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Emergence of resistance against antibiotics is perhaps leading towards a stage of total ineffectiveness of these medicines as some very effective tools to protect lives from infection of pathogenic micro organisms. The research communities are trying in various ways to find out means and tools to overcome such situation. The researches may be categorized under some heading. These are - alteration and/or addition of some new chemicals with the presently available anti microbial substances to bring back their potency, searching of some new means of attack on harmful micro organisms by use of other microorganisms or their products, acceleration of immunity power of human or animals by using the tools present in the microorganisms, use of some new types of substances and procedures against microorganisms which were not previously used and use of antimicrobial, immune-stimulant and other related substances developed in higher species through evolution. Present stage of research in each of the category is analyzed in the article.
Explor Anim Med Res,
Vol.7, Issue - 1, 2017, p. 05-10 ISSN 2277- 470X (Print), ISSN 2319-247X (Online)
All the living entities of our planet are struggling
continuously for their existence. Starting from the minute
viruses, the fungus, bacteria, protozoa, parasites, plants
and animals of various differentiated species are
struggling for their existence and multiplication. In the
way of such struggle, as a part of evolution, many
microorganisms developed their system to secrete some
antibacterial chemicals which are identified by some
scientists and used as antibiotics. Due to uncontrolled
use of these chemicals, the susceptible organisms get
ample opportunity to alter their old systems and to
develop some new system to bypass the detrimental effect
of those chemicals. It is called microbial resistance. In
many cases, that power of resistance is transmissible
vertically among the same species and horizontally
between other species of organisms (Pattanayak 2011).
That ultimately causes some very serious problems like
development of Superbugs-organisms resistant to all
available antibiotics. Those are becoming a threat to the
human civilization!
As man is the most intelligent species of the globe and
wants to use all the resources for existence and
multiplication of their own species, there is always a
pressure to find out the means to overcome anything
against such targets. To combat the problems of antibiotic
resistance and for searching of alternatives of antibiotic
use, various studies are going on throughout the world.
The studies can be categorized in some groups.
i) Alteration and/or addition of some new chemicals with
the presently available anti microbial substances to
bring back their potency.
ii) Searching of some new means of attack on harmful
micro organisms by use of other microorganisms or
their products.
iii) Acceleration of immunity power of human or animals
by using the tools present in the microorganisms.
iv) Use of some new types of substances and procedures
against microorganisms which were not previously
v) Use of antimicrobial, immune-stimulant and other
related substances developed in higher species through
i) Alteration and/or addition of some new chemicals
with the presently available antimicrobial
substances to bring back their potency.
Penicillins were the first group of antibiotic, and
resistance against that group of antibiotic noticed first.
The resistant microbes produced beta lactamase enzymes
for that purpose. To overcome the problem, some
chemicals (Clavulanic acid, Sulbactam, Tazobactam etc.)
were added with that group of antibiotics. These
chemicals are not having any anti-microbial action, but
these can assist the antibiotics to overcome the resistance
of the microbes. Afterwards, some other ways were
searched out (bacterial efflux inhibition agents, use of
analogue of antibiotics etc.) to overcome the resistance
of the microorganisms (Pattanayak 2011). But ultimately
it remains a common trend that after effective use for a
few years, the efficacy of these alterations becomes
reduced gradually due to the modification of resistance
mechanism of the micro organisms. So, even continuous
searching and development of such chemicals as well as
prolongation of life of presently used antimicrobials, the
actual efficacy of such procedures becoming shorter
lasting day by day.
ii) Searching of some new means of attack on
harmful microorganisms by use of other micro
organisms or their products.
Antimicrobial peptides: Various plants, animals and
fungi have vastly different immune systems, but all make
peptides (small proteins) that can destroy bacteria. Many
amphibian and reptile species developed peptides which
can kill many pathogenic microorganisms. These peptides
are under study for their therapeutic use as effective anti-
microbial agents (Readon 2015).
The host defense peptides (small, natural peptides) and
innate defense regulators (small, synthetic peptides) have
indirect antimicrobial effects. They primarily act by
increasing expression of anti-inflammatory chemokines
and cytokines, and reducing the expression of pro-
inflammatory cytokines. The anti-biofilm peptides
Exploratory Animal and Medical Research, Vol.7, Issue 1, June, 2017
specifically inhibit bacterial biofilm formation have been
identified and are in preclinical developmental stage.
(Czaplewski et al. 2016).
Phage therapy: Phases are the viruses that can attack
and kill bacteria. Study to use the efficacy of such viruses
therapeutically against pathogenic bacteria is very old.
As each type of phase generally attacks only one type of
bacterium, so during clinical use all the other harmless
bacteria left unharmed. As phages are abundant in nature,
researchers assume to get ready replacements for any
therapeutic strain that bacteria evolve to resist.
Phages secrete enzymes (lysins) to destroy the cell wall
of a target bacterium and are potential replacements for
antibiotics because of their direct antibacterial action, and
as adjuncts because they act to reduce bacterial burden,
weaken biofilms, or both. Research shows that lysins are
more active against Gram-negative pathogens. Studies
on the therapeutic efficacy of Wild-type bacteriophages
as well as Genetically Engineered bacteriophages are
going on (Czaplewski et al. 2016).
Bacteriocins: These are some toxins produced by
microbes to inhibit the growth of similar or closely related
bacteria. Bacteriocins are structurally, functionally and
ecologically very diverse in nature. These can exhibit
significant potency against other bacteria (including
antibiotic-resistant strains), are stable and can have
narrow or broad-spectrum activity. Bacteriocins can even
be produced in situ in the gut by probiotic bacteria to
combat intestinal infections (Cotter et al. 2013). The main
bacteriocins identified from gram negative bacteria are
Microcins, Colicin-like bacteriocins and Tailocins. The
gram-positive bacteria derived bactericins are classified
into various groups according to their size and some other
characters. Nisin and other Lantibiotics are grouped under
Class I. The heat stable Class II group includes a subgroup
which is having very good potential for use in the field
of food preservation and medical applications. Example
of that subgroup is Pediocin PA-1 (Heng et al. 2007).
Other main bacteriocins of other subgroups are
Lactococcin G (Nissen-Meyer et al. 2009), Enterocin AS-
48, Aureocin A53 (Netz et al. 2002), Aureocin A70 (Netz
et al. 2001). Lysostaphin is a representative bacteriocin
of Class III type (Bastos et al. 2010); Sublancin and
Glycocin F belong to the complex type IV bacteriocin
(Oman et al. 2011, Stepper et al. 2011).
iii) Acceleration of immunity power of human or
animals by using the tools present in the micro
Use of antibody: Antibodies that bind to and inactivate
a pathogen, its virulence factors, or its toxins were widely
considered one of the alternative approaches most likely
to have major clinical impact. Antibodies are considered
as safe or low risk measure with a high degree of technical
feasibility (Czaplewski et al. 2016).
Immune stimulation: Successful antimicrobial
therapy depends on impose of an appropriate immune
response. Immune stimulation may be considered as a
potential adjunct approach along with antibiotic therapy.
Orally used bacterial extracts are used to reduce the
incidence of respiratory tract infections in some at-risk
groups. Further clinical trials to substantiate their efficacy
in other populations would encourage wider use. The
mechanisms by which these extracts might work are
unclear. Targeted interventions could be devised once
these mechanisms are understood. New focused research
also has been initiated on assessment of repurposed drugs
for immune stimulation rather than assessment of early
translational research in this specialty (Czaplewski et al.
Vaccination: From the time of Edward Jenner and Luis
Pasteur, research related with immunization of human or
animals against serious disease-causing microbes are
going on with a history of huge success. The
immunization procedures depend on some basic
principles. It is achieved by introducing live, generally
attenuated infectious agents or inactivated agents or their
constituents or their products in the living body so that
body protective mechanism can develop power to resist
the attack of the original pathogenic micro organisms in
future (Harrison 2008). But anybody can not be made
immunized against each and every type of organisms
which can cause disease by that method.
The long established investment in vaccines for new
targets should continue to substantially reduce the
incidence of infection and the need for antibiotics
(Czaplewski et al. 2016).
iv) Use of some new types of substances and
procedures against micro organisms which were not
previously used.
CRISPR: It is a gene-editing technique based on a
strategy that many bacteria use to protect themselves
against phages. Researchers are turning that system back
on itself to make bacteria kill themselves.
Normally, the bacteria detect and destroy invaders such
as phages by generating a short RNA sequence that
matches a specific genetic sequence in the foreign body.
This RNA snippet guides an enzyme called Cas 9 to kill
the invader by cutting its DNA.
Scientists are now designing CRISPR sequences that
target genomes of specific bacteria, and some are aiming
their CRISPR kill switches at the bacterial genes that
confer antibiotic resistance (Readon 2015).
Metals: Metals like copper and silver are the oldest
antimicrobials. They were favored by Hippocrates in the
fourth century BC as a treatment for wounds, and were
used even earlier by ancient Persian kings to disinfect
food and water. In the contemporary research, some
groups are exploring the use of metal nanoparticles as
antimicrobial treatments. Because metals accumulate in
the body and can be highly toxic, their use may be
restricted mostly to topical ointments for skin infections.
An exception is gallium, which is toxic to bacteria that
mistake it for iron, but is safe enough in people to be
tested as an intravenous treatment for lung infections.
Pilot studies found that the metal was moderately
successful at breaking down microbial biofilms in the
lungs and improving patients' breathing (Readon 2015).
Probiotics: Probiotics are some selected
microorganisms administered orally. These can confer a
health benefit to the host when administered in adequate
amounts. A defined mixture of bacteria or the use of non-
toxigenic spores of Clostridium difficile may provide
therapeutic and prophylactic therapies that can improve
current clinical practice for the treatment of C. difficile
associated diarrhea and antibiotic-associated diarrhoea
(Czaplewski et al. 2016).
Other related studies:
Immune suppression: Bacterial infection can lead to
an excessive host innate immune response (ranging from
the systemic inflammatory response syndrome to septic
shock), in which the injury to the host is made much worse
by the host's pro-inflammatory cytokine response.
Selective manipulation of this cytokine response could
potentially be used in combination with antibiotics to
reduce pathogen-induced tissue damage.
Anti-resistance nucleic acids: Antibiotic resistance
genes are often spread by highly transmissible plasmids,
particularly in Gram-negative pathogens. Effective
removal of resistance genes could sensitize bacteria to
conventional antibiotics.
Antibacterial nucleic acids: Use of nucleic acids to
directly kill bacteria is being investigated in both
academia and biotechnology companies. Studies are at
an early stage. At the very least, these methods will
continue to be developed to support fundamental
microbial genetics studies.
Toxin sequestration using liposomes: Pathogens
often secrete toxins that damage mammalian cells and
cause inflammation. Administration of liposomes to act
as decoys for toxin binding has been shown to reduce
damage to cells and reduce disease severity.
Antibiotic-degrading enzymes to reduce selection
of resistance: When antibiotics are eliminated via the
gut, exposure of the normal gut bacteria to the antibiotic
may lead to development of resistance and drive
Clostridium difficile associated diarrhea or antibiotic
associated diarrhea. Studies showed that oral β-lactamase
can destroy β-lactams in the faeces. Demonstration of a
clinical benefit of degrading enzyme administration may
be challenging to the process.
Metal chelation: Bacterial pathogens need zinc,
manganese, and iron ions to fully express their
pathogenicity or virulence, biofilm formation, and
multiple essential enzymatic and metallo-β-lactamase
activities. Metal chelation could prevent these key
processes in pathogens (Czaplewski et al. 2016).
Alphamers: Alphamers are immune modifiers
consisting of a galactose-- 1,3-galactosyl-β-1,4-N-
acetyl-glucosamine (Gal) epitope fused to a bacterial
pathogen binding aptamer to redirect endogenous anti-
Gal antibodies to the pathogen and enhance immune
Alphamer technology is based on chemically
synthesized molecules redirecting naturally occurring
antibodies to selected pathogens to fight infection. One
end of the molecule binds a surface target of a pathogen
cell using an aptamer, while the other end represent
specific epitopes that attach the circulating antibodies.
Immune stimulation by P4 peptide: Phagocytic
killing of bacteria can be enhanced by P4 peptide - a
chemically synthesized 28 amino acid peptide derived
from the Streptococcus pneumoniae surface exposed
virulence factor PsaA. P4 peptide stimulates opsono-
phagocytic uptake and killing in invasive disease models
of S. pneumonia infection in mice. The combination of
P4 given intra-nasally and IgG given intra-peritoneally
resulted in 100% survival in the mouse model and
significantly reduced bacterial burden. A therapy based
on P4, IgG and antibiotic may be an effective treatment
schedule in future (Czaplewski et al. 2016).
Predatory bacteria: Predatory bacteria can be used
to control other pathogenic bacteria. Many different types
of predatory bacteria have been identified, but the
Bdellovibrio and like organisms (BALOs) show particular
Alternative to antibiotics - preparation for post antibiotic era
Exploratory Animal and Medical Research, Vol.7, Issue 1, June, 2017
promise. BALOs are motile Deltaproteobacteria that
obligately predate Gram-negative bacteria for energy and
nutrients.The genomes of many BALOs encode numerous
hydrolases (e.g., DNases and proteases), essential for prey
digestion and sufficient for attacking even bacterial
biofilms. It is very important because biofilms pose a
treatment challenge in both human and animal infections
making bacteria less sensitive to antibiotics (Allen et al.
v) Use of antimicrobial, immune-stimulant and
other related substances developed in higher species
through evolution.
Presently, almost same types of antimicrobial drugs
are used during treatment of various animals as well as
in fishery, horticulture and other related purposes. This
practice requires re-thinking. Use of antimicrobial drugs
may be substituted at least partially for treatment of
herbivorous animals by using juice and pieces of
succulent part of medicinal plants directly (Pattanayak
et al. 2016).
Apart from the golden treasury of texts of various
ancient Indian systems of medicines, many plants and
their different types of extracts, natural products etc. were
recommended for their anti-microbial effects in various
texts and practices throughout the world. Use of plants
for antimicrobial, immune-stimulant and other related
purposes are reviewed by many authors. Plants used in/
as tissue and wound healing (42 plants - Jaiswal et al.
2004, 36 plants - Pattanayak et al. 2013), antiseptic
property (35 plants - Pattanayak et al. 2013) skin infection
(175 plants - Gupta et al. 2010), immune-stimulant effect
(13 plants -Pattanayak et al. 2013) are some examples.
Solvent extracted parts of many of the reported plants
were tested and found to have antimicrobial activities.
But in most of the cases, those plants were tested in vitro
or on the laboratory animals mainly at local applications.
On the other hand, in many websites and blogs, it is
claimed that part of many plants, natural products etc.
are having the power to act as alternative to antibiotics.
These include the following plants, plant parts and natural
Aloe vera, American goldenseal (Hydrastis
canadensis), Bearberry (Uva ursi), Blue flag root (Iris
versicolor), Burdock (Arctiuml appa), Cayenne Pepper
(Capsicum annuum), Chaparral (Larrea tridentata),
Cloves (Syzygium aromaticum), Cryptolepis (Cryptolepis
sanguinolenta), Echinacea (E. purpurea and E.
augustifolia), Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globules) oil,
Garlic (Allium sativum), Ginger (Zingiber officinale),
Grapefruit (Citrus paradisi) seed extract, Holy thistle
(Cnicus benedictus), Honey, Horseradish (Armoracia
rusticana), Juniper (Juniperus communis), Licorice
(Glycyrrhiza glabra and G. uralensis), Lobelia (Lobelia
cardinalis), Mullein (Verbascum thapsus), Myrrh
(Commiphora myrrha), Nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus,
T. peregrinum and T. speciosum), Oregano Oil (Origanum
vulgare), Poke root (Phytolacca decandra), Red clover
(Trifolium pretense), Sage (Salvia officinalis), Thyme
(Thymus vulgaris), Usnea (Usnea spp.), Wild indigo
(Baptisia australis), Wild thyme (Thymus serpyllum),
Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium), Cranberry
(Vaccinium oxycoccos, V. macrocarpon) juice
(, Sida (Sida acuta), Alchornea
(Alchornea cordifolia), Bidens (Bidens pilosa), Artemisia
(Artemisia annua), Black pepper (Piper nigrumand, P.
longum) (Buhner 2011), Olive (Olea europaea) leaf
extract, Yin Chiao (Chinese Herbal Remedies), Epi Cor
(dried fermentate of Saccharomyces cerevisiae), Elder
berries (Sambucus nigra) (Mindell and Hopkins 2009),
Coconut (Cocos nucifera) Oil, Forsythia suspensa
(Sisson 2011). Oregon Grape (Berberis aquifolium),
Andrographis paniculata, Manuka honey (European
honey bees foraging on Leptospermum scoparium)
(LoGiudice 2011), Onion (Allium cepa), Turmeric
(Curcuma longa), Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) ,
Cardamon (Elettaria cardamomum), oils of Basil
(Ocimum basilicum) and Lavender (Lavandula
angustifolia) (Harrington 2015), Pau d'Arco (Tabebuia
impetiginosa) tea, (, Propolis
(Bee glue), Sangre de Drago (bright red resin of Croton
lechleri) (Stephanie 2015) etc.
The antimicrobial chemicals developed in various
species of plants are also a part of evolutionary outcome
of the struggle for their existence. It can be assumed that
the mechanism of actions of the antibacterial substances
of herbal or other uncommon origin is different than the
presently used anti microbial substances. So it can be
expected that the targeted micro organisms will have to
get accustomed with such diverse types of molecules
before developing resistance as a part of their struggle
for their existence.
Even if we can get success in overcoming the
dominance of infective organisms, the following points
demand more serious consideration for prevention of
repetition of development of such crucial conditions in
i) A change is required in our consideration of
antibacterial substances as an alternative of the minimum
disease protective requirements like good hygienic
practices, adequate public health awareness, creation of
micro organism free apparatus and environment in the
institutions delivering medical supports to the patients,
unhealthy surroundings of human dwellings and
habitations etc. As an example, it can be said that change
of poor living conditions and unhygienic environment of
the slums should be considered far more important rather
than the use of anti microbial substances to treat the
preventable bacterial diseases of the slum dwellers.
ii) Reconsideration is needed in the fields like use of
same antimicrobial substances in different species of
animals, birds, fishes etc. for treatment of diseases as
well as use of those in agricultural or horticultural
operations to control microbial infections. Some anti-
microbials may be considered as 'stock' for every species
of animals and plants.
iii) As some alternative, maximum efforts may be given
to use biological resources and to make provision of
biological controls. Different medicinal plants/ plant
extracts may be used for curing of ailments of herbivorous
animals. Toxic plant parts or their component may be
studied to use as biological medicines in agriculture and
horticulture. Elaborative research targeting such goal is
iv) Maintenance of proper hygienic practices and
nutrition level, decrease in the rate of entry of different
types of toxins in the body directly through food or
indirectly through food chain, immunization and immune
stimulation through herbal medication may be
strengthened to reduce the pressure of use of antimicrobial
substances in every related sector.
Shibabrata Pattanayak
Associate Editor,
Exploratory Animal and Medical Research
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Alternative to antibiotics - preparation for post antibiotic era
Exploratory Animal and Medical Research, Vol.7, Issue 1, June, 2017
*Cite this article as: Pattanayak S (2017) Alternative to antibiotics - preparation for post antibiotic era. Explor
Anim Med Res 7(1): 05-10.
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... Starting from the minute viruses, the fungus, bacteria, protozoa, parasites, plants and animals of various differentiated species are struggling for their existence and multiplication. In the way of such struggle, as a part of evolution, many microorganisms developed their system to secrete some antibacterial chemicals which are identified by some scientists and used as antibiotics [1]. Due to uncontrolled use of these chemicals, the susceptible organisms get ample opportunity to alter their old systems and to develop some new system to bypass the detrimental effect of those chemicals. ...
... Due to uncontrolled use of these chemicals, the susceptible organisms get ample opportunity to alter their old systems and to develop some new system to bypass the detrimental effect of those chemicals. It is called as microbial resistance to antibiotics [1]. ...
... The antimicrobial chemicals developed in various species of plants as a part of evolutionary outcome of the struggle for their existence [1]. Microorganisms are struggling against attack of other groups of micro organisms and so developed such tools for their protection. ...
Full-text available
Background: The presently practiced procedure of development of new antimicrobial substances to control infection of the pathogenic microbes is now at a point of challenge and threat for losing relevancy in near future. Objective: Exploration of Herbal source for searching alternative to the antibacterial substances. Method: Through thorough literature survey, a list of 1060 plants with reported use among various communities throughout the globe in the purposes related with combating and controlling different types of infection has been identified. An outline of research on the plants for validation of the traditional claims by conventional antimicrobial, antioxidant and immunostimulant activity study and identification of phytochemicals is added. Limitation of the contemporary systems are discussed with a proposal of addition of fresh extract of succulent plant parts of listed medicinal plants along with conventional solvent extracted portion of dry plant parts as another parameter of study. Result: A comprehensive research proposal for study on the medicinal plants which may act in some way as alternative to the present system of use of synthetic antimicrobial substances to control diseases of infective origin with a detail guideline for production, storage and global transport of succulent bio-medicines are discussed. Conclusion: Following the way of proposed thorough research, a new type of herbal medicine based treatment system may be started and an opportunity for establishment of export oriented agro-medicine industries may be created. *It is the first draft of the article. However, many portions of that article have been changed afterwards. For corrected and complete article, every interested person is requested to contact with the journal authority. “The published manuscript is available at EurekaSelect via[10.2174/1875692116666180419154033].”
... Starting from the minute viruses, the fungus, bacteria, protozoa, parasites, plants and animals of various differentiated species are struggling for their existence and multiplication. In the way of such struggle, as a part of evolution, many microorganisms developed their systems to secrete some antibacterial chemicals which are identified by some scientists and used as antibiotics [1]. Due to uncontrolled *Address correspondence to this author at the Institute of Animal Health & Veterinary Biologicals (Research & Training), Government of West Bengal, 37, Belgachia Road, Kolkata -700037, West Bengal, India; Tel: 09734823620; E-mail: use of these chemicals, the susceptible organisms get ample opportunity to alter their old systems and to develop some new system to bypass the detrimental effect of those chemicals. ...
... Due to uncontrolled *Address correspondence to this author at the Institute of Animal Health & Veterinary Biologicals (Research & Training), Government of West Bengal, 37, Belgachia Road, Kolkata -700037, West Bengal, India; Tel: 09734823620; E-mail: use of these chemicals, the susceptible organisms get ample opportunity to alter their old systems and to develop some new system to bypass the detrimental effect of those chemicals. It is called as microbial resistance to antibiotics [1]. ...
... The power of resistance is transmissible vertically among the same species and horizontally between other species of organisms [2]. That ultimately causes some very serious problems like development of Superbugs -organisms resistant to all available antibiotics [1]. This is perhaps becoming one of the most dangerous threats to the modern civilization in near future. ...
Full-text available
Background: The presently practiced procedure of development of new antimicrobial substances to control infection of the pathogenic microbes is now at a point of challenge and threat for losing relevancy in near future. Objective: Exploration of Herbal source for searching alternative to the antibacterial substances. Method: Through thorough literature survey, a list of 1060 plants with reported use among various communities throughout the globe in the purposes related with combating and controlling different types of infection has been identified. An outline of research on the plants for validation of the traditional claims by conventional antimicrobial, antioxidant and immunostimulant activity study and identification of phytochemicals is added. Limitation of the contemporary systems are discussed with a proposal of addition of fresh extract of succulent plant parts of listed medicinal plants along with conventional solvent extracted portion of dry plant parts as another parameter of study. Result: A comprehensive research proposal for study on the medicinal plants which may act in some way as alternative to the present system of use of synthetic antimicrobial substances to control diseases of infective origin with a detail guideline for production, storage and global transport of succulent bio-medicines are discussed. Conclusion: Following the way of proposed thorough research, a new type of herbal medicine based treatment system may be started and an opportunity for establishment of export oriented agro - medicine industries may be created. As the COPYRIGHT is with the journal publisher, I can not upload the published article.just now. However, the attached Power Point will be able to convey the idea. FREE PDF AVAILABLE AT: Go to DOWNLOAD SECTION and DOWNLOAD IT.
... Like all other living entities of the globe, plants are also struggling for their existence and multiplication. To protect themselves from the infection of the soil and other environmental microorganisms, plants also developed some ways and means [3]. Those may differ from plant to plant, but are expected. ...
... Those may differ from plant to plant, but are expected. So, like all other phytochemicals, the antimicrobial phytochemicals are also developed in various species of plants as a part of evolutionary outcome of the struggle for their existence [3]. The mechanism of action of such plant derived antimicrobial substances may be rather complex and different than those of antibiotics. ...
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Modification of lifestyle at the directed way and use of herb-based medicines may be the two branches of prevention of diseases. Identification of active principle/s from solvent extracted parts of medicinal plants is the contemporary way followed for development of drugs for use them in modern medicine. Chemical synthesis of active principles in the laboratory and marketing of these medicines is the target in that type of research. It is followed in the western countries, as they are not having the plant resources like the countries of the torrid zone of the globe. Various components are developed in various species of plants as a part of the evolutionary outcome of the struggle for their existence. Leave, bark, seed, seed coat, flower, root, pulps etc. of different plants are considered as reservoirs of naturally occurring chemical compounds and of structurally diverse bioactive molecules. As the plants are engaged in various physiological functioning at living state, so availability of number and quantity of such components in the freshly collected succulent plant parts should be far more than the dried and stored one. Reported efficacy of the medicinal plants may be validated also through the extracts of the succulent parts like the dry parts. For getting medicines to fight against the diseases of infectious origin, study of antimicrobial, anti-oxidant, immune-modulation and other systemic and local effects may be performed on the succulent extracts also. The same procedures of identification of phyto-chemicals, purification, structure elucidation and biochemical characterization of purified/ semi-purified compounds by toxicity study, in vivo study, clinical trials of different phases used before marketing of any synthetic drug may be modified for these succulent bio-medicines also. A total of 48 plants are listed for easy development of proposed succulent bio-medicines from them as these are used as nutraceuticals, spices or used by many people. Another 1143 plants are listed for their possible effect against the diseases of infectious origin, as per available reports. The cut pieces of the plant parts may be used as medicines of different herbivorous animals. The juices may be used as a new type of medicine for human being as well as for animals. These juices may be concentrated/ diluted as per requirement. For storage and transportation, use of any chemical preservative may be avoided. Uncontaminated collection and different modern techniques may be adopted to make and keep these medicines germ free. Different nontoxic capsular materials may be used to contain individual doses. Cold chain-based transportation to various countries up to the patient level may be adopted for global commercialization of these medicines. India can take the leading role of production of such bio – medicines through mass cultivation, extraction, packaging and supply to all parts of the globe. This can also create a good number of small-scale industries in India.
... i) Funding in search of new antibiotics has been reduced due to a huge reduction in the business profits from the early development of antibiotic resistance among the microbes (Pattanayak 2017a, Pattanayak 2018a, Plackett 2020. ...
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In contemporary research, funding is generally targeted toward assured and high business returns. In this business approach, studies for possible negative or side effects, especially the long-term use effects of the technologies and products are neglected or overlooked. Ample evidence related to the development of serious detrimental outcomes of many such improperly studied technologies before their widespread use is available in different aspects of the life of animals and plants, and on the overall environment of our planet. A few such examples of serious impacts on human health and the environment are cited in the article along with a brief discussion of the potentially risky application of such one-eyed research-derived technologies.
... Due to uncontrolled use of these chemicals to kill other microorganisms, the susceptible organisms get ample opportunity to alter their susceptible systems and to develop some new system to bypass the detrimental effect of those chemicals. It is called as microbial resistance to antibiotics [1][2][3]. ...
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Abstract: Introduction: Antibiotic resistance is a global problem that threat the public health. New patterns of antimicrobial resistance emerge daily which get through the international boundaries and easily spread. The aim of this study is to evaluate the activity of Euphorbia trigona rubra leaves crude extract on this drug resistance bacteria’s. Materials and methods: This study was carried out in natural product laboratory in collaboration with Microbiology Laboratory. Antimicrobial sensitivity patterns of the bacteria were done by using Kirby Bauer Disc Diffusion method. Antibiotics which were tested in congruent with the crude extract include Augmentin (10 μg), Amoxicillin (10 μg), Ampicillin (10 μg), Cefixime (30 μg), Ticarcillin (30 μg), Ceftazidime (30 μg), Azithromycin (15 μg), Gentamycin (10 mcg), Ciprofloxacin (10 μg), Trimethoprim- Sulfamethaxazole (10 μg), Doxycycline (30 μg), Chloramphenicol (30 μg), and Rifampicin (30 μg). Results: Euphorbia trigona rubra leaves crude extract has shown a significant activity of 21.33±0.55 mm when compared to the drug (4.63±0.71 mm, 7.33±0.55 mm, 4.00±0.06 mm, 4.58±0.21 mm, 7.11±1.00 mm, 5.97±0.87 mm, 4.63±0.71 mm, 7.33±0.55 mm, 5.00±0.06 mm, 5.58±0.21 mm, 5.97±0.87 mm, 4.63±0.71 mm, and 9.13±0.55 mm) at 500 μg/mL, respectively that the bacterium was resistant to, this shows that the crude extract from the leaves of this cactus plant has an effective activity for resistant bacteria and should be considered as an agent in the pharmaceutical industries.
... The influence of antibiotics in improving poultry production may be due to its ability to inhibit growth of pathogenic bacteria (Norcia et al., 1999), lowering of gas distension problems, improved digestion and absorption of essential nutrients (Gibson and Roberfroid, 1995;Jeurissen et al., 2002). However, reports showed that prolonged usage of AGP in animal production caused resistance by microbiota through gradual genetic modifications (Pattanayak, 2017), antibiotic selections and/or spread of antibiotics resistance (Adjiri-Awere and Van Lunen, 2005). This has called for efforts to find potential replacements that could improve animals' growth performance with better carcass quality. ...
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The effect of Monodora myristica seed extract on growth performance, carcass and relative organ weights of broiler chickens fed corn-soyabean based diet were evaluated. Monodora myristica seed contains anti-microbial and anti-oxidant properties. Two hundred unsexed 1-day old Arbor Acre broiler chicks were randomly allotted into 5 groups of 4 replicates housing 10 chicks per replicate in a Completely Randomized Design. Monodora myristica seed was dried and milled into powder and then infused into the drinking water as follow: T1-0g/L of water (control); T2-0.25g/L of water; T3-0.50g/ L of water; T4-0.75g/L of water and T5-1.0g/L of water. Daily feed intake, weekly body weight changes and feed conversion ratio were recorded. On day 42, two birds per replicate were sacrificed to evaluate relative carcass and organ characteristics. Feed intake was not significantly different from birds fed T1, T4 and T5 diets. Body weight gain of 1.46kg was recorded for birds offered 0.50g/L which was significantly higher (P<0.05) than the rest of the groups. Birds offered 0.50g/L of test ingredient also had the best feed conversion ratio with least value of 2.18. Birds that consumed water containing 1g/L of the extract (T5) had higher absolute but non significant live weight, bled weight, defeathered weight, eviscerated weight and dressed weight across treatment levels. Birds fed 1.0g/L had the highest values of thigh, drumstick, wing, breast, shank and abdominal fat weights. Values of the relative organ weight; kidney, heart, lung, liver, spleen, full gizzard, GIT weight and colon were not significantly different (P>0.05), while pancreas, empty gizzard, proventiculus and caecum were not significantly different among the treatment groups. In conclusion infused Monodora myristica seed did not improve carcass dressed weight values in comparison to the birds given extract at 0.25g/L. This indicates that infused Monodora myristica can serve as possible alternative for antibiotics in broiler chickens production, however, the inclusion level should be within 0.75g/L-1.0g/L which is subjected to the production objectives.
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The history of use of plants for medicinal purposes is very old. In the ancient civilizations, the crude plant parts were mostly used in such purposes. In the ongoing research, solvent extracted parts of the plants are validated for their reported efficacy with an intention to identify the active principles for production of those at a large scale to use them commercially as medicines. This contemporary method may be added with validation of reported medicinal plants at their fresh, succulent form with all the available principles within them. The validated medicinal plants may be used in many purposes after performing studies related with toxicity, dose etc. Organic animal farms may be created by using fresh inputs of the added medicinal plant garden, replacing the inorganic medicines. Commercialization of succulent medicinal plant part extracts may be performed by export oriented agro-medicine business with the assistance of different cooling systems
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Antibiotics have saved countless lives and enabled the development of modern medicine over the past 70 years. However, it is clear that the success of antibiotics might only have been temporary and we now expect a long-term and perhaps never-ending challenge to find new therapies to combat antibiotic-resistant bacteria. A broader approach to address bacterial infection is needed. In this Review, we discuss alternatives to antibiotics, which we defined as non-compound approaches (products other than classic antibacterial agents) that target bacteria or any approaches that target the host. The most advanced approaches are antibodies, probiotics, and vaccines in phase 2 and phase 3 trials. This first wave of alternatives to antibiotics will probably best serve as adjunctive or preventive therapies, which suggests that conventional antibiotics are still needed. Funding of more than £1·5 billion is needed over 10 years to test and develop these alternatives to antibiotics. Investment needs to be partnered with translational expertise and targeted to support the validation of these approaches in phase 2 trials, which would be a catalyst for active engagement and investment by the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry. Only a sustained, concerted, and coordinated international effort will provide the solutions needed for the future.
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The spread of antibiotic-resistant pathogens requires new treatments. As the rate of development of new antibiotics has severely declined, alternatives to antibiotics must be considered in both animal agriculture and human medicine. Products for disease prevention are different from those for disease treatment, and examples of both are discussed here. For example, modulating the gut microbial community, either through feed additives or fecal transplantation, could be a promising way to prevent certain diseases; for disease treatment, non-antibiotic approaches include phage therapy, phage lysins, bacteriocins, and predatory bacteria. Interestingly, several of these methods augment antibiotic efficacy by improving bacterial killing and decreasing antibiotic resistance selection. Because bacteria can ultimately evolve resistance to almost any therapeutic agent, it is important to continue to use both antibiotics and their alternatives judiciously.
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Development of Multi Druug Resistant bacteria is creating a very severe problem in anti-microbial chemotherapy. Many recently developed antibiotics are found incapable to control resistant organisms.The reasons of development of resistance gene in the bacterial plasmid and their quick spread among various related and unrelated bacteria are analysed in this article along with discussion of world wide ongoing research to combat the problem.
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The acceptance and recognition of herbal medicine is increasing day by day. One of the important reasons in increasing this interest is the awareness of natural remedies being more efficacious and less harmful than synthetic drugs. Skin health is important aspect of primary health care among many communities, because of the increase challenge of HIV-AIDS, skin conditions being among the common opportunistic diseases in immuno-compromised individuals. India has a rich folklore of medicinal plant on healthcare. A large number of formulations have been used in India for treatment of cuts, wounds, burns and various skin diseases. The present review attempts to analyze the ethno botanical knowledge base for treatment of various skin diseases. The medicinal plants used in this review are arranged alphabetically followed by family name, parts used, traditional uses and references.
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Farm animals are reared for production to meet up the demand for animal protein in human. Various modern medicines are extensively used for production as well as treatment and prevention of diseases of animals, which can ultimately reach us through food chain. Herbs are now considered as an important source of alternative medicines. The Ayurvedic medicines prepared by manufacturers contain processed plant parts and added with preservative and other chemicals in many cases. The present way of research on herbal medicine follows the path of identification of active principles from the extracts of preserved parts of medicinal plants after testing of their efficacy in laboratory. This concept of research have the limitation of loss of many aromatic and other phytochemicals present in the living plant, which may have very important role when used together. Animals maintained in modern farm may be given relief from modern medicines in minor and moderate ailments, cure of problems related with their production with the validated fresh plant medicine available from the plants cultivated adjacent to the farm area. Consulting the reports of ethno-botanical study, a preliminary list of medicinal plant is prepared which are having antipyretic, analgesic, wound healing, immunostimulant, hepato-protective, fertility enhancing, pregnancy assisting, lactation assisting, anthelmintic, astringent, expectorant, purgative and anti-flatulent, nutriceutical, antiseptic, anti-dermatitis, anti-dysenteric and anti-enteric, hematenic, stomachic, diuretic and kidney stone removing effects and insecticidal or insect repelling effects. This list may be enriched further and plants may be selected for a farm from these groups according to the agro-climatic condition of the area, disease prevalence, problems encountered during farming practice and other requirements of the farm. Validation of reported effects of the plants is to be performed in fresh condition, so that parts of the plants can be utilized by the trained personals of the farms.
In recent years, a group of antibacterial proteins produced by gram-positive bacteria have attracted great interest in their potential use as food preservatives and as antibacterial agents to combat certain infections due to gram-positive pathogenic bacteria. They are ribosomally synthesized peptides of 30 to less than 60 amino acids, with a narrow to wide antibacterial spectrum against gram-positive bacteria; the antibacterial property is heat stable, and a producer strain displays a degree of specific self-protection against its own antibacterial peptide. In many respects, these proteins are quite different from the colicins and other bacteriocins produced by gram-negative bacteria, yet customarily they also are grouped as bacteriocins. Although a large number of these bacteriocins (or bacteriocin-like inhibitory substances) have been reported, only a few have been studied in detail for their mode of action, amino acid sequence, genetic characteristics, and biosynthesis mechanisms. Nevertheless, in general, they appear to be translated as inactive prepeptides containing an N-terminal leader sequence and a C-terminal propeptide component. During posttranslational modifications, the leader peptide is removed. In addition, depending on the particular type, some amino acids in the propeptide components may undergo either dehydration and thioether ring formation to produce lanthionine and beta-methyl lanthionine (as in lantibiotics) or thio ester ring formation to form cystine (as in thiolbiotics). Some of these steps, as well as the translocation of the molecules through the cytoplasmic membrane and producer self-protection against the homologous bacteriocin, are mediated through specific proteins (enzymes). Limited genetic studies have shown that the structural gene for such a bacteriocin and the genes encoding proteins associated with immunity, translocation, and processing are present in a cluster in either a plasmid, the chromosome, or a transposon. Following posttranslational modification and depending on the pH, the molecules may either be released into the environment or remain bound to the cell wall. The antibacterial action against a sensitive cell of a gram-positive strain is produced principally by destabilization of membrane functions. Under certain conditions, gram-negative bacterial cells can also be sensitive to some of these molecules. By application of site-specific mutagenesis, bacteriocin variants which may differ in their antimicrobial spectrum and physicochemical characteristics can be produced. Research activity in this field has grown remarkably but sometimes with an undisciplined regard for conformity in the definition, naming, and categorization of these molecules and their genetic effectors. Some suggestions for improved standardization of nomenclature are offered.
From predatory microbes to toxic metals, nature is inspiring new ways to treat infections.
Solutions are urgently required for the growing number of infections caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Bacteriocins, which are antimicrobial peptides produced by certain bacteria, might warrant serious consideration as alternatives to traditional antibiotics. These molecules exhibit significant potency against other bacteria (including antibiotic-resistant strains), are stable and can have narrow or broad activity spectra. Bacteriocins can even be produced in situ in the gut by probiotic bacteria to combat intestinal infections. Although the application of specific bacteriocins might be curtailed by the development of resistance, an understanding of the mechanisms by which such resistance could emerge will enable researchers to develop strategies to minimize this potential problem.