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Textile qualities of regenerated cellulose fibers from cotton waste pulp


Abstract and Figures

Cotton is not the answer to meet the rapidly growing demand for textile fibers. Wood-based regenerated cellulose fibers are an attractive alternative. Since wood is a candidate to replace fossil raw materials in so many applications of the circular economy, other sources need investigation. Cotton linters work in the viscose process – can cotton waste be used to make dissolving pulp? We describe the textile qualities of lyocell fibers from (i) pure cotton waste pulp and (ii) blending with conventional dissolving pulp. The staple fibers were tensile tested, yarns spun and tensile tested and knitted, and tested for shrinkage, water and dye sorption, abrasion resistance, fuzzing and pilling, staining and fastness. TENCEL® staple fibers and off-the-shelf TENCEL® yarn were used as references. The results show that the two study fibers had tenacity and an E-modulus that exceeded the staple fiber reference. Also, the study yarns were at least as good as the spun reference yarn and the commercial off-the-shelf yarn in terms of wet tenacity. Single jerseys made from the study yarns shrunk less upon laundering, which is surprising since they could absorb at least as much water at a comparable rate as the references. Dyeability, staining and color fastness, durability and pilling tendency showed that the two study fiber tricots performed at least as good as the references. This study suggests that cotton waste is a promising candidate for special grade pulp to suit niche regenerated fiber products or to spice up conventional wood-based dissolving pulp.
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Original article
Textile qualities of regenerated cellulose
fibers from cotton waste pulp
Stina Bjo
, Julia Aronsson
, Gunnar Henriksson
and Anders Persson
Cotton is not the answer to meet the rapidly growing demand for textile fibers. Wood-based regenerated cellulose
fibers are an attractive alternative. Since wood is a candidate to replace fossil raw materials in so many applications of the
circular economy, other sources need investigation. Cotton linters work in the viscose process – can cotton waste be
used to make dissolving pulp? We describe the textile qualities of lyocell fibers from (i) pure cotton waste pulp and
(ii) blending with conventional dissolving pulp. The staple fibers were tensile tested, yarns spun and tensile tested and
knitted, and tested for shrinkage, water and dye sorption, abrasion resistance, fuzzing and pilling, staining and fastness.
TENCELÕstaple fibers and off-the-shelf TENCELÕyarn were used as references. The results show that the two study
fibers had tenacity and an E-modulus that exceeded the staple fiber reference. Also, the study yarns were at least as good
as the spun reference yarn and the commercial off-the-shelf yarn in terms of wet tenacity. Single jerseys made from the
study yarns shrunk less upon laundering, which is surprising since they could absorb at least as much water at a
comparable rate as the references. Dyeability, staining and color fastness, durability and pilling tendency showed that
the two study fiber tricots performed at least as good as the references. This study suggests that cotton waste is a
promising candidate for special grade pulp to suit niche regenerated fiber products or to spice up conventional wood-
based dissolving pulp.
cotton waste pulp, staple fiber, circular economy, environmental sustainability, spinning, fabrication
As textile consumption has been growing and continues
to do so, the demand for fiber supply grows too. Based
on global population and wealth increase, forecasts
suggest that the textile fiber demand will grow
from 87 Mton (2014) to 240 Mton by the year 2050.
Cotton production has leveled off at about 25 Mton,
and due to sustainability reasons cannot increase sig-
nificantly. The increasing demand is mainly met by syn-
thetic fibers; in particular, polyester fiber production is
growing rapidly. However, the comfort properties of
cotton are not matched by polyester. Hence, there is
an ever-growing need for fibers with comfort qualities
that resemble cotton, that is, cellulose-based fibers.
Furthermore, there are sustainable arguments against
the increasing use of synthetic textile fibers; besides
that, they mainly are made of non-renewable
raw-materials – with uses that contribute to climate
the use of synthetic fibers makes a significant
contribution to the increasing environmental problems
of persistent micro-plastics.
Besides cotton, natural cellulose fiber production vol-
umes are small. Even if there is a huge potential to use
agricultural waste
or increase the cultivation of natural
fibers, such as bamboo, flax, hemp and ramie, it would
take a major shift in global-scale agriculture politics to
generate a significant contribution in comparison to
regenerated cellulose fibers. In 2014, approximately
Swedish School of Textiles, University of Bora
˚s, Sweden
Re:newcell, Birger Jarlsgatan, Stockholm, Sweden
Corresponding author:
Anders Persson, Swedish School of Textiles, University of Bora
¨gen 3, Bora
˚s, 50190, Sweden.
Textile Research Journal
0(00) 1–8
!The Author(s) 2017
Reprints and permissions:
DOI: 10.1177/0040517517723021
5 Mton of regenerated staple fibers (4.6 Mton) and fila-
ment yarns (0.44 Mton) were produced.
Wood is the
dominant raw material for dissolving pulp, but many
other sources are plausible. In a future circular econ-
omy, non-renewable resources must be replaced and
wood would be one of the main raw materials in a bioec-
onomy. Wood could be the chemical feed stock for vari-
ous chemical raw chemicals. This could threaten the
abundantly available supply of cellulose for dissolving
pulp. In addition, it takes a lot of energy and chemicals
to produce dissolving pulp from wood. Thus, more
accessible cellulose sources with a lower ecological foot-
print of the ready-made fibers need to be considered.
Cotton linters have long been utilized as a cellulose
source in the viscose process. It is therefore logical to
investigate the applicability of cotton waste as a raw
material for dissolving pulp. This opportunity has
been appreciated by the Mistra Future Fashion program
that investigates how to make dissolving pulp from
cotton waste.
Also the Dutch company Saxcell,
American company EvRnu
and the Swedish company
show similar objectives. Both Saxcell
Haule et al.
have taken another step by utilizing
their cotton waste pulps to make fibers. Saxcell claim
to have succeeded both by the viscose and lyocell pro-
whereas Haule et al.
utilized the lyocell pro-
cess. In a recent press release, Lenzing
announced the
launch of Refibra
, a version of TENCELÕfiber made
out of cotton scrap and wood pulp. Researchers from
Aalto University reported that they used cotton waste
pulp blended with dissolving pulp in their Ioncell pro-
According to a recent paper by Schuch,
Aalto activities were conducted under the Horizon
2020 Trash-2-Cash project umbrella where also the
Finish research institute VTT was enrolled in the prep-
aration of cotton waste. Even if activities on cotton
waste pulp and the properties of their regenerated cellu-
lose fibers have been reported, no studies on the textile
qualities of such fibers for textile manufacturing have
been published. In this study, staple fiber and yarn ten-
sile properties of lyocell fibers were investigated. The
quality of the finished textile, as knitted single jersey
samples, regarding the important properties of shrink-
age, wicking, dyeability, staining and color fastness, and
abrasion and pilling resistance were evaluated and com-
pared to appropriate references. Both fibers manufac-
tured from 100% cotton waste pulp fibers and fibers
from 90/10 juvenile birch/cotton waste pulp blends
were included in this study.
This section specifies the utilized materials, how they
were made into textile structures, treated and
Lenzing AG kindly provided 1.3 dtex and 38 mm long
commercially available TENCELÕstaple fibers, from
here on denoted TENCELÕ.
Also, a ready-made commercial 25 tex ring spun
TENCELÕyarn was used as reference. A Frank-type
ku-212 twist tester operated in accordance with ISO
2061:2015 was used to determine its mean twist
number to 490 tw/m. swas 32 tw/m and CV was
6.6%. This yarn is from here on denoted RefYarn.
Vibroskop was used to determine its TENCELÕfiber
titer to 1.78 0.20 dtex (mean s).
Fiber spinning. Textile pulp, prepared from post-consu-
mer denim garments by the Swedish company
Re:newcell in a process that removed color, adjusted
the degree of polymerization of the cellulose and
increased the chemical reactivity was the textile pulp
used for this study. The lyocell staple fibers were regen-
erated from (i) 100% post-consumer denim waste pulp
and (ii) 90% birch-based Kraft dissolving pulp and 10%
cotton waste pulp. The 10% addition of cotton waste
was based on considerations of solubility, rheology and
material management. Both fibers and their yarns are
from here on denoted (i) textile pulp and (ii) birch/textile
pulp, respectively. The pulps were then processed with
dry–wet technology spun into 1.7 dtex and 38 mm long
staple fibers by direct dissolution in aqueous 4-methyl-
morpholine 4-oxide, NMMO solution by the contract
laboratory; Thu
¨ringisches Institut fu
¨r Textil -
und Kunststoff-Forschung, TITK in Rudolstadt,
Germany. Cuoxam-DP’s and a-cellulose contents were
406 and 508, and 92.9% and 94.4% for cotton and birch
pulps, respectively. The spin dopes had a 13.2% dry
content and the zero shear viscosities were between 5.6
and 7.6 Pas at 85C, which was the temperature of the
nozzle. No finishing agent was added to the fibers.
Yarn spinning. Batches of 35.0 g staple fibers were manu-
ally opened and carded twice on a Mesdan-lab Felt
carder 337A, where the web was wound up on a
1.2 m circumference drum with a 90turn of the web
between cardings. After the second carding the webs
were rolled up to a 1.2 m long sliver that was sequen-
tially drawn in a Mesdan-lab Mini Stirolab 3371 into
rovings that were spun to yarn of 25 tex target linear
density. The spinning was conducted on a Mesdan-lab
Ring lab 2108A with a 90 mg traveler, Bra
¨cker AG90-4
SAPHIR. A series of 500, 650 and 750 twist/m was con-
ducted to find the minimum number of twists where the
mechanical properties leveled off. It turned out that
650 twist/m was a suitable setting for the targeted
25 tex yarns. The draft was in the range of 28.7–29.5
times and the spindle was run at 6400–6500 rpm.
2Textile Research Journal 0(00)
Knitting. Single jerseys were knitted on an 18 gauge
Camber Ltd International Velnit N.S. circular knitting
machine. Eighteen spools of yarn were utilized to feed
the machine.
Fabric area weight and shrinkage determination
Three 1 dm
pieces were cut from each undyed single
jerseys before and after the first laundering for area
weight determinations. Laundering was conducted at
40C in accordance with ISO 6330, program 5 a with
30 g of a commercial domestic liquid white wash deter-
gent [ICA Skona Vittva
¨tt, flytande]. The laundered
single jerseys were hung to dry in a drying cabinet for
30 min at 40C. Before weighing, all samples were con-
ditioned at (65 2)% relative humidity (RH) and
(20 2)C for at least 24 h.
Dyeing. Four single jersey samples, each 10.0 g, knitted
from each yarn type were dyed by reactive dye,
LevafixÕBrilliant Blue E-BRA Macrolat, concentra-
tion 1.0% by weight in relation to the fabric and 5%
NaCl concentration. The single jersey pieces were
folded, rolled and put into Pyrotex MB2 stainless
steel containers of 150 ml volume. Dyeing started at
room temperature and was heated by 2C/min to
60C. After 30 min, 3 g of NaOH was added to each
container, which was resealed and maintained for 1 h
at 60C and then left to cool to 40C, which took about
30 min. Each sample was individually rinsed in 1 l of
cold tap water followed by boiling in 1 l water with
3 ml Skona liquid white wash detergent for 1 min.
After another cold water rinsing, the single jersey sam-
ples were manually squeezed out, centrifuged for 30 s
and hung to dry in a drying cabinet at 40C for 30 min.
The samples were then stored for at least 24 h in an air
conditioned environment at 20 2C and 65 2% RH.
Tensile testing
Tensile testing concerned both staple fibers and yarns.
All samples were stored in an air conditioned environ-
ment, 20 2C and 65 2% RH, for at least 24 h
before tensile testing.
Fiber tensile testing. Twelve fibers of each kind were ten-
sile tested on a Vibroscop/Vibrodyn, Lenzing instru-
ment at 20 mm gauge length, with 20 mm/min
deformation rate and 100 mg pretension weight.
E-moduli were determined by curve fitting of the
linear part that followed the straightening of the crimp.
Yarn tensile testing. Tenacities of all yarns were tested in
accordance with ISO 2062:1993 on a Mesdan Tensolab
2512A/2512C electromechanical 3 kN tensile tester
equipped with 100 N load cell and pneumatic grips.
A gauge length of 250 mm, elongation rate of
250 mm/min and 0.5 cN/tex preload were applied.
Thirty samples were tested for each yarn category.
Statistical methods. Statistical analyses were carried out
for fiber and yarn tensile tests by one-way analysis of
variance (ANOVA) and Tukey simultaneous tests for
differences of means at the 95% confidence interval
level. Regarding the quality tests of the single jerseys,
the numbers of samples were too few to conduct any
statistical analysis.
Water sorption
The water sorption ability was assessed in accordance
with standard ISO 9073-12:2002. Three 55 mm diam-
eter circular pieces were cut from each single jersey
and weighed on a Sartoruis LP220P analytical balance.
The set-up consisted of a water filled beaker, on the
reset balance, connected by a siphon to a porous glass
plate where the sample was put under a 605 g soft-foam
covered dead weight. Sorption kinetics and saturation
were recorded as MAR,t
and DAC, respectively. MAR
is an acronym for Maximum Absorption Rate [g/s],
while t
[s] denotes that the absorbed mass variation
in the previous 5 s time period is lower than 1% of
the absorbed mass and DAC, Demand Absorbency
Capacity, is the ratio of the maximum absorbed mass
divided by the sample mass [g/g].
A calibration curve of absorbance at 594 nm wave-
length was established by concentrations of 12.5, 25,
50, 100 and 200 mg/l dye stuff in the dyeing bath, mea-
sured by the absorption spectrophotometer Datacolor
Check run in single scan mode. With this curve, the
post-dyeing residual dye stuff concentration in the
color baths could be determined. The calibration
curve had an R
of >0.999.
Staining and color fastness
Staining tendencies and color fastness of the single
jerseys were evaluated in accordance with SS-EN ISO
Samples, cut to 10 cm 4 cm, sewn side-by-side to
multi-fiber strips along the 4 cm fringe, were prepared
for each single jersey. The sewn samples, put in sealed
stainless steel vessels together with 25 stainless steel
balls (0.9 g/ball) and 4 ml/l white washing detergent,
were washed at (60 0.2)C in a Gyrowash 815 for
30 min. After separation and rinsing in 1 l cold tap
water followed by centrifugation and drying in
Bjo¨rquist et al. 3
a drying cabinet for 30 min at 40C, two non-biased
observers independently assessed the color changes of
blinded multi-fiber strip samples compared to
unwashed reference strips according to the five-grade
gray–white scale SDL ATLAS G246B. Assessments
were made under D65-light in a light cabinet where
grade 5 meant no color change of the washed multi-
fiber strips.
The washed single jersey samples were compared to
unwashed reference single jersey of the same quality.
Also, the color fastness was assessed under D65-light
in a light cabinet independently by two non-biased
observers on blinded samples. Color changes were
graded according to the five-grade gray–gray scale
where 5 meant no color change compared to the
unwashed references.
Mean values of the graded samples in terms of stain-
ing and color fastness were calculated.
Abrasion resistance and pilling
The abrasion resistance was quantified on dyed single
jersey samples on a Martindale 2000 Abrasion tester in
accordance with ISO 12947-2:1998. Three samples of
each yarn type were abraded against a woolen cloth
until yarn breakage was visually observed and the
number of revolutions was recorded.
Pilling tendency was assessed intermittently by visual
inspection in a blinded manner of two non-biased
observers who independently graded the degree of pil-
ling in 0.5 increments. A Martindale 2000 Abrasion
tester fitted with the sample also as abradant, face to
face, with a dead weight of (595 7) g equivalent to
9 kPa pressure was applied on a total of three pairs of
samples. Samples were assessed after 125, 500, 1000,
2000, 5000 and 7000 revolutions.
Results and discussion
In order to make really fine yarns that are both strong
and compliant, the staple fibers have to be strong and
fine. According to Table 1, the mechanical properties of
the study fibers were both statistically significantly
stronger (Tenacity) and stiffer (E-modulus) than the
reference TENCELÕfiber. In particular, fibers spun
from the mixed pulp source rendered exceptional
Haule et al.
airgap spun NMMO solutions made
out of (i) simulated post-consumer cotton waste by 50
repeated washing cycles of 152 g/m
plain cotton
weaves; (ii) the same weave that was first easy-care
treated and subsequently removed by acid–alkali
treatment and blended with 80% wood pulp; and
(iii) washed waste indigo dyed denim. They found tena-
cities of 48.7, 42.5 and 37.2 cN/tex for (i), (iii) and (ii),
respectively, and 34.7 cN/tex for a reference lyocell
staple fiber that they used. Furthermore, they registered
E-moduli that were about 50% higher for (i) and (iii)
than (ii) and the reference. Unfortunately, they did not
state what wood pulp they utilized. The tenacities of
the wood-based cotton waste blends came out very dif-
ferently: 54.7 cN/tex for the present study versus
37.2 cN/tex for the values reported by Haule et al.
while we report the highest molar mass for the birch/
textile pulp they reported their blend pulp,(ii), to have
about half the molar mass of the simulated post-
consumer textile pulp, (i).
Thus, it appears that the regenerated cellulose fiber
made from the textile pulp possesses very good mech-
anical properties. The question is why this is. The
explanation is most likely not that the cellulose chains
should have a higher degree of polymerization. From
the present data it is not possible to explain this, but
one can imagine at least two different explanations as
.The cellulose from the textile waste is purer than
the cellulose from dissolving pulps,
that is, it con-
tains less or no hemicellulose and this could give a
stronger interaction between the polymers in the
.The cellulose could contain residues of pigments and
other chemical treatments covalent attached to the
chains. They could work as ‘‘hooks,’’ thereby
increasing the friction between cellulose chains and
thereby improving the chemical properties of the
regenerated fiber.
As shown in Table 2, the pure textile pulp-based yarn
turned out to be statistically significantly stronger (ten-
acity) than the yarns we made from TENCELÕ
Table 1. Staple fiber properties given as mean s
Parameter Textile pulp Birch/textile TENCELÕ
Fineness [dtex] 1.65
0.21 1.65
0.17 1.32 0.10
Tenacity, dry [cN/tex] 46.9
5.5 54.7
5.6 39.9 2.5
Elong at break [%] 11.3
1.6 13.4
2.1 13.4 1.9
E-modulus [N/tex] 8.3
1.5 10.6
1.5 7.0 1.9
Superscripts a, b, c and d denote statistically significant difference from
TENCELÕfibers at adjusted P-values of 0.0001 or less, 0.0028, 0.0215
and 0.0467, respectively, while e, f and g denote statistically significant
differences between textile pulp and birch/textile of 0.0009, 0.0279 and
0.0032 P-values, respectively. All in accordance with Tukey outcomes.
4Textile Research Journal 0(00)
reference staple fibers. This goes both for the dry and
wet strength. It is striking how much less the tenacity
drops upon soaking for both study fibers compared to
the references. Haule et al.
also noted that their
cotton waste pulp-based fibers with the highest molar
mass were less sensitive to humidity. In both studies it is
the high-strength fibers that are less affected by
According to Table 2, both studied fiber yarns dis-
play significantly lower elongation at break, both in
their dry and wet states, compared to the reference
fiber yarns. Considering the lower twist number of
RefYarn, its elongation to break should be higher.
Table 2 also shows that the tenacity data of the yarn
made during this study scattered to a high extent. This
is definitely according to expectations from our small-
scale lab spinning. The yarn index of quality displayed
in the second-to-bottom row of Table 2, which is the
ratio of the mean tenacity times the mean elongation at
break divided by the yarn linear density coefficient of
clearly illustrates the difference between the
commercial yarns and the yarns made we made.
Although all studied yarns were ring spun, it is fair to
claim that the conditions in the ring spinning varied
with the small-scale manufacturing compared to the
industrially manufactured RefYarn. Furthermore, the
twist multiple, TM, of the RefYarn indicates use in
knitted structures. According to Lawrence,
the range from 2050 to 2550 is suited for hosiery,
whereas TMs of approximately 3300 are better suited
as weft yarns in weaves. Another significant factor may
have been that no spin-finish was applied on the studied
It should be noted that the TENCELÕreference
yarn was made from finer fibers. The link between fine-
ness and strength of fibers transforming into yarn
strength was described by Simpson and Murray,
who found that the tenacity of 25 tex ring spun
cotton yarns increased with fiber fineness. Their views
suggest that the finer staple fibers of TENCELÕwould
render higher tenacity than the yarns from the courser
study fibers. However, the results from this study show
the contrary. As could be expected, Simpson and
Murray also found fiber strength to be an even more
prominent factor for yarn tenacity.
Single jersey area weight and shrinkage
upon laundering
Limited shrinkage, which is linked to water sorption
characteristics in warm water, is important in order to
accomplish high-quality single jerseys. Data on the
mass of 1 dm
samples cut from as-received single jer-
seys or cut from once laundered single jerseys are pre-
sented in Table 3. Due to the limited sample size, no
statistical significance analysis has been conducted but
a qualitative comparison shows at hand that textile
pulp single jersey shrunk the least while the commer-
cially available yarn, which also rendered less dense
single jersey from the beginning, shrunk the most.
Given the lower number of twists of the RefYarn that
also rendered a looser structure, as indicated by its
lower mass before laundering, it had a higher gain
upon laundering. Compared to the TENCELÕrefer-
ence, the study single jersey shrunk the least.
Water sorption
Yet another important textile quality is the single jer-
sey’s ability to absorb and transport humidity. This is
essential for comfort properties. Figure 1 shows the
absorption ability for the different single jerseys.
Surprisingly, it is the birch/textile-based single jersey,
made out of the strongest and stiffest fibers, that
Table 2. Yarn properties given as mean s. Index of quality according to Barella et al.
and twist multiple in
accordance with Lawrence
Parameter Textile pulp Birch/textile RefYarn TENCELÕ
Linear density [tex] 26.1 3.6 24.7 3.7 25.4 0.5 26.6 4.7
Yarn twist [tw/m] 650 650 490 650
Tenacity, dry [N/tex] 27.6 7.0 22.6
6.7 26.6
2.6 23.3
Elong at break, dry [%] 8.4 1.0 8.9 1.1 10.5
0.8 10.2
Tenacity, wet [N/tex] 23.1 5.6 22.3 5.4 18.1
3.0 16.5
Elong at break, wet [%] 10.2 1.1 10.5 1.0 11.7
1.5 12.8
Index of quality, I17 14 129 14
Twist multiple [tw/m tex
] 3321 3231 2467 3352
Superscripts a, b, d and f denote statistically significant difference from textile pulp at adjusted P-values of 0.0069, 0.0272, <0.0001 and
0.0003, respectively, while c, e, g and h denote statistically significant difference from birch/textile at adjusted P-values of 0.0489,
<0.0001, 0.0037 and 0.0007. Finally, superscript i denotes a statistically significant difference between RefYarn and TENCELÕat an
adjusted P-value of 0.0058. All in accordance with Tukey outcomes.
Bjo¨rquist et al. 5
stands out with a mean 4.5 times water DAC sorption.
The MAR, as shown in Figure 2, was highest for the
birch/textile single jersey. The saturation time, t
, was
also recorded but it is not shown graphically here.
Commercial TENCELÕsingle jerseys reached satur-
ation after about 26 s, while it took birch/textile
about 32 s and textile pulp and RefYarn single jerseys
both took about 37 s to level off. The limited number of
samples does not make it possible to conduct statistical
analyses and to draw solid conclusions. Hence, the dif-
ferences are merely qualitative. It needs pointing out
that neither of the study fibers had received spin-
finish or other additives, which are known to alter the
hydrophilicity of regenerated fibers. The difference in
twist between the RefYarn and the other three yarns
should also, to some extent, affect the hygroscopic
nature of the yarns given the interfiber capillary forma-
tion difference.
Dyeability, staining and color fastness
Dyeability quantified by the remaining dye stuff in the
color baths after 2 h immersion time showed virtually
unison values of 96.3–96.4% for all four single jerseys.
This is indicative of good dyeability. No measure-
ments regarding dye saturation was conducted
during the dyeing process. Results from the single
jersey staining tendency are shown in Table 4. While
the commercial RefYarn showed no tendency to stain
and the equally commercial TENCELÕfiber-based
single jerseys only stain wool, both study single jerseys
showed a noticeable yet modest staining tendency. The
color fastness data in Table 5 show that the textile
pulp single jersey is by far the most sensitive single
jersey among the four. The off-the-shelf RefYarn
had the best color fastness. Since neither the chemical
structure nor the ultrastructural properties of the
investigated fibers were investigated, there is no basis
for a discussion on the reasons behind the staining
tendency and color fastness variations among the dif-
ferent single jerseys.
Texle pulp
DAC [g/g]
Figure 1. Column heights and error bars represent the mean
and sof the Demand Absorbency Capacity (DAC) of the
various single jerseys in accordance with the legend.
Texle pulp
MAR [g/s]
Figure 2. Column heights and error bars represent mean and
sof the Maximum Absorption Rate (MAR) of the different
single jerseys in accordance with the legend.
Table 3. Mass of single jersey samples given as mean s
Parameter Textile pulp Birch/textile RefYarn TENCELÕ
Before laundering [g] 122.7 2.7 117.9 7.3 99.0 3.5 112.7 2.8
After first laundering [g] 133.0 2.4 138.2 3.8 131.7 4.4 144.1 4.4
Gain after first laundering [%] 8.4 17.2 33.0 27.9
Table 4. Results from staining tests as judged by two
non-biased evaluators. A score of 5 represents no staining
Single jersey Diacetate Cotton Polyamide Polyester Acrylic Wool
Textile pulp 5 4.5 5 5 5 4.5
Birch/textile 4.5 5 4.5 4.5 5 4.5
RefYarn 5 5 5 5 5 5
TENCELÕ5 5 5 5 5 4.5
6Textile Research Journal 0(00)
Abrasion resistance and pilling
Data from Martindale abrasion resistance testing are
presented in Figure 3. Qualitatively, the birch/textile-
based single jersey was the most durable of the four.
As pilling is considered the Achilles of fibers made by
the lyocell process, it is essential to compare the study
single jerseys to the references. Figure 4 shows
how pilling evolved during Martindale testing and it
was apparent that the pilling rating did not stay con-
stant with the number of cycles. Except for the birch/
textile, which according to Figure 4 appear to increase
the pilling degree for every assessment, the general
trend seen in Figure 4 is that pilling intensity went
through a minimum during the course of the 7000
cycles. The number of cycles to these minima was indi-
vidual for each single jersey. Notice that neither spin-
finish nor other additives were added to the two study
fibers or single jerseys. The lower number of twists for
the commercial RefYarn should make it more sensitive
to abrasion and potentially also alters its pilling
Dry–wet spinning of pure cotton waste-based pulp,
here denoted textile pulp, and blended with birch-
based dissolving pulp in the ratio of birch/textile
90/10, rendered fibers with both statistically signifi-
cantly higher tenacities and higher E-moduli than a
commercially available TENCELÕfiber.
Yarns were ring spun out of the two study fibers and
the reference TENCELÕfiber and compared with a
25 tex off-the-shelf TENCELÕyarn. The numbers of
twist of our yarns were higher than for the commercial
yarn. Mechanically, the pure textile pulp yarn had stat-
istically significantly higher dry tenacity than the yarn
we made from the TENCELÕfibers. The wet tenacity
of both study fiber yarns turned out to be statistically
significantly higher than the two reference yarns even if
the lab-scale spinning rendered yarns of much lower
quality index than the commercial reference yarn.
Single jerseys knitted from the study yarns shrunk less
than both the herespun TENCELÕfiber yarn and the
off-the-shelf TENCELÕyarn.
The single jerseys were utilized to quantify other tex-
tile qualities of the different materials in terms of
shrinkage, water carrying capacity, water transport
rate, dyeability, staining and color fastness, durability
and pilling tendency. Besides the poorer color fastness
of the fabric based on cotton waste textile pulp, the
general picture is that the two study fiber single jerseys
performed as good as the references.
The question is how textile pulps shall be used in the
most rational way. One way is, of course, to use them
for making textiles of high quality, but another possi-
bility is to mix textile pulps with conventional dissol-
ving pulps based on wood, thereby increasing the
ile pulp
Figure 3. Abrasion resistance represented as the mean
number of revolutions before yarn breakage was recorded in the
knitted structure. Column height represents mean and the error
bars s.
125 500 1000 2000 5000 7000
Pilling rating
Texle pulp
Figure 4. Pilling rating values of single jersey knitted from yarns
according to the legend. Columns represent means and the error
bars s.
Table 5. Results from color fastness tests as judged by two
non-biased observers. A score of 5 represents no color change
Textile pulp Birch/textile RefYarn TENCELÕ
Observer 1 3.5 4.5 5 4
Observer 2 3 4.5 4.5 4
Mean 3.2 4.5 4.8 4
Bjo¨rquist et al. 7
mechanical properties. Eventually, this may be an
economical decision.
Lenzing AG is gratefully acknowledged for providing the
TENCELÕstaple fibers. We are also grateful to TITK,
¨ringisches Institut fu
¨r Textil - und Kunststoff-Forschung,
whose expertise in cellulose dissolution and spinning enabled
this study. At Swerea IVF, Doctor Carina Olsson was kind
enough to conduct the staple fiber tensile tests. Lena-Marie
Jensen at Smart Textiles, University of Bora
˚s, is also
acknowledged for her organizational support.
Declaration of conflicting interests
The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest with
respect to the research, authorship and/or publication of this
The authors disclosed receipt of the following financial sup-
port for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
article: We would like thank Vinnova, the Swedish Agency
for Innovation Systems, as the main sponsor of the Textiles
Back to Textiles project that this study was part of.
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8Textile Research Journal 0(00)
... The revalorization of cotton fabric waste is receiving more attention. Previous studies have reported the production of regenerated cellulose fibres from cotton waste [38,39]. For instance, Björquist et al. developed lyocell fibres from pure cotton waste pulp and blending with birch-based kraft dissolving pulp [38]. ...
... Previous studies have reported the production of regenerated cellulose fibres from cotton waste [38,39]. For instance, Björquist et al. developed lyocell fibres from pure cotton waste pulp and blending with birch-based kraft dissolving pulp [38]. ...
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Due to the continuous optimization of cutting plans, the cotton scrap size resulting from the cutting of components for clothing production (post-industrial residues) is often considered insufficient to obtain fibres with the proper length to produce a new yarn through mechanical recycling processes; so it is important to search for other applications for these wastes. In this context, small pieces of cotton were submitted to a shredding process to obtain recycled fibres. Cotton small pieces and recycled fibres were then submitted to a refining process to achieve refined fibres. Using these materials alone and in blends with refined and unrefined bleached eucalyptus kraft pulp (BEKP), wet-laid nonwovens were developed and characterized. An analysis of the results revealed that the replacement of unrefined BEKP by 70% cotton waste fibres in wet-laid nonwovens, reducing the use of virgin raw material, enhances the structures’ mechanical properties by 80% and 14%, for small pieces or recycled fibres, respectively. Additionally, refining small pieces of cotton seems to be more promising than refining recycled fibres, because less steps are required to obtain wet-laid nonwovens with better mechanical properties. These results highlight the potential of this approach to be explored further for different products and end applications.
... Also, wooden pulp, constituting 40-50% of the cellulose in plant cell walls, is converted to cellulose mainly through a refining process using chemical treatments. In contrast, among non-woody biomass, cotton stands out as a promising market candidate for cellulose resources with an impressive 90% cellulose content, requiring no extraction process and making it a further environmentally friendly material [5][6][7]. The stable productivity of such characteristics in cotton cellulose results in great features for a sustainable resource. ...
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During the preparation of cotton cellulose hydrogels using the phase inversion gelation method of N,N-dimethylacetamide/LiCl solution under ethanol vapor, acetone (AC), methyl ethyl ketone (MEK), or diethyl ketone (DEK) were added as additives, and their gelation state and the properties of the resulting hydrogels were evaluated. Adding the ketones to the cellulose solution caused an increase in the gelation time, but the solution viscosity decreased, indicating that the cellulose tended to aggregate in the solution. Among the hydrogels prepared by adding ketones, the water content was as high as 2050%, especially for AC and MEK. In these hydrogels, cellulose formed an agglomerated fibrous network of a few micron widths, forming a tuft-like entrapment space of about 10 to 100 μm size. The structure surrounded water and held it in the hydrogels. The FTIR results showed that the water, which formed hydrogen bonds, was retained within the hydrogel network. This structural configuration was determined to be conducive to maintaining the gel state against external deformation forces, especially in the case of the addition of MEK.
... The elongation properties increased owing to the addition of the rice and coconut fibres. This is suggestive of the absence of the formation of in situ 3D networks which would have resisted the alteration of the adjacent fibre molecules [14]. This finding is agreeable with the report of Prasad et al. [15]. ...
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The excellent properties such as biodegradability, regeneration, smoothness and hygroscopicity possessed by cotton fabrics made them highly popular among natural fabrics. This study is aimed at investigating the effect of the incorporation of coconut fibre and rice fibre on the mechanical properties of cotton fabric. The characterization of coconut fibre was determined by using FTIR BRUKER IFS 66V/S- Germany which showed the presence of (O-H, C-H, C=C, N=O, and C-N) functional groups and CARY-100 Conc UV–Vis spectro photo meter recorded UV-Visible wavelength of maximum absorption (λmax) at 278.00nm. The experiment was carried out using the control and other six composite materials. The result of the Tensile Strength of the coconut-fibre and rice-fibre reinforced fabric ranged from 2.86-7.23MPa and 3.64-7.01MPa respectively which is lower than the reference fabric (12.10MPa). Also, the Elastic Modulus of the composite samples experienced the highest at 63.29MPa which is more than half of the control fabric (113.41MPa). However, the reinforced fabric’s Elongation at break (15.42-22.15MPa) and the crease recovery angle (390-450) are higher than the reference fabric (12.03MPa and 390). This study showed that the incorporated fibres only affect the symmetrical distribution of the load rather than increasing the load bearing ability of the fabric.
Low production rate than demand and non-sustainability of cotton growth emphasise the world for its substitution. Regenerated cellulosic fibres (RCFs) are the best replacement options in terms of sustainability and performance properties. In this research, we compared the regenerated fibres and cotton fibres blended yarns and single jersey spandex knitted fabrics based on those yarns with 100% cotton yarns and single jersey spandex knitted fabrics and tried to single out the most suitable regenerated/ cotton fibre blend option as the best replacement for cotton fibre in terms of performance and comfort properties along with sustainability. 30/1 Nec yarns were produced by blending cotton with lyocell, modal and Viscose Rayon fibres in (60:40) weight ratios. Single jersey knitted fabrics with 20 denier (20 D) spandex filaments were developed from the said yarns and compared with 100% cotton-based knitted fabrics. Performance properties of yarns such as strength, uniformity and hairiness and fabric properties such as skewness, bursting strength, and pilling along with some comfort properties, e.g. flexural rigidity, air permeability and vertical wicking were also evaluated. RCF-blended yarns and fabrics exhibited improved performance and comfort properties as compared to 100% cotton yarns and fabrics, especially cotton/lyocell-blended yarns and fabrics. The cotton/lyocell (60:40)-blended yarns exhibited 16% higher strength, 36% better yarn performance and 13% less hairiness when compared to 100% cotton. Similarly, the fabrics of the cotton/lyocell (60:40) blend exhibited 32% less spirality, 25% more bursting strength, twice as much airflow and five times higher moisture flow with comparable flexural rigidity as compared to the 100% cotton fabric.
Textiles are the essential part of our lives. During recent advancement of technology, textiles are going to be smart and intellectual material. Smart textiles are defined as the intelligent textiles which can sense and adapt according environmental changes and external stimulus like chemical, thermal and mechanical. Smart textiles have excellent performance for the advanced applications as in healthcare, military, sportswear etc. The extensive use of textiles has made a serious problem of the waste accumulation. This issue draws an attention on biodegradability of these materials as PET (polyethylene terephthalate) is resistance towards biological degradation and creates a waste management challenges. The smart textiles must fulfill biodegradability criteria which may be possible using the biodegradable material. There are certain methods of biodegradation which may be undergone by smart textiles. The smart textiles are extensively used so there is need of sustainability for longer time use. The durability and recyclability of the products may decrease the problem of waste management and eco-unbalancing. Sustainability depends upon the material characteristics and ecological condition. The sustainable material must be recyclable and should not contain non recyclable substances. The chapter reviews the various ways to design sustainable smart textiles which may be recycled in already produced materials. The smart textiles need to be assessed for Life cycle analysis. This study explains the waste potential of material, energy uses by material and environment effects on each stage of material from its processing, manufacturing, uses, maintenance, repair and recycling or disposal. The methods of life cycle assessment (LCA) measure environmental management standards (ISO).
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The fast fashion trends in the textile industry have resulted in high consumption of fiber with concomitant generation of waste. Awareness of environmental pollution resulting from textile production and disposal has increased significantly. This increase has pushed research activities toward more sustainable recycling alternatives to properly handle the end-of-life of textiles. This review provides an overview of existing technologies, the latest developments, and research studies on the recycling technologies employed in the textile industry. Different types of recycling—mechanical, chemical, and biochemical recycling of standard fabrics used in garments, cotton, wool, polyester, polyamide 6 6, and acrylic—are explored. Recent advances in recycling technologies such as advanced sorting techniques, innovative chemical processing, and emerging biochemical processes are revealed. The review also highlights efforts being made by various agencies and companies in facilitating and employing the technologies on a commercial scale. Various methods for efficient textile waste sorting and identification are also discussed. The reviewed studies revealed that most recycling technologies were conducted on post-industrial textile waste, which tends to be homogenous in the types of dyes and fibers present in the waste. It also suggested that post-consumer textiles could be recycled using chemical and biological options that have the potential to valorize the waste into high-value products.
Cotton is one of the most used fibres in the world of textile, and due to fast fashion phenomena, lots of waste have been produced by the industries. Hence, with the aim to reduce industrial cotton waste, mechanical recycling method was chosen in order to turn cotton waste into a value-added product. This paper reported an analysis of different machine parameters to control the physical properties of the nonwoven web produced from industrial cotton fabric wastes. The fabric wastes are recycled mechanically and turned into a continuous nonwoven web using the needle punching machine. An experiment with a full factorial design was conducted in this study to understand the interaction between more than one factor, specifically the fibre feeder speed and stacking layer. In this study, the speed of fibre feeders (8, 10 and 12 ft/min) and stacking layers (four, five and six layers) were investigated over three stages. To determine the significant factors that can influence the physical properties of the nonwoven web, the analysis of variance was employed (ANOVA). The nonwoven web produced underwent physical testing such as density, thickness and porosity. The difference in fibre feeder speed and stacking layer significantly affected both web thickness and density. Porosity, however, was only affected by fibre feeder speed. Higher fibre feeder speed and higher stacking number produced a thicker and denser web. The less dense and less thick web also had a higher porosity percentage.
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The chemical recycle of cotton textiles and/or other cellulosic materials for the purpose of manufacturing regenerated high quality textiles fibres is a novel process. The objective of related research is based on the forecast of population growth, on resource scarcity predictions, and on the negative environmental impact of the textile industry. These facts lead the need of broadening the scope for long-term textile-to-textile recycle - as the mechanical recycle of natural fibres serve for limited number of cycles, still depends on input of virgin material, and offer a reduced-in-quality output. Critical analysis of scientific papers, relevant related reports, and personal interviews were the base of this study, which shows viable results in laboratorial scale of using low-quality cellulosic materials as input for the development of high-quality regenerated textile fibres though ecological chemical process. Nevertheless, to scale up and implement this innovative recycle method, other peripheral structures are requested, such as recover schemes or appropriate sort, for instance. Further researches should also be considered in regards to colours and impurities.
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The agricultural waste fibers are of notable economic and cultural significance all over the world are used for building materials, as a decorative product and as a versatile raw product. Agricultural waste fibers also have significant potential in composite due to its high strength, environmentally friendly nature, low cost, availability and sustainability. The agricultural waste is one of the most important problems that must be resolved for the conservation of global environment. The potential properties of agricultural waste fibers have sparked a lot of research to use these fibers as a material to replace man-made fibers for safe and environmentally friendly product. Agricultural waste is seen as one potential source of renewable energy. Their availability is obtained from oil palm plantations and some other agricultural industry such as rice husk, rice straw, sugarcane, pineapple, banana and coconut. Agricultural waste produces large amounts of biomass that are classified as natural fibers which until now only 10% are used as alternative raw materials for several industry, such as biocomposites, automotive component, biomedical and others.
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The textile industry is currently under pressure to decrease environmental load related to both the manufacture and the use of textiles. Material recycling may be one of many ways to accomplish such a decrease. Age-induced property changes in cotton textiles are important to understand in order to facilitate the recycling of cotton textiles. Consequently, this study investigates ultrastructural and chemical changes that take place in the cellulose of cotton sheets over a long time period of use and laundering. Ultrastructural changes were studied using water retention value (WRV), specific surface area measurement, scanning electron microscopy and solid state NMR spectroscopy. Chemical changes through measurement of intrinsic viscosity with and without reductive treatment, molecular mass distribution and carboxylate group content. A substantial decrease in mass average molecular mass from 1,320 to 151 kDa was observed when subjecting the sheets to more than 50 launderings. In contrast, only small differences in WRV, in fibril dimensions and crystallinity estimated using solid state NMR spectra, were observed between sheets laundered 2–4 times and more than 50 times. On one hand, the combination of minor laundering effects of WRV and solid state NMR spectra, together with the large decrease in molecular mass are positive indications for the possibility of recycling cotton into regenerated cellulosic fibres. On the other hand, results show that the specific surface area decreased, which implies that the reactivity of cotton cellulose may decrease during long-term use and laundering.
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The behaviour of different cellulosic fibres during acid hydrolysis has been investigated and the levelling-off degree of polymerisation (LODP) has been determined. The study included a bleached kraft pulp (both never-dried and once-dried) and two dissolving pulps (once-dried). Additionally, cotton cellulose from new cotton sheets and sheets discarded after long-time use was studied. Experimental results from the investigation, together with results found in literature, imply that ultrastructural differences between different fibres affect their susceptibility towards acid hydrolysis. Drying of a bleached kraft pulp was found to enhance the rate of acid hydrolysis and also result in a decrease in LODP. This implies that the susceptibility of cellulosic fibres towards acid hydrolysis is affected by drying-induced stresses in the cellulose chains. In cotton cellulose, it was found that use and laundering gave a substantial loss in the degree of polymerisation (DP), but that the LODP was only marginally affected.
Fashion Fibers: Designing for Sustainability is an accessible reference tool for fashion students and designers who want to learn how to make decisions to enhance the sustainability potential in common fibers used in the fashion industry. Drawing upon the cradle to cradle philosophy and industry expertise, the book introduces readers to the fundamentals of fiber production and the product lifecycle. It features a fiber-by-fiber guide to natural fibers including cotton, hemp, silk, manufactured fibers including polyester, modal, azlon, then covers processing and promoting recycled fibers that are designed to be "circular". Each chapters investigates six main areas of potential impact in fiber cultivation, production, and processing-including chemical use, water, fair labor, energy use, consumer use/washing and biodegradability and recyclability. Readers will learn about the sustainability benefits and environmental impacts at each stage of the lifecycle, optimizing sustainability benefits, availability, product applications, and marketing and innovation opportunities that lead to more sustainable fashion.
A new chemical recycling method for waste cotton is presented that allows the production of virgin textile fibers of substantially higher quality than that from the mechanical recycling methods that are used currently. Cotton postconsumer textile wastes were solubilized fully in the cellulose-dissolving ionic liquid 1,5-diazabicyclo[4.3.0]non-5-enium acetate ([DBNH]OAc) to be processed into continuous filaments. As a result of the heterogeneous raw material that had a different molar mass distribution and degree of polymerization, pretreatment to adjust the cellulose degree of polymerization by acid hydrolysis, enzyme hydrolysis, or blending the waste cotton with birch prehydrolyzed kraft pulp was necessary to ensure spinnability. The physical properties of the spun fibers and the effect of the processing parameters on the ultrastructural changes of the fibers were measured. Fibers with a tenacity (tensile strength) of up to 58 cN tex(-1) (870 MPa) were prepared, which exceeds that of native cotton and commercial man-made cellulosic fibers.
This paper investigated the supramolecular properties and accessibility of fibres regenerated from cotton-based waste garments and compared to typical lyocell fibres. The supramolecular and accessibility properties of the cotton-based waste garments fibres regenerated from three sources (waste denim garments, easy care finished cotton fabrics and a blend of cotton-based waste garment with wood pulp) were analysed and compared to the lyocell fibres. The Attenuated Total Reflectance Fourier Transform Infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy and Wide Angle X-ray Diffraction (WAXD) analyses indicated that the fibres from cotton waste garments had supramolecular properties similar to the typical lyocell fibres. The exception was spun from the cotton pulp reclaimed from easy care treated cotton fabrics and maybe related to increased amorphous cellulose content in its structure. The fibre’s accessibility by reagents behaviour correlated well with the supramolecular properties. The results indicate that the waste garment purification process may affect the properties of the pulp and hence the supramolecular properties of the resultant fibres. Further research on the purification and regeneration of fibres from waste garments may lead to the use of cotton waste garments as an alternative feedstock source to the lyocell process.
This chapter begins with a discussion of the problems with denim waste and options for its high added value recycling. It then focuses on recovery techniques for both industrial and post consumer denim waste. It further elaborates on recycling techniques for denim waste in the development of high value end products. The importance of design for recycling (D4R) in denim, the options for upcycling denim waste and the possibilities for denim production from other waste materials are also discussed. Finally, environmental aspects and future trends in denim recycling are discussed.