question of whether marine habitats surpass phylogeny to drive the convergent evolution of the gut microbiome in marine carnivores remains unanswered. In the present study, we compared the gut microbiomes of 16 species from different habitats. Principal component analysis (PCA) and principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) separated three groups according to their gut microbiomes: marine carnivores, terrestrial carnivores, and terrestrial herbivores. The alpha diversity and niche breadth of the gut microbiome of marine carnivores were lower than those of the gut microbiome of terrestrial carnivores and terrestrial herbivores. The gut microbiome of marine carnivores harbored many marine microbiotas, including those belonging to the phyla Planctomycetes, Cyanobacteria, and Proteobacteria, and the genus Peptoclostridium. Collectively, these results revealed that marine habitats drive the convergent evolution of the gut microbiome of marine carnivores. This study provides a new perspective on the adaptive evolution of marine carnivores.
(-)-Ambrox, the most prominent olfactive component of ambergris is one of the most widely used biodegradable fragrance ingredients. Traditionally it is produced from the diterpene sclareol, modified and cyclized into (-)-ambrox by classical chemistry steps. The availability of the new feedstock (E)-β-farnesene produced by fermentation opened new pathways to (E,E)-homofarnesol as a precursor to (-)-ambrox. Combining chemical transformation of (E)-β-farnesene to (E,E)-homofarnesol and its enzymatic cyclization at the industrial scale to (-)-ambrox with an engineered squalene hopene cyclase illustrates the potential of biotechnology for a more sustainable process, thus meeting the increasing consumers' demand for sustainably produced high quality perfumery and consumer goods. This review traces back to the origin of ambergris and the search for the source of its mysterious odor, leading to the discovery of (-)-ambrox as its main olfactive principle. It discusses the plethora of ways explored for its synthesis from diverse starting materials and presents the development of a process with significantly improved carbon efficiency for the industrial production of (-)-ambrox as 100% renewable Ambrofix.
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Sponges (phylum Porifera) are early-diverging metazoa renowned for establishing complex microbial symbioses. Here we present a global Porifera microbiome survey, set out to establish the ecological and evolutionary drivers of these host-microbe interactions. We show that sponges are a reservoir of exceptional microbial diversity and major contributors to the total microbial diversity of the world's oceans. Little commonality in species composition or structure is evident across the phylum, although symbiont communities are characterized by specialists and generalists rather than opportunists. Core sponge microbiomes are stable and characterized by generalist symbionts exhibiting amensal and/or commensal interactions. Symbionts that are phylogenetically unique to sponges do not disproportionally contribute to the core microbiome, and host phylogeny impacts complexity rather than composition of the symbiont community. Our findings support a model of independent assembly and evolution in symbiont communities across the entire host phylum, with convergent forces resulting in analogous community organization and interactions.
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The gut microbiota has many beneficial effects on host metabolism and health, and its composition is determined by numerous factors. It is also assumed that there was a co-evolution of mammals and the bacteria inhabiting their gut. Current knowledge of the mammalian gut microbiota mainly derives from studies on humans and terrestrial animals, whereas those on marine mammals are sparse. However, they could provide additional information on influencing factors, such as the role of diet and co-evolution with the host. In this study, we investigated and compared the bacterial diversity in the feces of five male harbor seals (Phoca vitulina). Because this small population included two half-brother pairs, each sharing a common father, it allowed an evaluation of the impact of host relatedness or genetic similarity on the gut microbial community. Fresh feces obtained from the seals by an enema were analyzed by fluorescence in situ hybridization and amplicon sequencing of 16S rRNA genes. The results showed that the bacterial communities in the seals' feces mainly consisted of the phyla Firmicutes (19-43%), Bacteroidetes (22-36%), Fusobacteria (18-32%), and Proteobacteria (5-17%) . Twenty-one bacterial members present in the fecal samples of the five seals contributed an average relative abundance of 93.7 + 8.7% of the total fecal microbial community. Contrary to all expectations based on previous studies a comparison of the fecal community between individual seals showed a higher similarity between unrelated than related individuals.
Studies of the human microbiome have revealed that even healthy individuals differ remarkably in the microbes that occupy habitats such as the gut, skin and vagina. Much of this diversity remains unexplained, although diet, environment, host genetics and early microbial exposure have all been implicated. Accordingly, to characterize the ecology of human-associated microbial communities, the Human Microbiome Project has analysed the largest cohort and set of distinct, clinically relevant body habitats so far. We found the diversity and abundance of each habitat’s signature microbes to vary widely even among healthy subjects, with strong niche specialization both within and among individuals. The project encountered an estimated 81–99% of the genera, enzyme families and community configurations occupied by the healthy Western microbiome. Metagenomic carriage of metabolic pathways was stable among individuals despite variation in community structure, and ethnic/racial background proved to be one of the strongest associations of both pathways and microbes with clinical metadata. These results thus delineate the range of structural and functional configurations normal in the microbial communities of a healthy population, enabling future characterization of the epidemiology, ecology and translational applications of the human microbiome.
Infectious diseases with epizootic consequences have not been fully studied in marine mammals. Presently, the unprecedented depth of sequencing, made available by high-throughput approaches, allows detailed comparisons of the microbiome in health and disease. This is the first report of the striped dolphin microbiome in different body sites. Samples from one striped female edematous dolphin were acquired from a variety of body niches, including the blowhole, oral cavity, oral mucosa, tongue, stomach, intestines and genital mucosa. Detailed 16S rRNA analysis of over half a million sequences identified 235 OTUs. Beta diversity analyses indicated that microbial communities vary in structure and cluster by sample origin. Pathogenic, Gram-negative, facultative and obligate anaerobic taxa were significantly detected, including Cetobacterium, Fusobacterium and Ureaplasma. Phocoenobacter and Arcobacter dominated the oral-type samples, while Cardiobacteriaceae and Vibrio were associated with the blowhole and Photobacterium were abundant in the gut. We report for the first time the association of Epulopiscium with a marine mammal gut. The striped dolphin microbiota shows variation in structure and diversity according to the organ type. The high dominance of Gram-negative anaerobic pathogens evidences a cetacean microbiome affected by human-related bacteria. Keywords Cetacean; Striped dolphin; 16S rRNA; Microbiota; Metagenomics
The microbiota-the collection of microorganisms that live within and on all mammals-provides crucial signals for the development and function of the immune system. Increased availability of technologies that profile microbial communities is facilitating the entry of many immunologists into the evolving field of host-microbiota studies. The microbial communities, their metabolites and components are not only necessary for immune homeostasis, they also influence the susceptibility of the host to many immune-mediated diseases and disorders. In this Review, we discuss technological and computational approaches for investigating the microbiome, as well as recent advances in our understanding of host immunity and microbial mutualism with a focus on specific microbial metabolites, bacterial components and the immune system.
Cetaceans have evolved from herbivorous terrestrial artiodactyls closely related to ruminants and hippopotamuses. Delphinidae, a family included in this order, represent an extreme and successful re-adaptation of mammalian physiology to the marine habitat and piscivorous diet. The anatomical aspects of Delphinidae success are well understood, whereas some physiological aspects of their environmental fitness are less defined, such as the gut microbiota composition and its adaptation to their dietary niche. Here, we explored the fecal microbiota structure of nine adult bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and one breast-fed calf living in a controlled environment. According to our findings, dolphins possess a unique microbiota profile within the Mammalia class, highly resembling that of carnivorous marine fishes. The breast-fed calf showed a distinctive compositional structure of the gut microbial ecosystem, which partially overlaps with the mother's milk microbiota. Taken together, our data indicate that in dolphins the adaptation to the marine niche and piscivorous diet involved the convergence of their gut microbiota structure with that of marine fishes, overcoming the gut microbiota phylogenetic inertia previously described in terrestrial mammalians.
The parasitic nematode Crassicauda sp. was initially described in kogiid whales from specimens collected within cervical tissues, uncommon sites of infection for this parasite. Crassicauda sp. has only been reported in Kogia breviceps to date, but no study has yet investigated a large sample of both kogiid species. A 15 yr record of 104 kogiid strandings (K. sima, n = 40; K. breviceps, n = 64) in North Carolina and Virginia, U.S.A. was used to determine the prevalence of Crassicauda sp. across species, within species across sex, and within sex across length and life history categories. Crassicauda sp. was confirmed to be a species-specific parasite among kogiids infecting only K. breviceps (prevalence = 45%). Within K. breviceps, prevalence was similar (45%) in both immature and mature males, but increased from 10% in immature to 76% in mature females. This study confirmed the cervico-thoracic distribution of the parasite, and identified a novel site of infection in a previously undescribed exocrine gland associated with the pigmented “false gill slit.” The species-specific nature of Crassicauda sp. infection, the exocrine gland, and the distinct features of the false gill slit pigmentation associated with the gland, are all useful characters to identify kogiid species in the field.